Vol.21 No.41

Page 1

October 14, 2021 Vol. 21, No. 41


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SF Deputy Mayor Pat Barr – 1950-2021 By Jeff Green he sudden cancellation of a meeting of South Frontenac Council on Tuesday (October 5), was left without explanation until late in the week, when Mayor Ron Vandewal published an open letter announcing the death of Deputy Mayor Pat Barr. The letter reads, in part: “It is with great sadness that I share the news of Councillor Patricia ‘Pat’ Barr’s passing on Tuesday October 5, 2021. South Frontenac Council and staff have been shocked by this news and will miss her warm personality and thoughtful approach around the council table. “Born and raised in Bedford Township (now Bedford District, in the northern end of South Frontenac), Pat grew up in a politically savvy household, where her father was both a councillor and reeve prior to the amalgamation of Bedford Township with the newly formed Township of South Frontenac in 1998. After returning to her family home and community, she joined Council in 2013, with the promise of making life in South Frontenac better for her friends and neighbours. “Her degree in geography, education in agriculture, dedication to recreation and desire to preserve the community’s heritage, prepared her to be an active voice on council over the past 8 years. It goes without saying that her contributions to the community as a member of council have been vast and impactful for the residents of Bedford district and the greater South Frontenac Community.” Barr had been very ill in late 2020 into 2021 when she was hospitalised for four months with symptoms of both Lyme Disease and Anaplasmosis, which are both tickborne diseases. Her stay in hospital included one month in a coma. Lee Dillabough, her husband of 15 years, said that she felt that the more information about the dangers posed by ticks, and how to respond to symptoms of Lyme, and other conditions, would help prevent suffering. She was in line to take on the Deputy Mayor role in South Frontenac for 2021, but because of her illness, Ray Leonard from Portland District, who was slated to


“Those who knew Councillor Barr know she was never without a story or a smile to share, and took pride in the work she did with the township. She will be greatly missed by everyone in the municipal organisation, not to mention the many members of the community who had the privilege of being touched by her kindness,” said Ron Vandewal, “Thank you Councillor Pat Barr for everything you have done for South Frontenac and its residents. We will keep your spirit in our thoughts and actions as we continue striving to make this community a better place, just as you did for so many years.” Before her retirement, Pat Barr worked for Loblaws, in Ottawa, for a number of years, before returning to her home community of Burridge to care for her father when he became ill. A keen traveler, she visited Hawaii and the Caribbean, and took at least 3 trips to Europe. In what turned out to be her final trip to Europe in 2017, she visited some of the battlefields of World War II where members of her family had fought, and visited the gravesite of a family member who died in combat during the war. On Council, she was known for her dry wit and a tendency to speak her mind. She will be keenly missed by her husband Lee, and members of the Barr family.

South Frontenac councillor Pat Barr passed away on October 5,.

At the rescheduled council meeting from October, which took place on Tuesday, October 12, council paused to reflect on the role Pat Barr played on council since 2013, and in Bedford District over many years. Council will consider its options for a replacement Bedford representative to serve out the remaining 14 months of the current council term, later this month. There was no third-place candidate in Bedford in 2018, as both Barr and Councillor Alan Revill were acclaimed, as they had also been in 2014. She finished 3rd in 2010 and was appointed to council in 2013 when the late Mark Tinlin, who had been elected in 2010, left the region. Her father Carl served as Reeve of the former Bedford Township in the 1990’s.■

Un-Vaccinated Population Twice As Contagious, Studies Suggest


By Jeff Green hen COVID-19 vaccinations were being studied for approval, two major criteria were considered, are they safe and are they effective. Effectiveness is determined by the degree to which they protect those who receive the vaccination. But one thing that is not studied, at least in the initial stages, is whether vaccinated people are less contagious than vaccinated people. The vaccines were shown to be affective at preventing the virus from gaining a foothold and producing an illness in those who are vaccinated, but whether the virus is able to use an inhospitable host as a conduit to get to a new host is not that well studied. According to Dr. Hugh Guan of Kingston Frontenac Lennox and Addington Public Health (KFLAPH) a large study in the United Kingdom of health workers and their families has provided a preliminary answer. The study looked at the households of vaccinated and unvaccinated health care workers, and found that more household members of unvaccinated workers devel-


Continued on page 3

NAEC Vice Principal Jamie McCullough

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be the Deputy Mayor in 2022, took on the role, a year in advance. “Pat made a remarkable recovery in the spring, and was able to return to council, a job that she loved and took very seriously,” said Dillabough. After her return, she was sworn as a Deputy Mayor in May of this year, and Council amended the term of the Deputy Mayor to permit her to remain in the role until May of 2022, when Ray Leonard would take over for the final few months of the current council term. Her health continued to improve over the summer and into the fall, but took a sudden devastating turn during the first weekend of October, and her intestinal system, which had been most impacted early in the year, failed. She passed early in the morning on October 5.

School Colours

ome guys will do anything to cover up their grey hair. The school community at North Addington Education Centre in Cloyne have always taken pride in raising funds for the Terry Fox School Run. After all Terry Fox passed through Kaladar on his famous run. This year the goal of $2,500 was easily reached, and the school started to look at reaching its all time record, from way back in 2004, $4743.60. To provide further motivation, the school's Principal, John Mooney, and Vice Principal. Jamie McCullough, got involved. The school colours are yellow and green and they committed to dying their hair yellow (Mooney) and green (McCullough) if that total was reached. Late last week, as the $4,000 mark was reached and exceeded, plans were made for the dye job, just in case. By the Friday before Thanksgiving, the old record had easily been surpassed, and a new mark of $6,800 had been set. VP McCullough followed through on the weekend, posting a video of his dye job on Twitter. Principal Mooney will have yellow hair by the end of this week. The fundraising campaign didn't slow down over the long weekend, however. By Tuesday afternoon, the total amount raised was at $7606.20. And counting.

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Focus Groups To Look At Social Impacts Of Lyme Disease

By Jeff Green ingston and the surrounding area, including parts of South Frontenac, have become known as a so-called sentinel site for the Canadian Lyme Disease Research Network. Not only is Queen’s University a founding partner in the network, but Kieran Moore, former Medical Officer of Health for the region, is still listed as the Network’s Director. That is one of the reasons why it is one of the subject regions in a national study out of the Universite de Montreal (UM) that is looking at the impact of ticks on the daily lives of people in a number of regions across the country. Natasha Nofal, a PHD candidate at the UM, will be facilitating zoom-based focus group conversations about the impact of Lyme, on rural and urban lifestyles, in late October. “We put out a call for participants last week through our partners in local public health (KFLAPH), [through a twitter post] and received a very strong response,” she said, “people are really engaged in this issue.” In addition to KFL&A, Nofal is con-


ducting focus group conversations with Vancouver residents, people from the Estrie-Monteregie region in Quebec, and residents of the Lunenburg region in Nova Scotia. “Vancouver is in there because it is not a region where Lyme is considered endemic. It is sort of like a control group. The three other regions are all considered endemic for Lyme,” she said. The focus groups are looking at the impact on behaviours among the entire community, not only people who have already contracted Lyme. “In some of the focus groups we have conducted in other parts of the country, we have been hearing from people who are not letting their children go outside anymore, who have changed the way they garden, and the way they care for their pets. The changes people are making to their healthy lifestyles are what we are trying to understand with this study,” she said. “The questions we will be asking will be open-ended so we hope to get a real sense of the concerns people have. The insights that come from this study will be integrated with other research findings that the research network is coordinating. The team at the UM is also developing a large survey for next year that will be conducted across the country. The study differs from other studies that have been done around Lyme Disease because it looks at the impact of Lyme at the community level, instead of focussing solely on people who have contracted the disease.

“Our research group takes what we call a ‘one health approach”, said Nofal, who has shifted her professional focus to research after working as a veterinarian for a decade. “It is an approach that is important to my research supervisor, and it is a major interest of mine. It is important to look at how Lyme disease arrives in the first place, at the environmental factors, how it moves from one species to another and its impacts on each species.” Lyme, and other tick-borne diseases that are associated with the black

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legged tick, are ideal subjects for this approach, since the spread of the territory of the ticks has been a result of climate change, both deer and dogs suffer health impacts from the ticks, and cats are not impacted by the ticks but are ideal carriers. “When we look at disease, it is important to look at everything together,” Nofal said. Email – natasha.nofal@umontreal. com ■

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October 14, 2021 Publisher & Editor.............................................. Jeff Green Graphic Designer................................................Scott Cox Digital & Print Sales....................................Sarah Hannah Copy Editors ............................................... Martina Field, Office Staff.................. Suzanne Tanner, Caylie Runciman Webmaster.......................................................Jesse Mills Reporters................................Wilma Kenny, Craig Bakay,




The Frontenac News is published every Thursday Deadlines: Classifieds: Friday at 5pm Display ads: Friday at 5pm

The Frontenac News welcomes articles and letters, but we cannot publish all the submissions we receive. All submissions must be SINCE 1970 signed and include a phone number for verification. We reserve the right to edit submissions for brevity, clarity, and taste. Please limit letters to 300 words or less; articles to 500 words or less.

