Vol.19 No.26

Page 1

July 4, 2019 Vol. 19, No. 25


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CAO Orr’s last council meeting South Frontenac Council July 2 B

y the time the next South Frontenac Council meeting rolls around (August 6), Wayne Orr will be retired and packing for a leisurely road trip west. In recognition of this, Mayor Vandewal presented Orr with his nameplate at the end of the meeting, just before Clerk Angela Maddocks brought out a cake. Draft Development Charges By-law Consultant Gary Scanlon of Watson Associates attended the mandatory public meeting to review the proposed Development Charges by-law and receive public input prior to Council’s final consideration of the new by-law on August 6. Development Charges are charges levied at the time of new construction to recover capital costs associated with both residential and non-residential growth within the municipality. The Province is currently in the process of separating “hard” services (roads, fire protection, police and engineering services) from “soft” services which include parks, recreation, and library services and community-based studies. Mayor Vandewal noted that there have been no enquiries from either developers or the general public and only one person had attended the mid-June information open house. Likewise, no one from the public (other than the press) was in attendance at this meeting. The report estimates that, over the next 15 years, 1311 new residential units will be built in the township and the population will increase by 2,767 people. The draft bylaw pegs the total development and community benefit fees per new single-family dwelling at $9,383, a 39% increase over the current fee of $6,758. This fee is paid in addition

to building permit fees and any zoning amendment charges that may be necessary. Scanlon briefly reviewed some of the highlights of his report, and there being no questions or comments from the public, Council agreed to move on to the next step, in August, of passing the by-law. Community Safety and Well Being Plan (CSWB Plan) In January 2019, The province legislated municipalities have two years to prepare and adopt a CSWB Plan which will identify risk factors in the municipality and “determine which risk factors the municipality will treat as a priority to reduce; strategies to reduce the risk factors, including providing new services, changing existing services, improving the integration of existing services or coordinating existing services in a different way; set out measurable outcomes that the strategies are intended to produce; plus any other issues/information that may be prescribed through Regulation.” A joint Frontenac Townships CSWB Advisory Committee will be created, and will include representatives from a large, specified group of social, health and education services. CAO Orr said that while the basic concept of such a group had the potential to lead to positive outcomes, “we’re the wrong group of people to set it up”. Councillor Roberts suggested the proposed advisory committee was too large, but Orr said there was no choice: the group’s composition had been determined by the Province. Councillor Sutherland said he would prefer that as many as possible of the committee members be Frontenac residents.

July 4, 2019 by Wilma Kenny

Wayne Orr receiving his nameplate from Mayor Ron Vandewal The proposed committee will include Deputy Clerk Cindy Deachman, Central Frontenac Mayor Frances Smith (who is the incoming county warden and has a social services background) Sgt Sharron Brown, detachment commander Frontenac OPP, David Herrington from the South Frontenac Police Services Board, Chief Doreen Davis from the Shabot Obaadjiwan First Nation, and one representative each from social services, addictions and mental health, health care, education, and children and youth. Council adjourned to share the aforementioned cake in CAO Orr’s honour.

AH had a pretty good year financially, according to audit by Craig Bakay ddington Highlands’s accumulated surplus was up about a half a million dollars in 2018 over 2017, auditor Adam Young of Secker, Ross & Perry LLP told Council at its regular meeting Tuesday afternoon in Flinton. The actual accumulated surplus at the end of the year was $13,311,584 (budget was $13,601,636) as opposed to $12,786,095 in 2017. He said part of the reason for that was that revenues were up 9 per cent while expenses were up only 6 per cent and a substantial increase in the Ontario Municipal Partnership Fund grant from the Province. He also noted that reserves have grown to $3,965,858 at the end of the year from


$3,486,166 at the beginning of the year. Dep. Reeve Tony Fritsch asked how the reserves numbers compared to what they should be. “It’s hard to benchmark these,” said Young. “I’ve never been able to find a quality benchmark tool.” Similarly, Young said the Township’s landfill closure/post closure responsibility of $4.187 million was “as close as we can get it because of measurement uncertainty. There are a lot of variables.” Young said staff was very cooperative in providing information and there were no irregularities. “We certainly didn’t become aware of any unusual acts,” he said. “If there were, you’ have heard from me long before this.”

Roads remain dust free so far Roads and Waste Management Supervisor Brett Reavie said that grading continues in the Township and so far, he hasn’t had to use any calcium to keep dust down because due to the rain. “I haven’t heard one complaint,” he said. Council agreed that none of them had heard any dust complaints either. “It’s all a matter of timing,” said Reeve Henry Hogg. “As long as on Saturday afternoon, it rains.” Longer LCBO hours? Dep. Reeve Tony Fritsch received Council’s permission to write to the LCBO requesting longer hours for the Denbigh store.

“That store has ended up with reduced hours at peak times,” Fritsch said. “Like long weekends, holidays and Friday evenings. One local business observed 40 people driving in after the store had closed and that’s dollars going out of the community.” Flood relief During the Spring of 2019, the Township experienced significant flooding, primarily in the north end of the municipality, which caused a number of township roads to wash out. The cost incurred to repair this damage was not included in the 2019 Budget. Since these costs are expected to exceed 3% of

Continued on page 3

Photo captions for front page (top left) beach at the Point Park, Syudenham. (middle left) Canada Day K&P trsil run - Sharbot Lake (bottom left) Harrowsmith Free Methodist Church float - Harrowsmith (bottom right) North Frontenac Little Theatre float - Sharbot Lake, (middle right) Storrington Soccer at Gerald Ball Park - Sunbury (top right) Superheros - Sydenham.


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July 4, 2019 Publisher & Editor.............................................. Jeff Green Head of Production.............................................Scott Cox Digital & Print Sales..........................................Jesse Mills Copy Editors ..........................Martina Field, Tracy Riddell Office Staff.................. Suzanne Tanner, Caylie Runciman Webmaster.......................................................Jesse Mills Reporters................................Wilma Kenny, Craig Bakay, ...........................................................Catherine Reynolds




The Frontenac News is published every Thursday Deadlines: Classifieds: Monday at 4:00 p.m. Display ads: Friday at 4:00 p.m.. The Frontenac News welcomes articles and letters, but we cannot publish all the submissions we receive. All submissions must be SINCE 1970 signed and include a phone number for verification. We reserve the right to edit submissions for brevity, clarity, and taste. Please limit letters to 300 words or less; articles to 500 words or less.

1095 Garrett St., rear building; Box 229, Sharbot Lake, ON K0H 2P0 Ph: 613-279-3150; 1-888-779-3150; Fx: 613-279-3172 E-mail: info@frontenacnews.ca Office hours: Mon to Thurs., 8:30 am - noon; 1:00 - 4:30 Subscriptions (Canadian subscriptions include HST) Weekly: $70.11, HST incl. ($90 US for US orders) for 6 months Bi-weekly: $94.92, HST included ($105 US for US

Generous gift for NeLL by Karin Steiner


ew Leaf Link (NeLL) was pleasantly surprised and honoured to be selected as the recipient of $8200 raised by the Jerry Irwin Charity Golf tournament held in Verona on June 8th. Each year, the Irwin family from Sydenham remembers Jerry Irwin by holding a golf tournament at Rivendell. Jerry was a community-oriented person who believed in helping children through sports. He was a man of few words, but he commanded respect by acting on the motto “everyone can play” in his extensive volunteer coaching life. Jerry was a life-time member at Rivendell who started the Wednesday Afternoon Men’s League. He was also instrumental in establishing the North Frontenac Flyers team. MacKenzie and Chris Irwin spearhead the golf tournament with Chris’ mother, Valerie Irwin, and many other relatives—e.g., cous-

SINCE 1970 in Jim Ferguson and brother Shawn who attended the cheque presentation ceremony at the Harrowsmith Free Methodist Church. All the members of the Irwin clan told us that keeping the fundraising dollars local was important to them as it would have been to Jerry: “We like NeLL because it helps people here in this community.” Jerry’s “everyone can play” motto is in keeping with NeLL’s mandate to provide opportunities to people who need assistance as social participants. Family members and NeLL participants gathered to meet the Irwins and to thank them for their generosity. NeLL has been operating in South Frontenac since 2009 with “go local” values in its cooking, arts, fitness programs, and community outings. Chris Irwin stated: “we loved the fact that [NeLL] was local” and that “this place [the Harrowsmith Free Methodist Church] is up the road from where we grew

Cheque pre4sentatoin n Harrowsmtih up.” 2019 marks the beginning of 45-weeks per year of a Tuesday, Wednesday & Thursday program for NeLL participants who reside in South Frontenac, Central Frontenac, and Kingston. And for the first time in its 11 years, NeLL is open in summer. High school students are welcome to join NeLL’s regular participants in the summer term of cooking, drama, art, music, dance, puppets, martial

arts, and soap-making from the fully accessible Harrowsmith Free Methodist Church. The Irwin family’s generous gift helps the NeLL family this summer and fall to pay for supplies for arts programs, food for the cooking classes, local instructors, and transportation to places of interest such as the Happy Tails Sanctuary, the Penitentiary Museum, the Agnes Etherington Art Gallery, or the Fish Hatchery in Sharbot Lake.

