Vol.19 No.09

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March 7, 2019 Vol. 19, No. 9


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by Jeff Green

ager Rob Edmunds and trainer Travis Young, by Julie Druker are pleased with the team’s hard work. Al Pix- in the caucus. n Friday, March 4, theofnew ate last week, one theFrontenac Speaking for herself, Rawson instate Hillier ley, president Flyers Novice won a said close, “Premier members of Rep the team Lanark Ford,of ittheisFrontenac rea- Minor “As Hockey members of LFK, we is equally thrilled with the team’s hard fought game (LFK) and series Frontenac Kingston Pro- against sonable Association, to ask MPPs to vote strongly feel that expelling our Bancroft! The Flyers won all three games success, which he said has been two years gressive Conservative Party with the decisions made by the elected member, Mr. Hillier, will against the Bancroft Jets in the Ontario in the making. Riding Association, It“This is not to alienate hasreasonable been a two-year plan and all last members of LFK. semis with scores of Ann 14-6, Raw7-2, andcaucus. 5-4, son, letteroftotheir Ontario conformity to aatyke particuAs members we started select program, which of LFK, we wish to and sent as a aresult win, Prethey willdemand now year theitbuilding block not to get continue these players advance to the all-Ontario mier Doug Ford asking Novice that heCC Finals lar style was - and is certainly to work with you. Howfor thesomeone novice repout team",ever, Pixleyinsaid. against Sturgeon Lake next weekend. reinstate MPP Randy Hillier to a reasonready to throw order to do so, we retheage first time theso association is the first time in over 20 years theThis Conservative Party Caucus of that caucus.This Inisan when quire has our had elected PC MP, Randy a Frontenac Flyers rep team will be heading a novice rep team in five or six years and PixattoQueen’s Park. many politicians paint on fake faHillier, be in caucus. On behalf team’s the finals. The team will face off against ley credited everyone involved for the to Ford suspended Hillier cades and compromise their the membership, I sincerely success. “It's a result of ina lot ofofpractice and Sturgeon Lake Thunder in twofrom away games caucus indefinitely after Hillier a second thought,parents, hopecoaches, that you take into account hard work of the players, in Fenelon Falls, on Saturday, March tegrity 12 at without trainersby and that hasthe really paid off 12:30“yada, pm and Sunday, March at 1:30 pm. sticks said yada, yada” to 13 New Randy hismanagers beliefs and views of the members and the team’s Their third Party game MPP will take place on the Fly- and Democratic Monique remains truecontributed to himselfto and the success”. voters of LFK who stand behind Fans are encouraged to come out Hillier.” to the ers’ home turf at the of Frontenac Community Taylor at the end Question people who elected him … You Randy Arena in Piccadilly on Friday, March 19 at Frontenac Arena in Piccadilly to support the Period welcome Randy in game three Hillier of the finalsMeanwhile on Friday, in Toronto the of 7:30 pm.in February. Parents of need to team autistic children, who were back without PC party held March 19 at 7:30delay.” pm; fans arethe alsogoverning encourThe team is comprised of in 12the players: 10to caucus gallery saidaged that 7they On Tuesday of this week, their game weeklyis caucus meeting on aged to wear orange. If a fourth skaters that and 2day, goalies and 8. They necessary, it President will take place the arenamorning on Back won all 12 being games addressed in round robin be- MacDonald, were also by play Mark of atTuesday (March 5) Logan and Chiasson, Blake Reid, Jimmy Gibson, Kaleb Baldwin, Nick Quesnel, row l-rMarch 20. fore heading into the all-Ontario Hillier, prompting Ford to act semi-finals. in the Lanark-Frontenac-Kingston afterwards a spokesperson of Braden Dillon, Wesley Jackson. Front row,l-r, Jack Pixley, Graham Melkman, Evan HolCoach Jason Quesnel, along with team man-


short order. (LFK) PC riding association, Premier Ford said that Young, RandyRyan Edmunds lis, Tyson Later that afternoon, Hillier sent a letter on behalf of the rid- Hillier remains suspended from said that the, “yada, yada, yada” ing executive. caucus. The caucus will not comment was directed only at After pointing out that Hillier’s meet next Tuesday so the next Taylor, not at the parents in the comment on February 20 was opportunity for a decision to be feeling that was reiterated, though less forceditional element to the project. nyone who has ever driven north or only the Wilton Road reach Road 38. gallery, butthrough there Harrowsmith has been no directed at“There Monique “andmanymade to either end the soon suspenfully, by other members of council. Works to Sydenham – No parking haveTaylor, not been accidents at Coming south has experifurther comment from the Prenottoanyone MacDonald at- you siontalk ortomake permanent willl tickets. Manager Segsworth said he would bring and parking that else” intersection but anyone can itzones enced the confusion of roads that come somebroke proposals in ofthe Area Supervisor David you about Ford near to misses, when 19. we gether the footfuture. of the village. At Tuesday mier onatHillier’s WhileHolliday a majorpresentgame of shinny out at for the savings south end thealready rink, the north temptedtell to convince re- and be March

Harrowsmith star intersection to be revamped, simplified A

approvedRichard, 2016 budget to Chacon a future meeting. restrictions in theas Makayla looked at the school bus traffic there it was ed a proposal for parking end was much quieter Allison and Kayleigh MatThe other overage that concerned CounHamlet of Sydenham. plan includes pretty scary,” said Segsworth. sonThe found The plan that Segsworth is recommend- turning Cross Road into a one-way street cil was $118,000 in the Facilities and Parks ing, and will bring to a public meeting at the with parking on one side of the road, as well Budget, which came from spending at S&A Club on March 21, will see Wilton Road as eliminating parking on one side of a num- Centennial Park that related directly to the intersect with Colebrook Road to ber of roads, and in front of locations such as Frontenac County 150th anniversary event the west of the intersection, and will the Royal Bank. The plan also incorporates in August. Treasurer Fragnito suggested the see Ottawa Road become a dead- changes coming from the addition of bike shortfall can be covered from the Parkland end road that no longer reaches lanes in the hamlet. Reserve fund, an idea that was rejected by When the plan comes into effect there Council. the intersection. To the east of by Craig BakayCouncilor Ronpeople outside the commuwill be Road 38, Colebrook RoadBakay (east) will be a grace period when vehicles Sleeth from said the Parkland by Craig thisparking year, Lisa Matson making and prizes However, will also be turned into a dead-end warned but not ticketed. arlier Reserve Fund isnity for the “entiredonations township to tickets will eventually be and tucked intoothers wind- were a few road. (see diagram) use,wondernot just one and it has been to region, raffle off. but in name only so that “It’s a big a lot of ing what they could do shieldsfor in Sydenham. “We areprovingoing to be meeting withconcern depleted in“Karen recent years. have no to fix enough up KnightI used to live here cial money caneveryone be accessed, people.” Frontenac Law Enforcement, bylawThey’d who is affected by this, problem with what done at Centennial the rink inthe Arden. noticed andwas now she works at Lifestyle company for the township, will Park, don’t get me wrong, but it must be covincluding the store that“The is located would be nice too. last one enforcement on my list is Fairthat just about every night, kids Sunrooms in Peterborough,” Lisa be contracted to enforce the new parking by- ered in some other way.” at the intersection 38 andHome,” Cole- said “Broadband gaps and cell ofmount Dep. Mayor start-of councilors said. “The owner, former NHLer brook [Wilton Creek Fabrics] to see law when it is enacted.were coming from all over, A number agreed with Sleeth, phone services — everything Fred Perry, who was chairing ing about 5:30 till 9pm or so and Billy Carroll, donated For those living in other South Frontenac that we can accommodate their leaving Fragnito to look for another source a of door and hinges on that — bringing the meeting while Mayor Ronfeelthe hamlets, who may left out, Vandeneeds,” said peoSegsworth. to best cover that particular shortfall. ice Mayor surface wasn’tfunds in the four windows for the canteen. ple into the community, eco- an Higgins is to in Cuba. “Not wal said, “Wemany are onlyof starting in Sydenham. “We also have opportunity shape. After all, the Council original remuneration rink “DA Integrated in Ottawa, donomic development,” saidpedestrian Coun. people there.” Wego plan to roll it out was in other after improve crossingfrom andhere Mayor Vandewal received builtvillages in 1967. nated two tickets $31,400 to the Senatorsa trailhead ($24,816 in honorarium and the rest for Gerry Martin. improve the potential forCouncil also that.” had comments They came up with an all-night Toronto game, Play It Again Sports overage in 2015 pavilion where andperceived K&P Budget meetings, mileage and per diems) in 2015. “A County road system,” saidthe Cat on the risks question. skate-a-thon to raise some funds donated two Frontenacs tickets Treasurer Louise Fragnito reported about Among council members, John McDougall meet just south of the interCoun. Vernon trails Hermer. “And “Losing our identity is a con- and when it was all over, they’d and Upper Canada Office Supply budget overages in 2015. The largest over- was the highest paid at $21,433 (he was section,” he added. possibly the County con- Works cern,” Departsaid Martin. ages were in the public works$2,450 department, Thecould Public 2015) followed by Pat Barr raised along deputy with amayor few in in Belleville donated two tickets to sider a localizedment incinerator.” “The where theservices roadside maintenance and safety has reached out to the more Cat- shared ($20,750), Ross aSutherland other donations of materials. Belleville($19,800), Senators Alan game.” “I’m still impatient on Conservation the post- there spending was over are,and the and moresignage their budaraqui Authority Revillaround ($19,600), Norm “We $427,000 were just tossing “And Roberts Crains ($18,980), donated crusher budget and “We’ll capital projects spending was Mark Shjerning ($17,000), Bill Robinson Frontenac talk will about po- said landfill world,” said Coun.County John to get grow,” Inglis. realize dustSleeth to resurface $275,000 over budget.ideas,” she said. “We didn’t changes to thehave trailhead. ($15,950), and Ron ($14,500). the base,” Jeff Inglis. “That wastential a priority last to watch that.” we’d get came such aabout big response. said. The roadside maintenance Township representatives met time around and very 13 systems inspected in Continued page 2 of kids “It’s took March so if you “We’ve got a on good group on weather, ditchwith Harrowsmith residents in Sep- because public works staff little wastember done. to talk about2018 re-inspection program ing work in November December the process getand a warm day, bethe ice could be who are using the rink,” Lisa said. “(And) I don’t think to In 2018 wasa so cause the weather warm. Thesaid safety/ they were about to undertake findNorth a solu- Frontenac’s little soft,” co-organizer Jeff “Them helping raise funds like this signage overage tion to the intersection. the County should get septic re-inspection, there wereis attributed Matson. to “It replacing takes a lot of work to gives them pride and a sense of after an accident, Once the involved public is consulted with a guide-rails any more with 13again participants resulting on in Perth five Road maintain theclosures. rink as the ground is self-ownership.” costssystems associated with two road plan, public works willfundbe backno before Coun- and transportation than concerns, seven not level and water “A group of us will be going to The capital budget overage is attributed to can run down cil to begin looking at the detailed engineering.” needing some remedial work, theblasting Don't profileson of March our local hill and under the ice, miss cre- theCouncil 12 to solicit a in get one projing and environmental assessment work that the unexpected need for “Cell said with moreect; information re- ating guide-rail upgrades on soft two spots.” roads; and will need phones,” to be done to makeone the changes. business women pages 6 and little on something,” said Jeff. “It’ll be Coun. “We Road quired and zerowidening system replaceof local roads. So, they made a plan and Wilton Fred CreekFowler. runs under 38 at that 7 as we celebrate people good to International show them we’ve done Mayor Vandewal said that getting the overages location well, and improving safeguards live in anasabyss in Snow Women's Week in this issue. started on board, including something to contribute.” Continued 2 out of the 2016 budget, a need toon be page covered against runoffs into the creek will be an adRoad.

night’s (March 8) Committee of the Whole meeting of South Frontenac Council, Public Works Manager Mark Segsworth presented a proposal to turn the six-way intersection into a simple two-road intersection by having