1095 Garrett St., rear building; Box 229, Sharbot Lake, ON K0H 2P0 Ph: 613-279-3150; 1-888-779-3150; Fx: 613-279-3172 E-mail: info@frontenacnews.ca Office hours: Mon/Tues., 8:30 am 4:30pm Wed. 8:30am - 12noon, Thurs/Fri chance or appointment Subscriptions (Canadian subscriptions include HST) Weekly: $70.11, HST incl. ($90 US for US orders) for 6 months Bi-weekly: $94.92, HST included ($105 US for US orders) for one year, 2 issues, mailed bi-weekly Member of the Ontario Community Newspaper Association

High Speed Internet Coming To Addington Highlands by Craig Bakay fter more than a year of flawless online meetings, it was bound to happen sooner or later. The audio portion of Addington Highlands Council’s Oct. 5 meeting simply didn’t come through to the YouTube feed. You could see them, but what came through audibly was garbled beyond recognition. “We didn’t know it was happening,” said CAO/Clerk Christine Reed. “If we had known, we’d have recessed and tried to fix it. “I don’t know what the problem was but we’ll have someone from the County in and we hope to have it resolved by the next Council meeting (Oct.19).” Perhaps somewhat ironically, one of the larger items being discussed on Oct. 5 presented some good news on the electronics communications front. Council did approve sending a letter of concurrence to Rogers Communications regarding a new communications tower at the Mazinaw Lakeside Resort. But that’s not all. Council received correspondence from Rogers concerning the new tower site in Denbigh as well as proposals for three other locations (Hwy 41 and Massanoga, Hwy 41 and Slate Falls Rd. and Snider Road and Matawatchan Road). “As people rely more on wireless devices such as smartphones, tablets and laptops for business and personal use, network improvements are required to ensure high quality voice and data services are available,” Rogers said. “As a Tier 1 Carrier, Rogers’ federal mandate is to fill coverage gaps such that all residents have access to high speed broadband services.” “Improvements will be all along the 41 corridor in the beginning,” said Reed. “This is an encouraging development,” said Reeve Henry Hogg in an interview the day after the meeting. “This is part of the Eastern Ontario Cell Gap project and there’s federal money going into it. “We haven’t had much cell coverage and internet too.”


Cardio Burn Weight Loss Classes & Clean Eating Lions Hall, Northbrook Tues & Thurs, 4:30-5:30pm 14 sessions Oct. 19 - Dec 2 $182/person. 10 person limit Trainer - Jill Weese Advanced Personal Trainer Physiotherapy Assistant Registration: Lions Hall, Northbrook Thursday, October 14, 4:30 pm or call Jill 613-888-8922 email Jillweese777@gmail.com

Hogg said that given trends happening during the pandemic, this could bode quite well for the future of the Township. “It’s a start,” he said. “I think people can relocate here and this could encourage them to work from home. “I’m optimistic.” Hogg said that wireless communication and banking was part of his election platform. “We even have an ATM at the Foodland now, meaning we don’t all have to depend on the Bank of Montreal.” Crown Land Stewardship in AH Council added Joel Arthurs and Bruce Schwenger to the Working Group studying a potential Crown Land Stewardship Program with Arthurs representing lake associations and Schwenger representing residents. However, while he’s prepared to discuss it, Reeve Henry Hogg said he has some “reservations” about the whole idea of creating a system similar to what neighbouring North Frontenac Township has developed. “I have some concerns,” Hogg said. “I see it as being very expensive. “We’d have to hire some people and get some new equipment to build roads and then we’d have to maintain them — they can’t be just forest access roads.” He said the roads will have to be maintained as well as any potential campsites and “you can’t just send one person out, it has to be two.” He said the Township would likely have to obtain some boats and there will be acquisitions in terms of computers and software for booking sites. “It’s a concern,” he said. Pigeon removal – discs favoured over nets, or guns CBO David Twiddy thinks he might have come up with a solution to all the pigeons roosting in the outdoor arena in Finton. The pigeons seem to have moved in to a shadowed location in the roof of the west wall of the arena which is sheltered from the wind and elements. While the birds themselves aren’t that big of a problem, what they leave behind, ie pigeon poop, is SINCE 1970

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and not only are the droppings a potential health hazard, who wants to sit on benches covered in pigeon poop? Spurred on by Coun. Helen Yanch, Twiddy has looked at various potential solutions including $57,000 worth of netting and offers of .410 owners to clean them out. But neither solution was deemed acceptable. So, he contacted Orkin Canada, who suggested a rather sci-fi solution, something called Optical Gel Disks.

Tell Us Your Thoughts On KFPL Branch Hours With a broad catchment area and a goal to keep our branches accessible and useful to our library users, Kingston Frontenac Public Library is reviewing hours of operation at all 16 branches. We are looking for feedback from people in both the City of Kingston and Frontenac County to make sure we are serving library users’ needs. "Our mission is to make a positive difference in the lives of everyone in Kingston-Frontenac. To do that, our hours of operation need to meet the needs of each community,” explained Kimberly Sutherland Mills, Director, Service Design and Delivery. "We're reviewing how we can best use the hours we have available to provide the best possible service. Whether that means open hours during your after-work commute, or perhaps having hours at all the libraries near your home aligned so that you have better access, your feedback is essential to these decisions." KFPL recognizes that urban and rural branch users may have different needs and opportunities to use the library, which


Cont. from p1

oped COVID as compared the household members of vaccinated workers. “There are other factors, but the study was a pretty big one, and it showed that the unvaccinated population is more contagious,” said Guan, “it is about a 2-1 ratio. This becomes important on a population basis.” Among sensitive professions in Ontario, including healthcare workers, a vaccine mandate is coming into force

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“The salesperson said the six-inch disks give off a low-level sound that creates the impression the disks are on fire and the pigeons won’t go near them,” Twiddy said. “They also have a lemon scent that the birds don’t like.” Twiddy said they’d probably need about 740 of the disks spaced six inches apart but even so, “it will probably cost onetwentieth of what we’d have to pay for netting. “We’re now looking for a quote.” ■

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is why we are taking a regional approach to make sure the hours of neighbouring branches are complementary. We encourage users to fill out a short survey to share feedback, which should only take about 10 minutes to complete. The survey will stay open until October 31 online. It also gives users an opportunity to let us know how they use digital collections, and to share ideas for Mobile Branch locations. Find the branch hours survey online at bit.ly/BranchHoursSurvey, at community.kfpl.ca, or on our main page at kfpl. ca. There are also printed versions of the survey available at all branches. There may be further opportunities for community engagement at a later date, such as a focus group or open house. ibrary staff will review all survey responses and prepare a final report by November 30, which will be posted at community.kfpl.ca. Any resulting changes to hours of operation will be implemented in 2022. ■

this month in order to protect the vulnerable population from an increased risk of transmission. Case count in KFLAPH continues to drop KFLAPH would be back in the Green Zone at the beginning of this week, if the old COVID colour coded system were still in place. The total case count is 26 for the region, and the case rate per 100,000 over the last 7 days had dropped to 6.1. The positive testing had dropped to 0.33%. And there was another piece of

Continued on page 6

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COMMUNITY REPORTERS (613) Arden.......................... Wanda Harrison..............335-3186 Battersea / Storrington.Amanda Pantrey.............353-6653 Cloyne / Northbrook.... Nancy Skipper Denbigh....................... Angela Bright..................333-1901 Harrowsmith................ Pamela Redden..............372-0675 Henderson.................. Jean Brown....................336-2516 Inverary....................... Judy Borovskis...............353-1768 Maberly-Bolingbroke... Karen Prytula.................325-1354 Mississippi................... Pearl Killingbeck.............278-2127 Ompah........................ Linda Rush.....................479-2570 Marily Seitz.....................479-2855 Parham-Tichbome Elijah Abrams.......... 416-276-3113 Perth Road.................. Peter Bird.......................353-7303 Plevna......................... Rhonda Watkins.............479-2447 Sydenham................... Karen Brawley................376-9848 Verona........................ Debbie Lingen..............................

verona Debbie Lingen


• Christmas in the Sawmill will hold an art and craft show in the mill on Saturday, October 23 from 10am to 4pm. Location is 6037B Verona St., Verona. One day only. Some new vendors, as well as many returning vendors. Covid protocols • Remembrance Day Service at the Verona Cenotaph will once again be by advanced reserved social distance spaces. Please email vca@xplornet.ca to reserve your spot. Space is limited due to Covid restrictions and the unknown factors at the time of printing. You will receive a copy of the service to print or download to your phone. Masks are required, hand sanitizing and social distancing will be in place.

ARDEN Wanda Harrison

613-335-3186 wmharrison070@gmail.com

• Hope everyone had a happy and healthy Thanksgiving. • Do you have kids? Are you in need of some help with getting them outfitted for the winter? If so, please either contact Rural Frontenac Community Services for kids 0-5 years or your local school so they register you in their Clothes for Kids program. RFCS phone number is 613279-3151 x 305 or visit their website at www.rfcs.ca. • Circle Square Ranch is sponsoring a Christmas Market Saturday, November • 30, 10:00am to 3:00pm, and are in need of local vendors. Application for the vendors may be requested by email at arden@csranch.ca. Vendors’ fees are $50.00 plus a donation to the Silent Auction. Get in touch with the Ranch if you have any questions. • Jill Weese, of Henderson is offering a weight-loss class which includes cardio, endurance and strength training, Tuesdays and Thursdays beginning October 19 for 14 sessions. Classes will be from 4:30pm to 5:30pm at the Lions Hall in Northbrook. The cost is $182.00 with a 10-person maximum attendance. If you are interested, please email jillweese777@gmail.com or call 613-888.8922. • If you missed out on the Thanksgiving Raffle Basket, you are in luck because there is now a Halloween Raffle Basket for your pleasure. The basket contains a glow necklace, a spider ring toss, 2 Halloween movies, ghost

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lights and a $25.00 gift card to Mike Deans. The tickets are $5.00 each and are available at the Child Centre or the RFCS office at 1020 Elizabeth Street. The draw will be October 22. • RFCS’s youth program has partnered with Scientists in School and is presenting Up, Down and All Around, a fun, free virtual STEM workshop, October 28 from 4:00pm to 5:00pm for kids ages 4 – 12 years. Explore how things move, and discover the science behind a magic trick, defy gravity by creating a balancing bird and engineer an elastic racer to chase down Newton’s laws. All materials are included. Please email at youth@rfcs.ca or call 613-273151 x 305 for more information, or to register. • Sad to hear that the Festival of Trees has cancelled their Annual event again this year. Covid has really taken a toll on many of our favorite events. • If you haven’t been by the Kennebec Heritage Park lately, take a few minutes and check out the addition of the large decorative rocks placed on the site. If you would like a beloved family member to be honored or you’d like to have your family plaque mounted, please get in touch with the Kennebec and District Historical Society and they can help you out.

