July 5, 2018 Vol. 18, No. 26
South Frontenac Rental Centre
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CabooseFest at Railway Heritage Park in Sharbot Lake
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4567 Road 38, Harrowsmith
by Craig Bakay
e thought we’d try to get some people who’ve never been here before down to the Caboose,” said CabooseFest organizer and Central Frontenac Railway Historical Society Board Chair Derek Redmond. And that they did, signing up more than a dozen new members and spreading the word. “We had some musicians on hand and music and while people were here, they could check out the caboose (as well as the new display on the former station),” he said. “It’s been steady through the day and we may have raised a little money for new signage.” The new station display features artifacts from the original station including the wood stove and a sign that languished in the Township Office before finding its new home. But one of the more striking features is the window painting by Donna Larocque. “Donna painted in the windows and we built the shed around them,” Redmond said. Redmond said they plan to have and annual event but “next year may be something different.”
The day came about through a grant from Blue Skies in the Community and the CFRHS “divvied up the rest,” said Gary Giller, who arranged for the music. Giller said the main issue they had to contend with was lack of power at the site, so generators were brought in. “I had no trouble getting musicians,” he said. “Everybody I phoned said they’d be happy to be here,” he said. The show began with The Boxcar Boys
Hot and hazy on Canada Day
he Canada Day summer kickoff weekend was enjoyed by revellers across the region. Above left - tricyclists in Sydenham, top right, Captain Canada at in the Harrowsmith parage, above,'Canadaliens wearing their antennae in Sharbot Lake, and left, Royal Canadian Regiment vets hitting the water in Ottawa on their way down the Rideau Canal to Kingston. They will be in South Frontenac at the Upper and Lower Brewera Locks this weekend.
Continued on page 2
Harrowsmith Intersection $400,000 over budget P
South Frontenac Council
ublic Works Manager Mark Segsworth came to council requesting a reallocation of $400,000 to fund project overruns for the Harrowsmith Intersection. He recommended moving $300,000 from the Green Bay Culvert Project and $100,000 from the Sydenham Dam Project to accomplish this. The Harrowsmith project was designed by AECOM Engineering and awarded to Morven Construction in June 2017. The approved project budget was $1,700,000. Current total project costs (expenditures and commitments) are $2,100,000. Segsworth attributes most of the project overrun to poor design work by AECOM as well as additional costs outside the design contract related to removal of the house at the corner of Ottawa Street and Wilton Road,
and unanticipated clean-up of contaminated soil from that site. The design flaws included inaccurate grading, poor storm water design, and inadequate or missing retaining walls. Even the included landscaping plan had to be scrapped, for it was impractical, calling for trees and shrubs located where they would block sight-lines. “Staff on site for both the Public Works Department and the contractor have worked diligently and efficiently to rectify these issues and minimize the impacts while also trying to complete the project in a timely manner,” said Segsworth; “The timeline of the project has been greatly affected but the contractor has been both fair and understanding of the situation.” Councillor Schjerning reminded Segsworth that he had originally described AECON’s work as “a very good design.” Segsworth replied that the overall revisioning of a very complicated intersection had been, in itself,
good. Council granted the reallocation, but were concerned about the poor results from both this engineering design and the engineering of the Bedford Road project. Both have been flawed and costly in time and money to rectify. Councillor Sutherland asked, “How do we prevent this from happening in the future?” After further discussion they agreed to refer the question to the Public Service Committee for recommendations to council in September. Joint Integrity Commissioner Council approved the appointment of Aird Berlis, represented by John Mascarin, as Integrity Commissioner for South Frontenac, in accordance with Provincial directives that all municipalities appoint an integrity Commissioner, adopt a Code of Conduct, and a Staff-Council Relations policy, all by next March. Frontenac County and all four Townships will share the services of this Integrity
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by Wilma Kenny
Commissioner, who will assist in developing common policies. Each of the five individual municipalities will pay the IC on a fee-for service basis, plus transportation and accommodation costs for the services he provides them. New Legislated Fire Regulations Fire Chief Knott presented Council a report outlining some of the significant changes required by the new Provincial regulations. Mandatory training requirements in particular will have a significant impact on the Township: current training programs are
out of date and inconsistent across the Township: “A completely new training program needs to be developed, implemented and managed.” Currently, 60% of the South Frontenac firefighters (those with 5 years’ experience as of Dec 31, 2015) can be ‘grandfathered’ into the first two levels.
continued fon page 3 MS170
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P Ge 2 Pa
Loon rescue on Kennebec Lake
loon pair successfully hatched a couple of chicks a week ago on Kennebec Lake.
On Canada Day afternoon one of the
chicks was reported abandoned. Ms Anne Levon later rescued a loon chick that was being attacked by a snake. She took it to the Sandy Pines Wildlife Centre in Napanee where it was treated and returned on Mon-
July 5, 2018
by Bernie Dertinger
day morning (July 2) to her care, with the hope of reunification with its family. Late in the morning an attempt was made at reuniting the family. In her kayak, Noreen Dertinger attempted to tow Anne, who was in the water, chick in hand, to the loon family. No luck. Judy Kennedy then took the chick and Judy’s husband Terry successfully steered his motor boat near the adult loons and the other chick. Judy released the rescued one. The adult loons investigated and accepted the almost orphaned chick. The successful reunification effort was preceded by a flurry of news earlier in the weekend when Tony Downs reported a dog chasing the loon family.
Continued from page 1 (Giller, Jim MacPherson, Dave Limber and Shawn McCullough filling in for Dennis Larocque who had to pull out at the last minute), followed by chanteuse Kora Kamps, fiddle
The dog chase prompted an email to cottagers to give the loons their space and a caution that harassing wild life is a criminal offence. In previous years one visitor to the lake gunned his speed boat at a loon chick prompting a police investigation. Another time a chick got entangled in fishing gear and a big rescue effort notwithstanding, ultimately perished. Yet another chick was snatched by a bald eagle. There is only one nesting pair of Loons on Kennebec Lake. Another pair, who attempted to establish a nest on the nearby Salmon River, were not successful this year. Loons face a multitude of natural and mand man made perils. phenom Jessica Weddon with McCullough finishing things up as headliner. The First Spike author Steve Manders was there with his K & P Railway display and the Sharbot Lake Lions Club held a barbecue with proceeds going to the Food Bank.
Level 1 fire ban in South Frontenac
lease be advised that effective July 3, 2018 there is a Level 1 burning ban in effect in all four districts of
South Frontenac. A level “1” fire ban prohibits all open air burning except for camp fires and cooking fires.
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Residents are reminded to follow burning restrictions set out in By-law 2012-68. For further details on the current burning provisions, please consult our By-law on our website at www. southfrontenac.net or South Frontenac Fire and Rescue at 613-376-3027, Ext. 2234. Any infraction of this bylaw will result in significant financial penalties. Your cooperation in protecting our citizens and property is sincerely appreciated. Darcy Knott, Fire Chief
South Frontenac Fire and Rescue
Land O’ Lakes Real Estate
Kora Kamps brought her incredible voice to CabooseFest backed by Jim MacPherson and Gary Giller. Photo/Craig Bakay
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July 5, 2018 Publisher & Editor.............................................. Jeff Green Head of Production.............................................Scott Cox Sales Representative................................. Carol Jackson Copy Editors ..........................Martina Field, Tracy Riddell Office Staff............................................... Suzanne Tanner Webmaster.......................................................Jesse Mills Reporters................................Wilma Kenny, Craig Bakay, ...........................................................Catherine Reynolds
1095 Garrett St., rear building; Box 229, Sharbot Lake, ON K0H 2P0 Ph: 613-279-3150; 1-888-779-3150; Fx: 613-279-3172 E-mail: info@frontenacnews.ca Office hours: Mon to Fri, 8:30 am - noon; 1:00 - 4:30
SINCE 1970
The Frontenac News is published every Thursday Deadlines: Classifieds: Monday at 4:00 p.m. Display ads: Friday at 4:00 p.m..
Subscriptions (Canadian subscriptions include HST) Weekly: $70.11, HST incl. ($90 US for US orders) for 6 months Bi-weekly: $94.92, HST included ($105 US for US orders) for one year, 2 issues, mailed bi-weekly
The Frontenac News welcomes articles and letters, but we cannot publish all the submissions we receive. All submissions must be SINCE 1970 signed and include a phone number for verification. We reserve the right to edit submissions for brevity, clarity, and taste. Please limit letters to 300 words or less; articles to 500 words or less.
Member of the Ontario Community Newspaper Association
Addington Highlands in good shape - auditor “Y
our debt load is under control and you seem to be managing your expenses well,” Secker, Ross & Perry accountant Adam Young told Addington Highlands Council at its regular meeting Tuesday in Flinton. Young was presenting Council with its draft financial statements for 2017. “There haven’t been many great accounting changes for this year so we’d expect to see much the same as we usually do — which we did,” he said. He said that at the end of the day, assets are up by over $1 million and while taxes were down “just a tick, and we’re comfortable with the direction you’re moving in.” And while reserves and expenses are in relatively good shape, there is one thing looming in the not-too-distant future. “Closing dumps is expensive,” said Coun. Bill Cox. “Do you think we’re stable in that?” “Of the seven landfills you had, you closed two,” said Young. “You’re not going to see 20 more years out of Kaladar.” Having said that, Young didn’t have a definitive answer on what closing the Kaladar landfill site might cost. “You never know what the liabilities will be like until you get to the closing,” he said. “Buckshot Lake cost less than we expected but you can’t count on that. “Kaladar likely won’t cost a million but it will be a lot more than $500,000.”
