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Crop Steering Introduction
Crop steering is the strategic manipulation of a plant’s environment to influence how it allocates resources during different growth stages.
This technique involves carefully controlling various factors such as lighting, climate, nutrient concentration (EC), substrate moisture, irrigation frequency, and net dryback to optimize yield, quality, and efficiency in cultivation.
The core concept of crop steering is based on the plant’s adaptive responses to environmental stimuli. By applying controlled stress or favorable conditions, growers can direct the plant’s growth towards either vegetative (roots, stems, shoots, and leaves) or generative (flowers and fruits) development.
While crop steering techniques have been used in agriculture for decades, particularly in tomato cultivation, their application in other crops has gained popularity more recently. It’s important to note that traditional growing practices have always influenced plant growth to some extent; crop steering simply makes this process more intentional and systematic.
Check out our Crop Steering articles: Crop Steering Lighting, Crop Steering Environmental Factors, Crop Steering Irrigation Strategy, and Substrate & Plant Density Considerations.