Vol.18 No.36

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September 13, 2018 Vol. 18, No. 36


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4567 Road 38, Harrowsmith

South Frontenac's 2nd streelight installed

Harrowsmith road project completion marked at ceremony by Wilma Kenny he Harrowsmith corner project has brought a horse-andbuggy intersection into the 21st century, turning a confusing and dangerous tangle of roadways featuring a derelict building into an attractive focal point for the hamlet. Once fully adjusted, the stoplight on road 38 will be triggered by traffic from Wilton Road or people needing to cross, making the corner much safer for both traffic and pedestrians. Grassy park spaces have been created; their enhancement with donations of sculpture, flagpole, benches and flowers ac-


complished through the hard work and networking of Crawford and the beautification committee. Many local residents were on hand for the opening last Friday evening, and celebrated with free ice cream cones. Metal Worker Rick Law designed, executed and donated a sculpture (see photo - right) recognizing the history of the two railways through Harrowsmith. By incorporating a couple of railroad spikes into the sculpture, Law makes a pun on the hamlet’s original name of Spike’s Corners. (Named for a founding family.)

L to R: Mark Segsworth, Public Works Manager; Dave Holliday, PW Area Supervisor; Brenda Crawford, Chair, Harrowsmith Beautification Committee; Mayor Ron Vandewal; Murray Aitken, Owner, Morven Construction (and Harrowsmith resident); Jeff Hutchins, Project Manager, Morven Construction. Foreground: Godfrey artist Rick Law.

"It would appear that maybe we are being taken advantage of by the County" - Greg Robinson

Fire Chief wants to curtail "excessive" medical calls


hrough an oversite, the tiered response agreement that determines which resources are deployed for emergency medical calls has run out, and in a report to Head of Emergency Services, Fire Chief Greg Robinson recommended that Central Frontenac renew the agreement with no changes to keep things rolling along. At a meeting of Central Frontenac Council this week (Tuesday, September 11) Robinson presented a report that also called for the township to consider making changes to one of the protocols in the agreement. Central Frontenac volunteers answered 193 medical calls in 2016, “and that number has gone up since then” Robinson said. According to data collected by members of the Frontenac Paramedic Services, 67% of the time Central Frontenac fire fighters do not provide any medical services during the call. Currently, any time the dispatch service determines that an ambulance is more than 15 minutes away from a call, the fire service is called out. “Most of the time in Central Frontenac, the ambulance is more than 15 minutes away,” said Mayor Frances Smith. Robinson is recommending, in consultation with Chief Charbonneau, that for lower priority calls, those that are priority 4 (nonlife threatening) firefighters only be called in if the ambulance is more than 25 minutes away. “Hopefully this will have an effect,” Robinson said. According to statistics provided by Robinson, among Frontenac County fire services, Central Frontenac is more encumbered by medical calls than either North or South

Frontenac. “62% of our total emergency responses are medical; compared to 17% for Kingston Fire & Rescue, 30% for South Frontenac Fire & Rescue and 40% for North Frontenac. It is clear that the percentage of medical calls we have is out of proportion to the other Fire Departments in the County,” he said. He indicated that he believes Central Frontenac is being taken advantage of, so that the ambulance that is assigned to the Parham base can be re-deployed to the south in order to supplement the busy Kingston service. “The Parham ambulance is not often available because it gets called into Kingston a lot. It appears that it’s not an operational requirement to keep an ambulance at Parham. This may be due to the fact that Kingston Central Ambulance Communications Centre knows CFFR will respond to any medical call. We often get dispatched to calls that do not meet the response criteria. These calls are for very minor medical conditions but the Kingston Central Ambulance Communications Centre dispatches CFFR anyway, when an ambulance will be delayed,” he said in his report. Members of council want to hear more detail before making the changes that Robinson is suggesting. “This sounds like significant change,” said Councillor Philip Smith, “it certainly requires more discussion.” “Just because the ambulance service says no medical service was provided does not mean the people who made the call did not gain comfort from the arrival of

someone within a reasonable amount of time, even if the ambulance does not arrive for 45 minutes to an hour,” said Councillor Brent Cameron. “Medical services were not what we were thinking about when the volunteer fire departments were being set up in the 1970’s,” said Councillor John Purdon. “We are being dispatched to calls where we should not be dispatched,” concluded Greg Robinson. “There are provincial protocols for dispatch but there is leeway, and

More from CF Council Continued on page 2

All Candidates meetings

*Thursday, September 13 Strorrington Centre (SF-Storrington) Monday, September 17 Olden Hall Mtn Grove (CF Dist. 2) Wednesday, September 19 Flinton Rec. Centre (AH Ward 2) Thursday, September 20 Piccadilly Hall (CF Ward 4) Monday, September 24 Kennebec Hall (CF - Ward 1) *Wednesday, September 26 Glen Tay School (Tay Valley) *Monday, October 1 Perth Road UC SS Hall (SF - Lough.) Wednesday, October 3 Lions Hall - Verona (SF - Portland) Thursday, October 4 Denbigh Hall (AH ward 1)

Meetings start at 7pm (except the September 19 meeting in Flinton, which starts at 7:30) *not organised by Frontenac News

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in my view, calls come to Central Frontenac that would not go to other fire services. And this affects our fire budget” Robinson said. When asked afterwards why he thinks Central Frontenac is being singled out for calls, Robinson deferred, but he did confirm that he feels that calls to other locations are treated differently by the dispatch centre in Kingston than calls to Central Frontenac

The Frontenac News is hosting all candidates meetings for the 2018 municipal elections. The schedule thus far is printed below. Look to these pages, frontenacnews.ca and our Facebook and Twitter feeds for updates.

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PAGe 2


SePtemBer 13, 2018


The Limestone School Board trustee election just got a lot more interesting by Jeff Green


leven candidates for Limestone School Board Trustee, including one in South Frontenac, have signed on the #TRUSTee hashtag campaign, joining a call for more open communication and an end to what advocates call a muzzling of trustees when they assume their roles with the Limestone District School Board. Tom Mahoney, a sitting trustee from one of the Kingston districts, has become the lightening rod around which the movement for more open-ness has attained a focus. Mahoney is a one term trustee who is not seeking reelection. Indeed, he might actually only be a trustee in name only as he was

censured in late May for speaking out of turn in public. He has been banned from all of the board meetings for the rest of term of the board, which runs out in late November. In an interview with the News on Tuesday afternoon, Mahoney said he intended to try and take his seat at the September 13 meeting. He freely admits that he had breached the code of conduct that he signed when he was elected to the board in 2014. In fact, he did so several times. He wrote about that in preparing a statement to his fellow trustees this week. “When my constituents ask me why the board is

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not addressing an issue, the code of conduct prevents me from telling them. I disclosed at the Board’s Parent Involvement Committee that a portion of the board, in my opinion, are not interested is answering to the public and that they prefer to handle matters in private session or preferably not at all. While I knew this was a breach of the Trustee Code of Conduct, I felt that my duty to the public, who elected me, outweighs my obligation to the code.” Mahoney pointed out, however, that he has never broken the rules that members of boards, municipalities, and school boards must follow as far as revealing the details of deliberations that take place at in-camera sessions. “I didn’t disclose anything from private sessions that the Education Act suggests should be in private session such as legal matters, or the sale of land. If I had been acting contrary to those imperatives, I could see why the board would want to throw the book at me but I didn’t and I haven’t,” he said..

Land O’ Lakes Real Estate 14202 Road 38 , Sharbot Lake, ON Info@LakeDistrictRealty.com (613)279-2108 (866)279-2109 Fax (613)279-1010


Christine Innocente, an activist parent from Pittsburgh Township, questions why the punishment for Mahoney’s breaches of the code of conduct have extended beyond what is contemplated in the Education Act. On May 29th the board passed the following motion, in a 7-0 vote. “Considering that this is Trustee Tom Mahoney’s third censure for violating the code of conduct, that, employing progressive discipline, he be sanctioned and barred from attendance at all meetings of the board effective immediately until November 30, 2018. This was the first time that Mahoney has been barred from attending any meeting of the board. As Innocente pointed out in a submission to the Board Chair Paula Murray, section 218.33 of the Education Act describes three courses of action in response to a breach of a school board’s code of conduct by a trustee. These include passing a motion of censure, removing that member from board committees for a period of time as decided by the board, or “barring the member from attending all or part of a meeting of the board or a meeting of a committee of the board.” “There is nothing in the act which contemplates banning a member from multiple meetings, or, as in this case, the final 6 months

of a term of council,” Innocente told the News on Tuesday. In an email exchange with the Chair Paula Murray, Innocente brought her concerns about the length of the ban on Mahoney’s attendance at meetings forward, and received this response, which she shared with the News. Christine Innocente: “I am struggling to locate documentation related to this Board right. Can you please provide direction as to where this right is articulated?” Chair Murray: It is majority rules and the “Will of the Board” that determines our direction. I hope this answers your question. Whether Mr. Mahoney ever does sit at the table at a meeting of the Limestone Board again, the question of the restrictive nature of the board’s code of conduct will become an election issue this fall. The board can rightly claim that because children are involved, the rules around disclosure of details surrounding the operational aspects of schools within a board are legitimately more restrictive than the rules pertaining to members of municipal council, for example. During our interview on Tuesday Mr. Mahoney said he wanted to discuss, in public, issues of discipline in a specific school in Kingston. It is not too difficult for this kind of discussion to sway into revealing

details about identifiable children, which is a reason to restrict public discourse. However, some of the other issues that Mr. Mahoney seeks to discuss, such as his view that there is a wedge between rural and urban members on the Limestone Board of Trustees, or even his speculations about the motivations of other members of the board, may be uncomfortable, even wrong, but they deserve a public airing. If the things he says can be tested against contrary opinions, if his claims can be subjected to public scrutiny and tested against contrary points of view and mitigating factors and facts, we would all be able to evaluate them. Secrecy is a doubleedged sword. It is indeed hard to scrutinise an institution that does not allow elected officials to speak freely, but it also opens up the field for a whisper campaign. Also, trustees are publicly elected and the voters have certain expectations of public officials, one of which is that they represent the electors to the board. A board that, upon election, tells the trustees that their role is much more about representing the board to the public than representing the public to the board, and then further limits what trustees can share with the public, opens itself up to movements such as #TRUSTee.