SF Council - continued from page 1 However, Knott warned, the need for additional staff to address these legislated requirements for training and record-keeping “will be forthcoming in future budgets.” Councillor McDougall commended Knott for his true sense of professionalism and thanked him for his work. Administration Offices In response to the Township’s projected need for more office space in the near future, Mayor Vandewal suggested that Council might consider the possible benefits of sharing in a joint County/Conservation Authority/ Township building. Council’s reactions varied from strong resistance (Sutherland) to equally strong interest (Roberts), with a possible community ice pad somehow getting tossed into the combination (Schjerning)… No swimming pool, though… consensus was that what the Township needed to do
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Council approved a noise bylaw exemption for the Flinton Jamboree. Energy hogs Following a report on energy consumption required by O Reg 397 11, the two facilities that use the most energy in Addington Highlands are the Flinton Hall (not including the Township Offices) and the Denbigh Garage, which also uses a lot of propane.
leaves at 10:00, 44k loop leaves at 9:30. Family Cycle 8k – out and back on the Cataraqui Trail; 10:15. Cycle Skills Competitions ; 9:30 to 12:30. Yellow Bike Repairs, Helmet Fitting; 9:30 to 12:30. Paddling: Try a canoe or Kayak on Sydenham Lake – Frontenac Outfitters will have a variety of boats for the public to try paddling. Introduction to Paddling – Sydenham Canoe Club will answer questions and give demonstrations on paddling. Open to all levels of experience. Canoe Sydenham Lake with the Cataraqui Canoe Club at 9:30. Register by July 13 by emailing the contact link on our web page:
(613) 969-0287
lakesandtrailsfestival.org. Walking Historic walk of Sydenham – go at your own pace on the two-kilometer route with interpreters. Start at the Point; 9:30–12:00. Music Gary Raspberry, Glenn Foster & Bob Connor, The Blue Grass Bandits (see website for tiems and locations) Community Lunch Prepared by South Frontenac Community Services; 11:00 to 1:00. Free, donations appreciated. At the Point Booths, children’s games, turtles and amphibians, Fire and Rescue, and more activities – 9:30 to 1:00 on the Point.
Around the Lake:21K loop leaves at 10:30, 32K loop
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bike (21k, 32k and 44k loops), the historic walk of Sydenham, numerous paddling opportunities on the Lake, and a free community lunch will continue as part of the festival. Everyone, from everywhere, is welcome to join us. Around 400 people attended last year’s activities. More information on the festival can be found on the website: lakesandtrailsfestival.org, and the Lakes and Trails Facebook page. For more information, contact Ross Sutherland: 613-532-7846, elbe@web. ca Lakes and Trails Events All events are free and take place on the Point Park. Cycling
David J. Orser
Orser Septic Tank Pumping
he list of events for the 2018 Lakes and Trails Festival, held in Sydenham, South Frontenac, on July 14, has been released. The Festival this year will run from 9:30a.m. to 4p.m. Additions to the Festival include more events for children, and live music in the Point Park and on Mill Street, Sydenham. The “Around the Lake”
Turkey Supper
Rhonda Storring, Esthetician
Lakes and Trails Festival 2018: T
first was decide what they might require in an expanded office facility. MNRF Transportation Subsidy Quote from letter from A. Baxter, Resources Operations Supervisor, MNRF: “Apologies, but we will have to postpone our attendance at the Council meeting again. The MNRF is under a new travel limitation as part of expenditure management measures, so (we) will not be able to attend on July 3rd. I will let you know if the travel limits change to enable us to attend. Again, sorry about this.” An originally flippant suggestion from Councillor Sleeth turned into a decision by Council to pay Baxter’s mileage between Peterborough and Sydenham.
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E-genda SINCE 1970 Addington Highlands has joined the e-revolution by moving to electronic agendas. The July meeting was the first to use the iPad technology but the agenda itself isn’t available on the website just yet. CAO/Clerk-Treasurer Christine Reed said she expects the online agendas to be “live” for the August meeting. Some of Council appeared a little unsure about the changes but not Coun. Bill Cox. “I love this,” Cox said. “I’ve been advocating to get this for 10 years.”
by Craig Bakay
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COMMUNITY REPORTERS (613) Arden............................. Wanda Harrison................335-3186 Cloyne / Northbrook...... Nancy Skipper Denbigh......................... Angela Bright....................333-1901 Godfrey.......................... Stefan Duerst....................374-1710 Harrowsmith.................. Kim Gow Henderson..................... Jean Brown.......................336-2516 Inverary......................... Judy Borovskis..................353-1768 Maberly-Bolingbroke..... Karen Prytula....................325-1354 Mississippi..................... Pearl Killingbeck...............278-2127 Mountain Grove............. Marilyn Meeks...................279-3209 Ompah........................... Linda Rush........................479-2570 Marily Seitz........................479-2855 Parham-Tichbome......... Colleen Steele...................375-6219 Christine Teal....................375-6525 Plevna........................... Katie Ohlke........................479-2797 Sydenham..................... Karen Brawley...................376-9848 Verona........................... Debbie Lingen...................374-2091
Sydenham Karen Brawley karenofsyd@bell.net
• Well, we did it. We survived the humidity on Canada Day!! Lots of events to be enjoyed as well. Sydenham had a spectacular firework display. I hope you all enjoyed the day’s festivities, too. Thank you to all those who donated their time and braved the heat wave so that the activities at the Point could still go on. • The Fishing Derby was a good success, despite the earlymorning start with a storm. It was nice to see the kids out there enjoying themselves and catching fish. Congrats to all the participants and thanks for the prize donations for the kids. Been hearing lots of kids talking about how much fun it is and how they cannot wait until next year. The Bass boat was a nice addition to have the kids’ photos taken in. • The Lions Club held their annual Canada Day Draw and the grand prize was $2500. A huge congrats to Mr. Fred Topham, who took home the prize. Thank you to all the Lions who volunteered their time. The Lions Club also sponsored all the children’s games that happened at the Point. • Don’t forget to get to the Railton Church on Mon, July 9 for their Bingo. The Bingos are now the 2nd Monday of each
Sharbot Lake Veterinary Services 613-279-2780 Tuesday & Thursday 2 - 4 p.m. Emergencies: 613-376-3618
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month for the summer months. • SFCS is looking for your old clunkers. That’s right, got a car that is ready for the bone yards? Donate it to them and receive and tax receipt as well. Call Andy at 613-376-6477 ext. 205 for more info. • Keep fit and feel fabulous! Seniors’ Fitness classes are every Friday from 10:30am–11:30am at the Grace Social Activity Centre, and every Tuesday from 9am until 12:00pm at The Good Graces Café. • Volunteer drivers are needed at the Grace Centre to take seniors to appointments. If you are interested in becoming a volunteer driver and helping those in our community, contact Heather at 613-376-6477 ext. 306. You will be reimbursed per kilometre. Make some new friends!
C apsule C omments with Matthew
613-374-2091 debbie@lingens.com
• Verona Lions are hosting their first ATV Poker Run and Show at the Verona Lions Centre, 4504 Verona Sand Road, on Sat, July 7. The excitement starts at 10:30am for the general public with a vendor’s midway. The Lions Canteen will be open and serving their famous Lions burgers, fries and more. The poker run registration will take place from 10:30am to 12:30pm. The ride entails 80km of rail trail and backroad. There will be card stops along the way, and the top three poker hands will be awarded prizes. There will also be participant prizes drawn and a 50/50 draw. Registration cost for the poker run is $30 per rider. For more information or to pre-register, visit www.veronalions.ca. • The Seniors and Law Enforcement Together (S.A.L.T) committee will be hosting a Fire Safety presentation for seniors on Fri, July 13 from 11:30am to 1:30pm at the Verona Lions Hall. Enjoy a free BBQ to follow. Pre-register for the event by calling the South Frontenac Community Services Corporation (SFCSC) office at 613-376-6477. Transportation available (a fee for transportation may be added). • Verona Free Methodist Church is holding a Kids’ Bible Camp called "Shipwrecked" the week of July 23 to 27 from 1pm to 4pm at the church. There will be Bible stories, songs, crafts and games. This is a free event. Preregister. They can arrange for pickup if a ride is needed. The church's phone number is 613-374-1232.
ARDEN Wanda Harrison
• Despite the hot and humid weather, Canada Day events proceeded as planned. Special thanks are extended to the Kennebec and District Historical Society, whose members braved the heat to pick berries, hull them and then make biscuits for their delightful Strawberry Social. The crowds may have been smaller than usual, but the dessert was delish. Thanks so much!!
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In Greece, there is a phone app to help people donate their leftover medications to those who can’t afford to buy them. Evidently, since 2016, it has help distribute13,000 boxes of drugs. This is not being done in Canada because there has to be a guarantee of proper storage to ensure efficacy. Once a drug leaves the pharmacy, this cannot be guaranteed.
The second use of ASA is for secondary prevention in those who have had a previous heart attack and are at increased risk of having another. Taking a low-dose ASA (80mg) daily will reduce that risk however this should be taken only on the advice of your doctor. The idea of walking 10,000 steps a day is quite difficult for some people. That’s about 5 miles. Here’s an alternative out of England called “Active-10”. You don’t count steps but rather simply do three brisk 10-minute walks per day. That translates into 1.5 miles or about 3000 steps. When the two methods of fitness were compared, the Active-10 resulted in 30% more moderate to vigorous activity. It might be a good alternative for those who are trying to keep fit.
