Vol.17 No.24

Page 1

June 22, 2017 Vol. 17, No. 24


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GREC reaching new heights with drone photography program by Craig Bakay t’s taken about a year and a half, 40 pages of applications and a lot of research and learning, but this fall, the Granite Ridge Education Centre will be offering a unique class to its Grade 11 students — an introduction to GIS, which includes certification in the operation and use of drones. “We believe we’re the first school in Ontario with this kind of program,” said Wade Leonard, who’s been the driving force behind it and will be the teacher. “There may be another somewhere but we’re the only ones signed up for the software.” The ‘drone’ in this case is a Phantom 4, which is about the size of a large snare drum, complete with a state-of-the-art camera and software. It has four propellers and it’s no toy — especially not to the federal government. “The permitting process has taken about 11 months to get this thing off the ground,” Leonard said. “We’re in the final stage now and we’ll be able to fly Class G, which is anywhere outside of restricted airspace (primarily around airports).” Leonard got the idea after watching some Queen’s personnel flying one around his farm in Hartington. Little did he know what was involved. “It has taken some time, but we’re taking the Mike Holmes approach,” he said. “Do it right.” They got a Limestone Learning Foundation grant to get a subscription to software that will aid in GIS mapping, 3D modelling and several other applications including overlays and panoramas. “We’ll be able to do some very highly detailed maps,” he said. “But there are many applications. “Real estate, land surveying, construction — you can even count trees, which will be useful to many groups for species identification.” They’ve already approached a variety of groups and local governments for possible partnerships and literally, the sky’s the limit. But for Leonard, it seems the biggest at-


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Farmer in dispute with county over fencing along K&P Trail

County claims it is not obligated to cover the entire cost, offers to pay half

by Jeff Green aryl Kennedy said that he has nothing against the K&P Trail, but as a cattle farmer working land that the trail bisects, he wants a fence put up to block access to some of his pasture land. And since the trail is located on former railway lands and is a continuous stretch, he feels that the Ontario Line Fences Act, as amended in 2006, stipulates that the current owner of the trail must put up a fence if he asks them to. “What I am asking for is a fence along 1750 feet of pasture land, only on one side since that is all I need. I requested on April 6/2016 to Anne Marie Young, who was dealing with the trail for Frontenac County at the time, that the work be done. I was expecting it would be done last summer.” Kennedy also asked that a gate on his property that had been severely damaged while the trail was being constructed, be repaired by the contractor working on the trail. He also wants the county to pay for some of the work involved in lining up crossing gates on the trail near the north end of his property, for him to use as a cattle crossing. But none of that happened last summer, although Young remained in contact.


The GREC student body assembled on the soccer pitch for this 150th shot from the school’s drone. The 7 ½ ft. X 12’ Canadian Flag in the background came courtesy of student Claudia Thompson’s grandfather Stephen McCullough. “It’s from the Peace Tower,” she said. “He ordered it 12 years ago and he just got it.” Photo/courtesy of the GREC drone photography program. traction is the opportunity to give his students a useful and unique learning opportunity. “I think it will be highly enjoyable and interesting for students,” he said. “And they’ll be certified going out the door.”

Sydenham Medical Centre’s Big Move by Wilma Kenny oday’s question is, ‘where will we put the fax machine?’ says Dr Jeanette Dietrich with a smile, “ and this afternoon I have to measure all our current furniture so we can decide what we’re taking with us, and how it will fit into our new space.” Moving’s never easy, and Sydenham Medical Clinic’s move is particularly challenging for it’s essential to keep down-time to a minimum throughout the whole exercise. Sydenham’s clinic is a part of the Rural Kingston Family Health Organization (FHO); an administrative body made up of the physician-led clinics in Sydenham, Verona, Sharbot Lake, Newburgh, Tamworth and Northbrook. Dr Dietrich is the lead physician for the FHO. For many years the medical clinic has operated from a rented building on Campbell Road, south of Sydenham. Over the years as services have expanded, space has become increasingly tight, and staff is looking forward to moving into their new, much more spacious location on Rutledge Road, just past Silverbrook Garden Centre. (Darryl Silver, who purpose-built the new structure to accommodate the clinic, will


be their new landlord.) Family practitioners Jeanette Dietrich, Steve Ingo and Jack Raleigh, nurses Meredith Prikker and Blaine Montroy and nurse practitioner Trisha Warren make up the core staff. As well, a counsellor comes weekly from the Kingston Community Counselling Centre to help women dealing with violence and domestic abuse, a nutritionist comes for a day every other week, and once a month an asthma nurse is in attendance. Two full-time receptionists, Tracy Semeniuk and Lorie Webb answer phones, coordinate appointments and help keep records organized; no small task in such a busy centre. They are assisted by Mary Day and Emma Stott who work part-time on reception, and Ms Stott also scans documents. Each physician has their own roster of patients, and they share weekend and holiday ‘on call’ duty, and they rotate doing Monday evening clinics. Nurse Meredith Prikker’s position was created in 2010 and is contract funded by a Ministry of Health (MOH) pro-


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Continued on page 2

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On July 19th, Young sent him and email, saying “Thanks Daryl … the act [Ontario Line Fences Act] also says the farmer must be the one to request and provide a Farm Registration Number … This can happen...we just need to have the information as requested.” The next morning, Kenedy emailed back, providing his farm registration number. On October 11th, Kennedy received another email from Young with an attached drawing marking off the section of land that required fencing. “Please take a look at the attached and verify that what I

Continued on page 3

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June 22, 2017

Copurt report

Sharbot Lake Criminal Court Report – June 19 by Jeff Green ames Godin, 55, will be back in court on July 17 for an anticipated resolution of his case after his lawyer had a resolution meeting with crown counsel last week. He is facing the charges of driving while under suspension, a charge of driving a vehicle with improper plates, a charge of driving without insurance, a charge of operating a vehicle while disqualified and a charge of driving with blood alcohol over 80mg/100ml of blood. Chloe Lallemand-Lebrasseur, 21, needs to complete 10 hours of community service in Toronto, where she lives, in


Continued from page 1 have marked is what you want fenced. I have estimated the length to be approximately 1750 feet. I want to make sure before I send it to the contractor,” said Young in the email. Nothing happened last fall, and after Anne Marie Young retired in December, Kennedy has been corresponding with Frontenac County though Chief Administrative Officer Kelly Pender. On March 15th Frontenac County Council met and discussed the matter. According to a letter to Kennedy from Pender after that meeting, the council, based on a legal opinion, now feels it is only responsible for half the cost of the fence. They took this position because even though the Line Fences Act says that the owner of an uninterrupted section of former rail line that is purchased from a railway company is subject to pay 100% of fencing costs for farmland that abuts the fence, the county did not purchase the former rail line from a railway company. CP rail sold the line to Bell Canada, and the county purchased it from Bell Canada, which is not a railway. This new position is being taken by the county on the basis of a legal opinion from the county solicitor, Pender said, in a letter to Daryl Kennedy on March 16/2017. The key item in the letter is item 2, which reads, “where a land owner provides proof of farming activities and where trail lands were purchased from a person or entity other than a railway company, that the county will be 50% responsible

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order for a charge of possession of an illegal substance to be withdrawn by the Crown, which will happen on July 17th once proof of the community service is provided. According to crown counsel, charitable donations are no longer being accepted as diversion for possession charges. Allison Potter, 40, charged with possession of an illegal substance, unauthorised possession of a firearm, and production of marijuana, will return on July 17 with her lawyer. Reinhold Zuther, 62, charged with assault, will undergo a diversion program and will return on October 16th. A judicial pre-trial for the case took place in the judge’s chambers. If

got his voice mail and did not hear back in time to confirm he had made the statement that Mr. Kennedy attributed to him. In fact, however there is a precedence for Frontenac County to pay the full cost of a fence along the K&P trail, a recent one. On July 20/2016, Council passed a motion authorising the construction of 850 feet of fence to separate the trail from farm property owned by Frank Goodfellow, at a cost of up to $10,000. The motion came about as the result of a staff recommendation by Anne Marie Young that was submitted to council by CAO Pender himself. It included the following explanation: “Fencing is a concern of some landowners. The costs involved in the installation or repair of fences along a right-of-way can be significant and fencing can be required for pasture and farmland registered with the Ontario Farm Business Registration. In the development of the Cataraqui Trail, the Cataraqui Regional Conservation Authority split the cost of fencing 50/50 with the landowner, supplying the materials while the landowner installed the fencing where required.” But in the Goodfellow case, the cost was not split. The County paid for it. When contacted on Tuesday evening (June 20) Frank Goodfellow said it took him three years to get the county to construct the fence, and “they did offer to FREE pay half, but I held Estimates my ground since I had the Line FencResidential & Commercial Li�s & Elevators es Act supporting Stair Chair Li�s Ceiling Track Li�s my claim. EvenRamps Incline & Vertical Pla�orm Li�s Gate at KEnnedy farm that was dam- tually they came Home Healthcare Aids Handrails & Grab Bars through.” When aged during construction of K&P Bathroom Modifications asked, Goodfellow Trail said that not once 10-5062 Highway 38, Harrowsmith, ON K0H 1V0 in the three years was the fact that the former rail line was Tel: 613-372-2333  F: 613-372-2555 purchased from Bell Canada raised as a reason for not doing www.BergElevating.com the fencing. “I own or rent quite a bit of farmland along the trail, near Godfrey and up by Tichborne as well, but I only asked for fencing where I pasture cattle, not along hay fields, even though I could according to the Act,” said Goodfellow “I don’t want to go to court, but I think it is very clear the county, by the terms of the line fenced act, and their own actions in the past, need to pay for this fence,” said Darryl Kennedy, “I don’t want to add legal fees to all of this, but if I go to court I will certainly do that.” The estimated cost of the Kennedy fence is about $19,000. A further three landowners, who are registered farmers, are located within the vicinity of the Kennedy farm. Kennedy’s property is 14202 Rd 38, Sharbot Lake ON located about 5km north info@LakeDistrictRealty.com east from the point where Tel (613)279-2108 the K&P crosses Road 38 at Cole Lake, 10 km from Tichborne. The section between Tichborne and ™ Sharbot Lake is not county owned, and has required individual arrangements with numerous landowners. Looking further north, the trail from Sharbot Lake to the township border is owned by Central Frontenac Township. The township purchased the Elbow Lake $429,000.00 former K&P lands directly Large 4 bdrm, 1.5 baths, bright & spacious kitchen, plus dining rm, from CP, and has paid the sunroom and two x 2 car garages. All nestled on an 11 acre lot with full cost of fencing on sev330 ‘ of private waterfront at the back of the property. eral stretches of the trail, at significant cost. The build out of the trail continues to be a complicated, and expensive process, and one way or another all the fencing issues between the county and farmers with Sharbot Lake $409,500.00 land abutting the trail will 1.5 Storey, 4 season, 3 bedroom home/cottage with welcoming need to be sorted out, at furguest cabin located on the west basin of Sharbot Lake. Nicely ther expense, both Goodfelwooded 5 + acre lot with 164’ of pristine waterfront! low and Kennedy said that the section of trail between www.LakeDistrictRealty.com Godfrey and Tichborne has www.EasternOntarioWaterfront.com turned out to be very popular among cyclists, hikers, and

for the construction and maintenance of fencing along the property line, with the property owner having the choice of sharing equally in the construction and installation or the fence or having the county supply the fence.” The letter concludes: We have confirmed with our solicitor that the trail lands adjacent to your property were purchased from Bell Canada, not a rail company and as such option #2 above is applicable ... I trust this clarifies the county’s position.” Kennedy does not accept this. In his view, the obligation does not end with the first purchaser of a former rail line. His position is supported by the Christian Farmers Organization, with which his farm is registered. Kennedy has also been in touch with the Ontario Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing, the body which over-sees municipal governments. In a recent email, (June 15) Carol Church, Municipal Advisor MMAH, said she “would encourage the owner of the farming business to continue to bring his request for a fence to the County of Frontenac” and she attached the decision from a landmark court ruling in southwestern Ontario which ordered the municipality of Tilsonburgh to pay the full cost of a fence for a farm located on either side of a former rail-line which had been converted into a recreational trail. “I talked just last night to Peter Sizov from the ministry, who said he has never heard of a case where the fact that a rail line had been sold twice was used as a reason not to pay for a fence,” Daryl Kennedy told the News on Tuesday, June 20. The News called Mr. Sizov’s office on Tuesday afternoon, but

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the diversion is not successful and the matter ends up going to trial it will have to take place in Kingston, because, when he was a criminal lawyer, Judge Griffin once represented Mr. Zuther in a case. First Appearances Jeremy Pershaw, 33, charged with operating a vehicle while disqualified, dangerous operation of a vehicle, and failure to appear in court, will return on July 17. John Teixeira, 65, charged with theft under $5,000, has obtained legal counsel. His counsel will receive a disclosure package from the Crown and Teixeira will return on July 17.

june 22, 2017



Publisher & Editor.............................................. Jeff Green Head of Production.............................................Scott Cox Sales Representative..................................... Kate Turner Copy Editor . ................................................ Martina Field Office Staff.............................................. Suzanne Tanner Webmaster.......................................................Jesse Mills Reporters.....Wilma Kenny, Jonas Bonnetta, Craig Bakay


The Frontenac News is published every Thursday Deadlines: Classifieds: Monday at 4:00 p.m. Display ads: Friday at 4:00 p.m..