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SePtemBer 13, 2018 Publisher & Editor............................................. Jeff Green Head of Production............................................Scott Cox Sales Representative ................................ Carol Jackson Copy Editors .........................Martina Field, Tracy Riddell Office Staff.............................................. Suzanne Tanner Webmaster ......................................................Jesse Mills Reporters...............................Wilma Kenny, Craig Bakay, ...........................................................Catherine Reynolds


PAGe 3


1095 Garrett St., rear building; Box 229, Sharbot Lake, ON K0H 2P0 Ph: 613-279-3150; 1-888-779-3150; Fx: 613-279-3172 E-mail: info@frontenacnews.ca Office hours: Mon to Fri, 8:30 am - noon; 1:00 - 4:30 Subscriptions (Canadian subscriptions include HST)

SINCE 1970

The Frontenac News is published every Thursday Deadlines: Classifieds: Monday at 4:00 p.m. Display ads: Friday at 4:00 p.m..

Weekly: $70.11, HST incl. ($90 US for US orders) for 6 months Bi-weekly: $94.92, HST included ($105 US for US orders) for one year, 2 issues, mailed bi-weekly

The Frontenac News welcomes articles and letters, but we cannot publish all the submissions we receive. All submissions must be SINCE 1970 signed and include a phone number for verification. We reserve the right to edit submissions for brevity, clarity, and taste. Please limit letters to 300 words or less; articles to 500 words or less.

Member of the Ontario Community Newspaper Association

Central Frontenac Council - news briefs Construction report Constructions starts were slow in August in Central Frontenac, putting a bit of a damper on what is still shaping up to be the best year in the last three, and one of the best in Central Frontenac’s 20 year history. Permits for only $120,000 in construction were sold in August, down from almost $850,000 in each of the previous two years. But overall in 2018, the township is just shy of $7.5 million, up a million from this time in 2017 and two million over the January to August total in 2016. Permits for 22 new permanent and seasonal resi-

dents have been sold this year, up from 21 at this point in 2017, and 14 in 2016. The building department budget is also healthier than in recent, with permit sales over $105,000 already, up from $91,000 in 2017 and $83,500 in 2016. Interim Chief Building official Allan Revill said that he expects the numbers to keep rolling along over the next month or two as the department continues to be fielding inquiries about possible projects as the summer fades into autumn. Bordenwood Road Reg Peterson appeared as a delegate to council to talk about what he considers SINCE 1970

inadequate maintenance on the road he lives on, Bordenwood in Kennebec Ward. Mayor Smith encouraged him to call the public works line, during business hours when the road is in bad repair, or his local councillors. Fees waived for youth program martha Johnson, the youth co-ordinator from Rural Frontenac Community Services (RFCS) appeared before council as a delegate, A group of teenagers from Arden approached the RFCS Youth department, over the summer, with concerns over feeling pulled into “unsafe activities” due to a

lETTERS The potential for Sharbot Lake


uestion: What do the following countries have in common? Belgium, Denmark, Egypt, England, Finland, France, Germany, Italy, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Spain, Switzerland, St. Kitts, Scotland, United States Answer: Visitors from these countries have traveled through and stayed overnight in Sharbot Lake this summer. (There may even be more countries than this.) When Arlette and I took over Rock Hill B&B in 2017, we fantasised about the day that we might have our first european travellers. Our initial (and uninformed) perception of Sharbot Lake caused us to think of that day as being off into the future. And yet, our very first online booking (on the second weekend we were in business) was from a couple travelling from Berlin. On that very same weekend, a second couple, from Munich, booked in as a “walk up.” Since then we have had visitors from 18 countries and 5 continents. When I tell people about the number of international visitors who have passed through our establishment, the reactions

range from amazement to disbelief. “What brings them through here?” is the common refrain in response. It’s not hard to believe, really, when one stops to consider that question. Many international travellers are visiting Canada now, (especially from Europe) because of the favourable exchange rate on their money. Many decide to travel to Canada for the first time and, more often than not, they want to visit our capital city and our largest city. And Sharbot Lake is right on their preferred route between the two. However, what if this preferred route had the capacity to capture these folks for more than just a quick overnight stay before heading off to Toronto and the Niagara region next morning? Many of these travellers say they want to explore Frontenac County as they are passing through. What we have done is send them off to our local artisans and artists; driven folks from Europe to Conboy’s Maple Syrup operations; steered them to The Crossing, Maples, The Cardinal and the Fall River

Land O’Lakes Lions Club 2018 Fund Raiser

GOLF TOURNAMENT Saturday, September 15th

Hunter’s Creek Golf Course



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re AH Council report


he September 6, 2018 edition of your newspaper contained a report of a meeting of the Council of the Township of Addington Highlands. Within that report it was noted that "a resident and lake association" were requesting changes to waste site hours of operation. In response to that request from constituents, Deputy-Reeve Yanch said; "There are some people who don't like the word 'no' and haven't liked it since they were five." Disparaging the very people you were elected to represent. How telling.

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Hwy 506, Cloyne 10am Registration 11am Shotgun Start

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Pub & Grill; accompanied them on the K&P and Trans-Canada trails; and free of charge, we have lent our bikes and canoe to have as many as possible stay and experience the Sharbot Lake area, even for half a day. For us, it is apparent that Frontenac has the potential to offer many more experiences. There are far more tourists at our internet door step than we are aware of. Can we in the hospitality industry make a more concerted effort to work together, consolidate resources, and become more visible in terms of tourism offerings? Otherwise, more and more tourists will continue down Highway 7 from Ottawa, eat late dinners in Perth, stay overnight in the few B&B’s and motels we offer, and will continue to be off to Toronto right after breakfast the next day. Why not experience Sharbot Lake? Greg Rodgers Rock Hill Bed & Breakfast

lack of stimulation available in the local community. RFCS responded by holding a brainstorming session in early August and two other meetings, one in late August and one in early September. As a result, they are setting up a biweekly drop-in as a pilot project this fall. RFCS is providing the staffing from its youth and family services departments, a private donor has come forward to pay for food, and in partnership with the Kennebec Recreation Committee, RFCS was seeking a waiving of $210 in hall rental fees for 7 Wednesdays between now and Christmastime. Council was happy to oblige.

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Upcoming Events Friday Night suppers - 5:30 pM please cut out for further reference All Welcome. sep. 15 trail t days “end of trail t stew & Biscuits” sep. 21 BBQ pork chops oct. 3 GENERAL MEETING - 7 pM oct. 5 roast Beef oct. 12 Baked chicken oct. 19 spaghetti oct. 26 Ham & scallop potatoes Nov. 2 sole Nov. 7 GENERAL MEETING - 7 pM Nov. 9 Lasagna Nov. 11 REMEMBRANCE DAY service & refreshments Nov. 16 oven BBQ pork chops Nov. 23 Baked chicken Nov. 30 Meatloaf dec. 5 GENERAL MEETING - 7 pM dec. 7 roast Beef dec. 14 roast turKey Jan. 2 GENERAL MEETING - 7 pM Jan. 4 roast Beef

PAGe 4


CLOYNe - NOrtHBrOOk nancy Skipper


• Come out tonight, Thurs, Sept. 13 to a hear Leslie Abram from Brighton talk to us about "A Unique Look at the Tiny Amazing Creatures that Inhabit our Gardens and the Amazing Adaptations they have that help them Survive" See you at 7:00 pm. at the Pineview Free Methodist Church in Cloyne! • The Land O’Lakes Lions Annual Golf Tournament is set for Sat, Sept 15, with 100% of money raised going back into community programs. 18 holes of golf, cash prizes, golf fee, and a light meal for $50 (non-members) and $30 (members). Registration begins at 10am. with a shotgun start at 11am. Info - 613-336-2587. • The Cloyne & District Historical Society monthly meetings will resume on Mon, Sept. 17 at the Cloyne Community Hall beginning at 1pm. All are welcome! If you have not already bought your CDHS 2019 calendar, this will be a great time to pick one up! • Are you ready to enjoy lunch with friends and neighbours while enjoying an afternoon of fun for the entire family? Land O’Lakes Lions wants to showcase YOU, the community for all your support on Sat, Sept. 22nd at the Lions Hall in Northbrook! Everyone is invited to a complimentary lunch feasting on their famous BBQ hot dogs. Thank you to Hunters Creek Golf Course for providing the BBQ! The time of this event is 11am – 2pm. There will be outdoor games for both children and adults on the front lawn of the Lions Hall. Do not forget to bring your lawn chair! There will be information booths for a variety of clubs and services. The Lions will be showcasing their new garden/patio area. They will be thanking Trillium Foundation for their grant which allowed the Hall its many repairs. MPP Kramp will be in attendance as well. For more information please contact Debbie at 613-336-8502.

• Be sure to mark Sept. 29 and 30, from 10am-4pm on your calendar for the 2018 North Frontenac Back Roads Studio Tour. For more information go to NorthFrontenacBackRoadsStudioTour.com

DeNBIGH & VeNNACHAr Angela Bright

613-333-1901 bright.a@gmail.com

• Some very exciting news to share! Lennox and Addington Resources for Children (LARC) is running a playgroup in Denbigh, every Tues. from 9:30am to noon at the Addington highlands Community Centre. To find out more about LARC and programs offered, visit www.larc4kids.com/ontario-early-years. • Family Nights are back at Vennachar Free Methodist Church for four Wednesdays in a row: Sept. 19th & 26th, and Oct. 3rd and 10th. Dinner is 5:30pm followed by Kid's Club and adult study time. Everyone is welcome! For more info contact Pastor Laurie at 479 2673 or Angela 333-1901. • Looking for something do do Friday evenings? Denbigh Recreation is offering Euchre every Friday, 7pm at the Denbigh Hall. Admission is $2 and includes 6 games, beverages, snacks and prizes. Contact Bev Chaisson 613 333 9852. • Wellness meets at the Denbigh Hall every Tuesday morning at 8:30am. Please come and see what Wellness is all about! • Exercise sponsored by Land O Lands Community Service (also held at the Denbigh Hall), is 9:30am every Tues. morning. Everyone is welcome!!

