2 minute read
Pub landlords' Westminster visit to boost jobs
THE latest employment figures published by the Office for National Statistics have shown that, in Thornbury and Yate, we are outperforming most areas across the country.
In our area, just 1.7% of people aged 16-64 are currently receiving out-of-work financial support, and youth unemployment is over 60% lower than the national average.
We are benefiting from growing business confidence and investment, whilst the Government have made it a priority to help get people back into work, and to help businesses thrive.
We are working hard to deliver on the Government’s priorities to halve inflation, grow the economy and reduce debt, so we can create better-paid jobs and opportunities across the United Kingdom, guaranteeing a better future for the next generation.
As the local MP, supporting jobs and the local economy is a vital part of my positive plan for the community, and so it is particularly pleasing that these new figures show that we are performing so much better than most areas across the South West.
This follows a strong record of action to grow the local economy and increase jobs.
I have been holding regular jobs fairs, including a disability jobs fair, helping residents to find the right job for them.
Since first being elected as our local MP, I have held these jobs fairs in Thornbury and Yate, helping local people get back into work or pursue a new career.
Recently pub landlords from across Thornbury, Yate, Chipping Sodbury, Frampton Cotterell and Westerleigh came to Parliament so we could make the case to the Business Minister about the next set of steps the Government should take to support businesses in our community.
I also hosted my ninth jobs fair in Chipping Sodbury last year, which was our most successful yet.
There are now more people with the security of a job in South Gloucestershire, and we continue to rank as one of the lowest areas for unemployment anywhere in the country.
These latest statistics confirm that the plan for jobs is bringing economic security to millions of workers, more trade for businesses, and greater prosperity throughout the country.
We cannot stop now, if we are to achieve our ambition of recovering from the pandemic and dealing with the effects of Putin’s war in Ukraine in the strongest way possible.
Join the Singalong
A GROUP that uses the power of song to spread friendship and improve well-being is looking for volunteers to help stage its events.
Frampton Singalong meets up at Crossbow House in Frampton Cotterell on the first Monday of every month, except July and August.
The sessions, which include refreshments, raise money for UNICEF's support of children affected by the war in Ukraine.
The group is now looking for a volunteer to join their "happy, enthusiastic team".
Organiser Hilary Jay said: "We need someone who is able to help put out the tables and chairs. A hand with the washing up would also be great, too!"
Anyone who would like to help should contact Hilary at jays. music@mac.com.