Letter Re - Higgins Letter


take exception to Mr. Higgins being offended about sarcastic remarks, eg "used to working in the dark....". This must have struck a chord for a number of reasons. This non-elected mayor and council has abandoned tourism and businesses in the region. Furthermore, during recent floods, they had zero plans in place to help local property owners, and although they collect tax-

AH - Continued from page 2 the township portion of its levy to ratepayers, AH is eligible to submit a claim to the Ontario Municipal Disaster Recovery Program, which CAO Christine Reed is planning to do. The township could receive 75% of the cost they incurred up to the 3% threshold, and 95% of the costs beyond that. Council passed a bylaw requesting relief authorizing Reed be delegated the authority to attest to the costs and verify the accuracy of the claim. Council on the fence over level 2 Energy Analysis The township’s revised Conservation and Demand Management Plan, which was approved in June, identified high energy costs at the former Denbigh School, which has been converted into a community centre. J.L. Richards has provided a quote to complete such a study, but council had a bit of sticker shock at the price, up to $16,000. Council members will take some time to review the proposal and will then decide whether to proceed. The next Council meeting takes place on

es, many of the North Frontenac taxpayers feel that they have been abandoned for the most part. This region is so depressed, and has given up all hope, to the point that no one else ran for mayor or council. Now it appears that we have a non-elected dictatorship. Higgins should spend more of his paid time working on creating jobs and business opportunities for the young people of North Frontenac, and start working on a plan for natural disasters such as floods, maybe take a look at other excellent townships eg Renfrew, instead of being so bold and egotistical as to attack a very respected local newspaper. We are lucky to have a local newspaper, in these times when print is facing extinction. It takes tons of business savvy and perseverance to run a small community newspaper, and any small business for that matter. Attributes that seem to be sorely missing from this Township office. David Arama

Sharbot Lake

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present drafts of its future reporting to the mayor for approval before publication. The mayor’s apparent interest in reframing the free and open reporting of the press should slightly alarm his constituents. Recall that Higgins earlier played a key role in sanctioning another councilor who expressed opposition to actions by the council, even seeming to advocate the appointment of an ethics officer to ostensibly control rogue councilors who do not tow the line. At least that is how it appeared to some. While the mayor’s concerns should be duly noted, perhaps it is best that he continue to allow the local press to do its job and accurately publish comments and actions by the mayor and councilors as the news staff deem appropriate. The mayor and councilors are free to tailor their own speech in open forum, and to offer their own clarifications about what the mayor has characterized as their “sarcastic” and “trivial” comments, as well as the “great stuff” they do.

Mike Fetzer

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hile NF mayor Ron Higgins’ recent letter to the the Frontenac News editor (“Working in the Dark”) may represent an expression of his free speech, it is disturbing that an elected official might undertake either privately or publicly to persuade, cajole or pressure the news media to tailor its reporting to conform with the politician’s view of what are appropriate presentations for readers. Perhaps I misunderstood his letter. Higgins emphasizes that politicians are establishing their own news networks to combat “fake news”, “inaccurate news reporting”, and news focused on “trivial items”, as well as news not appropriately focused on issues and in language preferred by the politicians. He does not allege that the Frontenac News has published false information, but seems concerned that the news reporting is not presented in the understandable manner he prefers. It seems that politicians, but not news reporters, may offer opinion. Higgins is concerned that the paper’s readers “will not understand” the newspaper’s reporting, and will fail to recognize what he believes to be the “great stuff” done by the township council. Perhaps the Frontenac News should

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COMMUNITY REPORTERS (613) Arden............................. Wanda Harrison................335-3186 Cloyne / Northbrook...... Nancy Skipper Denbigh......................... Angela Bright....................333-1901 Godfrey.......................... Stefan Duerst....................374-1710 Harrowsmith.................. Kim Gow Henderson..................... Jean Brown.......................336-2516 Inverary......................... Judy Borovskis..................353-1768 Maberly-Bolingbroke..... Karen Prytula....................325-1354 Mississippi..................... Pearl Killingbeck...............278-2127 Mountain Grove............. Marilyn Meeks...................279-3209 Ompah........................... Linda Rush........................479-2570 Marily Seitz........................479-2855 Parham-Tichbome......... Colleen Steele...................375-6219 Christine Teal....................375-6525 Plevna........................... Katie Ohlke........................479-2797 Sydenham..................... Karen Brawley...................376-9848 Verona........................... Debbie Lingen..................................

MISSISSIPPI Pearl Killingbeck


• The music night on Thursday featuring Japhy Sullivan and Sam Morrison had a great crowd, listening to folk and Irish music. Japhy celebrated his 23rd birthday as well. The next music night will be Thursday, July 18, from 7pm-9pm. It will be a week earlier than usual so mark your calendars for Wade Foster and Shawn McCullough. • Social supper at the Snow Road Community Centre is July 10. Sit down 5:30, food at 6pm. • A great crowd at Coffee Break on Friday morning. Joelle and Don were hostess and host. A great variety of goodies and coffee. Nice to see Elaine Delisle and Valerie Trulove out enjoying a visit. • A large crowd came out for Canada Day breakfast at the Snow Road Snowmobile Club, 223 hungry people enjoyed the best breakfast in the north. Also the bake and yard sales made over $400. • 86 people were fed at the Strawberry Social. Big plats of cake=, ice cream and strawberry’s, which were very yummy. Thanks to all the volunteers volunteers. • I heard it was a big, big, crowd at the Back Forty Artisan sale, cars lined up on both sides of the road. • A few July birthdays. My daughter Pam Lemke, great grandson Hudson, and great, great granddaughter Lillian. Also Jean Bright, and Aryanna Sweeney. Happy birthday Canada.



• There will be a memorial service at Mountain Grove cemetery on July 14 2pm In case of rain go to the United Church. Bring your Lawn chair water. • Congratulations to Zachary Commodore on receiving the new award that my son Duane financed in memory of his parents Archie and Marilyn Meeks. Congrats to all pupils that graduated the night July of 27Sympathy to the family of Jack Ellerbeck, Bill Campsall, Chris and Dave Breeze • Birthdays for the month of July are Barbara Smith, Arlette Rogers, Lacey Latimer, Terry Fox, Sarah Generoux-Hawley, Norman McIntosh, Christine-Steele-Teal, Jean Smith {Ray},

Kevin Teal, Theresa Armstrong, Carrie Vinkle, Valerie FoxSimoneau, Emily Summer, Madeline Burke, Levi Teal Jr., Graeme Gemmill • Anniversaries are Allan and Louise Taylor, Fred and Dianne Kirkpatrick Jim and Sheila Duthie And all those couples • The Cloggers are coming to SLRR on July 3 at 10 O’clock.


Linda Rush  lindarush@yahoo.com Marily Seitz  seitz@xplornet.ca

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• Ompah and area was awash with Canadian flags and activities this weekend. Yard sales abounded. The Canada Day Cold Plate dinner was well attended even though the thunderstorm and tornado warning was issued at the start of the dinner. Thanks to all who attended, donated salads etc, and worked on the dinner. It was a successful fundraiser for the Community Centre. • The North Frontenac fireworks were postponed on Saturday, due to the storm warnings, but went off without a hitch on Sunday evening. Boats on the marina bay, and crowds on land oohed and ahhed at the spectacular display.


Colleen Steele 613-375-6219 Christine Teal  mrsteal2u@hotmail.com 613-375-6525 • Baseball season is underway once again. Come on out and support the local teams. Monday July 8th we have the grasshoppers in action at 6:30 in Mountain Grove, Tuesday July 9th we have Mites playing in Parham at 6:30 followed by the Junior Men playing at 8:30. Then on Wednesday July 10th we have the Grasshoppers taking the field in Sharbot Lake at 6:30. • Wow, it's July!!! Enjoy your summer students!! • Even the fireflies show brightly in the clear evening sky as well as the beautiful firework for the Canada Day Weekend!! Great job to all involved!! • Hope everyone had a great Canada Day!! • Thinking of you to Cheryl Brown, Muriel and Eric Wagar and Kim Harper. • Local strawberries are ripe for the picking and oh so GOOD!!! • The Worship Team at Parham United Church led the service after which the congregation enjoyed a delicious luncheon. • Sincere condolences to the family of the late Justin Whan. Thinking of the family at this difficult time. • Happy Birthday: Christine Teal, Nicole Tibble, Kalib Neadow, Shawn Godfrey, Luke Asselstine, Leslie Cronk, Phil Tibble, David Lowery, Aadan Kempe, Amaya Silva, Lisa Teal, Graeme Gemmill, Lesley Pickard and Levi Teal.

Sydenham Karen Brawley


verona Debbie Lingen


• Verona Free Methodist Church is holding a Kid's Bible Camp called "Roar" from July 15 to July 19. It runs from 1 pm

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July 4, 2019 to 4 pm. It is open to children going into SK to Grade 6. It's free - to register, call Verona FM Church at 613-374-1232 • Join the SALT Committee (Seniors and Law Enforcement Together) on Friday, July 5 at the Verona Lions Pavilion for a Home Insurance and Fire Extinguisher Demo. SALT is an innovative community partnership of community service groups and local law enforcement. A committee that includes agencies and residents develops and presents topics of interest to older adults in rural Frontenac County. Lunch is served at 11:30am, with the presentation to follow. There is NO COST to attend, but you must register in advance. Transportation is available for an additional cost. Call 613376-6477, ext. 303. • Volunteer drivers are needed for Southern Frontenac Community Services. Volunteers can set up their own schedule (as little or as often as a volunteer wishes to offer). Call 613376-6477 • Please note – The Verona Lion’s ATV run is not on for this weekend. It has been postponed until October 5th. Look for further details in September.

ARDEN Wanda Harrison

613-335-3186 wmharrison070@gmail.com

• Please note that the date of the Big Clear Lake AGM is NOT July 5 but, in fact, Saturday July 13, with breakfast at 9:30 am and business meeting beginning at 10:00 am. • Congratulations is extended to Gord Brown who received the Senior of the Year award. • The Friends of Arden would like to thank all of the volunteers who participated in last weeks’ hamlet clean up; those from the Community and the Ranch who trimmed, scraped and cut brush and also those who helped prepare the luncheon. • Reminding everyone that the Strawberry Social, hosted by the Kennebec and District Historical Society, will be held Saturday July 6 at the Henderson Hall 1 pm to 3 pm. • Come one and come all to the Annual Central Frontenac Council meeting which will be held at the Kennebec Community Centre, Tuesday July 9 at 4:00 pm. As in year’s past, everyone attending will be invited to a BBQ dinner. Come out and see your Council at work. • The Arden Artisans will be holding their Annual Blueberry Social and Open Studio event, Saturday July 20. More information will be available next week, but mark this date on your calendar. • The Arden Legion is hosting a Euchre tournament, Saturday, July 20 with registration at 10:00 am with the play starting at 10:45. Register a 2-player team with a cost of $10/ team. There is a 70% pay out along with a $ recognition for high team score and lone hands. Lunch will be available for purchase and there will be a cash bar. For more information please call the Legion at 335-2737. • On Saturday July 27, the Arden Seniors will host their Annual Summer Sale. There will be the popular Bake Table, Lucky Prize Table, Peameal on a Bun for breakfast, crafter tables, yard sale vendors, a BBQ at lunch time and Ice cream served after Noon. If you would like to participate with a craft/vendor table or have “good stuff” in your shed and would like to sell it at a yard sale, please get in touch with Barb at 335-2604 or Mickie at 335-2874 and they will reserve a place for you. • This reporter was heartbroken to learn of the passing of Chris Breeze. This gentle, fun loving woman braved through the sudden passing of her husband last year, and fought, bravely, through her own battle with the dreaded C. As a friend and neighbour I will personally miss her as will the Community. Rest in Peace Chris.


