April 15, 2021 Vol. 21, No. 15
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94% of KFL&A 'Over 80s' Now Vaccinated Vaccination rollout to slow down in KFL&A over the next month, Moore indicates
by Jeff Green
ate last week, 89% of the oldest and most vulnerable residents of Kingston Frontenac Lennox and Addington (KFL&A) had received at least one dose of vaccine, and Dr. Kieran Moore of Public Health said that the program for that cohort was not hitting any kind of wall because of vaccination hesitancy.
“Not in the least,” he said on Friday afternoon (April 9), “in fact we have bookings that will bring that number up to 96%, which is brilliant. There has been a very strong acceptance of the efficacy and safety of vaccines from our seniors, and we see that extending to the rest of our population.” By Monday (April 12), the number in the vaccination dashboard, on the KFLA Public Health site, was updated to 94%. And ten per cent of the over 80 population are fully vaccinated with two doses. 64% of people who are between 75 and 79 have received one dose of vaccine so far. For those in the 70-74 age range, the rate is 48%, and 41% of 65-69 years olds have had their first dose as the rollout for that age range only began at the beginning of April. The pharmacy based pilot project, with the Astrazeneca vaccine, has had a major impact for KFL&A residents between 60 and 64. Almost two thirds (66%) of that cohort have received a dose of vaccine.
The daily vaccination chart, on the dashboard, shows a pronounced bump during the three week period in March when the pharmacy pilot project took place. The pilot brought over 20,000 doses of vaccine to over 40 pharmacies in the region. During the first 8 day days of the pilot, over 2,000 people were vaccinated each day. Many of those people were from outside KFL&A, however. These lofty vaccination numbers have not been seen since mid-March in KFL&A, but they demonstrate how much vaccination capacity there is in the region, if pharmacies, primary care, hospitals and public health all had ready supplies of vaccine available. But that availability will be limited, at least in the short term. Last Friday, Dr. Moore said that a secure supply of not less than 1250 doses per week of Pfizer and Moderna would be arriving for the month of April in the region, 5000 for the month. By comparison, on the busiest day of the pharmacy pilot, 3723 people were vaccinated in a single day at mass clinics and pharmacies in the region. “I don't see any likelihood of extra doses coming our way this month,” Moore said. He said that the provincial system holds back 10% of doses to allocate where needed, and that will be in the Toronto and Peel regions in the coming weeks. At least partly as a result of the pharmacy pilot, as of Monday (April 12), KFL&A had an 8.7% higher vaccination rate than the Province of Ontario, as a whole (30.5% in KFL&A as compared 21.8% in Ontario). Since eligibility is provincially controlled, and through the provincial booking system any eligible resident can book immunization
New Brand, Logo For South Frontenac
by Jeff Green
ne of the first things that South Frontenac Township Chief Administrative Officer, Neil Carbone, talked about, when he took on his new role, was the need for new branding in the township. “The practise of branding, itself, is not just about a logo. Your brand is who you are. The act of branding a place is not about creating something new, it is about making sure that everybody sees themselves in the community,” he said, in an interview with the Frontenac News in January of 2020. While there have been a lot of unexpected disruptions in the township since early last year, the branding development process has been proceeding. A resident steering group was struck, and
a community survey was released, asking residents to share their thoughts on what South Frontenac means to its residents, in order to get a sense of how the community saw itself. The Township received nearly 400 responses to the survey. 1dea Design + Media Inc is the company that was hired to work through the process and come up with a suitable design for the logo and the brand. The feedback that they worked with, gave them a set of parameters to work with. Their intention was to produce a brand logo that would appear strong alongside the Frontenac County brand, and would emphasise “South” in order to differentiate the
Continued on page 3
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at any location in the province, the gap between KFL&A and the Province is sure to shrink. Also on Monday, during a Youtube video describing the vaccination progress in our region, Dr. Moore indicated, by omission, that he does not expect the supply of vac-
cine will ramp up in the month of May. “Our community is responding to the first doses availability, and it will only get better as we get more vaccine in June, July and August as we further protect the vast majority of our community” he said at the conclusion of the video. ■
Addingtion Highlands Mulls Denbigh Waste Site Closure By Craig Bakay losure of the Denbigh waste disposal site is pretty much a forgone conclusion but just how to go about that, and how to pay for it, was the subject of a special Addington Highlands Council meeting held April 6 before the regular Council meeting.
“We’re having this meeting to understand the best options available,” said Dep. Reeve Tony Fritsch. “Hopefully, we all want the lowest closure costs. Roads and Waste Supervisor Brett Reavie told Council that an engineer’s estimate to close the site was $1.4 million. Closing the Kaladar site cost $800,000. That prompted Coun. Kirby Thompson to ask why the difference. “Part of it would be location,” said Reavie. “The Kaladar contractor had a supply of clay that was relatively close to our waste site. “(But) you’re always going to pay a premium in a remote location.”
“Denbigh is quite a bit smaller than Kaladar,” Thompson said. “Could we move some stuff to another site?” “We’d still have to put in some kind of liner and ground cover,” said Reavie. “It’s still contaminated.” Deirdre Johnson, of Johnson Environmental Geosciences, also wasn’t keen to the idea of moving stuff from the site. “There’s probably a couple of cars and lots of metal in there,” she said. “All the stuff that got put into landfills 30 years ago. “It might end up costing you more.” Fritsch wondered about the concept of making it into a transfer station and whether that should be applied for now. “We don’t know what’s going to happen in our Township in terms of future growth,” he said. “The Ministry has no objection to making the site into a transfer station,” Johnson said. “But given that the Vennachar WDS
Continued on page 3
Remembering Prince Philip
Sydenham resident Terry Crawford had a run-in with Royalty during Canada’s centennial year, when he was one of 8 youngsters who were chosen to greet Queen Elisabeth and Prince Philip at Murney Tower in Kingston, a last-minute addition to the Royal Visit to Montreal for Expo ’67. To this day, Terry remembers that event fondly, mostly because of how gracious the Queen and
Prince were, and this came back to him when learning of Prince Philip’s passing. “He talked to each of us very warmly. He and made a pretty good joke as well. It was about fishing. I think, but I don’t remember it. I remember that day really well, but I don’t remember the joke. I wish I did,” he said.
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April 15, 2021
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The vaccine works
Until only a few weeks ago, political dis-function in the Unitd Stated and the United Kingston has been part of the reason why the overall COVID case and death rates have much higher than ours have been in Canada. But since they are two of the nations with the highest vaccination rates in the world, at this point in time they both in a better place than we are in Canada. Our case rate over the last week is about the same as the United States and well higher than the United Kingdom, on a per capita basis, and while our death rate over the past week remains at less than half the rate in the US over that time, it is more than double the rate in the UK. Over the entire pandemic, both of those countries have had triple the death and case rates, as compared to ours. And one of the reason they have low case rates now, apart from vaccination, is the large percentage of their populations who have contracted COVID over the last year and have developed antibodies. But they have been able to deliver at least one dose of
vaccine to a lot more people. As of Sunday, April 11, the website ourworldindata.org was reporting that 18.6% of Canadians had received one dose of vaccine, while 35.65% of US residents and 47.32% of UK residents had received a dose. That single factor, vaccination, can lead to such an improvement in the risk of contracting COVID, that even in country’s where masks are considered a communist plot by many, the infection rate has dropped as compared to place where vaccination rates are lower. The bad news is that the time lag between our vaccination program and the programs in the US and the UK has coincided with the advent of more dangerous COVID variants. The good news is that vaccination works. And while the vaccine rollout through mass clinics, primary care and pharmacies has been uneven and confusing over the last 6 weeks or so, in our own communities in Kingston, Frontenac, Lennox and Addington, we have demonstrated that it is possible to vaccinate a lot of people in
a short amount of time. The logistics of vaccinating people are not a problem. When the supply is here, we will line up and get our vaccines, which will make a huge difference. Last year at this time, we were beginning to realize that the summer and fall of 2020 were not going to be good for us, and that we were all at risk of high infection and death rates. Even as we face our worst patch during this entire pandemic in Ontario, with hospitals and intensive care units reaching capacity, other health-care services on hold, a stayat home order and now the suspension of in-school learning, the summer of 2021 will be here soon. We just need to get in line when it is our turn. ■
COVID Case Load Mainly Centred in Kingston, but Frontenac County Is Seeing Cases As Well.
spike in cases in the Queen's University district of Kingston has been the main cause of an 81case surge in the City between April 5 and 12, but South Frontenac Township has seen 5 new cases over that week as well, making it one of the worst weeks of the pandemic for the township. There have been 71 recorded COVID cases in
that township since the pandemic began in March of 2020. There was one new case in each of Central Frontenac, North Frontenac or Addington Highlands between April 5 and 12. To date, there have been 32 cases in Central Frontenac, 2 in North Frontenac, and 5 in Addington Highlands. As of Tuesday, April 13, there were 2 KFL&A residents in hospital with COVID,
Total Fire Ban in South Frontenac
1 of them in intensive care. The region suffered its second COVID related death over the weekend. As the result of a province wide stay at home order, gatherings out of doors are limited to 5 people, who do not live in the same house, and they must be masked and distanced. No multifamily gatherings are permitted indoors at all. The only exception is that people who live alone may join a bubble with one family.
ffective Friday, April 9, 2021 at 8:00 am a total fire ban is in effect across the Township of South Frontenac. This decision was made following a significant number of grass and wildland fires over the past few weeks. The warmer weather combined with dead grass, brush, and wind has resulted in a number of challenging fire suppression situations for the South Frontenac Fire & Rescue (SFFR) team. A total burning ban means absolutely no open air burning, including cooking fires, brush fires, camping fires, and fireworks as defined in By-law 2012-68. This ban does not apply to cooking appliances with a mechanical shutoff (such as a propane barbeque). For further information, call 613-3763027 ext. 2234, or via email at firechief@southfrontenac.net.
