Celebrates Summer intheCity
Join Phil Henry on Edmonton PM for all you need to know: • where to go • what to see • reviews •interviews • and where to go after the show
Live at the Fringe This is your last chance to pick up your Passport to Summer in the City and be eligible for the Grand Prize Draw. Join The Fringe on Edmonton PM.
3~6pm August 20-24
A \
J £ 0^
% ^
CHlNOOjg j^fllEATRE H j From Edmonton To Edinburgh!
Small Change Theatre presents
10319-83 A v e n u e , E d m o n t o n , A l b e r t a TOE l e o (403)431-1553
Provincial Touring Shews Fringe Theatre Event Theatre f o r Young People IN THE THEATRE 1984/1985 From Chinook: THE VOYAGES OF SINDBAD
by Brian Paisley BOMBS
by Ken Brown and Keith Thomas SWIMMERS
by Clem Martini THE BIRDS
by James DeFelice
Hazard St Darlene in Love August through October, 1984, Small Change Theatre and last year's "ultimate clownly coup" (Edmonton Journal) journey across the water to the grandaddy of all Fringes in Edinburgh, Scotland, then on into Europe...
All the best, gang, from all your friends in Edmonton! Sponsored by: Alberta Foundation for the Performing Arts, Western Canada Lottery (Alberta Division), Winspear Foundation, Clifford E. Lee Foundation, Edmonton Tourism and Air Canada
by William Shakespeare A n d o u r guests:
Workshop West
Small Change Theatre FANS
Calgary City Ballet Hilary Eddington Ma Fletcher A n d more FURTHER INFORMATION FROM L I Z GRIEVE AT 4 1 1 - 1 5 5 1 .
The Family Entertainment Special Events and Promotion Specialists
a resale boutique Fine
by Steven Bush and Allen Booth
by Charles Tidier
O.D. ON PARADISE by Linda Griffiths and Patrick Brvmer
Add a touch of magic to your life...
DOC by Sharon Pollock
8 2 0 6 - 104st
OPEN 10 a.m. - 9 p.m. during The Fringe
$5.00 off with this Ad
4 PLAYS FO $2.15 EAC
428 7673 *2 - 10592 - 109 S T R E E T EDMONTON. ALBERTA
A Special Thanks to
City Lumber
It's so good to hear your voice again! S E A S O N 5
t i c k e t s
adults $20.00
D I S C O U N T the
p r i c e
students $12.00
8 pm John L. Haar Theatre Bring in this coupon and receive Jasper Place Campus 10045 - 156 St. your Theatre Arts Season Pass For
f u r t h e r
i n f o r m a t i o n
'. Grant MacEwart / .Community College •THEATRE'ARTS •*'.." 4
Long Distance
Telecommunica tions
welcome back...
...to the third annual FRINGE THEATRE EVENT — nine fabulous days of theatrical chaos in the heart of Edmonton's lively Old Strathcona district. Once again we've got a rich smorgasbord of activities to tempt even the most selective audience member — over 100 shows, nearly 500 performances of drama, comedy, dance, mime, music, the never-been-seen-before and the may-never-be-seen-again! And, new this year, the City of Edmonton has allowed us to close down 83 Avenue, between 103 and 104 Streets, to provide a huge outdoor stage for an incredible array of street entertainment. There are nine theatre spaces this year (some old, some new) and each one has shows starting around noon and running until after midnight. Some will delight you, some will shock you, some will have you rushing to tell your friends not to miss them...and, undoubtedly, some will have you rushing to the tents in the ETS parking lot for much-needed refreshment!
And those wise theatre-goers who have purchased this programme before the Fringe begins have a chance to win a free SUPER BUTTON which will admit you free-of-charge to each and every Fringe show. Two buttons will be given away at 11:00 a.m. SATURDAY, AUGUST 18 at the Gazebo. Your lucky number is on the front cover and, most important, you must be there to win!
This programme is as up-to-date as we could make it in advance — but there will undoubtedly be daily changes, deletions and substitutions. Best to check at Chinook Theatrelor up-to-the-minute information.
As you prepare to indulge, remember... *
All productions on the Fringe are created and developed by the artists themselves. We have made no artistic judgements — thafs your job! All ticket revenues go directly to the artists. There's no surcharge this year. Instead, we've sold you this programme and that money will go toward the ongoing support of the festival.
So, once again, it's over to you, our audience. Your tremendous support last year has made this Edmonton theatre party one of the largest festivals of its kind in North America. You've helped spawn new groups, encourage new artists and introduce a wide variety of new works. Take a moment to pat yourself on the back. Ifs because of you that THE FRINGE STRIKES AGAIN! Now get going — the actors, musicians, mimes, clowns and puppeteers are waiting to entertain you...Enjoy! Brian Paisley Producer
Sadly, there are two Fringees who won't be with us this year. Jennifer Orr and John Yamada were two dynamic people who contributed generously to the smile and heart of our community. Jen worked magic in the SummerFest office, John offered endless volunteer hours and both spent many happy days on the Fringe. They were a gifted, loving couple with a rare sense of humour and their absence is felt by all of us... Brian Paisley Sheldon Wilner
THROUGH THE FRINGE Edmonton Transit has frequent service on Whyte Avenue and on 104 Street —through the heart of Old Strathcona and the Fringe Theatre. Ride w i t h us! For connections, route and schedule information, call our Information Operators until 10:30 p.m. weekdays at 421 -info, 421-4636.
— 8,46,63 82 (Whyte)
School of Music
Children's Music Courses Introduction to Music: 4-8 years. Ear-training, r h y t h m , percussion. $60.00 Children's Beginning Guitar: 8-12 years. Guitars available for rent. $85.00 Rock Guitar: Michael Jackson, etc. $85.00
Saturday & w e e k n i g h t courses begin the week of September 17.
All courses last 10 weeks.
Celebrate the
with our special BOOK SALE!
1 0 % OFF
our entire stock
w i t h presentation of this ad (Offer expires A u g . 2 7 / 8 4 )
64,63,8— Note: $10 off all courses w i t h this a d . ( M u s t be received w i t h r e g i s t r a t i o n fee b y S e p t e m b e r 14, 1984).
Edmonton transit
Call 4 2 9 - 0 9 1 4 or 4 2 6 - 4 1 5 5 9 a.m. to 8 p.m. Monday to Friday
Dooltshoppe In the Heart of Old Strathcona 10355 Whyte Ave. 4 3 9 - 2 0 0 5
Subscribe now to Northern Light Theatre's Season of Distinction! THE IMPROMPTU OF OUTREMONT September 1 3 - 3 0 by Michel T r e m b l a y Four sisters g e l together for a b i r t h d a y celebration Arguments and birthday c a k e are served up with generous helpings ol loving and loathing. — What you always wanted to say to your sister!
NOT ABOUT HEROES October 25 November 11 by Stephen Macdonald Special Guest Director - Scott Swan O u t of t h e h o r r o r s of World War I c o m e s the b e a u t y of this m o v i n g story. T w o p o e t s m e e t in a W a r H o s p i t a l a n d their f r i e n d s h i p g r o w s . — A different way to spend Remembrance Day.
D e c e m b e r 18 - 2 3 by G i a n - C a r l o Menotti at M c D o u g a l l U n i t e d Church T h i s is t h e s i m p l e tale of a poor crippled boy with a vivid i m a g i n a t i o n ; of t h e m a g i c of t h e M a g i : a n d of d r e a m s that c o m e true. T h i s delightful opera, c o p r o d u c e d with tne E D M O N T O N OPERA A S S O C . is a part of a CELEBRATION OF CHRISTMAS, s p o n s o r e d by t h e Edmonton Journal.
February 21 - M a r c h 10
M a y 9 - 26
by Euripides This Greek masterpiece d e a l s w i t h t h e attemDt of t h e city of T h e b e s to d e n y t h e s o v e r e i g n t y of the god. Dionysus, a n d with the god's devastating revenge.
devised by Sheridan Morley fins ruiiicking musical " j e is a n i n t i m a t e ' » " * " " * ~f ' h e lives of Noel Coward and Gertrude Lawrence. Featuring: s c e n e s from PRIVATE LIVES, a n d such songs as SHALL WE D A N C E ' a n d DON'T PUT YOUR DAUGHTER O N THE STAGE MRS. WORTHING. r o l
At the Kaasa Theatre — Jubilee Auditorium. Subscriptions from $20 to $48 for all 5 plays.
Drop by Northern Light (11516 -103 St.) and have a coffee while we process your order, or visit any Woodward's ticket outlet. I N S T A N T C H A R G E - B Y P H O N E 471 -1 586 VISA — M A S T E R C A R D — A M E R I C A N EXPRESS
'.fringe sirikes again'. TECHNICIANS Alastair Elliot, Peter Mills, Betty Hushiak, Nick LePage, David Robertson, Daniel Dickson, Gordon Bell, Patrick Lau, Brian MacNell, Paul Morgan Donald, Randall Paul, Warren Bertholet, Sherilee Roloff, Darren Lesperonce, Darrell Pidner, Qeorge Griffiths, Daniel McGee, Barton Satchwill POSTER DESIGN Liz Connell PROGRAMME DESIGN Najeeb Mirza STAGE BANNERS DESIGN Marina Popova REFRESHMENT CO-ORDINATOR Vic Close
princess -theatre 10337 Whyte Avenue
Fringe venue sponsorship with the assistance of
Journal I he Kdmonlon
helping — in every way!
the stone garden / ihe lad who went to the northwina
collective/mark milne, adaptation theatreplus edmonton Stroll through the gardens where statues can weep, And travel the North where wind gods do sleep, Help Phillip give life to flowers of stone, With tears from a statue, and tears of your own, Walk with a poor boy through ice and the frost, To ask from the windlord, the food he has lost. Theatreplus gives you these stories and such, So enter a dream. A dream you can touch. 1 hour 15 minutes Saturday, August 18 Sunday, August 19 Saturday, August 25 Sunday, August 26 Admission: ' $1.00 all free with 5 kids
12:00 12:00 12:00 12:00
the LAD W H O W E N T to the
Noon Noon Noon Noon
nrcM i n r a t o e
the cosmic garbage bin chrys ells/david cassel interlude mime theatre calgary Where better to show that silence is a universal language than in the vast vacuum of space! Using puppetry, acrobatics, original masks and contemporary mime styles, Interlude takes the entire family on a rollicking outerspace adventure... When lonely and disgruntled custodian Gus Croaker meets up with intergalactic garbage collector Gorfo Ghirk, the ensuing action is hilarious
misfit buffoonery Being the poor pilot that he is, Gorfo inadvertently crash lands his space ship, The S.S. Smelligoo, on Gus Croaker's stage, setting the scene for a wonderfully strange expedition into the cosmos. 1 hour 5 minutes Saturday, August 18 Sunday, August 19 Monday, August 20 Admission: $5.00 adults $3.00 kids under 12
2:30 PM 2:30 PM 2:30 PM
flapps flies again!
fect for families (and anyone else) who wants to laugh. Warning: extreme silliness 1 hour
stuart nemtin victoria Yes, "that master of audience involvement, that ultimate flyer and joyous risk taker," (Theatre West Review) is back! Major Conrad Flapps, one of the big hits of last year's Fringe, returns to dazzle and delight all ages with his zany human airplane flying antics, world renowned Blues Band, Silly Square Dancers, Maritime Jiggers and mad, passionate Gypsies Stuart Nemtin's one-man clown show, the "Airman Extraordinaire", is per-
5:00 PM Saturday, August 18 5:00 PM Sunday, August 19 5:00 PM Monday, August 20 5:00 PM Tuesday, August 21 Admission: $4.00 adults $3.00 sen/child $3.50 students This production is also appearing in WALTEROALE.
the citizen's tango david cassel david cassel "nebulous rebels" calgary Written by David Cassel and directed by Michael Stirling Green, THE CITIZEN'S TANGO hauntingly describes "everyjohn's" journey from Dissatisfaction, through Defiance, and onto Discovery. In a one hour and fifteen minute multi-media voyage, Citizen Simon, an average member of urban society, confronts himself with many contemporary questions, focussing on image, self worth, greed, trust, and giving. Film and original sound-
the man who calls himself
barry hartley edmonton "If s funny, I know Krypton doesn't exist anymore except as a trick of light ten-thousand years old but when I look up at the night sky there it is. Twinkling away. My home. My impossible home." Ifs a-bsurd, it's a-ptayin', it's Superman. Farce, comedy, tragedy, romance. It's all here. The play that blows the lid off the Superman myth to reveal
Tuesday, August 21 Wednesday, August 22 Thursday, August 23 Friday, August 24 Saturday, August 25 Sunday, August 26 Admission: $5.00 adults $4.00 stu/sen
2:45 PM 2:45 PM 2:45 PM 2:45 PM 2:45 PM 2:45 PM
the man behind the mask. Who is he really? Come and find out. World premiere. 1 hour Wednesday, August 22 Thursday, August 23 Friday, August 24 Saturday, August 25 Sunday, August 26 Admission: $4.00
5:00 5:00 5:00 5:00 5:00
10433 - 83 Avenue
Fringe venue sponsorship with the assistance of
Journal The Edmonton
...helping — in every way
gram and they are happy to again present this music to the general public. 1 hour The early music ensemble, Chanticleer, returns to the Fringe with a four piece band. Chanticleer will play music from the plays and times of Shakespeare - Elizabethan consort music. The group uses its usual assortment of crumhorns, recorders, lutes, viol, percussions, etc. THE ELIZABETHAN CONSORT is Chanticleer's most popular pro-
Saturday, August 18 Saturday, August 25 Sunday, August 26 Admission: $4.00 adults $3.00 stu/sen
12:30 PM 2:30 PM 2:30 PM
floundering gunter grass/ken brown theatre public edmonton Kenneth Brown returns to the Edmonton stage with his one-man show adapted from Gunter Grass' novel THE FLOUNDER. In a show that had Montreal audiences rolling in the aisles, FLOUNDERING asks, "What happens when the magic fish who helped prehistoric men overcome the matriarchy is caught once again by a group of modern German radical feminists?"
