Vol.12 No.49

Page 1

December 13, 2012

Vol. 12, No. 49


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Your independent community newspaper since 1971

Circulation: 9177 households

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Gutowski to remain as Frontenac County Warden Procedural bylaw supports her decision, but council is opposed by Jeff Green


t was a special meeting indeed. Frontenac County Council met on Tuesday December 11, ostensibly to discuss their procedural bylaw. But the real reason that members of Council petitioned for the meeting was to address a more direct issue. They wanted to know if the current warden, Central Frontenac Township Mayor Janet Gutowski, intended to resign as warden and turn the job over to Deputy Warden Dennis Doyle, the mayor of the Township of Frontenac Islands. “Nobody has ever put the question directly to you so I will,” said South Frontenac Mayor Gary Davison to Gutowski. “Do you intend to respect the office and turn it over to the deputy warden?” “I have decided that I will remain in the chair of the warden. Times change and council needs to reflect those changes. We have to serve the needs of the citizens, and at this point there are a number of important initiatives that need to be followed through to their completion. At this point it is my intention to remain in the chair,” said Gutowski. Gutowski’s position is backed up by the county’s procedural bylaw, which stipulates that the warden is elected for a four-year term through a vote of Council. There is also nothing in the procedural bylaw that speaks to Council removing a warden from office. By way of context - ever since the forma-

tion of the County of Frontenac, the wardens have only held the post for one year, and then resigned to give another mayor a year at the helm. With four-year terms being instituted in Ontario municipalities in 2006, that meant each mayor had a chance to be warden. After the most recent election in the fall of 2010, South Frontenac Mayor Davison was elected warden, and he resigned late last year. After a contested election, Janet Gutowski was named warden after her name was pulled from a hat. Back to Tuesday’s meeting. Once Warden Gutowski made her decision clear, North Frontenac Mayor Clayton rose on a point of order. Citing a provision of the procedural bylaw, he challenged Gutowski’s ruling on the matter of remaining as warden. Gutowski then called for a recess, while along with the County CAO Liz Savill, she consulted with the county’s lawyer Tim Wilkin, who was on hand at the meeting. During the break, Frontenac Islands representative David Jones leaned over to the press table and said, “It’s not really about the warden, you know; it’s all about the CAO.” Gutowski returned, called the meeting to order, and said the provision about challenging a ruling [No. 17-11 in the bylaw] did not apply in this case, because she “had not made a ruling on any motion or any proce-

South Frontenac budget by Jeff Green t their final Committee of the Whole meeting of 2012 on Tuesday night, December 11, members of South Frontenac Council had their final session on the 2013 budget. As requested by council, staff presented a budget in November that would result in a tax increase of less than 3% for the average valued South Frontenac home, which is now worth a whopping $214,000. Subsequently it was revealed that a provincial transfer program was cutting its grant to South Frontenac by $206,000. At the council meeting on December 4, a number of options were presented to council, and this week council had an opportunity to discuss them. The first item that was settled concerned garbage pickup. In 2012, the township levied a special charge to all residential ratepayers of $100 to cover the cost of garbage pickup. For that fee, ratepayers receive 50 $2 bag tags. The fee is intended to cover pick up only. Other waste costs such as waste site maintenance and operation costs, tipping and trucking fees for out of township disposal of Storrington District waste, etc. is covered through the general tax levy. Council rejected a proposal by staff to eliminate the levy and integrate the costs into general taxes. “I don’t see why people who own vacant lots should pay for garbage pickup,” said Councilor Ron Vandewal and the majority of


council concurred. In order to cover part of the budget shortfall, council decided to raise the $100 fee to $120, with the extra $20 helping to offset the waste management budget. This will bring in approximately $100,000. As to covering the remaining $106,000 shortfall, Council was leaning towards increasing taxes to cover it. This would bring the tax increase to about 3.5%, and with the extra $20 the increase will be near the 4% mark for residential ratepayers. “This is a bit higher than I think we want to go,” said newly appointed Deputy Mayor Cam Naish, “but I realise it is not wise of us to take this kind of money from reserves, particularly because that $206,000 is gone forever, not just in 2013.” “I think we should raise taxes a bit more if we have to,” said Councilor John McDougall. “Don’t forget the elephant in the room, the $600,000 shortfall we may be facing if we can’t renew the roads money from the city. If that doesn’t come it will come out of the budget, so we should not keep taxes artificially low and then have to jump them up next year.” Until this year, South Frontenac has received a grant of $600,000 from the City of Kingston for arterial roads. That agreement ended in 2012 and is in the midst of being renegotiated. If the money is not forthcoming, it would come out of the public works

Contiued on page 3

Frontenac County Warden Janet Gutowski dural item. I only answered a question from a member of Council” South Frontenac Mayor Davison then asked Gutowski, “Why was that an in camera meeting between you and the solicitor?” Warden Gutowski invited Tim Wilkin to speak to Council. “The intention of the provisions in the procedural bylaw challenging a ruling of the chair, Nos.17-10, 17-11, and 17-12 are about different circumstances than this one. They are more about rules of order,” he said. “You are using technicalities and proce-

Minister announces Health Link for Frontenac, L&A – details to follow by Jeff Green


n a surprise announcement, the Ontario Ministry of Health announced a new initiative last Thursday. “Health Link” is designed to co-ordinate the “care for high-needs patients such as seniors and people with complex conditions” according to a ministry release. Among the stated goals of the program are: “Improved access to family care for seniors and patients with complex conditions; Reducing avoidable emergency room visits; Reducing unnecessary re-admission to hospitals shortly after discharge; Reducing time for referral from primary care doctor to specialist appointments; and Improving the patient’s experience during their journey through the health care system.” The initiative takes its cue from the recognition that a small percentage of the population makes use of a disproportionately high share of health care services and dollars, and better co-ordination of care for these people would improve outcomes and save health care dollars. Health Links are being established in 19 locations throughout the province, three of which are located in the region of the Southeast Ontario Local Health Integration Network (LHIN) Frontenac and rural Lennox and Addington

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dural tricks to subvert the will of Council,” said Frontenac Islands Mayor Dennis Doyle to Gutowski. The meeting broke up shortly thereafter, and will be followed up with a further meeting on the procedural bylaw, but the question of Warden Gutowski remaining in place will not be part of those discussions. “I’m terribly disappointed and a bit embarrassed to be part of this organization,” South Frontenac Mayor Gary Davison said after the meeting.

Counties are one of the early adopter areas. The Rural Kingston Family Health Organization (FHO), which inlcudes the primary care clinics in Sydenham, Verona, Newburgh, and Tamworth as well as the Family Health Teams in Sharbot Lake and Northbrook, is the co-ordinating agency for the region. Lynn Wilson, the administrater for the Ru-

Continued on page 2 SINCE 1970

SINCE 1970

Only one more edition!

Please note that our last edition of 2012 will be published on Thursday, December 20. Please send in your notices, articles, and ads for our regular edition by 4pm, Monday December 17. After a two-week break our first edition of the new year will be January 10, 2013. SINCE 1970

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december 13, 2012


It is time for a cooler head to prevail W

hat can be said about the decision by Janet Gutowski to remain as warden of Frontenac County Council? On one hand she is fully within her legal rights to keep the position. While there has been a ‘gentleman’s’ agreement that the chain of office is to be passed on every year, that agreement was already dented, if not broken, a year ago. At that time North Frontenac Mayor Bud Clayton attempted to jump the queue, and he forced an election for the position of warden even though Gutowski was the deputy warden at the time and part of the ‘gentleman’s agreement’ until then had been that the deputy always gets the warden’s job.

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by Jeff Green

The councilors from Frontenac Islands and North Frontenac formed a voting block and Clayton almost won. The vote was 4-4 and Gutowski only became warden out of luck when her name was pulled from a hat to break the tie. At the time Bud Clayton justified trying to wrestle the job away from Gutowski by saying that she was too closely tied to the interests of county staff. At the special meeting of Council this past Tuesday, Warden Gutowski was able to establish that she can stay on as warden if she wants to, and that any attempts to alter the county procedural bylaw would not take effect until after the next election. Legalities aside, it is foolhardy for her to defy the will of the council in this way. The fact that a meeting was called to try and force her to resign is a sign of the obstruction she will face as warden from now on. Of the eight members of county council, five have made it clear they want her to resign, and two have remained silent. In the coming county budget debate, council is certain to oppose any initiative that she supports. She has been a champion of a green energy initiative, sustainability planning, and economic development, which are all certain to come under increased pressure by council with her as warden. It is important to point out that, unlike the mayor of a city or a township, the warden is not elected through a public vote; the council itself elects the warden. To defy her council is to defy those who elected her. As well, rightly or wrongly, at least half of county council thinks that Warden Gutowski is too closely aligned politically with County CAO Liz Savill, who they feel has too much authority and has not allowed the council to put their own stamp on the county’s future. I personally find that position is more than a bit naïve. I don’t think that county council has never pulled up its socks and done the necessary home work and research to come up with a viable vision of Frontenac County, and to a certain extent CAO Savill has filled in for a vacuum of leadership from the council itself.

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ral Kingston FHO, did not have a lot of lead time before the announcement was made last Thursday – having received an email only a few days earlier. She also did not receive any communication from the ministry or the Local Health Integration Network about how Health Link will roll out in Frontenac and Lennox and Addington Counties. A meeting of primary heath care practitioners with Dr. Jonathan Kerr (lead physician), and Paul Huras (CEO) of the Southeast LHIN has been scheduled for Dec 20. Health Link partners in Frontenac and L&A will likely include, in addition to Rural Kingston family care physicians, the Southeast Community Care Access Centre, Hotel Dieu and Kingston General Hospitals, Lennox and Addington County General Hospital, the Perth hospital and local community service agencies. “I expect that we will focus on chronic heart care, obesity, and other issues in an attempt to enchance the ageing at home program in Frontenac and L&A, but we will have to see what Doctor Kerr says next week before we know where this is all headed,� said Wilson.

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Health Link - Coninued from page 1


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As for Warden Gutowski, there is still time for a cooler head to prevail. The county meets next Wednesday for the last time in 2012. Janet Gutowski clearly believes she is in a unique position to promote county interests externally in 2013, to the Eastern Ontario Warden’s Caucus, the City of Kingston and the Province of Ontario, and believes that those opportunities will be lost if she steps down. But everything changed this past Tuesday. It became painfully clear, in the full light of a public meeting, that Frontenac County Council strongly opposes her. This opposition will not pass and for her to continue as warden will be counter-productive. It will ensure an uncomfortable year ahead, and a stagnant council. In light of all this, she should step down as warden.

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december 13, 2012 Publisher & Editor............................................. Jeff Green Managing Editor ............................................... Jule Koch Graphic Designer................................................Scott Cox Sales Representative......................................Garry Drew Reporter..........................................................Julie Druker Copy Editors .................... Marg DesRoche, Martina Field Dale Ham, Office Staff.............................................. Suzanne Tanner Webmaster.........................................................Scott Cox


SF budget - from page 1 capital budget, which is currently set at $4.5 million for 2013. If the money does not come, a bridge slated for construction in 2013 will likely be put off until 2014, and a 5-year road and bridge reconstruction schedule would have to be adjusted. Council will make their final decision on the 2013 budget at their final regular council meeting of 2012, on December 18. Service Delivery Review – CAO Wayne Orr presented a proposal for a service delivery review. Council expressed interest, and the process will likely be undertaken in the new year. New Deputy Mayor – As is the township’s custom, the deputy mayor position was rotated for 2013. Councilor Cam Naish, who received the highest number of votes for Storrington District in the 2010 election, took over from Portland Councilor John McDougall. Notice of motion – Councilor Robinson will present a motion next week that could impact the 2013 budget. He will propose that the purchase of a tri-axle truck by the Public Works department for $350,000 be deleted from the budget. Notes from December 4 Council meeting: By-law Amendments - Planner Lindsay Mills explained a number of ‘housekeeping’ changes in wording needed to clarify parts of

Vaughan’s Automotive

SINCE 1970

The Frontenac News is published every Thursday Deadlines: Classifieds: Monday at 4:00 p.m. Display ads: Friday at 4:00 p.m..

