1 minute read
Frome Valley Growing Project
ARE you interested in learning more about permaculture growing and having access to locally-grown food?
Are you passionate about increasing biodiversity and reducing your carbon footprint?
Would you like to be part of a project that connects you to multigenerational members of your community?
Have you been thinking about taking on an allotment but been put off by lack of time or confidence?
We are looking for new members at the Frome Valley Growing Project, and if your answer is yes to any of the questions above, perhaps our project would interest you.
Our aims at the project are: to grow vegetables and fruits grown using organic techniques; develop wildlife habitats to support organic gardening and conservation; conserve local fruit tree varieties planted in the Food Forest; grow heritage and other fruit & vegetable varieties and save seed for future use.
We also aim to: show participants how to grow food in a sustainable way; give access to fresh food to the local community; provide an opportunity for local residents to learn gardening and farming techniques, for fruit and vegetable growing and also animal care; encourage children to engage in gardening and conservation through school activities and family-focused events; be community led.
To become a member we ask that you come along to some of our volunteer sessions to find out