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April 15, 2021
Publisher & Editor.............................................. Jeff Green Graphic Designer................................................Scott Cox Digital & Print Sales........................................................... Copy Editors ............................................... Martina Field, Office Staff.................. Suzanne Tanner, Caylie Runciman Webmaster.......................................................Jesse Mills Reporters................................Wilma Kenny, Craig Bakay,
New Brand cont. from p1
township from the other Frontenac townships. The brand needed to be easily understood, vivid but with natural colours, have stand alone graphics, be modern, progressive, unique and a bit bold, and be easy to use for a variety of applications. And it was decided that the word “township” was unnecessary. The logo they came up with has 4 elements. The blue waves on the left represent water, the grey diagonal lines in the bottom middle represent the Canadian Shield, the horizontal brown line on the right represents the land (farmland), and the circular lines in the top middle represent the communities that make up the township. The 4 elements in the logo also correspond to the 4 founding townships (Storrington, Loughborough, Portland and Bedford) that make up South Frontenac. In the wordmark, the 5 letter word SOUTH is scaled to the same width as the 9 letter word FRONTENAC. While the logo and wordmark will become ubiquitous over time, the “rationale” for the brand and logo is a more esoteric statement. It reads: “There are the blue waves of lakelife, the furrows found in our rural areas, and the overarching energy of lush, green nature; our environment brings us together. Amongst all this, lies the Great Canadian Shield, protruding powerfully and part of our heritage. South Frontenac is the one place where you find three polarising landscapes working symbolically together, weaving and seaming into one. The logo reflects this perfect balance and the symmetry of these elements coming together. South Frontenac’s many communities are connected in much the same way as our diverse landscapes, brought together by a common sense of resiliency, adventure and a humble way of life. These communities (represented by the three circles) thread into the other elements as an ever present part of the past and future of South Frontenac.” The brand and logo are being presented for consideration to the South Frontenac Committee of the Whole this week, with a view towards being adopted by Council at their April 22 meeting. If all goes according to plan, implementation will begin to take place within a couple of months.. ■
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Commentary: Randy’s Back Tweeting, For Now By Jeff Green h, the sacrifices I make so others don’t have to. I consider it my responsibility, as a reporter and editor, to follow certain people on social media, mostly on Twitter. It is usually not that onerous. In fact it brings information and story ideas. SINCE 1970
But among those people whose accounts I follow are local politicians, and among those politicians is our local MPP, Randy Hillier. One fall-out from Randy being turfed from the Conservative Party Caucus just over two years ago has been an unleashing of his opinions on his Twitter feed. Some of the old Lanark Landowner invective has resurfaced, and now that Randy has decided to take on the mantle of chief COVID denier, he has become untethered in extreme ways. Being reminded day after day, sometimes minute after minute, about what Randy stands for is not something I really need in my life. That’s where the sacrifice comes in. Just under a week ago, I noticed that I was
AH Council cont. from p1
is very close, this is probably not recommended.” Johnson said that whatever they decide, nothing’s going to happen overnight. “It’s time to come up with a closure plan,” Johnson said. “There’s design work, then it goes to the Ministry and they have to approve it.” Coun. Helen Yanch argued for a soonerthe-better approach. “I’ve been concerned about this,” she said. “I was on Council when it was first ‘temporarily’ closed (15 years ago). When we met with the Ministry of Environment, they made it quite clear that we needed to have this closed. “I just think we need to make a decision as soon as we can.” Thompson made a case for a slightly different approach. “I agree but I’m also in favour of dragging our feet,” he said. “Because the longer we wait this out, the better chance we have of budgeting this out.” “It’s costing us money with all these tests,” Yanch said. “We’re going to have to do that whether it’s open or closed,” said Reeve Henry Hogg.
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gerated & just as accurate. feeling a little less angry at the I’m alive, well, healthy & out of world. Then I noticed why. There Twitter jail. This virus attacks were no Hillier tweets or retweets. social media accounts more He tweets a lot and retweets a hell than people. The trolls can of a lot. Our tax dollars at work. once again wail & gnash their The last thing he posted before teeth.” disappearing was a retweet of a I love it when Randy talks post by a Pastor Henry Hildebrandt about internet trolls. (@Aylmerpastor) that included this While I am back in the mud line, “Now we pause for a message Graphic - Martina Field now, reading these tweets, I from the Calgary division of the Caam buoyed by the fact that the next time @ nadian Gestapo.” I looked up twitter policy for suspending an Randyhillier disappears it will be forever. And when the next election comes along, account and there are three stages. A one-day suspension, which happened in February to we will have a new MPP for this riding. I hope Randy runs again, however. It will be @Randyhillier, a one week suspension, and a a chance for all of us to call his bluff. He bullied lifetime ban. Ever since, I have been waiting to see if @ the Conservative Party into accepting him as a Randhillier would be back on Tuesday morn- candidate back in 2006 by threatening to run under his own banner and stripping votes from ing, and sure enough he was. Among the pictures of “No More Lockdown” their rural base at a time when the party was billboards, there was this tweet, in reference weak and vulnerable. It took them 15 years, to the suspension – “Like the PCR test, the and four leaders that he undermined one after rumours of my contracting Covid were exag- another, until they finally turfed him out of the party. Let’s see how many votes Randy gets in Lanark Frontenac Kingston, all on his own. It Pigeon Invasion “Birds, birds, birds,” CBO David Twiddy will tell us something about him, and maybe ourselves. ■ said at the regular Council meeting. “Helen (Yanch), I’m getting quotes for your bird netting.” Twiddy was addressing the pigeons that seem to have taken a liking to the rink in Flinton. In the past 3 weeks someone, prob“You know what it’s like,” Yanch said. “First it’s a few, then there’s 20, and soon it be- ably a truck with knobby tires, has torn up not only our driveway but also spun comes 100.” And while it’s not really the birds them- and cut ruts in our back ballfield, not once selves that are bothering people, it’s what but TWICE. I would please ask that if they leave behind, and the benches seem to anyone has any information please call be their favourite target for droppings. 6133742821 and leave a message. Also CAO/Clerk-Treasurer Christine Reed said if anyone living or travelling down the Vethat with covid, there are fewer recreational activities available and the rink has become rona Sand Road would please keep an more popular for things like shooting a few eye when they are going past the Verona Lions property it would be appreciated. hoops, walking or just sitting in the shade. Twiddy said he hopes to start netting and Our property and ball fields are provided relocating the birds before the summer sea- free of charge for local ball teams to use. son rolls around. Whoever is responsible for this is not only “People have been saying they’ve seen disrespecting the Verona Lions but also a few eagles hanging around,” said Yanch. the many children who like to play ball at “Maybe they’ll help us out too.” our facility. We are a volunteer organiza-
Vandals of Verona
Bylaw Amendments
CAO/Clerk-Treasurer Christine Reed said that after the budget gets passed, she’d like to start upgrading some bylaws that have been around since amalgamation. First up is the Council Procedural Bylaw which governs, among other things, how long delegations can speak, how many people can be in a delegation and how often they may appear before Council. ■
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tion who provide a safe place for the community and many various public events. We have not been able to fundraise because of the covid19 pandemic and this only adds to our frustration. - Pam Morey
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Ads Must Be Submitted By 5pm Friday for Inclusion Next Week
COMMUNITY REPORTERS (613) Arden............................. Wanda Harrison................335-3186 Battersea / Storrington.. Amanda Pantrey...............353-6653 Cloyne / Northbrook...... Nancy Skipper Denbigh......................... Angela Bright....................333-1901 Godfrey.......................... Stefan Duerst....................374-1710 Harrowsmith.................. Marilyn Goodberry.............372-0917 Henderson..................... Jean Brown.......................336-2516 Inverary......................... Judy Borovskis..................353-1768 Maberly-Bolingbroke..... Karen Prytula....................325-1354 Mississippi..................... Pearl Killingbeck...............278-2127 Mountain Grove............. Marilyn Meeks...................279-3209 Ompah........................... Linda Rush........................479-2570 Parham-Tichbome......... Colleen Steele...................375-6219 Marily Seitz........................479-2855 Christine Teal....................375-6525 Perth Road.................... Peter Bird..........................353-7303 Plevna........................... Rhonda Watkins................479-2447 Sydenham..................... Karen Brawley...................376-9848 Verona........................... Debbie Lingen..................................
