Vol.19 No.19

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May 16, 2019 Vol. 19, No. 19


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Local children enjoy farm fresh fun by Catherine Reynolds


special event designed for young children was a big hit in Sunbury on May 8. Held at Ormsbee’s Mercantile, children were invited to play with rabbits, plant a seed and sample maple syrup. “This is our sixth year doing the event,” says Jenn Ormsbee, 39. “The whole idea is to bring our community together. It’s nice to see the kids having a great time.” Looking around the parking lot where children of all ages looked busy and happy, Ormsbee admits she is pleased with the event that is part of the United Way of KFL&A Success by Six campaign. Speaking on behalf of the Frontenac 4-H, which represented local, future farmers, volunteer leader Amey Brooks notes, “This is really for the kids. It’s all about community.” According to Brooks, 4-H members attended from the rabbit & cavy club (guinea pigs) and clover buds to promote community involvement and the benefits of becoming a

4-H member. “One of the big things in 4-H is community,” says Brooks, who has a 13-year-old daughter in the 15-member rabbit club. “This type of event will also help our members with their public speaking skills and give them an opportunity to proudly show-off their rabbits. This type of event helps more kids get involved.” After this event, the rabbit club will be showing/jumping its rabbits at the Odessa Fair in July and the Kingston Fall Fair in September. “Who knew I would be driving around with rabbit jumps in my van all summer,” says Brooks with a smile. To learn more about 4H, please go to https://www.4-hontario.ca/4h-in-my-area/ frontenac.aspx To learn more about Success by Six, go to unitedwaykfla.ca/programs/success-by-6

Jenn Ormsbee, Amey Brooks and Scarlet Boucher with her three-year-old rabbit, Chestnut.

A week’s postponement doesn’t dampen spirits of ATV riders by Craig Bakay looding, washouts, impassable trails and terrible conditions forced the postponement of the Spring ATV Ride for Dad in Ompah for a week, but even though it corresponded with the Mother’s Day weekend, organizers were still pleased that about 400 drivers and passengers that came out last Saturday. Byron Smith of Ride for Dad said they’ve been coming up here for about eight years and even though numbers were down slightly this year, it’s still important to them. “It’s important for us to get word to smaller communities,” Smith said. “The big attraction to this event is that so many participate.


“We get guys coming to us saying that because of this event, they got their prostate checked and it was caught in time.” He said they still got plenty of pledges and sold some memorabilia. “All the money we raise goes right into cutting edge research,” he said. “We don’t put any money into bricks and mortar.” And even though the event had to be put off for a week, it didn’t seem to dampen the spirits of the participants. “It was fun, and for a good cause,” said Beverly Bulman, who lives in Bailieboro but has a cottage in the area. “I’ll go anywhere to ride a trail like this one,” said Roger Rocha of Ottawa.

Frontenac County to consider scaling back new build plans A

by Jeff Green

fter flirting with the idea of constructing a new Frontenac County Administrative building, Frontenac County Council is being asked to look once again at renovating its current building. A little over a year ago, after considering its long-term office space needs for over two years, Frontenac County was approached by the Cataraqui Region Conservation Authority about a shared accommodation solution. The idea of a brand new building was raised, and late last spring the idea gained more traction when South Frontenac Township expressed interest in a three-way partnership. This led the county’s Administrative Building Design Task Force to look at the feasibility and cost estimates surrounding a new building for the three partners, located somewhere in South Frontenac, perhaps in Sydenham in order to save on water costs. This process carried on through the fall of

2018, into the beginning of the new term of municipal council. At a meeting in April, South Frontenac Mayor Ron Vandewal informed both the county and the conservation authority that South Frontenac Council had rejected the idea of a new building at their own meeting in early April. In response, the task force decided to look again at using either the current Cataraqui Conservation Authority near Hwy. 401 or the current Frontenac County/Fairmount home site in Glenburnie for a joint office space. “The lowest cost option would be to use the existing county site as all infrastructure and servicing is already in place,” said a report to Council prepared by Clerk Janette Amini and Chief Administrative Officer Kelly Pender. Accordingly, the report recommends spending $10,000, to be taken from a provincial grant earmarked for modernisation, to look at renovating the existing county of-

fices for use by the two entities. If approved this week, the money will go towards, architectural analysis of the current county building, preliminary plans to meet partner needs, options for potential configuration of common areas, implications for parking, water & similar services; and initial budget-level estimates for comparison with a stand-alone option. Strategic Plan to be presented At that same meeting, Council will consider a draft strategic plan that was developed in association with 80/20 Consulting. The previous plan, prepared in 2014, has become known for identifying four “wildly important goals” for Frontenac County. This new plan, by contrast, talks about three strategic priorities for this term of council. Although the plan was prepared before the provincial government’s recent budget, which is already having an impact on municipal budgets, it is written with a sense of caution and a focus on maintaining programs

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and services that are already in place. Here are the strategic priorities: 1 - Get behind plans that build community resilience and vitality in times of growth and change, 2 - Explore new funding sources and invest in critical long-term infrastructure using sound judgement, and 3 - Champion and coordinate collaborative efforts with partners to resolve complex problems otherwise beyond the reach of individual mandates and jurisdictions. Within these priorities is everything from enhancing broadband coverage, securing the future of Fairmount Home, promoting economic development and improving planning processes across the county.

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South Frontenac Committee of the Whole

Development Charges: Bill 73 and Beyond


laire Dodds, Director of Public Services, introduced consultant Gary Scandlon, Director of Watson & Associates, who was contracted in January to assist the Township in updating and renewing its development charges bylaw, which must be completed by September 3rd. Development Charges, previously known as “lot levies” became formalized in 1989 in Bill 73: these are charges the municipality can levy to recover the capital costs associated with residential and non-residential development (eg, fire protection, police services, waste management, parks, recreation and libraries). In 1997 the Harris government lowered the amount that could be recovered from 100% to 75%. Bill 108, which is pending, proposes to remove a number of “soft” services previously eligible for funding from development charges: hospitals, municipal staff offices, arts, culture, libraries, parks, recreation and waste diversion. They would be shifted to a new “Community Benefits” category (details currently unclear). Bill 108 would also lock in the rate of the development charge on the day before the building permit is issued, and permit it to be payable in instalments over six years. Scandlon suggested these changes could open the system up to abuse, and would lead to a significant revenue loss for the Township, decrease cash flow, and increase bookkeeping and other demands on staff time.

Despite these looming changes, provincial regulations dictate that South Frontenac still has to move forward on updating its current Development Charges by-law by the beginning of September. Next steps: May 31 - Release of Background Study and Draft By-law to public; June 19-Development Charges Open House; July 2-Public Meeting; August 6-Council Consideration of By-law. (Scandlon’s full report can be read in the COW agenda notes for May 14. It includes survey results, capital cost projections and rate comparisons.)

For Something Completely Different: Cowboy Mounted Shooting (If you have to ask, check out the video in the agenda notes on the township website: some impressive riding and shooting!) Philip Smith and Jaime Lloyd came to Council, requesting a letter stating that they were not violating any regulations or by-laws by establishing a private practice range for the two of them to practice their sport, which is similar to barrel racing but includes the challenge of shooting ten balloons while

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riding a set obstacle course. Although they will be using actual firearms, there will be no live ammunition: the balloons are broken by sparks from black powder blanks. The sparks have a maximum range of 20 feet; the horses wear earplugs; Smith and Lloyd have held a meeting with their neighbours to address their concerns and the Board of the neighbouring Piccadilly arena has no objections. Council will make their formal decision at next week’s meeting, but seemed to have no serious objections.

May 16, 2019 by Wilma Kenny

tos-laden plaster. A year ago, Council adopted the Heritage Committee’s recommendation that the hall be considered for future listing as a place of cultural significance, and allocated funding for a restoration expert’s report. The report recommended removing the existing plaster, and replacing it with ‘something that closely matches the original treatment”. The Fermoy community has expressed their wish to bring the hall back to life. Committee of the Whole recommended that Council release as much of the current Project Account fund as is necessary for clean-up and remedial work, and look to the community to develop future plans for the hall.

Fermoy Hall: Next Steps

Fermoy Hall, located in Bedford district and built in 1866, may be one of the oldest municipal halls in the Township. It is still in sound shape, even has the original stage, which was an important part of most community halls in the last century. However, the walls are covered with a skim coat of asbes-

Strategic Planning Online Survey Coming soon: an opportunity to tell Council how you want them to spend your tax dollars. Watch for more info in the Township’s weekly notes in the Frontenac News

Fatal ATV accident


ichard Culligan, 57, from Greater Madawaska Township, died of his injuries after the ATV he was riding landed in a ditch off of Hunt Camp Lane in North Frontenac Township. The accident took place just after 11am on Saturday, May 11, and the OPP report that it was a collision that sent Culligan into the ditch. The report does not say if another vehicle was involved. Since Farm Lane is located near the border with Greater Madawaska in the northeast corner of the township, paramedics from Renfrew County and firefighters from Greater Madawaska attended the scene before police arrived. The Ompah ATV Ride for Dad was taking place at the time, and there is a lunch stop for the run on Hunt Camp Lane, but according to officials with North Frontenac Township, the accident took place on another section of the lane. Hunt Camp Lane runs between Dodge Lake and Mountain Chutes road near Black Donald and Norcan Lakes. An OPP report that was released on Monday afternoon (May 13) referred to the ATV run, saying “the collision happened during an organised event, with riders travelling between Norcan Lake and Ompah,” but North Frontenac Township officials as well as race organisers confirmed to the News that Mr. Culligan was not registered for the ride. The fact that the accident took place near the trail route seems to have caused some confusion. “There are a lot of ATV’s out in that area on weekends when the weather is good, so it is hard to tell which ones are part of an organised event and which are just using the trail,” said North Frontenac Township Manager of Public Works Darwyn Sproule. Sproule added that 4 OPP officers are assigned to the popular Ompah ATV run, but did not know if any of the officers who were with the run were part of the team that responded to the fatal accident. (Editors note – the original OPP report on this incident was posted on Frontenacnews.ca on Monday, April 13. It has been replaced with this updated, more accurate, version)

Sunbury High Tea Linda Russell of Battersea deomnstrated how important a proper hat is when attending a formal High Tea at a first annual event at the Sunbury Lion's Hall on Saturday afternoon. More in the Inverary report on page 5

KFPL Live: Shopify 101


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fy 101, at our Sydenham branch on Thursday, May 30, beginning at 7pm. From naming your Shopify store, adding your theme, creating digital products, to how to ship your product and get paid for your sales, this 90-minute workshop with Shopify guru Carissa Cosgrove will give you the fundamentals to launch your online business. [One note: if you already have a Shopify store up and running, this introductory workshop is not for you — instead, please email kingston@shopify. com for notification about the next-level workshop.] This will be a hands-on workshop, so make sure you bring along your laptop or tablet (and your charger). WiFi is available on site. The Shopify 101 workshop will take place at the Sydenham branch on Thursday, May 30, at 7pm and is open to adults. There is no admission charge, but seating is limited. To avoid disappointment, please register in advance at events.kfpl.ca or by phone at (613) 549-8888) as of 9am on Saturday, May 18. For more information, visit www.kfpl.ca .

May 16, 2019 Publisher & Editor.............................................. Jeff Green Head of Production.............................................Scott Cox Digital & Print Sales..........................................Jesse Mills Copy Editors ..........................Martina Field, Tracy Riddell Office Staff.................. Suzanne Tanner, Caylie Runciman Webmaster.......................................................Jesse Mills Reporters................................Wilma Kenny, Craig Bakay, ...........................................................Catherine Reynolds




1095 Garrett St., rear building; Box 229, Sharbot Lake, ON K0H 2P0 Ph: 613-279-3150; 1-888-779-3150; Fx: 613-279-3172 E-mail: info@frontenacnews.ca Office hours: Mon to Fri, 8:30 am - noon; 1:00 - 4:30

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The Frontenac News is published every Thursday Deadlines: Classifieds: Monday at 4:00 p.m. Display ads: Friday at 4:00 p.m..

