Vol.16 No.43

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October 27, 2016

Vol. 16, No. 43

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Kyle Ruttan to be Navy representative at National War Memorial in Ottawa on Remembrance Day by Jeff Green


rowing up north of Verona in the vicinity of Oak Flats, Kyle Ruttan became interested in the naval forces thanks to his great grandfather, Clifford McInnis, from Sharbot Lake. McInnis served aboard HMCS Strathadam for four years during the Second World War, and Ruttan knew him when he was growing up in the 1990s. McInnis lived on Road 38 south of Sharbot Lake until his death in 2006. “I didn’t join the navy until after he died, but his legacy was one of my reasons for joining the navy when I did,” said Ruttan. He has made his own mark since joining the navy. He received a commendation for helping his cousin pull a man from a burning vehicle near Victoria late one night in 2014 while he was headed to the airport to come home for a leave, and he has also been identified as a hard-working team member wherever he has been stationed. Late last week he received word that he will be traveling to Ottawa to stand guard as a sentry at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier at the National War Memorial on November 11 with other Canadian Armed Forces members representing the Canadian Army and the Royal Canadian Air Force, along with one Royal Canadian Mounted Police member. LS (Leading Seaman) Ruttan said it was a “complete surprise” when he learned of the honour, partly because he works as a logistics and supply officer, “which is a support trade, not a hard navy trade.” He admits to being nervous about it, because a sentry is required to stand solemnly, head bowed and white-gloved

hands on the butt of a ceremonial rifle, straight-faced and with no emotion, throughout the 90-minute ceremony. “Straight-faced and with no emotion; that will be the hardest part, because it is an event that always tears me up, especially when they play the Last Post,” he said. It will be the first time LS Ruttan has ever done sentry duty. “This is not just standing sentry at one of the local ceremonies back home, which would be hard enough. It will be in Ottawa, with all the dignitaries there and in front of the whole country,” he said. Remembrance Day will also evoke memories of LS Ruttan’s mother, who died last April. The two would watch the ceremony from Ottawa when he was growing up. His father Micheal will be his guest in Ottawa, not only at the ceremony, but for an entire week of festivities and gatherings preceding November 11. “It is very exciting,” said Micheal Ruttan. “I’m obviously very proud of what he has accomplished. I knew he was well regarded by his colleagues because when I visited him where he is stationed in Esquimalt, near Victoria, everyone told me that he was really good at everything he did and had a great attitude. Everyone had a lot of respect for him.” While standing sentry, Ruttan will be thinking about his family, and also about LS Brandon Smith, a colleague of his who died in Tanzania while the two were deployed on HMCS Regina, and about CPL Nathan Cirillo, who was killed by a gunman as he stood guard over the Tomb of the Unknown

LS Kyle Ruttan - Photo courtesy of the Ruttan family Soldier on October 22, 2014. “His memory will certainly be etched in my mind,” said LS Ruttan. (with material from Lookout newspaper, a weekly published at CFB Esquimalt)

Old friends meet at wardens’ dinner F

by Jeff Green rances Smith hosted the Frontenac County wardens’ dinner last week at the St. James Catholic Church Hall

in her home township of Central Frontenac. The meal was also locally catered by Tim Cota of Cota’s Mobile Catering of Tichborne. The evening provided an opportunity for politicians from Frontenac and surrounding municipalities, volunteer committee members, and leaders from groups and associations to get together over a meal. It was a chance to reminisce about the previous year, and talk about the future. For Frances Smith it marked one of the final acts of her year as warden. It is the second time she has served in that office, the last time being 20 years earlier in 1996, when she was the reeve of Oso Township.

Isabel Turner served as warden while she was the reeve of the former Kingston Township, and later served as mayor of Kingston between 2000 and 2003, after Kingston Township was amalgamated into the City of Kingston. When she found out that Don Lee, the 97-year-old former warden from the former Hinchinbrooke Township was also at the dinner, she and her husband John bolted from their chairs and went to find him and have a chat. When it came time to gather all the former wardens for a photo, they all gathered around Turner and Lee, who were still deep in conversation.

County calls special meeting to consider Economic Development position $35,000 allocated in 2017 budget to help Community Futures by Jeff Green rontenac County Council has defied the advice of their Chief Administrative Officer, Kelly Pender, by tentatively placing a $35,000 grant in their 2017 budget to help the Frontenac Community Futures Development Corporation (FCFDC) cover its operating costs. Anne Prichard, executive director of the FCFDC, made a pitch to the council last month. She pointed out that her agency, which is a federally funded not-for-profit corporation, has run into difficulty covering administrative costs because of structural under-funding. The FCFDC provides support for businesses in Frontenac County in the form of advice and workshops on various topics as well as providing loans and overseeing federal grant programs. A funding cut several years ago eliminated one position in the now three-person operation. In order to bal-


Don Lee and Isabel Turner

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ance the books, Prichard has been using a portion of the interest earned on loans to cover operating costs, which is permitted under the agency’s operating guidelines from the FEDNOR, the federal agency that funds it. However, as Prichard pointed out to Frontenac County in September, the demand for loans has increased as new businesses have come on stream in Frontenac County and existing businesses contemplate expansion and that extra money being used for administration could be helping local businesses. “You are essentially a victim of your own success,” said North Frontenac Mayor Ron Higgins, after Prichard made her pitch in September. “To an extent,” Prichard said, adding that a new funding fromula is being contemplated by FEDNOR, which could

Continued on page 2

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Farm assessments raise eyebrows, and taxes


aterfront property owners in this region have seen their property values decrease ever so slightly since 2012, but there is another category of rural property that has seen an increase - farmland. According to the Municipal Property Assessment Corporation (MPAC), the value of farmland in Ontario has increased by 16% since 2012. MPAC provides property assessment to municipalities in Ontario, which are then used to determine how much tax each property owner must pay. This contrasts sharply with other categories in the region. In Frontenac County, residential properties are up an average of 1% or less and waterfront properties are down by less than 1%. The new assessments will be implemented over the next four years. They were mailed out on the week that started on October 10, and arrived at most farm properties late last week. MPP Randy Hillier has received about a half

FCFDC - continued from page 1 alleviate the problem. “We are the youngest and one of the smallest of the CFDCs in Ontario, and that has made it difficult under the current funding formula. We have made FEDNOR aware of this and we hope that is reflected in the new formula,” Prichard said. When Prichard asked for support from Frontenac County, she presented two options: $35,000 for operational support, or $30,000 to support one of the FCFDC initiative, the Food and Beverage (FAB) region project it has undertaken with L&A and Hast-

october 27, 2016 by Jeff Green

a dozen complaints from farmers in Frontenac and Lanark County since then about the assessments going up by large amounts, 50% or more in a couple of cases, according to his executive assistant, David Shostal. “MPAC says these increases are the result of market trends, but I’m not aware of any trends that warrant spikes like we’re seeing,” Hillier said in a release that came out over the weekend. “You can appeal your assessment,” he added, “but there is a deadline for filing a Request for Reconsideration (RfR), so if you want to appeal, you need to get your RfR application in to MPAC as soon as you can.” One of the farm owners who contacted Hillier was Steve Leonard from Hartington. “The farm part of my property has gone from $171,600 in 2012 to $347,700 in 2016,” he said in a phone interview on Monday night, October 24. Leonard owns a 94-acre farm, which happens to be located next to the grant subdi-

vision proposal that has been the centre of controversy within the hamlet and is going to a hearing of the Ontario Municipal Board in May. The land has been in the Leonard family since the 1840s. Leonard, who is a mason by trade, used to run a cow/calf operation on the property, but now uses his land for hay production (30 acres) and for a small hog farming operation. He recently began growing strawberries and raspberries but did not get a crop this year due to lack of rain. Although his farmland is ranked as Class 1, he does not see how the increased assessment can be justified based on the productive value of his property. “They said in my assessment notice that the assessment was based on sales of comparable properties, but when I looked it up I didn’t find any examples of sales, so I can’t see where they got the value they used,” he said. Farm properties pay a tax rate that is 25% of the residential rate, so the $370,600 farm

property will pay the same tax as an $85,150 valued home, which will be in addition to the tax Leonard pays for his house and 1 acre of land that is taxed at the residential rate. All in all he is looking at a major increase this year, since the assessed value of his house went up as well. “Farming is hard enough without this kind of stuff,” he said. Leonard said that he intends to appeal his assessment. There is another option that is available, and that is to lobby the local government. The Township of South Frontenac and/ or Frontenac County, which both collect taxes on farm property, have the discretionary authority to charge less than 25% of the residential rate to farm properties within their jurisdiction. Steve Leonard said his first idea is to challenge the value that MPAC has placed on his 94-acre farm.

ings Counties. In his report on the requests, CAO Kelly Pender said the $35,000 request to support day-to-day operations was not something he could recommend. “Operating costs are very seldom, if ever, funded by a granting agency to any organisation. It is not known if this is a one-time cost or if it is a request for an on-going grant request. $35,000 represents a 0.41% levy [to Frontenac ratepayers],” he said in a report to a budget meeting that preceded the regular meeting of council last Wednesday, October 19. Pender did support option 2, which would

see Frontenac County joining with two other neighbouring counties in funding a specific project. He added the proviso that the FCFDC provide a report on expenditures and on the impact of the project, and asked for confirmation of the continued involvement of Lennox and Addington and Hastings counties. However, when the matter came before Council, the argument was made that Frontenac County should provide direct support to the FCFDC, and option 1 was proposed and voted on. The result was a 5-3 vote in favour. Of the opposition votes, two were cast by South Frontenac Mayor Ron Vandewal. Vandewal has two votes because he is the mayor of the largest township in the county - 18,000 of the approximately 27,000 residents live in South Frontenac. During a break in the meeting Vandewal said that he did not vote against the motion because he doesn’t support the FCFDC. “I support them and I voted that way because I think the county should look at contracting out economic development to the FCFDC. Our economic development officer is about to retire and rather than giving them a band-aid we should consider contracting out the service to them,” he said.

Later meeting, North Frontenac Mayor Ron Higgins put forward a notice of motion to suspend the hiring process for a new Economic Development Officer until a discussion can take place about the potential for contracting out the service. CAO Kelly Pender said a short list of candidates have been developed but interviews have not yet begun to fill the position. In order to have a discussion before the position is filled, a special was called for November 2nd to fully air the issue. The purpose of the meeting is to “evaluate the position of the Manager of Economic Development and to discuss options for the implementation of the county’s Economic Development Strategy,” said a notice that was posted on the Frontenac County website this week. Anne Marie Young is the current economic development officer for Frontenac County. She is retiring at the end of 2016. Her tenure in the post has been marked by efforts to complete the K&P Trail; an increased profile for the county in the Eastern Ontario region; and the recent branding initiative. She was the 2016 recipient of the Economic Developer of the Year award at the annual Ontario East Economic Development conference in August.

