2 minute read

Freefox Photo 翁偉中

「小時候迫不急待地離開老家,想要去找 。久仰 大名,但初次見面卻有點失望, 比想像中老舊、 擁擠、冷漠。直到有一天發現,春天一起上山賞花, 夏天往海邊衝浪,秋天在河濱騎 踏車,冬天 愛人一起在家吃火鍋吧?直到有一天發現, 擁有 我的一半人生。」 “ When I was small, I could not wait leave home, to come and nd you. I have known your name for a long time, but I was a bit disappointed on our rst meeting. You were more worn, crowded and aloof than I imagined. Until I found one day that we go ower viewing in the mountains in spring, sur ng by the sea in summer, cycling along the riverbank in autumn, and...have hotpot with loved one in winter? Until I found one day that you are in possession of half of my life. ”



A person from Tainan working and living in Taipei. Excelling in portrait photography, his work is primarily involved in shooting well-known singers and entertainers. He is the photographer for band Mayday’s Mayday LiFE World Tour. His works are often based on the theme and observation of daily life and society, such as his 2015 work (graduates of death) that has become part of the permanent collection of the Kiyosato Museum of Photographic Arts in Japan, and was exhibited at the National Taiwan Museum of Fine Arts in Taichung in 2018.

在台北工作生活的台南人。擅長人像攝影,工作多以拍攝知名歌 手藝人為主,為五月天《人生無限公司》世界巡迴演唱會之平面 攝影師。而創作常以人生觀或社會觀察為主題,如2015年作品《 死亡的畢業生》獲日本清里攝影美術館之永久館藏,2018年於台 中國家美術館再度展出。

We wander from the crowd to live in the solitariness

To get some peace, to get some romances

多少有這樣的時候吧?盡力到動彈不得了, 又陷入看似孤苦無依的暗地裡。 只能為你送上不多不少的油水,替你打盞燈。 瞻前顧後,又稍稍擔憂地看你在亂流中踩穩 步伐,但我會為你保留我的憂慮在喉頭,只 是耐心地等你上路。我會開啟我不常使用的 警示模式,緩緩地護送你一段路途,讓你在 脆弱之時不受打擾。而看你元氣滿滿後,就 安然離去。 你問我,他是你誰?為何這麼賣力?我想說 的是,任何你身旁需要被關心與陪伴的,都 值得你去賣力。

There are probably moments like this? Exhausted until unable to move, stuck in a seemingly lonely dark place. I can only give to you some of amount of oil and light the lantern for you. Watching the front and the back, and slightly worried as I watch you take firm steps amidst the turbulence, but I will reserve my concern for you in my throat, just patiently waiting to get going. I will turn on the alert mode that I usually don’t use, slowly guide you for a part of your journey, so that you are not disturbed when you’re feeling fragile. Once I see you charged up with energy, I’ll just leave you be. You ask me, who is he to you? Why are you putting so much effort in? I want to say, anyone next to you that need care and companionship are all worth you putting in the effort.

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