May 18, 2017 Vol. 17, No. 19
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Ompah mural unveiling brightens up rainy Saturday
dedicated crowd defied some rainy weather on Saturday to celebrate concurrent events, the ribbon cutting of a newly constructed rest stop in Ompah and the unveiling of 5 murals painted by North Frontenac artists Fred Fowler, Marlene Leeson, Cathy Owen, Linda Rush and Katie Ohlke. North Frontenac Mayor Ron Higgins, flanked by Council and resident members of the township economic development task force, welcomed everyone and presided over a ribbon cutting ceremony in front of a modern, aluminum enclosure that is one of the key elements to the rest stop, which also includes a porta-potty and a gravel parking lot. The lot where the rest stop is located is steeped in recent North Frontenac history as it was purchased by the township several years ago as the preferred location for a new township fire hall/Frontenac County ambulance base. That project went to tender, but the projected price for the fire hall portion was higher than North Frontenac Council were prepared to go. The ambulance base was built at Robertsville, and a set of upgrades were done to the existing Ompah fire hall across the road. The towsnhip did have to invest more into what is now the rest stop lot because of soil contamination from a former gas station on the site. As part of the ceremony, committee member Darwyn Sproule recalled the history of the site, which was originally the location of a primary grade school which burned down, then a store and service station, which also burned. “It’s a good thing the structure we put up
Cathy Owen's mural is a tribute to the township motto - "4 seasons, more reasons". here is made of metal,” Sproule said. The project was completed with support from a number of groups, organisations, and businesses, including; Hydro One, the Frontenac Community Futures Development Corporation, Francis Manion Construction, and West Palmerston Cottages, the Easter Ontario Trails Association, and the Ottawa Valley ATV Club among others. “Providing a welcome place to stop while driving along one of our scenic roads is part of our econom-
ic development strategy,” said Higgins. “You can see how much community involvement it takes to make things happen.” The second part of the ceremony was certainly more colourful, as the five murals, which were leaning against pickup trucks in the lot, were unveiled one by one by the artists who took up the challenge to create them. Sgt. Sharron Brown, detachment commander of the Frontenac OPP supervised a lottery of sorts, as the location where each of the mu-
rals are being installed was determined by each of the artists pulling the name of a township hall out of a hat. The results were as follows. The Fred Fowler mural is going to Snow Road, Marlene Leeson’s is already installed at the Ompah Hall, Cathy Owen’s will go down the road to the Clar-Mill Hall in Plevna, Linda Rush’s is bound for the Barrie Hall, and the Harlowe Hall will be the home of the Katie Ohlke mural. The murals will be installed on outside walls of the halls for maximum exposure to the viewing public. The project was inspired by Arlene Uens of Mountain Grove who initiated and completed her own mural project, putting hers up on private property throughout Mountain Grove. Uens was on hand at the unveiling and said it is nice to see how North Frontenac Township has supported the local project. With the work all done, the crowd headed over to the hall for a free BBQ courtesy of the fire department, and cake and coffee in the hall.
Fieldwork adds sound installations for 2017 Wild Parsnip in Frontenac County exhibition season
nlike Lanark and Lennox and Addingotn, there is not a countywide spraying plan to deal with Wild Parsnip along public roadways in Frontenac County. Since there is no county roads department in Frontenac, it is left entirely to the townships to determine what action they would like to take. In South Frontenac, some of the more highly infested areas have been dealt with through targeted use of Roundup, applied directly on the plant. Local beekeepers have been notified before the applications have occurred to enable them to keep their swarms out of harm's way. This year, however, the public works department is going to tender for some more extensive herbicide use, which will cover larger sections or even entire roads if necessary. “I do think the problem is real and needs to be addressed,” said Public Works Manager Mark Segsworth. “We decided to go to tender
and then bring a concrete proposal to Council for debate. That way Council will know exactly what they are being asked to approve and the public will as well.” Segsworth said he has heard the arguments about the dangers of herbicides as they are being applied in neighbouring municipalities, and about wild parsnip being less of a threat to human health as some people claim, but feels it is a real danger to public health. “I’m concerned about what would happen if a dog or a young child ran through a thick patch of it,” he said. Segsworth said he approached the public works departments in North and Central Frontenac about a joint tender to deal with the problem but they both declined. North Frontenac Mayor Ron Higgins posted a tweet last week saying he “opposes the use of herbicides to combat invasive plants.” He referenced the position taken by ecologist Gray Merriam (see page 3)
by Craig Bakay
or its 10th edition, the Fieldworks installation ‘gallery’ on Old Brooke Road southeast of Maberly decided to explore the world of sound, adding six new interactive installations by artists Jesse Stewart & Matt Edwards, Hilary Martin & Ranjit Bhatnagar, Annette Hegel & Deborah Margo, Matt Rogalsky & Laura Cameron, Doug Van Nort and Nicola Oddy. “We’d like to begin by acknowledging that this is on traditional Algonquin land,” said Susie Osler, one of the original four collective members in her opening remarks. “And we pay homage to one of the four Algonquin elements, the air, with sonic representations.” As such, this year’s edition is entitled Soundwork — An exploration of sound in art. For those unfamiliar with the Fieldworks concept, it’s essentially an ‘art walk’ consisting of various ‘permanent’ installations, augmented with yearly theme shows such as this year’s Soundwork. It was begun 10 years ago by Osler, her brother Chris Osler, Erin Robertson and Chris Grosset and since 2008 it has been funded by the Ontario Arts Council and donations “of any size” by visitors and supporters. They’ve also received support from businesses in the area including Tackaberry Construction, who donated stone for one of this year’s installations. It’s open to the public all year round free of charge.
“It’s important that it’s free and generally accessible so that people can wander around and be surprised,” Osler said. “We’re not looking to grow and grow and grow. “It’s a gift to the public that grew out of the ’70s land art movement . . . only different.” They encourage people to come and have a picnic with their family. “It’s an interesting public space that happens to be on private property,” she said. Osler is particularly pleased to have attracted “artists who are highly regarded in their field” this year and for the unique pieces they’ve designed as “site specific” just for this venue. For example, Hegel and Margo, inspired by the “1,200 kinds of bees in Ontario” created an interactive walk through bumble bee nectar pods while solar powered audio players generate a variety of bee sounds. “It’s based on the flight path of these bees and features local bee sounds,” Hegel said. “It will change through the summer as we collect sounds from bees visiting the installation. And then there’s Singwalk!, a project designed by music therapist Nicola Oddy to express her love of interacting with the environment through her voice. Participants are invited to stroll along a predetermined path stopping at various points
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The yellow receptacles represent bumblebee nectar pods with different bee sounds emanating from each one. “Depending on where you stand, you hear different things,” said Hegel - photo Craig Bakay
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to listen to the sounds around them and interact with the environment by singing suggested notes like an octave (like some-where [over the rainbow]) and a perfect fifth (twinkle-twinkle [little star]).
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May 18, 2017
Addington Highlands Council May 15
AH looking at bringing septic inspections in house
ownship resident Frank Smith sent a letter to Council recommending that the township consider taking over the job of septic system approvals and other septic inspections. He said that as a contractor working in the township he does “95% of my wotk is by water access ... in many casers 5-8 miles down the lake in the morning with the building inspector and back down in the afternoon with the Health inspector, making things very expensive to operate.” Councillor Bill Cox said that Kingston Frontenac Health does the inspections for the township and has for years. He made a motion to receive the Smith letter for information. “I don’t feel like we want to make a change,” he said. “it might end up costing us money.” Chief Administrative Officer Christine Reed said that when the township hired a full time Chief Building Official/bylaw officer earlier this year, the person they hired, Ken Buxton, has the training and authority to do the inspections. “It wouldn’t cost us any more money to have him do the inspections,” she said. “but we would be able to keep the fees.” The fee for the inspection of a new system is about $850, according to Deputy Clerk/planning secretary Patricia Gray, there about 20-30 inspections each year for new construction and other purposes. Councilor Fritsch proposed an amended to Cox’s motion, asking staff to report back on the operational and financial implications of taking the inspections in house. The amendment was accepted as friendly and the motion was approved. COFA hopes for clean up at Mallory Lake Douglas Tocher appeared before council on behalf of COFA (Conservationists of Frontenac Addington) to talk about a COFA plan to enlist help from students at North Addington Education Centre to do a clean up of the shoreline at Mallory Lake, which is located off Addington Road 5 to the northeast of Mazinaw Lake. “Mallory Lake is a popular fishing lake, and COFA would like to clean up a mess on the shoreline as far around the lake as we can, with the help of students, who receive credit towards their 40 hour volunteer requirement to graduate,”
said Tocher. Last year, a similar project was undertaken at Deer Rock Lake, west of Flinton. The township is generally supportive of these undertakings and council offered to waive dumping fees for anything collected by the students and COFA members. There is still a major hurdle to be overcome, however, because of the state of repair of much of Addington Road 5, which is a Crown land road under the auspices of the Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry (MNRF), is a back road, not necessarily suitable for school bus traffic and the students are likely to be coming on to the site via a bus. “I wouldn’t take a bus in there,” said Reeve Hogg, who owned a school bus company for a many years. Public Works Manager Mark Freeburn was tasked with looking into the condition of the road and reporting back. When contacted later, Tocher said COFA needs to make sure the cleanup is ago pretty soon, because the students are
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methods, and results of lake monitoring in the Cataraqui Region. As part of this work Lake Fact Sheets were produced for 45 lakes within the region to provide maps, note physical features, assess water quality, identify invasive species and outline aquatic diversity. This interactive and informative session will give participants a chance to learn all about lakes including monitoring activities and how we determine the health of the lakes in our jurisdiction.
he Cataraqui Region Conservation Authority (CRCA) has organized a Lake Information Event. It takes place on Sunday, May 28, in the Outdoor Centre at the Little Cataraqui Creek Conservation Area, from 2:00 to 4:30 p.m., admission is free. Led by CRCA staff, this allages event will also be the official launch of the CRCA’s first ever Regional Lake Assessment Report and Lake Fact Sheets. The Lake Assessment Report was created to outline the importance,
Conservation Area is located on Division Street just two kilometres north of Highway 401, 5 kilometres south of the boundary with South Frontenac For more information about the Cataraqui Re-
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Lillian and Wesley Hartwick were out on Road 38 Monday morning cleaning out the ditches with Aunt Mary Howes despite clouds of blackflies. “We had to, all the stuff (in the ditch) is disgusting,” Lillian said. A cleanup planned by the rec committee a couple of weeks ago was cancelled due to rain. 14202 Road 38 Sharbot Lake, ON. (613)279-2108 (866)279-2109
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only available until June 9 because of the exam schedule. Tipping fees – its complicated Earlier this year council decided that local waste sites would not longer accept bulk construction waste, and made changes to the tipping fees charged. Last week, the township received a letter from Ken Brown of Brown’s Cottages saying the new rules for trailer loads of waste are unclear. The public works manager and a waste site attendant who was at the meeting, both said there is confusion about dumping items such as “large flower pots, barrels, lawn chairs, large plastic toys, that are not construction waste but do not fit into bags” CAO Reed said she has looked at the way different neighbouring townships handle waste and there is no uniformity. After a protracted debate, council asked staff to consider options for acceptable trailer load sizes, with construction waste continuing to be forbidden at Addington Highlands waste sites.
Learn About Lakes at the CRCA Lake Event May 28
Office: 613.279.2657 PO Box 285, 14180 Rd. 38 Sharbot Lake, ON K0H 2P0 Mimi Antoine
by Jeff Green
Corrections from edition #18, May 11
n the Article “Packed hall celebrates History of Lodges in North Frontenac Township” (p.15) there were some errors– Jere and Marianne Motto owned Land O’Lakes Lodge, not Marble Lake Lodge as the article said. Aa well, Ed Giffin’s name was misspelled as Geffen. And the archives have not benefit from 11,000 hours of student help, but the in-kind contributions from students and others are expected to be of a total value of $11,000. In the article “Living Well with Chronic Disease” (p. 15)the contact phone number was incorrect. The correct number is 613-3742077 and the sessions run from 1:00 to 4:00 and will given by Annie Campbell and Meredith Prikker. See NH for complete listing.