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July 4, 2019

CLOYNE - Northbrook Nancy Skipper


• School is out for the summer! Congratulations to students, to all school staff, to moms and dads for getting their little ones out the door every morning, and to the bus drivers who got them safely to school and then back home again! Have a great summer! • The Lions want to thank the community for their generosity at this year’s Toll Road. All monies raised during the Toll Road go right back into the community via the many Lion initiatives. Thank you to those who stopped to let those working the Toll Road Saturday afternoon of the possibility of a tornado hitting! • The Free Friday Flix movie this month is THE UPSIDE, comedy-drama rated PG-13 (suggestive content) this Friday, July 5, 2019 at 7:00 at 108 Addington Road, Northbrook, sponsored by the Land O'Lakes Emmanuel United Church congregation. Free Admission, Bring a Friend. • The Flinton Community Hall is hosting their Turkey Dinner this Saturday, July 6, 2019 from 4pm to 6pm. Come out and enjoy a delicious turkey dinner along with pie for dessert. Bring yourself, your neighbour, and your friends! • Come out to the Dark Skies Preserves on HWY 506 on July 6 for Summer and Circumpolar Constellations. You will also be able to see Ganymede disappear behind Jupiter from 23:0323:14. Bring your lawn chair along with you around dusk and enjoy the evening. • The Friends of Bon Echo are hosting TurtleFest on Saturday, July 13, 2019! Come shell-ebrate some of the coolest species in the park! Meet real-life turtles as part of the interactive presentation by staff from the Ontario Turtle Conservation Centre and learn how you can help protect these reptiles. Get your face painted and play games that test your skills against a turtles’ many predators! See you at the Children’s Program Area in Bon Echo Provincial Park from 1pm - 3pm. • All are invited to Pineview Free Methodist Church Thursday, July 11, 2019 to hear the Garden Club’s guest speaker Laura Moses from Seeley's Bay who will be inspiring all of us with her talk on "Pots that Wow!" Come and see Laura's unique ideas for making up pots that will make you the envy of all your neighbours. www.FineLinesLD.com See you at 7:00 p.m.! • Yard sale. Saturday July 13th. 8 am to 12 noon 108 Addington Road • Northbrook. Land O’Lakes Emmanuel United Church. The Lions will be hosting their second annual Fish Fry on Friday, July 26, 2019. Stay tune for more details. • Compassionate Care is excited to announce the 2019 Hits for Hospice Co-Ed Slo-Pitch Tournament happening on Saturday July 27, 2019 in Eldorado (Madoc). There will be prizes, giveaways and a charity bbq. 100% of proceeds go to The Heart of Hastings Hospice supporting end-of-life care in the community. Even though this event is not taking place in Northbrook Flinton, or Kaladar, the proceeds will be used to support programs in these communities and it's only a short drive away so come out and show those "westies" who's boss! • The Lions Club is celebrating their 50th Charter on Saturday, August 17, 2019. The community is invited to an old fashion BBQ from 11:00-2:30ish. Check the front of the Toll Road book for more details or email landolakeslions@bell.net.


works fund. Fireworks would have not been a success if it was not for all your generous donations to support their purchase. A big thank you to the community, Denbigh Griffith Lions and the Township of Addington Highlands for supporting this event. And to our local volunteers with the Denbigh Fire Department; we can’t thank you enough for safely setting up and lighting the fireworks display. It would not be possible without your help. Your local Denbigh Recreation Committee is very appreciate of your support, as it is so rewarding to see our community and visitors out enjoying the activities, taking time to visit with family and friends as well as meeting new people, the laughter of the children and the wonderful sense of enjoying this special day of celebrating this great country we live in. • Looking for something to do on Friday evenings? Grab your horseshoes and come to Heritage Park in Denbigh beginning Friday, July 5th at 6:30pm. No fees, no standings, just for recreational purposes only, and bragging rights until the following week. There is also the possibility of a few lies being told throughout the evening. Hope to see you there. Contact Al 613 333 2291. • The TD Summer Reading Program starts next week. Denbigh Library is hosting the program on Tuesdays from July 9th to August 27th, from 6-7pm with stories, crafts, games and a snack, for kids ages 3 to 12. There is a sign up sheet at the library for parents and caregivers to register their children. Contact 613 333 1426. • Denbigh Library will hold the Annual Summer Book Sale on Saturday, July 13th, 9am to noon. Get a bag of books for a toonie. A good opportunity to pick up your summer reading! • You are invited to attend the Tri Ensemble concert, on Saturday, July 20th, 2pm at the Denbigh Hall. Twelve musicians, and Baritone soloist Vwila Nyirenda, will present hymns and original music. Donations in support of the local food bank. • Please note: Euchre at the Denbigh Hall will take a break over the summer months and resume in the fall. • Wishing students and staff a wonderful summer holiday. And to those graduating, all the best in your future endeavors!

HARLOWE Marie White


• Hope everyone had a happy weekend amidst the rain showers. Happy birthday to Curtis Lancaster who will be having a birthday shortly. • Correction: our neighbour who had a stroke, his name is Franco Ballestra, not Frances. Sorry Franco, hope you are recovering well. • Please if your taste buds are telling you that they are hungry for a pancake breakfast, the place is Harlowe Hall on July 6, from 8am - 11am. The menu includes pancakes, sausage, french toast, beans, fruit topping, cool whip, maple syrup, tea, coffee and juice. It will be a free will offering with proceeds to the United Church Women in support of their Henderson Hall.



• Your old reporter is patching in from Manitoulin Islandspending time with family, high school friends, and taking in all the sites and sounds of home. I missed the ever- famous Henderson United Church yard sale - but hear it was “over the top” and fantastic. Thanks one and all. I miss spouse Allan but

613-333-1901 bright.a@gmail.com

• The Denbigh Recreation Committee would like to thank everyone for attending the Canada Day BBQ and festivities. Thank you to Coop De Ville band for your special local talent entertaining our community; it is a pleasure to have you play for us. The many people dressed in some sort of red and white created some healthy competition for the best ‘Canada Day’ dressed contest. The 50/50 draw was well supported, with the winner Garth Malcolm generously donating his $85 windfall back to the fire-

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he prefers to pay to stay home! My two great nephews- Isaacaged 3 and his brother Little Duffy 3 months and parents are here as well - so it’s old home week in “God’s Country.” • This Sat. morning July 6 at the Harlowe Hall from 8am -11am, the Henderson UCW will host a yummy breakfast with down home cooking: pancakes, sausages, French toast, real maple syrup boiled in the country, and fruit toppings. A freewill offering is your admission to this yummy in the tummy event, and the proceeds aid the UCW church projects. CooksGeorge, Marie, Terry, Ed and friends will flip the pancakes and Ed’s famous French toast will be cooked up in splendid style. • Then Saturday July 6 afternoon from 1pm -3pm the Kennebec Historical Society host a strawberry social at the Henderson Hall at a cost of $6.00. The berries are freshly picked and it will be fantastic.

INVERARY Judy Borovskis


• Fish Fry! Saturday, July 6th at Battersea United Church. The fish is prepared and cooked by local fishing guides. Dessert is strawberry shortcake. Doors open at 5 pm. For tickets, contact Roberta Smith at 613-353-2846. • Second Annual Garden Tour in South Frontenac, Sunday July 7th. A fund raiser for Southern Frontenac Community Services. We are venturing further north of Rutledge Rd east of Bedford Rd to the SF eastern boundary and north to Bedford Rd. 8 gardens at present. Cost for tour is $10. Ticket info on the websites of SFCSC and SF. Please nominate a garden by calling Nona Mariotti 613 893-2015. • Wilmer Cemetery Memorial Service in the old Wilmer Church, corner of Wilmer & McFadden roads on Sunday, July 14, 2019 at 2 pm, Rev. Dr. Karen Bach officiating. For additional info please call Vera Shepherd at (613) 353-2470 • Vacation Bible School July 15 to 19 for children ages 4 to 12. from 9 am till noon. Register now – Cost for the week is $5 per child. The special wrap-up service will be held July 21 at Glenburnie U.C church at 10.00 am. (note location change) Call Norah 613-353-6876 or sandland@kingston.net • "GIANT" Pie Sale! at Perth Road Village Sunday School Hall on Saturday, July 20, from 9 am. until all pies are sold! Come early - they sell out FAST! For info: (613) 353-1690. • Annual Dog Lake Association BBQ & AGM on Saturday, July 20 at Gilmour Point, 1763 Wellington, Battersea. Start time is 11:30 am. (Rain date is Sunday). Fun event, good food, an opportunity to meet your neighbours. Info 613-353-1654 • Fun Day Tourney with Storrington Minor Soccer on Sunday, July 21 at the Storrington Centre 3910 Battersea Rd., Sun-

Columns Continued on page 8

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Sydenham Stock team headed to Paraguay


think we have a legitimate shot at first or second,” said Karl Hammer Monday at the Stock Sports demonstration in Harrowsmith’s Centennial Park as part of the Canada Day celebrations. “Brazil is a powerhouse but we’ve put in a lot of time.” Many will know Hammer as coach of Sydenham High School’s football team, but in this particular case, he’s talking about Stock Sports, a curling variant that can be played on tennis courts or any other smooth surface. The granite rocks of curling are replaced by stocks (which can be and are played on ice) with plastic or Teflon bases. The game is very similar to curling with some differences. “There’s a perfect Venn Diagram of similarities,” Hammer said. There is a world championship organization for the sport, which will be holding its championship in Asuncion, Paraguay July 9-11 and Hammer, along with teammates Mike Osborne, Tyler McComish and Karl Hammer Sr. will be representing Canada in the four-nation event, which is called the America Cup of Stock Sport. Tammy Lambert will also be going as a member of the women’s team. Worldwide, South America is a perhaps the most enthusiastic about this sport, Hammer said.

