February 23, 2012
Vol. 12, No. 7
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Options for Denbigh ambulance presented -
Family Fun Day by Julie Druker
status quo off the table
by Jeff Green ennox and Addington (L&A) County Council again deferred a decision on the future of the Denbigh ambulance service at their budget meeting in Napanee last Wednesday, February 15. A set of options was presented to the council in a report that was prepared by Mark Schjerning, the Chief of Emergency Services for L&A. The options all involved decreases in service levels from the 24-hour a day, 7-day a week service that is currently offered out of a base in Denbigh. The most drastic possibility would be the closure of the base. Another option would be cutting the service to a 12-hour, 7-day a week service. The report also talked about the possibility of relegating the Denbigh base to the status of a 12-hour, 7-day a week post service. If the Denbigh base becomes a post, the Denbigh paramedics would begin their 12-hour shift at the Northbrook base and drive to Denbigh. They would drive back to Northbrook before the end of their shift. A post saves on facility costs at a location, but the service is curtailed by travel time from the home base. Two further options were put on the table; a 24-hour or a 12-hour First Response vehicle. In that case a single paramedic would provide first response service, using a van instead of an ambulance. They would be able to provide medical treatment but could not provide transportation to a hospital. Addington Highlands Reeve Henry Hogg moved that a further option could be put on the table for consideration: a 24-hour ambulance post. This would provide a service that is the closest to what is currently provided, cutting it only by travel time to and from the Northbrook home base twice a day. His motion was accepted by council. The option of a 24-hour ambulance base is not being presented for consideration because Reeve Hogg had proposed a motion to keep a 24 hour service at the previous meeting, and that motion was defeated by the council. Mayor Gord Schermerhorn, who represents the Town of Napanee on L&A Council, said that he is not clear on the financial implications of each of the options. “I would like to know what the cost implications are for all these options before voting,” he said, in making a motion to defer a decision. The preliminary ambulance services budget has been considered as part of the budget. It was set on the assumption of the current level of service – a 24 and a 12hour running out of the ambulance base in Napanee, a 24-hour ambulance base in Northbrook and a 24-hour ambulance base in Denbigh. A consultant’s report that was completed last year by the IBI group estimated the
Continued on page 3
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Tug-O-War at the Sharbot lake High School Retro Winter Carnival at on Feb. 19
Frontenac County sputters towards the budget finish line by Jeff Green
rontenac County Council cut $20,000 from their 2012 budget during a 2½-hour budget meeting last Wednesday February 15. The county has a $40 million annual budget, of which only $8 million comes from Frontenac County ratepayers. The Province of Ontario and the City of Kingston pay most of the costs for the two most expensive county-run programs, the Frontenac Land Ambulance Service and the Fairmount Home for the Aged. Of the $20,000 that was cut from the budget last week, $15,000 came from the budget for county council committees, which was cut to $45,000 from the $60,000 that was proposed. The other $5,000 in savings came from council members’ own pockets. They voted to cancel a 2.9% pay increase for themselves. Council members’ pay has been tied to the pay settlements for non-unionized county employees, who received a 2.9% increase this year.
“I think we need to send a message of restraint. We know what is happening right now at the provincial level. We know cuts to services and public sector jobs are coming. I think we should not be taking a pay increase,” said South Frontenac Mayor Gary Davison in proposing the cut. Warden Janet Gutowski disagreed. “It's hard enough to recruit people for this council, and although the money we receive is minimal for the hours that are required, I hate to see us fall even further behind, so I will not be supporting this motion,” she said. The motion was carried in an 8-1 vote. Proposals in the budget to turn two contract positions, a community planner and a communications/sustainability assistant, into full-time positions were both approved after considerable debate. Mayor Bud Clayton from North Frontenac sought to defer a decision on both positions until after the council decides whether to accept proposals to fund sustainability projects
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with money from the federal gas tax rebate. “I think that a lot of the work for these people comes from sustainability projects funded by the federal gas tax. That whole area may be phased out over the next few years and we should not be saddled with full-time employees when that happens. I think we should look at the sustainability budget before we make these positions full time,” he said. Councilor John Inglis from North Frontenac agreed. “If I vote for these positions I do so in ignorance. I have not seen an organizational chart.” To this Warden Gutowski said, “My patience is growing a little short for this kind of argument. The information has been provided and it is up to members of council to get up to speed. We are no longer in our first year.” Gary Davison then said, “I'm not sure that is accurate. When you are adding new posi-
Continued on page 2
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icture perfect weather for February’s Family Day brought many visitors out to a number of community family events held last weekend. At the Sharbot Lake high school on Feb. 19, members of the student council organized and ran their first ever Retro Winter Carnival. Over 50 participants of all ages from the community faced off in a number of challenging games that included tug-o-war, egg toss karaoke, sloosh races, a hockey shoot out and many more. Participants were divided into four color teams and competed at a number of events that took place in and around the school. On February 20 at the Frontenac Arena in Piccadilly visitors from all over South Frontenac gathered for the second annual South Frontenac Volunteer Recognition and Family Winter Carnival. Visitors had a chance to skate, snow shoe, play a number of outdoor games and experience a horse drawn wagon ride. Adults could enter a number of contests including log sawing, log splitting and nail driving Visitors were invited to submit the names of volunteers throughout the four districts in South Frontenac for a draw and in the afternoon 20 lucky winning volunteers received gift cards to Nicole’s Gifts in Verona and Cool Foods in Harrowsmith. The event was organized by Dan Bell, chair of the Portland Recreation Committee and member of the South Frontenac Central Recreation Committee. The latter sponsored the day’s events. Bell said the event provides “a great chance for the entire community to get together and rub shoulders and have some fun while also recognizing the many important members of the community who volunteer in various organizations and groups and who do so much in and for the community.” Volunteer recognition draw winners are Pat Barr, Peter Brugman, Elra Lee Ball, Erma Braken, Kathy Closs, Larry Gow, Suzanne Hoag, Lindsay Hull, Merry Horton, Lynn Jackson, Cheryl Kellar, Don Lawson, David Meir, Jen Meulenaar, Ann McDougall, Betty O’Connor, Stan Ritchie, Ginny Redmond, Gayle Roberson, Rachael Smith-Tryon, Frank York.
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february 23, 2012
Census results a wake up call for Frontenac County
he recently released census results that show a population decline in Frontenac County is bad news for the region, particularly because permanent residents are the mainstay of the local economy. Most of our businesses are devoted to building and fixing houses, delivering services to the people in those houses, and where possible, feeding and selling products to the 26,375 people who live in Frontenac County. With the exception of some farmland in the south end of the County, and a few logging operations in the north, catering to the seasonal and permanent populations is the Frontenac County economy. Fortunately, the permanent population is augmented by at least as many seasonal residents, but as local retailers in particular know full well, ten months of shoulder seasons between a July 1 to August 31 high season is a very, very long time. The latest census is only one piece of information, and must be looked at in the context of other data, including construction activity. Particularly in South Frontenac construction levels have been good over the past five years. Since 2006 South Frontenac has seen steady, sometimes more than steady, levels of construction, rising to $30 million in 2011. The numbers have been good in Central Frontenac as well, with 2011 also being a bumper year at $8 million Another way of putting the latest census into context is to look at previous census data. All of the Frontenac townships
saw an increase in permanent population between 2001 and 2006, with South Frontenac gaining over 1,750 residents, an increase of over 11%. In all, the Frontenac County population jumped by over 2,200 people between 2001 and 2006, an increase of 9%, and the drop between 2006 and 2011 was only 283 people, or 1.1% The re-assuring aspect to all this is that more people live in Frontenac County in 2011 than in 2001, by a fair bit. The disheartening thing is that the healthy growth between 2001 and 2006 has dissipated. It is also disheartening that among neighbouring Counties, Frontenac is the only one that actually lost people. Lanark County saw an increase of 3%, and Lennox and Addington had 3.2% growth, while Leeds and Grenville was basically stagnant with 0.1% growth. A week after the census data came out, Frontenac County Council met last week to discuss their budget. While not much action was taken, there was a real sense that a number of councilors are uncomfortable with the way the entire “Integrated Sustainability” program that the County undertook several years ago has been playing out. At one point, Warden Janet Gutowski expressed her exasperation with the way things were proceeding. “It seems clear that members of Council would like to revisit the county’s Strategic Plan,” she said. Rather than re-jigging something as nebulous as their strategic plan, the county might consider something else,
Frontenac County budget continued from page 1 tions you are adding a long-term cost. I think we should focus on three or four key areas for the sustainability plan, instead of just adding three or four new projects each year. We need to get some of those off the slate. I would also like to see us look at the whole organization here.” While the communications position did get approval, Gary Davison made a motion that the community planner position be kept as a contract position for the next 18 months. Frontenac Islands Mayor Dennis Doyle spoke against Da-
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vison’s motion. “I'm not sure this is a big budget position,” Doyle said. “Frontenac Islands is now contracting its planning with the county, which pays for part of that salary, and I can add that the service has improved over what we had before and is saving us money. I believe some of the other townships are considering doing the same thing, so money will be coming in to the county to cover the cost of this position.” “We already have one full-time planner. This is number 2,” replied Gary Davison, “and when we were brought the idea of the county doing planning for the townships, we were told there was already enough capacity to do it without hiring new people. I am definitely going to need to be convinced that this position is necessary.” Davison's motion to extend the current contract by 18 months was supported by himself and the two councilors from North Frontenac, but was defeated in a 5-4 vote (as Mayor of South Frontenac, Davison has two votes). A subsequent motion to affirm the full-time position was approved.
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giving their entire sustainability department the task of bringing more people into the county. Over the past five years, the county has accumulated a number of employees to deal with ‘Sustainability’. Under this catch all category, there are now two planners, a manager of economic development, a GIS department, and an assistant/communications person. That department is ideally placed to spearhead efforts at selling the county as a place to live, and in fact it is already engaged in a number of initiatives in the areas of seniors housing and land use planning that are based on keeping people here and bringing new ones in. Council needs only to nudge those efforts forward. The 150th anniversary is coming up, and the county is planning to celebrate. Celebrating the people who used to live here should be tied right in with a recruitment drive. The census figures might be the kind of thing that should set off alarm bells, but it is a fact that Frontenac County cannot afford to lose more people, and with a population that is aging faster than the provincial average, it will take a lot of work to stem the tide of population decline. The first thing that needs to happen is for Frontenac County Council to muster up some leadership. The goal of creating a sustainable population base would be something that the council could lay out for itself and its employees.
One other proposal may have a minor impact on taxation. Dennis Doyle proposed that $6,000 of the $7,000 budget for the Ontarians with Disabilities Committee be taken from reserves instead of charged as taxes. He did this because in 2011 only $1,000 of the $7,000 budget was spent and he thought the money could be carried over. That proposal was deferred until the end of the budget process. Coming into the February 15 meeting, county taxes were slated to go up by 0.79% or $66,000. That increase will was cut to $46,000 because of the cuts that were made ($40,000 if the transfer from reserves for the Disabilities committee goes through) A special budget meeting has been set for March 13, when the budget debate will likely be substantially if not entirely completed. County Council meets in regular session on March 20. After the February 15 meeting, Dennis Doyle, who has been making most of the proposals for minor cuts, said that he thinks that county taxes could be brought to a 0% increase or perhaps a decrease of about 1%. Based on the tenor of the debate thus far, it is likely that the most strenuous debate will be over an item that does not directly affect county taxes, the allocation of the federal gas tax funds that the county receives. A number of projects are proposed, but as noted above at least a vocal minority of council members have indicated they would like to see less of those funds going to county projects, and more transferred to the townships themselves to be put towards infrastructure costs.
