research development document

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Anca Trestian - Research Development Document


arne quinze Belgian artist and designer, Arne Quinze, has developed a set of enormous wooden sculptures that were spread in the city of Brussels. “Cityscape” encourages people to engage into an interesting experience, being able to walk under and admire the spectacle of changing in light and shadow s. It is impossible to walk by and not feel anything. Materials used for construction are concrete and wood. “Working with natural materials gives the installation a very pure and human aspect. I always work in a sustainable way. This is one of the most important things for me. All used wood has the EFC-label, a European standard. For every tree cut, there will be planted a new one. All wood is 100% recyclable into new fixtures, and is going to be completely reused after the deconstruction.” Arne Quinze Arne Quinze - Cityscape



Arne Quinze - The sequence



urban furniture - the brief

reflective traffic cones

By speculating a small scale design project, I aim to explore the potential of digital design tehniques, to challenge the results and compare it to traditional design tehniques. The focus is on the growing redundancy of urban street-based icons as a result of changing patterns of social behaviour driven by new technologies. Therefore here is a short classification of urban furniture spread across London.

City street of London



a) London traditional phone booth b) park bench c) litter bin



c City street of London



bus stop design Starting with the idea that a better, more interesting design, would encourage more people to use public transportation, I have tried to develop a drawing machine that would create unique shaped bus stop that would also be added to London distinct identity. Along with the double decker, London’s new bus stops will be recognasible from any other city similar constructions. The program will take into consideration the shape of the sidewalk for its outside shape, as for the interior will self organise by the number of people, ticketing, etc. Therefore the output aimed should be everytime different, but the difference would only improve its addaptation keeping an overall appearance to each object created.

bus stop tottenham hale station

City street of London



unite students accomodation tottenham tube station shopping center



design constraints

weather -High angled hot summer sun -Cold of the winter -Rain and snow Location -Proximity of the shelter to the street -Location of the shelter in relation to the sidewalk (is it in front, or in back of primary pedestrian traffic -Height of the shelter -View corridors from and around the shelter

Amenities -Next bus information -Ticketing

Human -Places to sit -Places to stand -Places to lean -Proximity to other riders -Bus route information -Enclosure/refuge -Prospect/visibility of surroundings

Lighting -Safety of riders -Renewable energy source -Visibility of signage and bus route information -Identification from afar

Surfaces -Ease of snow removal and cleaning -Water drainage -Variety in surface treatment -Enclosure/refuge -Prospect/visibility of



Reducing to basis, any type of travel can be simplified as a distance between at least 2 points (those points would be any 2 bus stops). Translating this to graphics, any trip would be defined by a start and an end and can be represented as a segment that links at least 2 points. Therefore, as the element that will be self organising in the structure of my design, I have chosen a segment which stands for the graphical representation of any rectiliniar movement through space. Trying to find a way to arrange the segments in regards of respecting and enhancing urban circulation, I have found several morphologies appropriate for my design. For a better understanding of forces that apply to my design, I have made a match model which anicipates the movement of the particles involved in the structure. For simulating the repelling of the particle I have chosen 2 baloons that woud arrange the matches. They stand for all the inputs stated before: circulation, places to sit, ticketing, etc. After braking this baloons, maches keep their position by being glued together with PVA, showing a precise demonstration on how the bus stop structure will look like.

match model




final prototype


01 computation

random ellipses

The first step is drawing random ellipses, that would stand for points creating a line.


random ellipses

creating a list for all the ellipses

defining the initial environment

creating a loop of 4 actions that draws the ellipses on x and y with the values between 0 and 399 ellipse fill (red) adding the ellipse to the list


02 computation

random ellipses - creating a class

A class is a collection of data that defines an object. This step showes how I groupped all the behaviours of the ellipse. Therefore, from now on this class can be called by several functions in the main program, drawing the ellipses just once.

class variables

class constructor

class behaviours - draws an ellipse


03 computation

mouse responding ellipse

Next step is creating elllipses by a siple click of the mouse.


03 computation

mouse responding ellipse

mouse pressed funcion - records how many times the mouse have been pressed - prints the number of clicks

mouse pressed funcion -upda


04 computation


creating links between the ellipses


04 computation


creating links between the ellipses

mesh constructors - creates faces (links) of 3 and 4 corners

mesh constructors - draws non overlaping triangles


05 computation

mesh - mouse responding

vertices are slowly attracted to the mouse movement


05 computation

vertex functions - records mouse position

vertex response to mouse


05 computation

check the video on digital submission


06 computation

linked random ellipses

every press of play brings a new set of ellipses that are spread randomly on the screenand and each are linked by lines


06 computation

class lines - creates a class that draws lines between random points

class points - creates a number of points set in the program


07 computation

linking all the points of a mesh in 2 d

For this step I have created a class of functions that links draws a line between each2 points of the previou screted mesh. This function creates all the points just once, so that the lines shown are not overlapping.


