No.18 Vol.25

Page 1

June 28, 2018 Vol. 18, No. 25


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Happy Canada Day Closed July 1st Open Sundays 10am-2pm Northbrook 613-336-2195

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Ten years and $3.7 million later, K&P Trail is dead in the water north of Tichborne, for now by Jeff Green


he old K&P Railroad never made it to all the way from Kingston to Pembroke, it's internded final stop. Costs were high and the money ran out, leaving a K&P that ran only from K to C, Kingston to Calabogie.

Now, long after the K&P shut down, a trail being constructed on its track bed, which is bringing the Cataraqui trail and Frontenac County into the Trans Canada Trail network, finds itself stalled at kilometre 64.5 of its intended 77 kilometre run through Frontenac County, north of the Bradshaw Road Central Frontenac. There are two related problems. The trail is under water for at least a 500 metre stretch in that swampy location, water that is 60 cm deep in places, and there is no money left in the construction budget to deal with the problem. And there is another flooded spot further to the north as well. “To put it bluntly, work is grinding to a halt” Richard Allen told a meeting of

The beginning of a stretch of water that extends for at least 500 metres on a section of the K&P trail between Bradshaw Road (South Frontenac) and Vinkle Road (Central Frontenac)

Frontenac County Council last week (June 20). The estimated cost to complete the two flooded sections is $310,000 and the rest of the work remain-

ing for the K&P trail to join up with the east-west trans Canada trail just south of Sharbot Lake is another $340,000, a total shortfall of $650,000. The money

will need to be raised locally as there are no granting programs available currently to help cover the costs. And the $310,000 is by


by Jeff Green

in Sharbot Lake. The next day John brought her home again after a day of her walking and him cycling to Kaladar, and she stayed over another day waiting out the Thunderstorm. John and Marion invited me to come and interview Melanie on her last day in Sharbot Lake and we talked about her voyage and what she has learned since she started walking on June 2nd, 2017. On most days she walks between 25 and 30 kilometres, and after a year of doing that, right through a Canadian winter one thing she has learned about is how important it is to take care of her needs. Starting her journey with a 60-pound pack it now has been lightened up to 48 pounds, and she has let go of her idea to complete her journey within a fixed timeframe of two years. “It really has become about the journey not the destination,” she said. “I have learned a lot about this country, it's people and myself over the past months. As I am walking long distances each day I am listening to my body more carefully now. I am trying to keep my energy up by snacking quite a lot while walking and stop with the

continued fon page 2

Happy Canada Day Ductless

that lined it, and the school has changed its name, but the Point remains. In what has become an annual event, the South Frontenac Firefighters and the Public Works Department set up their Canada Day waterslide a few days early. A temporary water culvert is built across the roadway, a pumper truck and four firefighters arrive and lay out hoses and a huge plastic sheet on the steep grassy hill down from the tennis court. (Beside the ball diamond…) For one glorious afternoon, guided by teachers and firefighters, the younger grades of LPS go whooping down the waterslide. Sometimes the teachers take a turn as well.

Registration $30 at the gate: 10:30 AM– 12:30 PM


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emember public school in that awful endless last week of June? Steaming hot classrooms, courses and exams finished, teachers and children counting the days, longing for the freedom of summer? Long ago, the Sydenham Public School principal Was also the local softball umpire. for the last three years of public school, we mostly played ball that final week. Occasionally a few perennial outfielders would slide into the bushes that surrounded the schoolyard, scramble over the fence, and run down through the cow field for a quick swim at the Point. The cows are long gone, along with the schoolyard fence and the trees and bushes

by Wilma Kenny

ATV Poker Run - July 7th 2018

It’s Going to be Hot! Financing C OA Available.


continued fon page 3

Verona Lions

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In a telephone interview after last week’s county meeting, Richard Allen said that a year ago he was just becoming aware of the extent of the flooding. “I had only been with the county for six months or so at the time and while I had heard in the spring of last year that there were flooding issues north of Bradshaw road, it was a little later on that I saw for myself how serious it was,” he said. “When it is done, that will be the jewel of the trail since it is a beautiful stretch of land, but getting there will not be easy.” Loans or the re-allocation of some federal infrastructure grant money are two options that were mentioned at the June 20 meeting as ways of finding the new money without going directly to county ratepayers to fund it. “It’s not the kind of loan where you can go to bank and talk about a return on investment,” said South Frontenac Mayor Ron

Waterslides in June

Step by step, Great Trail walker is learning and sharing ometimes random meetings turn into something special. That’s what happened to John Neven of Sharbot Lake. John is participating in the Great Cycle Challenge, an event that is sponsored by Sick Kids hospital to raise money to fight cancer in children. He has far exceeded his goal of 500km as he has done a lot of trail riding this month as part of the challenge. Back on June 11 he rode the K&P trail down to Verona. At the new trailhead being built there he watched a large group of motorcycle riders pass by on Road 38. They were a part of a charity group called Guardians of the Children and made quite a spectacle so he stopped to watch them pass by, and while he was there he noticed a younger woman watching as well. She was a hiker carrying a large backpack. They struck up a conversation and she turned out to be Melanie Vogel, who is walking the Great Trail from Cape Spear, Newfoundland to Victoria in BC. That day she followed the trail to Sharbot Lake. After a few minutes John invited Melanie to stay for the night with him and his wife Marion. She ended up spending a couple of nights

no means a firm number. Pointing out that the flooded sections are complex and may also present “environmental challenges” Allen recommends that an engineering firm be hired, at a cost of $25,000, to do an assessment and present detailed designs before the work is undertaken. Only when that work is done will it be possible to determine the actual cost for the two flooded sections. Construction will not proceed in any meaningful way in 2018, with a best case scenario that the work will be done in 2019 or 2020. This might come as a surprise to residents because a ceremonial trail opening event took place last June in Sharbot Lake as part of the year long Canada 150 celebrations in Central Frontenac. Even though the trail was not complete at that point, it was expected to be done by the end of 2017 or by Canada Day 2018 at the very latest.

or Pre-register prior to June 30th at: for $25 Prizes for The Top Three Hands, Door Prizes, V Trailer 50/50 Draw & More Burro AT ports h s u B : wers p Prize Verona Lions Centre, 4504 Verona Sand RD, To nated by LD Po Do Verona, ON. For info. Call Eric at (613) 374-3194

PAGe 2


June 28, 2018

Step by step, continued from page 1 first signs of a growing blister to take care of it. I learned these lessons painfully. Once in a while I treat myself, be that with a day off the trail or by indulging in a good, healthy meal. I have also learned to say ‘yes' when a great opportunity opens like when people offer me a place for the night, or to an experience off the trail I would otherwise not have like seeing the icebergs in Twillingate, Newfoundland. This way I not only meet interesting people but also see greater parts of the country I otherwise wouldn't see, so really it is not about how many kilometres I make in a day but the many experiences and stories I come across.” Melanie is originally from Germany and is a permanent resident of Canada. She lived in Toronto before starting this journey, but she got the travel bug when travelling through Asia and Australia between 2011 and 2013. Melanie often gets asked if she isn't lonely spending so much time by herself. “To be quite honest, Toronto with it's three million people has been a lonelier place to live than my current life on the trail. Here on the trail where most of the time I am actually alone I don’t feel lonely. People say Hello and stop for a chat or invite me home for lunch or for a night stay. The moment of being a stranger passes real fast and then people really open up. We share stories and you leave feeling like you’ve made good friends.” That was certainly the case with John and

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Marion. “I love people and I love socialising,” said John, “and after two days I feel so connected to Mel and to her journey, it’s like I have another daughter just from sharing time with her introducing her to people around here.” “The only problem,” added Marion, “is that now we are going to be worried about her as we follow her journey on Facebook.” While in her trip along the worlds longest recreational trail and meeting Canadians all along her way Melanie found what Canadians praise to be all about. “The hospitality and kindness of the Canadian people as I experience it has been exceptional in all six provinces I have walked trough so far. No matter where, hiking in Newfoundland, the Maritimes, Quebec or now in Ontario, people have been welcoming and helpful all along. I can't say there is any difference of support in my journey in any of these provinces.” What she has also seen, because she has now been walking for a year, is the way the seasons change and the impact on the landscape. “It is absolutely beautiful to witness the slow but then also sudden changes in nature as I am walking the trail trough all four seasons. I remember impatiently watching the arrival of Spring and then found myself mesmerized when I hiked trough the lush, vividly green forest in Gatineau park in Quebec.” And as far as the dangers on the trail are concerned, she had learned something that rural people all learn, it is not the bears and coyotes that you really need to worry about, it is the insects.

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John Neven, Melanie Vogel, Fran Smith and Marilyn Neven in Sharbot Lake “The mosquitoes, black flies, and deer flies, they are way more of an annoyance than anything else." As she heads towards Toronto, which will put her about 1/3 of the way on her 15,000 kilometre journey, Melanie is happy about what she has seen and experience in year one of what she now hopes will be a journey that ends before the winter of 2019/2020, but she feels some trepidation over the prospect of crossing the Prairies next winter. “As I planned for this journey I was optimistic to cross the Prairies late summer and fall. Now that I am one year into my journey I realized I will be reaching them when win-

ter begins. With the prairies known as being terribly cold and windy I do have serious concerns. I will do my best and accordingly prepare for it and try to walk trough it as I walked through the previous winter. However if the cold gets too dangerous I may have to stop for a while.” But that is a long way off. As Melanie left Sharbot Lake two weeks ago, she had another set of stories and some new friends to remember, as well as a copy of Back of Sunset and a Central Frontenac pin in her pack, courtesy of Mayor Fran Smith. As of Tuesday of this week, Melanie has hit the Big Smoke. Next stop, Wawa.

Letter Imaginative floats for Canada Day Parades wanted.


n discussion with our Sydenham Parade Marshal, John Trousdale, he agrees that we need more

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home-constructed floats. Each year, parade-watchers have lined our streets in celebration, and they deserve to be entertained. This year, Captain Canada plans to be a part

of the Sydenham and Harrowsmith parades, and issues this challenge to organizations and individuals: Build and enter a float using a theme or subject of your choice.

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Captain Canada is a mythical super citizen who combats injustice and champions the downtrodden and disadvantaged. The Captain Canada Float offers a salute to the thousands of really true super citizens in our neighborhoods, and in our Canada, i.e. our community volunteers. Celebrate Canada Day! Dave Linton

Don't know what to do on Canada Day weekend?

Check out our Canada Day supplement on pages 7-10 for a comprehensive list of events in Frontenac, Addingotn Hitghlands and Western Lanark County. From Pie in the Sky on Saturday morning in Maberly, to strawberry socials, floatillas, parades, music and fireworks, summer is getting off to a hot start this weekend.

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June 28, 2018



Publisher & Editor.............................................. Jeff Green Head of Production.............................................Scott Cox Sales Representative................................. Carol Jackson Copy Editors ..........................Martina Field, Tracy Riddell Office Staff............................................... Suzanne Tanner Webmaster.......................................................Jesse Mills Reporters................................Wilma Kenny, Craig Bakay, ...........................................................Catherine Reynolds

1095 Garrett St., rear building; Box 229, Sharbot Lake, ON K0H 2P0 Ph: 613-279-3150; 1-888-779-3150; Fx: 613-279-3172 E-mail: Office hours: Mon to Fri, 8:30 am - noon; 1:00 - 4:30

SINCE 1970

The Frontenac News is published every Thursday Deadlines: Classifieds: Monday at 4:00 p.m. Display ads: Friday at 4:00 p.m..

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The Frontenac News welcomes articles and letters, but we cannot publish all the submissions we receive. All submissions must be SINCE 1970 signed and include a phone number for verification. We reserve the right to edit submissions for brevity, clarity, and taste. Please limit letters to 300 words or less; articles to 500 words or less.

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Member of the Ontario Community Newspaper Association

Central Frontenac honours Seniors of the Year


entral Frontenac Township honoured its Seniors of the Year Tuesday afternoon before Council with a ceremony, entertainment by the Arden Glee Club and refreshments.

District 1’s honoree, Dave Swann, was acSINCE 1970 tually born and raised and worked in Toronto much of his life. But he retired as superintendent of maintenance at Toronto’s City Hall after 30 years and moved to Arden in

Central Frontenac’s Seniors of the Year, from left: Archie and Marilyn Meeks, Mayor Frances Smith, Dave Swann, Joan Wyatt and Jim MacPherson.

Trail woes - Continued from page 1 Vandewal, “it’s not like you can project a return of three dollars for every dollar invested.” “More like a one dollar return for every three dollars invested,” said Deputy Warden Dennis Doyle, the Mayor of Frontenac Islands Township. County staff are proposing to fund the completion of the trail, an allocation from Federal Gas Tax funds, funds that are currently controlled by local townships. A proposal will be brought forward at the next County meeting in July to establish a county roads system, on paper only, in order access provincial infrastructure money under the Ontario Community Infrastructure Fund (OCIF). The county would then allocate those monies to township public works projects, freeing up the townships to upload some of their gas tax money to be used on the trail. “It would be a trade off, but the townships would see a net increase funding for their own infrastructure needs, said County Chief

Administrative Officer Kelly Pender. “OCIF money cannot be spent on trail construction but gas tax money can.” Central Frontenac Mayor Frances Smith said “it might be time to look at private sector money for the trail.” Last week’s presentation from Richard Allen included, for the first time, an account of how much money has been spent developing the trail since 2008, when the project first appeared on the county books. The total spent so far is $3.7 million. Of that about $1.1 million came from successful grant applications for trail construction. A further $2.2 million came from more generic grants that the county received and then allocated to the trail, including $1.7 million in federal gas tax monies, and $383,000 came from reserve funds. There has been no direct financial levy to Frontenac County ratepayers for K&P trail construction costs thus far. None of the politicians who decided to commit Frontenac County to building the K&P trail back in 2006 and 2007, nor any of the senior staff members at Frontenac County, are still there today, to confront what just might be the curse of the old K&P.