1095 Garrett St., rear building; Box 229, Sharbot Lake, ON K0H 2P0 Ph: 613-279-3150; 1-888-779-3150; Fx: 613-279-3172 E-mail: info@frontenacnews.ca Office hours: Mon to Fri, 8:30 am - noon; 1:00 - 4:30 Subscriptions (Canadian subscriptions include HST) Weekly: $70.11, HST incl. ($90 US for US orders) for 6 months Bi-weekly: $94.92, HST included ($105 US for US orders) for one year, 2 issues, mailed bi-weekly

The Frontenac News welcomes articles and letters, but we cannot publish all the submissions we receive. All SINCE submissions must be signed and include a phone number for 1970 verification. We reserve the right to edit submissions for brevity, clarity, and taste. Please limit letters to 300 words or less; articles to 500 words or less.

Member of the Ontario Community Newspaper Association

SF staff satisfied condominium agreement can go ahead by Craig Bakay ven though there are still a couple of outstanding issues with the Cataraqui Region Conservation Authority, manager of development services Forbes Symon recommended South Frontenac Council approve a condominium agreement for Cranberry Cove Condominium in Storrington District at its regular meeting meeting Tuesday night in Sydenham. Symon said that because of flood watch conditions, the CRCA hadn’t had the manpower to devote to reviewing the agreement but he was confident all its conditions were being met and the Township could remove its conditions and send it on to County.


1970 (Frontenac County is the final SINCE approval authority on condominiums.) “The developer has been working with the Health Unit, the CRCA and the Township to satisfy the conditions of draft approval,” he said. “It now appears that the conditions have been satisfied. “It’s not as complete with a big red bow around it as we would like but it is to a point where we can recommend entering into the agreement with the understanding that there is still an ‘i’ and a ‘t’ to be dealt with.” Holiday Manor Council approved an encroachment agreement for Holiday Manor in Battersea to operate an outdoor licenced patio that en-

Committee to look at tipping fees with a view towards extending life of waste sites


Harmony Esthetics

Gravel and Tandem tenders KCK Gravel, located near Denbigh, was the successful bidder to supply gravel to the township at a price of $67,500 for 1,000 tonnes. The other bidder, Gemmills Sand and Gravel, came in at $75,000.The tandem axle truck will cost $227,350. There was only one bidder, but the price was under budget. Requests granted A request for the waiver of the events license fee for the Flinton Jamboree was granted. Also a request by Jen Whalen of Pathways for Children and Youth for space to meet clients on Tuesday afternoons during the summer, was granted. Whalen will also work out of the Land O'Lakes Community Services Office. She uses North Addington Education Centre during the school year. Better deal for councillors attending conferences Based on a notice of motion from Councillor Bill Cox, some of the expense payments to councillors have increased. Mileage payments have been set at $0.54 per kilometre for the first 5,000 kilometres each year, and $0.48 after that, for “travel from their residence within the municipality, for all municipal functions. For conventions, seminars and meetings outside of the township, accommodations will be covered “as per receipts”, meals will be reimbursed at a rate of $15 for breakfast, $25 for lunch, and $35 for dinner. A per diem of $125 per day, “plus bus/rail or mileage plus registration” will also be paid.

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forming, Martine Buissart will be singing in French, Tunes and Tea, a local Ukulele/ singing group will be playing, Eileen Fleiler will be reciting a poem about Benny Lake. There will be a BBQ with The Pickled Chicken String Band entertaining us while we eat. Mike Bossio (MP for Hastings-Lennox and Addington), Scott Reid (MP for LanarkFrontenac-Kingston), Ron Higgins (mayor of North Frontenac), several members of the North Frontenac Council, and Chief Doreen Davis (Chief of the Sharbot- Obaadjiwan First Nation) will be attending the celebration. Please mark Saturday June 24th on your calendars and join us to celebrate Canada’s 150th Anniversary.

Continued from page 1

closed Thursday and Friday June 22, 23, and the morning of Monday June 26. * “Aren’t all records electronic these days?” The law requires that medical records must be kept for ten years after last contact, and Dietrich explained that in most cases, it’s inefficient to put hours into scanning piles of historical paper into an electronic system, if there’s minimal likelihood of their being needed again.

gram called ‘500 Nurses’. Prikker works closely with the Rural Kingston Health Link, established to provide better coordination of care for people with complex medical/ social needs. She often makes house calls, providing care for frail seniors and connecting them with resources and other agencies within the community. Prikker also teams with the nurse in Verona to provide courses to help people who are dealing with chronic pain or disease. The new larger building will be more comfortable and efficient with separate storage space for paper records*, more examination rooms, full accessibility (entries, halls, washrooms) and a large paved parking area on the same level as the main door. A separate exit door will provide easy access for ambulance pick-ups, but not ambulance drop-offs (as was stated in a previous article). Moving day’s this week: the office will be

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Notice To Patients of Drs. Dietrich, Ingo & Raleigh Sydenham Medical Clinic is moving to 3113 Rutledge Road on June 23. We will be closed and phones will not be answered on June 22, 23 or morning of June 26. If you need urgent medical care during this time please go to the walk in clinic or emergency room.

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he Land O’ Lakes Garden Club (LOLGC), the Cloyne and District Historical Society (C&DHS), Mazinaw-Lanark Forest Inc.(MLFI) and North Frontenac Township have joined forces to regenerate the area between the Pioneer Museum and Barrie Community Hall in Cloyne that was devastated by a micro-burst in 2002, during which most of the trees were destroyed (some 200 years old). We will create a legacy parkland with educational signage for all to enjoy. The park will be named Benny’s Lake Heritage Park in honour of the family who originally owned the land. The Land O’Lakes Garden Club members have prepared a special project which will be unveiled at the Ribbon Cutting of the park. The Bon Echo Rocks choir will be per-

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EORN Council passed a motion to support the Eastern Ontario Regional Network’s submission of a business case to support improvement and expansion of cellular networks and mobile broadband services across Eastern Ontario. “The County has already supported this and will probably make some financial commitment to it,” said Mayor Ron Vandewal. “They’re just asking member municipalities to support it too, to strengthen the case.”

Community Project in Cloyne


Addington Highlands Council by Jeff Green s Addington Highlands continues to grapple with dwindling space left in its waste sites and the desire to keep costs reasonable for township residents, Chief Administrative Officer Christine Reed prepared a report outlining the various options for tipping fees that townships of similar size have chosen. Based on the many issues to be dealt with, including determining fees for loads of various sizes and compositions, Councillor Tony Fritsch said it would be best if a group of councillors, township residents, the public works manager and waste site attendants got together to hash out all the options. Reeve Henry Hogg said perhaps the Public Works committee, with the addition of two site attendants, could be called together to look at the issues and submit a report. Councillors Fritsch and Cox sit on that committee, as do three members of the public. Council voted to defer the matter to an expanded public works committee. Financial statements Adam Young from Seckler, Ross and Perry, LLP, presented a scintillating account of the township’s finances, saying that based on the information presented to him the township’s finances appear to be in good order. The township carried a working surplus of $65,000 going forward from 2015 on a $5 million plus budget, with departmental actual expenditures tallying well with their budget estimates.

croaches on a municipal road allowance. “From a roads perspective, the encroachment is not a significant matter,” said Forbes Symon, manager of development services. 1 more month for Perrcy Council extended the lease agreement with Percy Snider on Stage Coach Road for an additional month to allow Snider to complete a move to his new facility. “I would like to see it happen so we could celebrate Canada Day with it cleaned up but he is working on it,” said Mayor Ron Vandewal.

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COMMUNITY REPORTERS (613) Arden............................. Wanda Harrison................335-3186 Cloyne / Northbrook...... Nancy Skipper Denbigh......................... Angela Bright....................333-1901 Godfrey.......................... Stefan Duerst....................374-1710 Harrowsmith.................. Kim Gow Henderson..................... Jean Brown.......................336-2516 Maberly-Bolingbroke..... Karen Prytula....................325-1354 Mississippi..................... Pearl Killingbeck...............278-2127 Mountain Grove............. Marilyn Meeks...................335-4531 Ompah........................... Linda Rush........................479-2570 Marily Seitz........................479-2855 Parham-Tichbome......... Colleen Steele...................375-6219 Christine Teal....................375-6525 Plevna........................... Katie Ohlke........................479-2797 Sydenham.............................................................................. Verona........................... Debbie Lingen...................374-2091

ARDEN Wanda Harrison


• Expressing condolences to the Gaylord family on the loss of a very well know and well liked resident of the community. Although Clark had not been well for the past few years, it was still a shock to hear of his passing. He sure will be missed by a lot of people in the area. • It was a very busy weekend here in Arden with a number of events on the go. The Arden Canada 150/Committee/ Kennebec Rec Committee still have lots of events planned so help celebrate Canada’s Birthday and make a point of attending some of the future events. • If you’re into yard sales, the Anglican Church in Sharbot Lake will be holding their annual yard sale on Saturday, June 24, from 8am to 2pm. There will be the usual yard sale items as well as books, baking and preserves, furniture, CD’s plants and much much more. • On Saturday June 24, 1 pm to 3 pm the Kennebec and District Historical is partnering with Canada 150/Kennebec Rec, to hold a Strawberry Social. Come out and enjoy some delicious hand picked strawberries with homemade biscuits and whipped cream. A full portion will be $6 and a half portion will be $4. The Historical Society will have a display set up for your viewing pleasure. This year, a new historical book has been put together, so you can add to your personal Central Frontenac library about the region. The book will sell for $5.00 per copy and will be available at the social. • On June 30 and July 1 the Henderson United Church is holding their annual yard sale, 8 am to 12 Noon, rain or shine. There will be nothing too large as space is limited. If you have gently used items you are willing to part with, please call 336-2467 or 336-2347 and arrange for pickup. • With Canada’s birthday right around the corner, it’s time to start making some plans. If you are fortunate to have a Flotilla on your lake, your day is already planned, but if you are not involved in a lake activity, come down to Sharbot Lake and join into the many activities planned. There will be musicians, a colouring contest and obstacle course for the

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One of the best goals for those with sleep apnea can make is to lose weight. Sometimes, that alone will help reduce the number of times a person stops breathing (apnea) per night by up to 75%. Of course losing weight can also benefit those with diabetes, heart conditions and arthritis among others. It took almost a century to discover that tobacco smoking was the primary cause of lung cancer, heart disease and increased the risk of other diseases. With the increasing popularity of e-cigarettes over the past few years, more research is required on the effect of this new technology on heart health. Early results show there may be an increased risk to the heart. When women in North American find that they are pregnant, over 90% stopped or reduced their alcohol consumption immediately. Most of them quit totally while only about 6% continued to consume alcohol but at much lower levels. It is standard advice that women stop drinking alcohol when they become pregnant or even trying to become pregnant. When traveling to other countries, it is good to bring a few medications with you in case you get “traveler’s diarrhea”. Loperamide is a good choice and doesn’t require a prescription. For severe cases, ask your doctor to prescribe an antibiotic to be taken for 1-3 days. The important thing is to keep hydrated and avoid raw foods, tap water and ice where sources are unknown. Also pack some insect repellent and of course, sun screen. With these few precautions, you can reduce the risk of spending your vacation in bed.