July 4, 2019 by Craig Bakay

“The origins of the sport are Austrian-Bavarian,” he said. “There was a large emigration to South America from those areas and they brought the sport with them.” Canada hosted the championship in Angus, ON in 2015 but this will be Hammer’s first championship. “Our other members were there,” he said. “Including Tyler, who came seventh out of 15 in the target competition. “He was the first person to ever compete in the world championships who has an exceptionality.” He said McComish has become something of a celebrity in the sport. “Some people were worried about him competing but it’s turned out he’s bolstered the sport’s reputation,” Hammer said. Obviously, Hammer and squad want to do well but there’s also an underlying reason they’d like to put in a good showing. “We’d like to host the 2021 championships in Sydenham,” he said. “We’re making a push for a playing area specific to the sport. “It would be nice to have level asphalt without any pressure cracks.”

Kuriosity Shop opens in Northbrook by Craig Bakay ooking for something different in the artsy-craftsy-curiosity vein? There’s a new kid in town in Northbrook for that. “We try for the unusual, even if it’s only the people,” said owner Karen Anderson at the opening of her new gallery/ boutique, The Kuriosity Shop in Northbrook Saturday. “Ev-


erything here is local, from local artists and artisans. “We felt a need for someplace like this and wanted to make it a joining place for the public and artisans. Everything is in on consignment.” Inside, you’ll find everything from paintings, to quilts, to knitted things, to stained glass to repurposed artworks to skin care products.” You won’t find antiques, however. “We don’t do antiques,” she said. “Unless they’ve been turned into something else. Like a chair turned into a flower pot.” Or wind chimes made from old cutlery. There are the works of 28 artists and artisans on display, she said. She said the building is wheelchair accessible. The Kuriosity Shop is open 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. daily. For photos of what’s available, Anderson suggests visiting their Facebook page. “We try to keep it up to date,” she said.

Mike (Ozzie) Osborne, Karl Hammer Jr. and Tyler (Mr. Sydenham) McComish are three quarters of the men’s squad going to the world championships in Paraguay. Karl Hammer Sr. is the fourth member.

Kennebec Wilderness Trails (KWT) Karen Anderson cuts the cake officially opening the Kuriosity Shop in Northbrook

Lakes & Trails Festival

Summer maintenance has begun on the KWT. A big thank you to Sukhi & Jass of Sharbot Lake Home Hardware & Building Centre for the donation of a picnic table. It has been placed on the Yellow Trail at the top of the former ski hill, providing a great view of Baker Valley to the west.

Trails maintenance crew - Greg Morris, Gabe Chartier and Al Richer christen the new picnic table after a morning of weed whacking, footbridge construction and gate post installation.

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& Direct Market Show Saturday, July 13, 9:30a.m. - 2:00p.m. Clar-mill Community Centre 6598 Buckshot Lake Rd., Plevna

Rib Barbeque plus fixings — DCF Barbeque Sauce

Re-Use Centre

Submit Your Number! The Frontenac News Business and Telephone directory for 2019 is in the planning stages.

Why cook? Come out for a wonderful barbeque

This year we are offering an easy way for readers to include their phone number in the Directory.

Featuring: art, knit and crocheted items, fashion, ewellery, homebaking, Wood items photos and frames sewing, quilts, Scentsy, Voxx socks

Frontenac News readers who are no longer Bell Canada or North Frontenac Telephone Company land line customers will not automatically be included in the directory, even if they have retained their original phone number.

Please join us for our Grand Opening and Ribbon Cutting Ceremony.

Wednesday, July 10, 2019 10:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. At 3444 Road 506, Plevna Everyone is welcome.

We have set up an easy online form to fill out at Frontenacnews.ca/ submit-your-number or just click the link on our home page. All you need to enter is your name, village, and phone number and we will do the rest. Cell numbers are welcome. This is a free service. Prefer a human touch? Call 613-279-3150 and we will enter the information for you.

July 4, 2019


The Caboose is open for the 2019 summer season “C

ongratulations on your 9th anniversary,” Central Frontenac Mayor Frances Smith told the crowd at Railway Park in Sharbot Lake Saturday as the Central Frontenac Railway Heritage Society opened the Park for the 2019 season. “This has turned into a beautiful little park and such a great add-onto the village as a whole. “People come from all over to see this, both kids and adults.’ And the park is well on its way to being what the Society members envisioned years ago when they bought a caboose and plunked it down on a stretch of Elizabeth Street without bothering to ask anybody if that was OK in a forgiveness-is-easier-to-get-than-permission moment. “We just wanted to continue to let the public know we are here,” said vice-chair Gary Giller. “(Chair) Derek Redmond is in Australia right now but he wanted to see this done in an appropriate manner. “He’s been a fantastic leader, keeping energy up, being instrumental in all that’s happened — working for signage, etc.” Giller said another key member of the Society is Gene Kirkham, who was also instrumental in pulling together the walkway project.

“I’m just an amateur railroad historian and webmaster,” Kirkham said. “But it is sentimental for me. “I come from a railroad family and as a kid, that’s all I heard.” It’s sentimental for a lot of people. Take John Bigham for example. Bigham is an avid HO model railroad and has set up his system on a modular basis. One of his favourite modules is the old Sharbot Lake Station, with the Station House, water tower, freight shed, overpass, and rock cut. He had several of his models on display Saturday. “In 1972, I had a girlfriend who lived up on that hill right over there,” he said. “The tracks were gone by then but we could sit and watch the process of it being torn down. “When I retired, I got into model railroading.” “Our mandate is to preserve and promote the railway heritage of our community,” Giller said. “We rely on the community for support through membership.” Memberships are available at the Caboose (open Saturdays from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. until Labour Day) or online at kickandpush. ca.wordpress.com or their Facebook Page.

NAEC grads: The class of '19 striking a pose

PAGE 7 by Craig Bakay

Sunshine Soul (Don Watson, Paul Goudreau, Ken Furnell and Linda Silver) served up a set of train songs at the Kick & Push Railroad’s 2019 season opening Saturday at Railroad Park in Sharbot Lake.

North Frontenac

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Join a Committee,

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Who are we looking for?

Community members who are passionate about South Frontenac and have a keen interest in engaging with the District and broader South Frontenac community to improve recreation and leisure services.

Who is eligible?

Volunteers must be: • at least 18 years or older • a resident/business owner in the Township of South Frontenac • must maintain residency in the Township of South Frontenac for term of their appointment

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July 4, 2019




Card of Thanks


Drop in – You’re Invited to a 90th Birthday Party

Thanks to All

Yearwood: Donald Kenneth

For Josephine Van Alstine On 14 July 2019 1:00- 4:00 pm At the Maberly Community Hall, 180 Maberly Elphin RD Maberly, Ontario All are welcome - no gifts please your visit is all that is required

Happy 90th Birthday Mom (Madeline Burke)

The family of Madeline Burke, invites you to help celebrate her 90th birthday at an Open House on Saturday July 6th 2019 from 2pm-5pm, at the Pine Meadow Nursing Home in Northbrook. Best wishes only

Card of Thanks Thank You A huge thank you to all the people who donated goodies fro our bake sale, and to all the people who bought the items. Land O’Lakes Emmanuel Fundraising Committee

Thank You South Frontenac

Thank you to all the volunteers & staff that made Canada Day special and make this community such a great place to live. Mayor Ron Vandewal


Robert John Ferguson (July 9, 1963 – April 1, 2019) Sorry that this thank you has been so long coming. I would seriously think about it every Monday night around 10pm or every Thursday when it was delivered in the mail box, being too late to get it in the paper yet once again. I would like to take this opportunity on behalf of all our families to say thank you to all family and our great community of friends of us all for all the help, visits, hugs, incredible food and love especially when I was on my way back from England on a plane that couldn’t go fast enough and the week before the service. You all know who you are. Thank you to the OPP officers who responded that night as well as David Goodfellow and staff for their compassion and caring ways in time of need that night and over the next few days. I just can not say enough to all the friends, relatives, fellow coworkers and past employers who came on April 7th to pay their respects to Rob. Thank you to all who made donations to Mental Health and Addictions as well as Children’s Services and for the beautiful flower arrangements all from Rimpy at Goodfellow’s Flowers except for one. The Dorito and coke guy would be happy with that. Rob could fix anything and always had a junk pile of treasures for this purpose. He was a big guy with many names from Fergie, Ferg, Bob, Q-Tip and others Iike Crusty the Clown when he needed a hair cut in later years not that he cared what you called him. He is greatly missed as a husband, dad, grandpa, son, brother and friend by us all but has left us with lots of crazy stories, laughs and tears at times too. Please as a legacy to Rob talk about anxiety, depression, paranoia and inner turmoil and don’t cover it up with silence, drugs and alcohol. Take away the stigma of Mental Health issues for all. Ferguson, Thibeault & Hughes’ Families

KENNEDY, Roger Wesley


1933 – 2019 Korean War Veteran Roger peacefully passed away at the Kingston General Hospital on Saturday, June 29, 2019, in his 86th year. Roger, beloved husband of 63 years to Mary (nee Kazma). He is survived by his son Wesley (Dianna), daughter Elizabeth Ann (Jim Rowlings), six grandchildren and eight great grandchildren. Dear brother-in- law to Mark Scero (Patti) and Beverley (Ferdinand). Resting at the James Reid Funeral Home, 1900 John Counter Blvd., Kingston on Thursday, July 4, 2019 from 1:30 pm -2:15 pm, followed by the funeral service in the chapel at 2:30 pm. Service to be conducted by Roger’s personal friend Reverend Oscar Simpson and by Pastor Michael Shaub. Interment to follow the service at the Cataraqui Cemetery. For those who wish donations in Roger’s memory may be made to the Portland Community Church (by cheque only) or to the charity of your choice.