FORM 6 Municipal Act, 2001

SALE OF LAND BY PUBLIC TENDER THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF CENTRAL FRONTENAC Take Notice that tenders are invited for the purchase of the land(s) described below and will be received until 3:00 p.m. local time on November 24, 2016, at the Central Frontenac Township Office, 1084 Elizabeth Street, Sharbot Lake, Ontario. The tenders will then be opened in public on the same day as soon as possible after 3:00 p.m. at the Central Frontenac Township Office, 1084 Elizabeth Street, Sharbot Lake. Description of Lands: Roll No. 10 39 010 010 00522 0000; On Horseshoe Lake; PIN 36164-0250(LT); Part Lot 8 Concession 5 Kennebec Part 57, Plan 13R117; Together with a right in FR714828; Central Frontenac; File No. 15-03 Minimum Tender Amount: $6,661.83 Roll No. 10 39 040 020 06200 0000; PIN 36157-0089(LT); Part Lot 24 Concession 3 Hinchinbrooke as in FR446433; Central Frontenac. File No. 15-08 Minimum Tender Amount: $6,973.55 Roll No. 10 39 040 020 03005 0000; PIN 36156-0109(LT); Part Lot 20 Concession 3 Hinchinbrooke as in FR265812; Subject to HIH5162; Central Frontenac Except Forfeited Mining Rights, If Any. File No. 15-11 Minimum Tender Amount: $4,092.87 Roll No. 10 39 060 010 16305 0000; PIN 36219-0063(LT); Part Lot 14 Concession 3 Olden as in OLE3231 Except FR743586, Part 1 Plan 13R9520, Part 1 Plan 13R7993, Part 11, 18 Plan 13R4118, FR321550, Travelled Road (AKA Kellar Rd); Central Frontenac. File No. 15-16 Minimum Tender Amount: $4,202.43 Roll No. 10 39 060 010 04602 0000; PIN 36216-0041(LT); Part Lot 28 Concession 1 Olden as in FR544118; Subject to Execution 04-0000071, If Enforceable; Central Frontenac. File No. 15-21 Minimum Tender Amount: $13,468.23 Roll No. 10 39 060 010 02904 0000; PIN 36216-0084(LT); Part Lot 27 Concession 1 Olden Part 13, Plan 13R4256; Together with right in FR384876; Subject to Execution 04-0000071, If Enforceable; Central Frontenac. Except forfeited mining rights, if any. File No. 15-22 Minimum Tender Amount: $4,309.31

South Frontenac Committee of the Whole by Wilma Kenny New Planning Fees Proposed Planner Lindsay Mills presented the committee a proposal for a revised fee structure for planning applications. The intent is to bring these fees more into line with the actual cost of processing applications for development-related services such as Zoning and Official Plan amendments, site plan agreements, etc. Council showed general acceptance of the proposal: it will come before next week’s Council meeting for official approval. Fence Viewers: where are they when we need them?? Every new Council appoints three official

Roll No. 10 39 080 030 04600 0000; PIN 36234-0042(LT); East 1/2 Lot 6 Concession 3 OSO; Central Frontenac. File No. 15-24 Minimum Tender Amount: $10,988.35

Tenders must be submitted in the prescribed form and must be accompanied by a deposit in the form of a money order or of a bank draft or cheque certified by a bank or trust corporation payable to the municipality and representing at least 20 per cent of the tender amount. Except as follows, the municipality makes no representation regarding the title to, crown interests, or any other matters relating to the land(s) to be sold. Responsibility for ascertaining these matters rests with the potential purchasers. Any interests of the Federal or Provincial Crown encumbering the land at the time of the tax sale will continue to encumber the land after the registration of the tax deed. This sale is governed by the Municipal Act, 2001 and the Municipal Tax Sales Rules made under that Act. The successful purchaser will be required to pay the amount tendered plus accumulated taxes, HST if applicable and the relevant land transfer tax. The municipality has no obligation to provide vacant possession to the successful purchaser. For further information regarding this sale and a copy of the prescribed form of tender, visit: www.OntarioTaxSales.ca or if no internet access available, contact: J. Michael McGovern, Treasurer The Corporation of the Township of Central Frontenac P.O. Box 89, 1084 Elizabeth Street Sharbot Lake ON K0H 2P0 613-279-2935 Ext 224 www.centralfrontenac.com

Township “fence viewers”. South Frontenac’s current fence viewers were appointed in 2015. Their role is to resolve line fencing disputes between neighbours regarding who pays for what, and what kind of fencing material should be used. They do not resolve property boundary issues; those are the responsibility of the property owners. Lindsay Mills reported that he has had to call on the fence viewers’ services only three times in the past 13 years. Until recently. With a deadline of thirty days to resolve an evidently tense fence-related standoff in the Township, Mills is becoming desperate. Only one

- contnued on page 3

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1st & 3rd Monday of month (except December)

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Monday 1:30 pm - 3:30 pm


Sharbot Lake* Cardinal Café 14153, Road 38

Thursday 12:30 pm - 3:30 pm

Weekly starting Nov 10.

Arden - Kennebec Community Hall, 5998 Arden Rd

Thursday 2:00 pm - 4:00 pm

3rd Thursday of month

Sharbot Lake* - Kingston Frontenac Public Library, 1037 Robert St.

Friday 1:00 pm - 4:00 pm

1st Friday of the month

Parham - Oddfellows Lodge, 10390 Rd 38.

* Thank you to the Godfrey Social Club, Cardinal Cafe and the Kingston Frontenac Public Library, Sharbot Lake and Arden, for donating the use of wi-fi services to this project.

For more information, visit www.connectionsadultlearning.ca, check out our Facebook page or call 613-279-2499 Sharbot Lake or 613-336-0691 Northbrook.

An agency of the Government of Ontario Un organisme du gouvernement de l’Ontario

october 27, 2016



Publisher & Editor.............................................. Jeff Green Managing Editor ............................................... Jule Koch Graphic Designer................................................Scott Cox Sales Representative..................................... Kate Turner Senior Correspondent....................................Julie Druker Copy Editors .................... Marg DesRoche, Martina Field Office Staff.............................................. Suzanne Tanner Webmaster.........................................................Scott Cox


1095 Garrett St., rear building; Box 229, Sharbot Lake, ON K0H 2P0 Ph: 613-279-3150; 1-888-779-3150; Fx: 613-279-3172 E-mail: info@frontenacnews.ca Office hours: Mon to Fri, 8:30 am - noon; 1:00 - 4:30 Subscriptions (Canadian subscriptions include HST)

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The old Train Whistle Blues haunt CF Council - October 25th meeting


by Jeff Green

n my 30 years on council, this is the first time anyone has brought a train whistle to the township’s attention,” said Mayor Frances Smith in the face of a request by Cecilia and Donald Lafleur of Anderson Road that the township explore the possibility of requesting CP Rail to stop its trains from whistling as they cross Crow Lake Road near Crow Lake Village. The Lafleurs sent the township a copy of the petition he has been circulating among neighbours, along with a document that outlines the procedure that a municipality can follow for “eliminating whistling at public grade crossings”. The document says that a municipal council can issue a public notice of its intention and then consult with the railroad operator to determine if a “cessation of whistling” can be accomplished within the regulations that govern safety at rail crossings. If that can be done, the township can pass a resolution banning the whistle, and the railroad would then have 30 days to provide for alternate safety measures, such as lights, bells and/or gates. Then the whistling would stop. Deputy Mayor Bill MacDonald said the “first question here is, do we agree that the whistling should stop, and I don’t agree that the whistling should stop.” Other members of council were worried about the potential liability that could accrue to the township if there were an accident at the crossing after whistling had ceased. “I wouldn’t want to do anything that can create even the impression that safety was compromised,” said Councilor Jamie Riddell. “The process is laid out in the document,” said Councilor Sherry Whan. “It really wouldn’t be up to us.” “The train has been whistling at that crossing for a long time,” said Councilor Brent Cameron. Mayor Smith said that she did not know how often the train passes through the crossing and speculated that a staff member might be given the task of monitoring the crossing over a 36-hour period. But it did not come to that, as Council, having exhausted the topic, voted to simply receive the correspondence from the Lafleurs without taking any action. Icarus Power turned away Perhaps it was an omen that the Oso hall, where Tuesday afternoon’s Central

Frontenac Council meeting took place, had lost power due to an isolated outage that hit only one block in Sharbot Lake. Representatives from Icarus Power intended to ask for municipal support for five Micro-Fit solar projects in Hinchinbrooke District. However, since they were not listed as a delegation on the agenda for the meeting, Council had the option of hearing them or not. A vote to accept a delegation on the spot required a 2/3 majority vote. Mayor Smith was about to call a vote on the matter, when Councilor Victor Heese intervened “I don’t see how we can act on whatever they are going to request of us without a staff report,” he said. “I suggest they go to staff first and then we can hear the presentation once.” A discussion ensued and eventually the vote to accept the delegation was defeated. As they left the building, the representatives from Icarus said they were disappointed because the window for provincial approval for these small hydro generation projects opens on October 31, and the first projects that are submitted have an advantage over those that are submitted afterwards. “Municipal support is very important,” one of them said, adding that although Icarus was late in approaching the township they did contact staff a week before the meeting. He said they had met with all the neighbours, who had signed petitions supporting the projects as well. A number of Micro-Fit projects, proposed by Abundant Solar, were supported by motions of Council earlier this month. “Cautiously optimistic” says McGovern about ‘budget to actuals’ for 2016 Treasurer Michael McGovern said that even though a lot of information is still coming in, he is optimistic that township's actual spending in 2016 will fit within the confines of the township’s budget for the year. Treasure Trunk moving; asks township to place bin in parking lot. The Treasure Trunk will be moving its notfor-profit used clothing, household items and furniture store out of Sharbot Lake to a new,

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SINCE 1970

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activities of the Accessibility Advisory Committee of Frontenac County in 2016. The committee, which includes Kurt Halliday as a citizen representative from Central Frontenac, along with Councilor Tom Dewey, has been involved in a county effort to obtain a grant for the development of an Age-Friendly Community Action Plan this year. They also provided input regarding changes to the county policy on customer service and other legislated requirements; and provided input and recommendations on public parks, chip trucks, accessible parking and boat ramps.

South Frontenac - continued from

route for the 401. It’s hoped that provincial or federal funding may be available to help with this project, though so far the Township grant applications have been unsuccessful. There was considerable discussion about ways Council might bring this issue more strongly to the attention of the upper levels of government. Budgeting for the Next Steps of Organizational Review Mayor Vandewal recommended not budgeting for the Clerk/CAO position split in the coming year, to give two new staff members (soon to be announced) time to settle in. “These two positions should change the workload greatly.” Councilor McDougall suggested setting aside a three or six-month budget line for the new Clerk position in 2017. Councilor Schjerning said perhaps the Fire Prevention/Education Officer positioncould be moved up into next year’s budget. There was general agreement about going ahead to establish a Development Services Committee.

page 2

of the SF viewers has agreed to step up. Mills needs three. He has contacted all appointed viewers in Central and North Frontenac, but none of them are available. Mills said he has heard “the full range of excuses.” “Perhaps,” he suggested, “seventy-five dollars a day is no longer enough.” He suggested Council consider increasing compensation, and perhaps appointing a couple of staff members (without remuneration) to the office. Mayor Vandewal said it wasn’t healthy for staff to get involved in this sort of dispute between neighbours, and suggested that it might be more appropriate to use by-law officers for the job. There was general agreement around the table, but no specific direction to Mills concerning the current problem. Public Works 2017 Budget Public Works Manager Segsworth presented the proposed 2017 budget for his department, under the headings of: Facilities ($1,287,512); Transportation ($970,000); Equipment Replacement ($538,500); Environmental Services ($145,000) and Roads and Bridges ($10,000,000). Nearly half of this last figure is earmarked for the Sunbury Road, which is an emergency detour




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larger location on Road 38 south of Sharbot Lake in late November. Janet Barr, the store manager, requested that the township allow a bin to be placed at the corner of its parking lot to hold donations. She said that the bin would be emptied on a daily basis. The township approved the request and Mayor Smith said staff from the township and Community Living, the agency that runs the store, will work to make sure the location of the bin is appropriate. Accessibility Advisory Committee Janette Amini, the clerk and manager of Legislative Services for Frontenac County, made a presentation to Council about the

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COMMUNITY REPORTERS (613) Arden..............................Wanda Harrison...............335-3186 Cloyne / Northbrook....... Nancy Skipper ............................... Denbigh..........................Angela Bright....................333-1901 Godfrey...........................Stefan Duerst...................374-1710 Harrowsmith...................Kim Gow.......................................... Henderson......................Jean Brown......................336-2516 Maberly-Bolingbroke......Karen Prytula....................325-1354 Mississippi......................Pearl Killingbeck...............278-2127 Mountain Grove..............Marilyn Meeks..................335-4531 Ompah............................Linda Rush.......................479-2570 Marily Seitz......................479-2855 Parham-Tichbome..........Colleen Steele..................375-6219 Christine Teal....................375-6525 Plevna............................Katie Ohlke.......................479-2797 Sydenham......................Anita Alton........................561-1094 Verona............................Debbie Lingen..................374-2091


Debbie Lingen 613-374-2091 debbie@lingens.com • BellRock Hall is hosting a children’s Halloween party on Oct 29. Costumes are encouraged but not obligatory. Cost is $5 and the fun starts at 6:30 pm. For more information call Judy Reynolds at 374-2036. Children under 10 must be accompanied by an adult. See www.bellrockhall.ca for details. • Trinity United Church will be hosting a Christmas Craft and Bake Sale on Saturday, November 5 from 9 am to 2 pm. There will be 28 craft and gift tables offering hand crafted items, a bake table of delicious homemade baking, and a fundraising luncheon. For more information please call Marni at 613-374-9929. • Enjoy an evening of Bingo on Tuesday, November 8 in the school gymnasium at Prince Charles Public School. Doors open at 6:30 pm, games start at 7 pm. Cash prizes, canteen and raffle table.