Alan G. Thomson
Don Antoine, Sharbot Lake, ON 6l3-279-2657
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by Jeff Green
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february 23, 2012 Publisher & Editor............................................. Jeff Green Managing Editor ............................................... Jule Koch Graphic Designer................................................Scott Cox Sales Representative......................................Garry Drew Reporter..........................................................Julie Druker Copy Editors .................... Marg DesRoche, Martina Field Dale Ham, Office Staff.............................................. Suzanne Tanner Webmaster.........................................................Scott Cox
To MP Scott Reid
our letter of January inviting us to stay in touch and respond to your survey was well received. We have given the issues listed much thought – Scrapping the Long Gun Registry, Responsible Government Spending, Cracking Down on Crime, Standing up for Canadian Values – as they are serious issues. You ask us: “Am I doing a good job of representing our views on these issues?” Canadians have paid over a billion in tax dollars for the gun registry. It’s been a costly affair. It will never be complete. We work hard to buy stuff that breaks in no time, to buy food that nourishes us less but feeds us more chemicals, to pay our taxes. Now, the conservatives want to scrap the long gun registry. That’s more than a billion down the drain. To put salt in our wounds, you want to erase valuable information. I just have one question: whom are you protecting? The second point is easy. Read the above. It’s an example of irresponsible government spending. As well: prison farms providing a most valuable and excellent rehabilitation program are closed down. The service is worth millions, but PC wants none of it. The food, healthy local fresh food valued at 2 million per year, provided meals to the prisons and the community in need. Instead, this high-quality, low-footprint, humanelyproduced food is to be replaced with lesserquality long-distance energy-burning commercial food-items, not real food. To boot,
Scott Reid’s polls
sn't it wonderful to live in a democracy? We get to vote every few years for our member of parliament who can then take the time to poll us on specific issues as they come up. Unfortunately Scott Reid's approach to this is laughable in its absurdly biased and inflammatory "polls" that reduce complex social issues into stark black and white. Last time it was the housing tragedy in some of the First Nation communities where in effect, the "poll" blamed the victims. In his latest round he takes on the Kyoto Agreement, positing two extreme options. To call Kyoto a failure is to deny the 189 countries that have ratified the first global cooperative treaty to tackle climate change. This is a treaty that has always been viewed as a transition to a more inclusive and comprehensive one. To our global shame, this is the very first time in Canada's 145-year history that we have withdrawn from an international treaty we have ratified. Let's look at the other part of this "poll" – the supposed cost of $14 billion if we continued in Kyoto. There is nothing, absolutely nothing in Kyoto that obliges us to spend so much as a dime. We had agreed to a 6% reduction from 1990 levels of greenhouse gases, but our emissions have actually increased by 25%. The spin here is that after doing nothing to reduce emissions with only a year left in the Kyoto timeline, it could cost us that to go out and purchase enough carbon credits to meet our targets. But there is no obligation to do so and the only penalty for not meeting targets would be a top up for any reduction commitments in round two of the Kyoto negotiations. Kyoto and climate change, like other big issues of our times, is a complex problem that requires ongoing thoughtful dialogue and concrete action. Sending out extremely partisan propaganda to create simplistic wedge issues using our taxes to pay for it is not my idea of democracy at work. Bob Argue
Vaughan’s Automotive 6674 Main Street, Verona Ontario, K0H 2W0 Owner
Vaughan B. Good Tel: (613)374-5439 Fax: (613) 374-1393
The Frontenac News is published every Thursday Deadlines: Classifieds: Monday at 4:00 p.m. Display ads: Friday at 4:00 p.m..
The Frontenac News welcomes articles and letters, but we cannot publish all the submissions we receive. All submissions must include the author’s name and phone number. We reserve the SINCE 1970 right to edit submissions for brevity, clarity, and taste. Please limit letters to 300 words or less; articles to 500 words or less.
Letters to the Editor the Conservatives have designs to build a fleet of maximum-security prisons. No need Snake Police to ask if this is a high-ticket item. It makes PC feel big. With our money? No, honey. Cracking down on crime, as imagined by the Conservatives, is to set up a game with the public. Recall the G20. Wait, on spending, recall the artificial lake for the G20 in Toronto. Back to crime: are you so desperate to find criminals that you have to set people up to arrest somebody, anybody, in order to defend your prison project? By the way, the enormous police force, not to mention the agent provocateurs, cost a nice bundle. In light of the above, our values are clearly different than yours, the Conservatives. We care about our fellow human beings; about the healing services we give each other; about the quality of the food we all eat. Our home is surrounded by forests. Hunters are active here seven days a week in season. Shots are heard as we wait for the kids’ school bus. We want to know who owns that gun, should anything – god forbid – ever happen. We want to know who aggressed innocent citizens speaking out as one should in a democratic society. But we want it done fairly, not corralling people into demoralizing fortresses. We don’t want our country to be a war zone just so our PM can feel like he’s winning one. Tell him to put on suspenders and pick up a shovel. To plant food. Then yes, that would be good. Nicole McGrath and Robert Lovelace SINCE 1970
CF bag tags and clear bags
t is interesting to note, that in spite of the many questions and complaints about the proposed (and actually decided upon) decisions concerning the bag-tag/clear bag changeover system, nothing has been done by the township powers-that-be. I am involved with the Happy Gang Seniors in Arden, and none of the members that I know of agrees with what is being/has been decided - to wit, canceling/refusing to accept previously purchased tags after April 1, 2012. As previous writers have pointed out, this is not only unfair but the legality of same is questionable. They were purchased in good faith and now have been given an expiration date. This to me is the same as changing the rules of the game after the opening buzzer has sounded. If this is not a money grab from the taxpayers, and we have been assured that it is not, but merely a method to ensure that re-cycling is being followed, what is wrong with allowing the use of our own clear bags, if we have them, with bag tags attached, until such time as no more tags exist and then accepting only bags issued by the township? This will cost the township nothing, allow us to use up our purchased tags and still follow the re-cycling guidelines set out by the township. Also, one on my neighbors, who arrives around May 24 and leaves for the winter after the Thanksgiving weekend, called me from their winter residence to find out if what they had heard about the tag expiration date was true. Sadly, I had to tell them it was. How many other “summer residents” will be surprised and upset when they also find out that the tags they purchased and failed to use up will be no good when they try to use them in the spring? Come on Councilors, do the right thing for the people who elected you. Jack Patterson
David J. Orser owner/operator
Orser Farm Septic Tank Pumping 1059848 Ontario Inc
RR#1, 4490 Bellrock RD Verona, ON fax/phone: 374-2031 K0H 2W0 email: delta@kingston.net
PP Randy Hillier is credited with implying that scientists produce regulations such as the silly one proposed for Black (Grey) Rat Snake protection. Scientists don't produce regulations. That is not their job. Regulations are the work of bureaucrats, policy wonks and, sometimes, politicians. The Ministry of Natural Resources has shown signs of protecting itself from budget cuts by becoming a police service for the provincial government. An example was the assignment of an MNR officer to spend days in a tree to gather evidence against two people near Ottawa who processed a home-grown pig and illegally shared the meat. MNR may be retreating into a "regulatory" role and relinquishing its responsibility for stewardship of natural resources. The unanswered question about the Grey Rat Snake protection is: will the snake police have sidearms? Gray Merriam
Re: Grey Rat Snake
aving read your front page article (Feb. 9) on the Grey Rat Snake and the information you provided to your readers on the heavy handed approach the Ministry of Natural Resources was using in this issue, I felt it necessary to do a little research to verify the theme of this story. After making a couple of telephone calls to government offices, I learned that all landowners in the “Frontenac Axis” which may have Grey Rat Snake habitat on their property did, in fact, receive a letter from MNR asking for their personal input on how to proceed with the protection of the Grey Rat Snake which is on the “species at risk” list. The letter was dated Dec. 21, 2011, and went out to all landowners in City of Kingston, Perth, Gananoque, Twp. of South Frontenac, Twp. of Central Frontenac, Twp. of Frontenac Islands, Tay Valley Township, Drummond Twp. and all of Leeds and Grenville who may be impacted by this regulation. MNR explained in the letter that the Species At Risk Stewardship Fund and the Farm Incentive program are intended to support eligible landowners and farms or businesses if the proposed regulation has a negative impact on their property. The MNR gave every landowner a twomonth window in which they could respond indicating how this regulation would impact their property and asking for their input. Contrary to M.P.P. Randy Hillier’s comments quoted in your article, on this occasion, the ministry recognizes the value of landowners’ input before moving forward with any new regulation that may affect their property. I hope this will shed a little positive light on this issue of the Grey Rat Snake. Bill MacDonald
Harmony Esthetics
1095 Garrett St., rear building; Box 229, Sharbot Lake, ON K0H 2P0 Ph: 613-279-3150; 1-888-779-3150; Fx: 613-279-3172 E-mail: nfnews@frontenac.net Office hours: Mon to Fri, 8:30 am - noon; 1:00 - 4:30 Subscriptions (Canadian subscriptions include HST) Weekly: $63.37 HST incl. ($60.00 US for US orders) for 6 months Bi-weekly: $79.20 HST included ($75.00 US for US orders) for one year, 2 issues, mailed bi-weekly Member of the Ontario Community Newspaper Association
Re: SF backs off protest
n the article about South Frontenac deciding whether to purchase a Caterpillar piece of equipment or not. I was really disappointed to read that a solicitor had stuck their nose into the situation to stop a very founded refusal to purchase from this unconscionable company Caterpillar. Perhaps if we had more people with a moral backbone to speak out, and take action against these types of selfish greedy corporations, by hitting their bottom line in any way we have the power, as this is the ONLY criteria they hold dear. I'm sure if a referendum or poll were to be carried out ,and not decided by a group of persons so easily swayed from making the correct moral judgement, it would be a resounding vote to dump Caterpillar no matter what the cost. More needs to be done by those placed in the trust of its residents than to follow the corporate mantra and screw as many people as possible for the greatest profit. Where has good moral business ethics gone, where people count? It's about time we had a rethink on how to be more compassionate in our business dealings with each other. This ideal should come from the top but so far has no signs of doing so. Therefore should not our 'wonderful' PM Harper who was trumping a photo OP success with Caterpillar a very short time ago, giving them millions of our hard earned tax dollars, be demanding that money back?? Rodney Hoff
Denbigh ambulance - cont’d from pg 1
annual cost of a 24/7 Denbigh base at $1 million and recommended that the base be closed because it has a low call volume. The costing that will be done for the various options will show how much of that $1 million would be saved under each option. Those savings will likely be used to finance a new service to serve Loyalist Township, another one of the key recommendations in the IBI report. “We are working on costing out all the options for council,” said Mark Schjerning late last week. “I don’t know exactly when we will bring that back to council.” At that time, the residents of Denbigh and the surrounding region will learn what their ambulance service will look like, but unless the council shifts its direction that service will be less than current levels - the only question being how much less. L&A County Council is meeting again this week. An in camera session is scheduled to consider the results of a call for proposals regarding a new location in the Northbrook – Cloyne vicinity to replace the base in Northbrook, which must be vacated in 2013.
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COMMUNITY REPORTERS (613) Arden.....................................Joan Moore............... 335-2015 Cloyne / Northbrook..............Marion Collier........... 336-3223 Crow Lake.............................Debbie Jones........... 279-2226 Marion Ratzinger...... 279-2986 Denbigh............... .................Alice Madigan........... 333-9542 Godfrey................ .................Jean Campbell.......... 374-5718 Harrowsmith..........................Kelly Calthorpe......... 372-1655 Henderson.............................Jean Brown............... 336-2516 Georgina Wathen..... 336-9641 Maberly-Bolingbroke.............Karen Prytula............ 325-1354 Mississippi.............................Pearl Killingbeck....... 278-2127 Mountain Grove.....................Marilyn Meeks.......... 335-4531 Ompah...................................Linda Rush............... 479-2570 Parham-Tichbome.................Colleen Steele.......... 375-6219 Christine Teal............ 375-6525 Plevna...................................Katie Ohlke............... 479-2797 Sydenham.............................Anita Alton................ 376-6333 Verona...................................Debbie Lingen.......... 374-2091 Zealand.................................Jean Lewis................ 268-2452
GODFREY Jean Campbell
· Best wishes for a speedy recovery to Richard Howes. Best wishes also to Marc Carter of Sydenham. · Tip this week - Rub the inside of a pan with butter before putting chocolate in to melt. The chocolate will not stick.