CLOYNE - Northbrook Nancy Skipper noahsark444@bell.net

• This sounds delicious and fun! Be sure to save the date and check out what’s happening on October 16 at the Lions Hall in Northbrook. The Lions Club of Land O’Lakes is hosting a Harvest Fest from 9:00am to 1:00pm. Bring your appetite and for $6.00, enjoy a pancake breakfast with bacon. Breakfast will be served from 9:00am to 11:00am. There will be children’s games, a bouncy castle, pumpkin carving, vendors and much, much more. Come out and celebrate the fall harvest season with the Lions and your community. • Hunter’s Creek Golf Course is holding their Hunter’s Creek Fall Fling on Saturday, October 16, 2021. This is a disc golf singles tournament. Please register on-line hunterscreekgolf.com. "Nikko Jesse Forbes", a 7 yr old disc golfer that has 3 wins in the amateur division, will come to Hunters Creek this weekend. He has hundreds of thousands of followers on Facebook & Instragram. • The Land O’Lakes Rescue Petting Farm is open every Saturday and Sunday including Holiday Thanksgiving Monday. As long as they can keep the water on and it does not freeze, they plan to stay open until October 31, 2021. Their hours are Monday to Friday by appointment only. If you do call and get voicemail, please leave a message and we will call you back. Saturdays & Sundays including Holiday Monday OPEN 11am to 3pm. No appointment necessary. • The Petting Farm wants everyone to know that they have lots of FREE fertilizer manure ready for pickup for next year's gardens. Many people have benefited from their organic manure and have had plentiful vegetables and beautiful flower gardens that thrived so well. Bring your trailer and they will load it for you. Donations are always welcome. • Stop at the Red Barn Zone on Fridays and get a yummy lunch box for your children. Order in advance at 613-3369900 and just drive by and grab it. Each box contains a plain bagel with cream cheese or butter, an apple or orange juice box, Rice Krispies Square bars, box of raisins, carrots or celery sticks and a tiny toy, colours, and stickers. All this for $5.00. • The 4th Annual Trunk or Treat will be happening on October 31, 2021 at the Flinton recreation Hall parking lot from 5:30pm to 7:30pm. Trunkers are wanted! Come hand out candy to kids of all ages. If you would like to hand out candy but cannot attend, no problem; as there will be a community trunk where candy is handed out. • Trick or Treat at the Red Barn Zone! Get ready for scary treats! Come and scare the owners and you will get a double treat! Come out between 5:00pm and 7:0pm. The Red Barn Zone is located at 2471 Highway 506. • The Land O' Lakes Garden Club will be holding their Specializing in: • New Home Construction • Cottage Renovations and Additions • New Garage builds & Garage packages • Boat houses/marine construction • Interior and exterior renovations 613-893-3263 info@timberstonecustomhomes.ca www.timberstonecustomhomes.ca Instagram:@Timberstonecustomcrafted

October 14, 2021 AGM on Wednesday, November 10th at 7:00pm. Please check our website https://landolakesgardenclub.com for the venue, as we will be complying with the Public Health Covid guidelines at the time of the meeting. • The month of October was designated as Women’s History Month by the Government of Canada in 1992. This year’s theme is “Women Making History Now”. Does anyone cross your mind? A role model, maybe; a volunteer in your community; a colleague? Visit our website to see if this exceptional woman is eligible for a Canadian honour. Let’s celebrate excellence together! #GGHonours #WomensHistoryMonth https://www.gg.ca/en/honours/canadian-honours.


613-333-1901 bright.a@gmail.com

• Lennox & Addington Resources for Children has a couple new options for families. Playgroup in Denbigh will be held on Mondays at Heritage Park, 48 Lane Street from 10am to 12 noon as a Story Walk Playgroup. There is also a Cloyne Infant/ Toddler Playgroup 9:30am to 12 noon at North Addington Childcare Centre, 14196 Hwy 41 in Cloyne. Families are invited to book their time ahead with Picktime. These FREE programs are open to all parents, grand-parents and caregivers with young children up to the age of 6 years. At EarlyON playgroups, parents and caregivers can meet and learn from each other, interact with staff, learn about child development, all while making crafts, singing and playing with their children. For more information, please contact Morgan at 613 336 0125. • The Denbigh Griffith Lions Club will host a Drive-Thru Hunter's Lasagna Dinner by Schmidt's Catering from Pembroke, on Friday, November 12th, 4:30-6pm. For $20, you get lasagna, garlic bread, salad and a yummy dessert. Pre-order by calling 613 333 1984 or 613 333 1423 or e-transfer DGLionsClub@hotmail.com. • The next Food Bank day is Tuesday, October 26th. Pick up time is 11am at the Addington Highlands Community Centre. COVID rules are in place. Contact Gail at 613 333 2224 in advance.

HARLOWE Marie White


• Hope everyone had their tummies full of turkey and an enjoyable with friends and family. • The fall leaves are beautiful with different colours falling gently to the ground. Old man winter is around the corner. So far we have been lucky; not frost yet. • Our sympathy goes out to the Crockett family on the passing of Norma. She was born here in Harlowe, later moved to Colborne. We grew up together (many years ago). Her maiden name was Gray. • The two old crows (the late bloomers) will be celebrating on Wednesday, the 13th, George and I. 14 years of marriage. How sweet it is! • I hear that music and dancing will be wide open in Napanee on Sunday. It sure does not make sense when the restaurants cannot be open to capacity. My idea is, it is still risky out there with COVID lingering. Don’t forget to play it safe.

Harrowsmith Pam Redden

613-372-0675 predden13@hotmail.com

• Oct 17, TAKE OUT Beef Dinner, Golden Links Hall Harrowsmith, PICK UP between 4:30 and 6:00, advance tickets only with a cut off date of Oct 13, cost is $15.00. Tickets available at Sydenham One Stop, Harrowsmith gas station, Hartington gas station and Asselstine Hardware in Verona. For info, call 613-372-2410.

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October 14, 2021



• Martial Arts classes at Inverary United Church hall Thursday evenings from 7 to 8pm during October. Kids Karate classes will begin on November 4th in the hall from 6:30 to 7:30 and the adult classes will then be 7:30 to 8:45pm. For more info, call or text Hamid Nam at 613-328-6742 or email hamidnam24@gmail.com. • Soulful Singing has started at 7:00pm – 8:30pm on the fourth Tuesday of the month! Next session will be October 26th. For more info: 613.353.2889 or wooddhouse@yahoo.ca. • Inverary Youth Activities wants to sincerely thank everyone for supporting our LCBO Returnables trailer at 3950 Round Lake Road. Your response has been amazing, and since the spring up to September 30th we have raised over $12,000 from your returns. The trailer is in place until October 31… Can we make it to “lucky 13”?

Jean Brown


• Henderson United Church and United Church Women (UCW) are hosting a Vendors Sale at their UCW hall (both inside and outside the hall) in our Henderson village, coming up on Sat. Oct. 23 from 10:00 – 2:00 and it will be a fun and yummy time. Proceeds aid the Henderson UCW group, who support both the Henderson hall and the church. Many vendors are coming - featuring jams, jellies, knitting, crafts, bath and body products, clothes and many items for Christmas presents and decorating. Come and have a visit and there will be home baking sales, along with a grab and go lunch to purchase, and loads of fun. Our own Angela Deline, who hails from our village is one of the many vendors. The rain date is Oct. 24 - same time, same place! All Covid protocols apply, so wear your mask, and sign in for contact tracing - all of which we’ve been doing for the last 20 months - so will surely be able to comply. Come and have a hoot and a holler in our village! • Our own Jill Weese, who grew up at Kirk Kove, is starting some weight loss classes (Oct 19-Dec 2) to improve cardio endurance, strength, along with fit tips on Tues. and Thurs. from 4:30-5:30 at the Lions Hall in Northbrook. There’s an ad in the news about it - so please check it all out. Registration is today, Oct. 14 at 4:30 at the Lions Hall. • Thanksgiving brought so many families together in much needed gatherings. Last year, Covid canceled so many gettogethers, so we are cautiously yet carefully optimistic that this up-coming winter will be a good one. Vaccines will really help us get through - so please, everyone - get those vaccines! We’re all in this together.

