23 minute read
Tuesday March
COMMUNITY REPORTERS (613) Arden............................Wanda Harrison...............335-3186 Cloyne / Northbrook......Nancy Skipper Denbigh........................Angela Bright....................333-1901 Godfrey.........................Stefan Duerst...................374-1710 Harrowsmith.................Kim Gow Henderson....................Jean Brown......................336-2516 Inverary.........................Judy Borovskis.................353-1768 Maberly-Bolingbroke.....Karen Prytula...................325-1354 Mississippi....................Pearl Killingbeck...............278-2127 Mountain Grove............Marilyn Meeks..................279-3209 Ompah..........................Linda Rush.......................479-2570 Parham-Tichbome........Colleen Steele..................375-6219 Marily Seitz.......................479-2855 Christine Teal ...................375-6525 Perth Road...................Peter Bird.........................353-7303 Plevna...........................Rhonda Watkins...............479-2447 Sydenham....................Karen Brawley..................376-9848 Verona..........................Debbie Lingen................................. MISSISSIPPI
Pearl Killingbeck 613-278-2127 After a long, hard, and courageous battle, the commu• nity was shocked and saddened by the passing of Teri Fournier on Saturday, February 22nd. Sympathy to her husband, Stacey, her children Aryanna and Quinn, her parents Earl and Heather Gemmill, her siblings Tracey and Jason as well as all the aunts, uncles, cousins and other family and friends. Teri was in her 46th year.
Wednesday morning was “Forget Ne-Not” morning • the Senior’s Centre. Our favourite dancers, the “Land O’Lakes Cloggers” danced up a storm as only they can. It was their Valentine’s program and we all got pink pens, heart-shaped writing pads in red and red pink hearts on sticks top wave around. It was hand-clapping, foot stomping music. You just can’t sit still when they are clogging. Amanda Veley played violin solos at intermission to give those ladies a rest before their next dance. We are their fan club and we love them. See you ladies at your next function, I hope. Keep clogging up a storm. Our next “Forget Me Nots’ will be at the Senior’s Centre. It features our favourite boy band, Roger Hermer and Heart Full of Country (yes, I said Boy Band).
Don’t forget the best breakfast in the north at Snow • Road Snowmobile Club on February 29th. See you there.
Snow Road Community Centre’s music night presents • the Kingston Ceili Band, contemporary Celtic music, on Thursday February 27th from 7pm-9pm. Lite lunch at intermission. Tickets are $12 at the door.
Glen and Pam will be teaching the Canadian Fire Arms • Safety Course and the Canadian Restricted Fire Arms Safety Course at the Snow Road Community Centre on March 14th and 15th. It is an 8am start on both days. For more information, call 613-387-8602 or email otmot2@ gmail.com.
The money raised at the Valentine supper at Snow • Road Community Centre on Wednesday, February 12th was $337 and it will be sent to the Red Cross Australia Fire Appeal. Thank you to all who donated.
Starting March 3rd at Sharbot Lake Retirement Home • there will be a free 6-week workshop called “powerful tools for caregivers”. It runs on Tuesday afternoons from 1pm -3pm. Spaces are limited. Contact Pamala at Alzheimer’s Society KFL&A at 613-827-6700. The class will provide tools to help reduce stress, improve selfconfidence, manage time, set goals, solve problems, and much more. You will receive d free copy of the caregivers handbook.
Lorie Ryder was hostess of Coffee Break on Friday • morning. Lorie made lots of coffee and cake and it’s a good thing she did because it was packed. It was also the morning of the film about the 1959 Lanark fire from the Lanark & District Historical Society. The fire started on Monday, June 15 at noon, in the Sash and Door building, from a spark. There were high winds that day and it did not take long to spread to 33-35 buildings. Fire trucks from all districts came to help. I think there were 9 fire trucks there. After 5 hours the whole business section was on the ground. But luckily there were no casualties. By the next day everyone was already working to put Lanark back together again. An excellent film.
Colleen Steele 613-375-6219 Christine Teal mrsteal2u@hotmail.com 613-375-6525
Seniors enjoyed their delicious meal on Monday.•
Some college students are "enjoying" reading week and • cramming and studying for the remainder of their term for this year.
Parham United Church enjoyed their "end of the month • soup luncheon" after service on Sunday. Sure tasted good on such a cold day.
Real exciting hockey games at the Frontenac Arena. The • arena was packed as the Bantam took on Dundoe, for the first game in the semi finals on Saturday and then on Sunday. They were victorious in the first game with a score of 4-0 on Saturday. Then on Sunday, they lost a nail biter - 2 to 1!!!