HArLOWe marie White


• My, my, the nights are getting dark so early. Fall is sure in the air (soon the woollies). • Sympathy to the family of Bernie Chabot on his passing. • Speedy get well wishes to Eleanor Meels, was rushed to hospital last week. Hope you are resting better. • Happy belated birthday to our minister Cheryl who had an unusual birthday cake, which we had at the pancake breakfast (a candle in the middle of a pancake). • Happy 20th anniversary to our friends Darryl and Violet Sleeper. Do hope you have many more happy years. They attend the Fiddlers and Open Mic parties and Violet sings up a storm, as the saying goes. • Speedy get well to Kevin O’Donnell who is not feeling up to par these days. • We will be having a gospel singing night at the Harlowe Hall on Oct. 11 at 7pm. There will be performers from Perth to Stirling, with others from in between. Looking forward to an exciting evening with a light lunch.

HArrOWSmItH Kim Gow


• A Turkey Dinner will be held Sept 16 from 4:30-6pm at the Golden Links Hall.. Cost is $13. For information please call 372-2410. • The Harrowsmith Tai Chi Group, who meet weekly at the S and A Hall, is holding an Open House, Sept 20 from 1-3pm. Come out and see what Tai Chi is all about. For more information please call Elisabeth at 372-1820. • Rev Oscar Simpson presents his community outreach event "Country Church" at the Verona Pentecostal Church, Sept 21 beginning at 7pm. Special guests Linda King and The Warrens and the Old Hims. Free will offering and refreshments to follow.

Sharbot Lake Veterinary Services 613-279-2780

For details please call 374-2178 • Festival of Small Halls is hosting a musical concert featuring the Slocan Ramblers, Sept 29 at the Golden Links Hall. Cost is $25 in advance. Tickets will be available at the door at an increased price. For tickets or more information call 613-402-1425 or go to www.ontariosmallhalls.com. • Words to live by: Even if you fall on your face, you are still moving forward. Have a great week.

HeNDerSON Jean Brown


• Great to see Ron and Sharon (Compton) Peterson around the area with their freshly extracted honey - it was yummy in the tummy. • Deepest sympathy to the family and friends of the late Barbara “Babs” Thomas who at one time lived in Henderson with her parents Bud and Frances Thomas and sisters Bobbie and Joan. Barbara will be remembered for her love of family, support of the church, and caring for dogs. At one time her Mother Frances played the music and led the choir at Henderson United and all the family sang in the choir. The Rev. Judith Evenden of Cross Roads United Church in Kingston (formerly of Land O’Lakes Emmanuel) led the funeral at that church, followed by a reception there and burial in Henderson United Church Cemetery in the family plot.

INVerArY Judy Borovskis


• Congratulation! to Brody sleeth who finished 3rd at the Frontenac County Plowing Match. • Good Luck to Taya Williams who will perform in the County Singing Showdown at the Kingston Fall Fair on Friday at 7 pm. • Thank you! to Barb Campbell and her “green thumb” for keeping the flower bed blooming at the Welcome to Battersea sign. • Did you Know? There is a free Jam Session at the Storrington Centre on Friday nights. • Meet the Candidates hosted by The Dog Lake and Battersea Loughborough Lake Associations on Thurs, Sept.13 from 7-9 pm. at the Storrington Center, 3910 Battersea Road, Sunbury. • Community Youth Dance – Grades 5 to 8 Sept.14 at Storrington Lions Club. Cost $5 • Grand Opening – Grace Social Activity Centre Sept. 14th from 1-4pm. Drop in and see what activities are available. A wide assortment for all interests. A workshop by Sun Harvest Greenhouses will be held October 3rd. Limited space – call 613-376-6477. Also in October will be a bus trip to the Canadian Museum of Nature. • Tea Party & Quilt Display – by the Perth Road Crafters on Sat, Sept. 15th from 11 to 2 at Harris Memorial Park, 5622 Perth Road Cr. Perth Road Village. Tea includes fancy sandwiches and desserts – cost $7. Quilt display, Chinese Auction and craft & bake sale! • Bubble Soccer Youth 10 and over on Sept. 15th 10:30am to 3:30pm at Inverary United Church. Lunch included. Call Deb Flemer 613-353-1661. • Roast Beef Dinner – Battersea United Church September 16th. One sitting at 5 pm. Tickets - $18. Only 100 tickets will be sold! To reserve yours call Roberta at 613-353-2846. • Rural Housing Liaison Worker will hold a Landlord Information Session for current landlords and potential landlords at the Storrington Centre on Sept. 19 from 1-3pm. Session will promote the benefits and incentives of partnering with Frontenac County’s Housing and Homelessness Collaborative Team. • Frontenac Federation of Agriculture Banquet & AGM Thur, Sept. 27 at Verona Lion’s Club Hall at 7pm. Ham buffet with homemade dessert! Tickets call Brian Tolls 542-0605 or Gary Gordon 353-7008. • Inverary Village Garage Sale – Sat, Sept. 29th from 8 to 2

Tuesday & Thursday 2 - 4 p.m. emergencies: 613-376-3618

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COMMUNITY REPORTERS (613) Arden...............................Wanda Harrison ................. 335-3186 Cloyne / Northbrook........Nancy Skipper Denbigh...........................Angela Bright...................... 333-1901 Godfrey ...........................Stefan Duerst ..................... 374-1710 Harrowsmith....................Kim Gow Henderson ......................Jean Brown ........................ 336-2516 Inverary ...........................Judy Borovskis ................... 353-1768 Maberly-Bolingbroke ......Karen Prytula...................... 325-1354 Mississippi.......................Pearl Killingbeck................. 278-2127 Mountain Grove ..............Marilyn Meeks .................... 279-3209 Ompah ............................Linda Rush ......................... 479-2570 Marily Seitz ......................... 479-2855 Parham-Tichbome..........Colleen Steele .................... 375-6219 Christine Teal...................... 375-6525 Plevna .............................Katie Ohlke......................... 479-2797 Sydenham.......................Karen Brawley.................... 376-9848 Verona.............................Debbie Lingen .................... 374-2091

SePtemBer 13, 2018

Fall Yoga with Jill Dunkley

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September 13, 2018 Your sale on your property. Flyers will be delivered and signs posted, a list of participating addresses distributed. For more info or to get on the list call Tina at 353-7138. • A Tribute to Garth Brooks - Chris Murphy in Concert at Inverary United Church Sept. 30th at 7pm. Refreshments served. Free will offering. Chris will also be special guest with Sean McCann at the Firehall Theatre in Gananoque on Sept. 22nd at 8pm. Tickets available at the Box Office 613-382-7020. • Battersea Pumpkinfest on October 13th from 10am-4pm. Fun for everyone! Volunteers needed! Perfect for high school students needing volunteer hours. Volunteer Information night will be Sept. 13th from 6 -8 pm at Battersea United Church. Info call Michelle 613-572-6213. • Free Seniors Fitness Program Tuesdays and Thursdays from 10:30-11:30am at the Storrington Centre, 3910 Battersea Rd., Sunbury. • Battersea United Church needs pies donated for Pie Social at Pumpkinfest. Deliver pies to the church by 10 am on October 13th.

Maberly-Bolingbroke Karen Prytula

613-325-1354 karenprytula@gmail.com

• Tay Valley Township Council is meeting from 7-9 pm on Tues, Sept.18th at the Township Offices on Harper Rd.. • On Sep. 26 a Tay Valley Township Meet the Candidates event takes place at at Glen Tay Public School, 155 Harper Rd. on Wed, Sept. 26, from 7-9pm. • This week’s feature event at the ABC Hall is the Seniors Fall Prevention Class, which takes place every Tuesday at 2pm until December 18, Classes are free. So, come on out and improve strength and balance, learn about the risk of falls and how to prevent falls. Info Tammy Gamble (613) 273-8558..

MISSISSIPPI Pearl Killingbeck




• A painting and a living well class are starting up over the next two weeks at the Snow Road CC. • The first Diners of the season was held at Sharbot Lake United Church. 18 people attended. A wonderful meal by Anne Howes, and a true story, “An Easy Way to Cleanse Your body without knowing it” by Catherine Tysick were the highlights. There was also a spelling bee. The next Diners is October 3rd at noon. Let RFCS know if you are coming 613-279-3151. • Kip has 6 tickets left for the Kelly Prescott concert at the Snow Road Community Centre. All of the online tickets are now sold. Call Kip at 613-278-1836 if you are interested, Tickets are $30. • Sue and Jeff were host and hostess of Coffee Break. Lots of strong coffee and goodies. Nice to see Wendy Crain out enjoying her cup of tea and little Gabriel out with Grandma and Grandpa. • Some Sept. birthdays. A special happy birthday to my neighbour Edith Olmstead who was 95 on September 8. Happy birthday to Inta Hagel, Ruby Lyons, Cheryl Allan. • Happy anniversary to Brenda and Craig Honegger and Barb and Dave Hopper. • Sympathy to the Cook family on the death of George Cook. • On Sept. 16 at McDonalds Corners, Knox Church is sponsoring a Roast Beef Supper from 4-6:30pm at the Ag Hall. $15

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for adults. • Smile – Bachelors are like detergent – both work fast and leave no ring.



• Some Sept. birthdays are Brent Warren, Carol Hawley. Linda McPherson, Marion Scott, Stuart Mitchel, Judy Reynolds, Jeanette Mcpherson. Sylvia Swann, Justin Young, Gavin McCullough and Rachel Hertendy. • Some Anniversaries in Sept. are Joe and Laura Brouse, Bill and Marg Campsall, Tom and Shirley Dewey, Desmond and Linda French, Walter and Cindy Cox, Gilbert and Helene Riddell, Richard and Lois Webster and Don and Pam Larmon • The Forget Me Nots were at the Retirement Home in Sharbot Lake on Sept. 5. They were led by Pam Lemke. The musicans were Denzil Killingbeck and Roger Hermer. • Thanks for all your visits and cards. Hope to see our friends at the celebration of life for Archie on the 22nd.