Pennock, Bruce W.

Trousdale Funeral home

Passed away peacefully at Kingston Health Sciences Centre on Saturday June 15, 2019, in his 90th year. Bruce leaves his beloved wife of 67 years, Madge Pennock (nee Kring). He is survived by his three children, Terry Ann, Kristine (Tina) and Michael (Kathy) and his four wonderful granddaughters Jenna, Krissy, Maxine and Lily. Bruce will be remembered by his extended family and friends. A Celebration of his Life will take place on Thursday, July 11, 2019, at Clar-Mill Hall in Plevna, Ontario, from 3pm-6pm. If desired, donations may be made to the Kingston Humane Society or U.H.K.F. (Critical Care Unit). Arrangements have been entrusted to CATARAQUI CEMETERY AND FUNERAL SERVICES. Please feel free to share your memories of Bruce online at www.cataraquicemetery.ca Cataraqui Cemetery and Funeral Services Kingston, Ontario


• bury. Info call: Kevin at 613-387-3730 or visit storringtonminorsoccer.ca. • Election Canada is looking for help with a polling station at Storrington Lions Club this October for federal election. To learn more please call Wayne Conway at 613374-3807..

At L & A County General Hospital, Napanee, on Monday June 24, 2019. Don Yearwood, retired Belleville Police Department, co-owner operator of Bishop Lake Outdoors Inc, in his 85th year. Son of the late Greer and Bertha (Lee) Yearwood. Beloved husband of Helen (Bishop). Loving father of Brian (Pieper), Surrey BC; Karen Stapley, Belleville; Bob (Allison), Cloyne and Cheryl (Dan) Robson, Cloyne and the late Bill. Amazing grandfather of Reese (Ayasha), Brittney Yearwood; Jennifer, Michael and Chris (Courtney) Stapley; Brad (Chelsea) Robson and Kale Yearwood. Loved by great grandchildren Ava, Reed, Emery, Ellerie and the late Hunter. Brother of Marion Quinn, Doris Spence, and the late Keith & Bob. Brother in law of Pearl. The family received friends at the McConnell Funeral Home, Tweed from 2-7 Thursday June 27 and from 11:00 am Friday, June 28, 2019 where funeral service was held at 12 noon. Interment: Zion Cemetery, Malone. Donations: Hastings Prince Edward Lung Association.

MABERLY-BOLINGBROKE Karen Prytula 613-325-1354 karenprytula33@gmail.com • Fish Fry – ABC Hall, Saturday, July 13. Two sittings: 5 pm and 7 pm. Delicious fish and chips, salad, dessert for $15 adults, $7 children 6-12, free under 6. For tickets and info, Pat Hough 613.273.3781 or info@abchall.ca. • Tay Valley Township Launches Climate Change Survey – Due end of July. It’s an easy bet that most people live in Tay Valley Township because they love living in the country. In 2018 Tay Valley Council formed the Green Energy and Climate Change Working Group and subsequently applied to the Federation of Canadian Municipalities’ Partners for Climate Protection program for funding to develop a plan to address climate change in the Township. With funding from the Federation, the Township has hired Sue Brandum to assist the Working Group in developing the Climate Change Plan. “ As one of the first actions to develop the plan, we have posted a short survey that asks our residents a number

Fresh Flowers for all Occasions • Weddings • Birthdays • Anniversaries • Newborn • Special Holidays • Boutonnieres & Corsages We deliver to Goodfellow’s Funeral Home, Parham & now to Milestone Funeral Centre, Northbrook.

Columns - Continued on page 9



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NOTICE OF STUDY COMMENCEMENT Class Environmental Assessment For The Replacement Of Trepanier’s Bridge The Township of Addington Highlands is undertaking a Municipal Class Environmental Assessment for the replacement of Trepanier’s Bridge, located on Clark Line Road, approximately 350m north of Flinton Road, over the Skootamatta River. Trepanier’s Bridge location is also described as being the geographical township of Kaladar, Lot 20, Concessions 2 and 3. The bridge replacement project has become a priority for the Township due to the age and deteriorated condition of the steel truss. Original drawing records show that the existing bridge was constructed in 1922. The project is being initiated in accordance with the Municipal Class Environmental Assessment, dated June 2000, and as amended. The Municipal Class EA applies to municipal infrastructure projects including road and bridge works. This project is being planned under Schedule B of the Municipal Class Environmental Assessment. Public and agency consultation is an important component of the Environmental Assessment process. Subject to comments received and the receipt of necessary approvals, the Township of Addington Highlands intends to proceed with the planning and design of the project this year, with construction planned for no earlier than the summer of 2020. If you are interested in receiving further information on this project, please contact the following individuals:


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Columns - Continued from page 5

Derek Maschke Northbrook Chapel Funeral Director 11928 Hwy. 41 613-336-6873 Northbrook, ON K0H 2G0 www.milestonefuneralcenter.com

ENGINEER Chris Bent, P.Eng Project Manager Jewell Engineering Inc., 1 – 71 Millennium Parkway Belleville, ON K8N 4Z5 Telephone: (613) 969-1111 Fax: (613) 969-8988 Email: chris@jewelleng.ca

OWNER Brett Reavie Road & Waste Management Supervisor Faraday of Addington Highlands PO Box 89, 72 Edward Street Flinton, ON K0H 1P0 Telephone (613) 336-2286 Fax (613) 336-2847 Email: roadsandwaste@addingtonhighlands.ca

July 4, 2019



The Classifieds Ad Rates: Classified Text ads: $10.62 + HST per insertion for 20 words & under; 20¢ each extra word. Deadline: 4 pm Monday; Ph: 613-279-3150, Fax: 613-279-3172; info@frontenacnews.ca


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APPLIANCES ASSELSTINE HARDWARE, Authorized Repair Depot for: Whirlpool, Maytag, Inglis, Amana, Jenn-air, Kitchen Aid, Electrolux, Frigidaire, Samsung Appliances. Over 27 yrs experience. Call 613-374-3400

AUTOMOTIVE KALADAR AUTO RECYCLING. Car & truck parts. Used cars, $600 & up. We take tradeins. We buy farm equipment, tractors, loaders for parts. 11520 Hwy 41; 613-336-9899; 613885-8644 KINNEY AUTO WRECKING Station Road, Kaladar. 4x4 trucks & parts for sale. Scrap cars, stoves, fridges wanted. 613-336-9272.

FLEA MARKET TONI & JP’S FLEA MARKET, 6107 Hwy 506 at Ardoch Rd. Open Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday. Something for everyone. 613-479-0341

FOR SALE BRAND NEW $3100. ELECTRIC, 7 Gear Peddle-Assisted OFF-ROAD TRIKE. Two year warranty, asking $2300. OBO: 613-531-1590 CENTRAL BOILER Classic OUTDOOR FURNACES can eliminate your high heating bill. Buy NOW and save up to $550! Call today 613-539-9073. www.thefurnacebroker.com CENTRAL BOILER OUTDOOR FURNACES offer the Classic, the Maxim and the New Edge. Your local Dealer, Wood Heat Solutions, Frankford, ON, 613-398-1611; Bancroft, ON 613-332-1613. www.chesher.ca INVACARE single hospital bed, mint condition; Suregrip hand controls, used in a Honda van, excellent condition. 613-336-1304 SHIPPING CONTAINERS: Seacans Storage Containers, 7ft 10ft 20ft 40ft 45ft Steel garden sheds call 613-354-8744 or online http:// IngeniousStorage.com

Sales person Must be organised, personable & confident, to maintain established clients as well as be able to make cold calls. Must have own transportation and be willing to drive within our distribution area to shoot the breeze. Mileage paid. Contact Jeff Green at The Frontenac News at 613-279-3150 or info@fronteacnews.ca.

GARAGE SALES SPYGLASS COVE, 1016 Schoolhouse Road, Clarendon, Hwy. 509. Open Tuesday to Saturday, 8am - 7pm, open Sunday 2pm - 6pm. Battery clocks, automatic juicer, magazine stand, card table, cup and saucer sets, knitted Barbie clothes, jewelry, hand crafted mystery novels, toys, etc.


ROOFERS NEEDED! Amherst Roofing & Sheet Metal is a unionized commercial flat roofing company looking for hard working individuals to join our crews. Must have WHMIS and Working at Heights or willing to obtain it prior to start date. Perfect candidates will be reliable/dependable, punctual, willingness to learn and adaptable to new working environments. Starting wage is as per union rates and increases with experience. Please send resumes to billiejean@amherstroofing. com or stop in to drop off a resume.

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WATER PUMP REPAIR and Service. UV Disinfection and Filtration, Water Softeners. MOE Licensed Well Technician. Over 27 yrs experience. Asselstine Hardware 613-3743400

TOWING B’S RADICAL RIDES Towing & Recovery. James Mills owner/operator. 613-335-5050; website: bsradicalrides.ca


STANDING TIMBER, firewood, pine, cedar, bush lots. Free quotes, cash paid. Call 613279-2154.

WANTED TO RENT SEEKING 1 OR 2 BDRM apartment or small house. 613-279-1165

D & G Total Home Improvements

HUNTING FIREARMS COURSE – Aug. 16-17, and Hunter Education Course, Aug. 23-24, Harrowsmith. Call Bill, 613-335-2786 One stop hunter safety/CFSC, July 1921, ABC Hall, Bolingbroke. Call Glenn 613273-2571 or email gmrussell635@gmail.com

MISCELLANEOUS Howard Gibbs – 343-311-1550

PERSONALS WANTED: OLDER FEMALE, 50-70, slender, who might like to join elderly slender man, who refuses to act his age and just wants to be out riding his Harley every day possible, with the odd canoe ride around the lake thrown in. Craving female companionship. Don’t be shy, just reply. Gary, PO Box 16, Sharbot Lake ON K0H 2P0

RAFFLE WINNERS CONGRATULATIONS to the Winner of 2019 Sydenham & District Canada Raffle draw prize of $2500.00: Connie Selle


Fully Licensed & Insured

A Full Construction & Landscaping Company Employment Opportunities Available Now 613-583-0146  ddaawg@outlook.com

Columns - Continued from page 8 of questions including how they heat their homes, how much they drive, whether they grow some of their own food, and what types of garbage they produce,” said Reeve Brian Campbell. The survey is available on the Township website as well as in paper form at the municipal office, waste sites, and other locations around the Township.