May 18, 2017
1095 Garrett St., rear building; Box 229, Sharbot Lake, ON K0H 2P0 Ph: 613-279-3150; 1-888-779-3150; Fx: 613-279-3172 E-mail: Office hours: Mon to Fri, 8:30 am - noon; 1:00 - 4:30 Subscriptions (Canadian subscriptions include HST)
SINCE 1970
Publisher & Editor.............................................. Jeff Green Head of Production.............................................Scott Cox Sales Representative..................................... Kate Turner Copy Editor . ................................................ Martina Field Office Staff.............................................. Suzanne Tanner Webmaster.......................................................Jesse Mills Reporters.....Wilma Kenny, Jonas Bonnetta, Craig Bakay
The Frontenac News is published every Thursday Deadlines: Classifieds: Monday at 4:00 p.m. Display ads: Friday at 4:00 p.m..
“A Little Housekeeping” threatens many foundations SINCE 1970
by Wilma Kenny year ago, South Frontenac Planner Lindsay Mills proposed some ‘housekeeping’ changes to the Township’s Official Plan, (section 5.10.2). In the course of his presentation, Mills stated that, in his interpretation, the intent of the Township’s Official Plan was to “eventually have all buildings well set back from waterbodies to ensure protection of our lakes.” This was seen as a threat to all nonconforming or ‘grandfathered’ houses or cottages (those currently within the now required 30-metre set-back from the high water line) which might need major structural repairs to remain safe and functional. “We have so much common ground,” said Jeff Peck, spokesperson for the Sydenham Waterfront Coalition; “we both want to maintain property standards and increase environmental protection. Surely we can arrive at some mutually acceptable way to achieve these goals and still preserve the rights of legal non-conforming structures. We would welcome the opportunity to work with Council to resolve this in a respectful manner, and could withdraw our OMB appeal.”
Briefly, CAO Orr was directed by Council to negotiate a settlement, but when Peck pressed for assurance that Council’s basic intent was to improve property standards and environmental protection, not to remove or push back all legal non-conforming structures, the offer to negotiate was withdrawn, on the grounds that the Township’s lawyer had advised against the Township having any discussion or negotiation of the subject with residents. Then the OMB hearing, set for February, was set aside until May because the township’s planning department had neglected to send out 30-day notice of the hearing to all who had given written notice of their concern with the issue. This three-month delay has raised the waterfront coalition’s legal costs considerably. The OMB appeal is now scheduled for May 25/26 at the Township hall, and is open to the public. The Waterfront Coalition has announced a general information meeting for all who are interested, at 10:00 am on Sunday May 21, in the community room of the library in Sydenham.
Letter re Desert Lake Resort
would like to provide some comments on matters brought up by Mr. John Sherbino, as he questions the Mayor's memory. I was the founder of Desert Lake Family Resort, which was operated by my family for 40 years (1973-2013). During our ownership, there were no shortcomings regarding the responsible operation of the resort. There was never an expansion of the camping sites, rather it was a text amendment of the zoning by-law to permit the improvement of already existing non-serviced campsites to serviced sites. While John Sherbino appealed the Township's approval to the OMB, he later met with my daughter at her kitchen table and his concerns were addressed. He then withdrew his objection to the Board.
I am proud to have been a tourism operator, part of the industry that contributes over $1 Billion dollars every year to Ontario's economy through camping, RV sales and manufacturing. My family employed and trained many students and adults over the years, also contributing to the improvement of our rural economy. As for the causeway parking and congestion, Mr. Sherbino 'forgets' that there has been fishing and swimming at this location since the pioneer times. The road is well signed for speed and parking and there have been no issues. I agree with the mayor that there have been very few issues with the resort over the years. What I take issue with is the sarcastic and rude tone of Sherbino's letter. Marni Pederson
Statement from CAO Orr of South Frontenac Further to the recent letter to the Editor that appeared in the Frontenac News on [noise complaints related to Desert Lake Resort, I wanted to take this opportunity to clarify that the Township and our contracted By-law Enforcement Services have just one recorded noise complaint (dated Monday
Harmony Esthetics Balancing Beauty & Wellness
August 15, 2016) with regards to the campground going back to 2006. Complaints made directly to the OPP, if any, are not recorded in our files. Wayne Orr - Chief Administrative Officer, Township of South Frontenac
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The Frontenac News welcomes articles and letters, but we cannot publish all the submissions we receive. All SINCE submissions must be signed and include a phone number for 1970 verification. We reserve the right to edit submissions for brevity, clarity, and taste. Please limit letters to 300 words or less; articles to 500 words or less.
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apid spread of Wild Parsnip (Pastinaca sativa) and Giant Hogweed or Cow Parsnip (Heracleum mantegazzianum) along our roadsides has set off spray programs using the Dow herbicide Clearview in eastern Ontario municipalities. Alarmist media reports warned us to not go near the parsnips without eye and full body protection. Many were alarmed. But many others, particularly farmers, had been living with the parsnips for decades. They managed because they learned that the severe skin burning and eye damage from the parsnips was caused by plant sap that was activated by exposure to sunlight. Burns could be avoided by washing off the oily sap with soap and water before going out in the sun. So there was an alternative to widespread spraying with Clearview. Health Canada's testing of Clearview's effects is reported as incomplete but here are the basics that are known. The active chemical in Clearview mim-
(613) 969-0287
by Gray Merriam ics the growth hormones (auxins) in plants, disrupts the natural chemistry of the plant's cells and prevents plant growth. The active chemical is aminopyralid which is highly water-soluble and can move in the soil and surface waters for up to 533 days. Predictions from computer models were that it posed negligible risk to humans and to wildlife. Clearview also contains 9.5% of another chemical (metsulfuron-methyl) that stops cell division in plants at very low doses and also is highly water-soluble. It lasts for up to180 days in soil and about three weeks in water. As a spreading agent Clearview also contains Gateway which includes petroleum distillates that are toxic to aquatic organisms. Clearview lasts about two years in soil so its effects on parsnips will stop and respraying will be needed after two years. Clearview is not selective in the sense that it kills only wild parsnips; it damages or kills many shrubs and trees for up to two years if sprayed near or on them.
Court report
Light day in court
by Jeff Green t was a quick day at Sharbot Lake criminal court, only stretching out to half an hour in order to give an absent accused a chance to show up, which did not happen. Withdrawn – A charge of possession of an illegal substance against Thomas Quinn was withdrawn at the request of the crown. Ongoing – James Godin, 55, charged on the 4th of March with 3 counts of driving while under suspension, a count of driving without proper vehicle plates, a count of driving without insurance, and a count of operating a vehicle with blood alcohol over 80 mg/100 ml of blood, and a new charge of operating a vehicle while disqualified, had all his matters put over until June 19th. Allison Potter, 40, is facing charges of production and possession of marijuana, and an unauthorised possession of a firearm charge. She has obtained a legal aide certificate and will return on June 19th with her lawyer in tow. Finally, Chloe Lallemand-LeBrasseur, 22, charged with possession of an illegal substance, which Judge Griffin determined was 0.58 grams of marijuana, was not in court to
face her charge. The judge said he was reluctant to issue an arrest warrant under the circumstances. “In a year’s time this substance may not be illegal,” he said. Lallemand-Brasseaur was searched while she was a passenger in a car passing though the township. A warrant with discretion was served and as long as the accused shows up in court on June 19th, there will be no consequences for missing this court date. “If she is not here then, and the federal Crown seeks a warrant without discretion, I will have no choice but to issue one,” Griffin said.
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Wild Parsnips and Clearview Herbicide
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Member of the Ontario Community Newspaper Association
462 Adair Rd., Tamworth, On
Arden............................. Wanda Harrison................335-3186 Cloyne / Northbrook...... Nancy Skipper Denbigh......................... Angela Bright....................333-1901 Godfrey.......................... Stefan Duerst....................374-1710 Harrowsmith.................. Kim Gow Henderson..................... Jean Brown.......................336-2516 Maberly-Bolingbroke..... Karen Prytula....................325-1354 Mississippi..................... Pearl Killingbeck...............278-2127 Mountain Grove............. Marilyn Meeks...................335-4531 Ompah........................... Linda Rush........................479-2570 Marily Seitz........................479-2855 Parham-Tichbome......... Colleen Steele...................375-6219 Christine Teal....................375-6525 Plevna........................... Katie Ohlke........................479-2797 Sydenham.............................................................................. Verona........................... Debbie Lingen...................374-2091
ARDEN Wanda Harrison
• It was a real pleasure working with Allison and Mike Williams and the NFCS diners program this season, and everyone is anticipating the restart is September. Thanks to NFCS and the Williams for a wonderful year. • Condolences are expressed to the family of long time Arden resident Irene Monds, who passed away last week. The hamlet will miss her. • At the Legion spring convention it was President David Moore’s pleasure to announce donations from Branch #334 Arden, to the following causes: Veteran Care Hospital Fund, Youth education, Homeless Veteran off the Streets, the Charitable Foundation, Ontario bursary and youth sports. A separate donation was also given to the Legion Villa in Kingston. It wonderful that the Legion, through your donation to the Poppy Fund, is able to extend their support where needed. • Circle Square Ranch’s last community dinner before the summer is a BBQ followed by a pie auction tonight (May 18). The cost is $15.00 pp and the dinner starts at 6 pm. • The Land O’Lakes annual Funfair is also tonight from 5 pm to 8 pm at LOLPS. As in years past, all proceeds go to improving the playground at the school. There will be an Irish Folk Club along with Celtic dancers and singers, a balloon twister, bouncy castle, petting zoo, a giant sling shot along with Carnival games, poutine, a silent auction and a BBQ. This is a family affair with lots of stuff for everyone to participate in. Come out and support the school and the children for this very worthy cause. • With the long weekend approaching we hope you will be prepared to attend the Kennebec Recreation Committee’s Victoria Day fireworks display, at the park, behind the post office, at dusk on Saturday May 20. There will be a free will offering at the gate to help the committee raise funds for next year’s fireworks. The canteen will be open selling popcorn, drinks, candy and freezies. As usual the display will be set off by the firefighters and the rec. committee thanks them in
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advance. Come out and celebrate Canada 150 and Queen Victoria’s Birthday. • The next evening, Sunday May 21, 6:30 pm, the Wesleyan Church invites you to attend “An Israel Gathering” as Rebekah Miles shares stories of her mission trip to Israel. Rebekah will be joined by Rev. Patsy Schmidt and a hebrew worship dance team. A Free will offering will be given to the youth adult mission group “Arise”. • Henderson United Church offers a fabulous, start of the week breakfast, Monday May 22, 8 am to 11 am. Come out and enjoy pancakes, French toast, sausages, along with a beverage for a free will offering to the Church. • On Saturday May 27 the Kennebec Firefighters will help Celebrate Canada’s 150 Birthday. At approximately 1 pm the Firefighters will demonstrate various skills, have equipment on display and host various games and activities for the kids. At 5 pm there will be a Spaghetti dinner, with all of the fixings, along with a fabulous dessert. Admission is a free will donation. The day will be informative, educational and well worth your support. • Land O’Lakes Community Services (LOLCS) need your help in assessing the needs of the community. Within a few weeks residents will receive a survey in the mail. LOLCS. asks that you fill out the survey and return it to the address on the envelope as soon as possible
CLOYNE - Northbrook Nancy Skipper
• It is here! The Parent Advisory Council’s 1st annual Fun Fair at N.A.E.C. is today May 18th from 5-8pm. Come out and be a part of Little Ray’s Reptile Zoo, face painting, balloon animals, cake auction, silent auction, pony rides, fantastical costumes, and a BBQ. • Check out the following yard sales as all monies raised go back to the community through programs etc: the Land O Lakes Community Services Annual Yard and Bake Sale on May 20th from 8am – 3pm, the Mammoth Yard Sale for the Cloyne & District Historical Society happening on May 20th at the Barrie Hall, and the Through the Roof Ministry garage/ bake sale on May 18th-20th. • It takes a great deal of energy to get through the many yard sales. Let the Army Cadets help you renew your energy to carry on to the next yard sale. Drop by the Foodland parking lot for their BBQ/Bake Sale on Saturday May 20th. • A great way to end a day of yard sales is with a visit to the sky gazing pad of the North Frontenac Township Dark Sky Preserve. Bring your lawn chair and thermos of tea to their opening event of Jupiter Rising on May 20-21st. Come see the spring constellations and “The Realm of Galaxies.” • The Land O’Lakes Community Services needs your help in assessing the needs of our community. In the coming weeks you will receive a Survey in the mail and we ask that you fill this in and return it to any of the addresses noted on the back. • Free Clothes Give-Away Friday May 26th (9-5:00) and May
Sharbot Lake Veterinary Services 613-279-2780 Tuesday & Thursday 2 - 4 p.m.