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1995, where he bought his aunt’s house on Big Clear Lane with his wife Sylvia (whom he had met at a church dance 34 years before while Johnny Cash played). Swann has been very active in the community, volunteering at the Legion, VP with the Kennebec Rec committee, VP at the Mountain Grove Seniors Club and a member of the Arden Seniors. He is also on the Friends of Arden board along with the Kennebec Historical Society and is an active member of the Arden Westleyn Church. “I’m very happy with this, I enjoy what I do,” he said. District 2’s honorees, Archie and Marilyn Meeks are known to everyone because they go to everything, said Coun. Victor Heese. Archie is a former member on Hinchinbrooke Township Council and Marilyn is the current Mountain Grove correspondent for the Frontenac News after being the Parham correspondent for many years. They have been active in the United Church for many years and hosted many seniors barbecues at their home. They have recently moved to Sharbot Lake because of health concerns.

Saving turtles

by Craig Bakay

District 3’s honoree, Jim MacPherson is a retired high school teacher who was born and raised in Sharbot Lake. Over the years he has been active in the Lions Club, the Central Frontenac Railway Historical Society, the community policing committee, committee member for the SLHS reunion, Referee-in-chief for the North Frontenac Arena and member of the Summerfest committee. In recent years, however, he has probably been best known for his musical endeavors including organizing summer jams at the beach, Lion’s Club seniors nights, Oso Rec Open Mikes, 150th Music Cafe, Heritage Festival Variety Shows and music at the beach for Canada Day. “I’d like to share this award with family, friends and a loving, caring community,” he said. District 4’s honoree, Joan Wyatt, shouldn’t need much introduction to those in the Parham area. For close to 30 years, she has been active in Villages Beautiful, Frontenac Community Services Day Away Program, Parham Happy Travelers, and most recently with the OPP helping educate seniors against fraud.



ecently, while travelling on the Flinton Road, I swerved to miss a little hump of a turtle on the road. I stopped and checked her out and was horrified to see that she was very badly injured. 25% of her shell had been shattered into half a dozen fragments and there was bright red flesh clearly visible. I checked for signs of life and was relieved to see her eyes wide open. She deserved a chance. My husband & I and our three dogs set off to the Ontario Turtle Conservation Centre’s Trauma Hospital, close to Peterborough. She was given pain meds and put into a bin

Turkey Supper Saturday July 7, 2018 4:00 - 7:00 PM


Township Rec. Centre Admission: Adults $15.00 6-12 yrs - $7.00 Under 6 - free Sponsored by Flinton Community Club

Central Frontenac Soccer Association 2018 Player Registration Ages 3 – 18 years $30/child, $25 for each additional child Cash or Cheque payment accepted Forms are available on our website: https://centralfrontenacsoccer. Register by mail. Forms can be mailed to 1560 Over the Hills Road Clarendon ON K0H 1J0 New Registration Deadline July 6 Please Note: All games will be played at the Hinchinbrooke Soccer Field in Parham this year due to field renovation at GREC this summer. Coaches, Referees & Committee Volunteers Are Needed. No experience necessary. For questions, additional information or to volunteer, go to our Facebook page or call/text Jen at 613-305-3214

containing other injured turtles. We couldn’t help noticing that the emergency phone was constantly in use responding to similar calls. Our little turtle was #227 for the month of May. Did she make it? Next morning, having survived the night, she had surgery to bolt her fragmented shell back together. Miraculously, she did not have life-threatening internal injuries, and when fully-healed, will be released into a

continued on page 12

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COMMUNITY REPORTERS (613) Arden............................. Wanda Harrison................335-3186 Cloyne / Northbrook...... Nancy Skipper Denbigh......................... Angela Bright....................333-1901 Godfrey.......................... Stefan Duerst....................374-1710 Harrowsmith.................. Kim Gow Henderson..................... Jean Brown.......................336-2516 Inverary......................... Judy Borovskis..................353-1768 Maberly-Bolingbroke..... Karen Prytula....................325-1354 Mississippi..................... Pearl Killingbeck...............278-2127 Mountain Grove............. Marilyn Meeks...................279-3209 Ompah........................... Linda Rush........................479-2570 Marily Seitz........................479-2855 Parham-Tichbome......... Colleen Steele...................375-6219 Christine Teal....................375-6525 Plevna........................... Katie Ohlke........................479-2797 Sydenham..................... Karen Brawley...................376-9848 Verona........................... Debbie Lingen...................374-2091


Karen Brawley


• Well, students, you did it! You survived another school year. Hope you all enjoy your summer! Congratulations to the Grade 8 graduates who will be embarking on their high school journey in the fall, as well as the Grade 12 graduates with their future endeavours, be it college, university or starting early in the working world. Way to go, graduates!! • A huge thank you goes out to all those who make a difference in a student’s life, be it a teacher, bus driver, crossing guard, custodian, fellow classmate, volunteers, etc. Your efforts definitely don’t go unnoticed. • Wishing Canada Happy 151st Birthday! Get your decorations out. Let’s show some Canadian pride! Hope you are all able to get out to the festivities. It sure sounds like the Point will be a happening place to be. Don’t forget: The day before on the 30th at 6:45am. is registration to get the kids entered into the 2nd annual Kids’ Fishing Derby. Hope there is a good turnout. Enjoy yourselves, and good luck to everyone! • Don’t forget that the dates have changed for the bingo at Railton Church for the Knights of Columbus. It’s the SECOND Monday of the month now. So, have your dabbers ready for July 9. • Way to go, Sydenham Bantam Bulldogs! Champions! Great season of football, guys! • The new South Frontenac Fire and Rescue Station #6 on Perth Road held their official opening last Saturday. All the members of the town council were present for the ribboncutting and dedication. There were a lot of activities for the children as well as a free BBQ. Congratulations on the new station. What a wonderful new addition to our community. • I stopped at this little roadside stand at Sloat’s Lake Farm. I will vouch for the sugar snap peas. Delicious! It is located at 2728 Alton Road East. Just go up Bedford Road, just past the construction, and it’s on the left. There is an “Honour Stand” there, which is so nice to see. Snap peas, a variety lettuce and garlic scapes are currently being harvested. The

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C apsule C omments with Matthew

Dick, B.Sc. (Pharm)

Smokers who want to quit sometimes worry about how long withdrawal symptoms will last. It’s not as long as you think. Usually it is over within a few days for some or a few weeks for others. The symptoms can be lessened with the use of some form of nicotine replacement product which will help control cravings so the habit can be kicked permanently. B.C. has allowed anyone with chronic hepatitis C to get coverage for medications by the province’s Pharmacare program. Most provinces do provide some coverage and it is a good thing they do. It will prevent millions of dollars of healthcare costs in the future. Cost per patient runs from $45,000 to $100,000 per patient but it’s money well-spent. The government in the U.K, has introduced a sugar tax with the goal to curb child obesity. As of April 2018, a tax of 18p (about a dime) will be added to the cost of drinks with more than 5 grams of sugar per 100ml and 24p to drinks with more than 8 grams of sugar per 100ml. Just for reference, Coke Classic contains 10.6 grams per 100ml. The idea of a male birth control pill has not be abandoned. The U.S. National Institute of Health is funding drug research on this topic. The goal of the drugs is to reduce testosterone levels as well as two other hormones needed in the production of sperm. The initial research looked promising but as with most new ideas, more research is needed to ensure this new once daily pill will be effective and safe for males to use

man who runs this is always eager to help you out. A little bit of homegrown goodness right here. Check it out sometime!

verona Debbie Lingen


• Verona Lions are hosting their first ATV Poker Run and Show at the Verona Lions Centre, 4504 Verona Sand Road, on Sat, July 7. The excitement starts at 10:30am for the general public with a vendor’s midway. The Lions Canteen will be open and serving their famous Lions burgers, fries and more. The Poker Run registration will take place from 10:30am to 12:30pm. The ride entails 80km of rail trail and backroad. There will be card stops along the way, and the top three poker hands will be awarded prizes. There will also be participant prizes drawn and a 50/50 draw. Registration cost for the Poker Run is $30 per rider or $25 if you pre-register before June 30. For more information or to pre-register, visit

ARDEN Wanda Harrison


• Best Wishes are extended to Jennifer Matson and Don Scott on their marriage Saturday, June 24. • What an array of events to choose from on this wellcelebrated Canada Day long weekend. • On Fri. June 29 and Sat, June 30 the Henderson United Church will host their annual yard sale, 8am to noon on both days. There will be lots of bargains to be had. The other local yard sale will be hosted by St. George’s Anglican Church in Sharbot Lake, also with a starting at 8am. This sale usually has great bargains, too, but in addition, they have a bake table if you do not want to bake on the long weekend. Lots of great places to shop in our area. • The Kennebec and District Historical Society are hosting their annual Strawberry Social, Sat, June 30, 1-3pm. Each serving of those glorious strawberries and shortcake desserts are $7. Come to the Kennebec Community Centre in Arden to treat yourself. • There will also be many events such as a pancake breakfast, live music, vendors, plus fireworks at the Sharbot Lake beach, Caboosefest at the Heritage Railway Society and flotillas on many of the lakes in Central Frontenac, Kennebec and Horseshoe to name just a few. • On Sun, July 1, the Arden Pastoral charge will meet their new student minister, Cheryl McMurray. • The Henderson United Church is changing their annual community dinner fundraising event, usually scheduled in August, to Thurs, July 5, from 4-6:30pm at the Henderson Hall. The menu will include ham, scalloped potatoes, corn and other veggies, Prices for the dinner are as follows: Adults $12, 6–12 yrs. $5, and under 5 yrs. free. Come out, support the church, and have a great dinner without the dishes afterward. • On Fri, July 6 (rain date Mon. July 9), 9-11:30am., Arden’s annual village cleanup will have volunteers meet at the Community Centre for assigned routes. Please wear appropriate clothing and bring gloves, a hat and sunscreen. If you have a rake, loppers or a chain saw, bring

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June 28, 2018 those as well. Water and lunch will be provided. • Congrats to Dave Swann and all the other folks who received Senior of the Year awards this year.

CLOYNE - Northbrook Nancy Skipper

• The Lions Club Annual Toll Road begins today, Thurs, June 28 through to Sun, July 1. This is their major fundraiser with all donations going right back to the community. • On July 1, the new store “Smarts Mercantile” is having its Grand Opening celebration from 11am to 4pm. There will be a BBQ with ribs and sausages and Canada-Day-themed soft serve sundaes (free, one per guest). • Mazinaw Lakeside Resort is having a movie night on July 1! Bring along your friends to watch Dirty Dancing. • Early ON Child and Family Centre is hosting “Playground in the Park” for parents, grandparents, caregivers, and their children. Come join in the fun at Barrie Township Hall in Cloyne (the green space & park behind the hall) on July 5, 12, 19, and 26 from 10am to 12pm, weather permitting. Children and adults may explore, hunt for bugs, walk in the forest, play in the mud kitchen and water table, and more! For more information, call 613-336-8934 ext. 257. • Free Friday Flix is coming on July 6 at 7pm to the Land O' Lakes Emmanuel United Church, with the movie “Paddington 2”, a live-action animated comedy with Hugh Bonneville and Julie Walters, based on the character Paddington Bear (movie is rated PG). • Pine Meadow is having a yard sale on Sat, July 7 with all proceeds going to Resident Programs. They are looking for items for the sale. Please contact Sarah at or 613-336-9120 ex. 7. prior to dropping off the items. • On July 7, get ready to be graced with a truly magnificent sight on the Mazinaw with the many sails of boats and boards coming together for the 4th annual Sail Mazinaw. The flotilla is to “show off” Mazinaw Lake as a sailing venue. All cottagers and campers are invited to rig their boats and boards and join this flotilla. More details to follow! • The Garden Club is inviting you to their next meeting on Thurs, July 12 for a tantalising presentation by Ken Brown, renowned garden speaker & author, who will talk about "Garden Seduction with some of the Three Tenors thrown in." You'll have to come to the meeting to find out who or what they are!