DENBIGH Angela Bright

613-333-1901 bright.a@gmail.com

• Have you heard about the Meals on Wheels program that is being run by volunteers in the Denbigh area? They produce a weekly delicious hot meal brought directly to your door. You can have this service every week or as a special treat whenever you’d like. Cost for soup or salad, main course and dessert (including delivery) is only $6. If you are interested, or know someone who could use this service, call Lori Cuddy @ Land O’Lakes Community Services 1-877679-6636 or 613-336-8934 for more information. • On Friday, October 28 there will be Northern Lights Seniors Euchre at the Denbigh Community Hall, Hwy. 28, at 7pm with 6 games. Cost is $2 for a snack, tea or coffee, and maybe a prize. The 2nd and 4th Friday in October & November, and the 2nd & 9th in December. Then back in the New

Year. Hope to see you there for some fun!!! • This Sunday, October 30, Denbigh Recreation will host the annual Halloween Party, 11:30am to 1:30pm. There will be a costume contest with three different categories; Homemade, Funny, Scary; judging is at noon. There will also be games, Halloween bingo and crafts, with a free lunch after judging. • A volunteer ‘work day’ is planned for Tues. Nov. 1 at the Denbigh Rink, weather permitting. Start time is 8am, and depending on how many helping hands there are, wrapping up mid-afternoon. The to do list is: replace about 25 sections of rink board plywood; install one new 6x6 post; replace some board supporting 2x6s that are rotten. If you plan to help, please bring a hammer, sledge hammer, tape, pry bar, pencil, work gloves if you have them. Help in just handling and holding plywood is also appreciated. For the volunteers who are there around lunch, we plan to BBQ some burgers and have soft drinks/water/coffee/tea available at no cost to you. • Good Food Box order day is Wed. November 2, 10am to 4pm at Vennachar Free Methodist Church, 424 Matawatchan Road. For $6, $11, or $17 you can get a small or large box of fresh fruit and or veggies at wholesale prices. Payment is due at time of order, with boxes ready to be picked up on November 17 from 2-5pm. There will also be a Milk Bag Work Bee happening on November 17 during basket pick up time. Call Angela for details 613-333-1901. • Are you aged 19 to 39 and have an entrepreneurial spirit? Lennox & Addington is having its first 'Young Entrepreneurs Night on Thursday, November 10 @ 7pm in Napanee. For details and to register, visit www.LennoxAndAddington.com

HARLOWE by Marie White


• The weather sure has changed, bringing with it the flu bug. It has been making a few visits early. • Glad to hear Doreen Black, Louise Taylor, Janet Hawley, Terry and Rick Good are feeling better. Also Delbert Kellar and Jackie Jackson. Thinking of Bob Seguin. Hope he is getting stronger each day. • Sympathy to the family of Ellery Thompson on his passing. Also to the family of Ken Gibson. • We had great music on the weekend in Harlowe at Fiddlers on Friday, with 15 entertainers and Open Mic on Saturday with 11 entertainers. We sure have lots of talented musicians in the area. Our next Fiddlers is November 18 and the Open Mic is November 26. • Our Christmas Dinner & Dance with the Friendly North Woods Band is on December 3, with roast beef, pork & all the fixings, pie and beverages. The dinner & dance is $12.50; dinner only is $10. Please reserve by calling 613-336-2557. • The Fiddlers’ Dinner & Dance is Dec. 16 with roast turkey, ham & all the fixings, $12.50; entertainers are $9. Please reserve by calling Helen, 613-336-9432. • The New Year’s Dance with the Friendly North Woods Band is December 31 at 8pm, $12.50. There will be a big hot and cold spread of food at 12 midnight. Please reserve: 613-336-2557.

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Early studies of e-cigarettes in Canada show that 10% of students had used them during the past year, usually not as a method of stopping smoking of regular tobacco cigarettes. Some students cited them as being “cool”. They are still not legal in Canada but there is a worry that they will create more nicotine addicts. Work on the development of a universal flu vaccine is continuing. Researchers have identified three types of vaccine-induced antibodies that can neutralize diverse strains of the flu virus that infect humans. It may be a few years yet before we see this universal vaccine but in the meantime, get your flu shot this season. The more people that get it, the better it is for our whole community. Speaking of the flu, how can you tell the difference between a cold and the flu? Flu symptoms include fever, headache, severe aches and pains, fatigue, chest discomfort and occasionally stuffy nose, sore throat and severe cough. With a cold, fever and headache are rare, some slight aches with a stuffy nose, sneezing and sore throat as well as a mild to moderate hacking cough. There was a quiz in a magazine lately that asked which lifestyle habit was most likely to contribute to successful aging. The choices were: breakfast; 7-8 hours of sleep nightly; optimism; social contact with others; all of the above. The answer, of course, was all of them. How are you doing with your aging? Our pharmacy is holding our first flu clinic this Thursday, Oct. 27, 9:30am – 4pm. It is open for people 5 years old and over with a health card.


Woodwark Stevens Ireton

october 27, 2016


613-325-1354 karenprytula33@gmail.com

• A Ghost Walk. Put on by, and starting at the Matheson House Museum (11 Gore St., Perth), Susan Code McDougall local author, will take us on a Ghost Walk on Oct. 27 & 28, beginning at 7pm. For more information call Karen Rennie at 613-267-3311 • The Maberly Quarterly Old Time Dance will be held on Sat. Oct. 29 at Maberly Hall, with contras, squares, and waltzes. The caller is Martha Cooper. Start time for the dance is 8pm (beginner’s lesson at 7:30pm), and as per usual there will be some tasty treats in which to indulge during the break, so keep some room in your bellies! The celebration is All Hallows’ Eve with costumes (if you so choose!), Music will be by the Old Time musical ensemble “The Noisy Locomotive”. Admission is $10. If you have any further questions, please call Maike Polano 613-264-1993. • Come out to the ABC hall “Pampered Chef” fundraiser on November 12 from 1 to 4 pm. Enjoy delicious nibbles and door prizes. Get a head start on your Christmas shopping list. For Information call Ann Shultz (613-273-8232). • Mah jongg is played Thursdays at 1:30 p.m. at the ABC Hall in Bolingbroke. Everyone is welcome; beginner lessons each week. Call Freda 613-273-2571.

OMPAH Linda Rush Marily Seitz

lindarush@yahoo.com 613-479-2570 seitz@xplornet.ca 613-479-2855

• Marie celebrated her birthday at the October Bash. Thanks to John for making and decorating the great cake. The Bash is such a wonderful way for the community to get together. Plan now for the November Bash on Wed. November 16. • Part 2 of Free Land in Ompah is coming up on Sunday, October 30 from 3:00 to 5:00 pm. Several speakers will talk about what brought them here, how they lived their lives here, and why they are still here now. There will be an opportunity for everyone to discuss these questions as well. LeeAnn White will return with more anecdotes from her life. Refreshments will be served. • Plans are in the works for the annual Hunters’ Dinner on Wednesday, November 9 from 5 to 7 pm. Cost is $12 or $5 for children under 12. This event has been going on since at least the 1970s. Roast beef, vegetables, salad, and homemade pies are planned.



• Sympathy to the family of Chris Teal, who recently passed away. • Sympathy also to the family of Ellery Thompson. • Happy Birthday to Dale Gray, Stephen McCullough, Mike Lowery, Lin Hannah, Joe LaPointe, Jack Struthers, Cloe Shelley-Harpell, Greg Johnston, Naida Flynn, Ken McCullough, Kevin Colliss, Marilyn Mallett, Shannon Scott, Grace Wilby, John Hole, Levi Teal, Don Ritchie, Carlee Ferguson, Jacob Hawley, Jean Hole, Darren Antoine, Rodney Wilkes, Yvonne Guthro, Gordon Crawford, Sharon Snyder. • Happy Anniversary to Rick McGee and Micheline Montreuil. • Thinking of Al Ash, Helen Crevier, Jean Steele, Gladys Clancy, Ted Snider, Elizabeth Barr, Lisa Hamilton. Special prayers for my nephew, David Fox. • A big thank you to my sister Sylvia who treated me at Arden Diners on Oct 18. The meal was delicious, thanks to new chefs Ali and Mike. • Parham Happy Travelers seniors’ club met on Oct. 19 at the Free Methodist Church hall. Hostesses were Wendy Hartwick and Barbara Dawson, who had the hall decorated for fall. A delicious potluck was enjoyed by members, followed by several contests. The Christmas dinner will be provided by members in December. Happy Birthday was sung

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october 27, 2016


to many October babies. The next meeting will be November 16, the 3rd Wednesday of each month at noon. • On October 23 a kids’ Halloween party was held at Olden community center at 1pm. Children enjoyed the games, crafts and snacks. Thanks to everyone who organized this event and helped. • We enjoyed watching volleyball games at Granite Ridge. What great plays! The scores were close; both teams won and lost sets. • On Oct. 26, Sharbot Lake & District Lions held a seniors’ night at Land o’Lakes Public School in Mountain Grove. What an entertaining evening! Seniors enjoyed door prizes, skits and a delicious lunch. A big thank you to all the Lions. • On Saturday Oct. 29, the Olden Rec Committee will be holding their annual Adult Halloween Dance at the Olden hall from 8pm-1am. There will be a DJ, light luncheon and prizes; cost is $15pp, $25 couple. Must be 19 years & older. • There will also be a Halloween party on October 29, 2-4pm at the Glendower hall, across from the Catholic Church on the Westport Rd., hosted by the Catholic Women’s league. There will be games, prizes and food. • All the best for a safe and fun Halloween night. There are so many parties held in all the communities that children and parents would enjoy attending.


Kim Gow


• A children's Halloween party will be held on October 29 from 11am-1pm at the Harrowsmith S and A Hall. Cupcake decorating, games and much more. Admission is free, but donations are welcome at the door. • The Sydenham Women's Institute are hosting their annual Fall Craft and Bake Sale, October 29 from 9am-2pm at the Grace Centre. Come and browse the many vendor tables featuring knitted items, quilts, baked goods and much more. Lunch of soup or chilli and a bun is available for $5. • A Youth Dance will be held at the Golden Links Hall, November 4, from 7-9:30pm for public school children. Cost is $6; for information call 372-2410. • Trinity United Church in Verona will host a Christmas Craft and Bake Sale, November 5 from 9am-2pm. Hand crafted items and home made baked goods as well as a fundraising luncheon. For information call Marni 374-9929. • A Flu shot clinic will be held at the Harrowsmith Free Methodist Church free of charge on November 8 from 4pm-8pm. Please remember to bring your health card. Hosted by the Sydenham Medical Centre.

MISSISSIPPI Pearl Killingbeck 613-278-2127 • Don’t forget Music Night tonight, Thurs. Oct. 27, 7-9pm at the Snow Road Snowmobile Club. Frank Morrison and Jim McIntyre will be performing; $12 at the door, $10 in advance; 1106 Gemmills Rd. • Breakfast is at the Snow Road Snowmobile Club Sat. Oct. 29, 8 till 11 am; everyone is welcome. • Sunday Oct. 30 is the final service of the 2016 summer season at Snow Road Presbyterian Church. • Don’t forget the wonderful beef & pork supper with all the trimmings coming up on Sat. Nov. 5 at the Elphin church hall, 5 to 6:30pm. The cost is $15 for adults; 6-12 years old $6; under 6 free. • “Happy Retirement” to my son Rick as of Oct. 19. He has been with 3M 30 years. Rick is not retiring from his DJ job or wedding jobs. • It was another great meal at Diners on Oct. 19, catered by Itty Bitty Bites with Ali; 22 people were fed a wonderful meal. We had our jokes by Vikki, who also gave out a survey for seniors. Vern Crawford won the free dinner at the next Diners, which will be November 16. • On Oct. 18 Harriet and I had a spa day at “Circa 1894 B&B and Day Spa”, which I had won at a quarter auction. This beautiful B&B and spa, owned by Donna Dillman and Cam Allen, is located in the hamlet of Watson’s Corners in a renovated church. The spa is attached to the former Sunday school building. We also had a beautiful meal before we left. It is a beautiful spot, well worth a trip to see it; a great place for a getaway. By appointment only, text 613-539-0440 or phone 613-259-9988. They will welcome you. • Yves hosted Coffee Break on Friday morning. A beautiful bowl of fresh fruit and fresh (Yves picked them up that morning) Tim Hortons donuts. Nice to see everyone come out on a cool, rainy morning. • Nov. 9 is the next potluck supper at Snow Road Snowmo-

bile Club at 5:30pm. The theme is an Italian dinner. • What a beautiful pork & beef supper on Oct. 22 at the snowmobile house. It was packed. Thanks to all those who worked so hard on this meal. • Smile: we may not have it all together, but together we have it all.

PLEVNA Katie Ohlke

613-479-2797 ohlkek@limestone.on.ca

• Don't miss the annual Plevna Christmas Craft Fair, which will be held on Sat. November 5 from 10 am to 2pm at the Clar-Mill Hall. You can choose gifts for everyone on your list from a fine selection of locally handcrafted items, including fused glass; stained glass; soaps and candles; knit, crocheted and sewn items; bags and purses, wood crafts, photography, wood frames, tole painting and much more. A delicious soup & sandwich luncheon in support of the Holy Trinity Anglican Church Women will also be available. • Do you have any information or photographs of Wilson's Lodge on Crotch Lake? If so the Clar-Mill Archives would like to hear from you! Contact Brenda (613) 479-2837 or e-mail dbmartin@xplornet.ca • Halloween is Monday, please watch out for all the trick-ortreaters out and about. • Plevna Joke of the Week: Eva "Why did the witches cancel their baseball game?" Ella They couldn’t find their bats!"