27th (9-2:00) Donations of clean clothing, coats, footware, clothing accessories and linens can be dropped off on Thursday, May 25th and Friday, May 26th. • The Land O’Lakes Garden Club will be having their annual Plant Sale on Saturday May 27th at the Barrie Hall in Cloyne starting at 9:00am. The Cuddy family in Harlowe have been most generous and are growing tomato, herb and other veggie plants for the Garden Club in their greenhouses. Their heirloom tomatoes & other veggies are responsibly grown in a special soil mix that is pesticide free. • The FOBE is hosting a celebration of Walt Whitman’s 198th birthday with a live rendition of the epic poem Song of Myself on Sunday, May 28th at the Pumphouse Beach of Bon Echo Provincial Park. • Through the Roof Ministry is hosting a Ladies Night out on May 25th from 6:30-9:00pm. It is a Redneck theme with the best dressed woman winning a pig! Come out for some grub, listen to a guest speaker and the Land O Lakes Country Cloggers. • The Mazinaw Lake Swim Program is now accepting registrations for this year (July 3rd to the 28th.) This program is open to all children and not just those who live in our community, we welcome visitors & cottagers to sign up too. For more information please contact Mary Kelly 613-336-6806. • You asked for it and now it is here! Sit & Fit Exercise Classes to begin June 5th! More information to come. • The Denbigh Recreation Committee is looking for new ideas and new members to help us further improve serving our community. Our committee does a lot of great things together with our communit. We also have a community social
DENBIGH Angela Bright
time with coffee and breakfast every Friday morning at the rink. We look forward to more people taking interest in helping our community and working with us to make these things possible. If you have ideas and or would like to get involved and help, please call Susan at 613-333-9462 or Gail at 613333-2224. • There will be a Yard Sale at the Vennachar Free Methodist Parsonage, 357 Matawatchan Road, Saturday, May 20th, 9:30-11:30am. This is the final sale. Come and make a deal. More info Bill Snider 613 333 5127. • It’s Games Night, Friday May 26th, 6:30pm at Vennachar Free Methodist. Bring along your favourite game and a snack to share. Contact Laurie 613 479 2673. • If you would like to order a Good Food Box for the month of June, you can place your order at Vennachar Free Methodist on Wednesday, May 31st, 1-4pm. Info Angela 613 333 1901. • St. Luke’s United Church will hold the Annual Memorial Service on Sunday, June 11th at 10:30 am. Contact Evelyn at 613 333 2291.
HARLOWE by Marie White
• Happy belated 60th anniversary to Arnold and Shirley Miller. Sorry I forgot your party. Do have many more? We miss you playing your washtub at the Harlowe parties. • Deepest sympathy to Helene, Linda, and Carol on the
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Hydrogen peroxide is sometimes touted as a treatment for everything from arthritis to cancer. There is no truth that drinking, inhaling, injecting or applying rectally will cure anything. In fact, it can be dangerous. It is used for wound care but otherwise stay away from it. There is some evidence that cannabis is effective in chronic pain in adults and for lessening the nausea associated with chemotherapy. However, there are numerous negative aspects of the drug: increased risk of car accidents and impairment in learning and memory. If smoked, it can increase or worsen lung problems. Talk to your doctor before embarking on cannabis use. Ever wonder why our skin changes as we age? We lose more skin cells… the replacement of old cells with new ones slows down. Blood flow to the skin also slows down which leads to easier bruising and slower healing. There is a loss of fat under the top layer of skin which makes it harder to absorb shocks and keep heat in. The sun is a great enemy of the skin and over-exposure can cause more rapid aging and possible future skin cancers. It’s hard to believe that there was a time when food packages contained no nutrition facts on the label at all. It became mandatory in Canada in Dec. 2007 although some food companies were doing it earlier. The information is valuable because it states average serving size, calories in that portion and the percentage of diaily value (%DV) which helps consumers calculate the total nutrients eaten in a day. It’s important to know what is in the food we eat. Reading these labels is a good way of making more healthy food choices.
May 18, 2017
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May 18, 2017
passing of their sister Lorna Duncan. Also sympathy to the Northey family and Ilona on the passing of Dean. A large crowd gathered at Reid’s Funeral home in Kingston for the funeral last Thursday. Bluegrass music was played by Ron Clarke and his two man band. • Thinking of Lionel Grimard, Joey Howe and Johnny Burke. Joey played on TV on the Tommy Hunter show and with the Johnny Burke band. Hoping their spirits are brighter today. • On May 6, Leta Parkes’ 90th birthday party in Harlowe was well attended. Lots of chatting with old friends and family. Leta was queen for a day with loads of best wishes, scratch cards and flowers, beautiful bouquets. • Ken Black is now under his own power without a walker) • Every now and then churches need a little loving care. We at Henderson United are seeing some aging windows which need a lift. • Pancake breakfast at Henderson Hall on May 22, 8-1:30am. • Remember Ole Tyme Fidlders Friday, May 19 at 7:30 pm. All welcome.
Kim Gow
• A Community Yard Sale will be held at the Harrowsmith S and A Hall, May 27 from 8 am-2 pm. Free BBQ. Table Rental - $5/members $10/non-members. To book your table, please call Marilyn at (613)372-0917 or mgoodberrysanda@ • May 27 will also see a yard sale at 5539 Highway 38 from 9am-3pm to raise funds for the Hartington Community’s fight against a proposed subdivision in the hamlet. Many items available. All funds raised will go directly to funding this cause. • Harrowsmith Free Methodist Church will hold their annual Community Fun Day, May 27 from 9am-2pm. A large garage and bake sale, kid’s crafts, games, face painting and an air castle. Free BBQ. All proceeds will go to their Community Assistance program to help needy families in our community. For information please call 372-1238. • An Art, Craft and Bake Sale will take place at the Golden Links Hall on May 28 from 9am-2pm. This event is hosted by Paper Wings.
• A big Henderson welcome to John Collins who recently celebrated his 16th birthday here at his new home in Henderson. His parents James and Holly (Bone) Collins and their blended family reside in the former Flossie Scott residence. • Also a reminder that there are lots of small children in our village out riding bikes, waiting for the school bus and walking, so please drive slowly and carefully. • Henderson United Church, along with meeting about aging windows this past week, is also planning a yummy fund raising breakfast on Mon. May 22 from 8:00 to 11:30 AM at the Henderson Hall featuring, pancakes, sausage, syrup, and our famous Henderson french toast, and refreshments; all for a donation to help out the little white church on the corner. • Deepest sympathy to the families of the late Irene Monds. Irene will be remembered for her quilting in the church, and helping out friends, family and the area churches. KBlack flies are raging away here and all’s well with the world.
MISSISSIPPI Pearl Killingbeck
• 39 people attended the Social Dinner at the Snow Road Hall on Wednesday, May 10th. Birthday people were Terry Bulloch, Rick Morey, Molly Hartin, and Janet Greenly. What a beautiful supper. Such variety. Tables were decorated by Johanna Cumberbirch. Debbie Morey won the door prize. • There was a girls night out for supper and bingo last Thursday evening at the Sylvania Lodge for Jeannie Kelso. (It was her birthday) Wendy Crain attended. All the girls came home winners. • Friday morning coffee break had a big crowd. Johanna and Peter Cumberbirch were host and hostess. Lovely variety of treats and coffee. Nice to have Mary Dean Lee and Joe Smucker from Montreal enjoying a coffee. They spend time in the summer in the Snow Road area. • Thanks to Janet Barr for the lovely corner cabinet you donated to the Snow Road Church. The community spirit is alive and well in Snow Road, Ompah and the surrounding community. • Janis and Don Brown would like to thank the volunteer firefighters, and residents of Snow Road, Ompah and surrounding communities who came to their aid on May 6 and 7th with the erection of an 800 plus sandbag wall to keep the waters of the Mississippi river at bay. It was an amazing job. We live in a troubled world but this show of support has reaffirmed our faith in humanity. • Don’t forget the yard and bake sale in Elphin on Friday May 19th from 2-7pm. • Congratulations to Madison Morrow who got her photo selected for the Maple Lane Magazine, a travel and recreational guide for Lanark and Renfew County. Anyone who wants can see the beautiful picture. It is on the front page of the Lanark Era. Also, happy 14th birthday Maddie, on May 29. • The whole community was shocked and saddened to hear of the sudden death of Keith Hawley. Sympathy to his wife Irene and the families.
• Joan Fleming, long-time resident of Maberly, and longtime volunteer in many community activities passed away last month. She volunteered at the Maberly Agricultural Society, and the Anglican Church in that hamlet. A few years ago she moved to Carleton Place to be closer to family. A celebration of her life will be held on June 9 at 1pm, at St. Alban’s Church, Maberly.
New Program!
• Sympathy to the family of Ken Brown beloved husband of Vera (nee Warren) and Dean Northey - who passed recently. • Congratulations to Brian and Kathy Scott who are now the new owners of Jossy`s Chill and Grill near Sharbot Lake. • On May 20, the Happy Travellers Seniors club will be hosting a BBQ, bake sale and yard sale from 11am-1pm near Parham`s Post Office. A fund raiser for future trips. • Happy Mother`s Day to all mothers, grandmothers, stepmothers, etc. A big thank you to my family for the lovely flowers, cards, and phone calls. • We welcomed Sharon MacDonald to the Mountain Grove United Church on May 14. A great sermon! Thanks to John Purdon for giving each mother a lovely flower after the service. • The Mountain Grove Land o` lakes 50+ club met on May 10 for their monthly meeting at the Olden community hall. President John Purdon read from his “Happiness File” which always brings humour to the group. Everyone enjoyed the potluck noon meal.It was decided to call our club the
“50+club”. John presented a flower to each mother after the meeting. A big thank you to William for his help in the kitchen. Happy birthday was sung to Archie Meeks and William Lowery. • Happy birthdays to Mike Hawley, Sharon Price, Hunter Mallett, Sarah McCallum, May Walton, Andrew Matson, William Lowery, Ray Whitelock, Roy Beechy, Herb Clow, Archie Meeks,{hubby}, Roger Fisher, Tim Drew, Heather Beattie, and Betty Pranger - an amazing young lady at 85. • Happy Anniversary to William and Theresa Lowery, Dale and Merrillee Gray, Ernest and Suzanne Barr. • Thinking of Beverley Hayes, Madelene Burke, Jean Steele, Barbara Rosenblath, Elgin young, King Stinchcombe, Nancy Fobert, Helen Beck, Edna Ellis, and Doris Forbes. • Please people do not throw your garbage along our beautiful country roads. Have a good week and be kind to someone.
