ISSUE 192, MAY 2020
community news, issues, arts, people, events
are open! If you can, stay home and stay safe. For when you shop with us, there are things you need to know. To help protect the safety of our team and you, we’ve changed the way you shop with us. We understand this may cause some inconvenience however we’ve done this to ensure the safety of everyone and still providing you with the best possible service:
full range available at Level 3
open 12 - 6pm mon - sat
we are Closed on sundays
Shopping is on a one in one out basis
Limits per customer apply
You may need to queue for a little while, please be patient and ensure a two metre gap.
Purchasing limits per customer apply during this time.
If you look under 25 years old
To support those who need a little extra help
We will be checking ID as usual. No intoxicated people will be served.
We’ll be asking older people and those with a disability to the front of the queue.
Be kind – to our team and each other These are difficult times for everyone, and a little kindness and patience goes a long way.
The Fringe MAY 2020
advertise with the fringe & reach 70,000+ readers
All at sea – then up in the air.................................................................4 Keeping it fun for the kids......................................................................5 What we did in lockdown................................................................... 6-7 Keeping it local: local news and looking forward............................... 8-9 Art and about with Naomi McCleary.............................................. 10-11
It’s time to get things in order.............................................................11 Places to go: Events listing...........................................................12 – 13 Bandstanding: Shane Hales – rocking the planet.................................14 We send you our art: Upstairs Gallery in lockdown.............................15 Charlie, the “Kaitiaki” of Green Bay – continued.................................16 Lockdown food and foraging................................................................17 Sustainable solutions: Living off the land.............................................19 Naturally West: Lepidoptera in lockdown............................................20 Walking West with Michael Andrew.....................................................21
Live @ the lounge; Weather by the moon...........................................22 Advertisers’ Directory...........................................................................23
On our cover: The togetherness our communities are known for was clearly evident during the recent weeks of lockdown. So many residents put soft toys, the odd Santa or even ANZAC memorials in their windows or on our roadsides that our young at heart had huge fun spotting them on their neighbourhood walks. This selection was captured by TItirangi resident Mary Rea as she walked her dog. And if you keep your eyes open you might spot a few more in this issue of The Fringe.
Get your art on! The Upstairs Gallery, in collaboration with The Fringe, is organising a children’s art competition with the winner getting their artwork on the magazine’s cover. With all the nasty viruses that are around children from ages 3 to 14 are invited to show their love with art! Get your paints, pens, pastels, pencils or electronic pens out and let your imagination run wild. Draw us a picture that shows how you would make everyone in your family, school, or favourite art gallery aware, safe and healthy. The 10 finalists will be exhibited in the Gallery with one design being chosen as the front cover for the July issue of The Fringe! Your design must be A4 size (210mm wide and 297mm high) and handed into the gallery no later than June 10. Please remember to tell us your name, age and school or kindergarten.
Got something to say or know of a great story idea? Let The Fringe know... Email or write to PO Box 60-469, Titirangi Every issue of The Fringe (and the Titirangi Tatler before it) since April 2011 is on-line at Like us on Facebook ( FringeWest) to hear when each issue is available and get other updates. please support our advertisers – they support us 21,000 copies delivered free to letter boxes, post boxes, libraries and selected outlets throughout Titirangi, Glen Eden, Green Bay, New Lynn, Kelston, Konini, Wood Bay, French Bay, South Titirangi, Waima, Woodlands Park, Laingholm, Parau, Cornwallis, Huia and Oratia.
Published by: Fringe Media Ltd, PO Box 60-469, Titirangi, Auckland 0642
Editor: Bevis England 817 8024, 027 494 0700
Features: Moira Kennedy 021 723 153
Writers and contributors: David Thiele, Naomi McCleary, Susannah Bridges, Fiona Drummond and Michael Andrew.
Advertising deadline for June 2020: May 15. The Fringe MAY 2020
All at sea – then up in the air As New Zealanders were starting to come to terms with Level 4 lockdown, Titirangi couple Beverley and Julian Cole were all at sea. They’d left home in February on a 78-day world cruise on the CMV Columbus, heading first to Wellington and then across the Tasman to Sydney and up to Yorkeys Knob on the tropical North Queensland coast. They were en route to Asia when they heard that Japan and China had closed their ports and the ship would go to Darwin and then Indonesia which were not on the cruise schedule. As time passed, ports around the world were closing to cruise ships. Meanwhile the 118 New Zealanders and 200 Australians on board got on with doing what you do on cruises – relaxing and having fun. “There we were, literally all at sea,” says Beverley. “We just all got on with swimming, eating, drinking, going to shows, sunbathing, playing mah jong and cards. I had my birthday on board. There was lobster, champagne, cake. It was great. “We didn’t go into any ports and everyone on the ship was well and had a good attitude. The crew were very good and kept smiling and making sure we were all okay.” Days passed. They were in the Andaman Sea off Thailand when they were told another ship from the same line that had come from Britain was in the same area. The British passengers wanted to go back to the UK. Would the Columbus passengers like to swap ships and head back towards Australia? And that’s what happened. “It was a bit choppy,” says Beverley. “This big ship and little tenders going up and down and we all got transferred over in lots of 20. We went onto the Vasco da Gama to head south and its passengers came onto the Columbus. “By then we’d been 18 days at sea since we’d seen the last port in Indonesia, even though we hadn’t gone ashore. We made lots of friends, and carried on having fun.” Then it was more sailing through the Indian Ocean towards Fremantle. “I can’t quite remember just how long this all took but by the time we
got to Fremantle we had been on board ships for 40 days. “We were aware of lockdowns in New Zealand and Australia and only started getting nervous when we heard they were starting to shut Cruise ships Vasco da Gama and Columbus somewhere in the Andaman sea. down flights. “We thought we might get isolated in Australia. It was all a bit up in the air but we weren’t afraid at all. Everyone had such a good attitude as we carried on floating around outside Fremantle for five or six days, not knowing what was going on.” Beverley says the New Zealanders held daily meetings and shared information before suddenly being given labels and told to get their luggage sorted. Flights had been organised. Australian authorities in PPE went aboard and tested everyone. They were all fit and healthy. Leaving the Australians on board, the Kiwis were quickly onto terra firma and on their way to a flight out of Perth. There they experienced “the most eerie feeling because there was no one else in the airport apart from armed police,” says Beverley. “Arriving in Auckland airport was eerie as well. It was early afternoon and the airport was empty. It was as if we’d arrived at the end of the earth.” They hadn’t. They’d arrived home, and were soon back at their Otitori Bay Road property where life is a bit quieter. “But what an adventure we had,” says Beverley. – Moira Kennedy
Covid-19 and Auckland Council Covid-19 is clearly having a significant effect locally. Many families are struggling and Auckland Council is providing support. There is an Emergency food parcel delivery service hotline - 0800 222 296. At the time of writing it has received 8,000 calls. So far 3,250 deliveries have been made because of these calls. The implications of Covid-19 are also significant for Auckland Council’s finances. Wellington Council has indicated a likely $70 million hit to its income. I am confident that the hit to Auckland Council’s finances will be worse. In working out how to respond there is the fiscally disciplined approach, i.e. cut expenditure until fiscal equilibrium is reached. But every Kensyian economist in the world will tell you that public institutions have to be counter cyclical: when economies crash public entities have to spend. The neoclassical ideas urging fiscal discipline that were formulated in the 1980s and have been dominant are in decline. We are all Keynesians now.
This is a ratio set by rating agencies to measure the fiscal health of Auckland Council. The fear is that the rating agencies will downgrade Council’s credit rating if this cap is breached and borrowing will be more expensive. But when even the strongest of corporations are having their balance sheets battered and public institutions are the only safe entities standing I think it is time to reconsider. The debt will have to be repaid. But interest rates are very low. There have been calls to freeze rates and many families are going to face considerable hardship for the next year or two at least. Their situation needs to be acknowledged. Auckland Council is in a difficult position. Its job is to keep spending, keep people in jobs, get major projects under way, not breach the Council’s debt ceiling and not hurt already struggling ratepayers. Tough job … Greg Presland | Local Board Co-chair Waitākere Ranges Local Board
The problem is that Auckland Council is nearing its debt ceiling of 270% of debt to income ratio.
The Fringe MAY 2020
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what we did in lockdown
Keeping it fun for the kids Titirangi resident and teacher Rosa (Roihario) Maguire has been passionate about the children she’s taught over the past 20 years. During the COVID-19 lockdown and with her students in the seven and eight-year old age groups, she has continued to work alongside them using video and Zoom meetings. MOIRA KENNEDY spoke with her about life in lockdown. MK: What has lockdown meant to you? RM: Initially, lockdown meant ‘holidays’ that came early! With time to digest it all I realised the seriousness of this pandemic and never before have I felt the need to stay safe, keep occupied, and most importantly remain healthy. Fitness has become a necessity as opposed to something I’ve generally taken for granted. MK: You are committed to walking and exercise. How has that gone during lockdown? RM: I’ve done it with more conviction than before. If I succumbed to the corona virus, I feel that my fitness would help me avoid a long and difficult recovery. So fitness for me is non-negotiable. It’s necessary for my overall well-being. MK: You have been teaching your students from home. How have you motivated them? RM: Let me count the ways! I’ve aimed to keep my kids motivated by keeping learning fun for them through exercise, educational games and creative art projects. I’m helped along by my puppet called Pakūtama (Thunder Boy) and the kids are loving it. I use video and set up Zoom meetings as opposed to written instructions. We have this Māori kīwaha (saying), kanohi ki te kanohi, which means face to face. It’s how successful relationships are developed in the classroom, and I don’t want the lockdown to impact on what I have already built with my kids. One problem is that not all of my students are online and that will become an increasing issue depending on how long we are away from school.