• Deepest sympathy to the family and friends of the late Maurice Lyle Newton, whose family founded Newton's Cottages, many years ago. Lyle, son of the late Maurice and Hilda (English) Newton, was a good neighbour, friend, and highly regarded by folks at home and also the many who traveled to spend time at his cottages on Big Gull Lake. Every winter he generously granted access to his boat ramp and lane way for the annual fishing derby, which was a marvelous contribution to our area. • Mountain Grove United put on a fantastic spread at their recent smorgasboard, and no one went away hungry. • Speaking of food- our cooks are busy with the moose hunters and also preparing for deer season coming up. Pickled eggs, pies, butter tarts, trail mix, buns and home made donuts like the kind the late Verna Cowdy used to make are all being tastily concocted and stirred up with love. When out walking I smell these goodies cooking, prompting me to walk quickly to avoid temptation. • Also, there’s an up-coming fund raising roast pork dinner at the Henderson Hall on Wed. Nov. 9 that’s hosted by the #640 Hastings and Prince Edward Regiment of the Army Cadet League of Canada. The Cadet group live and serve in our surrounding area and beyond, so we all want to attend to help them out financially. Admission is by free-will offering, so please set the date aside. It will be yummy in the tummy. • Some comings and goings this week included Bill MacDonald, Howard Gibbs and Lois Wilde, Mitchell Gurnsey. Also many moose and moose hunters are in the area, and moose have been spotted and killed- so folks will have enough meat for winter now. • We ran into Bill White, Bob Taylor and all the gang from our area planning ahead for next summer’s Land O’Lakes Traditional Music Hall of Fame awards, held annually as part of the Flinton Community Jamboree. They are part of a larger planning group who meet regularly to plan the event and to ponder who will be recognized. So, I’ll keep my ear to the ground to see if I can get an advance scoop on this next year’s happening.

SYDENHAM Anita Alton

613-561-1094 rideauraingutter@yahoo.com

• The Sydenham Women’s Institute will be holding their annual Fall Craft and Bake Sale on Sat. October 29, 9 a.m. - 2 p.m. at the Grace Centre, 4295 Stagecoach Road. Please come and browse the many vendor tables, you’ll find something for everyone: knitted hats, socks, quilts, jams, jewelry, etc. Do not forget the bake table. A delicious soup and bun

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CLOYNE - Northbrook Nancy Skipper


• With the month of November drawing near we are called to take time to remember the courageous women and men who sacrificed their lives on the many battlefields throughout the world and throughout modern time. Wearing a poppy ia a most beautiful way to remember and to honour those who made the supreme sacrifice so we can live in freedom. The Annual Royal Canadian Legion 2016 Poppy Campaign will commence on October 28 with the distribution of poppies throughout the area. A second way to remember those who died is to attend one of the Remembrance Day services in and around our community. The Royal Canadian Legion Branch 328 will conduct Remembrance Day services in Flinton, Plevna and Denbigh on the following dates: Flinton – Nov. 6 at 10:30 am; Plevna – Nov. 11 at 10:30 am; and Denbigh - Nov 13 at 10:30 am. A third way to honour our dead is to purchase and lay a wreath at one of the services. If you or anyone you know would like to purchase and lay a wreath please contact the RCL branch Poppy chairman at 613-336-9011 before Nov. 9. • Pineview Free Methodist Church is having their Free

continued on page 8

STUFF THE CRUISER Sharbot Lake Ontario Provincial Police with North Frontenac Food Bank Saturday October 29, 10am-2pm Mike Deans Grocery Store, Sharbot Lake All Donations Greatly Appreciated.

Everything an outdoor wood furnace should be. Revolutionary, EPA-certified, clean-burning Classic Edge from the leader in outdoor wood furnaces.

Upcoming Flu Clinics at the Sharbot Lake Family Health Team:

“Quality in Motion”

Thursday November 3, 4-7pm


These clinics are open to all community members, not just patients.


Please bring a valid health card with you.


lunch is available for $5. • Get your costume out and polish up your dancing shoes! The Sydenham Legion is having a Halloween Party on Saturday October 29 featuring Trilogy - The Best in Classic Rock. Tickets are $15/person and that includes a late buffet and prizes. Doors open at 8pm. • Sunday, Oct. 30, will be Fr. Giuseppe's last day at St. Paul's Anglican Church. There will be a potluck lunch after the 10 - 11 a.m. service and anyone in the community who would like to have an opportunity to say farewell and wish Fr. Giuseppe good luck in his new assignment is most welcome to join in. He will be moving to the Eastern Townships in Quebec. • St Patrick's in Railton is having their annual Christmas Bazaar and Tea on Sat. November 5 from 10am to 1pm. • You may have noticed the Sydenham Beer Store is closed - unfortunately for good. You can get your favorites at the LCBO in the village. • Foodland is onto winter hours now - be sure and check the times so you can get your groceries on time. • As many of us are aware - Martha's restaurant in Verona is changing hands this weekend. Martha is taking off for a welldeserved vacation with sun and sand. A fond farewell to her and many thanks for the great eats over the last 6 years. • Valdy in Concert, Saturday, November 12 at 7:30pm. The Grace Arts Committee is pleased to present this intimate solo concert at the Grace Centre in Sydenham. Tickets are $20 in advance, or $25 at the door, children 10 and under free. Tickets can be purchased through www.eventbrite. ca/e/grace-arts-presentsvaldy-in-concert-at-grace-hall-tickets-28054847805 or in Sydenham at Memory Lane Flowers, Sydenham One Stop or Southern Frontenac Community Services; in Inverary at Northway Home Hardware. Valdy is a Canadian folk and country musician, songwriter, composer, and appointed member of the Order of Canada. For more information, visit: www.sfcsc.ca/grace-arts.

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300 cadets compete in orienteering at Gould Lake O

ver 300 sea, army and air cadets from across Eastern Ontario competed in the Central Region Orienteering Competition Series at the Gould Lake Conservation Area in Sydenham on October 15, 2016. Central Region is broken up into four main areas (Western, Eastern, Northern and Central Ontario), each area is conducting a triservice orienteering competition this fall to determine the top cadet orienteers in Central Region. Top cadets in each area will then go on to compete against each other in the Regional Championship, which will be held on October 29 and 30 in Borden, Ontario. Orienteering is often referred to as the “thinking sport” because it involves map

reading, problem solving, and decision-making under physically demanding conditions. These are important skills that the youth can easily transfer into adulthood and which prove advantageous as they become community leaders. Orienteering is a thrilling cross-country sport full of physical and mental challenges that can be adapted to just about any geographical location and every age, skill and fitness level. With the involvement of the Gator Orienteering Club, who assist in running the competitions for the Cadet Program in Ontario, the youth are provided with an experience that is dynamic, fun, challenging, and community-based.

TOWNSHIP OF SOUTH FRONTENAC REMEMBRANCE DAY, NOVEMBER 11, 2016 There will be no changes to your regular garbage and recycling collection on Remembrance Day.

FALL PREVENTION LUNCHEON FOR SENIORS The Seniors and Law Enforcement Together (S.A.L.T) committee will be hosting a Fall Prevention presentation luncheon for seniors in the South Frontenac area. Enjoy a free hot lunch followed by a presentation on Fall Prevention by KFL&A Health Department. November is Fall Prevention month for KFL&A Health. Seniors can learn important information and valuable tips to prevent falls while in their residence and outside during the winter months. Date: November 4th, 2016. Time: 11:30am to 01:30pm Location: Glendower Hall, 1381 Westport Road, Godfrey Please pre-register for the luncheon by calling the South Frontenac Community Services Corporation (SFCSC) office at 613-376-6477.

INVITATION TO TENDER No. PW-2016-30 For Four (4) Mobile Column Lifts Sealed submissions must be received by 1:00 p.m., November 9th, 2016, Attention: Wayne Orr, CAO 4432 George St, Sydenham, ON, K0H 2T0. Official documents may be downloaded from the BIDDINGO.COM website or picked up from Monday to Friday between 8:00 am and 4:30 pm at the Public Works Department, 2490 Keeley Rd, Sydenham, ON K0H 2T0

WESTPORT ROAD CLOSURE Westport Road at the west end of Wolfe Lake will be closed to through traffic from October 28-30, inclusive, for a culvert replacement. A detour will be in effect along Canoe Lake and Devil Lake Roads. Your cooperation and patience are appreciated.

FREE HALLOWEEN PUBLIC SKATING AT FRONTENAC COMMUNITY ARENA Dress up for a ghoulishly good time! Sunday, October 30, 2016 from 1:00- 2:20 p.m. Trick or Treat early with us to get a FREE treat bags for the first 150 kids wearing costumes. Kids must be able to able to clearly see through costume and costumes must not hinder the ability to skate. A CSA approved helmet with screen is recommended.

FLU SHOT CLINICS A Free Flu Shot Clinic will be held at the Harrowsmith Free Methodist Church on Tuesday, November 8, 2016 from 4:00 pm to 8:00 pm A Free Flu shot Clinic will be held at the Verona Medical Clinic 6582 Road 38 on Thursday, November 3, 2016 from 10:00 am to 8:00 pm

FALL HOUR CHANGES – GREEN BAY Green Bay Disposal Site has returned to winter hours as of Friday, October 14th, 8:30 am – 4:30 pm, Fridays only. It will NOT be open on Sunday mornings. This site is for tagged household garbage and recycling only.

WINTER HOURS-HOUSEHOLD HAZARDOUS WASTE DEPOT November hours will be November 10th & 24th from 3pm – 7pm. Open dates will be published monthly in this banner. Please remember that accepted items are hazardous materials, small electronics and bale wrap only. A full listing of accepted materials may be found on our website under Living Here/Solid Waste/ Recycling/Household Hazardous Waste.

2017 BUDGET INPUT Council invites residents to provide input for the 2017 Budget. The 2017 Budget document will be tabled on Tuesday, November 1. Those interested in presenting to Council on Tuesday, November 8 are encouraged to contact the Clerk’s office at Extension 2222 to be placed on the agenda. Alternatively, written submissions may be forwarded to the Clerk’s Office via admin@southfrontenac.net. Requests to present to Council and/ or written submissions must be received by noon on Thursday, November 3rd, 2016.

COUNCIL MEETINGS The next regular Council meeting will be held on Tuesday, November 1, 2016 at 7:00 pm. The next Committee of the Whole meeting is November 8, 2016 at 7:00 pm. 4432 George Street, Box 100, Sydenham ON K0H 2T0  613-376-3027 1-800-559-5862 Office Hours – Monday to Friday – 8:00 am to 4:30 pm

Website: www.southfrontenac.net

october 27, 2016 submitted by the Regional Cadet Support Unit

The aim of Cadet Program is to develop in youth the attributes of good citizenship, leadership and promote physical fitness. The skills learned by the cadets participating in this event are transferable, careerenhancing skills that will last a life time. At the same time participants were able to have fun and building lasting friendships with their teammates and fellow competitors. For more information about the Cadet Program, visit www.cadets.ca. To see what other activities cadets are doing in Ontario, please visit our Facebook page www.facebook.com/CentralRegionCadets