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Central Frontenac Council: Amnesty loads doesn’t mean extended hours

by Craig Bakay ust to be clear. The first week for amnesty loads at Central Frontenac landfills doesn’t mean said landfills will be open during the entire week, Council heard during its regular meeting Tuesday evening at Oso Hall in Sharbot Lake. Coun. Tom Dewey told Council some of his constituents found the dates listed for the first of three weeks for amnesty loads in 2019 confusing, asking if the Monday May 20 to Sunday May 26 listing meant that the Olden site would be open all those days. Acting Public Works Manager David Armstrong replied that the regular hours for both Olden and Oso sites would still be in effect. “And the Monday, May 20 is a statutory holiday (Victoria Day), so both sites will be closed. The hours of operation for Olden are Wednesdays, Thursdays, Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays from 8 a.m. to noon and 1 p.m. to 5 p.m. The hours of operation for the Oso site are Mondays (except May 20, Victoria Day),


Fridays and Saturdays from 8 a.m. to noon SINCE 1970 and Tuesdays and Sundays from 1 p.m. to 5 p.m. Large items and construction waste that are part of an amnesty load are only accepted at Olden and Township staff ask that residents “make their best effort” to take amnesty loads to Olden. There will be two more amnesty weeks in 2019 — July 153 to July 21 and Aug. 26 to Sept. 1. Regular landfill site hours will apply then also. An amnesty load is a single load of household refuse at no charge (up to a $40 limit).

CF to switch to KARC for recycling, a “more responsible” option Armstrong also asked Council for and received permission to negotiate an agreement with the City of Kingston to ship recycled items from Central Frontenac waste sites to the Kingston Area Recycling Centre. Armstrong said for the past four years,

Central has had an agreement with HGC Management Inc. in Belleville but “having seen both operations, I believe Kingston is more responsible.” He said operating expenses would increase by about $8,000 per year by switching to KARC but there will be savings in staff time and fuel given that Kingston is closer to our waste sites and Central Frontenac would be eligible for a 2.6 per cent share of any revenues from recyclable sales. He said by switching to KARC, it would free up 268.5 staff hours to be used on other maintenance activities and save nearly 6,000 litres of fuel. He said the $8,000 is already accounted for in the 2019 operating budget.

Stairs contract, already underway, gets approval Andy Dillon, manager of development services/chief building official, recommended Council accept the bid from Jones Contracting and Building Services for the stairs at Oso Hall in the amount of $30,850 plus HST.

Work actually began May 10 but since it was under $50,000, the Mayor and Clerk-Administrator were authorized to sign a contract. “There was some urgency so that the hall could be used,” said Mayor Frances Smith. Dillon said the work is expected to be completed “by the end of the month” and will include four light standards and an extended landing “so a ramp can be built along the side of the building ensuring that everyone will be able to use the front door.”

$250 for fishing derby privies

Council agreed to kick in up to $250 for a portable toilet at the government docks June 15 for a fishing tournament being put on by B.T. Productions. Representing B.T., Kirk Chabot said the tournament will be smaller than last year’s, with about 60 participants. Council also gave B.T. permission to hold a car show at Oso Beach Aug. 25. A third request, to hold a canteen on Canada Day from 4 p.m. to 10 p.m. was withdrawn.

ANSIs in Zoning Bylaw at top of North Frontenac’s agenda by Craig Bakay


t’s probably fair to say the most controversial aspect of North Frontenac’s new Zoning Bylaw has been the inclusion of the Palmerston Lake ANSI (Area of Natural or Scientific Interest). To that end, Mayor Ron Higgins has been corresponding with the Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry (MNRF) trying to get to the bottom of why it was established in the first place. ANSIs in Ontario come in three flavours — Provincial, Regional and Proposed. In the Frontenac County Official Plan, Provincial and Regional ANSIs are recognized, including the Palmerston Lake one. In a report to Council, Higgins wrote: “The MNRF has advised the Palmerston Lake ANSI is regional; however, the issue is that the current Council and staff has not been able to acquire the historical information and supporting documentation from MNRF to adequately address the concerns of our residents and the Township itself. “Provincially and Regional significant ANSIs are treated the same in the County Official Plan, whereas MNRF does not have Kids’ Klub Fundraising 2nd Annual

Pike Derby Saturday, May 18th Weigh in 2 – 7 pm Kennebec Community Centre, 5998 Arden RD

Adult & Kids Divisions: Cash Prizes $10.00 / Person (includes under 12) Tickets: Asselstine Hardware, Verona Hardware, Wanda Harrison, 2 Hawks Parham & Sharbot Lake Information: 343-363-8153 Facebook: /Kennebec Recreation Committee

the same restrictions for regionally as Provincially designated ANSIs.” Higgins went on to say “this issue is a concern for our Township and residents as many wee unaware of the Palmerston Lake ANSI designations due to the omission of this requirement in past Official Plans and residents stating they were never involved in any consultations by MNRF at the time (other ANSIs were shown on the 2003 Official Plan).” “They (MNRF) haven’t provided their justification for designating,” said Coun. Vern Hermer. “I suggest we delay the procedures until the MNRF responds,” said Coun. John Inglis. “There are other aspects of the bylaw people need,” said Higgins. “Perhaps some amendment where ANSIs can be revisited,” said Coun. Fred Fowler. “At the public meeting, the ANSIs will be on the map,” said Clerk-Planning Manager Tara Mieske. “But, it’s a draft. “If, after the public meeting, Council decides to take the out, they can.” Higgins said he’d work with the County to get its Official Plan amended.

arms in the Township and so the Township’s firearms bylaw was on the table at Friday’s regular meeting in Plevna, complete with a series of amendments. However, there didn’t seem to be much support for the way things were worded. “It’s too encompassing, too broad a brush,” said Coun. Gerry Martin. “This is going to prevent people from hunting ducks on Malcolm Lake. “We’re up here in hill country (and) we’re hillbillies.” Coun. Fred Fowler, himself a retired police officer, said that any complaints should be investigated by OPP officers and perhaps the noise bylaw applied. “If there are charges to be laid, they’ll lay them,” he said. CAO Cheryl Robson agreed. “Why do we even have this bylaw?” she said. “It’s all covered under the Criminal Code, the Hunting Regulations or it’s just not our jurisdiction.” “I recommend we rescind the whole bylaw,” said Coun. Vern Hermer. And that’s just what they decided to do. Council asked staff to bring back a bylaw rescinding the firearms bylaw next meeting.

Mayor Ron Higgins said he’d received two complaints concerning the discharge of fire-

formative, he told Council. “The age of the ‘expert’ is declining,” he said. “There is so much information available.” But, with all the advancements in electronic communication and information, there is a bit of a downside, he said. “Complaints are now easier to make,” he

Township to rescind firearms Good Roads report Public Works Manager Darwyn Sproule’s bylaw trip to the Good Roads Conference was in-

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said. “And, with email, they can be made faster, which means people can complain while they’re still angry whereas in the past, they had to take time to write a letter, giving them an opportunity to calm down.”

Cloud cover cancels season opener at star pad by Craig Bakay other Nature wasn’t very cooperative Saturday night as thick clouds covered the Star Gazing Pad on Road 506 in North Frontenac. The moon was to be the star attraction for this opening event, but it was barely visible and what you could see was hazy at best. This summer promises to be a busy one for star gazing organizers, as a star gazing course is in the works (tentatively scheduled for July), as are fundraisers for an observatory to house a telescope received as a gift from the Royal Astronomical Society of Canada. However, there are still six star parties planned for this summer. On June 1, a trek through the Virgo/Coma galaxy cluster. On July 6, summer and circumpolar constellations are scheduled. On Aug. 3 and 4, Jupiter and Saturn. On Aug. 31 and Sept. 1, it’s star names and their meanings in conjunction with the Islamic New Year, On Oct. 5, the moons of Saturn, Jupiter and Earth, and on Oct. 28, the star clusters Pleiades and Hyades as well as the Crab Nebula are the prime attractions.


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COMMUNITY REPORTERS (613) Arden............................. Wanda Harrison................335-3186 Cloyne / Northbrook...... Nancy Skipper Denbigh......................... Angela Bright....................333-1901 Godfrey.......................... Stefan Duerst....................374-1710 Harrowsmith.................. Kim Gow Henderson..................... Jean Brown.......................336-2516 Inverary......................... Judy Borovskis..................353-1768 Maberly-Bolingbroke..... Karen Prytula....................325-1354 Mississippi..................... Pearl Killingbeck...............278-2127 Mountain Grove............. Marilyn Meeks...................279-3209 Ompah........................... Linda Rush........................479-2570 Marily Seitz........................479-2855 Parham-Tichbome......... Colleen Steele...................375-6219 Christine Teal....................375-6525 Plevna........................... Katie Ohlke........................479-2797 Sydenham..................... Karen Brawley...................376-9848 Verona........................... Debbie Lingen..................................


Wanda Harrison

613-335-3186 wmharrison070@gmail.com

• The Arden Legion has opened their doors again for the Friday night BBQs, 5-7pm. Back by popular demand, the Legion will prepare BBQ, just for your pleasure. • The LOLPS Fun Fair (Thurs May 16) is adding many new spectaculars to their roster, for your pleasure. There will be the regular well-attended events, plus an inflatable dart board, mystery prize bingo, a bouncy castle, bumper balls and so much more. The fun starts at 5pm with all proceeds to the Land O’Lakes Public School Council. Bring the whole family for an evening of good fun, good eats and live entertainment. Silent auction and bake table donations are still welcome. • The Annual Victoria Fireworks display will be held at the Rec Park at dusk on Sat, May 18, with a rain date of May 19. As usual, the Recreation Committee purchase the fireworks and the Firefighters assist in setting off the displays. The Rec Committee thanks the Firefighters in advance for their help. • The Kennebec Recreation Committee and Kids Klub, Arden, are reminding you about the Fundraising Fishing Derby, May 18. There will be categories for kids and adults with prizes available for non-fishers, as well. Weigh-ins will take place from 2-7pm at the Kennebec Community Centre. Please call Tony at 343-363-8153 for more information. Tickets are still available. Let me know if you want a couple. • RFCS will wrap up Kennebec Diners for the season with May 22’s hot lunch. The chicken dish will be accompanied, as usual, with the normal sides, plus a salad, pickles, homemade bread and dessert. If you have registered, we’ll see you there and if you have not, please give me a call and I’ll put your name on the attendee list. • Arden Pastoral Charge news for the week: Coffee and conversation continues Thurs from 10-11am. Family movie nights will be held Fri, May 17 and Fri, May 24 at 7pm. On Fri,1 May 24, the youth group will meet at 3:30pm. • Don’t forget that the CFFR will be conducting their door-todoor smoke and CO alarm campaign on May 25th. The first 40 homes in compliance of the Fire Code will receive a $5 coupon for the Cardinal Café in Sharbot Lake. If you have any questions about what is required to make your home or cottage compliant, please contact Chief Robinson @ 613-279-2935 ext. 359.

• The Arden Glee Club is looking for bass singers to join their prestigious group. An ability to read music is an asset. Call Helen Praskey at 613-335-2486. Practices are held every Tues at 1pm in Arden. • Senior Baseball will soon begin Wed and Sun evenings at the Rec Park, 6:30pm. Everyone is just waiting for the call from Coach Brown. Standby for the starting date!