Nancy Skipper
• Early ON Child and Family Centre is hosting “Playground in the Park” for parents, grandparents, caregivers, and their children. Come join in the fun at Barrie Township Hall in Cloyne (the green space & park behind the hall) on July 5, 12, 19, and 26 from 10am to 12pm, weather permitting. Children and adults may explore, hunt for bugs, walk in the forest, play in the mud kitchen and water table and more! For more information, call 613-336-8934 ext. 257. • Free Friday Flix is coming to the Land O'Lakes Emmanuel United Church on July 6 at 7pm with the movie “Paddington 2” (rated PG). • Pine Meadow is having a yard sale on Sat, July 7, with all proceeds going to Resident Programs. They are looking for items for the sale. Please contact Sarah prior to dropping off the items at snthompson910@gmail.com or 613-336-9120 ex. 7. • Get ready to be graced with a truly magnificent sight on the Mazinaw on Sat, July 7, with the many sails of boats and boards coming together for the 4th annual Sail Mazinaw. The flotilla is to “show off” Mazinaw Lake as a sailing venue. • The staff at Mazinaw Lakeside Resort are gearing up to host the 4th Sail Mazinaw breakfast. This year, MLR is offering a breakfast buffet with something for everyone. The crew at MLR will be opening at 8am to accommodate an early start. • The Garden Club is inviting you to their next meeting on Thurs, July 12 for a tantalising presentation by Ken Brown, renowned garden speaker & author, who will talk about "Garden Seduction with some of the Three Tenors thrown in." • Land O'Lakes Emmanuel United Church is having a ginormous yard sale on July 14, beginning at 8am, with many treasures to be found and purchased. • The Friends of Bon Echo are hosting TurtleFest on July 14 from 11am to 3pm at the children’s program area. Stay for lunch! Enjoy a wonderful BBQ meal hosted by the Friends. • The Mooks 10th annual Fishing Derby in memory of Sandra and Roger Meeks’ son, Trevor, is at Skootamatta Lake on Sat, July 14. For $10 per person (with kids’ entry being free), spend the day fishing with family and friends; $100 is awarded for the largest bass caught. A fish fry/potluck dinner
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Dick, B.Sc. (Pharm)
ASA (brand name Aspirin) has been around for over 120 years. As a pain reliever, it has been replaced by other analgesics like ibuprofen and naproxen but there are two uses for it that are recommended. If a person feels he’s having a heart attack, call 911 and chew on a regular strength ASA. It’s anti-clotting mechanism has been proven to reduce mortality by 25%.
• On Fri, July 6, with a rain date of Mon, July 9, the annual Arden cleanup starts with meeting at the Community Centre at 9am. Routes will be established with the work ending at approximately 11:30am. Lunch will be provided after the cleanup. Please wear appropriate clothing and bring sunscreen, a hat and gloves. • Central Frontenac Council’s annual visit to Arden by will be Tues, July 10 at 4pm. As in years past, everyone is invited to watch council work for you. • The Arden Glee Club will be performing at Pine Meadow Nursing Home in Northbrook, July 12. Helen Praskey, leader of the group, always enjoys seeing the smiles and toe-tapping by the audience during their varied routine.
CLOYNE - Northbrook
Debbie Lingen
613-279-2901 1-800-565-7865
July 5, 2018
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July 5, 2018 follows. There is a silent auction, a 1/2 & 1/2 draw, etc. End the evening with laughter and stories around the bonfire. All money raised goes to Camp Oochigeas, a camp for children struggling with cancer. • Congratulations to the Lions Club on the installation of seven new members!
DeNbiGh & veNNaChar Angela Bright
613-333-1901 bright.a@gmail.com
• A big thank you to Denbigh Recreation for the fantastic fireworks show on Canada Day! Thanks also goes out to the members of the Denbigh Fire Department for lending a helping hand! • The children's Summer Reading Club has begun at the Denbigh library, Tuesdays from 6-7pm. This year’s theme is Feed Your Passion. Parents and caregivers are invited to drop by the library to register their children for the program. Contact 613-333-1426. Also, mark your calendars for the annual used book sale, which will take place on Sat, July 21 from 9am to noon. • Swimming lessons will once again be offered in Plevna this summer. The Sand Lake Swim Program will run from July 30 to August 10. Lessons are $40 per child. For more info, contact Jilene at jileneengland@gmail.com.
harrOWSmiTh Kim Gow
P Ge 5 Pa
• A huge thank you to Daryl Silver for donating and planting the flowers in our “Welcome to Harrowsmith” sign, and to the SFRC for keeping them watered. • The Annual Wilmer Cemetery Memorial Service will be held in the old Wilmer Church on July 8, beginning at 2pm. Rev. Dawn Clarke officiating. For information, call Vera Shepherd at 353-2470.
heNDerSON Jean Brown
• Some recent comings and goings included Becky & Michael Peterson of Sudbury, Viola Conner, Dorothy & Muriel Thompson, Doug Bridgen, Irene & Brian Smale. • Today, July 5, Henderson United Church is hosting a yummy ham and scalloped potato supper from 4pm–6:30pm. Menu features ham, scalloped potatoes, turnip, corn, carrots, beans, a variety of desserts, and beverages. Adults are $12, ages 6–12 are $6, and under 5 are free. • Mitchell Gurnsey celebrated his 84th birthday in Henderson with Jessie Detlor-Sajevec and Nadine Robertson. Congratulations Mitchell and all who are celebrating. • Your old reporter is patching in from Georgian Bay at Manitoulin Island, where we have our annual family reunion. It’s a fun time. Good weather and all kinds of relatives and friends to get caught up with. • Great to have our own Rebecca Kelsey home from "the
west" – the land of her late Grandmother, Isobel Kelsey. Rebecca helped her family with their yard sale. Also, congratulations to Mitchell Kelsey for some very successful fishing expeditions.
iNverary Judy Borovskis
• Canada Day! Wherever you were and whatever you were doing, I hope it was a good day! • Rick Hatton of Inverary and the RCR Expedition left Mooney’s Bay in their canoes for Long Island Lock Station. A hot, brutal day even on the water. July 3 finds this group arriving at the Merrickville Locks, and as this column goes to print, Rick and his group are heading to Smiths Falls! Why do I think my morning runs are a workout? • Outdoor Yard Sale July 7 from 8am to 1pm in Battersea. Something for everyone! Come and find your bargains. • Inverary Youth Activities wish to thank Clarence Bourdon for his 19+ years as treasurer for the Group.
maberly-bOliNGbrOke Karen Prytula
613-325-1354 karenprytula@gmail.com
• Volunteers are needed for the Maberly Fair on August 25. Some help is required in advance of the Fair Day and during the Fair. If you would like to help keep the Fair going, you can call Anne and she will let you know the type of help required. Home 613-273-5069, cell 613-794-2403 • Fish Fry – Sat. July 14. at ABC Hall, 3166 Bolingbroke Rd., Maberly. Two seatings to choose from: 5pm or 7pm. Featuring batter-fried filets prepared by Mike Mundell’s of Kingston, For details, go to www.abchall.ca. • The annual “Pie in the Sky” at the fairgrounds was another very successful event. A great thank you to all those who donated homemade pies, baking and bouquets to the volunteers who ran it and to the customers that went home to enjoy a real treat. One-hundred pies, plus tarts and other goodies, were donated. Wonderful. 100% of the proceeds from this sale go toward the cost of running the Maberly Fair. Mark Sat, August 25 on your calendar and plan on attending this annual fun-filled event. Start working on a float for the parade! Theme: ‘Cows, all but the moo!’”
miSSiSSiPPi Pearl Killingbeck
• A full house for Music Night on Thursday at the Snow Road Community Centre. Over 50 people attended to listen to Shawn McCullough and Wade Foster’s hand-clapping, toe-tapping, foot-stomping music. The next Music Night will be with Jessica Wedden and Jon McLury. More about that later. • Friday morning’s Coffee Break was hosted by Darla & Rick
Marilyn Meeks
• Some birthdays are Theresa Armstrong, Pauline Raymond, Carrie Vinkle, Madeline Burke, Emily Summer, Levi Teal Jr., Valerie Fox-Simoneau, Graeme Gemmill, Linda Mottile, Diane Tryan, Jason Fox, Leslie Pickard, Casey Hartwick, Lisa Sly, McKeigh Martin and Kathy Sweet. • Anniversaries include Eric & Glenda Sly, Duane & Judy Meeks, and Dave & Chris Breeze. • There was a euchre party at Sharbot Lake Retirement Home on June 25. The next one is July 9 at 1:30pm. Hope to see you there! • Seniors of the Year 2018 for Olden are Archie and Marilyn Meeks, for Kennebec is Dave Swann, for Hinchinbrooke is Oan Wyatt, and for Oso is Jim MacPherson. The awards were presented on June 26. • Graduation for Grade 8 at Mountain Grove was held June 26. We wish the graduates "Good Luck" in their next year. • Thinking of Robbie Goodberry, son of Ruth Burke. Robbie got injured recently and we wish him well as he recovers.
Columns continued on page 8
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Cuomo. Lots of goodies and coffee. Welcome Bob Rutherford from Carson’s Trail. Don’t wait for four years to come back and see us, Bob. Jeff Soworski had beautiful pictures he had taken himself of the animals from all over the world. Beautiful, beautiful pictures ready for your walls for $3. Money went to the Skidoo Club. I got a beautiful picture of four lions sleeping in a tree. Absolutely beautiful. • The Snow Road Snowmobile Club fed 188 people with their wonderful breakfast in that terrible heat. Their bake sale had lots of wonderful baking. I got a lovely rhubarb custard pie and butter tarts (yum). A big thank you to all the volunteers for the time they put in to make these events happen, to all who donated things for the yard sale, to all the people who did the baking, to all the people that cooked and fed so many people. Every time they have a breakfast, you are a nominated volunteer of the year by Pearl. • Get well wishes to Delbert Cook. • The opening of the Back Forty Cheese season in Mississippi was a great success. The entertainment was great, the food was wonderful, and it was a beautiful setting to meet neighbors both former and new. It is open every Saturday from 10am until 4pm for the rest of the season. Not only is the food fabulous, Jenna’s textiles are out of this world. Hope you guys have a wonderful season. • What a wonderful way to end a busy Saturday going to the Strawberry Social at Snow Road Community Centre. There were many people to enjoy the dinner plate full of cake, strawberries, and ice cream, all for $5. Got to visit with many people. .
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Saturday July 14th 9:30am -2:00pm
Clar-Mill Hall - 6598 Buckshot Lake Rd., Plevna Lots Of Vendors Indoors And Outdoors Many Handcrafted Items Direct Sales Vendors Bring the family out to enjoy a grilled lunch prepared by the Volunteer Fire Department & shop for something special.