OMPAH Linda Rush lindarush@yahoo.com Marily Seitz seitz@xplornet.ca
613-479-2570 613-479-2855
• Wildlife Alert: Meredith saw a large owl along River Road on Easter weekend. Stan says there were a few black flies buzzing around but not biting in the heat last week. We have a flock of Juncos passing through and the Phoebe has arrived and is hunting for a nest site. On a hike up to Lakeview Lookout with Anne, we saw Spring Beauty flowers on the south-facing hill and my Hepatica are in bloom, too. Leo said that just in time for Easter Sunday, the local swamps began to rock and roll with the sounds of frogs and toads and “peepers”. The peepers sing the upper parts and frogs sing the lower parts. Does anyone know the name of the frogs providing the baritone part? The swamp choir is ignoring the Covid shut down.
Colleen Steele 613-375-6219 Christine Teal mrsteal2u@hotmail.com 613-375-6525 • It was nice to hear from Mississippi columnist, Pearl Killingbeck, and know that she is well cared for and wish her all the best. • Sincere condolences to the Smith/Ibey family on the loss of Deborah. Also thinking of the family of the late Dorothy (Gemmil) Wilson, spouse of the late Rev. Clive WIlson who was a minister at our charge. • Thinking of the Queen and her family on the loss of her husband, Prince Philip. • Be sure to read all the requirements for burning either in an incinerator, camp fire or cleaning brush. If you don't follow the
rules, hefty fines will be given. • With all the nice weather we've been having more and more birds are back, turtles and snakes are out frogs are croaking, trees are budding and its very pleasant to go for walks now and enjoy Mother Nature's bounty. At least we can get outside, walk, garden or just sit and enjoy the fresh air and sunshine and flowers and birds singing although this week the forecast is rain... Oh well, you know what they say... April showers bring May flowers! • Improvement on the Peters house in Tichborne are coming along nicely. • Were you able to get registered for the baseball season this year? We are looking for umpires in order to be ready to go when we get the green light. If you are interested in earning some extra cash this summer, be sure to let Annette GrayJackson know or email cfminorball@hotmail.com and I can pass along the message. • Good luck to all College and University students and they are busy with the last of their assignments and exams... Deep breath... You got this!!!
Perth Road Peter Bird
613-353-7303 p.bird@xplornet.ca
• Perth Road United Church will be continuing to have podcasts only, during the current lockdown, and will keep you informed of any changes. For the podcast, please tune in from home, at 10:00am Sundays on the Perth Road United Church website, which is: www.pruc.ca. • Meanwhile, here’s more of what’s been keeping people busy and active, and also some of the things they miss. • Amey Brooks – Director/Nurse, Brooks Landing Retirement Living says; “At Brooks Landing, the residents have been missing their family visits. They miss hugging, that physical, tangible experience with loved ones. A huge part of being a grandparent is hugging the grand kids.” Amey continues, “They miss the freedom to just be able to pick up and go out with family, or friends, for a drive, go to the store, or go out for lunch.” The monthly in-house church services from Perth Road United Church are dearly missed. “We do listen to the PRUC podcast on Sunday mornings”, says Amey. “We miss our volunteers. Chris Murphy and Janet Penny brought live music, and sang with the residents. The community has been really supportive: the Lions Club, in Sunbury, donated IPads so the residents could do a lot of face time with family and friends. Leonard, at the Inverary Pharmacy, has helped to get me the Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) that I needed even when PPE was in short supply. We also received masks from the community and the Perth Road Crafters”. Amey says, “Thanks to my staff for their perseverance and diligence, making sure, every day, the residents stay safe, and have a good and purposeful quality of life. All our residents and staff have received their first COVID vaccinations.”
Rhonda Watkins rhonda139@gmail.com
613-479-2447 613-264-5325
• It was nice to hear that the Easter Bunny came to the Palmerston Lake Marina and dropped off Easter Baskets for the first 12 kids that came in. What a kind gesture, Betty Hunter!! • Our community suffered a huge loss last week, when Vie McInnes, our original Plevna Columnist, passed away on April
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April 15, 2021 6th. At the age of 100, she was a super amazing lady and so fun to talk to! I can still remember the first time that I met her; I think it was at a Summerfest event, or it may have been at one of the Community Volunteer Halloween nights, where she would play the piano for all the kids. When I found out she wrote the Plevna column, I wanted to meet her and tell her how much I enjoyed her column, so I walked up to her and asked her for her autograph. It was the first of many good laughs we shared. She was always a delight to talk to and will be greatly missed! Sincere condolences to all of Vie’s family and friends. • If you wish to make a donation in Vie’s memory, her family suggests the Clar-Mill Volunteer Fire Department. If you choose to donate, please add a note on the cheque “In Memory of Vie”. She was a former fire auxiliary lady and her husband, Ray, was a former member of the fire department. They were both very big supporters of this community service. • Just a reminder to everybody that Daytime Burning Restrictions are in effect since April 1st. This means no burning between 7am and 7pm until October 31st. Thank you for respecting these restrictions! • Here is a little breakfast conversation chicken fact for you: the darker the egg yolk, the healthier the chicken! Very interesting! • Tomorrow, Friday April 16th, brings The Big Nifty 50 to my wonderful old man; Lonnie Watkins! Sadly, no big celebration this year, due to the provincial stay at home orders. Personally, I think I am feeling more disappointment about this than the birthday boy. If you happen to be driving by, please honk your horn as loud and as much as you like to help him celebrate! Or if you want to send him a birthday text or give him a birthday call on his cell phone, I know he would love to hear from you at (613) 264-9553!
Sydenham Karen Brawley
• We got this, Sydenham. Let’s show this virus we are stronger than it. Keep up the amazing work, everyone. We are in this thing together, even while we can’t be together. • Thank you to each and every one who is doing their best during this time. You are appreciated. • The rocks the students at LPS painted and randomly delivered in and around the village sure seemed to brighten people’s days. The Facebook posts made me smile. • NEW LEAF LINK CLOTHING FUNDRAISER! New Leaf Link (NeLL) is selling t-shirts ($20), long sleeve tee’s ($30), and hoodies ($40) that highlight their stunning oak leaf logo that was created by the participants of the program. For more information and to see the catalogue, please email: mackenzie. lee@newleaflink.ca. New Leaf Link is a non-profit organization based in Harrowsmith that provides programming to adults living with developmental disabilities. • Thank you to everyone who has taken the time to tidy up around the village and area. It was brought to my attention that the effort made to tidy up the gully was awesome and appreciated, as well. • So nice to see people becoming members of the newly named “jab club”. Whether you believe in vaccines or not, or this virus or not. Believe in one thing: kindness to others and respect. It goes a long way during this time.
ARDEN Wanda Harrison
613-335-3186 wmharrison070@gmail.com
• Want to do something free this summer? Ontario Parks is offering free weekday (Monday to Thursday) day use from May 1 to September 1. Day use permits will be required for weekends. Keep up-to-date with Park Happenings by checking their web site. • Rural Frontenac Community Services, Youth program, has prepared Spring Break activity kits. They will include 3 craft activities for youth 6 to 12. Kits are available at the Child Care Centre, 1004 Art Duffy Road, Sharbot Lake. • Circle Square Ranch is offering Family Vacation packages either in the Lodge or at the Family Campground. Prices vary according to your wants and needs. For information or to register, please get in touch with the Ranch at 613-335-5403 or
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April 15, 2021 • arden@csranch.ca. • Beginning Monday, April 12, the Kingston Frontenac Public Library will feature an exciting array of programs for children of all ages. Pick up a take-home activity kit (locations for pick up vary), enjoy live programs on Zoom or watch pre-recorded YouTube videos. This is a staycation you can enjoy and stay safe. For a full list of programs, visit https/calendar.kfpl.ca/events. • Stay safe and stay home. Keep up the good work!!
CLOYNE - Northbrook
• The Land O’Lakes Garden club is sad to say that they have to cancel their meeting on April 14, 2021 due to the province-wide lockdown. They will try to resume their meetings after the stayat-home order has been lifted. • Finnegan’s General Store is so pleased to now be partnering with Sue Miller Art • with five of her beautiful pieces in the store. Please inquire in store for prices. • #womeninbusiness #supportsmallbusiness “Community is everything and we're so happy to have another chance to build a relationship.” • Every Friday, North of 7 Cod Father is going to try a non- fish special for lunch from 11:30am t0 1:00pm. Please call 613-3361212 for more information. • Because of the recent shut down, Addison’s Restaurant will be open for take-out on FRIDAY and SATURDAY from 11:00am to 7:00pm. The regular menu is available along with the wing special and dinner specials (Saturday, April 17, 2012 is Ultimate Pasta while Saturday, April 24, 2021 is pickerel and chips.) Call 613-336-8265 for more information. • Hot Rod Smokehouse in Cloyne will be opening soon! They are located at 22 Spencer St. (behind the Mazinaw Inn). • Hunter’s Creek Golf Club is now open for 2021 season. So... break- out the sticks & let's play! Groups are limited and persons sharing a cart must be from same household. Hunter’s Creek Golf Club will be adding a new PDGA 18 hole Frisbee (Disc) Golf course to the property in May or possibly sooner. This is great for all ages! Families are welcome! • Military children have had to say good bye to at least one parent, not fully understanding when they will see them again. They have to start over every few years, when they might not totally understand why. But in the end, military children get through it all, one day at a time. Happy month of the military child! • April is also environment month. During this month rethink your choices, refuse single use, reduce consumption, reuse everything, refurbish old stuff, repair before you replace, repurpose by being creative, recycle as the last option.