PARHAM-TICHBORNE Colleen Steele 613-375-6219 Christine Teal  mrsteal2u@hotmail.com 613-375-6525 • There is another Lions “All you can Eat” breakfast scheduled at the Soldier's Memorial (Oso) Hall, in Sharbot Lake this Sat, Sept.15, from 8-11am. $8 per person ages 13 yrs and up, $4.00 ages 6-12, under 6 Free. In support of “FOOD BANK” Come enjoy a delicious hot breakfast and lots of good company! • Just a reminder that the SMART fitness class at Parham will be cancelled for Thurs, Sept. 13 and Thurs, Sept. 20. • Condolences to the family of the late Glenn Campsall, thinking of you all at this difficult time. Also, condolences to the family of the late Allen Green formerly of Parham • Congratulations to Phil and Brooke Crawford on the birth of their precious little girl Falynn. • Big thank you to Dave Hansen for his service as He retires from the fire department. Can't believe your 80!!! • North Frontenac Theatre is looking for some people for the cast of A Red Plaid Shirt. • Congrats to Art & Doreen Cota on their 60th Wedding Anniversary. • Congratulations to Nancy Steele & Steve WIllard as they both are now retired with many plans to enjoy a bit of travelling. • Thinking of you to Doris Ferguson, King Stinchcombe, Doug Whan, Candy Thompson and Jerry Dunham. • Mark Sept 29th on your calendar for the Parham United Church's Roast Beef Dinner. • Good music, food and fellowship was enjoyed at the Mayflowers Open Mic on Sunday. Thanks to those who supported this event. $300 was raised for Camp Trillium. • Happy Birthday to: Brenda Whan, Darrell Hannah, Bob Teal, MaryJoy Neadow, Joanne Godfrey, Kristy Babcock and Joan Crea. Happy Anniversary to Jim & Bonnie Lowery.

Sydenham Karen Brawley  karenofsyd@bell.net


• Well just wanted to make sure ya’ll were on your toes for last weeks edition. It wasn’t really my intent, however. Just

Law Office in Sharbot Lake Real Estate & Estates • Purchase and Sale of Property • Property Transfers for: Severance - Estate - Family • Wills & Probate - Large & Small Estates • Corporate & Business Stephen G. Duggan, Hwy 7 at 38 (Southeast Corner) Box 189, Sharbot Lake ON K0H 2P0 613-279-LAWS (5297)

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hit the wrong button and sent in my 2017 post - Labour day column instead of the 2018 one. I want to make a correction about the church happening (which took place last year, as well as the Girl Guides open house, which was not set for the 13th. That was all from last year. They say you cannot travel back in time. Well you can, almost. So congrats to St Paul’s Anglican Church for being in their 181st Year! Also the Girl Guides are indeed back for another season! • Happy 85th Birthday to Celia Stewart on Sept 19th she turned a young 85 years old!! One of the youngest at heart 85 year olds I personally know. If you see her please wish her a Happy Birthday, but even better yet … help her celebrate! Her children are hosting a "drop in" 85th Birthday Party for her on Sat, Sept. 15 at St Patrick's Church, Parish Centre, Railton, 3977 Sydenham Road from 1-5pm. A non-perishable item for our local food bank would be gratefully accepted. Looking forward to seeing you all. • One more month until the Bingo’s go back to the 1st Monday of the Month at the Railton Church, so make a point of remembering it starts on the 1st Monday in October to go on out and yell Bingo!!! Earlybird starts at 6:50pm • I know everyone is a fan of summer to a degree, but the common consensus around town is the humidity can take a hike. We sure had a great weekend last weekend! Looking forward to all the natural beauty of the fall season. Let’s see if we can get more pumpkin people this year, or fall decorations, that was such a great idea last year! • A few highlights for the month of Sept. at the Grace Centre: Diners’ Club lunches start up again – note that all lunches will be on Wednesdays now. For more details, call Joanne at extension 303 - Landlord Info Sessions – week of Sep 17-21 for current and future rural landlords. Sessions across the County. Register with Amanda at extension 208 - Grace Social Activity Centre GRAND OPENING – Fri, Sept 14, from 1-4pm – come find out about all our amazing seniors’ programs – for more info, call Ashley at extension 310 - Ontario Festival of Small Halls Concert – featuring Canadian star Stephen Fearing and local duo Kris & Dee – Sat, Sept 15 at 7:30pm – tickets are selling out fast…get yours now – online or at our office -

Adult Day Service – expanding to include four evenings and one Saturday per month. For details, call Kim at extension 302

verona Debbie Lingen

613-374-2091 debbie@lingens.com

• Skating at the Frontenac Community Arena starts up again on Fri, Sept. 14 with a free state from 6-7:30pm. Public skating starts weekly on Sun, Sept. 16 from 1pm and Wed, Sept. 19 from 10-11am. Only $2 per person, A CSA approved helmet with screen is recommended.

Columns contnued on page 8


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7:30am Lions Breakfast 9:30 ATV Run 10:00 Historic walks Cyclist Ride 11:30-1:30pm Brass Band Noon-12:30 Opening Ceremonies 12:30-1:30 Lunch 1:30-2:00 Little Theatre 2:00-4:00 Old Habits, Pickle Ball, Story Tent, Washer Toss 5:00 Legion dinner, “End of the Trail” Stew

PAGe 6


SePtemBer 13, 2018

Open Farms Infrontenac

A visit to Fat Chance and Long Road farms by Craig Bakay osh Suppan and Jen Valberg are the new kids on the block with their Fat Chance Farmstead on Road 38 south of Harrowsmith. So they were very pleased with the number of neighbours who dropped in during the Open Farms In Frontenac event Sunday. “We just moved here,” Valberg said. “We were renting fields in Inverary for five years before this. “This is a great chance to meet the neighbours.” They were really into the event, setting up a photo booth for visitors, running a “guess the name of the farm implement” contest to win a food box, and of course the huge pile of sand that was a big hit


Jonathan Davies inside his greenhouse at Long Road Eco Farm. Photo/Craig Bakay (Frontenac News reporter Craig Bakay visited two locations during the Open Farms event last Sunday. Here are his impressions)

Long Road Eco Farm mixes oriental cuisine with Ontario-grown ingredients


By Craig Bakay

onathan Davies and xiaobing shen have found their own unique niche in Frontenac farming with their Long Road Eco Farm on Road 38 south of Harrowsmith. Their primary focus is steamed buns, dumplings and fermented veggies. As such, they grow their

own ingredients including a wide variety of oriental vegetables. “We don’t advertise as selling to consumers from the farm,” Davies said. “We will but we generally sell at markets.” Davies grew up in Lethbridge, AB, and worked in a Chinese restaurant during school. That gave him

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an appreciation for oriental cuisine. “My grandparents were farmers but my parents weren’t,” he said. “I was living in Toronto and about five years ago got the idea that people not from farms could still be farmers.” So he got a “bit of an education” through Ontario’s Farm Start program. “We were looking for a healthier lifestyle with the possibility that we could have a business,” he said. “It was a brief education and then we threw ourselves into it. “There was quite the learning curve.” They got started in 2013

Continued on p.8

16519 road 509 clarendon oN K0H 1J0

with the kids. The farm is a certified organic fruits and vegetables operation. From June to October, they run a vegetable box program and have averaged 50-60 subscribers per year. This year, they have 56. “We kind of do every veggie under the sun, “Valberg, who comes from the east of Kingston, said. “I love showing people what we do and where their food comes from. “That’s an important part of what we do.” They’re heavily into garlic, producing eight varieties. She said they participate in the many garlic festivals around these days. But aside from the food boxes and garlic shows, perhaps their biggest fo-

Josh Suppan and Jen Valberg were clearly enjoying welcoming folks to Fat Chance Farmstead Sunday.

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cus is on strawberries. “John Wise, of Wise Acres, is retiring and passing the U-pick banner to us,” she said. “That will be set up for next year. “We’ve found a dayneutral variety of organic strawberry that’s not sensitive to the amount of daylight available and so we can grow them from June to October.” Suppan, who’s originally from the Niagara region is also optimistic about the future of their operation. He’s especially pleased to finally own the land they work. “It’s a lot easier than renting,” he said.

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SePtemBer 13, 2018

PAGe 7


Bantam Champs

fter an undefeated ICSA regular season (11-0) and first-place finish, the Sharbot Lake softball girls bantam side went into the playoffs continuing their winning ways defeating Sydenham 15-4 and Joyceville 15-3. However, the final against Joyceville turned out to be a nail biter in which Sharbot Lake prevailed 13-12. (in photo at left) Back row from left: Nicole (asst. coach), Heidi, Julia, Sarah, Annika, Claudia, Megan and Marcie (coach). Front row: Tori, Tangie, JessieMae and Katie. Photo/submitted

REQuEST FoR TEnDER RFT no. PW-2018-09 - Supply Winter maintenance Activities For Various Roads & Facilities Please submit complete tender, in a sealed envelope quoting the above tender number and closing date; and forward to: Acting Public Works Manager The Corporation of the Township of Central Frontenac P.O. Box 89, 1084 Elizabeth St. Sharbot Lake, Ontario K0H 2P0 Closing Date: 3:00:00 pm local time Thursday September 27th, 2018 Tenders must be received before the above mentioned time and date, and in accordance with the attached RFT Forms, Instructions to Vendors, and Standard Terms and Conditions.

CanaDian Small EnginES

It’s ChaInsaw season! New & Used Saws Available

Contact: David Armstrong Public Works Supervisor / Acting Public Works Manager Phone (613) 279-2935 ext. 261 Fax (613) 279-2422 darmstrong@centralfrontenac.com

REQuEST FoR PRoPoSAl RFP no. PW-2018-10 - Consulting Engineering Services For A Comprehensive Road needs Study Please submit complete proposal, in a sealed envelope quoting the proposal number, closing date; and forward to: Acting Public Works Manager The Corporation of the Township of Central Frontenac P.O. Box 89, 1084 Elizabeth St. Sharbot Lake, Ontario K0H 2P0 Closing Date: 3:00:00 pm local time Friday September 28th, 2018

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Proposals must be received before the above mentioned time and date, and in accordance with the attached RFP Forms, Instructions to Vendors, and Standard Terms and Conditions.