You Shop
MK: What have you needed to learn to teach from home? RM: Technology has been a challenge and I suppose it comes down to confidence. I’ve always had to use Teacher Rosa Maguire and her puppet helpmate, most of the tools Pakūtama, with an Anzac poppy she created with I’m using now but her young students via Zoom online. there are defitely easier and simpler ways of doing things. I have learnt heaps of things through necessity and as challenging as it has been, it’s also been rewarding. MK: What do you think our new ‘normal’ lives will be like post COVID-19? RM: I don’t know, but I can tell you what I would like to see. Most days I’ve been out walking and cycling, and the things that stands out for me is the friendliness of people. People acknowledging each other. Nobody is in a hurry and a smile speaks a thousand words. So that’s been really nice. Another stand out is the glorious serenity of Papatūānuku (the land), Tangaroa (the sea) and Ranginui (the heavens). In a weird kind of way I can’t help thinking that this is a message from them to us. “Manaaki whenua, manaaki tangata, haere whakamua” – care for the land, care for the people, go forward.” It’s definitely highlighted the necessities in life and what we can do without. But I can’t see that continuing. We are after all an egalitarian society and we like our freedom far too much.
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The Fringe MAY 2020
what we did in lockdown SUSANNAH BRIDGES asks locals how they spent lockdown: 1. Who’s in your bubble? 2. What’s your favourite way to pass the time? 3. What’s been your favourite meal so far? 4. What have you learnt, achieved or discovered under lockdown? 5. What will be the first thing you do when you are free again?
Joan and Andra from New Lynn Says Joan: 1. My daughter and myself 2. Walking 3. All of them. I enjoy all my cooking. 4. I like the quiet. No traffic! But miss the children’s voices at the school. 5. Do my own shopping! Says Andra: 1. Myself and my 81 year-old mother 2. Gardening or beading 3. Can’t remember. They’ve all been good. 4. I can keep myself happily occupied while in isolation. 5. Go back to volunteering at The Hospice Shop. The McLarins: Lynne, John, Tamara and Zane, from Oratia. 1. Mum, Dad and our two adult children. Our daughter is an essential worker, as a nurse. The rest of us are in full lockdown and make up ‘Dad’s Army’ at home. 2. Our daily routine involved strategic preparation for the possibility of a full invasion from the coronavirus ... Serioulsy, we re-gravelled the driveway by hand, and sawed and split around 20 cubic metres of firewood for winter. 3. Home Guard training under strict instruction from our bubble’s drill sergeant has seen the two males learn how to make bread, undertake provisioning missions in enemy territory and prepare main meals for the mess hall. How sergeant puts up with her new recruits remains a mystery. 4. PT training in full PPE combat gear around our local roads and tracks in the Waitākere Ranges before gathering around the radio (with pictures) to hear the latest updates on viral movements, casualties and heroic actions on the front line. 5. Once the liberation bells ring we look forward to catching up in person with our friends and family outside our bubble.
Tracey, Dugg, Snapper, Drew (who is answering the questions) and Edie from Laingholm. 1. I had the happy fortune of being hunkered down at my colleague Tracey’s house; with her, her husband Dave (a.k.a. Snapper) and their daughter Edie. 2. In all honesty sleeping has been the best way to pass the time, hours go by and I usually wake feeling fairly rested. 3. Tracey knows how to make a mean Saag and Edie makes the most delightful ketofriendly cheesecakes. Yes, the privilege in that sentence is not lost on me. 4. I have learnt that being by oneself is an art form and I have achieved the cultivation of this art form (to varying degrees of success) yet I did discover that I typically don’t enjoy being alone. 5. The nouns, gluttony and debauchery come to mind.
The Fringe MAY 2020
Johnny and Labretta from Titirangi 1. A small, tight family of freaks and personalities. Myself (Labretta), Johnny Moondog, our Kelpie dog Zero and our Bombay puss Donuts. Oh, and the remainder of the mosquito population out West. Damn those biters! 2. We are true Arts-Holes ... creating music, art, bizarre concepts, fashion and homely things like creating recipes has been keeping us well entertained. It's like life's a musical around here! 3. I have been playing with some colourful, fusion style Asian/Mexican. In the last two years we have both discovered the fun of dumplings so have enjoyed pushing the envelope with them and designing some fusion meals with the fun little dough balls. 4. We have been learning to self-isolate since our return to New Zealand and Titirangi. Making a conscious effort to make our world smaller and more local while in New Zealand has really helped prepare us for this pandemic. 5. Covid-19 has cancelled all of our work. It cut short our New Zealand tour, cancelled our upcoming USA tour and what would have been our first Japan tour. We are missing our crazy rock’n’roll circus. So when we are free we will play one MOMMA-HOOTCHIE of a gig to whom ever, where ever.... TO ENTERTAIN THE PEOPLES! Go Hard and Go Early!
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what we did in lockdown
Wendy, Martin and bubble-friendly friend 1. Martin Horspool, Wendy Jones and Judith Jones (Wendy's mum) 2. Gardening, building robot sculptures and exercise (Les Mills on demand plus on line yoga from Sarah Shepard) 3. Home made vegetarian cottage pie and courgette brownie. 4. A thriftier way of shopping. 5. Haircut and band practice with my buddy Andy for Durty Murdur.
Mark Easterbrook and son(s) in Titirangi. 1. Myself, Hunter (16) and Jake (11). The boys' grandparents are next door and so our bubbles overlap. 2. We’ve all just been doing our own thing. I’ve worked, the boys have been reading or gaming or doing schoolwork. We’ve been playing a boardgame or something together in the evenings which has been a nice way to connect at the end of the day. 3. Jake’s birthday was mid-lockdown, which was a bummer, but I made a really nice fried chicken dinner that was a bit of a winner. 4. I’ve learnt we’re really good at being stuck at home! There has been very little friction and we give each other plenty of space. 5. Eat a meal that wasn’t made by me. I’m an okay cook but I am sick of my own food. And we all miss seeing the people we care about. Cristina Beth of New Lynn in full bubble mode. 1. Solo bubble for me but do have my companions, Eddie the dog and Stan the mannequin so we have fun together. 2. Day starts with coffee, walk, yoga and meditation and more coffee, I’m lucky enough to work from home doing art restorations and art. Stop for lunch mid to late afternoon and ask myself is it happy hour yet? 3. Favourite meal was a dress up video meal with a friend also doing solo. 4. I have learnt that I’m happy with my life and so very blessed to be living here in Aotearoa. 5. Missing my family so first outing will be with them, to the beach!
Miss P. Dog from Titirangi. Her owner (who wishes to remain anonymous for professional reasons) has answered the questions. 1. Kids, dog, my ex, his flatmate, half of Titirangi really. 2. Self-pleasuring. 3. Chips. 4. My own introversion. 5. Can't decide between beach, sex or a meal out. Maybe I’ll do all of them at once!
Linda Cooper
Councillor for Waitakere Please feel free to contact me with issues or ideas 021 629 533 135 Albert Street, Auckland Private Bag 92 300, Victoria Street West, Auckland 1142
The Mothers’ ‘Art of Beauty’ treatment Enjoy a mystical journey to the Orient with a full body exfoliation, followed by a relaxing Moroccan style massage. Perfect for winter.
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Buy mum a gift voucher this Mothers’ Day – Sunday the 10th May and go into the draw to win a relaxing shoulder heat wrap.
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keeping it local
Quieter times in Titirangi
Deborah Russell, MP for New Lynn The Covid-19 lockdown has been tough and, as I write this, we face more uncertainty about when we will return to Level 2 and in time to Level 1. I’ve been fortunate in that I’ve spent the lockdown in my home in Titirangi. However, I’m also feeling deeply concerned for the many workers and business owners whose livelihoods have been severely affected by the shutdown. I’ve missed getting out and about in the city too, but there have been some positives to this time. Our air has been noticeably cleaner, with beautiful clear views across the harbours. Native birds have been around in abundance, especially the pīwakawaka (fantails). Tūī and kereru are familiar sights in our Waitākere suburbs, but pīwakawaka are not so common, so it has been a delight to see them again. I’ve also seen kōtare (kingfishers), and have been hearing the ruru (morepork) more clearly at night. There’s also been a real spirit of support and friendliness on the street. As I’ve gone on my daily walk, I’ve seen many teddy bears and Easter eggs in windows. People have been careful with each other, stepping out into the street to allow a two-metre gap and ensuring that older people and families with children and dogs stay safely on the footpaths. Walkers greet each other with a smile and friendly words. So in some ways, this time has been a real treat. Our challenge is to take the new spirit of kindness we’ve developed and make sure that we continue to support the community as we move out of lockdown and get going again. One thing I would like to ask is that you resolve to spend your money locally if possible. Our cafés, green grocers, butchers and bakers will all appreciate it, as will local tradies. So let’s do our best to support them. And remember, if you need some extra support yourself, there are many local agencies which can help. If you need a hand finding the right service you can email newlynnmp@ and we will do our best to assist you. – Deborah Russell, MP for New Lynn
The Fringe MAY 2020
Hello from the Tonic Spa team! We are overjoyed to welcome all of you back into our salon very soon. The support and encouragement shown to us over the last weeks via Facebook have been incredibly warming, and we are beyond grateful to be part of this special community. I have especially enjoyed catching up with some of you during my daily walks around the village – at safe distances, of course! This Mothers’ Day marks Tonic Spa’s 20th anniversary. Many Mums were given their first Tonic gift vouchers all those years ago, and I am proud to say that I continue to care for most of those lovely ladies (and their daughters) to this day. We moved the salon to its beautiful location in the Village five years ago and were immediately welcomed by the business and local community. It is that community spirit – the Titirangi Village vibe, if you will – that we are keenly missing. Being a part of community events and backing locals in their endeavours are some of the ways we show our appreciation and try to reflect the amount of support we have received from the community over the last 20 years. Moving forward with care and confidence will be our goal at Tonic Spa. Many of you already know and trust in our professionalism. As long-standing members of the NZ Association of Registered Beauty Therapists, we abide by strict hygiene protocols and will be kept up to date with any new requirements needed to ensure safe client care. As usual, your safety is and always will be our utmost priority. Watch out for more Tonic Spa 20th year celebrations throughout the year. This year is going to get better. We cannot wait to be amid the bustle of Titirangi again. Let us continue to “love where you live – shop local”.