Joan Moore
613-335-2015 pinky24247@yahoo.ca
· On March 3 there will be a ham dinner and gospel sing at Kennebec hall. The dinner starts at 5 p.m. and the gospel sing with Clearview starts at 6 p.m. Free will offering, sponsored by the Arden and Community Wesleyan Church · The benefit dance for Jackie Davies was a huge success. The food was awesome and we thank everyone who donated to it. There were games sponsored by Malcolm Sampson and a silent auction put on by Doug and Rose Carpenter. Although Jackie could not make it her husband Brian and her family were there. The money raised was substantial and will help with her medical bills. Special thanks to Chris Scott and Vera Steele for putting away what was left of the food when it was over. We wish Jackie the very best. · Euchre at the Arden Legion is every Thursday night at 7:30. Every last Thursday of the month a tournament will be held, providing enough players are available. · L.A. Darts are $2, held every Wednesday at 6pm. Fun raiser darts, $3, are Fridays at 7pm and Sundays at 1pm. No one under 16 is allowed to play in adult darts. We also have youth darts every other Saturday at 2pm for ages 9 to 16. Wanda Harrison is now our new membership chairman at the Legion. Any questions are to be directed to her at 613-335-3186. · Our casino trip is on Mar. 3, we have a few empty seats and would like to see them full. Call Malcolm, 613-335-3664
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• In 1952, polio killed over 47,000 people in the U.S. In 1955 the first polio vaccine became available for injection. It was discovered by Dr. Jonas Salk. It was used in massed inoculations and saved thousands of lives. The oral Sabin vaccine was available in 195. It is still used today worldwide and is still saving lives. • Pharmacists learn much in school about how drugs work and how long it takes for a dose to “peak” in the body. This knowledge helps us to advise you on the best time to take the drug. For example, if you wake with arthritic stiffness in the morning, it can be better to take a dose of an anti-inflammatory drug at night. We will let you know how to take your medication to get the best effect. • Caffeine is a chemical in many beverages that can adversely affect sleep. It takes about one and a half hours for the caffeine to peak in the body then takes from 3-7 hours for the caffeine to be excreted in the urine. People metabolize drugs at different rates so if you have sleep problems, don’t use any caffeine after 4PM. • Malaria kills almost 800,000 people world-wide each year. A malaria vaccine is becoming closer to reality. The vaccine was tested for 12 months in seven African nations and the results showed a 50% reduction in risk. This is a very significant result which means the vaccine will soon be available everywhere. • Immunization is one of the biggest advances in all of medical history. If you have any questions or concerns about this subject, our pharmacists are here to help.
613-325-1354 karenprytula33@gmail.com
· Next meeting for the Maberly Agricultural Society is February 27, 7:30 pm at the Maberly Town Hall. · Stay active, stay healthy. CPHC Seniors Exercise Class is low-impact aerobics every Monday, 10–11 am at the ABC Hall · Coming up on Saturday March 10 will be the annual Euchre Party followed by a home made Ham & Baked Bean Supper, at the Maberly Hall. Four hand Euchre from 2 – 4pm. Cost is $3 if you only want to play Euchre. Cost is $11 if you want to play Euchre and have dinner too! There will be prizes. 4:30 – 6 pm is the Ham and Baked Bean Supper. Tea, coffee, or juice and dessert included. Cost for just the meal is $10, Children 6-12 years $5, under 5 years free. Prepared and served by volunteers of the Maberly Agricultural Society. Contact Joan Fleming, 613-492-0139 or Marion Koeslag 613-268-2175. Support your community fair.
DENBIGH Alice Madigan
613-333-9542 ali-cj.madigan@sympatico.ca
· Congratulations go out to the cast of characters from the Murder Mystery Dinner Party. The evening was a huge success! Everyone, including the characters, enjoyed an evening of laughter and a very delicious dinner provided by Caroline Kauffeldt (see photo on page 6). · Don’t miss the next Euchre night in Denbigh on Friday February 24 starting at 7pm sharp. · The Denbigh Recreation Committee is holding its Family Fun Day this Saturday February 25, starting with fishing on the Denbigh Lake at 10am. All children who register for the day will receive a lunch ticket giving them a free hot dog, drink and cookie. Lunch is from 12 – 12:30pm. The day includes snow & ice sculpture contests, taffy on snow, bed races, open skating and lots of other fun activities for the whole family. So make sure you come out and enjoy the day! The canteen will be open around 11:30 for refreshments. · The Denbigh Ambulance will be celebrating its 30th anniversary this year. Anyone interested in helping with the planning of this event please come to the meeting planned for Wednesday February 29 at 7pm in the Denbigh Township Hall. For further information please contact Bev or Bill Snider at 613-333-5127 · The Community Food Bank’s Grand Opening is on Tuesday February 28 at 1p.m. in the Addington Highlands Community Centre-Denbigh. All are welcome!
february 23, 2012 will continue to accept donations of clothing and household goods. The proceeds go back to the community to support local organizations such as the local food banks, firefighters associations, Frontenac Mental Health and Salvation Army to name a few. Their new location opens on February 25. · K's Clubhouse is holding a "Spring Fling" Kids Camp, March 12-16 from 8 am to 4 pm. They will be making lots of Easter and spring crafts. Cost is $10 a day. Before and after care are available at $5 per half hour. Call Kaye to reserve a spot at 613-483-2326 or email klubhouse@live.ca · South Frontenac Community Services is currently running a Community Volunteer Income Tax service to help prepare your tax returns. This service runs until the end of April. To see if you are eligible, call SFCSC at 613-374-6477.
613-335-4531 email: marilynarchie@sympatico.ca · Sympathy to the family of Fraser McEwen, who recently passed away. He was in his 97th year and resided at the Country View Home near Godfrey · Best wishes to Taylor Meeks who recently had the misfortunate of breaking his ankle at a hockey game in Campbellford. No more hockey games this season · Happy Birthday to Kelly Kehoe, Geraldine Badour, Judy Huffman, Cleo Price. · We welcome Judi Fox back from visiting friends in Texas.
· The 8th annual Trappers Fishing Derby will be held this Sat. Feb. 25 on Big Gull Lake. There will be lots of prizes for the adults and the children as well. One of the trappers’ main aims is to introduce youth to the outdoors and they have received some much-appreciated donations for youth prizes. There will be a bonfire with free marshmallows and hot chocolate for the youngsters from 11 am to 1 pm. Tickets are $10 each, under 12 years free. See the ad on page 2. · On Friday March 2, Cloyne United Church will be showing a free movie: “The Martian Child” at 7pm. All are welcome. · There was a huge disruption in our telephone service last Thursday, which shut down all the local businesses, and 911 service was also affected. The disruption was due to a line being cut by construction crews on Highway 62, and it affected a widespread area all the way down to Belleville. Extra staff was assigned to the Northbrook and Denbigh ambulance bases, which went on full alert. When we woke up on Friday morning the telephones were working again.
HARROWSMITH Kelly Calthorpe
Debbie Lingen
613-374-2091 debbie@lingens.com
· How would it feel to leave your family, your language, culture and country of birth to begin a new life an ocean away with no possessions and an uncertain future? Ghanaians Kofi Nyarkah and Kwabena Emmanuel Bruce will share their stories of immigration at Trinity United Church, 9:15am, Sunday Feb. 26. Brunch following service, all welcome. · Bingo! The Verona Lions Club and the Knights of Columbus are co-hosting Bingo on Monday, Feb. 27 at 7 pm. The doors and canteen open at 6 pm. Early bird game starts at 6:50 pm. The prizes for each of the 12 regular games are meat packages, value of $25. Verona Lions Hall. · The next meeting for the Rural Women’s Group is Wed. Feb. 29. This group provides a safe and welcoming place for rural women to get together, addressing common interests and needs within Frontenac County. The meetings are held at Southern Frontenac Community Services. Transportation is available. Please call in advance to arrange it: Kate Hulton at 613-376-6477 or 1-800-763-9610 · Portland Community Caring Services is moving. Don't worry, they will be easy to find. They are moving next door, to the Princess Anne Community Centre, Hartington. They
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613-372-1655 kdcalthorpe@sympatico.ca
· Don’t forget the Dance and Silent Auction on Friday, February 24 at Sydenham High School in support of “The Point” in Sydenham. · Also the Turkey Dinner at St. Paul’s United Church in Harrowsmith will be this Sat. February 25 from 4:40 to 6pm. · Portland Community Caring in Hartington is moving next door, to the Princess Anne Community Centre. The new
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february 23, 2012
“store” will open on Saturday, February 25. The bright windowed room will display the donations received on open shelving and provide an opportunity for the community to purchase used clothing and household goods at reasonable prices. Go check out their new location and put your money back into the community. Feeling a touch of cabin fever? Wilton Women’s Institute has the cure: an afternoon of live music with Crooked Wood on Sunday, Feb. 26, 3pm at the Wilton Hall. Tickets are $10 for adults, $5 for kids or a family rate available at the door.
Katie Ohlke ohlkek@limestone.on.ca
· Last Saturday's Jack's JAM at the Clar-Mill Community Hall, was a great, toe tappin' time! More belly filling fun was had at the pancake dinner sponsored by the Clar-Mill Volunteers on Tuesday night! There was not only syrup for the pancakes, but also sausages and beans, strawberries, blueberries, applesauce and whipped topping. Thanks to everyone who came and shared in the fun at both events! · Plevna Joke of the Week: Ed "Can February March?" Gertie "No, but April May!"
MISSISSIPPI Pearl Killingbeck
· Sympathy to the Creighton Pettaplace family. · A surprise birthday party was held at the Legion on Feb. 18 for Sherry McMunn. A good crowd attended. And for Ellen Raeburn’s birthday, which was on Feb. 21, her friends took her out for lunch and to a jewelry party afterwards. · On Sunday Ruth Jackson and family went to Winterlude in Ottawa and had a marvellous time. · My daughter Sharon and I traveled to Lake St. Peter last week to spend some time with my brother. · A bargain is not a bargain unless you can use the product.
SYDENHAM Anita Alton
613-376-6333 rideauraingutter@yahoo.com
· St. Paul's Anglican Church, Sydenham is hosting The World Day of Prayer on Sunday, March 4 at 6.30 pm. Refreshments to follow. All Welcome. · Next Wing Night Thursday March 1 at the Sydenham Legion. · The Point Fundraising dance is on Friday night at the high school at 8pm. You can see some of their hard work paying off as the lights went up at the Point last week. Please continue to support this worthwhile cause
· Portland Community Caring in the Old Schoolhouse on Road 38 is moving next door to the Princess Anne Community Centre. The new "Store" will open on Sat. Feb. 25. · Heavenly Rock with Jason Silver and his band of talented young artists continues at ‘The Crossing’ each Saturday, 7pm at St. Paul’s Anglican Church in Sydenham. They offer a worship experience that is contemporary yet authentic. For more info call 376-3003 or visit www.southfrontenacanglican.ca
PARHAM-TICHBORNE Colleen Steele Christine Teal
613-375-6219 613-375-6525 mrsteal2u@hotmail.com
· Sympathy to the Janack family on the loss of their sister Mary. Mary was a veteran of World War II and a sister to May Leslie and Buck Janack, formerly of Parham. Sympathy also to: the family of Carol Penberthy (owner of the late Leonard Goodberry's house), to Fraser McEwen's family, and to the Ball family. · Belated birthday greetings to Sylvia Gray. · Happy Birthday to Dan Hole, Tanya Whan, Annie McKinnon, Carol Raymo, and Jim Clow. · Thinking of you to Wayne Lowery and Harold Clow. · As part of the Heritage Festival there will be a chili supper at Sharbot Lake United Church on Feb. 25 from 4 - 6 pm. · Lenten Poverty Luncheon and Noon hour Devotions are every Wednesday from 12 – 1, sponsored by the different churches in Sharbot Lake. Feb 29 it is at the Anglican Church. March 7 is at the United. A freewill offering for the food bank will be taken. · What a great time at the Chinese Dinner and Quarter Auction on Saturday night at Hinchinbrooke Public School. Thanks to all who came out and supported this fundraising effort. The money raised will be divided between the HPS Parent Council and the Grade 8 Grad Trip to Montreal in June. Thanks to organizers Penny Cota, Lynn Smail, Lisa Hamilton and Christine Teal, and helpers Lisa Goodberry, Bob Teal, Dan Hole and roller extraodinaire Stuart Howes!! Thanks also to the many people who donated to this great event. · The weekend was jam packed with Winter Carnival type activities at Sharbot Lake High School, Sharbot Lake Beach and North Frontenac Community Arena. The crowds were large in support of Family Day. · Spring must be just around the corner as two robins have been spotted by Boyd Tryon around the Sydenham Area and the syrup makers are getting antsy about tapping!! Tickets are still available for the Fishing Derby on Gull Lake this Saturday Feb. 25; both Keith Steele and Bill Lowery have them available.