Broadband, cell coverage and waste disposal: NF's input to County strategic plan N

orth Frontenac’s recommendations to the Frontenac County strategic plan were remarkably similar to Central’s, following Kathleen Vollebregt’s visit to Council’s regular meeting last Friday in Plevna. The County has been asking its member townships what they’d like to see in its strategic plan and so far, with the two northernmost municipalities weighing in, broadband and cell phone gaps and what to do about waste seem to be priorities. And, a County road system,

Overnight skate-a-thon raises funds at Arden rink


International Women’s Week

Time Change Spring ahead Don’t forget to turn your clocks one hour ahead on Saturday night

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March 7, 2019


What does turfing Hillier say to Conservative voters in LFK W

e’ve been covering Randy Hillier at the News ever since he was the leader of the Lanark Landowners. It’s fair to say he has always been an energetic, but divisive figure. His history with the Progressive Conservative Party, which we have covered from the outside looking in, has clearly also been a fraught one. Back in 2007, he essentially forced his way into the party

ART MURAL PROJECT The Township of North Frontenac invites local artists to make application to paint a mural for public display (Round 4). The murals are 96” wide and 48” high, painted on plywood supplied by the Township. Successful applicants will be given $100 toward materials costs. These 5 murals will be installed by Township staff in October, 2019, as part of a program to beautify our travel routes and promote local artists. We currently have 10 murals, 5 of which are in place and five which will be installed this spring. For an information package please contact Corey Klatt, Manager of Community Development before March 22, 2019: (613) 479-2231 ext. 233 recreation@northfrontenac.ca 6648 Road 506, Plevna Ont. K0H 2M0 Please submit completed proposals to Corey Klatt, Manager of Community Development prior to March 22, 2019 at 4:00 pm.

by winning the nomination as a candidate, bringing many of his Lanark and Ontario Landowner Association supporters with him. Over the years he has given and rescinded his support for a succession of party leaders, and even ran for the job himself back in 2010. Early last year, he played a role in the removal of Patrick Brown as leader, and then he backed Christine Elliott in the contest for a replacement. When Doug Ford was chosen instead, and then went on to win the election, Randy Hillier expressed his strong support. When I interviewed him just before the election last June, Hillier said “I can phone Doug Ford up any time and he’ll take my call. He wants to know what people think. We haven’t had a leader like that before”. Doug Ford does not seem to be taking Randy Hillier’s calls anymore. Again, looking at the situation from the outside, it seems that our MPP, who was elected under the PC banner, has been turfed from the government benches, at least temporarily, in order to send a message to the rest of the caucus. The Toronto press and the CBC claim that Hillier has run afoul with Doug Ford’s chief of staff. By shunting Hillier to the penalty box, everyone else in the Conservative caucus, and their staff and riding association members, will know what the consequences of defiance are. His record of bucking to the party leadership, going back almost to the beginning of his political career, makes Hillier an easy target within the party. We all know that politics is about power, and from time to time parties move to ‘keep the troops in line’. The problem in this case is that the pretext for turfing Randy Hillier was thin, very thin. Even the people who accused

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him of saying “yada yada yada” to them didn’t seem to care that much. They said afterwards that they are concerned about the funding regime for autistic children, not Randy Hillier. And Doug Ford himself and his Minister of Children and Youth Services Lisa McLeod have made more defamatory comments to protestors in recent weeks. It is strange that this, of all the things Randy Hillier has said and done over his political career, is the reason that the leadership of the Conservative Party has acted against him. The Progressive Conservative Party has approved Randy Hillier as their candidate on four separate occasions. Under their banner, he has won each of those times. Now that, the party is in power, they are pushing our riding to the sidelines along with our MPP. We are just collateral damage in their move against Hillier. This riding, much to the consternation of some of us, always elects the same party. Anyone carrying the Conservative banner will win the riding, every time we go to the polls. By removing our member from their caucus, without justifiable cause, the party is telling all of those died in wool Conservatives in Frontenac and Lanark County that they don’t really count in Toronto.

North Frontenac - Continued from page 1 ments required, Eric Kohlsmith of the Mississippi Rideau Septic System Office told Council. Public Works Manager Darwyn Sproule said the 2019 program will focus on Mazinaw, Hills, Kring, Mackie, Shaw, Turtle, and Cards Lakes, which contain a total of 378 properties with cottages/residences. The 2018 program focused on Big Ohlmann, Brule, Crotch, Fortune, Minktrack, Mud, Norcan, Redhorse, Shawenegog, Story, Sunday, Malcolm and Sand Lakes, which contain a total of 355 properties with cottages/residences Not for profits to get discount on permits Council passed a resolution to provide a 30 per cent discount to all not-for-profit user groups and/or for the purpose of fundraising and/or organized events in regards to purchasing Daily Road Access Permits for future events on the Crown Roads within the Crown Land Stewardship Program. “It’s the right thing to do,” said Coun. Gerry Martin.

OPP report

Investigation leads to charges


n March 3, 2019 at 2:08am, officers from Frontenac Ontario Provincial Police (OPP) re-sponded to a single motor vehicle collision on Battersea Road. At 2:23am, an officer arrived at the scene and spoke to the male driver. As a result of the investigation, Stephen Baker, a 27-year-old male from Kingston was charged with impaired driving and having over 80 milli-grams of alcohol in his blood while operating a motor vehicle.

His driver's license was suspended for 90 days and his motor vehicle was towed and im-pounded for seven days. He was released on a promise to appear in the Ontario Court of Justice in Kingston on April 11, 2019

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March 7, 2019 Publisher & Editor.............................................. Jeff Green Head of Production.............................................Scott Cox Sales Representative................................. Carol Jackson Copy Editors ..........................Martina Field, Tracy Riddell Office Staff.................. Suzanne Tanner, Caylie Runciman Webmaster.......................................................Jesse Mills Reporters................................Wilma Kenny, Craig Bakay, ...........................................................Catherine Reynolds




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Bake shop owner guilty of defrauding Maberly Fair by Jeff Green


ake shop owner pleads guilty of defrauding Maberly Fair Board

It’s unlikely that members of the Maberly Fair Board will be eating butter tarts any time soon. Or at least they won’t be buying them at the Maberly Bake shop. In Perth Criminal Court on Monday, May 4, Bonnie Palmer, owner of the shop, pleaded guilty of defrauding the board of $25,194. In settling the case, Palmer agreed to pay back a portion of those funds, $11,699 and to donate $1,000 to YAK, a youth program in Perth. Of the $11,699, the Fair board will only receive $1,699, under 7% of the total that they are out. $10,000 will go to the Co-Operators Insurance company, the Fair’s insurer, which provided that amount to the board when they made a claim for the financial loss. Palmer became the treasurer of the Fair Board in January of 2017. Early in 2018, Perth Septic contacted another board member, and said that they had not been paid for services they provided to the Fair the preceding August. When the board member went to the bank, they found out both the chequing and petty cash bank accounts had been depleted. After contacting Ms. Palmer and attempting to find out where the money had gone, without success, police were contacted in March of 2018. Charges were laid later in the summer, and the case has been before the Perth court since last September. In surmising the case, the crown pointed out that of the moneys that were reported missing, up to $15,000 came in the form of cash donations and gate receipts from the fair that had never been deposited, making that money hard to track. The cash settlement in the case was based only on traceable moneys which had been removed from the bank accounts, which is why it was so much less than the amount that actually went missing. In a joint submission, the Crown and Defence recommended that in addition to paying a total of $11,699 in restitution and a $1,000 donation, moneys that Ms. Palmer’s lawyer, Mr. MacDonald, said he already had in his possession, a 270-day conditional sentence be imposed, followed by an 18-month probationary period. More detail about the case came out when two victim impact statements were read out in court. Fair Board chair Bill Cameron read an account from Board Secretary Rosetta McCinnis, who recalls that in February of 2017, one month after Palmer became the Treasurer, McCinnis deposited $1,100 in the bank, the proceeds of a highly successful ham and bean supper. They later found out that the very next day, Palmer wrote an $1,100

SINCE 1970

cheque from that account to herself. In her victim impact statement, Janet Conlon, who had preceded Palmer as treasurer, said that Palmer’s actions have forced the board and the local community to be more suspicious of newcomers. “After only a few years in the community, I was given a position of trust by the lifelong community members when I became treasurer. After then extending that trust to Bonnie Palmer and being re-paid in this way, that kind of trust has been broken and the community is not as open as it was.” Conlon also countered a claim made by Ms. Palmer’s lawyer that the books had been in a state of disrepair when she took over. “The books were up to date, all remittances had been paid and all the entries had been

done when I handed it over to her,” said Conlon. Palmer was given a chance to address the court. She said “it was a difficult situation all around. I’m sorry for the part I played … I could have done better, I am not a professional book-keeper.” Judge Wright took issue with that statement. “You are not in court today because of an allegation of book-keeping impropriety, you do understand that? You have pled guilty to a criminal offence … these types of offences are extremely harmful. This was not a large corporation. Not for profit, community organisations depend on public support, and the public is not as likely to support them in cases where the money that is donated has been

Ontario Health Teams – Southeastern Ontario could be served by a massive one by Jeff Green uncan Sinclair, former Dean of Medicine at Queen’s University, and the author of a book on health care reform in Ontario, now lives a quiet (for him) life on Buck Lake near Perth Road. But he is still, at 85, involved in health care reform. He has been meeting, over the past year or so, with what he describes as a “a small group trying to organise what the current government is calling an “Ontario Health Team” in Southeastern Ontario. I called him this week to get his perspective on the latest government pronouncements over health care and their impact in Frontenac County. It turned out he was way ahead of the curve. “I think what the government has in mind for healthcare has the potential to be a very good thing”, he said in a telephone interview this week. And there are plans for Eastern Ontario to be one of the first jurisdictions to see some wholesale changes.


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A meeting took place in Kingston last week, attended by what Sinclair describes as a “coalition of the willing”, representatives from healthcare agencies from Hastings, Prince Edward, Lennox and Addington, Frontenac, Lanark and Leeds and Grenville Counties as well as the cities of Belleville and Kingston. They were there to talk about the potential to form a single Health Team to serve the 500,000 people living in those jurisdictions. Sinclair said that the ambitious idea includes hospitals, primary care, community health centres, and even public health agencies “The idea is to transfer the responsibility for allocating resources from funders, as it is now, to those delivering service, and to be as efficient as possible in providing all of the services that people need, services acting to-

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stolen,” he said. Despite any misgivings he may have had about the disposition of the case after hearing the victim impact statements and Bonnie Palmer’s response, the judge accepted the joint submission that had been made earlier on. He told Palmer that she must remain in her home except for two four-hour periods each week, on Wednesday and Sunday mornings, except for work or medical appointments. “You must be available in your home or at your place of work whenever police or other officials decide to check, and if you are not, the rest of the sentence will be served in jail. I hope you are clear on that,” he said. “Good luck, Ms. Palmer,” he concluded, “I hope we don’t see you here again”.

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gether in consultation with people who are being served.” In Frontenac County, the Sydenham and Verona Medical Clinics and Sharbot Lake Family Health Team could be part of the change, and community service agencies as well. The group is attempting to work with the “coalition of the willing” to put together a proposal in short order for the province to look at. They would like to be ready when the fourteen Local Health Integration Networks (LHINS) across the Province are eliminated and a new health care super agency takes over.