The Frontenac News welcomes articles and letters, but we cannot publish all the submissions 1970 we receive. All submissions mustSINCE include the author’s name and phone number for verification. We reserve the right to edit submissions for brevity, clarity, and taste. Please limit letters to 300 words or less; articles to 500 words or less.

the township’s 2005 zoning by-law. There were two major corrections: 1) to apply zoning to all lakes and water bodies to prohibit floating boathouses andSINCE permanent 1970 houseboats, and 2) in the recreational resort commercial zones, to no longer permit existing structures located within the 30 metre setback to be reconstructed on a larger scale or closer to the water. Mills noted that these changes would bring the by-law into conformity with the intent of the Official Plan to maintain the rural character of the lakes and keep all development set well back from water bodies. A further update forbids occupation of a newly-constructed building until the township has issued an occupancy permit. (Formerly, a building could be occupied when it was “substantially completed.”) Two new fire trucks - Council approved Fire Chief Chesebrough’s recommendation that Arnprior Fire Trucks be awarded the contract to build a pumper ($364,000) and a tanker ($264,000.) An additional $2,000 was approved for radio installations in the vehicles. These were the lowest bids, and the expenditure is part of the long-term vehicle replacement capital budget. Recreation User Fees Raised Council approved raises in fees for swim programs and day camp.

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HOMEMAKERS WANTED! Land O’ Lakes Community Services and the Community Support Program are excited about a new program which will begin in April 2011. With our Senior population aging quickly it is vitally important for those wishing to remain and age at home to have access to homemaking type service. The support would be: laundry, vacuuming, meal preparation. This will be a Fee-for-Service program We are looking for those who have a friendly manner and are interested in providing the service. There will be an information meeting at Land O’ Lakes Community Services on Thursday, Feb. 17/2011 at 1:00 pm and again Friday, Feb 18/2011 at 1:00 pm at the Denbigh Community Centre. For more information please call Pam at 613-336-8934 ext 229.

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s I was reading the safe properties bylaw article in the November 29 issue of the Frontenac News, some questions arose. Who gets to decide what “refuse” is? Maybe someone has a pile of brush, or wood chips piled up to use as fill, or maybe there is a burn ban on and they cannot be burnt and the property owner has no way of taking them to the dump. Then what? What if the long grass is growing in a wet area that cannot be cut. Then what? Who is responsible for clean-up along or on someone’s property if - I mean when - the township cuts/pushes down trees and leaves a big dangerous mess; the property owner or the township? What if a property owner is away on holidays and does not receive a notification of any clean up that needs to be done. Are they going to come home to a clean-up bill? Is Council going to practise what they preach? After all, our mayor said “I think there should be one set of rules for everyone.” Well, Mrs. Mayor – is that true, or is that for everyone except Council? We know that Council does not always follow the same rules that they set for everyone else. - Justin Gray

Parham Fair will close without new volunteers


am writing concerning a dire situation. The Parham Agricultural Society, which sponsors the Parham Fair each August, is losing several board and executive position members. We are looking for individuals to fill the positions of: president; treasurer; poultry coordinator; palace coordinator; grounds coordinator; marketing & fundraising coordinator. We need volunteers willing to fill these positions before our January 15, 2013 Annual General Meeting. Without these positions being filled, the Parham Fair will be cancelled until someone steps in to start it up again. If you wish to see the fair continue and are interested in one of these positions, email president@parhamfair.com or call me at 613-374-2728. I will be happy to outline the responsibilities of each position. John Waddingham, President (resigned), Parham Agricultural Society

Member of the Ontario Community Newspaper Association

Fish TV


he second Fish TV show in the Land O' Lakes will be on the following dates: Global TV - Dec. 15; TV Tropolis - Dec. 16; Rogers Sportsnet - week of Jan. 13. Be sure to tune in!

David Wilber Brison

In loving memory of David,

May 27, 1934 ~ December 11, 2002

We miss you, Jule; Sue, Bill, David and Darla; Karen, Steve and Jeffrey; Jeffrey & Lynda; Catherine; Ed & Chris.

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Rural Kingston Family Health Organization VERONA MEDICAL CLINIC

6582 Hwy 38, PO Box 160, Verona, ON K0H 2W0  Tel. 613-374-2077

Monday, December 10, 2012

NOTICE TO ALL MY PATIENTS As is now generally known in Verona, Dr. Piotr Oglaza will be transferring from the Sharbot Lake site of the Rural Kingston Family Health Organization to the Verona Medical Clinic in January 2013. Dr. Oglaza’s arrival will make it possible for me to transfer a number of my patients to him and enable the Verona Medical Clinic to improve patient wait times. I want to thank all of you who have demonstrated their loyalty and confidence in my care. And thank you to those of you who have already agreed to help me by transferring to Dr. Oglaza’s care in January. But we are only about half way to the 500 I have been hoping to transfer to Dr. Oglaza. No one is absolutely required to make that change, but it will help me if you agree.

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Please be reminded that my practice is over 2,000 patients which is about double the normal-sized practice for a family physician. This has made it difficult for me to provide care in as timely a way as I might have liked on occasion, but in the absence of a second physician my nursing staff and I have done our best.

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In routine daily practice, Dr. Oglaza and I plan to practice as a team, so there will be days when he sees some of my patients, and I see some of his.

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Letters to the editor Re: Safe Properties bylaw

1095 Garrett St., rear building; Box 229, Sharbot Lake, ON K0H 2P0 Ph: 613-279-3150; 1-888-779-3150; Fx: 613-279-3172 E-mail: nfnews@frontenac.net Office hours: Mon to Fri, 8:30 am - noon; 1:00 - 4:30 Subscriptions (Canadian subscriptions include HST) Weekly: $63.37 HST incl. ($60.00 US for US orders) for 6 months Bi-weekly: $79.20 HST included ($75 US for US orders) for one year, 2 issues, mailed bi-weekly

(613) 969-0287

I would like to thank you all in advance for considering my request. And I know that you, my patients, will all help us to make Dr. Oglaza feel welcome here in Verona. Sincerely, Laurel J. Dempsey MD



COMMUNITY REPORTERS (613) Arden.....................................Joan Moore............... 335-2015 Wanda Harrison........335-3186 Cloyne / Northbrook..............Marie Anne Collier.... 336-3223 Crow Lake.............................Marion Ratzinger...... 279-2986 Denbigh............... .................Angela Bright............ 333-1901 Godfrey................ ................ Nicki Gowdy.............. 374-5708 Harrowsmith..........................Kim Gow................... 372-0018 Henderson.............................Jean Brown............... 336-2516 Georgina Wathen..... 336-9641 Maberly-Bolingbroke.............Karen Prytula............ 325-1354 Mississippi.............................Pearl Killingbeck....... 278-2127 Mountain Grove.....................Marilyn Meeks.......... 335-4531 Ompah...................................Linda Rush............... 479-2570 Parham-Tichbome.................Colleen Steele.......... 375-6219 Christine Teal............ 375-6525 Plevna...................................Katie Ohlke............... 479-2797 Sydenham.............................Anita Alton................ 376-6333 Verona...................................Debbie Lingen.......... 374-2091 Zealand.................................Jean Lewis................ 268-2452

HENDERSON Jean Brown 613-336-2516 Georgina Wathen 613-336-9641 · Our black powder boys, using muzzle-loaders, have been busy hunting and hooting in the bush. The warm weather made for good clean hunting, I'm told. · Your old reporter was privileged to attend the Niagara Falls Festival of Lights getting “all shook up” with the Elvis impersonators' concert, along with concerts by the Oakridge Boys, and Bobby Vinton. · Harlowe Wesleyan and Standard Church, sporting new pew cushions, hosted its annual sacred Christmas concert on Saturday evening to a packed church. Proclaiming the good news of the birth of Christ through drama, song, scripture, and testimony offered the area some spiritual nourishment to prepare for a Christ-filled Christmas. Some hi-lights included the mother-daughter singing sensation Sheila Thompson and Stephanie Delyea; the re-united Messenger singing group featuring Rev. Charlie Burtch, Eldon Thompson, Ray Whitelock, Shirley Cuddy, Doreen Black; the “Veley sisters” Sheila Thompson and Marilyn Osborne in a hilarious skit; a lively teen class puppet show, adult class Beverly Hillbillies, fantastic recitations, nativity pageant, treats for all, and a stellar performance by Al Osborne singing the Hank Snow song “God is My Santa Claus”, reminding us we don't write Him letters, we kneel and pray. It was amazing to me how many of the children and grandchildren of the area founding families were represented, including the Scotts, Thompsons, Cuddys, Veleys, McNeils, and any I've missed. · Henderson United will once again host a sacred and secular musical celebratory bash at Henderson Hall on Sat. Dec. 22 at 7 p.m. Light refreshments will follow. · Once again our Harlowe folks, known for their fantastic food and fun times, are hosting a New Year's Eve dance with a hot buffet at midnight, and it will be a right tasty hoot and a holler with the Country 4 Band. Just give Marie and George

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a call at 336-2557, $12.50 per person for dinner & dance · I heard that putting cedar boughs in boats, trailers and stored cars for the winter would keep the mice out, so we're going to try it. Does anyone have further ideas on keeping mice out? Please let me know. · Land O' Lakes Seniors hosted a fantastic Christmas dinner including some home spun fun, old fashioned jokes, and music by Gilbert Whan and friends. We remembered with fondness the late Fred Smith who died recently, being thankful to God for the departed and their wisdom over the years. -Jean · Gord and I celebrated an early Christmas in Belleville with 15 family members including Gord's Windsor family. God bless at Christmas – Georgina.


Linda Rush lindarush@yahoo.com


The Ompah-Plevna United Church members reached the painful but seemingly inevitable decision to close both the Ompah and the Plevna Churches as of December 31. An upbeat service of closure and de-consecration happens on Sunday, Dec. 16 at both sites: Ompah United at 10 a.m. and Plevna United at 1 p.m. The Plevna service will be followed by the previously planned musical afternoon with Bill and Murray White at 2 p.m. Former minister, the Rev. David Spivey will take part, along with Rev. Jean Brown, Rev Bill Smith (executive secretary of Bay of Quinte Conference) and Bruce Hutchinson of Presbytery. Everyone is welcome and the membership thanks everyone in the communities, area churches and beyond for help and support over the years. There will still be a Christmas Eve service on Dec. 24, at 7 p.m. at the Ompah site. Also in the spring/summer there will be another farewell celebration, when more summer folks are around. Looking into the future, the trustees, guided by Presbytery negotiator Bruce Hutchinson, will determine the best possible uses for both worship sites and their contents, so that the church can go on in other locations and in alternative ways. The area churches are opening their doors in welcome, and the communities continue to offer support, caring, prayer and creative ways to serve and work together for a greater good. Certainly the churches will be missed.


613-372-0018 kgow63@hotmail.com

· St. Paul’s United Church would like to thank the Harrowsmith community for their generous support during the recent Santa Claus parade and pancake breakfast. Thanks to everyone they are well on their way to filling the Christmas hampers and assisting the SFCSC food bank. · There will be a “Theme” Youth Dance at the Golden Links Hall on Dec. 14 from 7 to 10 pm for ages 9 to 15. A $25 gift card will be given for the best Christmas outfit. For info: Sharon 613-372-1274; Wayne 613-358-2533. · Harrowsmith S&A members will be sharing the spirit of the season with their neighbours as they carol through the village on December 16 beginning at 6:30 p.m. Carollers will be asking for donations of non-perishable food items for our local food bank in appreciation of their festive singing.

