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38 new homes planned

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Village needs help

A DEVELOPER has announced plans for 38 new homes on fields on the outskirts of Frampton Cotterell.

Bristol & England Properties has called a public meeting to give more details of its plans to develop land west of the Bristol Road and south of Perrinpit Road in Frampton.


The developer’s agent Pegasus said the event was to allow local residents to hear about “emerging proposals” for residential infill development.

No planning application has yet been submitted, but local campaigners say they will oppose the plan, as it is for Green Belt farmland.

Pegasus says the development will include about 38 new homes, with “affordable and self-build plots for parishioners, open space, dual access points, sustainable drainage and biodiversity enhancements".

The agent added: "The event is intended to aid discussion on the draft proposals…we would actively encourage any questions about the proposed development.”

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A member of the

Members of the local conservation group VALID, which opposes “excessive development” in the village, are expected to attend to express their concerns,

Chair Dave Hockey said: “I would oppose them building on the Green Belt – the VALID team are looking to make sure the land between Frampton and Iron Acton in the Green Belt stays Green Belt, because of its nature value.”

He said other developments on the Green Belt west of Bristol Road have been on brownfield sites, which were occupied by business or industrial use, but the latest scheme was on agricultural land.

The drop-in event will be held on Wednesday July 19 from 3pm to 6pm, at the Brockeridge Centre, Woodend Road, Frampton.

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