07 computation

linking all the points of a mesh in 2 d

this variable sets the number of spaces between the point that are drawn in the class named “Vertex”

calls the class “Vertex” (that draws ellipses) counting the spaces between vertices

aknoledges all de vertices untill it gets to the end of the list(that being the mesh resolution) and draws a line once between each 2 vertices


07 computation

linking all the points of a mesh in 2 d

creates a class of vertices and draws them


07 computation

linking all the points of a mesh in 2 d Changing colour of the lines.

changing colour


07 computation

mouse responding ellipse

changing the number of spaces between vertices to 4

changing the number of spaces between vertices to 7


08 computation


The ellipses are set this time to move within the 2 dimentional onstraints,and the arrow drwed on top of each showes in which direction they poit, resenting to the opposite, everytime they reach the margins.Their speed increases everytime they touch the bounding rectangle and when they reach a certain poit, speed is reset to 0. Their reachtion to the bounding rectangles is uneven giving every particle a unique movement


08 computation

motion - video

check the video on digital submission


08 computation


giving motion to a particle

the velocity is different on x axis than on y axis


08 computation


adds speed, making the particle move faster

setting the margins in which the particle move


08 computation


draws an arrow on the top of the particle, showing its next location


09 computation

links between random vertices in 3d

The particle s move untill the “freezeDistanceTreshhold� is reached, when they simply stop


09 computation

links between random vertices in 3d

keeps the vertices inside the bounding box, which width, lenght and height are set by the bounding box variable

checks all the vertices if the distance beween 2 is larger than the variable set in the main program (freezeDistanceTreshhold), they stop moving


09 computation

links between random vertices in 3d - video

check the video on digital submission


09 computation

links between random vertices in 3d

checks all the vertices if the distance between them is smaller than the variable se in the main program (makeStickTreshold), then it draws a line between them

sets the particle to motion and renders the points


09 computation

links between random vertices in 3d - different settings

the no. of vertices = 200 distance permitting lines to be drawn = 120


09 computation

links between random vertices in 3d - different settings

the no. of vertices = 200 distance permitting lines to be drawn = 170


09 computation

links between random vertices in 3d - different settings the no. of vertices = 500 distance permitting lines to be drawn = 70


09 computation

links between random vertices in 3d - different settings the no. of vertices = 1000 distance permitting lines to be drawn = 50


09 computation

sets and draws the bounding box

sets and draws the bounding box


09 computation

links between random vertices in 3d

Creating links between the vertices that are drawn betwee the margins of a cube. Starting to create the boundary for the structure of my bus.


10 computation

repelling particles

sets the velocity and the acceleration of the particles

creates 100 particles and 2 baloons (repellers)

displays all the baloons and particles


10 computation

repelling particles

creates an object named “baloon� that draws particles and gives them the fuctionof motion and steerng into the opposite direction when they reach a baloon

creates an object that draws particles and gives them the function of motion and steering to the opposite direction when they reach a baloon


10 computation

repelling particles - video

check the video on digital submission


11 computation

repelling particles

At this step, the particles are attracted by the baloons, and at the same time repelled, whereas they are also keeping the same distance between themselves. The baloons can be moved with the mouse drag, fitting to any placement as lond as it is inside de bounding rectangle, set in the main program.


11 computation

repelling particles

checks the mouse location and resets the baloon position on x and y, to follow up

updates the forces of the baloon

calculates the forces that would be applied to the particles


11 computation

repelling particles

creates the steering force responsive to the baloons


11 computation

repelling particles - video

check the video on digital submission


12 computation

rendering movement

Not setting the background in the mainprogram is showing the recent path that the particle move onto, creating intresting graphics


12 computation

rendering movement


10 computation

repelling particles

For obtaining the spaces in the structural massof the bus, I have added 2 circles that have the propriety to repel all the particles, starting to simulate wholes that are nedeed for circulation,the number of people using the bus stop, the sitting area, etc.


12 computation

rendering movement

setting the bacground off creates the rendering of particles trajectory


12 computation

rendering movement

check the video on digital submission


12 computation

rendering movement

check the video on digital submission


13 computation

final program - video

check the video on digital submission


13 computation

final program - output

video - keypress “ ” (space) -a QuickTime file of the particles motion and their lines that link every 2 vertices, when they reach the distance input in the main program

3d model - keypress “X” -that can be rendered for a presentation, in other specialised software (3d max, maya,etc.) -a product ready for 3d printing

pdf image - keypress “R” -a capture of the particles structure, from any view manipulated in the programs window


13 computation

final program - overview main program

produces pdf produces 3d model displays the image in 3D produces a video

creates a number of vertices set by the “numThing� variable creates 3 repellers with a random position and dimention, located within the boundigbox


13 computation

final program - video

check the video on digital submission


13 computation

final program - overview

class Sticks - creates an object with the fuction of checking all the vertices within the bounding box, and draws lines if the distance between every each 2 points is in the range set by the “stickLenght� variable


13 computation

check the video on digital submission


13 computation

final program - overview

class Ballon - creates a 3d sphere whith a radius that represents its magnitude


13 computation

final program - video

check the video on digital submission


13 computation

final program - overview

class Thig - creates an object that is set to motion, that reacts to every other object created by the class baloon, and it tries to keep the same distance between its members, inhabitating the entire bounding box.


