July 9, 2020 Vol. 20, No. 27
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2 new Frontenac cases announced over weekend but details are sparse
Nail-break abates in KFL&A as new case reports dwindle KFL&A
(The following is a summation of reports published on Frontenacnews.ca betrween July 2 and July 7) Dr. Kieran Moore, the Medical Officer of Health for Kingston, Frontenac, Lennox and Addington (KFL&A), KFL&A held press briefings on several consecutive days last week to provide updates on a number of new confirmed COVID-19 cases. By the end of the weekend, however, the outbreak that started at the Bhin’s nail Salon in Kingston two weeks earlier, and then spread to two other sa-
PublicHealth KFL&A
PublicHealth lons in Kingston, another in Amherstview and placed the Amherstview golf club at risk, had finally abated. After announcing new cases on a daily basis from the peak of the outbreak on June 25th, until July 4rd there were no new cases for the following four days. On Monday, July 6th, the daily briefings were cancelled On Thursday, July 2nd, given the pace of cases in the preceding days,, Dr. Moore said “this outbreak peaked, in our opinion, on June 25. We are not seeing it propagating. That being said, everyone should still remain vigilant, follow the rules on masking, monitor symptoms and get tested if necessary.” Of particular concern is the fact that of the 37 cases associated with the nail salon, one patient was being treated in the Intensive Care Unit in hospital, and receiving oxygen. The patient, who is a male family member of a Binh’s Nail Salon employee, “was not being intubated” said Doctor Moore on July 2nd. Moore also expressed “our best wishes to the family” of that individual. As of Tuesday (July 7) the patient had improved, and he was no longer in an intensive care unit although he remained in hospital. Again, as of Tuesday, there were 38 cases listed as active in KFL&A, 12 having been reported within the previous week. There was only 1 hospitalisation, and no patients were in intensive care. There has still been 0 deaths attributed to COVID-19 in KFL&A, a recod matched by only 2 other jurisdictions in Ontario. Not all of the recent cases can be traced to the nail salon outbreak. At least one case was a traveler who recently returned from Europe, tested positive during their mandatory 14-day quarantine period, and thus posed little risk to the public. Another case was an individual who had visitors from the Greater Toronto area. The pace of testing has ramped up considerably as part of the contact tracing stemming in particular from Binh’s nail salon. Over 6,500 tests were conducted in KFLA over a 10-day period. Although the exact source of the Binh’s outbreak has not been determined, Public Health is confident that it stemmed from an employee and did not come from any of the approximately 500 customers who went to the salon in the ten days between when it opened and was shut down. Although the salon outbreak raised alarm bells with Public Health, it is important to note that KFL&A remains at a very low risk level for COVID-19, said Dr. Moore. “Even with these recent cases, our rate is around 53 cases per 100,000 people,” he said. “The Southeastern
by Jeff Green
rate is 146 per 100,000. The Ontario rate is 265, and the Canada-wide rate is 307. The United Sates rate is 931. The rate of infection in our community is relatively low risk remains low.” New Frontenac County cases On Saturday, July 4th, for the first time since early May, the number of confirmed cases in Frontenac County jumped, by 2, to 14. Enquiries about the source of those cases or any other details about them, yielded only the following response from KFLA Public Health. “For confidentiality reasons we are not able to share any identifying information of any of case or potential case, including township or transmission specific to a single case, outside of the established contact tracing and case management procedures.” The COVID status dashboard on the KFL&A site (kflaph. ca) was altered over the weekend to reflect data from individual townships for the first time. We now know that over the entire COVID-19 outbreak, 10 South Frontenac residents have tested positive, 3 Central Frontenac residents, 1 North Frontenac resident, 1 Stone Mills resident, and 0 Addington Highlands residents. We do not know how many of those are active cases, however. On other matters, Dr. Moore said that as of Thursday, no fines had been levied for individuals who have been found not to have followed public health directives to self isolate, but he said that Public Health is investigating reports.
Continued on page 2
Cloyne Pioneer Museum set to open by Jeff Green he Cloyne and District Historical Society (CDHS) held a board meeting this week (July 6) and after weeks of preparations and plans that have been changing over the last month, the board felt comfortable deciding to open the museum for the summer. Starting next week, it will be open 7 days a week from 10am - 3:30pm. There will be an 11 person at a time capacity in the building (staff included) with mask wearing and social distancing in place and a no touch policy for all of the artifacts on display. The museum will be staffed by 3 summer students, who have been working since early June in the museum archives and helping the board develop protocols for opening. Carolyn McCullough of the CDHS Board said that the board and staff have “worked very hard to create a safe environment for our visitors and for our staff. We started with a boilerplate document about what we needed to do and it quickly became a living document, ever changing. Certainly when the mask order was announced it made us change our plans again. We had to make a decision whether to open at all this summer and we feel confident we have made the right decision. We are excited to open our doors.” There are a couple of new features in the museum this summer. One is a set of original pen and ink drawings of historic local features by artist Carla Miedema. The other is a display of two pieces of furniture made in 1925 by a member of the Bay family. John Baptiste (Atewennarikhon) Bay was born in 1850 was known as Johnnie Bay. He married Anne Tekakwen and moved to Mazinaw Lake from Oka, as land was offered to 4 Mohawk families. Their’s was the only one that stayed. The Tyendinaga based poet
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Not a bank robber! - The Reverend Vernon Scott of the Arden Wesleyan and Sydenham Holiness Churches exiting the newly re-opened RBC branch in Sharbot Lake on Tuesday (July 7). In late June, RBC announced that the branch would be re-opening on July 6. Branch staff, happy to be returning to their home branch after over 3 months, welcomed customers outside the building to remind them of the social distancing measures that are in place in the cramped quarters of the small branch.
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Laura Shwager is their descendant. The museum will also be collecting names and email addresses from people entering the premises, so if there are any COVID-19 cases who can trace their whereabouts to the museum, KFL&A Public Health will have an easier time doing contract tracing. “This is something that we heard about through our museum association. Even though our museum has no entry fee, we can collect this information, in case it is needed,” said Carolyn McCullough. The museum traditionally opens on the last weekend of June, with a picnic on the grounds, live music and a ceremony. While this year won’t be like that, the CDHS is hoping that by opening the museum it will give families one more option for summer entertainment in a year when so many other summer activities have been canceled outright.
Display case in the museum
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The mask debate is over
t has been more than sobering for many of us. After a steady, but slow trend towards opening up our lives over a couple of months, during which time COVID-19 cases completely dried up in our region and restaurant patios re-opened, as did most of the retailers who were shuttered for a time, there was an outbreak in a nail salon in Kingston. As a cluster of cases ensued, a Section 22 order under the Public Health Aid made KFL&A the only region in Ontario where masks must be worn in all commercial establishments. Why, in the jurisdiction with one of the lowest levels of infection in Ontario, is such a ban necessary here, when it is not in place where the rate is 4 and 5 times as high? It was Dr. Kieran Moore, the medical officer of health for KFL&A, put the ban in place. He said that his staff have been preparing for a ban, in the lead up to the phase 2 re-opening of the region, expecting it would be necessary in the early fall as an inevitable second wave of cases hit. As soon as he found out that 500 people had their nails done at Binh's salon in Kingston during the two weeks when the outbreak was brewing there, he felt he needed to do everything he could to ensure the local infection rate did not jump and jump, and the mask wearing was a key way to control the potential spread. Mandatory masks are now the order of the day all around us as well, so we are no longer an outlier, just an early adopter of a policy that will remain in place for at least the summer. In KFL&A there is no time frame for the measure to be reconsidered, and when the ban came in, Dr. Moore said he expects it will remain in place, with possible exceptions, for a year or longer. In Ottawa and Leeds Grenville Lanark it will be reconsidered on September 15. Wearing masks in confined settings is a global phenomenon, something that many, smart people, have been doing ever since it was learned that COVID-19 can be spread by people who are not showing symptoms. We have all known, pretty much since early April, that try as we might, maintaining a 2 metre distance in grocery stores and hardware stores and dollar stores and convenience stores, does not always happen. And from my own experience, as the weeks wore on in May and June and we appeared to be living in a big COVID-19 free bubble, those distances have been shrinking week by week in Frontenac County commercial spaces. Fools, like myself, did not wear masks in stores. We said that the people wearing masks were living in fear of the virus. But mask wearing does not protect wearer, but everyone else. People like me who were out in the community throughout the pandemic and feeling fine, were
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July 9, 2020
Editorial by Jeff Green
exactly the people who should have been wearing a mask to protect those for whom the virus presents a statistically higher risk of devastating consequences. But we did not. In my office they started calling me 'Donald' because I never put the mask on. This is why the ban was necessary. There are some of us who are not capable of doing the right thing unless we are forced to do so, and now that we are being forced we are finally doing the right thing. Our MPP, Randy Hillier, has been consistently railing against the provincial government for the COVID-19 related restrictions. He argues that they infringe on personal freedoms and that the consequences of policies aimed at controlling the pandemic have had more negative consequences on people's lives and health outcomes than the pandemic itself. It is a difficult argument to prove, because from the beginning, Premier Ford and Prime Minister Trudeau have been sayin that they are willing to take strong protective measures and risk people accusing them of being alarmist. That is fine, but anytime a political leader constructs a narrative whereby their actions cannot be criticised, critics like Hillier play an important role in holding them to account. In this case there are a couple of factors which make Randy Hillier's argument wholly uncompelling, however. First, we have a glaring example of the consequences of a less vigorous pandemic response right on our border. On July 6 there were under 300 new cases in Canada and over 47,000 in the United States. Taking population into account, our national infection rate was 6% of the rate in the US that day. The second factor is that our public health officials have been guided by science, not politics.. These are people who we put in place to be ready to act in our interest, the people we trust in exactly this kind of situation. In times like these, we need to have faith in the integrity of our public health officials. MPP Hillier's propensity to use social media as a venue, and to quote sources supporting his pre-held viewpoint on many matters, do not hold up to scrutiny. Last week he said in a tweet, “I remain perplexed that by every available model, we have come massively under the apocalyptic projections simply by social distancing, and yet now, more than two months later, we are told we should wear masks.” There is nothing perplexing here at all. The “apocalyptic projections” did not come to pass because we locked down. To emerge from the lockdown without increasing the spread, we need the distancing and the masking to be in place.
Continued on page 2 fines if necessary.” “We prefer to use information to impress on people how our orders are based on our best understanding of the science around COVID-19 and keeping the public safe,” he said,” but we will not hesitate to levy
The fine for non compliance with an order to self isolate is $5,000. We contact people under those orders every day. If they are not home when we call, they need to have a pretty good explanation,” he added.
There is a clear trade-off, a difficult one, that we are all navigating,; as families, neighbours, communities, regions, provinces, countries and global citizens, between the negative impacts of the pandemic and negative impacts of the economic slowdown and social isolation. We know that public health officials are in place to provide us with information about the pandemic, its potential for harm, and about the capacity of our health systems to handle the extra burden. Other factors, such as our economic and social well-being, are the responsibility of the politicians we elect. The opening up we are experiencing is not what we were all hoping for. The new normal is not so normal at all, and seeing a sea of masks in our local stores and the box stores in town is a graphic, jarring example of this. And they are uncomfortable to boot. They are the prerequisite, however, to continued re-opening of businesses. Four months into this, we are all frustrated. Not only are we all wearing masks in the stifling heat, gypsy moths are devastating our trees and literally falling from the sky onto us, and the crunch under our feet makes a major drought a real possibility. It feels apocalyptic. almost biblical. This is not the life we have become accustomed to over the last 50 years. But who should we trust, the people who have been working day and night to keep us safe, or a disgruntled politician trying his best to be clever on twitter and embarrass his political enemies.