The Musical “Annie” is coming to Sharbot Lake A
By Barb Rodgers nnie (Dayna Stone) is a spunky Depression-era orphan determined to find her parents by escaping the orphanage. The other orphans (Alley Teal, Maddie Field-Green, Heidi Ferguson, Grace Cumpson, Sarah Ryan, Ellie Larocque, Keisha Ryan, Delaney Stone, Sidney Teal, and Sadie Watson) are constantly complaining about their difficult circumstances in the orphanage run by the cruel, embittered Miss Hannigan (Roseanna Redmond). Annie is determined to run away. Bundles McCloskey (Martina Field), the laundry man, sneaks Annie out of the orphanage in a laundry bag. Annie comes upon Hooverville, a Depression style shantytown, where residents (Janina Fisher, Deborah Spaar-Mueller, Krystii Squibb, Jessi Desroches, Natalie Wotherspoon, Pauline Muth, Pamela Giroux) who have lost their homes and their fortunes in the economic turmoil reside. Annie is found and returned to the orphanage by Lt Ward (Janina Fisher). Miss Hannigan is outraged. As she is threatening Annie, Grace Farrell (Rhonda Gauthier), the private secretary to the billionaire Oliver Warbucks, enters with an invitation for one of the orphans to spend Christmas with Warbucks at his mansion in New York. Grace is instantly drawn to Annie; and with the papers signed, she brings her to meet Oliver Warbucks (Paddy O’Connor) who is attended by his servants (Joelle Parr, Sidney Teal) in awesome surroundings. Immediately Warbucks feels a deep connection to Annie’s spunk and personality. He finds allies in his Cabinet Ministers (Martina Field, Donna Larocque, Deborah SpaarMueller, Natalie Wotherspoon, Pauline Muth) and Franklin D. Roosevelt (Bill Bowick) who are also enamored by her positive outlook on life. When Miss Hannigan learns that Warbucks is planning to adopt Annie, she, her brother Rooster Hannigan (Jessi Mills) and his girlfriend Lily (Kelsea Babcock) concoct a scheme to make a buck from the pending adoption. In adventure after fun-filled adventure, Annie foils Miss Hannigan’s evil machinations, befriends Franklin D. Roosevelt, and finds a new family and home with Oliver Warbucks and Grace Farrell. Annie is being performed May 11, 12, 13, 18, and 19 in Sharbot Lake Auditorium. More information regarding ticket sales will follow. Plan to attend this humorous and heartwarming musical.
Frontenac Heritage Festival February 24-26, 2012
Heritage Festival Mittens
manufactured by Joshua Amlin of Upholstery Bay, will be available prior to the Festival at the Township Office and at the various events throughout the Festival for $10 a pair, as supply lasts. Money raised from the sale of these mittens will go to help fund our Festival.
Friday, February 24
8 AM, Festival Opening Breakfast at St. James Major Catholic Church. $8.00 gets you eggs, bacon, sausage, toast, coffee, juice. Join the Mayor, Town Crier and Festival Committee for the official kick off. This event is sure to be fun and entertaining as the opening includes showcasing some of our local culture, history and talent. Heritage Attire Welcome Night Winter Camp out. Crow Lake School House, Crow Lake. Pre-registered: Sleep on straw in a tent No Mosquitoes Guaranteed! 7 PM, Photo Slide Show, Maples Restaurant. Enjoy a presentation featuring all the entries to our Photo Contest. Beautiful photos of the Frontenacs people, nature and recreation set to music. Contest winners will be announced after the slide show. Snow Sculpture Contest entries will be displayed and the winners announced at the Maples as well.
Saturday February 25
10 AM - 4 PM, Heritage Displays, Crow Lake School House. Indoors: Joshua Amlin - Upholstery Bay. Joshua will be reupholstering a 1920’s era antique chair which will be raffled with proceeds to the Frontenac Heritage Festival. Draw to take place on Canada Day: Sandra Moase - accomplished in primitive rug hooking from heritage era, rugs, chair seats and wall hangings; Diane Falvey - representing Seeds of
Diversity, an organization that is saving Canadas food biodiversity and cultural heritage by protecting and preserving seeds. She will have packets of heritage seeds grown on her farm, Stony Brae, in Maberly; Natalie Wotherspoon - making goats milk cheese; Marty Hansen - carving local wood into unique work of art walking sticks; Janina Fisher - demonstrating the making of preserves from local fruits. Outdoor demonstrations: Re-enactment of trading post activities. Displays of heritage tools and materials. Heritage life camping and activities - cooking, axe throwing, tools, tents. Ice harvesting tools & lecture. Experience “Crows Feet”. 9 AM till 4PM Lunch: There is a heritage lunch served (Beef and roasted roots vegetable soup with old style bread, and Heritage Apple pie) available for purchase on Saturday. 10 AM - 3 PM, Fall River Road Pioneer Log Home. Visit a mid 19th century restored log home on a hosted tour. Well known for his love of all things antique Peter Bell has furnished a log house which was dismantled, moved and reassembled on his property at 1371 Fall River Rd. (2 km south of #7, or stop at the railway crossing 1 km south of #7 for wagon ride) Weather permitting you will park near the Trans Canada Trail and be taxied to the property by a horse drawn wagon. Wagon leaves the railway crossing every 30 min. beginning at 10am till 2:30pm each day, No charge. 1 - 4 PM, Family Fun, Kennebec Community Centre, Arden. Join us for an afternoon of family fun in the snow. Participate in events such as log sawing, nail driving, skating, snow taffy + snow cream, sledding or just hang about the campfire and roast some spider dogs and marshmallows. Hand carved wood furniture demo all afternoon. Refreshments available: hot dogs, hamburgers, hot chocolate.
1:30 PM Nail Driving contest; 2:30 PM Log Sawing contest; 3:30 PM Caber Toss. The Kennebec and District Historical Society plans to hold an Open House from 1 p.m. to 4pm at their office in the Kennebec Hall. At the same time, the Arden Artisans will offer a Family Arts and Crafts Day in the main room of the Kennebec Hall. Children and adults will have the opportunity to work with clay, water paints, pencils, crayons, and collage materials to create artworks with an historical theme. Admission is free for both events, although donations will be accepted for the Historical Society. 10 AM - 4 PM, Heritage Displays, Soldiers Memorial Hall, Sharbot Lake: Displays: Railway Heritage Society, Quilting, Needle crafts, Portland and District Heritage Society & more. Lunch Available 11 AM -1 PM prepared by Sisters of the Drum Entertainment: 10 AM Sisters of the Drum Folk & First Nations Drumming Ceremony; 11 AM Limestone North Choristers directed by Christina Wotherspoon; 1 PM Debbie Barkley Country Classics music; 2 PM Story Telling: bring the children for a story time; 3 PM TBA 1 PM, Chili Fest Cook-Off & Jam Session. Sharbot Lake Legion Br. 425 Cannon Rd. Judging begins at 1 PM. 1st Place - $100 Meat pkg, 2nd Place - Two dinner tickets from Legion Branch 425. Jam Session begins at 3 p.m. 4 - 6 PM, Chili Dinner, Sharbot Lake United Church: Chili, homemade rolls, cookies and a beverage. Adults: $10 Children: $5. 7 PM, Fireworks & Variety Show. Fireworks will be set off at the Dickson Cr. Ball field followed by the annual variety show hosted by local celebrities Gary Giller and Jim MacPherson at the High School. Free will offering accepted.
Sunday February 26
8 AM - 12 Noon, Breakfast, Sharbot Lake Legion. Price $7.00 10 AM, Polar Bear Plunge. Sharbot Lake Marina. Plungers are raising money for Child and Youth Programs at the Sharbot Lake Early Years Centre 1 PM, Diaper Dash. Oso Hall. Babies race (crawl) across a mat to a dramatic finish! 10 AM - 3 PM, Fall River Road Pioneer Log Home Tours. 1371 Fall River Rd. (see Saturday listing). 2PM, Heritage Walk/Run. Registration 12:30pm, Soldiers Memorial Hall, Sharbot Lake. Walk/Run the 2k, 4k, 6k and 10k distances through Sharbot Lake Village. oProceeds support Frontenac Transportation - a not for profit support for volunteer drivers provide transportation for seniors and others needing rides to medical appointments.
*Free public skating at area outdoor rinks, weather permitting
february 23, 2012
“Crooked Wood” brings the east coast west B by Julie Druker
Murder in Denbigh: Above - The cast of cutthroat characters from Denbigh’s Murder Mystery Dinner, which was held on Feb. 11. Photo submitted by Alice Madigan
illed as a Newfoundland Kitchen Party, the latest sold out show at The Crossing Pub in Sharbot Lake was just that and more. After tucking into a traditional Newfoundland Jiggs dinner of salted beef and veggies, sirloin steak and turkey followed by a traditional bread pudding for dessert, listeners settled in for three generous sets by local Celtic crooners Crooked Wood. The trio showcased their rich repertoire of tunes inspired from the rocky shores of Newfoundland, the old stompin' grounds of pub owners Sandra and Frank White. The trio, made up of Chris Murphy, Jon McLurg and Steve Kennedy, opened the show with selections from their own original solo material demonstrating the fact that these three gents can definitely hold their own both vocally and instrumentally on stage. McLurg sang “Old Montreal” off of his 2008 CD titled “The Auctioneer”; Chris offered up “Finally
L-r, Chris Murphy, Jon McLurg, Steve Kennedy
Coming Home”, the title track from his latest solo project of the same name that will be officially released March 10 at a concert and release party at the Sydenham Street United Church in Kingston, while Steve delivered his very own “Mouse and Man” from his 2010 CD titled “Consider the End”. In the second set the three joined forces, with Steve primarily on bass, Jon on guitar and mandolin and Chris taking up guitar, banjo, mandolin, penny whistle and the Bodhran drum to perform an all encompassing set - a combination of classic east coast tunes along with multiple requests from a very enthusiastic crowd, who showed their appreciation by taking to the dance floor and donning souwesters in a tribute to the Canadian east coast. Early in the set Chris belted out Ron Hynes' “Sonny's Dream” in a clear and crisp voice with Jon plucking out instrumental solos on mandolin. The trio shone brightest when singing together acapella as they did on the east coast classic “General Taylor” with McLurg singing the low bass line and Steve on lead. Their next was the audience’s request for “Squid Jiggin' Ground”, a classic east coast lament delivered straight from the heart and pitch perfect by Chris. The trio also sang a couple of surprising choices, one a Beatles mash-up of “I've Just Seen a Face” and “Octopus's Garden”, for which Brown pulled out his banjo to play a rollicking accompaniment. Their bests were their rousing east coast classics and they delivered many throughout the night including “Excursion Around the Bay”, “Farewell to Nova Scotia” and Stan Rogers' “Barrett's Privateers”, the last of which had the audience thumping their table tops in time. Though Crooked Wood members are all from the local area and do not define themselves primarily as an east coast band, they do admit to loving Celtic music, which has its roots in Newfoundland. “We're basically a folk band with a Celtic sound but that being said we know a lot of east coast tunes and thought it appropriate that we lean that way tonight,” Chris said. The Whites were thrilled to present the trio to this very enthusiastic crowd. “We've been wanting to do this for a while now. It's fun for us to revisit our roots this way and it's great to see so many people in this community enjoying it as well.” Anyone who missed the show can visit ww.crookedwood.ca.
