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Cricket club begins 99th season
FRAMPTON Cotterell
Cricket Club have begun their 99th year at The Park, where players of all levels are welcomed and celebrated.
After a wet start to the year we are slightly later in our square preparations, however, thanks to some hard work and long hours by our groundwork teams we have made up good time.
Our Youth section has benefited from a recent uptake in players, following a successful winter training period, and along with our seniors were hoping to get out on the grass in mid to late May.
Our senior training is on Tuesdays, with youth training on Wednesdays - both starting from 6pm at our ground, The Park, behind Crossbow Community Centre on School Road, Frampton Cotterell.
We are always looking for new members of all abilities, and are also on the look-out for local businesses to partner with as we firm up arrangements for our 100 year celebrations.
Please contact us at FramptonCotterellCC@gmail.com for further information.
George Foulger