Vol.13 No.8

Page 1

February 28, 2013

Vol. 13, No. 8


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Humanitarian award for Jeremy Saunders

Frontenac County levy increase at 1.2% ... and falling

by Julie Druker t is thanks to the efforts of Frontenac Auxiliary OPP Constable Jeremy Saunders that many residents in South and Central Frontenac have become regular supporters of the local food banks. Saunders began the Frontenac OPP “Stuff the Cruiser” food drives in South Frontenac in 2010, and also took over the corresponding event in Central Frontenac that same year. Since then he has helped to raise over $26,500 in food donations for the Southern Frontenac Community Services (SFCS) and the North Frontenac food banks. When he is not working as an OPP auxiliary constable, Saunders works as a shunter/driver for Tim Horton's at their Kingston warehouse, and it was in recognition of his work for the food bank that he was nominated by one of his fellow employees at Tim Horton's for the company’s annual Humanitarian Award. It was the second year that Saunders was nominated for the award. He and six other finalists were invited to Oakville, Ont., where the winner was announced in a special live broadcast in front of 500 guests at the Meeting Place Conference Center on February 21. This year Saunders took home the award, which was presented to him by Tim Horton's CEO, Paul House. In his acceptance speech Saunders said that the food drives would not have been such a success without the help of the 12 other members of the Frontenac OPP Auxiliary Unit. When I spoke to him by phone earlier this week, Saunders highlighted what the recognition means to him. “It's really nice to be recognized and the best part of it all is that it will help to increase the awareness of the needs of local area food banks here in South and Central Frontenac.” Along with the award came a cheque for $5,000, which the



Jeremy Saunders at a Sydenham Stuff the Cruiser event award winner is invited to donate to a charity of their choice. Jeremy has decided to share the cheque between the SFCS and North Frontenac food banks and he will be presenting it to them at a later date. The next Stuff the Cruiser event will take place on Saturday March 23 at the Sydenham and Verona Foodlands from 10am-3pm.

Granite Ridge naming debate persists

by Jeff Green bout an hour into a budget meeting last week (February 20), it was looking like Frontenac County Council would never finalise their 2013 budget. In an attempt to go line by line through the budget, Council was mired on page 11 of a 118-page document and they were not making much headway. It turned out, however, that once they were through with page 11, the $100,000 governance budget, Council moved pretty quickly through the Fairmount Home and Frontenac Paramedic Services budgets, which each sit at around $10 million. At the start of their deliberations, Treasurer Marian VanBruinessen presented them with a revised budget that contained a $185,000 (2.26%) increase over 2012 in the requisition to the townships (who collect the money from their ratepayers as part of the municipal tax bill). Without addressing any of the major issues in the budget, Council was able to cut about $85,000 from the budget last week. They made most of those cuts by looking at budget lines such as the travel, training and conference fee budget on the governance page. The budget was set at $38,500, but in 2012 only $18,680 was spent under that heading, so Council cut the 2013 line to $20,000, trimming the overall budget by $18,500. A final budget meeting date has been set for Tuesday, March 12 at 9 am, and it is expected that the 2013 budget bylaw will be formally approved at the regular meeting of Council on March 20. The expectation is that there will be a push to find another $100,000 in savings iand bring in a 0% increase.

by Jeff Green


s construction continues on the new school in Sharbot As one of the nine Limestone trustees who ultimately a number of schools are in various stages of development Lake, a protest against the name chosen for it, Granite chose the new name, Goodfellow said that she supports throughout the region. Ridge Education Centre, is bubbling along on Facebook. the decision. “To have named the school after Sharbot Lake Soon after the board announced that the new school was It is clear, at least in the minds of the Facebook group, would have meant excluding the people in the surrounding coming, an Integration committee was formed to facilitate Granite Ridge Education Centre/This is a protest group, that communities who do not identify with Sharbot Lake. The the transition from three schools to one. The Integration the Limestone District School Board’s trustees have chosen school will serve all the communities, not just Sharbot Lake. Committee includes representation from the students, staff, the wrong name. It is also clear that a number of the group’s I think Granite Ridge is a good name; it denotes strength,” and parent councils from Hinchinbrooke and Sharbot Lake members are pretty adamant about, as there were hundreds she said. public schools and Sharbot Lake High School. of comments posted on the group’s Facebook wall between Goodfellow provided an outline of the process that was This past fall, the Integration Committee formed a Naming February 15 and 22, although traffic has died down some- used to come up with the name Granite Ridge, which is a for- Subcommittee, which was headed by Madeleine Tarasick, a what since then. mal process adopted by the board in recent years because retired superintendent of the Limestone Board. The Naming A running poll on the wall lists reveals the Committee put out a public call for suggestions, preference of the group. Among the six poand received 130, which they whittled down to tential names listed, 225 chose Sharbot Lake a shortlist of six. District School while only 36 chose all the othThese six names, (Lakeview, Waterstone, er listed options combined (Granite Ridge, 6; Sharbot Lake, Granite Ridge, Hillcrest, and Lakeview, 8; Waterstone, 1; and Hillcrest, 1) Lakeside) were published in the Frontenac Ann Goodfellow, the school board trustee for News and elsewhere in early December of Central and North Frontenac, and Addington 2012, and further public comment was sought Highlands, is not particularly impressed with about which one was the best. the Facebook group. “I can’t tell you what they The Naming committee then met again, are saying because it is a closed group, and looked at the comments and cut the list to four my request to join was rejected,” she said. names, which they submitted to the IntegraOne of the group’s administrators noted tion Committee. One of the two names that that the group is not meant as an open forum the Naming Committee eliminated was Granite on the name of the school. “It is about how Ridge. to get the name changed, not about anything The Integration Committee then took over. else. Try to keep it to that; we want opinions They looked at the four names, added one of on how and what we need to do to accomplish their own, Maple Ridge, and also decided to put it,” posted Genny Kelly on February 18. Granite Ridge back in the mix. hey then held a The Facebook group lists over 1,600 memsecret ballot vote on the six names that were bers, but that includes people who have been now in front of them, and chose the top four to invited but have not yet joined the group. A send to the Board of Trustees. quick survey of the list of members would The four names that were submitted were indicate that about 40% of the 1,600 people Granite Ridge, Sharbot Lake, Maple Ridge and listed have agreed to join the group. The west wing of Granite Ridge Education Centre is the current focus of construction efforts

Continued on page 2

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february 28, 2013

MNR meets with Crotch Lake Park neighbours


n an invitation-only meeting, property owners whose lands border the proposed 30,000 acre provincial park surrounding Crotch (locally pronounced as Crutch) Lake in North Frontenac were received by officials from the Ontario Ministries of Natural Resources and Aboriginal Affairs at the ClarMill Hall last Wednesday evening (February 20) Also on hand were Brian Crane, Ontario’s long-time chief negotiator for the Algonquin Land Claim as well as Shabot Obaadjiwan Chief Doreen Davis, who is one of 16 Algonquin Nation Representatives to the land claim negotiations. The meeting was run by Sydne Taggart, an associate-negotiator and the MNR lead negotiator to the Algonquin Land Claim. The discussion about a new provincial park at Crotch Lake is linked to the Agreement In Principle (AIP) because it is in that document that the proposed park was first mentioned. I was not permitted to attend the meeting and this report is based on interviews with people who were there and on information I have been able to gather from government officials. Shirley Giffin, who co-owned Tumblehome Lodge with her husband Ed for many years and has been a member of the Committee of External Advisors to the Land Claim for 15 years, prepared a statement in response to the meeting Her first point is that the area around Crotch Lake “should not become a park.” She points out that in 1999, the Ontario government released a report, “Ontario’s Living Legacy, Land Use Strategy”. “The plan states that ‘the addition of the protected areas that are recommended for regulation will complete the Provincial Parks system’ … The Crotch Lake area was not selected at that time as having the necessary features for a provincial park. The area did not have provincially significant natural regions in 1998 and it does not now,” said Shirley Giffin. Giffin also said that there has been little or no definitive information available from government officials, before, during or after the meeting in Plevna, about how the park will be managed. “There is no plan for local landowners to have a real say in developing a Management Plan and in the operation of the park but the AIP provides for the Algonquin Planning Committee to ensure the priority of the interests of this small group. The very least that would be required would be a stakeholders’ committee to voice concerns of the vast majority of people in the area and in all of Ontario,” Giffin said. I put the question about what the plans are for the management of the new park to the MNR, and received the following response this week: “The classification for this recommended park is Natural Environment. This classification best reflects the natural, cultural and recreational values of the area. This recommendation for a provincial park will provide for the protection of historic and cultural values the Algonquins are seeking while still maintaining excellent recreational opportunities enjoyed by the public such as fishing, hunting, camping, canoeing/kayaking, nature viewing, and snowmobiling. “Pending a future boundary refinement process, this recommended park could be one of the largest parks in southeastern Ontario. The recommended park area is ~30,000 acres.”

Alan G. Thomson

I was also able to gain some insight into how the park became included in the AIP for the land claim when going over some of the mapping with Sydne Taggart earlier this month. She said that during the Land Claim negotiations the Algonquins were very concerned that the Crotch Lake area be kept in its natural state and never be subjected to development. She also said it became clear early on in the land negotiations that it would not be acceptable to include the entire land mass of the park as lands that would be transferred to the Algonquins, and the Algonquin negotiators were very receptive to the alternative idea of creating a park to protect the lands. According to a written account of the meeting in Plevna by Megan Hughes of Ardoch Road, Ontario Chief negotiator Brian Crane said that the protection of the land in question will include provisions for no new commercial interests; no new mining claims; a rescinding of lands that are currently under claim should those claims lapse; the end to forestry operations once current harvesting contracts run out; no new trapping licenses; no changes to private land holdings on or near the proposed park; and the continuation of the Frontenac Parklands campsites opportunities on Crotch Lake into the future. The eastern portion of the proposed park includes some

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by Jeff Green


rontenac County Council has finally made a definitive decision regarding the future of the Federal Gas tax rebate funds that it receives. Ever since 2005, Frontenac County has been receiving Federal Gas tax rebate funds. Half of the funding, which is over $1.6 million in 2013, goes directly to the lower tier municipalities according to a formula that is based on the number of permanent residents. The other half has been flowing directly to Frontenac County for 8 years. From the start, Council has been debating whether the County should simply transfer its half of the money directly to its member townships, based on the fact that all of the roads and bridges in the county are owned by the townships. A series of steps were required before a decision on allocating the money could be made by Council, and this led to the development of an Integrated Community Sustainability Plan (ICSP), and its related projects. In the interim the money has been steadily accumulating. Over the past few years, some of the money has been spent on Community Improvement Plans in Verona and Sharbot Lake, on the K&P Trail, and on other projects. At the same time, County Council has begun to authorize the transfer of more and more of each year’s funds to the local townships. A motion was put forward at the meeting last week by Dennis Doyle of Frontenac Islands to transfer the remaining bank balance that the county holds, ($1.73 million) as well as the $817,000 it will be receiving in 2013, to the local townships according to a population-based formula. The motion also directed that all future gas tax rebate funds be transferred as well. In response to the motion, Gary Davison from South Frontenac said, “I think the $1.73 million should be left to sustain the ICSB projects, which I have always said should be cut down to a few key areas, and all the new money should be transferred. I propose an amendment to that effect.”


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of the lands that were in dispute during the uranium exploration dispute and blockade of 2009 that was centred at the Robertsville mine. The blockade featured a one-time alliance between the Shabot Obaadjiwan and the Ardoch Algonquin First Nation, who have opposed the land claim negotiations for the past 10 years. Paula Sherman led a delegation of Ardoch Algonquin First Nation members who attended the meeting in Plevna last week. Again, according to Megan Hughes’ account, Paula Sherman read out a prepared statement asserting Ardoch’s claim to the lands that are slated to become the Crotch Lake Provincial Park. Sherman pointed out that the Ardoch Algonquins were not invited to participate in consultations, and requested a government reply to her statement within 15 days. There was a public meeting on the land claim held by the Ontario Federation of Anglers and Hunters, the Federation of Ontario Cottage Associations, and the Commercial Fishing Industry Association of Canada in Perth on Friday, February 22. We will have a report on that meeting next week. The Public Hearings on the Land Claim start next week – see ad on page 3 for details.

Gas tax rebate to flow to townships for infrastructure needs

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by Jeff Green

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“I’ll second that,” said Bud Clayton, the mayor of North Frontenac.” “Our intent was just to stop the squirreling away of funds; this continued stockpiling of funds has got to stop, so the amendment is fine by me,” said David Jones. “I should point out, in terms of the ‘squirreling away of funds’, that last year $625,000 of the gas tax funds were transferred to the townships. Over $200,000 was also transferred for community improvement plans and over $10,000 went to North Frontenac and Frontenac Islands for trails,” said Treasurer Marian VanBruinessen. In a recorded vote, the motion to transfer 2013 and future gas tax rebate funds to the townships passed by a margin of 6-3 (Warden Gutowski, and Councilors John Inglis and John Purdon voted against it) Warden catches flak for community projects What seemed like an innocuous report for information about small-scale sustainability projects that were funded by the county in 2012 brought some pointed comments. “Too many of these projects were done in Central Frontenac. These things should be funded at the local level. If Central Frontenac wants to spend their money in this way, good for them, but why should we all be paying for this?” said Frontenac Islands Mayor Dennis Doyle. The projects in question, which were funded out of a $50,000 funding envelope that was taken from Federal Gas Tax rebate funds that the county receives, included the following: grants for lake plans to the local associations from Buck Lake (South Frontenac) Canonto Lake (North Frontenac) and Sharbot Lake (Central Frontenac); two grants to the Sharbot Lake Farmers Market (one for a local food project and for venue revitalisation), grants to the Central Frontenac Mature Living Complex, the Friends of Arden, and a grant to the Frontenac Stewardship Council. Anne Marie Young, the Manager of Economic Development, oversees the grant application process. She said, “We use an application process, which we have kept as simple and straightforward as possible for groups from across the county.” “Well, some of the mayors are more active in promoting these things than others” said Dennis Doyle. “I agree. I am pretty active in my township,” said Gutowski. John McDougall pointed out that it might be the responsibility of the county itself to promote the small-scale sustainability grants. “I spent six years on the local grant team for the Trillium Foundation,” McDougall said, “and Trillium spends a lot of time promoting their programs to the public. This program may not be vetted as much as it should have been.” In the end, County Council received the report on smallscale sustainability grants in 2012 for information.

continued on page 15

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february 28, 2013 Publisher & Editor............................................. Jeff Green Managing Editor ............................................... Jule Koch Graphic Designer................................................Scott Cox Sales Representative......................................Garry Drew Reporter..........................................................Julie Druker Copy Editors .................... Marg DesRoche, Martina Field Dale Ham, Office Staff.............................................. Suzanne Tanner Webmaster.........................................................Scott Cox


SINCE 1970

  The Frontenac News is published every Thursday Deadlines: Classifieds: Monday at 4:00 p.m. Display ads: Friday at 4:00 p.m..

The Frontenac News welcomes articles and letters, but we cannot publish all the submissions 1970 we receive. All submissions mustSINCE include the author’s name and phone number for verification. We reserve the right to edit submissions for brevity, clarity, and taste. Please limit letters to 300 words or less; articles to 500 words or less.

