Vol.22 No.27

Page 1

July 7, 2022 Vol. 22, No. 27


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Canada Day in the Region

Canada returns to almost normal. Clockwise from top left: Jessica Wedden and Chris Murphy perform at the pancake breakfast at Glendower hall; families gather at Centenniel Park in Harrowsmith to celebrate; Children play on the waterslide provided by South Frontenac Firefighters at the Point Park in Sydenham; Members of the Frontenac Masonic Lodge man the grill at Oso Beach in Sharbot Lake; Families participate in the Canada Day parade in Sunbury.

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Pickleball Nation at Central Frontenac Council

By Jeff Green ast year, the Sharbot Lake Pickleballers transformed the derelict tennis court at the former public school into an active Pickle Ball court, using money they fundraised themselves. Last week, at a regular meeting of Central Frontenac Council (June 28) the Pickleballers; including Sandy Robertson, Doug Estoc, and Kelli McRobert, came to Council looking to find out if council is able to guarantee them access to the court for 5 years. The court, as it stands, is only good enough for beginning or casual Pickleballers, and it has no washroom facilities. “It is time for something better,” said Sandy Roberston, “and we can find the money for it.” “So, what do you want from us?” asked Mayor Fran-


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JuLy 7, 2022

ces Smith. rather than leaving the matter for another meeting, an “We need a commitment from you that we can use it ad hoc committee was struck, including two members of for 5 or 10 years,” said Robertson. Council and representatives from the Pickleball group, The entire Sharbot Lake Public School site is slated to meet this month and work on a solution. Victor Hesse for redevelopment as a senior’s housing project, and the and Nicki Gowdy were appointed from Council. The timelines for that project are unclear. committee will report back to Council in July, or August. “There is a public meeting on July 13 about communal Hurricane Marlene no match for buzz-saw Tysen servicing, which could have a big impact on the housing A proposal for the re-development of Mathew Street, project,” said Frances Smith. “We might know how long a short, steep stretch of road between Elizabeth Street it will be before that land can be developed after that and Medical Centre Road in Sharbot Lake, was on the meeting.” agenda at the meeting. But before the proposal came Doug Estoc brought another option to council. The op- up, Marlene Bertrim, who has lived at the junction of tion of building a 4 or 6 Pickleball court facility at the the Elizabeth and Mathew for 60 years, appeared before Railway Heritage Park site, which is across the town- council. ship office at the junction between the East-West Trans She asked Council if they knew about Hurricane Hazel Canada and K&P Trails. McCallion from Mississauga. Betrim said that although “We could build on that site,” he said, “without worry- and said she is only 84 (McCallion is 101), but just as ing about what will come of the senior’s housing proj- determined. She then said that the proposal that was ect.” coming to council to turn Mathew Street into a one-way The important thing, according to Kelli McRobert, a road “is not a good idea, and it will not solve the traffic new(ish) resident of Central Frontenac who is a Pickle- problems at that spot that come from the through fire ball ambassador with connections to Pickleball Canada, road access at the Cardinal Café. There hasn’t been an “is the quality of the courts. Pickleballers will travel to accident on Mathew in 60 years.” good courts, and when they are there, they are happy to Continued on page 6 shop at local restaurants and stores. And, we can find the money to build, as Mark Montagano Sales Representative long as we have a location.” Brokerage “The Polar Bear Guy” Limited Members of Council all expressed support for deDirect: (613) 279-2886 veloping a Pickleball facilCell: (613) 532-9405 ity in Sharbot Lake, and markmontagano@sympatico.ca www.markmontagano.com

Beautiful Waterfront Cottage/Home On Sharbot Lake - $1,390,000 Great four season, four bedroom, three bath, open concept, post and beam cottage/home. Large, flat, treed lot with southerly exposure and 260’ of waterfront. Wade in from the sand beach. Boat, swim and fish. Large sun room with a big lake view of one of the premier lakes in the area with its 75+ islands. Large decks and dock. Dry boathouse. Boat launch. Attached double car garage. Easy access from a Township road. This place has it all! Only 3 hours from the GTA & Montreal, 90 min from Ottawa. Drone Video MLS 1295780 “Multimedia” DL-generic b-c ad.pdf 1 2022-03-28 12:14:00 PM Polar Bear Lane, Sharbot Lake, Ontario (613) 532-9405