DENBIGH & VENNACHAR 613-333-1901 bright.a@gmail.com
• Addington Highlands Public libraries will be open for curbside pick up of materials, limited computer use and printing only. Inhouse browsing has been temporarily suspended. • For up to date information on LARC programming for families, visit Lennox & Addington Resources for Children on Facebook. • The Denbigh Food Bank will be open Tuesday, April 27th. Pick up time is 11am at the Addington Highlands Community Centre. COVID rules in place. Food Bank dates are the 2nd and 4th Tuesday of every month. Contact Gail at 613 333 2224 in advance. • Hope you have been able to get out and enjoy lots of walking while the weather is nice and before the blackflies emerge!
HARLOWE Marie White
for you, with some extra cheer for the day. Hoping your hospital stay will be short. • I apologize to Reverend Cheryl’s husband for the mis-print. His name should have read Don. Hope that after his surgery he is getting back to feeling much better, with brighter days ahead. • Linda White is getting ready to sing Happy Birthday to her hubby, Andy, on the 22nd of April. We wish you a happy birthday, with many more to come, Andy.
Harrowsmith Marilyn Goodberry
Nancy Skipper noahsark444@bell.net
Angela Bright
• Our sympathy goes to the Shorts family on the passing of Ross. • Update on George Gaylord: He still cannot walk, but can stand up, although he is quite weak. He will be celebrating a belated birthday on Tuesday, the 13th. Counting 93 years’ young. George, I hope the nurses will take time and sing Happy Birthday
613-372-0917 mgoodberrysanda@gmail.com
• We have been blessed with gorgeous weather this past week. Nice weather has enabled raking lawns, preparing flower beds and watching our trees bud out and perennials appear. Daffodils and tulips are ready to bloom. Great to be able to open windows for fresh air. • Stay positive during the Covid lockdown. This is the perfect time to be productive with chores at home like spring cleaning, decluttering and outside work. • On April 18th, the take-out dinner at the Golden Links Hall is roast beef instead of turkey as advertised last week. Advanced tickets only. The deadline for purchasing tickets was April 14th. Pick up is from 4:30 to 6:00 pm. For information, please call 613-372-2410. • There is a burn ban on in South Frontenac. Please adhere to this ban to protect us from wildfires. • Happy birthday to Lois Babcook on the 17th. Hope you have a great day, Lois! • Quote - “Surround yourself in people who believe in your dreams, encourage your ideas, support your ambitions, and bring our the best in you.” - Roy Bennett • Please send in your news, special days and upcoming events to me by phone or email to mgoodberrysanda@gmail. com. Deadline each week is Saturday afternoon.
• Today, we offer sympathy to Ruth Geddes and children Colin, Sarah in the death of spouse The Rev. Bruce Geddes who served for many years in the Anglican Parish of ParhamSharbot Lake, which at one time included the Arden Anglican Church before it chose to close. Rev. Geddes conducted many local weddings and served tirelessly, particularly advocating for the local Food Bank. We thank God for his life of service and suggest folks donate to the food bank in his memory. A private funeral will be held at a later date. May he rest in peace and rise in glory. • Many folks, including Jessie Detlor-Sajevec and her Grandson, Lee Detlor, refreshed flowers at our village cemetery immediately prior to the Ontario shut down, which of course restricts travel. We are all hunkering down and thankful for the warm weather and the ability to get outside. Covid home regulations only allow indoor home gatherings with people you live with, but if you live alone, you can have close contact with only one other household. Outside gatherings of five are permitted. Funeral homes are able to operate with special Covid restrictions that work so well, with thanks to our Funeral Directors for all their help and guidance in these turbulent times. Special thanks to all health and public health folks who are running the vaccination clinics so efficiently. • Deepest sympathy to the family of the late Ross Shorts, who died this past week. Special thanks to all who enabled Ross to live in his own home right to the end of his life. • The family of the late Grace (Scott) Veley gathered at Henderson Cemetery for her burial with limited attendance and all Covid restrictions in place. We thank God for Grace's life. • Also sympathy to the family of the late Vi McInnes, who died
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INVERARY Judy Borovskis
• Pitch in Inverary! Thank you to Juanita – great job! Fairground, Latimer and Round Lake Road down to Moreland Dixon. Shirley “pitched in” on Round Lake Road and Kiptyn & Khloe took my last two bags to do their share. • New home for the Osprey! Thank you to Blair for the new platform for the HUGE nest! With the help of MH Electric, the nest was removed from the top of the light on the baseball diamond to a pole nearby to avoid a fire hazard. Duane reported that the Osprey circled a few times and then settled right in. • Bottle Drive for the new washroom building at Ken Garrett Park is in full swing! Trailer is at 3950 Round Lake Road or drop off at Mrs. Garrett’s Bakery. Sincere thanks for all the support – we need it and appreciate it! • Turkeys beware! The season begins on April 25th. Hunters, remember to wear bright orange. License and equipment available at Northway Hardware. Call ahead for “front door pick up”. • Zoom games night - ages 10 and up. April event was so much fun, next one is planned for May 13th. Heather promises to “tune up” her Bible skills, as Sam and Will beat her on Bible trivia!
Maberly-Bolingbroke Karen Prytula
613-325-1354 karenprytula@gmail.com
• Maberly in 2021! - Maberly has seen a few changes, despite Covid, over the past year. The large building complex at the north end of the village has been sold as has the house across from it, so we welcome new residents into our village. The restaurant on Hwy 7 is now under new management, so it will be
Continued on page 9
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Sharbot Lake
Chiropractic & Wellness
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this past week in her 101st year. Vi at one time wrote for this paper and shared her life with us all, truly making a difference to all with whom she interacted. I last saw Vi before Covid struck and we were able to celebrate with “Elvis” at the Sharbot Lake Retirement Centre. • Great to read Pearl Killingbeck’s column last week. We’re keeping you in our prayers, Pearl- blaze a trail! • If you are interested in the issue of our Henderson village being an official hamlet village in the official plan please register (cdeachman@centralfrontenac.com) for a public zoom meeting coming up on Wed. April 28 at 6:00. Questions can be submitted to be answered at the meeting. If you aren’t on social media just drop a handwritten letter with your questions to the township, so they can get ready to share and offer answers at the public meeting. I don’t fully understand the issue so let’s see what we can figure out.
Law Office in Sharbot Lake Real Estate & Estates Our office is now offering legal services utilizing remote consultations and document signing via cell phone audio/video and non-cash payment. We are adapting so that you can Stay Home.
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Dr. Gian Kaillon Sharbot Lake 613.279.2100 • Northbrook 613.336.8888 www.sharbotlakechiropractic.ca
The Ankle Joint - Sprains
The ankle is a complex joint, with the ability to hinge up and down, turn in/out and rotate. The ankle gains its stability from the structural arrangement of the bones, and from the ligaments that connect the bones together. A sprain occurs because one or more of these ligaments are over stretched, and in severe cases torn. It’s usually caused by a traumatic incident, such as a sudden change of direction while playing sport, or a slip off the edge of a curb. Following an ankle sprain, it is very common to experience swelling and bruising. The bruising may track down your foot, so don’t be alarmed if the injury appears to have affected more than just your ankle. Follow the acronym RICE. Rest, Ice, Compression, Elevation. These techniques are particularly important in the first 48 to 72 hours. Avoid walking on your ankle too much in the first day or two. You may find using elbow crutches helps in this initial phase. Inflammation is a normal response to injury, but to minimize the amount of swelling you experience place some ice, wrapped in a damp towel, over the swollen area for no longer than 20 minutes. It is important to check your ankle regularly as ice can burn the skin. Resting with the foot above hip height is a good technique to help manage the symptoms of swelling. While medication is not usually needed longer term, you may find the use of oral non-steroidal antiinflammatories or painkillers help to manage your symptoms in the first week. Following the first few days, it becomes important to stretch your ankle to prevent any long term stiffness. The gradual addition of strength and balance exercises will help to regain stability around your joint. This will reduce the likelihood that subsequent injuries will occur.
April 15, 2021
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April 15, 2021
Frontenac County 4H Club
The Frontenac County 4H Association Photography Club, led by Jennifer Clement, took some photos. Their theme? Signs of Spring! Photos clockwise from left: Deer at Lemoines Point by Sarah Campbell; Sophie Abrams checking out the neighbours sap buckets in Joyceville by Stella Lamendeau; Chisolms Mill in Roslin ON, by Gabrielle Snarr.
1010 Lawn & Garden Centre Corner of Clement & Rd 38, Sharbot Lake
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Kingston-Frontenac Renovates Funding is Program allocated o
na first come , first serve basis
The Kingston-Frontenac Renovates program (KFRP) offers eligible homeowners grants to make their homes more accessible or interest-free loans toward emergency repairs.