P Ge 6 Pa
Grief is the price we pay for love
t’s a fine line that separates pain and happiness. Michael Trautrimas knows it intimately from walking it every day. “Sometimes time feels like it has flown-by. Other times, it feels like it has stood still,” says the 45-year-old man sadly, one-month before the second anniversary of a tragic car accident that claimed the life of his wife and six-year-old son, Owen. For many, the accident is a wound that has yet to heal. Rounding a corner on Battersea Road near Sunbury on July 27, 2016, Michael’s wife, Brenda, 38, and two sons, collided with a truck. His eldest son, Ayden, was the lone survivor in the family van. Michael’s eyes water talking about the accident that changed his life. To cope, he’s never asked for details such as what happened or why. He knows the answers could reveal suffering which would only compound the pain in his broken heart. “The last place I saw them was the Walmart parking lot,” says Michael, who was preparing to leave his job as a diesel mechanic early the day of the accident due to a strong feeling something was wrong. “That first night when the news was broken to me, I remember everything, the words that were spoken to me; even their facial expressions,” he says solemnly. What Michael didn’t know was the extent of injuries sustained by his eldest son, who is severely autistic. Ayden spent the next six weeks in hospital recovering from a neck injury, broken hip, fractured foot, severe whiplash, concussion, bruising and a wound that turned dangerously necrotic. The doctors also removed his arm. “The first thing he did when he woke up in the hospital was put his arm around me,” says Michael. “For what he went through, he’s a tank. He kept fighting the whole way through his recovery. That’s what kept me going. Ayden has been my rock. If it had been a complete loss, I wouldn’t be here.” Nearly two years later, Ayden has made a full recovery and Michael marvels at how he found the inner strength to shape a new life
despite almost drowning under the weight of his grief. “That’s hard to explain in one sentence,” he replies softly when asked how he’s doing. “It comes in waves. I’m living the best life I can lead going through this. “It surprises me I have the strength to deal with this,” he adds quietly. “Don’t get me wrong, I still have my moments when I’m a crying mess.” What most people don’t know is the loss Michael has experienced beyond his immediate family. In the last several years, he has lost a beloved sister, cousins and father-inlaw. “It’s been one-thing after the next,” he explains. “It’s gotten to the point where it’s almost numbing. I’ve lost so many people, I can’t sugarcoat things anymore.” Despite the pain he has endured, Michael still finds happiness in nine-year-old Ayden and 23-year-old Jacob, a son from a previous relationship. “I have a lot of love to give,” says the Battersea man kindly. “Above everything I’ve gone through, I’ve always felt I can give to other people. I care about people, their feelings and emotions.” Proud of his new full-time job raising Ayden, Michael looks away when told he’s resilient. “It surprises me every day,” he says with a tone of uncertainty. “There hasn’t been one day in the last two years that I haven’t gotten out of bed. I do what anyone would do. I look after my son. I feel pride that I can do this. I take him everywhere. I try to be a good dad. It’s something I’ve always been proud of. He keeps me going.” Pausing to catch his breath, Michael is quick to thank the first responders and medical staff who helped his family two years ago. “I just met some of the first responders,” he admits, trailing off quietly, “if it wasn’t for them…. “Owen and Brenda were beyond help, but they helped Ayden who was severely autistic, non-verbal and injured. I imagine there wasn’t much to work with. I have so much gratitude for the first responders who were
HOUSEHOLD HAZARDOUS WASTE DAY 2018 RESIDENTS OF CENTRAL FRONTENAC Accepted Waste Materials From the House: • • • • • •
Arts and crafts supplies Metal Polish Drain opener Oven cleaner Household cleaners Photo Chemicals
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Roofing Tar Spot remover Floor Cleaner / Polish Expired Prescriptions Batteries Unbroken Fluorescent bulbs / tubes
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Not Accepted: • • • •
Waste from Commercial Businesses Explosives Ammunition or flares
• • • •
Freon Tanks PCB Waste Tires Electronics
Saturday July 14, 2018 9 a.m. - 2 p.m. INTERSECTION OF ROAD 38 AND HWY #7 SHARBOT LAKE
July 5, 2018
by Catherine Reynolds
Ayden and Michael Tautrimus able to keep Ayden alive.” Michael is clearly proud of the child who has brought him happiness in a time of grief and pain.
“There’s something about Ayden that is special,” says the doting father with a smile. “He touches your soul. There’s no denial in his love.”
Wigwam at St. James Major by Craig Bakay hile it won’t be fully functional until the fall, work has begun on a new wigwam at St. James Major Catholic School in Sharbot Lake. Teacher Mike Veryzer said the project came about as part of a grant from the Algonquin Lakeshore District School Board initiated by special assignment teacher Shawn MacDonald. “It’s part of the Indigenous Spaces program,” said Veryzer. “It’s to create an improved use of space that reflects the (First Nations) heritage of our area.” The wigwam will serve several purposes, first and foremost as an example of history, but it will also function as an outdoor classroom as well as provide shade for students at recess. “We have a lot of room but not much shade,” Veryzer said. The project began last year but had to be put on
hold until now, he said. “It required knowledge I didn’t have, so I contacted Danka Brewer, who said ‘I know a guy,’” he said. The guy turned out to be Master Lodge Builder Ross Saunders, who collected materials and assembled a team (Brewer, Leta Waite, Christina Bendevis and Jordan Mackinaw) to build the large structure.
“It will hold 30-40 people,” Saunders said. “Probably the whole school because kids are little people.” Veryzer said they hope to purchase a large canvas to cover the structure before the fall, and then it will be decked out with the “proper adornment.” He said the wigwam is a nice addition to the school’s Three Sisters garden.
Christina Bendevis, Danka Brewer, Leta Waite, Jordan Mackinaw and Ross Saunders begin framing the new wigwam at St. James Major School in Sharbot Lake
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July 5, 2018
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What’s Up in the Night Sky? – May 2012 by Fred Barrett ou can’t beat July and August for the beauty and quantity of constellations that can be observed in the night sky. The nicest ones and the easiest to find are imbedded in the Milky Way. It is a white band of stars and dark dust clouds that arches high overhead from the southern to the northern horizon. Let’s go on a tour. I will describe what can be seen at roughly 9p.m. EST in the middle of July. Starting at the southern horizon, you will see the “Teapot”, an asterism in the constellation Sagittarius. An asterism is a formation of stars in a constellation that can resemble an everyday object. In this case, a Teapot, and at the end of the spout you can find the centre of our galaxy. Moving up the through the Milky Way, we soon find Aquila, the “Eagle.” At the top of this constellation is the bright star Altair. Further north, at the zenith of the sky, straight up, we can observe Cygnus, the Swan. It has the shape of a cross, and at its northern end at the top of the cross is the swan’s tail and the beautiful star Deneb. Looking southwest of Cygnus is the constellation Lyra. Its nickname is the “weaver” since its shape resembles a tool used to spin yarn. The star Vega at its top is hard to miss. It shines very brightly. The 3 stars, Altair, Deneb and Vega are known as the Summer Triangle. They offer a handy reference point for finding other constellations
Double Cluster
in the summer sky. Just west of Lyra is Hercules. A great ball of stars, called a globular cluster, is easy to find through your binoculars at the north west quadrant of the constellation. Astronomers call it M31. Next stop on the path, as we slip down towards the northern horizon, is the constellation Cepheus. We soon come upon Cassiopeia. It appears in the form of a great ‘W’ shape. Just north of Cassiopeia, near the horizon and between it and Perseus, is a wonderful double-cluster of stars that are quite easy to find in binoculars. Find yourself a star map and travel the trail along the Milky Way. There’s so much to see and discover. Moving from interstellar space and back to Earth, have a look at the Moon. In binoculars or a small telescope, a great deal of detail pops out – craters, mountains, valleys and plains. The worst time to observe the Moon is when it is full. The Sun’s light falls from straight overhead and the details that are brought out by shadows are completely washed out. The best time to observe is when the Moon is at its waxing or waning quarter. It is the best time for shadows. Take a look at the terminator boundary between the light and dark sides – there’s plenty of mountain and crater shadows to bring out detail. Here’s another tidbit; the Earth is farthest from the Sun at midsummer. Mars is spectacular all month and it’s up all night. It
will be closer than it’s been in 15 years. Don’t miss it! As night falls, Mercury and Venus are in the west. Look southeast for Mars and Jupiter and shift to the south for Jupiter. By midnight, Mars is still in the southeast and Jupiter has moved to the southwest. Saturn is in the south. July 6: Last quarter Moon. Earth is at aphelion, its farthest distance from the Sun – 94.5 million miles. July 12: New Moon. July 13: Moon is at perigee, closest to the Earth – 355,355kms. July 15: At midnight, there is a nice view of the moon passing 1.6 degrees north of Venus. July 19: First quarter Moon. July 20: The Moon is 4 degrees north of Jupiter at 8p.m. EDT. July 25: The Moon is 2 degrees north of Saturn. July 27: The Moon is at apogee – 403,864 Kms. Mars is at opposition – it sits in a direct line between the Sun and Earth. At 6p.m. EDT, the Moon is 7 degrees north of Mars. Full Moon. This month it is called the Full Hay Moon – haying time. It is also called Full Thunder Moon since most thunderstorms seem to occur in this month. July 30: The modest Delta Aquariid meteor shower peaks. July 31: Mars is closest to the Earth: 35.8 million miles. Note that opposition is not the closest distance between Earth and Mars. Keep looking up! “The Beginner’s Observing Guide by Leo Enright is an invaluable companion for adventures in the sky. It also contains useful star charts. It can be ordered from the Royal Astronomical Society of Canada at www.rasc.ca/ publications. A subscription to our very own excellent Canadian astronomy magazine “SkyNews” can be arranged at the RASC website as well. Let me know how your observing has gone this month, especially anything unusual. I enjoy the feedback. If you have any questions or suggestions you can contact me through this paper or email me at fred.barrett2@sympatico.ca. Clear Skies!