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JuLy 7, 2022


Publisher & Editor.............................................. Jeff Green Graphic Designer................................................Scott Cox Digital & Print Sales.....................................Sarah Winney Copy Editor.................................................. Martina Field, Office Staff..............................................Caylie Runciman Webmaster.......................................................Jesse Mills Reporters................................Wilma Kenny, Craig Bakay,


SINCE 1970

The Frontenac News is published every Thursday Deadlines: Classifieds: Friday at 5pm Display ads: Friday at 5pm

The Frontenac News welcomes articles and letters, but we cannot publish all the submissions we receive. All submissions must be SINCE 1970 signed and include a phone number for verification. We reserve the right to edit submissions for brevity, clarity, and taste. Please limit letters to 300 words or less; articles to 500 words or less.

SF’s New Official (draft) Plan: Not Without Controversy by Wilma Kenny outh Frontenac Council held a special COW meeting on June 28 to review the draft of their new Official Plan, raise questions and plan the timelines for public consultation and final adoption. The presentation was led by Claire Dodds, Director of Development Services and Rory Baksh, Consultant with Watson and Associates. The most-discussed topics of public feedback were: Resident services (sewage, roads, internet, etc.); Environmental protection; Lot severances; Settlement areas; Waterfront development; Groundwater/intake protection; Agricultural protection; Waterfront protection; Climate change, and Short-term rentals. Outreach to Aboriginal communities identified a number of interests, including: Hunting, Fishing, and Gathering rights; Duty to consult and accommodate; Cultural Heritage and Archeology Notification; Environmental Protection and Conservation; Impacts on Water and Waterlife; Climate Change; Health and Safety of Aboriginal Peoples (MMIW and Child Welfare); Acknowledgement of Traditional Territories and Pre-Contact History; Commitments to a Continued Relationship. Council concerns included: Lot severances and consent policies • Development servicing • Settlement areas • Agricultural area boundaries and policies • Waterfront protection and CPPS • Timing of moving ahead with public consultation and adoption of the Official Plan. Baksh reported that Watson & Associates predicted that, due to proximity to Kingston and the 401, South Frontenac population is predicted to grow by 5,440 within the next 30 years. “It is important to plan for growth; to provide appropriate services for both rural and settlement areas.” It is expected that the population increase will be split nearly equally between both areas. He said it was important to have a plan which would help guide future growth.


Consent Policies: No ‘Resetting the Clock” Since 2000, three rural residential consents, or lot severances, have been permitted from an existing rural lot. No additional allocation of consents are recommended, but policies are proposed to allow infill consents under limited circumstances, eg where there is servicing to support it. Rural property owners will also retain the right to sever any unclaimed consents remaining on their land. In settlement areas, it is expected that plan of subdivision or condominium will be the predominant form of development, though infilling will be encouraged where supported by servicing. (‘to enliven backlots”). It is intended that these policies will direct growth to settlement areas, where there is easier access to goods, services and employment, and less need for cars. “If all anticipated growth were to be by rural consent severances with 70 meter frontages, then by 2040, the houses strung out along the rural roads would be the equivalent of Kingston to Perth and back.” The proposed OP identifies 13 “settlement areas”: the major ones are Verona, Sydenham and Inverary; others are Battersea, Harrowsmith, Hartington, Sunbury, Bellrock, Perth Road, Wilmer, Spaffordton, Railton and Petworth. The proposed enlarged settlement boundaries include 1,850 hectares of land available for development. Council members were not comfortable with this. Councillor Sleeth said he could not believe there was such a large amount of available land within settlements, and plans of subdivision take 5-10 years to develop. Ruttan said that the limit of three would be gone once the OP was accepted, and once the amount of proposed prime agricultural land is set aside, there will be less land for development. (Dodds replied that unutilized consents would remain, and there was an overall increase in the potential for rural development.) Revill said the numbers didn’t add up; Dodds replied that the population projection included both seasonal and permanent residents. SINCE 1970