Burn ban in Central Frontenac
Effective July 6, 2020 at 3pm there is a level 2 burn banin affect for all of Central Frontenac until further notice. Due to the current dry weather conditions coupled with the continued forecast of high temperatures with no appreciable rain in the near future, Central Frontenac Fire & Rescue has issued an immediate ban on all open air burning with the exception of campfires in the Municipality of Central Frontenac. This ban suspends all previously approved Open Air Burn Permits (with the exception of campfires) until the ban is lifted. This ban includes and suspends the burning of clean wood and brush, outdoor bonfires and the use of all outdoor wood burning appliances or any other open fire burning (except campfires) and will remain in effect until further notice to ensure public safety. Central Frontenac Fire & Rescue would like to thank all residents for their anticipated co-operation and remind them that any person found conducting open air burning in contravention of the ban, is guilty of an offence and may be subject to service charges per the Open Air Burning By-law and/or charges in accordance with the Ontario Fire Protection and Prevention Act. A similar ban is in place in South Frontenac.
As of Tuesday (July 7) there were still no fines for individuals noted on the enforcement page of the kflaph.ca website. Fines have been levied to 2 nail salons, however, Kim’s L.A. Nails and Beauty Nails. Four salons, Kim’s L.A. Georgia, Kingdom and
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Binh’s, have been shut down temporarily because of DOVID-19 positive tests among staff members. Late last week, Dr. Moore stepped back somewhat from a statement he made earlier in the week, when he speculated that the Section 22 order requiring masks be worn in commercial settings may be moderated in as little as two weeks to exempt church services and childcare settings. “As other jurisdictions in the province adopt mandatory masking, we will be looking to harmonize our regulations with those in other jurisdictions,” he said, “and we will be waiting to see what others are doing before making any changes.” The section 22 order requiring masks, which came into effect in KFL&A on June 30, has proven to be even more contagious than the virus it is intended to curtail. As of July 7, similar orders had been announced for Ottawa, Leeds Grenville Lanark, Hastings Prince Edward, Toronto, and other parts of Ontario as well.
JUly 9, 2020
Publisher & Editor.............................................. Jeff Green Graphic Designer................................................Scott Cox Digital & Print Sales........................................................... Copy Editors ..........................Martina Field, Tracy Riddell Office Staff.................. Suzanne Tanner, Caylie Runciman Webmaster.......................................................Jesse Mills Reporters................................Wilma Kenny, Craig Bakay, ...........................................................Catherine Reynolds
1095 Garrett St., rear building; Box 229, Sharbot Lake, ON K0H 2P0 Ph: 613-279-3150; 1-888-779-3150; Fx: 613-279-3172 E-mail: info@frontenacnews.ca Office hours: Mon to Thurs., 8:30 am - noon; 1:00 - 4:30
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The Frontenac News is published every Thursday Deadlines: Classifieds: Monday at 4:00 p.m. Display ads: Friday at 4:00 p.m..
The Frontenac News welcomes articles and letters, but we cannot publish all the submissions we receive. All submissions must be SINCE 1970 signed and include a phone number for verification. We reserve the right to edit submissions for brevity, clarity, and taste. Please limit letters to 300 words or less; articles to 500 words or less.
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Member of the Ontario Community Newspaper Association
letters Re Fairmount visits
recently read your article on the wonderful things that Fairmount Home are doing to connect their residents with loved ones during this time of separation. Fairmount is now offering outside visits with our loved ones who reside with them. They currently have 2 gazebo type structures set up with a 6 foot table in each. The resident sits on a chair and one end of the table and the family member sits at the other end with a mask on. I have personally been able to have a visit with my husband. I have jokingly said that we are now allowed to date with a chaperone to make sure that we have no contact and do not cross any boundaries. Being able to actually see my husband for real after a very long three plus months has been a wonderful gift to me.Nursing home
SINCE 1970
residents are vulnerable not just for health reasons but separation from their family is extremely difficult. Their health can decline just from lack of connection. We as family members are their connection to the life that they once had before their move to long term care. Connections with family are a very important part of their care plan as well. I was wondering if it might be a good idea to do an article on this new development. We need to hear positive stories to help us get through these tough times. I am very thankful to the staff at Fairmount home for the wonderful care that they provide and for grasping at all opportunities they can to help keep family connected. Thank you Noreen Peters
Re - Hillier tweet
if mandatory masks are a true solution to prevent Covid then why have the rates of infection been declining without them . It would then also be false to continue with restrictions and social distancing if masks are the solution . Maybe a course in logic is on order.” Tell me where is the logic in stating that the masks are the solution to Covid . Who ever said that besides you? Masks have always been advised as a further precaution along side social distancing. Perhaps you missed that memo??? The rates of infections have been declining BECAUSE of masks and social distancing . Most constituents in your area have been wearing masks since the end of March... have you?
Also mandatory masks should be mandatory for inside businesses where social distancing is difficult or not entirely possible. Remember we are trying to protect the vulnerable who may not be obvious . Oh, but maybe you are an MD as well as a MPP??? Then you will know that Dr’s and nurses have worn masks ever since the discovery of germs as a safe practice in situations where transmission of infectious substances is a risk . Since it has been established WORLD WIDE that the transmission of this particular infection is person to person at close contact, true logic leads most of us to conclude that controlling both those variables will help stem its speed and virulent spread . You might want to thank those people in your constituency (who have been wearing masks) for the decline, instead of tweeting some half informed opinion on the subject. Sharon C. Smith
opp reports - busy week Campfire explosion in Tay Valley
fficers from the Lanark County Detachment of the Ontario Provincial Police (OPP) were called to assist The Bathurst, Burgess, Drummond-North Elmsley Fire Department just before 10:30pm on July 4th. The incident occurred at a campground on Christie Lake North Shore Road just outside of Perth, Ontario and was reported as the explosion of a buried, propane cylinder at a campfire. Officers attended along with Lanark County Paramedics and Ornge Air Ambulance transportation. Three individuals, including a seven year old child with serious burns were transported to hospital for treatment. The Office of the Fire Marshall was contacted and the investigation into the cause of the explosion is still under investigation. Updates will be provided when available. Anyone with information is asked to call police at 1-888-310-1122 or Lanark County Crime Stoppers at 1-800-2228477 (TIPS).
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Traffic complaint leads to Boat collision on imparied charges Loughborough Lake n Tuesday June 30, 2020 just after O11:00 a.m. the Frontenac Detachment leads to charges of the Ontario Provincial Police (OPP) received a report of a vehicle being driven in an erratic manner. Officers located the vehicle and conducted a traffic stop on Perth Road. As a result of the investigation, the driver was arrested and taken to detachment for testing. Sarah McCallum, age 37 from Kingston, Ontario has been charged with: Operation While Impaired - alcohol and drugs, Driving while under suspension The accused was released from custody and is scheduled to appear in the Ontario Court of Justice at a later date in Kingston. She was also given a 90 day Administrative Driver's Licence Suspension and the vehicle was impounded for seven days. Frontenac OPP thank motorists for remaining vigilant and reporting impaired drivers. To report impaired drivers, call 1-888-310-1122 or 9-1-1.
Justice in Kingston on September 10, 2020.
Haircuts $12
resident of Central Frontenac Township is facing charges after an incident overnight. On July 4, 2020, shortly after 1:30 a.m., officers with the Frontenac Detachment of the Ontario Provincial Police (OPP) were called to a residence in the Godfrey area,
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he Frontenac Detachment of the Ontario Provincial Police (OPP) has laid charges after a boat collision on Loughborough Lake, in South Frontenac Township. Officers responded to the scene, near Red Maple Lane, on July 1 at approximately 10pm. There had been no serious injuries when two boats collided, but one of the vessels involved had left the area. The investigation led officers to another location on the lake, where an individual was arrested for suspicion of impaired operation of a boat. The suspect was transported to the Frontenac Detachment for testing. Anthony Cameron, age 47 of South Frontenac Township, has been charged under the Criminal Code with: Operation while impaired-alcohol and drugs, Operation while impaired-blood alcohol concentration (80 plus) The accused has been released and is scheduled to appear at the Ontario Court of
Male charged after incident at home in Central Frontenac
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north of Hartington, after it was reported that a gun had been pointed at an individual and one vehicle had deliberately struck another. Officers arrested a suspect without incident. A 23 year old male from Central Frontenac Township has been charged under the Criminal Code with: Assault Spousal, Pointing a firearm, Possession of a weapon for a dangerous purpose, Careless storage of a firearm or ammunition - two counts, Dangerous operation The accused cannot be identified in order to protect the identity of the victim.
Male charged after officers threatened and cruiser damaged
he Frontenac Detachment of the Ontario Provincial Police (OPP) has laid numerous charges after a disturbance in Central Frontenac Township. Officers and Frontenac County Paramedics responded to the incident, reported as a fight, on Powell Lane on July 2, 2020, at approximately 1:00 a.m. During the arrest of an individual, threats were directed toward officers and a cruiser was damaged. John Badour, age 22 of Greater Napanee, has been charged under the Criminal Code with: Assault a Peace Officer – two counts, Disarming a Peace Officer, Uttering threats, Mischief over $5000, Failure to comply with a release order
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COMMUNITY REPORTERS (613) Arden............................. Wanda Harrison................335-3186 Cloyne / Northbrook...... Nancy Skipper Denbigh......................... Angela Bright....................333-1901 Godfrey.......................... Stefan Duerst....................374-1710 Harrowsmith.................. Marilyn Goodberry.............372-0917 Henderson..................... Jean Brown.......................336-2516 Inverary......................... Judy Borovskis..................353-1768 Maberly-Bolingbroke..... Karen Prytula....................325-1354 Mississippi..................... Pearl Killingbeck...............278-2127 Mountain Grove............. Marilyn Meeks...................279-3209 Ompah........................... Linda Rush........................479-2570 Parham-Tichbome......... Colleen Steele...................375-6219 Marily Seitz........................479-2855 Christine Teal....................375-6525 Perth Road.................... Peter Bird..........................353-7303 Plevna........................... Rhonda Watkins................479-2447 Sydenham..................... Karen Brawley...................376-9848 Verona........................... Debbie Lingen..................................
HARLOWE Marie White
• Our sympathy goes out to the family of Harry Cox on his
passing. • Also, sympathy to the family of Mike Ramsay, who passed on to eternity on Thursday morning. • Get well wishes are in store for Paul bare, who made an emergency trip over the week-end to the hospital. • Get well wishes are rushing over the Frances Boomhour. Hope you two recover, and quickly. • Good to hear our neighbour, Judy Gray, is on the mend and doing well. Good news. • Hope everyone found something exciting to do on July 1st. Camping was not the type of fun like other years. • If you have some extra pocket change and don’t know what to do with it, just a suggestion: I’m sure Jeff would be happy to receive some funds the help him keep printing the North Frontenac News. We all enjoy the news of the community.
Harrowsmith Marilyn Goodberry
613-372-0917 mgoodberrysanda@gmail.com
• Happy birthday to Jack Pixley, Nicki Pixley and Will Marshall! Hope you all enjoy your day! • Happy anniversary to Ryan and Laura Tisdale! • As we travel during the summer months, please wear a mask and wash your hands frequently. Stay safe & healthy. • Please send submissions to mgoodberrysanda@gmail. com or call/text me at the number above. Deadline is Monday noon each week.