Free Well Water Testing
Well water can contain harmful bacteria that could make you and your family sick. KFL&A Public Health recommends that you test your well water at least three times a year to ensure it is safe for drinking.
Pick up and drop off locations: KFL&A Public Health Kingston
221 Portsmouth Avenue Monday to Thursday, 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Friday, 8:30 a.m. to 11:30 a.m.
Sharbot Lake
1130 Elizabeth Street Tuesday, 8:30 a.m. to 11:30 a.m.
14209 Highway 41 Wednesday, 8:30 a.m. to 11:30 a.m.
New location at 99 Advance Avenue Monday to Thursday, 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Friday, 8:30 a.m. to 9:30 a.m.
Public Health Ontario Lab Kingston
181 Barrie Street Monday to Friday, 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
For tips on how to sample your water, visit kflaph.ca/DrinkingWater
P Ge 8 Pa
ANNIVERSARy happy 50th Anniversary
Don & Janice Peters Love Michael & Rebecca, Kevin & Karen, Brian & Jami, Adam & Susan & families
50th Anniversary
Please join us in celebration of reg & Brenda Taylor's 50th Wedding Anniversary, Sunday, July 15th from 1pm to 5pm at the Golden Links Hall in Harrowsmith, 4168 colebrooke road.
CARd OF ThANkS ThANk YOU ~ MCLAY a big thank you to revell’s Fix auto shop. i want to exspecially thank Terry Holden and his crew for going above and beyond with their compassion and work ethic. i will be forever grateful. Suzanne mcLay
OBITUARy Gerhardt Böhmer
OBITUARy Ditty van Tol may 28th, 1938 - June 26th, 2018 after a long illness, Ditty died peacefully on Tuesday morning, her children at her side. Predeceased by her brother Gerrit, she leaves behind a large family: sisters Wijna and anne-marie and brothers arie, rob and Jan remained in her native Holland, while sister anne and brother Bert also came overseas. She is survived by daughter marieke Schrey, son michiel Schrey and his wife Lucy Boothroyd, grandchildren anneke and Nicholaas; also her ex-husband eduard (Ted) Schrey with whom she remained friends; numerous Dutch and american nieces and nephews and their children. after immigrating to kingston in 1969 from the Netherlands, where she had begun a career as a teacher and started her family, she grew into her passion for art. She received her BF BFa a from Queen’s in 1978, and exhibited her work at the kaai and SaW aW galleries, among others. a With her impeccable eye for beautiful and well-made things, she made a lovely home in Burridge, spending her mature years making art and becoming known at shows from kingston to ottawa, notably during the Kingston Women's Art Festival and the Westport Studio Tour. Her brother Bert van Tol shared her studio on the latter occasions, and is a well-known silversmith in kingston.. a marvellous cook, she had been a popular chef at chez Piggy from its very first years, and also returned to her first vocation, teaching until her retirement, at the adult Learning centre in Sharbot Lake. She had a green thumb, loved nature, and had an unfailing artist’s talent for making every place she had been more beautiful. Fond greetings and thanks to her former neighbours rodney Barr and Gary Barr of Burridge, and their families, for making her "country life" possible. many thanks to the staff of St. elizabeth Health care and especially the Providence care Hospital for their great kindness. a celebration of her life will be held later this summer. Friends who wish to honour her memory might consider a donation to the canadian cancer Society.
Columns - continued from page 5
OmPah Linda Rush
lindarush@yahoo.com 613-479-2570 Marily Seitz seitz@xplornet.ca 613-479-2855 • Thank you to the North Frontenac Fire Department for providing, once again, a spectacular firework display for Canada Day celebrations. A huge crowd gathered at the Ompah Gravel Pit on Saturday night, even in the extreme heat, to enjoy this wonderful annual display. • We have watched young David Young grow up and mature as a guitarist and singer/songwriter. David, his brother, and grandpa Dave Young will sing and play at a concert in Ompah on July 19. We will get a sneak peek at the band, who will play a couple of songs at the July Birthday Bash. • Dances in Ompah used to be a regular occurrence, but this has not happened in many years. This is about to change, so dust off those dancing shoes. A dance will be held at the hall on July 14 starting at 7p.m. DJ Tunz will provide the music. Tickets cost $10 and are available from Community Centre Association members. • The Community Centre Association Annual General Meeting will take place at
IN MEMORIAM MCGINNIS clifford ~ 2004 Florence ~ 2002 Sadly missed along life’s way Quietly remembered every day No longer in our lives to share But in our hearts, they are always there Lovingly remembered by daughters Jean and Bev & families
Terry THake T moNumeNTS
Save up to 25% on Selected Monuments
July 5, 2018 the hall on July 21 starting at 10am. The AGM will be followed by an Open House. All community members are invited to contribute thoughts and ideas and to take a look at the beautiful new kitchen and community mural.
Parham-TiChbOrNe Colleen Steele 613-375-6219 Christine Teal 613-375-6525 mrsteal2u@hotmail.com • Hope everyone had a great Canada Day and enjoyed many of the events that took place in our area.Sincere sympathy to Pat Barr on the loss of her brother, Joe, also to the family of the late Richard MacKinnon, Cecil Kennedy, Garnet England and Ken Bain. • Family gathered together to help Angie Mallette celebrate her special birthday! • Big thank you to Bill Avery for conducting our service on Sunday at the Parham United Church with special pictures from his trip to El Salvador. • Reminder of Hazardous Waste Day on July 14 from 9am to 2pm at the intersection of Hwy 38 and #7 in Sharbot Lake. • This week at the Parham Ball Field: Thursday night is the only game with the Peewees at 6:30pm and the Bantam at 8:30pm. Come on out and cheer them on! Next week, the Squirts will be playing at 6:30pm on Monday, Mites at 6:30pm on Tuesday, Grasshoppers at 6:30pm on Wednesday, and the Bantams on Thursday at 8:30! • Happy Birthday to Christine Teal, Nicole Mallette-Tibble, Kalib Neadow, Shawn Godfrey, Luke Asselstine, Leslie Cronk, Phil Tibble, David Lowery, Aadan Kempe, Amay Silva, Graeme Gemmill, Lesley Pickard, and Levi Teal.
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Passed away with family at his side in hospital at 9:25pm on Friday June 29, 2018. Loving husband of rita Böhmer. Father of four children, Dieter Böhmer, Wolfgang Böhmer, ute Böhmer, and Gabi Böhmer. Devoted opa to Lisa Böhmer, Sarah ridiger, Sabrina Böhmer, maximillian Böhmer, Leonie Böhmer, Louis Böhmer. Great-grandfather to anton and Juna ridiger. a talented craftsman who will be remembered for his artistic work, love of music, and passion for european football. Family members send their gratitude to the local fire department and first responders for their grand efforts to provide primary aid.
Trousdale Funeral home Proudly serving all FaiThs Pre-arranged Funeral Plans
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Confidential & Non-Denominational MOORE, Lawrence Beamer, age 78 passed away peacefully at home after a short battle with cancer on Monday, July 2, 2018, surrounded by his family and friends. He is survived by his loving wife Gail of 55 years. Dear father of Brian (late Amber) and Janice. Also, his grandchildren Eric & Ashley, Grant, Nigel and Nash and great-grand-daughter Brighten. Sadly missed by his best friend at home Kyra (dog). Beloved brother of Rosemary (Don) Rogers, Charolette (Gordon) Finn, David and Shirley (Len) Lanza. Predeceased by his parents Herbert & Mary. His favourite times were boating, fishing, helping neighbours and maintaining the road with his tractor. He will be sadly missed by his family and friends. As per Lawrence’s wishes, cremation has taken place and a family memorial will take place at a later date. In lieu of flowers, memorial donations can be made to the Humane Society, Cancer Centre of Southeastern Ontario in the Immune Therapy Department. Online condolences and memories can be shared with the family at www.milestonefuneralcenter.com
Milestone Funeral Center Northbrook ON 613-336-6873
Parham, Ontario 613-375-6254 www.goodfellowsfuneralhome.com
July 5, 2018
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Open evenings & 7 days a week. We deliver
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auTOmOTive KALADAR AUTO RECYCLING. Winter tires & rims for most vehicles. Used cars available, $600 & up. We take trade-ins. Call us for car & truck parts, we have more than 400 vehicles. 11520 Hwy 41; 613-336-9899; 613-885-8644 KINNEY AUTO WRECKING Station Road, Kaladar. 4x4 trucks & parts for sale. Scrap cars, stoves, fridges wanted. 613-336-9272.