Some folks are home after their holidays in warmer • weathered places.
Special Anniversary wishes to Uncle Carl and Aunt Syl• via Dusharme on their 60th on the 20th of Feb.
Sharbot Lake and District Lions Club will have Easter • Bunnies for sale on March 7th for $4. Please call 613-375- 6318 or 613-335-2053 to order as there will be NO DOOR TO DOOR sales.
We have a new branch on our family tree!!! Carson Dan• iel Archie John was born to first time parents Collin Hamilton and Courtney Meeks. Bursting with pride and smiling down from above are Archie Meeks and John Lowery at their namesake. First time grandparents are Lisa & Stirling Hamilton and pro grandparents Danny & Sharon Meeks. Great Grandmas Viv Lowery and Marilyn Meeks welcome with love their handsome bundle of joy!
Please keep Ronalda (Lowery) Park in your thoughts and • prayers. Also thinking of Mrs. Sydney Drew, Pete Neadow, Richard Webster and Kim Harper.
Great opportunity for caregivers to learn more about car• ing for their loved ones - a free workshop will be held at the Sharbot Lake Retirement Home from March 3 to April 7. This is a 2 hour per week class where they can learn how to better deal with stress, both financially and emotionally, contact Pam at 613-827-670 to register, as space is limited.
Sincere condolences to the family of the late Sandra • (Closs), sister of Betty Babcock of Parham, and also to the family of the late Clinton Hartwick.
Remember, Charlotte Brown's birthday party is March • 7th so be sure to pop in and wish her well.
“Don't let yesterday take up too much of today.”•
Happy birthday to: Tanya Whan, Dan Hole, Dale Bertrim, • Annie McKinnon, Alayna Jackson, Darrel Hannah, Sylvia Whan, Dave King and happy anniversary to Bill & Patsy Lowery. PL E VNA Rhonda Watkins 613 479-2447 rhonda139@gmail.com 613-264-5325 I would like to start off this column by sending out a big • hello to everybody in the community from long time Ardoch resident, Ina Watkins! I was chatting with my dear friend last week and she is doing well and enjoying her winter in Bells Corners, closer to her family. If you are interested in giving her a call, or paying her a visit, feel free to contact me and I can hook you up!
Big congratulations to Dave Cox, who was voted the win• ner for “Hit of the Year” in the 2019 Ontario Demo Derby!! Great job, Dave!
Our Community sends out get well quick wishes to Anne • Hamilton, who recently went in for cataract surgery on Feb 25 and will be preparing for her second cataract surgery on Mar 10. Hopefully you will be recuperated and seeing better through your beautiful eyes soon, Anne!
I had an interesting chat with Ardoch resident, Annemarie • Schonauer, last week. Did you know that she was working in downtown Toronto at an insurance company when the CN Tower was being built in 1974? I couldn’t believe she was old enough to be working yet! She said she watched it every day get taller and when the top was on the ground, you could go and sign your name on it so your name would be on the top of the tower. Then she watched as it was put on with a helicopter. How cool is that?! A little piece of our province’s history remembered right here in Ardoch!
She was also sharing with me how she had signed her name on the Berlin Wall in Germany before it was torn down and that somebody might have a rock in their home with her signature from the wall. It would be so neat if somebody had that rock here in North Frontenac!
Spring has sprung at Riverhill Farm & Fine Foods, with • over 7500 taps in, it sounds like they are ready for the warm weather and the sap to run, WOW!
If you would like to head to Napanee on Monday, March • 2nd, The Land O’Lakes Community Services Bus Transportation is organizing their next trip for residents. They will be stopping at Walmart, No Frills, Giant Tiger, Country Traditions and enjoying lunch at Chuck’s Roadhouse! There are volunteer drivers available for drop off and pick up. For more info, please contact Kate Turl at (613) 849-8804 or 1 (877) 679-6636 or email her at lolcsbus@gmail.com
If you see Donna Gemmill on March 1st or Dawn McNab • on March 2nd at the North of 7 restaurant or store, please remember to wish them a very happy birthday! Both gals would probably enjoy a few birthday bumps, if you have the time!
And last, but certainly not least; a big thank you to Blanch • Ellenberger, who certainly made our week! When I picked up the mail and there was a letter inside and a wonderful picture of my father in law, Doug Watkins (top of page 5), from 1948 that her late husband Walter had taken. I just had to share this pic with all of you, what a wonderful memory! Thank you, Blanch, for sharing!