CLOYNE - Northbrook Nancy Skipper


• The NAEC 3rd Annual Fun Fair is this Thurs, May 16, 2019 at 5-8pm. Come out for a BBQ, fun and games, bouncers, silent auctions, face painting and more! Keep your eyes peeled for some super heroes! • The Cloyne & District Historical Society is holding their yard sale this year at the Barrie Hall in Cloyne on Sat, May 18th at 9am. Your treasures can be dropped off at the hall on Fri, May 17th from 9am to noon. • Community Services will be holding their Annual Yard Sale on Sat. May 18th outside their offices at 12497A Hwy #41 in Northbrook. The money raised for this is used to fund the Christmas Hamper program with over 100 of these last Christmas thanks to your generosity. If you have items to donate, please bring them to Community Services. There will be no prices on any of the items for sale and you will be asked to donate, so please give what you can to this very worthy cause. • The Land O’Lakes Lions will be having their yard sale on Sat, May 18, 2019 beginning at 8:30am. The Lions are hoping you have items to donate. They will be accepting your donations from 1-4pm on Fri, May 17, 2019 at the Lions Hall in Northbrook. The canteen will be open at the sale. All money raised helps the Lions serve the community. If the weather cooperates, look for the sale outdoors; if it rains, come on in to do your shopping. For more information, call Lion Red at 613-3368011 or Red61emond@yahoo.ca. • The South Frontenac Museum is opening for the summer this Sat, May 18, 2019 and on Sun and Wed with the hours of 1-4pm. The museum is located at 5595 Road 38 in Hartington. • On Wed, May 22nd at 9:30am, there will be a study group on Women of the Bible at the Land O'Lakes Emmanuel United Church. Everyone is invited to this discussion. • The Plant Sale for the Garden Club is coming up on May 25th, so be sure to mark your calendars. The money we raise each year helps us to continue on with our programs and help to spread the beauty of flowers throughout our community. For more information, contact demiller@live.ca. • The “Spring Free Clothes Giveaway at the Pineview Free Methodist Church is happening on Fri, May 24, 2019 from 9am to 5pm and Sat, May 25, 2019 from 9am -2pm. Donations may be dropped off from May 20th to May 24, 2019. • The Pine Meadow Nursing Home Golf Tournament is just around the corner! For $55, you will get 18 holes of golf, coffee & muffins and lunch. Tee off is approximately 10am. Book your spot for June 22, 2019 by calling Eleanor at 613-336-2547 (day) and 613-336-8226 (evening) or email eleanornowell@ gmail.com.


613-333-1901 bright.a@gmail.com

• On June 3rd, Denbigh Diners will be serving up BBQ'd hot dogs and hamburgers with an array of salads for $8. Greg

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• The summer opening of the South Frontenac Museum will be May 18 from 1-4pm at 5595 Road 38. The theme of this year's exhibit is South Frontenac from 1900-1929, before, during and after the Great War. The Museum will be open Sat, Sun and Wed afternoons. Admission is by donation and all are welcome. Call 376-3027 ext. 2600 for information or visithttp://SouthFrontenacMuseum.ca orhttps://www.facebook. com/SouthFrontenacMuseum/. • The Golden Links Hall will be hosting a Turkey Dinner on May 19 from 4:30-6pm. Cost is $15. Call 372-2410 for details. • Also at the Golden Links Hall, a Bull Head Fish Fry, May 25 from 4:30-6pm. Cost is $15. For information, please call 372-2410. • The 17th Annual Harrowsmith Free Methodist Church Community Fun Day will take place May 25 from 9am-2pm. A huge garage sale in the gym, bake sale, coffee/tea cafe, free BBQ, free kids crafts and games, bouncy castle and face painting. Sydenham Cycling Club will also be there with great tips to share. All are welcome to come and enjoy the fun. • A Community Yard Sale will be held at the Harrowsmith S and A Club, May 25 from 8am-2pm. Free BBQ. Table rentals for members $5 and non members $10. Please contact Marilyn at 372-0917 or email mgoodberrysanda@gmail.com. • The Harrowsmith Beautification Committee would like to thank Frescho and store manager Chris for the donation of four Mother's Day baskets which are displayed in the parkette. • Words to live by: Attitude is a little thing that makes a big difference. Have a great week.



• Mother’s Day brought many folks home for Sunday dinner. Congratulations, everyone. • Recent comings and goings included Jessie Detlor-Sajevec and Mitchell Gurnsey. • Henderson United is once again gearing up for their Annual Gigantic Yard Sale on Fri, Jun 28 and Sat. Jun 29 at the Henderson Hall. Please start setting aside your gently used items for this church fundraising effort. Sorry, we do not have any advance storage and are not able to accept large furniture or appliances due to space. The church certainly appreciates the items and cooperation received in the past. It’s been wonderful for sure- so let’s get behind this year’s effort and see how it all unfolds. • Black flies are coming on strong these days, forcing us to wear a net out to the mail box and beyond. • Take care, everyone. Dodge the pot-holes and take care.

INVERARY Judy Borovskis


• VON Exercise Class at the Storrington Centre Tues & Thurs from 10:30 -11:30am.

Attention All Basses!

Arden Glee Club is on the lookout for some more deep voices. We’re a well known local volunteer group who have a great time singing the “Oldies But Goldies”. If interested contact Helen Praskey 613-335-2486

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Roche will entertain with his singing and guitar playing. Please note: there will be no Diners in July or August, and we will start up again in September. • The Denbigh Recreation Committee invites you to a wine tasting on Sat, June 15th, 7pm at the Denbigh Hall. The event will be hosted by an Arterra Wines Canada winemaker from the Niagara region. Tickets are $15. To reserve your tickets, call Al or Cheryl Harvey at 613-333-2291 or Bev Chaisson at 613-3339852. Deadline for ticket purchases is May 31. • Land O’Lakes Community Services – Homemaking Program is available to Seniors for a low hourly rate. Washing floors, vacuuming, bathrooms, meal prep, changing bedding, etc. call Lori Cuddy 613-336-8934 for more information. • This Sat, May 18th, the Cloyne & District Historical Society will hold its Annual Mammoth Yard Sale at the Barrie Township Hall, Cloyne. Donations are welcome and can be dropped off on Friday from 9-11am, but please note: no clothing items.

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• Pickleball Anyone? South Frontenac Community Centre hosts drop-in play on Tues and Thurs mornings from 9 to 12, weather permitting. The Kingston Pickleball Club & Frontenac Pickleball Club work together to support the new South Frontenac Pickleball courts with free pickleball lessons; check out Facebook for more details. Local players will be participating in the Canadian National Pickleball Championships on June 29-30th at the Invista Centre in Kingston! For more info, contact Kelli McRobert, PCO/PAO Ambassador at 613-545-5288. • Wild Turkey Hunting ends on May 31. Enter the Northway Home Hardware Turkey Hunting Contest! You are allowed 2 birds. Prizes will be awarded on Jun 1st. • Plant & Seed Night – Inverary & Communities Neighbour to Neighbour on Thurs, Jun 6th from 6:30-8pm at Inverary United Church. Bring any extra plants or seeds you have, and/ or take some new ones home. Please double bag plants and label for sun or shade. Everyone welcome! • Soulful Singing! final session on Jun 7th, 7-9 pm. 5339 Battersea Rd. Call 613-353-2889 for more info. • Community Youth Dance sponsored by Storrington Lions Club Fri, May 17 from 7-10pm, for Grades 5 to 8. Cost $5. Music, canteen & adult supervision. • Garage Sale! Inverary United Church, Sat, May 25th from 9am-2pm. Bargains for all and a bake table of goodies! Donate gently used items for the sale. Call Michelle at 613-3536483. • Music of Newfoundland - Enjoy Chris Murphy in concert at Battersea United Church on Sun, May 26 at 7pm. Free will offering. • Storrington Stingers Family Fun Day – Craft & Vendor Sale Sat, May 25 at Storrington Public School. Cost – Family $20, Adult - $5, Child (2-12) $2. Barbecue from 11 to 1. • 3 Pitch 3 Chords Spring Fling - A family event at Ken Garrett Park, Jun 1 & 2. Tickets $35 for weekend pass. 16 and under free. Local vendor spaces available – call Lesley at 4831839 or Adam at 613-484-1313. Also call to advertise your business in the 2-day program books. Tickets: ticketscene. ca/events/24069. I have 18 to sell! Tickets available at Inverary Beer Store. Help us build new accessible washrooms. • High Tea in Sunbury was a great success, and well done by the Storrington Lion’s Club. Guests were elegant and arrived in all their finery. Even the “Queen” appeared with her newest great grandson in arm! Thank you to all who made this event so special. Our guests made it a sold out happening. Our gratitude to all who prepared and served food, with special thanks to the members of the 4H Club. Thank you to Mya Steenbakkers, a student of Canta Arya for sharing her musical talent by playing the violin.

Maberly-Bolingbroke Karen Prytula

613-325-1354 karenprytula@gmail.com

• Tay Valley Karate - The Karate Spring Session has been extended until May 23, 2019 to help make up for sessions missed due to snow days. • Tay Valley Soccer - Coaches Needed! Our 2019 soccer program is in need of coaches for each division. We currently need: 4 Munchkin coaches, 2 Peanut coaches, and 2 Atom coaches. Coaches are responsible for running the hour-long sessions each Mon, from May 27th to Jul 29th, and are ideally parents of the participants. Volunteering is incredibly rewarding and is much appreciated by everyone. Without volunteers, these programs would not run. So please think about signing up and helping out – the more the merrier! For more information, please visit: http://www. tayvalleytwp.ca/en/resident-services/Soccer.asp

MISSISSIPPI Pearl Killingbeck


• 20 people showed up for the last Diners of the season – a lovely luncheon of salad, buns, pasta salad, rice, sweet & sour chicken and almond cake & ice cream. We’re going to miss our Diners all summer. It was a fun time and great meal. Mike Procter did piles of jokes. All funny. Well, we say goodbye for the summer to Catherine, Jasmine and Anne Howes (get well soon, Anne). Have a fun, safe and happy summer. Hope to see you all in September.

Clar-Mill Community Archives & the Township North Frontenac

Invite all persons with connections to Cemeteries in North Frontenac

Unravelling History: One Tombstone at a Time Sat. May 25, 9:30-noon - Clar-Mill Hall, Plevna Guest speaker, Joe Wilson,

President of the Ontario Cemetery Board

What you need to know about Responsibilities, Preservation & Maintenance of family tombstones (with cleaning demonstration)

• Congratulations to Jenn Morrow on passing her PSW. • Don’t forget the yard and bake sale at Elphin Church on Fri, May 17th from 2-6pm. • Back 40 Artisan Cheese will be opening every Sat from May 18-Thanksgiving for the season, from 10am-4pm. Save the date for their Annual Summer Festival on Jun 29. More about the fest later. They’re at 1406 Gulley Road, Mississippi Station, ON. • Birthday people were Lorie Ryder and Rick Morey. Tonnes of food, desserts and visiting. Next one is Jun 12th. • Don’t forget music night on May 30th. The White Brothers will be performing from 7-9pm. Light refreshments served. All welcome. • Church will be at Snow Road on May 19th at 9:30am. • Another great double birthday get-together for my girls Jeannie Kelso and Lorie Ryder at Maples. After a great meal, unwrapping gifts, then the beautiful carrot birthday cake that Elaine makes (the best ever) and all the visiting, it was time to go. Thank you all for coming to help the girls celebrate. It is such a great afternoon. • teer, call Lorie at 278-0216. More about this event in the next news column. • Marilyn Meeks 613-279-3209


• Some May birthdays are William Lowery, Hunter Mallett, May Walton, Roy Beechy, Herb Clow, Maurice Woodcock, Rodger Fisher, Andrew Matson, Tim Drew, Ray Whitelock, and my husband, Archie Meeks. • Thinking of Virgil Garrett, and others who may be in the hospital. • Sympathy to the family of Isabella Lodge, Lois Ducharme, Dale Whan. • On Mother’s Day, we think of our mothers even if they are not with us. I had one of the kindest mothers (Joyce Smith), who I think of every day


Linda Rush  lindarush@yahoo.com Marily Seitz  seitz@xplornet.ca

613-479-2570 613-479-2855

• May 11th was a VERY busy day in Ompah. In the morning at the Community Hall, the Perth Fire Extinguisher Service was up, checking over and servicing extinguishers that people brought in. At the same time, the Annual Plant Exchange was in full swing. Both events were well attended, especially considering that the Annual Spring ATV run was also happening, its start and finish being at the Marina in Ompah. This event was also well attended, with over 400 machines from far and wide taking part. An impressive number, since the event had been postponed from its original date because of the earlier poor condition of the trails, in this cold & very wet spring. Judging from the appearance of returning ATVs, there is still no shortage of mud on the trails. The Ompah Hall was in service again in the afternoon, as ATVers returned from their runs to a delicious dinner served there. • Also on the 11th, a number of Ompah people attended the celebration of life in Plevna for Harold Perry, who was an

inspirational figure for many, many people in the area. • The Community Archives is very active this year, researching cemeteries in North Frontenac Township. They are particularly interested just now in any obituaries people may have that will help them track the history of deaths and interments in our whole area. As always, they also are interested in any information or photos you may have about times gone by in our local communities. It is interesting to visit their updated website at clarmillarchives.wixsite.com/home. On May 25th, they will be having an event: “Cemeteries in North Frontenac” at the Clar Mill Hall – anyone who can bring a copy of a local historical obituary will be entered in a draw for a door prize.