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Land O’Lakes Lions The 5th Annual

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DJ North Of The Border Sound Mid-Evening Lunch Door Prize, 50/50 Tickets Prizes For Best Dressed Of The Era Tickets available in advance,$15/pp, For tickets or infomation, call Debbie at 613-336-8502



COMMUNITY REPORTERS (613) Arden............................. Wanda Harrison................335-3186 Cloyne / Northbrook...... Nancy Skipper Denbigh......................... Angela Bright....................333-1901 Godfrey.......................... Stefan Duerst....................374-1710 Harrowsmith.................. Kim Gow Henderson..................... Jean Brown.......................336-2516 Inverary......................... Judy Borovskis..................353-1768 Maberly-Bolingbroke..... Karen Prytula....................325-1354 Mississippi..................... Pearl Killingbeck...............278-2127 Mountain Grove............. Marilyn Meeks...................279-3209 Ompah........................... Linda Rush........................479-2570 Marily Seitz........................479-2855 Parham-Tichbome......... Colleen Steele...................375-6219 Christine Teal....................375-6525 Plevna........................... Katie Ohlke........................479-2797 Sydenham..................... Karen Brawley...................376-9848 Verona........................... Debbie Lingen...................374-2091

verona Debbie Lingen

613-374-2091 debbie@lingens.com

• Early Bird registration for the Frontenac Soccer Association began March 3. This program is for children and youth ages 4 to 18. Early bird fees will apply until April 1. The soccer season is from May to July. To register your child, go to http://www.frontenacsoccer.com. • The first Creative Kids Club for kindergarten to grade 6 children will be held at the Cole Lake Free Methodist Church on Tuesday, March 12 from 10am to 1pm. There will be lots of activities and a craft to take home. Lunch will be provided. Contact Kris Caird at 613-374-3138 or Jean Freeman at 613-583-3968 for more information. RSVP by Saturday, March 8. • Day and date change! Verona Lions Club are holding their Sunday Morning Breakfast on Saturday, March 23 (not the 10th) at the Lions Club, featuring The McLion sandwich, eggs, peameal bacon, home fries, coffee, tea, toast and baked beans. Adults $8, 7-12 $4, 6 and under free. The breakfast will be held in conjunction with the Verona Lions Vendors market. • Diners Club is teaming up with SALT on Wednesday, March 13. The Diners Club Lunch will be held at the Verona Lions Club and will include a presentation on safety in your vehicle. This lunch will start at 11:30am and will include a healthy meal, followed by the presentation. All SALT sponsored lunches are FREE. You must register in advance. Transportation is available for an additional cost. Call 613376-6477, ext. 303. • The VCA will be holding their annual general meeting Wednesday March 13, 6:30pm at Mom Restaurant, back room. This meeting is open to all residents of Verona and area. • Vendors are needed for the market at the Verona Lions Hall which will be held Saturday, March 23. Lions canteen on-site. For information or to reserve your spot, contact lion RJ at Rj3060@aol.com or 613-876-7023. • Batter up! Baseball season is about to begin. The Frontenac County Minor Softball Association softball registration for the Verona and Hartington areas will take place Wednesday, March 27 at the Princess Anne building in Hartington from 6-8pm. Registration at Verona Lions Club (Lions' Den) is on Saturday, March 30 from noon to 2:30pm. Contact Mary Jo Dowker 613-483-9126 or ronmaryjo.dowker@gmail.com for more information.

March 7, 2019

• Southern Frontenac Community Services will once again host free tax clinics for eligible residents, starting March 4 and running until April 30 on Mondays and Tuesdays each week (excluding holidays). T • Call 613-376-6477 and press 0 to see if you are eligible for this tax-free program and to make an appointment. Location is the SFCSC main office, 4295 Stage Coach Road, Sydenham.



Wanda Harrison

613-335-3186 wmharrison070@gmail.com

• Thanks to everyone who donated a prize, bought a raffle ticket or participated in the Recreation Committee’s Arden Rink Skate-a-thon. What a wonderful turnout for this fundraising event. Thanks for all of your hard work, Lisa and Jeff Matson. • The Arden Youth Group, is back! On the 2nd and 4th Friday of each month at the United Church, in Arden, youths in grade 8 and up will meet, with new facilitators with new activities. March 8, 3:30-6:30pm will be the first of many drop ins for Arden youth. For more information, please contact Cheryl at 335-2474, text 05-375-7561-7, or email minister@ ardenpastoralcharge.ca • Just a reminder that Coffee and Conversation continues at the church on Thursdays from 10-11am. • If visiting Tweed, drop into Quinn’s Fine Art Gallery, where our local artist, Gordon Wright, has some of his work on display. Other art works by the same artist are at Side Street Gallery in Wellington and the Dancing Moon Gallery and Tea Room in Westport.

CLOYNE - Northbrook Nancy Skipper

Klatt before March 22, 2019 at 613-479-2231 ext. 233 or recreation@northfrontenac.ca. Completed proposals must be submitted prior to March 22nd at 4:00pm.. • The Flinton Community Jamboree has posted their brochure! Mark your calendars for August 2, 2019 through to August 4, 2019! Check out their Facebook page for all the information and the amazing line-up of artists!


• Connections Adult Learning is offering Intro to QuickBooks Pro on Thursdays from 1:30-4:30pm beginning March 7, 2019 to April 11, 2019. You will learn the accounting required to use the program, set-up and navigation and complete everyday financial tasks, and new features in the 2019 version. • The Lions Club is presenting their 5th annual dance 50 and 60 and Beyond on March 9, 2019 beginning at 7:30pm at the Lions Hall in Northbrook. $15.00, Door prize and prize for the best era-related attire. For more information, call Lion Debbie at 613-336-8502. • Connections Adult Learning will be offering the Safe Food Handling Prep course beginning Friday March 22, 2019 to April 26, 2019 from 9:30am to 12:30pm. Drop in to Connections Adult Learning at 12497A Hwy 41, Unit 2 in Northbrook for more information. • SAVE THE DATE for the annual LOLCS Spaghetti Dinner coming to you on Saturday, March 16, 2019. Keep reading for more details! • The Township of North Frontenac is looking for local artists to paint a mural for public display. This is round 4 of this great initiative! Looking around the community, you will see five murals already in place with five more to be installed this spring. The plywood is supplied by the township and the artist will receive $100 from them to put toward paints and other materials. For an information package, please contact Corey

613-333-1901 bright.a@gmail.com

• This Saturday, March 9th, there will be a snowshoe outing starting 10am sharp at the home of Tony & Gail Fritsch. The outing will last an hour or so, with light refreshments to follow. There are some snowshoes available for children and adults to use, however, please call ahead to reserve them to ensure they are available when you arrive. Contact Tony or Gail 613 333 2224. • You are invited to attend a family bonfire and hot dog roast on Sunday, March 17th at Vennachar Free Methodist, starting at 12:30pm. Following the bonfire, there will be games indoors. See you there! Info: 613 333 2318. • The Denbigh Library would like to spread the word that The Seed Lending Library is open with a great variety of seeds free. Stop by the library, see what the program is all about, and start planning your garden now. There are also new DVDs on the shelves: A Star is Born, Here and Now, Simple Favor, Winter's Dream, Olaf's Frozen Adventure and Ralph Breaks the Internet. • Up and coming at the library is a Meet the Author event on April 24th at 3:30pm. Linda Corupe, writer of The Hard Road Ahead, The Addington Colonization Road of Early Ontario, will visit with a book talk and signing. Space is limited. Please call or email to register: 613 333 1426, denbighl@ hotmail.com.



• A euchre Fun Night at the S and A Hall, March 9 beginning at 7pm. Light refreshments and a cash bar. Cost is $5. Call Pam at 929-7003 or Marilyn at 372-0917. • Ole Tyme Fiddlers open mic at the Golden Links Hall, March 10 from 1-5pm. A dinner will follow. Please bring a dessert to share. Cost is $10. For details, please call 372-2410. • On March 17, a ham dinner at the Golden Links Hall from 4:30-6pm. Cost is $15. For information, please call 3722410. • Words to live by: Positive anything is better than negative nothing. Have a great week.



• Well, your old reporter, having been busy getting ready for El Salvador by collecting humanitarian supplies, attending orientation, and having all kinds of needles to prevent hepatitis, malaria, stomach upsets, and diarrhea is now in El Salvador. Hello from a sunny climate where 35 of us “pilgrims” are on a mission trip visiting our United Church’s Global partner Emmanuel Baptist Church (Iglesia Bautista Emmanuel) in San Salvador, El Salvador. We sleep under a mosquito net in a converted orphanage in barracks. Spouse Allan paid to

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March 7, 2019 stay home, so is much more comfortable! Half of our group are teens over 14 who keep us busy with their enthusiasm and energy as we help with building, teaching vacation Bible School, and visiting the sacred sites to the memory of Saint Oscar Romero. Oscar Romero was assassinated in 1980 while serving communion in El Salvador. He stood up for what he believed in and gave his life. Only moments before his death, Romero said: “Those who surrender to the service of the poor through love of Christ will live like the grain of wheat that dies… The harvest comes because of the grain that dies.” Like many great leaders who have fought for truth, Oscar Romero was killed and became a martyr, but his voice and ideas live on. Stay tuned for more details, folks. You can also pick us up at this site http://www.salvador2019.com/. • Before leaving, I had a good visit with Angie Deline, whose health is returning and who is so appreciative of cards and calls from folks here at home. • Henderson United met on Sunday and now is back in gear, worshiping every Sunday at 8:45am. Also, the church met on Tuesday with chairperson Allan Gurnsey, to plan out their year and to be part of an annual meeting. Many exciting events and activities are planned for this year 2019.

INVERARY Judy Borovskis


• Support your local Lions Club! Treat yourself, treat a friend! • Youth dance - Friday March 22 from 7-10pm at the Lions Hall in Sunbury. Students grades 5-8. Cost: $5. Music, refreshments & fun! Adult supervision. • Chris Murphy welcomes celebrated singer/songwriter/ multi-instrumentalist J.P. Cormier to Inverary United Church on Friday, March 29 from 7:30-10:30pm. His songs are powerful, from the heart, and rooted in the folk tradition. Come enjoy the music of his guitar, his fiddle and the mandolin or banjo! Tickets available now at https://www.eventbrite.ca/e/ an-evening-with-jp-cormier-tickets-54755917423. • Children’s thrift sale at Battersea United Church from 9am to 2pm on Saturday, March 30. • Irish Music Night with Chris Murphy on March 31 at 7pm at Battersea United Church. Refreshments, free will offering and lots of toe tapping! • Reading a Good Book! The Storrington Center Readers meet the third Thursday of each month in the Storrington Center from 12-1 to talk about books. Everyone welcome! • Ice huts have been a bee hive of activity, and I hear with good results. According to my sleuthing, huts for this area should be removed by March 15. Be safe and enjoy these last few days!! • FYI: the ‘Inverary News’ is submitted to Frontenac News every Monday for that week’s edition. Any items of interest must reach me by 3pm on Mondays.

Maberly-Bolingbroke Karen Prytula

613-325-1354 karenprytula@gmail.com

• Summer Student Employment Opportunities - Tay Valley Township seeks three energetic students for the following summer opportunities: Office Assistant (1 Position) Community Facilities & Recreation Assistant (2 Positions) Detailed job descriptions are available by visiting www.tayvalleytwp. c a .

MISSISSIPPI Pearl Killingbeck


THE FRONTENAC NEWS which will be The Tritones, featuring jazz, funk and jam music. Thursday, March 28, 7-9pm. Ron Lemke’s name was omitted in the “Forget me Knots” write-up last week. It should have been Ron Lemke, Roger Hermer, Doug Millar, Ray Whitelock & Denzel Killing. • Hill top Jamboree at McDonald’s Corners Agricultural Hall will be held March 10th. Music starts at 1pm, dinner at 5pm. All welcome. • A few March birthdays: Gloria McEwan, Sharon Killingbeck, Heather Kirkland, Ruth Wark, R.D. St. Pierre, Erma Millar, Elaine Delisle. • Get well wishes to Ray Lynch and Silvia Crain.. • There were 240 people fed at Snow Road Snowmobile Club’s breakfast on Saturday. The next one is March 16th, 8-11. It will be an Alzheimer’s breakfast. How many lbs of bacon, sausages, eggs, bread, potatoes, and beans does it take to feed 240 people? Tip of the hat to all of you volunteers that come out every two weeks to make breakfast for that many people. There isn’t a restaurant in the country that feeds that many people breakfast. I don’t know how you do it. But I do know it’s the best breakfast around. Thank you from the whole community and beyond. • Don’t forget St. Patrick’s Day stew Dinner at Elphin Church Hall Sat March 16th, 5-7pm. Adults $12, 6-12 $5, under 6 free. It’s a wonderful event – all kinds of stews. See you there. • Sympathy to Evelyn Killingbeck on the death of her brother. • Sunday morning Dave, Linda and Elaine did a wonderful job of conducting church service while Rev. Phillip was in the South enjoying family, fun and sunshine. Rev. Phillip, you would have been proud. Don’t forget Sunday March 17th is Food Bank Sunday.