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At 3.5 years of age, • Lillian Law, won biggest fish in the childrens' tournament on Sydenham Lake on Feb 16, as she caught her first ice fishing pike at just over 2lbs. Lillian’s grandpa, Doug Law of Sydenham, was helping her. She said “Pa something’s pulling my rod,” and handed it to him. He said “Lillian, come here we’ll real it in slow”. As the fish pulled more Lillian asked, “Pa, is it big?” Out came the fish and Lillian let out a scream as she stepped back.
He’s dearly missed and has • been missing over a week now, From Mill street by the post office. His name is Hank, he’s grey with white legs and belly/ chest, super friendly and always comes when he’s called. He’s an indoor cat who just got outside, please help reunite him with his owners. Contact 613-532-7393 if you know where he may be.
I think this is my first ever shout out for a wedding an• nouncement. Congratulations to the newlyweds, Isaac and Samantha Orr (Allen) on their wedding which took place February 22. It was a gorgeous day. Wishing them all the happiness in their future.
The knights of Columbus bingo is March 2nd at St. Pat• rick’s church in Railton. Grab your daubbers and a friend and join in the fun.
Don’t be green with envy of those attending the St Pat• rick’s Day dance at the legion, which was sold out last year. Get your tickets now, they are half sold out at time of printing, so what are you waiting for? Pick yours up to day and jig on over to the Sydenham legion for a fun filled evening, all proceeds go to New Leaf Link.
I was requested by a concerned citizen in the village to • bring up the speed of which some vehicles travel in our village. This seems to be an ongoing concern. We have many pedestrians and pets, not to mention other vehicles on roads for this to be a safe thing happening. Please if you are the driver of any of vehicles who could you please respect the speed limit. Even if you are a passenger, perhaps remind your driver to slow down. Or as citizens maybe we need to bring it to police attention enough that they do something about it before someone gets injured or even worse. v er ona
Debbie Lingen debbie@lingens.com The next Verona Diners (for seniors 55+) will be held on • Wednesday, March 11 at the Verona Lions Hall. The meal starts at noon. St Paddy’s Lunch! Corned beef and cabbage and potatoes with rice pudding for dessert. Glen Foster and Bob Conner will be singing us into spring! Cost is $10.00. Please call 613-376-6477 to reserve your place.
The Good Food Stand will be returning to the Verona • Free Methodist Church on Wednesday, March 11 starting at 10:30am until 12:30pm. VFMC will also serve free soup and bun. Take out is available for the soup and bun. The Good Food Stand is open to everyone in the community and offers quality fruits and vegetables and wholesale prices!
The Frontenac Soccer Association's online registration • will be open on March 1st. Register early to avoid late fees! Visit www.frontenacsoccer.com for registration and more information.
The World Day of Prayer service will be held at the Ve• rona Free Methodist Church on Friday, March 6 at 10am. The World Day of Prayer is an international ecumenical Christian laywomen’s initiative. It is run under the motto “Informed Prayer and Prayerful Action,” and is celebrated annually in over 170 countries on the first Friday in March. The movement aims to bring together women and men of various
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races, cultures and traditions in a yearly common Day of Prayer, as well as in closer fellowship, understanding and action throughout the year. From 1953 til now, men and women congregate to pray for a specific country. Each year, a different country writes the service materials. This year, the writing country is Zimbabwe: "Rise! Take Your Mat and Walk". .
Wanda Harrison 613-335-3186 wmharrison070@gmail.com The first Arden Seniors ”Happy Gang” meeting will be held • at the Kennebec Community Centre, Tues, Mar. 3. If you are new to the area, this is a great way to meet folks and catch up on Community News. The business part of the meeting begins at 11am with a shared potluck luncheon at 12 noon, approximately. Anyone 55+ is welcome, so come out and meet some new people.
Did you receive the handout in the Frontenac News a • few weeks ago? Adult Connections Sharbot Lake and Northbrook locations are offering Free Digital workshops on a variety of topics. If you are interested, information is available at www.connectionsadultlearning.ca, or by calling the Sharbot Lake branch at 613-279-2499 or Northbrook branch at 613-336-0691, or just drop in to either location.
The RCL Branch 334, Arden, will be hosting a mixed dou• bles dart tournament, Sat, Mar. 7, at the Branch, with a 70% payout. Registration is 9am to 9:45am with the tournament beginning at 10am. The cost is $10 per player or $20 per team. The canteen will be available. For more information, please get in touch with Jeannet at 613-328- 1352.
Sat, Mar. 7, 5pm to 6:30pm, The Arden Wesleyan Church • will host a ham & scalloped potato dinner at the Kennebec Community Centre. This is the first fundraising dinner of the year for the Church. These dinners are notorious for having a bountiful dinner with an abundance of wonderful tasting desserts. Everyone is welcome to the free will offering dinner.