Colleen Steele 613-375-6219 Christine Teal  mrsteal2u@hotmail.com 613-375-6525 • Baseball season is starting this week!!! Good luck to all of our teams! • The Lions Club are holding their All You Can Eat Breakfast on Sat, May, 18. The proceeds will go to the Lions Foundation Dog Guide. As a thank you, all first responders will eat for FREE!!!! • Parham United Church invites you to their a-MAY-zing sale on Sat, May 18th from 10am to 2pm. Come and check out the vendors who have their products, crafts and baked goods etc. There will be a silent auction/raffle table. If you can help out with donations to the Church's bake table and auction/raffle table, all donations big and small are appreciated and welcomed. • In addition to the GoFundMe for Darrin Fox, there is a fundraising ball tournament to be held in Verona on Fri, May 31 and Sat, Jun 1 in Verona in aid of Darrin Fox, who is well known in our area and has cancer. Please contact the organizer, Colin Vandewal, at 613-561-5565 to register your team and get all the details. Raffles, 50/50 draw, and many extras are planned. • Yes, we are having our Flea Market at the Parham Ball Field once again on May 19th from 10am to 2pm. Please come and bring your own table and sell your stuff or just come to shop! • The play was sure a success. Congratulations to all who put such time and effort to each and every performance. The theatre group are selling t-shirts to celebrate their special anniversary! • The Sunday school class did an excellent job at church on Sunday. • Happy Birthday to: Heather Beattie, Janice Peters, Heather Gillespie, William Lowery, Jared & Logan Whan, Nicole Shorts, Jax Lofaso, Shawn McCullough. Happy Anniversary to Natasha & Sam Lofaso and Kurtis & Annette Jackson.

Continued on page 6

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A Project Funded By

DOOR PRIZES: Milligan Meats gift certificate, Cloyne) Craft from Free Spirit Gallery, Plevna Outdoor clock/thermometer, CMCA books To be eligible for door prizes you can: 1) Wear a CMCA lapel pin or button or 2) Bring a copy of an obituary of someone located in one of North Frontenac Cemeteries.

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THE FRONTENAC NEWS Continued from page 5

PLEVNA Katie Ohlke

613-479-2797 ohlkek@limestone.on.ca

• We would like to send out get well wishes to Colleen Ryder. She is missed at the many community events where she assists others. Colleen is the Community rep for CMCA and we look forward to her return to good health. • Check out the redesigned website for CMCA at https://clarmillarchives.wixsite.com/home. A co-op student, Mac, has been busy since fall to bring this project to this stage. During the upcoming cemetery project, they will be looking for lots more info and photos for the Family section. Get started now to collect the photos you want to share. You can take them to a CMCA member to be scanned, or to the library where Heather White will scan them. • Thanks to two ladies in the Fernleigh area, CMCA has a good start on the cemetery project. The late Vi Martin passed along a book to her family that has births and deaths of local people as far back as 1930. Our local historian, Lee Anna White, has kept records as well. You just tell Lee the name and usually she doesn’t need to look it up. She just tells you from memory! Isn’t that amazing? • If you haven’t visited the Free Spirit Gallery lately, you will

THE TOWNSHIP OF CENTRAL FRONTENAC www.centralfrontenac.com

Employment Opportunity DEPUTY-TREASURER

The Township of Central Frontenac is located one hour north of the City of Kingston and a half hour west of the Town of Perth in the heart of the Land O’Lakes Tourist Region of Eastern Ontario. Central Frontenac enjoys a unique character and quality of life that distinguishes the municipality from other areas of Ontario. The rural values, the sense of place, the unique landscapes, the importance of water resources and the quality of life enjoyed by those who live in and who visit the community is integral to the municipality. The municipality is seeking a leader with initiative and positive attitude to join our municipal team as the DeputyTreasurer. Reporting to the Treasurer, the Deputy-Treasurer is primarily responsible for the day to day operations of the finance department, including monthly reporting and review of the financial controls to ensure accounting procedures are within General Accepted Accounting Practices and applicable Legislation and Regulations. The DeputyTreasurer will be heavily involved in the administration of Accounting for Tangible Capital Assets and will also assist in the preparation of the working papers for the year-end audit and various schedules for the Financial Information Return. The successful candidate would ideally possess the following: • A post-secondary degree or diploma in accounting or equivalent combination of education and experience • Completion of the Municipal Tax Administration program, or completion of within 18 months of the start date • Four years progressive related experience in accounting with an emphasis on accounts receivable and billings. Municipal or public sector experience an asset. • Knowledge & experience in asset management, costing, maintenance, recording and reporting of capital assets • General knowledge of relevant legislation for property assessment and taxation, & municipal accounting • Knowledge of public sector accounting, financial reporting, auditing and financial control policies and procedures • Experience with Great Plains will be considered an asset • Good mathematical and accounting skills are necessary • Excellent interpersonal, customer service, supervisory, and communication skills • Strong organizational skills in order to prioritize work load and meet deadlines

be amazed at the many choices of outstanding local crafts. Some of these items have been selected as door prizes for the May 25th and Jun 15th archive events. You might be lucky enough to win! • Jack’s Jam, May 18, 1-5:30pm, followed by a Pot Luck Supper at 5:30, Clar-Mill Hall, Plevna. All welcome. This will be the last Jack’s Jam for the season. We will meet again on Sept 21st. • A beautiful memorial was held for the late Harold Perry last Saturday at the Clar-Mill Hall. His friends and family paid tribute to him with remembrances, poetry and music.

Sydenham Karen Brawley


• C’mon, Mother Nature, and cut us a break and no rain for Victoria Day weekend! So we can see all the cottagers up and enjoying their time at their tranquil cottage country. • The Sydenham and Area Village Yard Sale is Sat, the 18th from 8-4pm. Don’t forget to look for neon signs and enjoy your bargain hunting. Those participating in the sale, put some signage up to help direct folks. Let’s put Sydenham’s Yard Sale on the map! So far, I have heard that Alton Road East and West, Portland Avenue, Mill Street, Bedford Road (up past the old Beer Store), Botting Road, Brewery Street, Campbell Road, Freeman Road, Rutledge Road, Wheatly, Church Street, William Street, and I’m certain more that haven’t reported. Should be awesome. Also feel free to use this weekend for putting stuff out with “FREE” by your road side. One man’s junk is another man’s treasure. Sorry if I missed some streets, but check the Sydenham Ontario page or look for the ad on Kijiji, or just get on out and go for a drive • Be sure to join us on Sat, May 18th from 9-4 at the Sydenham Legion hall for the 2nd annual Sydenham Artfest. There will be over 20 local vendors displaying their quality, handmade items, homemade food and professional services. Free admission. Food and drinks available for purchase. • St. Paul’s Anglican Church on Mill St will be having a Hymn Sing on Sun, May 19 at 10am. • Think that all cops do is drink coffee and eat donuts? Well, on May 21st, it’s true. They will join you for coffee. You can have coffee with a cop from 9:30-11:30am at The Grace Centre, 4295 Stage Coach Road. Enjoy some chatting with a local cop and good company. • Thanks to a grant from the Ontario Trillium Foundation, the Grace Centre will become safer and more fully accessible with the construction of a ramp that will bring guests from Stage Coach Road down to the lower level of the Centre, home to the Adult Day Program. A ground-breaking event will be held on Fri, May 24, at 3pm, with guests including MPP Randy Hillier • Baseball season is upon us, too. Thank you to the many adults who volunteer their time to make the local baseball teams what they are. The kids have so much fun at the games. Even if you don’t have a child playing, check out some of the

Arden Batik has moved!

verona Debbie Lingen


• Verona Lions Club will hold their annual fundraiser, a Roadside Toll, on Fri, May 17 and Sat, May 18 on Road 38 at the Revell Ford Used Car Lot. The money collected stays in the community and supports its residents. • The Verona Lions want to extend a heartfelt thank you to all the volunteers who helped get the ball field up and running for the season on May 4. The volunteers helped erect the new fencing, paint the new poles, ready the outbuildings and showered the ball field with TLC. • First market day for the Frontenac Farmers' Market will be on Sat, May 18 from 9am to 2pm. Come see your favourite vendors and meet their exciting new members. • FORE!!!Golfer registration is now open for South Frontenac Community Services’ 11th Annual Charity Golf Tournament on Fri, May 31 at Rivendell Golf Club. Dinner will be held at the historic Grace Centre. Cash bar, silent auction, and lots of fun! Cost is $100 ($85 for Rivendell members) and includes game, cart, dinner, bus to/from the course, and prizes. New golfers welcome! Contact Andy for more info: andy. mills@sfcsc.ca or 613-376-6477 ext. 205 • The Grandmothers by the Lake, a local chapter of the Stephen Lewis Foundation, is holding its annual Plant, Bake, and Book Sale on Sat, Jun 1 from 9am to 2pm at Gilmour’s on Road 38, Harrowsmith. Beautiful annuals and perennials, delicious home baking, recent and classic fiction and nonfiction. All proceeds are in support of the grandmothers and their grandchildren orphaned by the HIV/Aids pandemic in Africa.

Lions Club service day


he Lions Club of Land O’Lakes held their Service Day on Saturday, May 4. Members of the club were dispatched to 11 different residents of surrounding communities who needed assistance in cleaning their yards and flower beds before our native black flies returned. Incoming (1 July), Lions’ President Phil Barchard is shown getting instructions and water from resident, Ron Burgess. The Lions enjoyed meeting new people and appreciate your kind financial donations.

PUBLIC MEETING NOTICE I’m back in the old Clear Lake Hotel, 1037 Bridge St., Arden, where I began my business over 45 years ago.

A complete job description is available on the Township’s website at www.centralfrontenac.com

Central Frontenac proposes to enact a By-Law to stop up, close and convey a portion of road allowance as set out and described below: Part of the road allowance between Concession 2 and 3, geographic Township of Oso, now Township of Central Frontenac, being Parts 13 and 14 on Plan 13R10122 and being PIN 362320561 (14794 Road 38 -Fleury)

Grand Re-opening this weekend

This proposed closing will come before the said Council for consideration at its regular meeting at the Olden Community Hall, 1522 Mountain Grove Road, Mountain Grove Ontario, on Tuesday the 28th of May, 2019 at the hour of 4:00 pm and at that time, the Council will hear in person any person who claims that his or her land will be prejudicially affected and who applies to be heard either in person or by his or her Counsel, Solicitor or Agent.