INVERARY Judy Borovski


• Turkey was in season this past week! Storrington Lions Club sold over 240 turkey dinners! A sincere thank you to the community for supporting this fundraiser. Thank you, also, to the Storrington Lions Club who give back so much support to the community. A win – win event for both sides! Except maybe the turkeys. • Open Mic at Storrington Lions Club Hall starts Friday, October 15th. Details: Time 6-10pm (doors open at 5pm). Cost $2 fee for all. Proof of full vaccination. Max allowed in is 81. Adults only. Dancing allowed. Cash bar will be OPEN. Free parking. Masks must be worn, unless you are sitting in your chair eating or drinking. We’ll see you there! • Food Bank Drive Friday, October 15th from 1 to 5pm at the Lions Hall in Sunbury, sponsored by the Storrington Lions Club. Needed items are toothpaste, toilet paper, pancake mix, syrup and canned vegetables and fruit – remember ANY donations are welcome! You can also bring any used eye glasses or hearing aids at the same time. • Battersea and Inverary United Churches have returned to in-person services at regular times. The service is also available on both Facebook and YouTube during the week. COVID safety protocols are in effect. Masks need to be worn. • Eye glasses! Hearing aids! Donate anytime by giving them to a member of the Lion’s Club. Help the Lion’s Club to help others in need. • Free Seniors Fitness Classes Tuesday and Thursday from 10:30 – 11:30 at the Storrington Centre. You can use poles or be seated. Let’s get fit!

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• A beautiful and productive week is behind us once again. On Thanksgiving weekend, it’s nice to take an extra moment to reflect on all the positive things we have going on. By the time you read this, most of our turkey-times get-togethers will be behind us. But, this morning I’m thankful for the health of my family. And very much looking forward to being able to have a nice big feast with my Grandparents, Wayne & Mary Abrams in Sydenham, joined by more of our close family and friends. Perhaps as time has gone by, and we have figured out more easily how to navigate the pandemic, these gatherings won’t be such a source of anxiety, and more a place of pure thanks for being able to spend time with the people who are most special to us. • District #4 Recreation Committee has closed up the Community Pantry for the season. Thank you to everyone who has donated to make this another successful year. Left over items will be donated to the Sharbot Lake Food Bank. • With Hallowe'en quickly approaching, District #4 Recreation Committee will be handing out candy at the home of Mrs. Mary Howes in Parham. Stay safe.

Perth Road Peter Bird

613-353-7303 p.bird@xplornet.ca

• Perth Road United Church has returned to in-person services. While in Stage 3, in-person services are limited to 25 people in the church. All COVID restrictions/protocols will be in place. We will advise you of any changes. • BIRTHDAY WISHES to those who have birthdays this week. • The Perth Road Village Crafters meet at the Harris Park Clubhouse on Perth Road Crescent, Wednesdays from 9:30am to 11:30am. Looking to get involved? You don't have to be crafty to join us. New members are always welcome. Please feel free to drop in during the meeting times, or call Peggy at 613 353-2635. • From Heather Keeling: The Friends of the Cataraqui Trail have merchandise for sale, benefiting the Cataraqui Trail. All items can be purchased at the Cataraqui Conservation Authority's Outdoor Centre, located at 1641 Perth Road in Glenburnie from 9am to 4pm, daily. Sweatshirts are $25/each or 2 for $45. Sizes available are medium to 2XL. T-shirts are $15/each or 2 for $25. Sizes available are small and large to 2XL. There are no mediums left. Ball caps are $15/each or 2 for $25. One size fits all. The Velcro strap allows for adjustment at the back.Totes are $2/

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PAGE 5 each. They are fourteen by fifteen inches. All prices include tax. If folks don't want to drive to Glenburnie, or if they have any questions, they can call Heather Keeling at 343-3061087, or email cattrail.fun@gmail.com. Thanks for supporting the Cataraqui Trail!


Rhonda Watkins rhonda139@gmail.com

613-479-2447 613-264-5325

• October 9th marks one year since Creative Grapes opened in Plevna! They wish to thank all the valued customers who have supported their local small business and who have watched and helped them grow! Interestingly, they have crafted 7000 bottles of wine and have enjoyed and appreciated getting to know each customer individually, through conversations, laughter and multiple wedding wine making days! Their new fall hours began October 1st. You will now be able to enjoy their superior wine making skills and services; Wednesdays 11-4 and Fridays & Saturdays 10-4. • Rural Frontenac Child Services Plevna Kids Club will be meeting outside at the Clar-Mill Hall every Tuesday afternoon in October from 4-5pm! Outdoor crafts and games will be offered by the youth program. The activities will be most suited to youth ages 6-12 and their families! For more information You can call 613 279-3151 Ext 305 or email youth@ rfcs.ca. A facemask will be required when social distancing is not possible. • Circle your calendars for the Plevna Christmas Craft Show on Saturday November 6th for beautiful hand-crafted items and lots of great gift ideas!! You can visit the Clar-Mill Hall between 10-2 and please remember that covid protocols will be followed. • Congratulations to Wendy Williamson from the Plevna Liquor Store! She enjoyed her last day this past Saturday!! You will be greatly missed, Wendy!

Sydenham Karen Brawley


• With Thanksgiving just past, I feel we can be thankful for our amazing community we live in. • Halloween is coming up soon and in keeping the tradition of candy donation and top up, Christine at Memory Lane has graciously offered to be a drop off and pickup location for donations of candy for our local kids. They deserve all that Halloween has to offer and this is amazing of our outskirts and even local community folks to donate candy so the kids enjoy their evening of Trick-Or-Treating. Memory Lane Flowers is open from 10-4pm Tuesday to Friday to drop off your donations for our ghouls and goblins. If those hours aren’t practical, please reach out to me at karenofsyd@bell. net or 613-376-9848 and we will do our best. • Some pretty awesome Local ladies were selected to join and represent Canada in Rittlen Italy for the woman’s national ice stock team. A fundraising yard sale will take place at 7588 road 38 on October 16 and 17. Please check it out and support the girls. More amazing details to follow for further fundraising for their journey. • Fall is here, leaves are falling. Keep smiling Sydenham, we have come this far. • I see some fall decor has made its presence at the Sydenham sign in Rutledge Road as well as some amazing front porches throughout the village. Way to go guys

Sharbot Lake

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Tips to Plant & Rake Without the Ache!

Gardening is a great outdoor activity that many enjoy in spring! But, like any other place, the garden is also a place where injury can occur. Here are some tips to help you keep your back in check and your garden bloom. 1. Warm up before you start: Before you start, warm up your muscles with a brisk 10-minute walk. Swing your arm and lift your knees to enhance the benefit. Warm-ups can improve muscle dynamics to reduce injury and help prepare the body for the stresses of exercise. 2. Stretch: Repeat each of the stretches mentioned below, five times on each side and hold for 15 seconds. Relax and do not overextend. For your sides, extend your right arm over your head, then bend towards the left from the waist. Next, hold one arm out in front of you, palm down. Bend your wrist until the fingers point to the ground; use your opposite hand to hold this position. Next hold one arm in front of you and place your palm in the “stop” position; use your opposite hand to hold this position. Place your hands in “prayer” position, and press your palms together. Lastly, for your back, begin in a seated position, bend forward from the hips, keeping your head down. Touch your fingers to the ground. 3. Bend your knees to lift: Before lifting, position yourself close to the object. Keep your back straight and bend your knees using your leg and arm muscles to smoothly and slowly lift the load. Keep the load close to your body and pivot—don’t twist—to turn.



October 14, 2021




Cont. from p3

good news. One patient, who had been in the ICU in the days preceding the Thanksgiving weekend, has left hospital. There were no patients in hospital in the region, as of October 10. 6 people have died of COVID in KFLAPH since the onset of the pandemic began, none since early July. Vaccine rate increase has slowed. The first dose vaccination rate in

KFLAPH is now within 2 percentage points of the 90% target at 88.1%, and the fully vaccinated rate is up to 83.3% of the eligible population. The rate per week has slowed to just under 900 first doses and over 1600 second doses. If that rate remains steady, 90% of the population will have their first dose by mid-November, and 90% will be fully vaccinated by the end of the year. ■

FORM 6 SALE OF LAND BY PUBLIC TENDER Municipal Act, 2001 Ontario Regulation 181/03, Municipal Tax Sale Rules



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THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF CENTRAL FRONTENAC Take Notice that tenders are invited for the purchase of the lands described below and will be received until 3:00 p.m. local time on November 4, 2021, at the Central Frontenac Township Office, 1084 Elizabeth Street, Sharbot Lake Ontario. The tenders will then be opened in public on the same day as soon as possible after 3:00 p.m. at the Central Frontenac Township Office, 1084 Elizabeth Street, Sharbot Lake. Submitted tenders will be opened via Zoom. Please click on the link below. https://us02web.zoom.us/j/81274734750?pwd=RllpRmhKSWREczN6d2h0c1ExSE N2Zz09 Description of Lands:Description of Lands: 1. Roll No. 10 39 030 010 35700 0000; 1016 Ann Street, Arden; PIN 36166-0207 (LT); PT LT 2 BLK 3 PL 46 AS IN FR759426; CENTRAL FRONTENAC; File No. 19-01 According to the last returned assessment roll, the assessed value of the land is $51,000 Minimum tender amount: $8,378.84 2. Roll No. 10 39 040 020 03010 0000; Road 38, Central Frontenac; PIN 36156-0282 (LT); PT LT 20 CON 3 HINCHINBROOKE PT 2 13R19273; S/T HIH5162; CENTRAL FRONTENAC EXCEPT FORFEITED MINING RIGHTS, IF ANY; File No. 19-05 According to the last returned assessment roll, the assessed value of the land is $10,600 Minimum tender amount: $5,997.01 3. Roll No. 10 39 060 020 05504 0000; Hill Top Road, Central Frontenac; PIN 36223-0033 (LT); PT LT 7 CON 5 OLDEN PT 2 13R19510; CENTRAL FRONTENAC EXCEPT FORFEITED MINING RIGHTS, IF ANY; File No. 19-11 According to the last returned assessment roll, the assessed value of the land is $15,500 Minimum tender amount: $6,085.82 4. Roll No. 10 39 070 010 30537 0000; 1180 Bolton Lane, Mountain Grove; PIN 36226-0158 (LT); LOT 17, PLAN 13M31; S/T EASMNT IN FAVOUR OF HYDRO ONE NETWORKS INC. AS IN LT35405; S/T EASMNT IN FAVOUR OF NORTH FRONTENAC TELEPHONE COMPANY AS IN LT35406; OLDEN/CENTRAL FRONTENAC; File No. 19-12 According to the last returned assessment roll, the assessed value of the land is $45,000 Minimum tender amount: $8,342.36