55 minutes Saturday, August 18 Sunday, August 19 Monday, August 20 Tuesday, August 21 Saturday, August 25 Sunday, August 26 Admission: $4.00 adults $3.50 stu/sen
2:30 2:30 2:30 2:30 9:00 9:00
sylvia piath/dariene bradtey darlene bradley edmonton
In this one woman show, Darlene Bradley will resurrect Sylvia Plath through her poetry and journals in a journey through the crucial stages of darkness and fame that made up her life. 1 hour
Featuring the works of Sylvia Plath, the fierce and brilliant American poet who committed suicide in her 3lst year. Her work, which includes THE BELL JAR and ARIEL, has transformed her into a legend. Her work remains for us on its own terms but the artist behind it wavers between myth and reality - the myth she herseif delighted in creating.
Saturday, August 18 Sunday, August 19 Monday, August 20 Tuesday, August 21 Wednesday, August 22 Thursday, August 23 Friday, August 24 Admission: $3.00
4:30 4:30 4:30 4:30 .12:00 12:00 12:00
PM PM PM PM Noon Noon Noon
spring cleaning robert wisden karen redford edmonton When a friend is invited home to the apartment of a young couple, a sexual power play ensues. This disturbing, yet amusing, original work by Edmonton playwright Robert Wisden gives us new and vivid insight into the nature of sexual control. Directing the play will be Fringe veteran, Karen Redford, whose productions of ALL MEN ARE WHORES and THE HOLY GHOSTLY were
seen at last year's Fringe Festival. Starring Micki Burke, James Forsythe, Anne Mansfield and Chris Moore, SPRING CLEANING is a must for all serious Fringees. 1 hour 30 minutes Saturday, August 18 Sunday, August 19 Monday, August 20 Thursday, August 23 Friday, August 24 Admission: $4.00
6:30 6:30 6:30 11:45 11:45
rock and a hard place sherri wells/conni massing edmonton "Caught between a rock and a hard place" aptly describes the dilemma of the modern woman torn between the extremes of traditional female roles and strident feminism. The show, ROCK AND A HARD PLACE, attempts to make an emphatic moderate statement - to make a stand on the issues without promoting extremes. We believe that there is strength and solidarity in the middle ground. Through our ability to laugh at ourselves and our mistakes, we come to understand the strength of moderation and compassion for everyone, male and female. This satiric revue follows the progress of numerous char-
acters, played by four actresses whose unique methods of dealing with "the dilemma" afford us both hilarity and pathos. 2 hours Saturday, August 18 Sunday, August 19 Monday, August 20 Tuesday, August 21 Wednesday, August 22 Thursday, August 23 Friday, August 24 Admission: $5.00 adults $4.00 stu/sen $4.00 equity
your wildest dreams
Fern and Ted are metropolis (not, ment and magi>
Saturday, August 18 Sunday, August 19 Monday, August 20 Tuesday, August 21 Wednesday, August 22 Admission: $3.00
and, in a fiYty'
"lounge" to © analyst, Joe/Harry to>fry and decide their next move. Joe/Harry-g'uides the two malcontents
jaston Williams, joe sears, ed howard the basho and kikabu theatre group edmonton A pair of actors portray twenty citizens (male and female) of the third smallest town in Texas, Tuna, in a play that is as broad as a cartoon, but is also sharp and satirical and very funny.
through a series of wild fantasies in a magical hour of hilarity and song. What happens to Ted and Fern? You'll never guess in YOUR WILDEST DREAMS. 1 hour
murray mccune/marianne copithome theatre network edmonton
greater tuna
9:00 9:00 9:00 9:00 9:00 9:00 9:00
1 hour 30 minutes Sunday, August 19 Monday, August 20 Tuesday, August 21 Admission: $5.00 adults $3.00 students
12:00 Noon 12:00 Noon 12:00 Noon
12:00 Midnight 12:00 Midnight 12:00 Midnight 12:00 Midnight 12:00 Midnight
the boor: "russ the bear" anton tchekoff george highsmith edmonton
"From the world-renowned Moscow Art Theatre, a modern sit-com..." - Isvestia Review. 45 minutes
"The smash hit of the Urals..." - TASS News Agency. "A rollicking success..." - Pravda "A Russian melodrama of world importance..." The Suffrage Times
Tuesday, August 21 Wednesday, August 22 Thursday, August 23 Friday, August 24 Admission: $5.00
7:15 7:15 7:15 7:15
doreen alun owen second story window edmonton DOREEN is a sparkling, sharp-edged comedy about the hunter becoming the hunted. The rituals of the mating game are delightfully detailed and turned inside out. By the author of the screenplay HARD DAY'S NIGHT and MALE OF THE SPECIES. Micki Burke (Doreen) is a waitress but writes novels to support herself. Steve Adams (John) alternates productions with soccer matches
Cricket is a theatre group composed of 3 actresses, a composer and a director. Using our modern era as its point of departure, Cricket has created a work based on humanity - mankind face to face with its world, art, technology, war, hunger, its longing for understanding, truth and survival.
janine jeune/sherry Stafford mayer peanut butter and jam innisfail WHERE THE WILD THINGS ARE is a 15 minute show about a little boy's fantasy voyage to the land of the "Wild Things." The highlight of the show is a choreographed wild rumpus by the incredible Wild Things. HUNGRY THING is another 15 minute show involving a crazy bird with an insatiable appetite and a tap dancer practising for a concert. SKUNK AND RABBIT AND THE BIG FIGHT is a 15 minute show in which a mischevious skunk persuades a meek rabbit to help him evict Woodchuck from an old rabbit hole. A fight ensues to rousing Polka music but the story ends in friendship. 50 minutes 12
Wednesday, August 22 Thursday, August 23 Friday, August 24 Saturday, August 25 Sunday, August 26 Admission: $3.00
2:15 2:15 2:15 7:00 7:00
DISAPPEARING is a play with masks, music and movement which creates images and atmospheres - through abstract forms in some scenes, through anecdote and comedy in others. 1 hour 35 minutes
rafael fuentes and margaret feehan cricket edmonton
three puppet shows for
and is in this for the money. William Ashton was a disgusting old man in CALIGULA at last year's Fringe; he is playing the semi-youthful Eric to keep Hollywood from typecasting him. Directed by Dennis Hassell. 50 minutes
Wednesday, August 22 Thursday, August 23 Friday, August 24 Saturday, August 25 Sunday, August 26 Admission: $4.00 adults $2.50 stu/sen/child
Saturday, August 25 Saturday, August 25 Sunday, August 26
12:00 Noon 4:30 PM 12:00 Noon
Sunday, August 26 Admission: $2.00
4:30 PM 4:30 PM 4:30 PM 11:00 PM 11:00 PM
4:30 PM
ckinook. theatre 10329 - 83 Avenue
Fringe venue sponsorship with the assistance of I hi Edmonton 1
Journal . helping â&#x20AC;&#x201D; in every way'
kess michael burrell Cambridge, england
Rudolf Hess, aging henchman of Hitler and sole inmate of the fortress prison of Spandau in Berlin, confronts the public for the first time since the Nuremburg Trials nearly forty years ago. 2 hours
Saturday, August 18
12:00 Noon
Sunday, August 19 Monday, August 20 Tuesday, August 21 Thursday, August 23 Friday, August 24 Saturday, August 25 Sunday, August 26 Admission: $5.00 adults $4.00 sen/stu $3.00 equity
12:00 Noon 12:00 Noon 12:00 Noon 6:00 PM 6:00 PM 6:00 PM 6:00 PM
Last year Trickster produced the very popular CALCULATED RISKS at the Fringe.
trickster calgary
1 hour
Saturday, August 18 Sunday, August 19 Monday, August 20 Tuesday, August 21 Thursday, August 23 Friday, August 24 Admission: $5.00 adults $4.00 stu/sen
Ladies and gentlemen, unbolt your foreheads; you are about to enter the land of the Trickster. Hem, squeezed between what is real and what is almost illusion, are BODYWAVES, the composite images that wash over us and create our realities. BODYWAVES takes a look at life through the cracks in the wall and the shadows that run at the mouth, sweeping you through a potpourri of impressions of our recent past and our uncertain future.
3:00 3:00 3:00 3:00 4:00 4:00
twilight rambler david campbell toronto
TWILIGHT RAMBLER is a one-man, musically, theatrical presentation, performed by David Campbell. Through the combined arts of singing, story-telling and poetry, David portrays his own experiences in search of his true identity. The journey starts in Colonial Guyana, proceeds to Canada, then on to Great Britain and back to Canada once more. In the end he becomes at one with his Native Indian ancestry. This is the saga of a universal man,
2 hours
Saturday, August 18 Sunday, August 19 Monday, August 20 Tuesday, August 21 Wednesday, August 22 Thursday, August 23 Admission: $5.00 adults $3.50 stu/sen
5:00 PM 5:00 PM 5:00 PM 5:00 PM 5:00 PM 9:00 PM
they're playing oar song simon and hamlish grant macewan theatre arts edmonton
They We Playing Our Song
Based on the on-again, off-again love affair of composer, Marvin Hamlisch and lyricist, Carole Bayer Sager, this beguiling musical has a book by America's premier funny man, Neil Simon, and songs by Hamlisch and Sager. "Full of blithe good humour, hilarious jokes and witty, pointed characterizations....Simon at his most sprightly...." - New York Post. 7 hour 30 minutes Saturday, August 18 Sunday, August 19 Monday, August 20 Tuesday, August 21 Wednesday, August 22 Admission: $5.00
8:00 8:00 8:00 8:00 8:00
juggler on a drum
"A shimmering portrayal of human greatness and frailty..." - Calgary Sun ...sensitive, richly textured production..." Calgary Herald 2 hours
kirk miles/gil raby one yellow rabbit calgary Fringe veterans, One Yellow Rabbit, present the award winning play JUGGLER ON A DRUM. Dance, song, poetry and circus antics are combined with a realistic throughline to make JUGGLER ON A DRUM theatre in the fullest sense of the word. The work is inspired by the life of Dr. Norman Bethune, and explores his rebellion against the commonplace elements of his society. The heights of creative living are celebrated through the metaphorical image of a juggler balanced on a drum, and are juxtaposed with the life and perspective of a man who has been kissed by an angel on his deathbed.
11:00 PM 11:00 PM 11:00 PM 11:00 PM 11:00 PM 9:00 PM 9:00 PM 9:00 PM
One performed inside and one performed, outside in front of Chinook Theatre. 1 hour
marian sarach/bonnie mclean prairie flower dancers edmonton
Wednesday, August 22 Thursday, August 23 Friday, August 24 Admission: $5.00
Two exciting new dances: CONSENTING ADULTS by artistic director Marian Sarach and FENDER BASH by company member Bonnie McLean with a cast of five dancers and a Dodge Demon and a Cutlass.
from (he memoirs of johnny
Saturday, August 18 Sunday, August 19 Monday, August 20 Tuesday, August 21 Wednesday, August 22 Friday, August 24 Saturday, August 25 Sunday, August 26 Admission: $5.00 adults $4.00 stu/sen $3.00 fringees
john beckett wimbs toy gun productions montreal "Winner for Outstanding Originality and Best Technical Proficiency at the Quebec Drama Festival, DAZE is an old-style spoof in 'new wave' trappings poking fun at everything from bad acting to our mania for the quick fix to our notions of what art is. It was meant as a satire, a tug at the world of performance art and those who live their lives as if they were pieces of performance art." - The Gazette.
"The play is very inventive, it's original, sarcastic, satirical, ifs a poke at society's never ending thirst in search for something new and different... DAZE is one of the most original pieces of theatre this city has seen in a long time." - Tommy Schurnmacher CJFM "THAT'S ENTEERTAINMENT", Montreal. 1 hour Wednesday, August 22 Thursday, August 23 Friday, August 24 Saturday, August 25 Sunday, August 26 Admission: $5.00
2:00 2.00 2:00 3:30 3:30
12:00 Noon 12:00 Noon 12:00 Noon
women behind bars torn eyen second choice calgary
A Cheap B-Movie for the Stage...tn Black and Blue! Staffing: Fran Gebhard, Dix Richards, Amanda Pollock. Helen Moore, Bonnie Green, Susan Lowrie, Josawie Daved, Juliet Daunt, Baft lischeron, Clarice McCord. Chris Youngren and Bruce Parkhouse. Directed by Duncan McLaren.
Meet eight trashy women whose lives have been stained with crime. They live in a seedy prison run by the matron who has a taste for sadism and female ftesh. "Sex is rampant and comically cheerful" - CHve Barnes, New York Times. "Hysterically, paradoxically, fascinatingly, diabolically funny" - New York Daily News
Stephen boswell, classical guitarist 'in concert Stephen boswell Vancouver
One of the most popular touring classical guitarists in Canada today, STEPHEN BOSWELL appears at the Fringe after a highly successful season which included concerts in the Western provinces and States, and guest appearances at International Guitar Festivals in Chile and Toronto. His programme is designed to appeal to audi-
1 hour 30 minutes
Thursday. August 23 12; ISAM Friday. August 24 12:15 AM Saturday, August 25 12:15 AM Sunday, August 26 12:15 AM Admission: $5.00 Artistic Consultant: Sharon Pollock.
ences of alt ages and musical tastes and incfudes selections from the Baroque drawing room to the jungles of Paraguay! Don't miss the virtuosic and exciting performances of STEPEHN BOSWELL, CLASSICAL GUITARIST 2 hours
Saturday, August 25 Sunday, August 26 Admission: $5.00 adufts $3.50 child/sen
12:30 PM 12:30 PM
film on ike fringe SATURDAY, August 18
THURSDAY, August 23
6:45 pm
KOYAANISQATSI Ko-yaa-nis-cat-see — this unique film is an evocation of the Hopi Indian word meaning "life out of b a l a n c e " . Without dialogue or narrative structure it brings what are traditionally considered background elements — landscapes and cityscapes — to the fore in a mesmerizing rush of fast/slow motion time-lapse photography and sophisticated montages. With a relentlessly kinetic musical score by Philip Glass, KOYAANISQATSI debuted at the New York Film Festival, became a hit of the Berlin Festival, a n d won Best Film honours at the L.A. Filmex. Francis Ford Coppola even presents it! Don't miss this u n i q u e film e x p e r i e n c e . (1982. G o d f r e y Reggio. Classification TBA. 87 mins.)