OMPAH Linda Rush Marily Seitz
Parham continued on page 8
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• A good crowd braved the rain on Saturday to take part in the grand opening of the rest stop. There is a large open parking area, a lovely covered picnic structure and a porta-potty; all attributes to encourage folks who are enjoying the scenic drive along Highway 509 to stop and relax. Also unveiled were 5 beautiful murals created by 5 local artists. A mural will be placed at each of the five Community Centres. There was a draw to decide the location of each mural. The Ompah Community Centre drew the mural done by Marlene Leeson. And Monday morning there was Jason Lemke installing the mural. It is located beside the mailboxes facing the road. It is worth taking a drive to view this beauty and to see each of the other murals as well. • On Sunday the Fire Fighters cooked breakfast for Mothers Day. Another great crowd filled the hall as they enjoyed pancakes topped by local maple syrup. It takes a great deal of imagination, creativity and hard work to put on such wonderful events. Thanks to all of those involved. • Stan and Marily Seitz have just returned from almost a month in New Zealand. While there Stan competed in the World Masters Games. Pole vault did not go as well as he hoped but he set a personal best in long jump and placed 4th in high jump. The Games were extremely well run with over 26,000 participants competing in a wide variety of events from track and field, volleyball, archery, sailing, field hockey, biking etc. Following the Games, the Seitz’ travelled both islands and enjoyed the ocean and mountains. It was a challenge to drive on the left but the people were very friendly and helpful. All in all it was a trip of a lifetime.
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May 18, 2017
Frontenac Farmers Market opens with its youngest vendor ever by Craig Bakay ine-year-old Fynn Collins has a plan: grow seedlings, sell them at the Market and put away enough money to buy herself a car when she’s 16. It will be my car, so mom and dad shouldn’t have to pay for it,” she said last Saturday as the Frontenac Farmers Market opened for its 13th season. “I may save up for my own TV before that.” About two years ago, Collins got interested in gardening. She particularly liked growing seedlings and this year when her mom Amanda told her the Farmers Market was opening soon, she knew exactly what she wanted to do. “I decided I wanted a stand,” she said. So, she got busy starting her seedlings, even to the point of growing some under artificial lights. For the opening day, she had a variety of pepper strains for sale, along with some mini-cheesecakes, but this is just the beginning. She plans on expanding her inventory as other seedlings reach the transplanting stage. She said she loves all sorts of plants but Kale seems to be her favourite. “I pick it out of the garden and eat it,” she said. For now, Collins is looking at this venture as “a good summer job” but the idea of making a living as a market gardener some day does appeal to her. “I love gardening,” she said. Collins is a welcome addition to the Mar-
N “
ket this year, said self-described “chief gofer/manager Debbie Harris. “We have a full house this year with some new vendors like Fynn,” Harris said. “And it’s good that we have a variety of farm ven-
dors.” For example, she said, besides Collins they have people selling vegetables, including hydroponically grown varieties, prepared foods like pirogues, a couple of ven-
Fynn Collins along with some support from dad Mike is selling the seedlings she’s grown at the Frontenac Farmers Market in Verona this summer
FINAL RESULTS OF NOMINATION PROCESS Nominations for the 2017 Elections for the position of Algonquin Negotiation Representative (ANR) in each of the nine Algonquin Communities closed on Tuesday, April 25, 2017. Protests against the nomination process, including the eligibility of a Candidate, were required to be submitted to the Electoral Officer on or before Friday, May 5, 2017. The following are the final results of the nomination process following the disposition of any protests that were submitted. ACCLAMATIONS
The following Candidates have been acclaimed as ANRs in their Communities:
Multiple Candidates have been nominated in the following Communities:
ZOHR, Richard
BASTIEN, Clifford Jr.
Kijicho Manito Madaouskarini (Bancroft) Whitney and Area Greater Golden Lake Shabot Obaadjiwan (Sharbot Lake)
POLLING STATION Municipality of Hastings Highlands Gymnasium 330011 Highway 62 North, Maynooth, ON K0L 1C0 St. Martin of Tours Church 41 Post Street, Whitney, ON K0J 2M0 Royal Canadian Legion Branch 72 202 Pembroke Street East, Pembroke, ON K8A 3J7 Royal Canadian Legion Branch 425 1015D Legion Road, Sharbot Lake, ON K0H 2P0
LOLCS can help with home and yard work L
and O’Lakes Community Services Community Support Program has many services available to help with our growing senior population: Meals on Wheels, Transportation, Caregiver Education & Support, Adult Drop In and Denbigh Diners ... etc. It is vitally important for those wishing to age at home have access to these services, especially our homemaking and yard maintenance services. This service may include laundry, light housekeeping, vacuuming, meal prep, grass cutting, gardening, wood stacking, etc. This is a fee for service program (a very small fee, with subsidy available). We are looking for those who have a need for these services, senior aged 60+, and or recovering from illness or surgery. For more information please call Pam at 613-336-8934 ext 229 or toll free 1-877679-6636.
Eligible Electors from those Communities requiring elections may vote either by Mail-In Ballot OR by voting In-Person at the Polling Station for their respective Communities. The Polling Station for each Community will be open from 8:00 AM to 9:00 PM on the following dates: COMMUNITY
dors selling meats, baked goods and “old favourites like jams, jellies and herbs and of course having coffee available is very important.” The Market is open every Saturday in the parking lot of Prince Charles Public School from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. right through until Halloween. They like to have ‘special’ days, like the annual Tomato Day, but those things tend to be dependent on things like weather, growing conditions and fate. “We seem to like to fly by the seat of our pants,” Harris said. “But people can check our Facebook page for special events.” The market goes every Saturday, regardless of weather. They’ve been rained on, snowed on, and lived through some pretty good windstorms. Even this year, a little rain didn’t dampen their enthusiasm. “We’re never very sure about the weather,” Harris said. “I’ve been doing my sun dance all week.” But as long as people keep coming, they’ll keep doing it, she said. “We appreciate the support the community has shown us,” she said. “If they’re not here, we’re not here.”
DATE Monday, June 26, 2017 Tuesday, June 27, 2017 Tuesday, July 4, 2017 Wednesday, July 5, 2017
Electors will be required to produce government-issued photo identification in order to vote in person. If you do not have government-issued photo identification, please bring the best alternative identification that you have in order to satisfy the Electoral Officer as to your identity. You may also vote by Mail-In Ballot. Ballots will be mailed to all Electors. The counting of ballots and certification of results for these four elections will be conducted in accordance with the ANR Election Process 2017 on Friday, July 7, 2017 at the Algonquins of Ontario Consultation Office located at 31 Riverside Drive, Suite 101, Pembroke, ON.
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May 18, 2017
Melodia Monday Sings at Grace Hall Wintergreen Bioblitz
by Wilma Kenny If you had any illusions about us being a high-brow choir, that should have dispelled them,” smiled Doug Routledge of Melodia Monday, to a laughing, clapping crowd at the finish of the Arrogant Worms’ “Cow Song”. (You can look up the lyrics if you don’t remember them.) Rutledge is conductor of this 24-member choir which draws singers from a wide area between Napanee and Brockville. All are passionate about music and love to sing together; their repertoire is broad, running from sacred to profane, classical to folk. The name comes from their always practising on Monday evenings.. Last Friday Grace Hall had a full house to hear Melodia Monday perform a concert of all-Canadian songs. They opened withBreathe on Us, a piece the group had commissioned Mark Sirett to compose for them, using the words of a poem by Archibald Lampman. They also sang Sirett’s arrangement ofUn Canadian Errant. Farewell Nancy, adapted from a traditional Newfoundland lament and set to music by Stephen Chatman, is full of exquisite, haunting harmonies, as is Frobisher Bay, which was sung by the men of the choir, and tells of a whaling crew whose ship has been caught by freeze-up and is doomed to spend a winter in the ice of Frobisher
Bay. Overall, the evening had a distinctively Eastern Canadian flavour, with Song for the Mira, Wood River and Log Driver’s Waltz. The choir praised Grace Hall’s acoustics, and enjoyed using the new stage risers, recently designed and constructed by Frank York of Verona. The audience showed their appreciation of the evening with a standing ovation.
Melodia Monday performed at the Grace Centre on May 12
Gryphons headed to Niagara Falls R
ecently, the students in the School to Community Program at Granite Ridge Education Centre were selected to attend the Special Olympics Provincial Championship to be held on June 12th – 14th, 2017 in Niagara Falls. The students competed in a qualifying soccer tournament back in
friendships and memories that will last a lifetime. Good Luck to the Granite Ridge Gryphons!" Kendra DeRooy School to Community Teacher Granite Ridge Education Centre
ngage in citizen science and learn more about what’s living in your backyard! Between May 24th and 28th, Wintergreen Studios will be holding its 3rd annual Land Art BioBlitz where participants will have the opportunity to identity wildlife, explore the outdoors, and participate in workshops ranging from music jams to salamander and dragonfly identification. Help celebrate Canada 150 by exploring its natural heritage and learning to love its amazing diversity! Want to learn more about wildlife identification and spend the day (or night) outdoors exploring? Want to get up close and personal with slime mold? Want to create a cacophony of nature sounds inside a geodesic dome? You can do all of these things and more at the Land Art BioBlitz! The term “BioBlitz” was coined during the first 24-hour identification event, which took place at Kenilworth Aquatic Gardens, Washington, DC, in 1996. Early BioBlitzes were held to measure the biodiversity of a site, which gives insight into the health and productivity of an ecosystem. Now many BioBlitzes include nature-themed programs such as ID workshops, guided hikes, and family-friendly activities to teach and excite the public about biodiversity. A combination of scientific survey and environmental education make for a fun, enriching outdoor experience. So, what makes the Wintergreen BioBlitz different? This year, instead of it being a race to identify as many living organisms as possible in a 24-hour period, we’re planning a “slow” BioBlitz, to be held over five days. The idea is to mirror and honour the Slow Food Movement, giving everyone a chance to form a deeper connection with the natural world. It will challenge us to be more mindful and take the time to enjoy all the area and atmosphere has to offer. “What makes this BioBlitz unique is that it’s way more than just species identification,” says Kate Belmore, BioBlitz 2017 co-chair. “It’s all about learning what’s out there, creating a better understanding of why biodiversity is so important, and learning how the arts both honour and extend the beauty and complexities of the natural world.” The BioBlitz will also be host to many exciting workshops this year. For example, join Jesse Stewart, composer, percussionist, artist, and educator, for an impromptu music jam and a multitude of interactive musical workshops, taking us behind the scenes of our natural soundscape. Contact – Monica Capovilla 613-539-2842
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& enjoy a delicious slice of pie from Phyllis’s corner For more information call613-372-1238 (chuch office) 3876 Harrowsmith Road, Harrowsmith. ON K0H 1V0 February where based on the results from that tournament the team was selected from over 100 other Ontario Soccer teams to complete against 12 teams at the Provincials. We are so proud of our athletes for the dedication and hard work they have put in to training for this upcoming championship. The two-day tournament hosts over 800 athletes, coaches and staff from across Ontario competing in basketball, bocce, soccer, track & field and floor hockey. We hope our athletes enjoy this wonderful opportunity in Niagara Falls and come away from the tournament with new BUSINESS CARD SIZE t rn No Bu d, ey! oo n W Mo
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Applications due May 26th, 2017. An Equal Opportunity Employer. Elections Ontario is a non-partisan Agency of the Legislative Assembly of Ontario.
Interment MacPherson
The graveyard service for the late Halen MacPerson (Buckley) who passed away January 3, 2017 will be held May 28, 2017 at 2p.m. at Parham Cemetery. Family & friends welcome.
It is with deep sadness that the family of Ken Grills announce his passing on Friday, May 12, 2017, in his 91st year. Ken was an avid outdoorsman. His love for hunting and fishing was only surpassed by the love he had for his family and friends. His smile, quick wit and playful nature are just a few of the many qualities that he possessed that made him such a kind hearted and likeable person. Loving husband of 69 years to Corinna (Courneyea). Loving father of Glen (Margaret), Janet (Bryan), Don (Nancy), Dianne (Gord), Joanne (Dexter, Bonnie (Kirby) and Gwen. Predeceased by his daughter Linda. Proud grandfather of 19 grandchildren, 25 great-grandchildren and 2 great-great grandchildren. Friends will be received at the Cassidy Funeral Home, Tweed, from 2-4pm and 6-8pm on Tuesday, May 16, 2017. Funeral Service will be held at St. Luke's United Church, Denbigh, on Wednesday, May 17 at 11am, with visitation 1 hour prior to service. Ken was a long time resident of Denbigh, where he worked for the forestry and raised his family. Donations in Ken's memory may be made to St Luke's United Church or Denbigh Fire Dept.