June 22, 2017

Kids, Vendors, boat races, a walk run and tons of food. • Hope everyone has taken a bit of time to see the beautiful mural erected at the Kennebec Community Centre. This beautiful piece of art was donated to Arden by the talented Arlene Uens. Proudly put up last week, by volunteers, this mural has received many compliments. Arlene, we can’t thank you enough for your generous donation to our Community.

CLOYNE - Northbrook Nancy Skipper


• With a grateful heart and sadness too, our community says good-bye to The Jimmie Clarke Branch, Legion 328. With their last meeting they closed the doors for good. All donations collected by this amazing group have been distributed to several not-for-profit groups in our area. We salute and thank all the veterans and members who have been a part of this group for so many years. • Land O’ Lakes Scouting is back! There will be a registration with BBQ and campfire on Saturday, June 24th at Scouter Steve’s at 1038 Nowell Rd. Northbrook from 11:30a.m. to 1:00p.m. This is open to boys and girls ages 7 to 11 years old. They are looking for more volunteers because for every volunteer that joins the team, six more children can enrol! Regular weekly meetings will start in September on Wednesday evenings at 6:30. If you are not able to register on this date, or you require more information, please call Scouter Wendi Hudson at 613-336-9709 or Scouter Steve Nowell at 613-336-0979. • The annual opening of the Cloyne Pioneer Museum and archives is coming up on June 24th. This opening will be epic as they will be celebrating Canada’s 150th with a special art unveiling, hand clapping music, smudging ceremony, and a BBQ. The Pioneer Museum will be unveiling a unique garden club project, the christening of Benny’s Lake Heritage Park. So, come on out, bring your lawn chair, your smile, and your neighbour to this event which begins at 11am and runs through to 1:30pm. • The Quilting Trunk Show is back again on Tuesday June 27th at Pine View Free Methodist Church (Lower rear entrance) beginning at 10:30. The theme for this year’s show is “A Morning of Inspiration” featuring the experienced quilters Rosemarie Bowick and Christine Piche, both from the Sharbot Lake area. This event is sponsored by the Cloyne Land O’ Lakes Quilters. There is free admission to this event. • It is not too late to register for the Mazinaw Lake Swim Program which runs from July 3-28th. No need to be from the area to sign up, all cottagers & summer visitors are most welcome. For more information, please contact Mary Kelly at 613-336-6806. • Did you know the world famous Haystacks are right here in Northbrook? They are yours for the sampling on July 4th during the Land O’Lakes Community Services sponsored Adult Drop-In. Come on out and enjoy lunch prepared by our local chefs and have some Canada 150 years fun. Stay and enjoy a game or two of cards. Doors open at 9:00am. and lunch is served at noon. There is an $8 charge for lunch. For those living on or visiting the Mazinaw they will be graced with a truly magnificent sight on Saturday, July 8th with the many sails of boats and boards coming together for the 3rd annual Sail Mazinaw. Have they come together for a race or are they part of a regatta? The answer is “no” to both questions. The flotilla is to “show off” Mazinaw Lake as a sailing venue. Who can

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join in? All cottagers and campers are invited to rig their boats and boards and join this flotilla. This will be quite the sight to behold! More details next week! If you cannot wait for next week, check out Sail Mazinaw on Facebook! • My apologies to the garden club for posting the incorrect information for your last meeting.

DENBIGH and Vennachar Angela Bright

613-333-1901 bright.a@gmail.com

• This Sunday is the Annual Memorial Service at St. Paul’s Lutheran Church at 2pm, with a luncheon to follow. • Canada’s 150th birthday will be celebrated in Denbigh with a party at Heritage Park, beginning at 5pm on Saturday, July 1st hosted by the Rec. Club. Bring along your favourite salad to share potluck style, with hamburgers and hotdogs for sale. There will be music, kids games, and a fireworks show at dusk. Prizes will be given for the best costume for kids and adults. • Summer is fast approaching! You can get the kids involved with the 2017 TD Summer Reading Program that will run every Tuesday from 6pm-7pm, starting July 4th. This year’s theme is “Canada”. Drop by the library and sign up! You can place your order for a Good Food Box to be delivered in July on Wednesday, July 5th, 1-4pm at Vennachar Free Methodist, 424 Matawatchan Road. Info Angela 333 1901. • “It is wonderful to feel the grandness of Canada in the raw, not because she is Canada but because she’s something sublime that you were born into, some great rugged power that you are a part of.” Emily Carr



• The Harrowsmith S and A Club invites everyone to come and enjoy “Canada Day in the Park”, July 1 at Centennial Park. Festivities begin with a Parade at 10am followed by a full day of activities including decorated bicycle awards, antique and classic cars, face painting, pony rides, mini putt, train rides, strong man competition, live entertainment, games and so much more. Canteen and concessions run from 11am-dusk. The day will conclude with a spectacular fireworks finale. Volunteers are still needed. If you can spare even an hour on the day please call Marilyn 372-0917.



• Sincere sympathy to the family and friends of the late Clarke Gaylord Clarke was raised in Bordenwood and was an avid outdoorsman/hunter/trapper in our area where his roots are. He will be remembered for his love of family members, particularly his spouse Nancy (Wilkes) Gaylord, who is also from Henderson. He was known for all of his efforts in the Frontenac Addington Trapper’s Council, and for his caring for others. • Sympathy to the family of the late Beryl Garrett of Sharbot Lake, who taught with many folks from our area. She will be remembered for her love of spouse Virgil and family, educational efforts, and service to God in the area churches. • Be sure to check out the up-coming Henderson United Church yard sale on June 30 and July 1. The folks will receive your gently used items at the hall from June 24-June 28, however have limited space and no room for large items. • Some comings and goings this week included Crystal Gurnsey, Carol Hopkinson, Angie Deline, lots of bass fishing enthusiasts, and many folks attending the United Church cemetery service. • Be sure to check for ticks frequently. The ticks carry Lyme disease which is apparently very difficult to be diagnosed for and to get the much needed medication. Some folks have been ill for 6 months to a year before getting the diagnosis. It’s certainly a concern. • An area-wide ecumenical Canada 150 Beach worship service at Oso Beach in Sharbot Lake at 10am on July 2. It is hosted by ministerial and United, Anglican, Pentecostal, Ro-

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June 22, 2017


man Catholic, Free Methodist Churches. Bring a lawn chair. Rain location is Sharbot Lake Pentecostal Church. Come and celebrate with area folks. Info - 613-279-2245. The Sharbot Lake United Church service is cancelled on that date so folks can worship at the ecumenical service.


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• Westport Heritage Festival – June 24 – Tay Valley will be represented there by volunteers (me) who will be selling copies of “At Home in Tay Valley”. Lockwood Park, 9 am – 4 pm. Lots of things for the whole family. FREE Admission • The CPHC Diner’s luncheon for seniors will be the 4th Tuesday, June 27th at 12:00 noon. Contact Joyce at 613273-4832. • The Maberly Agricultural Society presents the annual “Pie in the Sky” event at the Maberly Fairgrounds 8 am – 1 pm, 4884 Bolingbroke Rd. (County Rd. 36) on Canada Day. Fresh home-made pies will be for sale. Fred Barrett & Bob Hillier, local members of the Royal Astronomical Society will set up a special solar telescope that shows solar flares and sunspots in detail. There will be a country market where you can buy or sell plants, fresh vegetables, antiques and rummage sale treasures. A fundraising event of the Maberly Agricultural Society. Donations welcome. Proceeds to the Maberly Fair. Why not join the Agricultural Society at the same time? Only $5.00 buys you a membership for the year. Check out our new website: maberly-fair.ca. If you’re willing to donate a pie or two for the sale, give Anne Thomlison a call at 613-273-5069. Pies will be needed early Saturday morning July 1. • If you happened to see a group of people armed with whipper snippers and garbage bags on the weekend, that was just a group of volunteers, myself included, who have agreed to do minor roadside maintenance along the Bolingbroke Rd from Highway 7 to the train bridge, to keep the weeds back. If we can keep the ditches free of wild parsnip, i.e. cutting them down before they get a chance to flower and go to seed, then the County won’t spray the ditches with chemicals. If you are not participating with this community volunteer project then please help by slowing down while driving. Much cutting takes place along sharp curves in the road where there is little shoulder, or none at all. If you would like to volunteer for a couple of hours please call Ken Parks at 613-268-2526. The next cutting will be in week 1 or 2 of July. You don’t have to live on the Bolingbroke Road in order to help. • There will be an information session on the topic of roadside household garbage pick-up at the Glen Tay Public School on June 24 at 9:30 am. More information on this can be found at the Tay Valley Township website. • The Ross-Griffin family would like send a BIG Thank You to all who helped to make the family reunion at the Maberly Fairgrounds a success a couple of weekends ago.


3 birthdays; Donna Virgin, Jerry Lichty and Ava Webster. Johanna did the decorating, Don Brown the tables. Joelle, Anne Massey and Janis Brown helped set up the tons of food. Excellent meal as always. • Don’t forget the breakfast at Snow Road Snowmobile Club Saturday from 8 until 11. It is also a yard and bake sale. • Also Saturday evening, from 6pm to 8pm at the Snow Road Community Centre there will be a Strawberry Social. $5 for firsts, $2.50 for seconds, strawberry cake and ice cream. Come for dessert and a visit. • Don’t forget the 175 anniversary of Elphin on Sunday June 25 at 11. Lunch to follow. Rev Bob Hill cemetery service at pm after lunch. • Also on Saturday, the 24th, the summer opening of Back Forty Cheese from 10-4pm. Local food, music, BBQ, wine, beer, curd, and more. Mississippi Station on Gulley Road. Watch for signs. • I hear there’s a great breakfast to go to for $1.50 (Yes I said $1.50) A breakfast buffet in celebration of Canada’s 150th anniversary is set for Thursday June 29 at Clar-Mil Communty Hall on Buckshot Lake Road at Plevna. It’s a celebration. • Happy 50th anniversary to Gord and Bev Paterson and Happy Birthday Barb Crain. • Happy birthday to Irene Hawley, Olive Allen and Donna Virgin. • The United Church Women of Sharbot Lake outdid themselves on the church flower beds, making them in red and white in honour of Canada Day. Rev. Jean Brown contracts to Sharbot Lake and Parham and has been extended for another year or until a student minister can be found. For onsite training the churches are well known for their support to the student ministry and training the future generations. As well the churches will contuinue to seek new ways of being a church by exploring boundaries, praying and seeking god’s will. • Zealand cemetery service co-led by Jean Brown and Irene Hawley was a tribute to god. They are exploring an alternative date for next year’s service.


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• Coffee breaks host and hostess were Janis and Don Brown. Lots of fruit, sweets and coffee. Nice to see John Inglis enjoying a cup. • Get well wishes to Bob Watkins and sympathy to the families of Billie Lapointe, Beryl Garrett, Bernice Gunsinger, and June Conroy. • Happy 50th anniversary to Ann and Allan Massey of Mississippi. • A big crowd for Wednesday nights social dinner. 38 people,

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• It is a sad time in our communities as we mark the passing of well loved Bernice Gunsinger. Bernice was 97 years young and throughout her life she never stopped contributing to the vibrant life of the community. St. Killian’s Church was filled on Monday with folks remembering a great lady. • The annual Catch and Release Bass Derby was held on Saturday, June 17. 70 participants enjoyed the day followed by dinner catered by Tim Cota. There is nothing like a roast beef dinner after a long day out on the water. Lots of prizes were given out and it was a great day fishing.