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Happy 50 th Anniversary
Glenn Douglas Stinson aged 69 years, died peacefully at Kingston General Hospital, with his family by his side on April 11, 2021. He is survived by his wife Mary, children Spencer (Katherine) and Heather (Jonathon), and grandson Lochlan. Fondly remembered by brother in-laws Peter and John Rutherford, as well as many cousins. Glenn was a longtime member of UA Local Union 221/401 Plumbers and Pipefitters, and for the last 15 years was a maintenance plumber at Frontenac Institution. He was an avid cattle, horse, mule and goat farmer. He volunteered with the Parham Agricultural Society for many years serving as President of the local fair and was a local 4H leader for several terms. Glenn also enjoyed bird watching and loved the outdoors. Glenn took the time to make genuine connections with everyone he met, and rarely went anywhere without running into someone he knew. A life-long resident of Long Lake, Glenn considered his greatest accomplishment to be his family and was happiest spending time on the family property. He will be remembered for his positive outlook on life which helped him and his family cope with his illness. A celebration of life will be held at a later date. If desired, donations in Glenn’s memory may be made to the Canadian Cancer Society or the University Hospitals Kingston Foundation.
Charles & Marlene Eastman April 17, 1971 – 2021 Congratulations! Love, your family.
Happy 50th Birthday April 16, 2021
Lonnie Watkins To the Best Husband, Dad & Friend!! We love you very much!! Rhonda, Charlie & Amy We’re delighted to wish our amazing dad, grandad, pup sitter, Gary Hawley, a Happy 90th Birthday on April 30th! Ninety years old and going strong, if only we all could go like him when we’re 70!
Card of Thanks Thank You ~ Fox
As you are aware, I have recently retired following a forty year career in nursing. I have been very fortunate to provide the majority of my nursing care in this community and the surrounding area for more then 30 years. I would like to thank everyone who sent cards, flowers and gifts, as well as the many phone calls commemorating this milestone. I have truely enjoyed serving the public and feel very honoured and privledged to have been part of your health care and health care team for so many years. I am looking forward to spending more time with family, travelling and finding new adventures once it is safe to do so. Again, my heartfelt thank you. Stay safe, Stay healthy Cathy Fox
Thank You ~ Fraser
Thanks to my family, friends, and neighbours, for cards, flowers and gifts. What a surprise to see seniors from the exercise groups and the Sharbot Lake Senior’s, who surprised me with my 90th Birthday parade. You made me feel 90 years young Dorothy Fraser
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McInnes, Vietta Nellie (nee Wood) It is with great sadness to announce Vietta passed away peacefully on Monday, April 6th, 2021 in her 101st year at the Great Memorial Hospital in Perth. She was predeceased by her husband Raymond John McInnes. Vietta is survived by her 6 Children: Nadine Gorr (Jim), Roger McInnes (Betty), Ralph McInnes (Carol), Phil McInnes (Jane), Greg McInnes and Joyce Bruce (late Earl). She was blessed with 13 Grandchildren, 32 Great Grandchildren, and 7 Great Great Grandchildren. There are many nieces, nephews and other family members that will miss her and many, many friends. Vietta was from a large family herself and is survived by one sister Yvonne Sokoluk. Predeceased brothers and sisters were her twin Viola, Elva, Shirley, Bob, Pete, Lorraine and Bruce. She lived a full happy life. She loved celebrations and family gatherings. Her favourite place in the whole world was her home on Hill’s Lake. It is not possible to tell you everything about her 100 years, so we will just say she was loving, happy, and stern when it was needed. She will be missed by a large circle of family and friends. We all hope there is a large lake in Heaven for her daily swims. Rest in Peace. Your Loving Family The family will receive friends at Milestone Funeral Center on Friday, April 9, 2021 from 12:00 – 1:30 pm followed by a service in the Chapel at 1:30. Covid-19 restrictions will apply. Interment in Plevna Cemetery. Memorial donations made in Vietta’s memory to the Clar-Mill Fire Department by cheque would be appreciated by the family. Online condolences, memories and photos can be shared at www.milestonefuneralcenter.com.
Call Terry Thake 613-353-2460 “I MAKE HOUSE CALLS” We will not be undersold on same quality monuments
OBITUARY Geddes, Alexander Bruce
It is with deep sadness that the family of (Alexander) Bruce Geddes announce his passing at Lanark Lodge in Perth, on Tuesday, April 6th, 2021 in his 82nd year. Bruce was born in Winnipeg to Helen and Alexander Geddes. He is survived by his beloved wife, Ruth Elizabeth Geddes (nee Howard), his two children, Colin (Katarina) and Sarah (Derek), his two grandchildren, Estelle Mes and Sasha Geddes and his sister Sally Jean Harrison (Orton). After earning his Bachelor of Arts at the University of Winnipeg, Bruce and his wife volunteered as teachers for Canadian University Services Overseas in Jamaica for two years. Upon returning to Canada he earned his Bachelor of Library Science at the University of British Columbia and moved east to serve as a librarian with the Toronto Public Library System. Prompted by a desire to raise his children in a rural area, he moved to Camden East and worked as the chief librarian for the County of Lennox & Addington Public Library System. Answering God’s call, he took his Bachelor of Divinity at Queen’s University and was ordained as a priest for the Anglican Diocese of Ontario. He was placed in the Parish of Parham-Sharbot Lake where he served from 1988 until his retirement in 2004. Bruce will be remembered for his quick wit and sense of humour, his support of community activities, his passion for learning and his love of dogs. The family wish to express their sincere appreciation to the staff of Lanark Lodge for the excellent care Bruce received during his residence there. In lieu of flowers, memorial donations in Bruce’s memory to St. James the Apostle Anglican Church in Perth would be appreciated. Services are private for the family and are in the care of Blair & Son Funeral Directors, Perth. Condolences or further information, visit our website at www.blairandson.com.
April 15, 2021
OBITUARY TEBO, Catherine Frances (Kate)
It is with overwhelming sadness the family of Catherine Frances (Kate) Tebo (nee Erwin) announces her passing at Fairmount Home (Glenburnie) on Tuesday April 6, 2021 at the age of 90. Daughter of the late Beatrice (Genereaux) and William Erwin. Beloved and devoted wife of the late Wilburn (Web) Tebo. Loving mother of David (Lynne), Kevin (Joan) and Michael (Cheryl). Loving Gram to Tim (Amanda), Christopher (late), Ginger (Dan), Amy (Pedro) and Amanda. Cherished Great Gram to Liam, Lakelyn, Chase, Saige, Faith Catherine, Paytn, Jakob and Kaleb. Dear sister of Jean (Cleon) Rashotte. She is predeceased by her sisters Reta (late Vincent) Tebo, Margie (late Frank) Rivers, Mary (late Harry) Henley and brothers Kenneth (late Evelyn) Erwin, William (Mary surviving) Erwin, Robert (Sharon surviving) Erwin and Bernard (late Roxanne) Erwin. Kate was a strong, loving, caring and generous individual who took great pride in her home on Desert Lake Road. She loved animals and enjoyed gardening. Kate unconditionally accepted children into her home for 35 years as a Foster Parent for the Children’s Aid Society for Kingston and the County of Frontenac. During this time, Kate and Web cared for more than 100 children. Kate was an active member of St. Patrick’s Church and the Catholic Women’s League. Rest in Peace Mom, Gram, Great Gram. It is now your time to rest. Lovingly remembered. The Tebo family would like to thank Fairmount Home and Brooks Landing Retirement Home for the wonderful care Kate received. A special thank you to “Cookie”. Thank you to Trousdale Funeral Home. A celebration of life will take place at a later date. In the care of Trousdale Funeral Home 4374 Mill St. Sydenham ON (613)376-3022 www.trousdalefuneralhome.com
Celebration of Life Warlich, Gary
Family and friends are respectfully invited to join us in prayer and pay their respects at the funeral service for Gary William Warlich of Denbigh. Service will be held at Saint Luke’s United Church cemetery on May 1st 2021, beginning at 1:00pm. We ask that anyone wishing to attend respect all provincial guidelines including wearing a mask and practice safe physical distancing. There will be NO after service gathering due to current restrictions. Our Family is very grateful for all of the kindness the community has shown over this difficult time. Please join us safely as we say “Until we meet again.” The Warlich Family
Trousdale Funeral home Proudly serving all faiths Pre-Arranged Funeral Plans
Sydenham, On 613-376-3022
April 15, 2021
OBITUARY Clow: Herbert Oliver
Born May 25, 1932, passed away on April 9, 2021. Survived by loving wife Joyce (Snider). Dear father of 5 children Carolyn Kennedy (Kevin); Marion Good (Bill); Doreen Goodberry (Dave); Oliver Clow (Lynda) and Mark Clow (Patti). Fondly remembered by 11 grandchildren and 8 great grandchildren. Survived by sister Maryann Freeman. Predeceased by brothers Percy, Sperry and Dan. Sisters Bertha Lloyd and May Ennis. Herb will always be remembered for his kindness and generosity. Donations to Rural Frontenac Community Service (www.rfcs.ca) or The Gideon Bible Society (www.gideons.ca) would be appreciated by the family. A Celebration of Life will be held at a later date. Arrangements entrusted to Lyons Funeral Home, Westport. Online condolence available at www.lyonsfuneralhome.ca
In Memoriam
Fae Lessard
In memory of a Wife, Mother and Nana who passed away April 19,2011. Your life was a blessing... Your memory a treasure... You are loved beyond words and missed beyond measure. Always Loved and Missed. Cecil, Brent, Carmel, Braden, Gavin, Todd, Christina and Reese In Loving Memory of
William “Bill” WEBB
Jan 23, 1956 – April 17, 2020 You may be out of sight, we may be worlds apart, but you are always in our minds and forever in our hearts. Lovingly remembered by siblings Janet, Dianne(Chris), Nancy(Ron), Peggy(Steve), Barry and son Tyler and grandson Alexander. Uncle to many cherished nieces and nephews.