From pruning to land clearing

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Sutherland asked why people would choose to move into settlement areas while cheaper rural land is available? He said servicing was essential to encourage development in settlement areas.”Developers go to where the land is, and often end up in places that should not be developed.” Mayor Vandewal said that the only reason to go into hamlets would be because all rural development has been choked off; “Too many ‘city-style subdivisions and we’ll become a suburb of Kingston. No one in this room lives in a settlement area. We’re looking at choking off all rural development. Our current tax rates won’t be sustainable because we won’t have the growth.” He added that a plan of subdivision requires a huge investment. “That’s my opinion, and so far, nobody’s said anything to change my mind.” Director Dodds said the Provincial planning framework is directing growth to settlement areas, and required “limited development’ in rural areas. When Hastings tried to ‘reset the clock’ on rural severances, the Province forbade it. Sutherland said that the wording around parks and recreation sounded like they were mainly important for Tourism development: “That the real reason for recreation is to make money.” He asked if it could be reworded to indicate that the Township supports its parks because they are important for the residents. “We didn’t strike the right chord there,” said Baksh; “The new draft will be more in line with recreation for the citizens.” By the time the meeting had gone on for three hours, final sections were covered very quickly. There was general agreement not to rush and try to pass the new OP before the fall elections: several Councillors said they wanted adequate public consultation, and summer was not the best time to accomplish that. Deputy Mayor Leonard summed it up: “This (process) should not be fast-tracked: we need to take the time to be sure things are done right before it’s put into stone.” Dodds said she appreciated Council’s candour, and agreed that it was important to not rush the public timeline; “This is a solid first draft.” ■

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PAGE 3 1095 Garrett St., rear building; Box 229, Sharbot Lake, ON K0H 2P0 Ph: 613-279-3150; 1-888-779-3150; Fx: 613-279-3172 E-mail: info@frontenacnews.ca Office hours: Mon/Tues., 8:30 am 4:30pm Wed. 8:30am - 12noon, Thurs/Fri chance or appointment Subscriptions (Canadian subscriptions include HST) Weekly: $70.11, HST incl. ($90 US for US orders) for 6 months Bi-weekly: $94.92, HST included ($105 US for US orders) for one year, 2 issues, mailed bi-weekly Member of the Ontario Community Newspaper Association

OPP Report

Central Frontenac Man Faces Fraud Charges

(FRONTENAC COUNTY, ON) - An individual faces a long list of charges following a lengthy investigation into financial irregularities dating back several years. Members of the Frontenac County Detachment of the Ontario Provincial Police (OPP) began the investigation in 2017. A family representative contacted the OPP to report that hundreds of thousands of dollars, belonging to an elderly family member, was unaccounted for. Members of the Frontenac County OPP Crime Unit worked in conjunction with a Forensic Accountant, with assistance from the Office of the Public Guardian and Trustee. As a result of the investigation, John ERHARDT, age 79 of Central Frontenac Township, has been charged contrary to the Criminal Code with: Theft by Person Holding Power of Attorney; Criminal Breach of Trust; Fraud, Use of Credit Card ;Theft over $5000; Personation with Intent (Identity Fraud); Obtain Credit by False Pretenses. The accused was not held in custody and is presently before the courts in relation to these charges. ■

Volunteers for Working Committee The Council of Central Frontenac has approved the establishment of a working committee to assess, examine models and prepare recommendations for the funding and reconditioning of the public washrooms serving the Sharbot Lake beach, the K & P Trail and the region. The Committee is now recruiting working members who have knowledge and experience in public facilities and are willing to work with other committee members on the project. Please contact the Sharbot Lake Business Group to discuss your involvement. Alison Robinson, Chair 613-539-2866 or Alison.robinson@ robinsonsgroup.com.

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COMMUNITY REPORTERS (613) Arden............................. Wanda Harrison................335-3186 Battersea / Storrington.. Amanda Pantrey...............353-6653 Cloyne / Northbrook...... Nancy Skipper Denbigh......................... Angela Bright....................333-1901 Godfrey.......................... Kelli McRobert Harrowsmith.................. Gregg Hamelin.......... 613-376-6665 Henderson..................... Jean Brown.......................336-2516 Inverary......................... Judy Borovskis..................353-1768 Maberly-Bolingbroke..... Karen Prytula....................325-1354 Mississippi..................... Pearl Killingbeck...............278-2127 Ompah........................... Linda Rush........................479-2570 Marily Seitz........................479-2855 Parham-Tichborne ........Colleen Steele..................375-6219 Christine Teal ...................375-6525 Perth Road.................... Peter Bird..........................353-7303 Plevna........................... Rhonda Watkins........ 613-264-5325 Sydenham..................... Karen Brawley...................376-9848 Verona........................... Debbie Lingen..................................