Columns continued on page 8

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Marilyn Meeks. Everyone enjoyed the potluck dinner. A trip is planned to the Gananoque playhouse to hear a musical on July 12 2pm, John to get more info. The club welcomed a new member, Larry Lightstone. • Happy birthday to Sandy (50), June Johnston, Norma Harper, Rick Brown, Fred Pringle, Mike Mahoney, Pat Smith, Barbara Akey, Carter Scott, Kaitlin Hannah, Andrew Young, Morgan Noonan, Wayne Keller, Susan Peters, Roxanne Beattie, Brian Sly. • Happy Anniversary to Ralph and Carol McInnes (50), Ernie and Tracey Barker (25), Steve and Penny Lloyd, Carl and Jean Pritchard, Lyn and Arlene Uens. • The Pastoral charge will hold a Union Service on July 2 at 10am at Arden, all welcome. • Thinking of Gordon and Marjorie Willett, Norman and Betty McCrimmon, Gordon Strutchers, King Stinchcombe, Elgin Young. • On Fathers day our worship leader was Rev Harry Klassen on June 18. I hope you remember your dad or Grandpa with a card or phone call. A big thank you to my children for all your kind wishes for your dad. • A big thank you to Arlene Uens for beautifying the Mountain Grove Village with the beautiful flowers and paintings. • There was a gospel sing at Arden Community Centre featuring Clearview and Friends of the Gospel Free will Offering. A great musical evening • A Church Blooper: Ladies don’t forget the yard sale, it is a chance to get rid of those things not worth keeping around the house. Bring you husbands.

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• Sympathy to the family of Clark Gaylord who recently passed away. Also sympathy to Virgil Garrett at the passing of his wife Beryl. Sympathy to the family of Bernice Gunslinger who has also passed away. • Correction: The cemetery service will be on July 9 at 2pm not July 2 in the old Mountain Grove Cemetery. Please bring your lawn chairs. • The Mountain Grove 50+ club met on June 15 for their June meeting. President John Purdon asked each member what their summer plans were for the roll call. He then read some jokes from his happiness file which brought forth a lot of laughter. Happy birthday was sung to Sylvia Powers, Ronda Noble and Norma Harper. Also happy anniversary 57 to Archie and


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June 22, 2017

Free train rides at Open House in Battersea this Saturday

Trains, like the tide and time, stop for no one W

hen Doug Angle looks closely at a steam engine train, the mechanical parts look like a work of art. Doug, appreciates, like his family before him, the design, construction and operation of a train. “My grandfather was a telegrapher for the Toronto, Hamilton, Buffalo Railway,” confirms the 59-year-old process improvement consultant from Sydenham, who is also the President of the Frontenac Society of Model Engineers (FSME) “My father fired on steam engines in the 1950s.. He shovelled four tons of coal every day.” Familiar with that hot and heavy work, Doug talks about his father’s accomplishments with pride. “On a full-sized locomotive, it takes two people to keep it running,” he explains about the fireman (person who shovels coal) and engineer (person who operates the train). “To drive a locomotive, you need to know everything about how it works or you will find yourself sitting on a train wondering why it won’t go.” Armed with this family history and his own interest in trains, Doug joined the FSME ten years ago. “I wanted to take on something new,” says the friendly father of three. “I think what you’ll find with model engineers, particularly with steam engines, you can see all of the mechanical parts working. What’s really neat is that our steam engines have all of the same parts as full-sized locomotives.”

18 members strong, the club owns a 1,200 ft track, locomotives and riding cars in a field next to the Battersea Baseball Diamond. The club started construction on the township property in 2011. It completed the elevated track in 2012 and the ground line in 2015. Tucked away in a corner of the village that is not visible from the main road, the club is bringing itself front and centre this Saturday by hosting an Open House from 11 am to 3 pm. “This is a great time to see our operation and have a ride

by Catherine Reynolds on a train,” says Doug. “People can view, and enjoy, a variety of miniature live steam locomotives on display and in operation. We expect to be running on both tracks during the day. We’ll be giving rides on the larger gauge track.” The president hopes the club exceeds the number of guests at their open house in 2016. “Last year, we had about 500 people come. That may sound like a lot, but it pales in comparison to the 1,300 passengers we hauled at the Battersea Pumpkin Festival last year,” he said. “The Pumpkin Festival was a lot of work and we were happy people came-out and shared their love of trains. A lot of people are surprised there are still steam engines burning coal; that they do what steam engines are supposed to do.” The club is eager to share its love of trains. “At this event, we have time to show people how the equipment works,” says the president. “In a sense, it’s a way of preserving our steam heritage. There aren’t a lot of fullsized steam locomotives operating anymore. We’re happy to show people that.” To ride a miniature live steam locomotive for FREE this Saturday, travel into the Village of Battersea and turn off Battersea Road onto Doris Lane. The club is located in the field at the bottom of the hill on the right. To learn more about the club or this event, please contact Doug Angle at 613-3763908 or visit www.fsme.ca

Salmon River Watershed in “great condition” and Friends wants to keep it that way “W

by Craig Bakay e’re not here looking for money, we’re looking for ways we can help municipalities,” Susan Moore, president of the Friends of the Salmon River told North Frontenac and Central Frontenac Councils recently. Moore and FSR founder/environmental scientist Gray Merriam have been on a mini-tour of watershed municipalities spreading their gospel and offering their assistance in whatever capacity deemed necessary. “We got a $200,000 grant from Environment Canada for studies that looked at 11 variables,” Moore said. “We didn’t find any problems.” She then turned the mike over to Merriam. “From its headwaters in North Frontenac and area, the Salmon River dumps into the Bay of Quinte (at Shannonville),” Merriam said. “We did studies (and) there are places that need work (but) it turns out not many and those are all in the south in areas of intense agriculture.” And there’s the rub. “You can’t stir the public to fix something that doesn’t need fixing,” he said. “So we’re trying to encourage people to look after what’s there. “If you allow it, this could become another Muskoka, a string of time-shares. Lay claim to the riches you have here.” Merriam urged councils to engage in regional planning and to share information through public meetings, watershed

tours, maps, reports, signage. To that end, the FSR has already published the Salmon River Habitat Strategy and a book, The Salmon River — Jewel of Eastern Ontario. “Talk to your taxpayers and offer us (FSR) as slaves to do some of the work,” he said. “This land is not ordinary, it’s special. “I can eat breakfast and watch mink or otter out my window. “Offer that to people from Western Europe and see what they’d pay for it.” Merriam also extended his advice to lake stewardship. “Lake capacity is a ’70s model that’s based on phosphorus,” he said. “That’s rapidly becoming outdated by improved septic systems that deal with phosphorus. “(But) human activity on a lake can’t be dealt with by shoreline management. “A lot of lakes have reached their capacity through the music of boom boxes, not phosphorus.” For their part, the councils were quite receptive to the FSR’s message. “We’ll never become another Muskoka,” vowed North Frontenac Mayor Ron Higgins. “We should do this (meet with FSR representatives) every year,” said Central Frontenac Mayor Frances Smith.

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Lowest or any proposal submission may not necessarily be accepted.

Michael McGovern, Treasurer The Corporation of the Township of Central Frontenac P.O. Box 89, 1084 Elizabeth Street Sharbot Lake, Ontario K0H 2P0

Friends of the Salmon River president Susan Moore and founder/resident environmental scientist Gray Merriam addressing Central Frontenac Council last week. Photo/Craig Bakay

S.W. Intersection of Highway #38 and #7 Sharbot Lake (Plaza Parking Lot)

Please direct any specific inquiries to Michael McGovern, Treasurer, Township of Central Frontenac at 613279-2422 Ext. 224 or by e-mail mmcgovern@ centralfrontenac.com

Submissions shall be submitted to the undersigned, on the prescribed form, in a sealed package, clearly identifying the document as “RFP No. 2017-13 Website Design, Redevelopment and Hosting Services” on or before 3:00 PM local time on Friday, July 21, 2017

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Proposal documents and the prescribed Submission forms, which include the Minimum Requirements and Specifications, shall be obtained from the Central Frontenac Municipal Office, 1084 Elizabeth St., P.O. Box 89, Sharbot Lake, Ontario or by email at mmcgovern@ centralfrontenac.com

The Township reserves the right to cancel the Request for Proposal at any time up to the notification of Award.



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Merriam even had an answer to Coun. Tom Dewey’s question about how to handle “beaver problems.” “From the beavers’ point of view, they’re doing just fine,” Merriam said.

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Helpful hint: Last year’s longest lineups were caused by those who came early to avoid the rush. Please visit the Township website at www.centralfrontenac.com for a list of eligible materials Accepted Waste Materials From the House: Arts and Crafts Supplies Metal Polish Drain Opener Oven Cleaner Household Cleaners Photo Chemicals Dry-cleaning Fluids Roofing Tar Epoxies and Resins Spot Remover Floor Cleaner and Polish Expired prescriptions Batteries Unbroken Fluorescent Bulbs and Tubes From the Garage: Antifreeze and Radiator Fluid, Gasoline and Diesel Fuel, Cleaners, Motor Oil, Brake and Transmission Fluid, Paint Stripper, Car Batteries, Paint Thinner and Solvents, Car Wax and Polish, Oil-based Paint, Carburetor Cleaners & Degreasers, Spray Paint, Stains and Varnishes, Wood Preservative From your Lawn and Garden: Coal Tar-Based Driveway Sealer, Pesticides, Herbicides and Weed Killers, Pool Chemicals, Rust Preventative Sealants Do not Bring: Waste from commercial businesses (Household Hazardous Waste only) Explosives (ammunition or flares) Freon tanks PCB Waste Tires Electronics.

June 22, 2017



Snow Road Community Centre Grand re-opening by Pearl Killingbeck t was standing room only at the former schoolhouse, now know as the Snow Road Community Centre on Saturday afternoon (June 17) Gerry Lichty, President of the Community Centre, was the Master of Ceremonies. The building was originally constructed in 1896. The local township, South Palmerston, provided the local school trustees with a debenture for $400 to cover the cost of the new building with the terms of repayment of $100 per annum with 6% interest. The school proved to be a wise investment wit attendance of up to 50 students a year. At times it was so busy that desks frequently did dual or triple duty. All this under the supervision of only one teacher. The building served serves as the local school until 1966, when it was decided to bus both the elementary and high school students to Sharbot Lake. In 1976 a group of local citizens decided that the old schoolhouse should be preserved for posterity. On Oct. 20Th 1977 the “Happy Gang


Senior’s Club” was established. Over the next three years an addition was dded to the back of the building to house the kitchen and washroom facilities and the meeting hall portion of the building was insulated, panelled, and carpeted. After many months of hard work and sacrifices it opened on august 9th, 1980 and almost 300 people attended the opening ceremony. The building became the focal point for local activities, meetings and entertainment. The school bell, which had been purchased by the Gemmill family at auction in 1966 when the school was closed, was donated back as part of the refurbishment. Over the next 30 years or so, through good times and bad, even when the hall was much less active, a core group of volunteers maintained the facility. A few years ago $8,000 was raised through fund raising and with an additional 1,000 hours of volunteer labour the Township of North Frontenac, the hall was upgraded again. Corey Klatt, with the township of North

Frontenac guided the volunteers through the process and helped see the dream through to reality. Thanks to everyone, including the Frontenac County Schools museum who created various displays and artifacts go that we have an enhanced appreiation of the history of the Snow Road settlement. By 2015 use of the building had increased so significantly that major changes were needed again. With the help of the Federal government through their Canada150 program and generous assistance and wisdom of the Township of North Frontenac, the community came together once again to undertake the following activities: replacement of all he seating with new comfortable padded chairs; the addition of a heat pump to improve heating and provide air-conditioning; the construction of a new entrance to improve access and increase usable interior space; the complete renovation of the kitchen facilities; and the refurbishment of the existing interior overhead sign. The facility

Granite Ridge: Special Olympic Recap M

A special thank you to all the athletes, Ms. Steele and Mr. McCullough for the tremendous efforts over the last three days! We are so very proud of all you have accomplished. Kendra DeRooy School to Community Teacher

has also been re-named the Snow Road Community Centre (it has been officially known as the South Palmerston Community Centre until now). Walter Gemmil brought everyone together for the ceremony on Saturday by ringing the bell that he donated back to the centre so many years ago. Sharon Dowdall did a fantastic job and presentation about the history of the one room schoolhouse. Mayor Ron Higgins gave a speech. Wonderful music as provided by Walter Cameron and his partner Marilyn, who is a fantastic singer, as well as Eric Labelle, Eddie Ashton, Mark Hannah and Kevin Topping. Olive Allen, Harriet Ridt rn No Bu d, ey! oo n W Mo

ost sports season here them into the B Division for at GREC run Fall, Win- the following day of comter or Spring, not the Spe- petition. Day 2 the team cial Olympics! We started really came together and preparing for competition played like superstars! Deway back in October, which spite some jitters and a loss just shows the commitment early in the day, our athletes these athletes have to their overcame this and posted sport - and boy did it pay two 5-0 wins that involved incredible ball handling, conoff! Recently, a group of stant passing, great commuSchool to Community ath- nication and many shots on letes traveled all the way to net. This put GREC in first Brock University where they place and on their way to the competed at the Special semi-final game where they Olympic Provincial Champi- beat NDSS 3-0, which secured their place in the gold onship. There were over 800 ath- medal game. In the end, letes at the event competing GREC won the GOLD with t Basketball, Soccer, Bocce a 1-0 win over Dennis Morin t Ball and Track and Field. ris, a local favourite from St. t GREC competed in the soc- Catherine's, Ontario. t I hope the memories you cer competition against 11 Highway 511 Heating other teams from Solutions across made this week will last a 14406 Hwy. 7, RR#6, Perth ON K7H 3C8 lifetime and encourage you Ontario and Canada. Phone: (613) 264-0874 During Day 1 of competi- to try your best in every sitution GREC tied two games ation that life may throw at and lost 1 game placing you!