Libraries are online There are many things you can do at the library, even under lockdown. Learn a new skill with dedicated learning paths on a huge range of topics at Stream a unique collection of documentaries and movies through Beamafilm. Download the Libby by OverDrive app, and you’ll be sorted for all of your eBook and eAudiobook needs with a huge range of quality New Zealand and international fiction and non fiction on your favourite device. You can download the app or browse RBdigital online and have free access to over 600 popular eMagazine titles. Keep up with all the latest news from around the world with PressReader eNewspapers – browse by country, language or title. You can download the app or browse PressReader online. Explore the wealth of Auckland Libraries' heritage collections on Kura Heritage Collections Online, including, photographs, heritage maps, manuscripts, rare books, local history and more. And it’s all completely free with your library membership. Visit https://www.
Read for pizza!
Hell Pizza Reading Challenge is back at Titirangi and Glen Eden Libraries and during lockdown we are doing it online. Available for children (Years 1 – 8): read seven books, complete seven reviews and we will clip your pizza wheel. When lockdown is over, pick up your pizza wheel and redeem it at Hells Pizza for a free ‘333’ pizza. Fill in this form to get started: UKpuEBPoApwopAG77
The construction site at The Rise development has been quiet over the weeks of lockdown. However Broadway Property Group are ready to get straight back into it after the lockdown period. The next step is the arrival of the structural beams above the basement carparks and then pouring of the first floor is not too far away.
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keeping it local
Working for you As a family business, Barfoot & Thompson have enjoyed quality family time at home while still working (from home) around the clock for our clients in property sales and property management. Much like the rest of the country we discovered we have some great bakers, cooks and home handymen in our team! Even during lockdown, we managed to sell over 175 properties (all from home and contactless of course). We have embraced technology as a means to keep everyone safe and ensure business can still happen. From virtual open homes to online auctions, we’ve got all the latest technology to help you sell or rent your home while keeping everyone safe and tackling Covid-19. Although it is not possible to predict where the market will go in the short term, vendors and buyers might want to look to the past and take a medium term view of market prices. During the major economic downturns that occurred in 1987,1997 and 2007 house prices did not decline beyond 5% at most. And following the declines, prices recovered within 12 to 18 months. If you’d like a friendly chat with one of our team, please get in touch, we are working and here to help.
The team at Gordons Nurseries, 159a Scenic Drive are really looking forward to reopening after Level 3 but can accept phone and email orders for contact-less pickup in the meantime. Phone 817 3498 or visit
Towards a community-led recovery EcoMatters Environment Trust CEO Damon Birchfield says what kept him going during the more challenging times under lockdown was finding the rays of hope. For an organisation dedicated to sustainability, the most powerful lesson was seeing how individual actions added up to really make a difference. “We can’t predict what the world might look like or how long it might take to return to some form of normal. But what we do know is that with the right mind set, we can impact the trajectory of a crisis.” EcoMatters is refining its existing programmes and developing new ways to be part of a community-led recovery, from practical actions such as growing vegetable seedlings to help improve food resilience through to continuing to lead the conversation on the sort of world we all want to live in. “We want to thank all our supporters and funders for standing by us and most of all, we look forward to welcoming people back in person, once that’s possible.” Stay in touch at or find EcoMatters on Facebook in the meantime.
Supporting our community
Organics Out West in Glen Eden has undertaken a social initiative in these tough times of Covid-19. They are giving away free organic groceris to the value of $50 to people who have lost their jobs due to Covid-19, to help them in their difficult time. “We firmly believe that as part of the community we have a social responsibility to support the community during these times and hence the initiative,” says Sapna, the store’s owner. To find out more, please visit the store at 39 Glenmall Pl, Glen Eden or check out their Facebook page: https://www. They can only help a limited number of people, so you can also help by gifting a $50 voucher to someone in need that you may know.
With over 20 years as a naturopath Joanne has the experience to assist you with your natural health requirements at Organics Out West. Melissa Ward and other EcoMatters team members are looking forward to welcoming back volunteers and supporters as soon as it is safe. Susannah has been working with porcelain clay for over 20 years. As a designer she’s interested in functional objects, her signature pieces being her porcelain lighting. She makes a range of table and wall lights, pendants and bespoke works, as well as a range of objects, bowls and vases. Her work is available at Te Uru in Titirangi, where her embossed table lights are available at a special sale price. You can also purchase from Susannah’s workshop, or commission her to make something special and personalised for you. With upcoming exhibitions and events cancelled and galleries and retailers closed, she will most certainly appreciate your help! To check out her range and to contact her please go to susannahbridges.
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Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food, the words of Hippocrates, is a phrase that resonates deeply for Joanne, naturopath and herbalist at Organics Out West, and she always recommends that everyone eats and grows organic food. Organic products do not involve the use of sprays, chemicals or residuals. They are produced with a holistic approach to growing food where the health of the soil, environment and planet are priorities. At Organics Out West fresh produce is either certified organic or produced using organic practices. “We do not sell conventionallygrown fruit or vegetables preferring, wherever possible, to buy local organic produce directly from the grower,” says Joanne. Along with a genuine support of local organic suppliers Joanne says her passion is natural health. “I absolutely enjoy the fact that I can make a herbal remedy for a customer and also guide them through the store to explain the nutritional benefits of the organic food we stock, help choose a restorative herbal tea, a soothing ointment or the perfect gift.” The Fringe MAY 2020
art & about with naomi mccleary
Listen(er) up! A forlorn little pile of the last five copies of the Listener sits on my coffee table – a small icon to my lost friend. Why didn’t I keep more of them? I guess because they turned up weekly. They kept me up to date with the life and culture of our now beleaguered land. It never occurred to me that they would stop; after all, 80 years of faithful reporting – politics, arts and culture, current events and fiercely held opinions from the best band of columnists we’ve got. It demonstrates so vividly, and painfully, how much we need such reflections of ourselves and how vulnerable arts and culture are when crisis strikes. And yet, never have we more needed to hold on to all that is rich and reflective in our lives as we transition to a ‘new normal’. In 2001 the world was brought to a standstill by a very different crisis. 9/11 needs no other name and, like everyone, I can immediately place myself in that week when we became mesmerised by the endlessly repeating image of the twin towers falling. It was four days before the Going West Writers Festival and Michael King was the keynote speaker. In a panic I emailed Michael: What should we do? Should we cancel? Who would come? The reply came: ‘Never has there been a more important time to be together’. One of the biggest crowds ever turned out. Michael rewrote his keynote address in those four days; a memoir of a family secret which, at heart, was about forgiveness. It was expanded and published the following year as At the Edge of Memory: A Family Story. There are echoes of the transforming power of forgiveness shown by the Muslim community in Christchurch last year. Already we are making sense of the incomprehensible numbers of Covid-19 by telling stories of those lost, those on the front-line. We are trying to make sense of it. So to what’s happening locally It’s all online and we are blessed to have that virtual world that I have often cursed in the past. How would we be without online movies, music, endless videos of people all over the world creating crazy songs, dances, comedy. When so much else is unavailable, we turn to the arts, which makes it especially painful that all of our organisations have had to close and are now researching, planning, creating ways to continue some form of transmission. Fortunately, Going West recorded Michael King’s keynote. You’ll be able to hear that and many more items from this astonishing resource as Going West launches a brand new podcasting channel in the coming weeks, drawn from a 24-year archive of many of the most important voices in New Zealand writing history. There are a few podcasts of this recent history (2018 and 2019) already available online at www. Now attention can be given to digging deep into this treasure trove and curating, commenting and revealing its depth and beauty. Going West plans to be back next year to celebrate its 25th anniversary. Of course there was some sadness around having to make the hard call to cancel the September 2020 festival, but we live in unprecedented times. As they joke in my family, ‘Whoda thunkit!’ Te Uru has beefed up the online presence of their current exhibitions and will be digging into their archive. Some events can shift online. A classic example is Melissa Laing’s Standing at the Edge, which was being filmed the day the PM announced the lock down. Captured just in time, it was premièred through an online ‘watch party’ and is now available on demand as a video ‘walk’.