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Contact: David Armstrong Public Works Supervisor / Acting Public Works Manager Phone (613) 279-2935 ext. 261 Fax (613) 279-2422 darmstrong@centralfrontenac.com

REQuEST FoR TEnDER RFT no. PW-2018-11 - Construction of Cross Road And Armstrong Road Intersection Please submit complete tender, in a sealed envelope quoting the tender number and closing date; and forward to: Acting Public Works Manager The Corporation of the Township of Central Frontenac P.O. Box 89 1084 Elizabeth St. Sharbot Lake, Ontario K0H 2P0 Closing Date: 3:00:00 pm local time monday october 1st, 2018 Tenders must be received before the above mentioned time and date, and in accordance with the attached RFT Forms, Instructions to Vendors, and Standard Terms and Conditions. Contact: David Armstrong Public Works Supervisor / Acting Public Works Manager Phone (613) 279-2935 ext. 261 Fax (613) 279-2422 darmstrong@centralfrontenac.com

CommITTEE oF ADJuSTmEnT October 11, 2018 at 6 p.m. the Soldiers Memorial Hall, 1107 Garrett St. Sharbot Lake, ON.

CounCIl mEETInG Orser Rd.

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Regular Council meeting September 25, 2018 at 4 p.m. at the Piccadilly Community Hall, 1025 Oak Flats Road, Piccadilly, ON Regular Council meeting October 9, 2018 at 4 p.m. at the Soldiers Memorial Hall, 1107 Garrett St. Sharbot Lake, ON.. 1084 Elizabeth Street, PO Box 89, Sharbot Lake ON K0H 2P0 613-279-2935 www.centralfrontenac.com


PAGE 8 Continued from page 5 • Starting Thurs Sept. 20 the Verona Lions will be holding their Dart Night. It is open to all skill levels and is free. 6:30- 9:30pm. Snacks are available and bar is open. For ages 19 and older. The Dart Night will be held every other Thurs. You can call the Hall or log onto the website to find more information. • Rev. Oscar Simpson & his community

outreach event Country Church will be held at The Verona Pentecostal Church, Sept. 21, at 7pm.. Special Guests Linda King & The Warrens and the Old Hims. Free will offering & refreshments provided. Information 613-374-2178 • Trinity United Church is holding their annual Apple Pie Sale. Pre-order your fresh apple pies for pick-up on Fri, Sept. 27, 10am – 2pm.. Take them straight from our kitchen at the church to your oven or freez-



Happy th


Birthday, Judy Reynolds!

(September 16)

Look at me!! I’m 85!!

Join me to celebrate my birthday on Sept 15th at St Patrick’s Church in Railton from 1-5pm. A non-perishable donation to our local Food Bank would be graciously appreciated. Many thanks to my children for hosting my birthday party. Looking forward to seeing you all! Celia Stewart

OBITUARY William Frederick Francis

April 7,1961 - September 10, 2018 Passed away peacefully surrounded by his loving family. Survived by his mother Sandra Carr (Lenard) and predeceased by his father Victor (2007). Bill was the best father to the sons he was so very proud of: Mitch and Quinn. Missed by his daughter-in-law Maria and his grandchildren (Maya and Murphy) who adored their Papa Bill. His spouse Kathy will fondly remember all the good times and laughs they shared. Bill was the best big brother to his siblings Vicki and Mike, and loved always by his brother-in-law Steve Gannon, and sister-in-law Marnie Francis. Uncle Bill will be remembered forever by his Nephew Nick Gannon and his Niece Steph Gannon. In keeping with Bill's wishes, there will be a celebration of life at Keeley Road Ball Diamond on Saturday, September 15th at 1:00pm. Come prepared to share laughs and memories of a life well lived.

BAKELAAR, Cor Passed away peacefully on Thursday, August 2nd, 2018 at the Peterborough Regional Health Centre in his 78th year. Beloved husband of Ollie for over 32 years. Loving father of Judy Ball (Fred), Mike (Michelle), Mike Wilson (Jacy) and Steve Wilson. Opa will be sadly missed by Danielle Ball (Joe), Jeff Bakelaar, Elaina Wilson and Evan Wilson. Dear brother of John (Wilma), Jake (Joanne), Len (Rynie), Hans (Linda), William (the late Wieske) and the late Adrian (Alice), Jim (Hinke) and Peter (Grace). Brotherin-law of Bill Gancher (the late Stella) and Pat Elliott (the late Joe). Uncle Cor will be fondly remembered by his many nieces, nephews and their extended families. There will be a Celebration of Cor’s Life on Saturday, September 15, 2018 from 2 - 5 p..m. at the NISBETT FUNERALHOME, 600 MONAGHAN ROAD S., PETERBOROUGH 705-7453211. In memory of Cor, donations to the Scott Kidd Memorial Foundation or the Canadian Lung Association would be appreciated.

in Memoriam Watkins, Bob Mar 29, 1933 - 2017 Special thoughts of you today Hold memories none can take away. Tho from our lives you may have gone, Inside our hearts you still live on. Love Ina

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September 13, 2018

er. To order, phone Marilyn at 374-2694 , by Sept. 24th.

ARDEN Wanda Harrison


• If you have a chance today, travel down to Fairmount Home and see the Arden Glee

Club sing to the residents. • On Fri, Sept. 14, the Arden Seniors “Happy Gang” will hold their Annual BBQ. This is the time when President Lorne Hiltz will thank all of the members for their hard work throughout the year and their continuing Community support. • The 2nd Annual Trail Days will begin with a Community, All You Can Eat Breakfast $8. pp, 13 -6 $4. and un

Grand Opening - Grace Centre Social Activity Hub


he Grace Social Activity Centre (GSAC) is a new centre in rural South Frontenac Townshipthat offers a variety of programs for seniors, focusing on physical, social and intellectual activity and engagement as well as personal health, reducing isolation, and building community. During the open house, guests can visit booths to learn about the different programs and activities, and can even try hands-on experiences. Programs that are or will be offered at the Grace Social Activity Centre include: Seniors fitness (varying levels), dance, Light sports (Pickle Ball and Ice Stock eg.), bus trips to Aquafit classes, Euchre and card clubs, book clubs, film screenings and talk-backs, guest speakers on seniors issues and special interes, debate club, Good Graces Café. The centre has been offering some programs over the past year, but will be officially opening in September with a full

schedule of activities held in the historic Grace Centre in Sydenham, as well as some off-site programming at other locations in South Frontenac Township. Seniors are involved in planning activities, leading classes, and promoting programs, and are supported by the Centre Coordinator, Ashley Bates. The development of the Grace Social Activity Centre concept has been supported by the Community Foundation for Kingston and Area, the Ontario Sport and Recreation Community Fund, the New Horizons for Seniors Program, and culminated with annual funding from the Province of Ontario as part of their recent expansion of Seniors Active Living Centres. Come to the Open House on June 14th from 1-4pm. Ribbon cutting at 1:30. 4295 Stagecoach road. Info 613-376-6477 ext 310 (Ashley Bates – Social Activity Coordinator)

Long Road Eco-farm - continued from p. 6 and then 2014 was their first full season. “That first year, we did open farm every day . . . we sold veggies, port and prepared food. “That fall, we started at Memorial (farmers market in Kingston) because it’s close for us.” And the prepared foods seemed to be the thing that took off for them. “We use spelt flour from Cumpson’s Sonset Farm,” he said. “We make dump-

lings and dim sum with our own vegetables and pork.” He was pleased to take part in the Open Farms In Frontenac event. “It’s been a good day so far,” he said. “Well attended despite the (cool) weather. “It’s a day where people can come and see what we do, without a lot of pressure and we get to talk to a lot of people while they wander.”

1st Annual Homegrown In Frontenac Festival


he brainchild of Stephanie Newman, who operates the Cheesecakery Bakery on the property, Homegrown in Frontenac is a celebration of all of the wild and wonderful artisan businesses that have sprung up within the vicinity of her home on the Forest Road in South Frontenac (3005 Forest Road – Off Murton Road if you are coming from Hwy 38 or off Stagecoach Road if you are coming from Sydenham) In addition to the 30 or so vendors who will be on hand to show off a wide range of products, there will be food to eat on site or take home, the Sydenham band Still Standing will be performing, there will be a bouncey castle for the kids, and Spearhead Brewing (a recent transplant to the region that saw the light and moved to the region from Toronto) as well as Perth’s Top Shelf Distillery will be on hand. HomeGrown INfrontenac is sponsored by Nomad Yogini, Campbell’s Septic and Zomer’s Septic, and will be collecting donations for Southern Frontenac Community Services. It promises to be a good time for the entire family. Food vendors who are coming out for the day include: Barb's Pieroges, Long Road Farms - pork buns and dumplings, T&A Condiment Company - chips & salsa, pretzels & mustards, Roebuck Back Gardens - Smoked Brisket sliders, J&J Farms - fresh salads, Fine Chocolate by Ludwig, and of course the Cheesecakery bakery will have lots of cheesecake. Vendors & Local Businesses include:

Rhicreations, Nomad Yogini, County of Frontenac (merchandise, shirts, hats etc), Mary Alps Jewellery, Jack Charlton's Hand Woven Mats, Anatolian Legacy, Jordan Renee Artist and Tarot Reader, Teaspoon Studio, Shivas Delights, Holistic Rain, Courtney Creations, Loughborough Lavender, Northern Dream Designs, Boho & Hobo, Saucy Girl Accessories, Naughty Cookie, Teira Ferris Photography, ,Mad Cap Hats, Vanessa Jane Fine Art – Painting, AG Small Business Services, CPA Professional Corporation, L&A Mutual Insurance Co., Kingston Spray Foam, Frontenac Shores Hands on activities throughout the day will be provided by Litsie Creations, Creative Crafts by Jaden, and The Hitch Collective (workshop from 1-3) For further information, go to the Homegrown in Frontenac event page on Facebook.

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SePtemBer 13, 2018

Ad Rates: Classified Text ads: $10.62 + HST per insertion for 20 words & under; 20¢ each extra word. Deadline: 4 pm Monday; Ph: 613-279-3150, Fax: 613-279-3172; info@frontenacnews.ca


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tOWING B’S RADICAL RIDES Towing & Recovery. James Mills owner/operator. 613-335-5050; website: bsradicalrides.ca

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12795 RD 38, Sharbot Lake

613-279-2113 is hiring a marketing/Ad Sales Representative for print and digital formats We are looking for a dynamic person who is willing and able to champion the News to the business community in the Frontenac Region. Basic computer skills and knowledge about print and digital platforms an asset. Must have car and license and be willing to travel in Frontenac County, western Lanark County and the Hwy. 41 corridor. We pay wage and mileage. It is a permanent half to three quarter time position. All applicants will be considered but only those chosen for an interview will be contacted. Please send resume and references to Jeffgreen@frontenacnews.ca.