The band (Mark Hannah, Eric Labelle, Walter Cameron, Marlyn Schlievert, Eddie Ashton and Kevin Topping) entertained a packed house as Snow Road Station celebrated the official opening of its former schoolhouse into a community centre last Saturday. Photo/Craig Bakay

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2017 8 Week Summer Camp beginning July 4 at The Child Centre 1004 art Duffy Road, Sharbot Lake 613-279-2244 or kids@nfcs.ca Tues., Wed., & Thursday 9am to 4pm $30.00 per child/per day. ages: 6-12 years Registration is required and spaces are limited ADULT SeRv R ICeS Rv P.O. Box 250, 1020 elizabeth St. Sharbot Lake, ON KOH 2P0 Phone: 613-279-3151 Fax: 613-279-2565 email: info@nfcs.ca www.nfcs.ca

ChILDReN'S SeRv R ICeS Rv 1004 art Duffy Road, Sharbot Lake, ON K0H 2P0 Phone: 613-279-2244 Fax: 613-279-3355 email: kids@nfcs.ca www.nfcs.ca

dell, Ron Higgins and Eva Webster cut the ribbon. And there was cake of course, and cold drinks and coffee

and tea. It was a wonderful and interesting afternoon.

Leonard, Roy

“The legacy of a man is not measured by what he had, but instead by what he had given” The family of Roy Leonard would like to express our sincere thanks and appreciation for the support we have received up to and during the recent passing of our dear husband, father, pop and grand pop. Roy received a great deal of satisfaction serving his community through his years on the volunteer fire department, as a member of the Albion 109 Masonic Lodge, by assisting with fund raising events and as a business owner in the community. We would like to thank family, friends, community members and business associates who have helped support our family during this very difficult time. To those who sent flowers, food, cards, made donations on his behalf and to the people who travelled from near and far to wait in long lines in order to share a story and to express your condolences, we have been truly overwhelmed and your kindness has meant so much to each and every one of us. To Pastor Kevin Tompkins for his comforting message and to he and his wife, Maria, for their visits both before and after his passing; Brothers Reg and Bob Leonard for their heart felt and touching eulogies; greatgranddaughter, Keira, for her special tribute to Pop; Rick Smith & aunt Rowena Reynolds for their musical contribution, we thank you. Roy loved music and it was very fitting that two of his favourite musicians were there to serenade him on his way to heaven. Thank you to the Portland District Fire Department Honour Guards for watching over Roy and our family during this difficult time. To the pallbearers; his grandson’s Tyler Stewart and John Dillon, his sons-in-law Tom Stewart, Glenn Bowman, Brian Last and to his dear friend and fishing buddy Ed O’Reilly, thank you for carrying him home. Each and every one of you helped give him a final good bye that was fitting for the man he was. Thank you to the Harrowsmith Women’s institute, the elizabeth Rebekah Lodge and athena Odd Fellow Lodge of Harrowsmith for coming together to prepare a wonderful luncheon after the service. y your kindness in our time of need will never be forgotten. To Dr. Franklin, Dr. Fung, Dr. Owen, Dr. Harle, allison, Tracey, Cathy and staff in the Cancer Clinic; nurses and doctors on Davies 4, Laura Lee asselstine, annie Campbell, Dr. Gibbens; Providence Palliative Care and all of the medical professionals who not only cared for Roy to the best of their medical ability but who also treated him with respect and dignity, we are eternally grateful for the work you do and so appreciate the hours you spend doing it. To the nurses from St. elizabeth, especially Gennaro, a friendship built through illness, we are forever thankful for the time you spent with Roy and our family. Thank you to Reverends John and Marilyn Craig, Judy Reynolds & Marg Dydyk of the Portland Community Church for the kindness they showed us. To Trousdale’s Funeral Home, Peter and Jackie, we can't thank you enough for looking after us so incredibly well. Roy/Dad/Pop will be missed forever, but we know that he will live in the hearts of all who shared their grief with us during this difficult time. Warm Regards, Ginny, Rozanne, Kim, Kelly and Families





Beryl Sylvia Garrett (Sansome) With sadness, we announce the death of Beryl Sylvia Garrett, 94, on June 13, 2017 at Lanark Lodge in Perth, ON. Beryl was born on November 7, 1922 in Toronto, ON to arthur and Nancy Sansome. in 1947, she married Virgil Garrett and together they raised their two daughters anne and Jane. Beryl taught elementary school in Sharbot Lake for most of her career. She earned a degree while working, and in 1978 was a proud graduate of Queen’s university with a Bachelor of arts. She was a tireless volunteer in the Sharbot Lake united Church and other local community activities. Beryl is survived by her daughters anne Garrett (Peter Jarvis) and Jane McFarlane (Ian), her grandchildren Duncan McFarlane (Cecilia Livingston), Heather McFarlane and Stuart McFarlane, her sister Joanne Petersen (Tom Matthews), nephews and nieces Marion Clark, Peter Garrett, David Peterson and Lorraine Jaffray. Visitation will be Friday June 23rd at 11am at Goodfellow’s Funeral Home in Parham, ON followed by a Funeral Service at 12pm, Rev. Jean Brown officiating. Donations to Sharbot Lake united Church or a charity of your choice would be appreciated by the family. Online condolences at goodfellowsfuneralhome.com

A Promise for You

Thy word is a lamp for my feet, and a light on my path. Psalm 119:105



Wedding Anniversary Melville Good & Doris Graham Married June 24, 1944.

HOBBS, Nellie Elizabeth (nee Ottenhof) June 3 1938 - June 15 2017 Nellie Hobbs, age 79 years, died at home surrounded by her loving and devoted family on June 15, 2017. She was recently diagnosed with advanced pancreatic cancer and it was her wish to be cared for by family members and die “at “the cottage”, where she could enjoy the lake, loons, and gardens up until the very end. Nellie was born in Holland and came to Canada at age 10. Similar to many immigrants to Canada at that time, she overcame significant adversity and in addition to being a wonderful mother to four children, she was a successful real estate agent in Kingston. She retired to Gull Lake and was predeceased by her husband Clifford in 2015. Her family was probably the most important thing in Nellie’s life. She was extremely proud of the accomplishments of her family, including sons Dan (Irene), Todd (Jill), Kevin (Maureen) and daughter Cindy (Larry); and grandchildren Taylor, Zachary, Sarah, Ryan, Matthew, Abby and Josh. Many memories were made as we celebrated all major holidays together “at the cottage” over the years. Nellie was an avid gardener and active member of the Land O’ Lakes Garden Club. She had many special friends and loved to golf, play bridge, experience new things and travel. Just three months ago she thoroughly enjoyed a trip to Mexico with many family members. Nellie will be remembered as a kind, generous woman with a sparkling personality and smile that could light up a room. We would like to express our sincere appreciation to the staff at Northbrook Medical Center, especially Dr. Peter Tam, nurse Sue Tobia and pharmacist Eric Tobia. Without their outstanding support and assistance, we could not have taken care of our mother at home in her final two months of life. Following cremation, we will have a celebration of Nellie’s life at Milestones Funeral Center, Northbrook Ontario on Saturday July 15, 2017. Friends and family can gather from 12:30 - 2:00 pm, with a tribute and luncheon to follow. In lieu of flowers, a donation could be made to a charity of your choice. Online condolences are available to the family at www.milestonefuneralcenter.com

Milestone Funeral Center Northbrook ON 613-336-6873


Milestone Funeral Center Derek Maschke Northbrook Chapel Funeral Director 11928 Hwy. 41 613-336-6873 Northbrook, ON K0H 2G0 www.milestonefuneralcenter.com

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Gaylord, Clarke Suddenly, at home on Tuesday, June 13, 2017. Clarke Gordon James Gaylord of arden at age 63. Beloved husband of Nancy Gaylord (Wilkes) and dear father of amanda Bentley (Brent) and the late Tanya Gaylord. Grandfather of elsie, Hattie and Ruby. Brother of Barbara Smith (Wayne); Diane Tryan (late Harold) and Judy McClure (andrew). also survived by several nieces, nephews and great-nieces and nephews. Will also be sadly missed by sisters and brothers in law, his many friends, trapping friends and his dog companion Soloman. Pre-deceased by his parents Gordon and Dorothy Gaylord. The family received friends at the hANNAh FUNeRAL hOMe in Tamworth (613-379-2997) on Saturday, June 17 from 11 a.m., followed by Service in the Chapel at 1:00 p.m. Memorial donations (by cheque please) made to the uHKF (Dialysis unit) or the Frontenac Addington Trapper’s Council would be appreciated by the family. Online condolences at www.hannahfuneralhome.com

June 22, 2017

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CARd OF ThANkS Thank You ~ McLinton To our friends & neigbours for the BBQ Bruce & Fran


Lloyd Bernard Jones of Stirling, Ontario (December 16, 1930-January 15, 2017) Long Time resident & cottager at Crow Lake. Saturday, July 22, 2017 The Crow Lake Schoolhouse BBQ starts at Noon Memories begin at 1:00 pm all friends, neighbours, family and Lake association colleagues welcome.

IN MEMORIAM In loving memory of our dear Mom, Gramma, G. Gramma & G.G. Gramma, Frances Crawford, who passed away June 28, 2016 The depths of sorrow we cannot tell, Of the loss of one, we loved so well, And while she sleeps a peaceful sleep Her memory we shall always keep Lovingly remembered by Linda & family, Ron & Maureen & family & Brian In Memory of Mark Hamilton, dear Husband, Father & Pappa who passed on June 25, 2014. May the winds of Heaven blow softly, And whisper in your ear, How much we love and miss you, And wish that you were here. Love Shelley, alysha, Justin, Bryce, Lucas, Blake & Carter

MOORe In Memory of norman T. Moore Died June 19, 2005 Twelve years ago you left us, Answering our dear lords call, We truly miss you Same as on that fateful day. Lovingly Remembered by Heidi-Mae, Lily, Rosie & anne.


Ompah column - continued from page 5 • Want to learn more about our flag? Come out to the Community Centre on Saturday, June 24 at 7:30. Cille Harris will share a video and share with us how her father was connected to the choice of our flag back in the ‘60’s. Bring your own recollections of the ‘new’ flag. • Have you got your flag and decorations ready for Canada Day? Everyone is welcome to take part in the Ompah events on July 1: Flag wave at 11:00 on top either of the Palmerston/Canonto lookouts. Meet at the boat launch at 10:30 if you want a guided hike to Lakeview Lookout. Parade at 4pm starting at West Palmerston Drive and ending at the Community Centre where the annual Canada Day Cold Plate Dinner will be held from 5pm to 7pm. Cost is $10 or $5 for children under 12. The days events will end with Fireworks at the Marina at 10:00 pm. Happy 150th birthday Canada! • The Ompah Community Centre Association Annual General Meeting will be held on Saturday, July 22. President Marily Seitz will end her four year term. New members of the executive are needed to carry on the day to day operation of the hall. If you are interested, contact Marily Seitz, Rob Harris, Betty Kelford, Rick Morey, or Stacey Couture for more information.