Peckford, Molly
Passed away, at the Kingston General Hospital on Sunday, May 14, 2017. Molly Louise Peckford of Kingston and formerly of Arden at age 85. Beloved wife of the late Roland Peckford and dear mother of Lisa Peckford of Ajax. Grandmother of Evan Ste-Croix (April) and Brent Ste-Croix (Natalie) and greatgrandmother of Cale and Jace. Sister of Ruby Quillian, Joan Hatfield and Munden Ivany and the late Yvonne, Dorothy, Howard and Fred. A Memorial Service will be held at the Arden United Church on Thursday, May 18 at 1:00 p.m. Interment Arden Cemetery. Memorial donations made to the Diabetes Association would be appreciated. In the care of Hannah Funeral Home, in Tamworth (613-379-2997). Online condolences at
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Monthly Payments - No Interest Your $100 Cemetery Charge will be paid by me Full written warranty with each Monument
Celebration of Life CELEBRATION OF LIFE
Friends and Family are invited to a Celebration of Life for Ken Brown May 21, 2017, 1-4pm at the Verona Lions Hall In the care of TROUSDALE FUNERAL HOME 4374 Mill St., Box 264 Sydenham ON (613) 376-3022
IN MEMORIAM Always on our minds Always in our hearts We sure miss you. Herb Moyst March 13, 1976 Millie Moyst May 22, 2006 Clarence Bigalow April 22, 2006 Love, the family and friends
Claire Macfarlane England
July 27, 1943 - May 20, 2015 No longer in our lives to share But in our hearts you’re always there. Love always, Garnet & family
May 18, 2017
PARHAM-TICHBORNE Colleen Steele Christine Teal
613-375-6219 mrsteal2u@hotmail.
• Don’t forget Relay for Life on Friday Location Change: please note that the North and Central Frontenac Relay for Life will be held at the St. James Major Catholic Hall in Sharbot Lake. Please join us for Opening Ceremonies at 6:30 - which will include our Survivor walk. Survivors are being notified this week of the event and for your personal invitation!!! Watch your mail boxes!!! Luminaries are still available for sale for $5 and will be lit for the evening. There will be a donation of $10 at the door, we will have spot dances, 50/50 draw, silent auction and a lot of fun while raising money for a great cause. Our entertainment line up features Steven Goodberry - Elvis Impersonator, Zach Teal and HD Supply - what a great line up - you can dance the night away!! • In our column last week the date of the Smorgasborg for the Parham United Church should have been May 27th not the 17th. Please make a note of this. • Don’t forget to make your reservations for the Parham Diners on May 29 for “Here’s to Mom” menu consisting of Chicken Cacciatore, Garlicky steamed broccoli with lemon raspberry pound cake. This will be the last one until the fall. Call 613-279-3151. • Sharbot Lake United Church joined with Parham on Sunday for a special service and welcomed Charlotte Hoy of Four Rivers Presbytery who lead them in a joint congregational meeting following the service. Everyone enjoyed the “Hot Soup” and goodies luncheon which followed. • The Seniors of Parham are holding a BBQ/ Bake sale at the Post Office Yard on May 20th, this Sunday from 10 to 2. Don’t forget District #4 Recreation Committee is holding their Annual Flea Market on Sunday May 21st at the Parham Ball Field. Bring your items to sell and set up shop. The Rec Committee will have the canteen open for business so we ask that there be no concession vendors, but baked goodies is always a hit.
Card of Thanks Thank You
To the kind person who paid for my meal at Addison’s Restaurant, Northbrook Brenda Scott
A Promise for You
The fear of the Lord adds length to life, but the years of the wicked are cut short. Proverbs 10:27
Milestone Funeral Center Derek Maschke Northbrook Chapel Funeral Director 11928 Hwy. 41 613-336-6873 Northbrook, ON K0H 2G0
The event will run from 10 am to 2 pm. Bring your own table and goods to sell. • Brooke Armstrong was the thankful recipient of a lot of useful items that she received at her bridal shower on May 13. Brooke will exchange vows with Nelson Hannah on July 8. • Congratulations to Paul Lowery on his retirement. • Thinking of you to Bob England. • Kudos to the young Leo Club who raised over $6000 for the food bank by putting 10 members from the community in jail!! These folks had to phone friends to bail them out and whatever they raised in an hour was the “Get out of Jail” Fee. • May 21st at the Oso beach in Sharbot Lake there is a “Day of the Pig” (Seed to Sausage) featuring food from quality purveyors and beverages from notable craft brewers. This is in conjunction with the celebration of Canada 150. • Sincere condolences to the family of the late Keith Hawley. Keith was a member of the fire department for 68 years, of the Masonic Lodge for 62 years and the order of the Eastern Star for 52 years. • Friends and Family gathered to wish Kurtis and Annette Jackson 20 Years of wedded Bliss on Saturday night. Happy Anniversary to Natasha and Sam LoFaso. • Happy Birthday to: Heather Beattie, Janice Peters, Heather Gillespie, William Lowery, Nicole Shorts, Jax Lofaso, Jared and Logan Whan. • Looking for someone to take over writing this column, if you are interested please drop us an email.
PLEVNA Katie Ohlke
• The last Jack’s Jam of the season takes place this Saturday from 1-5pm at the Clar Mill Hall. Pot Luck after the music. Jack’s Jam will be back in the fall, third Saturday of the month each month.
continued on page 9
THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF NORTH FRONTENAC TAKE NOTICE that tenders are invited for the purchase of the land(s) described below and will be received until 3:00 p.m. local time on the 8th day of June, 2017, at 6648 Road 506, Plevna, Ontario. The tenders will then be opened in public on the same day at 3:30 p.m. local time at the Municipal Office. Description of Lands: Part of Lots 2 and 3, Concession 1, being Part 2, 13R-9672, geographic Township of Clarendon, now in the Township of North Frontenac, County of Frontenac. PIN 36186-0005(LT) (File No. 12707-499) Minimum Tender Amount: $6,056.61 Lot 37, Concession 11, east of Skead Creek, geographic Township of Miller, now in the Township of North Frontenac, County of Frontenac. PIN 36197-0003 (LT) -andLot 37, Concession 11, west of Skead Creek, geographic Township of Miller, now in the Township of North Frontenac, County of Frontenac. (PIN 36197-0015(LT) (File No. 12707-495) Minimum Tender Amount $5,147.92 Part of Lot 29, Concession 8 as in FR553305 (Thirdly) SRO lying SW of Sunday Lake, geographic Township of Palmerston, now in the Township of North Frontenac, County of Frontenac, s/t PD2298. PIN 36204-0068(LT) (File 12707-494) Minimum Tender Amount $16,603.92 Part of Lot 19, Concession 8, being Part 1, 13R-9622, Township of North Frontenac, County of Frontenac. PIN 36187-0137(LT) -andA 1/8th interest in part of Lot 19, Concession 8, being Part 2, Plan 13R9622, geographic Township of Clarendon, now in the Township of North Frontenac, County of Frontenac. PIN 36187-0145(R)(File No. 12707-470) Minimum Tender Amount $4,779.34
Serving the area for over 100 years.
David Goodfellow
Owner/Managing Director
Parham, Ontario
Trousdale Funeral home Proudly serving all faiths Pre-Arranged Funeral Plans
Sydenham, On 613-376-3022
Tenders must be submitted in the prescribed form and must be accompanied by a deposit in the form of a money order or of a bank draft or cheque certified by a bank or trust corporation payable to the municipality and representing at least 20 per cent of the tender amount. Except as follows, the municipality makes no representation regarding the title to or any other matters relating to the land to be sold. Responsibility for ascertaining these matters rests with the potential purchasers. This sale is governed by the Municipal Act, 2001 and the Municipal Tax Sales Rules made under that Act. The successful purchaser will be required to pay the amount tendered plus accumulated taxes, the relevant land transfer tax, and HST, if applicable. The municipality has no obligation to provide vacant possession to the successful purchaser. The land does not include the mobile home situate on the land, if applicable. For further information regarding this sale and a copy of the prescribed form of tender contact: Sandra Lessard, Deputy Treasurer The Corporation of the Township of North Frontenac 6648 Road 506 Plevna, Ontario K0H 2M0 613-479-2231
May 18, 2017
The Classifieds Ad Rates: Classified Text ads: $9.74 + HST per insertion for 20 words & under; 20¢ each extra word. Deadline: 4 pm Monday; Ph: 613-279-3150, Fax: 613-279-3172;
Stoves, washers, dryers, freezers, dishwashers. 3 months old and up. Sold with written guarantees. Fridges $100 and up.
At the lowest prices in the area. Trade-ins accepted on new appliances. Big selection to choose from. We Sell Gas Refrigerators
For good used appliances in working order or not, but no junk please. VISA and MASTERCARD accepted. We have our own financing also. Shop at our competitors and then come see for yourself quality at low prices.
Open evenings & 7 days a week. We deliver
Open Evenings & Seven Days a Week - River Road Corbyville, Just North of Corby’s (613) 969-0287
APPLIANCE REPAIR, Call Mark, Verona Hardware, 6723 Main St., Verona. Ph. 613374-2851
KALADAR AUTO RECYCLING. Drive in your own vehicle; Drive out a newer vehicle for $500 & up; as is (some vehicles may have valid E-test); 11520 Hwy 41; 613-336-9899; 613885-8644 KINNEY AUTO WRECKING Station Road, Kaladar. 4x4 trucks & parts for sale. Scrap cars, stoves, fridges wanted. 613-336-9272.
SPONSORS FOR SWIM-ATHON on May 31st by David Yerxa, proceeds to Community Living NF. Contact 613-279-2343, or 613- 390-2343
TONI & JP’S FLEA MARKET, 6107 Hwy 506 at Ardoch Rd. Open Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday, until Thanksgiving. 613-479-0341
2 COMMERCIAL SPACES for Rent. 1013 Clement Rd. Heat and Hydro Included. Call 279-2868
2 ALUMINUM 30’ hydro poles, $75 each; 5 welded steel trusses for roof or ceiling, 2 feet deep by 20 feet long. Call Jim Shiner 613-3362641 2012 BLACK LEER TRUCK CAP, fits 20092015 Ford F-150 truck, 61/2 foot box, Thule rack system, one owner, $800. Call 613-3722350 CENTRAL BOILER OUTDOOR FURNACES Spring REBATE with a savings up to $700. Call for more information. Your local Dealer, Wood Heat Solutions, Frankford, ON, 613-398-1611; Bancroft, ON 613-332-1613. HUSQVARNA RANCHER 55 chainsaw ($250) - Speeco Splitmaster 28 ton woodsplitter vertical and horizontal - $1250 or both together for $1,300 - 613-268-2013
1086 FISHERMAN’S COVE on Bull Lake – May 20-22. If it rains next weekend May 27-28. 8am - 5pm. COMMUNITY YARD SALE, Sat. May 27, 9-3: Baked goods, furniture, clothes, antiques. Items too numerous to list. Snack bar & BBQ. 5539 Road 38, south of Hartington FRIDAY TO SUNDAY, May 19-21, 8-8 daily. Take Road 38 to Crow Lake Rd to Badour Rd, follow signs, rain or shine. 5 sheds full, antiques and collectibles. All items priced. Too much to list. Well worth the scenic tour.