Linda Rush lindarush@yahoo.com Marily Seitz seitz@xplornet.ca

613-479-2570 613-479-2855

• A core group of bridge enthusiasts are gathering at the Ompah Community Centre on Fridays at 1pm, and would welcome new players of any or no experience at all. It's a great game and far more social than Wordle!' • After two years, the Ompah Community Centre Association (OCCA) will hold their Annual General Meeting at 10:00 on Saturday, July 16. Updates on finances, committees, and planned events as well as an election of three members to the Executive will occur. Membership is $1 which can be purchased from Marily Seitz anytime before or at the meeting. It will be wonderful to be able to get together again after such a long time apart. • The OCCA Events Committee met last week and have planned several events, always depending on the status of Covid restrictions. Currently wearing a mask is optional in the hall but we do ask that you wear a mask at the serving table. Please sanitize your hands before entering and stay home if you are ill. The popular Birthday Bash Pot Luck Community dinner will be return at 6pm on Wednesday, July 20. Bring a pot luck dish to share, a toonie for hall rental, get to meet your neighbours new or old, and celebrate with those who have July birthdays. Everyone is welcome.

PARHAM-TICHBORNE Colleen Steele 613-375-6219 Christine Teal mrsteal2u@hotmail.com 613-375-6525 • Hope everyone had a beautiful Canada Day and took in the many celebrations. It's great to be able to celebrate this wonderful Country in which we live. Fly your flag high and proud!! Hope you took in some of the fantastic firework display at various lakes in this area. Did anyone else find that the mosquitoes were out in swarms and boy were they hungry, as well as the deer flies! They must have missed all the people due to COVID restrictions too!! • While visiting with her friend Rhoda Howes, Monica York former Tichborne resident, orange calico cat got out and is still missing. If you happen to see it give us a call & we'll pass the word along. • There has been numerous celebrations of life memorials and our heartfelt sympathies go out to those who have lost love ones, including: Charlotte Brown, Madeline Tarasick, Mary Howes and Dorothy Verbeek. • Our family has lost another aunt, Evelena Ayling sister of Eileen Whan. Please keep the family in your thoughts and prayers. • Keeping our fingers crossed that the Parham Fair will still be a go as August approaches be sure to check out their website. Volunteers are needed for this event plus the recreation committee could use some help with the canteen at the ball field during the ball games. • We have such great neighbours who are so community and humanitarian minded. They have helped cut lawns and trees after the storm, have checked in on the elderly and alone, shared their gardens etc. Thank you for all that you do. • Big thank you to Mary Howes who has decided to step down as the secretary for the Recreation Committee. We thank you for your dedication, service and commitment. • Welcome Home to Edward & Krissy Goodfellow & family!!! • If you are looking for some ball games this coming week we have at Parham: • July 10 at 5 pm the U11 team is playing, then July 11th the U13 team is playing at 6:30, then July 12 the Junior Men play at 8:30 and Wed. July 13th the Grasshopper teams play at 6:30. Then the U11 ball tournament is at Parham on July 15 and 16 so stop by and cheer them on! • Happy Birthday to Will Laidlaw, Gil Putnam, Lisa Fergu-

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Dave Bush

South Frontenac & Surrounding Area

JuLy 7, 2022 son, Susan Peters, Zac Woodcock, Joe Rothwell, Christine Teal, David Raymond, Nicki Tibble, Kalib Neadow, Shawn Godfrey, Justin Harper, Luke Asselstine, Leslie Cronk, Phil Tibble, David Lowery, Aaden Kempe, Amaya Silva, Lisa Teal, Graeme Gemmill, Levi Teal, Simon Gowdy, Zac Teal, Joe Asselstine, Shay DeKroon, Bill Fox, Megen Hole, Jordan Lowery, Natasha Gray, Rose LaPointe, Courtney Hamilton, Laura Clarke, Matthew McMahon, Dave Whan Merrilee Gray, Diana Meeks, Wayne Bush, Roley Irwin, Emma Cronk, Bonnie MacLean, Shelley Welch, TIsha WIlton, Roxy Raymond, Josh Price, Boyce Bertrim, Drew Bertrim, Dave Teal, Kathy Cota, Tammy Bentley, Dan Bush, Coleman Benn, and Harlan Skuce. • Happy Anniversary wishes to Dwayne & Judy Meeks, Dave & Dawn Hansen, Will & Melody Cooke, Lish & Mike Thompson and Dave & Brenda Raymond.