OPP report

Assault at Bon Echo Park O

n June 25, 2019 at 3:31 p.m. the Lennox and Addington County Detachment of the Ontario Provincial Police (OPP) responded to a report of an assault at Bon Echo Park off County Rd 41 in Cloyne. Investigation revealed that a person was acting in an erratic manner by screaming and yelling. The person approached two other park users and threatened to hit one of them with a stick. The person followed through on the threat and was subsequently restrained by the victim's friend as well as an off-duty park warden until police arrived. The victim received minor injuries Police arrested 23 year old Armand Joshua GUANLAO of Scarborough for assault with a weapon contrary to the criminal code of Canada. GUANLAO will appear in the Ontario Court of Justice in Napanee on July 30, 2019 FORM 6

SALE OF LAND BY PUBLIC TENDER MunicipaI Act, 2001 Ontario Regulation 181/03, Municipal Tax Sale Rules THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF CENTRAL FRONTENAC Take Notice that tenders are invited for the purchase of the lands described below and will be received until 3:00 p.m. local time on July 25, 2019, at the Central Frontenac Township Office, 1084 Elizabeth Street, Sharbot Lake Ontario. The tenders will then be opened in public on the same day as soon as possible after 3:00 p.m. at the Central Frontenac Township Office, 1084 Elizabeth Street, Sharbot Lake. Description of Lands:

ANYTHING METAL FREE PICKUP: fridges, stoves, washers, dryers, ‘anything metal’ & electronics. Call 613-375-6377, leave message. HANDYMAN, WILL REPLACE SINKS, taps, toilets, any other jobs, cottage closures and carpentry. Please call Albert 613-374-2079

Call 613-264-8865

Reasonable Rates

Jim’s Painting Interior Exterior Free Estimates PHOTOCOPY, FAX & LAMINATION SERVICES available at The Frontenac News, 1095 Garrett St., rear building, Sharbot Lake. Competitive prices! 8½” x 11” - Black & White 25¢ ea; Colour copies 60¢ ea. 613-279-3150. PUMP REPAIR: Licenced well technician on staff with 10 years experience. Call Mark, Verona Hardware, 6723 Main St., Verona. Ph. 613-374-2851

Tim's Auto Body 13775 Hwy 41, Cloyne ON Corner of 41 and 506  613-336-2038


Locations Dr. P.H. Radford, Optometrist

Eyecare Clinic

Sydenham Clinic • 376-3097 2825 Rutledge Road Sydenham (613)

And now in


by Appointment

10 Bedford Street Westport • 613-273-3097

Roll No. 10 39 010 010 10410 0000; PIN 36163-0084 (LT); Lot 8 Concession 8 Kennebec except FR749488; Central Frontenac; File No. 17-09 According to the last returned assessment roll, the assessed value of the land is $40,625 Minimum tender amount: $7,210.67 Roll No. 10 39 040 020 07000 0000; 10968 Road 38, Parham; PIN 36157-0083 (LT); Part Lot 24 Concession 3 Hinchinbrooke designated Part 1 Plan 13R2805; Central Frontenac; File No.17-11. According to the last returned assessment roll, the assessed value of the land is $18,000 Minimum tender amount: $18,625.53 Roll No. 10 39 040 050 06100 0000; PIN 36154-0020(LT); Part Lot 19 Concession 13 Hinchinbrooke as in FR296766; Central Frontenac; File No. 18-18. According to the last returned assessment roll, the assessed value of the land is $29,500 Minimum tender amount: $6,066.73 Roll No. 10 39 010 030 00550 0000; 31385 Highway 7, Arden; FIRSTLY: PIN 36171-0060(LT) W1/2 Lot 13 Concession 1 Kennebec; Part Lot 12 Concession 1 Kennebec as in FR766866 lying N of RP1032; S/T KD2922; Central Frontenac; SECONDLY: PIN 36165-0001(LT); Part Lots 11-12 Concession 1 Kennebec as in FR766866 lying S of RP1032 and N of FR255779; Central Frontenac; THIRDLY: PIN 36165-0003(LT); Part Lot 11 Concession 1 Kennebec as in Parcel 2 FR243142; Central Frontenac; File No. 18-19. According to the last returned assessment roll, the assessed value of the land is $180,000 Minimum tender amount: $14,142.78

Tenders must be submitted in the prescribed form and must be accompanied by a deposit of at least 20 per cent of the tender amount, which deposit shall be made by way of a certified cheque/bank draft money order payable to the municipality. Except as follows, the municipality makes no representation regarding the title to, crown interests, or any other matters relating to the lands to be sold. Responsibility for ascertaining these matters rests with the potential purchasers. Any interests of the Federal or Provincial Crown encumbering the land at the time of the tax sale will continue to encumber the land after the registration of the tax deed. The assessed value according to the last returned assessment roll may or may not be representative of the current market value of the property. This sale is governed by the Municipa/Act, 2001 and the Municipal Tax Sales Rules made under that Act. The successful purchaser will be required to pay the amount tendered plus accumulated taxes and any taxes that may be applicable, such as a land transfer tax and HST. The municipality has no obligation to provide vacant possession to the successful purchaser. A copy of the prescribed form of tender is available on the website of the Government of Ontario Central Forms Repository under the listing for the Ministry of Municipal Affairs. For further information regarding this sale including a copy of the prescribed form of tender, visit: www.OntarioTaxSaIes.ca or if no Internet access available, contact: J. Michael McGovern, Treasurer The Corporation of the Township of Central Frontenac P.O. Box 89, 1084 Elizabeth Street Sharbot Lake ON K0H 2P0 613-279-2935 Ext 224 www.centralfrontenac.com

July 4, 2019



Northern Happenings NORTHERN HAPPENINGS listings are free for community groups, and will be published for two weeks. Donations to offset the costs of publication would be appreciated. Other listings are paid or are taken from paid ads elsewhere in the paper. The News makes every effort to be accurate but events should be independently verified by readers.

Thursday July 4

NORTHBROOK - BINGO 6pm. Northbrook Lions Hall. Sponsored by the Land O’Lakes Lions. Doors open 6pm, regular games 7pm. Canteen available. Info: the Lions Toll Road book.

Friday July 5

ARDEN - BBQ 5pm-7pm. Arden Legion. All welcome VERONA - SALT TALK 11:30am. Verona Lions Hall. Home Insurance and Fire Extinguisher Demo. an innovative community. Lunch is served at 1aam, with the presentation to follow. Free event, register in advance. Transportation is available for a fee. Call 613-376-6477, ext. 303.

Saturday July 6

BATTERSEA - FISH FRY 5pm-7pm. Battersea United Church. Includes all the fixings and a super selection of homemade pies for dessert. Take out available. FLINTON - TURKEY DINNER 4pm-6pm. Flinton Recreation Centre. Come out and enjoy a delicious turkey dinner along with pie for dessert. Bring yourself, your neighbour, and your friends! HARLOWE - PANCAKE AND FRENCH TOAST BREAKFAST 8am. Harlowe Hall. Free will offering, proceeds to Henderson UCW HENDERSON - STRAWBERRY SOCIAL 1pm. Henderson United Church. NORTHBROOK - ANNUAL YARD SALE 8am2pm. Pine Meadow Nursing Home. All proceeds go directly to our residents! Donations to the yard sale are welcome. Please contact Mallory at 613 336 9120 ext 7. NORTHBROOK - FREE FRIDAY FLIX - THE UPSIDE 7pm. Land O’ Lakes Emmanuel United Church. 108 Addington Road, A comedy-drama rated PG-13 (suggestive content) sponsored by the Land O’Lakes Emmanuel United Church congregation.

Free Admission, Bring a Friend. PLEVNA - DARK SKIES EVENT - SUMMER AND CIRCUMPOLAR CONSTELLATIONS 9pm. Dark Sky Preserve. You will also be able to see Ganymede disappear behind Jupiter from 23:03-23:14. Bring your lawn chair along with you around dusk and enjoy the evening.

Sunday July 7

GODFREY - BEDFORD JAM 1pm-5pm. Glendower Hall. $2 donation, entertainers free, Info Joanne 613-374-2242, Joan - 613-374-5477 INVERARY/SYDENHAM - 2ND ANNUAL SOUTH FRONTENAC GARDEN TOUR 9am-3pm. Selfdriving tour to visit eight beautiful private gardens across $10 per person, available at local merchants, the SFCSC office in Sydenham, and For more information, including where to purchase tickets or to purchase them online, go to www.sfcsc.ca/ gardentour2019. PERTH - COTTAGE SUCCESSION WORKSHOP 9am. Perth Legion Hall. Law practice of Peter Lillico specializes in cottage succession planning. Sponsored by the Lake Networking Group and FOCA. PERTH ROAD - FAMILY FISHING DAY 9am-3pm. Elbow Lake Environmental and Educational Centre. FREE, prizes, presentations from fish biologists, rods available to use. More Info at elbowlakecentre.ca SYDENHAM SYDENHAM TRIATHLON/ DUATHLON AND LAKESIDE RUNS 8am. Sydenham Point. 10th annual in support of the Royal Canadian Legion Branch 496. : 2K kids run, 5K & 10K, 21.1k. Try-a-Tri, Super Sprint, Sprint, Olympic Distances and Relays. Sprint Duathlon, Olympic Swim Cycle. info - www.somersault.ca or email info@somersault.ca

Reid’s Verona

Authorized Agent For:

Sale3- Day Thur.Sale July -4 April - Wed.?-? July 10 Fresh Pork Tenderloin $ /lb


Jumbo Fresh Cherries $ /lb


Chapman Ice Leadbetter Cowboy Cream 2 litre brick Steaks, frozen, 4lb bag, ea.