• Hope that folks will be enjoying the sun and water with boating, fishing, and social distancing. Good newsthere’s two weeks of free fishing that started July 4. The Province offers this and no fishing licence is required. An-
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glers must stick to the conservation and catch and size limits for their fishing zones. • Len and Bev Holmes, of Madoc, dropped in for a socially distanced porch visit last week- and we had a lot of fun sharing memories through our face masks. We had to shout to hear one another! • A small black pugapoo dog with one eye and a curly tail named Fez got spooked by the fireworks at Hungry Lake and ran away. Ten years old, friendly and wearing a tag, “Fez” is missed. Please let us know if you see him- he’s dearly loved. • Our Covid recipe this week is “fake” low fat cheesecake, and it’s designed to beat the isolation requirements and the tendency to overeat. Let’s use this time to eat less and to get healthy. 3 cups plain (0% fat) yogurt; 3 eggs; 1 small box of sugar free, fat free pudding mix- (vanilla or white chocolate); 1 Tbsp. Vanilla extract Stir all ingredients together. Pour into a lined 10 inch springform pan. (line the pan with foil that has been lightly sprayed with nonstick cooking spray. Alternatively can go into 4 small, greased up custard dishes, and placed in a pan of water for moisture. Place in middle of oven at 350 F- for 30 min. If your oven is hot- and mine is- go with lesser heat. Remove from oven, cool on counter. It may crack up a bit, but who really cares if it does. When cool- place fresh fruit on top, and enjoy- knowing that it’s healthy and tasty. However spouse Allan reminds me with his slogan- that is NOT fake that “ Low fat equals low taste, full fat equals full taste”. Another friend said "why eat cheesecake without cheese in it?"
INVERARY Judy Borovskis
• Thank you! Simple words with a ton of gratitude from the Inverary Youth Activities Group. Our final total raised is $7,558.65. With our match, we are over $15,000. Wow! Some of this will be put towards our new washroom campaign. Bottle drive #2 begins August 1 until October 1 with ALL proceeds to the new washrooms. During July, bottle/can returns are accepted at Garrett’s Bake Shop and our donation jug is in Northway Beer Store. We thank these two businesses for supporting us year round. • Support the Local Food Bank hosted by the Storrington Lions Club on Friday July 10th! Location for July 10th is Inverary United Church. Donations will be accepted from 3 to 6pm at the church. 24 families in Storrington District are in need of help during this COVID-19 pandemic • Fish Fry on July 25th sponsored by the Storrington Lions Hall. Take-Out only by reservation. Call Teresa to order your dinner(s) at 613-353-2086. Pick up times will begin at 4:30 and continue at 5, 5:30, 6 etc. Enjoy 2 pieces of fish with fresh cut fries, baked beans, coleslaw, dinner roll and dessert – all for $20. Your order will be delivered to your car at pick up time. • Third Annual South Frontenac Garden Tour! Sunday, July 26th from 9am to 3pm. A fundraiser for seniors and their programmes at Southern Frontenac Community Services. We are looking for gardeners who will volunteer their garden [or their neighbour’s]. A complimentary lunch will be provided courtesy of Chartwell Conservatory Pond Seniors Living. PLEASE call Nona Mariotti 613 353-6589 to discuss your interest in sharing /showing your garden! • Inverary Book Exchange for all ages – located at entrance to Ken Garrett Memorial Park. Borrow, replace or exchange! Thanks to all who have been exchanging
Custom Cabinets for Kitchen & Bath
refacing - Custom millwork - free estimates
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Dave Bush
July 9, 2020 books. • Remember your mask! Masks have to be worn in all public buildings in Kingston, Frontenac, Lennox and Addington. • Note: Submissions for the weeks of July 15 and July 22 must reach me by July 13, as I will be on “Grandma Duty” for a while. Lots of fun but time consuming!
Maberly-Bolingbroke Karen Prytula
613-325-1354 karenprytula@gmail.com
• July 12, 2020 – The memorial previously scheduled at the Bolingbroke Cemetery for July 12 has been CANCELLED. Due to the Covid-19 health restrictions, the Board of Directors of the Bolingbroke Cemetery has decided that the Annual Memorial Service held in July will be cancelled for the 2020 year. Anyone wishing to make a donation to help with the upkeep of the cemetery can send a cheque (payable to Bolingbroke Cemetery) to Betty Ann Gillespie, 3223 Bolingbroke Road, Maberly,ON,K0H 2B0. • Lanark County takes step to protect turtles along county roads - “Road mortality and habitat loss are two major factors in the reduction of turtle species in Ontario,” explained Hillary Fleming, Lanark County’s Climate/Environment Intern. This year, Lanark County Public Works has added new practices to assist in saving injured, noninjured and nesting turtles on county roads. “The public may see nest protectors installed along county roads,” added Director of Public Works Director Terry McCann. “Climate and environment are a priority for Lanark County Council this term and protecting and enhancing the natural environment is a core strategy in our strategic plan,” said Warden Brian Campbell (Tay Valley Township Reeve). Watch Lanark County’s Facebook and Twitter feeds for more details about how the program has been progressing! If you see an injured turtle on the road, please call the Ontario Conservation Centre (OTCC) at 704-741-5000 or visit https://ontarioturtle.ca/ourmission/ drop-off/ for information and instructions. • Maberly 132 Years ago: A very large crowd attended Miss Ella Dowdall’s picnic in Mr. Patrick Carley’s beautiful grove on Thursday. The weather was cool with a slight rain in the afternoon. In spite of that it was a very enjoyable day for all. A fine table was set and refreshments, drinks of all kinds were on the grounds; striking speeches were made by Mr. Patrick Carley, one of our councilmen, and Mr. Atcheson, our Reeve, and Ephraim Deacon, who were attentively listened to by the large audience. After the closing up of the nic-nacks on the grounds Mr. Carley extended a wide invitation to the large crowd to his residence for an all-night’s hop. Everything wound up pleasantly as Mr. Carley makes it pleasant for everyone coming to his place. [Perth Courier July 6, 1888].
MISSISSIPPI Pearl Killingbeck
• Coronavirus Diary - Day 119 • Forget your mistakes, forget your failures, forget everything except what you are going to do to get through this pandemic and do it now. Start that book you were wanting to do. Paint that room you were wanting to paint, that garden you wanted to put in, flower or vegetable or both. Maybe make some crafts you’ve bene wanting to make. Try anything, you might get it right or it might be a failure. But at least you tried. I do it all the time, most are failure but no one can hear me when I cuss or yell. I keep my kitchen window closed so no one can hear this frustrated woman. But it does help to pass the days and they don’t feel so lonely. • 25 things you did not know about Pearl 1. I am 2” shorter on my right side than my left side 2. I have never used soap on my face in over 60 years. I only use Noxema, soap dries your skin. 3. I am a morning person. If it doesn’t get done in the morning, it doesn’t get done. 4. I have a fear of heights, especially ferris wheels. 5. Fall is my favourite time of the year. Beautiful colours, no humidity, not bugs, no grass. (I hate summer) 6. I love stickers 7. I was born in Brighton, England 8. I love rue crime stories 9. I met my best friend, Kathleen, 68 years ago. We were
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JUly 9, 2020 both on blind dates. 10. My favourite place on earth is Mississippi Station, my home. 11. When I was 70 years old, I went on my first plane ride to Victoria, BC. 12. I was 72 years old before I saw a real ball game, Blue Jays in Toronto 13. When I was younger, walking was my favourite activity. Sometimes I would walk 10 miles a day. 14. My first vehicle that was all mine and I didn’t have to share with my husband was a 1986 Jeep Wagoneer. He fell in love with it and gave it to me for Valentine’s Day. 15. I have never worn high heels in my life 16. My favourite music is country music (sorry, Elvis) 17. I don’t like spicy foods. 18. May favourite sandwich is club. 19. May favourite holiday is Christmas 20. My first job in Canada was delivering newspapers when I was 9 years old, with my brother Ken. 21. I became a Canadian Citizen in December, 1985 22. My first dog was a mutt we named Puddles (I think you can figure that out) 23. The first time I ever spoke in public was at a “Relay for Life: in Parham. I was so scared (Ask Mike Procter) I came off the stage with wet armpits. 24. My favourite country singers are Shania Twain and Garth Brooks. 25. The reason I have one arm is a blood disease called Protein C Deficiency. I causes blood clots, which I had. It is hereditary and my daughter Pam has it and so does her daughter Holly. Now you all know more about me. • After the new restrictions came out, Pastor Jack from Mississippi Free Methodist Church has decided not to open the church until September. • A lovely basket of oatmeal mini-muffins was found on my lawn chair on Monday evening. It was a mystery until Thursday, when my neighbour told me Polly, our mail lady, left the muffins for a few other neighbours. Thank you, Polly, so kind and thoughtful of you and they were lovely, delicious.
• July birthdays are Madeline Burke, Valerie Fox, Mark Kehoe, Nelda Whan, Nicole Tibble, Brian Burke, Emily Summer, Levi Teal jr, Graeme Gemmill, Linda Mottile, Diane Tryon, Jason Fox, Casey Hartwick, Lisa Sly, McLeigh Martin, Kathy Sweet, Nic Smith, Lauretta Barker, Rosemary LaPointe. • Anniversaries are Percy and Shirley Burke, Allan and Louise Taylor, Fred and Dianne Kirkpatrick, Duane and Judy Meeks Dave and Judy Froats. • Birthdays at SLRR are Ruby Boer, and Don Smith, who will be celebrating this week. • People should not burn their garbage in the village, as it smells very bad. I believe there is a burn ban on campfires etc, and the person has to pay the firemen for going to a fire. • The residents at SLRR were treated to some boneless fish recently, brought in by Duane Meeks. They tasted good. • On July 3, we at the residence were treated to Pub Nite, which included beer and wine. • Well, it is now July and we are still wearing masks if we go away, and we have to stay behind the caution ribbon to talk to our families. Please practice safely.
Linda Rush lindarush@yahoo.com Marily Seitz seitz@xplornet.ca
• Using using kayaks, canoes, paddle boards, 20 people joined a people powered trip around part of Canonto Lake with flags a-waving on Canada Day. • Congratulations to Dave and Jane Young, of Palmerston Lake, who have a 50th wedding anniversary on Saturday, July 11th - and Dave got married on his birthday! (we are not telling which one).
Colleen Steele 613-375-6219 Christine Teal mrsteal2u@hotmail.com 613-375-6525
• It was so nice to hear our National Anthem being played over the United Church's sound system. Hope everyone flew their flags proudly. • Looks like the strawberry fields are in abundance this year and ripe for the picking. Such a sweet treat to add to your dessert plate. Great way to spend time with your young ones. • Congratulations to Bill & Sharon MacDonald on their 50th wedding anniversary. • There's a new scam out again saying they are from the police. Be aware of these things and don't give out your very personal information. Don't you hate it when these scam callers phone and awaken you early in the morning? I guess they're trying to catch you half asleep and vulnerable. • Thinking of you to Rhoda Howes. • Please be careful around the water, with all the latest drownings, and remember: swimming can be fun, give you exercise and is a way to cool off but it does have its dangers, too. Stay safe and remember all those rules you learned when you were first taught to swim! • Congratulations to Mark Kehoe and Debbie Pond, who exchanged vows on the weekend. • Also, congratulations to Tammy Dupuis and family, on the sale of Joe & Marg's!!! I wonder what the new owners have in store for us... Time will tell!!! • Farmers have been really busy getting their hay off; hoping for a second crop. • Don't forget your masks to keep not only you safe, but others around you. Sure, it may be an inconvenience, but we all have to do our part to help flatten the curve. • "Take a moment to leave your worries behind and lose yourself in the loveliness around you." • Happy birthday to Justin Harper, Zac Teal, Sandra White, Simon Gowdy, Joe Asselstine, Bill Fox, Megen Hole, Jordan Lowery, Natasha Gray, Rose Lapointe, Courtney Meeks, Laura Clarke, Matthew McMahon. • Happy anniversary to Duane and Judy Meeks.
Perth Road Peter Bird
613-353-7303 p.bird@xplornet.ca
• Opportunity: The Wilmer Cemetery Board is looking for a new volunteer member. Must be a resident of South Frontenac Township and own internment rights to a plot in the cemetery. If interested, please call Ken Shepherd at 613-353-2470. Quick Canadian Trivia No.2
613-479-2570 613-479-2855
We Are Temporarily Closed
Law Office in Sharbot Lake Real Estate & Estates
We will be bringing food and medications once each week - call 613-354-2330 to arrange a pick-up from the clinic. In case of emergency please call 613-354-2330 14 Bosley Road (at Hwy 41) Northbrook, (613) 336-1608
Our office is now offering legal services utilizing remote consultations and document signing via cell phone audio/video and non-cash payment. We are adapting so that you can Stay Home.