9:00 & 11:30 pm EDMONTON PREMIERE
LIQUID SKY This cool, clever new wave sci-fi film may be the cult movie of the 80s. Independently made by a group of Soviet emigres, LIQUID SKY is the rather perverse story about an alien who lands in New York searching for a euphoria-inducing chemical secreted by the brain during orgasm — a chemical somewhat similar to heroin. The alien shadows a decadent new wave fashion model who produces a LOT of chemicals; when Margaret's pursuers make love to her, they suddenly dematerialize in an irridescent explosion. Beginning to enjoy her powers, Margaret becomes an avenger and eventually implores her alien visitor for final deliverance. This kinky fantasy is accruing critical a c c l a i m all over: "Genuinely startling! Visually bright a n d arresting. The right audiences are bound to appreciate the originality displayed here, not to mention the colour, rage, nonchalance, sly humour a n d ferocious fashion sense." (N.Y. TIMES) "Dazzling, shocking, funny a n d disturbing." (SAN FRANCISCO CHRONICLE) "The far-out stylistic (and maybe thematic) revelation of the year." (WASHINGTON POST) "The LIQUID SKY crew has a sense of humour." (WALL STREET JOURNAL) (1983. Slava Tsukerman. Classification TBA. 113 mins.)
6:45 pm
SUNDAY, August 19
7:00 pm
9:30 pm
'FRIDAY, August 24
7:00 pm
9:30 pm
6:45 pm
MUTINY ON THE BOUNTY This 1935 version ot the adventure tale, starring Clark Gable and Charles Laughton. won the Academy Award for Best Picture (and some say it's still the best version!) (1935. Frank Lloyd. Mature. 132 mins.)
6:45 pm
FELUNI'S SATYRICON Visually stunning, indulgent a n d bizarre panorama ot Ancient Rome (1970. Frederico Fellini. Restricted Adult. 129 mins.)
Peter Sellers stars in this laugh-a-minute comedy about a hapless East Indian actor who is mistakenly invited to a chic Hollywood party. (1968. Blake Edwards. General. 99 mins.)
9:00 & 11:30 pm
WEDNESDAY, August 22
6:45 pm
TUESDAY, August 21
MONDAY, August 20
The enduring turn-of-the-century musical, winner of nine Academy Awards (including Best Picture), starring Leslie Caron, Hermione Gingold and the inimitable Maurice Chevalier singing "Thank Heaven For Little Girls". (1959. Vincente Minnelli. Mature. 116 mins.)
SATURDAY, August 25
7:00 pm
9:30 pm LA C A G E AUX FOLLES Ugo Tognazzi and Michel Serrault star in the most popular foreign-language film ever — the hilarious ordeals of a middle-aged gay couple who try to act straight in an attempt to impress future in-laws. (1978. Edouardo Molinaro. Mature. 90 mins. French, subtitles.)
SUNDAY, August 26
7:00 pm
9:30 pm MERRY CHRISTMAS MR. LAWRENCE David Bowie, Tom Conti a n d Ryuichi Sakamoto are featured in this steely film that examines the clash between cultures at a Japanese prisoner-of-war c a m p during WWII. (1983. Nagisa Oshima. Mature, not suitable for pre-teenagers. 121 mins.)
orange halt 84 Avenue & 104 Street
Fringe venue sponsorship with the assistance of I he Edmonton
â&#x20AC;˘ in every nay'
ivia p(ath a drama-He port-art sylvia plath/barry kyie fire escape theatre saskatoon "Dying Is an art, like everything else, I do it exceptionally well." Her razor sharp words rest against the set's stretched white gauze. This is the moment captured in SYLVIA P t A T H : A DRAMATIC PORTRAIT.
from Plath's writings, etching a vivid picture of her life and her own concise perceptions of it. Fire Escape Theatre wishes to present this stirring play to the audiences at the Edmonton Fringe. 45 minutes Saturday, August 18 Sunday, August 19 Monday, August 20 Admission: $5.00 adults $4.00 stu/unemp
12:00 Noon 12:00 Noon 12:00 Noon
treble, ear, itch, and ratz rabinovitch, shantz, hilash, miles edmonton These four talented artists present to you an entertaining production featuring a unique collaboration of duo saxophone and dance. Brett Miles and Bohdan Hilash have been members of the Edmonton music scene, leading various bands as well as composing music for dance (The Brian Webb Dance Co. ORANGE MARMALADE, Summerfest '82; PERIHELION, Chinook Theatre '84). Andrea Rabinovitch and Debra Shantz, long standing members of the Brian Webb Dance Co., teach at Grant MacEwan College: Andrea in jazz and Debra in modern dance. Both feel it is essential to create new dance with new, original music developing into an exciting experience that people of all ages will enjoy. 1 hour 15 minutes
terry bradstock edmonton Bom in Winnipeg and raised in Toronto, Terry has been active in and around the music business for over ten years. In Toronto, he became involved with BANDORAMA, a special government project that involved performing concerts at universities, prisons, drop-in centres, camps and other institutions. While living in Belleville, Ontario, Terry gave many solo performances at clubs and colleges. Since moving to Edmonton in 1980, 16
Saturday, August 18 Sunday, August 19
2:15 PM 2:15 PM
Terry has given numerous solo performances in addition to serving as house musician at the Sweetwater Cafe. As a singer-songwriter, Terry's songs reflect the emotions, joys and aspirations of us all. Watch for surprise concerts! 30 minutes Saturday, August 18 Sunday, August 19 Monday, August 20 Admission: $3.50
4:30 P M 4:30 P M 4:30 PM
Monday, August 20 Tuesday, August 21 Admission: $5.00
2:15 PM 2:15 PM
chills and ikrills andrea and david spalding brandywine edmonton Stories that send shivers down your spine with songs and sounds that make you wish you weren't walking home past a dark alley. Brandywine - Andrea and David Spalding - present a collection of ghostly and supernatural folk tales guaranteed to chill you even in the warmest weather.
Please DON'T bring young children! SO minutes Saturday, August 18 Sunday, August 19 Monday, August 20 Admission: $4.00 adu $3.00 stu/sen
6:15 PM 6:15 PM 6:15 PM
marry me a little
1 hour
Stephen sondheim richard link / Sanders whiting edmonton A Canadian premiere of unperformed songs by Stephen Sondheim. MARRY ME A LITTLE tells the story of two young people who find themselves alone on a Saturday night.
3 of a kind and company three of a kind st. albert A female vocal trio fashioned after the style of the Andrew sisters of the I940's. Margaret Lumley, Pat Capaldi, and Karia Wagner sing such favourites as: ALEXANDER'S RAGTIME BAND, WHEN YOU'RE SMILING, BILL BAILEY, IN MY MERRY
Saturday, August 18 Sunday, August 19 Monday, August 20 Admission: $4.00
10:15 PM 10:15 PM 10:15 PM
Sunday, August 19 Monday, August 20 Tuesday, August 21 Wednesday, August 22 Admission: $4.00
free food and beer edmonton "A brew of New Wave Comedy ... to tickle your tastebuds" 1 hour
A poetic image brought to life A tour de force of two actors creating invisible people A beautiful, moving spectacle of a man and a woman trying to touch each other, to live, to fulfill, to help one another THE CHAIRS is all these: a modern classic. An
8:15 PM 8:15 PM 8:15 PM 12:00 Midnight 12:00 Midnight
OLDSMOBILE and many more to the accompani ment of a rhythm guitar and a harmonica. 45 minutes
"free food and beer"
tonesco john terfioth edmonton
Saturday, August 18 Sunday, August 19 Monday, August 20 Tuesday, August 21 Wednesday, August 22 Admission: $5.00
experience we'tl do our best to make you re* member. 1 hour 15 minutes Tuesday, August 21 Wednesday, August 22 Thursday, August 23 Friday, August 24 Saturday, August 28 Sunday, August 26 Admission: $4.00 adults $3.00 stu/sen
12:00 Noon 12:00 Noon 12:00 Noon 12:00 Noon 12:00 Noon 12:00 Noon
light 12:00 Midnight 12:00 Midnight 10:00 PM 10:00 PM
d'arcy sandra dempsey calgary "A lying, hunch-backed viperous creature" or the "silver-tongued orator of Confederation" Andrew Rooney brings to life one of Canada's most colourful founding fathers, in this one-man play by Sandra Dempsey. See and hear Thomas D'arcy McGee as he leads a rebellion in his native Ireland, incites Canadians against their "British oppressors" and finally leads Canada into Confederation, only to fail victim to an assassin's bullets, in the fullness of his life, one dark night in the streets of Ottawa. The Edmonton Fringe production of D'ARCY starring Andrew Rooney,
songs from ike briiisk isles heather maclean and kathryn buchanan edmonton This show consists of various well-known and some not so well-known songs from the British Isles. They will be sung either as solos or duets. Come and relax and listen and drift away in the nostalgia of light singable music. 1 hour 30 minutes
directed by Robert Rooney, marks this awardwinning show's Western debut. "D'ARCY play makes lively history" - Globe and Mail. 1 hour 45 minutes Tuesday, August 21 Wednesday, August 22 Thursday, August 23 Friday, August 24 Saturday, August 25 Sunday, August 26 Admission: $5.00 adults $4.00 students/elders
4:30 PM 4:30 PM 4:30 PM 4:30 PM 4:30 PM 4:30 PM
Tuesday, August 21 Wednesday, August 22 Thursday, August 23 Friday, August 24 Saturday, August 25 Sunday, August 26 Admission: $5.00 adults $3.50 stu/sen
7:30 PM 7:30 PM 7:30 PM 7:30 PM 7:30 PM 7:30 PM
ike lesson eugene ionesco thomas nerling edmonton "There is a terrifying, almost suffocating logic about the work of French dramatist, Eugene Ionesco...Life, he says, is a grotesque practical joke constantly pulling away chairs from under man's dignity and reason. Nothing is sane: reality is a hall of distorting mirrors reflecting the grimness
$sson <mยงem ionesco borsh'n'tears calgary "Borsh (Kevin) 'n Tears" (Josephine) were officially formed by popular demand dunng teachers' convention week when their hii production ot THE LESSON was performed to cheering crowds of raving teachers, They are performers at the Beggars' Banquet Cafe and have a summer season planned in Strathrnore.
squirrels and ike duck variations
This year, SQUIRRELS: a frolicking but tender excursion into the forebidden realm of literary creativity, whimsy and despair! And THE DUCK VARIATIONS: two elderly men sit on a park bench, discussing the meaning of life, the nature and Two short pieces by David Memet - author of this purpose of the universe....and ducks. 1 hour 30 minutes year's Pulitzer Prize winning play GLENGARRY GLENROSS, as well as AMERICAN BUFFALO, SEXUAL PERVERSITY IN CHICAGO and ALL Admission: $3.00 MEN ARE WHORES (see last year at the Fringe!) david mamet saskatoon actors company saskatoon
of our own pretensions." โ ข Milton Shulman in The Evening Standard. 55 minutes Wednesday, August 22 Thursday, August 23 Friday, August 24 Saturday, August 25 Sunday, August 26 Admission: $3.50 all . $2.50 fringees
15 15 15 15 15
Ionesco s THE LESSON: Passion and pain strive to resist logic, but they are instruments for arousing further resentment on the pan of the oppressor. 46 minutes Thursday, August 23 Friday, August 24 Saturday. August 25 Sunday, August 26 Admission: $3.00
10:00 PM 10 :00 PM 10:00 PM 10:00 PM
waiterdate theatre
10322 - 83 Avenue
Fringe venue sponsorship with the assistance of The Edmonton
Journal helping - in every .
dymphna geoffrey le boutillier dramalab '84 edmonton Inspired by the imminent demise of historic Edmonton landmark, the Alberta Hotel, and by St. Dymphna, the Patron Saint of Mental Illness, this mixed-media event invokes the memories of a squatter bag lady the night before the building's demolition. She summons the events of another
critical night in the hotel, her father's deportation in I9I9. Using stage and screen, DYMPHNA was developed this summer at Dramalab '84, a film Directors/Writers workshop co-sponsored by the NFB, the U. of A., and the Federal Department of Communications. 45 minutes Saturday, August 18 Sunday, August 19 Monday, August 20 Admission: $4.00
12:00 Noon 12:00 Noon 12:00 Noon
sometimes she lets her colours out
mary jo fulmer calgary
Saturday. August 18 Sunday. August 19 Monday. August 20 Monday, August 20 Tuesday. August 21 Wednesday, August 22 Admission:. $5.00 adu $2.00 sta'sen
Mary Jo Futmer has lived, loved, laughed, and danced in many lands. Megan Kinney is a little girl w h o keeps getting bigger Together they present a show Šf grace, beauty, and ancient mysticism spiked with irreverent humour and an eye for the absurd There is subtlety here and there is power.
billy bishop goes to war john gray workshop west edmonton Don't miss this limited-run remount of the production CBC Edmonton called "most entertaining show of the year" starring David LeReaney, winner of such kudos as "Best Performance of I983..." (CBC - Schoenberg) This production of the international musical hit celebrates the life of Canada's Notorious hero, World War One ace pilot Billy Bishop, through comedy, drama and song.