Letters to the editor A house divided Another successful against itself cannot Polar Plunge my third Polar Plunge as part of stand Sharbot Lake Heritage Day festival Thisthe was SINCE 1970


he native peoples living in Canada are the feathers on the Eagle’s wings. Right now the Eagle sits like a plucked goose on the ground. Only in complete unity will the Eagle fly. There is no point in going to the government one by one. In that way you only go in weakness. In fact that is the way the government wants it. The government wants weak adversaries, that’s how they win. The only way is to speak from a position of strength. The only way to do that is in great numbers. The only way to speak in great numbers is to unite and forget past and present disagreements and anger. All native bands, associations, groups, and tribes must unite to get what they believe they deserve. If you speak to the government in weakness you will only get what the government decides will shut you up. David Bate

Our tax dollars at work


recently learned that since the 2008 recession the federal and provincial governments in Canada have increased their aggregate debt from $750 billion to more then $1 trillion. Now, recessions have a tendency to increase government deficits, and we have all heard a lot about the efforts governments are making to rein in spending and perhaps even increase our taxes. And then I read in the February 21, 2013 issue of the Frontenac News about the encounter a father/son ice fishing pair had with the MNR on 13 Island Lake. A helicopter, three conservation officers and a sniffer dog to shake down a father/son fishing trip - you have got to be kidding. I am all for preserving our environment and for conservation efforts, but I somehow don't see the value proposition here. Couldn't one or two guys show up on snowmobiles rather than a helicopter? Another high water mark for the government's prudent management of our tax dollars. Bob Webster

Treat Your Body Like It’s Your Best Friend

and again I would like to thank all the people who took part. It seems to have really captured the interest of the local area and was a huge success. I would like to especially thank the organizer – Mark Montagano who once again managed to sneak by me in the funding competition. I humbly concede. I would also like to thank the volunteer fire department staff who were again there for backup. There are lots of other people quietly involved in the background who also deserve credit for what this has turned into. Of course, lastly I would like to thank all the people who pledged me. The generosity of the individual donors was matched once again by my fellow fanatical members of the Sharbot Lake curling club and the great folks at Community Living-Treasure Trunk. I will jump again! Art Holloway

RE: A Tribute to Arden on behalf of Bill and Kay Nash


ast week the Arden community was saddened to learn of the death of Kay Nash (predeceased by her husband Bill). Many of you will have read the lovely note in last week's Frontenac News in which the Nash family captured what so many of us value about life in our special village of Arden. It is difficult to place a price on good country values, relationships and support systems that have united village residents for many years in so many small rural communities such as ours. Urban life may provide many physical facilities and opportunities, but often support and relationships can be missing. Country life can provide space, peace, tranquillity, hard work and cooperation, support and care for one's neighbours (whom you actually know) and an amazing number of shared enjoyable events. Thank you, Nash family, for reminding us that we are so fortunate to live in this wonderful community. Terry and Judy Kennedy and the Friends of Arden

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Sharbot Lake Criminal Court - Feb 25

Welcome back

by Jeff Green evon Farrant, 24, turned himself in earlier this month for missing a court date almost a year ago. He is charged with break and enter with intent to commit a robbery, a charge that was laid on January 12, 2012, as well as failing to appear in court. He asked for an adjournment to hire a lawyer “While I commend your decision to turn yourself in,� said Judge Wright to Farrant, “I am still insisting that you come back next month, with a lawyer, prepared to do something, either plead or set a trail date. I am marking this as a final adjournment.� Mr. Farrant will return on March 18 Trial date set – Zachary Kilma, 21, charged with driving while impaired by alcohol, operating a vehicle with blood alcohol over 80mg/100 ml of blood, and possession of an illegal substance, has a trial date of June 17. The trial will take most of a day or longer, and a reporting date has been set for April 15 to confirm the trial is going to proceed and can be completed in one day. First Appearances – Robert Bell, 67, charged with possession of an illegal substance, had his charges deferred until March 18, on the expectation of diversion and a


withdrawal of the charge. - Robert Bade, 29, faces two charges of assault and two charges of failing to comply with probation. He will return on April 15. - Frederick Langton, 49, charged with driving while impaired by alcohol, operating a vehicle with blood alcohol over 80 mg/100 ml of blood, and failure to comply with a probation order, will be applying for Legal Aid. He will return on April 15. Withdrawals – A charge of possession of an illegal substance against Heather Cassidy, 30, was withdrawn. - A charge of possession of an illegal substance against Nicholas Gibson, 24, was also withdrawn. Mr. Gibson faces a traffic charge in Provincial Offences Court on March 27. Ongoing - Travis Clark, 30, charged with operating a vehicle with blood alcohol over 80 mg/100ml of blood, will return on March 18. Youth Court – A male youth, charged with assault with intent to commit bodily harm, has had his Legal Aid request refused. Since the Crown may be seeking a custodial sentence, Judge Wright over-rode the Legal Aid decision and ordered that the youth’s lawyers be covered. He will return, with a lawyer, on March 18.

New owner for flagship Plevna store A

sense of doom had descended over the hamlet of Plevna because the future of North of 7, the only grocery store, service centre, and full service restaurant in the region has been very much in doubt. That has all changed now. Steve Cox, whose family has roots in the area, has purchased the building and all the stock from Don Raycroft, who built the business with his late wife Sandy about 8 yeas ago. The changeover is still being finalized, but Steve Cox is already on site running the business.

Cox is from Kingston, and he has been coming up to the area to a cottage on Gull Lake, near Coxvale (another family connection) since he was a kid. He has been working in the restaurant business in Kingston for 20 years, most recently managing a number of different establishments. Look for changes to the restaurant in the coming weeks. “The first message I would like to get out there is that North of 7 will remain open,� said Cox, “later we will have other changes to announce.�



• South Frontenac Family Fun Day

In last week's article on the South Frontenac Family Fun Day, which took place on February 18 at the Frontenac Arena, the name of the person who gave the wagon rides was incorrect. It was Norm Garrison and his team who gave the wagon rides.

• Relay for Life Kick-off time:

The correct time for the North & Central Frontenac Relay for Life Kick-Off on Saturday March 2 is 11am - 1pm. The event will be held at the I.O.O.F. Hall in Parham. See the ad on page 4

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B st Sere vice


In the editorial on the name for the new school in Sharbot Lake that ran last week, “It’s all GREC to me�, there was a reference to “those nasty kids from Sydenham� telling students from Granite Ridge Education Centre to “get back to Bedrock, Bam Bam.� I did not mean to say that any or all of the students at Sydenham High School are “nasty�. It was, as I told one reader, a vain attempt at humour, for which I apologise – JG

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PUBLIC INFORMATION SESSION Algonquins of Ontario Land Claim Negotiations Members of the negotiation teams for the Algonquins of Ontario, Canada and Ontario will be in Perth to share information and answer questions about the Algonquin Land Claim. Date: Time:

Thursday, March 7, 2013 3:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. Overview Presentation from 6:30 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. Location: Perth Lions’ Hall, Perth Fairgrounds 50 Arthur Street, Perth, Ontario A Preliminary Draft Agreement-in-Principle is now available for public review and comment at ontario.ca/algonquinlandclaim or tanakiwin.com/aip.htm. Public information sessions are being held in other locations March 6–16, 2013. POUBSJP DB BMHPORVJOMBOEDMBJN r r


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COMMUNITY REPORTERS (613) Arden.....................................Joan Moore............... 335-2015 Wanda Harrison........335-3186 Cloyne / Northbrook..............Marie Anne Collier.... 336-3223 Crow Lake.............................Marion Ratzinger...... 279-2986 Denbigh............... .................Angela Bright............ 333-1901 Godfrey................ ................ Nicki Gowdy.............. 374-5708 Harrowsmith..........................Kim Gow................... 372-0018 Henderson.............................Jean Brown............... 336-2516 Georgina Wathen..... 336-9641 Maberly-Bolingbroke.............Karen Prytula............ 325-1354 Mississippi.............................Pearl Killingbeck....... 278-2127 Mountain Grove.....................Marilyn Meeks.......... 335-4531 Ompah...................................Linda Rush............... 479-2570 Parham-Tichbome.................Colleen Steele.......... 375-6219 Christine Teal............ 375-6525 Plevna...................................Katie Ohlke............... 479-2797 Sydenham.............................Anita Alton................ 376-6333 Verona...................................Debbie Lingen.......... 374-2091 Zealand.................................Jean Lewis................ 268-2452

VERONA Debbie Lingen

613-374-2091 debbie@lingens.com

· The first Friday in March is the annual World Day of Prayer, an international ecumenical movement of prayer and action. Each year, women from a different country write a service, which reflects their justice concerns through a biblical lens. This year, France is the featured country. The theme is "I Was a Stranger and You Welcomed Me," based on the Gospel text of Matthew 25 and with a focus on migration. To learn more, visit www.worlddayofprayer.net/info.html. In Verona, Trinity United Church is hosting the World Day of Prayer Service on Friday, March 1 at 10 am and a service will also be held at St. Paul’s in Harrowsmith at 7 pm. · The last session of the Speaker Series on health related topics will be held Friday, March 1 from 9 am to noon. The topic is Preventing Caregiver Burnout. This session is free and will take place at the Grace Centre in Sydenham. To reserve your place and for more information please contact Lorraine Creighton: 613-376-6477. · Sisters by Heart invite us to a Ladies Night Out to enjoy "That’s Amore! An evening in Verona, Italy. " Monday, March 4 at 6:30 p.m. at Verona Free Methodist Church. The special evening will start off with a spaghetti dinner. Keynote speaker will be Ann Foster with guest singer Kathy Rice. Admission is $5; tickets available at the door or in advance. Please let them know if you are planning to attend: 613 374-1232. · Frontenac Community Futures Development Corp. is holding a workshop on Business Planning at their office, 4917 Hwy 38, Harrowsmith. In this workshop, presented by Rebecca Darling from KEDCO, you will learn what questions your business plan should answer and how to write the plan

279-2901 1-800-565-7865

C apsule C omments

with Jocelyn

Whalen, B.Sc. (Pharm), CGP

It’s not hard to imagine what the most common medical problems are in Canada by looking at the top ten drugs prescribed in 2012. This list includes a drug for hypothyroidism; two for lowering cholesterol; three blood pressure pills; one antibiotic; one antidepressant; one blood thinner; and one to reduce stomach acid. Everyone is aware of the benefits of exercise to our heart and muscles. But there are benefits to the brain as well. Tests show that regular exercise increases the oxygen to the brain. This increased blood flow to the brain can help slow cognitive decline that is associated with aging. Blood alcohol levels over 0.05 in Canada put drivers at risk. In some countries, the level tolerated is 0.02. These countries include China and Sweden. In Japan, the limit is 0.03. You have to be cautious when reading statistics. If you read a headline that says “25% reduction in risk of death” with (some particular drug), it can be misleading. If risk of death without the drug is 4 in 1000, and with the drug it is 3 in 1000, that is a 25% reduction but in reality not quite as dramatic. If you have questions about what you read in the media, check with our pharmacists. Part of our job is keeping up to date on what’s new in medicine and pharmacy. We can help put things in perspective for you.

and cash flow planning. Tuesday March 5, 5 to 7 pm. This workshop is free and open to businesses in the County of Frontenac. Registration is required and seating is limited. Please register: 613-372-1414; 1-888-372-9962; krista@ frontenaccfdc.com · The Quilting Group will meet Wed. March 6 at Trinity United Church, 9 am to 12 noon. Anyone interested in quilting is welcome to join the group, whether a seasoned quilter or a beginner. They have lots of patterns and ideas and there are always people to help with advice. For more information call Ann McDougall at 613 374-2516. · The Verona Lions will host a Bingo evening on Thurs. March 7. Doors and canteen open at 6 pm. Early Bird Bingo starts at 6:50 pm; 12 regular games and 2 share the wealth. Verona Lions Club, free parking. · Verona Diners Club for adults, ages 55 plus, will be held Thurs. March 7. The program provides full-course, catered meals with the flexibility to meet varying dietary needs. For a cost of $11 per person, you will enjoy a mid-day meal and entertainment. Noon at the Verona Lions Hall. Reservations are required. Call 613-376-6477. South Frontenac Community Services

february 28, 2013 · Many people attended the pastoral union service of the Arden, Mountain Grove, and Henderson charges. It was held in the hall at Henderson. John Purdon was appointed chairperson for the meeting that followed the worship service. Everyone then enjoyed the delicious lunch · Happy anniversary to Stan and Betty Pranger, 59 years. On March 2 at the Arden community hall there will be a ham & scalloped potato supper at 5pm, followed by musical entertainment by Gordon Struthers; sponsored by the Arden Wesleyan church.


613-325-1354 karenprytula33@gmail.com

GODFREY Nicki Gowdy

613-374-5708 bus524@hotmail.com

· Looks like spring might be right around the corner with the amount of ducks and geese flying north! · Congratulations to Frontenac Auxiliary Constable Jeremy Saunders on being the winning recipient of the Tim Horton's Humanitarian Award. He was awarded $5000, which will be donated to the Central and South Frontenac Food Banks. Jeremy and his fellow constables have been successful in the past few years with the Stuff the Cruiser Campaigns. Great job, Jeremy! · There are still some seats left on the bus trip to the see the Toronto Blue Jays on Saturday April 20. Bus departs Verona at 9 am travel by coach to Toronto to take in the Jays vs. the New York Yankees. Cost is $60, with proceeds benefiting the Verona Minor Ball Association. If you are interested give Nicki a call at 613-374-5708. · Thinking of you wishes to Bill Snyder on his recent health issues.


613-335-4531 email: marilynarchie@sympatico.ca

· We were saddened to hear that Noreen Baese had recently passed away after she bravely fought her illness. Our sympathy to her family. · Sympathy to the family of Jean Wannamaker, who passed away in her 102nd year. · Our sympathy also to the family of Wilda Parcher (Woodcock), beloved mother of Kevin Colliss. · We wish Verna Cowdy all the best as she settles in her new residence at Pine Meadow, Northbrook. Please stop and visit with her, Room113 · Parham Seniors held their February meeting on the 20 with Joan Wyatt as hostess. Everyone enjoyed the delicious potluck at noon. Happy birthday was sung to Sylvia Hill and Dorothy Verbeek. It was planned to have a couple of barbecues in the future. · Happy birthday to Percy Burke, Maddie McDonald, Jim Kelly, Marion Hart, and Jim Kelly Jr. · Thinking of the Leigh Scott family, Allan Gursney, Joyce Smith, Reg Peterson, Doris Forbes, Marjorie Swain, Terry Robertson, Gwen Hepner, Irene Monds, Ross Shorts, Robert Stacey,

· In 2016 Tay Valley Township will be celebrating the 200th anniversary of the founding of settlements in the area and one of the projects will be the collection of stories, memories and memorabilia from area residents. The anthology will be called “At home in Tay Valley.” Those who have stories, pictures and artefacts to contribute should call Kay Rogers, 613-326-0363. If we don’t do this now, those memories and history of our township and your history may be lost forever! · Euchre will be resuming at the Maberly Hall Wed. March 13. Cost is $3 and the games start at 7 P. M. For more information contact Sue at 613-268-2507. Euchre parties are fund-raisers sponsored by the Maberly Agricultural Society. Funds raised are used for the annual Maberly Fair and projects for the benefit of the fair and the community. Mark Saturday August 24, on your calendar for the 131st Annual Maberly Fair! For more Agricultural Society activities and events, check out www.maberlyagsociety.ca · The Bolingbroke Café is Friday March 1, 7:30-10pm at the ABC Hall, with the Long Sault Trio. Specialty coffees, teas and crepes available in a classic coffee house ambience. $10 at door. Check out the “Long Sault Trio” website at: http://www.lindagrenier.com/long-sault-trio/ They are a talented group of musicians who play a full range of instruments and many styles of music. They will be playing a wide variety of music, including Celtic, which will fit nicely into the “St Patrick's” theme for March! · The ABC hall plans to organise a “games” afternoon of


Jennifer Clow

REDUCED LOAD RESTRICTIONS (5 tonnes per axle) on COUNTY ROADS In accordance with the Highway Traffic Act, R.S.O. 1990, c.H.8, s.122 and County of Lennox and Addington By-law No. 2612/96, as amended, a reduced load restriction will be in effect on certain County Roads as posted during the period of: March 1st, 2013 to April 30th, 2013 and, a reduced load restriction will be in effect on County Road 29 (Flinton Road) and County Road 30 (Buckshot Lake Road) both in the Township of Addington Highlands during the period of: March 8th, 2013 to May 7th, 2013 J. Klaver Operations & Development Technologist County of Lennox & Addington 97 Thomas Street East Napanee, Ontario K7R 4B9 613.354.4883


For Our Aging

9504 Road 38 Godfrey, ON K0H 1T0 T: 613-374-2023

Relay for Life Kick OFF North & Central Frontenac 2013 Coffee House Style Saturday March 2, 11am - 1pm I.O.O.F. Hall, Parham, Ontario Come one, Come All!! Get your team registered, pick up your team captains kit, ask questions... get involved!! Featuring: Jordan Lowery, Pete MacPherson (bass & banjo) and Jim MacPherson 13 Teams Registered so far!! Your chance to get your team in on some great “perks”! Must be present to win!!

february 28, 2013


scrabble, card and board games with tea, coffee and light refreshments. Several people said they were interested in this kind of event. If you are interested, please call me (2737505) or Freda after the beginning of March (273-2571). Will there be a BINGO? · A community “potluck” dinner and music jam will be held Sat. March 23 at the ABC Hall in Bolingbroke. Everyone is welcome. Dinner is served at 5 p.m. with open mic music from 6:30 to 10 p.m. Admission: $5 per person (maximum $10 per family) plus a potluck dish per family. Info: Glenn Russell 273-2571. Admission to the Jam only is $2

CLOYNE - NORTHBROOK Marie Anne Collier


· Bonnie Wood, Legion Branch #328, wishes to present the winners of the Public Speaking contest: 1st place winners: Joey Collins, Lance Wagner, Terry Murphy; 2nd place: Sierra Baldacchin; 3rd place: Katelien Meeks; 4th place: Ben Mieske. The Legion congratulates all the speakers. · Need a hand to prepare your tax return? Trained volunteers can help you prepare your income tax and benefit return if you have low income and a simple tax situation. This service is available from March 1 to April 30 at Land O’Lakes Community Services, 12497 Hwy # 41, Northbrook. Call for more information: 613-336-8934. · Also, Land O’Lakes Community Services will be holding their annual fundraising spaghetti dinner on Saturday, March 2 from 4 – 7 pm at the Barrie Hall in Cloyne. Enjoy all you can eat spaghetti, Caesar salad, garlic bread and home- made desserts, coffee/tea/juice. Adults $10; Children 5-11yrs $5; 4 & under free. All proceeds will support the Adult Protective Services Program.