PAGe 9



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Sale of land for Tax Arrears By Public Tender MUNICIPAL ACT, 2001 Ontario Regulation 181/03, Municipal Tax Sales Rules

SAlE oF lAnD BY PuBlIC TEnDER THE CoRPoRATIon oF THE ToWnSHIP oF noRTH FRonTEnAC Take Notice that tenders are invited for the purchase of the land(s) described below and will be received until 3:00 p.m local time on September 27, 2018 at the Municipal offices located at 6648 Road 506, Plevna, ontario. The tenders will then be opened in public on the same day at 3:15 p.m. at the Municipal offices, 6648 Road 506, Plevna, ontario Description of land(s): PT LT 32-33 CON 14 CLARENDON PT 1, 13R9108; S/T FR647397; NORTH FRONTENAC, PIN 36183-0051 (File 12707-496) Minimum tender amount: $3,142.53 According to the last returned assessment roll, the assessed value of the land is $1,400.00 PT LT 33-34 CON 13 CLARENDON PT 1, 13R8698; S/T FR750485; NORTH FRONTENAC; SUBJECT TO AN EASEMENT IN FAVOUR OF PT LTS 31-34, CON 14 LYING E OF PT 1, 13R9108 & S OF PT 1, 13R4192 & PT 3, 13R2884 AS IN FC150106, PIN 36183-0119 PT LT 31-32 CON 13 CLARENDON PT 1, 13R8698; S/T FR750485; NORTH FRONTENAC; SUBJECT TO AN EASEMENT IN FAVOUR OF PT LTS 31-34, CON 14 LYING E OF PT 1, 13R9108 & S OF PT 1, 13R4192 & PT 3, 13R2884 AS IN FC150106, PIN 36183-0120 PT LT 30 CON 13 CLARENDON PT 2-3, 13R8698; S/T FR750485; NORTH FRONTENAC; SUBJECT TO AN EASEMENT IN FAVOUR OF PT LTS 31-34, CON 14 LYING E OF PT 1, 13R9108 & S OF PT 1, 13R4192 & PT 3, 13R2884 AS IN FC150106, PIN 36183-0121 (File 12707-500) Minimum tender amount: $3,122.85 According to the last returned assessment roll, the assessed value of the land is $2,300.00 PT LT 21 CON 10 PALMERSTON AS IN PD2012, LYING SE OF PT 8, FR226104; NORTH FRONTENAC, PIN 36207-0017 (File 12707-543) Minimum tender amount: $ 8,471.67 According to the last returned assessment roll, the assessed value of the land is $17,500.00 LT 25 RANGE B BARRIE E OF FR698980, S OF FR200821, FR703583, & W OF FR779388; NORTH FRONTENAC, PIN 36177-0011 (File 12707-546) Minimum tender amount: $13,803.47 According to the last returned assessment roll, the assessed value of the land is $26,500.00 PT LT 9 – 10 PL 61 PTS 1, 2, & 3, 13R762; NORTH FRONTENAC, PIN 36189-0204 (File 12707-538) There is a Provincial Officer’s Order #8762-9MAPQ3 on this property, please contact Robert Putzlocher, M.Sc., P.Eng by email at bob.putzlocher@ontario.ca or by phone at 613-540-6866, should you need specific details. Minimum tender amount: $7,398.27 According to the last returned assessment roll, the assessed value of the land is $82,000.00 LT 11, PL 1258; PT SHORE RDAL ALONG MACKIE LAKE ADJOINING LT 11, PL 1258 CLOSED BY FR612260, PT 3, 13R11235 S/T FR194302, S/T EASEMENT IN FAVOUR OF BELL CANADA OVER PT 4, 13R17989 AS IN FC15869 ; MILLER/NORTH FRONTENAC, PIN 36198-0046 (File 12707-539) Minimum tender amount: $11,285.83 According to the last returned assessment roll, the assessed value of the land is $169,500.00

Tenders must be submitted in the prescribed form and must be accompanied by a deposit of at least 20 per cent of the tender amount, which deposit shall be made by way of a certified cheque/bank draft/ money payable to the municipality (or board). Except as follows, the municipality makes no representation regarding the title to or any other matters relating to the land(s) to be sold. Responsibility for ascertaining these matters rests with the potential purchasers. The land does not include the mobile home situate on the land, if applicable. This sale is governed by the Municipal Act, 2001 and the Municipal Tax Sales Rules made under that Act. The successful purchaser will be required to pay the amount tendered plus accumulated taxes and any taxes that may be applicable, such as a land transfer tax. The municipality has no obligation to provide vacant possession to the successful purchaser. A copy of the prescribed form of tender is available on the website of the Government of Ontario Central Forms Repository under the listing for the Ministry of Municipal Affairs. For further information regarding this sale contact: Sandra Lessard, Deputy Treasurer The Corporation of the Township of North Frontenac 6648 Road 506, Plevna, Ontario K0H 2M0 Phone - 613-479-2231



Northern Happenings NORTHERN HAPPENINGS listings are free for community groups, and will be published for two weeks. Donations to offset the costs of publication would be appreciated. Other listings are paid or are taken from paid ads elsewhere in the paper. The News makes every effort to be accurate but events should be independently verified by readers.

Thursday September 13

BATTERSEA - MEET THE CANDIDATES EVENT 7pm-9pm. Storrington Centre. 3910 Battersea Road. We encourage all lake residents and fellow constituents of Storrington and Loughborough districts to attend. Come to better understand the issues and ask the mayoral and councillor candidates your questions. CLOYNE - LAND O’LAKES GARDEN CLUB MEETING 7pm. Pine View Free Methodist Church. “A unique look at the tiny amazing creatures that inhabit our gardens and the amazing adaptations they have that help them survive”. with Leslie Abram from Brighton. refreshments. All welcome COMMITTEE OF ADJUSTMENT 4432 George St, Sydenham. The agenda can be found on CivicWeb. The cut off for applications is August 10, 2018, contact our Planning Department for details. NORTHBROOK - BINGO 6pm. Northbrook Lions Hall. Sponsored by the Land O’Lakes Lions. Doors open 6pm, regular games 7pm. Canteen available. Info: the Lions Toll Road book. SHARBOT LAKE - DARTS OPENING NIGHT 7pm. Sharbot Lake Legion. All welcome. Cost $3.00. Runs every Thursday night until Christmas SHARBOT LAKE - LINE DANCING 9am-10am. Sharbot Lake United Church. Starts for the season and runs every week. Contact Heahter Gawdan 2791268 SHARBOT LAKE - LOGAN MURRAY - LIVE 7am9pm. Cardinal Café. Elmtree’s legendary singer songwriter to perform. Free will offering (suggested $5)

Friday September 14

GODFREY - FREE SKATE 6pm-7:30pm. Frontenac Community Arena. Regular Public skating starts weekly on Sunday, the 16th. $2 per person GRACE SOCIAL ACTIVITY CENTRE GRAND OPENING CELEBRATION 1pm-4pm. Booths and activities will be set up for the community to try. Mark this date on your social calendar now. Incl: cafe, healthy clinic, Tai Chi, Book club, Cardio (Levels 1 and 2), Pickle Ball, Ballroom Boogie, and much more. INVERARY - COMMUNITY YOUTH DANCE Storrington Lions Hall. Grades 5 to 8. Cost $5. Please note the date change for this event

Saturday September 15

ARDEN - CHINESE DINNER AND QUARTER AUCTION 5:30pm. Arden Legion. Advanced tickets, to those 18 years or older, are available at the Branch for $15 per person. Dinner will be at 5:30 pm and the auction, immediately following. This event is sponsored by the Ladies Auxiliary of Branch 334. BATTERSEA - BUBBLE SOCCER 10:30am3:30pm. Battersea United Church. 10 and over. Lunch included. Call Deb Flemer 613-353-1661. CLOYNE - FUNDRAISING GOLF TOURNAMENT 10am. Hunter’s Creek Golf Course. $50 (nonmembers) $30 (members) - golf prizes and a light meal. In support of Land O’Lakes Lions Club. Info and to book - 613-336-2587 DENBIGH - HORSESHOE TOURNAMENT 10am. Denbigh Heritage Park. First prize $100, second $75, and third $25. $10 a person, need to preregister and pay prior to August 31. Minimum of 20 players required to run the event. The canteen open for business the day of. Contact Murray or Bev at 613333-9852 to register.