Seniors’ survey from Northern Frontenac Community Services By Jeff Green orthern Frontenac Community Services sign programs for the next 10 or 15 years,” (NFCS) has embarked on an explo- she said. The survey, which takes only minutes to ration of the needs and desires of seniors in North and Central and parts of South fill out, includes an opportunity to enter a draw. Three of the people who fill it out will Frontenac. An online survey has been posted on the receive a $50 gift certificate to be used at agency’s website (NFCS.ca) and will also a local business. Anyone who is 55 or older be available at local libraries, churches, can fill out the survey, which will be available township offices, medical centers, and at throughout the month of November. the NFCS Adult Services office in Sharbot Lake. The survey has two purposes, according to NFCS manager of adult services, Catherine Tysick. “We are looking to see how well the senior population is aware of the services we provide,” she said, “and with a new generation of seniors moving in we would like to know what kinds of programs they are interested in.” NFCS offers a range of programs for children, adults, families and seniors. Among the programs ���������� ����������������������� ���������� ����������������������� for seniors that are currently delivered directly by ��� ���������������������������������� NFCS and through its af���������� ����������������������� ��� ���������������������������������� filiated agencies are counselling, mental health ser���� !����"���#�$�%&�' ()�����*�)��+�,������� vice, monthly Diners clubs, ���� !����"���#�$�%&�' ()�����*�)��+�,������� ��� ���������������������������������� Meals on Wheels, houseSaturday Nov. 5, 10:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m. �� ������������(��� �(������ ��������� keeping support, personal �� ������������(��� �(������ ��������� "����-���������.��(����� �(������� ���� !����"���#�$�%&�' ()�����*�)��+�,������� Clar-Mill Hall, 6598 Buckshot Lake Rd., Plevna support, Lifeline, Adult Day "����-���������.��(����� �(������� Program and others. �� ������������(��� �(������ ��������� Soup & sandwich lunch in support of Tysick also meets "����-���������.��(����� �(������� Holy Trinity Anglican Church Women monthly with members of different seniors’ groups in Frontenac County, and in recent times she has noticed that as members of the groups age, the younger seniors who are retiring ������������(����������(�������(���������������(� ���. and those who are moving ������������(����������(�������(���������������(� ���. in to the area are not as interested in joining those ������������(����������(�������(���������������(� ���. � ����.����#�����������(������#���������.����#� groups. � ����.����#�����������(������#���������.����#� �)���#�(���(��������������������# “We are looking to find �)���#�(���(��������������������# � ����.����#�����������(������#���������.����#� ��������.������� ����#� out what people are in��������.������� ����#� �)���#�(���(��������������������# �����(�����#������.�����# terested in seeing in their �����(�����#������.�����# ��������.������� ����#� ����������������� ����� communities to help us de����������������� ����� �����(�����#������.�����# ������������������#������������#��������� ������������������#������������#��������� ����������������� ����� ������������������#������������#���������


Plevna Annual Christmas Craft Show

Nowell Motors Ltd. Prepare For Winter with our 30 Plus Point Inspection $ *


Includes: Oil & Filter Change*, Rotate & Inspect Tires, Inspect Suspension, Brakes, Test Battery, Check Belts, Hoses & Much More *Plus Taxes, up to 5L reg. oil, most vehicles. Valid until November 30, 2016.

Ensuring that your car gets a regular inspection will help maintain the performance of your car and extend its life.

Performed by Qualified, Licenced Technicians

14165 Hwy. 41, Cloyne  613-336-2547

october 27, 2016


Inverary woman returns home to hero’s welcome K

elli McRobert has come home to a hero’s welcome after representing Canada in the World Obstacle Course Race Championships on the unforgiving Blue Mountain. A resident of Inverary, McRobert competed against some of the greatest obstacle course racers in the world in Collingwood, Ontario on Oct. 14. “That alone would have been a dream come true,” said McRobert, more than a week after returning home. “But it was even more spectacular as I arrived at the Blue Mountain Resort and saw the quaint village set-up with a myriad of fantastic full-size obstacles for me to tackle at the World Obstacle Course Race Championships as a Masters participant.” According to McRobert, more than 40 countries participated in the competition, creating a nervous energy that motivated racers and spectators throughout the weekend. McRobert completed 15 obstacles over three kilometres. “It was difficult to sleep the night before and I found some comfort online with other insomniacs as we texted back and forth to alleviate some of our fears,” she noted. “The following morning came way too early. We headed down for a quick warm-up before our heat, and before we knew it, we were at

PAGE 7 By Catherine Reynolds

the start line getting pumped-up with a motivational speech by Coach Pain.” McRobert called the 3K mountain climbing course incredible. “The obstacles challenged our deepest fears, including heights,” she admitted. “We leapt across deep divides and clung desperately to a thin pole on the Dragon’s Back. Then, as a test of strength and endurance, we climbed the mountain and up a set of stairs with 50lbs of sand on our shoulders. Up and back we went, relieved as we dropped the bags to race onto the next unknown.” A member of the Canadian team, McRobert said racers displayed patriotic pride as they wore their Canada jerseys and clung to monkey bars, ropes, rings and suspended skulls while shimmying their way to the finish line. “The final wall was a great spectator point and you could hear the crowds cheering us on as we climbed the rope vertically, scaled down the other side and raced with a full sense of accomplishment towards the finish line and our finisher medal,” said McRobert proudly. Bruised and sore from the challenging course, McRobert said she is comfortable with her ranking of 33rd in a division for females 40 and older. “I may even set my goal for 2017 to improve my placement to the top 20,” she said with optimism. “Who knows what the future holds.”

Tech coaching available to businesses in Frontenac, L&A M By Jeff Green


tudents and staff at Granite Ridge showed their Grit by surpassing their goal of $800 for the Terry Fox Marathon of Hope. $1082.85 was raised this year through the efforts of all from the GREC Community.

Vote for Inverary Playground The Inverary Youth Activities Group, a group of volunteers, needs your help to build a new playground in the village. They are seeking a grant from the Aviva Community Fund, which depends on your votes, and this is your last chance to help! Voting ends Friday October 28 at 4 pm. Cast your 18 votes at https://www.avivacommunityfund.org/voting/project/ view/16-79

Fall Promotion

Deborah Stanley

quickly and cheaply,” he said. The project will run into 2018. Given the changing nature of online tools, topics for workshops and other services will be constantly under development. “We will talk to the businesses about their challenges and goals and since things are changing so quickly in the tech world, we will always be looking at new solutions that are coming on stream. For example, new systems for accepting payment through credit and debit cards have just come


Continued on page 11 t rn No Bu d, ey! oo n W Mo


nt p l sta u til In ate 00 th . b re $15 30 e to Jun

GREC’s Grit is showing

ax Sadlowski will be bringing his Internet Technology expertise to Frontenac and L&A counties, courtesy of a program that is being offered by the Frontenac Community Futures Development Corporation and the County of Lennox and Addington. The program includes a series of workshops about practical ways rural business owners can make use of digital technology to cut costs, attract new customers, and maintain or hire new staff. The first workshop that is being offered is about the use of Shopify and other online sales systems to expand to markets far from home, and the second is a more general one, Online Marketing 101, which covers everything from developing a basic web profile to setting up and updating websites, using mobile technology, etc. Full information about the date and location of the workshops is available at the project web page on the Frontenac CFDC website. Go to Frontenaccfdc.com and look for the workshops tab Features: Max Sadlowski t 409 titanium enhancedworked stainless with steel small and medium busiin Toronto before tnesses Rocker grates and ash pan moving to Kingston one and a half tyears Forcedago air adjustable to expandblower his business. Financing He established Spotlight available. tLearning, Limited lifetime warranty tutoring an in-home company, in short order, and after setting up a website, social media and other tools for Highway 511 Heating Solutions the received enquiries from other Kingston 14406business, Hwy. 7, RR#6,he Perth ON K7H 3C8 Phone: (613) 264-0874 businesses askingwww.heatmasterss.com for advice on enhancing or establishing their own web presence. That soon led to him setting up his own consulting business, while his mother continues to run Spotlight Learning. In the first few weeks since taking on the project in Frontenac and L&A, Sadlowski said he has learned a few things already. One is the scale of the need and desire for more digital tools in the rural areas. “I under-estimated the need. Online marketing and sales, even on a basic level, often sinks to the bottom of the todo list for businesses because people are so busy dealing with customers and getting through the day. But with the new tools that are always being developed, there are easy, low-cost ways to use many tools that can be implemented

Features: t 409 titanium enhanced stainless steel t Rocker grates and ash pan t Forced air adjustable blower Financing available. t Limited lifetime warranty Highway 511 Heating Solutions

14406 Hwy. 7, RR#6, Perth ON K7H 3C8 Phone: (613) 264-0874 www.heatmasterss.com


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2600’ OF SHORELINE / 325 ACRES OF LAND Private lake w/ sprawling brick home; complete privacy. Lakeside patio, hike/ATV on the many trails. Spacious 3,500 sq. ft. home with large master suite, potential in-law suite / separate guest accommodations, screened room, full basement, attached 2 car garage, large detached workshop along w/extended outbuildings. A must see!! Lake District Realty Corp., Brokerage 14202 Road 38, Sharbot Lake 613.279.2108 ● 1.866.279.2109 info@LakeDistrictRealty.com ● LakeDistrictRealty.com



Cloyne-Northbrook -

SOCIAL NOTES Harry & Betty Meeks We never ask for miracles, But today just one would do To see the front door open and See our Mom and Dad walk through. Love; Juanita, Bill, Sheri & Kyle and families


continued from page 5





Thank You ~ Embury

I want to wish my son Rick “Happy Retirement” as of Oct. 19. He has been with 3M 30 years. Hope your retirement is everything you hope it will be. No more night shifts, bad driving days, deadlines. Just new adventures whenever and wherever you want. Enjoy. Rick is not retiring from his DJ job or wedding jobs. Love, Mom

I would like to thank all my family & friends for giving me a beautiful 80th surprise Birthday party at the Verona Lions hall on Sunday Sept. 18th, 2016. Thanks to all my family, relatives, friends & neighbours for coming, and a friend from Sooke, British Columbia. Thanks for the food, two lovely big cakes, gifts, cards and flowers. It was a nice surprise and well appreciated. Lorraine Embury


Kenneth Alfred Gibson at the Lennox & Addington Hospital entered the presence of his Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ on Friday, October 21,2016 in his 89th year, with his loving wife Freya Dawn of 46 plus years by his side. Sadly missed by his family and many friends. In keeping with the family's wishes there will be no funeral. If desired, donations in Ken’s memory can be made to River of Life Christian Fellowship building fund, Plevna, Ontario.

Milestone Funeral Center Northbrook ON 613-336-6873

Johansen, Grethe Alfreda

Passed on Monday, October 24th, 2016 at Pine Meadow Nursing Home in Northbrook in her 92nd year. Beloved wife of 63 years to the late Helmuth. Loving mother of Kirsten “Chris” Breeze (David). Grandmother of Nicole (Rishi), Kerry and Shane (Nicky), and great grandmother to Andrew, Braydon and Taylor, and great great grandmother to Brielle and Briar. Predeceased by 9 siblings in Denmark. A graveside gathering will be held at Glenhaven Memorial Gardens, 2563 Division Street on Monday, October 31st, 2016 at 2 p.m. If wishing, donations may be made to Pine Meadow Nursing Home. Sharing Memories Online Guestbook www.gftompkinstownship.ca



NEWTON, Maurice Lyle Proprietor of Newton’s Cottages, passed away peacefully at Perth Hospital on Sunday October 23, 2016 in his 78th year. Son of the late Maurice and Hilda Newton. Predeceased by sister Gwendolyn Ferguson. Survived by brother John (Lorraine) of Henderson, brother-in-law Gerald of Napanee, niece Heather of Bowmanville and nephew Brian (Sharry) of Kingston. Special friend of Gary and Lorraine Ronfeld of Cloyne. Thank you to doctors and nurses at Perth Hospital. Resting at Goodfellow’s Funeral Home, Parham. Friends will be received on Thursday October 27, from 2-4 and 7-9 pm. Funeral service will be held in the Funeral Home on Friday October 28, at 2 pm. Interment Henderson Cemetery. In lieu of flowers donations may be made to the Henderson United Church Cemetery or the Frontenac Addington Trapper Council. Online condolences at goodfellowsfuneralhome.com


Milestone Funeral Center Derek Maschke Northbrook Chapel Funeral Director 11928 Hwy. 41 613-336-6873 Northbrook, ON K0H 2G0 www.milestonefuneralcenter.com

In loving memory of my dear wife, Joan who passed away November 1, 2003. My life goes on without you And nothing is the same I have to hold the heartache When someone speaks your name. Sad is my heart that loves you Silent the tears that fall Living my life without you Is the hardest part of all. You were always there for me Your heart so kind and true, And when I ever needed something I always counted on you. Our special years will not return When you and I were together But with the love within my heart I’ll walk with you forever. Always loved, Jack xoxo

Fall Prevention

he Seniors and Law Enforcement Together (S.A.L.T) committee will be hosting a Fall Prevention presentation luncheon for seniors. Enjoy a free hot lunch followed by a presentation on Fall Prevention by KFL&A Health Department on November 4, 11:30am - 1:30pm at the Glendower Hall, 1381 Westport Road, Godfrey. Please preregister for the luncheon by calling Southern Frontenac Community Services at 613-3766477.