Flea markeT
TONI & JP’S FLEA MARKET, 6107 Hwy 506 at Ardoch Rd. Open Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday. Something for everyone. 613-479-0341
FOr reNT
COTTAGES on Sydenham Lake. $500 per week, boat included. 613-353-2460
FOr r Sale CENTRAL BOILER Classic OUTDOOR FURNACES can eliminate your high heating bill. Buy NOW and save up to $550! Call today 613-539-9073. www.thefurnacebroker.com CENTRAL BOILER OUTDOOR FURNACES offer the Classic, the Maxim and the New Edge. Your local Dealer, Wood Heat Solutions, Frankford, ON, 613-398-1611; Bancroft, ON 613-332-1613. www.chesher.ca COMPACT Model Compost toilet by Sunmar, seldom used. Bone colour, $300. Call 1-613353-2519 CUB CADET Lawn tractor 18 hp 42”cut, $1000 OBO 613-374-1262
Locations Dr. P.H. Radford, Optometrist
Eyecare Clinic
FOr r Sale GUINEA HENS, solve your deer tick problems 613-353-2460 SHIPPING CONTAINERS: Seacans Storage Containers, 7ft 10ft 20ft 40ft 45ft Steel garden sheds call 613-354-8744 or online http:// IngeniousStorage.com
GaraGe Sale BIG INDOOR/OUTDOOR SALE Jul 7-8, 10699 Hwy 41, Kaladar. Antiques, hand & garden tools, wicker, old children’s rocking chairs, etc; 07’ Honda VTX 1300 cc; Everything must go. BOUNDARY ROAD Community Sale, Sydenham, July 6,7,8 large items and small. Patio furniture, generator, farm tractor, furniture, air conditioner, tools, and lots more at #4557. MOVING SALE - 3318 Desert Lake RD, 10 mins from 38 Hwy, July 14 8am-2pm Garden items outdoor swing seat, tools, crafts, patio furniture, old picnic table etc. MULT-FAMILY Yard Sale Jul 7-8, 8am-5pm, 18128 Hwy 41, north of Cloyne. SPYGLASS COVE, 1016 Schoolhouse Road, Clarendon, Hwy. 509. Open Tuesday to Saturday, 8am - 7pm, open Sunday 2pm - 6pm. Thomas Train, portable radio, tennis rackets, cutlery, decorative platters, porcelain dolls, small appliances, furniture, gift items, books, jewelry, etc. YARD SALE - Sat. July 7, 9-4, 1013 Maple Woods Circle, Sharbot Lake. Many items, kitchen, crafts, folding table and more.
helP WaNTeD FULL TIME SATELLITE TV INSTALLERS required for fast growing company. Installer must supply own vehicle, valid driver's license, tools, ladders, consumables, vehicle insurance, etc. Potential for income between $50,000 to $80,000 yearly + Bonuses. Evening and weekend shifts required. For more information please send a resume to: Admin@ scheelcommunications.com or fax to 613-6239992. No experience necessary; all training will be supplied.
huNTiNG FIREARMS COURSE – July 13-14, and Hunter Education Course, July 20-21, Harrowsmith. Call Bill, 613-335-2786
muSiC leSSONS MUSIC LESSONS, Piano, Flute, Theory. Seniors, adults, teens and children. Many social and/or performance opportunities. Inverary. 613-653-3815 facebook.com/ crystalizemusicstudio
ServiCeS CLEANING SERVICE Affordable and reliable with 15 years experience. Available for residential and cottage cleaning, Full or half days. Call Barb, 613-893-1317
Sydenham Clinic • (613)376-3097 2825 Rutledge Road Sydenham
The COrPOraT ra iON OF raT The TOWNShiP OF CeNTral FrONTeNaC
And now in
by Appointment
10 Bedford Street Westport • 613-273-3097
OPPORTUNITIES FOR LOCAL BUSINESSES North Frontenac Council is pleased to announce a new section to their Council Agenda. We are inviting Business Owners within the Township to attend a Council Meeting to introduce themselves and to share their Business endeavors, challenges and successes. Requests to provide a five (5) minute presentation during a Council Meeting can be scheduled by contacting Tara Mieske, Clerk/Planning Manager by email at clerkplanning@northfrontenac.ca or by phone at 613-479-2231 Ext. 225
RFT No. PW-2018-08 - Supply Two (2) ¾ Ton Crew Cab Gas Powered Trucks Please submit complete proposal, by fax or email quoting above tender number and closing date; and forward to: Public Works Manager The Corporation of the Township of Central Frontenac P.O. Box 89 1084 Elizabeth St. Sharbot Lake, Ontario K0H 2P0 Closing Date: 3:00:00 pm local time Thursday July 12th, 2018 Proposals must be received before the above mentioned time and date, and in accordance with the attached RFT Forms, Instructions to Vendors, and Standard Terms and Conditions. Contact: David Armstrong Public Works Supervisor / Acting Public Works Manager Phone (613) 279-2935 ext. 261 Fax (613) 279-2422 darmstrong@centralfrontenac.com
ANYTHING METAL FREE PICKUP: fridges, stoves, washers, dryers, ‘anything metal’ & electronics. Call 613-375-6377, leave message.
renovations, carpentry, repairs, Painting & Roofing Paul Gosse 613-335-4822 frontenachomeservices@gmail.com HANDYMAN, WILL REPLACE SINKS, taps, toilets, drywalling, any other jobs, cottage closures and carpentry. Please call Albert 613-374-2079 PAINTING - Drywall & Plaster Repair, Interior/ Exterior Painting. Call Eric at Men In White 613-200-1127. WSIB compliant, fully insured. PET SITTING SERVICES AVAILABLE. All you need to know at www.petsittinginmountaingrove. com Phone Laura Mills at 613-335-3658 or Text 613-583-3658 PHOTOCOPY, FAX & LAMINATION SERVICES available at The Frontenac News, 1095 Garrett St., rear building, Sharbot Lake. Competitive prices! 8½” x 11” - Black & White 25¢ ea; Colour copies 60¢ ea. 613-279-3150. PUMP REPAIR: Licenced well technician on staff with 10 years experience. Call Mark, Verona Hardware, 6723 Main St., Verona. Ph. 613-374-2851 ROOFING, SHINGLES – STEEL, Over 25 years experience, serving Elphin, Snow Road, Sharbot Lake & area. Contact Todd Gursby for estimates, 613-278-1300
We are seeking EarlyON Registered Early Childhood Educators (RECE) Position: Two full time permanent Hours of work: 35 hours a week, with weekends and evenings Location: Central, South and North Frontenac Townships Wage: $20.00 The EarlyOn RECE is responsible for the delivery of high quality EarlyON programming. Job Responsibilities 1. Support early learning and development by building strong and responsive relationships • Engage parents and caregivers through discussions and information sharing • Link parents to community resources and regulated health professionals 2. Create a welcoming, inclusive and integrated environment in accordance with How Does Learning Happen • Maintain high quality learning environment in accordance with the pedagogy for the Early Years • Maintain safe, clean and well organized learning environments 3. Implement emergent programming • Encourage exploration, play and inquiry through both planned and spontaneous emergent curriculum experiences Qualifications and Experience • Registered Early Childhood Educator, First Aid and CPR, CPIC Knowledge and Skills • Understanding of play and inquiry based learning and child development • Competency in forming strong, positive, responsive and professional relationships • Competency in pedagogical documentation • Knowledge of community resources and working with families in rural communities • Excellent communication skills
P Ge 9 Pa
TOWiNG B’S RADICAL RIDES Towing & Recovery. James Mills owner/operator. 613-335-5050; website: bsradicalrides.ca FLAT BED HAULING, long distance etc. We buy unwanted vehicles. 1-613-305-3775
WaNTeD TO buy
STANDING TIMBER, firewood, pine, cedar, bush lots. Free quotes, cash paid. Call 613279-2154. WANTED COMIC BOOKS: Comic books in the house? Turn them into cash today. My hobby, your gain. 613-539-9617 kentscomics@yahoo.ca
WaNTeD TO reNT RETIRED, Responsible, woman seeks longterm, affordable smallish home/winterized cottage to rent in Central Frontenac. Waterfront and woodstove/fireplace preferred, but not necessary. 613-876-8340, chookburke@ hotmail.com
Online Directory
Contact the Frontenac News about a business listing on the Frontenac-Live.ca directory.
We are seeking Registered Early Childhood Educators for our licensed childcare in Sharbot Lake Positions • RECE Full Time permanent position • RECE contract for remainder of a maternity leave • Supply staff Hours: 40 hours with an unpaid ½ hour lunch Wage: $17.00 with WEG
Job Responsibilities 1. To plan and implement programs in the daycare • Create a quality day care program, implementing How Does Learning Happen. • To operate according to the CCYEA legislative requirements. 2. To establish and create a stimulating environment for the children • To develop and evaluate programs that are consistent with the needs of the individual child. • To maintain a clean, safe and age appropriate environment. • To ensure the environment responds to the children’s interest & reflects their learning. 3. To establish positive and cooperative working relationships with parents and their children • To communicate with the parents /guardians at the beginning and end of day regarding their child. • To share children’s portfolio and learning stories with the parents so they are aware of their child’s development and milestones. Qualifications and Experience • Diploma in Early Childhood Education • Registered and in good standing with the College of ECE • 2 years’ experience Knowledge and Skills / Core Competencies • Sensitivity and responsiveness to the needs of children, parents and their families • Enthusiasm and interest in working with young children
* A full job description with further details is available upon request, please call 613-2793151, ext. 103.
Requirements • Current CPR & Basic First Aid qualifications • Criminal Reference Check
Please submit a cover letter, expressing interest in the position and referencing your experience / education related to the responsibilities and requirements in the posting to louisem@ rfcs.ca or drop off to 1020 Elizabeth St. Sharbot Lake.
* A full job description is available upon request, please call 613-279-3151 ext. 308 susanw@rfcs.ca or drop off at 1004 Art Duffy Road, Sharbot Lake.
By: July 9, 2018 by noon
Deadline: July 9, 2018 by noon
Please submit a cover letter and resume to:
Canadian Small Engines
Reid’s Verona
Special Pricing on Ariens Zero Turns
3 Day July Sale5- - April ?-? July 11 Sale - Thursday Wednesday Boneless Chicken Breast & Thighs
10 models in stock from 34” to 60” Hwy. 38 & Van Order Rd. 5 min. North of 401 613-389-4658
CLOYNE - PLAYGROUND IN THE PARK 10am12pm. Barrie Hall. July 5, 12, 19, and 26. Children and adults may explore, hunt for bugs, walk in the forest, play in the mud kitchen and water table, and more! Info: 613-336-8934 ext. 257. HARLOWE DINNER 4PM-6:30PM, Henderson Hall July 5 for the United Church. $12 for adults. SHARBOT LAKE - TEA AND TOAST 9am. Sharbot Lake United Church.
Friday July 6
ARDEN - VILLAGE CLEANUP 9am-11:30am. Volunteers will meet at the Community Centre for assigned routes. Bring gloves, a hat and sunscreen. NORTHBROOK - FREE FRIDAY FLIX 7pm. Land O’ Lakes Emmanuel United Church. Come watch Paddington 2, a live-action animated comedy based on the character Paddington Bear. SYDENHAM - TEA DANCE 1pm-3pm. Grace Hall. Enjoy coffee/tea and a baked good alongside 1 hour of basic ballroom dancing instruction and 1 hour of dancing. Singles welcome - $5. Limited space due to popular demand. Call 613.376.6477 to book your spot.