• We are now in the month of March. Come in like a lamb or leave like a lion? Some birthdays are Collin Hamilton, Jack Fox, Tyler Hawley Jennifer Smith, Jack Price, Jackson Mosher, Kristen Clark, Audrey Bertrim, David Kelly, Dwayne Matson, Howard Gibbs, Melvin LaPonte, Mary Lou Woolfrey, Linda Gray. • The Lions Club was in the Sharbot Lake Home on February 28 to play euchre for fun. An enjoyable afternoon. • The Knitters and Craters were here on March 1. Anyone can come. • Thinking of all the people that are sick this season.


In support of Central Frontenac Swim Program. • Sympathy to the family of the late Cheryl Melkman and also to the Bartraw family, on the loss of Peggy. • Big thank you to Goodfellows Flowers for the beautiful roses. Also to lay worship, leader Barb DeJeet who led us in worship at the Parham United Church on Sunday. Following the service, a luncheon was enjoyed. Thanks to all who donated items for this. • The Parham United Church is having a ham supper on March 16. Please note the increase in prices, which are $15 for adults, 6-12 are $6 and family is $30. Hope you can join us. • March 10 is daylight savings time. Please set your clock ahead an hour. • Thinking of you to Kim Harper • Jessica Wedden will be performing at the Crossing Pub in Sharbot Lake, opening with Jon McLurg. • Real exciting games at the Frontenac Arena as hockey games are winding down. Thanks to all who have helped make the season successful. • March Break is coming up for students - enjoy! • The Bachelor of Science Nursing Students of St. Lawrence are sending a group of Nursing students to Tanzania in May. A fundraiser was held in Sydenham on Saturday. This is a cross-cultural course where nurses will build skills for future practices. Thanks to all who contributed. Keira Myers and Savannah Dee are going on this trip. • Parham United Church will host their yummy in the tummy ham supper on Sat. March 16 and it’s a complete ham dinner with rolls, juice, ham, potatoes, vegetables, beans, and all the fixings, including pie and assorted desserts for $15 adults, and ages 6-12 cost $6. There is a family rate of $30. Your support of this dinner enables our church to go forward, pay hydro bills, offer funerals, pastoral care, weekly worship, community meeting spaces and also honour the pioneers who built the church so many years ago. Let’s get behind this community dinner. If you are unable to attend, it is possible to send in a donation or bring it to church every Sunday at 11:30am when worship is on. • Join us for the first Creative Kids Club for Kindergarten to Grade 6 children. It will be held at the Cole Lake Free Methodist Church on Tuesday, March 12, 2019 from 10am to 1pm. For details, see Verona column on page 4. • Happy Birthday to: Dave King, Gord Bertrim, Charlotte Brown, Melody Cooke, Chris Teal, Cheryl Hole, Collin Hamilton, Sophie Neumann, Robert MacPherson, Tina Howes, Keith Steele, Marcie Asselstine, Rick Goodfellow and Melvin Lapointe.

PLEVNA Katie Ohlke

Linda Rush  lindarush@yahoo.com Marily Seitz  seitz@xplornet.ca

613-479-2570 613-479-2855

• Jane Young blew out the candles on the cake at the February Birthday Bash. Mark Wednesday, March 20 on your calendar for the next Bash. Since it is close to St. Patrick’s Day, you might think about wearing some green.

PARHAM-TICHBORNE Colleen Steele 613-375-6219 Christine Teal  mrsteal2u@hotmail.com 613-375-6525

613-479-2797 ohlkek@limestone.on.ca

• Mark your calendars for Jack’s Jam, March 16, 2019, from 1-5:30pm at the Clar-Mill Hall. There will be lots of great music, dancing, fun and a pot luck supper served at 5:30pm. • Soup and sandwiches are available for a reasonable price, if you would like to have lunch too. Everyone is welcome, so we hope to see you there. • Last month’s Jam was a huge success, with a large crowd and many very talented musicians attending. We had a special treat as The Land O’ Lake Cloggers put on an excellent performance.

• Sharbot Lake Lions Club breakfast: March 23, 2019, 8–11am. $8 adults, $4 children, under 6 free. All you can eat!

Columns continued on page 6


• Host & hostess of Coffee Break Friday morning were Hanne, Robert and Janet. The Frontenac Road Crew boys were invited for coffee and goodies as a thank you from the community for keeping our roads in such good shape. Stop in any time, boys, for coffee and treats, as our thank you from us to you. • 28 people enjoyed music night with Taylor Angus and Logan Brown. Great jazz, R&B and blues music. Marg & Mike were lucky enough to win tickets to the next music night,

Sharbot Lake Veterinary Services 613-279-2780 Tuesday & Thursday 2 - 4 p.m.

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Fran Willes, BA, MPL I would like to thank the residents of Loughborough District who supported me in the recent election and those who persevered in order to cast their vote. Best Wishes to Mayor Vandewal and the members of the new Council.

Specializing in live edge & laminate charcuterie boards, bowls & more. Find Us On Facebook Located east of Sydenham ~ 613 217 1835 danddwcrafts@gmail.com


march 7, 2019

THE FRONTENAC NEWS - International Women’s Week

Minister tells municipalities to consider “an interim pause” on planning decisions

Steady as she goes regarding planning, says Gallivan by Jeff Green ecently, Ontario’s Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing, Steve Clark, sent a letter to Ontario municipalities concerning the supply of housing in the province. The letter also addressed the related matter of land use planning. The letter said that the government is “reviewing the Planning Act and Provincial Policy Statement to ensure they are calibrated to achieve our streamlining and housing supply objectives.” He then said that municipalities may want to wait until those changes are in place before embarking on any major local planning initiatives. “I encourage you to consider the context of this streamlining work and its focus on the Planning Act and the Provincial Policy Statement, as it may help to inform your local actions. You may consider an interim pause on some planning decisions or reviews of major planning documents such as official plans or comprehensive zoning bylaw updates until this work is completed.” Frontenac County Manager for Development Services, Joe Gallivan, said that two major initiatives in Frontenac County, the Central Frontenac Township Official Plan process, which is well underway, and the effort to improve the planning process across the county, should not be halted. I think that, for a municipality such as Ottawa, which is starting to look at a new Official Plan, it pays to wait before spending large amounts of money on studies that will be necessary for that plan. But for Central Frontenac, I don’t think changes to the Provincial Policy Statement or the Planning Act will change things for them.” He added that there is a lot of interest in


Central Frontenac in developing Sharbot Lake as a regional hub in light of what might happen with Hwy. 7 and with VIA rail. “The official plan renewal process has been going on for two years and, in my view, it should continue,” he said. Frontenac County has made planning services the subject of a major internal review, under the direction of the County Manager of Continuous Improvement, Kevin Farrell. The county provides planning services to three of the four Frontenac

municipalities, and has developed close ties with the planning department in South Frontenac, in recent months. The long-anticipated initiative aims at developing a clear planning process that is consistent throughout the county, for the benefit of residents who may only deal with planning matters once, and developers as well. “I don’t see why we should stop doing this work. We are off to a great start,” said Gallivan. “Megan Rueckwald [Manager of Com-

munity Planning] from our office and Claire Dodds [Manager of Development Services] from South Frontenac led a meeting with all of the planning staff from the entire county recently and everyone was extremely positive about making improvements to the way planning is done in Frontenac County,” he said. He indicated that any changes that do come from the provincial review can be incorporated into the local planning process.

Continued from page 5

• With spring around the corner registrations for summer sports should be coming up. If you want me to highlight it in the column, don’t hesitate to contact me by phone or email. • ELEMENTS Fitness is hosting it’s 1st annual, Always Laurie Strong Walk & Run on Sunday March 24th. Registration starts at 10am. The walk/run will start at 10:30am at ELEMENTS Fitness at 2529 Freeman Road, and loop around Sills Bay to Bedford Road and back to Freeman. The cost is $20 per person (don your blue Always

Laurie Strong T-shirt), sorry the pre order time for the shirts has passed), contact either Karley Heyman at Elements Fitness at elementsfitness2529@gmail.com to pre register for the walk (by e transfer) or contact Kelsey at Kelsey.ross.66@hotmail. com. There will be a potluck lunch at 12 noon following the walk/run. A good word of advice to those travelling those routes those days by vehicle: expect it to be quite a crew of walkers. Let’s show some support and help raise awareness for ALS.

Sydenham Karen Brawley


• Hope everyone got their tickets to the St. Patrick’s Day Dance at the Legion – it’s is a sold-out event! Those who are attending: don’t forget, it starts at 8pm and lots of games and prizes, as well as get your best green on. C’mon, Sydenham - get your jig on! • Well, as of the time of typing this, March came in like a lamb; so, it’s bound to go out like a lion, as the age old saying goes. But that’s okay. We are springing ahead on the 10th of March. Don’t forget to set your clocks ahead 1 hour. Another hour of daylight. So, for those who have dreaded and disliked this winter, spring is around the corner, just not quite sure yet how big the road to the corner is… The March break kicks off on the 9th of March, as well, so hopefully there is some nice weather and lots of activities for everyone to participate in. Safe travels to those who are going away for the break.

International Women’s Day

As part of International Women’s Day, March 3-9, The Frontenac News is pleased to present these profiles of some of the Business Women in our community. Their backgrounds are diverse, but they have one thing in common: hard work. We hope that our readers will enjoy these brief glimpses into the lives and careers of our Business Women.

Melissa Evans – Addison’s Restaurant When Melissa Evans started u p A d d i s o n ’s Restaurant in April of 2009, she was taking over a location that had seen new owners almost every year. From the start, it was clear that things were different. “It is very important to us that people have a good experience when they come to eat in our restaurant. We need to give them good food and friendly service. That’s all there is to it” she said in an interview with the News at the time. Two years later, Addison’s was named as the tourist operator of the year in Lennox and Addington, and now that she is about to celebrate her tenth anniversary, it is abundantly clear that

she has the persistence to keep a business going through the long winters and the occasional poor tourist season. In a mark of the passage of time, the restaurant was named after Melissa’s son Addison, who was in grade 8 at the time. Now he is the full time cook in the restaurant, and is always “telling me what I should be doing” Melissa said. Melissa changes the menu twice a year to keep things fresh, but part of the ongoing appeal of Addison’s for both the tourist and local trade is continuity.” Prime Rib is always popular. We start that up in May, and people love home made desserts. 90% of our menu is homemade.”

11893 Hwy. 41, Northbrook  613-336-8265 AddisonsRestaurant.ca


Mary Blackmore, HOM, DCHM (Hons.)

Homeopathy is an individualized, holistic system of medicine that is gentle and effective and is used to treat a variety of chronic and acute illness. Homeopaths look at the total symptom picture of an individual to determine the best match in homeopathic treatment based on the premise that like cures like. Homeopathy stimulates the body to heal itself. We now offer testing for Hormones, Food Reactions and Immunology, as well as Nutritional and Environmental testing! Homeopathy is a regulated health care profession in Ontario and coverage is available from many Insurance Companies. Canada Revenue Agency also allows Homeopathic treatment as a valid medical expense for Income Tax purposes. Consultations by appointment only at Snow Road Station and Perth offices.

Call (613) 777-8869 to book your appointment with Mary Visit our website: www.blackmorewellnesshomeopathy.com Coming soon…OPEN HOUSE at SNOW ROAD STATION – for more details Like and Follow us on Facebook: www.facebook.com/BlackmoreWellness/

For Our Aging Thirteen years ago, Country View opened because we wanted to offer seniors a better choice. I had lived in the community all my life and started working with seniors when I was 15, following my mother’s lead. After working in both large and small seniors homes, we learned that offering a gentle care policy was the only correct way to look after our aging. This included home cooked meals and baking, showers when it’s good for our clients, back rubs and meals served in bed when required.