• Purchase and Sale of Property • Property Transfers for: Severance - Estate - Family • Wills & Probate - Large & Small Estates • Corporate & Business Stephen G. Duggan, Hwy 7 at 38 (Southeast Corner) Box 189, Sharbot Lake ON K0H 2P0 613-279-LAWS (5297)
www.stephenduggan.ca sharbotlaw@gmail.com
Personal care for all your insurance needs
49 Gore Street East Perth, Ont. K7H 1H6 613-267-3788 help@finneganinsurance.ca
1. What North West rebel once dubbed himself “Prophet, Infallible Pontiff and Priest King”? 2. What Canadian leader was dubbed “the little guy from Shawinigan”? 3. What nickname did Thomas Chandler Haliburton coin for Nova Scotians. 4. What’s Canada’s largest airport, in area? 5. Who’s the only published poet to win a Juno for Best Vocal Performance? Canada Day Trivia Answers: 1. Spain; 2. St. Paul, Alberta; 3. 1971; 4. John Diefenbaker in 1959, Lester Pearson in 1964 and Pierre Trudeau in 1968; 5. Len Marchand, Kamloops; 6. Mount Logan in Yukon; 7. Mackenzie King; 8. 18 percent; 9. 1960; 10. Six.
PLEVNA Rhonda Watkins rhonda139@gmail.com
613-479-2447 613-264-5325
• Welcome home to LeeAnna White! Her son Andy picked her up from the hospital on July 3rd. What an ordeal!! Hopefully she will get lots of rest at home and be back fighting bears with brooms in no time!! If you hadn’t heard this story yet, let me enlighten you; a few years ago, Lee said she had a bear trying to get into her birdfeeder in her backyard and she told me that she went out with a broom to scare it away. The bear actually ran away! I guess he didn’t want to mess with Lee!! • Great News!! Polished Spa Services is back open for business and taking appointments again starting Mon July 13th! Text 905 375-4558 to book your appointment! • Have you been to North of 7 and purchased one of their GIANT Take and Bake Pizzas yet? What an amazing deal. 1.13 kgs of pure deliciousness!! You can find them in the far right freezer in the back of the store. The first time I bought one, I didn’t think it would even fit in my oven, but it does. we spread on the toppings we want and cook up and enjoy! Such a nice easy supper, when you have been working hard outside all day!! As always, the staff was all so nice and friendly!! • Did you know that you can get gas 24 hours a day/ 7 days a week at the Palmerston Lake Marina in Ompah? What a blessing!! I am sure there will be lots of people in the community appreciating this service!! I got the opportunity to meet with Mike the owner. We had a nice chat, when the kids and I stopped to stock up on snacks and drinks and drop off some of our Watkins Maple Syrup. What a nice fellow! The store is really looking good!! Sorry we missed you Chuck, it would have been nice to say hi to you too!! • If you see Sarah Watkins today, July 9th, at the Lookout Home Hardware store, don’t forget to wish her a big Happy 17th Birthday!! • I got a really nice e-mail from Shirley Grant. She lives in North York and has a cottage on Lake Mazinaw. Her Mother purchased the cottage in 1916, when she was an unmarried business girl in Toronto. I am sure you can appreciate how amazing that would have been back in the time period! Being a cat lover, Shirley purchased a beautiful unique patchwork quilt with a different cat featured
Continued on page 8
Sharbot Lake
Chiropractic & Wellness
Dr. Gian Kaillon Sharbot Lake 613.279.2100 • Northbrook 613.336.8888 www.sharbotlakechiropractic.ca
Tension Type Headaches
Tension-type headaches are one of the most common forms of headaches, yet they are not well understood. Most people describe having a band of pressure around their head that can last from 30 minutes to a week. Tension headaches can be related to muscles tightening in the back of the neck and improper alignment of the joints of the spine. One of the best ways to combat tension headaches is through lifestyle changes. Here are some helpful tips: Exercise Regularly: This can help reduce the frequency and intensity of headaches. Exercise relieves stress, relaxes your muscles and increases the levels of beta-endorphins, which are your body’s natural stress relievers. Relax Your Muscles: Muscle tension is associated with tension headaches. Applying heat or ice to sore muscles in the shoulders and the back of the neck may ease the tension. Massage is another way to relieve muscle tension. Gently massage the muscles of your head, neck, and shoulders with your fingertips. Or have someone else do the massage for you. A warm bath can also do wonders for those tight, achy and stiff muscles. Perfect Your Posture: Good posture can help keep your muscles from tensing up and reduce strain on your body. A jutting head combined with slumped shoulders can cause fatigue and tension in your neck and upper back. Record Your Headaches: Record when your headaches occur and what you were doing before they started. Try to recognize the factors that cause or aggravate your headaches. Pay attention to any changes in your usual headaches, such as frequency, duration, or intensity, or if your headaches begin to worry you.
#SafeSummerinSF - A summer photo contest
ast summer, the Township of South Frontenac held an online photo contest to help promote the township to local residents and tourists alike.
“Reports from last year show that the contest was pretty successful, said Amanda Pantrey, who started working in the recreation department this spring, as the
As more businesses and services reopen, and with social gatherings increased to 10 people, we all must continue our efforts to protect each other.
Practice physical distancing, stay two metres apart.
Wear a face covering when physical distancing is a challenge.
events and programming coordinator. “It has been an interesting time to start this kind of job, a summer where all the events have been cancelled, one by one” she said, in an interview this week. Pantry knows this from an event planner as well as a township employee perspective since she is a key organiser of the Battersea Pumpkin Festival, which was canceled for 2020 in the spring, over 4 months before its October date. “We did not want to start putting all the work into it over the spring and summer when we did not know if it would be safe to run it,” she said. “since then all the other festivals have been canceled.” Her office decided to go ahead with the photo contest, however. “It will look different this year, of course,: she said “it will be more pictures of canoeing and kayaking on our lakes, walking and cycling our trails, and less about other things, but I think it will be interesting to see the different images that people come up with.” The theme of the contest is captured in this year’s hashtag - #SafeSummerInSF – which is how the photos are to be shared and entered into the contest. The contest runs until Labour Day, September 7th, so there is plenty of time to capture the essence of what is becoming a hot, dry summer. Fittingly, the first photo posted on Twitter as part of the contest, came from Sydenham Girl, and is a simple shot of the water in a South Frontenac Lake glistening in the hot sun, embodying the relief offered by the lakes. While the photo is simple, in the context of a heat wave, it is a reminder of one of the assets in South Frontenac that is the envy of millions of people cooped up in large urban centres during a COVID-19 heat wave. “I’m really looking forward to seeing the entries,” said Pantrey, “they will embody our lifestyle in a different
July 9, 2020
way than other years because of social distancing, but they will show off the natural beauty of our township, which is one of our greatest strengths.” There is a $200 prize pack of ‘local goodies’ as a prize for the winning entry, so SF residents are encouraged to start snapping and sharing. Look to the township website, southrontenac.net, or to the twitter or facebook feeds for details. In other South Frontenac recreation news, a decision about the opening of the South Frontenac Museum in Hartington is still pending. “The museum is a township asset, but it depends on the members of the Portland District Historical Society for much of its displays and operating labour.”(who is this quote from?) They will be meeting soon to discuss whether to open, keeping social distancing and mask wearing requirements in mind.
North Frontenac Business Profile
Continue to wash hands frequently.
Get tested if you are worried you may have COVID-19, or have been exposed to the virus.
Inside or out, stay safe. Save lives. Visit ontario.ca/coronavirus Paid for by the Government of Ontario
Bishop Lake Outdoor Centre
13621 Hwy 41, Cloyne Ont. Owners: Bob and Allison Yearwood, and Helen Yearwood (Bishop) Bishop Lake Outdoor Centre Inc. provides a unit from another local business, thus expanding getaway for people seeking a break from the rigours into year-round accommodation. of daily life, with a campground of 75 seasonal sites BLOC’s longevity is attributed to local support throughout the years with the welcome influx of and a 4 unit motel open year-round. There is also a store selling a wide variety of seasonal patrons. Their location on Hwy 41 just fishing and hunting gear, apparel, footwear, MNRF south of Road 506 makes it an easily accessed licensing and a laundromat open to the public. It destination. There are 5 employees who help in the also has propane tank refilling and re-valving daily operation of the grounds and the operation certification. of the motel. The future of this business in North This family-owned and operated business started Frontenac Township is strong, as there is a waiting in 1987 with the opening of 40 campground sites. list for campsites, and the store and motel experience In 1990 propane services were added, and then in business year-round. 1994 the campground grew to 75 sites. An interesting side note is that in the late ‘90s Built on the Bishop family farm established in 1901, BLOC had a plan for senior’s housing on their site, it continued to grow with the addition of the store in but the Council of the time was not interested in 1998, which opened in its current location in 1999. pursuing the idea. In 2004 there was an opportunity to acquire a motel
July 9, 2020
Limestone Board hires one of their own as director
here are always a lot of unknowns for school boards each year, as they navigate the narrow space between Ministry of Education directives, their contractual relationship with teachers, educational assistants and support staff, and the needs and talents of the students in the schools. This year, however, there are a whole other set of unknowns. Will classes run as normal in the 2020-21 school year? Will they be virtual as they were from after spring break to the end of the school year that just ended? Or will it be a hybrid? The Limestone District School Board operates 7 elementary schools, two educational centres (kindergarten to grade 12), and one secondary school in Frontenac County and Addington Highlands. The current director of education and secretary to the board, Debra Rantz, anounced her pending retirement early in the year. On Monday night (July 6) Krishna Burra was confirmed as Rantz’s replacement by the Board’s trustees, at a spe-
Frontenac Farmer’s market up and running I
t hasn’t been quick or easy, but the Frontenac Farmer’s market opened for the season last Saturday (July 4) at a new location, on the grounds of South Frontenac Rental Centre in Harrowsmith. Erin Shannon, who makes soaps, balms and other environmentally friendly products in Yarker under the company name Erin’s Eco-adventure, has taken the role of market manager this year. “We spent quite a bit of time trying to secure our usual site for the market, the parking lot at Prince Charles’ Public School in Verona, but with the school shutdown that proved impossible. Ryan [Harriman] from South Frontenac Rentals reached out to us and offered a location we could use on Hwy. 38 just south of Harrowsmith, and we took him up on it. Once we had a location, it was not too difficult to get the market going,” she said. On their first day there were a few less vendors than last year, but Shannon said a number of others will be participating in the coming weeks. “We had a really good response from the public last Saturday, from our regular customers who were happy to see us back, and new customers as well. Among the vendors who were in attendance last week, were: Rise Farm, Mark’s Mushrooms, Brambleheights Farm, Blended Roots Farm, among others. “It is so much easier for the vendors and the public to conduct business out of doors right now, and we have all the sanitization in place, one-way shopping, etc, because of the pandemic. People do not need to wear masks when they come to the market as long as they social distance,” said Shannon. She expects the market will stay open until late October.