• Come and celebrate Canada's 151st birthday! Denbigh Recreation will have a Canada Day firework display at Heritage Park at dusk. Two great vantage points for watching the show are the lots of the Addington Highlands Community Centre and the Denbigh Hall. Invite your family & friends! Donations gratefully accepted. • The children's Summer Reading Club will begin next week on Tues, July 3 at the Denbigh library from 6–7pm. This year’s theme is “Feed your Passion.” A free healthy snack will be served at the end of each night. The program runs through to August 21st. Contact 613-333-1426. Visit for library news, updates and more. • The Wellness Group meets every Tuesday in the Denbigh Hall basement; weigh in at 8:30am. and the meeting starts at 9am. Please join us as we try to help each other lose weight. For information, call Betty at 613-333-2366. Following the Wellness Group is Land O’ Lakes Community Services sponsored exercise at 9:30am. Join in the fun every Tuesday! Everyone is welcome! Offered by Land O’ Lakes Community Services; contact Lori at 613-336-8934 ext. 221, • Denbigh Recreation hosts Coffee Time every Friday morning from 8am until 10am at the rink building. Coffee or tea is $1.50 unlimited. There is something different for breakfast each week. Breakfast costs $3 to $4, cinnamon raisin toast & jam $1. There is also a treat of the day – muffin, home-

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June 28, 2018 baked cinnamon bun…something different each week! • Swimming lessons will once again be offered in Plevna this summer. The Sand Lake Swim Program will run from July 30 to August 10. Lessons are $40 per child. For more info, contact Jilene at




• All roads lead to Henderson; the Henderson United Church mammoth yard sale happens tomorrow, June 29–30 from 8am until noon at our hall on Henderson Road, north of Arden. Then, on Thurs, July 5, the church is hosting a ham and scalloped potato supper from 4-6:30pm • Our own Doreen Black will soon be inducted into The Land O’ Lakes Traditional Music Hall of Fame along with many others on Sat, Aug. 4 at 1pm as part of the Flinton Jamboree. We are so excited as Doreen and Ken live right in our area and are always so helpful on the musical and community fronts. Our area is blessed with many musicians who grew up on family entertainment over the years prior to television and social media. Doreen, who played in the band “Country Four” in the late 1960s, and who also sang on the radio in Oshawa at one time, is always asked to help out our local groups and bands. We are so proud of her. Watch for more details of other candidates in this paper and set the date of Aug. 4 aside. • Henderson United, along with sister United Churches in Arden and Mountain Grove, welcome student minister Cheryl McMurray to the ministry of word, sacrament and pastoral care. Welcome, Cheryl. • Mitchell Gurnsey celebrated his 84th birthday in Henderson with Jessie Detlor-Sajevec and Nadine Robertson. Congratulations Mitchell and all who are celebrating.


• Congratulations to all the graduates at Perth Road Public School and Storrington Public School. To all the students in both schools: Have a safe and happy summer! I understand that Blake Aylesworth, Valedictorian at Perth Road School, will be arriving to his graduation in style in a 1925 Model T Ford, thanks to his grandpa. • There will be an Open House in Battersea on June 30 sponsored by the Frontenac Society of Model Engineers. Volunteers will run the trains from 10am to 2pm between Doris Smith Lane and the baseball field. Visitors can enjoy a train ride and get a firsthand look at live steam locomotives. Activities are free, but certainly the club appreciates donations. For more information, contact Club President Doug Angle at • Fireworks – July 1 at 9:45pm in Gerald Ball Memorial Park, 3364 Moreland Dixon Road, Sunbury. • Outdoor Yard Sale on July 7 from 8am to 1pm in Battersea. Something for everyone! If you’d like to help organize or learn more, please contact Jenn Furtado at jenn.furtado@ • Storrington Pastoral Charge will have one combined service on Sun, July 1 at 1pm in Gerald Ball Memorial Park, Sunbury. • Fruition Berry Farm on Highway 15 is now open. Pickyour-own strawberries. Arrive early to avoid the crowds.

Maberly-Bolingbroke Karen Prytula


• Volunteers are needed for the Maberly Fair on August 25. Some help is required in advance of the Fair Day, and during

New Program!

the fair. If you would like to help keep the fair going, you can call Anne and she will let you know the type of help required. Home: 613-273-5069. Cell: 613 794-2403.

MISSISSIPPI Pearl Killingbeck

• All are welcome to celebrate "Canada Day in the Park" on July 1 at Centennial Park. The parade begins at 10am from Harrowsmith Public School and ends at the park. Opening ceremonies at 11am followed by a full day of free family fun. Northern Giants Strong Man Competition, games, inflatables, water fun with the Portland Fire Dept. (bring your swimsuits!), nail driving, log sawing, children's scavenger hunt, live music, canteen, horseshoe tournament and so much more. The day ends with a spectacular firework display at dusk. • The Annual Wilmer Cemetery Memorial Service will be held in the old Wilmer Church on July 8, beginning at 2pm. Rev. Dawn Clarke officiating. For information, call Vera Shepherd: 613-353-2470. • Words to live by: We say “Please”, “Thank You” and “Excuse me.” We apologise if we are wrong, and likely even if we aren’t wrong. We are proud, strong and kind. We are Canadian.

Judy Borovskis



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• A great double birthday at the Maples on June 21. Olive Allan turned 89 and Donna Virgin turned 67. A wonderful turnout of family and friends. Thank you all for coming out to help Olive and Donna celebrate their birthdays. A special thank you to Elaine Delisle, who makes the best carrot cake in the world, for making the birthday cake, and to Phil Gray, who made us the most wonderful salad plates. Wishing Olive and Donna many, many happy years on this side of the ground. • Sue & Jeff were host and hostess of Coffee Break. Lots of goodies. Fruit, cheese and strong coffee. Nice to see Darla & Rick Cuomo, Sigrid, Gordon and Erin McCarthy out for a coffee. • Don’t forget the social supper on July 11, 6pm. All welcome. • Fred Fowler is running for counselor in Ward 3. • Don’t forget Music Night Thurs, June 28 at Snow Road Community Centre. Shawn McCullough and Wade Foster. 7–9pm. All welcome. Light lunch. • Don’t forget about the breakfast, yard sale and bake sale at the Snow Road Snowmobile Club, starting at 8am for breakfast on June 30. • Also Saturday evening from 6- 8pm at Snow Road Community Centre, is the strawberry social. Cake, ice cream, strawberries and a drink. All welcome. • Back Forty Artisan Cheese will be opening up for the season on Sat, June 30 from 10am until 4pm every Saturday until the end of September. Opening celebrations: They will have local beer and wine, and Mike McKenzie from Seed to Sausage will be cooking sausages on the grill. They will also have deep fried curd.


2pm at the intersection of Hwy 38 and #7 in Sharbot Lake. • The United Church in Parham was packed on Sunday for the anniversary service with guest speaker retired minister Wib Dawson. Rev. Dawson. Other visitors included Ruth (Brown) Pettis, who played the piano; Olivia Hudel, who sang "Teach me God to Wonder"; and Evelyn Hudel, who spoke about the Christ Candle. We wish to thank all who helped in any way. A very enjoyable lunch was served after the service. • Next Sun, July 1, a large ecumenical church service will be held in Sharbot Lake at the beach at 10am (rain location at OSO Hall). All faiths welcome. In Parham at 11:30am, Bill & Jeannette Avery will bring their El Salvador trip insights, and Sharon MacDonald (licensed lay worship leader) will lead the service. • On Friday night I had the pleasure of walking in the Kingston Relay for Life. Over $108,000 was raised and they are still collecting. What a great evening it was to help fight against such a horrible disease that has affected so many of us. Hats off to the organizers, participants, survivors, and volunteers who made this event happen. Thank you to everyone that was able to sponsor me. • This week at the Parham Ball Field: Thursday night is the only game with the Peewees at 6:30pm and the Junior Men at 8:30pm. Come on out and cheer them on! • The school year is winding down and students are finishing their finals. Commencement ceremonies are held tonight at Granite Ridge Education Centre. Enjoy the summer, students and teachers. • Grass is being cut along the highways, sprucing up our roads (except for all the litter...again!) • Thinking of you to Elizabeth Steele-Drew, Vi Hole and Candy Thompson. Deepest sympathies extended to the family of Garnet England. • Congratulations to Pat Quinn on finishing up the last of her treatment last Friday! You got this, girl! • Happy Birthday to Darryl Barker, Christie Jones, Gary Thompson, Kim Teal, Brent Kehoe, Vicky Pollok, Gil Putnam, Susan Peters, Zac Robinson, and Joe Rothwell.

PLEVNA Katie Ohlke



• Some July birthdays are Lacey Latimer, Terry Fox, Sarah Generoux-Hawley, George White, Norman MacIntosh, Christine Teal, Kevin Teat, Tucker Teat, Jean Smith. • Anniversaries are Allan & Louise Taylor, Fred & Dianna Kirkpatrick, Jim & Sheila Duthie. • On June 20, Parham Seniors invited Mountain Grove’s 50+ club to their June meeting. There were many seniors invited. Vernon Scott provided the entertainment. The vice president of the USCO, Muriel Milne, welcomed everyone. Thank you to everyone for helping and being in the kitchen. • Get well to those who are not well. Get well to Garnet Brown, Nancy Fobert, Mary Howes. Visitors to Garnet are his daughter from Newfoundland, and my daughter from Georgia. • Thanks to Sharbot Lake Retirement Home for the lovely flowers for our 58th anniversary, and thanks to our family.

PARHAM-TICHBORNE Colleen Steele 613-375-6219 Christine Teal 613-375-6525 • Reminder of Hazardous Waste Day on July 14 from 9am to

• 7–10:30am at the Clar-Mill Hall. This event is sponsored by the Clar-Mill Volunteers.

Sharbot Lake Jean Brown


• Doreen England proudly attended the graduation of her grandson, Ian Fanning, from Queen’s University, where he received his PHD in Cultural Studies. Ian is the son of John and Christine (England) Fanning, and he is a professor at Queen’s University. Doreen and family attended and are so pleased and proud of Ian’s achievements. Grandpa Bob is proudly watching from heaven. • Canada Day weekend will be a community wingding with Caboose Fest on the Saturday, the market, a yard sale hosted by the Anglican Church onsite, and many opportunities to visit while walking about the town. Sunday at the OSO Beach will feature a mammoth ecumenical worship service hosted by the area churches: United, Anglican, Roman Catholic, Pentecostal, Free Methodist and Independent, at 10am. • Sharon MacDonald recently led a worship service at the Sharbot Lake Retirement Residence on behalf of the area ministerial.

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Yoga adds years to life and life to years Y

oga teaches you how to listen to your body. That was the message at a yoga retreat in Sydenham last weekend hosted by Liz Huntly and her husband Roland Jensch, owners of yoga studio 330 in Kingston. Speaking from her family’s historic 13-acre farmhouse on Stage Coach Road as dozens of guests enjoyed yoga in the barn and yard, Liz says, “It’s a good way to stay fit.” Named the Groove Yoga Gathering, the retreat has attracted 100-200 people annually since its inception in 2015. It is described as a small, intimate festival with a range of classes from beginner to advanced. Visitors travel from as far as Toronto and Ottawa for the classes, many of which offer live music and locally & internationally recognized teachers. “It’s a great way to get people from outside this region here,” says Liz who believes yoga is growing in popularity. “Because it is our home, it has a friends and family feel,” she says kindly. “We feel this is a special property. It’s a beautiful place to be for the weekend.” Located a few minutes from downtown, the farm has a tranquility about it, even with guests camping in the apple orchard. Goats can be heard in the background and vendors sit patiently outside the barn, offering fresh food and handmade products. “While the Groove Yoga Gathering has its roots in this Ontario festival, it has since created gatherings worldwide with events in Germany, Croatia, India and Nepal,” explains the 33-year-old who travels the world to host similar retreats.

June 28, 2018 by Catherine Reynolds

“What sets Groove events apart is their smallness. Participation is generally capped at 100-200 participants. This means the Groove experience is intimate, authentic and personal. Each location is carefully selected and programming is designed to reflect local culture and traditions. Our original version flavour is good clean fun, country-style.” Liz started practising yoga 15 years ago for improved physical health, but was soon appreciating the mental health benefits. “There isn’t a part of my life that it doesn’t effect,” she says with a smile. Gently rocking Liz and Roland’s three-month-old son while standing in the farmhouse kitchen, Tess Huntly talks about the festival with enthusiasm. “The gentle and inclusive style embraces people wherever they’re at,” she says,. “You feel you can do it at your own pace.” Sitting in a tent attached to their 1974 Volkswagen Bus with two Dalmatians at their feet, festival participants Marta Lambert and Alex Mitchell have been attending the retreat for years. “It’s great,” says Alex who was raised in Battersea, “I love it,” adds Marta. “It’s such a neat space.” To learn more about this festival or yoga, please contact Liz Huntly at or call 343-

NOTICE OF COMPLETION DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION REPORT Design-Build Project DB 2016-4015 Replacement of Highway 7 Salmon River Bridge, and Associated Roadwork THE PROJECT The Ministry of Transportation (MTO) has retained Looby Construction Limited to undertake the Detail Design and Construction for the replacement of the Salmon River Bridge and the rehabilitation of Highway 7 from 0.3 km east of the Arden/Henderson Road intersection, westerly, for 1.0 km (see map). The project area is in the Township of Central Frontenac and the County of Frontenac, between Kaladar and Maberly. Construction is scheduled to begin in summer 2018 and generally includes: • Bridge replacement, with an alignment shift to the north, and removal of the existing bridge and its components; • Traffic staging with a single lane closure and temporary signals, during construction, while maintaining access to the existing boat launch; • Adjustments to the road alignment of Highway 7; and • Environmental protection measures.


3254 Harrowsmith Road, R.R.# 3 Harrowsmith, ON



12 miles NORTH of 401 Highway on Highway 38 (Interchange 611) to the Village of Harrowsmith and turn EAST onto Harrowsmith RD for 2 miles.