The Fringe MAY 2020
At the Corban Estate Arts Centre (CEAC), a major photographic exhibition, Edith and George (reviewed in the April Fringe) was launched as an online exhibition – and with an engaging audience participation project. Both Te Uru and CEAC are busy creating educational programmes using materials commonly found at home or in Standing at the Edge, available to the garden. These are easy to watch online. find on both websites. #CEACAdventures has Humble Rubbings and Colours from My Bubble up and running. McCahon House is following up with activity projects about to launch. www.mccahonhouse. McCahon House has had to make some major changes to its programme. Australian artist Nell Anne was scheduled for a one-month residency during April. She was going to host a series of open studios and workshops. The pandemic scuppered her plans for travel and public workshops are out of bounds. In response, McCahon House will take Nell’s project online so those interested can participate from home. So, it goes like this: Nell and McCahon House invite you to participate in a quilt project. Everyone is welcome – from first-time sewers to experienced needle workers. The idea is to contribute an embroidered piece of fabric to one of two ‘crazy quilts’. Nell invites each of you to decorate your piece of fabric with the name of a woman Two images from Edith and George, available who has had meaning to view on CEAC’s website. in your life. These will be quilted together forming a patchwork of many names in homage to women’s creativity and craft, work and labour. One will be decorated with the name ANNE, after Anne McCahon (nee Hamblett), and the other with the artist’s name, NELL, acknowledging where the particularities of Anne and Nell’s individual stories interchange with a collective female history. This project intends to provide a reflective and peaceful activity for those who were staying home during lockdown. If you are interested in participating, some easy to follow guidelines for the project can be found at https:// And finally, for your delectation, this from Te Uru: With a slew of new online content flooding your feeds every second of the lock down, Te Uru’s curator Chloe Geoghegan has waded through some of it over the past couple of weeks. Here is her top 5,
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art & about with naomi mccleary
which includes links to articles about art and the lockdown, as well as art in the lockdown and for the lockdown. 5. News from Nowhere International artist Nabla Yahya has put together a video montage in three parts that can be found sprinkled throughout Art Dubai’s Global Art Forum 2020 broadcast. The first video, found at 6:17, looks at the way in which obsessively consuming world-wide news is a coping mechanism. The second video found at 35:17, the do nothing club, looks at the same idea but through social media, presenting some coronavirus memes and TikToks that are dominating the Internet at the moment. 4. Banksy in Lockdown Wondering what Banksy is getting up to during lockdown? Here is your answer. 3. The Great British Art Quiz series/the-great-british-art-quiz Are you a tired of getting full marks on the Stuff Daily Quiz? Try The Guardian’s new collaboration with galleries and museums all over the UK, starting with the Ashmolean – the world’s oldest museum by a long shot (that’s a hint for the first question). 2. Biennale of Sydney Online Tours https://www.biennaleofsydney. art/events/ The Biennale of Sydney only just opened before the tidal wave of national lockdowns hit, becoming the reason for early quarantine for many returning from the opening event. Click any link on this page and you will be taken to a tour of a work in the biennale in snippet form on Instagram, as well as the Biennale’s Spotify. As someone who didn’t make it to this Biennale, it’s such a bonus to have these tours available online. 1. The Quarantined Lizards A short web series developed by two artists in quarantine with nothing better to do but make quarantine art. These lizards are funny and heart-warming. In the first episode, the lizards stand on a Brooklyn balcony at sunset, overlooking the city. One expresses her guilt about enjoying the quarantine. She’s been loving not having any plans or obligations, and her confinement will let her make music and do things she’d never otherwise get around to. “That’s such a quarantine-weekone thing to say,” responds the more cynical lizard.
It’s time to get things in order Our recent experiences with Covid-19 and the lockdown has prompted many to deal with jobs that we often put off for another day. And for many people, that means wills and enduring powers of attorney.
Why do I need a will?
While there are rules for what happens to a person’s assets (their estate) when they pass away without a will, that can lead to a distribution of an estate that a person would not have intended. The will is your way of ensuring that your estate is handled and distributed the way that you want it. It also ensures that the process for your loved ones is a little easier to deal with at such a difficult time.
What do I need to consider for a will?
There are three major elements to consider: 1. Your executors. These are the people who would tidy up your affairs and ensure that your wishes are complied with. 2. The beneficiaries. These are the people who receive your estate. This can be by way of a gift of a specific asset or monetary amount, or by way of a share of your overall estate. 3. Testamentary guardians. For those people with younger children, this allows you to appoint someone to act as their guardian.
What is an enduring power of attorney?
An enduring power of attorney (EPOA) is a legal form that allows you to appoint an attorney or attorneys to make decisions on your behalf. There are two types: 1. Property – covering your money and assets. 2. Personal care and welfare – covering your health and care decisions.
When do they come into effect?
The EPOA would come into effect if a medical professional or the Family Court determines that you have become mentally incapable of making decisions on your own behalf. A Property EPOA may also come into effect while you have capacity should you instruct your Attorney to act on your behalf. Continued on page 18 >>
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The Fringe MAY 2020
places to go Event organisers: Do you have an upcoming event you’d like
listed in The Fringe? Send the details, including a contact person and number, to Readers: While we take care to ensure listings are correct, errors may occur. Check with the contact person wherever possible.
At the time of going to press we cannot be certain that any of these events will be able to take place and there could be online or virtual options for many of them. Please check with organisers.
may w – 17, Listening, twitching. Nicola Farquhar’s work examines what it is to be human in a time of ecological crisis; Te Uru, 420 Titirangi Road, Titirangi. Phone 817 8087. – 17, 36.5 / A Durational Performance with the Sea, a series of performances by New York-based artist Sarah Cameron Sunde; Te Uru, 420 Titirangi Road, Titirangi; Phone 817 8087.
– 24, Edith and George: in our sea of islands: With 100 years separating them, photographers Edith Amituanai (b.1980) and the late George Crummer (1868-1953) capture moments in time from their own local Pacifica communities; Corban Estate Arts Centre. Phone 838 4455.
– 24, Mandy Patmore – Paintings; West Coast Gallery, Seaview Road, Piha. Phone 812 8029,
– 31, Split Level View Finder: Theo Schoon and New Zealand art, the first comprehensive Theo Schoon exhibition in decades; Te Uru, 420 Titirangi Road, Titirangi; Phone 817 8087.
1, West Auckland Men’s Rebus Club; Kelston Community Centre, Corner Great North and Awaroa Roads; 9.30-11.30am. Phone Roger 834 7945.
2, Garage Sale – a bargain for everyone; Iona Church, 38 Donovan Street, Blockhouse Bay; 8am-noon, rain or shine. Phone Robert 027 625 9342.
3, Pony Rides, Huia Road Horse Club; 436B Huia Road, Laingholm; 3-4pm; $5 per child per ride. Phone 027 499 1732.
8, Ladies’ Probus Club, fellowship, fun, speakers, and a monthly day trip; St John’s Hall, Te Atatū South; 9.45am-Noon. Phone Betty 09 832 0484.
9, Titirangi Folk Music Club presents Looking for Alaska, floor singers in first half; Titirangi Beach Hall, bottom of Titirangi Beach Road; 8pm; $12 or $8 for members; or text Cathy on 021 207 7289.
12, West Auckland Historical Society Family History Group meeting; Henderson Central Library West Auckland Research Centre; 10-11.30am. Phone Gary Snow 832 5098, 021 618 434 or email gary@
16, Lions Club Book Club Hall, 3063 Great North Road, New Lynn; 8am-4pm. Sale; New Lynn Friendship Phone Mary 027 487 0639.
17, Children’s Fire, a collaborative community drama; St Francis Church, corner Park and Titirangi Beach Roads; 10am (run-through on May 16 at 1pm); all welcome to attend and participate. Contact Freda Morgan,, for more information.
19, SeniorNet West Auckland, speaker, morning tea and chatting about computers; Kelston Community Centre; 10am. Phone June 021 179 3635.
22, The Combined Probus Club of Glen Eden, fellowship, speakers, monthly trips; Ceramco Park Function Centre, 120 Glendale Road, Kaurilands; 10-11.30am. Phone Brian Holt 838 5857.
22, Titirangi U3A (TBC) – meet interesting people 60-years and older; West Lynn Garden, 73 Parker Avenue, New Lynn; 1pm; gold coin. Contact 818 8890, 027 699 5480 or heathertanguay@slingshot.
22, Titirangi Folk Music Club presents Friday Folk and Jam, an informal singaround; Titirangi Beach Hall, bottom of Titirangi Beach Road; 7.30pm; $5. or text Cathy on 021 207 7289.
27, West Auckland Historical Society Member’s Night; Waitakere Gardens Meeting Room, 15 Sel Peacock Drive, Henderson; 7pm. Phone 836 5917.
29 – July 19, Beginning, Ending, Transformation, Margaret Chapman, Vicki Bradley and Phil Weight celebrate historical connections and the relationships between people and their cultures through the mediums of textile and wood; Corban Estate Arts Centre. Phone 838 4455.
29 – July 19, Give a Kid a Blanket - Documented, West Auckland artists Bernie Harfleet and Donna Turtle Sarten document this social art project. Now in its sixth year, this project takes a creative approach to local challenges by bringing people together and offering practical support; Corban Estate Arts Centre. Phone 838 4455.
Proudly Supporting our Local Community The merged practices of Thomas & Co Lawyers Ltd and Titirangi Law Centre are able to meet your every legal requirement. Ray Ganda and Don Thomas have many years of experience working in the Titirangi and New Lynn areas. Now, along with the Directors and staff of the combined practices, a wider range of skills and resources is offered. See our website,, for more details of our history and personnel. We continue to maintain and improve our level of service for our community and clients. There is always someone here with the necessary knowledge and experience to assist with any legal matters that might arise. Give us a call, or come in and visit us. We welcome enquiries and are happy to answer any questions. Details of our office location and on-site parking can be found on our website. We have lift access and are also handy to the Bus/ Train Interchange. Visiting our offices is convenient and easy.
The Fringe MAY 2020
2nd Floor, 3 Totara Avenue, New Lynn (09) 827 5907 advertise with the fringe & reach 70,000+ readers
places to go
l WHERE IT’S AT: • Corban Estate Arts Centre, 2 Mount Lebanon
june June 7, Pony Rides, Huia Road Horse Club; 436B Huia Road, Laingholm; 3-4pm; $5 per child per ride. Phone 027 499 1732.