Saturday July 7
BATTERSEA - YARD SALE 8am-1pm. Something for everyone! If you’d like to help organize or learn more, please contact Jenn Furtado at jenn.furtado@ gmail.com CLOYNE - SAIL MAZINAW July 7. Mazinaw Lake. Sail boats and boards coming together to “show off” Mazinaw Lake. All cottagers and campers are invited to join this flotilla.
Sunday July 8
GODFREY - BEDFORD JAM 1pm-5pm. Bedford Hall. Open mic, $2 admission, entertainers free. Info - Joanne 374-2242, Joan 374-5477 PERTH ROAD - FAMILY FISHING DAY 8am. Elbow Lake Environmental and Educational Centre. FREE, prizes, presentations from fish biologists, rods available to use, Info- elbowlakecentre.ca PERTH ROAD - WILMER CEMETARY MEMORIAL SERVICE 2pm. Wilmer Cemetery. Rev. Dawn Clarke officiating. Info: Vera Shepherd @ 613-353-2470. SHARBOT LAKE, ON - OPEN HOUSE 2pm-4pm. Sharbot Lake Retirement Residence. See the residences and take a tour SYDENHAM - SYDENHAM TRIATHLON/ DUATHLON AND RUNS 8am. Sydenham Point. 9th annual,in support of the Royal Canadian Legion Branch 496. : 2K kids run, 5K & 10K, Try-a-Tri, Super Sprint, Sprint, Olympic Distances and Relays. Half Iron Swim/Run and a half marathon distance are new events. Information - somersault.ca or info@ somersault.ca BINGO Railton Church. July 9. The Bingos are now the 2nd Monday of each month for the summer months. SHARBOT LAKE - ACCORDION CONCERT EXTRAVAGANZA 1pm. Sharbot Lake Beach. Accordion Friends of Ottawa present a free concert
Résumé Writing | Job Search Strategies | Job Postings
HARROWSMITH - SOCIAL & ATHLETIC CLUB REGULAR MEETING Harrowsmith Social & Athletic Club. All are welcome to attend and learn about the services, social events and athletic support the club has to offer to the community. Info and membership: Call Pam at (613) 372-1578.
Thursday July 12
DINERS CLUB 12pm-2pm. Wonderful mid-day meal, enterainment. Meet new friends and enjoy local talent. $11 Transportation available in some cases. Info - Joanne 613-376-6477 GARDEN CLUB MEETING July 12. Tantalising presentation by Ken Brown, who will talk about “Garden Seduction with some of the Three Tenors thrown in.” NORTHBROOK - ARDEN GLEE CLUB PERFORMANCE Pine Meadow Nursing Home. July 12. Helen Praskey always enjoys seeing the smiles and toe-tapping during their routine.
Friday July 13
SYDENHAM - BOOK CLUB 1pm. Grace Hall. Come out for a relaxing discussion over coffee/tea and a new book to read at our monthly book club. Call 613376-6477 for details about this months book VERONA - FIRE SAFETY PRESENTATION FOR SENIORS (SALT) 11:30am-1:30pm. Verona Lions Hall. Hosted by the (S.A.L.T) committee. Free BBQ to follow. Pre-register by calling the SFCSC office at 613-376-6477. Transportation available (a fee for transportation may be added).
Sat Jul 14 – Sun Jul 15
ART SHOW & SALE 10am. July 14 and 15. Perth Campus Algonquin College, 7 Craig St., Hwy. 43. Free admission, free parking, free shuttle service.
Saturday July 14
ARDEN OPEN MIC 5pm-10pm. Pot Luck starts at 5 pm. $2 (entertainers free) all proceeds to Circle Square Ranch leadership program. Bring your voices, instruments, dancing feet & enjoy an evening of live music.
Sharbot Lake Resource Centre at 1099 Garrett Street (613)545-3949 press 3 or email essl@sl.on.ca
employmentservice.sl.on.ca This Employment Ontario program is funded by the Ontario government.
BOLINGBROKE - FISH FRY ABC Hall. Choice of two seatings: 5p.m. or 7p.m. $15 adults, $7 children 6-12, free for kids under 6. contact Pat at 613-2739781 FISHING DERBY July 14. Skootamatta Lake. $10/ person. Kids free. $100 for largest bass caught. Fish fry/potluck dinner. Silent auction, 1/2 & 1/2 draw, etc. All money raised goes to Camp Oochigeas, a camp for children struggling with cancer. HARROWSMITH - EUCHRE FUN NIGHT 7pm. Harrowsmith Social & Athletic Club. $5./person. For info., call Pam 613-372-1578 or Marilyn 613-3720917. Light Refreshment, Prizes, Cash Bar 4041 Colebrook Rd, HAZARDOUS WASTE DAY 9am-2pm. at the intersection of Hwy 38 and #7 in Sharbot Lake. NORTHBROOK - YARD SALE 8am. Land O’ Lakes Emmanuel United Church. Many treasures to be found and purchased. OMPAH - COMMUNITY CENTRE ASSOCIATION ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING 10am. Ompah Hall. AGM will be followed by an Open House. All community members are invited to contribute thoughts and ideas and to take a look at the beautiful new kitchen and community mural. OMPAH - DANCE 7pm. Ompah Hall. Dust off those dancing shoes. Tickets: $10, available from Community Centre Association members. PLEVNA - STAR PARTY 9pm. Dark Sky Preserve. Spectacular Summer Milky Way; here comes Saturn! SYDENHAM - LAKES AND TRAILS FESTIVAL 9:30am-3pm. Sydenham Point. Walk, Bike and Paddle the lakes, trails and history of South Frontenac. Bike around Sydenham Lake, paddle the lake, and walk in historic Sydenham. For further information: lakesandtrailsfestival.org. TURTLEFEST 11am-3pm. At the children’s program area. Stay for lunch! Enjoy a wonderful BBQ meal hosted by the Friends.
Mon Jul 16 – Fri Jul 20
BATTERSEA - VACATION BIBLE SCHOOL Glenburnie United Church. July 16-20.
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(613) 544-3335 Fax: (613) 544-3304 1-877-544-3335
Monday July 30 & Tuesday July 31 Spaces are limited. Call to register.
Storring Septic Service Ltd.
Standard CPR/First Aid Level C + AED (2 day course) 8:45am-4pm $130/ person
Nestle’s Novelties & Premium Ice Cream
Open Mon-Thurs, Sat: 8am-8pm Fri: 8am-9pm Sun: Grocery 9am-6pm; LCBO 11am-6pm
Hwy 38 Verona (613) 374-2112
Let us plumb it right the first time
Employment Service
Wednesday July 11
NORTHBROOK - YARD SALE Pine Meadow Nursing Home. July 7. All proceeds going to Resident Programs. Contact Sarah at snthompson910@ gmail.com or 613-336-9120 ex. 7. prior to dropping off items. VERONA - VERONA LIONS ATV POKER RUN 10:30am. Verona Lions Hall. $30 on the day, preregister for $25. Rie starts between 10:30am and 12:30pm. Canteen from 10:30am. Trail and back road ride, approx. 80km. Info: visit veronalions.ca or email veronalionsatv@gmail.com
Monday July 9
Whole Seedless Watermelon (11lb average) $
of accordion styles from across Europe. Not to be missed!
Northern Happenings
Thursday July 5
Authorized Agent For:
Trade-Ins Welcome!
Serving your small engine needs since 1984!
NORTHERN HAPPENINGS listings are free for community groups, and will be published for two weeks. Donations to offset the costs of publication would be appreciated. Other listings are paid or are taken from paid ads elsewhere in the paper. The News makes every effort to be accurate but events should be independently verified by readers.
July 5, 2018
Adam Peters
Est. 2005
Master Electrician
Fully Insured
ELECTRICAL – Residental & Commercial SOLAR – Grid-Tie & Off-Grid 289-969-1809 or 866-976-3749 e-mail: sharbotlake@ecoaltenergy.com ESA Lic. 7006273 ACP-E-R185
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11391 Hwy. 38 Parham, ON K0H 2K0 www.tcelectrical.ca
July 5, 2018
P Ge 11 Pa
Annual Pine Meadow Charity Golf Tournament Raises Over $20 000 he 16th annual Pine Meadow Char- by Alana Free Taylor. The second prize was a ity Golf Tournament took place on June lovely concrete bench and side table donated T 23 at Hunter’s Creek Golf Course on Hwy. by Tuscany Concrete and valued at $1000, 506 near Cloyne. As in previous years, this year’s tournament was generously sponsored by numerous businesses and community members, raising over $20 000. These funds are used for a variety of items at Pine Meadow which cannot be included in their regular budget and which enhance the lives of the residents at the nursing home. Funds raised this year will be used to subsidize the monthly excursions planned for the residents and to purchase adjustable dining room tables, additional patio furniture, woodworking tools and materials, an otoscope and replacement slings for mechanical lifts. This year, 56 golfers participated in the tournament on a cool and misty day at Hunter’s Creek Golf Course. The first raffle prize was a beautiful quilt pieced and funded by Land O’ Lakes Quilters and hand-quilted by Treadles Quilters, valued at $840. The quilt was won
which was won by Kale Yearwood. The two winning tickets were drawn by Cecily Matacheskie and Merritta Parks, residents at Pine Meadow Nursing Home. Cecily was the main raffle ticket seller and Merritta is the president of the Resident Council. There was also a 50/50 draw with a prize of $152.50, won by Lorraine Steele. The microwave, donated by Smitty’s Appliances, was the prize for the poker hand game and was won by Mark Anderson, who donated the prize to Pine Meadow. The raffle sales brought in close to $5000.00 and we are especially grateful to the many ticket sellers who gave their time and enthusiasm. Special thanks to Mike Donahue and the staff at Hunter’s Creek for all their hard work in support of the Pine Meadow Golf Classic. Teh winning team - Karen Tryon, Roger Tryon, Lorraine Steele and Jamie Tryon.