PARHAM-TICHBORNE Colleen Steele Christine Teal

613-375-6219 613-375-6525 mrsteal2u@hotmail.com

· Relay for Life North & Central Frontenac 2013 - Kick off Saturday March 2nd from 11am to 1 pm - come on out and get your team registered!!! Sign up as a Survivor, purchase your luminaries, volunteer to help · Calling all Hinchinbrooke parents, students, teachers past and present...we need your help to ensure that we celebrate the history of our Public School. It's time to gather our thoughts, ideas and suggestions to come up with a way to celebrate and remember all that Hinchinbrooke meant to us to bid a fond farewell. Do you think a Friday evening would be good or would you prefer a Saturday? We are looking for people to help with the following areas: memorabilia (gather, compile, and display), entertainment & slide show presentation and food. If you feel you have something to contribute please contact Janice at Hinchinbrooke Public School, 613375-6230 or hinch@limestone.on.ca. We are hoping to have feedback by March 15 so don't delay! · They came on their ATVs, skidoos, trucks or cars. They came with their trailers, fish shacks, friends and family. What a great day they had at the Annual Trappers Association fishing derby held on Big Gull Lake on Saturday. Although the fish count was down maybe due to the new regulation fish slot size, everyone sure enjoyed this event. It was like an annual BBQ reunion. · The Parham United Church congregation enjoyed a most delicious luncheon of hot soup and desserts after service on Sunday. Later that evening a small but vocal group braved the elements and enjoyed the Old Fashioned Hymn Sing. Music was supplied by Sara Magie on the piano and Ken Walton on the accordion. Time passed way too quickly. · The Child Center is holding: - March 11: Laser Tag & Bowling $25 for 2 round laser tag and 1 hour of bowling and transportation (12:30-5:30) pm - March 14: Emergency First Aid with CPR, cost $40 - March 15: Cooking with Kids 10 am - 1 pm - March 22: Youth Dance 6 - 9 pm at Oso Hall, grades 5-9, $6 per person

Thank You - Relay for Life Thank you to everyone for coming out to support our Relay for Life Team E-Luminators at our Bake, Craft & Yard Sale. Congratulations to Donnie Smith for winning the homemade afghan and Jim Kelly who won the gift basket.

· Don't forget the soup and sandwich on April 27 at IOOF sponsored by Leaf Rebekah Lodge. · Caring thoughts are sent to Dan Hayes’ Mom, Anne Pompell, Zelda Hannah, Floyd Hannah and Gordon Ball. · Congratulations to my sister Vi Cooke on becoming a great grandma for the first time. Deb & Randy Lindenblatt welcome with love their first grandchild, and Katherine and Matt Lake welcome their first child Lukas! Congrats to all!! · The World Day of Prayer service, written by the Women of France, is at the Parham United Church C E Building on Friday March 1 at 7 pm. The theme is "I was a Stranger and You Welcomed Me". Please join us and invite your family and friends to learn about the culture and heritage of France. Christians in more than 170 countries around the world and 2,000 communities across Canada will gather on this day to pray and act in solidarity with the people of France. · Happy Birthday to Tanya Whan, Dan Hole, Dale Bertrim, Annie McKinnon, Darrell Hannah, Dave King, Jim Kelly. Happy Anniversary to Bill & Patsy Lowery. · The Euchres at the IOOF Hall in Parham are still being held every Monday night - so come on out and have some fun!! · A series of free workshops on “Evangelism – learn the joy of sharing your faith with others”, will be held at the Sharbot Lake Pentecostal Church on Friday March 1 and every Friday evening in March from 7 to 9pm. All are welcome. The workshops will be led by Ken Gorham, who was the pastor of the Lindsay Mission for Christ for 13 years. For more information call the church at 613-279-2267 or Ken Gorham, 613-479-0233.

DENBIGH Angela Bright

613-333-1901 bright.a@gmail.com

· Our condolences to the family of Cecil Snider on his recent passing. Our thoughts and prayers are with you. · The Denbigh Recreation Committee would like to thank the community for their support and for all the kids who participated in the activities at Family Fun Day on Saturday. A special thank you to the volunteers Mary and Evelyn for helping Ruby create the bird feeders; Steve for making everything run smoothly with the kids; 41 Stop for donating the maple syrup (it was very good on the snow); and George and Joan for getting the rink ready and running the canteen. The snow sculptures were very well done and the judges had a hard time deciding the winners. First prize went to Owen Bright and 2nd prize to Katrina Keller. The next Recreation event will be the Easter Brunch and Party Saturday, March 30. Watch here for details. · You may have already seen signs around the village of one local young man's kindness in action. Taylon Snider started a campaign to raise funds for CHEO, but he is not asking you to pull out any big bills, just your pennies. He got the idea from all the talk of the penny being taken out of circulation, and from another charity campaign, which inspired him to do something to help someone else. After Taylon's mom contacted CHEO to let them know of his idea, they

Sharbot Lake Veterinary Services 613-279-2780 Tuesday & Thursday 2 - 4 p.m. Emergencies: 613-376-3618

Sydenham Veterinary Services A.A.H.A Accredited Hospital


PURE STRIDE Power Skating APRIL 01 - MAY 12, 2013 10 sessions per age group Tyke - Novice: ages 7 - 8, 6 - 7 PM Atom: ages 9 - 10 Yrs. 7 - 8PM Peewee: 10 -12 Yrs. 8 - 9 PM

ICE TIMES REQUEST FOR EXPRESSIONS OF INTEREST Land Owners interested in Tendering a Property for a New Land Ambulance Base in Central or North Frontenac Townships The County of Frontenac invites land owners in Central or North Frontenac to submit an Expression of Interest document for the sale of a property to the County to be used to develop a new Land Ambulance Base.

Mon. Apr. 01 & Wed Apr. 03: 6PM to 9PM Mon. Apr. 08 & Wed Apr. 10: 6PM to 9PM Mon. Apr. 15 & Wed Apr. 17: 6PM to 9PM Mon. Apr. 22 & Wed Apr. 24: 6PM to 9PM Mon. Apr. 29 & Wed May 01: 6PM to 9PM >>> Smiths Falls Arena >>> REGISTRATION POST DATED ( March 15, 2013) $275.00 cheque / money order

For more information, interested parties should consult: www.frontenaccounty.ca

Pure Stride Power Skating School

Submissions must be received by: March 14, 2013 at 3 p.m.

Lombardy, ON K0G 1L0, 613-283-9950 andrshawn@sympatico.ca


PAGE 5 were so thrilled they sent him a t-shirt and posters to help get him started. Taylon's campaign will wrap up March 31, so be sure to visit one of these area businesses with your coppers: 41 Stop, Berndt’s Garage, Pine Crest Marine, and Lakelands Family Health Team. There are also donation jars at Wilson Tim-BR Mart, Bancroft and Steins Appliances, Belleville. As the poster says, "A Penny Can Make A Difference In The Life Of A Child". See also Taylon’s photo on page 7 · On Friday, March 8, International Women's Day, there will be a special event at The Blue Bench Bakery & Cafe. The event will start at 11am and will include a guest speaker from Bernadette McCann House, a shelter for abused women. A special lunch will also be served. Tickets are $10 each, and $2 from each one sold will be donated to Bernadette McCann House. Only 20 tickets are available and can be purchased at the cafe located in the Addington Highlands Community Centre, or call Joan at the cafe 613-333-9713, 9am - 2pm, Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday. · Do you have any formal wear in your closet that is in great shape? NAEC's Belles & Beaus Grad Closet would certainly appreciate donations of dresses, shoes, accessories, as well as jackets, dress shirts, and pants for the graduating Grade 8 and 12 classes. This is set up by the School Advisory Council. If you are interested in making a donation, or for more information, please visit the Facebook event page, NAEC's Belles & Beaus Grad Closet, or contact Tanya Rosenblath @ tanyarosenblath@hotmail.com or Sarah Collins at alexus_sl@hotmail.com 613-336-9608. · Even though the weather was a little on the messy side, the Climate Change Research Fair was well attended last week at NAEC. Thank you to all who braved the weather to make the day a success.

HENDERSON Jean Brown Georgina Wathen

613-336-2516 613-336-9641

· The fishing derby hosted by The Frontenac Addington Trappers Council was a great success with a large crowd of fishing people, helpers, prizes awarded and tasty food at the canteen. This fantastic organization promotes conservation, education, and passing along skills to future generations, family sporting events and all round community involvement. It was great to see so many families out fishing, riding four wheelers, visiting, and enjoying our wonderful Newton’s Bay area. · A special farewell to the Rev. Joel Holtz of the Kaladar Pentecostal Church who will be leaving our area to serve God in Lindsay, Ontario, and will be greatly missed. · The Rev. Darla Maiuri is expected back soon to the Harlowe Wesleyan and Standard Church and will be available for Christian weddings, baptisms, baby dedications, funerals, prayers, and Christian sharing.

continued on page 6


Walk Ins Welcome as time permits. Professionals to serve you.For an appointment, please call Sue, or Janet 1045 Village Woods Dr. Sharbot Lake

International Women’s Week

The Frontenac News invites women business operators to advertise their businesses on March 7, 2013, giving them an opportunity to tell the public about themselves and what they have to offer. Each 1/8 page ad (5”wide x 3.7” high) will include a photo, write up (and logo if applicable). Cost $80. The deadline for this feature is Monday March 4, 2013. Reserve your space today! Call 613-279-3150 or email nfnews@frontenac.net


Henderson - from page 5 · Henderson United and sister churches of Arden and Mountain Grove worshiped together at the Henderson Hall, followed by a joint annual meeting and lunch. Many plans were made, and Henderson United will once again host their annual yard sale on Sat. June 22, and June 29, so please start setting aside your gently used items. We don’t have storage space until spring- which will be here before we know it!! · The stork visited two homes in our area bringing a gift from God. · Congratulations to Tim Trickey, who received a special award this past week in conjunction with Cadets, where he has served faithfully for many years. · 28 folks of the Wesleyan Churches of Harlowe and Roblin combined forces to attend a Valentine’s Chinese banquet in Belleville and report enjoying a fun and spiritual experience of fellowship. · Our own Verna Cowdy is living at Pine Meadow Nursing Home, so we can all drop in for a visit any time. Also, a beautiful quilt is being raffled off in ticket sales to benefit the nursing home, so be sure and get a ticket from Barbara Ellsworth as they are selling quickly. Jean · Thoughts and prayers are with Dale White. - Georgina


Wanda Harrison 613-335-3186 harrisonwanda@hotmail.com Joan Moore 613-335-2015 maple_leaves02@yahoo.com · Condolences are sent by Arden to Lois and Leigh Scott on the recent loss of their daughter Noreen. Noreen lost her courageous battle last weekend. · The Arden Wesleyan Church is hosting a Ham and Scalloped Potato Dinner and Gospel sing Saturday March 2, at the Kennebec Community Centre. The dinner begins are 5pm and the music, featuring Gord Struthers, will begin at 6pm. A free will offering would be greatly appreciated. All welcome. · Also on March 2, the Legion is hosting a Neil Diamond tribute show featuring Joey Purpura. The show, which begins at 8pm, will be held at the Arden Legion. Advance tickets are $20; at the door $25. A portion of the proceeds will go to support the Legion. · When you enter the Arden Legion, you are now greeted with the aroma of home baking. White, Honey Multigrain and Honey Whole wheat bread are made daily along with a few other items. Available by chance could be a lemon loaf, banana bread, cranberry muffins or butter tarts; all natural ingredients and no food additives. Phone orders are accepted for next day. Come to the Legion and see their selection of bakery items, along with

THE FRONTENAC NEWS what is available by order. The phone number for the Arden Legion is 613-335-2737. · Attention businesses servicing Arden and the surrounding area. Please attend a Breakfast meeting at Circle Square Ranch, March 7 at 7:30 am. There will be a discussion regarding advertising on a new directory sign and advertising samples. Please contact Judy Kennedy at 613-335-3606 to register your attendance. · The Arden Seniors will meet Tuesday March 5 at 11 am at the Kennebec Community Center to celebrate St. Patty’s Day. New members are always welcome. · Exercise and physical fitness is important for all ages. Join line dancing on Monday mornings or Tai Chi on Wednesday mornings and contribute to your good health. · Thinking of you with caring Leigh and Lois Scott, Reg Peterson, Gary Garnett, Barb Kirkland, Ralph Steel and Irene Monds.

MISSISSIPPI Pearl Killingbeck


· Happy 1st Birthday to Baby Carrie Webster. She had a big birthday party on Sunday at Snow Road Community centre. · Starting March 1 at the Snow Road Community Centre there will be coffee & muffins, etc. from 10 am to noon, and every Friday morning thereafter. There will be different people doing it each week and donations to help with the costs would be appreciated. There was a trial run last Friday and approximately 30 people turned out. It will probably be called the Community Coffee Cup. · Approx. 134 people were fed at the Snow Road Snowmobile Club breakfast. There will be Bingo on March 2 at the clubhouse starting at 6:45pm. The next breakfast will be March 9, 8-11am. · Had a great Sunday afternoon with my grandson & his wife, Robert & Vanessa Lemke and family. My sister June went through stacks of photos from over 50 years ago while the children had sleighrides on the big hill. Plus a big feast at the snowmobile club. · Smile: the most efficient water power in the world is a child's tears.


613-372-0018 kgow63@hotmail.com

· There will be a regular Youth Dance on March 1 at the Golden Links Hall for ages 9-15 from 7-10pm. Cost is $6. For info call Sharon 372-1274 or Wayne 358-2533. · St. Paul's United Church in Harrowsmith will be hosting a turkey dinner with all the trimmings including homemade pie on March 2 from 4:30-6:30pm. Take out is available. Cost is $12 adults and $6 children; 6 and under eat free.

North & Central Frontenac Recreation Guide If you, or your organization, offer recreational activities or events in Addington Highlands, North or Central Frontenac Townships, you are eligible for a free listing in the North & Central Frontenac Recreation Guide to be published in April 2013 Some examples: exercise or yoga classes, line dancing, drop-ins, euchres, dances, jamborees, music festivals, clubs, etc. * Note: if your activity has been listed in previous years, and you have not already contacted us this year, please contact us to confirm that your listing is still active. Email your listing to nfnews@frontenac.net or call for advertising details

Hurry & get your information in Deadline: March 15, 2013

february 28, 2013

Central Frontenac Soccer needs new volunteers T

he soccer association is currently seeking new members. The association is looking for individuals who are willing to roll up their sleeves for a few hours over the next few months to help the Central Frontenac Soccer Association achieve its current and future goal of providing youth with the opportunity to play soccer. Without new volunteers, we may not be able to continue to provide soccer in the area. You do not

need to be a soccer coach or have soccer experience to be on the committee! We are in need of volunteers to help plan the schedule for the season, organize players onto teams, and help out with registration. If you are interested in being part or want to learn more about the board, please contact Lynette Whan (613)2792366, bradlynwhan@ frontenac.net or come to our next meeting Wednesday March 6 at 7pm, Sharbot Lake Medical Centre (lower level).

So who gets a Habitat for Humanity Home? M

By Sharon Matthews

ost of us who own our homes had help getting there. However, not everyone has families or friends with the means to help them buy a home. That's where Habitat for Humanity can help. Habitat builds modest, affordable homes, then sells them to qualifying families, with no financial down payment and no interest on the mortgage. Habitat helps those who are helping themselves; hard working folks striving to get ahead. You know the people. The single mom or dad working two jobs; the husband and wife with three young children working hard to stay ahead of the bills; the older couple who have spent their life renting, never being able to save enough to gain the security of home ownership. Our community has many families like this, and with a little help from Habitat and the community, home ownership can become a real possibility. Take one of the families that recently bought a Habitat home in Bath. Michael Lortie and Aileen Young and their two children. Mike suffers from Multiple Sclerosis, a degenerative auto-immune disease. The stairs in their previous home had become a real challenge for Mike so they started looking for alternatives. It was their realtor who suggested they consider applying for a home with Habitat.