GODFREY - COTTAGE SAFETY & SECURITY FAIR 9:30am-12pm. Glendower Hall. Health Department, OPP, Fire Officials and more. All aout safety at the cottage. Presented by Greater Bobs and Crow Lake Association PERTH ROAD - TEA PARTY AND QUILT DISPLAY 11am-2pm. Harris Park. along with a Chinese auction, craft and bake sale. 7.00 per person, with fancy sandwiches and desserts. For more information call Cheryl 613 353-7303 PLEVNA - JACK’S JAM 1pm-5:30pm. Clar-Mill Hall. Pot Luck supper at 5:30. Musicians, dancers and guests all welcome. SHARBOT LAKE - ALL YOU CAN EAT BREAKFAST 8am-11am. Soldiers Memorial Hall (OSO Hall). Pancakes, Sausages, Eggs, $8.00 Children 6-13 $ 4.00Sponsored by the Sharbot Lake & District Lions Club. In support of “The Food Bank SHARBOT LAKE - END OF TRAIL STEW AND BISCUITS 5:30pm. Sharbot Lake Legion. Legion opens at 2pm. Licensed SHARBOT LAKE - TRAIL DAY 8am-4pm. Sharbot Lake - Railway Heritage Park. Daylong event featuring music, food, bicycle and ATV rides, etc. All welcome. Starts with Lions Breakfast at Oso Hall and ends with Chili supper at the Legion. STEPHEN FEARING AND CHRIS AND DEE 7:30pm. Part of the Festival of Small Halls. $30 Tickets at thefestivalofsmallhalls.com or at Grace Centre Sydenham - 1st annual Home grown INFRONTENAC Festival, 3005 Forest Road, Local producers galore, brewers and distrillers, crafts, etc, 12-5, free VERONA - BBQ, YARD AND BAKE SALE 8:30am2pm. Verona Pentecostal Assembly

Sunday September 16

BATTERSEA - ROAST BEEF DINNER 5pm-8pm. Battersea United Church. To reserve tickets, call Roberta at 813-353-2846 GODFREY - BEDFORD JAM 1pm-5pm. Bedford Hall. Open mic, $2 admission, entertainers free. Info - Joanne 374-2242, Joan 374-5477 HARROWSMITH - TURKEY DINNER 4:30pm6pm. Golden Links Hall. $13. Info: call 372-2410. Sponsored by the Odd Fellows & Rebekahs MCDONALDS CORNERS - FALL BEEF SUPPER 4pm-6:30pm. McDonald’s Corners Agricultural Hall. Everyone welcome to enjoy a homemade feast. Tickets available at the door, Adults $15, ages 6-12 - $6, under 6 free. Presented by Knox Presbyterian Church SHARBOT LAKE, ON - OPEN HOUSE 2pm-4pm. Sharbot Lake Retirement Residence. See the residences and take a tour

Monday September 17

ARDEN - DINERS 12:30pm. Kennebec Hall. Buffet style meal and entertainment/games. For reservations call 613-279-3151 BOLINGBROKE - CPHC EXERCISE CLASS ABC Hall. Registration Monday, Sept. 10 at 9:30am. OHIP number required. Classes are free. Info: Margaret Miller (613) 273-9244, pmmiller@kingston.net. LANDLORD INFORMATION SESSION 4295 Stagecoach Road, Sydenham. Current and potential landlords are invited to an information session, promoting the benefits and incentives of partnering with Frontenac County’s Housing and Homelessness Collaborate Team.

Tuesday September 18

BATTERSEA - FREE SENIORS’ FITNESS PROGRAM 10:30am. Storrington Centre. Program will be led by the VON. NORTHBROOK - EUCHRE NIGHTS 7pm. Northbrook Lions Hall. Sponsored by the Land O’Lakes Lions. There is a euchre tournament every

September 13, 2018

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Hwy 38 Verona (613) 374-2112 fourth Friday beginning at the same time! Coffee, sandwiches and dessert. Prizes. Info: the Lions Toll Road book. PLEVNA - LANDLORD INFORMATION SESSION 2pm-4pm. Clar-Mill Hall. Current and potential landlords are invited to an information session, promoting the benefits and incentives of partnering with Frontenac County’s Housing and Homelessness Collaborate Team. SHARBOT LAKE - LANDLORD INFORMATION SESSION 10am-12pm. Soldiers Memorial Hall (OSO Hall). Current and potential landlords are invited to an information session, promoting the benefits and incentives of partnering with Frontenac County’s Housing and Homelessness Collaborate Team.

Wednesday September 19

BATTERSEA - LANDLORD INFORMATION SESSION 1pm-3pm. Storrington Centre. Current and potential landlords are invited to an information session, promoting the benefits and incentives of partnering with Frontenac County’s Housing and Homelessness Collaborate Team. CLOYNE - FAMILY NIGHT 5:30pm. Vennachar Free Methodist Church. Dinner at 5:30pm followed by Kid’s Club and adult study time. Everyone is welcome! For more info contact Pastor Laurie at 479 2673 or Angela 333 1901. SYDENHAM - DINERS 12pm. Grace Hall. $11 for meal. Please register to attend by calling 613-3766477. SYDENHAM - MIDWEEK SERVICE 7pm. Sydenham Holiness Church. Guest music by Kieth Deyo. Devotional on “the potter and the clay”. All welsome. VERONA - GRIEF CARE SUPPORT GROUP 1pm (and 6:30pm) Verona Pentecostal Assembly. For more information, please contact Pastor Bob at brmasters@gmail.com, or IPhone 613 484 4799 or phone 613-374-2976

Thursday September 20

CLOYNE - FAMILY NIGHT 5:30pm. Vennachar Free Methodist Church. Dinner at 5:30pm followed by Kid’s Club and adult study time. Everyone is welcome! For more info contact Pastor Laurie at 479 2673 or Angela 333 1901. LANDLORD INFORMATION SESSION 4504 Verona Sand Rd. Current and potential landlords are invited to an information session, promoting the benefits and incentives of partnering with Frontenac County’s Housing and Homelessness Collaborate Team. NORTHBROOK - BINGO 6pm. Northbrook Lions Hall. Sponsored by the Land O’Lakes Lions. Doors open 6pm, regular games 7pm. Canteen available. Info: the Lions Toll Road book. SHARBOT LAKE - BRIAN ROCHE 7pm-9pm. Cardinal Café. Improvised music - guitar, tambura, harp, sitar, and tape. Free will offering (suggested $5) VERONA - DART NIGHT 6:30pm-9:30pm. Verona Lions Hall. Opening night of season. Snacks and bar is open. For ages 19 and older. The Dart Night will be held every other Thursday. You can call the Hall or log onto the website to find more information

Friday September 21

HARLOWE - OLE TYME FIDDLERS 7:30pm. Harlowe Hall. Prizes, lunch, $6 non-members,

all welcome, players, dancers, listeners and newcomers. SHARBOT LAKE - FRIDAY NIGHT DINNER 5:30pm. Sharbot Lake Legion. BBQ Pork Chops VERONA - COUNTRY CHURCH CONCERT 7pm. Verona Pentecostal Assembly. Rev. Oscar Simpson presents. Special Guests Linda King & The Warrens and the Old Hims. Free will offering & refreshments provided. Information 613-374-2178

Saturday September 22

ARDEN - ITALIAN 2018 NIGHT 5:30pm. Kennebec Hall. Doors open at 5:30, dinner at 6:30. 6th annual Italian dinner and show presented by the Kennebec Rec. Ctte. New menu - tickets $18 per person. Entertainment by Renee, Randy and friends. Advanced sales only, This event has sold out for the last 4 years. Avoid dissappointment, call early. . Call 613-335-3186 AUTUMN EQUINOX LABYRINTH WALK 6pm-8pm. Wintergreen Studios. Enjoy the seasonal pause - take this opportunity to slow down and enjoy a meditative walk through the stone labyrinth. The days may get shorter and the nights cooler, but may your spirit never dampen. Participation by donation (suggested donation of $20). No registration necessary. For more information, visit www.wintergreenstudios. com/autumn-labyrinth. HARLOWE - OPEN MIC 2pm-7pm. Harlowe Hall. Pot Luck supper, 5:30pm. Free event, donations welcome. Info - Marie, 613-336-2557 PARHAM - ROAST BEEF SUPPER 5pm-7pm. Parham United Church. Adults $13, Children 6 - 12 $5, under 6 free, Family Rate $27 “Come and Bring a Friend”

Sunday September 23

SYDENHAM - FILM SHOWING - WAR ROOM 6:30pm. Sydenham Holiness Church. Free admission, everyone welsome VERONA - ART SHOW 2pm-5pm. Blue Roof Farm. An exhibition of watercolour landscape and flower paintings by Barry Robertson. Show runs Sundays until Oct. 21.

Tuesday September 25

BATTERSEA - FREE SENIORS’ FITNESS PROGRAM 10:30am. Storrington Centre. Program will be led by the VON. BOLINGBROKE - CPHC DINERS LUNCH 12pm. ABC Hall. A hot nutritious meal and pleasant socializing. Reservations required. For those 50+. Cost: $10.00 Contact: Joyce Fleming at (613) 2734832 CLOYNE - TRUNK SHOW 9am-12pm. Pine View Free Methodist Church. Manon Hunt from Tweed will bring a large collection of personal quilts, pattern designs and long arm quilts and share the stories and inspiration for these quilts NORTHBROOK - EUCHRE NIGHTS 7pm. Northbrook Lions Hall. Sponsored by the Land O’Lakes Lions. There is a euchre tournament every fourth Friday beginning at the same time! Coffee, sandwiches and dessert. Prizes. Info: the Lions Toll Road book.

Wednesday September 26

HARROWSMITH - DINERS 12pm. Harrowsmith Golden Links Hall. $11 for meal. Please register to attend by calling 613-376-6477.

Landlord information sessions across Frontenac County


andlords in Frontenac County are encouraged to register to attend one of five rural landlord information sessions during the week of September 17-21. The purpose of the sessions is twofold: One goal is to bring attention to the services provided by the Housing and Homelessness Collaborative that supports vulnerable families in Frontenac County stay sustainably housed. Workers based in Frontenac County will work with landlords and tenants with limited funding, referrals to other community services, and more. A second purpose is to hear from land-

lords in Frontenac County. As the program coordinator, Amanda Pantrey puts is, “There may be innovative ideas that landlords want to see. We will have municipal staff on hand for most of the sessions and together we can brainstorm ideas together that will encourage landlords.” “There is a tremendous shortage of rental housing options in Frontenac County,” adds Pantrey, “so we are encouraging people who are interested in renting to attend as well.” There will also be discussions about other unique approaches, such as co-housing.