We have had many amazing seniors come into our family like home, and choose to stay with us through their final hours. What a wonderful honour. On top of providing retirement care Country View also offers advanced palliative care which we have been told is second to none. At Country View Care we treat our seniors with love and respect. Jennifer Clow, Owner/Administrator 9504 Road 38 Godfrey, ON K0H 1T0 613-374-2023

march 7, 2019


THE FRONTENAC NEWS - International Women’s Week

Failed oil furnaces at Northbrook Medical Centre to be replaced with propane - Addington Highlands Council report by Craig Bakay


ddington Highlands Council voted to replace two failed oil furnaces at the Northbrook Medical Centre with propane furnaces at its regular meeting Tuesday afternoon in Flinton. During an inspection, Bosley Heating & Cooling reported that both oil furnaces have failed heat exchangers (these units were installed in 1995); the fuel oil supply tank is not approved to be used as a heating fuel tank and is installed too close to the building; and the existing propane furnaces are in good working order. The cost to supply and install 1300 000 BTU propane furnace with duct adaptors, including removal and disposal of existing oil-fired equipment is

$13,560 including GST on sales. Replacing the existing oil furnace and tank would cost $20,114. “It has to be done and we have a month to do it,” said Dep. Reeve Tony Fritsch, taking the chair for vacationing Reeve Henry Hogg. “We’ll have to look at the budget to see if we want to sacrifice something else.” There was a concern raised over sole sourcing but Fritsch said they didn’t have time to send the work out to tender. “They gave us four weeks to fix this,” he said. “If we had six months, we’d be going in a different direction.” Fire Chief Casey Cuddy said the Township has a contract with a propane

Annette Gray-Jackson RMT, BA

Fee waived Council approved a request to waive the rental fee for a free concert by The Tri-Ensemble at the Denbigh Hall July 20. The concert is in support of the Denbigh Food Bank.

Weight restriction Council passed a bylaw restricting the gross weight of vehicles on Trepanier’s Bridge on Clark Line Road to 10 tonnes in the case of a single vehicle (empty or loaded), 18 tonnes for a combination of two vehicles and 25 tonnes for a combination of three vehicles.

Reeve Henry Hogg - $25,860.07 including travel and per diems. Dep. Reeve Helen Yanch - $20,760.31 including travel. Councilor Tony Fritsch - $15,543.20 including travel. Councilor Kirby Thompson $15,267.52 including travel. Councillor Bill Cox - $14,337.58 including travel, per diems and expense, and Councilor David Mile - $1,255.44 including travel. Also Thompson was paid $2,144.06 by the Mississippi Valley Conservation Authority and Hogg $991.50 by Quinte Conservation for travel and per diems.

Council remuneration Council members pay for 2018 was:

Rozanne Leonard-Stewart - Leonard Fuels LTD.

As a lifelong resident of the Sharbot Lake area I feel fortunate to work locally and provide Registered Massage Therapy within our Community. Since graduating in 2011, I have completed many additional courses focusing on the needs of my clients and improving the care that I can provide. Professional care from a RMT may aid you in the discomforts of daily living such as; headaches, TMJ, arthritis, chronic or acute pain or injury, stress relief and improvement in Range of Motion. Most Extended Health Insurance policies provide coverage for Registered Massage Therapy. Direct Insurance Billing to many companies is available. For more information or online booking please visit www.annettegrayjackson.­com call or text 613-449-0060 or visit my facebook page. Visit myself and our team of Healthcare Practitioners at Sharbot Lake Health & Wellness 14253 Rd 38 Sharbot Lake. Annette Gray-Jackson RMT, BA

www.annettegrayjackson.­com 613-449-0060

6709 Main St. Verona, ON K0H 2W0  613-374-2323 Welcome to Nicole’s Gifts in Verona. I would like to take this opportunity to thank you for your support over the last 9 years. The doors of Nicole’s Gifts first opened in March 2010 and I am so thankful to be able to continue to work in this wonderful community. After this long winter, it’s time to start thinking about spring. We have recently given the store a fresh new look and are excited to showcase our new spring decor to spruce up your home inside & out. Your favourite items, like wind chimes, Canada metal wall art, and garden decor will soon be back in stock! We are adding new

supplier from whom they get better rates “and they supply tanks.”

items as well, such as bathing suits, cover-ups, and beach bags. Open Monday-Thursday 9:30-4:00, Friday 9:30-5 and Saturday 9:30-4. Open Sundays 10-3 starting April 1.

Please join us on Saturday, March 9 for our 9th Anniversary celebration!


When Rozanne Leonard-Stewart started working for her father at Leonard’s Fuel’s, her father was the boss. She remembers going to events where fuel companies would meet together. “At that time I was the only woman at the meetings, but my father made sure that I never felt left out or different from the men,” she recalls. She has now been working at Leonard’s Fuels for 40 years and has been a co-owner/shareholder for the past 32 years. She has had to be pro-active to keep the business viable in a changing regulatory and business environment, constantly updating equipment, making sure staff are properly trained and

PinPoint Appraisers Inc. was founded October 26, 2016, however the founder, Ashley Gray has been a DAR-Certified Appraisal Reviewer and an active member of CNAREA for over 8 years. Ashley is a life -long resident of Central Frontenac with family Ashley Gray DAR-Certified roots running throughout Appraisal Reviewer/Owner Frontenac County. She and her husband Joel are raising two young sons here and are both active in the business community. PinPoint is a proud InFrontenac Brand Ambassador. PinPoint has been an established and popular firm with an excellent track record for lender satisfaction, providing quick turnaround

following proper procedures, and changing product lines when necessary, including the addition of propane in recent years. With 20 staff working out of the Hartington location, Leonard’s is an important employer in South Frontenac, and Roseanne values the loyalty of her employees and her customers as much as anything else. It helps that they all know she will be on the job everyday, making sure that the service on offer from Leonard’s, be it fuel delivery, furnace maintenance or retail sales at the store and gas bar, is of the highest quality.

• Domestic • Farm • Commercial 613-372-2112 1-800-543-7884 5589 Road 38, Hartington leonardfuels@persona.ca

times and accurate market valuations. Recently PinPoint has expanded into the city of Ottawa and surrounding area. “We will never compromise on the quality and the service provided to our clients. Our appraisers strive for excellence and stay up to date with extended learning and market trends within their areas.” Currently we cover Frontenac County (Including the City of Kingston), Lanark County, Leeds County, Lennox and Addington County, Hastings County (Including the City of Belleville), Quinte West and Prince Edward County. Ashley is actively working in the field and also oversees the work of 3 candidate Appraisers for PinPoint. The team has had great success over the last 2 and a half years. “We look forward to the upcoming year and predict that PinPoint Appraisers will continue to meet the demands of the industry with professionalism and timely service.” 1110 Elizabeth St, Sharbot Lake, ON (613) 279-9303 www.pinpointappraisers.ca

Let’s Celebrate Successful Women by Chris Winney

Debra Smith has been an employee of W.A. Robinson Asset Management Ltd. since 2002 and a member of the Portfolio Management Team since 2004. Since joining the company she has experience in corporate accounting, personal finance, income tax preparation and investment management, earning her CIM designation and receiving her AR designation from the Ontario Securities Commission. She is responsible for the discretionary portfolio clients, working with them to obtain their goals and achieving the lifestyle they desire. Debra’s AR registration reflects a commitment to constantly raising the bar within the team at W.A. Robinson Asset Management Ltd. which is the only portfolio manager in Eastern Ontario outside of Ottawa. Debra’s AR status further strengthens the firm’s ability to deliver trusted, client-focused service in line with industry best practices. 14216 Road # 38, Sharbot Lake, Ontario K0H 2P0 1-877-279-2116


For me, International Women’s Day is an annual one-day reminder to celebrate the success of the women I am fortunate to know. My Northbrook real estate business has brought me into contact with talented, hard-working, driven women who are focused on their specific careers. I appreciate the opportunity to network with them; their expertise has helped me & my clients in moments of challenge. When I retired from teaching high school in 2001, I approached my new real estate career with excitement, hard work & nerves of steel; I was starting again from scratch. I am grateful for the opportunities this work has provided: working with my daughter, Chantel, & now partner, Diana Walker; becoming involved in community groups that were working to improve tourism & businesses in the beautiful Land o’ Lakes vacation region; working with women who are focused, kind & generous with their time & talents. May we raise each other up as we make our way in our chosen careers!

Looking to buy or sell waterfront in the Land o’Lakes? Check our website:

www.landolakesproperty.com or call 613-336-1737.

ProAlliance Realty, Brokerage Independently Owned & Operated

Chris Winney, Broker, 613-336-1737 Chris@landolakesproperty.com

Diana Walker, Salesperson, 613-336-1737 Diana@landolakesproperty.com



Card of Thanks



Thank You - Oliver

Melkman, Cheryl

Fossey, Marjorie

The family of the late Florence Oliver, wishes to thank Moira Place Long Term Care, for the care of Florence over the years; Milestone Funeral Home, for the handling of Florence’s service; Rev. Vernon Scott for his sermon at the funeral; Addison’s Restaurant for the lovely lunch; and to all who sent flowers & donations. Thank you, from Walter Parks & family.

Wasn’t That A Party! Very heartfelt thanks to friends, neighbours, and my very special family, for helping me celebrate my surprise 85th Birthday. Love to all, God bless. Audrey Sortberg

Cheryl passed unexpectedly on Sunday, February 24, 2019 at the age 69, in Kingston, ON. Cheryl is predeceased by her parents John Angus & Jean Walker. Loving mother to Angus (Michelle), Darrell (Michelle), Derek (Liz) and Frank. Proud Nana and avid hockey supporter to Alec, Liam, Graham and Quinn. Cheryl is survived by many siblings and predeceased by her brother Darrell. Special thanks to Dr. Barton and KGH emergency department team. At Cheryl's request, cremation and a private family Celebration of Life will take place.

in Memoriam McEwen In memory of Tyler McEwen, who went to be with the Lord, March 11, 1999, as the result of a car accident. Jesus said, “I am the resurrection and the life. He who BELIEVES in Me will live, though he is dead.” Tye, we still love & miss you. See you in Heaven. Mom, Dad, Tricia (Dee), Abi, Jeff

OBITUARY Betty MacCrimmon (nee Campbell) of Mountain Grove, passed away peacefully at the Perth & Smiths Falls Hospital on Saturday, March 2, 2019. Loving wife of Norman MacCrimmon. Dear mother of Bob (Linda) Gooding, Don (Bette) Gooding, Dave Gooding, Margaret Osborn, Eleanor (John) Nowell and Nancy (Chris) Marshall. Pre-deceased by her son Michael and her daughter-in-law Bonnie Gooding. She will always be cherished in the hearts of her many grandchildren, great-grandchildren and great-greatgrandchildren. Betty will be sadly missed by her sisters Jean (the late Ernie) Reeve, Evelyn (the late Cyril) Cox, Faith Crozier, Eleanor (the late Bruce) Mellick, Iris (Doug) Moore and by her brothers James (Elaine) Campbell and Clark (Lynn) Campbell. Pre-deceased by her brother David and sister Ruth Parker. Fondly remembered by her many nieces, nephews, extended family and friends. Betty’s family will receive friends at the Milestone Funeral Center, 11928 Hwy 41 Northbrook on Monday from 5-8pm & Tuesday from 11am-12pm. The Funeral Service will be in the Chapel on Tuesday, March 5, 2019 at 12:00pm. Interment will follow the luncheon at the Mountain Grove Cemetery. Friends desiring may contribute in her memory to the Pine Meadow Nursing Home or the charity of your choice with appreciation. Online condolences and memories can be shared with the family at www.milestonefuneralcenter.com

Eleanor Pearl Nowell (nee Woodhouse) Peacefully on February 28, 2019, Eleanor left this earth to join her late husband Eric and son Carl. Loving mother to Dan (Debbie), Ron (Esther), Rob (Joy) and John (Eleanor). Nanny will be forever missed by her grandchildren Steven (Lisa), Eric (Natalie), Melanie (Rob) Soulard, Glenn (Yvonne), Ryan (Lindsay), Heather, Beth (Dan) Cousineau, Melissa (Curtis) Grant, Michelle (Mitch) Alcock, James and Jamie. Loving Great-Nanny to 19 great-grandchildren. Loving Sisterin-law to Gwen Woodhouse. Predeceased by her brother Jim Woodhouse. Will be dearly missed by all her dear friends that touched her life. Eleanor’s family will receive friends at the Milestone Funeral Center, 11928 Hwy 41 Northbook on Sunday, March 17, 2019 from 11am - 3pm. A Celebration of Life Service will follow at 3pm. The family would like to sincerely thank the staff at Pine Meadow Nursing Home for all the love and care they provided Eleanor during her stay. Online condolences and memories can be shared with the family at www.milestonefuneralcenter.com





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TURNER, Eldon, Passed away peacefully at Caressant Care Marmora on Saturday February 23, 2019.Eldon Turner, predeceased by his parents Leonard & Mae, baby brother Carl and brother Morris Harold. Survived by his sister Fern (Maurice) Marshman and numerous nieces and nephews. In keeping with Eldon's wishes cremation has taken place. There will be no visitation or service. A Celebration of Life will be held at a later date. With special Thanks to Cathy, Warren and Jane.