· Enjoy an evening of Bluegrass music with Larry Gillis and Swampgrass with opening act Bill White and White Pine, March 19 at the Christian Fellowship Church starting at 7pm. Tickets are $20 in advance/ $25 at the door. For information call Ken Roloson 3722625 or June White 372-2400. · There will be a ham dinner at the Golden Links Hall March 17 from 4:30-6:30pm. Cost is $13. For info call Barb 372-2315. · Tickets are going fast for the Harrowsmith Social and Athletic Club's Chinese Auction on March 23. Dinner at 6/auction at 7pm. Advance tickets only, $12 members/$14 non-members. Call Kim 372-0018 or email kgow63@hotmail.com. · Words to live by: If you're tired of starting over, stop giving up. Have a great week

CROW LAKE Marion Ratzinger



· Congratulations to Jordan & Jessica Van Alstine (grandson of Leonard & the late Betty Van Alstine) on their marriage on Feb. 22 in Brockville, Ont. · The Heritage Festival in Crow Lake was another success. Eight brave souls took part in the over night camp at the Schoolhouse

At first, they thought Habitat wasn't for them - they were not on any form of financial assistance and did not consider themselves low income. However, after receiving more information, they realized they were just the kind of family that Habitat helps - a family living in unsuitable housing but able to realistically afford Habitat's zero interest mortgage payments, with a willingness to step up and earn that down payment through 500 volunteer hours - essentially helping to build their own home! So, if you are such a family, or you know of a family, please encourage them to apply. Jane Drew is the local contact. She can be reached at 613-375-6142 or janedrew@ frontenac.net to get an Expression of Interest form. If you would like to get involved in other ways, please contact Sharon Matthews at 613-375-8343, or e-mail to SharonM. LongLake@gmail.com. We are looking for people who can hammer nails, do landscaping or paint during the build; people who like organizing and fundraising; those who can make sandwiches for the workers; suppliers who can donate materials and contractors who can donate some time. We can use your help as we try to get Habitat working for our community ... One Home at a Time.

on Friday night. The beaver stew was definitely an experience to remember along with the stories and jokes by a certain pioneer! Saturday was busy with people visiting the school house to see the indoor displays and enjoy a hearty lunch. The pioneer activities were again popular, as were the Crow's feet made freshly on site. · Thanks to all the volunteers who organized, cooked, setup, served, cleaned and donated their time and goods to make this a fun and successful event. The money made will help with covering the ongoing costs of the school house. · The Monday night potluck continues to happen every last Monday of the month at 6pm. Everyone is welcome, so come out, catch up with your neighbours and enjoy a meal together.

PLEVNA Katie Ohlke 613-479-2797 email: ohlkek@limestone.on.ca · Euchres are resuming Monday, March 4 at the Plevna Hall, at 7:30pm. The cost is now $4, in support of Holy Trinity Church. The euchres will go on every Monday until the fall. · Exercise classes are Tuesday evenings starting at 6:30pm at the Clar-Mill Hall, $2. For information call Rhonda 613-479-2447

PUBLIC NOTICE - PROPOSED BELL MOBILITY 107 METRE TELECOMMUNICATIONS GUYED TOWER SUBJECT: • Construction of a guyed tower with a height of 107 metres. • Location: Glastonbury Road and Peterson Road, Addington Highlands, ON. Site is to be located at the rear of the property. • Legal Description: PT LT 26 CON 8 KALADAR AS IN LA275258 EXCEPT PT 1 29R5014. LA132863, PT 1 29R2508, PT 1 29R4937, PT 1 29R6820, LA263282; ADDINGTON HIGHLANDS. • The tower will provide high speed wireless internet and telephony services of high quality.

ANY PERSON may make a written submission to the individuals listed below by date March 30, 2013 with respect to this matter. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: Further information may also be obtained through the following contact: CanACRE Ltd, c/o Haseeb Amirzada 200 boul. Bouchard Dorval, Québec H9S SX5 Fax (514) 420-8302 Email: consuItation@bell.ca

february 28, 2013


The big three who shaped Bon Echo Park

Flora MacDonald Denison


ong before it officially became a provincial park in 1965, the flavor of Bon Echo Park had begun to take shape decades earlier, thanks to the influence of three distinct personalities. In a presentation titled "The Dentist, the Feminist and The Writer", local historian Margaret Axford spoke of the influence these three people had on the park, which continues to draw visitors from across the country and from all over the world. The first was the dentist, Dr. Weston

OPP reportS Boot thief caught


n February 21, at approximately 7:37 am, police were dispatched to a report of a grey Toyota pick-up truck spinning around in circles at a local plaza in Sydenham, South Frontenac Township. Police patrolled the area but did not locate the vehicle. A short time later the same vehicle attended a local gas bar in the Village of Harrowsmith. Two males entered the store and began to try on several expensive winter boots. One of the males left the store wearing a new pair of boots, leaving his old pair behind. Police attended the area but again did not observe the vehicle. After receiving a tip from a citizen in the Village of Verona, police were able to locate the vehicle on Road 38 just south of the village. When the police stopped the vehicle the driver stepped out of the vehicle wearing the new stolen boots. Charged with theft and driving under suspension is 30year-old Justin Hawley of South Frontenac Township.

PAGE 7 by Julie Druker

and Flora's husband Howard A. Price, who was born in ran the Inn from 1911-1913 Newburgh, Ontario, but who until the two separated and lived and worked in Clevetheir marriage ended. Flora land, Ohio. Price's wife was then took it over and her intent from Brampton, Ont. and she was to create “a haven for arttaught in Ardoch. In 1898 ists and philosophers in an inPrice began renting land in spiring natural landscape with what is now Bon Echo in an incredible view of Mazinaw the summer months from a Rock, where visitors could refarmer named David Weese. new their souls, their energies In 1899 the couple acquired and their creative instincts.” land in the area and Price deFlora also celebrated the cided to build an inn modeled teachings and writings of Walt on the tourist hotels of the AdWhitman, the famed 19th cenirondacks. Axford stated, “He tury American poet. According [Price] knew that the setting to Axford, Flora “was caught of the Mazinaw Rock would up in his [Whitman's] demobe a natural draw and it was cratic ideals and she saw Bon the Prices who gave the name Dr. Weston Price Echo as being a symbol of 'Bon Echo' to the area, and democratic freedom...that would always be who gave birth to tourism in the region.” Price, who was described by one observer enhanced by the spirit of Walt Whitman.” It was Flora who had a large rock face on at the time as a “wiry man, always rushing somewhere with a hammer in his hand” used the lake inscribed with a dedication to “Old local labor to build the inn, which consisted of Walt”. As a practicing spiritualist and part of the main building, five cottages, a separate a group whose members claimed they could staff house, a boat house, a laundry house, communicate with the dead, Flora held nuan ice house, numerous docks and a bridge merous séances at Bon Echo. One observer across the Narrows. By the end of Price's at the time recalled that guests at Bon Echo second summer after purchasing the land, “often preferred a séance at midnight to a the Bon Echo Inn was complete. In 1901 a Sunday morning church service.” Under Flotelephone line that originated at the Kaladar ra's command the inn housed many notable train station and ran along the old Addington guests, including James Thurber, Morley Road became the first telephone line in the Callahan, Frank Lloyd Wright and the painters from the Group of Seven; the latter would area. Price hoped to attract like-minded nature often be guests when Flora's son Merrill took lovers to the area, and because he was a over ownership. Financially the inn ran at a teetotaler and a religious man, the inn was loss, with “Flora's dreams always outstretchdry until Merrill Denison took it over decades ing her financial capabilities”. Flora died at 54 years of age on May 23, later. In 1901, Flora MacDonald Denison arrived 1921 and a bronze urn holding her ashes on the scene at Bon Echo with her husband was deposited in Mazinaw Lake just below Howard and son Merrill, first as guests in the the Whitman inscription. Her son, Merrill tower room suite of the inn. Axford said that Denison, a writer and later a well-known ra“she would have bought the place at that time dio personality, inherited the inn and its 10 if Price had been selling it” but instead she square miles of property, and began some bought a lot south of the Narrows, where she much-needed repairs. His contacts at Hart built a summer cottage. Flora and her family House and the Arts and Letters Club in Towould spend the next nine summers there. ronto put him in touch with many famous CaFlora MacDonald Denison was born in 1867 nadians artists of the time, many of whom in Actinolite, worked as a teacher near Acti- would become regular visitors to Bon Echo. nolite, and as a dressmaker in Toronto. She Merrill's partner, Muriel Goggin, whom he later was a writer on women's rights and the would marry in 1926, ran the inn from 19231928 “like a general”, and it prospered dursuffrage movement. It was on her annual trip to Bob Echo in ing this time until the stock market crash of 1910 that Flora learned that Dr. Price wanted to sell the inn. Differing reasons are given for Price's reason for selling. One was that his 10-year-old son Donald was ill at the time; he later died either of spinal meningitis or from a diving accident. Flora paid Dr. Price $13,000 for the inn, Big Bear Island and numerous acres of land,

1929. From then until 1934 it was closed to the public at large and became Camp Mazinaw, a boys' camp for Trinity College School in Port Hope. In 1936 the inn burned down after being struck by lightning. A Toronto woman who was working at the inn at that time, when she was 16 years old, sadly recalled watching it burn. Though the inn was never rebuilt, Merrill and Muriel continued to spend the summers at Bon Echo after selling off some of the land. They kept less than 100 acres

Merrill Denison for themselves. Merrill's aim still was to preserve the area as “a meeting place as it was for the Alonquins, a center to which people would come to learn and discuss ideas in an inspiring natural surrounding.” In 1959 he turned over the buildings and land to the provincial government to be used as a provincial park. The official ceremony did not take place until 1965. Merrill died in 1975 at the age of 81. Axford ended her presentation defining the legacy that these three personalities left behind for all who continue to visit and enjoy Bon Echo Park. “The legacy they left was that the democratic spirit should prevail and the ordinary person must continue to have access to this wonderful place.” For those wanting a more detailed account of the history of Bon Echo and the personalities who helped to create it, a number of books on the subject are available at the Cloyne Pioneer Museum. They include "The Oxen and The Axe" (Brown, Brumell and Snider), "The Mazinaw Experience: Bon Echo and Beyond" (John Campbell), "Sunset of Bon Echo" (Flora MacDonald Denison), and "Bon Echo: The Denison Years" (Mary Savigny).


Rural Kingston Family Health Organization VERONA MEDICAL CLINIC 6582 Hwy 38, PO Box 160, Verona, ON K0H 2W0  Tel. 613-374-2077

VERONA MEDICAL CLINIC, EXTENDED HOURS FOR URGENT CARE As a part of the province-wide initiative to reduce unnecessary trips for our patients to Kingston for urgent care after hours, the Rural Kingston Family Health Organization offers after-hours care at each of its six sites, Newburgh Clinic, Tamworth Medical Clinic, Lakelands Family Health Team, Sharbot Lake Family Health Team, and Sydenham Medical clinic. Patients of each practice should consult that site for information on after-hours care offered there and at other local sites. Dr. Piotr Oglaza and Dr. Laurel Dempsey would like to announce the opening of the Verona Medical Clinic for extended hours effective March 2013. Beginning on Wednesday, 6 March, the clinic will be open until 8 pm on a weekly basis for urgent care only. Booked appointments remain available during the week-days. And, as always, if you are sick or injured and need to be seen, call us. We’re here to help you! Laurel J. Dempsey MD CCFP FCFP,  Piotr P. Oglaza MD CCFP Carolyn Goodberry RN,  Annie Campbell RN

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FEBRuary 28, 2013

MERA bets on a bassoonist - and wins by Julie Druker om Shoebridge, who organized the Blue Jeans Classical Concert series at the MERA Schoolhouse, recalled that the idea to book a bassoonist for the final concert of the series was greeted with hesitation. “Some said that if we booked a bassoonist - no one would come...”. However “they” were proved very, wrong indeed. Not only did people come, but they filled the hall and gave an uproarious standing ovation to acclaimed bassoonist Richard Hoenich and his accompanist Scott Richardson following an exceptionally entertaining concert on February 17. The bassoon is thought of by many as the most clownish instrument in the orchestra but Hoenich's varied musical program and his masterful playing quashed that stereotype from the beginning. The program included a wide variety of wellknown classical pieces covering a huge historical time period and vast emotional ground. The concert opened with a light


TOWNSHIP OF SOUTH FRONTENAC TOWNSHIPS OF SOUTH, CENTRAL AND NORTH FRONTENAC Invitation To Tender # 2013-06 For 2013 Traffic Control Marking Program Sealed submissions must be received by 1:00 p.m. March 6th, 2013, Attention: Wayne Orr, Chief Administrative Officer, 4432 George Street, Sydenham ON, K0H 2T0. Official forms detailing the general specifications and requirements may be downloaded from WWW.BIDDINGO. COM or picked up Monday to Friday 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. at South Frontenac Township Public Works Department, 2490 Keeley Road, Sydenham ON, K0H 2T0

REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL #P03-2013 For Operations Of The Household Hazardous Waste Facility & Transportation, Processing & Disposal Of The Hazardous Waste

INTERIM TAX BILLS Please note that interim tax bills which will include garbage bag tags will be issued the week of March 4th. For further inquiries, please contact 613-376-3027 x 2200

Winter Promotion

2013 DOG TAGS 2013 Dog Tags are now available and can be purchased at the Municipal Office, 4432 George Street, Northway Hardware in Inverary, Perth Road Store in Perth Road village, RONA Hardware and Asselstine Hardware in Verona. The fee is $12.00 per tag until April 30th, 2013.

paniment. He ended the program with his 1 minute/10 second rendition of "Flight of the Bumble Bee", which of course brought down the house. Hoenich, I learned is not only an acclaimed player and recording artist but also a conductor, who served both as principal bassoonist and associate conductor with the Montreal Symphony Orchestra, was resident conductor at the New Worlds Symphony in Miami as well as director of orchestras at the New England Conservatory of Music in Boston. Currently he also runs a well-known bassoon camp in the summer months in Lanark County. He is not only an articulate, funny, knowledgeable and very generous performer who loves to share his experiences and has a penchant for telling great stories, but most importantly, he is a passionate musician helping to keep classical music alive and well in the area. Those who missed the concert, have no fear. Due to the success of the Blue Jeans Classical Concert series, MERA organizers are planning more classical concerts in the near future. Hopefully Hoenich and Richardson will be back. BUSINESS CARD SIZE

Deborah Stanley Certified Interior Decorator

1046 Lancaster Lane, Cloyne, ON Phone: (613) 336-2191 deborah.stanley@xplornet.ca

CHANGES IN WEATHER CONDITIONS With mild weather residents are reminded to use extra caution on lakes and rivers with melting ice conditions.

Scott Richardson on piano with acclaimed bassoonist Richard Hoenich

t rn No Bu d, ey! oo n W Mo

Sealed submissions must be received by 1:00 p.m. March 6th, 2013, Attention: Wayne Orr, CAO, 4432 George Street, Sydenham ON, K0H 2T0. Official forms detailing the general specifications and requirements may be downloaded from WWW.BIDDINGO.COM.

and cheerful Mozart Andante originally written for flute and orchestra, which showed the bassoon at its most elegant and refined. This was contrasted with the next selection, Schumann's anxious, unsettling and vexing fantasy suite in three movements, which were written when the composer was in a desperate mental state, and which demonstrated the bassoon's more serious side. Both pieces showed Hoenich's mastery not only of the instrument but also his ability to express the wide range of feelings that these two very different composers intended. The program also included a number of contemporary pieces, including one by Eric Ewazen titled "Allegro Vivace", a jaunty, rapid fire piece with the two players often sounding like they were playing a game of musical tag. At this point I should mention the incredible ability and versatility of accompanist Scott Richardson, who not only met Hoenich's playing note for note (and in the Schumann piece played three notes to Hoenich's one), but also stole the limelight on many occasions, demonstrating his flexibility and dexterity as a player. It was interesting to watch the subtle connection the two maintained throughout the concert. Hoenich also has the gift of the gab and shared many amusing tales, like his experiences studying with famed conductor and West Side Story composer Leonard Bernstein. Hoenich recalled him as a genius who often struggled with his desire to become as respected and well known for his compositions as for his conducting. Hoenich played one Bernstein composition- “Cool”, the instrumental piece that animates the tense fight scene in West Side Story between the Sharks and the Jets. He and Richardson nailed it in all of its staccato and fitful finger-snapping glory. In his second set Hoenich educated listeners about the bassoon, a member of the woodwind family, which, if it were stretched out, would measure 8 feet in length. It arrived on the music scene in 1540 in Italy and there is called “fagotta” because in its early forms, it resembled a bundle of sticks. He spoke of the mechanics of the instrument, how the sound is created and how store-bought reeds require meticulous reshaping to make them sound right. Continuing the program, Hoenich played a Camille Saint-Saens piece written in 1921, the one and only piece in the entire program written specifically for the bassoon. He also played an Astor Piazzolla tango titled “Oblivion”, a more mellow type of tango with long tender melody lines and a dreamy piano accom-

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WINTER MAINTENANCE Winter is now upon us. To assist our crews in their winter control efforts, the parking of vehicles on Township roads and village streets from 12:00 midnight to 7:00 a.m. is not permitted from December 1, 2012 to March 31, 2013. As well, pursuant to Section 181 of the Highway Traffic Act “No person shall deposit snow or ice on a roadway without permission in writing from the road authority responsible for the maintenance of the road. Please be advised that the Township of South Frontenac will NOT be responsible for damages to mailboxes, newspaper boxes, recycle boxes or parked cars where said boxes or vehicles interfere with the winter maintenance on Township roads.