Open fOr Business
VACATIONING IN SOUTH FRONTENAC? Nothing can compare to a week at the lake and in South Frontenac where we have an abundance of clear lakes, beautiful trails and great cycling. The one thing that can dampen your vacation is the unsightly mess of a can or a plastic bag floating by or the sounds of wildlife munching happily on garbage that was not properly disposed of. We hope you enjoy your stay but ask that you please have regard for our Garbage and Recycling policies. Dumping garbage at the side of the road or at the gates of a landfill on a Sunday night is not only unacceptable, it creates a huge problem for township staff when their time could be better spent elsewhere. Find out the proper collection day for your location and please do not put it out prior to that, the animals may thank you but what they don’t eat will be strewn around and someone must clean it up! Whether you are a cottage owner, a renter or day tripper, please become familiar with collection dates and locations, as well as our recycle streams. By all means, take your memories with you but please don’t leave your garbage behind! Any questions, contact Solid Waste Management at 613-376-3027 Ext 4330.
ATTENTION VENDORS – SIGN UP FOR NOTIFICATION OF TENDERS AND RFP’S Check out the new feature on our website – Town Hall/Tenders, sign up for email notifications when tenders and request for proposals are issued or amended.
YES, YOU CAN RECYCLE PLANT POTS! It’s a wonderful time of the year, with everyone playing in the dirt. A gentle reminder for this gardening season is that most of your plant cells and plastic pots up to 12 “ in diameter or 1 gallon in size are recyclable in your plastics week. They must be clean though! Take a hose to them then place them to ensure they don’t fall out of your recycle box. Check with the retailer when you are purchasing your bedding plants as many of them will take back the plant cells, trays and pots. Please remember NOT to bag your recycling! Happy Gardening! HOUSEHOLD HAZARDOUS WASTE DEPOT – SUMMER HOURS The depot will be open EVERY Thursday from 3:00 pm – 8:00 pm until Thanksgiving. Please remember that accepted items are hazardous materials, small electronics and bale wrap only. A full listing of accepted materials may be found on our website under Living Here/Solid Waste/Recycling/Household Hazardous Waste.
TOwn HAll UPCOMING MEETINGS • Council – August 7, 2018 at 7:00 pm. • Pubic Services Committee – July 12, 2018 at 8:30 am • Committee of Adjustment – July 12, 2018 at 7:00 pm TENDERS PW-2018-20 – SCREENED WINTER SAND Sealed submissions must be received by 1:00 pm on July 25, 2018, Attention: Wayne Orr, CAO, 4432 George St, Sydenham ON, K0H 2T0. Official documents may be downloaded from the BIDDINGO.COM website or picked up from Monday to Friday between 8:00 am and 4:30 pm at the Public Works Department, 2490 Keeley Road, Sydenham.
Make Sure Your GarbaGe GetS Put In ItS Place
THinGs TO DO LAKES AND TRAILS FESTIVAL The second annual Lakes and Trails Festival will be held on July 14 from 9:30 am to 4:00 pm at the Point Park. Come out and celebrate an active outdoor lifestyle, sense of community and history. Bring your bike, canoe, swim suit and walking shoes, food will be provided at a free community lunch. Visit https://lakesandtrailsfestival.org for more details. SOUTH FRONTENAC MUSEUM – OPEN FOR THE SUMMER! The museum will be open on Monday, Wednesday and Saturday weekly from 1:00 pm to 4:00 pm and by appointment. Call 613-376-3027 Ext 2600 or by email SouthFrontenacMuseum@gmail.com. SWIM & DAY CAMP REGISTRATION On-line registration now available. In person registration can also be done at that time at the NEW location for Recreation – 2490 Keeley Road. Keep an eye on our website for further information
news & puBlic nOTices OUR RECREATION DEPARTMENT HAS MOVED! The South Frontenac Recreation Department is now located at our 2490 Keeley Road site. Contact information and phone numbers remain the same. See “Things To Do” for more information about registration. 2018 MUNICIPAL ELECTION NEWS Nominations for the positions of Mayor, Councillor and School Board Trustee must be made on the prescribed form available at the Township Office or the Township website. Nomination forms must be filed, with the prescribed declaration by at least 25 persons either in person or by your agent with the Returning Officer between May 1, 2018 and July 26, 2018 during that office’s normal office hours; and on Friday, July 27, 2018 (Nomination Day) between 9:00 a.m. and 2:00 p.m. The required filing fee for the Head of Council is $200.00 and all other offices are $100.00 must accompany the signed form. Full details on the procedures to be followed may be obtained from the appropriate Township Clerk or website – Town Hall/2018 Municipal Election for more details.
Sydenham lakes & trails Festival Come out, be active, and enjoy our lakes, trails and history
Saturday, July 14, 9:30 AM- 4 PM
The Point Park, Sydenham, ON Registration begins 9:30 Music ends at 4:00
burn ban
keep our township t clean. Whether you are a cottage owner, a renter or day tripper, please become familiar with collection dates and locations, as well as our recycle streams. Visit our website or contact Solid Waste Management at 613-376-3027 Ext 4330.
Please be advised that effective July 3, 2018 there is a Level 1 burning ban in effect in all four districts of South Frontenac. A level “1” fire ban prohibits all open air burning except for camp fires and cooking fires. Residents are reminded to follow burning restrictions set out in By-law 2012-68. For further details on the current burning provisions, please consult our By-law on our website at www.southfrontenac.net or South Frontenac Fire and Rescue at 613-376-3027, Ext. 2234. Any infraction of this by-law will result in significant financial penalties. Your cooperation in protecting our citizens and property is sincerely appreciated.
4432 George Street, Box 100, Sydenham ON K0H 2T0 1-800-559-5862 Office Hours: Monday to Friday 8:00 am to 4:30 pm • www.southfrontenac.net
PAGE 12 18ft X 52in Intex Ultra Frame Pool • 3-ply durable material • 110-120V Sand Filter Pump w/ flow rate of 2,100 gph • Ready for water in 60 minutes. $ .99 • Includes: Debris Cover, Ground Cloth, Pool Ladder, Sand Filter Pump, Set-up & maintenance DVD Bonus: Deluxe Pool Maintenance kit #28003 ($59.99 value)
Asselstine Hardware
he demand keeps growing! Southern Frontenac Community Services Corporation (SFCSC) in Sydenham is in need of additional volunteer drivers to take seniors to medical appointments, programs at the Grace Centre, and more. Volunteers can choose to drive as frequently as they like and are paid a per-kilometre reimbursement. Heather Rogers is the Volunteer Coordinator at SFCSC. She says that the pool of volunteer drivers currently on her roster is not enough to fill the demand. Rogers adds, “In the summer, several of our drivers want to take holidays, so we really have a shortfall.” Seniors typically need drives to medical appointments in Kingston, rides to programs at SFCSC, such as Diners Club, or drives for shopping. Volunteer drivers can determine how often they want to drive, and drivers are paid a per-kilometre reimbursement. Being a volunteer driver is a great opportunity for shift workers, part-time employees and retirees to get involved in the community when it fits their schedule. In addition, SFCSC has received grants for additional funds to reach out to seniors who are most isolated to bring them to programs offered at the Grace Centre in Sydenham – social clubs, fitness programs, meal programs, and more. The goal is to keep seniors connected, healthy and active so that they are able to live in their own homes longer.
Building Centre
6826 Road 38, Verona ON 613-374-3400
Tracy & Sandi Hook, Owner/Operators
Open 7 Days a Week
Mon. - Fri. 7 - 5, Sat. 8 - 5, Sun. 9 - 2
Mon-Fri: 8am-6pm Sat: 8am-5pm. Sun: 9am-4pm
Volunteer Drivers needed in South Frontenac T
Being a volunteer driver can also be inspiring – as volunteer driver John Ruys puts it: “The older folks in our community have been through a lot, and they have interesting stories to tell. I consider it a privilege to listen.” If you are interested in becoming a volunteer driver, please contact Heather Rogers at 613-376-6477, extension 306, or by email at heather.rogers@sfcsc.ca.
Free accordion concert rech Morrison, from Long Lake, meets
monthly with a group of accordionists, and next week they are all coming to Sharbot Lake. 10 musicians, each with decades of experience, will be performing a wide range of music styles – Slovenian, Croatian, Bavarian, Tirolian, German, Italian, French, and Russian, in many rhythms. they all play solo, collectively or with orchestras for the general public, and for parties. Sometimes they volunteer just for the sheer enjoyment of playing their accordions. Recent appearances include regional Oktoberfests, multi-cultural and ethnic nights, and special events in community centres, private clubs, seniors’ residences, etc. This is a free concert at 1pm on Monday
July 9 at Sharbot Lake Beach
July 5, 2018
(613) 336-8416 13586 Hwy. #41 Between Northbrook & Cloyne
Recycle plastic baits and save the fish
submitted by Conservationists of Frontenac Addington im Snider of Cloyne brought it to the attention of Conservationists Of Frontenac and Addington that fish from local lakes were often found to have undigested plastic baits in their digestive systems. This seems to be a growing problem as the baits are very effective and widely used by anglers. The Ontario Federation of Hunters and Anglers has recommended that anglers be careful to remove all damaged plastic baits from the area of lakes and streams as they are likely to be eaten if they are in the water. In the USA they can be sent to a company, “REBAITS” that then recycles them into new baits. COFA has responded to the issue by placing signs and collection boxes at area boat launches. Please save all of your damaged plastic baits and put them in the boxes for proper disposal.
This one didn't get away!
anada Day was a great day on the water for 8-year-old Reid Webb; he caught himself a nice 5lb bass, right here locally, from his secret spot on Sydenham Lake. As you can see, Reid is all smiles at his Canada Day catch. If you see Reid, perhaps he might give you some fishing tips. What a great way to make memories during Family Fishing week, which wraps up on July 7 for fishing without a licence.
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