Kirton’s Kennels & Stables 4854 Colebrooke RD, Harrowsmith
Certified Coach
Small kennel, big care.
cial meeting. Burra was an internal candidate for the position. He was chosen after a consulting company was hired in May to look broadly for candidates and provide a list to the hiring committee of the board, who made the final decision. Burra has a long association with the board since he is a native Kingstonian, who graduated from Loyalist High School and then completed his Bachelor of Arts (Honours) and bachelor of Education degrees at Queen’s University. The only job he has ever held outside of the City of Kingston was at Sydenham High School (SHS) where he taught history, philosophy and math before entering the administrative pool as a Vice Principal, also at SHS. In 2007, he became Vice Principal at Lasalle, and in 2010 he took on his first role at the Board office on Portsmouth Avenue in Kingston. At the board, he has served as assistant to the director and supervisor of safe and caring schools before taking on his current role as superintendent of schools, program, and information technology services. During his tenure with Limestone, Mr. Burra’s portfolio has included a range of responsibilities focused on secondary curriculum, professional learning, Indigenous education, equity and inclusion, international education, outdoor education, e-learning, and supervision of the Kingston Collegiate & Vocational Institute/Kingston Secondary School family of schools. “On behalf of the trustees of the Limestone District School Board, I am pleased to welcome Mr. Burra as our new director of education,” said Limestone District School Board Chair Suzanne Ruttan in making the announcement. “Mr. Burra has always demonstrated a passion for and commitment to student achievement and well-being during his more than two decades of progressive and collaborative leadership in Limestone. We are thrilled to work with him over the coming years to promote our strategic priorities of wellness, innovation and collaboration as we continue to address the needs of every student within our district.”
“I am both honoured and excited for this new opportunity to support the students, families and staff of the Limestone District School Board,” says Mr. Burra. “I look forward to collaborating with trustees, staff, students, families, community partners, and all members of our school communities to enhance the good work already taking place in our schools across the district.” In a phone interview with the News on the day after the announcement, Superintendent Burra (he will take over as director in early August) acknowledged that the board is facing significant challenges because of COVID-19. He is familiar with the impacts of the distanced education that was in place between March 17 and the end of the school year, not only from the perspective of working remotely in his role, but also because his wife is a teacher with the board and was teaching online for three months, and from the perspective of their three children who are students at LDSB schools in Kingston. But it is a particular set of students who he feels are the most impacted by virtual learning. “I certainly feel for those families with special needs children. It has been an extremely challenging circumstance for them” he said. He will take on his new role at about the same time that the Province of Ontario is set to announce the protocols for the delivery of education starting in September. “We are preparing for different possible models now. We also know, from what happened in Melbourne, Australia this week, that we may start the year with students in the schools, and then have to switch to a remote learning model during the school year,” he said. “In August as we get ready for the school year, we will communicate what we can in a timely fashion. These are extremely disruptive times.” One of the benefits of being a local hire for the lead role in the LDSB is the “established relationships that I have in the community, having worked and lived my entire career here. I feel the weight of responsibility as the incoming director of education to move forward as best we can.”
Mazinaw Lake swim program H ello everyone, and welcome to the first of many water safety and swimming tips from the Mazinaw Lake Swim Program! We would like to thank everyone for the support while we begin our online journey, as these are “uncharted waters” for everyone. Did you know that life jackets have an expiry date? This period of time can’t be extended by careful storage or usage, so make sure to check your lifejacket to make sure it fits propery, is approved, and is still in good condition. And remember, it can’t help you if you don’t wear it! Ever notice that you’re sinking when you’re trying to
swim? Try laying on your belly, holding onto a pool noodle, boogie board, or even the side of a pool to practice bringing your lower body level with the surface. Try doing a straight leg flutter kick to engage and strengthen your core muscles! This helps level out the body so it is streamlined with the surface, therefore allowing it to float. For more water safety tips, go to the Mazinaw Lake Swim Program website at www.mazinawswim.com , or follow us on social media! @MazinawSwim Question Of The Week: What did Cinderella wear on her feet when she went swimming? Answer in thenext issue.
www.jonescbs.ca 613-268-2135 info@jonescbs.ca
Fund Raiser - Donny Fobert Let's help him "hit the ground running"
Anyone that has met Donny Fobert - knows what a great person he is. Always there to lend a hand to anyone in need... Now its our turn to help him "get a leg up". After surviving a near fatal heart attack, requiring extensive repairs to his heart, further complications required both legs to be removed below the knees. He is now on a long, promising, path to recovery. We are elated to help Donny & family & definitely need & appreciate your support!
9 Hole Golf Tournament Sat. July 25 & Sun. July 26, 2020
Hunter's Creek Golf Course, 1198 Hwy 506 Cloyne. $50 P.P. 10 A.M. & 1 P.M. Tee times Shotgun start all proceeds to Donny & family Numerous prizes to be raffled (including 2021 gold membership). Huge 50/50 draw, longest drive, putting contests, etc..... Due to current regulations - only 40 participants per time slot allowed. Pre-registration is required. Please call: 613-336-2587 to register. Non-golfers also welcome!! Several food options & beverages on-site. L.L.B.O.
50th Year
June 30th, 2020 marks the beginning of the 50th Year since the opening of the Sharbot Lake Medical Centre.
Over the next 12 months, we will be sharing reflections, reminiscences, & tales of the Sharbot Lake Medical Practice from the past 50 years. “On June 30, 1971, we were scrubbing out a 60foot-long used house trailer at the back of the hotel parking lot with plans to open the Sharbot Lake Medical Centre on July 1st. An elderly man with a mustache rode up to the door on his bicycle and said in his Ottawa Valley drawl “Is the Doc in?” So, the Sharbot Lake Medical Centre officially opened a day early, on June 30, 1971 and it was evident from that moment that rural practice was going to offer something quite different.” Dr. Peter Bell, Family Physician Sharbot Lake Medical Centre
50 years later, the Doc is still in! If you have stories or photos you would like to share, please contact us by phone at 613-279-2100 ext. 115 or by email at slmedicalcentre50@gmail.com
July 9, 2020
Happy 5th Anniversary TO US!! FIVE YEARS IN AND WE ARE CLOSER THAN EVER!! ♥ Blair & Nicky Ferguson 07/11/2015
BIRTH Birth ~ Larabee Barry & Kimm Gray are happy to announce the safe arrival of their 3rd grandchild Mary Ann Kimm Larabee born Feb. 24th 2020 weighing 6lbs 11.9 ozs. Proud parents are Jack Larabee and Natasha Gray and Big Sissy Rylan. A new neice for Fred & Tanya Hawley and a new cousin for Alex & Brandon. Proud Grandparents Jack & Sam from Lindsay, ON and Aunt Cheyanne & Uncle Ed from Woodville, ON.
Valerie Arsenault (nee Van Achte) Peacefully, with her loving husband Cam of 54 years by her side. Val passed away on Monday, June 1, 2020 at the Lennox & Addington County General Hospital. Cherished mother of Theresa (Rodney) Ducharme, Dennis (Lisa) Arsenault and Ronald (Kelly) Arsenault. Memories of “Gram” will always be treasured by her grandchildren Sara, Danielle, Lindsay, Jared, Caedon and great-grand-daughter Kylie. Val will be sadly missed by her brother John (Joyce), Remie, Donald and her sister Marie Robert. Pre-deceased by her brothers Leonard, Gerald, Ronald, Maurice and sister Alida Eggleton. Fondly remembered by her nieces, nephews, extended family and many friends. Cremation has taken place. The family will receive friends at the Milestone Funeral Center, Northbrook on Saturday, July 11, 2020 from 12-1:45pm. Royal Canadian Legion Memorial at 1:45pm. The Funeral Service will follow at 2pm. Friends desiring may contribute in her memory to a charity of your choice.
Still Frisky At Sixty!
Happy Birthday Dave! OBITUARY Kingston, Kenneth Alexander I am very sad to announce that my dearly loved husband Ken, died peacefully, after a long illness, on June 30, 2020, at Extendicare Kingston. He was the son of Reba and Alex Kingston, predeceased, of Ottawa, and the older brother of Marie, Diana, and John, all predeceased. He is survived by Nancy, his wife of 58 years, his sister-in-law Mary KIngston, sisterin-law Mary Burke, husband Jim, Mack St. Germain, husband of late sister-inlaw Margaret, and nephews Stephen King, Michael Kingston, Evan and Hugh Kingston, Stephen Burke, Scott Haddow, niece Heather Burke, their respective spouses and 9 great nephews and 3 great nieces. Ken spent his working life in Toronto, and when he and Nancy retired they moved to their cottage, and it became their home on Big Gull Lake, Ardoch, North Frontenac, where he kept in touch with family and enjoyed life for many happy years. Cremation has taken place and interment will be in Beechwood Cemetery, Ottawa at a later date.
AIRDRIE, Kathleen Mary - Passed away peacefully with her family at her side, on July 2, 2020, in her 84th year. She will be sadly missed by her children David (Kim), Theresa (Rob), daughter-in-law Nancy, grandchildren Mary (Dan), Teela (Eric), Shayne (Heather), Fraser (Rebecca), and Kieran and all other extended family and friends. Predeceased by her partner Fred Antoine, son Irvin and grandson Christopher. Kathleen was an avid gardener and nature lover throughout her life, passing that passion on to her children and grandchildren. Wherever she lived she created beautiful flower beds that were the envy of friends and neighbours who had the chance to see them. Up until recently she could be found tending to her gardens throughout the summer. For over 20 years she lived in Sharbot Lake where she enjoyed the company of her partner, Fred Antoine and friendship with many in the community. During that time she worked at the local newspaper, North Frontenac News, employing her photography and writing skills, and volunteered with the Northern Frontenac Community Services. If desired, memorial donations may be made to a Woman's Shelter in your local area.
verona Debbie Lingen
• Cancelled: Art in the Sawmill that was scheduled for August 1 and 2 has been cancelled due to Covid-19. • Verona Lions Fish Fry will be held on Sunday, July 19 from 4:30pm to 6pm at the Verona Lions Club. Advance tickets only and must be purchased before July 15 at 6pm. Tickets are available at Verona Rona Hardware, Asselstine's Hardware and Nicole's Gift Shop or online at www. veronalions.ca. Includes fish, fries, baked beans and coleslaw. • Change in venue for the Frontenac Farmers Market. The first big change this season is their location. They are now operating at the South Frontenac Rental Center's parking lot in Harrowsmith. They are set up on the grass at the south end in a straight line, with a few vendors possibly lining around the corner to form an L shape. This will allow for a one way flow of customers. They will have a hand sanitizing station set up at the entrance to the line. Customers are reminded to maintain 6 ft from each other at all times and not to touch items unless they plan to purchase them. Unfortunately, due to Covid-19, they will not have access to washrooms this season as all public washrooms are closed, including the ones inside SFRC. The market is open Saturdays from 9am to 2pm.
ARDEN Wanda Harrison 613-335-3186 wmharrison070@gmail.com
• Things are really moving along at C4 Convenience. The concrete has been poured, the building expansion has a
TERRY THAKE MONUMENTS Quality “Rock of Ages” Granite
As a result of the Corona Epidemic, l will be honouring 2019 Pricing ADDED FEATURE - Upgrade Red or Black w/2 Polished Sides to 5 Polished sides - $600.00 Value Monthly Payments - No Interest - Full Warranty Call Terry Thake 613-353-2460
I Make House Calls
Open 7 Days a Week - 24515 Hwy. 7, Sharbot Lake Ontario, inside Ram’s Esso
Trousdale Funeral home Sydenham, On 613-376-3022
• in each square at the Cloyne Craft Fair last year. It had a label saying; Handmade by Debbie Kelford Plevna and Shirley very much wanted to let Debbie know how much she appreciated the quilt and enjoyed it!! Great job Deb!! • Remember that you can’t buy Happiness, but you can buy local and that’s kind of the same thing! • Congratulationf ours who caught himself his biggest ever lake trout on Big’ll be hooked once you do.
Fresh Flowers for all Occasions • Weddings • Birthdays • Anniversaries • Newborn • Special Holidays • Boutonnieres & Corsages We deliver to Goodfellow’s Funeral Home, Parham & now to Milestone Funeral Centre, Northbrook.
Proudly serving all faiths Pre-Arranged Funeral Plans
Continued from page 5
FUNERAL SERVICES Serving the area for over 100 years.