EXTENDED HOUSEHOLD HAZARDOUS WASTE SITE DAYS The Household Hazardous Waste Site at 2491 Keeley Road will be open from 3:00 pm to 7:00 pm on Thursdays, February 28th, March 14th and 28th, 2013. See our website for details.

COUNCIL MEETING The next Council Meeting will be on March 5th, 2013 at 7:00 pm. The next Committee of the Whole Meeting will be on March 12th, 2013 at 7:00 pm. 4432 George Street, Box 100, Sydenham ON K0H 2T0 1-800-559-5862 Website: www.township.southfrontenac.on.ca

YOU could vote for the Leader of Canada’s Liberal Party! Sign up as a supporter by March 3 at www.lpc.ca/supporter It’s free! For assistance, call 613-389-2627 or 613-374-2187 or 1-877-542-4271 Voting will be April 7 to 14 by phone or on-line. For more information about the candidates visit www.liberal.ca Lanark, Frontenac, Lennox & Addington Federal Liberals www.lfla.liberal.ca

FEBRuary 28, 2013


Local artist’s quilt to travel the world by Julie Druker ne of Beth Abbott's goals this year was to enter a work in an international juried show. Beth, a local fibre artist based out of Godfrey, entered her quilt titled "Spirit Rising", in an international juried quilt show, “Metaphors on Aging”, which was sponsored by the US-based Studio Art Quilt Association. Not only was Beth able to check that goal off her list, but she was surprised and very excited to find out recently that her quilt was one of 38, out of a total of 160 quilts from all over the world, that were accepted into the show. “I really didn't think there was any hope of my piece getting into the show,” Beth said. The show's sole juror, Pamela Allen, disagreed. In the email that she sent to Beth notifying her of her acceptance, Allen mentioned not only the piece's excellent composition and color, but also “the sincere intent of the artist expressed in a creative way; evidence of going beyond the obvious into personal expression.” The piece, which measures 28 x 36 inches and depicts a bright hot air balloon floating above a somber-colored, undulating landscape, comes from a very personal place indeed. The inspiration for it came to Beth when she was caring for her dying father in Windsor, Ont. this past summer. She said the idea came to her when she was zentangling one night by her father's bedside. Zentangling, Beth explained is a “controlled form of doodling, a kind of yoga for the brain where you fill spaces with pattern,” a

Pennies for CHEO



Taylon Snider of the Denbigh area is collecting pennies for the Children’s Hospital of Eastern Ontario. He has placed donation jars at several local businesses, including 41 Stop, Berndt’s Garage, Pine Crest Marine, and Lakelands Family Health Team. Taylon’s campaign will end on March 31. For more information see the Denbigh column on page 5

Man fined for illegal fire


Rising Spirit - quilt by Beth Abbott, photo courtesy of Beth cut landscape and was all machine stitched. The show will travel first to Birmingham, England for the UK Festival of Quilts, August 8-11. From there it will travel to the International Quilt Convention at the Emperor's Palace in Johannesburg, South Africa for September 6-8, with future showings in the US, and hopefully Canada as well. Beth was pleased that of the 38 quilts chosen for the show at least five were from quilters from Eastern Ontario, which sparked her to quip, “The fibre arts are definitely alive and well in Eastern Ontario.”

technique she learned at the Garden Time Quilt Shop in Kingston. She said the balloon represents the spirit of her father, who passed away on July 18, 2012, three days after his 98th birthday. In the artist's statement that she submitted along with the piece, she described the balloon image as “the spirit of my Dad, released from the limitations of age and soaring over the now colourless landscape where the earth is lifeless but his spirit is alive with light.” The quilt, which was constructed with cotton batik prints, incorporates a free

New café opens in Denbigh

n Etobicoke man was fined $500 for starting an illegal fire near Sharbot Lake and ordered to pay an additional $4,000 in suppression costs for the fire department to extinguish the blaze. Daniel Stoneburgh pleaded guilty to unlawfully starting a fire outdoors when the conditions did not allow the fire to burn safely from start to extinguishment. The charge was laid under the Forest Fires Prevention Act. The court heard that in late March 2012, weather conditions in Central Frontenac Township were extremely hot and dry. On March 21, 2012, Stoneburgh was on his farm, north of Sharbot Lake, when he attempted to light a barbeque that was located on tall, dry grass that had not

been cut since the previous year. The grass ignited and the fire spread. The fire department was called and the main farm buildings were saved; however, almost six


Special Thank you to our Volunteers: Gavin Colman, Mary Jo Dowker, Colby Dowker, Allison Ewart, Ryan Morey, Council member John McDougall, Marnie Pedersen, Dawn Seiben and our special Event Organizers Pam Morey and Dan Bell Special thank you to Pine Ridge Catering for making everything taste so great, our friends at Finley Foods, Reid’s Foodland, Norm Garrison and his team of horses, Jim Stinson and staff from Frontenac Arena and VCA of Verona. Special thank you to Kim Perry from Local Family Farms in Verona and Pam Morey from Blossoms of Kingston for all the great gift certificates. Volunteer Recognition Draw Winners: Pete Asselstine, Melanie Ball, Karen Babcook, Nancy Moore-Carr, Wayne Conway, Sandra Crawford, Kim Deline, Joan Goodwin, Casey Dowker-Gibson, Barb Joyce, Doreen Morey, Jennifer Linton, The Leslie Myles, Summer Nicholas, Lynn Newton, Betty O’Connor, Tracy Peters, Lisa 8109 Snider,Hwy Roberta Smith and Vicki Veldman. 38, Godfrey ON Also our appreciation goes out to South Frontenac Council Members, Mayor Gary Davidson, Angela Maddocks, Dual Fuel SFRC Chair Mike Howe, and South Frontenac Recreation Coordinator Ashley Belanger for allowing this great event to take place. Models Available

national Women’s day lunch are $10, with $2 going back to the shelter as a donation. The Blue Bench Bakery and Café is open as of March 1, and a Grand Opening event is planned for the spring.

fter several months of preparation, Joan McLeod has opened her bakery at the new Denbigh Community Centre. The bakery, which is called the Blue Bench Bakery and Café, will be open from 9 am to 2 pm on Mondays and Tuesdays, Thursdays and Fridays. It will also be open some weekends for special events, and a list of those events is available at the Café. The menu will feature 2 different fresh daily soups, salads and sandwiches, Fair Trade coffee and a selection of herbal and regular teas. Breakfast items will also be available. “I am going to celebrate opening the bakery by hosting an International Women’s Day event on March 8,” said Joan McLeod, “which will include a set lunch menu and a speaker from the Bernadette McCann House shelter for abused women.” (The Bernadette McCann House is located in Pembroke) Tickets for the Inter-

South Frontenac Family Day Winter Carnival

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by Jeff Green


acres were burned. The total cost of extinguishing the fire was $10,536. Justice of the Peace Sam Cureatz heard the case in the Kingston on Jan. 29, 2013.

South Frontenac Recreation Committee congratulates all our Volunteers in South Frontenac because we couldn’t do it with out you.


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FEBRuary 28, 2013

Local Duo and Trio entertain music lovers at MERA fundraiser by Julie Druker he MERA schoolhouse in McDonalds Corners was the place to be on February 10 for music lovers wanting to sample the talents of two groups, both of whom are no strangers to the local music scene. Listeners were first treated to the sounds of the sibling duo “Charlie in the Middle” comprised of Margaret and Noah Sullivan. Margaret played her stand-up bass, which she calls “Charlie”, hence the band name, and Noah played acoustic guitar. They shared lead vocals and provided each other with delicate harmonies in a repertoire comprised of both cover and original folk/roots material. Favorites included a cover of Sherman Downie's “Blue” whom the two met while he and his band toured local festivals last summer. Their version included beautifully blended harmonies and a plucky chorus. They also covered North Carolina songster Jonathan Byrd's “I was an Oak Tree”, which Noah sang with guts and gusto. (Byrd will be back at MERA performing along with Catherine MacLellan on March 9). Other memorable covers the duo offered included Tom Waits' classic “Ol' 55” as well as a number of catchy original tunes. One noteworthy original was written by Margaret and inspired by regular family car drives to their grandmothers and the vehicles’ strange tendency to wind up at a beloved local


doughnut shop. Margaret described those trips as inspiring the song and “a willingness to suspend your disbelief.” The Long Sault Trio, a group that's hard to pin down as far as musical genres go, offered up their wide ranging repertoire of original material inspired by classic folk, blues, country, Celtic, rock as well as old jazz and swing standards. The group, who have been playing together as a trio for two years, is comprised of Linda Grenier on lead vocals/ guitar, local famed fiddler Victor Maltby, and Dave Tilston on guitar/mandolin. The three opened up their set with numerous selections of their all original material comprised of and demonstrating the various styles that they are influenced and inspired by. Their first tune, a waltz called “I Wish It Was Me”, demonstrated both the trio’s talent as individual players and their prowess as an ensemble with pitch-perfect a capella harmonies that accented Genier's rich and expressive vocal stylings. Their second tune was an original reel/ medley featuring Maltby on the fiddle and Tilston on mandolin, which demonstrated their mastery of the Celtic genre. Tilston’s original up beat blues-inspired tune “Can't Get Out of These Blues”, which featured Tilston on lead vocals, Maltby on saxophone and Genier on brushes demonstrated the group’s further flexibility and comfort as

L-r, Victor Maltby, Linda Grenier and Dave Tilston of The Long Sault Trio at MERA straight ahead blues practitioners. Grenier had numerous opportunities to show off her skills as a jazz/blues diva on tunes like Tilston's original jazz standard inspired “I'm Lucky” as well as on Grenier's own original titled “Moonlight”, the latter of which highlighted not only Grenier's vocal strengths

Harkening back to the ‘60s at the Center Stage Café T

Craig Bakay rocking at the Café

he Center Stage Café house band sparked off a lively second installment of the Centre Stage Café on February 21. The house band has made the Sharbot Legion a popular draw for their new music series, whose aim is to showcase local musical talent. Interspersed throughout the evening was an eclectic choice of classic rock and pop tunes by the polished band, Garry Giller, Terry Reynolds, Dave Limber and Jim MacPherson. Thursday night’s event started with an inspired set by singer song-writer Brian Robertson, who sang solo while accompanying himself on guitar. He began with an original tune titled “Man, It's Good to be Alive”. He harkened back to the '60s/'70s folk days of good old Americana music with his very pretty, James Taylor-esque finger-picked version of “Oh Susanna”. He let the crowd in on his musical meanderings to Cuba and

Happy New Year to Everyone Smitty’s Appliances wants to wish everyone a happy, healthy and prosperous new year in 2013. We want to thank all the people who have supported us in the past 38 years in our business of buying and selling appliances. And, yes, we plan to keep doing what we are doing now for another 20 years. Smitty says that the business and staff are growing. At this time, Smitty wants to thank his staff for all their hard work. Smittly says that after 38 years, repeat customers are returning and that is the sign of happy customers. We want to thank friends, neighbors and relatives who have passed the good word on to other people. We never advertise red tag sales, midnight sales, anniversary sales, Boxing Day sales or January sales. We just have everyday low prices of high quality appliances. With Smitty’s being the exclusive dealer we can give better pricing and warranties. Remember, the Frigidaire product we sell has a very long established name behind it. Every Woman Loves her Fridge, Stove, Washer and Dryer. We don’t have fancy showrooms, music piped in or plush carpet to walk on. We run a warehouse operation that allows us to sell with the low prices that we offer. Smitty pledges to always have the lowest prices. We are community oriented and we have donated fridges to churches, food banks, weddings, plowing matches, etc. Smttty says it is his way of repaying the community for their business with us. Smitty’s Always Making New Friends. Smitty does things differently than big stores. Even on Christmas Day he received three calls from people who didn’t buy their stoves from him who couldn’t get their ovens to work, while trying to cook the Christmas turkey. As a goodwill gesture Smitty went to help them, free of charge too. Smitty says it’s the little things the public appreciate. We like to think of ourselves as one big family in the community. We are always here to help any day or hour. Smitty says the customer must be happy after the sale. Always Shake the Customer’s Hand Smitty says the only people he can’t please are the competition. Smitty guarantees that as long as he is in business he will do his best to give the customer the best service and prices, and we guarantee that Smitty will still be in business to back these words up. Please come and see for yourself what we have to offer. We have our own financing, the same as the big stores, but with no interest charges or gimmicks. There is always same day delivery too. Customers come first at Smitty’s. Looking forward to serving you for another 20 years, Thank you! The Little Businessman with the Big Heart

Smitty’s New & Used Appliances Ltd. River Road, Corbyville. Phone anytime 1-613-969-0287

played that country's popular Che Guevara revolutionary song, demonstrating his ease in the Spanish language and Cuban guitar stylings. His French version of “La Mer” also hit the mark, as did his version of Peter, Paul and Mary's “Kisses are Sweeter Than Wine”. Brian is a natural on stage and his ease and friendly banter made for a very memorable set that ended on a high note with the Leonard Cohen classic “Hallelujah”, which delighted the crowd. Craig Bakay, whom many know as the other reporter in town, played next and his set also harkened back to the good old days of flat out heavy rock and blues. Backed by the Center Stage Band, Craig opened his fiery set with the boppy Downchild Blues Band classic “Flip, Flop and Fly”, which set the tone for a very inspired heavy rock/blues second half of the evening that got a few couples out onto the dance floor. His set list included nu-

but also the heart and personal experience that bring a truthfulness to the lyrics that she sings so well. For those who missed the MERA performance, the Long Sault Trio will be performing at the ABC hall in Bolingbroke tomorrow, Friday March 1 at 7:30pm.

by Julie Druker merous old classic heavy rock/blues favorites tunes like “Can't Ya See” by the Allman Brothers, Neil Young's “Down By the River”, Johnson’s “Crossroads” and “Who Do You Love”. Craig's low down, biting and guttural vocals did not miss a beat and the members of the house band seemed grateful for a chance to cut loose along with Craig, as Reynolds did in a number of inspired guitar solos that met Craig's own, lick for lick. The series is fast becoming a highlight for music lovers in the area. The next café, which is coming up on March 21, will no doubt prove to be a more mellow, though no less entertaining evening, with special guests Rob and Nancy Moore and well known country crooner Mitch Barker, who made a name for himself at the Bedford/Piccadilly Sunday jams. I should note that the venue was greatly improved by added stage lighting.

Discovering the Heart of Emotional Literacy through Books


by Susan Ramsay, Early Literacy Specialist, sramsay@klandskills.ca

adie, a bubbly, energetic two-year-old, stood solidly in front of Jasmine studying Jasmine’s face. Just moments ago, Sadie had shoved petite, three-year old-Jasmine hard, causing Jasmine to land with shock and dismay though no bumps or bruises. The adult who saw it happened rushed to the scene. “We don’t push people. You hurt Jasmine’s feelings. You need to say you’re sorry or give her a hug.” Sadie did neither. She seemed confused or perhaps curious about the fuss. Jasmine’s sobbing began to subside until, with the suddenness of a tornado, Sadie threw her arms around Jasmine in a vice grip bear hug. Jasmine screamed. Sadie tightened her squeeze. Sadie is a typical two-year-old who is trying to figure out how to share, take turns, and understand feelings. It isn’t easy to get it right, and most of us spend our lifetimes developing and refining our abilities to be sensitive, empathetic and self-aware. Sadie is developing emotional literacy skills. Children with high emotional literacy skills recognize and understand emotions in themselves and others. They know how to handle and express their emotions appropriately. Strong emotional literacy skills are extremely valuable to children’s readiness to learn at school. It’s a skill that develops gradually from birth when adults in children’s lives are intentional about helping children label their feelings, recognize that others feel emotions too, and think through helpful and hurtful actions and reactions to others. Children’s picture books are extraordinary tools for helping children learn the vocabulary they need to label emotions. The pictures show facial expressions and body

language that allow adults to talk about feelings when children aren’t in the middle of a melt-down or excitable situation. At first children understand emotions broadly. Happy, sad and mad are some of the words children learn early on. As children grow older, though, they discover that more precise words help them understand, express, and control their emotions better. Happy, for example, might be more accurately described as excited or content; sad as lonely or worried; mad as frustrated or jealous. Books give children the chance to see that story characters feel emotions too. Pause during book sharing times to ask children if they have ever felt what the story characters feel. Do they remember a family member or friend feeling the same way? Stories often show how the actions of book characters affect others in the story. Talking about, not just reading about, the choices characters make is important. Asking children to think and talk about why the characters feel certain emotions and what might have happened if the characters had made other choices prompt children to think for themselves. It helps them develop strong emotional literacy skills. There are thousands of books that are excellent for supporting children’s growth in emotional literacy. Below is a small sampling of books your child might enjoy. Your librarian or book seller will have suggestions for other great book selections too. “Baby Faces” by Margaret Miller “Happy Hippo Angry Duck” by Sandra Boynton “The Way I Feel” by Janan Cain

FEBRuary 28, 2013


Opportunities Can Be Homegrown Too!


