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Breaking news! Swimming is back on at Titirangi Beach
This is a story that The Fringe is excited to share. Over the last couple of years, we have followed and reported on Auckland Council’s progress resolving issues contributing to major water quality issues at Titirangi Beach, writes ZOE HAWKINS.
This month Auckland Council has advised that the permanent health warning that was placed on Titirangi Beach in 2016 will be removed in early December 2021.
“Following investigations and infrastructure fixes throughout the catchment, recent intensive water quality testing has revealed improved beach water quality,” says Auckland Council General Manager Healthy Waters Craig Mcilroy. Twenty two network issues were identified in the area as potentially contributing to poor water quality and most of these are now resolved. While in the past water monitoring at the beach indicated water quality issues even in dry weather, Craig says there have been no dry weather issues in sampling since January 2021.
However, there can still be issues in wet weather. This means that Titirangi Beach will, like numerous other beaches in the region, be added to the Safeswim programme.
From December 1, 2021, the water quality model for Titirangi will be live on the Safeswim website and will have the green Safeswim pin in dry weather or after low rainfall. As with other urban beaches, it will display a ‘red pin’ after heavy rainfall to indicate periods of high risk.
Safeswim is a website that gives up to date information about water quality, swimming conditions and safety hazards at over 120 swimming spots across the region. It is a collaboration between Auckland Council, Watercare, Surf Lifesaving Northern Region and Auckland Regional Public Health Service.
If you are headed to Titirangi Beach, just like French Bay, Cornwallis and other local beaches, remember to check Safeswim for live information on water quality and swimming conditions first: www. safeswim.org.nz.
Safeswim will continue to monitor the water quality at the beach throughout the summer and the Safe Networks team will also continue its work in Titirangi investigating the public and private wastewater and stormwater networks, to ensure any further issues are resolved.
Titirangi Beach has bathrooms, a playground, great carparking, and even a small boat ramp. That it is reopening is great news arriving just in time for summer and it will be terrific to see more people making use of this gem now that it’s safe to do so. Thank you for your mahi, Auckland Council.
Update on Paturoa Stream
In spring and early summer the water is clear and flowing, but as the season progresses, Paturoa Stream – which flows into Titirangi Beach – often turns dark and odorous. Reassuringly, Healthy Waters has carried out water quality sampling in the stream and at the estuary. Results collected to date do not indicate human faecal contamination. The black colour and odour occurs naturally at the stream’s estuary when there has been a period of abnormally dry weather, resulting in lower river levels and tides. Lack of rain, tidal flushing and build-up of sandbanks at the mouth of the estuary exacerbates the problem
The Healthy Waters operations team will continue to actively monitor the watercourse in Titirangi and surrounding areas throughout the summer.
My great aunt Anne’s shortbread recipe (Sydenham Shortbread) has been in my note book for over 50 years. It is a simple, tried and true recipe.
You will need 125 g of butter, 2 tblsp of sugar {adapt for your preference), 2 tblsp cornflour and 3/4 cup plain flour.
Rub the ingredients together, roll out the mixture (about 6mm thick), cut into shapes and cook on a cold tray in a hot oven for about 10 minutes. How simple is that?
– Lynnette Sollitt-Morris

New Lynn-based EcoMatters Trust received 966 entries from across Tāmaki Makaurau for its recent Bike Art Challenge. The $800 bike shop gift voucher was won by Rez Mohammed, and the Judges’ Prize for Best Story ($250 bike shop voucher) was won by Max Barwell. The Challenge was supported by Auckland Transport.
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