Musical direction and performance by local musical wizard Jan Randall. This is the play that won the Govenor-General's Award and got rave reviews in New York, London and Edinburgh. Don't miss it this time! 2 hours Saturday, August 18 Sunday, August 19 Monday, August 20 Thursday, August 23 Friday, August 24 Saturday, August 25 Sunday, August 26 Admission: $5.00
3:45 3:45 3:45 12:00 12:00 12:00 12:00
PM PM PM Midnight Midnight Midnight Midnight
1:45 1:45 1 45 10:15 10.15 10:15
ike singer's tale judith gick anna barry london, england From the team that brought MISTRESS MINE to last year's Fringe, the world premiere of a new one-person play with music. Anna Barry is directed by Hilary Wood. Annabel Eberhart, an old lady, teaches singing in London. An interviewer tries to discover the truth of her extraordinary life story. Since her last visit, Anna has toured Belgium with MISTRESS MINE, directed EDUCATING RITA and DUET FOR ONE in repertory and worked regularly for the BBC.
dance feBst lambros lambrou, choreographer bertolino/eddington/formolo edmonton Come and sit at our table and feast on three of Canada's finest female dance artists in collaboration, bringing to you a smorgasbord of dance styles and techniques: Modem mousse, Pate of pirouette, Leg of leotard. Hilary Eddington has studied throughout Canada, recently performing a smash solo concert at Chinook Theatre. Lillian Bertolino has trained and performed throughout the U.S. and Canada,
Penumbra Theatre presents a program of mime, stilt and mask in what promises to be an exciting evening of corporeal theatre. ) hour 15 minutes
THE FANTASTICKS, a fantasy with the kind of beauty, gusto, melody and gentle wit that have made it the world's longest running musical. Ever! Brought to you by Red Deer's Centre Stage Summer Stock '84. 2 hours Tuesday, August 21 Admission: $5.00 20
3:00 PM
7:00 PM 7:00 PM 7:00 PM 7:00 PM 12:00 Noon 12:00 Noon 12:00 Noon 12:00 Noon
Saturday, August 18 Sunday, August 19 Tuesday, August 21 Wednesday, August 22 Admission: $5.00 adults $2.50 stu/sen
>m jones / harvey schmidt :entre stage summer stock red deer
Saturday, August 18 Sunday, August 19 Monday, August 20 Tuesday, August 21 Thursday, August 23 Friday, August 24 Saturday, August 25 Sunday, August 26 Admission: $5.00
performing such roles as the Sugar Plum Fairy in THE NUTCRACKER. Maria Formolo has been a professional dance artist for the past 17 years being an internationally recognized performer, choreographer and teacher. 1 hour
"e fantasiics
1 hour 30 minutes
Saturday, August 18 Sunday, August 19 Monday, August 20 Tuesday, August 21 Wednesday, August 22 Admission: $5.00
12:00 Midnight 12:00 Midnight 12:00 Midnight 12:00 Midnight 12:00 Midnight
tilabner mercer - broadway musical e.l.o.p.e. edmonton E.L.O.P.E presents: LI'L ABNER. Director: Sue Lister. Musical Direction: Richard Link. The broadway musical of Al Capp's classic cartoon romps to life at the Fringe. Dogpatch is under threat of extermination (or is that extinction?)!! Under the leadership of Mammy and Pappy Yokum, with a hero like Li'l Abner and a heroine like Daisy Mae, the dauntless (if dozy) denizens of Dogpatch defy the double-dealing
weasels from Washington (personified by General Bullmoose and Evil Eye Fleagle) and, amidst many a song and dance, bring this tale full of legendary characters to a happy conclusion. IF YOU WANT A BIG LAUGH - COME TO THIS SHOW!! 2 hours 30 minutes Wednesday, August 22 Thursday, August 23 Friday, August 24 Saturday, August 25 Sunday, August 26 Admission: $5.00
2:45 2:45 2:45 2:45 2:45
What the People say - "TheatreSports has no place on the stages of Canada" - David Barnett. 1 hour
theatre network edmonton Hang on to your hats...lfs time for...THEATRESPORTS! Once again the Theatre sensation that rocked the stages of The Fringe last year Strikes Again! Come and see teams of actors improvise scenes based on audience suggestions, and then be scored by a panel of judges. The zaniness continues See your favourite T-Sports teams such as: Men Without Brains, Success Without Thinking, and Loonies on Parade compete for Big points from our Big judges! The Stanley Cup playoffs may have been big, But this is...cheaper!!!
Wednesday, August 22 Thursday, August 23 Friday, August 24 Saturday, August 25 Sunday, August 26 Admission: $3.00 adults $2.00 stu/sen $2.00 unemployed
flctpps flies again.
Wednesday, August 22 8:00 PM Thursday, August 23 8:00 PM Friday, August 24 8:00 PM Saturday, August 25 8:00 PM Sunday, August 26 8:00 PM Admission: $4.00 adults $3.00 sen/child $3.50 students This production is also appearing in PRINCESS.
Yes, "that master of audience involvement, that ultimate flyer and joyous risk taker," (Theatre West Review) is back!!! Major Conrad Flapps, one of the big hits of last year's Fringe, returns to dazzle and delight al! ages with his zany human airplane flying antics, world renowned Blues Band, Silly Square Dancers, Maritime Jiggers and mad, passionate Gypsies Stuart Nemtin's one-man clown show, the "Airman Extraordinaire", is perfect for families (and anyone else) who wants to laugh.
"xochipilli" mexican folkloric society edmonton This Mexican Dance Company was formed in Edmonton in I978. It consists of 12 performers led by Salvador Rosales who has performed internationally with some of the best dance companies of Mexico. "Xochipilli" gives a pleasing panorama of folk songs and dances with both pagan and religious connotations. The appeal of the rhythmic and graceful dances is enhanced by the beautifully embroidered lace costumes and head-
6:15 PM 6:15 PM 10:00 PM 10:00 PM 10:00 PM
Warning: extreme silliness! 1 hour
stuart nemtin victoria
fiesta mexicana
dresses which altogether capture and recreate the gay atmosphere of Mexican celebrations. Some of the events that the Company had participated in this year were at the Art Park, Northlands, Klondike Days and Heritage Festival. 1 hour Friday, August 24 Saturday, August 25 Sunday, August 26 Admission: $5.00 adults $4.00 students/seniors
6:15 PM 6:15 PM 6:15 PM
cosmopolitan music society 8426 - 103 Street
Fringe venue sponsorship with the assistance of
Journal The l.dmonton
helping — in every way'
the home place
sticks and stones james reaney back to back productions edmonton A Canadian Epic...The story of the "Black" Donnellys from Ontario. Reaney weaves fact and fiction, prose and poetry into this frightening but thoroughly entertaining tale of Canada's most infamous clan and of their untimely demise at the hands of a mob. Five Donnellys were killed in Canada's most horrendous, yet unpunished crime.
jocelyn rasmussen edmonton
a small rural community where it takes a lot of courage to be different. 1 hour
THE HOME PLACE is a musical in which a dramtic monologue weaves memories with present observations as a young woman struggles with her childhood and the family ties which keep taking her back to it and how it affects her now. It is set in
Saturday, August 18 Sunday, August 19 Admission: $4.00 adults $3.00 stu/sen
12:30 PM 12:30 PM
STICKS AND STONES is the first part of a trilogy, which includes HANDCUFFS and THE ST. NICHOLAS HOTEL. Each part is independent. 2 hours 30 minutes Saturday, August 18 Sunday, August 19 Monday, August 20 Tuesday, August 21 Wednesday, August 22 Admission: $5.00 adults $3.00 stu/sen
3:00 3:00 3:00 3:00 3:00
•II % human relationships and the marks they leave on all of us.
essjAre ey seem? esanyone growing up? 'e_tn§ Stretchmarks to lETCHMARKS is a times poignant look at r
Saturday, August 18 Sunday, August 19 Monday, August 20 Tuesday, August 21 Admission: $4.00 adults $3.00 stu/sen
7:00 7:00 7:00 7:00
buried child sam shepard gonzo island productions saskatoon
1 hour 40 minutes
The Pulitzer Prize winning tour de force penned by the author of last year's Fringe smash hit HOLY GHOSTLY. Shepard sheds an oblique light on an eerie family whose three generations are trapped in the throes of decay and renewal. A decadent thriller.
res boy torn walmsey one foot in the mud edmonton
Saturday, August 18 Sunday, August 19 Monday, August 20 Tuesday, August 21 Wednesday, August 22 Admission: $3.50
12:00 Midnight 12:00 Midnight 12:00 Midnight 12:00 Midnight 12:00 Midnight
1 hour â&#x20AC;˘
Monday, August 20 Tuesday, August 21 Thursday, August 23 Friday. August 24 Saturday, August 25 Sunday. August 26 Admission: $3.00 adults seniors free $2.00 cretins:cert"
Aesthetic adventurers, advertising aerobic assholes in angsi: issues of modem demanders. Hot heretical happenings hint at the "real" answers. Omnipotent orators offer original outback odour,;. Like luxun/ logs, long and leaking. Every et (fluent will enjoy.
forgotten dreams: irip down memory
9:15 9:15 9:15 9:15 9:15
Fringe Theatre Event. WARNING: THE JONES BOY deals with unpleasant human existence and contains language and violence that eould be considered offensive. 1 hour 30 minutes
THE JONES BOY is about people living under the most extreme conditions one can live under in North American Society, given that one is white and there is no actual war being fought. ONE FOOT IN THE MUD was assembled to present this powerful Canadian work at the 1984
harris g&a'^S. * too enterprises vulcan. alberta
Saturday, August 18 Sunday, August 19 Monday. August 20 Tuesday, August 21 Wednesday. August 22 Admission: $5.00 adults $4.00 stu sen
stumble/ lane
mountain standard theatre edmonton FORGOTTEN DREAMS Do you believe we're just cogs in the wheel of life, fitting in as part of the larger plan, guided by an all-benevolent hand? Heck no! Life's just a series of accidents that jog us along, usually with a surprised and often offended expression on our faces. Come and
hear some of the quirks of fate that have brought me to "where I'm at" today. I'll regale you with words and music, to the accompaniment of that accomplished pianist Rhuanedd Meilen. 1 hour 30 minutes Wednesday, August 22 Thursday, August 23 Friday, August 24 Saturday, August 25 Sunday, August 26 Admission: $4.00
12:00 12:00 12:00 12:00 12:00
Noon Noon Noon Noon Noon
12:30 PM 12:30 PM 2:30 PM 2:30 PM 2:30 PM 2.30 PM
12:00 2:30 5:00
12:00 2:30
Greater Tuna Foundering
Greater Tuna
6:30 9:00 12:00
Spring Cleaning Rock and a Hard Place Your Wildest Dreams
6:30 9:00 12:00
Spring Cleaning Rock and a Hard Place Your Wildest Dreams
Hess Bodywaves Twilight Rambler They're Playing Our Song Juggler on a Drum
12:00 3:00 5:00 8:00 11:00
Hess Bodywaves Twilight Rambler They're Playing Our Song Juggler on a Drum
12:00 3:00 5:00 8:00 11:00
Hess Bodywaves Twilight Rambler They're Playing Our Song Juggler on a Drum
Sylvia Plath: A Dramatic Portrait Treble, Ear, Itch, and Ratz Terry Bradstock Chills and Thrills Marry Me a Little 3 of a Kind and Company "Free Food and Beer"
Sylvia Plath: A Dramatic Portrait Treble, Ear, Itch, and Ratz Terry Bradstock Chills and Thrills Marry Me a Little 3 of a Kind and Company "Free Food and Beer"
Sylvia Plath: A Dramatic Portrait Treble, Ear, Itch, and Ratz Terry Bradstock Chills and Thrills Marry Me a Little 3 of a Kind and Company "Free Food and Beer"
Dymphna Sometimes She Lets Her Colours Out Billy Bishop Goes to War The Singer's Tale Dance FEaST Penumbra
12:00 1:45
12:00 1:45
3:45 7:00 9:30 12:00
Dymphna Sometimes She Lets Her Colours Out Billy Bishop Goes to War The Singer's Tale Dance FEaST Penumbra
12:30 3:00 7:00 9:15 12:00
The Home Place Sticks and Stones Stretchmarks Buried Child The Jones Boy
1 2:30 I 4:30 1 6:30 I 9:00 112:00
Music from the Time of Shakespeare Floundering "Sylvia" Spring Cleaning Rock and a Hard Place Your Wildest Dreams
12:00 1 3:00 | 5:00 | 8:00 111:00
2:30 1 5:00
The Stone Garden/The Lad who went to the Northland Cosmic Garbage Bin Flapps Flies Again!
The Stone Garden/The Lad who went to the Northland The Cosmic Garbage Bin Flapps Flies Again!
i i : I
2:15 4:30 6:15 8:15 10:15 -12:00
112:00 I 1:45 i 3:45 1 7:00 1 9:30 112:00
2:30 5:00
2:15 4:30 6:15 8:15 10:15 12:00
. '2:30 % 3:00 I 7:00 j 9:15 12:00
The Home Place Sticks and Stones StretchmarksBuried Child The Jones Boy
1 1:15 I 3:00 1 5:30 | | 7:00 | 1 9:00 1 111:30
The Stronger A Pair of Shorts Square Works: New Video by Ground Zero Gimme that Prime Time Religion The Comedy Commission Presents Two Elizabeths
| 1:45 3:45 5:30 i 7:30 ' 9:30 1 12:00
Freak Show!! Present Tense Random Man Mirage Just a Little One 3 Plays of Frank O'Hara
1:45 3:45 5:30 7:30 9:30 12:00
1 12:00 I 1 2:30 5:00 1 6:45 I 9:00
Totally Absurd! Three Comedies Kit Mariey Would You Like a Cup of Tea? The Metamorphosis This is the Beat Generation: The Beatitudes of Kerouac/ Ring of Bone Super-8 Films: Smaller than Life/Portrait
h0:00 AM Old Strathcona Town Band/ Parade i 11:00 AM Opening Ceremonies/Lucky Program Draw ; 12:15 AM Festival Performance
1:15 3:00 5:30 7:00 9:00
2:30 5:00 6:45 9:00 12:00 12:15 3:30 7:00 8:30
2:15 4:30 6:15 8:15 10:15 12:00
The Monolith The Cosmic Garbage Bin Flapps Flies Again!