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Fresh Flowers for all Occasions • Weddings • Birthdays • Anniversaries • Newborn • Special Holidays • Table Arrangements • Funerals • Boutonnieres & Corsages • Silk Flower Arrangements

1933-2019 It is with great sadness we announce the passing of Marjorie in her 86th year, on Saturday March 2, 2019, due to complications from a seizure. She was born March 23, 1933, to Thomas and Phyllis Martin and raised in Englehart , Ontario. Predeceased by her husband Glenn Fossey. Marjorie is survived by her two foster son’s Charles Smith (Val) and Reg Martin. She will be missed by her grandchildren and great grandchildren, nieces and nephew’s and her long time friend Lynn Waddington. Lovingly cared for by her nephew Rick Provan for past 9 years. Marjorie was a strong member of Sharbot Lake United Church and North Frontenac Little Theater. Resting at Goodfellow’s Funeral Home, Parham. Friends will be received on Saturday March 9, from 1 pm to 3 pm. A celebration of life will be held at a later date On line condolences at goodfellowsfuneralhome.com

March 7, 2019

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MarCh 7, 2019



The Classifieds Ad Rates: Classified Text ads: $10.62 + HST per insertion for 20 words & under; 20¢ each extra word. Deadline: 4 pm Monday; Ph: 613-279-3150, Fax: 613-279-3172; info@frontenacnews.ca


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Stoves, washers, dryers, freezers, dishwashers. 3 months old and up. Sold with written guarantees. Fridges $100 and up. At the lowest prices in the area. Trade-ins accepted on new appliances. Big selection to choose from. We Sell Gas Refrigerators


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APPLIANCES APPLIANCE REPAIR, Call Mark, Verona Hardware, 6723 Main St., Verona. Ph. 613374-2851 ASSELSTINE HARDWARE, Authorized Repair Depot for: Whirlpool, Maytag, Inglis, Amana, Jenn-air, Kitchen Aid, Electrolux, Frigidaire, Samsung Appliances. Over 27 yrs experience. Call 613-374-3400

AUTOMOTIVE KALADAR AUTO RECYCLING. Winter tires & rims for most vehicles. Used cars available, $600 & up. We take trade-ins. Call us for car & truck parts, we have more than 400 vehicles. 11520 Hwy 41; 613-336-9899; 613-885-8644 KINNEY AUTO WRECKING Station Road, Kaladar. 4x4 trucks & parts for sale. Scrap cars, stoves, fridges wanted. 613-336-9272.

Shaw Direct Satellite Tv Special Exclusive Offer!

Buy any 2 HD or HD PVR Set top boxes for 79.99 Ea. and Receive: • *Free Professional Basic Installation • No Contracts • *$100.00 Bill Credit for each Set Top box purchased • *Discount on monthly service for 3 months • Local Installers • *Home away from home discounts • Pick the channels you want • Free Range Tv App • Video on Demand • Fantastic Customer Service

Call us today! 1-866-724-3353 for more Info. *Available to new Shaw Tv Subscribers only. New subscribers must not have been a Shaw customer within the last 180 days. In rare cases a Free Basic install may have additional charges. Please discuss with your installer prior to installation. Home away from home and the Free Range app requires a Shaw Direct Subscription. Packages based on Extra small, small, Medium & large Offerings.

Auction Sale Lanark Civitan Hall

Saturday March 9, 2019 Auction 10 a.m. – Viewing 9 a.m.

Classy Estate Auction! Samick baby grand piano, CONN electric organ, good clean furniture & household items, antiques, collectibles & much more!

For listing and pictures see www.theauctionhunt.com Payment Terms: Cash or Good Cheque Listing subject to change. Everything sells as is. Owner and Auctioneer not responsible in case of loss or damage.

Auctioneer: Jim Beere

613-326-1722 Call Today To Book Your Auction

WATER PUMP REPAIR and Service. UV Disinfection and Filtration, Water Softeners. MOE Licensed Well Technician. Over 27 yrs experience. Asselstine Hardware 613-3743400

TOWING B’S RADICAL RIDES Towing & Recovery. James Mills owner/operator. 613-335-5050; website: bsradicalrides.ca


STANDING TIMBER, firewood, pine, cedar, bush lots. Free quotes, cash paid. Call 613279-2154.

HELP WANTED BLUE SPRUCE ROOFING is seeking a fulltime roofer for immediate hire to join our team. We are looking for someone who is skilled and has experience with sheet metal work as the majority of our roofing is done working with high end sheet metal products and detailed flashing work. Our ideal candidate will have their Working at Heights certification, a vehicle to get them to and from job sites, follows instructions well and is eager to learn new skills. Compensation will be determined based on experience and skill level. Please contact Andrew by email and attach your resume. ROOFERS NEEDED! Amherst Roofing & Sheet Metal is a unionized commercial flat roofing company looking for hard working individuals to join our crews. Must have WHMIS and Working at Heights or willing to obtain it prior to start date. Perfect candidates will be reliable/dependable, punctual, willingness to learn and adaptable to new working environments. Starting wage is as per union rates and increases with experience. Please send resumes to billiejean@amherstroofing. com or stop in to drop off a resume.

SERVICES Drywall Service

FOR SALE CENTRAL BOILER Classic OUTDOOR FURNACES can eliminate your high heating bill. Buy NOW and save up to $550! Call today 613-539-9073. www.thefurnacebroker.com CENTRAL BOILER OUTDOOR FURNACES offer the Classic, the Maxim and the New Edge. Your local Dealer, Wood Heat Solutions, Frankford, ON, 613-398-1611; Bancroft, ON 613-332-1613. www.chesher.ca SHIPPING CONTAINERS: Seacans Storage Containers, 7ft 10ft 20ft 40ft 45ft Steel garden sheds call 613-354-8744 or online http:// IngeniousStorage.com


Boarding, Taping, Painting & Texture Spray (Free Estimates)

Land O’Lakes Community Services is looking for volunteers to work at Finders Keepers, our thrift store in Kaladar. Training will be provided both in-class and on site. For more information please contact Susan Andrew-Allen or Penny Hinchey at 613-336-8934.

Golden Eagles head to consolation semis


t the Ontario Federation of School Athletic Association provincial finals in Amherstberg (Southwestern Ontario) The Sydenham Golden Eagles Senior Girls Volleyball Team has fared well. The 13th seed in the tournament, they finished round robin play with a 2-2 record and move on to consolation playoff pool. They won their first playoff game on Tuesday and were headed to the consolation semi-finals on Wednesday morning (March 6) The team will be back in Sydenham by Friday,

Cook, Part-Time Days & Weekends Required. Candidates are invited to apply for the position of Cook to work at the Sharbot Lake Retirement & Retreat, an upscale Retirement home in Sharbot Lake. Reporting to the Kitchen Manager, duties include: • Meal preparation including soups, main course and side dishes, baking, breakfast, sauces, desserts. • Ability to follow recipes, policies, procedures and standards. • Maintaining a clean, tidy and safe work environment. • Ensuring that meals are served on time, in appropriate proportion & temperature. • Food safety and WHMIS training are an asset.

Real Estate Career Bowes & Cocks Limited, a well established real estate company specializing in all sectors of rural real estate for over 60 years, requires additional sales representatives for the rural areas north of Kingston and Rideau Lakes area. Interested in a career in Real Estate; Already currently licensed or presently enrolled in the Real Estate Course. Call us as we currently have openings in our Harrowsmith and Westport offices. Call 613-372-1394 and ask for John Johston

Applicants may apply with resume and contact information to: info@slrr.ca Candidates will be contacted by the Chef/ Kitchen Manager.

Ardoch Ontario  613-479-8005 PAINTING - Drywall & Plaster Repair, Interior/ Exterior Painting. Call Eric at Men In White 613-200-1127. WSIB compliant, fully insured. PET SITTING SERVICES AVAILABLE. All you need to know at www.petsittinginmountaingrove. com Phone Laura Mills at 613-335-3658 or Text 613-583-3658 PHOTOCOPY, FAX & LAMINATION SERVICES available at The Frontenac News, 1095 Garrett St., rear building, Sharbot Lake. Competitive prices! 8½” x 11” - Black & White 25¢ ea; Colour copies 60¢ ea. 613-279-3150.

New Location!

1214 County Road 4 Unit#2, Odessa ON, K0H2H0 (Exit 593 from 401 and 1 kms south)

613-929-5025 Phone/Text  613-386-2424 Fax

The boat is a kindred spirit to the sea, the river, and the lake. Boats immerse you in nature and navigate you to unforgettable experiences. And the outboard motor helps make all of this possible. A truly great motor delivers it all—performance, safety, and the ultimate ease of use. That’s why we never stop asking ourselves the essential questions about what makes a great engine. We’ve been doing that since 1922, when aviation engineer Masuzo Takata founded Tohatsu. Time and again, Tohatsu innovations have made waves that change the world.

North Frontenac

See it. Hear it. Feel the Wind.

Child and Youth Worker Community Living-North Frontenac has an opening for a Full Time Child and Youth Worker. The successful candidate needs to be a good communicator, enjoy being around young people, have patience, be energetic, resilient, a good role model and connected to community. They need to be dedicated to providing support in a manner that maintains dignity and respect and promotes independence. The responsibilities of the Child and Youth Worker will include but are not limited to Case Management, Counselling, and Respite services for children and families.

Tohatsu Outboards has introduced a new MFS 60 HP; lightest weight in its class. also introduced a new LPG5 Hp (propane fueled)

All 2019s are in stock & massive promotions up to $8000.00 on select models avail. Non Currents avail in stock.

Boat Show Pricing In Effect

Be available to work Days/evenings/weekends Starting Rate: $21.75 per hour Qualifications: • DSW or equivalent • Current CPR & First Aid • Valid Driver’s license • Vulnerable Sector Check If you think that you are the right person to join our team please send your cover letter and resume to Glenda Peters, Manger of Support Services at gpeters@clnf.ca or drop off at 1025 Elizabeth St., Sharbot Lake ON by 12 noon, March 15, 2019.

Till End Of March! • 1st responder promotions avail also on select models, • Free Mooring covers on all Outfitters & select models.