June 5, West Auckland Men’s Rebus Club, guest speaker and morning tea; Kelston Community Centre, Corner Great North and Awaroa Roads; 9.30-11.30am. Phone Roger 834 7945.
June 9, West Auckland Historical Society Family History Group meeting; Henderson Central Library West Auckland Research Centre; 10-11.30am. Phone Gary Snow 832 5098, 021 618 434 or email gary@
June 13, Titirangi Folk Music Club presents Aro in Concert, floor singers in first half; Titirangi Beach Hall, bottom of Titirangi Beach Road; 8pm; $12 or $8 for members; or text Cathy on 021 207 7289.
June 16, SeniorNet West Auckland, speaker, morning tea and chatting about computers; Kelston Community Centre; 10am. Phone June 021 179 3635.
June 12, Ladies’ Probus Club, fellowship, fun, speakers, and a monthly day trip; St John’s Hall, Te Atatū South; 9.45am-Noon. Phone Betty 09 832 0484.
June 20, Lions Club Book Club Hall, 3063 Great North Road, New Lynn; 8am-4pm. Sale; New Lynn Friendship Phone Mary 027 487 0639.
June 26, The Combined Probus Club of Glen Eden, fellowship, speakers, monthly trips; Ceramco Park Function Centre, 120 Glendale Road, Kaurilands; 10-11.30am. Phone Brian Holt 838 5857.
June 26, Titirangi U3A (TBC) – meet interesting people 60-years and older; West Lynn Garden, 73 Parker Avenue, New Lynn; 1pm; gold coin. Contact 818 8890, 027 699 5480 or heathertanguay@slingshot.
There is so much happening in and around our community, including many weekly events, that we can’t fit everything into these listings. To find out more about whatever you are interested in, visit:
Lane, Henderson; 10am-4.30pm daily. 838 4455,
• EcoMatters Environment Trust, 1 Olympic
Place, New Lynn; Wednesday – Sunday 10am-2pm. 826 4276,
• Flicks cinema, Lopdell House Theatre. 818 2489,
• Kelston Community Centre, corner of Awaroa and Great North Roads, Kelston.
• McCahon House Museum, 67 Otitori Bay
Road, Titirangi; Wednesday – Sunday 1-4pm, except public holidays. 817 6148, mccahon@
• Playhouse Theatre, 15 Glendale Road, Glen Eden. 818 5751.
• Te Toi Uku – Clay Works, 8 Ambrico Place, New Lynn; Tuesday –Friday 10am-4pm, Saturday 10am-3pm. Phone 827 7349, www.
• Te Uru Waitakere Contemporary Gallery, 420 Titirangi Road, Titirangi; 10am–4.30pm daily. 817 8087,
• Titirangi Theatre, Lopdell House Theatre;
Titirangi. 817 5812, infoline 817 5951, www.
• Upstairs Gallery, Level 1, Lopdell House;
10am–4.30pm daily. 817 4278, nz.
• West Coast Gallery, Seaview Road, Piha;
Wednesday – Sunday, 10am–4pm. 812 8029, www.
w 31, Titirangi Village Market: art, craft, produce and music; Titirangi War Memorial Hall; 10am-2pm. Contact Tess on tvm. or phone 022 631 9436.
Coming up in The Fringe has been severely affected by reactions to Covid-19 and the associated lockdown. We have lost a lot of revenue but we know we are not the only ones. Businesses, organisations, communities and individuals have all suffered. And we want to help if we can. The Fringe is committed to supporting our local businesses and community organisations. We want to help ... Have you or your business been adversely affected by Covid-19? How can we and our community help you? Let The Fringe know and we’ll do our best to spread the word ... And if you have services or offers that could help in these trying times, let us know. Let’s work together to overcome this pandemic’s challenges. To offer help or request assistance, contact The Fringe on 817 8024 or 027 494 0700 or email
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The Fringe MAY 2020
bandstanding: music in the west with susannah bridges
Shane Hales – rocking the planet Iconic Kiwi music legend Shane to perform on TV shows C’mon ’69, Hales once fanatically spent Freeride, and Happen Inn.” cash hard-earned as a paper boy The next three years saw a string on records. Money well spent, of hits including Heya, No Regrets, considering an illustrious career in Get It Together, Lady Samantha and music spanning five decades was St Paul, which rocketed to number the result. one in the charts in 1969 and stayed Born in England, Shane’s dad there for six weeks. On the back of Harry sang in holiday camps. “You this success Shane decided to head know, the Hi De Hi type of thing. to the UK and Germany. “My records It was the ’50s and he sang songs were doing well in Germany. My like On the Street Where You Live manager then was Ray Columbus and Love Letters in the Sand. I got and he managed to get me work up at one of these shows and sang performing on a Greek cruise ship, Shane singing with The Shadz. Photo by Jason Fell. the Chordettes song Lollipop. I got the Ellinis, which was headed to huge applause: I was quite shy so I played on being cute. I used to sit Southampton from Wellington via Tahiti, Panama and New York.” all evening next to the band and watch them play … then all the kids Upon arrival in New York Shane neglected to check for any mail or in my street bought cheap guitars when the skiffle craze and Lonnie telegrams with the Purser’s office. “The record Heya had just been Donegan came along.” released and reviewed as Best New artist in Billboard magazine. United After arriving in New Zealand, Shane and brother Steve formed a Artists had sent me a telegram asking me to urgently contact them duo, not surprisingly called Shane and Steve. Entering every talent as soon as I arrived in New York – they had gigs set up and a tour to quest and playing parties whenever they could led to an audition for promote the record! Imagine my disappointment as I read the telegram Shane to front hugely popular Garage Rock band the Pleazers. “Their while sailing out of New York harbour heading for Southampton. I had lead vocalist had been fired by their manager Eldred Stebbing after to decide between going back to the States or on to Germany where St an outrageous episode I won’t go into. I passed my audition and the Paul and Lady Samantha were being promoted by Electrola (Germany’s Pleazers became one of the resident bands at the Shiralee club. I EMI Records). I chose to go Germany and don’t regret it.” toured Australia and New Zealand several times with The Pleazers until Shane spent most of the seventies based in London, working with three members of the band wanted to get married or engaged.” bands Killa-Hz and Midnite Wolf. There were many adventures, enough Time to move on then, and The Shane Band was formed, taking over to easily fill a book (or two!) but Shane says highlights from his big OE a residency at The Top 20 Club (which later became the 1480 Village). were the other artists that he got to tour with. It was here that Shane abruptly began his solo career. “My manager in the UK also ran a lot of overseas tours. So if I wasn’t “The Shane Band had the job of backing Gene Pierson one day, and playing he would offer me work as a roadie. I toured with Marvin Gaye Gene was using this performance as an audition for the C’mon ’68 as his personal roadie, and with bands like Mott the Hoople, Atomic TV show. Producer Kevin Moore and talent agent Phil Warren were Rooster, Alan Price … I could go on but I’m really not a name dropper. there to watch his performance. They saw me performing before Gene Ha! I got to be friends with The Sweet and Geordie (who’s Brian Pierson did his audition and asked if I would be interested in being the Johnston went on to be front man with AC/DC). And I hung out with resident singer on C’mon. I naively turned it down saying I couldn’t some of the guys in Roxy Music – I had a great social life in London! walk out on my band. Next day I turned up an hour early for rehearsals They were great times and we played everywhere but I fell off the stage with The Shane Band and walked in on my band auditioning another in 1979 at The Music Machine in Camden Town. I broke my pelvis but singer! I went to the nearest phone box and called Phil Warren who managed to get the band Killa-Hz in the papers with a photo. told me to be at the TV studios at 7.30 pm that very night, ready to play “After three months on crutches and a lot of time to think I decided some songs in front of the cameras. Next day at 11am I gave Phil a call to leave the UK and settle back in New Zealand. I’ve never looked back.” and he just said ‘congratulations, you’ve got the gig Shane.’ Shane continued his musical career in New Zealand – writing, “So I’m forever grateful to the Shane Band. It is funny now I look recording and releasing several singles. “It is usually the sound of a back. I was living in Parnell in York St and I had a balcony. Six months chord progression I play that invokes a memory or an emotion. It is later I was sitting looking across the street at a construction site and usually music first for me, though I have written some songs lyrics first. three of the Shane Band were working as builder’s labourers. I went on Continued on page 18 >>
Your Local MPs Hon Carmel Sepuloni
Dr Deborah Russell
Kelston Electorate Office
New Lynn Electorate Office
MP for Kelston
200C West Coast Road, Glen Eden 09 818 4131 /CarmelSepuloniLabour @CarmelSepuloni
MP for New Lynn
1885 Great North Rd, Avondale 09 820 6245 /DeborahRussellLabour @beefaerie
Authorised by Carmel Sepuloni MP, Parliament Buildings, Wellington
The Fringe MAY 2020
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what we did in lockdown
The Upstairs Gallery and its members have been brightening the walls of our hospitals with art. Secretary to the gallery’s Board of Trustees, Mags Ross also works as manager for Community Alcohol and Drug Services, Auckland, part of the Waitematā DHB. She heard that the Well Foundation, the official charity for the DHB, was hoping to get kids’ art in the hospitals as an initiative to support Waitematā DHB staff. Mags suggested that the Well Foundation contact Sammy Milne, the manager of The Upstairs Gallery and when Anna Rennie, director of Fundraising and Communications contacted Sammy, the #wesendyouourart initiative was born. Sammy contacted a gallery member artist Steven Cascalheira to help design a ‘banner’ for the campaign. Steven came back with the #wesendyouourart banner (above) the same day. Creators of all ages were invited to email Upstairs Gallery with artwork in any medium. The gallery sent the works to the Well Foundation who posted them on the DHB’s staff intranet. The works were printed out by DHB staff and placed on walls in Waitākere and North Shore Hospitals. Upstairs Gallery also posted the works on social media. Not only has this initiative helped support health care workers by brightening up the walls with art but it also inspired many local artists to create beautiful works while in their Covid-19 bubbles. The DHB’s CEO, Dr Dale Bramley shared the initiative to 8,900 staff and Facebook links were sent to the remote sites including alcohol and drug, mental health and forensic psychiatry services where staff were also choosing pieces to print and display. The Well Foundation was looking at using some of the art on birthday cards for patients with birthdays but who couldn’t see their families due to visitor restrictions. If you would like to contribute to this initiative please email Sammy at
“We were looking for a way to share our flowers from The Flower Field. My husband and daughters helped pick and fill the giant heart and just before I took the photo, the girls decided to give it a hug. A very big thank you to health care workers from the bottom of our hearts!” – Ingrid Shaw. Ted Scott (left) and Vinny Murahwa (below) also participated in the initiative.