This study was carried out in accordance with the approved environmental planning process for Group “B” projects under MTO’s Class Environmental Assessment for Provincial Transportation Facilities (2000). The preliminary design phase was documented in a Transportation Environmental Study Report (TESR) and received environmental clearance in April 2015. A Public Information Centre was held on February 28, 2018 at the Kennebec Community Hall to gather input from the public and stakeholders.

TRACTOR Kubota MX 510 4 WD diesel tractor with LA 844 front end loader, ROPS - 770 hrs, excellent condition; E-Z Attach pallet forks; Power Buster 3 point hitch hydraulic wood splitter; Woods 3 point hitch 6’ rotary mower; 3 point hitch 8 tooth cultivator; 3 point hitch 6’ scraper blade; 5 ton flat bed wagon; 4 ton flat bed wagon; RECREATIONAL 19’ x 6’tandem axle utility trailer with wooden floor and side panels – good condition; 12’ single axle camper trailer – “Hunt Camp Special”; 6’ x 8’ single axle utility trailer; 5’ x 8’ utility trailer with enclosed storage box; 4’ x 6’ utility trailer; garden trailer; Starcraft 15 ft aluminum boat with vintage Johnson 85 hp outboard and trailer; 15’ aluminum fishing boat with trailer- needs repair; TOOLS - SELL AT 10:30 AM Busy Bee shaper; Busy Bee 40” wood lathe; Busy Bee 14” wood working band saw; DeWalt radial arm saw; Rexon bench top drill press; Sears Craftsman 10” table saw; Busy Bee 16” single surface planer; Rigid 10” chop saw; portable Power Fist wire feed welder; 1200w generator; Stihl 034 chainsaw; Husqvarna 359 chainsaw; chainsaw sharpener; Stihl straight grass trimmer; Yard Pro rear tine garden tiller; oxy acetylene torch kit; upright air compressor; Triton steel cutting chop saw; jack stands; tool boxes; power and hand tools; wood clamps; multi drawer storage cabinets; vintage oak cooler doors; vintage house doors; windows; milk cans; barrel churn; forge; barn weigh scales; antique fanning mill; traps; vintage farm related tools; builders hardware; numerous other articles.

The purpose of this notice is to inform the public that a Design and Construction Report (DCR) has been prepared that documents the detailed design process, traffic staging, potential environmental effects, and mitigation of impacts during construction. The DCR is available for a 30-day review period from June 28, 2018 to July 28, 2018 at the following locations, during normal hours of operation: Arden Branch Public Library 5998 Arden Road Arden, ON K0H 1B0

Central Frontenac Township Office 1084 Elizabeth Street Sharbot Lake, ON K0H 2P0

Mountain Grove Branch Public Library 1455 Mountain Grove Road Mountain Grove, ON K0H 2E0

COMMENTS Interested persons are encouraged to review the DCR and provide comments by July 28, 2018. If there are no outstanding concerns after the 30-day review period has ended, construction may start without further public notice. To obtain additional information or provide comments, please contact one of the project team members listed below. Chris Kardassis Project Manager Eastern Region, Planning & Design Section 1355 John Counter Blvd., P.B. 4000 Kingston, ON K7L 5A3 tel: 613-545-4735 e-mail:

David Sinke Design Manager Wood 3450 Harvester Road, Suite 100 Burlington, ON L7N 3W5 tel: 905-335-2353 e-mail:

Bob Felker Environmental Manager Wood 900 Maple Grove Road, Unit 10 Cambridge, ON N3H 4R7 tel: 519-650-7139 e-mail:

If you have accessibility requirements to participate in this project, please contact one of the Project Team members listed above. All information collected will be used in accordance with the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act, RSO, 1990, c.F.31. With the exception of personal information, all comments will become part of the public record.

TERMS- CASH OR CHEQUE Owner & auctioneer not responsible for accident or injury day of sale


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June 28, 2018

THE FRONTENAC NEWS - Canada Day Schedule

PAGe 7

Can da Day Celebrations

South Frontenac Rental Centre Compact Backhoes • Mini Excavators Lawn & Garden • Log Splitters Jumping Castles • Post Augers & more...

We sell Firearms & Ammunition


We Sell Live Bait


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Happy Canada Day! Tel: (613) 376-3755

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Happy Canada Day!


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Dr. Paul H. Radford


Canada Day Parade (Starts at Harowmsith Public School and ends at Centennial Park) 11am Opening ceremonies, Decorated bike viewing, Canteen and Concessions / vendors (new and returning) – until 5pm 11:30am Drama Queen Face Painting – until 2:30pm DIY fun family games (sing up at trailer) includes Giant Jenga, Yahtsee and Checkers, ring and bean bag toss – until 5pm Northern Giants Strongman Competition – until 2:30pm 11:30 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. Verona Community Association train rides ($1) - until 4pm 11:30 a.m. - 5:00 p.m Family fun – sign up for the following: Children’s Scavenger Hunt (2-2:30pm), Children’s Nail Driving contest (2:30-3pm) Adult Nail Driving Contest (3-3:15pm) and Adult Log Sawing Contest (3:15) 11:30 a.m. - 5:30 p.m Inflatables – obstacle course, air castle, jousting, soccer darts, giant slide, bouncer balls - until 5:30pm 11:30-Dusk Entertainment: Dieter Boehme and Shotgun Band;Bellfonix; Glenda Nicol & Gilbert Riddell; Jessica Wedden and Jon Mclurg, Swift Kick 12pm Horseshoe tournament Fire extinguisher demonstration (by SF fire department) - until 2pm 1pm Water Fun with Portland Fire Department (remember your swimsuits) - until 2pm; Wandering magician on site – until 2pm 3:30pm - 4:30pm Mr. Legs competition – enter to win prizes/bragging rights – until Dusk Fireworks Finale This event is hosted by the Harrowsmith Social & Athletic Club and sponsored by local businesses, members of the community, South Frontenac Township, community organizations.


June 30 Strawberry Social 1p.m.–3p.m., Kennebec Hall, $7 per serving.


June 30 Miniature railway Open House, 10a.m.– 2p.m. between Doris Smith Lane and the ball diamond. Visitors can enjoy a train ride and a firsthand look at live steam locomotives. Activities are free, but donations are appreciated. Info: Doug Angle at angle@


July 1, CANADA DAY BreAKFASt at Glendower Hall, 1381 Westport Road. 8:30-11am. Historical Centre open for public viewing.


June 30, BOAtILLA, Hidden Valley Campground, Perth Road Village; in support of Easter Seals’ Send a Kid to Camp Campaign or children and youth with physical disabilities! Begins at 1 p.m.; boat tours of the lake; complimentary community BBQ; live entertainment. Camp Merrywood and Camp Woodeden. For more information or to donate, visit


Happy Canada Day!


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Harrowsmith Centennial Park, July 1

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PAGe 8

THE FRONTENAC NEWS - Canada Day Schedule

Sharbot Lake, Oso Beach, July 1

SHARBOT LAKE MARINA Closed Canada Day Sales & Service of: • Boats • Motors • Trailers • Chainsaws • Small Engines • Snowmobiles Road 38 & Cannon Rd.

Sharbot Lake


the Canada Day Parade route has changed! Starting at the Central Frontenac Township office, 1084 Elizabeth St, proceeding east, turn left at Garrett St., left at Elizabeth St. right at Matthew St., right at Thompson back to the start 7am-10am 10am

10 am Connecting Everywhere North Frontenac Telephone Company IPTV, DSL, Phone 1019 Windwood Dr., R.R. #2 Services Available Sharbot Lake, ON K0H 2P0 Tel: 613.279.2193 Closed Toll free: 1.888.638.3575 Fax: 613.279.2222 July 2

10 am 1:00 pm 2:30 Dusk

Pancake Breakfast Wagner Road Fire Hall ECUMENICAL WORSHIP SERVICE. 10am, Sharbot Lake Beach. Hosted by ministerial and United, Anglican, Pentecostal, Roman Catholic, and Free Methodist Churches. Bring a lawn chair. Rain location is Oso Township hall. Info - 613-279-2245. Canada Day run/Walk starts at the beach- 9 am registration 10 am start Vendors Market at the beach Multi denominational Church service at the beach Parade Starts 2:00 pm Opening Ceremonies. Kids Games and inflatables on the beach all afternoon, Face Painting, Silly Sally Entertainment: Lily live with the bucket drums; 3:15 The Cow Guy Variety show; 4:15 The Riddell’s; 5:15 Karaoke; 6:10 The Moore’s; 6:30 Greatest of Ease; 8:00 The Rob Donaldson Band Fireworks on the Beach


July 1, Fireworks at dark at Heritage Park.

Signs - Vehicle Lettering - T-Shirts Sportswear - Logo Design - Decals Banners - Wide Format Digital Printing (613) 264-8896 2049 Rogers Rd. Perth, ON

ATV, Watercraft, Boat & Ski-doo Rentals: Located at Perth Powersports & Marine Hwy. 7 e. Perth, ON 613-267-6371


June 30, Second annual Floatilla, meet at Association Launch, tour two lakes and return for cake, etc.


June 30th Canada Day Boat Parade BBQ to follow at Kennedy beach starting at 12:30 PM 128436 Hwy. 7. Bring a lawnchair. Youth games, swimming


June 30, PIe IN tHe SKY 8am-1pm at Maberly Fairgrounds. Fresh, homemade pies (come early for best selection) Fred Barrett and Bob Hillier with solar telescope. Yard sale, market, snack bar. Free admission, donations are welcome. Proceeds go toward the Maberly Fair.

Play Safe!

rBC royal Bank

Paddle Shop Ice Cream Bar Connie McVeigh Mobile Mortgage Specialist royal Bank of Canada

Camp Supplies

Tel: Fax:

613-545-5223 613-279-2173

June 28, 2018

Canadian Trivia Quiz 1) This historic Canadian figure is known as the first prime minister of the Dominion of Canada and is also featured on the Canadian $10 bill. a b c. d

Sir Wilfrid Laurier Sir Robert Borden Sir John A. Macdonald William Lyon Mackenzie King

2) Newfoundland was the last province to join Confederation in 1949. What year did the province’s name officially change to include Labrador? a b. c. d

3) What famous sea creature in the Okanagan Lake of British Columbia was called N’ha-a-itk by local Aboriginal tribes and is considered “Canada’s Loch Ness Monster”? a. b. c. d

Caddy Manopogo Ogopogo Champ

4) Who was the first Francophone prime minister of Canada after Confederation? a Sir Wilfrid Laurier b. Paul Edgar Philippe Martin c. Jean Chrétien d Louis St-Laurent

1999 1954 2004 2001

McVeigh Construction 1932 Zealand RD, Sharbot Lake oN K0H 2P0

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Happy Canada Day!

Come in for all your party DESIGNS needs! INSIGHT Mon. to Thu. 9 - 6, Fri. 9 - 6, Sat. 9 - 5, Sun. 10 - 4


Sales & Service

14583 RD 38 Sharbot Lake, ON 613-279-2626

Happy Canada Day!

Auto Parts - General Repairs - M.V.I Station

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Happy Canada Day!

• Stairs • Gates • Cribs

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David Goodfellow OwN OwN Ner/MANAGING er/MANAGING DI DIre reCTOr CTO

Phone: 613-375-6254 Parham, Ontario

June 28, 2018

THE FRONTENAC NEWS - Canada Day Schedule

PAGe 9

Sunbury, Gerald Ball Memorial Park, July 1

Happy Canada Day

3364 Moreland Dixon Rd.


Red and White Parade Gather at Storrington Centre. Parade leaves Storrington Centre 1pm (Battersea Road will be closed from Storrington Centre to Moreland Dixon Road, and up Moreland Dixon to the park until 1:30pm) Opening Ceremonies Walter Freeman (piper), Taya Williams (O Canada singer), 2:30 Mayor Ron Vandewal and official opening United Church Service with Reverend Heather Mclurg-Murphy Soccer tournament with players from Storrington Minor Soccer Association Face painting – until 4pm, Chuckles the Clown – until 4pm Horseshoe tournament (registration at 1:45) Jeff Code and Silver Wings classic country and rockabilly – until 5:30 (ish), Cookie decorating – until 4pm Firework

2pm 1pm 1:30 2pm 3pm 9:45pm

Free milk, courtesy of FC Dairy Farmers Association. Canteen operated by Battersea United Church – hot dogs, hamburgers, coffee and cold drinks. Birthday cake – courtesy of Monday Night Euchre club. The Turkey Friar – Deep fried turkey sandwich ($7) fries ($5) combo plate ($10) presented by Storrington Pastoral Charge 5) Which monarch proclaimed the National flag in 1965? a. b. c. d.

King George IV King Edward VII Queen Elizabeth II Queen Elizabeth I

6) What leaf is on the Canadian flag? a. b. c. d.

mint leaf maple leaf bay leaf grape leaf

7) The Liberation of Western Europe from Nazi rule began in 1944 on: a. b c. d.