Sydenham, On 613-376-3022


Sincere thanks are extended to Linda Tremblay of the former Nomad’s Rest, Highway 7, Arden, and to the Cox family of North Road, Mountain Grove, for +their hospitality on Sunday, $51.18 HST October 16th. Linda invited a group of about 20 to tour the former B & B in Olden Township, which had been the homestead of our ancestors Thomas Cox and Mary Cox. Further to the east, the group was welcomed by the Cox Family who hosted tours of their ancestors’ farms going back to David Cox and Dorothea Canning. We thank Leigh Scott and family for guiding our informative tour of Scott family sites, Brenda Martin for her wonderful family history display and Doug Scott and the Arden Legion for their generous hosting of the Scott Gathering. Thanks also to Pipe Sergeant Reg Scott of the Kalamalka Highlanders Pipe Band; his rendition of Amazing Grace and a tune he composed especially for this weekend at the Arden and Mountain Grove cemeteries and Mountain Grove cenotaph were heart felt. Thank you, Reg. We also wish to thank Elaine Flieler and Sherri Scott for providing lunch Saturday at the Arden Legion and Sunday at the Mountain Grove community hall – great job, ladies! Thank you all again. We all enjoyed the tours and meeting new-found cousins. Harvey Scott and Kellie Love

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OCTOber 27, 2016

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Clothes Giveaway on October 28 and 29. What a beautiful way to give back to our community! So, please take the time to go through your wardrobe and put aside for donation those items of clothing you have not worn for a while. The rule of thumb is if you have not worn it for one year, chances are you will not wear it again. Please drop off clean, gently used clothing, outer-wear, linens and foot-ware at the church on Thurs. & Fri. October 27 & 28! For more information check out the community bulletin boards for the church’s poster as well as their Facebook page, or call Sonja at 613-336-0520. See you there! • The 640 Army Cadets invite you to a roast pork supper this November 9 at the Henderson UCW Hall from 4-7pm. They ask for a free will offering for supper. Want to become an Army Cadet? This is the perfect night to get more information. For more information, please check out their Facebook page. • Calling all crafters and artisans. Have you booked your table for the annual Land O’ Lakes Lions Christmas Craft Extravaganza this coming November 19? It is not too late to book a table at this highly anticipated event! And do not forget to put this date on your calendar as one of your prime Christmas shopping days! More information to follow. Check out the Land O’ Lake Lions Facebook page. • Along with the Christmas Craft Extravaganza, the Lions are hosting the Christmas parade on December 3. The day before the parade the Lions will be hosting Northbrook’s first Paint Night in early December, with local painter Debbie Reeve leading the evening. • Rodney Meeks would like to pass on the good news after having cancer years ago, his latest tests were clear. He would like to thank everyone for their support. • Hoping everyone has a safe and fun-filled Halloween!


Wanda Harrison


• Just a reminder about the Kennebec Recreation Committee’s annual children’s Halloween party at the community centre, Sat. October 29, 10 am to 2 pm. Dress the young ones up in their favourite costumes and bring them to the hall, where there will be witches brewing their pots of ambrosia and Ghosts hiding in corners. There will be crafts, games and scary music and a hot dog lunch, with homemade cookies for the ghouls and goblins. See everyone on Saturday!! • As I mentioned in last week’s column the Recreation Committee has organized a “Trick or Treat” at the Community Centre in Arden from 5 pm top 7 pm on Monday October 31, All Hallows’ Eve. Rural folks like to get in on the festivities as well, so a group are meeting in the parking lot, to offer a safe and fun place to shell out. Anyone who wishes can join in, but if you can’t attend Monday evening but would like to contribute, any member of the recreation committee would be happy to receive a donation of a bag of candy. Hope everyone enjoys the evening!! • Theresa Smith is still holding Jamberry consultations at the Legion on Tuesdays. • Wednesday cribbage has begun at the Legion. Anyone who is interested in playing, the games will begin at 2 pm at the branch. • Adult Connections will be starting a program throughout Central Frontenac which will give seniors the opportunity to upgrade their computer, IPads, phones and laptop skills. A digital coach will be available to anyone who wishes to bring their electronic devices and learn how to use them to their full advantage. Many of us know how to turn them off and on and to phone or e-mail someone but that is the extent of our knowledge. Coaches and actual teachers will be helping those who wish to upgrade. I will be sending times and dates in the next few weeks. • Villages Beautiful’s annual Festival of Trees is December 8, 9 and 10 this year and they are awaiting notification of your participation. If you wish to enter your group or yourself in any one of the numerous categories, please call 279-2777, 279-2706 or 697-4030 with your information. You must be registered to enter. • Congratulations are extended to Ronda Noble, Lynda Splinter-Shaw, Lorraine Scobie and Tammy Shelley. They were the four-man team that brought home 1st place in the Zone G cribbage tournament. The Arden girls of the Ladies Auxiliary, RCL Arden Branch won 15 of their 18 games in the Kingston Sunday tournament. Great job to all!!


OCTOber 27, 2016

The Classifieds Ad Rates: Classified Text ads: $9.74 + HST per insertion for 20 words & under; 20¢ each extra word. Deadline: 4 pm Monday; 613-279-3150, info@frontenacnews.ca


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GUNS FOR SALE: Remington Fieldmaster model 572, 22 pump, $600. Marlin 3030 model 338, c/w 2x7 Tasco scope $500. Mossberg model 1500, 30.06 bolt c/w sling and 3x9 Bushnell scope $450. PAL required. 613-3722250 SHIPPING CONTAINERS: Seacans Storage Containers, 7ft 10ft 20ft 40ft 45ft Steel garden sheds call 613-354-8744 or online http:// IngeniousStorage.com

PHOTOCOPY, FAX & LAMINATION SERVICES at The Frontenac News, 1095 Garrett St., rear building, Sharbot Lake. Competitive prices! Colour copies 25¢ for 50+. Taxes extra. Call 613-279-3150 ROOFING, SHINGLES – STEEL, 25 years experience, serving Elphin, Snow Road, Sharbot Lake & area. Contact Todd Gursby for estimates, 613-278-1300 SYLVIA’S FOOT CARE. Providing Nursing foot care in the privacy of your own home. Registered with Dept. of Veterans’ Affairs to provide foot care to veterans who qualify. For further information call Sylvia at 613-335-2940. WILL DO LIGHT HOUSEKEEPING for the elderly; also shopping, doctors’ appointments; can also stay overnight occasionally. Sharbot Lake area, 613-250-2311.

DOUG’S ANTENNA SALES & SERVICE NEW Shaw TV Promotion - 2 HD receivers for free after programming credit! No Credit Check. No Contract. Call 613-374-3305 for details. We are your full service dealer for both BELL TV and SHAW DIRECT Satellite.


APPLIANCES APPLIANCE REPAIR, Call Mark, Verona Hardware, 6723 Main St., Verona. Ph. 613374-2851

AUTOMOTIVE KALADAR AUTO RECYCLING. Drive in your own vehicle; Drive out a newer vehicle for $500 & up; as is (some vehicles may have valid E-test); 11520 Hwy 41; 613-336-9899; 613885-8644 KINNEY AUTO WRECKING Station Road, Kaladar. 4x4 trucks & parts for sale. Scrap cars, stoves, fridges wanted. 613-336-9272.

EMBROIDERY & ENGRAVING UPPER FRONTENAC GRAPHICS – Custom Embroidery, Imprinting, Trophies, Awards & Engraving. Caps, jackets, golf shirts, hoodies, teamwear & more. 613-539-6340; dwedden@ aol.com; ufg@hotmail.ca

FOR RENT 3-BDRM HOUSE in Plevna, $850 + utilities, no pets; 613-336-1293 or 613-920-3508; ask for Amos COMMERCIAL OFFICE SPACE located on Hwy. 7 just east of the Junction of Hwy 38 and Hwy. 7. For further information, contact Ram at 613-279-2827 EXECUTIVE WATERFRONT HOME, 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, huge screened porch, $1350 plus utilities (hydro). Long-term only, 613-264-0002. VERONA, 1 BDRM + DEN, W/O basement, huge deck on Rock Lake, 5 appliances, $950 inclusive. Avail. Nov. 1. 613- 374-1048

FOR SALE CEDAR KINDLING WOOD. Call Tim Snider at 613-336-2007. Located at 14684 Hwy 41 across from Snider Road. CENTRAL BOILER OUTDOOR FURNACES FALL REBATE with a savings up to $800. Call for more information. Your local Dealer, Wood Heat Solutions, Frankford, ON, 613-398-1611; Bancroft, ON 613-332-1613. www.chesher.ca FRONTENAC FIREWOOD – Quality, mixed hardwood, cut, split & delivered, $325 full cubic cord, call 613-279-2048

Garage Sale

Sharbot Lake Retirement Residence 14244 Road 38, Sharbot Lake

Saturday October 29, 10 am - 4 pm. Dressers: 4 drawer (1) $40; 4 drawer (1) $45; 5 drawer (1) $50; 3 drawer (1) $35; 6 drawer (1) $75; 8 drawer (1) $85; 4 drawer (1) $45; 5 drawer (1) $55; 4 drawer - Birds eye finish (1) $90; 5 drawers (1) $55; 6 drawers (1) $75. Side tables (2) $25 ea; Table lamps (3) $10 ea; Floor lamps (8) $10 ea; Square table 1 $15; Large box white icicle Xmas lights (Many) $1/String; Small green side wall table $10; Book case, large $25; Solid wood kitchen chair $45; End tables (2) $25 ea; Side table - Birds eye finish $35; Book case, small $15; Toilets (2) $25; Pedestal sink $45; Sink vanity (2) $20 ea; Grab bars (3) $20 ea; Water cooler/heater $45; Glass ware (various) $1 ea; Interior doors 80" x 30" (10) $35 ea; Plus various other items. All sales are in an "as is" condition. All sales final. All prices or best offer.

HALL RENTAL SOCIAL & ATHLETIC CLUB HALL, Harrowsmith, A/C, kitchen, capacity 90, Reasonable rates. Info.: 613-372-0917. VERONA LIONS BANQUET HALL AND BOARD MEETING ROOM (Lions’ Den). Reasonable rates in a convenient location. Air conditioned. Full kitchen and bar facility. Weddings, anniversaries, parties, conferences. 613-374-2821

HELP WANTED FULL TIME SATELLITE TV INSTALLERS required for fast growing company. Installer must supply own vehicle, valid driver’s license, tools, ladders, consumables, vehicle insurance, etc. Potential for income between $50,000 to $80,000 yearly + Bonuses. Evening and weekend shifts required. For more information please send a resume to: Admin@ scheelcommunications.com or fax to 613-6239992. No experience necessary; all training will be supplied HVAC TECHNICIAN: We have an opening for a full-time HVAC Technician with an Oil Burner Technician-2 and Gas 2 license. Competitive wages and excellent benefit package. Please remit your resume to us at: Leonard Fuels Ltd., PO Box 31, Hartington, ON, K0H 1W0 or email leonardfuels@persona.ca THE FITNESS 150 RECREATION COMMITTEE is looking for some volunteer support to design and lay out web pages to support Fitness 150, and maintain and enhance the website for the year 2017. Anyone who can help please contact Rudy Hollywood, hollywoodrudy@gmail.com or 613-279-2761.

HUNTING & FISHING FIREARMS AND HUNTER EDUCATION COURSES Wild Turkey License Examinations. Call Bill, 613-335-2786

MUSIC LESSONS TOM’S MUSIC STUDIO is now accepting students for drums, guitar, bass guitar, piano, beginner banjo and theory; repairs to all stringed instruments. Tom 613-539-4659

SERVICES HANDYMAN, WILL REPLACE SINKS, taps, toilets, any other jobs, cottage closures and carpentry. Please call Albert 613-374-2079 HOMESTYLE WEDDINGS. Minister Judie Diamond helps design your ceremony and performs the marriage at location of your choice. 613-375-6772; www.judiediamond.ca PAINTING SERVICES Residential, Commercial & Cottages. Interior & Exterior. Over 25 years experience. Fully insured and WSIB covered. Call Wes Brown for a free estimate. WalCan Painting 613-479-2253 PET SITTING SERVICES AVAILABLE. All you need to know at www.petsittinginmountaingrove. com Phone Laura Mills at 613-335-3658 or Text 613-583-3658


Boarding, Taping, Painting & Texture Spray (Free Estimates)

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Canada 150 Quilting Challenge A

s Canada’s 150th Birthday is approaching, a 19th century quilt is in order. The Canada 150 Committee is putting out a challenge for all quilters to prepare one 12” block representing that era. They need the blocks by December 31, 2016 for preparation to complete the quilt. The quilt will be displayed all year for a raffle at the New Year’s Eve Ball on December 31, 2017. If you are up to the challenge please call Rosemarie Bowick 613-279-3341 or Ann Howitt 613-697-4030.