No.4 - C ancelled

5. Roll No. 10 39 070 020 21025 0000; Brewers Rd., Central Frontenac; PIN 36225-0145 (LT); PT LT 11 CON 10 OLDEN AS IN OLE3974 SW OF TRAVELLED RD (AKA BREWER RD) & N OF RAILWAY; CENTRAL FRONTENAC EXCEPT FORFEITED MINING RIGHTS, IF ANY; File No. 19-14 According to the last returned assessment roll, the assessed value of the land is $11,500 Minimum tender amount: $5,479.16 6. Roll No. 10 39 010 020 08305 0000; 2548B Henderson Rd., Arden; PIN 36173-0052 (LT); PT LT 28 CON 6 KENNEBEC PT 1, 13R13417; CENTRAL FRONTENAC; File No. 19-17 According to the last returned assessment roll, the assessed value of the land is $36,500 Minimum tender amount: $6,988.57 7. Roll No. 10 39 030 010 35900 0000; 1028 Queen St., Arden; PIN 36166-0232 (LT) and PIN 36166-0233 (LT); FIRSTLY: PT LT 1 BLK 6 PL 46 AS IN FR670722; S/T EXECUTION 97-0000072, IF ENFORCEABLE; S/T EXECUTION 97-0000193, IF ENFORCEABLE; S/T EXECUTION 97-0000962, IF ENFORCEABLE; S/T EXECUTION 98-0000088, IF ENFORCEABLE; S/T EXECUTION 98-0000929, IF ENFORCEABLE; CENTRAL FRONTENAC; SECONDLY: PT LT 1-2 BLK 6 PL 46 AS IN FR694258; S/T EXECUTION 97-0000072, IF ENFORCEABLE; S/T EXECUTION 970000193, IF ENFORCEABLE; S/T EXECUTION 97-0000962, IF ENFORCEABLE; S/T EXECUTION 98-0000088, IF ENFORCEABLE; S/T EXECUTION 98-0000929, IF ENFORCEABLE; CENTRAL FRONTENAC; File No. 19-19 According to the last returned assessment roll, the assessed value of the land is $13,400 Minimum tender amount: $38,196.90 8. Roll No. 10 39 010 030 01670 0000; Central Frontenac; PIN 36161-0027 (LT); PT LT 1 CON 3 KENNEBEC PT 1 & 2, 13R5966; S/T & T/W FR678270; CENTRAL FRONTENAC; File No. 18-17 According to the last returned assessment roll, the assessed value of the land is $75,000 Minimum tender amount: $14,829.84

Tenders must be submitted in the prescribed form and must be accompanied by a deposit of at least 20 per cent of the tender amount, which deposit shall be made by way of a certified cheque/bank draft/ money order payable to the municipality.

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Except as follows, the municipality makes no representation regarding the title to, crown interests, or any other matters relating to the lands to be sold. Responsibility for ascertaining these matters rests with the potential purchasers. Any interests of the Federal or Provincial Crown encumbering the land at the time of the tax sale will continue to encumber the land after the registration of the tax deed. The assessed value, according to the last returned assessment roll, may or may not be representative of the current market value of the property. This sale is governed by the Municipal Act, 2001 and the Municipal Tax Sales Rules made under that Act.

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The successful purchaser will be required to pay the amount tendered plus accumulated taxes and any taxes that may be applicable, such as a land transfer tax and HST. The municipality has no obligation to provide vacant possession to the successful purchaser. A copy of the prescribed form of tender is available on the website of the Government of Ontario Central Forms Repository under the listing for the Ministry of Municipal Affairs. For further information regarding this sale and a copy of the prescribed form of tender, visit: www.OntarioTaxSales.ca or if no internet access available, contact: J. Michael McGovern, Treasurer The Corporation of the Township of Central Frontenac P.O. Box 89, 1084 Elizabeth Street Sharbot Lake ON K0H 2P0 613-279-2935 Ext 224 www.centralfrontenac.com

October 14, 2021


Last Call Wraps Up Celtic Kitchen Party’s Trilogy Of Albums


ast Call is Celtic Kitchen Party’s final installment in the North of Princess trilogy of albums, which also includes Lobster Tail and Beer and Sociable. Basically, if you liked the first two, you’ll like this one as it’s pretty much more of the same. But that’s OK. Five of the 13 tracks are listed as traditional and that’s very much a part of what you’re expecting when you listen to a band with Celtic in the name. The album starts off rockin’, with traditional tunes Sean Ryan’s Polka/Irish Rover and Tell Me Ma/Swamplake Breakdown. Fans of the old Don Messer’s Jubilee TV show may recognize that one. The third track, The Temperance Song, keeps the up tempo beat going and is a band original. For the fourth tune, they chose Dirty Old Town, and did a nice job on the old standard. That’s followed up by Whiskey in the Jar/Whiskey Before Breakfast, traditional tunes done just how you’d like them to be. The sixth track is a bit of an anomaly and somewhat mysterious. It’s titled Covid-19 Shanty, penned by Andrew Vanhorn and D. Ryan. It’s about, as you might expect, the pandemic we’ve all been experiencing and particularly about the effects of lockdown. However, the liner notes say that the album was recorded live off the floor at North of Princess Studios May 8 and 9, 2018. Here’s the problem, the World Health Organization declared covid-19 a public health emergency of international concern on Jan. 30, 2020

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By Craig Bakay

and a pandemic on March 11, 2020. Perhaps Vanhorn is a psychic? But, it’s not a bad tune and one of the better covidinspired pieces out there, and there are many forgettable ones. The album continues with a couple of ballads, originals Just For Tonight and On the Banks (of the Rideau River). Didn’t George Martin once say not to slot ballads back to back on an album? Following that comes Auld Lang Syne (yes, the New Year’s favorite) and while it starts of kinda slow and dreary, it picks up nicely for the second half. Next is a short instrumental called Macpherson’s lament and then a Vanhorn original called Big Break. Big Break is the least Celtic song on the album and one every local musician can probably relate to. That’s followed by The Immigrant, a love letter to Canada which probably suffers from a cliché or two (land of milk and honey, make my dreams come true) but is otherwise solid. The did, however, save the best for last. Roll On Home is an original “I got too drunk” song and we never have enough of those. It’s essentially about the advantages of a pub being at the top of a hill and being fortunate enough to live at the bottom of said hill, thus being able to ‘roll on home.’ Overall, the album is consistent and competent, if not terribly creative. Fans of the band and/or Celtic music in general won’t be disappointed though. ■

Frontenac Business Services, formerly Frontenac Community Futures Development Corporation (CFDC), is a federally supported not-for-profit organization based in Harrowsmith with a mandate to promote business development, job creation and to strengthen the rural economy. We are dedicated professionals who pride ourselves on delivering business advice and loan services that nurtures and supports the entrepreneurial spirit in the County of Frontenac.

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TAKE NOTICE that the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Central Frontenac proposes to enact a By-Law to stop up, close and convey a portion of road allowance as set out and described below:

TAKE NOTICE that the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Central Frontenac proposes to enact a By-Law to stop up, close and convey a portion of road allowance as set out and described below:

Part of the unopened road allowance between Concessions 8 and 9 Hinchinbrooke adjacent to Lot 19 being part of PIN 36155-0121 (Emery-1003 Fourth Lake Rd.)

Part of the untraveled portion of South Guigue Road (now Warrington Lane), Plan 1962 being the easterly spur ending at Block 27 Plan 1962 and being part of PIN 36234-0026 (Lake-1270 Warrington Rd.)

This proposed closing is to come before the said Council for consideration at its regular meeting on Tuesday the 26th of October, 2021 at the hour of 4:00 pm and at that time, the Council will hear any person who claims that his or her land will be prejudicially affected and who applies to be heard either in person or by his or her Counsel, Solicitor or Agent.


This proposed closing is to come before the said Council for consideration at its regular meeting on Tuesday the 26th of October, 2021 at the hour of 4:00 pm and at that time, the Council will hear any person who claims that his or her land will be prejudicially affected and who applies to be heard either in person or by his or her Counsel, Solicitor or Agent.

