Nine Hole Golf League Contributed By: Mike Wilt
As the men’s nine-hole golf group headed into fall the weather was not a factor as the group was able to play on 11 of the 12 designated Wednesdays. Participation in the group remains below the number of players we would like to see so any of you golfers out there regardless of skill level are welcome to join. Ken Anton is currently the President and Charles Middleton the Treasurer so you can contact either of them if you are interested in joining or inquire at either of the pro shops for more information. Games during this two-month time frame were Team Stableford, Individual Stableford,
Bear Creek, Flags, Points for Par, Two Low Net, Three Low Net and One Low Net One Low Gross. Closest to the pin winners were Richard Ward twice and Charles Middleton, Ken Anton, Bob Smith, David Moore, Joe Sullivan and Perminder Bindra once each. Oh, and much to the chagrin of the players on three of the outings the course won as nobody was able to reach the green on the designated hole.
Holiday 2021 | 50