PARHAM-TICHBORNE Colleen Steele 613-375-6219 Christine Teal 613-375-6525 mrsteal2u@hotmail.com • Condolences to the Albertson/Knox family on the loss of Myrtle also to the family of the late Clarke Gaylord (treasurer of the Trappers Association) and to the family of the late Beryl Garrett of Sharbot Lake. • Thinking of you to Willie LaPointe and Gary Howes. • Watching on TV, if you are thinking we have an abundance of those tent caterpillars, you ought to be out in Winnipeg. We have hear that spraying them with Vegetable oil helps. • Happy 50th Anniversary to Hugh and Sylvia Gray and to Ralph & Carol McInnes. • Don’t forget this Sunday June 25th there is no church at Parham United as they are joining with Sharbot Lake for the Anniversary service at 11 am also to celebrate Sharon MacDonald on becoming a lay minister. • Parham Peewee’s play at home on Thursday night at 6:30 followed by the Parham Junior Men 8:30 pm - then Parham Bantam Boys play a make up game on Friday night at 7 pm in Parham so be sure to come out and cheer them on! • On June 24th there is an Open Mike at the Oddfellows Hall in Parham, more info later on or contact 613-279-2852. • We are still looking for volunteers to report the Parham/Tichborne news. Give us a call. • Happy Birthday to: Derek Melkman, Nicole Cole-Godfrey, Angie Mallette, Spencer LoFaso, Janice Cowen, Pat Arney, Kale Dupuis, Jon Neadow, Melanie Fox-Wisteard, Darryl Barker, Christie Jones, and Gary Thompson

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• Deepest condolences are extended to the family and friends of Bernice Gunsinger who passed away surrounded by family on Wednesday June 14th in her 98th year. She tirelessly volunteered for over seventy years, helping to bring a community fire department to Plevna, working for 15 years as president of the Volunteer Ladies Fire Auxiliary, a member of the Plevna Crafts Group, a member of the Clar-Mill Volunteers and helping to organize the Christmas events in the community including the annual tree lighting, the parade and Santa’s visits to children. She was also the caretaker at Clarendon Central for 25 years. Bernice was a cornerstone of our community and will be greatly missed. • Come and celebrate with us! 125 Years @ St. Kilian’s. Sunday July 9th, @ 10:30am. Beginning with meeting at the Cemetery at 10:30 am for Blessing of the new Cross, and cemetery. Mass at 11:00am. Sandwiches, goodies, tea, coffee, juice and fellowship to follow, everyone welcome. • The parishioners have commissioned a pewter ornament, depicting both the Old

Plevna column - continued on page 9


June 22, 2017


The Classifieds Ad Rates: Classified Text ads: $9.74 + HST per insertion for 20 words & under; 20¢ each extra word. Deadline: 4 pm Monday; Ph: 613-279-3150, Fax: 613-279-3172; info@frontenacnews.ca


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EMBROIDERY & ENGRAVING UPPER FRONTENAC GRAPHICS – Custom Embroidery, Imprinting, Trophies, Awards & Engraving. Caps, jackets, golf shirts, hoodies, teamwear & more. 613-539-6340; dwedden@ aol.com; ufg@hotmail.ca

FLEA MARKET TONI & JP’S FLEA MARKET, 6107 Hwy 506 at Ardoch Rd. Open Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday, until Thanksgiving. 613-479-0341

FOR SALE CENTRAL BOILER OUTDOOR FURNACES Summer REBATE with a savings up to $700. Call for more information. Your local Dealer, Wood Heat Solutions, Frankford, ON, 613398-1611; Bancroft, ON 613-332-1613. www. chesher.ca

HELP WANTED COTTAGE CLEANERS NEEDED - location 5 minutes north of Arden, $15/hr + $200 bonus for working all Saturdays July 1 - August 26. Also open positions for office-customer service work and for handyman/groundskeeper, wage based on experience. To schedule your interview call 613.335.5333 HELP WANTED: Seeking 16-18 year old for grass cutting and painting, Sharbot Lake 613279-2945. 6 hr days, $12/hr. TUMBLEHOME LODGE cottage cleaners wanted $16+/hr depending on ability. Also seeking store help, wage TBD based on experience. Contact Ward or Ashley at 613279-2414 or tumblehme@aol.com


HALLInsurance RENTAL Matson SOCIAL & ATHLETIC CLUB HALL, Brokers Harrowsmith, A/C, kitchen, capacity 90,

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RAFFLE WINNERS The winner of the 50/50 draw at Sharbot Lake Lions’ Community breakfast on June 17 was Lisa Hamilton.

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ATTN NORTH FRONTENAC LANDOWNERS - Want to make money off your vacant land? Looking to rent waterfront property for off-grid, tiny cabin rentals. Land must have privacy with road access. Contact John at bookings@ cabinscape.com or 416-857-5712.

FIREARMS COURSE – July 21 & 22, and Hunter Education Course, July 28 & 29, Harrowsmith. Call Bill, 613-335-2786

SERVICES ANYTHING METAL FREE PICKUP: fridges, stoves, washers, dryers. Driveway & cottage road grading. Call 613-375-6377, leave message CEREMONIES FOR ALL OCCASIONS. Celebrating weddings, renewals, namings, blessings, transitions. Judie Diamond, 613375-6772, www.judiediamond.ca DOYLE CARPENTRY, Interior & Exterior renovations, framing, drywall, painting, Doors & Trim, repairs Contact Jeff doylecarpentry. jd@gmail.com. GENERAL CLEAN up & Disposal of any waste. Tree removal, small demolitions, free P.U. of appliances etc. We buy scrap vehicles. 613-336-0708 PAINTING SERVICES Residential, Commercial & Cottages. Interior & Exterior. Over 25 years experience. Fully insured and WSIB covered. Call Wes Brown for a free estimate. WalCan Painting 613-479-2253 PET SITTING SERVICES AVAILABLE. All you need to know at www.petsittinginmountaingrove. com Phone Laura Mills at 613-335-3658 or Text 613-583-3658 PHOTOCOPY, FAX & LAMINATION SERVICES available at The Frontenac News, 1095 Garrett St., rear building, Sharbot Lake. Competitive prices! 8½” x 11” - Black & White 25¢ ea; Colour copies 60¢ ea. 613-279-3150. PUMP REPAIR: Licenced well technician on staff with 10 years experience. Call Mark, Verona Hardware, 6723 Main St., Verona. Ph. 613-374-2851 ROB’S WINDOW CLEANING. We clean the windowpanes, screens, tracks and casings of your window. Call today for a quote. 613-2439661 ROOFING, SHINGLES – STEEL, 25 years experience, serving Elphin, Snow Road, Sharbot Lake & area. Contact Todd Gursby for estimates, 613-278-1300

Reasonable rates. Info.: 613-372-0917.

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TOWNSHIP OF ADDINGTON HIGHLANDS Public Notice Special Council Meeting The Township will hold a special meeting of Council on Monday June 26th, 2017 at 09:00, in the Council Chambers in Flinton, ON. The meeting will be for the purpose of discussing personnel matters. Further information may be obtained by calling (613) 336-2286 during normal office hours, Mon-Fri or emailing to: clerk@ addingtonhighlands.ca

Northern Frontenac Community Services Supply staff needed for our licensed daycare program E.C.E. diploma preferred Send resumés to the attention of: Susan Wilby Northern Frontenac Community Services 1004 Art Duffy Road, Sharbot Lake, Ontario  K0H 2P0 Or email: susanw@nfcs.ca Deadline: June 30, 2017 @ 4:00pm

Photocopy, Fax & Lamination

Available at The Frontenac News 1095 Garrett Street (rear building), Sharbot Lake

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Call 613-279-3150 email: info@frontenacnews.ca

PAGE 9 Plevna column - continued from page 8 St. Kilian’s Winter church. Together with the New Church in the background. “Christmas Eve in Ardoch” is written on the bottom. This beautiful keepsake can be purchased for $30.00. If you would like to purchase one, call Jeannine Albert at 613-479-9905 and are available after 9:00 am Mass on Sunday. • The Annual Strawberry Social is happening July 5th at the Clar-Mill Hall from 11:30 am to 1:30 pm. There will be a luncheon, bake table and bazaar table. This is a fundraiser for the Holy Trinity Anglican Church and the Clar-Mill Volunteers. Admission: adults $10, kids aged 6 to 12 are $4 and kids 5 and under are free! Hope to see you there!

VERONA Debbie Lingen debbie@lingens.com


• Canada 150 is almost upon us. The Verona Area Churches are holding a Service of Thanksgiving to celebrate Canada’s 150 on Sunday July 2. The service will be held at the Verona Lions Centre from 11 am to noon. • The Verona Community Association has a special event planned for Sunday July 2. A free BBQ from noon to 1 pm at the Verona Lions Centre. This will be followed by two free concerts. Jon McClurg and Jessica Wedden will play at 1 pm. Abby Stewart and Shaun Weima will play at 2 p,m. Bring your own lawn chairs. Celebrate Canada Day Weekend with great entertainment! • There will be an exhibit of art from two local artists this Sunday, June 25 at the Blue Roof Farm, 6313 First Lake Rd, from 2 pm to 5 pm. Tim De Rose will be exhibiting his prints and drawings. Diane Creber will be displaying her ceramic creations. Admission is free. The exhibit will be open to the public every Sunday until Labour Day.

REQUEST FOR TENDER RFT No. 2017-08 Culvert Replacement: Road 509 Between Morrow Road And Ragged Chutes Road In The Township Of North Frontenac The Township of North Frontenac is seeking tenders from qualified Contractor / Firm(s), for the Culvert Replacement – Road 509 Between Morrow Road and Ragged Chutes Road. The work includes but it not limited to the following: • Dewatering & environmental protection • Removal of existing CSP culvert • Installation of new 1800 mm CSP culvert • Road restoration and asphalt paving Contractor/Firm(s) must have current WSIB and appropriate liability insurance coverage as indicated by the Request for Tender documents. Proposal documents and the prescribed Submission forms, which include the Minimum Requirements and Specifications, shall be obtained from the Municipal Office, 6648 Road 506, Plevna, Ontario or by email at financialsupport@ northfrontenac.ca Please direct any specific inquiries to Jim Phillips, P. Eng. Public Works Manager publicworks@northfrontenac.ca or (613) 479-2231 Extension 230. Lowest or any tender submission may not necessarily be accepted. The Township reserves the right to cancel the Request for Tender at any time up to the notification of Award. Submissions shall be submitted to the undersigned, on the prescribed form, in a sealed package, clearly identifying the document as “RFT No. 2017-08 Culvert Replacement- Road 509 Between Morrow Road and Ragged Chutes Road” on or before 2:00 PM local time on Thursday, July 6, 2017 Cheryl Robson, A.M.C.T. Chief Administrative Officer 6648 Road 506 Plevna, ON K0H 2M0



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June 22, 2017


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Thursday June 22

SHARBOT LAKe – CACCIA performs at Cardinal Cafe 6-9 pm. Free (donation jar for band). Licensed, coffee and treats available SYDeNHAM – SOUTH FRONTeNAC Council open house 6pm to 8pm, Council Chambers. Input on formation of heritage committee. See township website for survey.

Friday June 23

INVeRARY - MIKe MUNDeLL FISH FRY at United Church 5-7 pm PLeVNA – BINGO FUNDRAISeR for North Frontenac volunteer firefighters, 7-9pm, cash prizes, Clar-Mill hall

June 24 and 25

BON eCHO “FISHING 101” presented by Friends of Bon Echo. Time TBD, Location the Lagoon. Info 613-336-0830.

