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2021 Order of the Tower
2021 order of the TOWER
Order of the Tower is the honorary society of Friends University, open to students graduating with a bachelor’s degree with honors. Bachelor’s degree candidates with a cumulative grade point average (CGPA) and Friends University grade point average of 3.60 graduate Cum Laude; those with a CGPA and Friends University grade point average of 3.75 graduate Magna Cum Laude; and those with a CGPA and Friends University grade point average of 3.9 graduate Summa Cum Laude. Students in this section are recognized as achieving graduation honors and will be wearing the crimson honor cord.
Ashlee Alexander Kayla Allen Tony Alwora Yesenia Arjon Alyssa A. Arnold Audrey Arnold Madeline Ann Atkinson Sydney Seanna Barnes Katherine Bennett Sierra Elizabeth Broce Molly Rocile Brown Grant Bugbee Jordyn Rachel Buhler Ben Camden Samantha Renee Camden Cameron Casida Jacob Thomas Coogan Willow D. Corliss Travis Wade Dater Kaylie Denning Joshua Drury Rylie Dyck Eleni Earnst Alexus Breann Edwards Nathaniel Clay Filer Abbey LeeAnn Fischer Kara Diana Fisher Daniel Albert Freeland Rebecca E. Fryar Kristin Elaine Gerberding Kade Gerlach Victoria M. Gier Elizabeth Gladhart MacKenzie Ann Glasse Alexa Godfrey Teressa Christine Greer Nathaniel Grief Christopher M. Gregg Aileen Gabriela GurrolaFlores Mattheu Ryan Gustafson Madison Hart Elaina Henderson Megan Lynn Hill Leisle Alexis Hoffman Tiffany Lyn Hurd Ashlyn Nicole Jacobs Brock A. Johnston Dorinda Jurgens Kayla Kennicker Jacob Kerby Denise Klun Abigail Knittel Wesley Kuzminsky Jilian Lahey Walter Thomas Largent Kaylen M. Lassley Beverly Lawson Jack R. Leyden Lindsy Nicole Light Cassandra Loesch Julianna Mattson Lida Mae McGee Kevin McKenzie Danica McLaughlin Celia Jayne Milam Courtney Nichols Allison Jae Pieschl Lais Prado Leite Bosco Paige H Ramsett Brooke Riley Cameron Riley Ana Rodriguez Samantha Nicole Scantlin Jayden Lynnae Schroeder Quentin Michael Simon Ashley Grace Small Emily Smith Nicole Sprague Tristan A. Sprague Kaitlyn Still Taryn Alexis Sweat Emily Anne Trimpe Kristofer Luka Veljacic Tianna Alexis Vervoort Noah William Wallace Ambur Michelle Washington Katie Cox Hannah Gabrielle Watkins Madeline Kay Watson Logan T. White Caroline Whiteside