David Goodfellow Owner/Managing Director
Parham, Ontario 613-375-6254 www.goodfellowsfuneralhome.com
Derek Maschke Northbrook Chapel Funeral Director 11928 Hwy. 41 613-336-6873 Northbrook, ON K0H 2G0 www.milestonefuneralcenter.com
roof and preparation is being made for the gas. Arden is excited. Meanwhile, the Chip Truck is having sell out results almost every day. Be patient, with this heat it’s tough on everyone. • Did anyone else see a bevy of MTO vehicles on Highway 7 on Friday? Must have been a blitz on truck drivers. • Remember that the Ontario Government has mandated free fishing for all. No fishing permits or outdoor cards are required between July 4 and July 19. Get out there with the family and fish, but make sure you know what the limits are. • The Arden Pastoral Charge continues to hold virtual Sunday services as well as Thursday’s Coffee and Conversation. Get in touch with Cheryl for more information at arden@pastoralcharge.ca for all relevant information on access. • The Learning Curve, 1029 Elm Tree Road is selling fresh picked veggies Fridays 1pm to 4pm. Check out their Facebook page or call 613-335-2073 to see what’s available.
Nancy Skipper noahsark444@bell.net • As Covid-19 has shut down the annual Cloyne Art Show and eliminated the revenue normally used to enhance the Arts programming at NAEC, art teacher, Katie Ohlke is doing a fundraiser this summer to help offset this loss. Through a Canadian company, Ohlke is offering her art on cotton face masks, with all profits going to the Art department at NAEC. It is something useful for the purchaser and the students. With twenty styles to choose from, multiple sizes and an option to add a filter, this is a great way to wear a mask and give back to the community. Scenes featured include the Mazinaw Rock, Land-OLakes locations, Algonquin Park and the Napanee area. You can order your mask online here: https://artofwhere.com/artists/ stoneridgeart • How did you and your family spend this July long weekend? There were many boats on the Mazinaw with Canadian flags. I was blessed to have family whom I had not seen since before this virus took hold of the world. We enjoyed steaks from Milligan Meats on a new BBQ from Holden’s Hearth at Home. Of course, the much needed worms for fishing were purchased from Finnegan’s General Store. All these stores are in Cloyne! Thank you to everyone for shopping local and keeping our stores open! • The Cloyne Pioneer Museum shall be opening Monday, July 13 at 10am. Come to see the beautiful new acquisitions with a local story, plus Carla Mediema's charming pen and ink drawings of buildings from our past. Bring your mask along to enjoy the new displays. • Addington Highlands Public Library now has curb-side pick-up and limited computer access starting on July 7, 2020. Masks are mandatory. The library is now allowing one patron to enter the library for computer use only. There is a time limit of 20 minutes per customer. Printing is available. Fax and photocopy services are not available at this time. Curb-side pick-up is still available for library materials. Flinton Library times are Tuesday 10:00am to 12:00pm and Thursday 1:00pm to 3:00pm. • Did you know that LARC offers interactive online Circle Times and “Playgroups” via Zoom? Mondays at 11:00am, join in for Virtual Tours with Morgan and Lydia. On Tuesdays at 11:00am, join in for an Interactive Zoom Time. On Wednesdays at 11:00 am, join in for KAHWA:TSIRE. And on Fridays, join in for EarlyOn Circle time beginning at 9:00am. LARC also offers Activity Packet Handouts with pickup on Fridays at 10:00 am at the Lions Community Hall in Northbrook and at 11:00am at NAEC in Cloyne. For more information, please contact Morgan at morganw@ larc4kids.com or check out their Facebook page.
Continued on [page 9
July 9, 2020
The Classifieds Ad Rates: Classified Text ads: $10.62 + HST per insertion for 20 words & under; 20¢ each extra word. Deadline: 4 pm Monday; Ph: 613-279-3150, Fax: 613-279-3172; info@frontenacnews.ca
Stoves, washers, dryers, freezers, dishwashers. 3 months old and up. Sold with written guarantees. Fridges $100 and up.
At the lowest prices in the area. Trade-ins accepted on new appliances. Big selection to choose from. We Sell Gas Refrigerators
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Open evenings & 7 days a week. We deliver
Open Evenings & Seven Days a Week - River Road Corbyville, Just North of Corby’s (613) 969-0287
APPLIANCE REPAIR, Call Mark, Verona Hardware, 6723 Main St., Verona. Ph. 613374-2851
KALADAR AUTO RECYCLING. Car & truck parts. Used cars, $600 & up. We take tradeins. We buy farm equipment, tractors, loaders for parts. 11520 Hwy 41; 613-336-9899; 613885-8644 KINNEY AUTO WRECKING Station Road, Kaladar. 4x4 trucks & parts for sale. Scrap cars, stoves, fridges wanted. 613-336-9272.
TONI & JP’S FLEA MARKET, 6107 Hwy 506 & Ardoch RD. Drop in, stay safe. 613-479-0341
CENTRAL BOILER Classic OUTDOOR FURNACES can eliminate your high heating bill. Buy NOW and save up to $550! Call today 613-539-9073. www.thefurnacebroker.com CENTRAL BOILER OUTDOOR FURNACES offer the Classic, the Maxim and the New Edge. Your local Dealer, Wood Heat Solutions, Frankford, ON, 613-398-1611; Bancroft, ON 613-332-1613. www.chesher.ca
Township of Central Frontenac PUBLIC MEETING NOTICE TAKE NOTICE that the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Central Frontenac proposes to enact a By-Law to stop up, close and convey a portion of road allowance as set out and described below: Part of Oak Avenue, Plan 1113 lying north of the road allowance between Lots 15 & 16, s/t mineral rights as in FR100210, geo. Township of Olden, Central Frontenac, being part of PIN 36225-0419; (1086A Summit Road -Harris) This proposed closing is to come before the said Council for consideration at its regular meeting to be held virtually via Web-ex on Tuesday the 14th of July, 2020 at the hour of 4:00 pm and at that time, the Council will hear any person who claims that his or her land will be prejudicially affected and who applies to be heard either in person or by his or her Counsel, Solicitor or Agent. Anyone wishing to speak at this meeting can do so via computer or by telephone. Pre-registration is required so meeting information can be sent to you. A map showing the location of the road allowance is available on our website under “News”. For further information, you may contact the undersigned at (613) 279-2935 x 237 or cdeachman@centralfrontenac.com. Dated this 26th day of June, 2020 Cindy Deachman, Deputy Clerk Township of Central Frontenac 1084 Elizabeth St, P.0. Box 89 Sharbot Lake, Ontario K0H 2P0
SHIPPING CONTAINERS: Seacans Storage Containers, 7ft 10ft 20ft 40ft 45ft Steel garden sheds call 613-354-8744 or online http:// IngeniousStorage.com
EXPERIENCED CLEANERS WANTED to clean rental cottages at Kirk Kove Cottages & Marina located in Arden. Dates are every Saturday through to September 5th from 9:00AM -2:00PM, additional shifts may be available mid-week and through the Fall. If interested, please contact Julie at: 613-3362200 or stay@kirkkove.com. Willing worker wanted to help with gardening & yard work 5-10 hours/week. Elm Tree Area - phone 705-835-3480
JUNK REMOVAL, etc. 10 and 18 cubic yard box rentals, You load, we load. Lawn cutting and tree cutting. 613-336-0708, 613-305-3775, synwin02@gmail.com
SERVICES Drywall Service Boarding, Taping, Painting & Texture Spray
Digging Up (Family) Roots by Wilma Kenny amily history is a complicated topic. People can spend years tracing their ancestors, poring over photocopies of old documents, snooping through graveyards when the light is right to read the faint names on old stones. Some may dream of finding connections to famous people. Others want nothing at all to do with the past. My interest in family history has been pretty haphazard; I loved the brief anecdotes, puzzled over brownish photos, refused to cut my wedding cake with the family sword, was amused that both grandmothers showed no hesitation at chopping offending limbs off the family tree here and there, if too many questions were asked. I’ve finally sent away for a DNA testing kit, still not convinced that there will be much accuracy in the results, wondering whether I should get another kit for the neighbours’ dog (who already has a pretty impressive family tree in her registration papers), just for comparison. Yesterday a friend out west who is a serious researcher sent me the following connection via Genealogy à la carte, to a website (Family Tree Webinars) that, for two weekends, will be opening up a series of workshops to the general public.
Just those two weekends; probably a sort of subscription drive hoping to entice new members. I’m not endorsing it personally; I’m just curious. So if you’re looking for something to do, it might be worth a try. No promises, but I know what I’m going to check out this coming Saturday… Foundations in DNA (July 10-12) : Genealogy and DNA, DNA Overview, YDNA, Mitochondrial DNA, and Autosomal DNA Getting Started in Family History (July 24-26): Home Sources, Forms, Family Stories, Documents, Vital Records, Census Records, Cemetery & Church Records, Online Research: Finding Family on the Internet, Researching on Location: It's Not All Online, Research Plans and Logs, Staying Organized - Your Secret Weapon, Avoiding Mistakes: Common Stumbling Blocks How to access Visit www.familytreewebinars.com/beginners beginning both July 10 and July 24. “The scheduled classes will be unlocked and free to the public each weekend. It appears registration won't be required and that we can join in at any time during that weekend.”
(Free Estimates)
Ardoch Ontario 613-479-8005 PHOTOCOPY SERVICES available at The Frontenac News, 1095 Garrett St., rear building, Sharbot Lake. Competitive prices! 8½” x 11” Black & White 25¢ ea; Colour copies 60¢ ea. 613-279-3150. ROOFING, SHINGLES – STEEL, 30 years experience, serving Elphin, Snow Road, Sharbot Lake & area. Contact Todd Gursby for estimates, 613-278-1300 WEDDINGS ETC: Ceremonies by Judie Diamond, licenced officiant. judiediamond@ gmail.com, www.judiediamond.ca, 613-3756772.
B’S RADICAL RIDES Towing & Recovery. James Mills owner/operator. 613-335-5050; website: bsradicalrides.ca
STANDING TIMBER, firewood, pine, cedar, bush lots. Free quotes, cash paid. Call 613-279-2154.
Mega Yard Sale
July 17, 18, 19, 9am-4pm 1142 Overton Road (off Buckshot Lake Road)
New, Used & Antiques
(sheds, furniture, ATV trailers, electronics, jewellery, bedding, art, plus much more) Cash or E-transfer
Virtual Basketry Exhibit inspired by COVID-19 by Ankaret Dean he Lanark Highlands Basketry Museum invites you to visit the new virtual exhibition, titled ‘Invasive Plant Basketry Exhibition inspired by COVID-19.’ The museum curator, Ankaret Dean, had planned a special event to celebrate the Lanark 200th anniversary this year. She hopes that this can take place next year but in the meantime, she has created a video so that people can visit virtually. She was inspired by COVID-19 to focus on invasive plants. Five local invasive plants -- phragmites,
Continued fropm page 8 • Pine Meadow Nursing Home is currently free from COVID-19, thanks to the outstanding work and dedication of all staff. To keep it free from this nasty virus only outdoor visits are permitted at this time in the designated outdoor visiting area. Before visiting you must have had a negative COVID-19 test within the last two weeks and answer a series of screening questions. Please feel free to contact Amanda Miles at 613-336-9120 ext. 226 for any visiting questions and to book a visit. • Connections Adult Learning is looking
Lakelands Family Health Team is seeking a summer student to fill the following position in Northbrook
Office Assistant Public Notice The Township of North Frontenac would like to inform Residents that a new Yard Standards By-law was passed on June 19, 2020. The new Yard Standards By-law can be found on the Township Website at https://www.northfrontenac.com or a copy can be obtained by contacting the undersigned. Tara Mieske Clerk/Planning Manager Township of North Frontenac 6648 Road 506 Plevna, ON K0H 2M0 Tel: (613) 479-2231 or 1-800-234-3953 Email: clerkplanning@northfrontenac.ca
For more information or to submit a resumé, please e-mail info@lakelandsfht.ca. Closing date: July 15, 2020. Only those chosen for an interview will be contacted.