Frontenac Vacant Land Condominium Corp. #70 Box 145, Arden ON K0H 1B0
Formerly known as Garrison Shores near Arden, ON invites tenders for the following:
Request for Tender #17-01 To clean shower room, outhouse and port-o-potty at the beach on the south side of the lake 1 day per week Closing date is May 24, 2017 For more information call W. Harrison 613-335-3186
Andre's Satellite Sales and Service
Xplornet High Speed Internet - Now up to 25 mbps with new satellite launch. Easily stream Netflix, videos and games. Shaw TV - 2 HD receivers or 1 PVR free with programming credit. No credit check. No contract. Bundle Xplornet Internet and home phone with Shaw TV and save big. Your Local dealer with offices in Sharbot Lake and Northbrook. Call toll free now for details. 1-888-475-4003
HOME CLEANING SPECIALIST: Looking for that perfect candidate, for 20-30hrs per week with a professional attitude, and a love for cleaning to compliment our honest, reliable, hardworking and fun loving cleaning team. A valid drivers’ license and vehicle required. Please email resume to
FIREARMS COURSE – June 2 and 3, and Hunter Education Course, June 9 and 10, Tamworth. Call Bill, 613-335-2786
ANYTHING METAL FREE PICKUP: fridges, stoves, washers, dryers. Driveway & cottage road grading. Call 613-375-6377, leave message
FURNITURE, tools, washer and dryer, tackle, household items, etc. Saturday and Sunday, May 20 and 21. 2091 Road 506 (Marble Lake) GARAGE SALE, PLEASANTVIEW LODGE, 1614C Brule Lake Road, Plevna. Sat. (only) May 20th 9am – 4pm. Includes: 1992 GMC dually 4x4 with plow (as is), furniture, house hold items, odds and sods, railway ties. GIGANTIC MULTI-FAMILY RUMMAGE SALE; Sat. May 20, 8am – 2pm, 24527 Hwy 7, parking lot beside Esso in Sharbot Lake. MOVING SALE, Saturday May 21, 9am - 2pm. 1290 Clement Road: Furniture, large and small tools, generator, canoe, garden furniture, pontoon boat, 14’ Runabout. SATURDAY & SUNDAY, May 20 & 21, 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. 5990 Arden Road TOOLS, from the estate of Martin Walsh, furniture and other household items. Friday, May 19 8am-4pm, and Saturday, May 20 8am - noon. 14568A Road 38, Sharbot Lake
CABIN CLEANER/PROPERTY MANAGER: Looking for a reliable, local cleaner for a tiny cabin (160 sq ft) in Sharbot Lake. Available for weekly cleanings and basic maintenance checks between rentals. Vehicle required. Contact Laura: or 416836-1516 COTTAGE CLEANERS NEEDED - Looking for reliable cleaners for cottage resort located few minutes north of Arden. Mostly Saturday mornings in July and August, spring & fall weekends plus some weekdays. Wages based on experience $12 - $15 per hour. To schedule your interview please call: 613.335.5333 FISHING LODGE on Crotch Lake, looking for Full Time Cook. Basic home cooked meals. Experience preferred but not necessary. Will train. Call 613-279-2530.
Drywall Service Boarding, Taping, Painting & Texture Spray (Free Estimates)
Ardoch Ontario 613-479-8005 GENERAL CLEAN up & Disposal of any waste. Tree removal, small dmolitions, free P.U. of appliances etc. We buy scrap vehicles. 613-336-0708
Call 613-264-8865
Reasonable Rates
Jim’s Painting Interior Exterior Free Estimates
PET SITTING SERVICES AVAILABLE. All you need to know at www.petsittinginmountaingrove. com Phone Laura Mills at 613-335-3658 or Text 613-583-3658 PHOTOCOPY, FAX & LAMINATION SERVICES available at The Frontenac News, 1095 Garrett St., rear building, Sharbot Lake. Competitive prices! 8½” x 11” - Black & White 25¢ ea; Colour copies 60¢ ea. 613-279-3150. ROB’S WINDOW CLEANING. We clean the windowpanes, screens, tracks and casings of your window. Call today for a quote. 613-2439661 ROOFING, SHINGLES – STEEL, 25 years experience, serving Elphin, Snow Road, Sharbot Lake & area. Contact Todd Gursby for estimates, 613-278-1300
We have the following position available:
Resident Program Manager Full-Time
1 year contract (start date July 10) Post-secondary diploma or degree in social work, recreation and leisure studies, therapeutic recreation, kinesiology or other related field from a community college or university required. Please email for a full job description Please note that accommodations are available upon request to support the participation of persons with disabilities in applying for jobs and during the interview and assessment process. If you require an accommodation, please contact us. We will work with you to meet your needs. Please send resumé by Friday June 2, 2017 to: Margaret Palimaka #124 Lloyd St, Box # 100, Northbrook, ON Fax: 613-336-9144
Debbie Lingen
• Do you have a hidden talent? Verona wants to see and hear you. The Verona Free Methodist Church is presenting Verona’s Got Talent on May 19, at 7 pm. For more information or to register to perform (maximum of 5 minutes), please call 613 374-2703. • An Alzheimer’s disease presentation and luncheon will be held at the Golden Links Hall in Harrowsmith on Friday May 26. This will be hosted by The Seniors and Law Enforcement Together (S.A.L.T) committee. Enjoy a free hot lunch at 11:30 am followed by a presentation on Alzheimer’s by a guest speaker from the Alzheimer Society. Please pre-register for the luncheon by calling the Southern Frontenac Community Services Corporation (SFCSC) office at 613-376-6477 by May 24. Transportation can be scheduled through SFCSC if required. • Trinity United Church will be having a quality garage Sale on Saturday, May 27 from 8:30am to 11:30am. • Join in fun family yoga at Bellrock Hall on Saturday May 27th from 10 am to 11 am. Beginners welcome. $20 per family. Please register for this class with Jackie at 613-3589642. Yoga mats are provided. See www. for more info. • The ever-popular Lasalle Causeway Sting Band is arriving Sunday, May 28 at BellRock Hall to give a matinee performance. The current musical director, • Brooke Woboditsch directs this group whose repertoire includes big band-style swing music, ballads, Latin vocals and more. It is fun music to play and it certainly is toetapping stuff. Free-will offering and/or food bank donation.
NEW YEAR – NEW CAREER Consider a career in Real Estate. We will train you to make an aboveaverage income in this exciting business. Contact us now for details. Kate Archer, Broker / V.P. 613-273-3187
B’S RADICAL RIDES Towing & Recovery. James Mills owner/operator. 613-335-5050; website: STANDING TIMBER, firewood, pine, cedar, bush lots. Free quotes, cash paid. Call 613279-2154.
We are a, fully accredited 60 bed, LTC Home that is owned and operated by Land O’Lakes Community Services and managed by Extendicare.
North Frontenac
Transition Age Youth Support Worker Community Living-North Frontenac has an opening for two Transition Age Youth support workers to complete our circle of support in assisting a young man with an intellectual disability. The successful candidates need to be good communicators, enjoy being around young people, have patience, be energetic, resilient, a good role model and connected to community. They need to be dedicated to providing support in a manner that maintains dignity and respect. Be available to work days/evenings/weekends and on a call in basis. Starting Rate: $17.74 per hour Qualifications: DSW or equivalent Current CPR & First Aid Valid Driver’s license Vulnerable Sector Check If you think you are the right person to fulfill these needs please submit your resume to Deb Ryckman, Manager Supports & Services at or drop off at 1025 Elizabeth St.
The Township of North Frontenac is seeking tenders from qualified Contractor / Firm(s), for the following:
REQUEST FOR TENDER RFT No. 2017-05 – Gravel Road Resurfacing Contractor/Firm(s) must have current WSIB and appropriate liability insurance coverage as indicated by the Request for Tender documents. Tender documents and the prescribed Submission forms, which include the Minimum Requirements and Specifications, shall be obtained from the Municipal Office, 6648 Road 506, Plevna, Ontario or by email at financialsupport@ Please direct any specific inquiries to Jim Phillips, P. Eng. Public Works Manager or (613) 479-2231 Extension 230. Lowest or any tender submission may not necessarily be accepted. The Township reserves the right to cancel the Request for Tender at any time up to the notification of Award. Submissions shall be submitted to the undersigned, on the prescribed form, in a sealed package, clearly identifying the document as: “RFT No. 2017-05 – Gravel Road Resurfacing” on or before 2:00 PM local time on Thursday, June 8, 2017 Cheryl Robson, A.M.C.T. Chief Administrative Officer 6648 Road 506 Plevna, ON K0H 2M0
Environmentally Friendly Brown Pressure Treated Lumber
George St, Sydenham
Northern Happenings stellations and "The Realm of Galaxies" Begins at dusk 5816 Road 506. See NF township website for updates
NORTHERN HAPPENINGS listings are free for community groups, and will be published for two weeks. Donations to offset the costs of publication would be appreciated. Other listings are paid or are taken from paid ads elsewhere in the paper. The News makes every effort to be accurate but events should be independently verified by readers.
Saturday May 20
CLOYNE & DISTRICT HISTORICAL SOCIETY - Giant Yard Sale at the Barrie Hall in Cloyne. 9a.m. Donations of previously enjoyed items can be dropped off at the hall on Fri. morning. SHARBOT LAKE AND DISTRICT Lions - All You Can Eat Breakfast. Soldiers Memorial Hall (OSO Hall) 8 - 11 am. Adults $7, children 6-12, $3, under 6 Free. In support of CF swim program. PARHAM – BBQ, BAKE SALE, flea market 11am to 2 pm – sponsored by Parham Seniors PLEVNA – JACK’S JAM Clar-Mill Hall, 1-5:30 pm. Pot luck to follow. All welcome. LAND O’LAKES COMMUNITY SERVICES Annual Yard Sale 9am-3pm, 12497A HWY 41 (Northbrook) 613-336-8934 VERONA – GOODBYE TO ED and Sandy Botting, 7:30pm Lion’s Hall, Verona Sand Road. Light refreshments, all welcome NORTHBROOK – BBQ AND BAKE SALE, Foodland Parking lot 9am-4pm, sponsored by 640 Army cadets. Info Donna 613-336-9480 SHARBOT LAKE FARMERS MARKET opening day, 9am-1pm Oso Beach, Plant Sale, crafts, baked goods, local produce, meats & more. (every Saturday until Thanksgiving) ARDEN – FIREWORKS at dusk, Recreation park, sponsored by the Kennebec Rec. Committee VENNACHAR - YARD SALE at Free Methodist Parsonage, 357 Matawatchan Road, 9:30-11:30am. Info: Bill Snider 613 333 5127. BELLROCK HALL – FAMILY Friendly yoga fun day. 10am-11am, $20 per family. Yoga mats provided. Info Jackie at 613-358-9642. MATAWATCHAN - HAM SUPPER and all the trimmings, at St.Andrew's United Church 5pm-7pm. $12 SHARBOT LAKE PENTECOSTAL CHURCH 8am yard sale, 9am bake sake, 11am BBQ. Yard sale each day until May 22 (weather permitting) VENNACAHR- YARD SALE at Free Methodist Parsonage 357 Mattawatchen Road, 9:30am-11:30am Info Bill Snider 613-333-5127
Thursday May 18
CLOYNE – NAEC FUN FAIR 5-8 pm Little Ray’s Reptiles, auctions, face painting, costumes, BBQ, etc. Proceeds to IT at North Addington Ed. Centre. MOUNTAIN GROVE - LAND O LAKES PS annual funfair 5-8 PM featuring the Kingston Irish Folk Club, Orbital Talent, petting zoo. BBQ and more. VERONA – MONTHLY MEETING of Grandmothers and Others by the Lake, 11:30am – in support of HIV/ AID sufferers in Sub-Saharan Africa SYDENHAM – LEGION OPEN MIC 7 to 10pm. $6.00 Entertainers free. Proceeds to Branch 496 Legion. 4361 Amelia St. Info 613-546-3451 ARDEN – CIRCLE SQUARE RANCH BBQ Community Dinner 6 pm $15pp suggested donation, pie auction FLINTON -GARAGE/BAKE sale at Through the Roof Ministry, (continues on May 19 and 20) WINTERGREEN STUDIOS - “A PASSION for Poetry with Lorna Crozier”, dinner and reading, 6pm. Info 613-273-8745,
Friday May 19
SHARBOT LAKE LEGION SUPPER, 5:30 PM – Chicken in Orange Sauce, $12 HARLOWE HALL – OLE TYME FIDDLERS 7:30 pm. Prizes, lunch, $6 non-members, all welcome players, dancers, listeners and newcomers PERTH ROAD – ANNUAL YARD SALE and indoor flea market, 9-9, Perth Road Village Sunday School hall. Call 613-353-1690 for item pick-up / donations VERONA’S GOT TALENT - an evening of familyfriendly fun, 7pm Verona Free Methodist Church admission, non-perishable item for Community Cupboard. Call 613-374-2703 to register to perform ELPHIN PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH – Yard and bake sale, 2-7pm. Proceeds to the church PLEVNA – BINGO FUNDRAISER for North Frontenac volunteer firefighters, 7-9pm, cash prizes, Clar-Mill hall NORTH & CENTRAL FRONTENAC RELAY FOR LIFE, St. James Church hall, Sharbot Lake, 6 pm midnight; music, team events, challenges; call Christine Teal 613-375-6525 or
Sunday May 21
HARROWSMITH - TURKEY DINNER Golden Links Hall 4186 Colebrook Rd, $13 4:30 to 6 info call 3722410 Sponsored by the Odd Fellows & Rebekahs ARDEN – WESLEYAN CHURCH, Rebecca Miles to present on her Missions trip to Israel, 6:30pm SHARBOT LAKE DAY OF THE PIG Food Festival,
Sat May 20 – Sunday May 21
PLEVNA STAR PARTY: Jupiter rising. Spring con-
Day of the Pig hits the beach T by Jeff Green he Day of the Pig, which was initially conceived as a small party to mark the opening of the Seed to Sausage store on Road 38 for the summer season four years ago, is about to become a major event at a new venue. The beach at Sharbot Lake has hosted weddings, a Karaoke contest, Snow Drag races and is the permanent home of Canada Day festivities in Central Frontenac and a weekly summer farmer’s market, which opens this Saturday. This Sunday will be the first time the beach is being used for a large commercial event, and according to Mike McKenzie of Seed to Sausage, the
BBQs, Coolers & More In Stock Now!