Come See us at the

Kingston Boat Show March 29th-31st Kingston-1000 Island Sportsplex, Westbrook


March 7, 2019




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must register in advance. Transportation is available for an additional cost. Call 613-376-6477, ext. 303. VERONA - VCA AGM 6:30pm. Mom’s Restaurant, back room. Opento all residents of Verona and area. Sunday March 10 Year- end reports will be presented. Four directors’ HARROWSMITH - OLE TYME FIDDLERS OPEN positions are up for election. MIC 1pm-5pm. Golden Links Hall. A dinner will follow. Thursday March 14 Please bring a dessert to share. Cost is $10. For NORTHBROOK - BINGO 6pm. Northbrook Lions details, please call 372-2410. Hall. Sponsored by the Land O’Lakes Lions. Doors Monday March 11 open 6pm, regular games 7pm. Canteen available. OMPAH - NORTHERN 5 DINERS Ompah Hall. A Info: the Lions Toll Road book. delicious home cooked meal $12 per person. Join Friday March 15 us for great food, good company and more! RSVP HARLOWE - OLE TYME FIDDLERS 7:30pm. Harlowe to Rural Frontenac Community Services at 613-279- Hall. Prizes, lunch, $6 non-members, all welcome, 3151. players, dancers, listeners and newcomers. Tuesday March 12 SHARBOT LAKE - SHARBOT LAKE LEGION GODFREY - CREATIVE KIDS CLUB 10am. Cole Lake SUPPER Sharbot Lake Legion. Irish stew. Cost: Free Methodist Church. Join us for the first Creative $12. Kids Club for kindergarten to grade 6 children. It will SNOW ROAD STATION - SNOW ROAD be held at the Cole Lake Free Methodist Church on SNOWMOBILE CLUB GENERAL MEETING Tuesday, March 12, 2019 from 10am-1pm. There will 7:30pm. Snow Road Snowmobile Clubhouse. be lots of activities and a craft to take home. Lunch Saturday March 16 will be provided. Contact Kris Caird at 613-374-3138 ELPHIN - ST. PATRICK?S DAY STEW DINNER. or Jean Freeman at 613-583-3968 if you need more 5pm-7pm. Elphin Presbyterian Church. Adults $12, info. RSVP by Sat, March 8, 2019. 6-12 $5, under 6 free. It?s a wonderful event ? all NORTHBROOK - EUCHRE NIGHTS 7pm. kinds of stews. See you there. Northbrook Lions Hall. Sponsored by the Land NORTHBROOK - SPAGHETTI DINNER 6pm. O’Lakes Lions. There is a euchre tournament every Northbrook Lions Hall. More details next week fourth Friday beginning at the same time! Coffee, PARHAM - HAM SUPPER 5pm. Parham United sandwiches and dessert. Prizes. Info: the Lions Toll Church. Parham United Church Christian Education Road book. Building, 5-7pm. Adults $15, 6-12 $6, under 6 free, NORTHBROOK - LOLCS ADULT DROP-IN 9am. family rate $30. Come and bring a friend. Northbrook Lions Hall. Adult Drop In located at Lions PLEVNA - JACK’S JAM 1pm-5:30pm. Clar-Mill Hall in Northbrook every Tuesday. Doors open at Hall. 9:00am and a hot, nutritious and delicious dinner PLEVNA - JACK’S JAM 1pm-5:30pm. Clar-Mill Hall. served at 12 noon. Come on out and play some cards, Pot Luck Dinner. Great music, dancing and delicious visit or just chat with your neighbours. For more info, food. All welcome contact Lori Cuddy @ 613-336-8934 ext 229. SNOW ROAD STATION - SNOW ROAD Wednesday March 13 SNOWMOBILE CLUB ALZHEIMER CHARITY SHARBOT LAKE - LENTEN LUNCH St. Andrew’s BREAKFAST 8am-11am. Snow Road Snowmobile Anglican Church. Hosted by Sharbot Lake Pentecostal Clubhouse. Everybody welcome. Pancackes are Church. Father John Askwith speaking. included for this charity breakfast. VERONA - DINERS CLUB AND SALT TALK SYDENHAM - ST. PATTY’S DAY DANCE 11:30am-1:30pm. Verona Lions Hall. A free, fine meal FUNDRAISER 8pm. Sydenham Legion. Advance plus a presentation on safety in your vehicle. You

Northern Happenings NORTHERN HAPPENINGS listings are free for community groups, and will be published for two weeks. Donations to offset the costs of publication would be appreciated. Other listings are paid or are taken from paid ads elsewhere in the paper. The News makes every effort to be accurate but events should be independently verified by readers.

Thursday March 7

NORTHBROOK - BINGO 6pm. Northbrook Lions Hall. Sponsored by the Land O’Lakes Lions. Doors open 6pm, regular games 7pm. Canteen available. Info: the Lions Toll Road book. NORTHBROOK - INTRO TO QUICKBOOKS PRO WORKSHOP 1:30pm. Connections Adult Learning Northbrook. VENNACHAR - FAMILY NIGHT 5:30pm. Vennachar Free Methodist Church. Dinner at 5:30pm followed by Kid’s Club and adult study time. Everyone is welcome! For more info contact Pastor Laurie at 479 2673 or Angela 333 1901.

Friday March 8

SHARBOT LAKE - SHARBOT LAKE LEGION SUPPER Sharbot Lake Legion. Roast beef. Cost: $12.

Saturday March 9

DENBIGH - SNOWSHOE OUTING 10am. Home of Tony and Gail Fritsch. (some snowshoes available for children an adults) Contact Tony or Gail 613-3332224 HARROWSMITH - EUCHRE FUN NIGHT 7pm. Harrowsmith Social & Athletic Club. $5./person. For info., call Pam 613-372-1578 or Marilyn 613-3720917. Light Refreshment, Prizes, Cash Bar 4041 Colebrook Rd. NORTHBROOK - 5TH ANNUAL LAND O’ LAKES LIONS DANCE 7:30pm. Northbrook Lions Hall. 50 & 60 and beyond. Tickets available in advance. $15/ person. Mid-evening lunch, door prize, 50/50 tickets, prizes for best dressed of the era. All proceeds go to community support. Info: Debbie 613-336-8502.

Improvements coming to arena by Craig Bakay here are some big changes coming to the Frontenac Community Arena, beginning with a new ice resurfacer, says Arena Manager Tim Laprade. “Our old one (a 2000 Olympia Millennium Propane model purchased used in 2002) is 19 years old and definitely past its ‘best before’ date,” Laprade said. “The new one, an Engo Red Wolf, is


Reader Supported News

We are committed to delivering community news free of charge, each week though Canada Post. In this way, we ensure 12,500 households receive a copy of the Frontenac News each week. We do not have a paywall on either of our two websites, Frontenacnews.ca (which we load with the stories from the paper and update throughout the week as well) and Frontenac-live.ca (where comprehensive event listings and a complete business directory are located). We remain committed to providing information for free thanks to the revenue generated by our advertisers. However, mailing and websites incur costs. Therefore we are asking for support from those of our readers who can afford it. Delivery of The Frontenac News each week costs $30.00 per year to each home, if a small portion of our readers are able to pay $30, $50 or $100, it would be a big help to us. We have enlisted online help for this by registering with Patreon.com, which is a service that was set up for makers of cultural products based on small, monthly payments (USD), or we can accept payment at our office by credit card, Interac, email payments, cheque or cash. For your support, we are offering a thank you in the form of a free 20 word classified ad for any contribution over $12 To become a patron contact

The Frontenac News, PO Box 229, 1095 Garrett St. Sharbot Lake ON K0H 2P0  613-279-3150 info@frontenacnews.ca  www.frontenacnews.ca

electric and we expect to have it in place for September when the season starts.” Laprade said they are also looking at upgrading the benches and boards in 2020 and replacing the ammonia refrigeration system and outdoor condenser unit in 2021. He said the new resurfacer has two major advantages. “Being electric, there are no carbon monoxide or nitrogen dioxide emissions, which means not only will players and people in the stands not be breathing them, but it means we won’t have to run the ceiling fans while the unit is running,” Laprade said. “That leads to savings from the energy costs of running the fans and the fact that the fans are removing cooler, drier air, meaning the refrigeration unit won’t have to work as hard. “The second advantage is much lower life-cycle costs.” Laprade estimates that going electric will save about $80,000 over the life cycle of the resurfacer (about 16 years). “There are some other advantages also in that this machine is significantly quieter than a propane unit,” he said. “The noise of the resurfacer running isn’t something people usually think about but it will be quite different in here in between periods.” He said the new unit also features “click-blade” technology, allowing blades to be swapped out in minutes rather than the hour and a half the job used to take. “Arena staff will be pleased that they don’t have to come in two hours early to

do that job,” he said. “I tried it out myself on a demo unit and blades can easily be swapped out between periods. “It’s a question of safety and time and I’m extremely pleased that we’ll have advanced ice-making capabilities and improved ice quality. “We’ll be one of the few smaller arenas with an electric resurfacer and already I’ve had inquiries from people wanting to come see it.” The cost of the new unit is $165,000 but Ontario Hydro has confirmed a grant of $2,813 for switching to electric. Also, the minor hockey organization has committed to a contribution of an estimated $3,000 for advertising rights to put their logos on the machine. He said they’ve submitted a grant application to the Trillium Foundation for a grant to cover up to 75 per cent of the remaining $159,187 costs. In any event, there are reserve funds slated to cover these costs. As far as the other renovations go, Laprade said those replacements are scheduled under the asset management plan. “We’re looking at a new floor and there are hundreds of kilometres of refrigeration lines under the ice,” he said. “If one of those go, we could potentially lose the entire system. “It’s one of those things that keeps me up at nights. “But once 2021 is done, we’re good for another 20 years.”

tickets: $20 per person, $25 at the door. Limited number of tickets. Buy early to avoid disappointment. Tickets available at Sydenham Legion, Gilmours on 38, Sydenham One Stop, The Point Restaurant. Info: Greg Simpson 613-45304234, Pat La Londe: 613449-0006.

Sun Mar 17 – Sun Feb 17

GODFREY - BEDFORD JAM 1pm-5pm. Glendower Hall. $2 donation, entertainers free, Info Joanne 613-374-2242, Joan - 613-274-5477

Sun Mar 17 – Sat Mar 16

HARROWSMITH - HAM DINNER 4:30pm-6pm. Harrowsmith Golden Links Hall. Cost $15.00 for info call 372-2410.

Sunday March 17

HARROWSMITH - BUFFET DINNER Harrowsmith Golden Links Hall. Turkey or Beef Dinner - alternates monthly. $15 a plate. All welcome. info 613-3722410 VENNACAHR - BONFIRE AND HOT DOG ROAST 12:30pm. Vennachar Free Methodist Church. Following the bonfire, there will be games indoors. See you there! Info: 613 333 2318.

Tuesday March 19

NORTHBROOK - EUCHRE NIGHTS 7pm. Northbrook Lions Hall. Sponsored by the Land O’Lakes Lions. There is a euchre tournament every fourth Friday beginning at the same time! Coffee, sandwiches and dessert. Prizes. Info: the Lions Toll Road book. NORTHBROOK - LOLCS ADULT DROP-IN 9am. Northbrook Lions Hall. Adult Drop In located at Lions Hall in Northbrook every Tuesday. Doors open at 9:00am and a hot, nutritious and delicious dinner served at 12 noon. Come on out and play some cards, visit or just chat with your neighbours. For more info, contact Lori Cuddy @ 613-336-8934 ext 229.

Wednesday March 20

OMPAH - BIRTHDAY BASH 6pm. Ompah Hall. Celebrating everyone with a birthday this month. Potluck and Live Music. Info - Marily 613-479-2855 SHARBOT LAKE - LENTEN LUNCH St. Andrew?s Anglican Church. Hosted by the Rural Routes Service. Pastor Mark Hudson speaking.

Poet Laureate mentorship program K

ingston Frontenac Public Library is looking for six emerging or practicing poets aged 14 or older who are interested in an hour-long, one-on-one mentorship session in April with Kingston Poet Laureate Jason Heroux. If that describes you, please submit a sample of your poetry (from five to 12 pages in length) to poetlaureate@cityofkingston.ca . Don't forget to include your full name and your contact information with your submission. To be eligible, your submission must be received by 5pm on Monday, March 11. (Those without an email address may submit their verse as a print-out or typescript at any branch of Kingston Frontenac Public Library, marked to the attention of Poet Laureate Jason Heroux, c/o Isabel Turner Branch.) Please note that the six mentorship sessions will take place at the following times: Tuesday, April 9 at Central, at 10 a.m. and 11am; Friday, April 12 at Calvin Park, at 2 p.m. and 3pm; Tuesday, April 23 at Isabel Turner, at 10 a.m. and 11am. When sending in your poetry, please be sure to list which of these six sessions you'd be able to attend, ranked in order of your preference. Jason will review all the submissions and will schedule one-onone meetings with six poets. During your hour he will go over your work and offer both feedback and possible next steps. Please contact Anne Hall, 613-5498888, ext.3528, ahall@kfpl.ca with any questions or responses.

