2 minute read


Quote of the month:

“Be a yardstick of quality. Some people aren’t used to an environment where excellence is expected” -Steve Jobs

Dear Fripp Parents and Children, This month I would like for us to focus on math facts as well as read about several different authors. I would like to suggest to you to read the following authors. Please select two to three titles by the author and determine what you have noticed about the style of writing. 1. E.B. White 2. Stephen Manes 3. Ezra Jack Keets 4. Mary T. Jacobs

Please look for traits and or settings that are similar. This will be fun!

Math Busters Addition Facts

It is very important for students to learn math facts. Please use this chart for your child to study facts daily until they have mastered them! Directions: 1. Student will practice by themselves for 10 minutes daily 2. Concentrate on two fact families per week 3. Parent or study partner will call out facts for your student 4. Practice facts again for 10 minutes 5. Your parents will let you know when you all will have a contest.

Parents you can print these facts and glue them to a file folder and laminate. Then your child can take them with them to practice

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