Due to the state of emergency and the ongoing pandemic, our meeting will be held virtually. Anyone wishing to attend the public meeting should contact the undersigned at (613) 279-2935 x 237 or cdeachman@centralfrontenac. com to register and obtain log-in or phone-in instructions no later than noon on October 22nd, 2021. Connection instructions to the meeting will also be available on our website by end of day October 22nd 2021

Due to the state of emergency and the ongoing pandemic, our meeting will be held virtually. Anyone wishing to attend the public meeting should contact the undersigned at (613) 279-2935 x 237 or cdeachman@centralfrontenac. com to register and obtain log-in or phone-in instructions no later than noon on October 22nd, 2021. Connection instructions to the meeting will also be available on our website by end of day October 22nd 2021

Dated this 8th day of October, 2021

Dated this 8th day of October, 2021

Cindy Deachman, Deputy Clerk Township of Central Frontenac 1084 Elizabeth St, P.0. Box 89 Sharbot Lake, Ontario K0H 2P0

Cindy Deachman, Deputy Clerk Township of Central Frontenac 1084 Elizabeth St, P.0. Box 89 Sharbot Lake, Ontario K0H 2P0

Financial/ Office Administrator Position Fulltime ($35,000 - $55,000 35-hour work week) We are seeking an experienced professional with strong bookkeeping skills (QuickBooks), attention to detail, exceptional interpersonal skills and proficiency on multiple computer programs. This position is responsible for maintaining the organization’s books, preparing government reports and claims and loan administration including payments and security registration. It is also responsible for the day-to-day operations, responding to general enquiries and preparing board packages. Employees are to be prepared to work primarily in office and have the flexibility to transition to remote work, if required Qualifications: The ideal candidate will possess: • Post-secondary diploma/certificate in administration • Work experience in bookkeeping and office administration • Working knowledge of software programs including QuickBooks, Word, Excel, Outlook, Wordpress and the ability to learn loan management software; • Aptitude to problem solve and pay close attention to detail; • Ability to work independently and as part of a team while consistently presenting a professional attitude and demonstrating excellent interpersonal skills, communications skills, sound judgment and strict confidentiality; • Knowledge of business start-up information and related programs and services an asset • Valid driver’s license and vehicle • Successful applicant will be required to provide a CPIC and credit report Please e-mail your resume and cover letter with a “re” line of “Administrator Position” Anne Prichard, Executive Director anne@frontenacbusiness.ca Frontenac Business Services 5062 Rd 38, Unit 8, Harrowsmith, ON K0H 1V0 Applications will be accepted until noon, Thursday, October 28, 2021. We thank you for your interest and only those applicants selected for an interview will be contacted.

October 14, 2021




Frederick John “Fred” Wyllie, 88 passed away suddenly on Friday, September 24th 2021 at the Kingston Health Sciences Centre. Fred was born on July 15th 1933 in Rouyn, Quebec to Fredrick and Catherine Wyllie. He was one of 9 children. He married Albina on February 24th 1978. They had 43 happy years together, most of those years at his home on Skootamatta Lake. They were both surrounded by many wonderful friends and family. Fred spent most of his time working in and around his garage ,while still finding time to help anyone who needed it. He called many of his friends on a regular basis to check that they were doing ok. A Sunday morning call from Freddy to his family was a common routine. He always kept the family in touch. Fred loved his step children and their children like they were his own, and they loved him. Fred is survived by his wife Albina, his children Don (Naira), Lorraine (Tim) grandchildren Kyle, Marshall and Cole and Melissa. He is survived by his two sisters Audrey and Vivian. He is predeceased by 6 brothers and sisters, Anthony, Herbert, Shirley, Mary, Mervin, and Gerald. He will be fondly remembered by his brother-in-law Henry, Tony and John and many nieces and nephews. The family will receive friends at the Milestone Funeral Center, Northbrook on Saturday, October 30, 2021 from 11am to 12pm. The Celebration of Life Service will follow in the Chapel at 12pm. (Covid19 protocols in place with social distancing and face covering).In Lieu of flowers, friends desiring may contribute in his memory to the charity of your choice. Online memories and condolences can be shared with the family at www.milestonefuneralcenter.com

OBITUARY Barr, Patricia Mary At Kingston General Hospital on Tuesday October 5, 2021. In her 72nd year, beloved wife of Lee Dillabough. Predeceased by parents Janet and Carl Barr and brother Joe. Pat was well known in her community, volunteering on many committees and serving for several years as a councilor for South Frontenac township. Friends will be received at Burridge United Church 97 Greenbay Rd. on Saturday October 23rd between 10-12am. Due to covid limits a private family service will follow at 1:30pm. Memorial donations may be made to Burridge United Church.

Paul Thompson of Kaladar passed away suddenly at home on Monday, October 4, 2021 at the age of 59. Cherished son of Pauline & the late Dale Thompson. He will be sadly missed by his brothers Calvin (Kelly) Thompson, Dwight (Karen) Thompson and his sister Sharon (Dan) Thompson. Fondly remembered by his nieces Brittany, Tanya and his great-nieces and nephews Charlotte, Marshall, Graham, Judith, Bryce, Lucy, Quinn and Addison. Cremation has taken place with Milestone Funeral Center, Northbrook. The family will receive friends at the Bethel Pentecostal Church, Kaladar on Wednesday, October 20, 2021 from 12-1pm. A Celebration of Life Service for Paul will follow at 1pm. (service will be live streamed for those not able to attend). An interment of ashes will take place at a later date. Friends desiring may contribute in his memory to the Bethel Pentecostal Church. Online memories and condolences can be shared with the family at www.milestonefuneralcenter.com

Ombudson Clears South Frontenac After Complaint About Closed Meeting By Jeff Green ontroversy has dogged over the Johnston Point project in South Frontenac since it was first proposed, and even after final approval for a “Vacant Land” Plan of Condominium has finally cleared all appeals, and been approved by Frontenac County Council, the project is still the subject of scrutiny. The latest challenge came in the form of a complaint to the Office of the Ontario Ombudsman over a closed meeting that the township held in July to discuss some remaining legal manners pertaining to the project. The complaint, as explained by the report of the Ombudsman's office that was received by the township on September 29, was that at the meeting with the township's solicitor, the discussion strayed from confidential matters to other matters related to the project. All matters that come before a municipal council must be discussed in public, according to the Ontario Municipal Act, with certain exceptions. One of those exceptions related to matters which come under solicitor-client privilege. In his letter to Council, Paul Dube, the Ombudsman, described it in this way: “Per s. 239(2)(f) of the [Municipal]Act, a meeting or part of a meeting may be closed to the public if the subject matter being considered is advice that is subject to solicitor-client



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privilege, including communications necessary for that purpose.” Dube said that “the complaint to my office suggested that the discussion did not fit within the exception, as the presentation included information about the project that was not confidential.” Dube said that his office interviewed South Frontenac Mayor Ron Vandewal as part of their investigation. “The mayor told us that the objective of the meeting was to advise council of the township’s legal obligations around the Johnston Point Development. During the meeting, the township’s solicitor actively participated in the discussion, providing confidential legal advice and responding to questions posed by Council. Accordingly, Council’s discussion fit within the exception for solicitor-client privilege. “ But as to the claim in the complaint that the discussion strayed from confidential matters to other matters, Dube said “the courts have found that it is unrealistic to expect Council to parse its discussion where it would detract from free and uninterrupted discussion. Here, it was not possible for Council to separate the confidential legal advice from the general information about the development project. The topics were entwined in such a way that it would not have been realistic to expect Council to parse them.” He therefore concluded that “Council for the township did not contravene the open meeting requirements on July 13, 2021, when meeting in closed session to discuss the Johnston Point Development.”■

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Card of Thanks Thank You ~ Virgin

Thank you one and all, family, friends and neighbours for all your get well wishes, prayers, cards, books, flowers, food and help. I so appreciate all of you. Special thanks to my daughter Tausha for the transportation, for staying with me, and being on call for my daily needs; to my sister Gayle for doing my lifting and chores and to George for stopping by and checking on me. If you have to be down and out, Mississippi is the place you want to be. Thanks again – you are all just the best and loved much. Donna Virgin

Small Business WeektM Networking Event Thurs. Oct 21st, 5-7PM Hotel oN Wolfe Island Please join us as we recognize the outstanding contribution that small businesses make to our community. This is an opportunity to network with other Frontenac businesses. This is a free event and you must register to attend to ensure we meet COVID regulations… https://bit.ly/3ErZD9K

Propane Gas Furnaces Fireplaces Appliances Water Heaters



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October 14, 2021


The Classifieds Ad Rates: Classified Text ads: $10.62 + HST per insertion for 20 words & under; 20¢ each extra word. Deadline: 4 pm Monday; Ph: 613-279-3150, Fax: 613-279-3172; info@frontenacnews.ca


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APPLIANCE REPAIR, 15 years experience. Call Mark, Verona Hardware, 6723 Main St., Verona. Ph. 613-374-2851


KALADAR AUTO RECYCLING. Car & truck parts. Used cars, $600 & up. We take tradeins. We buy farm equipment, tractors, loaders for parts. 11520 Hwy 41; 613-336-9899; 613885-8644 KINNEY AUTO WRECKING Station Road, Kaladar. 4x4 trucks & parts for sale. Scrap cars, stoves, fridges wanted. 613-336-9272.


1 BEDROOM IN 4-PLEX, Kaladar. References, 1st and last, required, $600 plus hydro. Available Nov. 1 - 416-554-9746


Ford 3PTH scraper blade, $250; Treadmill, low mileage, paid $700 new, asking $100; Eliptical, paid $600 new, BO; Coleman 45,000 btu propane heater $60; Resin patio table/4 chairs $20. Scott 613-335-5420 evenings.


CENTRAL BOILER Classic OUTDOOR FURNACES can eliminate your high heating bill. Buy NOW and save up to $550! Call today 613-539-9073. www.thefurnacebroker.com CENTRAL BOILER OUTDOOR FURNACES offer the Classic, the Maxim and the New Edge. Your local Dealer, Wood Heat Solutions, Frankford, ON, 613-398-1611; Bancroft, ON 613-332-1613. www.chesher.ca FIREWOOD, mixed hardwood, cut-split & delivered. Call for pricing 613-279-2048 or 613530-0484 SHIPPING CONTAINERS: Seacans Storage Containers, 7ft 10ft 20ft 40ft 45ft Steel garden sheds call 613-354-8744 or online http:// IngeniousStorage.com


JUNK REMOVAL, etc. 10 and 18 cubic yard box rentals, You load, we load. 613-336-0708, 613-305-3775, synwin06@gmail.com


FREE DROP OFF, just south of 1364 Fish Creek RD: fridges, stoves, washers, dryers, ‘anything metal’. Call 613-3756377, leave message

Drywall Service Boarding, Taping, Painting & Texture Spray (Free Estimates)

Ardoch Ontario  613-479-8005 HANDYMAN SERVICE. 40 years experience. No job too small. Repairs, renovations, problem solving. Call Lloyd Hartwick, 613-539-2544 PHOTOCOPY SERVICES available at The Frontenac News, 1095 Garrett St., rear building, Sharbot Lake. 8½” x 11” - Black & White 25¢ ea; Colour copies 60¢ ea. 613-279-3150.