The dates, times and locations of the info sessions are as follows. Refreshments will be provided, and all participants are entered into a draw for a $150 gift card. • Sep 17, 6:00pm–8:00pm, Grace Hall, Sydenham • Sep.18, 10:00am–12:00pm, Oso Hall, Sharbot Lake • Sep 18, 2:00p–4:00pm, Clar-Mill Hall, Plevna • Sep 19, 1:00pm–3:00pm, Storrington Centre, Sunbury • Sep 20, 12:00 pm–2:00 pm, Lions Hall, Verona

Southern Frontenac Community Services is one of three agencies working together in the Housing and Homelessness Collaborative that serves the County of Frontenac, administered by the City of Kingston’s 10-year Municipal Housing and Homelessness Plan. Rural Frontenac Community Services and Addiction Mental Health Services, KFL&A make up the rest of team. For more information and to register, contact Amanda Pantrey, at SFCSC, at 613-376-6477 ext. 208, or by email at amanda.pantrey@sfcsc.ca


SePtemBer 13, 2018

PAGe 11

Fury Family Fun Day features equipment swap, sock sizing, barbecue

by Craig Bakay rontenac Fury hockey organization president Lynn Newton welcomed the public to the Frontenac Community Arena Sunday for a get-together that featured sizing for hoodies and socks, an equipment swap, skate sharpening and an opportunity to meet new teammates and bench staff. “It’s also an opportunity to ask questions for everybody new to the organization,” she said. The Frontenac Fury Girls Hockey Association will field 10 teams this year including the First Shift program for those new to hockey, as well as five house league and three competitive teams (peewee, bantam and midget). “From atom to midget, our membership has quadrupled in the last five years,” she said. “They all drank the Kool-Aid.” She said more than 150 children have


gone through the Fury and Frontenac Flyers programs in the past three years. Part of the reason for this get-together was registration for the upcoming season which is set to start Sept. 22 but (online) registration continues, she said. “You can still register online after the season starts,” she said. Another reason is for the players to get fitted for socks and hoodies. “The hoodies have the names of our sponsors on the back and the girls can wear them anywhere,” Newton said. “We used to put sponsors names on the individual jerseys but they’d have to be removed each off season and this preserves the jerseys a little while longer. “Plus, many of the girls tuck the jerseys inside their pants and you can’t see the sponsors’ names.” She said they want to see every girls who wants to play on the ice and there is

(confidential) financial assistance available through the Jessie Arthur Bursary. Jessie Arthur was a young area athlete who succumbed to cancer. For information contact

presidentfrontenacfury@gmail,com The Arena opens Sept. 14 with a free skate from 6-7 p.m.

Lynn Newton, Tanya Thake, Kelly Allport, Leah Rinen, Morgan Rinen, Sydeny English, Ella All Allport, Leah Rumbolt, Jenna Norman.


Open fOr Business

UPCOMING MEETINGS • Council – September 18, 2018 at 7:00 pm. • Public Services Committee – September 13, 2018 at 8:30 am • Committee of Adjustment – September 13, 2018 at 7:00 pm

PLANNING APPLICATIONS AND INFORMATION Due to temporary staffing changes in our Planning Department, residents are strongly encouraged to make an appointment. Appointments can be made to meet on Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays from 8:00 am to 4:00 pm by calling Extension 2226.Thank you for your patience during this transition. ATTENTION VENDORS – SIGN UP FOR NOTIFICATION OF TENDERS AND RFP’S Check out the new feature on our website – Town Hall/Tenders, sign up for email notifications when tenders and request for proposals are issued or amended.

THinGs TO DO OPENING NIGHT AT THE ARENA The season starts on Friday, September 14, 2018 with a free skate from 6:00 pm to 7:30 pm. Public Skating starts again weekly on Sunday, September 16 from 1:00 pm to 2:20 pm and Wednesday, September 19, from 10:00 am to 11:00 am, only $2 per person, a CSA approved helmet with screen is recommended. SOUTH FRONTENAC MUSEUM The museum will be open on Monday, Wednesday and Saturday weekly from 1:00 pm to 4:00 pm and by appointment. Call 613-376-3027 Ext 2600 or by email SouthFrontenacMuseum@gmail.com. Last day for the season will be Monday, October 8!

news & puBlic nOTices MUNICIPAL ELECTION NEWS Do you have questions about the election? Are you on the Voters List? Contact our Elections Office at 613-376-3027 Ext 4380 or email elections1@southfrontenac.net. Remember the voting period starts October 15, 2018 at 8:00 am and ends at 8:00 pm on October 22, 2018. You will need a Voter Notification Letter that includes a PIN to vote by internet or telephone. Visit our Elections page for more information.

liVinG Here 2018-2019 RECYCLING CALENDAR Please do not discard your current Recycle Calendar as it continues on the reverse for the 2019 collection weeks. Also remember that both garbage and recycle collection are for everyday consumable, usable household products only, not yard or garage items. Thank you.

Septic System Do’s & Don’ts Do:

• Know where your septic tank and leaching bed are located on your property • Keep accurate records of septic system maintenance, pump outs & service calls • Test your well water at least three times per year for indicator bacteria (spring, summer and fall) • Have your system inspected/pumped out by a licensed installer or sewage hauler - every three years for a house & every five years for a cottage or 1/3 full whichever comes first - best time of year for pump out is summer or fall before the cold weather • Clean the effluent filter (located in the tank where it flows to the bed) at least once a year • Direct surface water/drainage away from leaching bed • Conserve water use to reduce amount of wastewater needed to be treated

leaching bed

Septic Tank

Don’t: • Put fats, oils, paints, food waste, chemicals, pharmaceuticals, sanitary

products, condoms or anything plastic down the drain • Use special additives that are claimed to enhance your septic system • Use cleaning detergents that are high in phosphorus • Enter your septic tank • Dig on your property without knowing where your septic system is located • Drive or park over your septic system • Pave over your leaching bed • Build a deck or accessory structure over your septic system • Put an above ground pool, outdoor skating rink or garden over your leaching bed • Plant tree over your leaching bed • Allow livestock over your leaching bed • Connect rain gutters, sump pumps or storm drains into your septic system • Drain hot tubs or pools into your septic system

Septic systems recharge to groundwater and can impact the quality of your drinking water. A properly functioning septic system is part of a healthy water cycle.

dug well

Groundwater Table


Treatment Zone

Saturated Soil Bedrock - Deep Aquifer

HOUSEHOLD HAZARDOUS WASTE DEPOT – SUMMER HOURS The depot will be open EVERY Thursday from 3:00 pm – 8:00 pm until Thanksgiving. Please remember that accepted items are hazardous materials, small electronics and bale wrap only. A full listing of accepted materials may be found on our website under Living Here/Solid Waste/Recycling/Household Hazardous Waste.

LIBRARY HOURS Hartington Branch (located at 5597 Road 38 in the Princess Anne Community Centre). Monday 1:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. and 6:00 pm. to 8:00 p.m. Wednesday 1:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. and 6:00 pm. to 8:00 p.m. Saturday 1:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. Phone #: 613-372-2524 Kingston frontenac public library (located at 130 Johnson St. Kingston) Several locations and hours to serve you Visit www kfpi.ca/hours-and-locations

storrington Branch (located at 3910 Battersea Road) Tuesday 1:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. and 6:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. Thursday 1:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. and 6:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. Saturday 1:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. Phone #: 613-353-6333 sydenham Branch 4412 Wheatley St, Sydenham Monday 10:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. Tuesday 1:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. Thursday 1:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. Friday 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Saturday 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. Phone #: 613-376-3437


You can find answers to frequently asked questions online - www.southfrontenac.net

Frontenac Community Arena

Welcome Back

Free Skate

Friday, Sept. 14, 6:00-7:30 4299 Arena Boundary Road, Godfrey ON 613.374.2177 • @Frontenac_Arena Follow us on Facebook – @SouthFrontenacTwp Follow us on Twitter - @SthFrontenacTwp

4432 George Street, Box 100, Sydenham ON K0H 2T0 1-800-559-5862 Office Hours: Monday to Friday 8:00 am to 4:30 pm • www.southfrontenac.net


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Pine Meadow Nursing Home celebrates 25 years in operation by Craig Bakay mcee Bill Cox welcomed residents, staff, board members, family and friends as they gathered on the lawns of Pine Meadows Nursing Home in Northbrook last Friday afternoon to celebrate its 25th anniversary. Pine Meadow is a 64-bed facility. “I don’t know how this happened, I haven’t been on staff here for 17 years,” joked Cheryl Hartwick, now board chair of Land O’Lakes Community Services. Hartwick noted that four employees, public service workers Nancy Gaylord and Tony Boomhouer-Wilson, office coordinator Christine Bolduc and RN Anne Grahm-Aholu, have been there for the duration. “There have been four administrators and over the years, there have been $1,339,749.10 in donations,” she said. And, she took the time to share one of her “pet peeves.” “When people say ‘Pine Meadows,’ I get upset,” she said. “It’s ‘Pine Meadow,’ — singular!” Addington Highlands Reeve Henry Hogg brought greetings and congratulations from the Township. He also noted what the facility has meant to the community. “Not only is it an essential service, it’s an important source of jobs and eco-


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nomic opportunity,” Hogg said. Bringing greetings from North Frontenac Township, Coun. John Inglis said: “I’ve always been aware there is a significant number of residents from North Frontenac here. “It’s a mystery as to why there is no financial contribution from Frontenac County.” Sharon Gilmour, regional director for Extendicare, said: “I have 14 homes I’m responsible for and this one is my favourite. “The home continues to enjoy the highest standards of financial responsibility and residents’ satisfaction.” Land O’ Lakes Lions Club Red Emond said: “Twenty-five years ago, members of our club mortgaged their homes so this place could be built. “We’ve donated $130,000 over the years and we’ll continue to support it.” Representing the Family Council, chair Shirley Sedore’s voice began to shake as she offered her congratulations. “I’ve been involved since before it was a dream,” she said. Merritta Parks, president of the residents’ council who just turned 100, said she always she didn’t want to go into a nursing home until she came here. “Our staff is wonderful,” she said. “They go from person to person, put their

Must present this coupon to receive this offer. One coupon per entree. Offer valid Sep. 14-Oct. 11, 2018.

arm around your shoulder and whisper in your ear. “I thank God we have a place like this.” Ernest Lapchinski concluded the

speeches by saying: “Persistence, cooperation and the need for a facility like this moved from what seemed to be impossible to become reality. “Be proud, be very proud.”



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North Frontenac Coun. Gerry Martin presented Pine Meadow administrator Margaret Palimaka with a certificate from the Township acknowledging the 25th anniversary.

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Wednesday, September 19th, 6:30pm - 8:30pm Please come to an informal evening to chat and hear from candidates for the upcoming Tay Valley Municipal Election October 15th to 22nd. Come meet Susan Freeman (candidate for Reeve), Barrie Crampton (candidate for Deputy Reeve), and Mark Burnham and Rob Rainer (candidates for South Sherbrooke). This event is sponsored by Susan, Barrie, Mark, and Rob. Light Refreshments For more information: rob@robrainer.com or 613-264-0613

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