Infrastructure failings: bandwidth and toilets
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the danger of putting all your eggs in one basket. Imagine the chaos if a large power outage had happened at the same time. Thankfully it did not but these happenings have reinforced my opinion that centralisation of all Council activities is a bad policy. Emergency preparedness which includes well-maintained infrastructure should be based and managed locally. An issue which dominated my Council work during lockdown is the new Titirangi public toilets or more precisely the lack of them. Public toilets to replace those which were recently demolished should have been up and running months ago, but at present all I can offer is my apologies to Village business owners who have to put up with constant public requests to use a toilet. After years of investigations and design by staff and consultants, and a six-figure sum of public money having been spent, this project is back on the drawing board! I have done my own research and was astonished to find the new toilets were virtually ready to build over two years ago, but then abruptly abandoned. To have new deliberations for a different design in a different location while previous plans (finished and paid for) sit in someone’s top drawer, is unacceptable. I copied the information I’ve uncovered (from Council archives) to fellow board members and staff and am awaiting answers to my questions. Titirangi’s toilet project fits the criteria for inclusion in Council’s list of projects to be funded by the government’s ‘Shovel Ready’ economic stimulus package, I firmly believe it should have priority over cycle lanes. – Ken Turner, WestWards
Wow, May already. Despite one month of confinement to a home-based bubble my year is racing by. I am typing this with one ear tuned to the radio anxiously listening for news about possible reductions in Covid-19 restrictions. Hopefully by the time you’re reading this, many workplaces will have reopened or be about to. Working from home was a new experience and I gained some learnings from it – the biggest being that Skype meetings are no substitute for the real thing, although I should leave my final judgement until Council overcomes its internal IT problems. Council’s infrastructure was so overloaded some Skype meetings had to be audio only, local board staff and elected members working from home had access to Council restricted to afternoons only, and governing body staff were frustrated by the tediously slow downloading of the large amounts of council data needed to compile things like quarterly reports. For several years Council has been reshaping emergency management throughout Auckland region. This was spurred on two years ago by the Glenesk Road flooding in Piha and as a result Council put much effort and money into resilience planning. However, some cracks appeared in Council’s emergency preparedness during lockdown. Its overwhelming reliance on Internet communication proved a weak link in its chain of preparedness. Reliance on one means of communication is akin to the one-road-in, one-road-out conundrum that isolated Waitākere communities know oh-so-well. Council’s faith in the Internet has underpinned it’s ever increasing centralisation of bureaucracy, but events over the last four weeks have highlighted
The Fringe MAY 2020
our place
Charlie, the Kaitiaki (guardian) of Green Bay – continued FIONA DRUMMOND continues the story of Charlie - Green Bay’s ‘community cat’ – and the people who knew him before he died in 2018. (See the April Fringe for the first part of this article.) There’s no question Charlie was a real character who knew his way around the Green Bay shops, using back doors for easy access to shop fronts. They gave him his creature comforts: food from the video shop (now the laundromat), and later the post shop, water from the florist, and cosiness at carpeted real estate offices in the winter or coolness in the liquor store in summer. He was considered part of the Green Bay Book Shop when David, Carole and Paul Bannister bought Charlie knew his way around the shop from previous owner, Green Bay Village. Peggy Higgins, in 2009. Charlie’s body was plumper than it should have been due to supplementary feeding by his many friends and it concerned the Bannisters and local vet, Steve Bott, but the cat’s popularity meant dieting wasn’t an easy process. Monica Jennings and Natasha Gibb job-shared at Glovers Green Bay from 2015 and Charlie was a regular visitor. “I spent many shifts sharing my office chair with him, or with him asleep on the desk or the reception couch,” Monica recalls. “He had a unique meow and the locals would always stop and talk to him and we always had to check at close-down each night to make sure Charlie wasn’t asleep under a desk or tucked up on somebody’s chair. “I loved Charlie coming to visit. Many of the staff who had been there for over 12 years had memories of him visiting, and being a loved member of the community even then. He was always welcome.” Natasha remembers that Glovers kept a cat brush for Charlie, in an effort to reduce the amount of hairs he left on the furniture. Some days he was up for a brush, other days he just couldn’t be bothered. Before he was randomly attacked by a dog, it wasn’t unusual to find Charlie flopped on the footpath outside the bookshop, but he was shaken and became wary after that episode. Natasha says that if he was lounging in their reception area and spied a dog through the window, he’d scarper. Swallows that still build their mud nests above the Glovers frontage used to dive bomb Charlie, despite him being no real threat to them. Haylee at West Liquor says Charlie would lie in the perfect spot to enjoy a blast of cold air when the automatic cooler door was activated. It was the ‘go to’ spot for a black cat to become a cool cat on a hot day.
Generations of Green Bay children loved to cuddle Charlie, but like dogs, he was wary of some children, perhaps due to their unpredictability. Daytime cat naps were very important to Charlie, and he enjoyed a lot of them. He liked catnip too, and local resident ‘Raine Drops’ would give him the herby treat for Christmas. She said she thought he looked a bit sad when the shops were shut. Jasmine Kelly lives close to the shops and recalls how Charlie would often appear late in the day at her window, ask to come in and then disappear in her house as black cats do, often to the couch by the front door. He liked her lap a lot (a crushing experience, according to Jasmine), or if feeling chatty, would tell Jasmine about his day, on the shop beat. And sometimes he chose to just hide. In the morning a gentle claw to Jasmine’s face would rouse her from sleep. Charlie wanted out on his early morning rounds, or to visit Rukshana for breakfast at the dairy/post shop. Milton, who lives in the flats across from the shops, was another great friend of Charlie who had the truck driver well sussed, negotiating the pedestrian crossing which led him directly to Milton’s home. Milton is also a diver and fisherman and remembers the cat enjoying smoked kahawai and a bit of exploration with his friend further afield. Milton often made out of town trips, collecting his feline companion on the way. Charlie knew the drill, appeared from nowhere, climbed aboard the truck with his mate and off they went. Charlie died in April 2018 and community support was strong when David Bannister suggested a community plaque in his memory. In late 2019 local woman, Claire de Roux had organised the plaque and another local, Paul Berg offered to fix it to the wall. Paul remembers it wasn’t unusual to come across Charlie in the wee small hours when Paul was accessing the Green Bay ATM machine. Charlie had been cremated and in November last year a group of locals gathered at the Green Bay Shops mural outside the bakery where Charlie’s memorial plaque would go. This had been his ‘hood, and the occupants and customers were his extended family. Some of his ashes are in the planter outside the bookshop, Milton put some in a favourite Charlie snoozing place in a flax bush by the post shop and Jasmine has created a memorial too. A painted mural heralds ‘Charlie’s Garden’ and features a painting of Charlie on a brick wall. She, David and Milton placed some of his ashes there and held a little service for him. She says she sometimes sees a flash of black and thinks “Oh, there’s Charlie.” Nearly two years on, Charlie is still missed, but living on in the hearts of many residents, shoppers and business people of Green Bay. He was one black cat in a million.
Susannah Bridges
c e ra m i c s a n d p o rc e l a i n l i g h t s
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The Fringe MAY 2020
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what we did in lockdown
Lockdown food and foraging With the country in lockdown, I found myself in the same situation as many parents: figuring out how to keep the family happily occupied. Cooking has always been a passion, but too many times at home I cooked for sustenance, not pleasure. We made the usual pizzas, olive focaccia, chocolate slice, pumpkin bread and gingerbread loaf. Yet I craved more stimulation. The week before lockdown I had bought a Korean barbeque hotplate and burner, so our cooking adventures started there. We set up the barbeque station on our dining room table. The kids were in charge of the cooking, and they went at it with gusto. After the smoke alarm went off for the third time I removed it for the duration of the meal. The food was delicious. Once children become involved they are more predisposed to eating what they cook – and, as a result, trying something new. Another foray into the world of international cuisine saw us embark on a family pasta-making adventure. The kids took turns rolling out sheets of pasta and either cutting them into rounds for tortellini or sheets for ravioli. The filling was a slow-cooked chicken thigh with smoked bacon and softened shallots. I was sure there would be leftovers, but somehow, every one got eaten. With the season changing to autumn it’s perfect timing for mushroom foraging. Our local park is a great place for a forage, with pine boletes (commonly known as sticky buns), puffballs and, if you’re lucky, the familiar field mushroom. You find sticky buns under large pine trees among the needles. They have a sticky brown top and a spongy yellow underside. Puffballs tend to be in the same place, but can be found anywhere throughout the bush. They look like golf balls and should have a white inside. Field mushrooms are found (surprise, surprise) in fields. Joel picked some delicious boletes which we cooked in frying pans, peeling off the brown skin, slicing them into even pieces, and adding some chopped garlic, rosemary and butter halfway through cooking. For a change of scene we decided to take the cooking outside and I set about building a small clay oven in a safe area of my backyard. I made a tepee-like structure from sticks and threaded smaller sticks to make a lattice. Next, I laid banana leaves over the lattice. I crushed up lumps of clay and added water to make a firm paste. Starting at the bottom, I worked upwards till I had a nice igloo-looking structure with a large opening at the front.