Dymphna Sometimes She Lets Her Colours Out Billy Bishop Goes to War The Singer's Tale Sometimes She Lets Her Colours Out Penumbra
12:30 3:00 7:00 9:15 12:00
Issues in the Loo Sticks and Stones Stretchmarks Buried Child The Jones Boy
3:45 7:00 10:00
1:15 The Stronger 3:00 Alone Against the Dark Sky Square Works: New Video by 5:30 Ground Zero 7:00 Gimme that Prime Time Religion 9:00 The Comedy Commission Presents 11:30 Two Elizabeths • • • Freak Show!! 1:45 Present Tense 3:45 Random Man 5:30 Mirage 7:30 Just a Little One 9:30 3 Plays of Frank O'Hara 12:00
The Stronger A Pair of Shorts Square Works: New Video by Ground Zero Gimme that Prime Time Religion The Comedy Commission Presents Two Elizabeths • • • • • • • • • • Freak Show!! Present Tense Random Man Mirage Just a Little One 3 Plays of Frank O'Hara
12:00 Totally Absurd! Three Comedies 2:15 Kit Mariey Would You Like a Cup of Tea? 4:15 6:45 The Metamorphosis This is the Beat Generation: 9:00 The Beatitudes of Kerouac/ Ring of Bone Super-8 Films: Smaller than 12:00 Life/Portrait
Totally Absurd! Three Comedies Man Alone Kit Mariey The Metamorphosis This is the Beat Generation: The Beatitudes of Kerouac/ Ring of Bone Super-8 Films: Smaller than Life/Portrait
Festival Performance Returning to Square One (Registration) Darling Alexis Returning to Square One
Festival Performance Darling Alexis The Myth
12:15 7,00 8:30
The Monolith The Citizen's Tango Flapps Flies Again!
12:00 2:45 5:00
The Monolith The Citizen's Tango The Man who calls himself Superman
12:00 2:45 5:00
The Monolith The Citizen's Tango The Man who calls himself Superman
Greater Tuna Floundering "Sylvia" The Boor (Russ the Bear) Rock and a Hard Place Your Wildest Dreams
12:00 2:00 4:30 7:15 9:00 12:00
"Sylvia" Doreen Disappearing The Boor (Russ the Bear) Rock and a Hard Place Your Wildest Dreams
12:00 2:00 4:30 7:15 9:00 12:00
"Sylvia" Doreen Disappearing The Boor (Russ the Bear) Rock and a Hard Place Spring Cleaning
Hess Bodywaves Twilight Rambler They're Playing Our Song Juggler on a Drum
12:00 2:00
5:00 8:00 11:00
Fender Bash From the Memoirs of Johnny Daze Twilight Rambler They're Playing Our Song Juggler on a Drum
4:00 6:00 9:00 12:00
Fender Bash From the Memoirs of Johnny Daze Bodywaves Hess Twilight Rambler Women Behind Bars
12:00 2:30 5:00
. -J
00 00
12:00 2:15 4:30 7:30 10:00 12:00
The Chairs Treble, Ear, Itch, and Ratz D'Arcy Songs from the British Isles "Free Food and Beer" Marry Me a Little
12:00 2:15 4:30 7:30 10:00 12:00
The Chairs The Lesson D'Arcy Songs from the British Isles "Free Food and Beer" Marry Me a Little
12:00 2:15 4:30 7:30 10:00 12:00 midnight
The Chairs The Lesson D'Arcy sh Isles Songs from the British The lesson Squirrels/Duck Variations
12:30 2:45 6:15 8:00 10:15
Dance FEaST L'il Abner Theatresports Flapps Flies Again! Sometimes She Lets Her Colours Out Penumbra
12:00 2:45 6:15 8:00 12:00
The Singer's Tale L'il Abner Theatresports Flapps Flies Again! Billy Bishop Goes to War
Dance FEaSl The Fantastics The Singer's Tale Sometimes She Lets Her Colours Out Penumbra
Forgotten Dreams: A Stumble Trip Down Memory Lane Sticks and Stones Creeps Buried Child The Jones Boy
Forgotten Dreams: A Stumble Trip Down Memory Lane Issues in the Loo 2:30 My Foot My Tutor 4:30 Creeps 6:45 The Grand Inquisitor 9:30 Helen Avoids Decisions/ 12:00 midnight Dinah's Wine Bar
Issues in the Loo Sticks and Stones Stretchmarks Buried Child The Jones Boy
12:00 3:00 5:30
Short 00 A Pair of Shorts 15 Square Works: New Video by 30 Ground Zero John Malone and the Casual 7:00 Acquaintances The Comedy Commission 9:00 Presents Two Elizabeths 11:30
12 00 Short 3 15 A Measure of Regret Square Works: New Video by 5 30 Ground Zero 7:00 John Malone and the Casual Acquaintances 9:00 The Comedy Commission Presents 11:15 Two Elizabeths
The End of the Beginning Red Sand and Strange Remembrances Freak Show!! Mirage Just a Little One 3 Plays of Frank O'Hara
The End of the Beginning Red Sand and Strange Remembrances Freak Show!! Mirage Just a Little One The Maids
12:30 3:00 7:00 9:15 12:00
3:00 6:45 9:15 12:00
2:15 4:00 5:45 7:30 9:30 11:45
12:00 Totally Absurd! Three Comedies 2:15 Man Alone 4:15 Kit Marley 7:00 The Metamorphosis This is the Beat Generation: 9:00 The Beatitudes of Kerouac/ Ring of Bone 12:00 Hello and Goodbye
12:15 7:00 8:30
Festival Performance Darling Alexis The Myth
12:15 7:00
Totally Absurd! Three Comedies Man Alone Kit Marley Activate/Activated This is the Beat Generation: The Beatitudes of Kerouac/ Ring of Bone Hello and Goodbye
Festival Performance Darling Alexis
2:15 4:00 5:45 7:15 10:00 11:45 12:00 4:00 7:45 9:00 12:00
Short A Measure of Regret Square Works: New Video by Ground Zero John Malone and the Casual Acquaintances The Comedy Commission Presents Lyall Steel â&#x20AC;&#x201D; solo guitar The End of the Beginning Red Sand and Strange Remembrances Freak Show!! Talking With Ludlow Fair The Maids The Promise PS. Your Cat is Dead Activate/Activated This is the Beat Generation: The Beatitudes of Kerouac/ Ring of Bone Hello and Goodbve
Darling Alexis
Note: Changes and substitutions may occur daily. Please check noticeboard in Chinook Theatre Lobby
12:00 2:45 5:00
The Monolith The Citizen's Tango The Man who calls himself Superman
12:00 2:00 4:30 7:15 9:00 12:00
"Sylvia" Doreen Disappearing The Boor (Russ the Bear) Rock and a Hard Place Spring Cleaning
12:00 2:00
j 4:00 ; 6:00 | 9:00 12:00
Fender Bash From the Memoirs of Johnny Daze Bodywaves Hess Juggler on a Drum Women Behind Bars
112:00 i 2:15 j 4:30 i 7:30 h0:00 : 12:00 |
The Chairs The Lesson D'Arcy Songs from the British Isles The lesson Squirrels/Duck Variations
f 12:00 f 2:45 I 6:15 I 8:00 f 10:00 112:00
! 112:00
i 1„ \ 2;3o j j ^45 M
9:30 ! 12:00
•12:30 s 3:15 1 5:30 | 7:30 9:30 | 111:15
2:15 I 4:00 1 5:30 7:15 10:00 fl 1:45
4:30 7:00 9:00 11:00
The Stone Garden/The Lad who went to the Northland The Citizen's Tango The Man who calls himself Superman
Three Puppet Shows for Children Music from the Time of Shakespeare Three Puppet Shows for Children Doreen Floundering Disappearing
Three Puppet Shows for
Music from the Time of Shakespeare Three Puppet Shows for
2:45 5:00
4:30 7:00 9:00 11:00
The Stone Garden/The Lad who went to the Northland The Citizen's Tango The Man who calls himself Superman
Doreen Floundering Disappearing Stephen Boswell, classical guitarist 'In Conceit From the Memoirs of Johnny Daze Hess Juggler on a Drum Women Behind Bars
12:00 2:15 4:30 7:30 10:00 12:00
The Chairs The Lesson D'Arcy Songs from the British Isles The Lesson Squirrels/Duck Variations
12:00 2:15 4:30 7:30 10:00 12:00
The Chairs The Lesson D'Arcy Songs from the British isles Tnelesson Squirrels/Duck Variations
The Singer's Tale L'ilAbner Fiesta Mexicans Flapps Flies Again! Theatresports Billy Bishop Goes to War
12:00 2:45 6:15 8:00 10:00 12:00
The Singer's Tale L'il Abner Fiesta Mexicana Flapps Flies Again! Theatresports Billy Bishop Goes to War
12:00 2:45 6:15 8:00 10:00 12:00
The Singer's Tale L'il Abner Fiesta Mexicana Flapps Flies Again! Theatresports Billy Bishop Goes to War
Forgotten Dreams: A Stumble Trip Down Memory Lane Issues in the Loo My Foot My Tutor | Creeps I The Grand Inquisitor { Helen Avoids Decisions/ || Dinah's Wine Bar
Forgotten Dreams: A Stumble Trip Down Memory Lane Issues in the Loo My Foot My Tutor Creeps The Grand Inquisitor Helen Avoids Decisions/ Dinah's Wine Bar
Forgotten Dreams: A Stumble Trip Down Memory Lane Issues in the Loo My Foot My Tutor Creeps The Grand Inquisitor Heten Avoids Decisions/ Dinah's Wine Bar
A Pair of Shorts A Measure of Regret Lone Star Gimme that Prime Time Religion The Stronger Lyall Steel — solo guitar
12:30 3:15 5:30 7:30
The End of the Beginning Red Sand and Strange Remembrances Random Man Talking With Ludlow Fair The Maids
2:15 4:00
Festival Performance Darling Alexis
Stephen Boswell, classical 12:30 guitarist 'In Concert' From the Memoirs of Johnny 3:30 Daze Hess 6:00 Juggler on a Drum 9:00 Women Behind Bars 12:00
112:00 The Promise | 4:00 P.S. Your Cat is Dead I 7:45 Activate/Activated \ 9:45 Stones 112:30 AM Man Alone s12:15 7:00
2:45 5:00
and substitutions
3:30 6:00 9:00 12:00
2:30 4:30 6:45 9:30 12:00
9:30 11:15
5:30 7:15 10:00 11:45
A Pair of Shorts A Measure of Regret Lone Star Gimme that Prime Time Religion The Stronger Lyall Steel — solo guitar The End of the Beginning Red Sand and Strange Remembrances Random Man Talking With Ludlow Fair The Maids
2:30 4:30 6:45 9:30 12:00
12:30 3:00 5:30 7:30 9:30 11:15 2:15 4:00 5:30 7:15 10:00 11:45
A Pair of Shorts Alone Against the Dark Fall Sky Lone Star Gimme that Prime Time Religion The Stronger Lyall Steel — solo guitar The End of the Beginning Red Sand and Strange Remembrances Random Man Talking With Ludlow Fair The Maids
12:00 The Promise 12:00 The Promise 4:00 P.S. Your Cat is Dead 4:00 P.S. Your Cat is Dead Would You Like a Cup of Tea? 6:00 Would You Like a Cup of Tea? 6:00 7:45 Activate/Activated 7:45 Activate/Activated 9:45 Stones 12:30 AM Man Alone 12:30 AM Man Alone 10:00 AM Day in the Park 12:15 Festival Performance 7:00 Darling Alexis 10:00 Shit and Death are Everywhere
12:15 7:00
Festival Performance Darting Alexis
may occur daily. Please check noticeboard in Chinook Theatre
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creeps david freeman dehihuriord Sherwood park "CREEPS is alive with an urgent, witty, raging voice which insists on being heard and understood. It can evoke no neutral responses. The tightness of the writing, the corrosive humour and the compassionate characterisation all impose a fervour...which demands an utterly committed
response from the spectator as well. CREEPS allows no escape." - Urjo Kareda. 1 hour 30 minutes Wednesday, August 22 Thursday, August 23 Friday, August 24 Saturday, August 25 Sunday, August 26 Admission: $4.00 adults stu/sen $2.00 fringe participants
6:45 6:45 6:45 6:45 6:45
my foot my tutor
the grand inquisitor fyodor dostoevsky a/an edwards edmonton In this stage adaptation of Dostoevsky's famous legend from THE BROTHERS KARAMAZOV, Ivan Karamazov relates a complex and many-sided allegory of faith and disbelief, to his brother Alyosha. In Ivan's dramatized tale, Christ returns to Earth during the Spanish Inquisition and, accused of heresy, is brought to stand before the
peter handke independant artists inc. edmonton
mance." This is the story of a relationship between a servant and a master; void of vocalization, but using masks and body movement. 55 minutes
MY FOOT, MY TUTOR, written between 1966-69, shows richness and complexity that have marked Peter Handke as the most important dramatist since Samuel Beckett. "He has the gift to put his vision in theatrical modes that cry out for perfor-
Thursday, August 23 Friday, August 24 Saturday, August 25 Sunday, August 26 Admission: $4.00
4:30 4:30 4:30 4:30
Grand Inquisitor. Out of this situation, Dostoevsky creates a rich and involving work of what one critic calls "fathomless depth the high point of Dostoevsky's work." 1 hour 30 minutes Thursday, August 23 Friday, August 24 Saturday, August 25 Sunday, August 26 Admission: $4.00 all
9:30 9:30 9:30 9:30
helen avoids decisions/dinah's wine bar Stewart lemoine/stewart lemoine, gary lloyd, phil zyp teatro la quindicina edmonton Fresh from some unusual adventures in Budapest, the merry players of the Teatro La Quindicina return to the Fringe to perform two sparkling comedies. Admirers of the terpsichorean and gustatory delights of the Teatro's previous productions can be assured that eating and dancing will once again be on stage where they belong.