D-Day VE-Day VJ-Day May Day

8) When was the most recent territory in Canada formed? a. April 1, 1999 b. April 1, 2000 July 1, 1999 July 1, 2000

10)What is the only officially bilingual province in Canada? a. Alberta b. Ontario c. Quebec d. New Brunswick

9) Paul Henderson scored the winning goal for Canada in the CanadaSoviet Summit Series in hockey. In what year was this goal, often referred to as “the goal heard around the world,” scored? a. 1972 b. 1967 c. 1983 d. 1980

11) When did most women in Canada over 21 years old receive the right to vote? a. 1969 b. 1982 c. 1902 d. 1918 12)Famous Canadian Roberta Bondar is known for achieving which of the following goals in 1992? a. She was the first female prime minister b. She was the first Canadian woman to play

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B.L. Outdoor Centre Archery & crossbow supplies

in the NHL c. She was the first Canadian woman to travel into outer space d. She won a Governor General’s Award 13)Name two fundamental freedoms protected by the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms a. Freedom of religion and freedom of speech b. Equality rights and to care for Canada’s heritage c. Basic freedoms and civil obedience d Aboriginal peoples’ rights and to volunteer

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Mon.-Fri. 7:30 a.m.-9 p.m. Sat. 7:30 a.m.-6 p.m. Sun. 9 a.m.-5 p.m. (613)




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8am- 10pm.

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Ice Cream Parlour

Candy & Toy Store


Service Centre Hours: Mon. - Fri. 7:30 - 7:30 Sat. 7:30 a.m. - 6 p.m. Sun. 9 a.m. - 5 p.m.

Open Canada Day

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THE FRONTENAC NEWS - Canada Day Schedule 613-336-2222 Mazinaw Lake, Cloyne ON Full Service Marina Boat & Motor Sales, Service, Rental, Parts/Acces., Toys

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11am 12pm 1pm 1:45 2pm

Kaladar Shell

General Store, Post Office, Fishing & Hunting Licenses, Hardware

Summer Hours: 5am - Midnight 7 Days a Week

4pm Noon - 4:30

Happy Canada Day! country style 10201 Hwy 41, Kaladar Tel: 613-336-8679 Fax: 613-336-0055 7359 Rd. 38 Verona country 613 374 3404style

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12pm–5pm 3pm - Dusk 9:45pm

Face painting (until 5pm), Cookie decorating & colouring area (until 5pm) Petting Zoo (until 4:30pm) Tweedsmuir historical display presented by The Women’s Institute (at the library, until 3pm) Parade starts at the Fire Hall Opening Ceremonies at the Point O Canada cake cutting Air castle (until 5pm), Boys & Girls Club, Children’s bicycle decorating contest (judging at 2pm at Ball Diamond) Children’s games (until 4:30pm at Ball Diamond) Sydenham Lions Club – Single Grand Prize $2,500, $10.00 per ticket, only 1,000 printed, draw at 4pm Antique cars at Point Entrance (weather permitting) Pony rides, Waterslide fun at the Tennis Courts, Loughborough Fire Department *Freewill Donations Accepted* Food - “Sweet desserts” bake table, Ladies’ Auxiliary of the Legion, Perogies by Barb McLaren, Popcorn & cotton candy, Burgers, hotdogs & canteen sales (open till 10pm by Scout’s Canada) Music - Open Mic (3pm–5pm); 6pm Friends from SJS & Joe Saunders; 7pm Jessica Wedden; 8pm Rock Haven; 9pm Dark Horse Fireworks

14) What three oceans border Canada? a. Atlantic, Arctic and Bering b. Atlantic, Arctic and Pacific c. Pacific, Indian and Atlantic d. Hudson, Pacific and Atlantic

c. Yukon Territory d. Newfoundland and Labrador 17)In 1813, Laura Secord, pioneer wife and mother of five children, made a dangerous 30-kilometre journey on foot to warn Lieutenant James FitzGibbon of a planned American attack. Her bravery contributed to the British-Canadian victory at the Battle of: a. Secord House b. Beaver Dams c. Sweet River d. Thamesford Harbour

15)Which region covers more than one-third of Canada? a. Central Canada b. Prairies c. Atlantic Canada d. Northern Territories 16)Which province in Canada is the smallest in land size? a. Nova Scotia b. Prince Edward Island

Answer Key

Lunch Room Open for Dine In or t take Out! Open Mon-Sat 10-5

Jeff’s Auto Glass 15 Lanark Road Perth, ON K7H 2R9

Tel: 613-264-9266 Fax: 613-264-0729

Sandwiches, Quiches, Ice Cream & Fresh Pies, Hot & Cold Drinks 6674 Cty Rd 38 Verona 613-374-3663

Cloyne Shell


restuarant, General Store Fishing & Hunting Licenses

Happy Canada Day


Happy Canada Day! 14265 Hwy 41, Cloyne 613-336-8824

113021 Hwy 7 PO Box 40 Kaladar, ON K0H 1Z0 Bus: 613 336-2626 Fax: 613 336-9777

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country style

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June 28, 2018

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1) a; 2) d; 3) c; 4) a; 5) c;6) b; 7) a; 8) a; 9) a; 10 d; 11 d; 12 c; 13) a; 14) b; 15) d; 16) b; 17) b.

PAGe 10


June 30, COLD PLAte dinner. A cold plate dinner will be served at the Ompah Community Centre at 5pm. Fireworks will be begin at Bingley’s pit (across the road from Double S Marina) at dark.


June 30 There will be a breakfast, bake sale, and yard sale beginning at 8a.m. at the Snow Road Snowmobile Clubhouse. Enjoy breakfast and go home with some wonderful baking and treasures. June 30 Strawberry Social will be held at the Snow Road Community Centre from 6p.m.–8p.m. Come and enjoy fresh strawberries, cake, ice cream and beverage for $5. Everyone is welcome. northbrook Fresh food. Friendly neighbours.

Happy Canada Day!

Open 24 Hours June 28-September 2 Charlene & kevin Van Dusen Store Owners & Friendly Neighbours

Hwy 41, Northbrook Ontario, K0H 2G0 (T) 613 336 2647 (F) 613 336 9492

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Happy Canada Day!

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June 28, 2018


Smart’s Mercantile grand opening set for Canada Day L

ocated on highway 41 near the southern end of Mazinaw Lake, not far from Bon Echo Park, Smart’s Marina has been serving the boating needs of Mazinaw Lake residents and Bon Echo Park visitors for many years. Now, thanks to the ambitions of Ange Defosse, office manager at the marina, a new business is taking hold in the marina store, Smart’s Mercantile. The idea for the store came from a visit Ange took to some other cottage areas, including Prince Edward County. “When I saw that they were offering to visitors, I thought we could start to bring in local food and arts to make our region a better tourist destination,” Ange said. “Ange had the idea for this. She came to me with it and I said she could go for it. She made it happen. She got in touch with local producers to see if they wanted to sell their products here, and she approached

Frontenac County for some leads and followed them up. It’s amazing what she has found and how many people are excited about it,” said Pauline Smart, who owns the marina with her husband Steve. “Over the winter, we began working, we worked on redoing our convenience store and are very excited about the outcome. We have changed the interior and brought in some new products to focus on local products and small businesses in our area, while still keeping our ice cream bar, convenience grocery items, and camping goods,” Ange added. Smart’s Mercantile is featuring a wide range of local and regional products including: Arden Pottery, Blue Tick Blacksmithing, Backwoods Honey, T&D Sauces, DFC BBQ Sauce, J.R. Watkins products, County Coffee, Abby’s Gardens Preserves, Hart ‘N Hart Mazinaw themed apparel, Farmacy Bath and Beauty, Ree’s Family maple products, Backwood Country Creations, and the list

Ange Defosse with Pauline and Roland Smart. at 'the Mercantile'

goes on. The store started with a soft opening in early June and has already created a buzz in the local community in advance of Sunday’s grand opening/summer kickoff event. The celebration runs from 11am-4pm on Sunday. The meat for the rib and sausage BBQ is being provided by another new local business, Milligans Meats, which is located in the former Cloyne Home Hardware Store. DFC BBQ sauces will be on hand for taste

testing their sauces with the BBQ. Other vendors, including J.R. Watkins, Backwoods Country Creations and T&D Sauces, and others, will also be there. To celebrate Canada Day, free Sundaes (one per person) will be served, and there is a 10% discount on all local items in the store. Smart’s Mercantile will be open 8am-7pm Monday to Saturday all summer, 9am-7pm on Sundays.

Back Forty Cheese Season Opener


oin in celebration at the picturesque Back Forty Artisan Cheese dairy and tasting room as they open their shop doors to the public for the 2018 season. Relax along the Mississippi River while enjoying great music, food, drinks and artisan cheese. New for 2018 – Frontenac Outfitters will be offering kayak and paddleboard demos on the river. Local chocolatier, Ludwig Ratzinger, will be sampling and selling his delicious chocolate. Carleton Place’s Stalwart Brewing Co. will be returning to serve up some of their delicious craft brews. Discover local wines and cider from Eastern Ontario, featuring Westportbased Scheuermann Vineyard and Winery. Tour the artisan cheese factory and sample a variety of Back Forty’s award-winning and unique raw sheep-milk cheeses. Be among the first to sample and purchase their new raw waterbuffalo milk varieties. Enjoy your curd fresh out of the vat or deep-fried in Stalwart’s Beer batter. Seed to Sausage owner and chef, Mike McKenzie, will be on the giant grill cooking up some of his delicious pork products and Back Forty grilled cheeses.

Free admission to all. Parking onsite and on the road. “The event has really started to grow. I was surprised last year how many people were making a destination out of it. We had many folks arriving from larger city centers such as Ottawa, Toronto, and even some from as far as Montreal,” said Jeff Fenwick, owner/cheese-maker. About Back Forty Artisan Cheese Founded in 2000, Back Forty Artisan Cheese is now the only cheese factory located in Frontenac County. They specialize in traditional and unique high-quality raw sheep and water buffalo milk cheeses. To learn more about our cheese factory and shop, visit www.artisancheese.




Celebration of Life


Barr, Joseph Russell at Kingston, June 6, 2018. Son of the late Janet and Carl. Brother of Pat (Lee). Celebration of life, June 29, 2018 at branch 560 Legion, Montreal street, Kingston from 2 to 4p.m.

OBITUARY BAIN, Keneth Charles

Happy 32nd Anniversary June 28, 2018 Glenn. Love Carol

Happy 50th Anniversary Paul & Janna Young

Suddenly at the Kingston Health Services, on Sunday June 24, 2018 in his 79th year. Beloved husband of Leta Bain. Dear father of Juanita Crate, Jeffrey Bain, Kathy Hill (Rick), Jason Bain. Sadly missed by 8 grandchildren and 8 Great grandchildren. Resting at Goodfellow’s Funeral Home, Parham. Friends will be received on Thursday June 28, from 12 noon until 2 pm. Funeral Service will be held in the Funeral Home at 2 pm. Cremation to follow. Online condolences at


Love from the Young Family







Love Daddy, Mommy & Herrick

Card of Thanks Royal Canadian Legion

Gordon Gaylord Branch # 334 Arden A special thank you goes out to the following volunteers who made the ‘Music & Ribs Night’ at the Arden Legion on Saturday June 16, the extremely entertaining and successful night that it was. Cindy French Barb Kirkland Una Riley Ronda Noble Connie McVeigh Wayne Rathwell Ian Tryon Dave Moore Ian Bullock Connie Troy Jan Flieler Without your help, it would not have happened. Thank you also goes out to the musicians and singers of the band; Rene Richard, Randy Arney, Sam Jarvis, Bill Parsons, Mark Hannah, Zach Teal and the open mic players. You all performed fantastically. Thanks also to all who attended. Malcom Sampson


In memory of our dear Mom, Grandma, Great Gramma, Great-Great Gramma, Frances Crawford, who passed away June 28, 2016 Gone are the days we used to share But in our hearts you are always there. Today, tomorrow, our whole lives through We’ll always love and remember you Lovingly remembered by Linda & family, Ron, Maureen & Family & Brian

Newton In loving memory of a dear father, grandfather and great-grandfather, Edge Newton, who passed away June 30, 1988. You always had the time to share, Time to give and time to care. Life goes on and years go by, but our memories will never die. Loved & remembered by Nadine, Howard & family


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Turtles - continued from page 3 utterly defenseless against motor vehicles, safe habitat. While in surgery, her eggs were harvested and are being incubated at the OTTC. Lessons learned: Please slow down and, if safe to do so, swerve to avoid hitting these amazing creatures as they respond to their powerful compulsion to reproduce. If you can do so safely, please help a turtle cross the road, always in the same direction to which they were headed. Snapping turtles cannot reproduce until they are about 20 years old; the odds of a hatchling’s survival to age 20 are 1 in 100 or less. Carry clean, old work gloves and have a clean plastic bin available to safely transport a turtle (a shovel or board held very low to the ground may provide confidence in handling). All turtles are

Terry Thake Monuments

Save up to 25% on Selected Monuments Full Written Warranty Payment Plan - No Interest Quality “Rock of Ages” Granite

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ATVs, pets (especially dogs), motor bikes, boat props, etc. They can only move slowly on land. An injured or traumatized turtle will often freeze; expect turtles to hiss or make a sound when approached. Turtles have long claws for “hustling” along and it’s possible to get a slight scratch when handling one. Always wash your hands ASAP after direct contact. Turtles can be easily picked up by holding firmly but gently with both hands at its waist area or slightly lower. Snapping turtles are best picked up from the rear by holding the rear of the shell with one hand and sliding the other hand under its tail towards the belly area; like sliding a spatula under a burger. Snappers can’t reach underneath their shells. When perceiving a threat, Snappers will hiss and attempt to intimidate by opening their jaws very wide! Reality check: this is “truly” disconcerting, but remember, it’s just a frightened Mama trying to protect herself and her prospective young. Do not give food or water to an injured turtle. Keep safe, secure and secluded with ample breathing holes in a covered, fastened box. Check out the non-profit Ontario Turtle Conservation Centre website for more invaluable first aid information and expert advice: or call 1-705– 741-5000. Mary Johnston


OBITUARY ENGLAND, William Garnet Peacefully at home with his family by his side on Tuesday June 26, 2018 in his 76th year. Loving partner of Connie Coyle. Predeceased by wife Claire. Loving father of Glenn (Kathy) Tracy Granlund (Randy). Poppy to Kandice Potts (Adam), Jessica Granlund, Jake England and Dusty Granlund. Brother of Merv (late Jose), late Robert (Doreen), Victor (late Shirley, Late Gwen and Harry Sinclair, Dorothy Burke (Gerald), Janice Peters (Don), Jim (Barb). Fondly missed by many nieces and nephews. As a knowledgeable asset he will be missed by his many friends and neighbors for his help and his superb maple syrup. Following cremation Friends will be received at Goodfellow’s Funeral Home on Friday June 29 from 2-4 and 6-8. Funeral service will be held in the Funeral Home on Saturday June 30, 2018 at 11 am. Interment of ashes in St James Major Catholic Cemetery. Donations to University Hospital Kingston Foundation. Online condolences at

Township of Central Frontenac PUBLIC INFORMATION SESSION CROW LAKE ROAD Public Information Session for Crow Lake Road has been rescheduled for Thursday July 5th, 2018. The session will take place at the Soldiers Memorial Hall between 6:00pm and 8:00pm.