Business Cards 250 starting at $30 Call the News at 613-279-3150; email info@frontenacnews.ca

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REQUEST FOR QUOTATION PUBLIC NOTICE TAKE NOTICE that the Council of the Corporation of the Township of North Frontenac proposes to enact a By-law to stop up, close and sell part of the 66’ shore road allowances as set out and described as follows: ALL THAT PART of the Shoreline Road Allowance around Kashwakamak Lake lying adjacent to Lot 14, Registered Plan No. 1125, geographic Township of Barrie, Township of North Frontenac, County of Frontenac being Part 1 on Registered Plan 13R-21386 (Flynn); ALL THAT PART of the Shore Road Allowance around Kashwakamak Lake lying adjacent to Part of Lots 21 and 22, Concession 6, geographic Township of Barrie, Township of North Frontenac, County of Frontenac, being Part 9 on Registered Plan 13R7887 (Devilliers) The proposed By-law will come before the said Council for consideration at its regular meeting at the Clar Mill Fire Hall, Upstairs Meeting Room, 6648 Road 506, Plevna, Ontario, on the 4th day of November, 2016 at 9:00 a.m., and at that time, the Council will hear in person, any person who claims that his land will be prejudicially affected and who applies to be heard. Dated this 25th day of October 2016.

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Tara Mieske Clerk/Planning Manager Township of North Frontenac 6648 Road 506 Plevna, ON K0H 2M0 Tel: (613) 479-2231 or 1-800-234-3953 Fax: (613) 479-2352 Email: clerkplanning@northfrontenac.ca

RFQ 2016- 17 - SANDING AND PLOWING - 3 YEAR CONTRACT The Corporation of the Township of North Frontenac, hereinafter called the “Township” invite qualified Contractor/Firm(s) to submit a Quotation to perform the duties of Sanding and Plowing at specified locations within the Township of North Frontenac. Contractor/Firm(s) must have current WSIB coverage and appropriate Liability insurance as indicated by the Request for Quotation documents. Quotation Documents and the prescribed Submission Forms, which include the Minimum Requirements and Specifications, shall be obtained from the Municipal Office, 6648 Road 506, Plevna, Ontario or by email at financialsupport@ northfrontenac.ca Please direct any specific inquiries to Jim Phillips P.Eng., Public Works Manager at publicworks@northfrontenac.ca or (613) 479-2231 Extension 230. Lowest or any quotation submission may not necessarily be accepted. The Township reserves the right to cancel the Request for Quotation at any time up to the notification of the Award. Submissions shall be submitted to the undersigned, on the prescribed form, in a sealed package, clearly identifying the document as: “RFQ 2016-17 SANDING AND PLOWING - 3 YEAR CONTRACT” on or before 3:00 PM local time on Thursday, November 17, 2016 Cheryl Robson, A.M.C.T. Chief Administrative Officer 6648 Road 506 Plevna, ON K0H 2M0




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Northern Happenings

FREE DIGITAL DROP-IN CENTRES, starting in November; use or try out Wi-Fi, computers, printers, smart phones, digital cameras; ipads and other tablets; digital coaches available to provide advice, brief training and to help solve minor problems. ARDEN – every Thursday starting Nov. 10, 12:30-3:30pm, community hall. GODFREY - 2nd & 4th Mondays of the month, 10am-12 noon, Godfrey Social Club. NORTHBROOK - 1st & 3rd Mondays of month (except December), 1:303:30pm, Land O’Lakes Community Services’ board room. PARHAM - 1st Friday of the month, 1-4pm, IOOF Hall. SHARBOT LAKE, 3rd Thursday 2-4pm at Public Library; every Monday 1:30-3:30pm Cardinal Cafe. Info: connectionsadultlearning.ca, check out our Facebook page or call 613-279-2499 Sharbot Lake or 613-336-0691 Northbrook.

Thursday October 27 SHARBOT LAKE LEGION Darts, Thursdays 7pm; $3 SNOW ROAD MUSIC NIGHT w/ Frank Morrison and Jim McIntyre, snowmobile club, 1106 Gemmills Rd., $10 advance, $12 at the door; call Joelle 613-278-0958 for tickets

Friday October 28 2016 POPPY CAMPAIGN. The annual Royal Canadian Legion campaign commences with the distribution of poppies throughout the area. In support of our troops past and present, please wear a poppy during this time of remembrance. DENBIGH - NORTHERN LIGHTS SENIORS EUCHRE, community Hall, 7pm; $2 includes refreshments, SHARBOT LAKE – DINNER at the Legion. 5:30–7pm, $12; Roast Pork. Sorry, unable to do Chinese at this time.

Saturday October 29 ARDEN – KIDS’ HALLOWEEN PARTY, 10am-2pm; free hot dog lunch; sponsored by the Rec. Committee; info: 335-3186 BELLROCK - KIDS’ HALLOWEEN PARTY, community hall 6:30-8:30pm; $5 at door ENTERPRISE – BREAKFAST, 8-11am, $6pp, Stone Mills Pentecostal Church, all welcome. ENTERPRISE - CHILD & YOUTH HALLOWEEN DANCE, community hall 6-8pm; $4 include hot dog & drink; prizes; sponsored by hall committee; proceeds to community enhancements; enterprisehalloween.com ENTERPRISE – ADULT HALLOWEEN DANCE, 9pm, community hall; $15pp; late night buffet; prizes; enterprisehalloween.com; 613-358-2002; 358-9077; sponsored by hall committee; proceeds to community; GODFREY - HALLOWEEN PARTY free, hosted by the Catholic Women’s League 2-4pm, Fogarty hall, Westport Rd. across from Sacred Heart of Jesus RC Church. Food, games, prizes HARROWSMITH - CHILDREN’S HALLOW-

PARHAM-TICHBORNE Colleen Steele 613-375-6219 Christine Teal 613-375-6525 mrsteal2u@hotmail.com • Our sincerest apologies to Chelsea and Casey Ducharme. We noted that Chelsea married Dan Brady but in fact it was Casey again our apologies for this error. • District #4 firefighters would like to remind you to stop by the new fire hall in Parham on Halloween and get some yummy treats. • What bargains were had at the annual Harvest Auction on Saturday night. Amazing

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Northern Happenings listings are free for community groups, and will be published for two weeks. Donations to offset the costs of publication would be appreciated. Other listings are paid or are taken from paid ads elsewhere in the paper. The News makes every effort to be accurate but events should be independently verified by readers.

Fri. Oct. 28 - Thu. Nov. 3

EEN PARTY 11am-1pm, donations welcome at door; info. Pam 372-1578 or Marilyn 372091. HARROWSMITH – “BUY A BALE” Home Free Farm (farm animal sanctuary) fundraiser; 11am-2pm; come & meet the animals; visits by donation only; 4763 Petworth Rd. HomeFreeFarm.webs.com MABERLY – CONTRA & SQUARE DANCE, community hall, $10; under 12 free; beginners’ lesson 7:30pm; info: 613-264-1993. MOUNTAIN GROVE – ADULT HALLOWEEN DANCE, community hall, 8pm-1am, $15pp, $25 couple, DJ, light luncheon, 19 years & older, prizes, sponsored by Olden Rec. Commitee SHARBOT LAKE - FLU CLINICS at the Family Health Team, 10am-1pm, for all community members, not just patients. Please bring valid health card SHARBOT LAKE – STUFF THE CRUISER for the Food Bank, Mike Dean’s Superfood Store, 10am-2pm SHARBOT LAKE – TERROR ON THE TRAIL, 2k or 5k Run or Walk along Haunted K&P; registration 4pm; starts 5pm, next to Treasure Trunk; $10pp; $20 group or family; all ages, prizes. lynettewhan@gmail.com SNOW ROAD SNOWMOBILE CLUB Breakfast 8–11am, 1106 Gemmills Road SYDENHAM FALL CRAFT & BAKE SALE, sponsored by the Women’s Institute 9am-2pm Grace Centre; knitted hats, socks, quilts, jams, jewelry, bake table & more; soup lunch $5 SYDENHAM LEGION HALLOWEEN PARTY w/ Trilogy - Classic Rock; $15pp includes late buffet, prizes; doors open 8pm VERONA – FRONTENAC FARMERS’ MARKET, 9am-1pm at Prince Charles Public School parking lot, last market of season. WINTERGREEN STUDIOS WORKSHOP – “ON DYING”, 10am-4:30pm, discussion guided by Sandra Martin and Monique Seguin; info/registration: 613-544-8268 or www.wintergreenstudios.com/dying/

Fri & Sat. Oct. 28 & 29, CLOYNE - FREE CLOTHES GIVE-AWAY. Friday 9-5, Saturday 9-2, Pineview Free Methodist Church. Donations welcome, will accept clean clothing, linens, coats, shoes, accessories; 613-336-8100 LAND O’LAKES LIONS Hunters Voluntary Toll Road, Hwy 41, Northbrook

Sunday, October 30 DENBIGH - HALLOWEEN PARTY at the Denbigh Hall 11am-2pm ENTERPRISE - GOSPEL SING, Free Methodist Church 6:30pm with Vernon Scott and Friends; Nick & Gwen Chajkowski; refreshments; freewill offering for trip to support the Egyptian church; all welcome. FRONTENAC COMMUNITY ARENA HALLOWEEN PUBLIC SKATING, free, 12:20pm, free treat bags for first 200 kids in costumes; CSA approved helmet with screen recommended. MCDONALDS CORNERS – CONCERT & WORKSHOPS by Anita MacDonald (Cape Breton fiddler) and Ben Miller (piper) & band,; workshops 2-4pm, $30. Concert 7pm, MERA schoolhouse; Tickets $20 advance www.ticketsplease.ca; $25 door; $15 for workshop participants; info: bill.martino18@gmail.com;

what a dollar gets ya!! • The seniors’ dinner on Monday was enjoyed by all. The menu was Shepherd's pie (turkey or beef) garlic bread, salad, choice of dessert, which was apple or pumpkin pie or pumpkin cheesecake. • Halloween is coming up so be careful driving Thinking of you to Vivian Hannah. • Parham United Church Sunday School created a colourful tree of thankfulness this past week. Also, check out the new hand rail at the side entrance of Parham United Church- with thanks to the Steward volunteers for their diligence in cement pouring and installing the sturdy rail. It's all ready now for


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Hwy 38 Verona (613) 374-2112 benandanita.com OMPAH – “FREE LAND IN OMPAH” Part 2, 3-5pm, community center, history discussion; all welcome. SYDENHAM – FAREWELL POTLUCK LUNCH for Fr. Giuseppe Gagliano after 1011am service; St. Paul’s Anglican Church; the community is welcome to attend to say goodbye to Fr. Gagliano.

craft & gift tables, homemade baking, fundraising luncheon; info: Marni at 613-3749929. WINTERGREEN STUDIOS - THE MEDICINE WHEEL workshop on native spirituality, guided by Julie Vachon; 10am–5pm, info: registration wintergreenstudios.com/workshops/ medicine-wheel/

Tuesday November 1

ARDEN - REMEMBRANCE SERVICE, United Church, 10am, with Flag Party BEDFORD OPEN MIC & JAM, 1-5pm, 1381 Westport Rd, audience $2; entertainers free; refreshments avail; info: Judy 374-2317, Wilhelmine 374-2614. FLINTON - REMEMBRANCE DAY SERVICE, 10:30am at the Cenotaph MOUNTAIN GROVE - REMEMBRANCE SERVICE United Church, 11:15 am

SHARBOT LAKE - ALZHEIMER SOCIETY SUPPORT GROUP, 1-2:30pm, United Church hall, 613-544-3078 SHARBOT LAKE 39ers meet at North Frontenac Telephone office, downstairs, noon potluck followed by meeting, games after; all over 50 years welcome; info Shirley 613-2792990; dotdotfraser@gmail.com

Wednesday November 2 GLENBURNIE DINERS, noon, United Church, for 55+yrs, $11. Reservations required 613-376-6477 MABERLY – “ESSENTIAL OILS OF THE BIBLE”, learn about the essential oils of the Bible, St. Alban’s Anglican Church, 2-4pm; all welcome SHARBOT LAKE LEGION - General Meeting – 7pm

Thursday November 3 MABERLY - ST. STEPHEN’S CHURCH DINNER & CARDS, noon at Maberly hall SHARBOT LAKE - FLU CLINICS at the Family Health Team, 4-7pm, for all community members, not just patients. Please bring valid health card

Friday, November 4 GODFREY - FALL PREVENTION LUNCHEON FOR SENIORS, hosted by Seniors and Law Enforcement Together (S.A.L.T) committee; free hot lunch and presentation on Fall Prevention by KFL&A Health Department; 11:30am-1:30pm, Glendower Hall, 1381 Westport Rd.; please pre-register for the luncheon: South Frontenac Community Services 613-376-6477. HARROWSMITH - YOUTH DANCE, Golden Links hall, 7-9:30pm, for public school children; $6; info 372-2410; sponsored by Odd Fellows & Rebekahs SHARBOT LAKE - LADIES NIGHT “Gold & Silver Christmas”, Granite Ridge Education Centre, 6:30-9:30pm, $6pp; swag bags; local artisans & craft people; direct sales consultants; raffles; fundraiser for Granite Ridge Parent Council