In HELEN AVOIDS A DECISION, a frothy jungle episode, a lost American heiress meets some of the Belgian Congo's more unusual residents. Watch for blistering repartee and snakes. DINAH'S WINE BAR (part 1) launches the saga of Dinah Stone-Mason, a New York society girl who opens Nebraska's first roadside wine bar/laundromat. Plenty of loud, happy songs and tips on bartending and stain removal. 2 hours Thursday, August 23 Friday, August 24 Saturday, August 25 Sunday, August 26 Admission: $3.00
12:00 Midnight 12:00 Midnight 12:00 Midnight 12:00 Midnight
yardbird suite 10203 - 86 Avenue
YAtoBiHP SU/TC Fringe venue sponsorship with the assistance of
Journal I hi Edmonton
. helping - in every way
the stronger august strindberg
august productions Sherwood park A ladies' cafe in Europe is the setting for Mrs. X t o Miss Y, in an intriguing encounter of wife and mistress. As the layers of their relationship are uncovered, in true Stindbergian fashion, we discover who is...THE STRONGER. Nola Augustson meets Judith Haynes as Mrs. X and Miss Y and they alternate roles throughout the run of this
exciting one-act play. This is the directorial debut of Blair Haynes. 40 minutes Saturday, August 18 Sunday, August 19 Monday, August 20 Friday, August 24 Saturday, August 25 Sunday, August 26 Admission: $3.75 adults $3.00 students/equity
1:15 PM 1:15 PM 1:15 PM 9:30 PM 9:30 PM 9:30 PM
a pair of shorts
WARNING DEALS WITH MATURE SUBJECT MATTER, but not the way we're doing it. 1 hour 30 minutes
sky's limit productions edmonton
Saturday, August 18 Monday, August 20 Tuesday, August 21 Friday, August 24 Saturday, August 25 Sunday, August 26 Admission: $4.00
Two one act comedies: Pizenzo's " T H E LAST STRAW" an hilarious test of wills between a quack doctor and a shy, insecure young man. And, Anderson's " S H O C K O F RECOGNITION" - an author and a producer disagree about the advisability of putting a naked man on stage.
3:00 3:00 3:00 12:30 12:30 12:30
square works: new video by ground zero ground zero calgary
25 minutes
The show consists of a selection of six short subject video tapes taken from Ground Zero I and Ground Zero II. These television programs include in their format, the short subject video tapes that make up SQUARE W O R K S . SQUARE W O R K S thus represents a sampling of the video work of Ground Zero, hosted by Ernie Mathews.
Saturday, August 18 Sunday, August 19 Monday, August 20 Tuesday, August 21 Wednesday, August 22 Thursday, August 23 Admission: $1.00
5:30 PM 5:30 PM 5:30 PM 5:30 PM 5:30 PM 5:30 PM
gimme that prime iime religion
and cutting look at the manipulation of show-biz evangilism. 1 hour
robert winslow/ben henderson nexus theatre edmonton
Saturday, August 18 Sunday, August 19 Monday, August 20 Friday, August 24 Saturday, August 25 Sunday, August 26 Admission: $4.00
A successful hit of last summer's late night season at Nexus, PRIME TIME is being reworked and rewritten for this Fringe. It is an hysterical
7:00 7:00 7:00 7:30 7:30 7:30
ike comedy commission presents the comedy commission edmonton THE COMEDY COMMISSION has performed throughout the West. They are known for their political and social satire. This is the best of THE COMEDY COMMISSION, so remember, "Life is hard...and then you die. But in between, you watch THE COMEDY COMMISSION."
two elizabeths george rideout now and then edmonton A New Musicall Elizabeth I lives in I96I; Elizabeth II lives in I984. They share the same love object: Lloyd Mattley, the captain of the Hillcrest High School football team. The night of the spring wind-up dance draws near. Both girls feel they are at a pivotal moment in their lives. They are! Starring Twyla Augustson and Sue Johnston with Chris Gilmour, Jennifer Keene, Elaine Dunbar
1 hour 20 minutes Saturday, August 18 Sunday, August 19 Monday, August 20 Tuesday, August 21 Wednesday, August 22 Thursday, August 23 Admission: $3.99
9:00 9:00 9:00 9:00 9:00 9:00
and Shauna Still. Directed by Kelly Handerek. With live music by the Do Re Mi's featuring the smash hits "The Purity Test" and "Bride of Frankenstein." 1 hour 5 minutes Saturday, August 18 Sunday, August 19 Monday, August 20 Tuesday, August 21 Wednesday, August 22 Admission: $4.00 adults $2.00 stu/sen
11:30 PM 11:30 PM 11:30 PM 11:30 PM 11:30 PM
alone against the dark fall sky jim serediak edmonton Once again, Jim Serediak and Friends present a concert of original folk/rock. The music, highly eclectic in nature, features a blend of acoustic/ electric instrumentation and poetic lyric. The songs, highlighted by Jim's finger-style guitar playing, deal with topics ranging from internal conflict, love, nature and culture to social com-
snort grant gregson gregson band edmonton WE ARE GLAD WE ARE GLAD WE ARE GLAD THAT WE CAN PLAY
mentary. Included in concert are Jamie Philp on electric guitar and Jim Ross on percussion. Please join us for an hour of dynamic, thought-provoking song. 1 hour Sunday, August 19 Sunday, August 26 Admission: $4.00 adu $3.00 stu/sen
3:00 PM 3:00 PM
2 hours Tuesday, August 21 Wednesday, August 22 Thursday, August 23 Admission: $4.00
12:00 Noon 12:00 Noon 12:00 Noon
John malone and acquaintances
edmonton Since moving to Edmonton from Vancouver, JOHN MALONE AND THE CASUAL ACQUAINTANCES have undergone a natural rebirth with the following line-up: John Malone - accordian/vocals; Jay Kuchinsky - fiddle/banjo; Terry McDade - guitar/ Celtic harp/Bodhran/mandolin/vocals; Courtney Palsson - bass. Veterans of numerous festivals and described by critics as one of the most versatile and unusual
bands, (and also having recently worked with Queen Ida), THE CASUAL ACQUAINTANCES offer the finest in swing, continental musette, bluegrass and Celtic/Gaelic, and French Canadian traditional music. 1 hour Tuesday, August 21 Wednesday, August 22 Thursday, August 23 Admission: $3.00 adults children - free
a measure
7:00 PM 7:00 PM 7:00 PM
robert moore ring theatre edmonton An original one act play written and directed by Robert Moore who currently teaches theatre at Camrose Lutheran College. A moving, difficult, and thoroughly experimental piece of theatre, A MEASURE OF REGRET makes considerable demands on both audience and performer. The action is set in the interior world of a single consciousness - it is a dream play, a kind of existen-
solo guitar .edmonton
- lyall
tial ghost story wherein the conventions of linear reality are suspended in favour of the shaping forces of memory and obsession. 1 hour 15 minutes Wednesday, August 22 Thursday, August 23 Friday, August 24 Saturday, August 25 Admission: $3.00 adults $2.00 students
3:15 3:15 3:15 3:15
steel Lyall will be performing primarily original material of varying styles, as well as a few "special favourites." SO minutes
LYALL STEEL is well-known to local audiences as a guitarist/composer/arranger as well as to international audiences via his LP of original material entitled PIECES. Having spent two years in Spain, his music is often imbued with a unique Spanish flavour, which with his iconoclastic approach to o t t e r forms -be it ragtime, Beatles, or classical - provides a well rounded presentation.
Thursday, August 23 Friday, August 2 4 Saturday, August 25 Sunday, August 26 Admission: $4.00
11:15PM 11:15 PM lf:15PM 11:15 PM
james mclure Judypowers edmonton
story of the destruction of one pink 195ยง Thunderbird convertible. Together, Ray, Roy, and Cletis provide for a fun-filled evening of comedy! 1 hour
The play LONE STAR is written by James McLure, writer of the recently performed PVT. WARS (Nexus Theatre). He wrote the play as a sequel to LAUNDRY AND BOURBON, which some of you may have caught in the '83 Fringe Festival! LONE STAR is a comical play which unravels the
Friday, August 24 Saturday, August 25 Sunday, August 26 Admission: $4.00 adults $3.00 stu/sen
5:30 PM 5:30 PM 5:30 PM
4th ftoor aihab asca university 10324 Whyte Avenue
Fringe venue sponsorship with the assistance of I he Edmonton
helping â&#x20AC;&#x201D; in every way'
A one-person show produced and performed by reputed original Michael Pastien, in his own style...Featuring "THE ADVENTURESOME YOUNG SEYMOUR" an emotional teenager of year 2005 secluded in the privacy of his bedroom deciding whether he's leaving home or not...His father won't allow him to wear dresses like the rest of the fashionable boys and girls at school SEYMOUR will be followed by a 15-20 minute elting of songs made famous by such notable
artists as Dean Martin, Frank Sinatra, Judy Garland, Edith Piaf, Al Jolson, Johnny Cash, David Bowie, Irving Berlin and Bing Crosby 45 minutes Saturday, August 16 Sunday, August 19 Monday, August 20 Tuesday, August 21 Wednesday, August 22 Thursday, August 23 Admission: $3.25 adults $2.75 stu/sen
1:45 1:45 1:45 5:45 5:45 5:45
Saturday, August 18 Sunday, August 19 Monday, August 20 Friday, August 24 Saturday, August 25 Sunday, August 26 Admission: $5.00 adults $4.00 stu/sen $4.00 child/unemployed
5:30 5:30 5:30 5:30 5:30 5:30
present tense john mcnamara neurotic players saskatoon A boy, his best friend, his girlfriend, and the school jock are all mixed together in a web of comic teenage paranoia and sexual frustration.
rrandom man del surjik / david kerr gonzo island productions saskatoon A new kind of Black Comedy which looks at the random and rational options of life as a means of surviving in our society. Zen and the art of random behaviour. 1 hour 2
40 minutes Saturday, August 18 Sunday, August 19 Monday, August 20 Admission: $3.00
3:45 PM 3:45 PM 3:45 PM
mirage robert clinton robert clinton/luciano edmonton
of dealing with people and oneself. Combining music and humour, a lesson in life is taught and learned,
55 minutes
MIRAGE is the 1983 winner of the Alberta OneAct Playwrlting Competition. Directed by Luciano Iogna and featuring David Schonberg and playwright Robert Clinton in the two roles, MIRAGE is an allegory about growing up. facing adulthood and accepting one's own responsiblities. A young man wandering in the desert runs into a veteran of life who shows him some ins and outs
Saturday. August 18 Sunday, August 19 Monday, August 20 Tuesday, August 21 Wednesday, August 22 Admission: $5.00 adults $4.00 stu/sen
3 plays offrank o'kara
are all examples of O'Hara's brilliant adaptation of the classic Japanese Noh form. 1 hour 30 minutes
frank o'hara crybaby killer theater edmonton Crybaby Killer Theatre is ecstatic to present 3 one-act plays by the poet Frank O'Hara in their Canadian premiere. The plays: TRYITRY! (1); CHANGE YOUR BEDDING; and TRYITRY! (2)
of ihe
sean o'casey crossover theatre saskatoon Two middle-aged m e n are left alone to prove to one of their wives that they are capable of performing her duties while she tends to the men's work. After a series of unfortunate experiences resulting in an almost completely destroyed household, the woman returns to discover she was right all along.