Online Directory Contact the Frontenac News about a business listing on the Frontenac-Live.ca directory.
cattails, grapevine, brambles and Virginia creeper -- have been used to make various items such as baskets and chair seating using different basketry techniques. The video invites you into the museum for a short tour, and then takes you , up to the loft to see the exhibition. Here you will be introduced to the various exhibits, an explanation of the plant material and the different techniques used for each piece. A second virtual exhibition is planned for the later part of the summer. Go to: https://www.lanarkhighlandsbasketrymuseum.ca. Also available on youtube.
for suggestions for new online courses to develop. Suggestions could include, but on limited to programs for training for business owners and their staff, training to improve skills for work, digital skills training , and general interest courses. Add your suggestions on their Facebook page or call 613-336-0691 or email northbrook@ ncalc.ca.
DENBIGH Angela Bright
613-333-1901 bright.a@gmail.com
• Free family fishing is happening in Ontario right now, through to July 19th. Visit ontario.ca and click on the Travel & Recreation heading where you can find all the details. • The Denbigh Library is now offering limited computer use. Masks are mandatory and one patron at a time is allowed in for 20 minutes of computer time; printing is available (fax and photocopy are NOT available). For more info, see the AH library Facebook page or contact the library at 613 333 1426. Don't forget: curbside pick up is available for those looking to loan books. • The next day the Denbigh Food Bank will be open is Tuesday, July 21st. Please contact Gail ahead of time at 613 333 2224. The food will be packed and ready to go by 11am. You are asked to wait in your car and take turns picking up your food. Thank you for your cooperation in this, as we work to continue to make the food bank available.
July 9, 2020
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Addington Highlands does well for 2019 in annual audit by Craig Bakay A
ddington Highlands is in pretty good shape financially, Adam Young of Secker, Ross & Perry told Addington Highlands Council during its regular online meeting Tuesday during its annual audit review. “Cash and short-term investments are up, as is the accumulated surplus, reserves and tangible assets and total assets are up a little bit through last year,” he said. “Municipal debt has dropped and costs for the closure of the Kaladar waste site have dropped by $600,000.” In fact the only financial metric that isn’t in the greatest of shape is taxes receivable, which is slightly over $1 million and growing. “This is towards the upper end of municipalities in Ontario,” he said. “But the regular items of the Township are moving through rather smoothly.” Taxes receivable have been taking a bit of a hit through 2020 as well, as the Township opted not to charge interest for overdue taxes through the first three months of the Covid-19 epidemic. Dep. Reeve Tony Fritsch picked up on the epidemic asking if Young had any advice for rural municipalities during these times, noting “it’s not like we have a transportation system facing reduced ridership or anything like that.” “One thing I’m seeing is an increase in community programs asking for assistance with wages and rent,” Young said. “But you have a fairly strong balance sheet and your debt is manageable. “I’m looking at cash flow for you especially in terms of property taxes as a lot of your ratepayers are in different situations.” He suggested the Township might want to look at some capital projects to see if there’s flexibility there. “Some contractors have had contracts cancelled (and) there could be opportunities to get work done at a good price,” he said. Young said in a way they were fortunate to get most of the audit done before the Covid crisis hit. “We started back in the fall and worked into March,” he said. “Had we started later, it could have been quite different in terms of physical distancing.” But overall, he said, things are in good shape. “There weren’t any unusual transactions — if there were, you would have heard about it before this — and no
Reader Supported News
We are committed to delivering community news free of charge, each week through Canada Post. In this way, we ensure 12,500 households receive a copy of the Frontenac News each week. We do not have a paywall on either of our two websites, Frontenacnews.ca (which we load with the stories from the paper and update throughout the week as well) and Frontenac-live.ca (where comprehensive event listings and a complete business directory are located). We remain committed to providing information for free thanks to the revenue generated by our advertisers. However, mailing and websites incur costs. Therefore we are asking for support from those of our readers who can afford it. Delivery of The Frontenac News each week costs $30.00 per year to each home, if a small portion of our readers are able to pay $30, $50 or $100, it would be a big help to us. We have enlisted online help for this by registering with Patreon.com, which is a service that was set up for makers of cultural products based on small, monthly payments (USD), or we can accept payment at our office by credit card, Interac, email payments, cheque or cash. For your support, we are offering a thank you in the form of a free 20 word classified ad for any contribution over $12 To become a patron contact
The Frontenac News, PO Box 229, 1095 Garrett St. Sharbot Lake ON K0H 2P0 613-279-3150 info@frontenacnews.ca www.frontenacnews.ca
accounting areas or disagreements.” Sidewalk removal At the request of a resident, Council approved the removal of a sidewalk at 3533 Flinton Road. Roads and waste management supervisor Brett Reavie told Council the sidewalk is higher than the resident’s driveway, which results in his garage experiencing some flooding. “Removal in just that one area would be a lot cheaper than replacement,” he said. “And I don’t think there has been any sidewalk maintenance since I’ve been here.” “No, or winter maintenance either,” agreed Reeve Henry Hogg. “It’s not just in Flinton, there are some sidewalks in Cloyne (in need of repair).” “I’m torn,” said Coun. Helen Yanch, who voted against the measure. “The sidewalks have been there for years and years but we haven’t been looking after them very well.” Cannabis nuisance Council discussed several options for the control of cannabis grow-operations, including a nuisance bylaw and amendments to the Zoning Bylaw to address citizen concerns and complaints. Many of the measures deal with setbacks and efforts to control odors but Dep. Clerk/Planning secretary Patricia Gray said “it wouldn’t be legal to impose conditions that would amount to prohibitions.” The measures wouldn’t apply to the four-plant recreational-use rule. Office construction Work is going well on the new municipal office additions in Flinton, CAO Christine Reed told Council but there is one wrinkle that’s been causing her concern. “We’re about 57 per cent through our project the water tank for firefighting, which was originally supposed to be underground, is now a mound of dirt,” she said. “That will
make an enticing jump for snowmobiles and four-wheelers.” Council agreed to call for tenders to provide fencing and landscaping around the tank. “Take an eyesore and make it an asset,” said Coun. David Miles. Ditching On the advice of Roads and waste manager Brett Reavie, Council decided to add an additional cross culvert on Clark Line Road to properly drain the east ditch. This cross ditch would drain into an existing farmer’s ditch. “To be proactive, I discussed it with him and came to an agreement that we would wait construction until crops were removed and that we would need to clean out the existing ditch to handle increased flow,” Reavie said. “I can see emails flying about the Township doing ditching on private property,” said Reeve Henry Hogg. “I disagree, Henry,” said Dep. Reeve Tony Fritsch. “Somebody will be getting a phone call. “But it’s done for all the right reasons.” Cuddy perturbed Fire Chief Casey Cuddy was noticeably perturbed about an outage of Bell 911 and long-distance services which also took out internet on June 15. “Emergency services were never notified,” Cuddy said. “It affected all 333, 336 and 479 exchanges. “At 9:30 p.m., I communicated with the Provincial Emergency Operations Centre and they were unaware of any outage. “We’ve been telling people for years to call 911 in an emergency and now this happens.” Council passed a resolution to petition the CRTC and both the federal and provincial governments to require Bell Canada to develop and adopt an emergency plan to notify local emergency services affected by a 911 outage.
What’s Up in the Night Sky? – July 2020 by Fred barrett hat a month for planets! Wild banded Jupiter and ringed Saturn are up all night by mid month as they move from the southeast through to the southwest. After the beauty of Saturn’s rings, it’s hard to beat observing Jupiter’s four most prominent moons as they shift and dance in their orbits as the month passes. Mars rises in the east by midnight and moves to the south by dawn. In the early hours Venus is bright in the east and you can follow its changing phases as the month passes. Mercury shows up late in July during the predawn hours low in the northeast. After midnight, Neptune should be a findable binocular view as the constellation Aquarius rises in the eastern horizon about midnight. Look carefully in the north western quadrant of Aquarius. Uranus rises 2 hours before dawn in early July but you’ll need a star chart to find it. It’s nestled between the bright star Hamal in Aries and Menkar , the brightest star in Cetus. A telescope and some experience is necessary for this search – a fun challenge! There are a few minor meteor showers in July but with a full Moon on July 5th, the early days of the month are not good for meteor watching. Later on, the Southern Delta Aquarids start making an appearance by the 12th and can be followed through to August 23rd. It peaks July 29th with about 20 meteors per hour. Once again a waxing Brightening Moon interferes with observing. But, what the hack, you can’t go wrong with a beautiful summer night, out in the fresh air, looking at our spectacular dark sky. Don’t forget that our Milky Way galaxy stretches south to north during summer and all through it and on both sides, there are jewels to discover. Constellations, star clusters, galaxies and most are viewable by eye and binoculars. Since the Moon is playing with us this month, going from Full to new, then waxing towards Full again, we should take advantage of that and get our binoculars out tour the details on its surface. There are craters and mountains and valleys and plains. The best time to observe is when the Moon is at its waxing or waning quarter. That’s the best time for shadows. Take a look at the terminator, the
boundary between the light and dark sides. Mountain and crater shadows bring out much more contrast and detail. Here’s an interesting question: if the Earth is farther from the Sun in the summer than it is in the winter, why are we hotter? Well, as the Earth orbits the Sun, it does so with a 23 degree tilt. It was tipped over by a massive collision in its early days with an object the size of Mars. We have the offspring Moon as a result of this lover’s quarrel. During the summer, the northern hemisphere is tilted towards the Sun and receives more light and heat than in the winter when it is tilted away. Interesting, eh? July events July 10: Neptune can be found 4 degrees north of the Moon at 3 am EDT. This is for those of you who might want a crack at finding Neptune. Also, Venus is at its maximum brightness at 4 am EDT. July 12: Venus passes 1 degree north of the bright star Aldebaran, the eye of the bull in Taurus. The Moon is at apogee (farthest) – 401,850 Kms. The Moon enters its last quarter. July 14: Jupiter is at opposition – closest to Earth. Venus is 3 degrees south of the Moon at 3 am EDT. July 20: New Moon. Saturn is at opposition. July 25: The Moon is at perigee (closest) – 366,222 Kms. July 27: First quarter Moon July 29: Southern Delta Aquarid meteor shower peaks. It’s a great month for looking up! “The Beginner’s Observing Guide by Leo Enright is an invaluable companion for adventures in the sky. It also contains useful star charts. It can be ordered from the Royal Astronomical Society of Canada at www.rasc.ca/ publications. A subscription to our very own excellent Canadian astronomy magazine “SkyNews” can be arranged at the RASC website as well. Let me know how your observing has gone this month, especially anything unusual. I enjoy the feedback. If you have any questions or suggestions you can contact me through this paper or email me at fred.barrett2@sympatico.ca . Clear Skies! Fred.