CLOYN E - N o r th br ook
Nancy Skipper noahsark444@bell.net The Sewing Group of Land O’Lakes Emmanuel United • Church will be cancelled for the month of March. See you in April.
Our local churches are coming together to celebrate the • World Day of Prayer on March 6 at 10:30am at Land of Lakes Emmanuel United Church in Northbrook. Members from Pineview Free Methodist, Kaladar Pentecostal, Saint John the Evangelist in Flinton, and Anglicans from Flinton shall gather to “Rise, Take up Your Mat and Walk”. Everyone is welcome. You do not have to attend any church to challenge the sad statistics for the women of Zimbabwe. We shall be praying for them.
The Community Bus Service will be on the road again on • March 2, 2020 for Napanee with stops at Walmart, No Frills, Giant Tiger, Country Traditions and lunch at Chuck’s Roadhouse.The bus will be going to Belleville on April 2, 2020 with visits to Walmart, No Frills, Giant Tiger, with lunch at the Buffet Garden Chinese/Canadian food.To reserve your seat, contact Kate Turl, Community Bus Coordinator at 613-849- 8804, or Land O’Lakes Community Services: 613-336-8934, Toll free: 1-877-679-6636, Facebook: Community Bus Service, or lolcsbus@gmail.com.
The Land O’Lakes Community Services is hosting their • annual All You Can Eat Spaghetti Supper on March 28, 2020 from 4:00pm to 7:00pm at the Barrie Township Hall in Cloyne. The menu includes spaghetti, garlic bread, caesar salad, dessert, tea, coffee, and juice. For this totally amazing meal, 12 years and older need only pay $15.00 with 5 years to 11 years paying $8.00 and 4 years and younger eat for free!
Many in the community are fasting of or giving up of some•
Griffith & Matawatchan Fish & Game Club Would like to express our Sincere Thanks to the following for their support with our Annual Fishing Derby on February 15, 2020
B.L. Outdoor Centre Car Quest Home Building Centre Hook’s Building Centre Lookout Home Hardware Manion’s Sales & Service North Country Butcher Shop North of 7 Restaurant Nowell Motors
Law Office
in Sharbot Lake
thing for Lent. Whatever your belief, we can all come together to “Fast from hurting works and say kind words. Fast from sadness and be filled with gratitude. Fast from anger and be filled with patience. Fast from pessimism and be filled with hope. Fast from worries and have trust in God. Fast from complaints and contemplate simplicity. Fast from pressures and be prayerful. Fast from bitterness and fill your hearts with joy. Fast from selfishness and be compassionate to others. Fast from grudges and be reconciled. Fast from words and be silent so you can listen.”
Angela Bright 613-333-1901 bright.a@gmail.com Denbigh Diners is coming up this Monday, March 2nd. • Land O' Lakes Community volunteers serve up a delicious lunch at the Denbigh Hall for $8. The meal will be chicken. For information, contact Bev 613 333 9852.
Here's what's happening at Vennachar Free Methodist • Church: Archery for adults is Friday, February 28th, 6-8pm. Family Night is Tuesday, March 3rd, 5:30pm dinner, followed by Kids Club and Adult Study. Friday, March 13th from 6-8pm is teen archery for youth grades 4 to 12. There will be an Open Mic Music Night on Friday, March 6th at 7pm. Contact Pastor Laurie 613 479 2673. Everyone welcome!
Land O' Lakes Community Bus Transportation has a trip • March 2nd to Napanee, and April 2nd to Belleville. There will also be a trip during March Break, destination to be determined... So check the LOLCS Facebook page for updates! This service is available to absolutely everyone. Cost for adults is $20, $5 for ages 5-17, and 4 and under are free. Volunteer drivers are available for pick up and drop off. Pick up routes for all: Denbigh, Cloyne, Northbrook, Flinton, Kaladar. Contact Kate to reserve your seat. Cell: 613-849- 8804, email: lolcsbus@gmail.com or Land O’Lakes Community Services: 613-336-8934, toll free: 1-877-679-6636. Find us on Facebook: Community Bus Service.
You can find the Addington Highlands Community Calen• dar on the township website at addingtonhighlands.ca, for regular happenings and special events township wide. If your organization would like to have events posted to the calendar, simply forward me the details. HA R LOWE
Marie White 613-336-2557 Good news: Garry Thompson was in hospital, but home • now. Hope you are resting more comfortably, Garry. Sympathy goes out to the family of Barry Neal on his passing. Barry and Alfred Cuddy were two young people who were originally from Harlowe, who have left us within a week.