A n hilarious spoof on the domestic dilemma. 40 minutes Tuesday, August 21 Wednesday, August 22 Thursday, August 23 Friday, August 24 Saturday, August 25 Sunday, August 26 Admission: $3.00
7:30 PM 7:30 PM 7:30 PM 7:30 PM 7:30 PM
2:15 PM 2:15 PM 2:15 PM 2:15 PM 2:15 PM 2:15 PM
Saturday, August 18 Sunday, August 19 Monday. August 20 Tuesday, August 21 Admission: $4.00
12:00 12:00 12:00 12:00
Midnight Midnight Midnight Midnight
red sand and strange
peter j, cole edmonton , An offbeat monologue dealing with an individual's inability to separate and distinguish between his dream world and his "normal" waking state. When does a dream become a non-dream? If you've ever been covered with blood and sweat while lying in a sandbox covered with an itchy wool blanket and think you can live a normal life thereafter - think again - especially if you're allergic to any of the aforementioned. A vicarious blend of metaphor, symbol, and experience woven into a
jean genet gonzo island productions saskatoon
most unremittingly moving works in the modernist repertory." - Richard Eder, The New York Times, I978. 1 hour 15 minutes
"The absurdist style of JeanGenefs THE MAIDS, with its detours and mystifications, is taken over and consumed by its extraordinary perception of pain, concentrated and focussed as if under a burning glass. Its superficial puzzlement - the swapping of identities between two maids who dream of killing their mistress - is the thinnest of veils over its terrifying directness. It is one of the
Wednesday, August 22 Thursday, August 23 Friday, August 24 Saturday, August 25 Sunday, August 26 Admission: $5.00 adults $4.00 stu/sen
strange lattice upon which grow weeds and other creeping things. Watch out for flashbacks. 30 minutes Tuesday, August 21 Wednesday, August 22 Thursday, August 23 Friday, August 24 Saturday, August 25 Sunday, August 26 Admission: $4.00 adults $3.50 stu/sen $3.50 eq/unem
4:00 PM 4:00 PM 4:00 PM 4:00 PM 4:00 PM 4:00 PM
jane martin the jabberwocky memorial music theatre edmonton
diately transferred to an extended Off-Broadway run. With Rhonda Trodd and Maralyn Ryan. 1 hour 30 minutes
A series of female monologues ranging from a baton twirler to a fundamentalist snake handler to a woman who saw a dying man cured by a "Big Mac." This play premiered at the Louisville Actor Theatre and was so successful that it was imme-
Thursday, August 23 Friday, August 24 Saturday, August 25 Sunday, August 26 Admission: $5.00
7:15 PM 7:15 PM 7:15 PM 7:15 PM
2nd floor ross block
10313 Whyte Avenue
Fringe venue sponsorship with the assistance of
Journal I ho Ldmonlon
...helping - in e»ery way'
torn stoppard/george s. kaufman/tbomas usher coming soon theatre edmonton Things ain't always what they seem, firemen playing with violins? A one legged tootball player with a turtle under his arm? Divine intervention in the House of Commons? Together with the actors of Coming Soon Theatre, come and explore the peculiarities of life today. In a world dependent o n good communication, certain lines are bound to get crossed, find out the real role of the Fire Department. See why Edmonton s CRIMESTOPPERS is so successful Contemplate what really might happen in Ottawa ...and maybe find out a little more about yourself. Absurdist comedy by absurd actors. Designed by David Setke. Directed by Thomas Usher. 1 hour Saturday, August 18 Sunday, August 19 Monday, August 20 Tuesday, August 21 Wednesday, August 22 Admission: $3.00 adults $2.00 in bowler hats
12:00 12:00 12:00 12:00 12:00
I L»
Noon Noon Noon Noon Noon
peter cole bardoclast edmonton
This piece is an Elizabethan psychodrama dealing with Christopher Marlowe's staging of his own death to keep from being murdered. A proxy is killed in his place and Marlowe must live with his part in the crime. To keep from dwelling on this issue, Marlowe continues to write plays, finds a front for them and a ready audience when — enter blackmail et al.
We all at times dress in borrowed robes and must live with certain disguises - a la workshop. 1 hour 30 minutes Saturday, August 18 Sunday, August 19 Monday, August 20 Tuesday, August 21 Wednesday, August 22 Admission: $4.00 adults $3.50 stu/sen
2:30 2:30 4:15 4:15 4:15
would y out like a cup of
warren graves typhoo theatre edmonton An award winning play from one of Alberta's best loved playwrights, Warren Graves, and a smash success when first produced in Edmonton this spring. WOULD YOU LIKE A CUP OF TEA? returns to delight audiences with its humourous and touching look at mid-life sex and romance.
i t
^ \
Saturday, August 18 Sunday, August 19 Saturday, August 25 Sunday, August 26 Admission: $4.00
As Gregor Samsa awoke one morning from uneasy dreams he found himself transformed in his bed into a large vermin. The Acting Gypsies return after last year's production of THE GREEN DEPRESSION with an exciting new interpretation of Franz Kafka's short
lew welch / memory babe turtle island Vancouver THE BEATITUDES OF KEROUAC: Legends of the Beat Generation. Jazz Talk...Road Fever... Memory...Ecstasy. Our tribute to Jack. RING OF BONE: The life of Lew Welch. One of the major "unknown" poets of our age. Coiner of the phrase "Raid Kills Bugs Dead." Lew spent the '50's in advertising, the '60's as a poet, and disappeared without a trace in the 7 0 ' s . This show was presented to critical acclaim at the Edinburgh Festival, ' 8 1 .
TURTLE ISLAND: We are searching for the natural philosophy of the Americas, the dissolution of politics, and interesting theatre. Productions here and in Europe have included: THE UGLY CANADIANS; WOULDN'T IT BE NICE IF THEY LET US HAVE A GARDEN, etc.... 2 hours Saturday, August 18 Sunday, August 19 Monday, August 20 Tuesday, August 21 Wednesday, August 22 Thursday, August 23 Admission: $5.00
9:00 9:00 9:00 9:00 9:00 9:00
an life / portrait directors: peter t. melnychuk edmonton
and jex orfax
Two Super-8 film cult classics directed by Jex Orfax associate Peter T. Melnychuk. PORTRAIT, starring David Hay, is a subtle vignette about a ubiquitous flower seller. Universiade Film Festival reject SMALLER T H A N LIFE has been called a Canadian ERASERHEAD; in fact, it is a corrosive comedy about a young college student waylaid by a Sedative Trial Program. Reviews for the
tatter film: "Neat shots." - Karen Bernstein. "A pretentious, arty home movie." - Universiade Film Judge. "Filmmaking done to the chord of improvisational thought processes...these guys are hot, hot, hot!!!" - Jex Orfax 1 hour 15 minutes Saturday, August 18 Sunday, August 19 Monday, August 20 Admission: $2.00
5:00 5:00 6:00 6:00
story. Share Gregor Samsa's distress and delight of his svelt new animal exterior. 1 hour 10 minutes
franz kafka the acting gypsies calgary
â&#x20AC;˘this is ihe beat generation: the beatitudes of kerouac / ring of bone
Starring the ever popular Gerry Streader, Barry Hanley, Liz McCord and Tany's Budd you can expect a lot of laughs (and a few tears) as two ex-servicemen aredrawn into that "Tender Trap." DON'T MISS IT! 45 minutes
12:00 Midnight 12:00 Midnight 12:00 Midnight
Saturday, August 18 Sunday, August 19 Monday, August 20 Tuesday, August 21 Admission: $3.49 adults $2.99 stu/sen/unemp
6:45 6:45 6:45 6:45
man alone
50 minutes
ronald p. kuehne knoxville, tennessee
Monday, August 20 Tuesday, August 21 Wednesday, August 22 Friday, August 24 Saturday, August 25 Sunday, August 26 Admission: $2.50 adults $2.00 students $1.50 children
MAN ALONE A story about a Traveller caught between the forces of home and the urge to take to the road in a search for self-discovery. The action begins in the present on a Kentucky road. There are occasional flashbacks to the important happenings in the past, each of these past events marked at the end by a slow and almost imperceptible change in the Traveller's personality.
2:15 PM 2:15 PM 2:15 PM 12:30 AM 12:30 AM 12:30 AM
Finally, at the end he finds the hidden message he has long searched for.
hello and goodbye athol fugard normand Vincent calgary A brother's and sister's desparate search for a semblance of human identity among the remnants of their lives is powerfully dramatized by South Africa's foremost playwright, Athol Fugard, and now brought to life on stage by two Edmonton artists.
A struggle between past, present and future, it is the story of two individuals in need of what we all need: ourselves. 2 hours Tuesday, August 21 Wednesday, August 22 Thursday, August 23 Admission: $3.00
12:00 Midnight 12:00 Midnight 12:00 Midnight
The Nebulous Rebels is a decentralized association of performing artists that draws on many disciplines including Dance, Mime, Poetry, and Literature to create as unique a theatrical experience as possible. 55 minutes
the nebulous rebels calgary The concept of Change as explored by the core members of Calgary's Nebulous Rebels Performance Troupe finds this band of theatrical rogues drawing on personal experiences and the present state of world affairs to create a chilling account of what can happen to Society when the individual refuses to say "No."
Wednesday, August 22 Thursday, August 23 Friday, August 24 Saturday, August 25 Sunday, August 26 Admission: $4.00
ihe promise alexei arbuzov 'something anonymous' theatrical fellowship edmonton THE PROMISE follows the lives of three survivors of the seige of Leningrad. It presents the love, lives and promises of three children of the new Soviet order and is an exploration of suffering, passion and promise. This production is performed by Drama students
7:00 7:00 7:45 7:45 7:45
of the University of Alberta and is presented a exploration into the entire dramatic process. 3 hours Thursday, August 23 Friday, August 24 Saturday, August 25 Sunday, August 26 Admission: $4.00 adu $3.00 stu/sen
12:00 12:00 12:00 12:00
Noon Noon Noon Noon
ycwr cat is dead
1 hour
james kirkwood p.s. productions edmonton
Its New Year's Eve. Your best friend died in September, you've been robbed twice, your girlfired is leaving you, you've just lost your job...and the only one left to talk to is a gay burgler you've got tied up in the kitchen.
Thursday, August 23 Friday, August 24 Saturday, August 25 Sunday, August 26 Admission: $5.00 adults $4.00 stu/sen
4:00 4:00 4:00 4:00
stones eric pettifor Cheshire art theatre calgary For four thousand years the Stones of Callandish have stood. They have weathered the elements; they have outlasted civilizations; they have seen the passing of 16,000 seasons. Now, from a younger land far across the sea, come Alex and Debbie, both looking for something they cannot find. They arrive in Callandish on the Isle of Lewis, in that place we now know as Scotland, anno Domini nineteen eighty-four. 1 hour 50 minutes Friday, August 24 Saturday, August 25 Sunday, August 26 Admission: $5.00 adults $3.00 seniors
9:45 PM 9:45 PM 9:45 PM
Scheduling and Data Services for The Fringe Strikes Again! were provided courtesy of LP. Sharp With 100 shows in 500 performances in nine theatres the Fringe in 1984 threatened to become a programming nightmare. Thankfully, with the generous assistance of LP. Sharp Associates (computer, terminals and staff!), we were able to enter a new phase of development...and the office will never be the same again! LP. Sharp Associates is an international software development and computer time-sharing company. Based in Toronto, and with 55 offices around the world, LP. Sharp Associates offers its corporate and government clients a wide variety of software products and services for the GLOBAL INFORMATION CENTRE: • Timeseries Analysis • International Electronic • Numeric Databases Mail • Financial Analysis • Econometrics • Global Limits Control • Business Graphics • Sharp APL • Systems Consulting • Microcomputer Software 38
And they support the arts! A huge THANKS from all of us — an we'll see you in 1985...
in ike parks on ike sheets
Fringe venue sponsorship with the assistance of The Edmonton
,. helping â&#x20AC;&#x201D; in every way
ike myth fuentes, director uofa mask workshop edmonton This night time, outdoor, masked presentation is the result of the University of Alberta Drama Department's special summer session called Mask Workshop. Masks, always the bearers of power and mystery and man's link to these abstracts, will be used as the basis for exploring the ele-
ments of myth - ancient and modern. Become a part of the lights, the shadows, the sounds and the music as man tries to decipher his reality through myth, masks and the darkness. At the Gazebo. 45 minutes Saturday, August 18 Sunday, August 19 Monday, August 20 Admission: Pass the Hat
8:30 PM 8:30 PM 8:30 PM
shrt and death are everywhere With featured guest artists, unknown by all, this is a fringe within The Fringe, a carnival of chaos not for the weak of heart. What an excuse for a party! We encourage your active participation: be there and SHAKE YOUR FACE! At the Gazebo. 4 hours
bill and mark vulcan, alberta Bill and Mark are two lonely guys from nowhere who believe bad art shouldn't be a waste. In the B-movie-tacky furniture tradition, SHIT AND DEATH ARE EVERYWHERE is a lo-tek bourgeois celebration of the Arts, complete with Super-8 movies, basement blues, crayon drawings and an opportunity to smear your face in paint and rub it on a canvas. Finally in Edmonton
One performance only Saturday, August 25 Admission: $3.00
festival performance one yellow rabbit calgary This summer, One Yellow Rabbit, in collaboration with Trickster Productions and Interlude Mime Theatre present an outdoor spectacle, the likes of which have never been witnessed in Alberta before. Juggler, clowns, stiltwalkers, unicyclists, flags and drums: FESTIVAL PERFORMANCE is a truly unique theatrical experience that will take
you by storm and transform any open space into a magic place. The streets, the parks, the roof tops - anywhere can be the sight of One Yello' Rabbit's next Festival Performance. At the Gazebo. 1 hour 30 minutes Daily 12:15PM (except, Thursday August 23) Admission: Pass the Hat
10:00 PM
darling alexis aaron langvand sleuth and shadow productions edmonton August 1964. A production company is in its second week of shooting on location in Edmonton. The film is SIRENS; its star, ALEXIS BROOKE WARD. Helen of Troy may have launched a thousand ships but Alexis Brooke Ward has launched as many di-
vorces. The public loves her. The cast despises her. And someone's hatred turns to murder.... DARLING ALEXIS, a WHODUNIT Theme Entertainment. At the Gazebo2 hours Daily (August 18 - 26) Admission: $5.00
7:00 PM
returning to square one morning workshop edmonton This workshop, conducted by Raymon Monta Donna Gruhlke, will explore theatre and ritual, poetry and and performance, myth and dream, and vision and place. The workshop is a practical one where the questions will not be answered but will be done through precise physical and vocal exercises based on the Grotowski technique and will require discipline and attention. The workshop can be of an instructional nature or of an exploratory nature depending upon the particular needs of the participants. This is a morning workshop.