Saturday June 24

CLOYNe CANADA 150 CeLeBRATION and Cloyne Pioneer Museum, season opening. BBQ, music, art opening, dedication of Benny’s Lake Heritage Park, and much more. HARLOWe - OPeN MIC, community hall 2-8pm; no admission fee; potluck supper 5:30 pm; donations accepted; bring your talent; all welcome NORHBROOK – SOUTING ReGISTRATION, 1038 Nowell Road, 11:30am-1pm. BBQ and campfire, for

boys and girls 7-11 years old OMPAH - LOCAL CONNeCTION with Canada’s Flag event at the community hall, 10200 Road 509 PARHAM - OPeN MIC at the Oddfellows Hall 6pm10pm, refreshments to follow. Contact 613-279-2852 sponsored by Mayflower Lodge PINe MeADOW GOLF CLASSIC, Hunter’s Creek Golf Course, Cloyne, fundraiser for Pine Meadow Nursing Home, $55 per golfer. Please contact pinemeadowgolf2012@gmail.com; Eleanor Nowell, 613-336-8226 SNOW ROAD SNOWMOBILe CLUB Canada Day Breakfast, bake sale and yard sale 8am -11am at Clubhouse, 1106 Gemmills Road. Contributions welcome ARDeN - STRAWBeRRY SOCIAL and Historic display at Kennebec Hall, 1-3pm. $6 for strawberry shortcake, historical displays, etc, free, presented by Kennebec Historical Society MISSISSIPPI STATION – BACK FORTY CHeeSe Season opening event. 10am-4pm. Local Food, music, BBQ, brewers, wineries, cheese and more. Info – Artisancheese.ca SNOW ROAD – STRAWBeRRY SOCIAL at Community Hall, 6-8pm. Strawberries, cake, ice cream & beverage for $5 per person (seconds$2.50).Info – Sue at 613 278-0841 SHARBOT LAKe - ANGLICAN CHURCH annual yard sale, 8am-2pm. Books, cds, preserves, baking, yard sale items. Fund raiser for the church GLeN TAY PUBLIC SCHOOL. Information session on the topic of roadside household garbage/recycling pick-up 9:30 am. See Tay valley website for details. SYDeNHAM LAKe STeWARDSHIP PLAN community meeting. 10-noon. Sydenham Public Library community room. Information Bill Peairs at wgp@ kos.net.

June 30 and July 1

June 30-July 2

NORTHBROOK – LAND O’LAKeS Lions Voluntary Toll, Hwy. 41

Canada Day Saturday July 1

ARDeN – CANADA DAY FLOTILLA on Kennebec Lake and Horseshoe Lake. 1pm HARROWSMITH - CANADA DAY in the Park celebration, Centennial Park. Parade 10 am, followed by Fun-filled day: decorated bicycle awards, antique and classic cars, face painting, pony rides, etc. Canteen from 11, and watch our fantastic fireworks finale! For more information, contact Pam (613) 3721578 or Marilyn (613)372-0917. CLOYNe – BON eCHO PARK. Friends of Bone Echo present a program exploring our unique history and national identity by asking the question “What does it mean to celebrate that birthday in a land that’s been inhabited for thousands of years?” Bon Echo Park amphitheatre. Call 612-336-2228 for

Online Directory

details. DeNBIGH - CANADA DAY, Music, kids games, prizes for best costume, kids and adults, and BBQ at Heritage Park. Fireworks at dark. FlIntOn recreatIOn centre Parade. 10am. Bouncey castle, costumes, photo booth. MABeRLY – PIe IN THe SKY 8am-1pm at Maberly Fairgrounds. Fresh, homemade pies (come early for best selection) Fred Barrett and Bob Hillier with solar telescope. Yard sale, market, snack bar. Free admission VeRONA - RING THe BeLL for Canada150 – Trinity United Church invites the public to join our team of bell ringers of all ages at noon, as we ring our church bell 150 times to mark this milestone in Canadian history. All welcome to come join in the fun. OMPAH – SING OH CANADA at one of the two lookouts at the Palmerston Canonto Conservation Area (PCCA) trail in Ompah, and wave your Canadian flag! 11Am. OMPAH – PARADe AND COLD PLATe dinner 4pm parade. Participants meet at West Palmerston Drive A cold plate dinner will be served at the Ompah Community Centre at 5pm. Fireworks will be



BATTeRSeA – FRONTeNAC SOCIeTY of Model Engineers open house. Doris Smith Lane. Train rides, etc. (see article on page 6) STORRINGTON – LION’S CLUB vendors sale. noon-5pm. 50 vendors, cash bar, BBQ, Lily the Fairy, and more. Storrington Lions Hall, 2992 Princess Road, Sunbury. SHARBOT LAKe LeGION Open Mic 1-4pm

Sunday June 25

BeDFORD OPeN MIC & JAM, 1-5pm, 1381 Westport Rd, audience $2; entertainers free; refreshments avail; info: Judy 374-2317, Wilhelmine 374-2614 eLPHIN PReSBYTeRIAN CHURCH 171st anniversary service. 11am, guest speaker Rev. Bob Hill, lunch to follow, all welcome eLPHIN – CRAWFORD CeMeTeRY memorial service, 2pm. In event of rain, Elphin Presbyterian Church DeNBIGH - ST. PAUL'S LUTHeRAN Church. Annual Memorial Service - 2pm, luncheon to follow INVeRARY – CHRIS MURPHY CONCeRT featuring Canadian Songs, United Church Hall, 7pm, all welcome, free will offering, HARROWSMITH - JeFF CODe & Silver Wings concert/dance at Golden Links Hall, 4186 Colebrook Rd., $10 in advance, $12 at door, 8pm to midnight. Info 613-372-2410 BeLLROCK - BLUe ROOF FARM exhibition. Tim DeRose - prints and drawings, Diane Creber - ceramics. 6313 Frist Lake Road. Exhibit continues Sundays until Labour Day.

Monday June 26

SHARBOT LAKe – FOOT CARe CLINIC, Senior’s Centre, appointment: 613-279-3151

Tuesday June 27

CLOYNe - QUILTING TRUNK SHOW at Pine View Free Methodist Church (Lower rear entrance) 10:30am. Theme - “A Morning of Inspiration” featuring Rosemarie Bowick and Christine Piche, both

begin at Bingley’s pit (across the road from Double S Marina) at dark. GODFReY – CANaDa a DaY a Breakfast at Bedford Hall, 1381 Westport Road. 8:30-11am. Historical Centre open for public viewing. SYDeNHAM – CANADA DAY parade, festivities and events all day at The Point. Fireworks at dusk. SUNBURY – CANADA DAY red and white parade 1:00, gather at Storrington Centre. Opening ceremonies at Gerald Ball Park (3664 Moreland-Dixon Road), 2pm w/ Walter Freeman and Taya Williams. Face painting, horseshoe tournament, BBQ, free milk for the kids, Fireworks at 9:45. HARTINGTON – SOUTH FRONTeNAC MUSeUM Open Canada Day and Mondays, Wednesdays and Sundays from 1-4pm all summer SHARBOT LAKe – BReAKFAST at fire hall, 7am10am, parade 11am (time tentative) events all day at Sharbot Lake Beach, BBQ - music, games. Fireworks at dusk SHARBOT LAKe – CANADA DAY RUN, 9:30AM. 2K,5K,10K. Info-Lynette – 613-279-2366 PARHAM – LONG LAKe PROPeRTY RTY Owners Association AGM, 10am. Flotilla 7pm at public beach, fireworks from Twin Island at dusk canaDa a Da aY YOGa! Please wear red and white and stay for tea after class. Buckshot Lake Yoga

Canada Day 150 Happenings HeNDeRSON - UNITeD CHURCH Mammoth Canada Day annual yard sale, 8am to noon both days. Henderson Hall north of Arden on Henderson Road. Please no early birds. Info 613-336-2467



Beef, Chicken, Pork Kabobs $ /lb


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Northern Happenings NORTHeRN HAPPeNINGS listings are free for community groups, and will be published for two weeks. Donations to offset the costs of publication would be appreciated. Other listings are paid or are taken from paid ads elsewhere in the paper. The News makes every effort to be accurate but events should be independently verified by readers.



aa eye of Fresh Whole Chicken round roast or leg Quarters

OPeN Mon-Thurs, Sat: 8am-8pm Fri: 8am-9pm Sun: Grocery 9am-6pm; LCBO 11am-6pm

from Sharbot Lake. Free. Sponsored by Land O’ Lakes Quilters.

Wednesday June 28

SHARBOT LAKe – NON eVeNT – a scheduled reading by Michael Goodyear has been canceled for health reasons.

Thursday June 29

SHARBOT LAKe – OPeN MIC at Cardinal Cafe 6-9 pm. Free. Licensed, coffee and treats available PLeVNA – $1.50 BReAKFAST to celebrate Canada150. The deal of the century, and a half! 7am10:30am. Ribbon cutting for new roof hall. 10:30. All welcome.

Tuesday July 4

NORTHBROOK LAND O’LAKeS COMMUNITY SeRVICeS, Adult Drop In presents famous Haystacks for lunch. $8, doors open at 9, lunch at noon. Stay for cards after lunch

Wednesday July 5

SNOW ROAD – FOOT care clinic, Snow Road hall, appointment: 613-279-3151 PLeVNA - STRAWBeRRY SOCIAL, Clar-Mill Hall, 11:30am to 1:30pm. Luncheon, bake table and bazaar table. Fund raiser for Holy Trinity Anglican Church and the Clar-Mill Volunteers. $10, kids aged 6 to 12, $4, 5 and under free

Tuesday July 4

NORTHBROOK LAND O’LAKeS COMMUNITY SeRVICeS, Adult Drop In presents famous Haystacks for lunch. $8, doors open at 9, lunch at noon. Stay for cards after lunch

Wednesday July 5

SNOW ROAD – FOOT care clinic, Snow Road hall, appointment: 613-279-3151 PLeVNA - STRAWBeRRY SOCIAL, Clar-Mill Hall, 11:30am to 1:30pm. Luncheon, bake table and bazaar table. Fund raiser for Holy Trinity Anglican Church and the Clar-Mill Volunteers. $10, kids aged 6 to 12, $4, 5 and under free

3801 Buckshot Lake Road 9:00-10:15 AM.

Sunday July 2

CLOYNe – BON eCHO PARK, Sciensational Sssnakes. Learn more about the amazing reptiles we have in Bon Echo? Two interactive presentations on snakes and other reptiles,. Bring your camera! 11am and 1pm Children’s Program Area SHARBOT LAKe – BeACHSIDe ecumenical worship service. 10am. Hosted by ministerial and United, Anglican, Pentecostal, Roman Catholic, and Free Methodist Churches. Bring a lawn chair. Rain location is Sharbot Lake Pentecostal Church Info 613-279-2245. SHARBOT LAKe – NOTe Sharbot Lake United Church service canceled so folks can worship at the ecumenical service.(see above) VeRONA – AReA CHURCHeS holding service of Thanksgiving. Lion’s Centre. Verona Sand Road 11am-noon. VeRONA - COMMUNITY ASSOCIATION presents a free BBQ from noon to 1 pm at the Verona Lions Centre, Verona Sand Road.. BBQ followed by two free concerts. Jon McClurg and Jessica Wedden will play at 1 pm. Abby Stewart and Shaun Weima will play at 2 p,m. Bring your own lawn chairs. LOUGHBOROUGH LAKe BOATILLA 11am Info Susan 613-353-6538 (preliminary list above - more comprehensive listings next week)

Do you want everyone who needs anything in Frontenac County to be able to find you easily on the web through PC, tablet or mobile devices? Send your business name, full address, phone number, email address and website to info@frontenacnews.ca with “business directory” in the subject line and you will be included in the Frontenac-Live.ca directory and the Frontenac County directory. Enhanced listings at Frontenac-Live.ca available at a cost $60 per year.


June 22, 2017

The man behind the music: rising star Chris Murphy W

hen words fail Chris Murphy, music speaks. Resting between shows in early June, the popular musician responds with self-deprecation when asked about himself. A resident of Frontenac County and rising star in Canada, his lack of ego is a refreshing change to the notoriously bad behaviour of other artists. Small talk doesn’t come as easily to him as the words of 1,000 songs he has memorized. “I consider myself an introvert,” admits the friendly singer/song writer from Sydenham. “Being on stage allows me to be a bit more gregarious and charismatic than in real life.” Tall and strong, Chris’ musical talent was recognized early. At 20 years old, he won the Country Singing Showdown in Kingston. Almost two decades later, his summer is booked solid by early spring and he’s touring across Canada with some of the biggest names in Canadian music in front of celebrities, dignitaries and world leaders. He has performed for the Governor General of Canada at the National Arts Centre and plays with Sean McCann, formerly of the Great Big Sea, and Abby Stewart, an up-and-coming country music singer from Kingston. At 39 years old, Chris seems happy with the numbers of his life. He plays in five bands, plays one-dozen instruments and expects to perform 150 shows this year. “Music is something that has come naturally to me,” he says. “I love listening to music. I love playing it. It’s a form of expression. I’ve

written songs that are an intimate form of expression. Even playing other people’s songs gives me a good feeling, trying to make them sound as good as I can.” Armed with a love of music from his family and a degree in musical education from Queen’s University, Chris took a leap of faith and followed his dream to sing. It was a risk that paid off. An experienced performer of Celtic and East Coast music, he has bookings from British Columbia to Newfoundland this year. “I went to Newfoundland in 2000 and I just fell in love with the people, music, area, culture and food,” he says about his repeated performances there. This summer, he estimates he will only be home for five days in August due to bookings around the country. “I’ve always loved music. It’s sort of my passion,” he notes, when asked about his dreams. “Being able to do what you love is kind of the goal. One of the things I wanted to do was to travel the country and get paid

to do so.” Married for 13 years with two young daughters, Chris smiles when he talks about the good, the bad and the ugly side of show business. “I often joke - I play for free, but I get paid for setting-up the sound equipment and lugging it around,” he said. “I think a lot of people don’t understand what is involved in what we do,” he said about performing late into the night at bars where a performer is part of the atmosphere, or in the comfort of a concert hall where a performer is the main attraction.