february 23, 2012
HPS fundraiser for 2012 grads by Julie Druker embers of the Hinchinbrooke Public School Parent Council are hoping to send 16 grade eight graduates to Montreal for their 2012 year end grad trip. Their goal is raise the $400 each it will cost per student to send them to Montreal for three days. Judging by the turn out at the second annual Chinese dinner and quarter auction fundraiser, the entire
community shares that goal. The sold out event, which took place on Feb. 18 in the school gym, demonstrated the coming together of the school and the community. In preparation for the event each class at the school was given a theme and the students solicited donations from members of the community to make up secret gift bags, which were bid upon at the auction. Congratula-
South Frontenac Volunteer Recognition Day:
tions to Mr. Kent's grade one/ two class, who brought in the most prizes for the event. The efforts of the students resulted in a total of 52 gift bags, each up for grabs for a quarter bid. Auctioneer for the evening Penny Cota read out the clues for each bag, which included hints like “Calling All Gleeks”, and "You light up my life". She was joined by parent council members Christine and
Nathaniel and Quentin Watson of Verona and Evan Helmond of Peterborough try out the snow shoes at the SF Volunteer Recognition and Family Fun Day on Feb. 20 at the Frontenac Arena Bob Teal, Lisa Hamilton, Lynn Smail and Lisa Goodberry, who busily collected the quarters. After all the bids were in, numbers were picked and the person with the number won the bag. Organizers are very dedicated to giving the graduates an opportunity to travel to Montreal. The students will be departing on June 19
Local growers swap seeds at MERA
by Julie Druker
thrilled to pick up some madthe turn out ers,” Kristine said. and the oppor- Karen Rodgers brought der plant seeds, a perennial tunity for other veggie and herb seeds to plant whose roots are used local growers swap as well as those of to make a natural red dye. “ I to share their wild medicinal plants like live on a sheep farm and my wealth of seeds burdock, stinging nettle, and mother harvests and dyes and know-how. St. John's Wort. She was Continued on page 11 “Gardeners are always really enthusiastic about trying anything new. Sulyn Cedar, Lori Beckstead, Karen Rodgers That and the fact that most steady stream of local of us here are becoming MF Series Features Chinook Series Features gardeners and growers, quite political about seeds • 3rd smoke by-pass - increases heat transfer efficiency • EPA Phase 2 qualified • 2 air injection fans under & over fire • Wood gasification technology their green thumbs twitching in that we are interested in • Rocker grates & removable ash pan • Will burn 50% less wood than conventional with the approaching spring, preserving and growing the • 409 Titanium Enhanced Stainless Steel outdoor wood furnaces • Limited lifetime warranty • 10 year limited warranty Financing Available. shared some of their wealth older open pollinated varietand know-how at the MERA ies. Most of us here harvest Highway 511 Heating Solutions schoolhouse in McDonalds our own seeds to allow that 14406 Hwy. #7 Perth Ontario 613-264-0874 1-800-317-5114 to happen and it’s nice to be Corners. www.hwy511heatingsolutions.com This first ever free Seed Swap able to share them with othevent was the brainchild of two growers, both regular vendors at the seasonal McDonalds Corners Farmers Market, Kristine Swaren of Blue Chicory Gardens and Karen Rodgers of Windblest Contact us TODAY for your waterfront evaluation! Farm in Ferguson. The two Have your property ready to be listed for the SPRING Market. collect their own seeds and 613-279-2108 · Info@LakeDistrictRealty.com · www.LakeDistrictRealty.com have been swapping seeds between friends. They decided to hold the free swap to give other local gardeners and growers an opportunity to do the same. “Sharing Shelves” were designated for growers to offer up their various herb, vegCORPORATION, BROKeRAGe etable and flower seeds and visitors were supplied with The Waterfront Company™ small paper bags to collect DON’T FORGET TO VISIT US AT THE COTTAGE SHOW – APRIL 15-17th the seeds of their choice. CE CENTRE, OTTAWA - contact our office for details Kristine was pleased with
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Lake District Realty
and will be staying at dorms at McGill University. They will have a chance to see numerous parks and historic sights including the Bio Dome. They will also be dining out at French restaurants and will have an opportunity to practice their French language skills. Penny Cota spoke about the opportunity the trip offers to these students. “For many of these kids this represents a once in a lifetime experience and
we all feel its very important to help give them a chance to make this very special kind of trip, which they will remember for the rest of their lives.” Hats off to the parent council and students and staff at HPS and the community, whose efforts and generosity raised $2500 for this special year end trip. The parent council has planned their second fundraiser for April 14, an all-day dodgeball tournament.
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Christian Douglas Kimberley
Kellar, Claude Harold
February 25, 2011 – March 11, 2011 Only you, God and I know how deeply your short visit affected me. Rest in Peace. You’re in great hands with lots of love and company and missed by all. Till I can hold you again, Grandpa
Dixie Powley
In memory of our Mom, who passed away three years ago on February 26. The great acts of love are done by those who are habitually performing small acts of kindness, one stitch at a time. Definitely you, Mom! Love, Toni, JP and boys
Maxwell Freeman In loving memory of my dear husband, who passed away on February 29th, 2004. I miss you more than words can say, Remembered, loved and missed each day and every day. Lovingly remembered by your wife Maryann
Thank You - Bettylou Young On behalf of all Betty’s friends we would like to thank those who helped make her celebration of life so beautiful. Many thanks to Pastor Raymond and Winifred Martin for their lovely words and song, Pastor Klatt and Pastor Maiuri for their beautiful words, their many visits to the hospital and their prayers. Special thanks to Helen Ripley for her beautiful tribute to Betty. To Shirley Cuddy and Gord Struthers for their tributes to Betty and their beautiful songs. Thanks to Amanda Veley for playing the violin. A special thanks to all those who visited and prayed with Betty. Thanks to all the nurses, Dr Sloan and Dr Sosnawski in the palliative care unit who took such good care of Betty. Thanks to Dr Tobia and Sue. To all the ladies who provided the many years of home care. Thanks to McConnell Funeral Home for their professional care. Thanks to Marie White who organized the beautiful lunch following the service. A special thank you to all who kept a 24/7 vigil at her bedside her last week at Lennox and Addington Hospital, Napanee. Thank you and God bless. Harlowe Wesleyan Standard Church. FUNERAL SERVICES
Serving the area for over 100 years.
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It is with great sadness we announce the sudden passing of Claude Harold Kellar at the age of 81 years. Claude leaves behind his wife Winnie of 56 years. His daughter Darlene Thompson, (Lloyd) and his son Mark. Sadly missed by grandchildren Amanda, and Adam Thompson, Michael and Laura Kellar. Predeceased by grandson Ryan Thompson. Survived by his sister Mary McConnell and brother Donnelly. Claude and Winnie spent most of their years in Plevna and will be missed by many friends and relatives. Resting at Goodfellow’s Funeral Home, Parham. Following cremation friends will be received Saturday February 25, 2012 from 12 noon until time of memorial service at 2 pm. Interment of ashes will take place in the spring. Donations to the Heart and Stroke Foundation would be appreciated by the family. Online condolence at goodfellowsfuneralhome.com
Bruce Ryerson Sparling October 17, 1980 - February 11, 2012 Today we lost a warrior, a soldier, a samurai. Defender against zombies, aliens & creatures from the Blue Lagoon. Bruce fought each day against a cancer too evil to be of this world. A battle in which weapons were useless, it was a battle fought with a determination to survive. The battle would rage for 8 years until Bruce’s body was forced to slip from this life to the next. Twin brother, best friend and partner in disturbing behaviour to Michael. Big brother to Susanne. Son of Judy & Ivan. Uncle to Jack & Clint. Nephew to Carol, Lanny, Bruce, Mona, John, Wanda, Bill, Marilyn, Suzie & Rick. Cousin to Rhea, David. Donnalea, Glen, Laura, Mitchell, Daniel, Samantha, Jeffery, Adam, Joe, Bonnie, Kate & late Eric. Best friend to Joe, Pat and countless others. In a deep sleep, in the company of love & compassion, at home, free of any pain or discomfort, Bruce left us peacefully. After so bravely escaping his fate over the years, he rarely complained - and he should have. Most days were a nightmare for Bruce, but he always looked forward to tomorrow. And that is how the ones he left behind will survive. We take peace in that Bruce’s last days were spent at home with family and friends. We take peace in knowing Bruce is now in the arms of lost loved ones; Eric, Crawf, Granny & Grandpa - we ask that you take care of our Brucey. We know he is not alone. From the bottom of our hearts, we want to thank Dr. Rebecca Gladdy, her team & the staff at Princess Margaret Hospital- there are no words to describe the value of the time you gave us with Bruce. Without you, those days would not exist. We want to thank Dr. Dietrich, Janet and the staff at St. Elizabeth for their compassion during Bruce’s last days. We thank Marty, who let Bruce walk again. We thank our rock- Aunt Carol, who gave everything she had, then gave more. We thank David for being more of a brother than a cousin. We thank Joe & Pat for not leaving Bruce’s side and being so faithful & loyal, you lit him up with your presence (PALS). We thank everyone who helped during Bruce’s journey. We love you all. Bruce Loves You All. Funeral Services were held on February 17th, 2012 at 1pm, in Sydenham, Ont, at Trousdale Funeral Home. Donations will be accepted in Bruce’s name to go to Princess Margaret Hospital for research.
Legion Public Speaking The winner of Br. 425 Public Speaking Junior Division was Tangie Howes from Hinchinbrooke Public School. Thank you for coming to participate. CARD OF THANKS
South Frontenac Volunteer Recognition & Family Day Winter Carnival which took place Feb 20th at the Frontenac Arena. Volunteer recognition draw winners are Pat Barr, Peter Brugman, Elra Lee Ball, Erma Bracken, Kathy Closs, Larry Gow, Suzanne Hoag, Lindsay Hull, Merry Horton, Lynn Jackson, Cheryl Kellar, Don Lawson, David Meir, Jen Meulenaar, Ann McDougall, Betty O'Connor, Stan Ritchie, Ginny Redmond, Gayle Roberson, Rachael SmithTryon and Frank York. A special Thank you to Mike Howe, Council Member John McDougal, Tyler Morey, Ryan Morey, Pam Morey, Sandra Bell and Evan Tapscott for volunteering their time for this event. Thank you to our special Event Organizers Norm Roberts and Dan Bell from South Frontenac Recreation Committee. Special Thank you to Jim Stinson and staff at Frontenac Arena and Nicole’s Gifts from Verona for gift cards, and Something Cool Frozen Foods in Harrowsmith also for gift cards and the wonderful hot dogs. Also our appreciation goes out to South Frontenac Council members and Mayor Gary Davidson along with South Frontenac Recreation Coordinator Angela Maddocks for allowing this great event to take place. South Frontenac Recreation Committee congratulates all our Volunteers in South Frontenac because we couldn't do it without you.
february 23, 2012
Harrowsmith Women’s Institute A
By Eldene Asselstine s the winter winds down, please join the Harrowsmith Women’s Institute for a night out and a chance to be educated on a topic given by the program organizers. New faces are welcome as this revitalizes our energy that promotes community caring in our area. At the end of the meeting a wonderful lunch puts a finishing touch to a full evening, spent with conversation and insight of the institute’s work in the community. The next meeting will be held Tuesday Feb. 28 at 7:30pm in the basement of St. Paul’s United Church in Harrowsmith.