TOWNSHIP OF ADDINGTON HIGHLANDS Public Notice Special Council Meeting The Township will hold a special meeting of Council on Tuesday July 3rd, 2018 at 10:00, in the Council Chambers in Flinton, ON. The meeting will be for the purpose of discussing a draft personnel and employment policy. Further information may be obtained by calling (613) 336-2286 during normal office hours, Mon-Fri or emailing to: clerk@

David Goodfellow Owner/Managing Director

Milestone Funeral Center

June 28, 2018

*lncludes cremation fee, arranging and co-ordination, preparing and filing permits/forms, local transfer of deceased and shelter facilities. vehicle transportation, cremation container, municipal registration fee, coroner fee, all applicable taxes.

Kingston-Cataraqui Cremation Services by Arbor Memorial

556 O'Connor Drive Kingston, ON Arbor Memorial Inc.

16th Annual Pine Meadow Golf Classic Thanks to all the volunteers, prize donors, tournament participants and to our generous sponsors!

Associate Corporate Sponsors Extendicare Country Traditions Frozen Foods The Flynn family Land O Lakes/Treadles Quilters Brooks Plumbing

The Loon’s Call Campground Russell and Judy Gray Thompsons Carpentry Tobia’s Guardian Pharmacy Hunter’s Creek Golf Course Nowell Motors Kaladar Auto Parts/Carquest

Bank of Montreal, Northbrook Bishop Lake Outdoor Centre Bruce Cooke Royal Lepage ProAlliance Realty Brown’s Tent and Trailer Park Cassidy Funeral Home COFA Countryside Carpentry Frances Boomhour Francis L. Manion Ltd. Frontenac and Addington Trappers Frontenac Shores Frontenac News G.E. Matson and Sons Construction Insight Design Kirk Kove Lancaster Resort Lemke Electric Mary Lou Lo Franco

Manion’s Sales and Service Marble Lake Lodge Martin’s Bus Lines Mazinaw Lanark Forest Inc. Milestone Funeral Home McConnell Funeral Home Gord and Carolyn McCulloch Mumby Septic Pumping North of 7 Codfather Northern Rock Electrical Northbrook Gas and Variety Northbrook Foodland Northbrook Outfitters Opal Rose Farms Parky’s Dollar Store Pine Crest Marine Rayburn Insurance Red Bridge Landscaping Bob Reiser Contracting Richmond Veterinary Services Robson Electric

Lookout Home Hardware Building Centre Hook’s Castle Home Building Centre Tuscany Concrete

Community Sponsors Robinson Investment Roger’s Carpentry Ron Nowell Construction Chris Winney/Royal Lepage Realty Sherwood Park Campground Smart’s Marina Smitty’s Appliances St. Andrew’s Lodge #497 Suzanne Regan/Remax Realty Stacey’s Custom Graphics Translinx Trees and Beyond/Coleman Boomhour The Tweed News Twin Cedars Resort Welch LLP Woodcrest Resort Yourway Home Building Centre

Please support these generous sponsors


June 28, 2018


The Classifieds Ad Rates: Classified Text ads: $10.62 + HST per insertion for 20 words & under; 20¢ each extra word. Deadline: 4 pm Monday; Ph: 613-279-3150, Fax: 613-279-3172;


Stoves, washers, dryers, freezers, dishwashers. 3 months old and up. Sold with written guarantees. Fridges $100 and up.


At the lowest prices in the area. Trade-ins accepted on new appliances. Big selection to choose from. We Sell Gas Refrigerators


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APPLIANCE REPAIR, Call Mark, Verona Hardware, 6723 Main St., Verona. Ph. 613374-2851


KALADAR AUTO RECYCLING. Winter tires & rims for most vehicles. Used cars available, $600 & up. We take trade-ins. Call us for car & truck parts, we have more than 400 vehicles. 11520 Hwy 41; 613-336-9899; 613-885-8644 KINNEY AUTO WRECKING Station Road, Kaladar. 4x4 trucks & parts for sale. Scrap cars, stoves, fridges wanted. 613-336-9272.


TONI & JP’S FLEA MARKET, 6107 Hwy 506 at Ardoch Rd. Open Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday. Something for everyone. 613-479-0341


COTTAGES on Sydenham Lake. $500 per week, boat included. 613-353-2460


SOCIAL & ATHLETIC CLUB HALL, Harrowsmith, A/C, kitchen, capacity 90, Reasonable rates. Info.: 613-372-0917. VERONA LIONS BANQUET HALL AND BOARD MEETING ROOM (Lions’ Den). Reasonable rates in a convenient location. Air conditioned. Full kitchen and bar facility. Weddings, anniversaries, parties, conferences. 613-374-2821


AN ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT for 8 hours a week, needed immediately for Trinity United Church, Verona, to prepare weekly bulletins, check voice mail and manage the rental calendar. Please respond with your resume by June 29 to 613.374.2517 FULL TIME SATELLITE TV INSTALLERS required for fast growing company. Installer must supply own vehicle, valid driver's license, tools, ladders, consumables, vehicle insurance, etc. Potential for income between $50,000 to $80,000 yearly + Bonuses. Evening and weekend shifts required. For more information please send a resume to: Admin@scheelcommunications. com or fax to 613-623-9992. No experience necessary; all training will be supplied.


FIREARMS COURSE – July 13-14, and Hunter Education Course, July 20-21, Harrowsmith. Call Bill, 613-335-2786



BIG INDOOR/OUTDOOR SALE Jun 30-Jul 2, 10699 Hwy 41, Kaladar. Antiques, hand & garden tools, wicker, loaded fishing tackle boxes, old children’s rocking chairs, etc; 07’ Honda VTX 1300 cc; 13’ Honda ATV 420cc w/ trailer & plow. Everything must go. BIG YARD SALE, June 30, 3849 Buckshot Lake Rd., Plevna: Furniture, Antiques, Kayak, Jotul wood stove, Large appliances, Life jackets, Honda push mower and more! MULTI-FAMILY SALE, Fri-Sat Jun 29-30 & Sun Jul 1, 8am-8pm. Antiques; Collectibles; 14” alum boat w/8HP Merc & Trailer. Something for everyone. RD 38 to Crow Lake Rd to Badour RD, Follow signs. SPYGLASS COVE, 1016 Schoolhouse Road, Clarendon, Hwy. 509. Open Canada Day. Open Tuesday to Saturday, 8am - 7pm, open Sunday 2pm - 6pm. Swan and Bell collection $1 to $2 each, gift items $1 to $10 each, end tables $2 to $15 each, folding picnic table $15, wooden toys $10 to $20 each, etc. THE TWO LINDAS are back with another INDOOR yard sale at 1060 Village Woods Drive, Sharbot Lake, on Saturday, June 30th and Sunday July 1st, both days from 9am until 3pm, featuring furniture, tools, sporting goods, lots of furniture, clothing, and mucho more.

ANYTHING METAL FREE PICKUP: fridges, stoves, washers, dryers, ‘anything metal’ & electronics. Call 613-375-6377, leave message. CLEANING SERVICE Affordable and reliable with 15 years experience. Available for residential and cottage cleaning, Full or half days. Call Barb, 613-893-1317

Drywall Service Boarding, Taping, Painting & Texture Spray (Free Estimates)

Ardoch Ontario  613-479-8005

Renovations, Carpentry, Repairs, Painting & Roofing Paul Gosse 613-335-4822 HANDYMAN, WILL REPLACE SINKS, taps, toilets, drywalling, any other jobs, cottage closures and carpentry. Please call Albert 613374-2079 PET SITTING SERVICES AVAILABLE. All you need to know at www.petsittinginmountaingrove. com Phone Laura Mills at 613-335-3658 or Text 613-583-3658

MUSIC LESSONS Piano, Flute, Theory. Seniors, adults, teens and children. Many social and/or performance opportunities. Inverary. 613-6533815


THE WINNER of the 50/50 draw at the Lions’ Community Breakfast on June 23, 2018 was Shelly Purdy.


BEAUTIFUL, healthy, American Paint gelding is looking for a good home, preferably with a woman or girl. Please call 613-353-2470 CENTRAL BOILER Classic OUTDOOR FURNACES can eliminate your high heating bill. Buy NOW and save up to $550! Call today 613-539-9073. CENTRAL BOILER OUTDOOR FURNACES offer the Classic, the Maxim and the New Edge. Your local Dealer, Wood Heat Solutions, Frankford, ON, 613-398-1611; Bancroft, ON 613-332-1613. GUINEA HENS, solve your deer tick problems 613-353-2460 SHIPPING CONTAINERS: Seacans Storage Containers, 7ft 10ft 20ft 40ft 45ft Steel garden sheds call 613-354-8744 or online http:// SUGAR SNAP PEAS (edible pod), garlic scapes, lettuce. Honour stand at Sloat’s Lake Farm, 2728 Alton RD E., Sydenham 613-3766441


We are seeking EarlyON Registered Early Childhood Educators (RECE) Position: Two full time permanent Hours of work: 35 hours a week, with weekends and evenings Location: Central, South and North Frontenac Townships

PUBLIC NOTICE TAKE NOTICE that the Council of the Corporation of the Township of North Frontenac proposes to enact a By-law to stop up, close and sell parts of the 66’ shore road allowances as set out and described as follows:ALL THAT PART of the Shoreline Road Allowance abutting Mississagagon Lake Adjacent to Part of Lot 17, Concession 7, geographic Township of Barrie, Township of North Frontenac, County of Frontenac being Part 5 on Registered Plan 13R-8951; ALL THAT PART of the Shoreline Road Allowance around Kashwakamak Lake, lying in front of Lots 17 and 18, Concession 6, geographic Township of Barrie, Township of North Frontenac, County of Frontenac being Part 2 on Registered Plan 13R-13521; ALL THAT PART of the Shoreline Road Allowance around Marble Lake lying adjacent to Part of Lot 27, Concession 8, geographic Township of Barrie, Township of North Frontenac, County of Frontenac being Part 5 on Registered Plan 13R-16083. The proposed By-law will come before the said Council for consideration at its regular meeting on July 13, 2018 at 9:00 a.m. at the Municipal Council Chambers located at 6648 Road 506, Plevna. At that time, the Council will hear in person, any person who claims that his land will be prejudicially affected and who applies to be heard. Dated this 26th day of June, 2018 Tara Mieske Clerk/Planning Manager Township of North Frontenac 6648 Road 506 Plevna, ON K0H 2M0 Tel: (613) 479-2231 or 1-800-234-3953 Fax: (613) 479-2352 Email:

Wage: $20.00 The EarlyOn RECE is responsible for the delivery of high quality EarlyON programming. Job Responsibilities 1. Support early learning and development by building strong and responsive relationships • Engage parents and caregivers through discussions and information sharing • Link parents to community resources and regulated health professionals 2. Create a welcoming, inclusive and integrated environment in accordance with How Does Learning Happen • Maintain high quality learning environment in accordance with the pedagogy for the Early Years • Maintain safe, clean and well organized learning environments 3. Implement emergent programming • Encourage exploration, play and inquiry through both planned and spontaneous emergent curriculum experiences Qualifications and Experience • Registered Early Childhood Educator, First Aid and CPR, CPIC Knowledge and Skills • Understanding of play and inquiry based learning and child development • Competency in forming strong, positive, responsive and professional relationships • Competency in pedagogical documentation • Knowledge of community resources and working with families in rural communities • Excellent communication skills

SERVICES Call 613-264-8865

Reasonable Rates

Jim’s Painting Interior Exterior Free Estimates WEDDINGS, etc. Ceremonies by Judie Diamond, licenced officiant. judiediamond@,, 613-3756772.