Lastly, I cut a chimney in the side. I started a fire inside and spent the afternoon topping it up to dry out the clay. (When cooking with fire, always have plenty of space and a bucket of water handy.) I wrapped some pork in banana leaves, and baby potatoes and carrots in tinfoil. These went on the coals at the back. I skewered mushrooms on a stick and stuck it in the ground outside the entrance to slowly roast. A cheesy damper dough was skewered on sticks next to the mushrooms. The main meat was scotch fillet, sandwiched inside a wire mesh framecage to hold it while cooking. Six steaks smoking away just outside the entrance was a sight to behold. To finish, the steaks were laid directly on top of the coals instead of pan frying them. The result was a few bits of ash on the meat but worth the trouble for the smoky goodness. The meal was another great success. Everyone tried a bit of everything, and there were no leftovers. I hope my new-found enthusiasm for new cooking techniques stays alive. We are all busy people, but cooking should never be just for sustenance. It’s a way of life.
A sticky bun mushroom, above, and scone damper, mushrooms and steaks cooking outside the clay oven, below.
– Elliot Warne, Vevo Café Note: Always check you’ve got the right type of mushroom and that they are in season. If in doubt, do not pick them. Many are poisonous. It is also good practice to pick only a third of the mushrooms you find, leaving a third for someone else and a third for regrowth. Check fire season rules at before lighting any fires.
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We offer sanctuary and long term stays with price negotiable – cottages or apratment, six months to a year. Stay well and let’s change to positive and wellness for the good of all creatures, ground, air and water for all elements to live in harmony. The Fringe MAY 2020
>> It’s time to get continued from page 11
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An attorney can make decisions on behalf as if you yourself were making decisions. There are some areas where an attorney has no power to decide. Otherwise, the attorney’s main responsibility is to act in your best interests, and they must consult with you as far as is possible.
Who can be my attorney?
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>> Shane Hales – rocking continued from page 14
the planet,
“I can get lyrical inspiration from a story someone tells me, but most of my songs are quite personal.” A recent career high for Shane was his Face TV show Rockin’ the Planet with Shane which ran for three years, but top of the list, eclipsing all other highlights, was inclusion in the Queens Birthday Honours list to become Shane Hales MNZM. “Our Governor General Dame Patsy Reddy was pinning the medal on me at Government House and she whispered to me ‘It is indeed an honour to pin this medal on my favourite pop singer’. Lost for words I whispered back to her, ‘well you’re my favourite Governor General’. Maybe that is why I was invited back for dinner that evening with her and her husband. What an honour, fabulous!” Shane’s current band, The Shazam Band, takes up most of his time now. “If we aren’t playing Auckland we are on the road to Wellington, Wanganui, Napier, Tauranga, etc. all year round. We have been planning a new album which we intend to start on as soon as we are able.” With pedigrees tracing back to Quincy Conserve, The Maori Volcanics, Hogsnort Rupert, to name but a few, The Shazam Band has been together for almost five years. “With all the travel and shows we have performed together over that time there have been a lot of smiles and miles. It’s becomes like an exclusive club and we’ve become very close friends.” Ever the optimist Shane used his time in lockdown productively. “Lockdown has given me time to bring my garden to life, paint jobs finished, the car is spotlessly clean and I have been happily rehearsing new songs for when we can gig again.” Keep an eye on Shane’s Facebook pages to find out when that is, or to contact Shane to play at your own function – hopefully sometime soon!
the whole picture Titirangi local and mother of two, Kerry Engelbrecht chats to us about her new business Kerry E Media. Who are you? I’m an experienced and skilled editor, photographer, writer and designer, an optimist and a perfectionist. What services do you offer? Photography ( - pet portraits, weddings, family memories, pregnancy and newborn photography, birthday parties, corporate portraits, workplace shots, events and personalised gift vouchers for photoshoots. Design - business cards, invitations, handouts for weddings and other events, signs, brochures, booklets, adverts, logos, cards, collages, photo books, canvas prints and digital media banners. Proof-reading and editing - books, theses, CVs, marketing material, newspaper articles and adverts, blog posts and web content. Writing - magazine features, newspaper articles, marketing material, web content and blog posts.
“Well-written copy with no errors, stand-out photography and beautiful, clean design builds confidence in your brand.” How much do your services cost? All pricing takes individuals and small businesses into consideration. I offer a one-on-one personalised design service at competitive rates. Wedding photography packages are per hour so you can prioritise according to your budget. Editing/writing work ranges from per page rates for small jobs to per word rates for larger jobs.
What is your involvement in the community? I live and work in Titirangi, and my children attend local schools. I support a range of charities close to my heart: photos for Maddi’s Market, design of a Starlit Hope booklet for newly diagnosed oncology kids’ families and I gift photoshoots to families living through the horror of childhood cancer.
The Fringe MAY 2020
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sustainable solutions with fiona drummond
Living off the land in lockdown If there ever was a time to embrace sustainability, that time is now. I write this under lockdown, wondering how many people were able to be reasonably self sufficient for food through this time. Lockdown has made us recognise the benefits of being a homesteader with a flourishing veggie garden, orchard, chooks, bees and animals, but that’s a dream for most who don’t have the space or the time available. But lockdown did give us the gift of time, oodles of it! Even if you don’t have a lot of space or live in temporary accommodation, you can still grow vegetables in containers. You can even grow then directly in potting mix bags. Lay the bag on its side and poke a few holes on the bottom side for drainage, add planting holes on the top side and place in a sunny location. The key to growing anything successfully is having good soil. Potting mix is a reasonable planting medium but it is greatly enhanced and improved with the addition of your own compost or worm castings from your worm bin. Choose fast-growing leafy vegetables such as spinach, silver beet, lettuce, rocket, kale, bok choy, peas and broad beans. Broccoli and carrot can also be grown at this time of year. And then there are microgreens and sprouts. These are really quick-growing: and are a great activity for children. Microgreens add colour and flavour to salads and as a garnish, and are a source of nutrients and antioxidants. A few months back I acquired some pea, sunflower and radish microgreen seeds and lockdown was a perfect time to get them underway. The growing medium for microgreens can be compost, seed-raising mix, a soil mix or even a 50/50 blend of perlite and vermiculite. I made up a mix of potting mix, pumice and worm castings. I was fortunate to have some felt eco Growbags (made from recycled milk bottles) given to me as gifts, and I noted that the packaging indicated they were suitable for microgreens, so that was a good start. As only a small quantity of soil medium is required, however, you could also use a plant saucer with around 1-3cm of soil in the bottom. After soaking the big seeds overnight, I soaked my soil filled felt bags in water, sat the bags in a tray and then added the seeds by simply placing them on top of the soil. I then weighed each bag down with another soil-filled bag on top to ensure the seeds made close
contact with the soil to activate the seeds in darkness and then left them for two days. They had all begun to sprout by this stage, so I removed the weight and put the plants in a sunny location indoors to grow, keeping them moist but not too wet. While microgreens are grown in soil and snipped from their roots to harvest, bean sprouts germinate in water. Both the ‘stem’ and seed are eaten and they provide a crunch to salads. They can also be used as a garnish. Mung beans and lentils are the easiest and fastest to sprout. Alfalfa, chickpeas, and adzuki beans are also good for beginners, but take a little longer. A good Youtube video (https://www. I w A R 1 9 S q 0 3 R BT M 1 u v Q l we o 0 RV 5 m 1 o Vg h n 4 T _ JAkJYdyw04IS1zy9nN2Gu2w98) walks you through the process of growing both microgreens and sprouts. Another helpful link is assets/downloads/9be6d6e513/Sprouting-the-basics. pdf. You can order microgreen seeds and sprouts (along with other supplies) from Wrights Sprouts, from https:// or from your local organic shop. You can also grow sprouts in a drawstring hemp bag which you hang by the sink where it’s convenient and a reminder to rinse them morning and evening. (A local source for microgreen seeds and gardening advice is Katrina Wolff of FRINGEADLTD.pdf Blue Borage: www.blueborage. 1 15/11/16
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Above: sunflower, radish and pea sprouts, grown in eco grow bags (made from recycled milk bottles). Below: mung beans sprouted in a drawstring cotton bag.
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The Fringe MAY 2020
naturally west
Lepidoptera in lockdown Jacky McCoy and her family had some very special entertainment during lockdown. The transition of one of their monarch caterpillars into its chrysalis coincided with the first day of level 4 lockdown and the butterfly emerged halfway through. Jacky picks up the story ...