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february 23, 2012
Addington Highlands Council - Feb. 21, 2012 by Jule Koch Brison Strategic Planning exercise that council held on Jan. 9 this year left the question - "Where do we go from here?" Various avenues will be discussed during budget
deliberations, and council will hold a special meeting in April. A request from Land o'Lakes Community Services for a monetary donation to the seniors program, as well as a request for a donation to the Ontario 911 Advisory Board were also deferred to budget. · Paul Orser attended the council meeting to hear their decision on EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY his request to be allowed to (Permanent Full-Time) park on an unopened road Chief Building Official (CBO) allowance beside the former United Church in Flinton, Located one hour north of Kingston, the Township of which he has bought. There Central Frontenac (population 4,500) is the heart of the is no parking at the church, Land O’Lakes Tourist region of Eastern Ontario. The and Mr. Orser said he did office is located in Sharbot Lake. not want to create a problem The municipality is seeking a leader with initiative and by parking on the street. His positive attitude. Reporting to the Chief Administrative Ofoffer to purchase the buildficer, the successful candidate will be responsible for the ing is conditional upon findadministration, planning and management of the Building ing a solution to the parking and Facilities Department. The CBO will process applicaproblem and also on the tions for building permits, review all construction drawings building being rezoned to and perform on-site inspections of all construction, develresidential. opment and demolition activities – all in compliance with Clerk Treasurer Jack the Building Code, the Official Plan, Zoning By-Laws and Pauhl pointed out to council all other relevant legislation and regulations. The CBO that the road allowance is will work closely with By-Law Enforcement and Planning the township's access to the Department. river, which runs behind the church. Apparently it is the Qualifications only access in the village, The successful candidates will possess the following which led council to be requalifications: luctant to make a permanent • Accreditation by the OBOA and registered in the agreement with Mr. Orser. inspections program administered by the Ministry of Reeve Henry Hogg said Municipal Affairs and Housing that since it is a 66 foot road • Two or more years experience as a CBO is preferred allowance there would be • Supervisory experience plenty of room for Mr. Orser • Excellent verbal and communication skills to park there and still leave • Proven dispute resolution and negotiation/problem room for other vehicles to solving skills pass. He questioned wheth• Working knowledge and proficiency with computer er an agreement was even applications needed. However, Jack • Ability to physically perform specific duties and site visits Pauhl pointed out that it • A valid Class G drivers license isn't really a road until the The current (2012) annual salary range is $53,153 to township opens it up, so an $59,149. agreement is needed. The municipality also offers an excellent benefit package Council agreed to make a and Pension Plan (OMERS). temporary agreement with Mr. Orser, and although he A complete job description is available on the Township had been hoping for a perwebsite. manent one, this satisfied Qualified candidates are asked to submit their resume him. and covering letter no later than 3:00 p.m. on March 9, · The Denbigh 2012 to the undersigned: Food Bank will be holding its opening on Tuesday FebruShawn A. Trépanier, CAO/Clerk ary 28, 1pm at its new locaTownship of Central Frontenac tion in the Addington HighPO Box 89, 1084 Elizabeth Street lands Community Centre. Sharbot Lake, ON K0H 2P0 · Councilor Tony Fax: 613-279-2935 Fritsch discussed the need Email: strepanier@centralfrontenac.com to put insulation in the roof Website: www.centralfrontenac.com and wall of the library at the We thank all applicants who apply for this position, but only those applicants new community center. He selected for an interview will be contacted. In accordance with the Municipal said that after last fall's heatFreedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act, personal information is ing bills were so high, even collected under the authority of the Municipal Act, R.S.O, 1990 C.M. 45, and though the weather was will only be used for candidate selection. relatively mild, the need for
Township of Central Frontenac
Township of North Frontenac
Notice of the Adoption of an Official Plan Amendment TAKE NOTICE that the Council of the Corporation of the Township of North Frontenac adopted Official Plan Amendment Number 5 by By-law #23-12 on February 13, 2012, under Section 17 of the Planning Act, RSO 1990. PURPOSE AND EFFECT: The Township of North Frontenac has adopted Official Plan Amendment No. 5. The purpose and effect of the amendment is to incorporate changes into the Official Plan arising from the five year review. The updated Official Plan provides the policy framework intended to manage and direct physical development and its effects on the social, economic and natural environment of the Township will form the basis for the passing of municipal by-laws, including an update to the zoning by-law, and the administration and evaluation of planning and other related applications. The Official Plan applies to all lands within the jurisdictional limits of the Township of North Frontenac. Official Plan Amendment: Any person or public body is entitled to receive notice of the decision of the approval authority (Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing) if a written request to be notified of the decision is made to the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing, 8 Estate Lane, Rockwood House, Kingston, Ontario, K7M 9A8 ADDITIONAL INFORMATION related to the Official Plan Amendment is available to the public for inspection during regular office hours at the municipal office (see address below). Dated at the Township of North Frontenac this 14th day of February, 2012. Jenny Duhamel, Clerk Township of North Frontenac P.O. Box 97, PLEVNA ON K0H 2M0 Tel: (613) 497-2231 Fax: (613) 497-2352 Email: clerkplanning@northfrontenac.ca
The Classifieds Ad Rates: Classified Text ads: $8.20 + HST per insertion for 20 words & under; 20¢ each extra word. Deadline: 4 pm Monday; Ph: 613-279-3150, Fx: 613-279-3172; nfnews@frontenac.net
Stoves, washers, dryers, freezers, dishwashers. 3 months old and up. Sold with written guarantees. Fridges $100 and up.
KINNEY AUTO WRECKING Station Road, Kaladar. 4x4 trucks & parts for sale. Scrap cars, stoves, fridges wanted. 613-336-9272.
UPPER FRONTENAC GRAPHICS – Custom Embroidery, Imprinting, Trophies, Awards & Engraving. Caps, jackets, golf shirts, hoodies, teamwear & more. 613-539-6340; dwedden@ aol.com; ufg@hotmail.ca
2 BEDROOM HOUSE in Cloyne. Phone 613336-2239 COMMERCIAL OFFICE SPACE located on Hwy. 7 just east of the Junction of Hwy 38 and Hwy. 7. For further information, contact Ram at 613-279-2827 THREE BEDROOM HOUSE, redecorated, Flinton corner, Northbrook area, $825 plus heat & hydro; first & last, 613-336-2661
14 foot aluminium boat - trailer combo, complete with a 7 hp 4 stroke Suzuki Outboard (warranty included) Minkota trolling motor, Hummingbird fish finder, pedestal seats, new bilge pump, trailer light kit, and other accessories. $5,500 firm. 613-375-6354 DOUG’S ANTENNA SALES & SERVICE: with any new Bell TV system rental or purchase, receive a free PVR receiver. Exclusive Limited Time Offer. Call Us. 613-374-3305 FRONTENAC MODULAR HOMES. Custom built. New 1280 sq.ft. 28’x52’ home, 3 bedrooms, 2 full bathrooms, delivered and on your basement or foundation, oak cabinets available. $79,900 USD plus taxes. Financing available OAC. 1-866-775-8268 www.frontenacmodularhomes.com LIVEN UP YOUR WARDROBE with a new spring scarf, $12.99 ea or 2 for $20. Only at Nicole’s Gifts, 6709 Main St., Verona, ph 613374-2323 OFFICE DESK, Antique chairs, dart board, reading lamp, wooden magazine rack, bookcase, CD player. Call 613-279-3064 SLEIGH, HORSE OR ATV DRAWN, all new wood. 613-372-2699 WOOD HEAT SOLUTIONS. 2012 Winter Warm up Sale! Factory incentives up to $1400 on Outdoor Wood & Corn Furnaces OR Tradeout discounts up to $1,500 on the purchase of an E-Classic. YOUR CENTRAL BOILER DEALER. Frankford, ON 613.398.1611; Bancroft, ON 613.332.1613
more insulation was realized. The insulation costs $4500 and the matter was deferred to budget deliberations. · Councilor Bill Cox brought a request from a member of the Pioneer Museum in Cloyne for help in finding the people in the community who are over 85. They would like to recognize them as part of their study of the history of the area, but are unsure as to how to go about finding them. Jack Pauhl said he has some information that would help. · Councilor Tony Fritsch recommended to council that a small working group be formed to look into a Healthy Communities Grant. The present deadline is Feb. 28 and there isn't enough time to prepare an application. The group would prepare a submission for 2013 based on the assumption that the program will be offered again. Council agreed.
TOWNSHIP OF ADDINGTON HIGHLANDS PUBLIC NOTICE 2012 Budget The Township Council will hold its inaugural Budget meeting at 09:00 on Thursday, March 1, 2012, at # 72 Edward St., Flinton, ON. Ratepayers are welcome to attend. Notice of further meetings will be posted, from time to time, at www.addingtonhighlands.ca Further information may be obtained by calling (613) 336-2286 or emailing to: info@addingtonhighlands.ca
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FIREARMS & HUNTER ED COURSES. Firearms course: Henderson March 23, 24. Hunter Ed: March 30, 31. Wild Turkey license and examinations. Call Bill at 613-335-2786 HUNTER SAFETY AND FIREARMS COURSES. Turkey Examinations. Course date February 24, 25, 26 in Flinton. Call 613-336-9875.
RURAL LEGAL SERVICES, A community Legal Clinic providing legal services without charge for residents of Northern Frontenac County and surrounding area. Sharbot Lake: phone 613-279-3252 or toll free 1-888-7778916. Northbrook: 613-336-8934
TOM’S MUSIC STUDIO is now accepting students for drums, guitar, bass guitar, piano, beginner banjo and theory; repairs to all stringed instruments. Tom 613-539-4659
HIDDEN ACRES RETIREMENT RESIDENCE, home-cooked meals. Rooms available, longterm and short stay, near Northbrook, staffed 24/7. reasonable rates. Call 613-336-0999, ask for Cathy
SERVICES DRYWALL AND PLASTER REPAIRS. Professionally trained. Drywall installation, old fashioned quality, three coat hand finishing. Free estimates. Call Rick at 613-375-8201. HOMESTYLE WEDDINGS. Minister Judie Diamond helps design your ceremony and performs the marriage at location of your choice. 613-375-6772 NUISANCE WILDLIFE CONTROL. Insured, licensed trapper available for nuisance animal removal. Beaver available for dog food. 613374-2179. PET SITTING in Mountain Grove. Going away? Let us help. Dogs, Cats, etc. Spacious, individual accommodations. Long walks. By appointment only. Laura Mills 613-335-3658. Evenings are best or leave a message.
STANDING TIMBER, firewood, pine, cedar, bush lots. Free quotes, cash paid. Call 613279-2154.
NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS All claims against the Estate of WALTER ALBERT REINECKE deceased, who died on September 22, 2011, late of 1260 Clarendon Road, Maberly, Ontario K0H 2B0, must be filed with the undersigned by March 8, 2012; thereafter the assets of the Estate will be distributed having regard only to those claims then filed. DATED at Perth, Ontario this 8th day of February, 2012. Greg W. Anderson ANDERSON FOSS Barristers, Solicitors, Notaries Ten Market Square Perth, Ontario K7H 1V7 (613) 267-9898 fax (613) 267-2741 Solicitor for Estate Trustee
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Northern Happenings Northern Happenings listings are free for community groups, and will be published for two weeks. Other listings are paid or are taken from paid ads in the paper. The News makes every effort to be accurate but events and their details should be independently verified by readers.
Friday, February 24 MCDONALDS CORNERS - JAMES KEELAGHAN concert, MERA Schoolhouse 8pm; $20 ticketsplease.ca, 613-485-6434. $25 at door. SHARBOT LAKE – DINNER at the Legion. 5:30–7 pm, Chicken Pot Pie SYDENHAM DANCE & SILENT AUCTION w/ Bauder Road and Still Standin’, fundraiser by Friends of the Point, high school, 8pm, buffet lunch, buses home avail., tickets $15pp at Sydenham One Stop, Mill Street Pizzeria.