B’S RADICAL RIDES Towing & Recovery. James Mills owner/operator. 613-335-5050; website:

WANTED TO BUY LOOKING FOR affordable, twin bed in good shape. Laura 613-335-3658 STANDING TIMBER, firewood, pine, cedar, bush lots. Free quotes, cash paid. Call 613279-2154. WANTED COMIC BOOKS: Comic books in the house? Turn them into cash today. My hobby, your gain. 613-539-9617


RETIRED, Responsible, woman seeks longterm, affordable smallish home/winterized cottage to rent in Central Frontenac. Waterfront and woodstove/fireplace preferred, but not necessary. 613-876-8340, chookburke@

We are seeking Registered Early Childhood Educators for our licensed childcare in Sharbot Lake Positions • RECE Full Time permanent position • RECE contract for remainder of a maternity leave • Supply staff Hours: 40 hours with an unpaid ½ hour lunch Wage: $17.00 with WEG

Job Responsibilities 1. To plan and implement programs in the daycare • Create a quality day care program, implementing How Does Learning Happen. • To operate according to the CCYEA legislative requirements. 2. To establish and create a stimulating environment for the children • To develop and evaluate programs that are consistent with the needs of the individual child. • To maintain a clean, safe and age appropriate environment. • To ensure the environment responds to the children’s interest & reflects their learning. 3. To establish positive and cooperative working relationships with parents and their children • To communicate with the parents /guardians at the beginning and end of day regarding their child. • To share children’s portfolio and learning stories with the parents so they are aware of their child’s development and milestones. Qualifications and Experience • Diploma in Early Childhood Education • Registered and in good standing with the College of ECE • 2 years’ experience Knowledge and Skills / Core Competencies • Sensitivity and responsiveness to the needs of children, parents and their families • Enthusiasm and interest in working with young children

* A full job description with further details is available upon request, please call 613-2793151, ext. 103.

Requirements • Current CPR & Basic First Aid qualifications • Criminal Reference Check

Please submit a cover letter, expressing interest in the position and referencing your experience / education related to the responsibilities and requirements in the posting to louisem@ or drop off to 1020 Elizabeth St. Sharbot Lake.

* A full job description is available upon request, please call 613-279-3151 ext. 308

By: July 9, 2018 by noon

Deadline: July 9, 2018 by noon

Please submit a cover letter and resume to: or drop off at 1004 Art Duffy Road, Sharbot Lake.




George St, Sydenham

613-376-3441 613-376-6666

Welcome to Sydenham for the Canada Day Parade!

Northern Happenings NORTHERN HAPPENINGS listings are free for community groups, and will be published for two weeks. Donations to offset the costs of publication would be appreciated. Other listings are paid or are taken from paid ads elsewhere in the paper. The News makes every effort to be accurate but events should be independently verified by readers.

Thursday June 28

HARROWSMITH - DINERS CLUB 12pm-2pm. Harrowsmith Golden Links Hall. Grace Hall. Wonderful meal followed by entertainment. A chance to meet new friends $11. Contact, Joanne - 613-3766647 - Transportation may be arranged for those who need it. PLEVNA - BREAKFAST BUFFET 7am-10am. ClarMill Hall. This event is sponsored by the Clar-Mill Volunteers. SNOW ROAD STATION - MUSIC NIGHT 7pm-2pm. Snow Road Community Centre. Shawn McCullough and Wade Foster. Light lunch. All welcome. $12 at the door, $10 in advance, children aged 6-12 are free.

Friday June 29

SHARBOT LAKE - CRIBBAGE, POOL, AND EUCHRE 3pm. Sharbot Lake Legion. Come out for an afternoon of fun. YARD SALE 8am-12pm. Henderson United Church. June 29-30. All in aid of our little white church on the corner. Big sale, many bargains.

Saturday June 30

ARDEN - STRAWBERRY SOCIAL 1pm-3pm. Kennebec Hall. The shortcake & berry combo will cost $7 per serving. BATTERSEA - OPEN HOUSE 10am-2pm. Between Doris Smith Lane and the ball diamond. Visitors can enjoy a train ride and a firsthand look at live steam locomotives. Activities free, donations appreciated.

Info: Doug Angle at MABERLY - PIE IN THE SKY 8am-1pm. Maberly Fairgrounds. Sale of fresh, homemade pies. Solar telescope. rummage and plant sale. Snack Bar. Fundraising event of the Maberly Agricultural Society. Proceeds to the Maberly Fair. MISSISSIPPI STATION - BACK 40 ARTISAN CHEESE OPENING CELEBRATION 10am-4pm. Featuring Local beer and wine. Sausages. Deep fried curd, etc. Live music. Free admission and parking onsite. Look for the signs in Mississippi Station. SHARBOT LAKE - CABOOSE FEST 11pm-2pm. Sharbot Lake - Railway Heritage Park. SHARBOT LAKE - RFCS YOUTH PROGRAM 9am1pm. Sharbot Lake Beach. Coming to the Sharbot Lake Farmers Market. Let’s get active; we will have soccer and lacrosse shoot outs, and more. SHARBOT LAKE - YARD SALE 8am. St. Andrew’s Anglican Church. SNOW ROAD STATION - BREAKFAST, BAKE SALE, YARD SALE 8am. Snow Road Snowmobile Clubhouse. Sat., June 30. Enjoy breakfast and go home with some wonderful baking and treasures. STRAWBERRY SOCIAL 6pm-8pm. Snow Road Community Centre. Come & enjoy fresh strawberries, cake, ice cream & beverage for $5. Everyone is welcome. SYDENHAM - KIDS FISHING TOURNAMENT 6:45am-10am. Sydenham Point. 2nd aNNUAL Ages 3-16 (parent must be present). All participants receive a prize. Please bring a fishing pole. Worms and bobbers provided. Contact or 613-376-9848 to donate prizes.

Sunday July 1

(Canada Day weekend guide on pages 7-10) CLOYNE - MOVIE NIGHT Mazinaw Lakeside Resort.

June 28, 2018

Join the parade with a decorated float, antique car or your bicycle (kids too!) Parade starts at the firehall in Sydenham at 1:00 pm

Bring along your friends to watch Dirty Dancing. SHARBOT LAKE - ECUMENICAL CHURCH SERVIC 10am. Sharbot Lake Beach. Rain date at OSO Hall. All faiths welcome. SHARBOT LAKE, ON - OPEN HOUSE 2pm-4pm. Sharbot Lake Retirement Residence. See the residences and take a tour

Monday July 2

PLEVNA - EUCHRE 7:30pm. Clar-Mill Hall. $4.00 admission. (Runs weekly until September)

Tuesday July 3

DENBIGH - CHILDREN’S READING CLUB 6pm7pm. Denbigh Library. 1st night of summer reading club, Call for info 613 333 1426

Thursday July 5

CLOYNE - PLAYGROUND IN THE PARK 10am12pm. Barrie Hall. July 5, 12, 19, and 26. Children and adults may explore, hunt for bugs, walk in the forest, play in the mud kitchen and water table, and more! Info: 613-336-8934 ext. 257. HARLOWE DINNER 4PM-6:30PM, Henderson Hall July 5 for the United Church. Scalloped potatoes & ham, turnips, carrots, corn, pie & various desserts, tea & coffee. $12 for adults.

Friday July 6

NORTHBROOK - FREE FRIDAY FLIX 7pm. Land O’ Lakes Emmanuel United Church. Come watch Paddington 2, a live-action animated comedy based on the character Paddington Bear. SYDENHAM - TEA DANCE 1pm-3pm. Grace Hall. Enjoy coffee/tea and a baked good alongside 1 hour of basic ballroom dancing instruction and 1 hour of dancing. Singles welcome - $5. Limited space due to popular demand. Call 613.376.6477 to book your spot. VILLAGE CLEANUP 9am-11:30am. Volunteers will meet at the Community Centre for assigned routes. Bring gloves, a hat and sunscreen.

Saturday July 7

CLOYNE - SAIL MAZINAW July 7. Mazinaw Lake.

Sail boats and boards coming together to “show off” Mazinaw Lake. All cottagers and campers are invited to join this flotilla. NORTHBROOK - YARD SALE Pine Meadow Nursing Home. July 7. All proceeds going to Resident Programs. Contact Sarah at snthompson910@ or 613-336-9120 ex. 7. prior to dropping off items. VERONA - VERONA LIONS ATV POKER RUN 10:30am. Verona Lions Hall. $30 on the day, preregister for $25. Rie starts between 10:30am and 12:30pm. Canteen from 10:30am. Trail and back road ride, approx. 80km. Info: visit or email YARD SALE 8am-1pm. Something for everyone! If you’d like to help organize or learn more, please contact Jenn Furtado at

Sunday July 8

GODFREY - BEDFORD JAM 1pm-5pm. Bedford Hall. Open mic, $2 admission, entertainers free. Info - Joanne 374-2242, Joan 374-5477 PERTH ROAD - FAMILY FISHING DAY 8am. Elbow Lake Environmental and Educational Centre. FREE, prizes, presentations from fish biologists, rods available to use, Info- PERTH ROAD - WILMER CEMETARY MEMORIAL SERVICE 2pm. Wilmer Cemetery. Rev. Dawn Clarke officiating. Info: Vera Shepherd @ 613-353-2470. SHARBOT LAKE, ON - OPEN HOUSE 2pm-4pm. Sharbot Lake Retirement Residence. See the residences and take a tour SYDENHAM - SYDENHAM TRIATHLON/ DUATHLON AND RUNS 8am. Sydenham Point. 9th annual,in support of the Royal Canadian Legion Branch 496. : 2K kids run, 5K & 10K, Try-a-Tri, Super Sprint, Sprint, Olympic Distances and Relays. Half Iron Swim/Run and a half marathon distance are new events. Information - or info@

K & P Trail expansion in North Frontenac unlikely in near future E by Craig Bakay

xpansion of the K & P Trail into North Frontenac and beyond was on the minds of North Frontenac Council at its regular meeting last week in Plevna but there was little optimism that it would happen any time soon. “This will be something for the next Council,” said Mayor Ron Higgins. “The next five Councils,” corrected Dep. Mayor Fred Perry. CAO Cheryl Robson said the CAOs have been discussing it and should have a report coming to all the township councils in the near future. “Richard (Allen, Frontenac County’s manager of economic development) should be

meeting with interested groups and exploring partnerships like with Lanark and Renfrew Counties,” said Coun. Denis Bedard. “Richard’s in a difficult position,” said Coun. John Inglis, North Frontenac’s representative on County Council along the Mayor. “There remains a section between Parham and Sharbot Lake that may never be finished because it goes through swamp where there is no track bed. “It seems to me Richard inherited a big white elephant and he has no money to work with. “And it’s a political issue right now because it doesn’t help the townships on the two ends (North Frontenac and Frontenac Islands).”

Township flag idea flagging? Nobody was really saluting the issue of creating a Township flag but the idea is still up for debate. “It will be time consuming and cost us some money because it has to go through the Official Herald of Canada,” said CAO Cheryl Robson. “It will take a long time to get an agreement on a design,” said Coun. Denis Bedard. “You’ll get a thousand opinions.”

Main Street grant of $41,000 to go towards Oso Hall stairs by Craig Bakay s luck would have it, it looks like Central Frontenac will be able to fix up the stairs at Oso Hall and put insulation in the roof, Council learned at its regular meeting Tuesday in Sharbot Lake. Clerk-Administrator Cathy MacMunn told Council that the Township has been allocated $41,514.11 under the Main Street Revitalization Initiative. While it’s unlikely the stairs will require all of the funds, Council directed staff to examine additional lighting and accessibility at the facility. No Trillium application for Hinch School Co-chairs Sue Leslie and Bob Teal presented Council with the Community Hub business plan for the former Hinchinbrooke School in Parham. The 50-page plan is a necessity in this day and age to secure funding. Leslie had hoped the Township could


North Frontenac’s Senior of the Year, Terry Good (third from left) was honoured at Council Friday morning. Good was cited for his work with Harlowe Hall since he was 10 years old. “It was a two-room schoolhouse when I started,” he said. (L to R) Dep. Mayor Fred Perry, Mayor Ron Higgins m Terry Good and Coun. Wayne Good.

“It seems to me we haven’t had discussion as to why we should do this,” said Coun. John Inglis. “It’s not an economic development thing,” said Mayor Ron Higgins. “Maybe it’s not as important as it is symbolic,” said Coun. Gerry Martin. “Why couldn’t we use the Township logo on it?” said Coun. Vernon Hermer. “Please don’t,” said Martin.

begin a Trillium Grant application but was told there wasn’t sufficient time nor staff resources for this year. “We haven’t had that much success with Trillium grants lately,” said Mayor Frances Smith. “So better to put in a better application next year than to rush through it this year and be rejected.” The Committee will continue to explore other sources of funding as well as search for a retail component to the proposal. $500 for trail day Council approved $500 for a new committee to look into holding an annual trail day in Central Frontenac following the success of last year’s first one. The day will probably be held in September. CBO Merriman moving on Council accepted the resignation of Chief Building Official Shawn Merriman, who has accepted the position of manager/building and bylaw with the Town of Prescott effective July 9.