For All Your Fence & Deck Requirements.
613-376-3441 613-376-6666
site is well suited to the purpose. “I had a designer come in and lay everything out for me and those plans can be used for future events at the beach,” he said. Central Frontenac Township has come on board to support the event and is not charging rent for the site, but it was left to Seed to Sausage to finance it. As in past years, a number of chefs have been invited in to help roast ten pigs and provide food for sale at kiosks, along with regional brewers and vineyards and some of the best local food producers from Frontenac and the surrounding region. But with the new venue, the level and
Online Directory
May 18, 2017
Sharbot Lake Beach, Sharbot Lake. Artisan meats, cheeses etc.; gourmet food prepared by great chefs; $15 advance $20 at the gate info PARHAM – YARD SALE PRESENTED by District 4 rec committee, ball field. 10an-2pm. Canteen. Bring a table and sell for free
Monday May 22
HENDERSON UNITED CHURCH BREAKFAST 8am – 1:30pm. Pay by donation to help out the church. Info 613-336-2467
Wed May 24 – Sat May 28
WINTERGREEN STUDIOS – BIOBLITZ – four days of special events and opportunities to explore the rich bio-diverse 200 acre property. Info and event times, contact Monica Capovilla 613-539-2842
Wednesday May 24
VERONA - LIVING WELL WITH CHRONIC DISEASE – first session of 6 week workshop 1:30 – 4 pm. To register, contact Annie Campbell RN 613-374-2077
Thursday May 25
FLINTON – LADIES NIGHT OUT at Through the Roof Ministry 6:30pm-9:00pm. Redneck night, best dressed woman wins a pig. Land O’Lakes Cloggers perform.
Fri May 26 and Sat May 27
CLOYNE – FREE CLOTHES GIVEAWAY Pineview Free Methodist Church, 14391 hwy.41. Fri 9am-5pm, Sat. 9am-2pm. Info – 613-336-8000
Friday May 26
SHARBOT LAKE LEGION SUPPER, 5:30 PM – Chinese Food. $12 VENNACHAR – GAMES NIGHT at Free Methodist Church. Info Laurie 613-479-2673 HARROWSMITH – SENIORS AND LAW Enforcement Together (SALT) lunch (11:30) w/guest speaker from Alzheimer’s Society. Register by May 24 at 613-376-6477.
Saturday May 27
HARROWSMITH - COMMUNITY FUN DAY at Free Methodist Church, Kid's Crafts and games, free BBQ, Garage and Bake Sale. All welcome 3876 Harrowmsith Road, info: 613-372-1238 TICHBORNE - BIKE RIDE on the new K&P Trail, from 10 to noon. Bring the family to this CANADA 150 event. Ride 10 km on a prepared surface with flat terrain. For more information, call 613 279-2144 (re scheduled from May 13) PARHAM – SMORGASBORD dinner at United Church CE building, 5pm-7pm, $13, 6-12 $5, under 6 free, family rate $27 HARLOWE – OPEN MIC from 2-8 pm, Harlowe hall, Pot luck supper, 5:30 pm. Info Marie 613-336-2557 HARROWSMITH - FISH FRY Golden Links Hall, 4:30-6pm; $13, info 613-372-2410. Sponsored by Odd Fellows & Rebekahs. VERONA – QUALITY GARAGE SALE, Trinity Unit-
cost of entertainment has gone up, and the hours of the event have been lengthened as well. In order to fit with Mckenzie’s carnival vision, one of the major acts that will be performing is the Blue Mushroom Psyshow with featured performers Miss BonBon Bombay, Angela Solo, István Betyár, and sword swallower and fire eater The Mighty Leviticus. Magician Eric Leclerc is the other featured performer. Musical acts include the Foley Mountain Playboys, Tom Savage and Marc Charron, who will perform with Jason Leen as the Jaymarcs. With the event taking on such a new scale, there is an admission fee this year.
ed Church, many items, 8:30am -11:30am, proceeds to the church. HARROWSMITH - COMMUNITY YARD SALE, Social & Athletic Club Hall 8:00 am-2:00pm Free BBQ Table Rental - $5./members $10./ non-members. Info - Marilyn at (613)372-0917 or VERONA – “TO SLEEP, PERCHANCE to Sing” Frontenac Women’s Chorus spring concert, Trinity United Church, 7:30pm guests Berry Wagner and violinist Brian Flynn. Admission by donation to Food bank. SYDENHAM WOMEN'S INSTITUTE Spring Craft Sale, Grace Centre, 9am-2pm, plus soup or chili & bun, $5. 4295 Stagecoach Road CLOYNE – ANNUAL PLANT SALE. Land O’lakes Garden Club 9:00am. Local, responsibly grown tomato & other vegetable plants for sale. Barrie Hall FRONTENAC PARK “WILDERNESS NAVIGATION” (w/GPS, map and compass, Level 1 course), 9am4pm, $25 plus day park permit; Info 613-376-3489. ARDEN – FIREFIGHTERS DEMO and Spaghetti dinner – Kennebec hall 1pm firefighters show skillsand equipment, 5pm dinner. Admission – free will donation. HARTINGTON – YARD SALE to benefit Community Association fight against proposed subdivision. 5539 Road 38, 9am-3pm
Sunday May 28
LITTLE CATARAQUI CREEK CONSERVATION AREA – CRCA Lake Info event – 2-4pm – release of 1st ever lake reports. 1641 Perth Road (613) 5464228 BEDFORD OPEN MIC & JAM, 1-5pm, 1381 Westport Rd, audience $2; entertainers free; refreshments avail; info: Judy 374-2317, Wilhelmine 374-2614. PLEVNA - RIVER OF LIFE Ministry 5th anniversary service, 10:30 am featuring Wayne and Mary Abrams. Info Rev. Klatt 613-479-0333 FLINTON –COFFEE HOUSE country and gospel night, Through the Roof Ministry, 6:30pm-9:30pm. All welcome Info 613-336-2614 BON ECHO PARK: SONG of Myself. Reading to celebrate the 98th anniversary of the “Old Walt Memorial”. Friends of Bon Echo. 1-4pm, Pumphouse beach FRONTENAC PARK - “WILDERNESS NAVIGATION” “(w/map and compass, Level 2 course), 9am4pm, $25 plus day park permit; Info 613-376-3489. HARROWSMITH – ART, CRAFT AND BAKE sale at Golden Links Hall, 9am-2pm (4186 Colebrook) Hosted by Paper Wings. BELLROCK HALL – LASALLE Causeway String band 2pm. Free will donation
Monday May 29
PARHAM DINERS, noon, United Church hall, for those 50+. $12, reservations requ’d: 613-279-3151
It is $20 at the door, but advance tickets are $15 and are available through the event website Anyone under 18 years old will be admitted for free however, making it a family friendly event. Even with the admission fee, McKenzie is not expecting to turn a profit this year. “I’d like to see this event break even or make enough money to pay for an event organiser to run it next year,” he said. To get to the Day of the Pig, take road 38 north to Sharbot Lake and look for the cars.
Do you want everyone who needs anything in Frontenac County to be able to find you easily on the web through PC, tablet or mobile devices? Send your business name, full address, phone number, email address and website to with “business directory” in the subject line and you will be included in the directory and the Frontenac County directory. Enhanced listings at available at a cost $60 per year.
May 18, 2017
The Crossing Pub goes on a latin journey with Franco, Larocque by Craig Bakay t times, you could almost feel like you were on a Caribbean beach sipping pina coladas. Of course you were in The Crossing Pub in Sharbot Lake sipping beers but hey . ..
Mario Franco (foreground) Denis Larocque (background) At any rate, the combination of Mario Franco and Dennis Larocque (backed by drummer Leo Vervuurt) produced a unique soundscape that is unlikely to be reproduced in the local music scene for some time, if ever. Franco, who grew up in Santiago, Cuba, has a personable approach to his native Cuban sound, a sound that carries an almost mystical reverence to it in many music circles. “Syncopation is the key thing,” he said in an interview after the show. “With balance. “But it’s not something you learn in school — you have to feel it.” The audience certainly felt it as he swept
through two sets full of originals and latin standards like Tito Puente’s Oye Como Va, Cielito Lindo (the Ay, Ay, Ay, Ay Song), Blue Moon (more the Ella Fitzgerald version as opposed to the Marcels’) and the Cuban classic Guantanamera (from the poem by Cuban independence hero Jose Marti). Franco didn’t really grow up playing music however. He came to it in a rather roundabout way and perhaps that’s a key factor in his distinctiveness. In the ’80s, Franco went to the Ukrainian city of Kharkiv to become a mechanical engineer. He also learned to play guitar there. After graduating, he went to Siberia to build houses. “On the train going there, some heard me singing and said ‘we have to get you into this music festival,’” he said. “I won second place.” He formed a little band which was invited to play another festival and before he knew it, he was working for the Canadian tourism industry. In 2004, as Cuba began to relax its emigration policies, especially to Canada, Franco came here and began performing in several international festivals, as well as venues in and around Kingston. “I used to play Fridays in Westport (at The Cove) for about five years,” he said. Which is where he met Larocque, who would make the trek eastward to hear Franco play. “We met at The Cove seven or eight years ago and our families became friends,” Larocque said. “He stopped playing professionally for awhile and we’d jam sometimes.” When they decided to do The Crossing gig, Larocque had reservations. “The music he plays and what I’ve done is night and day,” Larocque said. “I’ve been learning different rhythms, scales, patterns, chords — you name it. “And I’m still just along for the ride.” Well, the Crossing audience, which consisted of a considerable number of musicians curious about what this collaboration would produce, would probably disagree
Cancer Changes Everything.
So Can You.
with Larocque, at it certainly appeared they were enjoying ‘the ride.’ As for future collaborations, Franco said he certainly enjoys playing with Larocque and their families are “good friends.” Larocque too left open the possibility,
saying “I look forward to feeling more comfortable (with this style of music) in the future.”