Fri & Sat. Feb 24 & 25 SHARBOT LAKE - GENEALOGY WORKSHOPS, public library, in conjunction with Heritage Festival, Friday 9:30-10:30am or 11:30-12:30; Saturday, 9-10am, space limited, register: 613-279-2583
Fri – Sun Feb 24 – 26 FRONTENAC HERITAGE FESTIVAL: FRI: Sharbot Lake, Opening Breakfast 8am, St. James Catholic Church; Photo contest winners 7pm Maples Restaurant. SAT & SUN: Fall River, Dr. Bell’s log house tours. Sharbot Lake Oso Hall 10-4, demonstrations, exhibits, crafts, lunch, entertainment; SAT: Arden Family Fun Day 1-4pm - workshops with artisans, contests, games. Crow Lake schoolhouse 104pm Pioneer demonstrations, reenactments, displays, food & heritage lunch. Sharbot Lake High School 7pm, Fireworks & Variety Show. SUN. Sharbot Lake Legion breakfast 8-noon $7; Marina – Polar Bear Plunge 10am, Diaper Dash 1pm Oso Hall, Heritage Walk/Run.
Saturday February 25 BIG GULL LAKE - FISHING DERBY sponsored by Frontenac Addington Trappers Council, Weigh in Newton’s Bay, trophies, cash prizes; top prizes; free kids category; info: 613336-8359 or 613-335-2695 DENBIGH - FAMILY FUN DAY, fishing 10am (free hot dog, drink & cookie for all children registered). Snow & ice sculpture contests, taffy on snow, bed races, skating & more; sponsor: Rec Committee . DENBIGH - GOSPEL CONCERT w/ Robert
By Sara Carpenter
ome on out to the Central Frontenac Heritage Festival this weekend. There are all sorts of activities and events Friday through Sunday throughout the township. In the way of food, don’t miss Natalie Wotherspoon’s goat cheese-making demonstrations at the Crow Lake Schoolhouse. Natalie and her clan raise their much-loved goats locally, not far from Sharbot Lake. Remember Carnation’s “contented cows”? Well, the milk from contented goats must be downright excellent, because I’ve tasted Natalie’s goat cheese, and it’s phenomenal. If you’re not familiar with goat cheese, also known as chevre, by all means give it a try. There are aged varieties that can be strong in flavor, but for the uninitiated, I’d suggest the soft, unripened goat cheese available at most grocery stores in the familiar logshaped package. The cheese is a bright, pure white, not the ivory color of cow’s milk cheeses, with a creamy/crumbly texture that melts agreeably in the mouth. The flavor is mildly tangy, and goat cheese goes superbly well with fruit. Because of the way its fat globules are structured, the cream in goat’s milk doesn’t separate out very readily, which may account for some of the rich creaminess of the
& Gina Sprague, New Apostolic Church, 7pm, food items & monetary donations for Denbigh Food Bank. HARLOWE DANCE, w/ Country 4 Band, community centre, $8, 8pm, lunch, prizes, all welcome. HARROWSMITH – TURKEY DINNER, St. Paul’s United Church 4:30-6:30pm, $12, children $6 SHARBOT LAKE – JAM SESSION & CHILIFEST at the Legion, Chili, homemade buns & bread, cut off 1pm. Jam session 3pm, info: 613-279-2659 SHARBOT LAKE – CHILI DINNER, 4-6pm, $10, children $5 SNOW ROAD - BREAKFAST & DINNER, breakfast 8-11am; spaghetti supper 4:306:30pm, Snowmobile Club; 1106 Gemmills Rd. SYDENHAM - ‘THE CROSSING’ Heavenly rock with Jason Silver & band, contemporary worship experience, 7pm St. Paul’s Anglican Church; 613-376-3003; all welcome
Sunday February 26 BEDFORD OPEN MIC & JAM, 1-5pm, country, bluegrass, folk, performers free, audience $1; info: 613-374-2614 BELLROCK - JOHN McEWEN SHOW, community hall, 1:30-3:30pm, refreshments available, free admission, fundraiser for hall FLINTON - COFFEE HOUSE, Through the Roof Ministry, 6:30pm, Open mic, all welcome, free will offering PLEVNA - RIVER OF LIFE CHRISTIAN FELLOWSHIP, 10:30am Clar-Mill Hall, guests Wayne & Mary Abrams; lunch follows service, all are invited; info. 613-479-0333 VERONA - Ghanaians Kofi Nyarkah and Kwabena Emmanuel Bruce will share their immigrant stories, Trinity United Church, 9:15am, brunch following service, all welcome. WILTON – CONCERT w/ Crooked Wood, 3pm, community hall; tickets $10; $5 kids
Monday February 27 MABERLY AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY meeting, 7:30pm, community hall PLEVNA-OMPAH PASTORAL CHARGE, United Church, Annual Meeting, 10 am at Manse, Road 509, Plevna. SHARBOT LAKE – FOOT CARE CLINIC, seniors’ centre, appointment: call 613-279-3151. VERONA - BINGO! Lions Hall 7pm; doors open 6pm, sponsors: Lions Club and Knights of Columbus
cheese. Nutritionally, it’s in the same ballpark as feta cheese, which is to say, 20-25% fat, most of it saturated, and around 75 calories per ounce (28 g). It’s far lower in sodium than feta, though: at around 100 mg per ounce, soft goat cheese has about a third as much sodium. (Feta, which is also made from goat’s milk sometimes, takes on more sodium because it’s brined.) Anyway, goat cheese is so flavorful, a little goes a long way. This salad comes to me from Adele Colby. Adele, who is well-known for her involvement with Grandmothers for Africa, is forever welcoming people into her home. Family especially, but also friends and members of the community groups she commits to with such passion. She’s one of those women who make entertaining seem effortless, possessing a seemingly inexhaustible supply of energy, grace and charm. I’ve served this salad several times since Adele gave me the recipe, and I invariably get asked how to make it. It’s dead simple, as you will see. If you can get fresh, handmade goat cheese, go for it. Otherwise, you’ll be perfectly happy with store-bought. My favorite way to make it is with raspberries; their color is pretty, and the berries’ tenderness is a nice match for the baby spinach. And as always, spinach is a nutritional powerhouse, replete with folate to help your body turn out fresh, new cells. Make sure to check out the lineup at this year’s Central Frontenac Heritage Festival. It’s organized entirely by volunteers,
Watch for Our Inside Deli and Bakery Specials
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Hwy 38 Verona (613) 374-2112 Tuesday February 28
Saturday March 3
DENBIGH - FOOD BANK’S GRAND OPENING, 1pm, Addington Highlands Community Centre, All welcome! harrowsmith women’s institute, 7:30pm, St. Paul’s United Church, all welcome. NORTHBROOK - FOOT CARE CLINIC Lions Hall, call Land o’ Lakes Community Services 613-336-8934 or Heather 613-335-2895 SYDENHAM – SENIORS FITNESS PROGRAM, Tuesdays 10-11am, St. Paul’s Anglican Church $4; Danielle 613-376-6477
ARDEN - DINNER & GOSPEL SING, Kennebec hall, ham dinner 5pm; gospel sing 6pm w/ Clear View, Free will offering for both, sponsor: Arden Wesleyan Church SNOW ROAD - BINGO FUNDRAISER for Snowmobile Club; light supper 4:30-6pm; Bingo 6:45pm, 1106 Gemmills Rd.; all welcome.
Wednesday February 29 RURAL WOMEN’S GROUP, 2-4pm, Southern Frontenac Community Services, 4419 George St.; free transportation avail: 613-376-6477; 1-800-763-9610, all women welcome SHARBOT LAKE - POVERTY LUNCHEON & LENT DEVOTIONS noon-1pm, St. Andrew’s Anglican Church; free will offering for food bank, all welcome SNOW ROAD – FOOT CARE CLINIC, Community hall, appointment call 613-279-3151.
Sunday, March 4 ENTERPRISE JAMBOREE, w/ Dennis Whitty, Open Stage, dancing, 1pm, $5, Enterprise Hall, presented by Newburgh-Camden Lions, 613-379-9972 HARROWSMITH – GOSPEL ONLY JAM, Free Methodist Church, 1:30-4pm, Open Mic, fundraiser for church; info: 613-376-9815 MCDONALDS CORNERS - SHIATSU MASSAGE, 10am-4pm, MERA Schoolhouse, register: 613-278-0388, meraschoolhouse.org WORLD DAY OF PRAYER, Sydenham, interdenominational service hosted by St. Paul’s Anglican Church, 6.30pm. Refreshments, all welcome
Thursday March 1
Monday March 5
NORTHBROOK - RETIRED TEACHERS & FRIENDS: Luncheon at Addison’s Restaurant, 11:30am. To reserve phone 613-279-2098 by Feb. 28 at noon.
SHARBOT LAKE – FOOT CARE CLINIC, seniors’ centre, appointments: 613-279-3151.
Friday March 2 CLOYNE - FREE MOVIE, “The Martian Child”, United Church 7pm, all welcome. HARROWSMITH - YOUTH DANCE for ages 9-15, Golden Links Hall, 7-10pm, $6 call Sharon 372.1274, Wayne 358-2533. MCDONALDS CORNERS – Indian dinner, MERA Schoolhouse, 6pm, $10; 5-12yrs $5, under 5 free. Desserts extra. Reserve: 613278-0388, meraschoolhouse@bell.net. WORLD DAY OF PRAYER, Flinton - St. John the Evangelist Catholic Church 10:30am, all welcome.
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Wednesday March 7 SHARBOT LAKE COMMUNITY IMPROVEMENT PLAN Meeting, 6:30-8pm, Soldiers Memorial Hall, all are invited to discuss the community improvement plan for the village of Sharbot Lake, info: Peter Young, 613-5489400 x 359; pyoung@frontenaccounty.ca SHARBOT LAKE - SUPPORT GROUP FOR CAREGIVERS of Alzheimers or related dementia disease, Seniors’ Centre, 1-3pm. 279-3078 VERONA DINERS, noon, Lions Hall, for 55+, $11. Reservations required 613-376-6477.
Thursday March 8 HARROWSMITH DINERS, noon, Free Methodist Church, for 55+yrs, $11. 613-376-6477.
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Enjoy a home cook ed meal in a friendl y, relaxed atmosphere. Reservations accept ed. 4937 RD 38, Harro wsmith 613-372-00 07
expressly for you! Come on out, bring your friends, and have a fun and lively weekend. Bon appétit!
SPINACH AND BERRY SALAD WITH GOAT CHEESE Makes 4 servings iet y sm i t h V a r Cut 1 medium arrowred onion lengthwise into quarters. Slice one quarter crosswise into thin crescents (save the rest for another use). (If onion is very sharp, soak the slices in tepid water for about 10 minutes; drain well.) In a large salad bowl, put 1 lb. (450 g) baby spinach (washed and spun dry in a salad spinner), sliced red onion; 1/3 c. toasted pine nuts (or other favorite nuts, toasted). Toss with enough poppy seed dressing (store-bought or homemade) to coat. Scatter over greens 2 small handfuls raspberries*; 125 g soft goat cheese, crumbled. Toss gently and serve. * Thawed if frozen. Substitute as desired with blueberries, blackberries, strawberries, or even grape halves, mandarin orange slices, or cubes of melon or pineapple. Homemade Poppyseed Dressing In a blender, combine 1/4 c. white vinegar; 1/2 c. canola oil; 2 to 4 tbsp. sugar; 3/4 tsp. salt; 1/2 small red onion, chopped; 1 tsp. dry mustard; 2 tbsp. water. Blend until smooth. Stir in 1 tbsp. poppy seeds. Refrigerate for an hour or more to allow the flavors to blend.
Quantities are limited. No rainchecks.