Attention: Terry Maisonneuve, Edward and Valerie Knight, David Gallant, Lyne Desbiens Please be aware that your trailers and belongings have been secured at Trailer Sales (formerly operating as Woodcrest Trailer Sales) located at 12541 Highway 41, Northbrook, ON. K0H 2B0. If you do not contact 803752 Ontario Ltd (Formerly operating as Woodcrest Resort Park) within 60 days of this notice then your trailer and belongings will be disposed of without further notice to you.You may contact us at 1-613-336-8466.

We are a fully accredited 64 bed, LTC Home that is owned and operated by Land O’Lakes Community Services We have the following positions available:

Temporary Service Aides

Several positions available that are temporary based on pandemic funding No qualifications or experience necessary. Please send resume by Oct.22, 2021 to: Victoria Clancy, Office Manager vclancy@extendicare.com #124 Lloyd St, Box # 100, Northbrook, ON K0H 2G0 Fax: 613-336-9144 In Ontario, Pine Meadow accommodates the needs of job applicants throughout its recruitment and selection processes in accordance with the Ontario Human Rights Code and the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act. Accommodation needs must be provided in advance. To discuss your needs, please contact the individual noted in the posting.

B’S RADICAL RIDES Towing & Recovery. James Mills owner/operator. 613-335-5050; website: bsradicalrides.ca


STANDING TIMBER, firewood, pine, cedar, bush lots. Free quotes, cash paid. Call 613279-2154.


SENIOR active woman seeks home for rent 613-279-2833

Community Foundation Helps Fund Emergency Generator Project For Lakelands FHT

he Community Foundation for T Lennox and Addington (CF-LA), in partnership with the Mazinaw

Community Fund, Lakelands Family Health Team and the Township of Addington Highlands, are pleased to announce the installation of emergency back-up generators at the community medical clinics During these extraordinary times, area residents are increasingly aware of the importance of access to dependable health care. The emergency generators will be installed at both the Northbrook Medical Centre and at the Addington Highlands Community Centre in Denbigh. For many years Dr. Tobia and Lakelands Family Health Team, with clinics in Northbrook and Denbigh, joined more recently by the Northbrook pharmacy, have offered medical advice and comforting assistance to the local community. Because of frequent power outages over the years, it became very apparent that auxiliary electricity was necessary for these locations. Local community activists Margaret Axford and Ian Brumell recognized this need and, taking advice from Dr. Tobia and Lakelands Family Health Team, in conjunction with their Mazinaw Community Fund, decided to give back and partially fund these auxiliary power installations. Jan Powell, Executive Director of the Lakelands Family Health Team, explains the importance of the project. "Lakelands Family Health Team requires power to run the clinics on a daily basis. Power is needed for our electronic medical records, heating, cooling, security, water, and electrical systems. Historically, we have needed to close whenever a power outage occurs, cancelling all inpatient care and requiring the immediate transport of vaccines to alternate sites with cooling & freezing capabilities. The emergency generators project ensures that Lakelands Family Health Team will be able to remain open for delivery of care during power outages. From Lakelands Family Health Team, our current patients, future patients, other tenants in the build-

We have the following positions available:

Casual – Dietary Aid/Cook

Benefits Including, EHC, RRSP. Dental, Life, Vision, and WI. Uniform/shoe Allowance Paid Vacation. Please send resume to: Sandra Meeks, FSS At smeeks@extendicare.com #124 Lloyd St, Box # 100, Northbrook Ontario, K0H 2G0 Fax: 613-336-9144 In Ontario, Pine Meadow accommodates the needs of job applicants throughout its recruitment and selection processes in accordance with the Ontario Human Rights Code and the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act. Accommodation needs must be provided in advance. To discuss your needs, please contact the individual noted in the posting.

ings and on behalf of our community, Lakelands Family Health Team thanks everyone who has played a role in delivering this project!" Dennis Mills, President of the CFLA, said this project is an important one for the foundation so support. “A foundation, in every sense, is a firm and sustainable base upon which we build for the present and the future. The Community Foundation for Lennox & Addington and the Mazinaw Community Fund are thrilled to be providing $60,000 to this much needed project. It is the largest single grant made in our history. We gratefully appreciate the generous citizens of Lennox and Addington County who ensure essential capacity to make our community thrive.” “This particular donation is made possible through the Mazinaw Community Flow-Through Fund and the leadership and generosity of Margaret Axford and Ian Brumell.” The Mazinaw Community Fund has been providing grants to charitable projects throughout Addington Highlands since its establishment in 2006. Addington Highlands Reeve Henry Hogg said: “the Township is very grateful for the generous donation from the Community Foundation for Lennox & Addington to install standby generators at the Medical Building in Northbrook and the Addington Highlands Community Centre in Denbigh. It is vital to the internal operations of the LFHT and to the people it serves in our community and the surrounding areas, that they can continue to operate during normal hours during power outages. And, it is also vital to have a secure continuous power supply during off hours to protect refrigerated vaccines and medicines within these facilities. There are other tenants in these buildings including a Pharmacy, Public Library, Community Food Bank, and Community meeting and recreational areas that also significantly benefit with continuous power.” The opening celebration will take place on Monday, October 18 at 11:45 am at the Northbrook Medical Centre, 12357 Hwy. 41 Northbrook. ■

Residential Heating

We are a, fully accredited 60 bed, LTC Home that is owned and operated by Land O’Lakes Community Services and managed by Extendicare.

Recognition of Previous Experience, must possess a valid Food Handlers Certificate and be willing to enroll in the Food Service Worker Program


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October 14, 2021



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Northern Happenings

NORTHERN HAPPENINGS listings are free for community groups, and will be published for two weeks. Donations to offset the costs of publication would be appreciated. Other listings are paid or are taken from paid ads elsewhere in the paper. The News makes every effort to be accurate but events should be independently verified by readers.

Thursday October 14


Friday October 15

INVERARY - FOOD BANK DRIVE 1pm-5pm. Storrington Lions Hall. Sponsored by the Storrington Lions Club. Needed items are toothpaste, toilet paper, pancake mix, syrup and canned vegetables and fruit all donations welcome! You can also bring any used eye glasses or hearing aids at the same time. INVERARY - OPEN MIC 5pm-10pm. Storrington Lions Hall. Attendees must prove full vaccine or provide recent negative COVD test. $2 fee, maximum of 81 people. Info - John or Carolyn 613-653-4447

Saturday October 16

9am-1pm. Northbrook Lions Hall. Bring your appetite

and for $6 enjoy a pancake breakfast with bacon. Breakfast from 9-11am. Children’s games, bouncy castle, pumpkin carving, vendors & more CLOYNE - FALL FLING 9am. Hunter’s Creek Golf Course. Disc golf singles tournament. Please register on-line hunterscreekgolf.com.

Sun Oct 17 – Sat Oct 16

HARROWSMITH - TAKE OUT BEEF DINNER 4:30pm6:30pm. Golden Links Hall. Advance tickets only with a cut off date of Oct 13, cost is $15 Tickets available at Sydenham One Stop, Harrowsmith Gas Station, Hartington Gas Station and Asselstine Hardware in Verona. For info call 613-372-2410.

HENDERSON - HENDERSON FALL VENDOR EVENT 10am-2pm. Henderson United Church. Approx 15 vendors, grab and go lunch to purchase, draw table, baking, lots of fun. Covid protocols apply- masks, contact tracing, spacing. Rain date Sun. Oct. 24- same time. Info: Angie Deline 613-876-9712. VERONA - CHRISTMAS IN THE SAWMILL 10am4pm. Verona Saw Mill. Art & Craft Show, new and returning vendors. One Day ONLY!

Wednesday October 27

ARDEN - WILL AND POWER OF ATTORNEY PRESENTATION 11am. Kennebec Hall. Guest Speaker Susan Irwin, B.A, LL.B., Notary Public. Please RSVP by Oct 22 to RFCS 613 279 3151. Free lunch provided

Thursday October 28

Monday October 18

SHARBOT LAKE - VIRTUAL HEALTH & WELLNESS EDUCATION SESSION 1pm. Topic: “Health Promotion and Disease Prevention for Seniors”. Presenter Gabrielle Deschenes, MScN, Nurse Practitioner. Open to everyone. Register 613-279-3151

Thursday October 21

FLINTON - TRUNK OR TREAT 5:30pm-7:30pm. Flinton Recreation Centre. Trunkers are wanted! Come hand out candy to kids of all ages. If you would like to hand out candy but cannot attend, no problem; as there will be a community trunk where candy is handed out

PLEVNA - WILL AND POWER OF ATTORNEY PRESENTATION 11am. Clar-Mill Hall. Guest Speaker Susan Irwin., B.A., LL.B., Notary Public. Please RSVP to RFCS 613-279-3151. Free lunch provided (eat in or take out) DENBIGH - VACCINE CLINIC 3pm-6pm. Addington Highlands Community Centre.