13 computation

final program - testing the output

The final product tests the dimentions of the wholes in the mass structure of the bus stop. It tests the density of the structure (the number of point involved in the process), the lenght of the lines linking all the vertices and the lenght of the particles motion, controlling the freezepoint.


13 computation

final program - overview class Thing

particles that are still in motion are grey

as soon as the particles stop moving they turn red


13 computation

final program - overview

Freeze -the freeze “distanceTreshold� variable, sets how long the particle will move and stops the dtawing of lines linking them, if the particles are still in motion


13 computation

final program - video

check the video on digital submission


13 production


As the 3d printing technology has not reach yet the point for unexpensive mass production, here is an example of producing this type of structure. By welding all the wires and molding them together, Pencil studio has produced this beautifull installation named “Non-Sign II�, located at the US boarder, near Vancouver. In this case the generative design would only be a way for testing the shape , and deciding how will the final structure look


14 computation

drawing machine - start model

Representing and understanding a shape, can be done both by manufacturing a modelor a computing representation. In the pursue of finding a shape that is detached from any planar constraints, I have first developed a model that studies the relation between the contingent steel wire structure, and the fabric as the outside layer that keeps it together, stretching towards defining the outside shape.


14 computation

drawing machine

Trying to represent the wires in a different way than by moving their bezier point in one of the software that I would usually use for my 3d modelling. Therefore I created a program that , withe the help of controllers will be able to handle easier a 3d wire construction


14 computation

drawing machine - steps in defining final structure


14 computation

drawing machine - bezier

For defining a curve, processing needs a 4 point input, with their x and y

C (x4,y4)

A (x1,y1)

B (x3,y3)

B (x2,y2)

bezier curvature


14 computation

drawing machine - bezier

For defining a curve, processing needs a 4 point input, with their x and y

curve 1 x, y and z are defined by the user, one point is fixed, only 3 points can be manipulated

curve 2 x, y and z are defined by the user, one point is fixed, only 3 points can be manipulated

curve 3 x, y and z are defined by the user, one point is fixed, only 3 points can be manipulated


14 computation

drawing machiner

exportes lines as a 3d model

defining each point coordonates


14 computation

final program - video

check the video on digital submission


15 computation

detailed 3d interpretation

For simulating the conection between theese lines, I have used Grasshopper , linking each curve with a straight line. This new interpretation does not aim for a perfect replicate, therefore this created a new way of defining space, morethan and not a tool that simulates fabric.


13 prototype

prototype - 3d printing

By feeding a file containing the 3d model to the printer, the product is realised by laying down succesive layers of materials. For this, the printer takes several cross sections through the computing object, printing each slice on top of the other. This way, a very detailed preview can be obtain on any scale.


15 computation

detailed 3d interpretation

file is imported into Rhino

each curve is devided in the same number of parts, vertices obtaine are linked with a line


15 computation

detailed 3d interpretation


15 computation

detailed 3d interpretation


15 computation

detailed 3d interpretation


16 production

drawing machine


16 computation

drawing machine - video

check the video on digital submission


16 computation

drawing machine

defining all 7 steps of the curvature

drawing 9 lines for each step of the tightness


16 computation

drawing machine

the user can manipulate every step of the defined curvature


17 computation

drawing machine - ant tunnel

Defining a different condition on the interior from outside. This program start a random number of points that are costantly moving to follow a path defined by a mathematycal ecuation


17 computation

drawing machine - ant tunnel

setting a random velocity, acceleration and position to noise

movement formula


17 computation

drawing machine - ant tunnel Seting the frequency controller


17 computation

drawing machine - ant tunnel Frequency set to minimum


17 computation

drawing machine - ant tunnel Frequency set to maximum


16 computing

drawing machine

the perfect curve After studying the relation between wires and material elasticity I have developed a program that studies, on a certain range, the curvature tightness between two points, which is simulating the elasticity thatdifferent textile materials, offer to a wire in tension, creating this way space.


15 computation

drawing machine - ant tunnel Frequency set to maximum


15 computation

drawing machine - ant tunnel frequency se to 5

frequency se to 5

frequency se to 6

frequency se to 7


18 redings and web


- Algorithms for visual design using the Processing language , 1962,Terzidis Kostas - Processing: A Programming Handbook for Visual Designers and Artists, Casey Reas and Ben Fry - Form+Code in Design, Art, and Architecture, Casey Reas, Chandler McWilliams, LUST - Process Compendium 2004-2010, C. E. B. Reas


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