C apsule C omments

with Jocelyn

Whalen, B.Sc. (Pharm), CGP

Testing new drugs requires seeing how they might affect body organs such as liver, kidney and heart. They use live subjects in this testing. The National Institute of Health in the U.S. is funding research into 3-D tissue chips using living cells that model the structure and function of the real organs. Once developed, these chips will be used to test new drugs and result in bringing them to market faster. The words “cold chain” refer to the need to keeping vaccines and certain antibiotics cold (2-8°C) from manufacturing to administration. This is important when shipping products overseas because half of the vaccines are lost due to exposure to heat. A new idea using silk as a stabilizer in the product will allow a greater range of temperature variations. Should be in use in about five years. We get kind of smug in Canada thinking that being overweight is more an American problem. Today, 59% of Canadians are either overweight or obese. By 2026 this is expected to reach 70%. Now is the time to do something about it. Music can have a powerful effect on people with dementia. A program called Music and Memory uses music selections that the patient listened to in past years. Using an MP3 player and earphones, the music brings back memories to these patients and helps them become more connected with the real world. Giving you the best service for all your medication needs is the main goal of our pharmacists. Hope to see you in our pharmacy soon.

Jennifer Clow

For Our Aging

9504 Road 38 Godfrey, ON K0H 1T0 T: 613-374-2023

december 13, 2012 · Harrowsmith Free Methodist Church will be hosting a New Year’s Eve Roast Beef Dinner/Gospel Opry. Tickets are $35 with proceeds going to the expansion fund for their new gymnasium. Catering by Harrowsmith’s own “Ella’s”. Tickets can be purchased through the church office 613-372-1238. · A New Year’s Eve Dance will be held at the Golden Links Hall. Tickets are $25pp, midnight buffet, DJ, bus ride home. Contact Allecia at 613-532-0131; datagirl549@gmail.com.


613-335-4531 email: marilynarchie@sympatico.ca

· Happy Birthday to Florence Lovelace, Cassie Fox, Ken Armstrong, Rick Murphy, Ken Smith, Ian Tryan, Shirley Kellar, Heather Fox, Kaitlyn Wilkes, Ava Fox, Benjamin Barr, Jean Hamilton, Vivian Lowery, Miranda Cowdy, Blayne Thompson, Don Abrams, Sandra Burke, and Tanner Meeks --13 years. Wow, a teenager! · Thinking of you to Reg Peterson, Joyce Smith, Clara Clow, Dorothy Proctor, Charlotte Brown, Vera Steele, Terry Robertson, Bruce Scott, Ross Shorts, Ray Smith, Lillian Burke, Garret Shorts, and Bill Pringle. · On December 22 there will be a Christmas celebration - a time of entertainment and fellowship at the Henderson Hall. 7 p.m. All are welcome. · We welcome back Sylvia and Bill Powers from a well-deserved trip to Costa Rica where they visited with old friends. The Powers used to live there many years ago. · Those who wish to place a poinsettia in the Arden Pastoral Charge sanctuary in memory of a loved one, please contact Rev Barbara or Carol Morris by December 16. · A Christmas Sing-a-long was held on Dec. 9 at the Community Church of God in Petworth with Pastor Ruth Ann Paul. A good crowd sang the familiar hymns. · Two Frontenac Bantam teams played a great game of hockey on December 7.

PLEVNA Katie Ohlke ohlkek@limestone.on.ca


· Our very own Clarendon Central Public School, which is celebrating 50 years of learning, was awarded a $2,100 grant by the Limestone Learning Foundation. The grant will enable the purchase of two iPads and supplies for the creation of a digital 50th Anniversary Yearbook. Congratulations! · Thank you to everyone who came out and supported the Cookie Walk as well as the Christmas Market held at Clarendon Public School! · This Sunday Dec. 16 will mark the formal closing of the Plevna United Church at 1:00 with a light and lively service of deconsecration featuring Rev. Jean Brown, former clergy the Rev. David Spivey, Executive Secretary the Rev. Dr. Bill Smith and Bruce Hutchinson of Presbytery. All are invited. Following the service Bill and Murray White will offer their previously scheduled musical afternoon at 2pm, so it will be a fun-filled, yet sad afternoon at Plevna United. In 2013 the Trustees of the Plevna Ompah United Church will explore future uses for both church buildings and all contents. Spe-

Christmas Trees Cut your own $25.00 each.

For every tree sold, we will donate $3 to the Oso District Fire Department. Crooked Hills Farm 1560 Over the Hills Rd. Clarendon, ON

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december 13, 2012


cial thanks to all who have been so helpful. The Clar-Mill Community Volunteers are again sponsoring the Christmas Eve Santa Candy delivery. To have candy delivered by Santa please contact his elves: Bernice 479-2270 or Ina 479-5592 and provide your civic address and number of children at your address. This information is needed by December 15.


613-325-1354 karenprytula33@gmail.com

· Does anyone remember the title of a book about old South Sherbrooke Township, or Maberly, that was once printed? Carl Greer says he worked on that book. It was blue and about 150 pages. He said about 100 copies were made but nobody can remember the title. I would like to find a copy of this book but it’s hard to search for it without a title. If you know the name of it, please call me at the number above. Thank you. · Vivian would like to thank Kendra Parks for helping her with this year’s Christmas Baking. Keep an eye on your firewood. There have been known to be thefts of firewood in the area.

MISSISSIPPI Pearl Killingbeck


· A number of employees and their families, from the area attended the Crains’ Construction Christmas Party at the McDonalds Corners Hall on Friday evening. When Santa arrived the faces of all the children were priceless. · Opening Sunday, Dec. 16, 8 a.m. full breakfast, lunch and dinner menu at Snow Road Snowmobile Club, 1106 Gemmills Road. Daily specials, spacious seating, friendly service. Eat in or take out. 613-278-2022. · Get well wishes to (Granny) Mary Slater, formerly of Elphin.


· On Friday we ladies got together for Harriet’s birthday at the Maples. A great three hours. Many more, Harriet. · We ladies took in the Festival of Trees. Everything in that building was just beautiful – I didn’t get a call, though. · We took in the cookie walk at Plevna. Hundreds of yummy cookies left that building. You ladies have been busy. We also took in the craft sale at the school, then went to Honey Locusts to see her treasures. A lovely meal at North of 7 before heading home.

PARHAM-TICHBORNE Colleen Steele Christine Teal

613-375-6219 613-375-6525 mrsteal2u@hotmail.com

· Happy Birthday to Richard Hartwick, Wray Gillespie, Louise Lee (Puddy), Nicki LeClair, Alyssa Teal, Amanda Neadow, MaryJane Badour, Terri-Lynn Ducharme, Cheryl Bertrim, Angela Whan-Corkum, Ilona Cox, Karen Teal, Wendy Sproule, Brad Gibson, Amanda Hamilton, Jim Steele, Aaron Lapointe, Mike Goodberry, Virginia Hamilton, Joe Mallett, Vicki Babcock, Ralph Lowery, Tanner Meeks, Tyson Thompson, Natasha Emery, Jess Quinn, Tiffany Thompson, Julie Whan, Lorne Hamilton, Grant Thompson, Bill Lowery, Stirling Hamilton, and Vivian Lowery. · Thinking of you to Ray Smith, and Anna Young. · Sympathy to the family of Butch Fanning who passed away recently as well as the late Sharon Nybom. · Some from the Mayflower Lodge will be going carolling around the village of Parham and would be happy to have others join them. It will take place on Saturday Dec. 22 starting at 7pm meet at the IOOF hall, then return to the hall for some yummy hot chocolate. · Thank you to District #4 Recreation Committee for a great children’s Christmas Party on Saturday! Due to the weather they were unable to offer the wagon rides, but the kids

PAGE 5 enjoyed the many crafts and especially the visit from Santa Claus!! While working at the party, I had some parents compliment District #4 Recreation Committee on how much they and their children enjoyed the various parties (like Halloween, Easter and Christmas). Nice to get some positive feedback on these activities. · Great work to Rachel Neadow in organizing the volleyball tournament this past Saturday at Sharbot Lake High School. Thanks to the six teams who participated. All money raised will be helping to fund her trip to Honduras to help set up camps in the village and put her nursing skills to work. (see article next week) · Dec. 13 - Blue Christmas Service at 7 pm at Sharbot Lake United Church; • Dec. 15 - All faiths are invited to an ecumenical service at the Sharbot Lake Pentecostal Church at 6 pm. If you are planning on attending please bring squares. • Dec. 15 - Relay for Life Team Kylie is holding a bake and yard sale at the IOOF Hall in Parham from 9 - 1 - Maybe you can get some of your Christmas baking done!!! • Dec. 16 Old Fashioned Hymn Sing at Parham United Church at 7 pm - free will offering. • Dec. 21 - Turkey Bingo at Parham IOOF Hall, • Dec. 23 - Maberly United Church will hold a Festival of Lessons & Carols in the Maberly Hall at 7 pm. Special guest

Circle Square Ranch Nativity Pageant Friday December 14, 2012 Carol Sing 5pm, Dinner 6pm, Nativity 7pm. Desserts to follow. Dinner: Adults $15. Children 10 & under $6. Children 3 and under free. Cookie Walk by Donation. No Charge to attend the Nativity, donations appreciated to offset desserts. Dinner seating is limited. For information or to reserve tickets please contact us at 613-335-5403 or email arden@csranch.ca

Columns continued on pg. 6

Frontenac Farmers Market is hosting a

Christmas Market Saturday Dec 15th,9am-2pm Lions Centre - 4504 Verona Sand Road, Verona ~ 45 seconds off Hwy 38! Great Chance to shop from your Local Market Farmers, Food Producers and Artisans & exciting guest Vendors, Please check out our Facebook page for a listing of who will be there. Wishing you a very Merry Christmas! Thank you for Business, see you in 2013

NAMING OF NEW SCHOOL IN SHARBOT LAKE The School Naming Sub-Committee of the Sharbot Lake Family of Schools Integration Committee would like to thank the community and the schools for the more than 130 suggestions, as well as other input, received for the name of the new K-Grade 12 school under construction in Sharbot Lake. The 15-member naming sub-committee, after much deliberation and consideration of many factors, has now narrowed the list to the following options. The naming sub-committee again invites input from interested community members and schools to assist the integration committee and the Board of Trustees in the final deliberations to choose the school’s name. While the selection process will not be based on a vote, the committee would like to be able to report which options drew broadest support. From the many suggestions, by far the most common thread was the wish to convey the beauty of the natural geography unique to the area and that concept is apparent in the options selected.

Kim & Dave Perry, Owners, Local Family Farms

Food & Financing Thanks to Local Family Farms and the Frontenac Community Futures Development Corporation the Frontenac community now has a source for locally-grown meat, vegetables, and ready-made meals. Kim and Dave Perry’s long-time support for sustainable farming practices and socially responsible food initiatives led them to open Local Family Farms in Verona in 2007. After a successful first year the store’s dedicated clientele wanted even more than locallygrown meat and vegetables so Kim and Dave approached the Frontenac CFDC for help in realizing a made-in-Frontenac solution. The Frontenac CFDC is a non-profit organization funded by FedDev Ontario offering

free business advice, workshops and commercial financing to entrepreneurs and those looking to start a business in the Frontenacs. “Their guidance and financing allowed us to buy the equipment we needed to diversify from meats and vegetables to ready-made frozen entrées, “says Kim. The upgrades have yielded another unexpected return too. “Demand is growing again for locally-grown raw products,” explains Kim, “With the help of the Frontenac CFDC our business has expanded full circle.” To find out more about realizing your business dream, call the Frontenac CFDC at 613-372-1414, Toll Free at 1-888-372-9962 or info@frontenaccfdc.com

building business — growing communities

1. Granite Ridge District School or Granite Ridge School Granite is the predominant rock formation in the area and the school will be situated at the base of a ridge. Conveys strength and beauty. 2. Lakeview District School Incorporates the word “lake” which is most predominant geographical feature in the area. Upon entering the village, and at the top of the hill overlooking the school, one can admire the beautiful view of the lake. This was a name suggested by many individuals independently. 3. Lakeside District School or Lakeside Education Centre Incorporates the word “lake” which is most predominant geographical feature in the area. Proximity to Sharbot Lake. 4. Waterstone District School “Spectacular lakes and waterways, and stunning granite outcroppings” is the descriptor provided by the individual who offered this suggestion. 5. Sharbot Lake District School or Sharbot Lake Education Centre Continuity of generations of students and staff at SLHS since 1948; preserves historical origin of Sharbot Lake founder, Frances Sharbot. School located in Sharbot Lake. Name submitted by many individuals independently. 6. Hillcrest District School Upon entering Sharbot Lake, one is at the crest of the hill overlooking both the school and the village. The naming sub-committee will then present its options and findings to the integration committee by around mid-January, which in turn will forward its recommendations to the Limestone District School Board of Trustees for final decision. Thank you for joining in the process to select a name for the new school. Please select the one option you prefer. Submit your name and selection to: Madeliene Tarasick Chair, School- Naming Sub-Committee Email: tarasick@frontenac.net Mail: 2130 Wagarville Rd., Parham, ON K0H 2K0 In person: At one of the Sharbot Lake area schools Deadline for submissions is Friday, December 15, 2012.