Solid Pine Cottage Grade Paneling
Harrowsmith baseball needs new chair T
by Dan Bell
he Harrowsmith & District Social & Athletic Club is again reaching out to our community in hopes of attracting a new Baseball Chair for the upcoming season, which is approaching very fast. Wayne Closs, who is retiring from the position after a number of years, has offered to share his 40 years of baseball experience with the new chair, and the club is looking for a person who is interested in devoting time and energy for their community. The 2012 Baseball Registration is coming up in March and there is lots to do to prepare for new season. The S&A Club is hoping someone will step up to the plate soon, as they say. Baseball is a great way for children and adults to stay fit and interact with their peers. If there is no response from our community the club will have no choice but to end baseball in Harrowsmith. Let's help Harrowsmith Ball to continue for our young citizens and future leaders. Please come out to the S&A Club meetings, which take place every second Monday night of each Month at 7:30 and make some new friends. For more information, call S&A President Dan Bell at 613-372-1910
february 23, 2012
Outdoors in the Land O’ Lakes - Beaver Island W
ith ice covering our little bay, we’re able to walk to our island now, which is perhaps 100 meters off shore. The island is well treed and is about ½ acre in size. At least it was well treed until a logger moved into the area. Our mysterious logger has a warm fur coat, which is just as well because most of his logging is done at night. He’s a hard worker but he’s also kind of cute with his big brown eyes and buck teeth. In fact, his teeth are so large he can, and does, literally eat trees. Of course, as you’ve probably guessed, our night visitor is Mr. Beaver and, by the number of felled trees, some of his family must have helped with the logging. This furry creature could certainly put most chain saws to shame. He was either very lucky or quite skilled in bringing down trees almost exactly where he wanted them and where the tender bud shoots and twigs were easy to retrieve. Our visitor started his logging on the island this past summer when he cut down about ten healthy birch trees and some maple saplings. We were able to retrieve the trees for firewood taking advantage of the ice this winter to move the wood by sled across the bay. We were shocked in January though to see that another dozen or so trees had been chopped down. We were even more shocked when we saw a hole in the ice about 2 feet square where, obviously, the beaver was swimming under the ice with tender shoots from
the felled trees. There are no beaver lodges nearby that we know of but, on the far side of the lake when kayaking in the summertime, we have seen a beaver family. I noticed that the beaver has even sliced off some young cedars along the far shoreline of the island. The remaining stems look like someone cut them off with a machete. If you’ve never seen a beaver’s wood chips, they are very large – about 2 or 3” across. Although we are angry at losing so many healthy trees, we do find it amazing that this animal can travel under the ice for a long distance, especially when it is dragging small tree branches. He must have a very good GPS system to navigate such a distance under ice. Many years ago we did manage to foil another attempt by beavers to eliminate some of our trees. Luckily, we noticed in time some obvious beaver damage to a couple of nice young maples. We saved the trees by coiling wire mesh about 4 feet high around the trunks. Once the trees got a bit bigger, we were able to remove the wire and they haven’t been bothered since. Since we hadn’t visited the island for a couple of weeks, a few days ago we decided to snowshoe around to the other side just to check on things. Sure enough, the beaver’s hole in the ice was open again and showing signs of a lot of traffic. Also, the small branches and twigs that had previously
Old is new again on the Fall River Road
Dr. Bell’s 1840s log house will be one of the main attractions at this weekend’s Frontenac Heritage Festival
octor Peter Bell of the Sharbot Lake Family Health team has been interested in the way people lived in eastern Ontario ever since he opened his medical practice over 40 years ago. During that time he has developed a large collection of antique items, including not just furniture but tools, stoves, and other implements as well. All in all it makes up enough antique objects to fill a house - but where to get a house? About four years ago he found an answer to that question. On a property at the junction of Brooke Valley and Strong Roads, there was a log home that dates back to 1840. The owners of the property, Bob Argue and Cheryl Nash, were building a new home and they had no need for the old one, so they put out the word they were willing to sell the old McConnell homestead.
SEPTIC SERVICE LTD. Pumping of septic & holding tanks Licenced by M.O.E. since 1972
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by Jeff Green
Peter Bell bought it and then the work started in earnest. Not only were the logs removed and marked, but many of the stones that made up the massive hearth in the home were pulled apart and marked as well. David and Jeff Hamilton began working on the project, and it has taken four years to move the house and put it back together. A number of elements, such as windows and doors, had to be sourced, and the log walls and hearth reconstructed. Dry wall was used for interior walls in place of the lath and plaster that had been in the house. The house is larger than many of the time, 1,000 square feet on the ground floor, with a high ceiling (10’) and a second story above. It made for quite a large home. It includes a main room, parlour, small bedroom and kitchen on the bottom floor and bedrooms above. The fireplace, which is an old style cooking fireplace, is different from what is found in most log homes in the region, which were built a little later on and generally include more efficient heating sources like box stoves and cook stoves. Most of the work on the main floor has now been completed and it has been fitted out with furnishings that have been found over many years from sources all around eastern Ontario. However, they all seem to fit into the available spaces in the home as if they have been there for 175 years. This weekend, as part of the Frontenac Heritage Festival, the home will be open to the public between 10 and 3 on Saturday and Sunday. Pam Giroux, decked out in heritage dress, will act as hostess, aided by Tilda Bron, and Martina Field will drop by to entertain on the fiddle at times. Weather permitting; a horse-drawn wagon will be available near the Trans Canada Trail at the top end of Fall River
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PAGE 11 by Lorraine Julien been neatly piled near the hole had now been taken away. The logging has stopped for the time being probably because Mr. Beaver did not like the sound of our chain saw sawing the logs into firewood. The hole in the ice has now frozen over so I guess he has moved on – for the time being. Across the lake there are a lot of trees that have also been cut and fallen onto the ice. The person who owns that piece of property will have a lot of work this spring – and a lot of firewood! We noticed another creature while working on the island. It is about 1-1/4” - 1-1/2”. I know very little about strange bugs so would appreciate it if a reader with bug expertise could identify it and let me know by email. Perhaps it could be the subject of another column. What looks like an intact bug with broken legs is actually just a shell. Could this have been a dragonfly larva? I have no idea but whatever it is, it’s ugly! Send your observations to Steve Blight at natureobservations@rogers.com or Lorraine Julien, naturewatching@gmail.com Road to bring people to the house in style. The wagon rides are scheduled for every half hour from 10 until 2:30.
MERA Seed Swap - from pg 7
her own wool so it will be interesting to see how this madder seed works for her, ” Karen said. While seeds were furiously changing hands there was also much animated discussion on various topics like plant sex which Karen said is an endlessly fascinating topic. “When harvesting your own seeds, it's amazing how much you come to understand about all of the different plants and varieties. There are so many different ways that different plants save their seeds so you learn a lot about the individual plants and it is not really until you have grown the plants from their own seed that you understand their whole entire reproductive cycle.” The organizers are thinking this will become a regular annual event. An added bonus was the Cafe MERA, which is now open Saturdays and Sundays from 9am-2pm. Visit www.meraschoolhouse.org. Seed swappers might also be interested in “Seedy Sunday”, an event for seed enthusiasts that will take place at the Perth Legion on March 4
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Heritage Festival Join us as we cheer on participants at the Polar Bear Plunge and at the 2nd Annual Walk/Run! Your job is out there. We’ll help you find it.
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february 23, 2012
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Flyers lose two nail biters in OMHA quarter final playoffs
Frontenac Flyers goalie Robbie Babcock kept out most of the shots fired at him by Haliburton’s Highland Storm at the Frontenac Arena on Feb. 18, but this one got by him. by Julie Druker he Frontenac Flyers Midget rep team faced off against Haliburton’s Highland Storm in a closely fought home game at the Frontenac Arena on Feb.18. The Flyers, who were one game down in the best out of five series in the quarter final playdowns coming into the game, were well matched against the Storm. Both teams played fast and fu-
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rious in a very physical end to end game. With eight minutes left in the first period the Flyers took the lead when Ben Kennedy scored, assisted by Drake Deline. In the second Halliburton fought back hard and with just three minutes left tied it up when the Ryan Hunter scored. Also in the second period, the Frontenac Flyers leading scorer Chris Monnier took a big hit and suffered a concussion that put him out for the remainder of the game and the series. Early in the third period, Mackenzie Hart scored a power play goal for the Flyers, giving them a 2-1 lead. The Flyers came very close to increasing that lead with no less than three close shots on net hitting the posts in the following few minutes. But Haliburton came back strong and tied it up with less than three minutes to play, and the game went to overtime. The 10-minute overtime was well played by both teams although a number of Flyers’ shots went wide. Haliburton kept coming back though with multiple shots on Flyers goalie Robbie Babcock, who had a great game. With just over two minutes left in the overtime Haliburton snuck one by Babcock, giving the Haliburton Storm a 3-2 victory and a two games to zero series lead in advance of a third game in Haliburton the following day. Flyers coach Rich Withey said he felt his team played a great game at home. “I think we outplayed them in the overtime but our nemesis has been giving away shorthanded goals. We gave up four
in the last two games and Haliburton is a strong team; their forwards have a lot of speed that gave our defense a bit of trouble for sure. They definitely have some shooters that like to pay if we make mistakes,” he said. The overtime loss on Saturday coupled with the loss of Chris Monnier seemed to weigh on the team at the start of Sunday’s game. “It was a really shaky start for us on Sunday. We took too many penalties in the first period,” Withey said. By the end of the first period the Flyers were trailing Haliburton 6-0, and it looked like they would go quietly. But they mounted a comeback, starting in the latter stages of the first period and continuing into the second, led by some tremendous play from Ben Kennedy. They scored four unanswered goals in the second period, two of them off the stick of Kennedy. Kennedy completed his hat trick in the third early in the third after receiving a nice pass from Jordan Torres, bringing the Flyers to within one goal of the Haliburton Storm. But the comeback ended there. “We played well into the third but unfortunately were unable to complete what would have been a remarkable comeback.” Haliburton took the series in Sunday’s game, winning it 7-5. Though they did not make the semi-finals Withey felt his team did well. “Our team is a pretty smart team and every single player is valuable. Overall we had a great season,” he said.
South Frontenac The Council Furnace Broker
by Godfrey WilmaON Kenny 8109 Hwy 38, Caterpillar Bid Accepted Further to last week’s discussion of Dual Fuel the township’s lawyer’s advice re tender Models procedure, CouncilAvailable reconsidered a motion to accept the low bid for a vibratory roller for the roads department. (The next bid was $1,724.38 higher.) Councilor Robinson repeated his opinion that 613 the township should boycott the Cater- Five of the six South Frontenac Township's Volunteer Firemen who were recognized at 374-2566 pillar in support of the London Tuesday evening's council meeting for 20 years' exemplary service to their community. OR company 1-888-674-2566 workers who recently lost their jobs. They are (left to right): Deputy Chief Tom Veldman, Todd Sands, Mark Young, Mayor Robinson asked for a recorded vote: the Davison, Fire Chief Chesebrough, Richard Harper, and Brian Young. (The latter is motion passed, with Robinson, Stowe wearing a medal earned for valour.) and Vandewal opposed. “I will accept the decision, but I don’t like it,” said Robinson. Wide Variation in Bridge Inspection RFPs Council agreed with Mark Segsworth’s recommendation that they accept the proposal of D.M.Wills Associates for the provision of bridge inspection services for the township’s bridges and culverts for 2012, 2013, & 2014 for the combined total of $19,159. “We have used this company many times You are invited to discuss the before, and are satisfied that they understand the scope of the work,” said Segsworth. There was a huge range in the prices of the thirteen RFPs submitted for the job: the highest was $298,148. New Chief Building Official Wednesday, March 7th, 2012 Council has appointed Jeremy Neven as Chief Building Official for the Township, to begin March 16. He will replace 6:30PM to 8:00PM Alan Revill, who is retiring. Neven has been the Chief BuildSoldiers Memorial Hall ing Official in Central Frontenac for the past year.
What should the future of Sharbot Lake look like?
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TOWNSHIP OF SOUTH FRONTENAC ONTARIO WILDLIFE COMPENSATION PROGRAM The Ontario Wildlife Damage Compensation Program includes two new eligibility requirements for livestock and poultry producers in order to be eligible for compensation. Please note these changes are effective April 1, 2012.
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For more details please see our website. 4432 George Street, Box 100, Sydenham ON K0H 2T0 1-800-559-5862 Website: www.township.southfrontenac.on.ca
The County of Frontenac and the Township of Central Frontenac are working together to develop a Community Improvement Plan for the village of Sharbot Lake. Community Improvement Plans are a planning tool used across Ontario to revitalize towns and villages using incentives to stimulate private sector development and municipal initiatives that help improve a community. For more information please contact Peter Young, County of Frontenac, at 613-548-9400 ext. 359 or pyoung@frontenaccounty.ca