June 28, 2018

PAGe 15

Shabot Obaadjiwan Aboriginal Day Celebration by Craig Bakay


he Shabot Obaadjiwan Frist Nation welcomed the community to Oso Beach last week for Aboriginal Day Celebrations. The theme was The Eighth Fire, Truth and Reconciliation. “It’s a totally interactive afternoon,” said organizer Marcie Asselstine, who read interactive children’s stories where the kids acted out the parts with puppets and stuffed animals. The day also included interactive bucket drummers, interactive women’s drumming, crafting and beading and an Algonquin Strawberry Teaching Ceremony shared by Kokum Makwa (Danka Brewer). Shabot Obaadjiwan Chief Doreen Davis said Asselstine was instrumental in pulling the event together after “an original plan was somehow dropped. “Building bridges towards reconciliation is what we’re doing here.” “I’d like people to know about our culture and if there’s something they’d like to know, don’t be afraid

to ask,” said Asselstine. “This is for everyone and I’d like them to feel comfortable enough to ask. “If I don’t know the answer, I’ll find out.” The most important teaching of the day was the Strawberry Teaching Ceremony, where participants were arranged in circles (children in the inner circle, women next and men, the protectors, in the outer circle). Brewer told the story of how the strawberry is the the first berry of the summer and represents women. The berry carries her children (seeds) on the outside. “Each stage of the strawberry plant tells the story of womanhood,” she said. The teaching concludes with a huge bowl of strawberries being passed around, which must be emptied. The berries are eaten with the green leaves included. Marcie Asselstine read stories to an enthusiastic audience who participated in the story with puppets and stuffed animals


Open fOr Business

CANADA DAY 2018 GARBAGE & RECYCLING Garbage - As the country celebrates Canada Day, July 2nd will be a statutory holiday for most of us. Only those residents with a regular Monday garbage collection will have their garbage picked up on Tuesday, July 3rd. Collection for the rest of the week remains normal. Recycling – There will be NO changes to the Recycle schedule. With the festivities, comes extra recycling, so please remember to crush your cans and bottles and don’t bag or overflow your recycle bins. Remember that South Frontenac residents can take excess recycling to the city of Kingston Recycling Centre for no charge. Loughborough Waste Disposal Sites will be CLOSED on Monday, July 1, 2018. Have a Wonderful Canada Day, Have Fun, Keep Safe and Remember to Recycle!

ATTENTION VENDORS – SIGN UP FOR NOTIFICATION OF TENDERS AND RFP’S Check out the new feature on our website – Town Hall/Tenders, sign up for email notifications when tenders and request for proposals are issued or amended.

VACATIONING IN SOUTH FRONTENAC? Nothing can compare to a week at the lake and in South Frontenac where we have an abundance of clear lakes, beautiful trails and great cycling. The one thing that can dampen your vacation is the unsightly mess of a can or a plastic bag floating by or the sounds of wildlife munching happily on garbage that was not properly disposed of. We hope you enjoy your stay but ask that you please have regard for our Garbage and Recycling policies. Dumping garbage at the side of the road or at the gates of a landfill on a Sunday night is not only unacceptable, it creates a huge problem for township staff when their time could be better spent elsewhere. Find out the proper collection day for your location and please do not put it out prior to that, the animals may thank you but what they don’t eat will be strewn around and someone must clean it up! Whether you are a cottage owner, a renter or day tripper, please become familiar with collection dates and locations, as well as our recycle streams. By all means, take your memories with you but please don’t leave your garbage behind! Any questions, contact Solid Waste Management at 613-376-3027 Ext 4330. YES, YOU CAN RECYCLE PLANT POTS! It’s a wonderful time of the year, with everyone playing in the dirt. A gentle reminder for this gardening season is that most of your plant cells and plastic pots up to 12“ in diameter or 1 gallon in size are recyclable in your plastics week. They must be clean though! Take a hose to them then place them to ensure they don’t fall out of your recycle box. Check with the retailer when you are purchasing your bedding plants as many of them will take back the plant cells, trays and pots. Please remember NOT to bag your recycling! Happy Gardening! 2018 FINAL TAX NOTICES Final Tax Notice for Residential, Managed Forest and Farmland tax bills were issued the week of June 4, 2018. If you have not received your Final Tax Notice you need to contact the tax department. It is important that you retain your tax bill until September in order to make the second instalment payment. No further bills/reminders will be issued. For those properties that have a Commercial, Industrial, Multi-Residential or a combination of Commercial/Industrial/Multi-Residential and Residential and/or Farmland, these will be billed in August 2018. For further information please email or contact us at 613-376-3027 Ext 2200 HOUSEHOLD HAZARDOUS WASTE DEPOT – SUMMER HOURS The depot will be open EVERY Thursday from 3:00 pm – 8:00 pm until Thanksgiving. Please remember that accepted items are hazardous materials, small electronics and bale wrap only. A full listing of accepted materials may be found on our website under Living Here/Solid Waste/Recycling/Household Hazardous Waste.

TOwn HAll UPCOMING MEETINGS • Council – July 3, 2018 at 7:00 pm.

Septic System do’s & don’ts Do:

• Know where your septic tank and leaching bed are located on your property • Keep accurate records of septic system maintenance, pump outs & service calls • Test your well water at least three times per year for indicator bacteria (spring, summer and fall) • Have your system inspected/pumped out by a licensed installer or sewage hauler - every three years for a house & every five years for a cottage or 1/3 full whichever comes first - best time of year for pump out is summer or fall before the cold weather • Clean the effluent filter (located in the tank where it flows to the bed) at least once a year • Direct surface water/drainage away from leaching bed • Conserve water use to reduce amount of wastewater needed to be treated

leaching bed

Septic Tank

Don’t: • Put fats, oils, paints, food waste, chemicals, pharmaceuticals, sanitary

products, condoms or anything plastic down the drain • Use special additives that are claimed to enhance your septic system • Use cleaning detergents that are high in phosphorus • Enter your septic tank • Dig on your property without knowing where your septic system is located • Drive or park over your septic system • Pave over your leaching bed • Build a deck or accessory structure over your septic system • Put an above ground pool, outdoor skating rink or garden over your leaching bed • Plant tree over your leaching bed • Allow livestock over your leaching bed • Connect rain gutters, sump pumps or storm drains into your septic system • Drain hot tubs or pools into your septic system

Septic systems recharge to groundwater and can impact the quality of your drinking water. A properly functioning septic system is part of a healthy water cycle.

dug well

Groundwater Table


Saturated Soil Bedrock - Deep Aquifer

Treatment Zone

THinGs TO DO SOUTH FRONTENAC MUSEUM – OPEN FOR THE SUMMER! The museum will be open on Monday, Wednesday and Saturday weekly from 1:00 pm to 4:00 pm and by appointment. Call 613-376-3027 Ext 2600 or by email SWIM & DAY CAMP REGISTRATION On-line registration now available. In person registration can also be done at that time at the NEW location for Recreation – 2490 Keeley Road. Keep an eye on our website for further information

news & puBlic nOTices CANADA DAY 2018 EVENTS Check out the celebrations organized throughout the Township on the website under Events Calendar. There’s something going on in every district. Events are partially funding by the Canadian Heritage Celebrate Funds. Happy Canada Day! OUR RECREATION DEPARTMENT HAS MOVED! The South Frontenac Recreation Department is now located at our 2490 Keeley Road site. Contact information and phone numbers remain the same. See “Things To Do” for more information about registration. 2018 MUNICIPAL ELECTION NEWS Nominations for the positions of Mayor, Councillor and School Board Trustee must be made on the prescribed form available at the Township Office or the Township website. Nomination forms must be filed, with the prescribed declaration by at least 25 persons either in person or by your agent with the Returning Officer between May 1, 2018 and July 26, 2018 during that office’s normal office hours; and on Friday, July 27, 2018 (Nomination Day) between 9:00 a.m. and 2:00 p.m. The required filing fee for the Head of Council is $200.00 and all other offices are $100.00 must accompany the signed form. Full details on the procedures to be followed may be obtained from the appropriate Township Clerk or website – Town Hall/2018 Municipal Election for more details.

a d a n Ca

8 1 0 2 y a d

Check out the celebrations organized throughout the Township on the website under Events Calendar.

Events are partially funding by the Canadian Heritage Celebrate Funds.

Follow us on Facebook – @SouthFrontenacTwp Follow us on Twitter - @SthFrontenacTwp

4432 George Street, Box 100, Sydenham ON K0H 2T0 1-800-559-5862 Office Hours: Monday to Friday 8:00 am to 4:30 pm •



Happy Canada Day!

Enjoy it with a new Broil-Mate BBQ!

Asselstine Hardware

6826 Road 38, Verona ON 613-374-3400

Starting from



Open 7 Days a Week


Mon-Fri: 8am-6pm Sat: 8am-5pm. Sun: 9am-4pm

June 28, 2018

Hook’s Building Centre

Check out our Monthly Doorbusters at

(613) 336-8416 13586 Hwy. #41 between Northbrook & Cloyne

Clar-Mil Archives Wins Award O n Sat., June 23, CMCA Co-ordinator Brenda Martin, member Sheryl Weber and Mayor Ron Higgins travelled to the Japanese International Centre in Toronto to accept the Dorothy Duncan Ontario Historical Society award. This award recognizes a notfor-profit organization that has demonstrated an outstanding level of service to its region. The year 2017 was a very productive year for conserving local history for future generations, as the Clarendon & Miller Community Archives motto declares. The committee worked diligently to produce three books – Lodges: Past and Present in North Frontenac, Memories of General Stores in North Frontenac, and Historic Tours of North Frontenac. A Virtual Tour component was

later launched to complement the tour book. The CMCA also designed ten historic signs that were installed throughout the Township to mark historic sites. Visual exhibits were expanded with the Remembrance Day one being highly praised by the community. The Township of North Frontenac has provided ongoing support to CMCA; in 2017, they provided space to store CMCA display materials, and granted some funding toward both historic signs and a community event to celebrate Lodges and Housekeeping Cottages. The nomination by the Township was a great honour; to be recognized by the Ontario Historical Society with the Dorothy Duncan Award was far beyond CMCA expectations.

(L to R) Fire Chief Darcy Knott, Counicllors Revill, Scherning, McDougall, Barr, Mayor Vandewal, Councillors Barbeau, Sutherland, Sleeth and Roberts, former Fire Chief Rick Cheseborough

Perth Road Firehall celebration T

he rain held off long enough for Mayor Vandewal, Council members, staff, volunteer firefighters and the community to mark the grand opening of the Station 6 Perth Road Fire Hall with a ribbon cutting ceremony last Saturday morning (June 23) Fire Chief Darcy Knott, who has only been on the job since May 1st, said he was happy to be on hand to mark the opening of the new Station 6 building which he said will serve as a training centre for crews from Sydenham and Storrington as well, long into the future, but that "he had nothing to do with the building", which he credited to the efforts of former Fire Chief Cheseborough, Council, and the Public Works department, with a special mention for the efforts of Ja-


Carol Free, Sheryl Weber, Brenda Martin, Colleen Ryder, Patty Rout, Katie Ohlke Absent: Mona Perry, Carol Hillier, Eileen Flieler, Elaine Miller, Bethany Armstrong, Heather White, Ashley White, Cindy Whan

Custom Flower Arrangements

Wedding Bouquets, Corsages & Boutonnieres


& flowers for other occasions 24515 Hwy. 7, Sharbot Lake ON inside Ram’s Esso 613-279-6446

Accepted Waste Materials From the House: •  Arts and crafts supplies •  Metal Polish •  Drain opener •  Oven cleaner •  Household cleaners •  Photo Chemicals

Now Open

•  Antifreeze and Radiator fluid •  Gasoline / Diesel Fuel •  Motor Oil •  Brake / Transmission Fluid •  Paint Stripper •  Car Batteries ll Fa on

•  Coal Tar Based driveway sealer •  Pool Chemicals •  Pesticides •  Rust Preventative •  Herbicides / Weed Killers •  Sealants




1 RD

u rg Fe

Not Accepted:





Located east of Hwy 511 at 2430 Ferguson Falls Road, Lanark. Look for the signs!

•  Paint Thinner / solvents •  Car wax / Polish •  Paint •  Carburetor Cleaners / Degreasers •  Spray Paint / Stains / Varnish •  Wood Preservative

From your Lawn and Garden: D




•  Roofing Tar •  Spot remover •  Floor Cleaner / Polish •  Expired Prescriptions •  Batteries •  Unbroken Fluorescent bulbs / tubes

From the Garage:

Mississippi Berries Pick your own or pre picked Call the berry hot line for picking condtions 613-259-9911

mie Brash in Public Works. Mayor Vandewal said that this, the first new Fire hall built since South Frontenac was established in 1998, "will serve the community long into the future", and thanked the contractor, Anglin Consruction of Kingston, saying they were great to work with and we doing other work for the township at the Storrington Centre. The celebration was organized by volunteer firefighters from all four districts and included a showcase of firefighting equipment, vehicles and fire prevention education. A free barbecue was provided as part of the celebration and those in attendance were able to view the facility.

y Hw


•  Waste from Commercial •  Businesses •  Explosives •  Ammunition or flares

•  Freon Tanks •  PCB Waste •  Tires •  Electronics

Saturday July 14, 2018 9 a.m. - 2 p.m. INTERSECTION OF ROAD 38 AND HWY #7 SHARBOT LAKE RESIDENT DOCUMENTATION REQUIRED • Driver’s License • Central Frontenac • Tax Bill

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