FRONTENAC Community Futures Development Corporation


Federal Economic Development Agency For Southern Ontario

Helen Chadwick, Chair of the Board Brenda Hunter, Director of Education



december 13, 2012

Parham Tichborne - from page 5

mings is served at noon. There will be games, crafts and treat bags for the children. Come early and enjoy some good old Verona hospitality along with the music of Ross Clow and other entertainers. For more details or if you need transportation to the event, call Joyce Casement at 613-374-3406. · There will be a New Year's Eve Party at the Verona Lions Hall, Mon Dec. 31, 7pm-1am; dance to DJ; lunch will be served. $15 a ticket, all proceeds go to Christmas For Kids. For more information or tickets, contact Dustin Pritchard 613-484-5974, or Geoff Crawford 613-329-7159. Tickets also can be purchased at Verona Hardware.

choir from Seeley's Bay. • Dec. 29 - Chili Dinner at CE Building in Parham from 4:30 - 7:30; raffle table as well. All proceeds to help Rachel Neadow in her adventure to Honduras


Debbie Lingen

613-374-2091 debbie@lingens.com

· The Frontenac Farmers Market is hosting a Christmas Market on Saturday, December 15 from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. at the Verona Lions Club. The regular market vendors will be on hand as well as an assortment of guest vendors! Stock those pantries and support your local market. · Stuff the Cruiser! The OPP will park a cruiser at Reid's Foodland in Verona on Saturday, December 15 from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. Bring your non-perishable food items for the Southern Frontenac Community Services Food Bank and help stuff the cruiser full. · Enjoy "A Christmas Carol" by Charles Dickens at the Bellrock Community Center on Saturday December 15 at 7:30 p.m. Christmas punch and refreshments to follow. Free admission but freewill offerings will be happily accepted. Proceeds will go to support the Bellrock Community Center. · Verona welcomed Santa Claus at Nicole’s Gifts last Saturday. Lots of happy youngsters dropped by to say hello and


DENBIGH Angela Bright Lr: Sydney Van Camp, Madi Van Camp, Rosie Silver, Grace Silver and Seth Silver. Photo by Peggy Spafford. get their picture taken with Santa (above). Special thanks to Santa who spent the afternoon away from his busy workshop to visit Verona and to Peggy Spafford who took all the great pictures. · Verona Free Methodist Church is holding their Annual Christmas event called “A Walk to the First Christmas”. Journey back in time to the night Jesus was born. Enjoy eating with the wise men at a first century meal in Herod's throne room. Tours leave every 10 minutes. Friday, December 14, starting at 6 p.m. and Saturday and Sunday Dec 15 and 16 starting at 6:30 p.m. · Join us Christmas Day for a fun-packed, music-filled day with a delicious Christmas feast served up. This is a free event and is open to Verona and area residents. The fun starts at 10:30 a.m. and the turkey dinner with all the trim-

HOLIDAY HOURS Township Administrative Offices will be closed from Monday, December 24th at 12:00 noon, reopening on Wednesday, January 2nd, 2013 at 8:30 a.m. To reach the Roads Department, please call (613) 376-3900. Have a safe and happy holiday season!

NOTICE OF STUDY COMPLETION Municipal Class Environmental Assessment For The Rehabilitation Of Rock Lake Bridge

If you are interested in receiving further information on this project, please provide written comments to the Township on the proposal within 30 calendar days from the date of this Notice (November 22nd, 2012). If there are no requests received by December 24th, 2012, the project will proceed to design and construction as presented in the planning documentation. Please see our website for details.

NOTICE OF ROAD CLOSING South Frontenac Township Council will hold a public hearing at 7:00 p.m. on Tuesday, December 18, 2012 on a proposal to stop up, close, and sell, part of a street which was laid out in Plan No. 77 (Harrowsmith) in 1886, but which was never developed as a street.


· The community is saddened by the sudden loss of Trevor Jones. To Melody and family, it is hard to know what to say. Please know there are many, many people praying for you at this difficult time. · The winner of the Christmas Lighting Contest sponsored by Denbigh Recreation was Pam Rosenblath, with honorable mention to Janet Keller, Jennifer Keller and Perry Weichenthal. Thank you to all who entered their beautiful light displays and to Wilfred Heggart for judging. Don & Christi Laundrie have 20,000 Christmas lights up at Griswold’s Pond on Slate Falls Road, and are planning to have more up this weekend. The lights come on at dark and go off around 10:30pm. You can reach them for info at 613333-2376.

GODFREY Nicki Gowdy

columns continued on page 10 THE MEDICINE WHEEL NATIVE SMOKE SHOP

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Smitty’s Appliances The Little Businessman With The Big Heart

Part of this ‘street’, along with some additional property, has been occupied by a private dwelling for many years (3947 Harrowsmith Church St.).

Winter Hours 8am-10pm

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Nowell Motors 14165 Hwy. 41 N, Cloyne 613-336-2547

Dear Mom & Dad ,

For further information, contact Anne Levac ext. 2224

NOTICE OF ROAD CLOSING South Frontenac Township Council will hold a public hearing at 7:00 p.m. on Tuesday, January 15, 2013 on a proposal to stop up, close, and sell, a small portion of road allowance at the west end of Sleeth Lane in lot 2, Concession 10, District of Storrington.

This is what I want under the tree for

There would continue to be a right-of-way for members of the public as an access route to Loughborough Lake. For further information, contact Anne Levac ext. 2224

EXTENDED HOUSEHOLD HAZARDOUS WASTE SITE DAYS The Household Hazardous Waste Site at 2491 Keeley Road will be open from 3:00 pm to 7:00 pm on Thursdays, November 8th, 22nd, December 13th, 2012, January 10th, 24th, February 14th, 28th, March 14th and 28th, 2013. See our website for details.

COUNCIL MEETING The next Council Meeting will be on December 18th, 2012 at 7:00 pm. The next Committee of the Whole Meeting will be on January 15th, 2013 at 7:00 pm. 4432 George Street, Box 100, Sydenham ON K0H 2T0 1-800-559-5862 Website: www.township.southfrontenac.on.ca

613-374-5708 bus524@hotmail.com

· Happy Birthday to Kevin Gowdy and Skylar Clow celebrating this week. · Welcome home to Jessica Amey and Brittany Gemmill! Enjoy your holiday at home with your families. · Congratulations to Danielle Amey on her graduation from McMaster University as a Certified Respiratory Therapist. Danielle is daughter of Steve and Sherrie Amey, White Lake. · Local artisan Carmen Shaw will be displaying his wares this weekend at the Frontenac Farmers Market. He has created the most amazing pens. They are made of turned wood, acrylic and deer antlers. They make the perfect gift for any hunter or the hard-to-buy-for person on our list. Stop by and check them out this Saturday from 9 - 2 at the Verona Lions Centre.

t rn No Bu d, ey! oo n W Mo

The Township of South Frontenac is undertaking a Municipal Class Environmental (EA) for the rehabilitation of the Rock Lake Bridge, located on Desert Lake Road, approximately 0.4 km east of Highway No. 38.

-Attention all Owner Operators and Company Drivers-

Are you looking for stable full time employment with industry leading pay packages? Are you looking for opportunities to run Can/US hauling either dry van, flatbed, or refrigerated loads? If you live in southern Ontario and have a valid AZ license with 2 years verifiable experience with clean driving and criminal record searches we have the opportunity you have been looking for! We offer a safety first environment with the miles and home time you need. Paid insurance, licensing (vans/refrigerated), satellite and one of the industry’s best fuel surcharge for O/O’s is waiting for you! New company driver pay packages are now in place! CONTACT: Jayne Gunn 1 866 443 9397 ext 4 or 905 299-1893 jgunn@clarkeroad.com

613-333-1901 bright.a@gmail.com

Smitty donated a new $1000 refrigerator to Kaladar Community Hall. Shown in picture from left: Art Tryon, Smitty’s helper, Smitty himself and president Jenny Allan. Tammy Bence called Smitty in panic, about a fridge Smitty had donated 12 years ago free. Smitty didn’t give Tammy a hard time, he donated another new $1000 fridge the next day. Smitty sells 95% of his appliances in the Kaladar area. Most of the people in the area never come to look at appliances, they just call and tell Smitty what they want. Smitty likes that people trust him, and take him at his word. Customers always come first at Smitty’s. Smitty says, “it is not the sale that counts, but it is the service that counts after the sale. Never give a customer a hard time. Always know the customer after the sale. Be friendly to the customer all the time, always speak. Blow the horn when you are driving by and wave, be friendly to all people. Don’t turn your head the other way and let on you don’t know the customer. A customer is in the right, all the time.” The customer is the most important person in any business. Let’s treat customers with respect at all times, so they can tell others how they were treated. Smitty has been in business 40 years and still going strong. Call Smitty anytime, 24 hours on call.

Phone 613-969-0287 or 613-391-8057 Merry Christmas to all people from Smitty’s Appliances and his good, friendly staff.



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december 13, 2012



L-r, Adam Nash, Jennifer Wheeler, Bella Greastrom, Maggie Gordon, Jordyn Holley and Tristin Horton with HPS Principal Valerie Arsenault and Revell’s marketing manager Rob Fenwick

Harrowsmith PS and Revell Ford partner to boost local food donations A by Julie Druker

small group of students, staff and parents gathered in the showroom of Revell Ford Lincoln in Verona on December 11, where they delivered a considerable shipment of donated food items that the students of Harrowsmith Public School (HPS) had collected from the community in their annual Jingle Bell Run Food Drive, which was held at the school on December 7. Students on that day were asked to bring to school one non-perishable food item for which they received a jingle bell that they were invited to wear and ring around the school. Parents and community members also joined in for the event. HPS principal Valerie Arsenault explained that for a number of years students and the HPS parent council have partnered together with Revell’s of Verona as a way to collect a sizable holiday food donation for local resi-

dents in need. Grade 4 student Jordyn Holley from Miss Thayer’s class said that her class was in charge of sorting out the food and putting it into boxes. “It is nice to be able to give food to people in the area who might not have enough to eat at this time of the year,” Jordyn said. Grade 8 student Tristin Horton, who is also the school’s ambassador, said that he was pleased with the donations this year and proud to be able to help out others in the community. “People were very generous and this donation can really help families who do not have enough money to buy food because of the economy nowadays,” he said. Rob Fenwick of Revell’s was equally pleased. “The Revell family have been doing this for years and they are very happy to be able to help out the community in this way.” The donations will be handed over to the

SYDENHAM Anita Alton

613-376-6333 rideauraingutter@ yahoo.com

· On Saturday, Dec. 15, help Stuff A Cruiser for the food bank. The OPP Auxiliary will be parking cruisers in 3 locations: at Trousdale’s Foodland in Sydenham; Reid’s Foodland in Verona and at Sharbot Lake Freshmart in Sharbot Lake. The time at all locations is 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. · Upcoming Christmas events at St. Paul`s Anglican Church: Sat. Dec. 15, 6 p.m. “The Crossing” Contemporary Praise Service in Advent. Sun. Dec. 16, 7 p.m. A Festival of Nine Lessons and Carols. Bring your family to the story of Christmas in words & music. Sat. Dec. 22, 6 p.m. A Family Christmas Service with Jason Silver & The Crossing band. Children’s Christmas drama.