Saturday, May 18 & Sunday May 19, 1 to 4 PM

For further information, you may contact the undersigned at (613) 279-2935 x 237 or cdeachman@ centralfrontenac.com.

Please apply with a detailed resume by 3:00 pm on Thursday May 30, 2019. Clearly marked “Confidential – Deputy-Treasurer” to

We thank all applicants for their interest and advise that only those considered for an interview will be contacted. In accordance with the Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act, personal information will be collected for the principal purpose of determining an applicant’s eligibility for potential employment. The Township of Central Frontenac is an equal opportunity employer. Accommodation for an applicant with a disability will be provided upon request.

game. They are a joy to watch.


The salary range for this position is $63,963 to $66,283. A comprehensive benefit package is also provided.

J. Michael McGovern, CPA, CGA Treasurer Township of Central Frontenac P.O. Box 89, Sharbot Lake, ON K0H 2P0 Tel. 613-279-2935 Fax. 613-279-2422 treasury@centralfrontenac.com

May 16, 2019

Come and see the new/old location; open after May 19 by chance or appointment – tel. 613-335-2073. Regular summer hours beginning mid-June.

Dated this 13th day of May 2019 Cindy Deachman, Deputy Clerk Township of Central Frontenac 1084 Elizabeth St, P.0. Box 89 Sharbot Lake, Ontario K0H 2P0

May 16, 2019


Lots of smiling faces at South Frontenac Touch the Truck 120 activities throughout KFL&A but you don’t necessarily have to have an organized event for people to spend time together. “It could be just having dinner together, reading a story or taking a walk.” But this was an event and one that accomplished more than one goal. Getting together as families and a community is one of them, but it’s also a chance to let people see and hear about the various organizations at work in that community.

“Each of these organizations and vehicles play a huge role in our day to day lives,” said South Frontenac Mayor Ron Vandewal. “The support they provide to our community each and every day is outstanding.” And it’s fun. That was plain to see on the faces of the kids, parents, grandparents and even on the firefighters, police officers and Township workers demonstrating equipment and explaining how it works. In other words, the organization workers

PAGE 7 by Craig Bakay

seemed to be having as much fun as the people who came out to see their gear. Paramedic Lyanne Dickie had a huge smile on her face as she showed kids where things are stored in her ambulance. “This is my first event of this type,” she said. “I’m really enjoying it. There are a lot more kids than I expected and the energy is vibrating off them.”

Sydenham Artfest set for Legion on Saturday B 20th anniversary renda Young, the organiser of Sydenham Artfest, held her first show

South Frontenac Mayor Ron Vandewal attending with grandchildren Alexis and Brooks Vandewal (pictured) and Abby Reynolds


et out and do things with little ones,” said United Way representative Kim Hockey last Thursday at the South Frontenac garage on Keeley Road. “You don’t have to save for a trip to Disneyland every day. “Take the time and make the moment matter. It might even kick start a career,” said Kim Hockey. The event, Touch the Truck, is part of the United Way’s Success By Six program and features trucks and equipment assembled together from South Frontenac Township, Frontenac OPP, South Frontenac Fire & Rescue and Frontenac Paramedic Services. The idea is for parents and grandparents to bring their little ones out to climb into cabs, and see just what all these big vehicles do. It’s also family time in disguise. “It shows the importance of early years,” Dickey said. “United Way has more than

North Frontenac Deputy Mayhor Fred Perry presenting a plaque to mark the 20 anniversary of Bishop Lake Outdoor Centre at a community celebration marking the occasion last Saturday (May 11)

at her home in Sydenham last fall. She wanted to give her sister Wanda, a jeweller, an opportunity to share her work with the local community, and decided to invite a few other of her artisan friends as well. And it turned into a pretty successful day. That was where the idea of a larger show came from, and Brenda thought the Sydenham Legion would be a primes spot to hold one. After booking the Legion hall for the 18th of May, she hand picked the vendors for a number of spots and then put the word out for a few more. The hall has room for 21 tables, so that became the limit. If the weather is good, however, there may even be a table or two out in front of the building. A wide range of items from jewellery to wood work, glass blowing, fabric and more, including some famous local food producers. “It was important to me that everything in the show is hand made by the vendors,” said Brenda of how she chose the artisans. Participating vendors include: Judy's Jams, Wooden Art by JM Doiron, Jeni Juranics from Hawk Moon Healing Arts, Oh Baby Bowtique, Janice's Folk Art, Knowlton Lake Cakes, The Glass Shack, Beach Pebble Tales, Hanna’s Meat Pies, Old Country Bath and Body, Mermaid Molly Seaglass, Barb’s Handmade Pierogis, Emily Hawkins Designs, Knot your Nature,

Countryside Treasures, The Knutty Knitter, T&A Condiment Co, Knotty by Nature, Wood and Water Jewelry and Kelly Whan creations. Admission is free, and there will be food available to eat in or take home. The show

runs from 9am to 4pm.

Looking for a FIREFIGHTER to come to your door with HOT information? Then save the date as they’ll be knocking

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Central Frontenac Firefighters will be going door to door with safety tips, helpful information and to ensure each home visited has: ♦ A working Smoke Alarm on all levels as well as outside sleeping areas ♦ A working Carbon Monoxide Alarm near sleeping areas if your home has fuel burning appliances or attached garage

It’s The Law Be one of the first forty homes to fully comply with the Ontario Fire Code and receive a special thanks on behalf of Central Frontenac Fire Rescue and your local

Cardinal Cafe for a coupon to put towards any item at the cafe! For more information please contact Fire Chief-Greg Robinson 613-279-2935 Ext:359

May 16, 2019




Card of Thanks


Thank You from Bishop Lake Outdoors

Congratulations to Don & Doris Ritchie Of Bell Rock, Ontario, on their 69th Wedding Anniversary Married May 19, 1950

Bob & Wanda Steele

Celebrate their 50 Year Anniversary May 17-1969-2019 We invite family & friends to celebrate on May 19, 2019 from 2-4pm at the Harrowsmith Social & Athletic Club, 4041 Colebrook RD, Harrowsmith. Best wishes only.

BIRTH STODDARD Mom, Dad & big brothers Logan and Oliver welcome Lochlan Thomas John on April 22, 2019. Grandparents are Sharon & Rodger MacMunn and Valerie & Randy Stoddard. Great grandparents are Lauretta Barker and James & Robere Keirstead. Thanks to the doctors & staff at the Perth & Smiths Falls District Hospital Heather MacMunn & Lucas Stoddard

On Saturday May 11, 2019, ‘the Bishop Lake Outdoors Store celebrated its 20th Anniversary. Since that opening day 20 years ago, we - the family and staff of Bishop Lake - have done our best to serve our community and customers with great service and competitive pricing. To continue our pursuit of such ideals, we held an Anniversary Sale and Trade Show to mark the occasion. With this, we hoped to bring the community together for a chance to interact with our trade representatives, try out some of the sporting markets newest gear and get some great sales in store. When the day came, we had lofty expectations. However, we were surprised at what was to come. Our expectations were not only met, but they were thoroughly surpassed in every way! The number of visitors and customers who came to join us for our celebration were easily into the hundreds, making it our busiest day in 20 years of operation! To be able to have such an eventful day is because of all the people who helped and supported us - our trade representatives, our fellow local businesses and the many people who visited our store that day and over the years. The family and staff of Bishop Lake Outdoors extend our warmest thanks to all of the people who came to help us celebrate our 20th Anniversary: • All of the friends and customers we have made over these past 20 years • Our trade representatives Tyler Cuppy (Browning Canada), Mark Clifford (Korth Group), Gerry Dinesen (Monsens Sporting Goods), Steve Morton (Excalibur Crossbow), Amy Gibbons (Stoeger Canada), Brandon Ross (Bowmac Gunpar) and Steve Elmy (Rack Stacker) for all of their help and support running the Trade Show • Campbellford Wholesale and Tyendinaga Propane for their donations •  Milligan Meats for putting on an awesome BBQ Thanks again, Bob Yearwood

Card of Thanks Thank You ~ Mitchell

Thanks to Sandra, Frank and staff at Sharbot Lake Inn for the great food provided for those celebrating Paul Mitchell's 80th.

Celebration of Life Bolton-McCarthy, Madeline Please join us to celebrate the life of Madeline Bolton McCarthy (September 17, 1912 - December 11, 2018) mother of John (Elaine), grandmother of Cindy, Mike (Judy), Chris (Ron), and Donnie (Edith) on May 26, 2019 from 1-4 p.m. in the Millennium Room of the Norwood Community Centre, 88 Alma Street, Norwood, Ontario.


in Memoriam Kenneth Levi Brown

who passed away on May the 8th, 2017. Deep in our hearts, there’s a memory kept for the one that we love, & will never forget. From your loving wife Vera & family Always on our minds Always in our hearts We sure miss you. Herb Moyst March 13, 1976 Millie Moyst May 22, 2006 Clarence Bigalow April 22, 2006 Love, the family and friends


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Joy Martin (Nee: Bishop) Joy sadly passed away peacefully at the Heart of Hastings Hospice in Madoc, Ontario on May 7, 2019 in her 70th year, born in County Armagh, Northern Ireland. Best Friend and spouse of Gerry Martin, Ardoch, ON. She will be sadly missed by her sons Bob (Jeanne) Abbotsford, B.C. and Bill (Carol) Kingston, ON. She will always be cherished in the hearts of her four Grandchildren: Ryan, Robbie, Emily and Lucy. She is survived by her brother Paul and sisters Daisey and Flo. A Celebration of Life will be held at the Clarendon/Miller Hall, 6598 Buckshot Lake Road, Plevna, ON on Sunday, May 19th 1:004:00 p.m. Donations may be made to the Clar-Mill Volunteer Firefighter’s Association or the Heart of Hastings Hospice, Madoc. Irish Blessing “May you live as long as you want and never want as long as you live”.

North Frontenac Little Theatre presentation of Boy Wonder

an original musical by Jeff Siamon

reviewed by Jeff Green he Boy Wonder completed a successful four day run at Granite Ridge Education Centre on Sunday afternoon. The Mother’s Day matinee had a modest audience, but sellouts on the previous two nights and a very well-attended opening night on Thursday made it one of the most popular productions for the 40-year-old community theatre company in recent years. The play was both an original work and a throwback at the same time. It was conceived, written and directed by long time NFLT lighting director, Jeff Siamon. Siamon is a fan of old-time musicals of the 1930’s and 40’s that were often about putting on a musical. The Boy Wonder includes a play within a play, and is con-


Continued on page 9

PRAYER LINE 613-279-3064

Confidential & Non-Denominational


WHAN, Dale Everton

Passed away Peacefully at Ottawa Civic Hospital, On Friday May 3, 2019, as a result of multiple injuries from a farm tractor accident n March 21st 2019. Dale E. Whan in 70th year of Sharbot Lake will be dearly missed by his wife Barbara (Young) of 27 years. Dale and Barbara considered Christine like a daughter and Trinity like a granddaughter. Greatly missed by Daughter Karen Whan of Ottawa and Crystal Smith (Craig) and grandson Oliver of Smiths Falls. Loving brother of Gilbert (Nelda) and Thomas both of Sharbot Lake and sister Marjorie Tully (Harvey) of Medicine Hat, Alberta. Fondly remembered by motherIn-law Shirley and (the late Russell Young), brother in law Allan Young of Jasper, Ont. Missed by uncles, aunts, nieces, nephews, cousins and friends. Predeceased by his parents Edward and Achsah (Fox) and brother Wesley. Following cremation, a celebration of life will be held at Sharbot Lake Pentecostal Church on Saturday May 25, 2019 from 12 noon to 2 pm. Memorial service will be held in the church at 2 pm. Interment of ashes in Oconto Cemetery. Donations to Sharbot Lake Pentecostal Church would be appreciated by the family. Arrangements by Goodfellow’s Funeral Home, Parham. On live condolence at goodfellowsfuneralhome.com

Derek Maschke Northbrook Chapel Funeral Director 11928 Hwy. 41 613-336-6873 Northbrook, ON K0H 2G0 www.milestonefuneralcenter.com


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Frontenac Mortgage Investment Corporation (Frontenac) hereby announces that the Board of Directors has established a record date of April 22, 2019. This date establishes the list of shareholders eligible to receive notice of and vote at the Annual General Meeting (AGM). The AGM will be held at The Four Points by Sheraton, Kingston Ontario, on June 21, 2019. The meeting will start at 2:00 p.m.

