1 minute read
Creative director of Emancipation Arts LLC
“I am honored to be included in the 2022 ‘Celebration of Women’ and especially honored to be acknowledged as an artist. The drive to create has been a major part of my identity since childhood.
“It has been my lifelong experience and observation that when the freedom and opportunity to express oneself are withheld, due to racial discrimination, those creative energies can evolve and become manifested in depression, anger or other self-destructive outlets. Hence, much of my time and attention is devoted to forging holistic opportunities for local Black artists that do not have corporate affiliations.
“The 6th edition ‘Celebration of Women’ book is a vital tool which we will utilize to strengthen the community of women in the arts by placing names, faces, objectives and achievements in context. It is performing an immeasurable and revolutionary service!”
To learn more, visit achievingmypurpose.org/shop.