Harrowsmith Free Methodist Church, who will be distributing the food to members of the community in need. Both Revell’s, the Harrowsmith Parent Council, and The Boys and Girls Club will also be partnering together to present the upcoming Festival of Trees at Harrowsmith Public School on Tuesday December 18 at 6:30 PM (or in case of school closure, on December 19). Revell’s will be donating the two special adult and child gift trees that will be raffled off at the event. The evening will include a visit from Santa, crafts for children of all ages and cookie decorating. Harrowsmith Public School is located at 4121 Colebrooke Road. Thanks also to the moms who helped out with transportation of the food donations - Frankie Horton and Jennifer Greastrex

2012 Festival of Trees: Top right:

the Land o’Lakes Cloggers. Top left: the winning 6 ft tree “Christmas with Anne of Green Gables”, by the Friday Night Ladies, was taken home by Adele Colby. Photo by Marlene Wheeler. Above: the Arden Glee Club. For a complete list of winners see page 11.

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necessary for both companies to require additional office space. What was the ‘little green cottage’ located at 14202 Road 38 will be LDR’s future home and is currently undergoing a major transformation to accommodate us in 2013. We are excited about our new facility; we hope you enjoy watching the transformation taking place and look forward to you joining us at our spring Open House. We thank the community for its ongoing support.



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decEMber 13, 2012

The Classifieds Ad Rates: Classified Text ads: $8.20 + HST per insertion for 20 words & under; 20¢ each extra word. Deadline: 4 pm Monday; Ph: 613-279-3150, Fx: 613-279-3172; nfnews@frontenac.net


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AUTOMOTIVE KALADAR AUTO RECYCLING. Buy & sell cars; parts for imports. Install motors, transmissions. Good tires, 11520 Hwy 41; 613336-9899; 613-885-8644. KINNEY AUTO WRECKING Station Road, Kaladar. 4x4 trucks & parts for sale. Scrap cars, stoves, fridges wanted. 613-336-9272.

Township of Central Frontenac EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY (13 month contract position)

RECEPTIONIST/CASHIER Located one hour north of Kingston, the Township of Central Frontenac (population 4,500) is the heart of the Land O’Lakes Tourist region of Eastern Ontario. The office is located in Sharbot Lake. The municipality is seeking a team player with initiative and positive attitude. Reporting to the Chief Administrative Officer and Treasurer, the successful candidate will be responsible for general receptionist duties, greeting residents and assisting them with their enquiries, receiving and processing payments. The qualified candidate must be able to handle many tasks at once and work in a fast paced environment. Qualifications • The successful candidates will possess the following qualifications: • Minimum high school diploma, with preference given to candidates who have post-secondary education in business administration or other related fields • Two or more years’ experience as a receptionist in an administrative setting • Excellent verbal and communication skills • Excellent cash handling experience • Proven dispute resolution and negotiation/problem solving skills • Working knowledge and proficiency with computer applications • Thorough knowledge of municipal taxation, collection and relative municipal legislation is preferred The current (2012) annual salary range is $28,355 to $31,540. A complete job description is available on the Township website. Qualified candidates are asked to submit their resume and covering letter no later than noon on December 17, 2012 to the undersigned: Treasurer Township of Central Frontenac PO Box 89, 1084 Elizabeth Street Sharbot Lake, ON K0H 2P0 Fax: 613-279-2422 Email: treasury@centralfrontenac.com Website: www.centralfrontenac.com We thank all applicants who apply for this position, but only those applicants selected for an interview will be contacted. In accordance with the Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act, personal information is collected under the authority of the Municipal Act, R.S.O, 1990 C.M. 45, and will only be used for candidate selection.

EMBROIDERY & ENGRAVING UPPER FRONTENAC GRAPHICS – Custom Embroidery, Imprinting, Trophies, Awards & Engraving. Caps, jackets, golf shirts, hoodies, teamwear & more. 613-539-6340; dwedden@ aol.com; ufg@hotmail.ca

FOR RENT 2 BEDROOM HOUSE, Village of Cloyne, available immediately, 613-336-2239 2 BEDROOM HOUSE – near Parham, first & last, $700/mth plus heat & hydro, 613-2595711 HOT TUB RENTALS. It’s getting chilly. We deliver and set up, all u do is enjoy. Weekend rentals start at $325 + HST 4 days. New Roto spa units plug and play. Delivery charges may apply depends on location. Please call us anytime 613-335-5333 or cell 1-416-833-3397 KALADAR 2 BEDROOM APT. Available December 1, 2012; fridge & stove, utilities extra; 613-336-9429 SHARBOT LAKE WATERFRONT, 2+ bedrooms, private setting with good beach; $1200 month, inclusive. 613-279-2033 STORAGE UNIT for rent in Mountain Grove. 14 x 24 feet. 8 x 9 foot garage door. Mouse proof. $200.00 per month. 613-335-3878.

FOR SALE 25% OFF all instock Christmas Decorations and Christmas Candles. Only at Nicole’s Gifts, 6709 Main St. Verona, 613-374-2323 AVON CHRISTMAS SALE, Saturday & Sunday, December 15 & 16, 2012, from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. at Sylvia’s Place, 5990 Arden Road, 613-335-2940. CHRISTMAS SPECIAL, 250 piece combination drill screwdriver bit kit. Sale $44.99 (reg $64.99), Only at Verona Hardware, Main Street, Verona 613-374-2851 CLEVER CUTS HAIR STYLING now has a selection of handcrafted gifts in time for Christmas. Local Regal Rep. Gift certificates available. Hwy #41, Northbrook, Ph. 613-6618134. CUSTOMER APPRECIATION DAY, Sunday December 16, 11am-4pm. Samples, discounts, free draw. Johnston Lake Organic’s Farm & Market, 1222 Struthadam Rd. Ompah; 613479-2898 FIREWOOD - dry, cut, split and delivery available. Call 613-479-2979 FIREWOOD. Ideal for outdoor furnaces. Mixed wood logs lengths 3,4,5 and 6 feet. Can be stacked and delivered. 1 single bush cord $225/ full dump truck load. Please call 613335-5333 or cell 1-416-833-3397 FRONTENAC MODULAR HOMES. Custom built. New 1280 sq.ft. 28’x52’ home, 3 bedrooms, 2 full bathrooms, delivered and on your basement or foundation, oak cabinets available. ‘More home for a lot less money’. Financing available OAC. 1-866-775-8268 www.frontenacmodularhomes.com PRIVATE SALE. Totally renovated 2 bedroom house with two outbuildings Thompson Road, Mountain Grove. New well. Great starter home or retirement home. $78,000. 613-335-3878. RENT-TO-OWN A BELL TV HDTV SYSTEM for as little as $5.53/mth. Call Doug’s Antenna Sales for details. 613-374-3305. www. dougsantenna.com SEASONED HARDWOOD, $300/cubic cord; Caddy wood/oil furnace, like new; Kiln dried oak; 24” general planer. Wanted: used car dolly. 613-374-3499 WOOD HEAT SOLUTIONS. 2012 Winter Rebate. Factory incentive on the ECL1400, “Limited Quantity”. Call for more information. Your Local Central Boiler dealer. Frankford, ON 613-398-1611; Bancroft, ON 613-332-1613

GARAGE/YARD SALES SPYGLASS COVE, 1016 Schoolhouse Rd. Clarendon, Hwy 509. Open Tues – Sat. 9am5pm. CD player, 4 ft. artificial Christmas tree, exercise ball; Nativity collector plate; fishing lures, etc. Free Christmas decoration with any purchase. THIS AND THAT THRIFT SHOP, 32 Peterson Rd., Northbrook (turn at lights in Northbrook). Open 9 am to 7 pm, Thursday, Friday, Saturday. Something for everyone.

HALL RENTAL SYDENHAM LEGION. Fully licenced, reasonable rates, full kitchen. Seating 150. Call 613-376-6808



FIREARMS & HUNTER ED COURSES. Harrowsmith: Firearms course, January 18 & 19. Hunter Education, January 25 & 26. Wild Turkey license examinations. Call Bill at 613335-2786 FUR HARVEST & MANAGEMENT (TRAPPERS) COURSE, beginning January 25, 2013 at Henderson, Ont. For info call 613336-8807 or 336-8359. www.trapon.org HUNTER SAFETY AND FIREARMS COURSES. Turkey Examinations. Please call for course dates and details. Call Richard 613-336-9875.

PET SITTING in Mountain Grove. Going away? Let us help. Dogs, Cats, etc. Spacious, individual accommodations. Long walks. By appointment only. Laura Mills 613-335-3658. Evenings are best or leave a message.

MUSIC LESSONS TOM’S MUSIC STUDIO is now accepting students for drums, guitar, bass guitar, piano, beginner banjo and theory; repairs to all stringed instruments. Tom 613-539-4659


House for Sale

1.5 acre lake frontage lot and house for sale on south end of Lake Mazinaw. 1016 Windy Bay Lane. Contact us at wonnacot@ciaccess.com



1 (one) Registered Early Childhood Educator for a 1 (one) year contract from January 8th, 2013 to December 31st, 2013. 35 hours per week in our Infant and Toddler Room

1 (one) Registered Early Childhood Educator for a maximum of 20 hours per week, starting January 8th, 2013 to June 29th, 2013 with possible renewal based on funding and enrollment.

1 (one) Enhanced Support Worker Contract from January 8th, 2013 to June 29th, 2013 with possible renewal based on funding and enrollment. Every Monday, Wednesday, Friday (9 to 12 hours per week) Requirements: • Registered with the College of Early Childhood Education, in good standing • Experience working with young children from birth to 12 years of age • Clear police check • Current CPR and First Aid qualifications • Up to Date immunization • Proven planning , organizational and implementation skills Tuesday

Applicants may send or fax a resumé to: The Child Centre Susan Wilby, Licenced Program Manager 1004 Art Duffy Road, Sharbot Lake, ON K0H 2P0 613-279-3355 (fax) ccday@frontenac.net

O P P r e po r t S · On Dec. 8, just after 5p.m. Frontenac OPP and Emergency Crews responded to a serious head-on collision involving two vehicles on Road 38, just north of Quinn Road. Each vehicle had two occupants and all four occupants were transported to hospital with serious injuries. Two female occupants from the same vehicle sustained life threatening injuries and are in critical condition. Involved occupants are from Kingston and South Frontenac area.


DRYWALL AND PLASTER REPAIRS. Professionally trained. Drywall installation, old fashioned quality, three coat hand finishing. Free estimates. Call Rick at 613-375-8201. FINE CONSTRUCTION prop. John St. Aubin experienced renovator. For free estimate call 613-375-6582. Web site www.mindspan.net/ construction HANDYMAN WITH TRUCK; general labor, Junk Pickup/Disposal, Minor home repairs & local pickups/deliveries. Call Kevin 9-5, MonSat. 613-279-1901 HOMESTYLE WEDDINGS. Minister Judie Diamond helps design your ceremony and performs the marriage at location of your choice. 613-375-6772 LAUGHING DOGS RE-TREAT. Home-style, kennel-free dog boarding, 1052 Stinchcombe Rd., Parham. Call Robin now to book 613-2140873

Deadline for applications: December 18th, at noon.

WANTED TO BUY CASH PAID FOR YOUR SCRAP VEHICLES. Wanted: Complete cars, trucks and vans. Will pick up. Call Jay 613-335-3658 STANDING TIMBER, firewood, pine, cedar, bush lots. Free quotes, cash paid. Call 613279-2154.