May 16, 2019



The Classifieds Ad Rates: Classified Text ads: $10.62 + HST per insertion for 20 words & under; 20¢ each extra word. Deadline: 4 pm Monday; Ph: 613-279-3150, Fax: 613-279-3172; info@frontenacnews.ca


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Take Notice that an action for mortgage default has been commenced against Charles Fenwick, the registered owner of 3062 Washburn Road, Inverary, ON (the “Property”), Thomas Musgrave and The Estate of Thomas Musgrave (collectively known as the “Defendants”), by way of a Statement of Claim in the Ottawa Superior Court File No. CV-18-00078220-0000. The Plaintiff is seeking possession of the Property, payment by the Defendants of monetary damages stemming from the mortgage default, interest from October 25, 2018 and costs, all in accordance with the terms of the mortgage. This announcement is made in accordance with the Order of Master Kaufman dated April 26, 2019. Please contact, the Plaintiff’s counsel, Eric D’Aoust (Perley-Robertson, Hill & McDougall LLP/s.r.l.) by telephone: 613-566-2843, by fax: 613-238-8775 or by mail: 1400-340 Albert Street, Ottawa, ON K1R 0A5.


LARGE YARD SALE. May 18, 19. 8:30am -4pm. 4918 North Shore Crescent. 1942 International Fire Truck, 2004 Honda Rubicon ATV, 2000 Big Foot Argo (6 x 6 with tracks, extra wheels and cover) Assortment of power and hand tools, various household items, and others too numerous to mention.


ROOFERS NEEDED! Amherst Roofing & Sheet Metal is a unionized commercial flat roofing company looking for hard working individuals to join our crews. Must have WHMIS and Working at Heights or willing to obtain it prior to start date. Perfect candidates will be reliable/dependable, punctual, willingness to learn and adaptable to new working environments. Starting wage is as per union rates and increases with experience. Please send resumes to billiejean@amherstroofing. com or stop in to drop off a resume.



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Ardoch Ontario  613-479-8005 HANDYMAN, WILL REPLACE SINKS, taps, toilets, any other jobs, cottage closures and carpentry. Please call Albert 613-374-2079 PET SITTING SERVICES AVAILABLE. All you need to know at www.petsittinginmountaingrove. com Phone Laura Mills at 613-335-3658 or Text 613-583-3658 PHOTOCOPY, FAX & LAMINATION SERVICES available at The Frontenac News, 1095 Garrett St., rear building, Sharbot Lake. Competitive prices! 8½” x 11” - Black & White 25¢ ea; Colour copies 60¢ ea. 613-279-3150.

PUBLIC COUNCIL MEETING TAKE NOTICE THAT Council of the Corporation of the Township of North Frontenac will hold a Public Meeting on May 27, 2019 at 9:00 a.m., at the Municipal Office Council Chambers, 6648 Road 506, Plevna, Ontario; PURPOSE AND EFFECT: To consider amendments to the Fees and Charges By-law, more specifically to amend Schedule ‘G’ Cemetery Fees to include in an increase in Internment and Disinternment Fees; AND THAT further information on this matter can be obtained by contacting the undersigned; AND THAT the Public may provide comments to Council at the Public Meeting or written comments can be provided via mail or e-mail to the undersigned. Public comments received prior to May 26, 2019 will be provided to Council for their consideration at the May 27, 2019 Public Meeting.

ROOFING, SHINGLES – STEEL, 30 years experience, serving Elphin, Snow Road, Sharbot Lake & area. Contact Todd Gursby for estimates, 613-278-1300 WATER PUMP REPAIR and Service. UV Disinfection and Filtration, Water Softeners. MOE Licensed Well Technician. Over 27 yrs experience. Asselstine Hardware 613-3743400


B’S RADICAL RIDES Towing & Recovery. James Mills owner/operator. 613-335-5050; website: bsradicalrides.ca


STANDING TIMBER, firewood, pine, cedar, bush lots. Free quotes, cash paid. Call 613279-2154.

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Student Employment Opportunity Part Time Public Internet Support Staff Student – Cloyne Library The Township is seeking resumes for vacant student position from a highly motivated, experienced, hands-on person to join our municipal team as the Public Internet Support Staff. Working under the direction of the Manager of Community Development (MCD), the incumbent will provide support to the public, in relation to internet and general computing issues, at the Cloyne Public Library, while following guidelines established by the policies of Township Council and/or the Chief Administrative Officer (CAO); and in accordance with Legislation. The salary is $13.15 per hour and the normal work week is 10 hours. Hours may vary; weekend work will be required and overtime may be required to meet the job requirements. A copy of the Role Description is available on the Township’s website at www.northfrontenac.com Township Services/Careers and Volunteering or at the Township Office. For further information, please contact Corey Klatt, MCD at (613) 479-2231 ext. 233 or email recreation@northfrontenac.ca. Information gathered relative to this position is done so in accordance with the Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act and will only be used for candidate selection purposes. We thank all applicants for their interest. Only those applicants selected for an interview will be contacted. The Township is an equal opportunity employer. We would be pleased to provide accommodations, upon request, throughout the recruitment process to applicants with disabilities to ensure equal participation.

Dated this 13th day of May, 2019.

Please apply with a detailed resume by Noon local time on May 30, 2019 clearly marked “Confidential – Public Internet Support Staff Student” to

Tara Mieske Clerk/Planning Manager Township of North Frontenac 6648 Road 506 Plevna, ON K0H 2M0 Tel: (613) 479-2231 or 1-800-234-3953 Email: clerkplanning@northfrontenac.ca

Cheryl Robson, AMCT CAO Township of North Frontenac 6648 Road 506, Plevna, ON K0H 2M0 Phone: (613) 479-2231 Ext. 221 Fax: (613) 479-2352 E-mail: cao@northfrontenac.ca

PAGE 9 Continued from page 8 structed around songs that were drawn from the post World War I era. The Boy Wonder of the title is Guy Martin (Christopher Hall). At the beginning of the play, he is a few days from the opening of his make or break musical “A Woeful Love” when his star and lover, Deloris (Angela Cowdy), quits. It takes him quite a while to realise what the audience has known from the start: that the typist, Monica Jones (Danielle Hall), is destined to be the star of the show and of his heart. It will take a while, but in the end “A Joyful Love” ends up being destined for Broadway successful and Guy and Monica have become an item. There is a point, about halfway through the play, when Monica tells Guy something that, in retrospect, Jeff Siamon was also telling the audience. In the scene where the title of “A Woeful Love” is ultimately changed, Monica tells Guy that he should turn his play into a revue, because the music tells the story anyway and the audience comes out for the music, not the storyline. This was certainly the case with A Boy Wonder, which had 24 musical numbers, creating an opportunity for not only the two leads to sing several numbers, both together and apart, but for a number of secondary characters to perform one or two songs. The chorus, as well, took centre stage at one point. The best thing about A Boy Wonder were the musical performances. The two leads, who are newly weds in real life, complemented each other well. Danielle Hall, well known to NFLT fans from when she was a youngster, has an ease on the stage and the comic timing to keep the action flowing, as well as the singing talent to navigate a wide variety of songs. Christopher Hall, who comes from a family that is steeped in music, seemed to hit every note effortlessly and beautifully. Together, they carried the play, and some of their performances (hers: Second Hand Rose, Melancholy Baby, his: Anytime, After I Say I’m Sorry and together: Put Your Arms Around Me) were among the highlights of the production. Other major characters included Mitzi (Megan Hall - Christopher’s sister) and Summer Storm (Sarah McCullough). They are both first time performers who both fully inhabited their roles, Mitzi as the plucky theatre insider and confidant to Monica, and Summer as a burlesque performer looking for a way into the legitimate theater. They made the most of their scenes, and belted out their songs when the opportunity came. NFLT veterans, Brian Robertson as Victor and Angela Cowdy as Deloris, also mugged their way through in admirable fashion, as did Braidey Merigan as Wendell Bradshaw. In non-singing roles, Greg Morris as Guy Martin’s unsupportive father, Terence Martin, was the picture of cold villainy, and Marc Veno as the gangster, Eddie Bradshaw, was in full comic book mode. Martina Field and Virginia Beckett were positively ditsy as sister chorus girls without a lot of talent. The chorus: Pam Giroux, Joan Hollywood, Linda Bush, Margo McCullough and Carol Morris, added depth to many of the musical numbers. Rounding out the cast were Rudy Hollywood, John Stephen and Evangeline Michie as the porter, bartender, and flower girl, respectively. The costumes (Geoffrey Murray), set design (Steve Scantlebury) and staging of the Boy Wonder were also effective, thanks to the efficient work by the stage crew under stage manager, Barb Scantlebury, who kept the numerous set changes quick. The Boy Wonder ran long - almost 3 hours with two intermissions. Although it could have been shorter, the quality of

the production numbers was at a very high level, keeping the audience fully engaged to the end during the Friday night performance that I attended. John Inglis on piano and Adam Parker on a programmed keyboard that simulated a fuller orchestration also did well, although on some occasions the music was too loud, making the vocal solos harder to hear. The Boy Wonder was a massive undertaking for Jeff Siamon and the NFLT, a fitting kick-off for its 40th anniversary year.