rlene and her twin sister were born at Long Lake, near Parham, in her Grandma Stinchcombe’s farm house. She immediately recognized a good place when she saw it and she’s lived in the area ever since. She went to school near Wagarville, graduated from Sharbot Lake High School, and is now settled in Mountain Grove. In her 22-year career as an employment counselor in Central Frontenac, Arlene has built up a vast network of contacts, colleagues and clients, many of whom still drop into her office at St. Lawrence College Employment Service to visit, long after they have moved on to jobs or self-employment. The impact she has made is far-reaching. Says one former colleague, who is now a job skills coach in British Columbia, “I think of Arlene’s pioneering efforts and her ability to work around the many obstacles we faced. Almost 20 years later when faced with a challenging situation I ask myself, ‘What would Arlene do?’” Arlene has worked at the following local agencies: ARC Industries, Northern Connections, Ontario Disabilities Support Program and presently at St. Lawrence College Employment Service in Sharbot Lake. Networking with other agencies such as Northern Frontenac Community Services, Community Living-North Frontenac, and Land O’Lakes Community Services is a key ingredient in her work. “Partnerships are essential in building community and providing the supports

that contribute to success.” She has encouraged many clients to acknowledge their Aboriginal heritage and to seek out the resources offered by Kagita Mikam and Shabot Obaadjiwan First Nation. Personal qualities that are central to her profession are to: “See the potential in everyone; draw out their positive aspects; be a good listener rather than a teller; open doors, show opportunities, give clues; let people make their own choices.” Many job seekers who come to her office need someone to say, “I believe in you.” This is often the first step on the client’s path to motivation, employment and renewed self-esteem. Arlene’s efforts for her clients sometimes take an unusual turn. A young woman came for an appointment and Arlene made a call to a prospective employer. She arranged an interview on the spot. The woman wasn’t wearing suitable clothes so she and Arlene switched clothes and off she went to her interview. She got the job and Arlene got her clothes back. Over the 22 years of her career, she’s seen many changes in the employment scene. In the past, there were more small businesses, such as general stores, restaurants, gas stations and tourist lodges, providing work for local residents. Travel was more difficult – fewer roads, unpaved roads. “You didn’t see pavement until you reached Verona!” But now more people can (and must) travel farther for work. There are

Addington Highlands Council – Feb. 19, 2013 By Jule Koch Brison • At the beginning of the meeting, Councilor Adam Snider said that he should have declared a pecuniary interest on an invoice in the accounts at the previous council meeting. • Council agreed to a request from Land o’Lakes Community Services for a donation of $1 per household. • Lakelands Family Health Team sent a letter to council requesting that the township pay for an automatic standby generator at the Addington Highlands Community Centre (AHCC) – Denbigh. The letter said that power outages at the centre continue to have a negative impact on the clinic’s operations there, not only because the clinic has to close, but also because of the loss of expensive medications that must be maintained at specific temperatures. Councilor Tony Fritsch said it is his understanding that

Finding a Career Path B

rittany Knapp is a graduate of the 2011 Blossoms Program at St. Lawrence College Employment Service in Sharbot Lake. When she first heard about Blossoms she immediately said, “That’s for me!” Blossoms is a federally-funded initiative that provides young people (16-30) with job experience and skills. Until then Brittany had had only one job, at Tim Horton’s, and it was hard to get another job with such a short résumé. “It’s the same old story,” she said. “Employers want to hire people with experience, but if they don’t hire you, how can you get it?” Karen McGregor interviewed her and she was accepted into the program. She and the other 16 participants spent half their time in a classroom setting, where they upgraded computer skills and took part in employment-related problem solving and critical thinking activities. The other half of their time was spent on carpentry projects, supervised by Bill Young. It resulted in the elegant and well-built attendant shed at the Sharbot Lake waste site, benches outside the Sharbot Lake Seniors’ Home, shelves for the Township Of-


presently when the power goes out, someone retrieves the medications from the centre and takes them to another fridge. A year and a half ago the township looked into getting a standby generator and the cost would be around $15 - $20,000. Reeve Henry Hogg said that the family health team should do its own fundraising for a generator as the township isn’t responsible for its tenants’ back up systems. However, as the centre is eventually going to be an emergency centre and the township is applying for a Trillium grant to put in kitchen facilities there, council discussed whether a generator could be worked into the application, but concluded it could not. Councilor Fritsch said that since the main concern right now for the family health team is the refrigeration of medica-

By Rose Strohmaier, St. Lawrence Employment Service fice and much more. Everyone left the Blossoms program with a new résumé and a new outlook. “I left with a lot more than just a new résumé. I learned how to actually get out there and get a job - what to say in an interview and what is meant by ‘work ethics’. I left feeling more mature and more confident in the skills that I have.” Afterwards, Brittany began a placement as a Community Worker at Community Living - North Frontenac, funded by Skills Link and arranged by Arlene Uens, employment consultant at St. Lawrence College Employment Service. “I probably wouldn’t have got this position if it hadn’t been for the skills and confidence I gained through the Blossoms program.” Some people take years to discover their true calling, but not Brittany, who has already zeroed in on a career that she wants to pursue. She has decided to become a Developmental Service Worker and is looking into the possibility of starting an apprenticeship. Her job at Community Living has shown her that she likes the work, she’s good at it and that it’s the career for her. Well done, Brittany!

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PAGE 11 By Rose Strohmaier, St. Lawrence Employment Service

now larger numbers of women going on to post-secondary education and taking strong roles in the workforce, whereas 22 years ago it was more usual (and possible) for women to work as stay-at-home mothers. In general, job seekers today, both men and women, tend to have more formal credentials than the clients that Arlene worked with at the beginning of her career, when common sense, determination, natural ability and work ethics could get you a decent job. Nevertheless, Arlene believes that the most valuable skills for job seekers, regardless of their education level, are still self-confidence, positive attitude, and strong communication skills Tourism is a significant industry in this region but Arlene believes that there is potential to develop it even further, providing employment opportunities for Frontenac residents, especially youth. “We have an incredibly beautiful, natural environment and, what’s more, the Trans-Canada Trail passes through here.” She can imagine all kinds of commercial opportunities along the trail, things like bike trails, ATV trails, pit stops, bed and breakfasts and campgrounds, not only for tourists but year-round recreation for all, including seniors and youth “The grass is actually greener in your own backyard. Opportunities are nearer than you think.” At the end of March, 2013, Arlene will be leaving St. Lawrence College Employment Service and moving on to explore those opportunities. She will be much missed by clients and colleagues and we wish her the very best in her new ventures. tions, there are other ways of ensuring that the fridge will stay on during a power outage, such as a battery backup. • Councilor Fritsch reported that there have been a succession of water problems at the AHCC, which have cost around $2000 to $2500 to fix. • The township is proceeding to acquire a plaque to recognise the retired volunteer firefighters of the pre-amalgamation Denbigh Fire Dept. • In regard to the township's Purchasing Policy Review, council decided that they need to have a list of pre-qualified contractors who have all the certifications for WSIB, training, etc. • Pine Meadow Nursing Home requires a building permit to have work done on the fans above its stoves, and Councilor Bill Cox brought forward a request for the township to waive the fee, which council agreed to do. • CAO Jack Pauhl told council that a court case against the township would not be going ahead because the complainant has not produced the necessary paperwork. “It’s sort of a good news, bad news scenario,” he said, because the township will not be able to recoup any of the money it has already spent on the case.

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Come in and check out our summer job board. It’s never too early to get ready for summer work! Some summer jobs have a March application deadline. Your job is out there. We’ll help you find it.

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employmentservice.sl.on.ca This Employment Ontario program is funded by the Ontario government.



february 28, 2013


Lawrence, Gregg A. Gregg Lawrence, 62, passed away unexpectedly but peacefully at his home in Binghamton, New York of natural causes on February 7. He was a long-time summer resident of Arden, where he enjoyed fishing, boating, and cottaging on Big Gull Lake. He was predeceased by his parents Merton G. and Anne S., also well known to many in the Land of Lakes area. Gregg is survived by his brother James of Shelburne, Vermont, nieces Jessica, Kerry, and Bayley Lawrence, grandniece Zoe and grandnephew Owen. He is also survived by great friend Geof Powers of Binghamton. Gregg was a graduate of Binghamton North High School and the University of Buffalo. After a period of teaching, he worked in the printing industry in the Syracuse area. Gregg is remembered as kind, big-hearted and generous for becoming the primary caregiver for his mother during her final years. Gregg attended the Henderson United Church and was a well-known member of that small community and among summer residents of Kirk Kove and Harmony Bay. Condolences may be shared on a memorial website at www.demunnfh.com.

Wannamaker, Jean Isabel (nee McDiarmid) 1911 - 2013 Passed away peacefully at the Pine Meadow Nursing Home on Wednesday, February 20, 2013 in her 102nd year. Beloved wife of the late Clayton Wannamaker. Dear mother of Lee (Susanne) of Tamworth, Don (Connie) of Northbrook, Amy (Charles) Young of Gilmour and Jack (Charlotte) of Carleton Place. Pre-deceased by her son Lawrence. Survived by her daughter-inlaw Germaine Wannamaker of Northbrook. “Nana Jean” will always be cherished in the hearts of her 16 grandchildren, 34 great grandchildren and 1 great-great grandchild. Pre-deceased by her grandson Marty Wannamaker, her brothers Jim, John, Don, Angus McDiarmid and her step-brother Alex Hamilton and step-sister Maggie Scott. She will be fondly remembered by her nieces, nephews, extended family and friends. The family received friends at the Maschke Funeral Home, 11928 Hwy# 41, Northbrook, Ont. K0H 2G0 (613-3366873) on Friday from 2-4 & 7-9pm. The Funeral Service was in the Chapel on Saturday, February 23, 2013 at 11:00am. Spring interment at the Northbrook United Church Cemetery. Friends desiring may contribute in her memory to the Pine Meadow Nursing Home or the charity of your choice.


BAESE, Sandra


SNIDER, Cecil Jessie Ray 1921 - 2013 Peacefully, at the Pine Meadow Nursing Home on Friday, February 22, 2013 at the age of 91. Beloved husband of the late Helen Snider. Dear father of Judy (Larry) Tooley of Vennachar, Jerry (Susan) Snider of Cloyne and Sheila (Joe) Clarke of North Gower. His memories will always be cherished in the hearts of his grandchildren Holly, Jennifer, Kelly, Marc, Nikki, Mike, Shallon, Stacey, Tyler and his great-grandchildren Abigail, Evelyn, Pyper, Emmitt & Taylor. Pre-deceased by his brothers Henry, Cheleas and his sisters Mae and Viola. Cecil will be fondly remembered by his nieces, nephews, and friends. The family received friends at the Maschke Funeral Home, 11928 Hwy# 41, Northbrook, Ont. K0H 2G0 (613-336-6873) on Sunday from 2-4 & 7-9pm. The Funeral Service was at the Hill Top Tabernacle in Griffith on Monday, February 25, 2013 at 11:00am. Interment at the Vennachar Cemetery. Friends desiring may contribute in his memory to the Pine Meadow Nursing Home.

Maschke Funeral Home


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Birthday Marshal Love Dad, Mom, Alexi CARD OF THANKs

who passed away March 2, 2012

Royal Canadian Legion

One year ago you left us Life without you is not the same You will never be forgotten, Mom In our hearts you will remain

Branch #425 Sharbot Lake

We miss you and love you Joanne and Ted

We won’t forget the way you smiled Or the words you used to say The many things you did for us In your own loving way. Of all that life has given us And all that’s left to do One of life’s greatest gifts Are the years we had with you. Love you and missing you always, Sharon, Joanne, Rose, Merilee, Bill, Janice, Terry, Heather, Bob and their families


Would like to thank all those who donated in the memory of Ken Hollywood.

Thank You - Cunningham The family of Hilda Cunningham wish to thank all who supported us through this difficult time of our lives. Mom passed away with the same dignity and strength she carried throughout her lifetime. Thanks also to the Arden First Response Team and the staff at Perth War Memorial Hospital. The are no words that can express how much we appreciate everyone for calling, sending food, or for just being there. We especially want to thank our neighbours, friends, and the Ladies Auxiliary of the Royal Canadian Legion, Branch 334 of Arden for their work in helping with Mom’s memorial and luncheon. The time spent at the Legion celebrating mom’s life was a truly tremendous tribute to her. Thanks again, Hilda’s Family

John McConnell Log House

In loving memory of my wife, June Marie June 1930 - March 2012 I thought of you with love today but that is nothing new I thought about you yesterday And days before that too I think of you in silence I often speak your name All I have are memories and a picture in a frame Your memory is a keepsake With which I’ll never part God has you in his keeping I have you in my heart Remembered and loved forever, Your husband Glenn


Sydenham, On 613-376-3022

Your memory is my keepsake With which I’ll never part God has you in His keeping I have you in my heart.

June Fox


Proudly serving all faiths Pre-Arranged Funeral Plans

February 29th, 2004 In loving memory of my dear husband, Max.

In loving memory of a dear mother, grandmother, great grandma and great- great grandma

Northbrook Maschke Funeral Home

Freeman, Maxwell

June 3, 1962 – February 23, 2013 Passed away peacefully after a brief illness, with her family by her side. Lovingly remembered by her husband and best friend John. Cherished and loved by her son Leigh (Kristen), daughter Callea, granddaughter Sadie, Mena and grandson Travis. Deeply loved and adored by her parents Leigh and Lois Scott. Sandra will always be in the hearts of her siblings, Doug (Janet), Elaine (Floyd), Roger (Michelle), Allan (Sue), and Donnie (Jennifer). A Celebration of Life will take place on Friday, March 1, 2013 from 2-4pm at the Arden – Royal Canadian Legion Branch 334, 5957 Arden Rd. 613-3352737 IN THE CARE OF Limestone Cremation Services 184 Wellington St., Kingston, ON K7L 3E4 613-507-5727


A Promise for You "Since everything will be destroyed in this way, what kind of people ought you to be? You ought to live holy and godly lives as you look forward to the day of God and speed its coming.” 2 Peter 3: 11, 12

Two songbirds to appear at MERA


he next concert in Music At MERA’s ongoing program of musical events will feature two of North America’s most acclaimed singer/songwriters. PEI’s Catherine MacLellan and North Carolina’s Jonathan Byrd will appear at MERA Schoolhouse in McDonalds Corners on Saturday, March 9, at 2 pm. Matching pure and ethereal vocals with poetic lyrics and her uncompromising songwriting craft, there’s no doubt as to why PEIbased Catherine MacLellan has become one of the most celebrated new singer-songwriters in Canada, and around the world, by her contemporaries and media alike. As a child, MacLellan didn’t have to look far for inspira-

Thanks to everyone who visited the McConnell house to celebrate pioneer life on heritage weekend. A very special thanks and appreciation to Bill Lee and his impressive team, Jim and Jake and driver Norm Garrison, for bringing visitors to the site by horse drawn wagon. Also a very special thanks to Gordon Wright for piping the team in with his bagpipes and for bringing the log home to life with his banjo and singing. Some of the old timers couldn’t help breaking into a jig! Thanks also to Brenda Dixon and Tilda Bron for baking and hosting. Thanks to Jeff Hamilton for completion of the second floor restoration and to the Township for their support. Peter Bell tion. She’s the daughter of Canadian music legend, singer-songwriter Gene MacLellan, the writer of such huge international ’70s hits as “Snowbird” (Anne Murray) and “Put Your Hand In The Hand” (Ocean). Jonathan Byrd is the son of a Baptist preacher, a US Navy veteran, and a Piedmont flatpicker from seven generations of North Carolinians. A 2003 Kerrville New Folk winner, a riveting songwriter and storyteller, Byrd has recently written some of his best material with Toronto singer-songwriter Corin Raymond. Byrd is best known for his narrative tales of love, life, and death in America – songs not so much about the common man as they are about misfits and outcasts. Tickets are $20 in advance; $24 at the door; 613-485-6434; www.ticketsplease.ca.


february 28, 2013


The Classifieds Ad Rates: Classified Text ads: $8.20 + HST per insertion for 20 words & under; 20¢ each extra word. Deadline: 4 pm Monday; Ph: 613-279-3150, Fx: 613-279-3172; nfnews@frontenac.net

AUTOMOTIVE KALADAR AUTO RECYCLING. We sell cars for under $1990 safetied & E-tested, low kilometres. We have good winter tires. We take trade-ins. 11520 Hwy 41; 613-336-9899; 613885-8644 KINNEY AUTO WRECKING Station Road, Kaladar. 4x4 trucks & parts for sale. Scrap cars, stoves, fridges wanted. 613-336-9272.