Open Mon-Fri: 8am - 8pm Sat: 8am - 6pm Sun: Grocery 9am-6pm; LCBO 11am-6pm

Hwy 38 Verona (613) 374-2112 Hall in Northbrook every Tuesday. Doors open at 9:00am and a hot, nutritious and delicious dinner served at 12 noon. Come on out and play some cards, visit or just chat with your neighbours. For more info, contact Lori Cuddy @ 613-336-8934 ext 229.

0917. Light Refreshment, Prizes, Cash Bar 4041 Colebrook Rd. MOOKS FISHING DERBY 11th annual derby, Skootamatta Lake, in support of Camp Oochigeas (cancer camp for kids) and in memory of Trevor Meeks. Fish fry/potluck dinner after. Info: meeksrs@ Thursday July 11 CLOYNE - LAND O’ LAKES GARDEN CLUB gmail.com MEETING 7pm. Pine View Free Methodist Church. NORTHBROOK - YARD SALE 8am-12pm. Land O’ Lakes Emmanuel United Church. 108 Addington Laura Moses from Seeley’s Bay. “Pots That Wow”. NORTHBROOK - BINGO 6pm. Northbrook Lions Road Hall. Sponsored by the Land O’Lakes Lions. Doors PLEVNA - PLEVNA SUMMER CRAFT SHOW open 6pm, regular games 7pm. Canteen available. 9:30am. Clar-Mill Hall. 930am-2pm. BBQ from 11am130pm. Info: Debbie 613-479-8057, Betty 613-479Info: the Lions Toll Road book. OMPAH - OFF-THE-GRID HOUSE AND GARDEN 2979. TOUR 10am. Ompah Hall. Marily: 613-479-2855 Sunday July 14 MOUNTAIN GROVE - CEMETERY MEMORIAL Friday July 12 ARDEN - BBQ 5pm-7pm. Arden Legion. All SERVICE 2pm. Mountain Grove Cemetery. Please bring your lawn chair. In the event of rain, service will welcome be in Mountain Grove United Church.” Saturday July 13 ARDEN - BIG CLEAR LAKE AGM 9:30am-11am. PERTH ROAD - ANNUAL WILMER CEMETERY MEMORIAL SERVICE 2pm. old Wilmer Church, Kennebec Hall. BOLINGBROKE - FISH FRY 5pm. ABC Hall. Sitings corner of Wilmer & McFadden roads. Rev. Dr. Karen at 5pm and 7pm. Delicious fish and chips, salad, Bach officiating. For additional info please call Vera dessert for $15 adults, $7 children 6-12, free under Shepherd at (613) 353-2470 Monday July 15 6. For tickets and info, Pat Hough 613.273.3781 or VERONA - “ROAR” 1pm. Verona Free Methodist info@abchall.ca. Tuesday July 9 CLOYNE - TURTLE FEST 1pm. Bon Echo Provincial Church. Verona Free Methodist Church is holding a Kid’s Bible Camp called from July 15 to July 19. NORTHBROOK - EUCHRE NIGHTS 7pm. Park. 1-3pm, Children’s Program Area Northbrook Lions Hall. Sponsored by the Land DENBIGH - ANNUAL SUMMER BOOK SALE It runs from 1 pm to 4 pm each day and is open to O’Lakes Lions. There is a euchre tournament every 9am-12pm. Denbigh Library . Get a bag of books for children going into SK to Grade 6. Register at 613fourth Friday beginning at the same time! Coffee, a toonie. A good opportunity to pick up your summer 374-1232 sandwiches and dessert. Prizes. Info: the Lions Toll reading! Wednesday July 17 Road book. HARROWSMITH - EUCHRE FUN NIGHT 7pm. OMPAH - BIRTHDAY BASH 6pm. Ompah Hall. NORTHBROOK - LOLCS ADULT DROP-IN 9am. Harrowsmith Social & Athletic Club. $5./person. For Celebrating everyone with a birthday this month. Northbrook Lions Hall. Adult Drop In located at Lions info., call Pam 613-372-1578 or Marilyn 613-372- Potluck and Live Music. Info - Marily 613-479-2855

What’s Up in the Night Sky? – July 2019 T

his month marks a truly historic anniversary of an event which is arguably one of the most historic achievements of humanity – landing human beings for the first time on another world. Commander Neil Armstrong and Lunar Module Pilot Buzz Aldrin landed on the Moon on July 20th, 1969. Their Command Module Pilot Michael Collins continued orbiting the Moon to act as base centre for the mission. I say all of humanity because this tremendous accomplishment was the result of decades, even centuries of work by many dedicated scientists, engineers and artistically original thinkers from all over the world who used their minds to think far ahead. The names are too many to list but they include the women, human computers basically, who derived difficult orbital solutions to guide the spacecraft to their destinations, to engineers who thought way outside the box to find ways to make the technology live up to what needed to be done, to politicians who had a vision, to those scientists who bravely fought to accomplish what our curiosity and resolve believed could be done. We take cell phones and all our electronics for granted today but the Apollo program used integrated circuits for the first time to miniaturize the first miniature computer to use as a fly by wire control system for the Apollo navigation and landing on the Moon. I still remember the thrill I felt watching the landing on my parents black and white TV. Ironically after a few more landings on the moon, the program was terminated and we have not ventured farther than near earth orbit since then. But there is hope. NASA is initiating an ambitious return to the moon and eventually to Mars. Commercial companies have designed rockets that regularly supply the international space station. Believe me, we must be-

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by Fred Barrett

come a space faring civilization. There is so much ‘stuff’ whizzing around out in space that, like the dinosaurs, our time may be limited unless we have the capability to venture beyond our planet and even beyond our Solar System. Saturn is providing a fantastic display of its rings this month. It’s visible mostly all night. Jupiter is equally stunning. About mid month they can both be found about midnight near and slightly above the constellation Sagittarius in the south southeast. It helps to have a clear horizon in that direction. Watch for Jupiter’s dancing moons. Mars and Mercury are lost in twilight at sunset. Venus can be seen just before dawn washes it out in the northeast. We have one meteor shower this month, the Delta Aquariid shower. Its peak is between July 28 and the 30th. This is at the time of the new moon so moonlight won’t interfere with observing. The radiant is in the constellation Aquarius which is low in the south and this far north will obscure some of the meteors. So instead of a predicted 25/hr we may see less than that. Don’t forget that there are many of the most beautiful constellations in the sky at this time of year. I know the bugs can be bad and daylight is long and the nights are short but get your binoculars or scopes out and take advantage of beautiful night skies. It’s worth it. I use Deet based anti insect spray but be careful because some damage can occur to the plastic or rubber parts of your equipment. July 2nd: New Moon occurs. July 4th: The Moon passes a bit north of Mars at 2 am and 3 degrees north of Mercury at 5 am. The Earth is at Aphelion (farthest from the Sun) – 51.2 million kilometers (94.5 million miles). July 5th: The Moon is at perigee (closest to Earth) – 361,600 Kilometers. July 9th: Saturn is at opposition. July 16th: The Moon passes a fraction of a degree south of Saturn at 3 am. It will be a Full Moon. This Moon is known as the Full Buck Moon. Buck deer start growing their antlers. It’s also known as the Full Thunder Moon. Thunder storms are most common now – as past destruction of my computers and electronics will attest to. TURN OFF your stuff if you hear the slightest chance of a thunder storm forecast! Juy 20th: The moon is at apogee (farthest from Earth) – 403,126 Kilometers. July 30th: Delta Aquariid shower peaks. July 31: New Moon. It’s a great month for astronomy so ‘Keep looking up’! “The Beginner’s Observing Guide by Leo Enright is an invaluable companion for adventures in the sky. It also contains useful star charts. It can be ordered from the Royal Astronomical Society of Canada at www.rasc.ca/

publications. A subscription to our very own excellent Canadian astronomy magazine “SkyNews” can be arranged at the RASC website as well. Let me know how your observing has gone this month, especially anything unusual. I enjoy the feedback. If you have any questions or suggestions you can contact me through this paper or email me at fred.barrett2@sympatico.ca . Clear Skies! Fred.

Repair Cafe Frontenac Comes to Bellrock W by Wilma Kenny

hat’s a Repair Cafe? It’s a free meeting place where folks who have a broken item meet with ‘fixers’ who will help them repair it. It’s friendly, fun and free. The original repair cafe was started by Martine Postma in Amsterdam ten years ago. She wanted to cut down on the amount of waste we produce in our society. We often throw away items that might be fixable because we don’t have the skills or lack the proper tools.

Repair cafes connect people who have broken items with volunteers who have the tools and experience to help fix them. An unravelled seam or hem, a missing button, or a sock with a hole in the heel? Sewing machine no longer works the way it used to? Electrical appliance with a frayed cord, a jammed part? DVD player or record turntable not working? A chair that’s coming apart? A bicycle that doesn’t work the way it should? Damaged crockery, toys, jewelry, etc? Wonder whether grandmother’s oil lamp could still be used? Bring it to the Repair Cafe Frontenac and learn to fix it with the help of an experienced volunteer who will work with you. There is no charge for the repair, the coffee or the cookies. On Sunday June 23, Bellrock Hall hosted Frontenac’s second Repair Cafe. Fixers were there to help repair sewing machines or electronics, do clothing repairs both by hand or machine, repair bicycles. Seven items were fixed, and some folks from Tamworth are planning to go home and start their own Repair cafe. Every fourth Sunday of a month from 2-4:30 Repair Cafe Frontenac will be held a church or community hall in Frontenac County. On July 28, it will come Ompah: check on Facebook, or watch for posters for location details

July 4, 2019



Buck Lake community does it again


n Saturday, June 29, 2019, the Buck Lake community held the 15"‘ annual Buck Lake Boatilla in support of Easter Seals’ Send a Kid to Camp campaign raising $26,800, with more funds still coming in! In total over the past 15 years, the Buck Lake Boatilla, has raised $277,000 and sent 111 children to Camp Merrywood, a fully accessible camp for children and youth with physical disabilities! This year’s event once again provided kids an opportunity to spend a day on the water experiencing camp and boating fun. The fun-filled afternoon featured boat tours of the lake for community members and Easter Seals families, including 15 boats this year participating from the community. The Kasaboski Band provided live entertainment again as the attendees enjoyed their complimentary

community BBQ donated by local stores and bought delicious treats from the children's bake sale. The Buck Lake community donates 100% of all funds raised each year to the Easter Seals Send a Kid to Camp campaign, giving kids with physical disabilities the opportunity to boat, swim and fish and more at the fully-accessible Camp Merrywood on the Big Rideau. For the past 97 years, Easter Seals has played an important role in providing programs that enable children with physical disabilities to experience greater freedom and focus on what they can do rather than on their limitations. Easter Seals provides funding for essential mobility and accessibility equipment, as well as fully accessible summer camp opportunities at its two properties, Camp Merrywood and Camp Woodeden.