May 16, 2019



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Public School. Fun, games and entertainment for the whole family. Blow up maze and slides, face painting, games for all ages, craft and vendor sale, and much more. Grade 8’s are putting on a BBQ from 11-1. Cost is $20/family or $5/adult, $2/child from ages 2-12. Admission covers cost of all things except BBQ. CLOYNE - ANNUAL PLANT SALE 9am. Barrie Hall. Land O’ Lakes Garden Club annual plant sale at the Barrie Hall, 9-till sold out. HARLOWE - OPEN MIC 2pm-7pm. Harlowe Hall. Pot Luck supper, 5:30pm. Free event, donations welcome. Info - Marie, 613-336-2557 HARROWSMITH - ANNUAL COMMUNITY FUN DAY 9am. Harrowsmith Free Methodist Church. Free BBQ, door prize draw, huge garage & bake sale, free kids zone (bouncy castle, crafts, games, face painting). All proceeds go to our community assistance program. HARROWSMITH - BULL HEAD FISH FRY 4:30pm. Golden Links Hall. 430-6. Cost: $15. Info: 613-3722410. HARROWSMITH - COMMUNITY YARD SALE 8am2pm. Harrowsmith Social & Athletic Club. Free BBQ. Table rentals for members $5 and non members $10. Please contact Marilyn at 372-0917 or email mgoodberrysanda@gmail.com INVERARY - GARAGE SALE 9am-2pm. Inverary United Church. Bargains for all and a bake table of goodies! Donate gently used items for the sale. Call Michelle at 613-353-6483. MOUNTAIN GROVE - ROAST BEEF SUPPER 5pm. Olden Community Hall. With mashed potatoes, vegetables, gravy, rolls and pie with coffee, tea and water. 5-630pm at Mountain Grove Community Centre. Adults & teens $12, children 6-12 $5. Everyone welcome. Mountain Grove 50+ club fundraising event. PARHAM - SMORGASBORD SUPPER 5pm-7pm. Parham United Church. Cost is a free will offering. Come! Bring a friend and your appetite. PLEVNA - UNRAVELLING HISTORY: ONE TOMBSTONE AT A TIME 9:30am. Clar-Mill Hall. CMCA presents a project funded by Community Foundation for Kingston and Area for Cemeteries in Sunday May 19 SHARBOT LAKE - SHARBOT LAKE LEGION HARROWSMITH - BUFFET DINNER Harrowsmith SUPPER 3pm. Sharbot Lake Legion. BBQ pork North Frontenac. Guest speaker, Joe Wilson, Present Golden Links Hall. Turkey or Beef Dinner - alternates chops. Cost: $12. Legion opens at 3:00 for socializing. of Ont. Genealogical Society - Cemetery Committee. monthly. $15 a plate. All welcome. info 613-372- Supper at 5:30pm. This will be the last supper until Wear CMCA lapel pin and bring copy of an obituary from someone buried in a cemetery in NF to win door 2410 further notice. PARHAM - FLEA MARKET 10am-2pm. Parham SHARBOT LAKE - SOUND ESCAPES: STRINGS prizes. Ball Field. Please come and bring your own table and PLUS ONE 1:30pm. Sharbot Lake Seniors Centre. SYDENHAM - SYDENHAM WOMEN’S INSTITUTE SPRING CRAFT AND BAKE SALE 9am-2pm. sell you stuff ? or just come to shop! Enjoy a relaxed afternoon of light classics and familiar SYDENHAM - HYMN SING 10am. St. Paul’s Anglican tunes, from Brahms to Broadway to jazz standards Grace Hall. One-of-a-kind items made by local artisans. Baked goods and lunch are also available. Church. - played by a quintet from the Kingston Symphony Info - hitchcocksusan1965@gmail.com Monday May 20 Orchestra. $10/person, refreshments available for Sunday May 26 SHARBOT LAKE - SUMMER ADULT CYCLING AND sale during intermission. BATTERSEA - MUSIC OF NEWFOUNDLAND 7pm. SWIMMING 6pm. Sharbot Lake Family Health Team. Saturday May 25 Cycling on Mondays at 6pm from the Medical Centre. BATTERSEA - STORRINGTON STINGERS FAMILY Battersea United Church. Free will offering GODFREY - BEDFORD JAM 1pm-5pm. Glendower Swimming starts first Wednesday in June at 6pm. FUN DAY 9am-3pm. Storrington Public School. This Hall. $2 donation, entertainers free, Info Joanne is a fundraiser put on by parent council for Storrington 613-374-2242, Joan - 613-374-5477

Northern Happenings NORTHERN HAPPENINGS listings are free for community groups, and will be published for two weeks. Donations to offset the costs of publication would be appreciated. Other listings are paid or are taken from paid ads elsewhere in the paper. The News makes every effort to be accurate but events should be independently verified by readers.

Thursday May 16

CLOYNE - NAEC FUN FAIR 5pm-8pm. North Addington Education Centre. BBQ, fun and games, bouncers, silent auctions, face painting and more! Keep your eyes peeled for some super heroes! All welcome MOUNTAIN GROVE - LAND O’ LAKES FUN FAIR 5pm. Land O’ Lakes Public School. Inflatable dart board, mystery prize bingo, a bouncy castle, bumper balls and so much more. Everyone is welcome! NORTHBROOK - BINGO 6pm. Northbrook Lions Hall. Sponsored by the Land O’Lakes Lions. Doors open 6pm, regular games 7pm. Canteen available. Info: the Lions Toll Road book.

Friday May 17

ELPHIN - YARD & BAKE SALE 2pm. Elphin Presbyterian Church. May 17 & 19, 2-6pm. HARLOWE - OLE TYME FIDDLERS 7:30pm. Harlowe Hall. Prizes, lunch, $6 non-members, all welcome, players, dancers, listeners and newcomers. INVERARY - COMMUNITY YOUTH DANCE 7pm10pm. Storrington Lions Hall. For grades 5 to 8. Cost $5. Music, Canteen & Adult Supervision. SHARBOT LAKE - SHARBOT LAKE LEGION SUPPER 3pm. Sharbot Lake Legion. BBQ chicken. Cost: $12. Supper at 5:30, legion opens at 3:00pm for socializing.

Sat May 18 – Sun May 19

WESTPORT ROAD - PIE AND BAKE SALE May 18 & 19, Fogarty Hall, Sat 4-6 & Sun 10-12. Catholic Women’s League.

Saturday May 18

ARDEN - KENNEBEC RECREATION COMMITTEE ANNUAL VICTORIA DAY FIREWORKS 9pm. Kennebec Park. Kennebec Recreation Committee annual Victoria Day fireworks at Kennebec Recreation Park, Arden - behind the post office. Candies, popcorn. Free-will offering. Contact 613-335-3186 or wmharrison067@gmail.com ARDEN - PIKE FISHING DERBY 2pm. Kennebec Hall. Kids Klub fundraising event. Weigh-in from 2-7pm. Kids and adult division cash prizes. Tickets: $10 in advance. Sponsored by Kennebec Rec Committee. CATHOLIC WOMEN’S LEAGUE 4pm. May 18 & 19 at Fogarty Hall, Westport Rd. 4-6 Saturday and 10-12 Sunday. CLOYNE - MAMMOTH YARD SALE 9am. Barrie

Free Delivery Available Tuesday May 21

BOLINGBROKE - COMMUNITY HOME SUPPORT DINERS LUNCH 12:30pm. Althorpe Bolingbroke Community Hall (ABC Hall). 3rd Tuesday of the Hall. The Cloyne & District Historical Society will month, 12:30pm. If you’re 50+, join us for a hot, hold its annual Mammoth Yard Sale. Donations are nutritious meal and pleasant socializing. Reservations welcome and can be dropped off on Friday from 9am required. Info: Charlotte Thompson 613-272-5560, Jean Cooke 613-279-1217. to 11am, but please note: no clothing items. GRIFFITHS - HAM SUPPER 5pm. St. Andrew’s Wednesday May 22 United Church. Ham supper with all the trimmings INVERARY - KENNEBEC DINERS 12pm. Ken and pies. 5-7pm. Cost: adults $15, children 6-12 $7, Garrett Memorial Park. Finally RFCS Diners of the 5 & under free. season. Chicken lunch. Call 613-2797-3151 to get HARROWSMITH - SF MUSEUM SUMMER on the list OPENING 1pm. South Frontenac Museum. The NORTHBROOK - STUDY GROUP ON WOMEN theme of this year’s exhibit is South Frontenac from OF THE BIBLE 9:30am. Land O’ Lakes Emmanuel 1900 to 1929, before, during and after the great war. United Church. Everyone is invited to this discussion The museum will be open Sat, Sun and Wednesday group. afternoons from 1-4. All welcome. Admission by PERTH ROAD - PERTH ROAD UNITED CHURCH donation. For more info, call 613-376-3027 x 2600. FISH FRY 5pm. Perth Road United Church. Mundell’s NORTHBROOK - LAND O’LAKES LIONS YARD New Zealand Cod, fries, pies and more! Adults $15, SALE 8:30am. Northbrook Lions Hall. Canteen open. youth (6-12) $7. For info, call 613-353-1690. All proceeds to Lion’s projects Thursday May 23 NORTHBROOK - LOLCS YARD SALE 8am. Land NORTHBROOK - BINGO 6pm. Northbrook Lions O’ Lakes Community Services. At the community Hall. Sponsored by the Land O’Lakes Lions. Doors services office at 12497A Hwy. 41. Proeeds to the open 6pm, regular games 7pm. Canteen available. Christmas Hamper program Info: the Lions Toll Road book. PARHAM - A-MAY-ZING YARD SALE 10am-2pm. Fri May 24 – Sun May 26 Parham United Church. ARDEN - LIONS BLINDANGLERS INTERNATIONAL PLEVNA - JACK’S JAM 1pm-5:30pm. Clar-Mill Hall. TOURNAMENT Kennebec Shores. Friday red carpet Pot Luck Dinner. Great music, dancing and delicious dinner, breakfast Saturday before the launch around food. All welcome. Last Jam until September 21 9. Lunches sent with boats. Weigh in at 3pm followed SHARBOT LAKE - ALL YOU CAN EAT BREAKFAST by awards, dinner & socializing. Each blind angler 8am-11am. Soldiers Memorial Hall (OSO Hall). partnered with a sighted guide for the weekend. SHARBOT LAKE - SHARBOT LAKE FARMERS Costs covered by donations from Lions Clubs of MARKET 9am-1pm. Sharbot Lake Beach. Eastern Ontario and Western Quebec. SYDENHAM - COMMUNITY YARD SALE 8am-4pm. Friday May 24 Rain or shine - in and around the village CLOYNE - ANNUAL CLOTHING GIVEAWAY 9am. TICHBORNED DAY OF THE PIG 11am-5pm. Seed Pine View Free Methodist Church. May 24 from 9amto Sausage Store. 8TH Annual. Food and other 5pm and May 25 from 9am-2pm. All donations can be vendors. Pork and other meat for sale. All welcome. dropped off at the church, May 20-24th (no donations Season opening party for store will be taken on Saturday). Leave donations (clothing, VERONA - FRONTENAC FARMERS MARKET footwear, baby items, linens) inside the basement at 9am-2pm. Prince Charles Public School. the back of the church.

Helping turtles survive the topic of talk in Sunbury M ay 23 is World Turtle Day. It was started in 2000 by American Turtle Rescue to bring attention to, and increase knowledge of and respect for, turtles and tortoises, and encourage human action to help them survive and thrive, according to Wikipedia. And last Thursday in Sunbury, Mabyn Armstrong of Turtles Kingston was there to do just that, as a guest speaker for the Dog Lake Association.

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The first turtles emerged in the Permian Period, some 260 million years ago. While the fossil record is incomplete, it’s likely that the creatures we recognize today are relatively unchanged since the mid-Triassic, about 220 million years ago. “The numbers are in decline,” Armstrong said. “They can’t do much about it so we have to mitigate things for them.” Armstrong’s efforts are largely based in Kingston, but her message is equally applicable in all the Frontenacs. “The City of Kingston is in a significant wetland,” she said. “There are five hot spots identified, including Princess Street near the Ambassador Motel. “The worst is Collins Bay Road.” Armstrong’s efforts include lobbying the City to pay attention to nesting sites, particularly along the side of roadways. She said road work can often destroy nests through grading and other maintenance. “June is the peak nesting season,” she said. One of the things she’s been actively engaged in is the creation of turtle nest protectors, a 2’X2’ screen that fits over a nest. It not only marks the location but reduces predation. The project is in conjunction with Lee Valley, who has held workshops on how to build the protectors yourself. The nest protectors are also available (at cost) at Lee Valley in the Riocan Centre. Another initiative Turtles Kingston has undertaken is for injured and dying turtles. They work with Sandy Pines Wildlife Centre in Napanee (613-354-0264) and have arranged for veterinary clinics to be temporary holding stations if you

by Craig Bakay

can’t transport the turtle to Napanee yourself. A list of participating clinics is on the Turtles Kingston Facebook page. It is also important to note, she said, that even if a female turtle is beyond saving, her eggs may be able to be extracted and incubated. Also, they are compiling a database, so reporting injured turtles is important, she said. Finally, Armstrong said they really discourage keeping turtles as pets. “Snappers can live 150-200 years,” she said. “You may have to put that turtle in your will.”