July 9, 2020
Brooke Henderson’s donation kickstarts local SuperWalk Campaign F or both Brooke Henderson and Bob Arnold it was a happy morning. Brooke, because she could show her support for her Great Uncle Bob and Bob because her gift of $5000 sends a message that any family can be touched by Parkinson’s Disease. Brooke, nine-time LPGA Winner by the age of 22, brings the heart of a champion to her family and community. She set aside time in her busy schedule to present a cheque to Bob and Lou McCann, who also has Parkinson’s. “I am excited to be able to show my support for my Great Uncle Bob and others with Parkinson’s who live in this area,” said Brooke. “I hope that my donation helps to increase awareness of this disease and encourages others to contribute to the Lanark North Leeds SuperWalk. COVID or not, funds are still needed to support the services people need.” Lou, a member of this year’s SuperWalk Organizing Committee and avid golfer was thrilled to be present
for the cheque presentation. “I was honoured to accept this donation on behalf of Parkinson Canada. It is a tremendous start to our local 2020 campaign.” Bob Arnold’s story is no different than many; it took 5 years for Bob to get the help he needed. Although early diagnosis is critical for someone with Parkinson’s, many factors contribute to a delay in dealing with the symptoms; many of which are not recognized, even by health professionals. The 4th Annual Parkinson Canada SuperWalk Lanark North Leeds, scheduled to take place on Saturday, September 12th, will look different this year because of COVID-19. Gatherings will take place at selected Town Halls (dependent upon provincial guidelines). Please check the website for details. To register, make a donation or to get further information contact Alan Muir at 1 (800) 565-3000 ext. 3427 or visit donate.parkinson.ca/lanark
LEVEL ONE FIRE BAN IN EFFECT Please be advised that the Level One Burning ban remains in effect. (in place as of June 19, 2020) across the Township of South Frontenac. A Level One fire ban means open air burning including fireworks is prohibited but does allow for campfire or cooking fires. SFFR will be ramping up its enforcement in order to reduce the effects of illegal burning. The increased enforcement will include levying fees for emergency dispatch to illegal fires. Fees are outlined in the Township’s Burning By-law No. 2012-68 and range from $75 for a basic response and investigation of a complaint, to $410 per vehicle plus firefighter wages for larger responses
SWIM AND DAY CAMP PROGRAMS - CANCELLATION The Township of South Frontenac has made the difficult decision to cancel Swim and Day Camp programs for the 2020 season due to concerns surrounding COVID-19. The cancellation comes after careful consideration from the Township’s Emergency Control Group (ECG) regarding the safety of South Frontenac residents and staff. Following the lead of the provincial government’s recent announcement to cancel the remainder of the school year, the ECG determined the risks of offering the summer programs are too high. For more information, see the news section on our website.
FINAL TAX NOTICES Reminder – Final Tax Notices to Be Issued in August The mailing of the Final tax bill has been deferred from the beginning of June to the beginning of August 2020, with installment due dates for the final tax bill moved to August 31st, 2020 & October 30th, 2020.
BATTERSEA PUMPKIN FESTIVAL CANCELLATION Given the uncertainty surrounding coronavirus and the Province extending the state of emergency, the Battersea Pumpkin Festival Committee have had to make the difficult decision to not proceed with Battersea Pumpkin Festival in 2020.
EXCESS CARDBOARD & STYROFOAM We realize that due to the increase in on-line ordering, there is much more cardboard being accumulated than normal. Please REMEMBER that any cardboard or packing styrofoam put out for recycle collection must be cut, flattened and tied into bundles no more than 3’ X 2’ X 8” in size. Remove all staples and tape and put out no more than Three (3) bundles per pickup. Any more than Three (3) bundles or loose cardboard /Styrofoam may be left. If you have a stockpile of cardboard, it will be accepted free of charge at either the Portland or Loughborough WDS when open. Alternatively, excess cardboard may be taken to Kingston Area Recycling, 196 Lappans Lane, at no cost to South Frontenac residents.
News & Public Notices MUNICIPAL OFFICES OPEN TO THE PUBLIC – MASKS REQUIRED The Township of South Frontenac has reopened its offices effective June 22nd, 2020, however due to Order from the KFLA Public Health Medical Officer of Health dated June 27, 2020, all members of the public (and staff) are required to wear a mask while visiting our office. Please see our website under News and Public Notices for the Public Service Announcement that provides greater detail on what you can anticipate new protocols.
WASTE FACILITIES The Township reopened the following landfill sites to the public on May 4, 2020.. We ask that residents continue to follow Public Health recommendations and use the landfill for critical or essential drop-offs only. For the sake of our frontline staff, please remain at home if you are sick or should be in self-isolation. • The Portland waste disposal site located at 6085 Road 38 in Verona is now open every Saturday and Wednesday from 8:30 am to 4:30 pm (with the exception of holidays). This site accepts cash and debit, however, debit transactions are encouraged at this time. This site also accepts brush free of charge. • The Loughborough waste disposal site located at 1818 Norway Rd in Perth Road is now open every Saturday and Monday from 8:30 am to 4:30 pm (with the exception of holidays). This site accepts cash only. • Green Bay; Salem & Bradshaw Landfills remain closed for the time being. • The Household Hazardous waste depot located at 2491 Keeley Rd in Sydenham is now open every Thursday from 3:00 pm to 8:00 pm.
STATE OF EMERGENCY DECLARATION: COVID-19 INFECTIOUS DISEASE During this difficult time, the Township is asking everyone in our community to take physical distancing seriously, especially around vulnerable populations and to stay at home to reduce the likelihood of further transmission. This includes: • self-isolation, • maintaining at least 2 metre distance from others, • avoiding all unnecessary travel, washing your hands often, • regularly disinfecting high touch zones in shared spaces in your home. By acting decisively as a community, we can ensure the safety and well-being of our residents is maintained.
PLANNING APPLICATIONS For Planning applications - the Township will be utilizing Zoom technology to conduct virtual/electronic public meetings that meet requirements under the Planning Act. Updates about the timing of Committee of Adjustment meetings and how to register to attend electronically will be available on our website: https://www.southfrontenac.net/en/open-forbusiness/virtual-committee-of-adjustment-meetings.aspx PLANNING INQUIRIES We encourage inquiries to be submitted using email (planning@southfrontenac.net) or via our intake forms on our website at www.southfrontenac.net under Open for Business/Planning & Development. Prior to submitting a planning application, applicants are required to have a pre-consultation appointment with the planning staff. A pre-consultation meeting can be booked by calling extension 2224. Booking a pre-consultation appointment helps us evaluate your application and provides you with important information about the process. Preconsultation meetings will occur by phone or via zoom, and will not be held in person at this time.
TOWN HALL UPCOMING MEETINGS • Committee of Adjustment – July 9, 2020 at 7:00 pm – Electronic Participation • Council Meeting – July 14, 2020 at 7:00 pm – Electronic Participation NEW – Electronic Participation For those who wish to participate electronically and to address an agenda item (related to a planning matter based on the statutory public meeting requirements) on a Council agenda or Committee of Adjustment agenda, please see our website – Featured Items and/or Calendar for the link to pre-register. Registration will close at noon on the day of each meeting.
Follow us on Facebook – @SouthFrontenacTwp Follow us on Twitter - @SthFrontenacTwp
LAKE ECOSYSTEM ADVISORY COMMITTEE The Township of South Frontenac is now recruiting for committee members for the newly created Lake Ecosystem Advisory Committee. See the Terms of Reference on the website under News & Public Notices. Deadline for applications is Thursday, July 16, 2020.
CONTINUED MEASURES – REOPENING – STAGE TWO With the recent announcement from the Province that the Kingston Frontenac/Lennox and Addington Public Health region was permitted to enter Stage 2 of reopening effective June 12, 2020, the Township’s Emergency Control Group (ECG) has been working to establish a practical local response. Updates and changes in service delivery for South Frontenac related to our region’s Stage 2 Reopening will include the following: • Starting June 13th, The Point Park washroom facilities are opened at 8:30 a.m. and closed at 7:30 p.m. daily. All other locations will have portable toilets. • The use of public beaches is permitted. Docks will not be installed at this time to in order to promote physical distancing. • The South Frontenac Museum is also permitted to re-open. The Township and the Museum Executive Board are currently working out logistics for a reopening plan that will offer both a safe and enriching experience for visitors. More details for the Museum reopening will be announced soon. • Users of these facilities must adhere to the provincially mandated maximum of 10-person group size, physically distance themselves by two meters, and wear a mask in situations where physical distancing is challenging. • Play structures will remain closed. • Due to the limitations and restrictions on activities permitted to occur at community facilities, the Township’s community centres and halls will remain closed at this time. Summer time in South Frontenac is often a highlight for members of the community, and it is clear that this summer is going to look different given the cancelation of large scale events and programs. However, with the easing of some restrictions announced, the Township is confident in its ability to reopen certain amenities in a safe manner.
Keep Our Township Clean. Make Sure Your Garbage Gets Put In Its Place Whether you are a cottage owner, a renter or day tripper, please become familiar with collection dates and locations, as well as our recycle streams. Visit our website or contact Solid Waste Management at 613-376-3027 Ext 4330.
4432 George Street, Box 100, Sydenham ON K0H 2T0 1-800-559-5862 Office Hours: Monday to Friday 8:00 am to 4:30 pm • www.southfrontenac.net
July 9, 2020
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Hook’s Building Centre Shop online from our website hooksbc.com, email thook@hooksbc.com or order by phone (613) 336-8416. Watch Instagram and Facebook for updates and hours of operation. Delivery or Curbside pick available. Keep up the good work self isolating and we will get through this.
Cloyne landmark store remains in good hands
by Jeff Green
will be up in the front of the store later this summer. In June, they brought in bedding plants for gardeners. Birch Babes soaps and local art are featured in the store, all part of a local focus . When there was a COVID-19 outbreak in Kingston in late June, Stephanie posted on the Finnegan’s Store Facebook site that they were going to up their safety measures, and they have welcomed the mandatory mask rules that came in last week. “Our customers have really responded well to the masks. Everybody wants to
stay safe,” she said. This is the first time that Stephanie and Michael have owned a business, and that is one of the things they like most about it. “We love it. It was the best decision we ever made, we both have always worked for other people, so working for ourselves is what we wanted. And to do it in a town where I sort of grew up, it feels like it was meant to be. My favourite thing about being a nurse was the interaction with patients, and I get that here with customers.”
ohn Grand ran a general store in Cloyne,, Grand’s Store, for 34 years. He had been looking for a buyer for a few years, leading many in the community to worry that someone who is not quite committed to the local community might buy it, or worse, that a buyer would never surface and John would eventually have to close it down entirely. Two months after the official re-opening of the store by new owners Stephanie and Michael, those worries have proven unfounded. Instead the store, which is now called Finnegan’s, continues to serve Greco Food, has a supply of vegetables and fruits, a revamped coffee counter, fresh baked goods, benefiting the Land O’Lakes Rescue Petting Farm on Road 50, Reid’s ice cream, and more. Stephanie Regent, whose grandfather's last name was Finnegan, has family roots in the area. It started with a family cottage on Little Marble Lake that was built 61 years ago. “As a kid, I used to go to Grand’s store when I was up at the cottage in the summers,” she said in an interview this week at the store. Her parents eventually moved to their own cottage on the lake, a couple of lots over from the original cottage, which also remains in the family. A few years ago, her parents moved to Trenton, leaving the cottage empty. Last summer, Stephanie, who is a registered nurse, and Michael, who is ex military, came up to the lake, from their home in Toronto, to clean up the cottage so her parents could come up this summer.
One thing led to another, and they ended up talking to John Grand about potentially buying the store and moving to the lake on a full-time basis. “We were ready to do this, to make this change, and we took the plunge,” she said. Although they made their deal with John Grand back in November, he continued to run the store until April, when they took over. The fact that the COVID-19 lockdown was in full swing at the time, actually worked in their favour. “We closed the store for two weeks in April when we took over, and since the students weren’t in school [the store is located very close to North Addington Education Centre] and people were hunkered down, it was a good time for us to clean some things up and freshen up the look of the store. We opened up in early May and have been getting busier ever since. And we are really busy now that summer is in full swing and Bon Echo Park is filling up with campers,” she said. One of the decisions that Stephanie and Michael made was to carry on the Grand name in the store. The general store has always been a family operation, for over 100 years, with different owners, but I believe John Grand had it for the longest, so we put up a sign for Grand’s Ice Cream Shoppe at our ice cream station. I’m from Belleville so we are really happy to have Reid’s Dairy supplying us as well.” A new Finnegan’s sign is on order and
Online Directory
a face covering.
when you are sick.
2 metres apart.
frequent hand hygiene.
Do you want everyone who needs anything in Frontenac County to be able to find you easily on the web through PC, tablet or mobile devices? Send your business name, full address, phone number, email address and website to info@frontenacnews.ca with “business directory” in the subject line and you will be included in the Frontenac-Live.ca directory and the Frontenac County directory. Enhanced listings at Frontenac-Live.ca available at a cost $60 per year.