MAY LONG WEEKEND CHANGES TO GARBAGE PICKUP Only residents with regular garbage pickup on Monday, May 22nd will be affected. Monday’s garbage will be picked up on Tuesday, May 23rd. The pickup days for garbage and recycling for all other residents remain the same. With spring, come those pesky crows that enjoy ripping garbage bags apart! Foil their efforts by placing your garbage in a garbage can or cover the bags in such a way that they can’t get in, such as a blanket or piece of carpet. Green Bay WDS will begin summer hours Sunday, May 21st (Fridays 8:30 – 12:30 and Sundays 12:30 – 4:30). Loughborough WDS will be closed Monday, May 22nd Have a wonderful, safe long weekend and remember “The only cure for LITTER is YOU!”
BUILDING SEASON The Township of South Frontenac requires building permits for all structures greater than (108 sq. ft.) 10 sq. m. in area; additions or renovations to existing structures (including decks); installation or alteration of a plumbing system (including septic systems); installation or alteration of a heating or ventilation system and any material alteration to a structure (including new pools). Please contact Building staff prior to starting work to ensure your investment is secure.
IT’S TIME TO DUST OFF THE PLANT POTS! It’s a wonderful time of the year, with the trees greening and the daffodils and tulips brightening our gardens. So a gentle reminder for this upcoming gardening season is that most of your plant cells and plastic pots up to 12 “ in diameter or 1 gallon in size are recyclable in your plastics week. They must be clean though! Take a hose to them then ensure they don’t fly out of your recycle box. Check with the retailer when you are purchasing your bedding plants as many of them will take the plant cells, trays and pots. Reduce, Reuse, Recycle! Happy Gardening!
PRIVATE LANE UPGRADING ASSISTANCE PROGRAM The deadline for applications for the 2017 Private Lane Assistance Program is June 9, 2017. Application forms and details available on the Township website – see Living Here/Road and Parking/Public Road/Private Lane Standards.
HOUSEHOLD HAZARDOUS WASTE DEPOT Summer hours are now in effect at the Depot - Open every Thursday from 3:00 pm to 8:00 pm Please remember that accepted items are hazardous materials, small electronics and bale wrap only. A full listing of accepted materials may be found on our website under Living Here/Solid Waste/Recycling/Household Hazardous Waste.
TOWN HALL UPCOMING MEETINGS Council Meeting – Tues, June 6, 2017 Committee of the Whole – Tues, June 13, 2017 (May 23, 2017 Committee of the Whole Meeting is Cancelled)
INVITATION TO TENDER No. PW-2017-22-CONSTRUCTION OF HARROWSMITH INTERSECTION & ROADWORKS ALONG ROAD 38 & WILTON RD Sealed tenders, on the forms supplied, will be received at the Township of South Frontenac, 4432 George Street, Sydenham ON, K0H 2T0 until Wednesday, May 31st, 2017 at 1:00 PM Contract specifications and tender forms may be obtained Monday to Friday between 8:00 am to 4:30 pm at the Public Works Department, 2490 Keeley Rd, Sydenham ON, K0H 2T0. For more details see the website.
REQUEST FOR QUOTATION No.PR-RFQ1-2017 for SUPPLY AND INSTALLATION of GARAGE DOORS at HARTINGTON PATROL YARD & KEELEY PATROL YARD Sealed submissions must be received by 1:00 pm on May 24, 2017, Attention: Jamie Brash, Box 100, 4432 George St, Sydenham ON, K0H 2T0. Official forms detailing the general specifications and requirements may be picked up from Monday to Friday from 8:00 am to 4:30 pm at the Public Works Department, 2490 Keeley Rd, Sydenham ON, K0H 2T0
THINGS TO DO SUMMER CAMP/SWIM PROGRAM Registration is now open online and in person. Visit For information on the programs contact the Camp Coordinator at 613-376-3027 Ext 2231.
Open for Business
North & Central Frontenac
Relay For Life Friday, May 19
St. James Major Catholic Hall,
14608 Road 38, Sharbot Lake - 6 PM to Midnight 6:30 Opening Ceremonies/Survivor walk. 7:00-8:30 Steven Goodberry as Elvis 8:45-10.00 Zach Teal New Location! 10:30 - midnight HD Supply
COMMUNITY IMPROVEMENT PLAN Attention Harrowsmith Residents: For details on financial assistance to improve building conditions and land use, see the website - Open for Business/ Planning and Development/Community Improvement Plan. This includes façade improvement such as cladding materials, windows and doors, reports to masonry and brickwork, façade restoration, painting and cleaning, signage.
News & Public Notices TEMPORARY CLOSURE OF TOWNSHIP OFFICES All Township offices and garages will be closed on Thursday, May 25, 2017 from 12:00 noon until 1:30 pm for a Staff Recognition luncheon.
NOTICE OF ROAD CLOSING - PART OF LOT 10 BETWEEN CONCESSIONS XII AND XIII; LOUGHBOROUGH Take notice that the Council of the Corporation of the Township of South Frontenac proposes to pass a by-law to stop up, close and transfer ownership of part of a Township-owned road allowance. This matter will come before Council on June 6, 2017 at 7:00 pm. For more information see our website under “News and Public Notices” or contact Lindsay Mills, Planner at Ext 2221
Dance The Night Away!
Council will be considering a by-law at a public meeting on Tuesday, June 6, 2017 at 7:00 pm regarding a proposed name for a newly constructed public road in Part of Lot 7, Concession IV, District of Portland, connecting Colebrooke Road on the north with Wilton Road on the south within the village of Harrowsmith. The by-law would name the road “Robinson Road” in honour of the late, long-serving Councillor Bill Robinson. For more information see the website under “News and Public Notices” or contact Lindsay Mills, Planner at Ext 2221.
Luminaries $5. Donation of $10 at the door per person ($25 for a family), Spot dances, 50/50 draw, silent auction. Contact Christine Teal for information 613-375-6525
4432 George Street, Box 100, Sydenham ON K0H 2T0 613-376-3027 • 1-800-559-5862 Office Hours – Monday to Friday – 8:00 am to 4:30 pm
Garden Centre
May 18, 2017
Asselstine Hardware
Now Open
Hanging Planters, Bedding Plants, Vegetables and Herbs in Stock Now
6826 Road 38, Verona ON 613-374-3400 Open 7 Days a Week
Mon-Thu: 8am-6pm Fri: 8am-8pm. Sat: 8am-5pm. Sun: 9am-4pm
Kitchen & Bath Tracy & Sandi Hook, Owner/Operators
Mon. - Fri. 7 - 5, Sat. 8 - 5, Sun. 9 - 2
(613) 336-8416 13586 Hwy. #41 Between Northbrook & Cloyne
With so many choices of cabinets, countertops, faucets, sinks and hardware, you can trust us to give you the best advice, service and value.
But for tax bylaw, there would have been no Council meeting by Craig Bakay Very little happened in Tuesday night’s regular South Frontenac Council meeting in Sydenham, a meeting that clocked in officially at 14 minutes. At 14 minutes, the meeting was (unofficially) the second fastest meeting in Township history, just behind the Phil Leonard era eight-minute gathering at the S & A Club in Harrowsmith that coincided with a CanadaRussia Olympic hockey game (in those days, bills were paid via resolution, thus requiring the meeting) and narrowly edging out the Gary Davison era 18-minute meeting where there was literally nothing to be discussed. This Council did however manage to buy a new wood-chipper (that came in $4,600 over budget) and pass the tax levy. Public Works Manager Mark Segsworth said the $4,600 could be accommodated from reserves and recommended purchase of the $71,753 Bandit wood chipper to replace the old 1992 Eager Beaver. Mayor Ron Vandewal expressed some regrets at the purchase however. “I don’t know if anything will come in under budget again,” he said. “But I’m still holding out hope for the new fire hall. “(And) I do like the name Eager Beaver better.” As for the budget, Council approved a tax levy of $18,586,507 resulting from expected revenues of $9,369,373 versus expenses of $27,955,880. “If it weren’t for the tax bylaw, we wouldn’t be here at all,” said CEO/Clerk Wayne Orr. By the way, Council cancelled the scheduled May 23 Committee of the Whole meeting and there is no meeting scheduled for the 30th, the fifth Tuesday of the month. Council will participate however in the Joint Councils meeting in Verona May 31 at 7 p.m. OMB hearing lingers in Sydenham South Frontenac CEO/Clerk Wayne Orr said he expects the Ontario Municipal Board hearings on the proposed Hartington development to wrap up this Thursday (May18) although Chair Mary-Anne Sills has said she won’t have a decision then given the amount of testimony she’ll have to consider. The hearings are scheduled for 10 days which means they could extend to Friday. So far, Orr said, the hearings have heard
testimony from hydro-g, storm water and and planning experts and will now hear testimony from the four principles in the case (developer Terry Grant, the Hartington Community Association, Frontenac County and South Frontenac Township). On Thursday, the OMB will hear testimony from six residents. RVCA General Manager to pay a visit Council did take Coun. Pat Barr’s sug-
Still time to sign up!
Free Cart with Greens Fees on Thursdays
Park July 15 from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. for the Sydenham Lakes and Trails Festival. “Everything is free, including the barbecue,” Sutherland said. Events include a historic village tour, a canoe/kayak 5k trip around the lake (bring your own canoe/kayak or they’ll provide one), paddling instruction in a dragon boat with the Cataraqui Canoe Club, bicycling skills course, bike repair and helmet fitting.
Artist talk at the Grace Centre S by Wilma Kenny omething about fibre art is particularly enticing: Phillida Hargreaves, some of whose work is on display at Grace Hall from now until the end of summer, says texture was what first drew her to fabric as an art medium. Hargreaves spoke Sunday afternoon to a fascinated audience of over thirty people who came to see her work and hear her talk to them about it. “With fibre art,” she said, “you learn to use a multitude of techniques: stitching, dyeing, knitting, cutting, drawing, printing, felting and painting, to name a few.” She described how the very thing some thought of as daunting — the huge amount of time and stitching required to create some of her pictures — could be soothing and relaxing with its calm repetition that freed up the mind to daydream. “And if you don’t like what you’ve done, fibre art can always be changed. You
can pick out a line of stitching and start over with another colour. Or cut it up and use bits in something else!” Much of Hargreaves’ work is landscape based, inspired by travels in the Arctic, New Zealand and Morocco. It features textures of rocks, buildings, trees and water, and the lure of light shining through narrow spaces. One small narrative piece recalls the daily letters her grandfather wrote to her grandmother when he was on the battlefield in WWI, every letter beginning with the words, “My dear old girl”, seldom mentioning the horrors he was living through. The pictures can be viewed Monday - Friday, whenever the hall is not in use: either phone SFCSC (613 376-6477) or drop by, using the side door. 4295 Stage Coach Road, Sydenham: just up the hill from the flashing light.
Canada Day in Central Frontenac
Philida Hargreaves
Golf Club Tuesday Ladies League Wednesday Men’s League
gestion that Rideau Valley Conservation Authority GM Sommer Casgrain-Robertson be invited to an upcoming Council meeting to give an update on the Authorities activities in 2016. “She should have come tonight,” said Mayor Ron Vandewal. “we have the time.” Trails and Lake Festival And finally this: Coun. Ross Sutherland is inviting everyone to Sydenham’s Point
2 For 1 Tuesdays On Now!
Thursday Wing Nights Are Back! Starting 5pm
Call us for a tee time at 613 374 3404 or book online through our website at 7359 Rd. 38 Verona.
Looking For Vendors & Float Entries To Help Celebrate Canada’s 150th Birthday! Do you have a product, service, or business? If so, come join us on July 1st at Sharbot Lake Oso Beach for this unique opportunity to market your business on this very special day! Spaces are limited!
Vendors & Floats Wanted We are also looking for vendors and/or businesses that would like to enter a float into the Canada Day 150 Parade! Our goal is to have 150 people involved in the parade and we can do it with YOUR help! For FLOAT Entries/ Information: Please contact John Neven at 289-314-4909 Or For VENDOR Inquires/ Information: Please contact Gian Kaillon at 289 404 9281 or