Portfolio Christiane Lang
Index Schulische Arbeiten BBI - Akademie für berufliche Bildung FUR Martin-Luckner-Stiftung Tortuga (Abschlussarbeit) Arbeit für das Fach „Schriftgrafik“ Arbeit für das Fach „Gestalterische Ausführungstechniken“ Beruflische Arbeiten BRB Canstars Gärtnerei Greutmann Marketing Leipzig - Medizinkampagne Marketing Leipzig - Notenspur Marketing Leipzig - Lichtfest 2009 Klausnitzer Raiffeisenbank ArteSoma Medent Freie Arbeiten Freie Arbeit zu dem Thema „Natur“ Freie Arbeit zu dem Thema „3D mit Photoshop“ Frei Arbeit zu dem Thema „Plastische Rekonstruktion“
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Arbeit für das Fach „Schriftgrafik“
Arbeit für das Fach „Gestalterische Ausführungstechniken“
Namensfindung Logoentwicklung Gesch채ftsausstattung Websitegestaltung
GREUTMANN 채rtnerei
„Die Neigung der Menschen, kleine Dinge für wichtig zu halten, hat sehr viel Großes hervorgebracht.“ Georg Christoph Lichtenberg (1742-99), dt. Aphoristiker u. Physiker
Dieser Aphorismus steht sinnbildlich für vieles, was sich in Leipzig in den letzten 20 Jahren entwickelt hat und für das, was neu entsteht, insbesondere in der medizinischen Forschung, Behandlung und Lehre. Auch die kleinsten lebenden Bausteine unseres Körpers – die Zellen bringen Großes hervor, dank der Fähigkeit sich zu regenerieren.
Ziel, körpereigene Reparatur anzuregen oder zerstörte Gewebe durch Zellpräparate zu ersetzen - ganz nach dem Motto »Regeneration statt Prothese«. Darüber werden vom 29. bis 31. Oktober über 1.000 Teilnehmer aus aller Welt zur Weltkonferenz für Regenerative Medizin in Leipzig diskutieren.
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9. Oktober 2009 9. Oktober 2009
Aufbruch Leipzig
20 Jahre friedliche Revolution und Einheit Europas
Projektionen zum Herbst 89 Licht, Audio, Video 20 europ채ische K체nstler WANN
18 Uhr bis 24 Uhr WO
Nikolaikirchhof Augustusplatz Innenstadtring
Weitere Informationen zum Lichtfest und anderen Veranstaltungen finden Sie unter:
Projektionen zum Herbst 89 Licht, Audio, Video 20 europ채ische K체nstler WANN
18 Uhr bis 24 Uhr WO
Partner des Lichtfestes
Nikolaikirchhof Augustusplatz Innenstadtring
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Über uns. Seit unserer Unternehmensgründung im Jahr 1994 vertrauen weit mehr als 3.000 Kunden auf unsere Erfahrungen in der Versicherungs- und Finanzdienstleistungsbranche.
Als unabhängiger Makler arbeiten wir frei von Produktvorgaben. Wir verstehen uns nicht als Vertreter einer Versicherung – vielmehr vertreten wir Ihre Interessen beim Versicherer!
beraten versichern anlegen
Als kompetenter und diskreter Ansprechpartner erarbeiten wir auf Basis einer umfassenden Analyse Ihrer Finanzen eine individuelle, auf Ihre Bedürfnisse angepasste Lösung.
Ihre Zukunft in sicheren Händen!
Dazu benutzen wir diverse Vergleichsprogramme. Sie bekommen in vielen Fällen nicht die Standardtarife der Gesellschaften. Über unsere Rahmenverträge bieten wir Ihnen oft verbesserte Bedingungswerke mit hohen Rabatten.
beraten versichern anlegen
Unsere Partner Wir arbeiten derzeit mit über 40 Versicherungsgesellschaften zusammen. Im Finanzbereich haben wir Zugriff auf über 1000 Fonds nahezu aller Kapitalanlagegesellschaften. Unsere Vertragspartner werden ständig überprüft und mit dem Markt verglichen. Bei Bedarf nehmen wir Veränderungen vor. Die Servicequalität und das Preis- Leistungsverhältnis müssen auf Dauer stimmen.
Wir freuen uns auf die Zusammenarbeit mit Ihnen. Ihr
Maklerbüro Klausnitzer Jüdenstraße 21 16303 Schwedt Telefon: 03332 34257 Telefax: 03332 421449
Thomas Klausnitzer
13:54 Uhr
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Klick in Ihre Zukunft. www.klausnitzer.net
info@klausnitzer.net www.klausnitzer.net
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Ihre Rendite*:
Ihre Rendite*:
5,25% • Fünf Jahre fest • monatliche Ausschüttung • Abgeltungssteuerfrei
� Fünf Jahre fest � monatliche Ausschüttung � Abgeltungssteuerfrei
Stabiles Wachstum Raiffeisenbank RSA eG Schramberger Straße 10, 78739 Hardt mit unseren neuen FLEX Fonds-Produkten. * Dieses Plakat dient werblichen Zwecken. Alle Angaben sind ohne Gewähr. Maßgeblich ist ausschließlich der gültige Emissionsprospekt.
Raiffeisenbank RSA eG Schramberger Straße 10, 78739 Hardt mit unseren neuen FLEX Fonds-Produkten. * Dieses Plakat dient werblichen Zwecken. Alle Angaben sind ohne Gewähr. Maßgeblich ist ausschließlich der gültige Emissionsprospekt.
Privatklinik f체r plastische chirurgie
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9:57 Uhr
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We support your process. You are also not left alone when it comes to implementation. Our experts support you during all process stages Healthcare Management including implementation.