Cheque presentation at the Boatillla

TOWNSHIP OF SOUTH FRONTENAC LIVING HERE AT LAST - ENVIROWEB What goes in your Blue Box will STAY in your Blue Box! Easy to assemble, tie wraps included. Prevents contents from spilling out due to overfilling or wind and rain. Allows the Collectors a quick visual of the contents Available at the 2490 Keeley Road Public Services office for only $10! BURNING BY-LAW Residents are reminded to follow burning regulations set out in By-law 2012-68. For further details on the current burning provisions, please consult our By-law on our website at www.southfrontenac.net under Living Here/Fire Services or call South Frontenac Fire and Rescue at 613-376-3027, Ext. 2234. Any infraction of this by-law will result in significant financial penalties. SKATE PARK FEASIBILITY STUDY The Township wants to hear from you regarding a feasibility of a skate park in South Frontenac. For more information on how you can provide input into the potential design of a skate park contact Supervisor of Recreation, Tim Laprade, 613-376-3027 ext.2231.

TOWN HALL UPCOMING MEETINGS • Committee of Adjustment – July 11, 2019 at 7:00 pm • Public Services Committee Meeting – July 18, 2019 at 8:30 am • Council meeting – August 6, 2019 at 7:00pm RECREATION COMMITTEE VOLUNTEER RECRUITMENT The Township of South Frontenac is evolving its Recreation Committee Structure to focus on key functions that require greater engagement with the local and broader community. Two new Committees, made up of Community Volunteers and Township Councilors, will be formed to support the recreation and leisure needs of residents. Check out our website for more detail and how to apply! STRATEGIC PLANNING Help Council set the direction for the next 3 years by providing your input into South Frontenac’s Strategic Plan! Please joins us at one of the following Open Houses this summer or by completing the online survey through the homepage of our website. • Bedford/Glendower Hall – August 1, 2019 - 7:00pm • Storrington Centre – August 7, 2019 - 7:00pm • Verona Lions Club – August 13th, 2019 – 7:00pm • Council Chambers – August 20, 2019 – 7:00pm

Open for Business PLANNING APPLICATIONS AND INFORMATION Residents interested in submitting a planning application are strongly encouraged to book a pre-consultation meeting with the Planner. Appointment times for pre-consultation meetings can be made on Tuesdays and Wednesdays from 8:30 am to 4:00 pm by calling extension 2224. Booking a pre-consultation meeting helps us evaluate your application and provides you with important information about the process and associated costs.

THINGS TO DO TOWNSHIP SWIM & DAY CAMP REGISTRATION The link for registration is available on our website under Things to Do>Recreation Activities>Swim and Daycamps. Make sure to register early to secure your spot! Please note that the Recreation Office is now located at our Public Works Offices at 2490 Keeley Rd, Sydenham. LAKES AND TRAILS FESTIVAL Walk, Bike and Paddle the lakes, trails and history of South Frontenac on July 20 from 9:00am – 2:00pm at the Point Park in Sydenham. Bike around Sydenham Lake, paddle the lake, and walk in historic Sydenham. For further information: http://lakesandtrailsfestival.org GET OUTDOORS SOUTH FRONTENAC CHALLENGE Send us a photo of your favourite summer activity and you will be entered into a draw for a sweet outdoor prize pack. To enter simply tag South Frontenac Township in your photo and use the hashtag #getoutdoorSF OR visit our tent at events this summer!!!

Happy Summer South Frontenac!! We want to see how you enjoy the outdoors this year!

News & Public Notices SHARING THE BEACH Swimming lessons will be taking place starting July 2nd and ending August 23rd at the Sydenham Point, Gilmour Point, and McMullen Beach (only from July 2-July 26) from 9:00 am to 12:00 pm. During this time, the beach is closed to the general public; however. Sydenham’s north facing beach is open during these times. Any swimmers in the designated swim area who are not enrolled in swimming lessons will be asked to exit the swim area until after classes are finished REQUEST FOR TENDER • RFT No. PW-2019-16 – 2019 Road Repair Program - 1:00 p.m., July 10, 2019 • RFT No. PW-2019-21 – Desert Lake Culvert Replacement - 1:00 p.m., July 17, 2019 Sealed submissions must be received by the time and date listed above. ATT: Wayne Orr, CAO, 4432 George Street, Sydenham, ON K0H 2T0, PW-2019-16- 2019 Road Repair Program Official forms detailing the general specifications and requirements may be downloaded from the BIDDINGO.COM website or picked up: Monday to Friday between 8:00am and 4:30pm at the Public Works Department 2490 Keeley Road Sydenham, ON. Please see “Tenders” page on website for more details.

South Frontenac 2040 Our Community, Our Vision, Our Official Plan

Special Meeting Of South Frontenac Council To Discuss Revisions That May Be Required To The South Frontenac Official Plan TAKE NOTICE that the Township of South Frontenac will hold a Special Meeting of Council to discuss revisions that may be required to the South Frontenac Official Plan. This meeting is a legislated meeting under Section 26(3b) of the Planning Act, RSO, 1990. SPECIAL MEETING OF COUNCIL will be held: Tuesday, August 6, 2019 at 7 p.m. in the Council Chambers of the South Frontenac Township Office, 4432 George Street, Sydenham South Frontenac Council is starting the process to review and update of the Official Plan to meet the requirements of Section 16 and 26 of the Planning Act. The Official Plan guides growth and development in a way that considers social, economic and environmental needs of the community over the next 20 years. ANY PERSON may attend the Special Meeting of Council and/or make written or verbal representation about what revisions may be required. There will be extensive public consultation undertaken throughout the Official Plan update, starting with a series of Open Houses occurring in September/October 2019. Additional information about the Official Plan update and public Open Houses is available on the South Frontenac website at www.southfrontenac.net. Dated at the Township of South Frontenac this 27th day of June, 2019. Angela Maddocks, Clerk Township of South Frontenac 4432 George St., Box 100, Sydenham, ON, K0H 2T0 Email: officialplan@southfrontenac.net Phone: 613-376-3027 Toll Free: 1.800.559.6657

4432 George Street, Box 100, Sydenham ON K0H 2T0 1-800-559-5862  Office Hours: Monday to Friday 8:00 am to 4:30 pm  • www.southfrontenac.net

July 4, 2019



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Verona Hardware store marks 90 years First aid clinic for

by Jeff Green had and Nicole Van Camp have owned the Verona Hardware store for 15 years, but they have a way to go to match the longevity of the previous owners. Ken and Evelyn Harper purchased the store in 1971 and ran it for 33 years. Steven and Victor Merrill, a father and son team, opened the Verona Hardware store in 1929 and ran if for 42 years before selling to the Harpers. “90 years under only three owners, that’s a pretty good record for continuity in a small-town business,” said Chad Van Camp earlier this week. It wasn’t easy for him to find a lot of time to talk, because it is July and the summer traffic is here. “It’s a very, hands on business. There is no hiding, people expect to see you, they expect you to have what they need and to be able to bring it in if you don’t have it. Service is everything in this business, and every day is different,” he said. Just that morning, a call came in from a customer in Toronto, saying his wife was at their cottage with a dead battery in her vehicle. “Just as our truck was headed out the man phoned back said a neighbour had stopped by and boosted the battery so we didn’t have to. Our truck as going that way anyway on a call, so it wouldn’t have been a problem. When the phone rings, you never know what’s going to happen.” Since Verona Hardware sells Rona products, Chad feels they can compete on price with stores in Kingston, but as an independent store he is also able to bring in product lines, like outerwear in winter and fishing tackle in the summer, that he can’t get from Rona. And he can provide the kind of service that creates loyal customers. This Saturday, to mark the 90th anniversary, Verona Hardware is holding a party. The first 100 customers in the store will receive a free 5-gallon Rona pail, and everything they purchase that fits in the pail will be half price. There will be specials throughout the store all day, as well as $10 propane




ld baskets can be treasures, memories of grandparents, picnics on Sundays, gathering wild strawberries or mushrooms. Quite often old baskets need a little repair, a new handle or a broken corner. Repairing baskets is usually not too difficult, but finding the right material can be very difficult, It is for this reason that the Lanark Highlands Basketry Museum is offering two ‘First Aid’ Saturdays, on June. and . This is your chance to bring an ailing basket to the first aid clinic, and see If it can be restored for a healthy life. The museum specializes in baskets made of local materials, and has many of these on display. The The Basket Museum is open on Saturday mornings from 11 AM to 3 PM, The address is 5596 McDonald’s Corners Rd. McDonald’s Corners, or by appointment, 613-278-1875,

Chad and Nicole Van Camp tank fill-ups. Between 11am and 3pm there is a fundraising BBQ, with all proceeds going to Frontenac Minor Hockey. “We want to celebrate, and bring people into the store,” said Chad, “it is the summer time, after all.”









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This offer is valid on Saturday July 6 th only, at RONA Verona, 6723 Main Street.*On regular prices only. Cannot be combined with any other offer. Details at the service desk.

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