HIRSCHBECK, ERWIN JR. 1967-2012 With heavy hearts the family announces the death of Erwin Hirschbeck Jr at the age of 44 years. Erwin passed away suddenly at his home in Thornloe on Friday November 23, 2012. Born at Schrobenhausen, Germany December 8, 1967. Erwin and his family immigrated to Quebec in 1980, moving to Thornloe in 1988 and have resided there for the past 24 years where he worked passionately as a dairy farmer. Erwin loved the land and to be outdoors fishing, boating, or hunting. He had a knack for woodworking, planes, and keeping busy with many projects. He loved helping others, could talk for hours in German, French, or English, and his laughter would fill a room. Erwin was also community minded and served as councilor of the Hilliard Township Municipal Council. He is survived by his loving wife Sherry Gowdy. Erwin was a loving and caring father who would do anything for his children; Brayden, Madsion, and Danielle will greatly miss their daddy. Also left to morn his loss are parents Erwin Sr and Hedwig Hirschbeck. Fondly remembered by his siblings and nieces and nephews: Brother Axel Hirschbeck of Thornloe, brother Andreas (Josee Menard) children Cedryk, Vicky, Jasmine of Hawkesbury and sister Karola (Maxime Blondin) children Christopher and Samuel of Bellefeuille, Que. Erwin will be especially remembered by father in law Donald Gowdy and brother in law Rick Gowdy for the chats they shared that always seemed to revolve around farming, hunting and fishing. Uncle Reg and aunt Brenda Taylor will sadly miss their tour guide, fishing buddy and most generous host during their many visits to the Hirschbeck farm. He will be deeply missed by his friends, farmers, and neighbours as well as many aunts, uncles, and cousins who remain in Germany. As well as family and friends from the Harrowsmith area. He is predeceased by mother in law Pat Gowdy. Private family visitation was held at the Buffam Leveille Funeral Home in Haileybury on Tuesday, November 27, 2012. Erwin only knew Kimmy for a few short years but instantly became very fond of her. Kimmy always made a point of visiting the farm while she was home for her yearly visits. Therefore, in Kim’s memory and in honour of Erwin, donations made to the Almost Home Kimmy Fund, Box 2204, 118 William St. Kingston, On K7L 5J9 would be greatly appreciated by his family. Private interment will take place at a later date at the Harrowsmith cemetery. Earth has no sorrow that heaven cannot heal.

Deadline: 4 pm Monday; Ph: 613-279-3150, Fx: 613-279-3172; nfnews@frontenac.net


decEMber 13, 2012





Fanning, Frank “Butch”

Sharon Jane Carmichael passed away peacefully on Saturday, December 8th, 2012, following a 6 month battle with colorectal cancer. She would have been 66 years old on December 23rd. She left this world from the comfort of her own home surrounded by her family. Survived by her mother Muriel (George). Beloved wife of Stefan. Dear mother of Stefanie, Kathy (Noel) and Eric. Loving grandmother of Anderson and Audrey. Sister of Richard (Karen) and Joy (Bob). Predeceased by brother Jerry (Jane). Rested at Goodfellow’s Funeral Home, Parham. A Memorial Service was held on Wednesday, December 12th, 2012 at 1 pm. We thank everyone for their continued love and support for our family during such a difficult time. online condolences at goodfellowsfuneralhome.com

Suddenly at home on Sunday, December 9th, 2012 in his 68th year. Butch Fanning, beloved husband of Vera Connady. Dear father of Anthony (Anna), Cassandra and Cody. Grandfather of Jersey, Emma and Logan. Sadly missed by his brothers and sisters, nieces and nephews, fatherin-law Murray Middleton, and good friend Jimmy Herold. Following cremation friends will be received on Friday December 14, 2012 from 6 to 9 pm. Memorial service will be held on Saturday December 15, 2012 at 11 am. Donations to the Heart and Stroke Foundation would be appreciated by the family. Online condolences at goodfellowsfuneralhome.com. IN MEMORIAM

SNIDER, Don June 23, 1954 to Dec 13, 2002

TREVOR R. JONES 1957 - 2012 Passed away suddenly while building his son’s dream home in Denbigh on Saturday, December 8, 2012 at the age of 55. Loving husband of Melody (née Madigan). Cherished father of Tara Jones and Morgan (his fiancée Katie), both of Denbigh. Grandpa will always be remembered in the heart of his granddaughter Cheyenne. Pre-deceased by his parents Stanley & Eleanor Jones. Special son-in-law of Therese (the late Malcolm) Madigan of Denbigh. Trevor will be forever missed by his sisters Sherry (Burl) Levine of Guelph, Tricia Scott (Allan) of Grimsby and his brother Graham (Virginia) of Victoria, B.C. He will be fondly remembered by his nieces, nephews and many friends. The family will receive friends at the RIVER OF LIFE CHRISTIAN FELLOWSHIP CHURCH (7064 Hwy# 506 Plevna, Ont. K0H 2M0) on Saturday, December 15, 2012 between the hours of 11am-1pm in Celebration of Trevor’s Life. A private family funeral service and interment will be arranged at a later date. Friends desiring may contribute in Trevor’s memory to The Ontario Federation of Anglers & Hunters (O.F.A.H.) or the River of Life Church.

Maschke Funeral Home FUNERAL SERVICES

Maschke Funeral Home Northbrook

(613) 336-6873 1-888-336-3725 www.maschkefuneralhome.com

"When you lose a loved one who has meant so much and touched many people's lives, the grief that you are feeling cannot take away the happiness you all shared, and that sorrow will fade in time, but the love will remain forever". Don's life purpose was to serve others and connect ordinary people to an extraordinary God. His legacy of service & commitment lives on in the lives of his family and grandchild.

Sydenham, On 613-376-3022



Celebrating the

80 Birthday of th

Fern Amos Saturday, December 15, 2012 1-4pm (Open House) Golden Links Hall, Harrowsmith ON Please come and join us! Best Wishes Only Please

So sweet, So cute, and so much fun our little Madison is turning


Happy 1st Birthday

Sweet Baby Girl Love, Mommy & Daddy xo

Oh My, Look Who’s 65

The families of Julia McKinnon (Parham) and Rob Gryszkiewicy (Ottawa) are pleased to announce their engagement. Wedding to take place in April, 2013.


Land o’Lakes Lions The Land O’ Lakes Quilters donated a lovely quilt “The Night Before Christmas” to the Land O’ Lakes Lions Club to be raffled off. The winning ticket was drawn at the Lions Hall in Northbrook at 7 p.m. Wed, December 5. The lucky winner was D. Buchannan from Verona, who said that she was thrilled and had never won anything before. The beautiful quilt was valued at $700, so Ms. Buchannan will be getting an early but fitting gift for Christmas.Thanks to all who sold tickets and a special thanks to the Land O’ Lakes Quilters who made this all possible. Lions President Marylin Bolender CARD OF THANKS

Ron & Evelyn

Thank You - Smith

Snider, Don

Ten years ago, December 13th, we said goodbye to you so suddenly. Uncle Don. Your laugh and that awesome smile. Your patience and dedication. Your love for family, for community, for music. We miss you Uncle Don, we all do. In all of the many ways we miss you, the reality that runs deep and holds fast to our hearts is that you have never, and will never, leave us. Thank you for the memories. Thank you for being such a loving friend and brother to our father. Twin to our dad, wonderful father to our cousins/childhood friends, fantastic partner and husband for our aunt, you will always mean more to us than Uncle. Your vitality as a role model for us, and for many others, lives on. Truly, we will always remember you as our second excellent Dad. Love always, your nieces, Jennifer, Cheryl and Emily

Fox, Ada Marie

NormAN Garrison December 14

IN MEMORIAM In Loving Memory of

Jeff Sergeant July 1st, 1968 – Dec 13th, 2008 Time passes, your face we still see, your laughter we still hear The memories we hold, will always keep you near. Mom and Dad Dennis, Karen and Meg Kathy, Glenn and Jake

Mel Love

In loving memory of our dear mother, grandmother and great grandmother, who passed away December 17, 2008.

In loving memory of our dad and grandpa, Mel, who passed away December 12, 2011.

In our hearts your memory lingers Sweetly tender, fond and true There is not a day dear Mom That we do not think of you.

Your presence we miss, Your memory we treasure, Loving you always, Forgetting you never.

Forever loved, Doug & Heather, Debbie & Jim, Steve & Cathy and families

Love, Scott, Laurie, Keegan, Christopher


Gurnsey In memory of James Gurnsey (Dec. 10, 1968) and his wife Sophrona Gurnsey, (Sept. 6, 1997)

Trousdale Funeral home Proudly serving all faiths Pre-Arranged Funeral Plans



Serving the area for over 100 years.

David Goodfellow Owner/Managing Director

Parham, Ontario


In a quite country graveyard Where the gentle breezes blow, Lie the ones we love so dearly And lost some years ago. We do not need a special day To bring you to our minds For the days we do not think of you Are difficult to find. Remembered by the family

We would like to thank everyone for their many acts of kindness and expressions of sympathy at the loss of a dear husband, father, and grandfather, Fred Smith. Thanks to Goodfellow’s Funeral Home; Rev. Barbara Mahood; Gordon Struthers for his music; the Mountain Grove UCW for the lovely luncheon; to granddaughter Diana Meeks-Sjostrom for the readings, and to her son Zachary for playing “Taps” as Grandpa Fred was leaving. Thanks to the grandchildren, Dan, Duane, Dale, David, Randy, Stephen, Courtney and Stephanie, who were pallbearers and to grandsons, Dustin, Taylor, Tanner, Christopher, and Jason, who were honourary ones. A big thank you to Sylvia Powers and helpers for bringing Joyce to the services. Joyce, Marilyn, Sylvia, Judi, Kenneth

Thank You - Giroux

Even though Marcel had to compete with Santa Claus, friends and family surrounded him with good cheer on his 80th birthday held at Legion 425 in Sharbot Lake on Dec.1st. A big thank you to Dan Bush, June Crawford, Joyce Irwin and Sarah Burke for giving up their Saturday to make our celebration special. You did a fantastic job with the food. Thanks also to Patti Middleton for recommending her daughter Amanda Neadow to bake the birthday cake. It was beautifully decorated and delicious. The arrival of the dauntless duo, Town Crier, Paddy O’Connor and Mayor Janet Gutowski was an added attraction and a big surprise. Thank you to all in the community who came to help us celebrate and sing Happy Birthday. Pamela Giroux and sons (Joel, Christian, Camille, Marc)

A Promise for You “I am the Lord’s servant,” Mary answered. “May it be to me as you have said.” Luke 1: 38




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Now In Stock

decEMber 13, 2012


Authorized Agent For:

Fresh Cut

Christmas Trees supplied by Yanch Family Tree Farm, Flinton ON

Northern Happenings Northern Happenings listings are free for community groups, and will be published for two weeks. Other listings are paid or are taken from paid ads elsewhere in the paper. The News makes every effort to be accurate but events and theire details should be independently verified by readers.

Friday December 14 ARDEN – DINNER & NATIVITY PAGEANT, Circle Square Ranch, Carol Sing 5pm, Dinner 6pm, $15; 10yrs & under $6; 3 & under free; no charge for nativity; 7pm, all welcome. 613335-5403; arden@csranch.ca HARROWSMITH - “THEME” YOUTH DANCE, for ages 9 to 15 Golden Links Hall, 7-10pm, Sharon 372-1274; Wayne 358-2533 PLEVNA – BINGO FUNDRAISER for ClarMill volunteer firefighters, 7-9pm, cash prizes, Clar-Mill hall SHARBOT LAKE – NORTHERN FRONTENAC COMMUNITY SERVICES, Open House, 2-4pm, refreshments SHARBOT LAKE – DINNER at the Legion. 5:30–7 pm, Smorgasbord SNOW ROAD - POTLUCK & CHRISTMAS BANQUET for Mississippi Free Methodist Church, 6pm, Snowmobile Club; small gift exchange, all welcome; info Donna 613-2782196, Brenda 613-479-0812.