Saturday November 5 ELPHIN - BEEF & PORK SUPPER, 5-6:30pm, Presbyterian Church hall, $15; 6-12yrs $6; under 6 free. FLINTON - BAZAAR & BAKE SALE, 9am-3pm, Township Rec Centre. Bake table, crafts, books & timeless treasures, sponsored by St. Paul’s Anglican Church MCDONALDS CORNERS ANNUAL CRAFT SHOW, Agricultural Hall, 10am-3pm, info: Patti-Jo, 613-278-1501 PLEVNA CHRISTMAS CRAFT SHOW, 10am-2pm, Clar-Mill hall, glass, wood crafts, photography, soaps, candles, knitted items & more; fundraising soup & sandwich lunch RAILTON - CHRISTMAS BAZAAR & TEA, 10am-1pm, St Patrick’s Church Hall, gifts, crafts, baked goods, Preserves, Treasure Chest, lunch available; sponsored by St Patrick’s/St Mary’s Catholic Women’s League. VERONA - CHRISTMAS CRAFT & BAKE SALE, Trinity United Church 9am-2pm; 28

the next church turkey supper on Sat. Nov. 26. Also Operation Christmas Child is in in full swing at Parham United - seeking donations of pens, pencils, pencil crayons, note pads, and picture books, facecloth, toothbrush, comb, and soap (in sealable bag), stuffed animals, small musical instruments, hair clips, toy jewelry, t-shirts, and socks. Customs regulations do not permit any tooth paste, candy or food items, or any liquid items that might freeze or break. Donations to cover the shipping will also be receivedall needed by Sun. Nov. 13, with thanks. On Sun. Nov. 6 our 11:30 morning worship will feature a Remembrance theme with our

Sunday November 6

Tuesday November 8 HARROWSMITH - FLU SHOT CLINICS free, 4- 8pm, Free Methodist Church; please bring health card, hosted by Sydenham Medical Clinic; NORTHERN 5 DINERS, Ompah hall, noon, For those 50+, $12, reservations requ’d 613279-3151

Wednesday Nov. 9 HARROWSMITH - SOCIAL & ATHLETIC CLUB MEETING, all are welcome to attend Call Pam 613-372-1578 for further information & membership. HENDERSON - 640 ARMY CADETS ROAST PORK SUPPER, w/ trimmings, Henderson UCW Hall 4-7pm; free will offering; OMPAH – HUNTERS’ ROAST BEEF DINNER, 5-7pm; community hall; $12, under 12 $5; info: Marily 479-2855. SNOW ROAD – COMMUNITY POTLUCK SUPPER, 5:30pm at the snowmobile club, 1106 Gemmills Rd.

Thursday November 10 ARDEN - FREE WORKSHOP on “Data usage and How to Read Your Bill” by David Elyea, 12:30 - 3:30 pm, community hall, sponsored by Connections Adult Learning VERONA DINERS, noon, Lions Hall, for 55+, $11. Reservations required 613-376-6477. VERONA – REMEMBRANCE DAY PARADE, starts from Prince Charles Public School at 1130 am

Regular Happenings SHARBOT LAKE - LINE DANCING, Thursdays 9am-10am, United Church, opposite Mike Dean’s, $1pp; breaks for summer. SYDENHAM - FUN DARTS, every Tuesday, 7 pm, Royal Canadian Legion. Mixed teams, $2 per person. All welcome TOPS Take Off Pounds Sensibly Sharbot Lake Wednesdays weigh-in 5pm, meeting 5;30pm, North Frontenac Telephone Co., downstairs, guests welcome; sharbotlaketops@gmail.com VOLUNTEER DRIVERS WANTED by the Canadian Cancer Society, please call 613384-2361 or 1-866-877-0309 VON SMART® PROGRAMS free exercise classes for adults 55+. BellRock Hall, Tuesdays & Thursdays 9-9:45 am; registration May 26. Ompah: Mondays & Fridays 1011am, community centre. Parham: United Church Tuesdays & Thursdays 9:30-10:30am. Sydenham: Grace Centre Mondays & Thursdays, regular program 10-11am; beginners’ (less intense) 11:15-12:15am. Verona: Trinity United Church Mondays & Thursdays 10-11am. Register at class or call 613-6340130 x 3414 for info

minister Jean's great-niece Olivia singing “O Canada”, and all are welcome. We will also be reading out the names of folks from our area who served in past wars. • Calling all quilters! Rosemarie Bowick and Ann Howitt are looking for 12" blocks depicting "Canada's History" to complete a quilt for a raffle to be held at the year end. • Adult volleyball has started at Granite Ridge on Monday nights, come out for a bit of exercise at 7 pm or call Rick Greenstreet in Sharbot Lake for more information. • Happy Birthday to Shannon Harper, Audrey Bateman, Lyn Hannah, Kristine Drong, and Daryl Kennedy.


OCTOber 27, 2016

Digital Technology project delivering the goods - free workshops,


Digital Drop-in centers coming up - submitted by Connections Adult Learning


project funded by the Ontario Trillium Foundation, “Alleviating Social Isolation Through Technology”, (ASITT) is well underway. Connections Adult Learning is using the funding to help run digital skills workshops and to provide access to digital equipment and internet connections. The objective is to help people in the northern rural areas of Frontenac, Lennox and Addington to better enjoy the benefits of the digital age. The first phase of this project has now been completed. This phase involved three main activities. The first of these was establishing two community advisory committees, one each for the Frontenac and Lennox and Addington areas. Local volunteers representing various groups in the community make up the committees, which are already providing ideas, guidance and suggestions about the project’s objectives (e.g. workshops, events and drop-in centres). The second activity was purchasing digital equipment. Hardware purchased for the project includes seven tablets (2 iPads, 4 androids, 1 Windows10 Tablet), four laptops, two printers, four smart phones, two digital cameras and two cellular wi-fi hubs to provide connectivity for activities in locations were wi-fi is not available. Connections has also recruited an initial group of ten Digital Coaches. These coaches have volunteered their services to staff digital dropin centres, assist with workshops, and provide other support such as photography, administration, etc. The next phase of the project involves providing a number of free digital services to the numerous communities in the

Tech coaching - continued from page 7 on stream and they can make it easier and cheaper for businesses to get into. These are things that we can offer now that I might not have been able to three or six months ago,” he said. In addition to workshops, the project includes one on one consulting in some cases. Everything that is available can be found on the project home page. To take advantage of Tech Coaching, if your business is located in Frontenac, please contact Anne Prichard, Frontenac CFDC, 613-372-1414 ext. 204 or email anne@frontenaccfdc.com. If your business is in Lennox and Addington, please contact Stephen Paul, Director, Community & Development Services, 613-354-4883 or email spaul@lennox-addington.on.ca


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area. Connections has already started on this by offering two six-week-long workshops at each of their two sites, Sharbot Lake and Northbrook. These trainings are helping people use smart phones, tablets and Windows 10 computers. As the first group of workshops end, new series will be offered. For example, the Connections’ Sharbot Lake office will be presenting a “Digital Gifts” workshop series, on Wednesday mornings beginning November 16. There will be more series starting in November. Connections Adult Learning suggests you check their Facebook page or their website www.connectionsadultlearning.ca for upcoming events. The ASITT project will be offering some short, one-time workshops, too. For instance, David Elyea of Frontenac Computers will present a free workshop on “Data usage and How to Read Your Bill” on November 10 from 12:30 to 3:30 pm at the Kennebec Community Hall in Arden. Connections’ staff say they are looking for suggestions for future topics. An important part of this project is running Community Digital Drop-in Centres. These will be places where people may go to “get connected” with wi-fi and to use or try-out digital equipment such as computers, smart phones, digital cameras and ipads and other tablets. Volunteer Digital Coaches or Project Staff will be available to provide some advice, brief training and to help solve minor problems. The

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first of these Digital Drop-ins will be starting in November. Times and places are provided in the Northern Happenings and in a chart in this paper. Schedules will also be on Facebook or Connections Adult Learning’s website. To help make the project happen, Connections has been connecting with local service clubs organizations, businesses and municipalities, to help establish the drop-in centres, one-day workshops, and social events. Those contacted so far have been very open to Connections’ requests for space, use of Wi-Fi, and ideas for joint events. If your local service group or organization is looking for a way to help increase traffic through the doors, help your participants or to do a good turn for the community, you can contact Connections to discuss what digital service or event you could host. Excited by how the project is going so far, Connections is eager to coordinate more events but say they need you. Why not attend training sessions, share your digital talents as a digital coach or convince your organization or business to donate space or plan a digital event? And, remember to keep checking Northern Happenings in this paper to learn about additional drop-ins, upcoming training sessions and digital social events.

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Call For Submissions

South Frontenac Recreation & Activity Guide

The Frontenac News is working with the Central Recreation Committee of the Township of South Frontenac in the production of the 2017 South Frontenac Recreation and Activity Guide. The guide will feature information about registering for sports and other recreational activities in the township; a comprehensive list of events throughout the year; descriptions of groups and associations that serve the residents; and more. This is a call to groups, organizations and anyone who is planning to sponsor an event in South Frontenac in 2017. Please contact The Frontenac News at info@frontenacnews.ca (with South Frontenac Rec Guide in the subject line) or by phone at 613-279-3150 with your information. For events please include the date, time, a short description, the price of admission (if any) and contact number or email. For groups and organizations, include a description of what you do, 75-150 words in addition to contact information, meeting dates and locations. If you have a logo, please send that as well. Groups that were included in the 2016 Rec Guide will be contacted by us directly. Advertisers wishing to be included in the 2017 guide are welcome to use the same contact information as above.




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Muddy Waters to open on November 3 A

fter working as waitresses at the Rose and Crown in Kingston for 12 years, Denise Redmond and Judy Peters are coming home. More accurately, they will start staying home. Instead of driving to Kingston for work each day, they will be running their own restaurant in their home town of Verona. On November 1, Redmond and Peters will take ownership of Martha’s Restaurant on Road 38, which they are renaming Muddy Waters as much as a nod to the swampy terrain behind the restaurant as to the late Blues great. “It just sounds right,” said Judy Peters of the name. “It fits with the down home, relaxed atmosphere we want to create.” They are bringing Brad Miller, who until last week was the chef at the Rose and Crown, with them as their first employee. Miller, who will be commuting from nearby Enterprise, is excited about breaking out of some of the limitations that went with cooking pub food. One thing he won’t change, however, is the Fish & Chips

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recipe he developed at the Rose and Crown. “People said we made the best Fish & Chips in Kingston, and we will have them on the menu here, and will use them as a special as well sometimes,” said Miller, who has been helping develop a menu of family-friendly favourites for Muddy Waters. Miller plans to prepare daily specials, including pastas, roast beef and roast pork dinners, among others, but one thing he won’t be making at first is pizza. “There is a pizza oven in the kitchen, but I need to learn the oven, fine tune a recipe for pizza dough, and experiment for a while before we can put pizza on the menu. It will likely be in the spring before that happens,” he said. The two new owners have purchased the building as well as the Denise Redmond, Brad Miller, and Judy Peters business. They said the jump into into the kitchen,” said Peters. business ownership is a big step, New memories will certainly be made starting on Novembut it is something they have been thinking about for a long ber 3 at 7 a.m., when breakfast will be served at Muddy time. “It’s definitely been on my bucket list to own a business, Waters. The restaurant will be open from 7 a.m. until 8 p.m., and it is best to own the building as well. It puts everything seven days a week as of November 3. in our hands, as scary as that may be,” said Denise Redmond. A lot of people have come together to help make the purchase of Martha’s a smooth transition for Redmond and Peters, including their families, and Martha, the soon-to-be previous owner. “We are going to be opening just two days after taking possession of the building,” said Redmond, “which is a very quick turnaround, but Martha has been really, really helpful. She has let us into the building to look at the kitchen, and take measurements to see what we want to do. She really wants the restaurant to Saturday Nov 12 at 6 pm carry on.” Redmond and Peters mentioned that they feel the townPercussionist, composer, artist, and educator, ship has been supportive, as Jesse’s music has been documented on over well as the Frontenac Community Futures Development twenty recordings, including Stretch Orchestra’s Corporation and the St. Lawself-titled debut album, which was honoured rence College Employment with the 2012 “Instrumental Album of the Year” Centre in Sharbot Lake, who Juno award. OttawaJazzScene describes him as have helped them recruit “one of the most innovative musicians in staff. Returning to the building Canada.” In 2010, he gave an invited has been interesting for the performance for His Holiness the Dalai Lama. two new owners, since they both worked there when it www.wintergreenstudios.com/jesse-stewart was known as Bravo, before Or call us at 613 544 8268 they went to work at the Rose WINTERGREEN and Crown. “Some memories came back for me when I first went

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