MarCh 7, 2019



Museum looking for contributions by Craig Bakay outh Frontenac Council held one of the shortest meetings on record Tuesday night, clocking in at 14 minutes. The proceedings consisted of extending a contract to transport household hazardous waste, notices of motion from Coun. Ross Sutherland and Norm Roberts as well as receiving minutes from various committee meetings. The longest time slot was given over to Coun. Doug Morey, who relayed a letter from the Museum Board who relayed a request for artifacts for this summer’s displays. The museum is looking for artifacts (either donation or loan) from Storrington, Loughborough and Bedford as well as photographs (which will be reproduced for slide shows to recycle on computer monitors in the background. Here’s what they’re looking for: Aa old wood stove, ideally from the period of late 1890s-1930, at least it should look that vintage, a blanket box or hope chest, an old


kitchen table or Hoosier, a 5-gallon milk can, medical devices, surgical instruments, old bandages, old medicine bottles, other items related to nursing in the years of 1900 through 1930, WWI military uniforms or parts of uniforms, packs, belts, etc, pictures documents and other artifacts related to the men of the 148th Battalion in WWI, items that people at home used to support the war effort in WWI, In terms of photographs (which will be returned), they are looking for photos from the period of 1900 through 1930 from throughout the Township of: people at home, in the fields, with horses, vehicles or equipment; period shots of buildings, houses, barns; local soldiers in WWI uniforms, at home or oversea, any old photos really, that can help people relate to our history. Councilor Pat Barr on the mend CAO Wayne Orr reports that Coun. Pat Barr’s hip surgery last week went well. “She’s not here tonight, she’s at a square dance,” quipped Mayor Ron Vandew

Season coming to an end There are still quite a few ice huts out there on area lakes, like these on Big Clear Lake between Arden and Mountain Grove. Just a reminder that huts must be removed by March 15 in Fishing Management Zone 18, which includes not just Frontenac County, but all of Eastern Ontario. Photo/Craig Bakay

TOWNSHIP OF SOUTH FRONTENAC News & Public Notices INTERIM TAX NOTICES DUE MARCH 29, 2019 Interim Tax Notices have been issued to all property owners beginning March 1, 2019. The Interim Tax notice amount is based on 35% of the annualized 2018 tax rate and assessment value. The 2019 assessment values will be reflected on the Final Tax Notice issued in June 2019. If you haven’t received your Interim Tax Notice by March 15, 2019 you should contact the Tax Department at 613-376-3027 Ext. 2200 or email us at taxes@southfrontenac.net. LOAD RESTRICTIONS – MARCH 1, 2019 TO MAY 1, 2019 In accordance with the Highway Traffic Act, R.S.O.1990. Ch. H. 8, Section 122, residents are reminded that all roads within South Frontenac are subject to restricted loads. The restriction is that no axle of any commercial vehicle shall transmit to the road, a weight in excess of 5000 kilograms. This action is necessary for the protection of roads in South Frontenac. COMMUNITY PROJECT GRANTS Submissions for the Community Project Grant Program are now being accepted. Not for profit community organizations including charitable organizations and unincorporated groups who meet the project guidelines can apply until March 31st. For more information and to access the related forms, visit our website at www.southfrontenac.net/communitygrants INVITATION TO TENDER • No. PW-2019-04 – One (1) 2019 Model – Half Ton Extended Cab, 4x4 Pick-up Truck • No. PW-2019-06 – One (1) 2019 Model, 19,500 LB GVWR, 4x4, Dual Rear Wheel, Crew Cab, with Aluminum Dump Body Sealed submissions must be received by 1:00 p.m., March 13, 2019 ATT: Wayne Orr, CAO , 4432 George Street , Sydenham, ON K0H 2T0 , (Tender No. & Name) Official forms detailing the general specifications and requirements may be downloaded from the BIDDINGO.COM website or picked up: Monday to Friday between 8:00am and 4:30pm at the Public Works Department, located at 2490 Keeley Road Sydenham, ON K0H 2T0 WINTER PARKING RESTRICTIONS The parking of vehicles on Township roads and village streets from 12:00 midnight to 7:00 a.m. is not permitted from December 1, 2018 to March 31, 2019. Pursuant to Section 181 of the Highway Traffic Act “No person shall deposit snow or ice on a roadway without permission in writing from the road authority responsible for the maintenance of the road”. Please be advised that the Township of South Frontenac will NOT be responsible for damages to mailboxes, newspaper boxes, recycle boxes or parked cars where said boxes or vehicles interfere with the winter maintenance of Township roads. 2019 DOG TAGS NOW AVAILABLE Dog Tags for the 2019 year are now available for $30.00 each, and Kennel Licenses are now $150.00 each. All Dog tags and Kennel licenses are only available for purchase at the Municipal Office (4432 George St) as of March 1st, 2019.

Follow us on Facebook – @SouthFrontenacTwp Follow us on Twitter - @SthFrontenacTwp LIVING HERE HOUSEHOLD HAZARDOUS WASTE DEPOT The next HHW Depot days will be on March 14th and March 28th from 3:00 pm to 7:00 pm. Open dates will be published monthly in this banner as well as on our website. Please remember that accepted items are hazardous materials, electronics and bale wrap only. A full listing of accepted materials may be found on our website under Living Here/Solid Waste/ Recycling/Household Hazardous Waste. GARBAGE BAG TAGS We realize that at this time of year, residents may be getting low on garbage tags, however please ensure that each bag has a full, original South Frontenac bag tag around the neck of the bag. In either instance a notice will be left on your bag as to why it was left. Oversized and overweight bags may also be left. Consider doing a waste audit in your own home, are there things going into your weekly garbage that are recyclable? Be aware of how your purchases are packaged and what of that is being put in the garbage versus the blue box. New tags will be arriving in your March tax bill. DRIVE SLOW IN THE SNOW • BE NICE ON THE ICE: Give yourself twice the space between vehicles and pedestrians. Stopping distance on ice is double that of a dry road • GO SLOW IN THE SNOW: Slow down and drive according to weather conditions, not the speed limit • IT’S NOT A RACE, GIVE PLOW SPACE: Snow plows are extra wide and can create clouds of snow – both of which reduce visibility and increase the risk of collision. It’s best to wait for the plow to pull over before you pass. www.snowhow.ca

TOWN HALL UPCOMING MEETINGS • Committee of the Whole – March 12th, 2019 at 7:00 pm • Committee of Adjustment – March 14th, 2019 at 7:00 pm • Council Meeting – March 19th, 2019 at 7:00 pm CAREER OPPORTUNITIES The Township is currently recruiting for the following positions: • A full-time Deputy Treasurer (Anticipated 18 month period): Closes Friday March 14 at 4:00 pm. • A full-time Building Inspector: Closes Friday March 8, at 4:00 pm. • Various Summer Student Positions: Closes Friday March 8, at 4:00 pm. • Volunteer Firefighter Recruitment: Closes Friday March 8, at 4:00 pm. Full details and complete job descriptions can be found on the Township’s website under Town Hall >Careers.

THINGS TO DO COMMUNITY SERVICES & ACTIVITY GUIDE Our previous recreation guide has transformed this year into the new 2019 Community Services & Activity Guide. Accessible in print or online on our website at http://www.southfrontenac.net/en/things-to-do/recreation-guide.asp PUBLIC SKATING AT THE ARENA Public Skating starts again weekly each Sunday from 1:00 pm to 2:20 pm and each Wednesday from 10:00 am to 11:00 am, only $2.50 per person, a CSA approved helmet with screen is recommended. The final public skate of the season will be Sunday March 17, 2019.

Open for Business PLANNING APPLICATIONS AND INFORMATION Residents interested in submitting a planning application are strongly encouraged to book a pre-consultation meeting with the Planner. Appointment times for pre-consultation meetings can be made on Tuesdays and Wednesdays from 8:30 am to 4:00 pm by calling extension 2224. Booking a pre-consultation meeting helps us evaluate your application and provides you with important information about the process and associated costs.

Is your family prepared? Being prepared for an emergency includes the preparation of an emergency survival kit. An emergency survival kit contains all of the basic items you need to remain comfortable for at least three days immediately after or during an emergency. It is important the contents of your emergency survival kit are kept all together in an easy to carry container or bag in the event you have to leave your home as a result of an emergency. This will ensure you have all of your basic supplies with you. Your emergency survival kit should be kept in an easy-to-reach location and everyone in your family should know where it is stored. The Emergency Survival Checklist below outlines the basic items every individual should have: Remember that families with babies and toddlers will have additional needs. Remember to include things like diapers, baby food and formula, bottles/sippy cups, toys, crayons and paper etc. o Manual can opener o Flashlight and batteries o Bottled water (4 litres per person per day) o Radio and batteries or crank radio o Clothing and footwear o Spare batteries (for radio and flashlight) o Blankets or sleeping bag o First-aid kit o Toilet paper and other personal items o Telephone that can work during a power disruption o Medication o Candles and matches/lighter o Backpack/duffle bag o Extra car keys and cash o Whistle (to attract attention, if needed) o Important papers (identification) o Non-perishable food (ready-to-eat items that do not o Playing cards require refrigeration)

This information is provided by Emergency Management Ontario. For more information, view their website - http://www.emergencymanagementontario.ca/

4432 George Street, Box 100, Sydenham ON K0H 2T0 1-800-559-5862  Office Hours: Monday to Friday 8:00 am to 4:30 pm  • www.southfrontenac.net

March 7, 2019



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Heritage fest winter camping

Deborah Kimmet at the Grace Centre


fter many postponements due to bad weather, the Heritage Festival finally held its winter camping weekend on March 2. Eight campers trudged through the deep snow with life-saving snowshoes and spent the night in the woods around a warm bright fire telling stories (all true), singing songs and exploring the woods. We identified a number of different animal tracks, made a compass using the sun and lit our fire using flint and steel. The temperature dipped to -12 while a light snow fell, making the whole experience magical. All 8 campers survived the night and in the morning were treated to a generous helping of Bob’s famous corn meal mush and camp coffee. We are all looking forward to next year.


Boats in Waterloo

Students from North Addington Education Centre in Cloyne competed in the provincial cardboard boat buildig competition in Waterloo on Tuesday.

ownward-Facing Broad is a comedic look at the frustrations, perils, and yes, even joys, of aging. Join Deborah Kimmett as she provides a hilarious stand-up/storytelling/confessional about how things become a slippery slope once the senior’s discount kicks in! Kim Pollard provides a bluesy and soulful sound to underscore the action. Downward Facing Broad deals with Fitbit to turning grey to getting into a fight at Aqua-Fit – on downsizing, being invisible and aging disgracefully. Deborah Kimmett is an actress, comedian, and speaker who has 40 years of making people laugh. A regular on CBC The Debaters for 13 years, she has also made memorable appearances at The Winnipeg Comedy Festival and many others. AC-

Deborah Kimmett

TRA Toronto nominated her for Outstanding Performance by an Actress for her role in Keep Coming Back. With special musical guest Kim Pollard this is sure to be a great show. Fun fact: Deborah and Kim grew up in Napanee! “Kimmett is one of the funniest comics out there.” Colin Mochrie. Tickets are available at Trousdales and at the Grace Centre, Call 613-376-6477

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Signing up for ball A

very Corkum accompanied mom Janna to sign up her brother for T-Ball as the S & A Club hosted sign-up for the Harrowsmith & Area Softball Registration 2019 as convener Laura Tisdale watches. The league will accept players up til around May 1. Contact Tisdale at 613888-0077 or little_lolo77@ hotmail.com, or Marilyn Goodberry at 613-372-0917 or mgoodberrysanda@ gmail.com if you missed the in-person registration. Fees for the Harrowsmith leagues are subsidized by the S & A Club through their activities such as the Chinese dinner/auction (the next one is April 27). Photo/ Craig Bakay


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