Meet Bob, one of our group of March 25: As we start lockdown March 26: More of our caterpillars March 28: There are two other we watched as Bob started his joined Bob in lockdown. caterpillars that are getting darker caterpillars. in colour, a sign that they too are journey into becoming a butterfly. going to transform into chrysalis stage. April 8: (left) Today we noticed a big change as Chysalis number one (a.k.a. Bob) has changed colour and we can now see the beautiful markings of the wings which will emerge soon. April 10: (right) Halfway through lockdown and Bob emerged today. We may need to rename him though – it’s a female monarch. Males have a black dot lower down on each of their wings and thinner black markings. Females have thicker markings and no dots. Bobalena it is. Fly free Bobalena. We humans in confinement delight in your liberation. All photos c. Jacky McCoy
VL Pomeroy
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The Fringe MAY 2020
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walking west with michael andrew
Six Waitākere tracks to shake off the lockdown languor After weeks in lockdown, never has a venture beyond the bubble seemed so appealing. Here are six great Waitākere walks to do once we can expand our recreational repertoire. Of course the bulk of walks out West continue to be under kauri dieback lockdown, so these are the some of the best ones currently open. They vary in length from 10 minutes to eight hours, and go far to capture the diverse nature of this beautiful landscape in which most of us will be aching to re-immerse ourselves.
Beveridge track: 1 – 2 hours For those who live in the vicinity of this walk, it has been a lifeline during the lockdown weeks. About 20 minutes walk from Titirangi Village, the track starts at the end of Exhibition Drive and runs along a well formed shared gravel track through native forest to the Arataki Vistor Centre. Resurfaced in the last two years, the walk is easy and peaceful with wonderful views across the Nihotupu Valley throughout. However, if I ever want a challenge I can easily combine it with Slip Track, which begins behind the visitor centre and drops down to the valley floor before climbing back to the start at Exhibition Drive. Karekare falls: 10 minutes West Auckland is the land of waterfalls; one can be found on almost every walk. Yet there is something about the Karekare Falls that draws out a more ardent fascination. It could be the size, or the symmetry, or the way the water delicately cascades, rather than tumbles into the blue pool at the base. The accessibility is certainly a factor. It sits only a few minutes along the Taraire Track, which starts on the main road near the Karekare beach car park. With the international borders all but closed and few tourists about, this usually busy spot is certain to be quiet throughout the year – a wonderful place to sit and simply be for a while. Upper Nihotupu Walk: 1.5 – 2 hours If you want to know more about our city’s water, then a visit to the source is the best lesson. One of five reservoirs in the Waitakere ranges – all of which are at their lowest levels in 30 years due to drought – the Upper Nihotupu Walk can be
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accessed from the car park at Piha Road. The path mostly follows the Watercare road around the reservoir and the river that feeds into it, trailing along native forest and multiple waterfalls – one used in a scene from the film Hunt For The Wilderpeople. While the walk is pleasant and easy, I appreciate it because it connects those of us who depend on urban infrastructure with the natural source. We begin to appreciate that even though the pipes and the reservoir and the pump station are man-made, the whole thing is completely dependent on rainfall. And so are we. Te Henga Walkway: 4 – 8 hours Almost eight hours of coastal swamp valleys, cliff top harakeke meadows above the cold sea chiselling the volcanic stone into black sands: the Te Henga Walkway is West Auckland. Running from Te Henga to Muriwai and back again, the true appeal of this walk is its length. Walk the four hours each way or park a car at either end to make it easier. Whatever you do, take a good pair of boots, some lunch, and your full attention. The landscape demands it. Zig Zag Track: 30mins – 1 hour Starting on Park Road, Zig Zag Track it is the closest walk to Titirangi Village and runs down a native bush gully through Atkinson Park. It’s steep at the start but then levels out, and can be extended along Titirangi Beach road down to the coast. After walking this track daily for almost a month, every tree starts to become familiar, more defined and vivid. For me, and I suspect every other South Titirangi resident, Zig Zag Track was a lockdown refuge; a place to restore peace and sanity. Mercer Bay Loop: 1 – 2 hours. The ocean and the sky, with their seemingly endless expanses, have a way making the stories I tell myself less pressing. Nothing seems as serious and urgent when your senses are yielding to the certainty and magnitude of massive things. That’s why I like this walk. Starting at the end of Te Ahu Ahu Road above Piha, it runs along the rugged coastal cliff tops, providing the ultimate platform to look across the yawning Tasman Sea all the way to the horizon. With a headlamp, and sure footing, I’d thoroughly recommend heading out on a cloudless night. After four weeks in lockdown, what better place to sit and ponder the certain things in life: waves, dreams, the wind and the stars. The Fringe MAY 2020
live @ the lounge
Locked down but ‘life is much the same’
With so much time on our hands, everyone is trying out different ways to creatively fill in their days.
Yeah gidday. Lizard here. Safe and well. How’s your ‘covert’ operating? Haha. We’re doing alright although the sheds and caravans are chocka. We’d had a final kneesup before the lockdown and got a bit carried away. Everybody crashed the night, not really understanding what the midnight cutoff meant. Now we know what level 4 is, we have, including kids, 16 stomachs to fill and personalities to entertain/keep sane and all stuck out here on my property for God knows how long. Calling this a bubble is like summing up Trump’s political career by saying ‘he was slightly taller than most world leaders’. Although he won points by recently tweeting that he owed a large portion of his success to his parents. Especially his mother and father. Bless. Still, Easter came and went with chocolatey goodness. Lizard Junior and his mates set up a tent village in the back paddock. After a few days I got them to pick up all the dog poop. I then realised they didn’t have a dog and Plumbless goes behind the shed. Eventually they had a few laughs digging a long drop, complete with seat and a door. Quite flash actually. Shaz popped out to the supermarket armed with a ‘needs list’. She got back in a few hours with most things but no flour. Junior’s mates said this was not a problem because the lockdown coincided with their marijuana plants being ready so they would make some cookies. “That way, we can all get baked without even heating up the oven,” said Junior’s bestie Josh. More laughs. Chardonnay’s boyfriend Troy’s mate’s girlfriend Petunia, or Peculiar as the two year old Dillyn calls her, is really hard case. With so much time on our hands, everyone is trying out different ways to creatively fill in their days. For example, Shaz, her sister Harmony and gay Gary practise yoga every morning in front of the telly. From the back, they look like three drunk nuns bending over to pick up a dollar while balancing on one leg. I tend to go for a walk at that time. Harmony is a self described clairvoyant and kind of ‘camp mother’. I asked: “If she’s such a clairvoyant, why doesn’t she ever win Lotto?”
Junior said he nearly had a psychic girlfriend but she dumped him before they met. More laughter. Oh yeah, back to Peculiar Petunia. She had silkscreened a quite cool flag. She’d sewn on a peace sign and embroidered the words ‘Be Kind’ across the bottom. She asked the Stoners to try and fly it from the flagpole I had erected when New Zealand was promised a flash new flag. The Stoners said no worries but that very quickly became, heaps of worries. They thought my ladder might not reach. Josh said during maths class the teacher had said you could work out how tall something was by using triangles or something? Mopey Jesus, who just magically appeared from the hedge (I didn’t even know he was at our place) suggested they lay the flagpole on the ground and measure it that way. Peculiar said that would be stupid because they wanted to know how high it was, not how long. Anyway, life is much the same as usual. The dole still comes through. Every couple of nights or so we build a wee fire and have a big communal feed. A few have made musical instruments from Youtube vids and blast out some kinda OK tunes. Auckland’s notorious traffic problems seem a thing of the past. No excuses to live in Hamilton now, eh? Here’s a wee tip to keep yourself interested: try something new, something you’d never think of doing normally. Here’s an example: Shaz arrived home the other night with heaps of milk that was nearly out of date. I said we could never drink that much milk but she said it wasn’t for drinking. She was going to fill the outside bath with it and soak in it. “Milk’s amazing for my skin,” she said. “Pasteurise?” I asked. “Nuh,” she said, “just up to my tits.” Yep, school boy humour. Teehee. Take care guys. Have fun. I’m hanging out to see you all again soon. We’ll be alright. Hey, we live out West right? Later, Lizard. Definitely ‘live in the lounge’.
west auckland weather by the moon Ken Ring’s predictions for May May could be drier, cloudier and warmer than normal, with only half the rain average. Driest spells may be the 15th to 18th and 22nd to 26th. The first week should be the wettest, the second week brings intermittent showers and the last two weeks may see a day of light showers each. The fourth week is the driest. The heaviest falls may be on or near the 6th or 7th, and will be widespread throughout the country. Afternoon temperatures may reach 20°C on the 10th, then drop for the rest of the month. Atmospheric pressures average about 1018mbs. Wind directions may average from the south. For fishermen, the highest king tide may be around the 8th, with a lesser king tide on the 24th. The best
The Fringe MAY 2020
fishing bite-times in the west are at noon on the 6th to 8th and 22nd to 24th (and around dusk on those days in the east). Chances are also good in the west for dusk of the 1st, 14th to 17th, and 29th to 31st (and around noon on those days in the east). For gardeners, the 1st to 6th and 27th to 31st are the best sowing days, when the waxing moon is ascending. The best pruning days are the 13th to 22nd, when the waning moon is descending. For longer shelf-life, choose the lower water-table days of the 1st, 10th and 30th to harvest crops. Allow 24 hour error for all forecasting. For future weather for any date, visit © Ken Ring 2020.
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021 589 735 Opinions expressed in the The Fringe are solely those of the writers and are not necessarily endorsed by the publication or its publisher. Fringe Media Ltd is not responsible in any way for the contents of any advertisement, article, photograph or illustration contained in this publication. While every reasonable care will be taken by the Editor, no responsibility is assumed for the return of unsolicited material. © Copyright 2020 by Fringe Media Ltd. All content in this issue is the property of Fringe Media Ltd and may not be reproduced in any way or form whatsoever without permission from the publisher. All rights reserved. The Fringe MAY 2020
The Fringe MAY 2020
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