In loving memory of my Husband Ronald Barker
who left me on April 15, 2009 My life goes on without you; And nothing seems the same. I have to hold the heartache, when someone speaks your name. Sad is the heart that loves and misses you; Silent are the tears that still fall. Living my life without you, is the hardest part of all. You did so many things for me, your heart was kind and true; And when I needed some one, I could always count on you. The special years will not return, when we still together, But with the love within my heart, You’ll be with me forever. Missed and thought of every day Lauretta
Fresh Flowers for all Occasions • Weddings • Birthdays • Anniversaries • Newborn • Special Holidays • Boutonnieres & Corsages We deliver to Goodfellow’s Funeral Home, Parham & Now to Milestone Funeral Centre, Northbrook.
Open 7 Days a Week - 24515 Hwy. 7, Sharbot Lake Ontario, inside Ram’s Esso
South Frontenac Council – April 6 Pat Barr Welcomed Back ayor Vandewal opened the (online to the public) meeting by welcoming Councillor Pat Barr back in person to Council. Councillor Barr became ill late last summer, and after a very long time in hospital, spent many more months recovering at home. Recently, she has been attending meetings online, often hampered by poor internet reception. Public Meeting A public meeting was held to rezone a 100-acre property on Leland Road, Loughborough district, to permit a secondary dwelling and an additional dwelling in an ancillary building on the property. There were no comments from the public, and no concerns raised by the Planning staff.
Desert Lake Noise Exemption Bylaw The previously approved date of July 3 was changed to July 2 to accommodate a booking problem. Hartington Tanker Truck Tender Council approved awarding of the tender for a 2,500IG Tanker to 1200 Degrees – Darch Fire (E-One) in the amount of $424,822.35 + HST, for a total cost of $432,299.22. A budget of $425,000.00 for the tanker had been approved by Council in January of 2021; in order to cover the HST, an additional $7476.87 will be drawn from the Fire Department’s capital reserve. The vehicle has to be ordered by April 13, and will be delivered in 2022. Covid Questions Two covid-related questions from the
PAGE 9 by Wilma Kenny
public, both asking for clarification of the current restrictions were referred to the KFL&A Health Unit for details. Response to Council’s Disapproval of MPP Hillier’s Behaviour Councillor Sleeth reported a large number of calls supporting his motion of censure, many coming from outside the Township: “The only negative call came very late at night, from a woman who wanted to discuss her opinion about Israel.” Closed Session Following this brief meeting, Council met in camera to discuss “staff matters and the proposed pending disposition of the Bellrock mill property.” ■
Medical Clinics Are Open, Ready To Serve On behalf of the rural medical clinics in Frontenac, Lennox and Addington, we would like to remind our patients that our offices remain open, as they have always been. Your health is important to us. If you have severe symptoms of chest pain or difficulty breathing, or other severe symptoms with a sudden onset, please go to the nearest Emergency Room. If you have COVID symptoms (fever, new shortness of breath, sore throat or headache), please book an appointment with the nearest COVID Assessment Centre. Otherwise, please call your local Family Health Clinic. We are open and ready to respond to your healthcare needs. Ur-
gent new concerns, preventive care, and chronic disease follow up are all important and best brought to your primary care providers. Rest assured that we know how to direct your care appropriately. You will be offered an appointment based on the nature of your concerns, or you will be redirected if urgency requires. If the phone is busy it is because we are helping other people. Your patience is appreciated. Please contact us rather than seeking care elsewhere for these non emergent issues Keep in mind that this is a very stressful time for everyone so please reach out to your community for support as best you can, and offer support wherever you can.
The Classifieds Ad Rates: Classified Text ads: $10.62 + HST per insertion for 20 words & under; 20¢ each extra word. Deadline: 4 pm Monday; Ph: 613-279-3150, Fax: 613-279-3172; info@frontenacnews.ca
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HOUSE KEY on 38, south of Clement RD. 613449-8997
CBH TAX SERVICES, personal returns starting at $30. Carly Hudson 613-328-0845 or cbhtax@gmail.com
JUNK REMOVAL, etc. 10 and 18 cubic yard box rentals, You load, we load. 613-336-0708, 613-305-3775, synwin02@gmail.com
SERVICES Drywall Service Boarding, Taping, Painting & Texture Spray (Free Estimates)
Ardoch Ontario 613-479-8005 HANDYMAN SERVICE – repairs, drywall, painting, roofing etc. Serving Elphin, Snow Road, Sharbot Lake & area. Contact Todd Gursby for estimates, 613-278-1300 LEN B. SMITH - Home Renovations: Specializing in handyman services and home improvement. 613-608-7366 lenbsmith@ hotmail.com PHOTOCOPY SERVICES available at The Frontenac News, 1095 Garrett St., rear building, Sharbot Lake. Competitive prices! 8½” x 11” Black & White 25¢ ea; Colour copies 60¢ ea. 613-279-3150.
B’S RADICAL RIDES Towing & Recovery. James Mills owner/operator. 613-335-5050; website: bsradicalrides.ca
STANDING TIMBER, firewood, pine, cedar, bush lots. Free quotes, cash paid. Call 613279-2154.
Also keep in mind that medical resources are working to full capacity, from our ICUs to our Emergency Rooms to our Family Medicine Clinics. Our health system needs us all to work together to make the best use of our resources. Please trust that we are all doing our best to provide the best care we can. Our goal is to keep everyone safe and healthy. Thanks for your understanding. In gratitude, The Verona Medical Clinic, Lakelands Family Health Team, The Newburgh Medical Clinic, The Sydenham Medical Clinic, Sharbot Lake Family Health Team, The Tamworth Medical Centre. ■
Columns Continued from p8
• interesting to see what develops there. Jones Contracting, owned by Nathan Jones of Maberly, is building a new home at the end of Cohen Way, above the Fall River which, when finished, will give the owners a nice view of the river. Cedar Crest Homes, owned by Harry Van Alstine, just built and sold a home at the junction of the Maberly Elphin Road and the 11th Line South Sherbrooke Road. Two new books have been written and released - Lanark Archives produced one on rural schools in our area and Rosetta McInnes has written one on sugar camps in the Maberly area. • The Maberly Agricultural Society Board is planning on holding a pie sale again this year in July, and if they can't put on an actual fair, they are planning on trying to do it virtually.
• Birthdays this week are Elliott Hayat, Jocelyn Hartwick, Chandler Goodberry, Mary Ellen Whan, Dorothy Fraser, Susanna McGregor, Deb Stacey, Bill See, Karen Tryon, Brenda Steele, David Bates, Norma Pringle, David Scott, Tyriel Flieler, Grace Noonan, Brenda Noonan, Jack and Clare Willis, Richard Benn, Tori Neumann, Ivan Porter, Amanda Matson, Erika Sortberg, Phyllis Harper, Harold Warren, Brian Cox. • It is with much sadness that we announce the passing of a very dear woman, Vietta McInnis. She was a resident of Sharbot Lake Retirement Home. She had reached the age of 100 years. She will be missed by everyone. • We at the SLRR get our 2nd vaccine Tuesday, and also get the test for the virus.