Open to public and performers. 3 hours 9AM-12Noon Monday, August 20 9AM-12Noon Tuesday, August 21 9 AM-12 Noon Wednesday, August 22 9AM-12Noon Thursday, August 23 9AM-12Noon Friday, August 24 Fee: $50.00 Registration: Sunday, August 10 at 3:30 PM and 8:30 PM in the Chinook Courtyard.
terry erry or bra,dstock edmonton Born in Winnipeg and raised in Toronto, Terry has been active in and around the music business for over ten years. In Toronto, he became involved with BANDORAMA, a special government project that involved performing concerts at universities, prisons, drop-in centres, camps and other institutions. While living in Belleville, Ontario, Terry gave many solo performances at clubs and colleges. Since moving to Edmonton in 1980,
Watch for the Fringe Parade on Whyte Avenue at 10:00 A.M. then join a Fringe Tradition, THE OLD STRATHCONA TOWN BAND, at the Gazebo where they will present a program of rousing military marches, familiar big show tunes, overtures and song melodies - light and lively music reminiscent of regimental and town bands of earlier times... Formed in March, I980 the first four seasons of the band have been marked by successful appearances throughout Edmonton. The band is directed by Ernest Dalwood. The Programme number draw for 2 Free Super Passes to all Fringe shows wiil be at 11:00 A.M. Remember - you MUST be in attendance to win! On Whyte Avenue and at the Gazebo. 2 hours 40
Saturday, August 18
10:00 AM
Terry has given numerous solo performances in addition to serving as house musician at the Sweetwater Cafe. As a singer-songwriter, Terry's songs reflect the emotions, joys and aspirations of us all. 30 minutes Performances Anytime â&#x20AC;&#x201D; Watch for him! Admission: Pass the Hat This production is also appearing in ORANGE HALL.
EAT, DRINK, and be MER in Old Strathcona
Join the dance. On the street. In the park. AUGUST 17th Two great Edmonton bands: Come on out on Friday Nite And shimmy and shake-by the light of the moon! Hot Dog! Gourmet food vendors. With meat pies, quiche for all serious party people, the humble but delicious hot dog, and more. Picnic tables will be placed throughout the Park, but bring lawn chairs, or a blanket.
Street: Park: Time: Date:
83rd AVE., 103rd ST. to 104th ST. NEXT TO THE STREET. 8:00 P.M. to 12 MIDNITE. FRIDAY, AUGUST 17th (the night before the Fringe Strikes Again) Admission: $5.00 — It doesn't get any better than that.
Old Strathcona
LIBRARY PARK 1 0 0 0 - 4 0 0 FEATURING: CONRAD FLAT & New Orleans Connection J* CD Bring the Family
9 9 0 6 - 109 STREET EDMONTON,
XEROX COPIES colleqe sfto8 iimited 423-1458 y
g DELICIOUS! Honey sweetened ice cream,
in all your favourite flavours.
on the, ZnaLjf loots •; * lQOlt-103 dt.
MaFHcfers School of Guitar
Open late Tuesday through Friday !03l3-82nd Avenue TAKE A FRESH TASTE OF ALBERTA W I T H YOU
Farmers' Market OLD
STRATHCONA CONTACT: Elaine at 4 3 3 - 5 8 6 6
Saturdays 8:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. 103 Street and 86 Avenue (just north of the Strathcona Hotel)
Call 429-0914 o r 426-4155
9 a.m. to 8 p.m. Monday to Friday DATES: Saturday & weeknighl courses begin the week of September 17. LENGTH: All courses last 10 weeks. SIZE: 6-12 students. COST: $85 for each course. NOTE: $10 off all courses with this ad (Must be received with registration fee by September 14, 1984). Over 1000 satisfied students. All courses let you have fun while you learn. There is a sleigh ride and party each term for adult students. Comments from students include: "an excellent course", " M a Fletcher's revived my interest in guitar", "gave me lots of variety", "I won't miss the next course!" Classes around the city according to demand: University of Alberta* Jasper Place Composite High • Mill Woods • Bonnie Doon • Northgate BEGINNER: Even if you've never played music before! Starts from scratch — how to hold the guitar. Note: We have some guitars for rent at $30 for the course. CHILDREN'S BEGINNER: 8 to 12 years. Some small guitars for rent at $30. INTERMEDIATE: For those who already know basic chords. ADVANCED: Finger-picking, flat-picking, lead guitar, blues, jamming, theory, slide. VOCAL COURSE: 8 weeks, $60.00. CHILDREN: Introduction to Music. 4 to 8 years. Ear training, sing-alongs, movement to music, percussion instruments. $60.00
C o n g r a t u l a t i o n s to the o r g a n i z e r s of the 3 r d A n n u a l Fringe Theatre E v e n t . I applaud your growing e n d e a v o u r s a n d extend m y best w i s h e s for a s u c c e s s f u l run. W a r m e s t Regards,
D A V I D K I L G O U R , M.P. Edmonton Strathcona
acknowledgements So many individuals, groups and companies have contributed to THE FRINGE STRIKES AGAIN! We've probably missed some and if we did, our apologies....and thanks! The City of Edmonton The Old Strathcona Foundation Edmonton Folk Festival Edmonton Jazz Society Gerry Wright Old Strathcona Mill Tracy Lakeman Think Green Alberta Limited Barb Thornton Linda Prefontaine John Sproule Orange Hall Edmonton Musicians' Association Canada Works Canadian Playwriting Centre Edmonton Transit David James Clive Padfield Marc Vasey Alex Szchechina Paul Whitney Cosmopolitan Music Society Serge Caldar Pitney Bowes Brent Boyes Career Access Public Health Clinic Theatre Network Alberta Ballet Company Boite a Popico Edmonton Public Library Theatre Gray Beverages SummerFest '84 Staff and Board Alberta Culture
Heritage Days Walterdale Theatre Princess Theatre Old Strathcona Merchants' Association Steeplejack Services Brent Regnier Sunshine Nursery & Garden Centre Tim Davisson Chin Ho Ngu Acacia Masonic Hall Summer Canada Works Vic Close 1. P. Sharp Associates Jim Wesley Edmonton Convention & Tourism Authority Alberta Foundation for the Performing Arts Don Whelan Lisa Zanyk David Robertson Mark Wilson Tina Petrovicz Pat Isaac Nexus Theatre Handicapped Housing Society Gordon Wick Northern Light Theatre Catalyst Theatre Lighting by Monty Grant MacEwan Community College City of Edmonton Parks & Recreation Janis Helander Haseeb Mirza Bruce Wright Leslieanna Blackner
And...a special thanks to... All the volunteers All the Edmonton media All the artists, without whom... Had a good time at this year's Fringe? Then take a few moments to help keep the festival alive â&#x20AC;&#x201D; write a letter to SummerFest, the City of Edmonton, Alberta Culture, the newspapers...Your individual support is vital and your comments and observations much appreciated by all of us. And do plan to come back in the summer of 1985, back to nine more fabulous days of cultural chaos in the heart of Old Strathcona, back HOME ON THE FRINGE...where the actors and the audience play!
"Art for the Joy of it' fine
art • quality
• exquisite
10310 - 81 Ave . Edmonton
C . J.'s G o o d E a t s (LICENSED)
8217-109 ST. 433-9781 S U N . - T H U R S . F R I .
S A T .
1 1 : 0 0 -
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Traditional Italian cuisine in Old Strathcona at last.
A M - M I D N I G H T A M - 1 : 0 0
10% Off With This Ad
• Lunch 11:30 - 2:30 • Dinner 5:00 - 12:00 Weekdays 5:00 -1:00 Fri. & Sat. 10309 81 Avenue (above Beans and Barley)
Athabasca University j 3 i in Edmonton's Old Strathcona Athabasca University, Alberta's home-study university, is pleased to have joined the vibrant Strathcona community. We offer a full range of information and counselling services, and you can register for courses, pick up materials, and find other support services to students.
MOM - SAT. 10-6
Clayworks 10814 Whyte Ave.
Graelin's 10624 Jasper Ave.
Athabasca University Northern Regional Office 10324 - 82 (Whyte) Avenue Edmonton, Alberta T6E 1Z8 Telephone 432-1550 (Edmonton) If outside Edmonton area, call toll-free Zenith 22273 (Athabasca).
index of shows
"Free Food and Beer" 'Sylvia' A Measure of Regret A Pair of Shorts Activate/Activated Alone Against the Dark Fall Sky Billy Bishop Goes to War Bodywaves Buried Child Chills and Thrills Creeps D'Arcy Dance FEaST Darling Alexis Disappearing Doreen Dymphna Fender Bash Festival Performance! Fiesta Mexicana Flapps Flies Again! Floundering Forgotten Dreams: A Stumble/Trip down Memory Lane Freak Show!! From the Memoirs of Johnny Daze Gimme that Prime Time Religion Greater Tuna Helen Avoids Decisions/Dinah's Wine Bar Hello and Goodbye Hess Issues in the Loo John Malone and the Casual Acquaintances Juggler on a Drum Just a Little One Kit Marley UN Abner Lone Star Ludlow Fair Lyall Steel — solo guitar Man Alone Marry Me a Little Mirage Music from the Time of Shakespeare My Foot My Tutor Opening Ceremonies Penumbra Present Tense P.S. Your Cat is Dead Random Man Red Sand and Strange Remembrances Returning to Square One
WMMMmm l i t
17 10 31 29 37 30 19 13 23 17 28 18 20 40 12 12 19 14 39 21 9, 21 10 23 32 14 30 11 28 37 13 23 31 14 33 35 21 31 34 31 37 17 33 10 28 40 20 32 38 32 34 40
mmwmmmmmmmmmmi Canadian
Based in Alberta, the CANADIAN PLAYWRITING CENTRE supports, with much-needed financial assistance, the development of newCanadian scripts. There are over 60 new works on the Fringe this year and five of them have received incentive grants from the CANADIAN PLAYWRITING CENTRE... MIRAGE by Robert Clinton JUGGLER ON A DRUM by Kirk Miles and Gil Raby
Rock and a Hard Place Shit and Death are Everywhere Short Sometimes She Lets Her Colours Out Squirrels and the Duck Variations Songs from the British Isles Spring Cleaning Square Works: New Video by Ground Zero Stephen Boswell, classical guitarist'In Concert' Sticks and Stones Stones Stretchmarks Super-8 Films: Smaller than Life/Portrait Sylvia Plath: A Dramatic Portrait Talking With Terry Bradstock The Boor (Russ the Bear) The Chairs The Citizen's Tango The Comedy Commission Presents The Cosmic Garbage Bin The End of the Beginning The Fantasticks The Grand Inquisitor The Home Place The Jones Boy The Lesson The Lesson The Maids The Man Who Calls Himself Superman The Metamorphosis The Monolith The Myth The Promise The Singer's Tale The Stone Garden/The Lad who went to the Northland The Stronger Theatresports They're Playing Our Song This is the Beat Generation: The Beatitudes of Kerouac/Ring of Bone Three Puppet Shows for Children Totally Absurd! Three Comedies Treble, Ear, Itch and Ratz Twilight Rambler Two Elizabeths Women Behind Bars Would You Like a Cup of Tea? Your Wildest Dreams 3 of a Kind and Company 3 Plays of Frank O'Hara
11 39 30 19 18 18 11 29 15 22 38 22 36 16 34 16, 40 12 17 9 30 8 33 20 28 22 23 18 18 34 9 36 9 39 37 20 8 29 21 14 36 12 35 16 13 30 15 36 11 17 33
SPRING CLEANING by Robert Wisden KIT MARLEY and RED SAND AND STRANGE REMEMBRANCES by Peter J. Cole Your support of these artists, and all the others who have brought original work to the Fringe, is very much appreciated.
Summerfest '84 and the C i t y Centre Association presents
I The afternoon of Saturday, August 25 I Sir Winston Churchill Square ( rain date alternate August 2 6 )
F r e e afternoon activities for everyone: •Jazz & Folk Music Performers • Fringe Theatre Performers • Country & Western Bands ••Sky Sculptures • Gallery in Transit Buses • Roving Magicians • Puppet Parades • Banners & WUG Inflatabiles
The extravaganza w i l l close w i t h a performance by internationally renowned high wire walker Philippe Petit, w alking a ~ 8 " steel rope cable across the square The physical layout of the area, necessitated by the location of the overhead w ire and safety corridor, is ideally suited to the creation of this unique arts carnival: carnival goers will circulate around the corridor Philippe has performed around the world, including St. John the Dcvinc Cathedral. New York World Trade Centre Tower: Sydney Australia Opera House: Berne. Sw itzerland: Paris in front of the Eiffel Tow er; Baltimore and Denver He has had 2 feature spots on ABC Wide W o r l d of Sports, as well as major stories in Readers Digest. Quest Magazine and the New York 'l imes. Hiis event, the 1st in Canada, will be the most spectacular and enjoyable EVER to have taken place in downtown Edmonton
and especially for the children; • face painting • art walls • fashion show dress-up & B t h e community orchestra
Philippe Petit
J u l y 2 9 to August 2 6
• Art at M u t t a r t J u l y 2 9 August 26 • Art Tour Detour////)' 29 August 26 • Gallery in Transit ////)' 29 - August 26 • Edmonton Folk Music Festival August 10 -12 •Jazz City August 12 - 19 • Return of the Fringe August 18 26 • A Fair in the Square August 25 i for more information phone 436-7853 '
C L O U D 9 by Caryl Churchill O c t o b e r 5-21 1981 Obie Award winner for Best Play. An outrageous comedy about sex and the roles we are conditioned to play. ' N I G H T M O T H E R by Marsha Norman Nov. 1 6 - D e c . 2 1983 Pulitzer Prize winner. A disturbing powerful drama about suicide. T O R C H S O N G T R I L O G Y by Harvey Fierstein Jan 25 - Feb 17 1983 Tony Award winner for Best Play .on Broadway. Three hysterical one act plays featuring a flamboyant drag queen who teaches us about love and dignity. M O O N FOR T H E M I S B E G O T T E N by Eugene O'Neill April 12 - May 5 This radiant and painfully moving love story is. one of the great plays of the 20th century.
Special student and senior discounts! D O W N
The Phoenix Downtown is a 100 seat studio space that will feature performances, visual art events and workshops throughout Season 84Âť85. v
... ...........
The Phoenix Downtown in the heart of Edmonton 10044 -101A Avenue 4th floor Program subject to change.