Friday - Sunday, Dec. 14, 15 & 16 VERONA - “A WALK TO THE FIRST CHRISTMAS”, Free Methodist Church, Fri 6:30pm; Sat & Sun 6pm; tours every 10 min.; first century meal in Herod’s throne room, live animals, choir, free indoor event, all welcome

Saturday December 15 ARDEN - CHRISTMAS CONCERT, sponsored by Kennebec Rec Committee, 7pm community hall; local talent, young and old; to participate please call 335-2845; 335-3186 BELLROCK - “A CHRISTMAS CAROL” by Dickens; free admission, donation welcome, 7:30pm, refreshments, hall fundraiser ENTERPRISE – CHRISTMAS DANCE w/ Land o’Lakes Cruisers, community hall, 8pm, lunch, $12.50pp; sponsor: Tamworth & District Lions; reserve: 358-2720; 379-2952 HARDWOOD LAKE - JOHN LANDRY CONCERT, Mapleton House, partial fundraiser for food bank, dinner 6pm, concert 8pm; dinner & concert $40, concert only $25; 613-333-2240 PLEVNA - CHRISTMAS POTLUCK DINNER, Clar-Mill Hall; sponsored by Clar-Mill Community Volunteers; doors open 4pm with Over the

ARDEN Joan Moore 613-335-2015 maple_leaves02@yahoo.com Wanda Harrison 613-335-3186 harrisonwanda@hotmail.com · The Arden Seniors had their Annual Christmas Dinner last Friday. The dinner of Roast Turkey with all the trimmings was catered by Penny and Tim Cota. Those two really know how to cook. What an excellent dinner enjoyed by all! There were some fun items at the Silent Auction, but the highlight of the evening was the entertainment from the Ardenaires. The group has added two very talented people, Sandy and Brian Robertson. If you saw Tom Sawyer recently in Sharbot Lake, you'll recognize the names. Brian was the director of the play and his wife was the flautist. Thanks to everyone. · I've been asked to correct some information stated in last weeks column. The tree in Arden is 38 feet tall, not 20 something. · If you attended the Festival of Trees Saturday, you saw Arden's Glee Club as the closing act. They concluded their performance with two very fitting pieces, “Homeward Bound” and “Song of the Mira”. Helen couldn't have chosen two more appropriate pieces that related to this year's theme of "A Down East Christmas". The singing was beautiful, as always.

Hill Gang; supper 5-6pm; Santa will visit. SHARBOT LAKE - BIRCH BARK BASKET MAKING, 9am-4pm, Anglican Church Hall; sponsors: Northern Connections, Shabot Obaadjiwan First Nation; 279-1970; 279-2499 SHARBOT LAKE – ECUMENICAL CHRISTMAS SERVICE, Pentecostal Church, 6pm, special music, refreshments, all welcome STUFF THE CRUISER for the food bank, 10am-3pm; Sharbot Lake Freshmart, Sydenham Foodland; Verona Foodland SYDENHAM - ‘THE CROSSING’, St. Paul’s Anglican Church, 6pm, Contemporary Advent Praise Service, all welcome SYDENHAM - CHRISTMAS DANCE at Legion, 8pm, w/ Bauder Rd, Dark House, Still Standin’, Little Betty, $15pp; proceeds to local children’s charities. TAMWORTH - KELLI TROTTIER CONCERT seasonal & fiddle favorites, Legion, 8pm; $20; food bank items welcome; 379-2808. VERONA - FRONTENAC FARMERS MARKET Christmas Market, 9am-2pm.

Sunday December 16 BEDFORD OPEN MIC & JAM, 1-5pm, Bedford Hall 1381 Westport Road, Bluegrass, Country, Gospel & more, $2, 613-374-2614 CLOYNE - PINEVIEW FREE METHODIST CHURCH, service 11am followed by Christmas Potluck Luncheon, all welcome DENBIGH - NEW APOSTOLIC CHURCH Children’s Christmas program, 3pm, all welcome HARROWSMITH – COMMUNITY CAROLLING & Food Bank Drive, by S&A Club members, 6:30pm, food items welcome MCDONALDS CORNERS - OPEN MIC at MERA Schoolhouse, 1:30-4:30pm, all musicians welcome PARHAM – ADVENT LESSONS & CAROLS, 4pm, St. James Anglican Church PARHAM - OLD FASHIONED HYMN SING, United Church, 7pm. OMPAH/PLEVNA United Churches, services of de-consecration; Ompah 10am; Plevna 1pm, all welcome; info: 613-336-2516 PLEVNA - CHRISTMAS MUSICAL AFTERNOON, with Bill & Murray White, United Church, 2pm, all welcome, free-will offering, info 613-479-2979 PLEVNA - CHRISTMAS PROGRAM, River Of Life Christian Fellowship, 7pm all welcome SYDENHAM - FESTIVAL OF 9 LESSONS & CAROLS, St. Paul’s Anglican Church, 7pm, all welcome

· Don't forget the Dinner and Live Nativity at Circle Square Ranch this Friday evening. Dinner is $15pp, for reservations call the ranch at 613-335-5403. The Nativity Walk is free and everyone is invited. Join in to the carol sing, cookie exchange and dessert and coffee. Cookie makers, please have your cookies delivered to the ranch Friday morning. Thank you (see also the ad on page 5). · The Legion will not be having Karaoke or Open Mic this month. · Reserve for Christmas Kennebec Diners at 613-335-3186 or 613-335-5410. Paul and Aimee will be serving a Roast Beef Dinner Dec. 18 at the Kennebec Community Centre. · Hope everyone will attend the Annual Kennebec Old Fashioned Christmas Concert on Saturday December 15 at 7pm at the Kennebec Community Centre. I had an e-mail last night confirming that Santa will be taking time away from his busy schedule to attend the concert. He also said that we might have a surprise guest appearance by TSN's James Duthie, who apparently will be passing by this area on his way Toronto, where he will be the Commentator for the World Junior Hockey Championship, held in Russia. The only thing preventing his appearance would be NHL negotiations. · Also, if anyone wishes a visit from Santa on Christmas Eve, can they please call the North Pole at 613-335-2015. · Thinking of you Reg Peterson, Dorothy Proctor, Jim Kirkland, Vera Steele, David Neil.

Featuring Christmas Party Specials

Mon-Wed, 8am-7pm; Thurs-Fri: 8am-8pm; Sat: 8am-6pm Sun: Grocery 9am-6pm; LCBO 11am-6pm

Food Trays, Party Trays, Full Selection of Hors D’Oeuvres Hwy 38 Verona (613) 374-2112 WILTON – CHRISTMAS SING, Standard Church, local talent, all welcome, refreshments, freewill offering, 386-3405

Monday December 17 CLOYNE - BLUE CHRISTMAS SERVICE, United Church, 7pm, for anyone feeling alone with their pain amid Christmas preparations PLEVNA – FOOT CARE CLINIC, Clar-Mill Hall, appointment: 613-279-3151.

Tuesday December 18 KENNEBEC DINERS, noon, Arden community hall, for those 50+, $10, reservations required: 613-279-3151 NORTHBROOK - ADULT DROP-IN CHRISTMAS DINNER & entertainment; reserve: Land O’Lakes Community Services 613-336-8934 SHARBOT LAKE – CHRISTMAS CAROLING, 6pm, sponsor: Pentecostal Church, 613279-2267

Wednesday December 19 BEDFORD DINERS, noon, community hall, for those 50+. $10, reservations requ’d: 613279-3151 SHARBOT LAKE - COMMUNITY BIBLE STUDY, United Church. 7:30pm

Thursday, December 20 ST. JAMES MAJOR CATHOLIC SCHOOL Family Advent Celebration – A French Canadian Réveillon & school play, 5pm, all welcome, church Hall, Sharbot Lake, RSVP: 279-3300

Friday December 21 SHARBOT LAKE - BLOOD DONOR CLINIC, St. James Major Catholic Church, 2:30-5:30pm, appointments 1-888-2-DONATE

Saturday December 22 HENDERSON sacred & secular Christmas musical evening, community hall, hosted by United Church, 7pm; free-will offering; info 613-336-2467 SYDENHAM - FAMILY CHRISTMAS SERVICE 6pm with Jason Silver & ‘The Crossing’ band; children’s Christmas drama, St. Paul’s Anglican Church, all welcome

Sunday December 23 MABERLY - FESTIVAL OF LESSONS & CAROLS, community hall, 7pm, guest choir from Seeley’s Bay, sponsored by United Church

Christmas Day, Tues December 25 COMMUNITY CHRISTMAS DINNERS, free, all welcome: Northbrook Lions hall, 1pm, Marylin Bolender 613-336-1573; Sharbot Lake – St. James Major Catholic Church hall, 2-4pm, Jule 613-279-2687; Verona Lions Hall, 12 noon, Joyce Casement 613-374-3406.

Saturday December 29 NAPANEE CHRISTMAS BIRD COUNT, all skill levels welcome, feeder watchers also

needed; meet Tammy’s Country Kitchen 7am; info: Anne Brown, 613-542-8790 PARHAM - CHILI DINNER fundraiser for Rachel Neadow’s humanitarian trip to Honduras, United Church, 4:30-7:30pm, raffle table; info, donations: 613-375-8225 or 613-483-9639

Sunday December 30 BEDFORD OPEN MIC & JAM, 1-5pm, Bedford Hall 1381 Westport Road, Bluegrass, Country, Gospel & more, $2, 613-374-2614

Monday December 31 DENBIGH/GRIFFITH LIONS NEW YEAR’S EVE, 9pm; $20pp, DJ, midnight buffet, prizes. ENTERPRISE - NEW YEAR’S EVE DANCE, w/ Showdown band, Annunciation Catholic Church hall; lunch, prizes, $30/couple; tickets 613-358-2987; church fundraiser ENTERPRISE - NEW YEAR’S EVE DANCE, DJ, community hall, 9pm, midnight buffet, $15pp; sponsor: Firefighters Association, proceeds to community, Ken 613-358-5058 HARLOWE - NEW YEAR’S EVE DANCE, w/ Country 4 Band, community hall, 8pm, midnight hot buffet, $12.50pp; please reserve Marie 613-336-2557 HARROWSMITH - NEW YEAR’S EVE DINNER/GOSPEL OPRY, Free Methodist Church, $35, tickets 372-1238; church fundraiser. HARROWSMITH - NEW YEAR’S EVE DANCE, Golden Links Hall, $25pp; DJ, midnight buffet; ride home available; tickets Allecia 613-532-0131; datagirl549@gmail.com SHARBOT LAKE – NEW YEAR’S FAMILY TIME, games, refreshments, Watchnight service, Pentecostal Church 7pm, all welcome SYDENHAM - NEW YEAR’S EVE, at Legion w/ “Jay Walkers”, $25pp, reserve: 613-376-6808 TAMWORTH LEGION NEW YEAR’S EVE w/ “Pranksters”; $15pp advance; includes buffet, complimentary toast; reserve 613-379-2808. VERONA – DINNER & GOSPEL CONCERT w/ Proverbs, Crimson River, Free Methodist Church 6:30pm; $35pp, reserve: 1-800-403-9755 VERONA - NEW YEAR’S EVE PARTY, Lions Hall, 7pm, DJ, Lunch, $15pp; proceeds to Christmas For Kids; tickets, Dustin 613-4845974; Geoff 613-329-7159

Regular Happenings AA & AL-ANON 41 GROUP - Cloyne Hall. Wednesdays 8 pm. All welcome 336-9221. AA MEETINGS - SHARBOT LAKE, every Monday, 8:30 pm, United Church C.E. Bldg. AL-ANON: Hope & help for families of alcoholics, 12 weekly meetings in greater Kingston area. Please call 384-2134 for meeting information. We care. VOLUNTEER DRIVERS WANTED by the Canadian Cancer Society. Please Contact Claire Macfarlane, 613-279-1133.