Myers Cave Resort
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April 15, 2021
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Former Mink Farmer Disappointed With Verdict In Break & Enter Case by Jeff Green ast fall, Walter Freeman decided that since he had turned 65 it was time to shut down the mink farm that has been a part of his life since he was a child. His grandfather started up the mink operation at the family farm on Battersea Road, very close to Battersea itself, in 1957. “The legend goes that my grandfather caught a mink on Loughborough Lake, brought it home and convinced his neighbour to buy a mate. That’s how the farm started up,” said Walter, as he was loading frozen dog food into the trunk of a customer, as part of the “Raw Dog Feed” business, that he still operates at the site. Over the years the mink operation, which was a hobby at first, became the main Freeman family business and was run by Walter's father and uncle for years. He ended up taking over. The mink were kept in small cages, within covered barn-like open buildings, all within the regulations that are set out by the government “At one point we had a pretty large operation, but we downscaled over the years, as the price of pelts dropped, and by the time I closed down last fall, it was smaller.” As part of the mink operation, Walt Freeman sourced meat from slaughterhouses, as feed. About 15 years ago he started a
side business selling dog food, under the banner “Raw Dog Feed”, which he is still operating at the site. He has sold off all the mink, and is in the midst of selling off some of the equipment at the farm as well. The farm was never hidden, but it never had a large public profile. That is until a Youtube video was posted and an article appeared in the Whig Standard in 2018. The video of minks in cages on the Freeman farm, had been taken on August 1, 2017. at night. Malcolm Klimovics was charged with “break and enter with intent to commit mischief”. A trial took place last fall and Justice Julianne Parfett reserved her decision until last week, when she ruled that the Crown had not proven the case against Mr. Klimovics. In her ruling, she said that in order to convict, all elements of the charge must be established beyond a reasonable doubt, and while Klimovics certainly unlawfully broke into the Freeman property, the crown did not prove that he had the intent to commit mischief. The Crown, and Freeman himself, considered that attempting to harm him, by distributing video which was intended to damage Freeman's reputation and the mink industry, constituted intent to commit mischief. But the judge took a more
restrictive view of mischief. Because Klimovics did not touch anything and did not leave anything behind, Judge Parfett ruled that no mischief, or intent to commit mischief, had taken place. The judge was critical of much of the defense case, however, saying that Klimovics broke in, in order to show that the Freeman farm was in breach of the regulations pertaining to mink farming. “A lot of evidence was led (sic) at trial concerning whether Mr. Freeman complied with the code of practice, in relation to mink farming and/or the requirements of the Ontario Society for the Protection of Cruelty to Animals Act. There was insufficient evidence at this trial to conclude that Mr. Freeman had knowingly breached any of the requirements of the code of practice,” the judge said. Before the verdict was delivered, Walter Freeman had been hopeful that the case would establish privacy rights for farm operations, and he was disappointed with the verdict. “This should be about harassment from the animal rightists who believe their rights to inspect livestock outweigh a farmer’s right to privacy. In my opinion, Bill 156, which was enacted in 2020, and was too late to apply to this case, is a reasonable response from our government to this kind of invasion,” he said.
Walter Freeman
He hopes this will address a double standard in law and in the way this story was covered in the media. “Can you imagine someone breaking into a Walmart or a doctor's office and taking video of something they don't like, getting coverage on the front page of a newspaper about what they found, even if they found nothing illegal, and not having the fact that they broke in illegally featured in the story. ■
NF Council Likely To Reject Proposal To Purchase Access Point To Benny Lake In Cloyne by Jeff Green couple of weeks ago a group of residents in the Cloyne area approached Ken Hook, a former Reeve of Addington Highlands, with a concern about a property that is located in North Frontenac. The property is an access point to Benny's Lake, which is located in Cloyne, near Hwy. 41, behind the Barrie Hall. It is the only public access to the lake. “This access has been used by NAEC students, residents and visitors, for decades, to enjoy Benny's Lake for fishing, swimming and ice skating,” said the preamble to an online petition that was started up to try and convince North Frontenac Township not to sell the property to the adjacent landowner, who was bothered by the noise and litter at the site.
The petition made the rounds on social media and after only one night over 700 people had signed it. North Frontenac Mayor, Ron Higgins, posted on the petition site and contacted Ken Hook to inform him that the access was not actually located on public land. It was only a nearby road concession that the neighbouring landowner was seeking to purchase, not the access point itself. "Let me be clear that this is not a "Public Access" but rather a private access that the owner apparently wants to close, and the township has zero control on what a private property owner wants to do related to access on their property. Knowing this, our staff went there to assess, and a report will come to Council, on April 16, with possible options to pro-
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on April 16. Limiting public access to lakes is contrary to North Frontenac Township policy, and Higgins indicated to Hook that he does not expect Council will make an exception in this case. When contacted by the Frontenac News this week, Ron Higgins said that the petition and associated online campaign started up before staff had a chance to consider the implications of the offer to purchase. “Once our staff had done the research, it was clear that it is public land. I can't say for sure what Council will do on the 16th, but I don't think anyone on council would support selling off public access to water.” ■
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vide public access on an ongoing basis. To that end, the petition to the township will have no bearing on the closure as it is not a public access point. I understand the concerns related to access to the lake and we will do our best to find a solution,” Higgins posted. At that point, Ken Hook, who had contacted the Frontenac News by email, about what was going on, wrote back saying the situation had changed and he was planning to take down the petition. A day later, Ron Higgins wrote to Ken Hook again, this time informing him that township staff had investigated the matter, and had determined that the lake access was located on public property, and a proposal to stop up and sell it will be considered by North Frontenac Council
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April 15, 2021
SFCS Digital Transformation L
ike many organizations, Southern Frontenac Community Services Corp. (SFCSC) has had to adapt to the ‘new environment’ that the Covid-19 pandemic has created. Knowing that the health and social support services they provide are vital to the people in South Frontenac who depend on them for help, they had to take steps to upgrade their digital capacity and move everything online. This was a major undertaking that required significant expertise, materials and resources. The first thing needed was funding and support. Enter the Emergency Community Support Fund through Community Foundations of Canada and delivered by the Community Foundation for Kingston & Area (CFKA). They provided just over $16,000 for the Digital Transformation project. Community member and IT expert Kelly Krumreich from Act 2 Services, waived fees
by Southern Frontenac Community Services
and helped to develop a digital strategy covering technology, resources and procedures. With her help hardware and software needs were determined, and vendors and service providers were chosen. Basically, SFCSC told her what they wanted to accomplish and she told them how to get there. Once we had the technical needs addressed, the transition to online programs and services had to be as easy and accessible as possible for clients, volunteers and staff. Just before the pandemic started, the Retired Teachers of Ontario District 20 gifted SFCSC $2,100 for a ‘Tech Savvy Seniors’ that allowed SFCSC to buy tablets for senior clients and teach them how to use them. This was the starting point for what has become the SFCSC ‘Lending Library’. With part of the CFKA funding, along with $3,700 through the Ministry for Seniors & Accessibility Seniors Community Grant Pro-
gram a Lending Library with 30 tablets available for use was formed. Now, in the final stages of their Digital Transformation, SFCSC is working with Connected Canadians, a non-profit group dedicated to helping older adults develop digital literacy skills. ‘Train the Trainer’ sessions will help volunteers and staff learn what they need to know so they can help seniors with the setup and use of the tablets. This was a big project. Many, many weeks in the making with well over $20,000 in funding and support from community partners and volunteers. All to ensure that SFCSC programs and services continue to be accessible to people in the community and help seniors stay connected and feel less isolated. To learn more about the SFCSC Lending Library call 613-376-6477 x310. ■
KFPL: Writing Joyful Poems in Troubled Times
In celebration of April as National Poetry Month, Kingston Frontenac Public Library is delighted to announce an online Poetry Writing Workshop with Kingston Poet Laureate Jason Heroux. Writing Joy: How to Write a Joyful Poem in Troubled Times will be offered twice: at 2 p.m. on Saturday, April 24 and at 7 p.m. on Monday, April 26. Both workshops will be the same. They will be open to those 14 and older but spaces are limited. To avoid disappointment, please register in advance at calendar.kfpl.ca or by phone at (613) 5498888. A Zoom link will be emailed immediately upon registration. Participants will need to download the latest version of Zoom in advance to whichever device they’ll be using during the presentation. For more information, visit www.kfpl.ca
News & Public Notices
Interim Tax Notices Due April 30, 2021 Interim Tax Notices will be issued to all property owners beginning on March 1, 2021. The Interim tax bill due date has been extended from March 31st, 2021 to April 30th, 2021 in order to alleviate some of the financial burden that is being experienced by residents during COVID-19. If you have not received your Interim Tax Notice, you should contact the Tax Department at 613-376-3027 Ext. 2200 or email us at taxes@southfrontenac.net.
Total Fire Ban in Effect Effective Friday, April 9, 2021 at 8:00 am a total fire ban is in effect across the Township of South Frontenac. This decision was made following a significant number of grass and wildland fires over the past few weeks. The warmer weather combined with dead grass, brush, and wind has resulted in a number of challenging fire suppression situations for the South Frontenac Fire & Rescue (SFFR) team. A total burning ban means absolutely no open air burning, including cooking fires, brush fires, camping fires, and fireworks as defined in By-law 2012-68. This ban does not apply to cooking appliances with a mechanical shutoff (such as a propane barbeque). Any infraction of this By-law will result in financial penalties associated with the cost of emergency response and enforcement. Fees are outlined in the Township’s Burning By-law No. 2012-68 and range from $75 for a basic response and investigation of a complaint, to $410 per vehicle plus firefighter wages for larger responses. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact SFFR at 613-376-3027 ext. 2234, or via email at firechief@southfrontenac.net.