Saturday October 23

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hanks to heavy rains over the last few weeks, water levels have recovered in regional watersheds. In the Rideau Valley Watershed, the water levels have recovered to the “Normal” level. “With above average rainfall amounts across the watershed over the last month, stream flows and water levels have recovered from the previous low water status and are now above average for this time of year,” said a release from Rideau Valley Conservation last week. In the Cataraqui watershed, the level 2 (moderate) low water condition from late August has been downgraded to Level 1 (minor). Updates will be issued by the Conservation Authorities as conditions warrant. ■

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October 14, 2021



Lion's Fence Project Heads Into Year 2 In Northbrook A

t the beginning of November last year, members of the Land O'Lakes Lions Club were looking for a way to mark Remembrance Day when the traditional ceremonies were being severely curtailed due to COVID. They were also hoping to find a way to allow the local community to come together when social gatherings were not happening. Decorating the fence along the perimeter of the Northbrook Lions Hall, for Remembrance Day, seemed like it would be a good way to do something very public, and it was a project that members could work on together, with their families. The first project went over well, and it has continued. Next, the Lions put together a holiday theme display for the Christmas season. The next couple of fence themes involved

the community. For Valentine's Day, several children and parents, during a stay at home order and virtual learning, opened up their craft time to the Lions, and made beautiful hearts that hung on the fence, for everyone to enjoy. On St. Patrick's Day, Pine Meadow Nursing Home’s leprechaun helpers decorated our fence all festive and green to celebrate. In the spring, the Lions Club had an Easter display that also stayed up during the summer, as the club came alive each week, as the first summer of the Lions Farmers Market became a focal point each Saturday. Last week, the final touches were added to the autumn fence display. Many helping hands at North Addington Education Centre crafted thankful messages on leaves that were a perfect addition to this season's fence. ■



South Frontenac begins 2022 Budget process with Public Survey As South Frontenac prepares for the 2022 budget year ahead, Council is looking for input from residents to help inform the decision making process as a first step in the budget’s development. With this in mind, the Township is asking residents to participate in a pre-budget survey through its new public consultation platform, EngageFrontenac.ca. Council will receive all citizen feedback in advance of their review of the proposed 2022 budget. Further input opportunities will be available throughout the budget process later this year, including opportunities for delegations to Council.

Public Skating at the Frontenac Community Arena Public Skating starts again weekly each Sunday from 12:00 pm to 1:20 pm and Parent & Pre-school Skating each Wednesday from 10:00 am to 11:00 am, at a cost of $2.50 per person. A CSA approved helmet with screen is recommended. For parent and pre-school skating, young children must be properly secured in stroller in accordance with manufacturer’s instructions. Stroller wheels must be cleaned and free of debris prior to being placed on the ice surface.

Changes to Garbage & Recycle Collection - Thanksgiving long weekend (October 11th) All garbage and recycle collection will move one (1) day later the week of October 11, 2021. This means: Mondays collection moves to Tuesday Tuesdays collection moves to Wednesday Wednesdays collection moves to Thursday Thursdays collection moves to Friday Wishing you all a happy thanksgiving and please remember to recycle! Second Intake Now Open: 2021 Lake Ecosystem Grant Program – Apply Now! The Township is accepting applications for the Lake Ecosystem Grant Program until October 29, 2021. The program is designed to support projects focused on encouraging the preservation, restoration, monitoring and analysis of lake ecosystems within South Frontenac. The program is open to not for profit community groups such as Lake or Lane Associations. The Lake Ecosystem Grant Program will fund up to 75% of eligible projects, with a maximum project cost of $10,000; however, larger requests will be considered on an exceptional basis and if funding permits. For more information, visit www.southfrontenac.net/grants/ The Township is Preparing a New Official Plan for South Frontenac The new Official Plan is about how the Township will continue to grow, building on the foundation from growth management work, and planning for growth to 2040 by directing it to the right places to protect our key assets. Your input is critical to inform policy direction for the Official Plan, please join us on the Township’s social media, website or at www. engagefrontenac.ca for updates and way to participate. Planning We encourage inquiries to be submitted using email (planning@southfrontenac.net) or via our intake forms on our website at www.southfrontenac.net under Open for Business/Planning & Development. Prior to submitting a planning application, applicants are required to have a pre-consultation appointment with the planning staff. A pre-consultation meeting can be booked by calling ext. 2224. Booking a pre-consultation meeting helps us evaluate your application and provides you with important information about the process. Pre-consultation meetings will occur by phone or via zoom at this time. Earth Machine Composters – Price Increase Due to a rise in material prices, the Township has had to raise our Earth Machine composter prices to $50 taxes included each. This price change takes place September 1st, 2021. Composters, Blue Boxes and Blue Box Net Covers are all available at 2490 Keeley Road.

News & Public Notices Gilmour Point Park Beach in Battersea Temporarily Unsafe for Swimming On Friday September 17, 2021, the Kingston District Office of the Ministry of Environment, Conservation and Parks received a notification regarding a possible harmful algal bloom at Gilmour Point Beach on Dog Lake in Battersea. Until samples can be taken and tested, the Township is recommending that residents temporarily refrain from swimming or entering the water at the beach, located at 1763 Wellington St. Battersea, until the Ministry of Environment can confirm that the adverse event has been resolved. Township Working to Restore Public Access on Hinchinbrooke Road for Winter On July 15, 2021, Hinchinbrooke Road was closed just North of Silver Rock Lane at Spring Lake due to a partial road collapse. Following a geotechnical review it has been determined that a full reopening of the road may not be possible until the spring. In order to alleviate some travel concerns, the Township anticipates single-lane traffic will be restored at this location in time for winter. Notice of Closing – Portion of Unopened Road Allowance Take Notice that the Council of the Corporation of the Township of South Frontenac proposes to pass a by-law to stop up, close and transfer ownership of an unopened road allowance. Location: Closure and transfer of a portion of an Unopened Road Allowance between Concessions 10 & 11 District of Storrington, Township of South Frontenac And Take Notice, that any person who believes they may be adversely affected by the closure of such unopened road allowance has an opportunity to express their concerns at a meeting open to the public to be held on Tuesday, November 2nd, 2021 at 7:00 pm - electronic participation only via Zoom. There will NOT be any ability to attend the meeting in person to help prevent the spread of COVID-19. The public may participate in the Public Meeting by registering to participate electronically through the Events Calendar on the Township’s website www.southfrontenac.net the week before the meeting. Any comments or concerns to the Township would be appreciated, in writing to Michelle Hannah, Planning Assistant at mhannah@southfrontenac.net, before the above noted date. Further documentation pertaining to this proposed unopened road allowance closure and sale can be found at: https:// www.southfrontenac.net/planning-applications/

Household Hazardous Waste Depot The Household Hazardous Waste Depot located at 2491 Keeley Rd in Sydenham will be open every Thursday from 3:00 pm to 8:00 pm. A full listing of accepted materials may be found on our website under Living Here/Solid Waste/Recycling/ Household Hazardous Waste. Green Bay WDS - Fall Hour Changes Green Bay Disposal Site will be returning to its regular hours of operation - Fridays, 8:30 am – 4:30 pm as of Friday, October 15th. It will NOT be open on Sunday afternoons after this date. This site is for tagged household garbage and recycling only.

TOWN HALL Upcoming Meetings • Committee of Adjustment – October 14, 2021 at 7:00 pm • Council Meeting – October 19, 2021 at 7:00 pm Electronic Participation Only For those who wish to participate electronically and to address an agenda item (related to a planning matter based on the statutory public meeting requirements) on a Council agenda or Committee of Adjustment agenda, please see our website – Featured Items and/or Calendar for the link to pre-register. Please register before noon on the day of each meeting to ensure you will be able to connect to the meeting. Additionally residents can listen to the meeting live through our Facebook page @SouthFrontenacTwp. Request for Tender - No. PS-2021-28 - Two (2) Roadside Mowing Tractors with Attachments Sealed or electronic submissions must be received by 1:00pm, October 20, 2021. Sent to the attention of: Neil Carbone, CAO, 4432 George Street, Sydenham, ON, K0H 2T0. Official documents may be downloaded from www.biddingo.com/southfrontenac or picked up Monday to Friday between 8:00am and 4:30pm at the Public Services Department, 2490 Keeley Road.

4432 George Street, Box 100, Sydenham ON K0H 2T0 1-800-559-5862  Office Hours: Monday to Friday 8:00 am to 4:30 pm  • www.southfrontenac.net

October 14, 2021



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Horse & Wagon Rides for Pine Meadow Residents

Prince Charles Cross Country Race The 1st School Wide Event In 2 Years

Pine Meadow resident Hollie Kennedy pets the horses from High View Farms

Prince Charles PS students Allie and Jon run the cross country course.

Submitted by Sarah Thompson (Recreation Program Manager) ine Meadow Nursing Home welcomed back High View Farms on September 29th! Horse & Wagon rides with a beautiful team of horses from High View has been an Annual Fall Tradition for the home for many years now. Unfortunately, the pandemic made this impossible in 2020, marking this day yet


another milestone on our way back to “normal”. Trips around the block displayed some beautiful fall colours, and triggered lots of fond memories and stories of years gone by. Families and staff joined in the fun and for some, this was a first experience, one never to be forgotten. A big Thank you to High View Farms, we look forward to your return! ■

In preparation for the return of cross country meets at Fort Henry in Kingston, members of the Prince Charles Public School (Verona) running club competed in age-appropriate races on Friday, October 8. The races turned into a school wide event when the whole school (physically distanced by cohort) came out to cheer the runners on.

The PCPS Panther mascot was on hand for the event, and a video recording was made of the final lap of each race that parents will be able to access and watch from home. “It was really awesome to get everyone outside in one school community” said run organiser Lee Casement, a teacher at the school. ■

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