PAGE 11 by Catherine Reynolds

Smiling as he recalls recent bar gigs, he notes, “There’s times you feel like a wall hanging or a fern. But often you know that going into a show.” “Concert halls are the best performances for the soul,” he adds. Often found playing sports when he’s not performing, Chris doesn’t stray far from his guitar in his spare time. “When I’m not playing or being a dad, I enjoy sports,” he says about his pastime. “I would also consider playing music my fun. I do a lot of playing at home. It’s something I don’t get sick of.”


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Garbage - As the country celebrates its 150th anniversary, July 3rd will be a statutory holiday for most of us. Only those residents with a regular Monday garbage collection will have their garbage picked up on Tuesday, July 4nd. Collection for the rest of the week remains normal. Recycling – There will be NO changes to the Recycle schedule. With the festivities, comes extra recycling, so please remember to crush your cans and bottles and don’t bag or overflow your recycle bins. Remember that South Frontenac residents can take excess recycling to the city of Kingston Recycling Centre for no charge. Both Portland and Loughborough Waste Disposal Sites will be closed on Saturday, July 1, 2017. Loughborough Waste Disposal Site will be open on Monday, July 3rd from 8:30 am to 4:30 pm. Have a Wonderful Canada Day, Have Fun, Keep Safe and Remember to Recycle!

The museum will be open on Monday, Wednesday and Saturday weekly from 1:00 pm to 4:00 pm and by appointment. Please contact Amanda Pantrey, Public Education Coordinator for more details at publiceducation@southfrontenac. net.

CANADA DAY EVENTS Canada Day and Canada 150th Celebrations can be found on the website. See the “150th” link on our home page.

SUMMER CAMP/SWIM PROGRAM – IN PERSON REGISTRATION Registration is now open online and in person. Visit recreation.southfrontenac.net. For information on the programs contact the Camp Coordinator at 613-376-3027 Ext 2231.

FINAL TAX NOTICES Final Tax Notice for Residential, Managed Forest and Farmland tax bills were issued the week of June 5, 2017. If you have not received your Final Tax Notice by June 15, 2017 you need to contact the tax department. It is important that you retain your tax bill until September in order to make the second instalment payment. No further bills/reminders will be issued. For those properties that have a Commercial, Industrial, Multi-Residential or a combination of Commercial/ Industrial/Multi-Residential and Residential and/or Farmland, these will be billed in August 2017. For further information please email taxes@southfrontenac.net or contact us at 613-376-3027 Ext 2200.

OPEN FOR BuSINESS COMMUNITY IMPROVEMENT PLAN Attention Harrowsmith Residents: For details on financial assistance to improve building conditions and land use, see the website - Open for Business/ Planning and Development/Community Improvement Plan. This includes façade improvement such as cladding materials, windows and doors, reports to masonry and brickwork, façade restoration, painting and cleaning, signage.

BUILDING SEASON The Township of South Frontenac requires building permits for all structures greater than (108 sq. ft.) 10 sq. m. in area; additions or renovations to existing structures (including decks); installation or alteration of a plumbing system (including septic systems); installation or alteration of a heating or ventilation system and any material alteration to a structure (including new pools). Please contact Building staff prior to starting work to ensure your investment is secure.

THOSE PESKY CROWS! If it’s not the neighborhood dogs and cats having a smorgasbord on garbage day, then it’s the crows and ravens coming to taste what goodies you have discarded! Foil these airborne nuisances by either putting your tagged garbage bags in a garbage container or simply throw an old blanket or piece of carpet over the bag(s). Just ensure the collectors are still able to determine that there is garbage to be collected. Remember that the collection workers are not required to clean up garbage from ripped bags or strewn recycling. Remember – This is our Township, our Home, Let’s Keep It Beautiful!

HOUSEHOLD HAZARDOUS WASTE DEPOT Summer hours are now in effect at the Depot - Open every Thursday from 3:00 pm to 8:00 pm Please remember that accepted items are hazardous materials, small electronics and bale wrap only. A full listing of accepted materials may be found on our website under Living Here/Solid Waste/Recycling/Household Hazardous Waste.

TOWN HALL UPCOMING MEETINGS Committee of the Whole – June 27, 2017 Council Meeting – Tues, July 11, 2017 Committee of Adjustment – July 13, 2017

INVITATION TO TENDER NO. PW-2017-09 – CONSTRUCTION OF MUNICIPAL FIRE HALL, PERTH ROAD Sealed submissions must be received by 1:00 p.m., June 28, 2017, Attention: Wayne Orr, CAO, 4432 George St, Sydenham, ON K0H 2T0 Official forms detailing the general specifications and requirements may be downloaded from the BIDDINGO.COM website

HERITAGE COMMITTEE - OPEN HOUSE Council is hosting a public open house on June 22, 2017 from 6:00 pm to 8:00 pm in the Council Chambers. This is an opportunity to hear from anyone interested in discussing the formation of a Heritage Committee. We want your input see our website – Home Page – Heritage Committee icon – take the survey.

NEWS & PuBLIC NOTICES ZONING AMENDMENT – NEW PROVINCIAL GOVERNMENT POLICIES REGARDING MINIMUM DISTANCE SEPARATION The Council of the Corporation of the Township of South Frontenac will be considering the following amendment to the Comprehensive Zoning By-law at a public meeting to be held on Tuesday, July 11, 2017, at 7:00 p.m., at the Municipal Offices Council Chamber, 4432 George St. Sydenham, Ontario. New Provincial Government Policies Regarding Minimum Distance Separation. Following from newly-issued guidelines from the Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs, the Planning Department is proposing an amendment to the Comprehensive Zoning By-law dealing with residential development on existing vacant lots near agricultural facilities (ie. barns). The new zoning would permit development but would require the residence to be located away from the adjacent barn in an attempt to reduce possible nuisance issues resulting from odours from the farm operation. The amendment would also deal with setbacks for proposed new barns near rural cemeteries. For more information see the website – News and Public Notices or contact Lindsay Mills, Planner at Ext 2221.

NOTICE OF ROAD CLOSING – BETWEEN LOTS 18 & 19, CONCESSION I; STORRINGTON Take notice that the Council of the Corporation of the Township of South Frontenac proposes to pass a by-law to stop up, close and transfer ownership of part of a Township-owned road allowance. This matter will come before council on July 11, 2017 at 7:00 pm. For more information see our website under “News and Public Notices” or contact Lindsay Mills, Planner at Ext 2221.

SEPTIC SYSTEM MAINTENANCE All development (residential, commercial and institutional) in South Frontenac have a septic system which is designed to treat wastewater which goes down the drain (toilets, showers, dishwashers, washing machines, etc) A septic system includes a septic tank and a leaching bed - both hidden below the soil. It is critical to your health, the health of neighbours, the health of the ecosystem and your property investment that your septic system is working properly. It is your responsibility to make sure your septic system is in good working order. See our website for more details – Living Here/ Building/Septic Systems.

ROADSIDE SPRAYING See our website for details on the 2017 Roadside spraying of wild parsnip. Contact the Public Works Department for more information.

4432 George Street, Box 100, Sydenham ON K0H 2T0 1-800-559-5862 Office Hours: Monday to Friday 8:00 am to 4:30 pm • www.southfrontenac.net



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South Frontenac honours its 2017 volunteers of the year

by Craig Bakay his is the 18th year South Frontenac has had volunteers of the year,” said master of ceremonies Mike Howe preceding Tuesday night’s regular Council meeting in Sydenham. “The first time, in June of 1999, it was a way to do something together as a township after amalgamation. “Now there are 65 names on the wall.” Coun. John McDougall introduced Judy Conway as one of four honorees on the evening. “Retired from teaching and an educational assistant, Judy is very keen on the development and interest of students and due to her interaction with kids, they are always willing to help her out,” he said. And through the years, she’s needed that help after joining the Verona Community Association in 2002. She made numerous contributions to the yearly festivals in Verona, including managing the waste management system during the Cattail Festival and Verona Car Show, reducing waste going to the local dump and providing public education about the benefits of recycling. “That’s not a glamourous position,” McDougall said. She’s also a director of the Verona Lions Club and in charge of maintaining the Hall kitchen. “I share this (award) with every member of the community who has leant their hearts and hands to make our community a home,”


Conway said. Besides being a wife and mother of two and a nurse practitioner in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit at Kingston General Hospital, Lynn Newton has found the time to be president of the Frontenac Fury Girls’ Hockey Association for the past 10 years, said Coun. Ross Sutherland. “She recently created a partnership with the Frontenac Flyers Minor Hockey Association to coordinate development opportunities for our entire hockey community, once again creating a support environment for young players to develop a love for hockey and embrace a healthy lifestyle,” he said. “My husband and I have had many opportunities to move to larger centres,” Newton said. “But we much prefer to live here and pay it forward.” Ruth Shannon has made numerous contributions to the agricultural community in South Frontenac, including fundraising for a fellow dairy farmer seriously injured in a farm accident and McKenna’s Dream, the project of a young cancer survivor aimed at helping families like her own through the difficulties of a life threatening disease, said Coun. Ron Sleeth. “But it has been her volunteer contributions to the 4H program for 40 years that have been a constant in her life,” he said. “I know, because she’s my sister-in-law and many’s the Saturday morning where I’ve been at her house listening as she’s

not only taught children to cook and sew, but also how to be responsible, and to help others to realize that few mistakes that are made that cannot be corrected if you only try.” Shannon has filled many positions in 4h, including being on the executive at the regional and provincial levels and organizing the Annual Pork Barbecue. Roseanne Gandl Black has been involved with the Frontenac Soccer Association since 2009, becoming the club’s treasurer in 2011. “Her role as treasurer was only supposed to be two years but you know how these things can go in community organizations and she’s now in her 7th year as treasurer.” Her role involves all aspects of such an organization’s finances but in soccer it also means assisting with parents and coaches questions, handing out jerseys and collecting equipment .“Rosanne is one of the first to volunteer when there is a need such as offering a short-term camp to create a more competitive soccer opportunity and has been instrumental in assisting with changing how team rosters are developed,” he said. “I just want to encourage everyone that the next time someone asks for volunteers to raise their hand,” Gandl Black said. Mayor Ron Vandewal thanked the volunteers for their contributions pointing out the Township motto “Our Strength is our Community.” “Everywhere you look, somebody is making the community and workload easier for everybody,”

South Frontenac’s 2017 Volunteers of the Year Judy Conway, Rosanne Gandl Black, Lynn Newton and Ruth Shannon along with some of the boys on Council in the backgraoud Photo/Craig Bakay

Seniors month at Pine Meadow J une is Senior’s Month, This year’s theme is “Living your best life”. We thought a great day to show this was to have our residents get involved in our planned celebrations! We had ladies prepare the squares for the party the morning before, and during the social, we had our residents plant a

cherry tree in their courtyard. A few years ago they planted an apple tree for Senior’s Month. We thought it was a great way to enhance our courtyard, and our resident’s will reap the benefit from the trees for years to come!

Violet Thibault, Marcelle Spottiswood, Gordon Spicer, Garry Rosenblath, Sarah Thompson, Carmelle Machan, Mallory Wionzek, Jim Hayes, Donna Riley Front Row: Kay Wright, Barbara Rosenblath, Marjory Dion, Muriel Lucas, Marion McWilliams


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