EMBROIDERY & ENGRAVING UPPER FRONTENAC GRAPHICS – Custom Embroidery, Imprinting, Trophies, Awards & Engraving. Caps, jackets, golf shirts, hoodies, teamwear & more. 613-539-6340; dwedden@ aol.com; ufg@hotmail.ca

FOR RENT KALADAR: 1 BEDROOM APT. Fridge, stove. Available March 1, 2013; 613-336-9429. ONE BEDROOM APARTMENT, $700 per month, all-inclusive, available March 1 - Flinton, call 613-827-2121 ONE BEDROOM in 4-plex in Kaladar, available April 1st, $475 + hydro, first & last and references. Call 416-554-9746

FOR SALE BUILDING LOT, 3 acres, outskirts of Mountain Grove. Driveway, well, hydro on lot, $25,000. Call 613-335-3878 CENTRAL BOILER OUTDOOR FURNACES. 2013 Winter Rebate. Factory incentive on the ECL1400, “Limited Quantity”. Call for more information. Wood Heat Solutions, Frankford, ON 613-398-1611; Bancroft, ON 613-3321613 DRUMS – barely used Roland TD-9K 2S V-drums Touring Electronic Drum Kit, includes decent kick drum pedal, asking $1750. 613279-2788 PRIVATE SALE. Totally renovated 2 bedroom house with two outbuildings Thompson Road, Mountain Grove. New well. Great starter home or retirement home. $78,000. 613-335-3878. PUREBRED GERMAN SHEPHERD PUPS, born Jan 11, 5 weeks old, dewormed; black/tan & all black, parents on site, really cute!! $450, 613-335-4574 SNOWBLOWER FOR SALE, $200. Protective shield, paid $100, will sell for $50. 613-2792861 SUNFLOWER SEED: Spend $20 Before Tax, purchase a 50lb bag of Black Oil Sunflower Seed for $15 plus HST. Sat. March 2 ONLY, Verona Hardware, Main St., Verona, 613-3742851

DOUG’S ANTENNA SALES & SERVICE We are your full service dealer for both BELL TV and SHAW DIRECT Satellite. Give us a call for all your sales and service enquiries. 613-374-3305 www.dougsantenna.com

FOUND FOUND: BLACK & WHITE CAT near Canoe Lake Road. Ph. 613-374-3628

GARAGE/YARD SALES SPYGLASS COVE, 1016 Schoolhouse Rd. Clarendon, Hwy 509. Open Tues – Sat. 9am5pm. Miss Muffet musical box; decorative bowl; Dora piggy bank; new selection of DVDs and videos; war books, etc. Free gift with any purchase. THIS AND THAT THRIFT SHOP, 32 Peterson Rd., Northbrook (turn at lights in Northbrook). Open 9 am to 7 pm, Thursday, Friday, Saturday. Something for everyone.


Volunteer Drivers Needed

Sharbot Lake, Mountain Grove and Parham areas Requirements: Valid Driver’s License, good Driving Record, willingness to help others Mileage Rate paid – non taxable income Call 613-279-2044 or e-mail transportation@frontenac.net


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HUNTING & FISHING FIREARMS & HUNTER ED COURSES. Denbigh: Firearms and Hunter Education Course - March 12, 13, and 14. Wild Turkey license examinations. Call Bill at 613-3352786 HUNTER SAFETY AND FIREARMS COURSES. Turkey Examinations. Please call for course dates and details. Call Richard 613-336-9875.

MUSIC LESSONS TOM’S MUSIC STUDIO is now accepting students for drums, guitar, bass guitar, piano, beginner banjo and theory; repairs to all stringed instruments. Tom 613-539-4659

SERVICES DRYWALL AND PLASTER REPAIRS. Professionally trained. Drywall installation, old fashioned quality, three coat hand finishing. Free estimates. Call Rick at 613-375-8201. FINE CONSTRUCTION prop. John St. Aubin experienced renovator. For free estimate call 613-375-6582. Web site www.mindspan.net/ construction HOMESTYLE WEDDINGS. Minister Judie Diamond helps design your ceremony and performs the marriage at location of your choice. 613-375-6772 PET SITTING in Mountain Grove. Going away? Let us help. Dogs, Cats, etc. Spacious, individual accommodations. Long walks. By appointment only. Laura Mills 613-335-3658. Evenings are best or leave a message. SYLVIA’S FOOT CARE. Providing Nursing foot care in the privacy of your own home. Registered with Dept. of Veterans’ Affairs to provide foot care to veterans who qualify. For further information call Sylvia at 613-3352940.

Small Engine Repair & Handyman Service

Junk Clean Up/Disposal, Yard Maintenance, Household Repairs. Seniors Discount. Call Kevin @ 279-1901 Mon. - Sat. 9 - 5 Leave message.


STANDING TIMBER, firewood, pine, cedar, bush lots. Free quotes, cash paid. Call 613279-2154.

WORK WANTED GREEN CLEAN services, using eco-friendly products, available in areas North of Highway 7. Get your spring cleaning done early. New customer discount! Please call Jane (613) 4792500, or Cleo (613) 479-2144

By Sara Carpenter


t’s tough to do better than a braise in winter. Whether it’s chicken cacciatore or braised lamb shanks or a rich venison stew, the common denominator is long, slow cooking with some liquid, covered to keep the moisture in. It’s a treatment that produces meltingly tender meat bathed in a rich, flavourful sauce made from ingredients easily found at this time of year. To satisfy my yen for noodles, I made up a batch of chicken cacciatore on the weekend. The combination did not disappoint. And the leftovers – as they always are during a busy week – have been a godsend, better, even than the first time around. My favourite way to make it is with chicken thighs. They are such a phenomenal value, and the dark meat, to my mind, has a superior flavour and texture to chicken breast meat. This particular recipe gets a flavour boost from browning skin-on chicken at the beginning; even though the skin is discarded before the dish is baked, it contributes a surprising amount of flavour. Of course, wine never hurt any braise, but if you prefer, substitute chicken stock. The flavour won’t be quite as complex, but it will be delicious just the same. And a technique I learned from an authentic Italian cookbook is to add the spent rind from a piece of real Parmesan cheese. I like to freeze the rinds to use whenever I’m making savoury soup or braises like this one. Waste not, want not. Sometimes, I’ll make an extra-large batch of this dish, then take the meat off the bones in bite-size pieces, stir it into the sauce, and freeze it in meal-size portions. It makes for a dead-easy dinner any time. Bon appétit!

leaving about one tablespoon of drippings. Add 1 medium onion, diced; 250 g sliced mushrooms; 1/2 tsp. salt. Cook over medium heat for about 6 to 8 minutes, stirring occasionally. The vegetables will release their moisture; let the moisture cook off and cook until they begin to brown nicely. Add 4 medium cloves garlic, minced; cook, stirring a little, until the garlic becomes fragrant, just 30 seconds or so. Stir in 1 1/2 tbsp. flour; cook, stirring constantly, about 1 minute. Add 1 1/2 c. dry red wine (or substitute chicken stock), 1 1/2 c. diced, drained canned tomatoes (measure after draining); 1/2 c. chicken stock; 1/2 tsp. dried thyme; 1/2 tsp. salt; 1/4 tsp. pepper. Cook for a few minutes, scraping up the brown bits from the bottom of the pan. Add the chicken pieces and their juices to the pan, tucking them under the sauce. Heat to a simmer over medium heat. Transfer to the oven. Bake until the chicken is very tender, about 1 1/4 hours. Stir in 2 tbsp. chopped parsley (opt.) if desired, and/or top with grated Parmesan cheese.

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Heat a heavy skillet or Dutch oven over medium-high heat. Season 1.3 kg chicken thighs (about 8) with salt and pepper. Drizzle in about 1 tsp. olive oil, then arrange half the chicken thighs skin-side down; cook, without disturbing, for about 5 minutes, or until the skin is crisp and brown; the skin will release from the pan when it’s sufficiently cooked. (Chicken meat is not fully cooked at this point.) Brown the other side in the same manner, then transfer chicken pieces to a plate to cool slightly. Repeat with the remaining chicken thighs. When cool enough to handle, remove the skin from the chicken and discard (a paper towel makes it easier to grip). Preheat the oven to 300°F. Drain off most of the fat from the pan,

For furniture drop off, please call ahead. 279-2113 ask for Janet.

Makes 4 servings

REQUEST FOR SUB-TRADES Expression Of Interest For Pine Meadow Nursing Home Renovation Frecon Construction will be hosting an optional expression of interest meeting for sub-trades at the Land O’Lakes Community Services Centre, 12497 Hwy 41, Northbrook, Ontario on March 4th, 2013 at 10:00am for the proposed additions and general renovations to Pine Meadow Nursing Home. The project is expected to commence mid-April 2013 with anticipated completion by summer 2014. This project includes but is not limited to: structural, shingle roofing, architectural finishes, mechanical, electrical and site works. Post-meeting, trades will be asked to express their interest by providing prequalifying documentation as detailed in Sec. 001153 of Frecon’s Prequalifying Documents available for pick-up at the time of meeting, Frecon’s Kingston or Russell offices, Frecon’s website (www.frecon.ca) or at the Kingston Construction Association (www.kca.on.ca). Trades that have previously prequalified with Frecon Construction need not resubmit prequalifying documentation. Prequalification submissions to be received on or before 4:00pm March 15th, 2013. Direct questions to Frecon Kingston. E: estimating@frecon.ca, P:(613) 531-1800 F:(613) 531-0097

TOWNSHIP OF Central FRONTENAC REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL RFP No. PW-2013-04 Supply Eighteen, Forty Yard Steel Recycling Roll Off Container Bins Closing Date: 1:00 pm local time Friday March 8, 2013 Proposals must be received before the above mentioned time and date, and in accordance with the attached RFP Forms, Instructions to Vendors, and Standard Terms and Conditions.

REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL RFP No. PW-2013-05 Supply One Self Contained Skid Mounted 33 Yard Garbage Compactor For A Cable Type Roll-Off Truck Closing Date: 1:00 pm local time Friday March 8, 2013 Proposals must be received before the above mentioned time and date, and in accordance with the attached RFP Forms, Instructions to Vendors, and Standard Terms and Conditions. Please submit complete proposal, in a sealed envelope quoting above proposal number and closing date; and forward to: Public Works Coordinator / Waste Management Supervisor The Corporation of the Township of Central Frontenac P.O. Box 89, 1084 Elizabeth St. Sharbot Lake, Ontario  K0H 2P0 Contact: Kyle Labbett Public Works Coordinator/ Waste Management Supervisor Fax (613) 279-2422 klabbett@centralfrontenac.com




february 28, 2013

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Northern Happenings Northern Happenings listings are free for community groups, and will be published for two weeks. Other listings are paid or are taken from paid ads elsewhere in the paper. The News makes every effort to be accurate but events should be independently verified by readers.

Friday March 1 BOLINGBROKE CAFÉ w/ Long Sault Trio, ABC Hall, $10 at door, 7:30-10pm FRONTENAC 4-H ASSOCIATION Rally & Sign Up Night, 7-9pm, Glenburnie United Church, info Ann Babcock: 613-372-2974; bababcock@hotmail.ca HARROWSMITH - YOUTH DANCE, Golden Links Hall, 7-10pm for ages 9-15; $6; Sharon 372-1274, Wayne 358-2533 SHARBOT LAKE – DINNER at the Legion. 5:30–7 pm, ham & scalloped potatoes SHARBOT LAKE – WORKSHOPS ON EVANGELISM, free, Pentecostal Church, 7-9pm, every Friday in March, all welcome; info: SLPC 613279-2267 or Ken Gorham 613-479-0233. SYDENHAM – SPEAKER SERIES: topic “Preventing Caregiver Burnout”, 9am-noon, free, Grace Centre info: 376-6477, WORLD DAY OF PRAYER - Service written by the women of France: “I was a Stranger and You Welcomed Me”. Cloyne United Church, 10:30am; Harrowsmith St. Paul’s United Church, 7pm; Parham United Church 7pm. Verona, Trinity United Church 10am. All welcome

Saturday March 2 ARDEN - DINNER & GOSPEL SING, Kennebec hall, dinner 5pm, music 6pm w/ Gord Struthers sponsor: Arden & Community Wesleyan Church, all welcome ARDEN - NEIL DIAMOND TRIBUTE SHOW at Legion, 8pm, $20 advance/$25 door; 613335-2737 CLOYNE - LAND O’LAKES COMMUNITY SERVICES SPAGHETTI DINNER, Barrie Hall, 4–7pm, $10; 5-11yrs $5; 4 & under free HARROWSMITH - TURKEY DINNER, St. Paul’s United Church, 4:30-6:30pm; $12, children $6; 6 & under free. RELAY FOR LIFE – KICK OFF, North & Central Frontenac 2013, IOOF Hall, Parham, 11am-1pm; register teams, info, entertainment by Jordan Lowery, Pete MacPherson, Jim MacPherson SHARBOT LAKE FARMERS WINTER MARKET, 9:30am-12:30pm, Oso hall. Also “Growing Organic with a Biodynamic Twist” Workshop 10-11am $10; pre-register: info@ handsonharvest.ca SNOW ROAD SNOWMOBILE CLUB Bingo fundraiser, earlybird 6:45pm, 1106 Gemmills Rd., all welcome.

Sunday March 3 ENTERPRISE - COUNTRY JAMBOREE, 1pm, Enterprise Hall; w/ Adam Knapp; $8, sponsor Newburgh-Camden Lions; 613-3799972. SYDENHAM LEGION PANCAKE BREAKFAST/BRUNCH, 10am-12 noon, $8pp, hosted by Ladies Auxiliary

Monday, March 4 PLEVNA – EUCHRE 7:30pm. The cost is now $4, in support of Holy Trinity Church VERONA - SISTERS BY HEART Ladies Night Out: “That’s Amore! An evening in Verona, Italy”, 6:30pm, Free Methodist Church; spaghetti dinner; $5 at door; please reserve: 613-374-1232.

Tuesday March 5 HARROWSMITH - FRONTENAC CFDC WORKSHOP “Business Planning” 5-7pm; registration required, 613-372-1414 or email krista@frontenaccfdc.com PLEVNA – EXERCISE CLASSES, 6:30pm, Clar-Mill Hall, Tuesdays, $2, Rhonda 613479-2447

Wednesday, March 6 ALGONQUIN LAND CLAIM Public Information Sessions by the Ontario Ministry of Aboriginal Affairs, Ottawa, Tudor Hall, 3–8pm, www.Ontario.ca/algonquinlandclaim

BANCROFT - ALGONQUIN LAND CLAIM public information meetings sponsored by Ontario Federation of Anglers & Hunters, Canadian Sportfishing Assoc, Federation of Ontario Cottagers, 7–9pm, Fish & Game Club CF SOCCER ASSOCIATION meeting, Sharbot Lake Medical Centre, 7pm, new volunteers needed, info: Lynette Whan (613)2792366, bradlynwhan@frontenac.net FILM NIGHT INTERNATIONAL “Inescapable”, Full Circle Theatre, Perth, 2pm & 7pm, $10 at door; filmnightinternational.blogspot. ca; proceeds to library SHARBOT LAKE - ALZHEIMER SOCIETY SUPPORT GROUP, 1-3 pm, Seniors Centre, info: 613-544-3078 ext 203 SHARBOT LAKE - POVERTY LUNCHEON & LENT DEVOTIONS noon-1pm, St. Andrew’s Anglican Church, free will offering for food bank, all welcome SNOW ROAD – FOOT CARE CLINIC, community hall, appointment 613-279-3151.

Thursday, March 7 ARDEN - BREAKFAST MEETING at Circle Square Ranch, 7:30am; sponsored by the Friends of Arden CLOYNE - RETIRED TEACHERS AND FRIENDS: Luncheon at The Hardy Inn, 11:30am. To attend phone 613-279-2098 by Mar. 5 at noon. LAND O’LAKES QUILTERS, 7pm, Barrie Hall, Cloyne; info: Lynn Young, 613-336-8080 or clynn313@gmail.com PERTH - ALGONQUIN LAND CLAIM Public Information Sessions by the Ontario Ministry of Aboriginal Affairs, Lions’ Hall, 3-8pm, www. Ontario.ca/algonquinlandclaim VERONA DINERS, noon, Lions Hall, for 55+, $11. Reservations required 613-376-6477.

Friday March 8 4-H ONTARIO new leader & youth leader training, 7pm, Glenburnie United Church, info: Ann Babcock at 613-372-2974, bababcock@ hotmail.ca DENBIGH - INTERNATIONAL WOMEN’S DAY CELEBRATION, Blue Bench Bakery & Café, Addington Highlands Community Centre, 11am-1pm; lunch & speaker from Bernadette McMann House shelter for abused women; $10 ($2 donated to shelter). KINGSTON - ALGONQUIN LAND CLAIM Public Information Sessions by the Ontario Ministry of Aboriginal Affairs, TraveLodge Hotel LaSalle, 3-8pm, www.Ontario.ca/algonquinlandclaim SHARBOT LAKE – WORKSHOPS ON EVANGELISM, free, Pentecostal Church, 7-9pm, all welcome; info: SLPC 613-279-2267 or Ken Gorham 613-479-0233.

