We handle our food waste in an interesting way, but unless you have a garden it is not really feasible. We are also Ph testing kelp and continuing with our peat project.

We researched cultural and heritage links with Spain and the Island of Ireland, and came up with some very interesting results.
The hypotheses is "The number of walkers coming to the Northern Highlands since the inception of the development of the walking product has increased by 80%”. This research will start in April 2023 and continue until April 2024. It all started at Dunnet Head.

We have worked with Green Destinations for many years, and already brought the Good Travel Guide to the Costa del Sol. The Highland Council is in principle interested in making the area an accredited Green Destination, but there is a lot of work to do first. If you are a tourism business and wish to find out more, please contact us through the Facebook page and book an on line session to discuss.

The book forms part of a series of books and information in order to assist you in becoming a Green Advisor. Through the Facebook page you will be able to find out more.
We launched the Good Travel Program in Spain in March 2023, and businesses can now become accredited and get global marketing. This is great for the environment!

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The extent of the North Highland Way was agreed with the Highland Council in 2014 and the book “Creating the North Highland Way” was launched in 2015. It describes how eight local businessmen got together to make the Way a reality. It is available on Amazon.
After long years of deliberation and a lot of work by The Highland Council Access Officer and NatureScot, there may be a new way of looking at the North Highland Way. Rather than setting up a new community group, why not use what we have? Contact Friends on Facebook or on Patreon.

We asked if the Highland Council would be interested in doing a tree survey. The reply was “not at the moment”. However we are in touch with “Trees for Life” and they like the idea but not able to commit at the moment. Trees are the natural progression for the research which starts in April 2023.

The “bottom up” approach to the North Highland Way.
The Friends of the North Highland Way is not a constituted group, so is available for anyone who has an interest in developing it as a multi use route. Supporters include The Highland Council Access Officer, Nature Scot and other public services often provide information for research purposes.

Benefits of being a member of the Friends of the North Highland Way vary, depending on what we can negotiate with our suppliers.
Environmental research on the area between John o’Groats and Durness and ten miles inland has been ongoing for over a hundred years. Much longer than 20 years. Check Smoo Cave area for example. Studies go back to at least 1880. In 2023, we are undertaking two pieces of research as discussed with Highland Adapts who are they?
The first tranche of research into Net Zero can be found in our book “North Highland Way : A Green Vision“. The hypothesis was “Can the North Highland area reach NetZero and still meet its economic demands?”

We also published “Elements of the Environment –Peat” in 2022. This is a real beginners guide to peat, especially at different locations... northern Spain, Northern Ireland, the Republic of Ireland and northern Scotland, This book also includes information about the spur off the North Highland Way out to Forsinard so that you don't hav to walk on the road. There is also a spur out to Halkirk. We have rerouted the North Highland Way off the road at Tongue and over the mountain,

so there are in fact two routes. You get a free passport to the North Highland Way when you join the Friends and become a paid up member. While stocks last. letsgoexploring
Friends of the North Highland Way