Mabyn Armstrong at the Sunbury Hall

May 16, 2019



Arden Batik returns to the hotel I t isn’t as if too many people will get lost if they go to the former Arden Batik location on Elm Tree Road in Arden. The new location will be in sight and only a few steps away in the converted hotel where Sarah Hale has lived for over 45 years. But for Sarah Hale, the change of location will bring her batik business back to where it started. It will also allow her access to a full-size studio on a year-round basis, and more wall space to show the larger, framed batiks that she is most interested in creating. Sarah dates her career as a professional batik artist to the first larger craft show that she attended in 1977. She remembers the day well, because after packing up for the day she drove to Perth hospital to give birth to her daughter Julia. For the next 20 years she travelled to craft shows, large and small, across the province, selling larger and smaller framed and unframed pieces, famous Arden Batik name cards, and more.

Gradually, first at a shop located next to the Arden post office, and since 2001 from the former café at the bottom of the hill, Arden Batik has been open throughout the summer and by chance or appointment in the shoulder seasons. Now, the same basic selling hours will be maintained in the hotel, with half of the bottom floor setup as a shop and a studio. Sarah will not be attending any shows or studio tours this year “in order to focus on the store,” she said. She said that at this point she is not really interested in “growing my business just maturing it, and having the freedom to explore some more challenging work.” After over 40 years using the wax resist batik method to capture the feel of the Canadian shield landscape in her work, it will be interesting for her fans and admirers from near and far to see where her work goes in this new/old space.

Loon on Gull Lake by Sarah Hale



MAY LONG WEEKEND - CHANGES TO GARBAGE COLLECTION Regularly scheduled garbage collection for Monday, May 20th will be picked up on Tuesday, May 21st. There are NO other changes to the garbage collection schedule. There are NO changes to recycling collection over this holiday. Green Bay WDS will be open Friday, May 17th from 8:30 am - 4:30 pm then begin its Summer Hours: Sundays - 12:30pm - 4:30pm Fridays - 8:30am - 12:30pm The Loughborough WDS will be closed on Monday, May 20th. WISHING YOU ALL A SAFE AND FUN START TO A WONDERFUL SUMMER AND PLEASE REMEMBER TO RECYCLE

TOWNSHIP SWIM & DAY CAMP REGISTRATION Registration for the Township run Swim and Day Camps is now open!!! The link for registration is available on our website under Things to Do>Recreation Activities>Swim and Daycamps. Make sure to register early to secure your spot! The 2019 Swim and Day Camp season starts July 2nd, 2019. Please note that the Recreation Office is now located at our Public Works Offices at 2490 Keeley Rd, Sydenham,

HOUSEHOLD HAZARDOUS WASTE DEPOT A sign of Spring – back to summer hours for the HHW Depot! The facility will be open every Thursday, 3:00 pm – 8:00 pm. Please remember that accepted items are hazardous materials, electronics and bale wrap only. A full listing of accepted materials may be found on our website under Living Here/Solid Waste/Recycling/Household Hazardous Waste. At Last!! What goes in your Blue Box will STAY in your Blue Box! Easy to assemble, tie wraps included Prevents contents from spilling out due to overfilling or wind and rain Allows the Collectors a quick visual of the contents Available at the 2490 Keeley Road Public Services office for only $10!

TOWN HALL UPCOMING MEETINGS • Public Services Committee Meeting – May 16th at 8:30 am • Council Meeting – May 21st, 2019 at 7:00 pm • Development Services Committee Meeting – May 27th at 8:30 am.

News & Public Notices REQUEST FOR TENDER • RFT No. PW-2019-20 - Structural tunnel-plate liner replacement of Burnt Hills Road culvert The Township of South Frontenac is seeking tenders from qualified Contractor / Firm(s), for the Structural Tunnel-Plate Liner Replacement of Culvert No. 47 on Burnt Hills Road (Burnt Hills Road Culvert). The proposed tunnel-plate liner is 2400mm diameter x 28.5m long grouted into the existing 3100mm diameter SPCSP host pipe. Sealed submissions must be received by 1:00 p.m., May 29, 2019 ATT: Wayne Orr, CAO, 4432 George Street, Sydenham, ON K0H 2T0 Official forms detailing the general specifications and requirements may be downloaded from the BIDDINGO.COM website or picked up: Monday to Friday between 8:00am and 4:30pm at the Public Works Department 2490 Keeley Road Sydenham, ON. Please see “Tenders” page on website for more details. TEMPORARY CLOSURE OF TOWNSHIP FACILITIES All Township offices and garages will be closed on Thursday, May 23, 2019 from 12:00 noon until 1:30 pm for a Staff Recognition luncheon. COMMUNITY SERVICES IN YOUR AREA Southern Frontenac Community Services, located at 4295 Stagecoach Road, Sydenham, offer services to seniors, physically disabled adults and low income households. Most of the services include the areas of rural Kingston and South Frontenac Township. The Mission of South Frontenac Community Services Corporation, in cooperation with their partners, is to facilitate and provide health support services, social and cultural support programs. For further information about the services offered phone 613-376-6477 or 1-855-279-2052 or see their website. You can also check out www.southfrontenac.net then Living Here>Community Services for many local service providers. SOUTH FRONTENAC MUSEUM SUMMER OPENING The Summer Opening will take place Saturday, May 18, 1-4 p.m. at 5595 Road 38 (30 minutes north on Gardiners Road) in Hartington. The theme of this year’s exhibit is South Frontenac from 1900 to 1929 – Before, During, and After the Great War. The centrepiece is our extensive collection of artifacts and records related to the 146th Battalion of the Canadian Expeditionary Force – a battalion created to recruit soldiers from Frontenac, and Lennox and Addington. Supporting displays illustrate the contribution of women to the war effort. There are also exhibits of tools and other items used on the home front. The museum will be open Saturday, Sunday, and Wednesday afternoons from 1-4. All are welcome. Admission is by donation. For more information call 613-376-3027 x2600, or follow us at http://SouthFrontenacMuseum.ca or https:// www.facebook.com/SouthFrontenacMuseum/.

COMMUNITY SERVICES & ACTIVITY GUIDE Our previous recreation guide has transformed this year into the new 2019 Community Services & Activity Guide. Accessible in print or online on our website at http://www.southfrontenac.net/en/things-to-do/recreation-guide.asp

Open for Business PLANNING APPLICATIONS AND INFORMATION Residents interested in submitting a planning application are strongly encouraged to book a pre-consultation meeting with the Planner. Appointment times for pre-consultation meetings can be made on Tuesdays and Wednesdays from 8:30 am to 4:00 pm by calling extension 2224. Booking a pre-consultation meeting helps us evaluate your application and provides you with important information about the process and associated costs.

TOWNSHIP OF SOUTH FRONTENAC 4432 George St, Box 100 Sydenham ON, KOH 2T0 613-376-3027 Ext 3350 or 1-800-559-5862 jbrash@southfrontenac.net

Public Notice - Pesticide Use Davey Tree Expert Co. of Canada Limited & the Township of South Frontenac intend to control weeds along guiderails, posts and roadsides within the Township of South Frontenac. The applications will take place along selected roadsides in an area encompassing the Townships boundaries: North-South Boundaries Road 38 starting at Murlon Road North to Westport Road including the Tichbourne area Road 9 (Sydenham Rd) starting at Horning Road North to Rutledge Road Road 1O (Perth Rd) starting at Spooner Road North to Bedford Mills Road Road 11 (Battersea Rd) starting at Mount Chesney Road North to Simpson Road (Keelerville) Road 8 (Westport Rd) from Road 38 East to Salem (Devil lake Road) Burridge Road North to the Township boundary Anderson Road from Bradshaw Road North to Township boundary East Boundaries Washburn Road from Road 11 (Battersea Rd) to the Rideau Canal Burnt Hills Road from Road 11 (Battersea Rd) to the Rideau Canal Opinicon Road from Road 10 (Perth Rd) to Rideau Lakes boundary Road 12 (Sunbury Road) from Road 1O (Perth Rd) to Highway 15 West Boundaries Road 4 (Yarker Rd) from Road 38 West to the Camden Portland Boundary Rd Road 18 (Wilton Rd) from Road 38 South to Florida Road Road 7 (Bellrock Rd) West to Church Road Colebrook Road from Road 38 to the Camden Portland Boundary Road The Contractor will be using Clearview (PCP#29752) Active ingredients Metsulfuron-methyl and Aminopyralid (present as potassium salt), Gateway Adjuvant (PCP#31470) active Ingredient Paraffinic Oil and Alkoxylated alcohol non-ionic surfactants, Credit Xtreme (PCP#29888) active ingredients Glyphosate (present as isopropylamine and potassium salt). Arsenal Powerline Herbicide (PCP#30203) active ingredient, lmazapyr {present as the isopropylamine salt) under the Pest Control Product Act (Canada). Commencing May 27, 2019 (weather permitting) and concluding on September 30, 2019 For more information: Contact Davey Tree Expert Co. of Canada Limited at 905 304-7359 or Jamie Brash, Supervisor, Township of South Frontenac at 613 376-3027 X 3350. Collect calls will be accepted from individuals calling long distance.

www.southfrontenac.net Our strength is our community

4432 George Street, Box 100, Sydenham ON K0H 2T0 1-800-559-5862  Office Hours: Monday to Friday 8:00 am to 4:30 pm  • www.southfrontenac.net

May 16, 2019



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Fire extinguishers for getting to safety by Craig Bakay


ire extinguishers aren’t for putting out fires, per se, said Glenna Shanks of Perth Fire Protection. “They’re for use upon exit and to get people to safety,” she said. “They’re not used to play the hero.” Shanks was at the Ompah Fire Hall Saturday to certify extinguishers as well as inform the public. The fire department also had a demonstration set up where people could ‘use’ an extinguisher to ‘put out’ an electronic fire, to get the hang of using one. “To use an extinguisher, it’s PASS,” she said. “You Pull the pin, Aim, Squeeze the trigger and Sweep the base of the fire.” She estimated that about 95 per cent of homes have extinguishers. “This is important in areas like this one because of all the cottages where your fire protection options aren’t as extensive as more urban areas.” She said the reason they do these clinics is that many people keep their extinguishers in cupboards and don’t realize they have to be certified every six and 12 years.

“Every six years they have to be emptied and tested inside and every 12 years, the hydrostatics have to be tested,” she said. “The first year we did this, many people thought their extinguisher was fine but then we had them go out and test it on a real fire. “A lot of them didn’t work — it does make a difference to keep them updated.” Shanks should know, she’s been involved with fire extinguishers since she was three years old. “It was dad’s (Reg) hobby,” she said. “Then he started the company and I bought him out eight years ago.” She recommends a five-pound ABC extinguisher, all metal. “They’re pretty much multi-use,” she said. “And the government won’t let us certify anything that’s plastic. “In a five-pound, you have five to 10 seconds of powder at 585 psi.” But they have to be kept in good working order, through certification. “You’d be amazed what it does, when you need it,” she said.

Flights of Fantasy at the Basketry Museum


he Lanark Highlands Basketry Museum will open on May 25, 2019, with an exciting new exhibition called Flights of Fantasy. A large, flying dragon will be outside waiting to greet visitors, while inside in the loft there will be many different types of birds on display. Some, like the indigenous decoys, are traditional forms, while others are complete flights of fantasy. Many of these birds have been made by Ankaret Dean, while others are from countries such as South America or Japan.

Ankaret Dean, curator of the museum, explains, "Basketry can be a very sculptural medium, although most people do not realize this potential." Visitors will be invited to make a small floating duck out of cat tails. Children especially might like to try their hand at a flight of fancy. The museum will be open from 11am to 3pm. The address is 5596 McDonald Corners Rd., McDonald’s Corners, and admission is by donation.

Open burning of garbage is against the law in Ontario and under the Fire Code will result in fines for individuals for each charge up to $50,000 and $100,000 for business.

Betty Kelford puts out the fire in Ompah on Saturday.

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To find out more about burning laws call Central Frontenac Fire & Rescue or visit our website at www.centralfrontenac.com. To find out more about local recycling and disposal options, call Central Frontenac Public Works or visit our website at www.centralfrontenac.com.

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