Saturday March 9 MCDONALDS CORNERS: CONCERT by Catherine MacLellan & Jonathan Byrd, MERA Schoolhouse, 8pm; $20 advance; $24 at door; 613-485-6434; www.ticketsplease.ca. SNOW ROAD SNOWMOBILE CLUB fundraiser breakfast, 8-11am; 1106 Gemmills Rd. all welcome.

Sunday March 10 BEDFORD OPEN MIC & JAM, 1-5pm, Bedford Hall 1381 Westport Rd, Bluegrass, Country, Gospel & more, $2, 613-374-2614 MCDONALDS CORNERS – JAMBOREE, Agricultural Hall, music begins 1pm, dinner @ 5pm, $14; info: 613-278-2427 WILTON – THE PROVERBS, Standard Church 7pm, info: 613-386-3405

Monday March 11 LASER TAG & BOWLING, for ages 10-15; $25 includes transportation, leaves Child Centre, Sharbot Lake 12:30pm, call 613-2792244 SHARBOT LAKE – FOOT CARE CLINIC, seniors’ centre, appointment: 613-279-3151 SYDENHAM WOMEN’S INSTITUTE meet 7pm, at library, new members welcome

Tuesday March 12 OMPAH - NORTHERN 5 DINERS, noon, For those 50+, $10, reservations requ’d 613-2793151 SYDENHAM - CAREGIVER SUPPORT

DROP-IN, 9-10:30am, Grace Centre, info Mary Gaynor-Briese 613-376-6477, 1-800763-9610 SYDENHAM – FOOT CARE CLINIC, Grace Centre 1-4pm. For appointment call Bob: 613376-6477; 1-800-763-9610 VERONA – FOOT CARE CLINIC, medical centre 9am-noon. For appointment call Bob: 613-376-6477

Wednesday March 13 SHARBOT LAKE - POVERTY LUNCHEON & LENT DEVOTIONS noon-1pm, United Church, free will offering for food bank, all welcome

Thursday March 14 SHARBOT LAKE - FIRST AID & CPR for ages 12-18, 8:30-4;30, $40, Child Centre, register 613-279-2244 SYDENHAM DINERS, noon, Grace Centre, for 55+yrs, $11. Reservations required 613376-6477

Regular Happenings AA & AL-ANON 41 GROUP - Cloyne Hall. Wednesdays 8 pm. All welcome 336-9221. AA MEETINGS - SHARBOT LAKE, every Monday, 8:30 pm, United Church C.E. Bldg. AL-ANON: Hope & help for families of alcoholics, 12 weekly meetings in greater Kingston area. Please call 384-2134 for meeting information. We care. ARDEN - Community hall: LINE DANCING Mondays 9:30-10:30am; FIT & FUN exercise class, Tuesdays 9-10am (April 10 - late June), TAI CHI Wednesdays, beginners class 9:15am, advanced 10am. Sponsor: Kennebec Rec. Committee; info 613-335-2845 BABY TALK DROP-INS, Sharbot Lake, Child Centre, 2nd Wed, 10:30 – 11:30 am. Sydenham, 3rd Thursday, 9 – 11 am. Advice & information on infant & child care. 549-1154, 1-800-267-7875. BINGO ■Kaladar: Community Centre, Tuesdays, 7pm, doors open 6:15 pm ■Northbrook: Thursdays, Lions Club, 7pm, doors open 6 pm, sponsor: Land O’Lakes Lions ■Parham: Fridays, IOOF Hall, early-bird: 6:45 pm, sponsor: Mayflower Lodge. BOLINGBROKE DINERS, ABC Hall, noon, for seniors or anyone with disabilities, reservations required: Barb 273-6307 monthly 3rd Tues. BOLINGBROKE EXERCISE CLASSES FOR SENIORS, ABC Hall, Mondays 10-11am. Info: Joyce 273-4832. CANCER PATIENTS requiring rides to treatments: starting March 4, new cancer patients are asked to call 613-384-2361 or 1-866-8770309 to register. All previously registered cancer patients should still call Claire at 613279-1133 for transportation to their cancer related appointments. CLOTHING /BOUTIQUE – NORTHBROOK, in former United Church next to cemetery – Thurs & Sat, 10am-2pm CLOTHING – HARTINGTON, COMMUNITY CARING, Princess Ann Community Centre, Mon 9-12, Tues 9-4, and Fri 9-12 CLOTHING - TREASURE TRUNK, Sharbot Lake, 1171 Cannon Rd. “New & Second Tyme Around Clothing” Donations welcome. 2792113. CLOTHING – VERONA, “Style Revival”, free clothing, Free Methodist Church, Wed & Thurs, 10am-1pm CLOYNE – YOGA; every Tuesday 5pm, Barrie Hall; sponsor: Land O’Lakes Emmanuel United Church; suggested donation $5. COMMUNITY DROP-IN – Sharbot Lake Every Wednesday, 10am – 2pm, St. Andrew’s Anglican Church. All welcome! 279-3151. EUCHRE (NOTE to groups - please contact us and let us know if your Euchre parties are still active): MABERLY Wednesdays starting March 13, $3 ■NORTHBROOK, Tuesdays 7pm, $2, Lions Hall ■PARHAM Mondays IOOF hall, 7pm. ■PLEVNA, Clar-Mill Hall, Mondays 7:30pm $4 sponsored by Holy Trinity Church GOLDEN SUNSET CLUB meets 1st Monday of month, Northbrook Lions Hall, noon. Info: 336-2570. Join us for potluck HARROWSMITH - TUESDAY LUNCHES, St. Paul’s United Church, 11:30-1pm, $5, soup, sandwich, beverage, dessert

LAND O’LAKES FOOD BANK needs food & cash donations and community involvement. Contact Land o’Lakes Community Services, 613-336-8934 LENNOX & ADDINGTON RESOURCES FOR CHILDREN/EARLY YEARS PLAYGROUPS & DROP-INS - Tamworth Playgroup: Mondays 9:30 am-noon, Sheffield Arena; Northbrook Drop-In: Wednesdays 10:00 am-1:00 pm, Lions Hall; Flinton DropIn: Thursdays 10:00 am-1:00pm, Township Hall; Info: 613-336-8934 ext. 257. LENNOX & ADDINGTON STEWARDSHIP COUNCIL, local volunteer agency identifies & supports environmental, education, woodlot management, wildlife habitat, watershed issues and projects in L&A. All welcome. 5315723 MEALS ON WHEELS. Serving the North Lennox & Addington area, a hot nutritious meal will be delivered to your door every Thursday at noon, cost: $6; 613-336-8934 or 613-3335216. MERA: McDonalds Corners Elphin Recreation & Arts at the Schoolhouse: Quilting, Fibrearts, Weaving & more www.meraschoolhouse.org NORTH FRONTENAC FOOD BANK needs food & cash donations. Drop box at Sharbot Lake Freshmart, or mail donations to: NF Food Bank, c/o NFCS, Box 250, Sharbot Lake, K0H2P0. 613-279-3151 FLINTON – ADULT COMMUNITY DROPIN, Tuesdays, Rec Centre, 9am-3pm, homecooked style noon meals, all welcome, info: LOLCS, Pam 336-8934 x 229 NORTHBROOK – CRAFT & SOCIAL GROUP FOR WOMEN, Wednesdays, Land O’ Lakes Community Services, 9:30-11:30am. Free. Info: Jeannie, 613-336-8934 or 1-877679-6636 OMPAH - DROP-IN MORNING COFFEE CLUB, Community Centre, every Wednesday 9 – 11 am. All welcome ONTARIO EARLY YEARS PLAYGROUPS (9:30am-11:30am): Monday- Harrowsmith, Sharbot Lake Playgroups; Tuesday – Verona, Perth Road Playgroups; Wed.- Sharbot Lake BABY GROUP birth-18month; Wed.2nd & 4th Plevna Playgroup; Wed.- 1st & 3rd Sydenham BABY GROUP birth-18months; Thurs.- Storrington Playgroup PARHAM SENIORS meet every third Wed. at Free Methodist Church in Parham. Potluck, noon-2:30. All seniors welcome OVEREATERS ANONYMOUS. Do you obsess about weight? Go on eating binges or starve yourself? We are a self-help, non-profit group meeting in Kingston. Call us at 6342159 PARKINSON SOCIETY MEETINGS, first Tuesday of month, Ongwanada, 191 Portsmouth Ave. Kingston, info 613-379-2012. PLEVNA CRAFT LADIES – every Thursday, Clar-Mill Hall, 10-4, all welcome, call Lois 613479-2562 PLEVNA - FITNESS CLASS, Clar-Mill Hall, every Tuesday 6:30pm, $2; 613-479-2447 RECREATIONAL BADMINTON, Thursdays, 7-9pm, Sharbot Lake High School; $5 semester, fun & exercise for all ages; under 18 with parental supervision SHARBOT LAKE - ADULT RECREATIONAL VOLLEYBALL, free, every Monday except holidays, 7pm, high school; info Mary 613375-6431. SMOKE-FREE FOR GOOD. Support group. Mondays 7 pm, KFL&A Health Unit, 221 Portsmouth, Kingston. 531-U WIN. SNOW ROAD - MORNING COFFEE/TEA, community hall, drop in from 10am-12 noon on Fridays SYDENHAM - FUN DARTS, every Tuesday, 7 pm, Royal Canadian Legion. Mixed teams, $2 per person. All welcome TAMWORTH LEGION – Shuffleboard Sundays 2 pm $2pp; Tuesday Night Darts - 8 pm $2pp; Thursday Night League Darts $2pp; Seniors’ bridge & euchre Fridays1:30pm VERONA WALKING CLUB, Tuesdays & Fridays Oct 2-March 30, 10-11am, Lions Hall, $1, wear running shoes VOLUNTEER DRIVERS WANTED by the Canadian Cancer Society. Please Contact Claire Macfarlane, 613-279-1133.

february 28, 2013

Lavender L

by Judy Wall – Lanark County Master Gardener avender is native to the mountainous areas of the Mediterranean, and belongs to the mint family of plants called Lamiaceae. The name lavender comes from the Latin root lavare, which means "to wash." In Egypt, lavender was used in cosmetics and embalming products. The Greeks used lavender oil as perfume for their bodies. In Rome, lavender was widely regarded as a healing herb. Included in insect repellents and bath water, lavender was taken internally and topically in ancient Roman societies. In the Middle Ages, lavender flowers were grown and used by monks as medicinal herbs. Locally the two varieties of Lavender, I’ve had the best results with are Munstead and Hidcote. Lavender likes full sun, well-drained conditions. Find a spot in your garden where you have the best snow cover/drifting each winter, as it is just border-line hardy to this area. In the very early spring cut back the plant to 4-5� from the ground, and within a couple of weeks you will see all new growth start to appear. Lavender, being an aromatic plant can be planted along the border of your garden, where you can enjoy the look as well as its fragrance. After the flowers fade, you can cut them off for many such uses such as: Potpourri - flowers can be dried and used in potpourri or in sachet in drawers/closets as well as in soaps/candles/teas. Or you can collect the seed to grow more plants, which germinate easily at 70F. Culinary uses: The aromatic lavender flowers can be used in salads, teas, honey, flavored butter and vinegars, delicate cakes and cookies, ice cream or sorbet, flavored sugars and candies, jelly, and can be a substitute for rosemary in recipes and meat marinades. Insomnia or Agitation Scientific evidence suggests that aromatherapy with lavender may slow the activity of the nervous system, improve sleep quality, promote relaxation, and lift mood in people suffering from sleep disorders. Studies also suggest that massage with essential oils, particularly lavender, may result in improved sleep quality, more stable mood, better concentration, and reduced anxiety. In one recent study, people who received massage with lavender felt less anxious and more positive than those who received massage alone. Several small studies suggest that lavender aromatherapy may help reduce agitation in patients with dementia. I soak the flowers in distilled water for a few days, then screen and pour the water into a spray bottle. Then spray it periodically in the bedroom as a room fragrance freshener. All your gardening questions can be submitted and answered on our website, www.lanarkmastergardeners.mgoi. ca. Are you interested in becoming a Master Gardener? Contact Ankaret Dean at 613 278-1203 for more information




Lanark County Photo Contest I

f you love Lanark County and want a way to show it, here’s your chance! Lanark County Tourism is hosting an “I Love Lanark County Photo Contest�. The deadline for submissions is May 1. The contest is open to professional and amateur photographers all over the world and winning photos will be published in marketing materials that promote Lanark County as a tourism destination. Photos must be taken within Lanark County and will be judged by a host of tourism professionals. For information about criteria and submission guidelines, please visit www.lanarkcountytourism.ca/photocontest or phone 1-888-4-LANARK, ext. 1530.

Arden Seniors T

By Ina Hunt Turner

Frontenac Heritage Festival: Members of the Sharbot

he Arden seniors have certainly had their losses this year. Bill Pringle, our local horseshoe champion, passed away December 21. He was well known in a wide area for, among other things, his winning ways in horseshoe tournaments and he also loved to play darts. He owned and operated the Tennessee Walking Horse farm. Bill left behind his wife Norma, his daughters Kim and Tamis and his sons John and Fred. And less than a month later, January 10, we lost Jim Kirkland. Jim was retired from owning a jewelry factory in Hamilton. Jim's factory was well known; in fact at one time he used to design jewelry for celebrities, one of whom was Liberace. Liberace wore one of Jim's pinkie rings, which you could see on television when they displayed his hands while he played the piano. Jim was very well liked in Arden and will be sorely missed. He left behind his wife Barb, his son Kelvin and daughters Karen and Terrie. Then Betty Garnett passed away on January 25. Betty had, for quite a while been treasurer for the Arden seniors and captain for the Heart and Stroke Foundation before she had to give it up because of her health. She left her husband Gary and her daughter Lori to mourn her. The seniors' attendance has been down a bit since a lot of our lucky snowbirds are down south but we still have a good attendance for every meeting. I wonder what is responsible for that. Could it be the executives with their offbeat sense of humor or is it the great food we enjoy with the potluck after the meetings? I have not figured it out yet, but it is probably a bit of both. At any rate if you are 55 or over and living in Arden, why don't you come out and join us. The meetings are always on the first Tuesday of the month at the Kennebec Community Centre and start at 11 o'clock. And at the first meeting you don't even have to bring a dish for the potluck. So hope to see you there on March 5th.

Lake Farmers Market, Janet, Pat, and Mary at Oso hall with Mayor Janet Gutowski and Lyla Duggan at the festival. There will be another market day this Sat. March 2

Frontenac County - continued from pg 2 Community Para-medicine survives. In spite of opposition from some quarters, a proposal to spend $1,500 to fund a pilot community para-medicine clinic on Wolfe Island received support from Council. The clinic will be set up on a bi-monthly basis, making use of personnel who will already be in place at the paramedic station on the island. It will provide blood pressure and other medical testing for patients who require them. While the members of Council from Frontenac Islands supported the idea, concerns were expressed by councilors from South Frontenac that paramedics could be duplicating services that are already available from family doctors, community support agencies, and others. “There are programs out there that cover all this stuff. If we expand this to the rest of the County I think we are going to duplicate services,� said Gary Davison from South Frontenac. “One of the ideas behind this is to identify those people who are not accessing those services, and point them in that direction,� said Emergency Services Chief Paul Charbonneau, “some people are calling 911 because they don’t know who else to call, not because they need to go to hospital. One of the outcomes of para-medicine is to get those people the community supports they need. The long term savings from this comes from a reduction in 911 calls.� “I would say that if we don’t approve this and if we kill community para-medicine for $1,500 it would be the biggest travesty we have committed at this table,� said Bud Clayton. The proposal was accepted.

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Get Growing with Garden Seeds, Potting Soil, Peat Pellets and Mini-Greenhouses

Granite Ridge - continued from pg 1 Lakeview. At the February meeting of the ninemember Board of Trustees the four names were put forward, and a closed ballot vote was taken. After the first ballot none of the names had received a majority vote, so the least popular name was dropped, and a second vote was taken, which delivered majority support for Granite Ridge Education Centre. (The above account of the process came


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from interviews with Ann Goodfellow and Sharbot Lake High School Parent Council Chair Cheryl Allen – the complete details of the process and all the written reports should be included in the minutes of the February Board of Trustees meeting, which will be presented for approval at the March meeting. The minutes and attachments to Limestone District Board of Trustees meetings are posted at Limestone.on.ca/Board/ Minutes. Jamie Riddell, one of the members of the Granite Ridge protest group, and a former

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february 28, 2013

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candidate for school board trustee for Central and North Frontenac, has asked if he can make a presentation to the Limestone Board of Trustees meeting on Wednesday, March 6. However, even if Riddell gets to the board meeting, there will be more hurdles to jump



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over. For the decision to be changed, a member of the board would have to make a motion to reconsider the decision; another trustee would have to second that motion; and a 2/3 vote would be required to rescind the motion that named the school Granite ® Ridge.


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Issuu converts static files into: digital portfolios, online yearbooks, online catalogs, digital photo albums and more. Sign up and create your flipbook.