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German Health Consulting - Partner in International Healthcare Management
To define, develop and implement the right business strategy becomes increasingly difficult at times which are characterized by constantly changing market requirements, increased customer expectation, stronger, competition and pressure on costs. We help you with the definition of your strategy 01.10.2009 9:57 Uhr Seite 5 also in form of coaching or support regarding systems, tools and methodology.
You receive detailed documentation which answers the questions of "How much does it cost?", "What is the benefit?", and "How do we proceed?“.
Healthcare Management. Data entry and invoice management
Data entry We define solutions from "quick wins" to comprehensive MED_GHC_IMAGE_17:Layout 1 restructuring and rehabilitation concepts including outsourcing of non-core processes and technology support. � All medical claim documents are
German Health Consulting - Partner in International Healthcare Management
Data 9:57 entryUhr andSeite automated 01.10.2009 6
scanned and digital content is stored electronically.
Thethe complete relevant We analyze status capturing quo, withoffocus on structural and � Through OCR software pre-determined inprocedural organization, human resource information is the first step of an management, formation is identified and copied into the processes and tools, established interfaces and operating automated adjudicationetc. relevant database. procedures, IT systemsclaim and infrastructure,
Create transparency, access opportunity, shape your organization.
process. It can be easily integrated into our client's workflow.
� Relevant information that cannot be read 8. Data management automatically through OCR software is and reporting manually added into the relevant database. � Various checks are performed in order to make sure that relevant information has been completely captured. � The captured information is up-loaded into client’s database for further processing.
verification of claim data � As per “data entry” � In addition, various checks are performed in order to verify the claim data.
These checks can include: � Checks for missing information � Verification of enrolment data 1.Product and benefit
administration � Verification of benefits and benefit limits
Archiving Solutions
� Verification of covered services � Matching of gender and diagnosis � Matching of age and disease � Matching of disease and treatment
Archiving Solutions.
� Suspicion that treating physician is a � Medical claim documents are returned to family member client. Alternatively, a digital archiving soBased on increasing customer expectations, tighterand compliance and legal requirements as well as pressure on costs organizations face � Suspicion that physician patient are lution can be added to this service. increasing demand to create, manage, share and preserve complex content that combines text and image. the same person
Our experience for you.
Ihr Spezialist für Rechnungsmanagement Complexity Organizing German Health Consult (GHC) is an expert in providing consulting, IT and administrative services in the healthcare insurance and healthcare management field.
Over the years GHC has realized the enormous potential inherent in the healthcare field and has consequently aligned its service offerings with focus on customized solutions. Today, we offer our services to insurance and reinsurance companies, intermediaries, public sector institutions as well as self-funded schemes.
The GHC team has considerable experience in consulting, the design of insurance solutions and healthcare management. Our team has the capability of working on technical details without losing focus of the overall picture. Being a member of the MEDENTGROUP, GHC benefits from the vast experience in medical invoice management gained over the last 20 years with access to a large resource pool of professionals with different skillsets.
What we deliver. GHC delivers a customer value proposition, which is based on distinct capabilities, competences and resources in order to make our clients more successful in terms of improved cost structure, improved asset utilization, expanded revenue opportunities and enhanced customer value.
In a rapidly expanding organization easy access to information almost becomes a commodity and gives a competitive edge if data can � other be stored, analyzed, retrieved and reproduced quickly and at an affordable price.
GHC focuses on value creating client relationships based on a clear and superior value proposition leading to …
We digitally capture a wide variety of printed materials such as policy documents, invoices, claim forms, doctor's reports, etc. and provide secure solutions to document storage and retrieval. Our solutions satisfy legal requirements and provide for basic disaster recovery.
� improved cost structure through leaner organization and efficiency gains
Service Combinations / Focus on Core Competencies
� improved asset utilization through reallocation of capital
The outsourcing of non-core business processes is a valid solution. Outsourcing offers substantial cost saving potential due to efficiency gains and quality improvements. Due to the fact that a third party is taking over part of your non-value adding work, your valuable and highly trained employees are available to focus primarily on activities that create competitive value.
� expanded revenue opportunities through clear focus on core competencies � enhanced customer value through optimized response times and quality standards
Core competencies reflect the field of activity / practice in which your respective company excels. In the health insurance field core competencies include the assessment and selection of risk, the provision of financial security, innovative product design and the like.
Client Risk Management
Organizing complex content.
I I I Your options I An array of Ialternatives is available depending on your needs: I Data entry I DigitalI filing
Product Design
Digital Archive
Digital Archiving
Provider management
Care management
� All printed material is scanned and digital content is Claim administration stored electronically.
� All printed material is scanned and digital content is stored electronically.
� The digital content is provided to you on a WORM medium (DVD, blue ray).
� Through OCR software text is extracted which can be used to search and extract specific documents.
� An indexing mechanism allows you to find and retrieve electronically stored documents.
� The digital content is either up-loaded into you database or stored in our database
� Our viewer enables you to look at the images. It provides a variety of features to view the image (enlarge, reduce, crop, etc.).
� Our viewer enables you to look at the images. It provides a variety of features to view the image (enlarge, reduce, crop, etc.).
� The scanned documents are either returned to you or stored in our warehouse.
� The scanned documents are either returned to you or stored in our warehouse.
Digital archive with digital signature
Paper Archive
� As per the digital archive.
� Storage of hardcopy claims. � Hardcopies will be bar-coded and scanned.
� In addition all scanned documents are provided with a digital signature. This provides authentication of a document. � Legal statement.
� Ideal additional service to Digital Archive. � One-stop-shop-solution (Digital Archive – Paper Archive).
Freie Arbeit zu dem Thema „Natur“
Freie Arbeit zu dem Thema „3D mit Photoshop“
Frei Arbeit zu dem Thema „Plastische Rekonstruktion“