Laura Delyea will be celebrating her birthday this week• end. Happy birthday and hope your wishes come true.
Continued on page 8
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by Jeff Green S arah Atkinson (owner/manager/head chef) of the Sydenham Country Café, is a ball of energy, especially when she is talking about the café.
The café has been open for less than a month and it already has an established clientele and serves breakfast, lunch, dinner and grab and go options. It is establishing itself as a bake shop, and does catering as well.
A a take out window has just been set up at the side of the building for those who need that major coffee-shop option.
When I visited last week, mid morning, the breakfast crowd had come and gone, but the café was still half full, with mid-morning coffee drinkers, and some of the lunch sandwiches were just being prepared for the display case.
Sarah worked in restaurants as a teenager and trained in kitchens. She went to teacher’s college with a view towards teaching cooking, but one thing led to another and she ended up spending 25 years in education, most of it running her Sarah Atkinson in front of her cafe
own private school in Kingston.
Recently she has been making and selling baked goods, doing some catering and painting, from her home base north of Sydenham. She has seen an opportunity for a café in Sydenham ever since Hillside, which was located in the same location as the Sydenham Country Café on Rutledge Road just east of the village.
“I even looked at properties in the village, trying to see what is available. Then my husband told me that this property had been sold, so I came up and the new owner was here, looking around. I asked him what he was planning to do with this unit and he said he was hoping to lease it to a food business. I had already drawn up what I wanted so we looked at my drawings, and we basically made a deal right then and there,” she said.
That was in the early fall, and it took a few months to prepare the space, get everything up and running and get all the equipment in place.
“I had hoped to be open earlier but we opened when we could and the response
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has been very positive so far.”
The menu at the Sydenham Country Café can be described as casual comfort food with a twist. The twist comes from some of the flavour enhancements that Sarah has developed over the years, such as her bacon marmalade that is carefully used on some of the sandwiches that are available at the café.
The cooks at the café prepare a daily soup and entrée special, and Sarah likes to make sure that some favourites are always available.
“We try to make sure that our Lasagne and Chicken Pot Pie are always available, for eat-in or takeout. They are always in demand” she said.
In addition to these classic comfort foods, the café also serves the contemporary equivalent, in the form of the Santa Fe and Asian Protein Bowls, available with chicken, or beans for vegetarians.
Among the specialty sandwiches, there is Montreal smoked meat, Turkey and Swiss, and 4 cheese gourmet grilled cheese (available with bacon or pulled pork)
The coffee at the Café comes from North Roast Coffee in Kingston. Their popular Confederation blend and the darker Sumatran are ready to serve.
And they have a breakfast sandwich? The Sydenham Country Café version is served on an English muffin or multi-grain round, with real cheddar and a hint of what Sarah calls her ‘zippy cheese sauce’. Their toasted western is another breakfast sandwich option.
From 7am – 9am the breakfast window is open, serving sandwiches, coffee, and muffins.
Their menu is available online at countrycafe.ca.
“We have gotten off to a really good start,” Sarah said, “and I think we will only have more available for people as we get into the spring and summer season.
The café is open on Mondays and Tuesdays, from 7am – 3pm, Wednesday to Friday from 7am – 7pm, and Saturdays from 9am -3pm. The hours will be extended for the spring and summer seasons.
Little Black Book of Scams
outlines the sort of things to
watch out for by Craig Bakay
If you’re a senior in Frontenac County, chances are you’ve gotten one of those phone calls. You know the ones — somebody’s going to make you rich or the “bank” needs some information or heaven forbid, if you don’t tell the caller what they want to know, you’re going to jail.
North Frontenac Coun. Fred Perry’s gotten them too, as well as questionable emails asking for his banking information and such.
Perry’s concerned, because although you don’t have to be a senior to get scammed, Frontenac County’s on track to be more than 50 per cent seniors before too long, and seniors are a huge target. “I found it at the car dealership,” Perry said. “I thought it would be good information for seniors.”
So, he asked Clerk Tara Mieske to see if she could get some to have in the Township office. “We couldn’t really get hard copies for here but we can print out a couple of PDFs to put out,” she said. “And everything that’s in the book is on the website.”
So, you can get all the information at www.competitionbureau.gc.ca or call1-88-348-5358 to find out about local scams; financial and investment scams; banking and credit card scams; spam emails and text messages; identity theft and where to report them (Canadian Anti-Fraud Centre, 1-888-495-8501).
The Competition Bureau of Canada has come out with The Little Black Book of Scams.