Spectacular generosity A giant thank you goes out to all who participated in Northbrook Foodland’s “Fill the Bus” Food Bank fundraiser on December 8. The residents of the area donated enough food and gift coupons to fill half of a full size school bus. This is truly a remarkable celebrating of the Christmas season. The spirit of giving is truly alive in the Land o’Lakes area. The LOL Emergency Food Bank sends a thank you to all. A special thank you also goes to Cloyne Village Foods, who set up a “Toy Mountain” in their store to help LOL Community Services with their annual Christmas Baskets. This service gives to families in need during the holiday season. Children do not understand the fiscal challenges their families face and

OPP reportS On Dec. 7 at 9:30p.m. Kaladar OPP recovered a backhoe that had not yet been reported stolen. The backhoe was stopped while traveling northbound on Hwy 41 north of Kaladar. Officers noted it appeared to be brand new. Further investigation determined that it had been stolen earlier that evening from Hartington Equipment. The backhoe is valued at $100,000. The driver, who provided a false identity to police, was arrested and held for a bail hearing in in Napanee. Roy Wiggins, 33, of Masham, Quebec, faces several charges

- submitted by LOLCS

when generous area residents give gifts for the children, and money for gifts and extra food, it makes Christmas a truly happy day. And last but not least is the LOL Olde Tyme Fiddlers Association. This wonderful group of men and women, who get together weekly for fun and music, have donated $500 to our LOL Emergency Food Bank. As the winter progresses and heating bills start coming in, the food bank is called upon to help. The Fiddlers also generously donated to the Mazinaw Lake Swim Program. This program operates each summer during the month of July on the shores of Mazinaw Lake at the Bon Echo Park south beach, teaching our children to swim and be safe around water. The program caters to beginners right up to the preliminary qualifications to enable a student to become a certified Red Cross instructor. If you would like to help with this program please contact LOL Community Services and they will put you in touch with the program personnel. Please continue to give your gift of food throughout the year. Items can be dropped off at Northbrook Foodland, your local church, LOL Community Services or Cloyne Home Hardware. We are a community that supports each other. The saying “It is better to give than to receive” definitely defines the Land o’Lakes area. Thank you.


decEMber 13, 2012

2012 Festival of Trees Winners T

he following are winners in Central Frontenac’s 2012 Festival of Trees. IN THE LARGE TREE CATEGORY, Sharbot Lake Friday Night Ladies created the tree that took first prize, “Christmas with Anne of Green Gables”, taken home by Adele Colby; 2nd place tree by the Township of Central Frontenac “Eat, Drink and be Merry, Down East Style!” was won by Gary Glover; and 3rd by St. Lawrence College “Puffin Along to an East Coast Christmas” went home with Kathy Jackson. North Frontenac Little Theatre’s “Gone Fishing” went home with Ivan Wilson; RBC’s “The Christmoose Tree” to Nick Salmon; and New Horizons Therapy Centre’s “More Than Just the Bluenose” to Doug Steele. IN THE 4.5’ TREE CATEGORY, The Treasure Trunk’s

“Grand Harbour Lighthouse” (1st prize) was won by Tabitha Steele; 2nd prize Frontenac Masonic Lodge’s “Santas on the half-shell” - Angie Mallette; and 3rd winner, North Frontenac Telephone Company’s “On An Eastern Note” - Dawn Gillam. The Rising Bun’s “Star Bright” - Anita Landry; Sharbot Lake & District Lions’ “Sounds of the Cape” - Jessica Wedden; Stephen Duggan’s Law Office’s “Highland Christmas” Karen Steele; CF Railway Heritage Society’s “The Golden Age of the Newfie Bullet” – Nancy Sproule; Sharbot Lake PharmaChoice’s “I Saw Three Ships Come Sailing In” – Jordan Walsh; and Northern Frontenac Community Services’ “Fish & Chips” - Rachel Peters. GINGERBREAD CREATIONS: First prize Northern Connections Adult Learning Centre’s “Here Comes Santa

North Frontenac Council – Dec. 10, 2012 I

t was business as usual at a meeting of North Frontenac Council on Monday afternoon, but earlier in the day the accounting firm of KPMG presented a report that put hard numbers to the cost of running the township. In a presentation about an ongoing services review of township operations, Bruce Peever and Vickie Leakey from KPMG talked about the costs associated with maintaining a roads crew, a municipal office, four municipal halls, four fire halls, and six dump sites/transfer stations in a sparsely populated township. In a comparison between North Frontenac and other similar sized townships, the expenditures per household on both road maintenance and fire services in North Frontenac are at or near the top. As well, in canvassing members of council about winter road maintenance, paving programs, waste management and fire services, members of council either said the levels should stay the same or should be decreased. None of them foresee an increase in levels of service in any of the areas. The services review will carry on in January when council will consider the tax implications of increasing service, maintaining the status quo, or reducing or privatizing services. Ompah Fire Station Task Force – Councilor Gerry Martin presented the terms of reference for the task force. The three items on the task force mandate, in chronological order, are: a) to review the needs of the Township of North Frontenac Fire Department and provide options for Council’s consideration, within budget; b) to determine the size of the fire hall with the dollars available; and c) to design and cost out a proposed new Ompah Fire Hall at 3,000 sq. ft. Councilor Martin made the point that the mandate will proceed in order. The task force will begin its work in earnest on December 20, when representatives from all the fire stations, as well as the Ontario Fire Marshall’s Office will meet at the Ompah Community Centre to outline the functions provided at each station. On January 17, the task force will meet “To discuss the data collected at the December 2012 meeting, on the present services and level of service provided by the existing North Frontenac Fire Department to determine the actual needs first” in the words of the report. On January 30, George Gorrie, the township’s chief building official, will meet with the task force to clarify what a fire station requires under the building and fire codes. Tentative meetings are scheduled for February 7 and 14

By Jeff Green

to finalize the report, which is due to be presented to Council on February 25. Task force members include: Councilors Martin (chair – ward 2), Councilor John Inglis (ward 1), and community representatives Russell Gray (ward 1), Carl Tooley (ward 2), Roger Lyons (ward 2), Steve Sunderland (ward 3), and Mike Cleland (ward 3). Long-term service awards – Presentations were made to a number of staff and volunteer firefighters for long-term service. They included Ken Gould, Ellen Good, Jen Dunham and Cheryl Robson, who all have been with the township for 10 years. Randy Schonauer has been with the township for 20 years. Judy Tooley’s service has spanned 3 decades. She started working for Clarendon and Miller Township in 1982 and is still working in the North Frontenac Township office today. “She started here when she was seven years old,” said Mayor Clayton. Meeting date change – A council meeting scheduled for February 25 has been changed to February 28, a Thursday, to accommodate councilors Perry and Good’s attendance at the Rural Ontario Municipal Association (ROMA)/Ontario Good Roads Conference in Toronto. Schlievert nominated – On the urging of Councilor Martin, Council has nominated Ward 2 resident Ed Schlievert for a provincial award for volunteers in recognition of his years of service to the township. Council will meet next on January 14, 2013 at 9 am.

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Claws” - Ben Wooby; 2 prize winner by Hillary Howes and Cadence Cumpson, “Christmas at the Boardwalk” - Chris Love; and 3rd, “The Cove”, by Katelyn & Josey Cadieux Sally Angle. WALL HANGINGS: 1st prize by Sarah Hale, “Homeward Bound on Christmas Eve” – Julia Needham; 2nd, by Village Palettes, “A Whale of a Christmas” - Rosemarie Bowick; 3rd by Ann Howitt, “Memories of Down East” - Julia Goodfellow. Sharbot Lake Country Inn’s “Sunrise in Peggy’s Cove” – Ryleigh Rioux; and Community Living North Frontenac’s “All Hearts Come Home” – Betty-Ann Blythe. WREATHS: 1st prize by Judy Pollard, “A Seaside Christmas” - Barb Driscoll; 2nd, Maberly Agricultural Fair’s “Catcher in the Wreath” – Heather Rioux; 3rd, Lake District Realty “A Harbour Christmas” – Alison Robinson; and Tuesday Morning Crafters’ “We Fish You a Merry Christmas” – Liisa Rissanen. ANYTHING GOES: 1st prize by Janet’s Clip it “Christmas Angel Anne”- Connie McLellan; Arden Pottery’s entry by Joanne Picket – Sharon Mercer. BASKETS: 1st prize winner Jockey – Person to Person’s “Cruising Thru the Holidays” – Irena Sungaila; 2nd by Land o’ Lakes Country Cloggers – “Dancing Through the Snow, Clogging All the Way” – Vera Fanning; 3rd by Goodfellows Flowers “A Fisherman’s Warm-up” – Gary Cooke; the Royal Canadian Legion’s “Treats for Annie”, also winner of the People’s Choice Award – Carol Raymo; Friends of Arden’s “Bluenose, Red Nose, Runny Nose” – Natalie Wotherspoon; Lakeside Readers’ “Eastword Bound” – Peter Smiley; Knowler Plumbing’s “Christmas Sweets and Eats” – Barb Agnew; Seed to Sausage’s “Meat Sampler” – Sharon Matthews; and The Maples’ “High Tide Comfort” – Tammy Steele. The Food Basket put together by Villages Beautiful was won by Boyce Bertram. GIFT CERTIFICATES: Two ESSO Cards donated by Ram’s Esso were won by Anna Young and Glenys Bender respectively; and Joyce Conboy won the Gibson’s Garage Oil Change.

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Parham Fair in dire straits - seeking new members to keep it afloat


t was with great sadness that John Waddingham, who recently resigned as the president of the Parham Agricultural Society, the organization that sponsors and runs the annual Parham Fair, brought the “dire situation” concerning the fate of the 120-year-old fair to council’s attention this week. The society has recently lost a number of board and executive members, many of whom are elderly and have been running the fair for upwards of 25 years. “I apologize to all of the citizens of Central Frontenac, Waddingham said, “but the situation is now dire and unless we see people step up before our next annual general meeting on January 15, 2013, I see no way that the fair can continue” He was visibly distressed about the situation. “We have advertised and sent out letters asking for new members for a long time now and with very little response, we see no other alternative. It’s an impossible situation.” The positions of president and treasurer, as well as the coordinators of poultry, palace, fair grounds, marketing and fundraising need to be filled. He said that he and other former members of the society would be more than happy to train new members interested in taking over the vacancies. Anyone inter-

ested can contact him at 613-374-2728 or by email president@parhamfair.ca.

MIII grant for Wagarville Road and bridge updates

Public Works Manager Mike Richardson asked for council’s approval to proceed with an application for $2 million in grant money that is being made available for infrastructure projects. Richardson said that if the application is successful, the grant would cover 90% of the estimated $2 million cost to pave the 7.5 km long Wagarville Road, which runs from Parham towards Tamworth and ends at McLean Road, and to repair/replace the Wagarville Road bridge. Studies, drawings and plans are in place to proceed with the project. Council gave its approval

IT department opts for Laserfiche RIO

Though it was not the lowest bid for an electronic document records management system (ERDMS), Charlene Godfrey got approval from council to acquire a Laserfic RIO system at a cost of $30,169 from MC Imaging Technologies. She said that the system offers the best value of the four RFPs that came in and will allow the IT department of the municipality to incorporate a single classification file system that will manage all electronic and paper documents in accor-

dance with various government acts and will promote a more transparent government.

Relocation of “Fire House” Program deferred

Deputy Fire Chief Art Cowdy made a presentation to council recommending that the township accept a proposal from the fire department to contract North Frontenac Telephone Company (NFTC) to provide data management and storage services for the department. Cowdy said NFTC would help fire fighters access computers by giving them a single step data entry so that multiple fire fighters from various stations in the township could enter data simultaneously. Charlene Godfrey said that the township’s IT department was “uncomfortable not being in charge of their own data” and the township should opt for keeping the system in house. Mayor Gutowski said that she appreciated the frustration of the fire fighters who have been asking for an improved system for a time and was disappointed to see two opposing reports regarding the topic from staff. After further discussion the motion to go with NFTC was deferred until more information could be brought forward from staff at the next council meeting in January.

MPAC assessment shows Sharbot Lake Provincial Park devalued by 60%

Treasurer Michael McGovern brought to council’s attention a report regarding the MNR Provincial Parks Assessment Loss. The report shows a devaluation in the MPAC assessment of Sharbot Lake Provincial Park

from $1,255,000 to $449,000, a drop of $806,000. The devaluation results in a net loss to the municipality of $3,989 based on the 2012 tax rate. Councilor Purdon said he was curious as to why so many other parks saw an increase in value. Norm Guntensperger suggested that MPAC be made accountable and suggested that a letter be sent asking them to explain the numbers.

Orchestra wins award The Blue Skies Community Fiddle Orchestra won the volunteer award in recognition of performing every year at the 12-year-old Central Frontenac Festival of Trees

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