3 minute read
At the libraries; Weather by the moon
Titirangi Library
Saturday October 31, 11–11.30am: Nutritionist Elise Bridler delivers a session focusing on nutrition for the early years. Elise will discuss the foods that provide the best nutrition to set up a child for a full and healthy life. All welcome, bookings not required. Question time afterwards.
Until November 14: Celebrate Diwali, the festival of lights, and be creative in the library’s Rangoli colouring competition. Suitable for all ages. Pick up your entry form the Library.
Wednesday November 11, 10.00-10.30am: Janet Martin, author of much-loved children’s books such as Abigail Fantail and Emily the Kiwi Plays the Ukulele hosts a very special Storytime. Suitable all ages.
Thursday November 19, 11am–12pm: Anawhata: Heritage Images from Auckland Libraries Research West. From the beach, kauri logging and trampers walking through the gorge, join local history librarian Raewynn Robertson to view photos of Anawhata from the J.T. Diamond Collection.
Glen Eden Library
Secret Garden Project: Help transform the library’s kid’s area into a special place just for kids. Keep an eye out during November and December for fun activities and crafts to help create a secret garden.
Job Cafe: Every Wednesday, 1-3pm. Whau Ace Adult and Community Education offer free support and advice in the library. The drop-in session includes preparing a CV, career guidance, job search, online job applications, and cover letters.
Book Chat: Glen Eden Library’s Book Chat group meets in the library’s meeting room on Wednesday November 4, 10:30-11:30am. Everyone is welcome to attend and share what they’ve been reading.
Rhymetime happens on Thursdays, 10:30-11:00am; Wriggle and Rhyme is on Fridays 11-11:30am; and the Lego Club meets on Thursdays 3:30-4:30pm.
New Lynn Library
Te Reo Playgroup, November 3 and 17, 10:30-11:30am. Community led playgroup focused on speaking te reo Māori with our tamariki.
Diwali Heath Talk, November 7, 11am-12pm. Dr Pooja Maddela talks about how to build up your immunity. All welcome.
Huinga Kōrero – te reo Māori Conversation Group, Tuesday November 10 and 24, 10:30-11:30am. Come join us to practice te reo Māori in a relaxed setting.
Composting workshop, Monday November 16, 4-5.15pm. Learn how to turn your food scraps and garden waste into nutrient-rich compost. Attend this free workshop and you will receive a $40 voucher towards a home composting system. Register at http://compstcollective.org.nz/ events/composting-basics-new-lynn-2/
Family History, November 18, 2-4 pm. Learn how to make the most of the online family history resources at Auckland Libraries. Register at the library or message us on Facebook.
How Tuesday for ages 5+ happens on Tuesdays, 4-5pm; Mandarin Storytime is on Fridays, 11-11:30am; Rhymetime for ages 18 months to 3 years takes place on Mondays, 10:30-11am; Storytime for ages 3-5 years is on Wednesdays 10-10:30am. and Wriggle & Rhyme for ages 18 months and under is on Tuesdays, 9:30-10am and 10:30-11am.
weather by the moon
Ken Ring’s predictions for November
November is a drier than average month, cooler, and with average sunshine.
The first week will be the warmest and brings most rain, the second week sees most sunshine, the fourth week is the coolest, and the last week is the driest. The best weekend is the 14th-15th. Atmospheric pressures should average about 1012mbs, with winds from the southwest or west on about 18 days.
For fishermen, the highest king tide may be around the 16th. The best fishing bite-times in the west are around noon on the 1st-2nd, 14th-16th, and 29th-30th (and in the east around dusk on those days). Chances are also good in the west for dusk of the 7th-9th and 20th-23rd (and in the east around noon on those days).
For gardeners, the best pruning days are the 2nd-5th (waning moon descending), and 16th-18th are best sowing days (waxing moon ascending). For longer shelf-life for crops, harvest at neap tide days on the 9th and 24th. Allow 24 hour error for all forecasting. For future weather for any date, visit www.predictweather.com. © Ken Ring 2020.
Ken Ring’s new 356-page New Zealand Weather Almanac for 2021 is now available from bookshops
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throughout the country.
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