Reduced Load Period on Township Roads – March 1, 2021 to April 30, 2021 In accordance with the Highway Traffic Act, R.S.O.1990. Ch. H. 8, Section 122, residents are reminded that most roads within South Frontenac are subject to restricted loads from the period of March 1 – April 30 each year. The restriction is that no axle of any commercial vehicle or trailer shall transmit to the road, a weight in excess of 5000 kilograms. This action is necessary for the protection of roads in South Frontenac. Northern Waste Disposal Sites Open May 1, 2021 Salem WDS will be open Tuesdays 8:30 – 4:30 Bradshaw WDS will be open Thursdays 8:30-4:30 Green Bay WDS will be open Fridays 8:30-12:30 and Sundays 12:30 – 4:30 Tagged household garbage & recycling only - no dumping at gates
Municipal Offices Closed due to Provincial Lockdown As a result of the Provincial Government’s lockdown, the Township of South Frontenac will be closing its administrative offices for the in Sydenham at 4432 George Street, and at 2490 Keeley Rd for the duration of the lockdown. While our offices will be closed to the public during this time, most municipal services will continue to be delivered and public communications via telephone and email will remain available during regular business hours. See the township website - News and Public Notices for more details www.southfrontenac. net .
Household Hazardous Waste Depot – Now on Summer Hours The Household Hazardous Waste Depot located at 2491 Keeley Rd in Sydenham will be open every Thursday from 3:00 pm to 8:00 pm. Please remember that accepted items are hazardous materials, and small electronics only. A full listing of accepted materials may be found on our website under Living Here/Solid Waste/Recycling/Household Hazardous Waste.
Township Field and Diamond Spring Opening The Public Services Department will be monitoring the conditions of our Township fields and diamonds. We are planning to have them open and available for use as of May 10th or earlier if conditions are good. Thank you for your cooperation and understanding.
Garbage Collection Reminder: The Birds Are Back ! Garbage day always brings hordes of hungry ravens perching in the trees just waiting for you to drop your bag of garbage so they can have a feast! It’s disheartening to drive down a local road on collection day and seeing garbage bags ripped to pieces by the birds, dogs and cats! Foil these nuisances by putting your tagged garbage bags in a garbage container, or simply throw an old blanket or piece of carpet over the bag(s). Just ensure the collectors are still able to determine that there is garbage to be collected and remember that the collection workers are not required to clean up garbage from ripped bags or strewn recycling. Garbage remains your property until it is collected, therefore any mess left behind is your responsibility. Please keep collection clean, quick and easy for all! Planning We encourage inquiries to be submitted using email (planning@southfrontenac.net) or via our intake forms on our website at www. southfrontenac.net under Open for Business/Planning & Development. Prior to submitting a planning application, applicants are required to have a pre-consultation appointment with the planning staff. A pre-consultation meeting can be booked by calling extension 2224. Booking a pre-consultation meeting helps us evaluate your application and provides you with important information about the process. Pre-consultation meetings will occur by phone or via zoom at this time. 2021 DOG TAGS Dog Tags for the 2021 year are now available for $30.00 each. As of March 1, 2021, Dog tags will only be available at the Municipal office located at 4432 George St., Sydenham.
Cancellation of 2021 Swim & Day Camp The Township of South Frontenac has made the difficult decision to cancel Swim and Day Camp programs for the 2021 season due to the ongoing concerns surrounding COVID-19. The cancellation comes after careful consideration from the Township’s Emergency Control Group (ECG) regarding the safety of South Frontenac residents and staff. The Township is looking forward to welcoming swimmers and campers back to the traditional programs in the future when it is safe to do so. For more information regarding the Townships response to the COVID-19 pandemic please visit www.southfrontenac.net. 2021 Community Grants & COVID19 Relief & Recovery Grants Applications for the Community Project Grant Program and the COVID19 Relief & Recovery Grant Program are now being accepted. Not for profit community organizations including charitable organizations and unincorporated groups who meet the project guidelines can apply until April 30, 2021. For more information see the website. State Of Emergency Declaration: Covid-19 Infectious Disease During this difficult time, the Township is asking everyone in our community to take physical distancing seriously, especially around vulnerable populations and to stay at home to reduce the likelihood of further transmission. This includes: • maintaining at least 2 metre distance from others, • avoiding all unnecessary travel, washing your hands often, • regularly disinfecting high touch zones in shared spaces in your home. By acting decisively as a community, we can ensure the safety and well-being of our residents is maintained.
TOWN HALL • Council Meeting – April 20, 2021 at 7:00 pm – Electronic Participation Electronic Participation For those who wish to participate electronically and to address an agenda item (related to a planning matter based on the statutory public meeting requirements) on a Council agenda or Committee of Adjustment agenda, please see our website – Featured Items and/ or Calendar for the link to pre-register. Please register before noon on the day of each meeting to ensure you will be able to connect to the meeting. Job Opportunities • Competition #21-10-TD – Treasury Clerk (Temporary anticipated 7 months). We look forward to hearing from you by April 23, 2021. For more information on either position, please see the full job posting and description on our website at https://www.southfrontenac. net/careers/ Tenders • Tender PS-2021-18 - Resurfacing of McMullen Park Netsports Courts in Verona submissions to be received by 1:30 pm on April 21, 2021. • Tender PS-2021-22 One (1) Water Tank - Tender documents must be received by 1:00pm local time on May 5, 2021 Official forms can be found on our website or by visiting BIDDINGO.com.
Absolutely NO Open Air Burning!
Total Fire Ban
In effect as of April 9, 2021 Follow us on Facebook – @SouthFrontenacTwp Follow us on Twitter - @SthFrontenacTwp
South Frontenac Fire & Rescue
4432 George Street, Box 100, Sydenham ON K0H 2T0 1-800-559-5862 Office Hours: Monday to Friday 8:00 am to 4:30 pm • www.southfrontenac.net
April 15, 2021
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Hook’s Building Centre Shop online from our website hooksbc.com, email thook@hooksbc.com or order by phone (613) 336-8416. Watch Instagram and Facebook for updates and hours of operation. Delivery or Curbside pick available. Keep up the good work self isolating and we will get through this.
Frontenac Provincial Park - An Opportunity To Stay Active
Ben Chabot, Frontenac Provincial Park superintendent.
By Daniel Gelyen he Frontenac Provincial Park has been considered one of the greatest asset of the county, and it remains one of the gems of our area to be explored and enjoyed. Like most of us, the park has been affected by the pandemic, but much of it remains positive as it offers an outlet to remain active and enjoy the great outdoors, especially during the current restrictions.
“The main services offered at the park are backcountry overnight camping and day use like hiking and paddling,” says Ben Chabot, the park superintendent. Originally from South Frontenac Township, Chabot has been the park superintendent since 2015, although he started working in Ontario Parks much earlier with summer jobs when he was still in high school. These early experiences and his love of the outdoors led him to post-secondary education in natural resources and eventually to his current position. With a total staff of 18 at the park, Chabot is the only full-time employee. The rest of the staff are seasonal, with many of them being students who work during the busiest season in the summer. Ontario Parks is currently conducting its annual seasonal recruitment for staff, including students. For anyone that likes the outdoor and has the ability to interact with the public, this is a great opportunity. “The safety of our visitors and our staff is our top priority so we’ve implemented different measures to promote physical distancing throughout the park. We’ve been responding to provincial and regional orders related to COVID-19 and that did include some temporary closure of overnight camping for a short period of time,” says Chabot. Despite these restrictions, the park has been able to stay open, even for backcountry overnight camping, for
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most of the year. In fact, there has been an increase of the use of the park in 2020, and that was across Ontario as well. “We are expecting another busy year again. Backcountry overnight camping is suspended right now, it went into place April 3 as a result of provincial orders,” says Chabot. It has already been widely reported that camping sites are in high demand for this summer and people are asked to book early to avoid disappointments. Although backcountry overnight camping is not the average family camping experience as the campers must either hike or paddle to their site with all their equipment, the increased popularity of camping this year, largely due to the restrictions to travel out of country, is expected to also drive the demand for this type of adventure. For the latest information on any restrictions at the park, Chabot recommends to anyone thinking of coming to the park to visit www.ontarioparks.com and follow the COVID-19 link where up-to-date information is always available. ■
PUBLIC MEETING NOTICE TAKE NOTICE that the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Central Frontenac proposes to enact a By-Law to stop up, close and convey a portion of road allowance as set out and described below: Part of the unopened road allowance between Concessions 5 and 6, between Lot 24, geographic Township of Hinchinbrooke, Central Frontenac, being part of PIN 36159-0075; (Brown) This proposed closing is to come before the said Council for consideration at its regular meeting on Tuesday the 27th of April, 2021 at the hour of 4:00 pm and at that time, the Council will hear any person who claims that his or her land will be prejudicially affected and who applies to be heard either in person or by his or her Counsel, Solicitor or Agent. Due to the state of emergency and the ongoing pandemic, our meeting will be held virtually. Anyone wishing to attend the public meeting should contact the undersigned at (613) 279-2935 x 237 or cdeachman@ centralfrontenac.com to register and obtain log-in or phone-in instructions no later than noon on April 27, 2021. Connection instructions to the meeting will also be available on our website by end of day April 23rd 2021 For further information, you may contact the undersigned at (613) 279-2935 x 237 or cdeachman@ centralfrontenac.com. Dated this 9th day of April, 2021 Cindy Deachman, Deputy Clerk Township of Central Frontenac 1084 Elizabeth St, P.0. Box 89 Sharbot Lake, Ontario K0H 2P0
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