Perth Road Peter Bird

613-353-7303 p.bird@xplornet.ca

• Upcoming events - July 10 – Annual Wilmer Cemetery Memorial Service. Wilmer Church at 2 pm. • July 23 – Giant Pie Sale. Perth Road Sunday School Hall. Time: 9am until all pies are sold. Come early, they go fast. August 14 – Perth Road United Church Anniversary Service, 10am, followed by luncheon and social time in the Perth Road Sunday School Hall. • Congratulations to Raven Ivy Maskell for completing Grade 5 at PRPS. We love you and are very proud of your accomplishments. Love Mom and Family. • Perth Road Crafters continue to meet every Wednesday: 9:30am – 11:30am at Harris Park Hall, 5612 Perth Road Cres. Come and learn how to braid rugs. Cost is $2. If you’re a first timer? Check us out for free, please contact Cheryl Bird 613-353-7303.

PLEVNA Rhonda Watkins

613-264-5325 rhonda139@gmail.com

• Rural Frontenac Community Services EarlyON and Kingston Frontenac Public Library partnered this week, at the Clar Mill Community Hall on Tuesday July 5th to provide stories, songs and more for children 6 and under. They will be back visiting again on Tuesday, August 2nd from 11-11:45am. • In case you weren't aware, Fishing in Ontario does not require a license and is free this week between July 2-10! Happy Casting!! • Have you tried the new delicious "Oh Canada" flavoured

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JuLy 7, 2022 Ice Cream at the Palmerston Lake Marina? In celebration of CanadaDay they brought in a deliciously True North Snow White Vanilla Ice Cream flagged with a glowing heart of delicious red cherry sherbert and a great continental divide of marshmallow ripple! Yum!! • If you are still looking to dispose of brush from your tree cleanups, The Township of North Frontenac is allowing people to continue to drop their brush off to the Plevna, 506 and Mississippi waste sites until September 6, 2022 Free of charge. To get their hours of operation, you can visit the Township website or contact the office at 613-479-2231.

Sydenham Karen Brawley


• #beyourownhero Fundraiser at Sydenham Legion on Friday July 15th from 7pm-1am. • Join us in support of Quentin Brown, Jessica and Baby Blakely for some music, games, raffles, silent auction and more. All proceeds will be going to the family in support of Blakely’s brave journey through childhood cancer. On July 11th 2021 this beautiful babe was diagnosed with hepatoblastoma, which is a rare tumor that originates in the liver. On July 15th she had her first surgery, and the very next day this brave girl started chemo. In November 2021 Blakely underwent surgery, at Sick kids in Toronto, to remove the tumor. The surgery was a success! All hopes of putting this journey in the past were shattered in March 2022 when doctors said B had relapsed. Since March she has be going through ICE chemo, with ups and downs this sweet soul has been kicking ass, finally finding herself and being able to be a baby. For more info on Baby B’s journey follow @beyourownhero10 on Instagram If you cannot attend, please keep this family in your prayers as we are all • BINGO!! Have you missed yelling it? The Knights of Columbus have missed holding it. After 27 long months, they are back, check the ink in your daubbers and head to the St. Patrick parish hall in Railton for 7pm on Monday July 11. Welcome back Knights Of Columbus and wishing you success in your bingos yet again. • Ticks and Lyme Disease in South Frontenac • The Seniors & Law Enforcement Together (SALT) committee invite you to a lunch and presentation. Joan Black and Melissa Demer of Kingston Public Health will be bringing us this informative talk on Friday July 22, 2022 from 11:30 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. Where: Verona Lions Center 4504 Verona Sand Rd, Verona .. Reservations are required before July 20. You can register on-line or by calling Joanne at 613-376-6477 ext 303. This will be a dine-in event. If you prefer a take-out meal, please indicate this when you register. • We all say it yearly, daily, sometimes hourly. People drive too fast and sometimes reckless on our village streets. Let’s do something about this before someone gets hurt. Please. There is no where you need to be in a hurry that bad. Think of others.

verona Debbie Lingen


• Drive-In Movie Night starts Friday, July 8 and continues every Friday during the summer. This event is hosted by the Verona Free Methodist Church and will be held in the parking lot. The first movie will be Peter Rabbit and is generously sponsored by the Verona Community Association. Free admission. all welcome, donations accepted. The canteen will open at 8 pm and the movie starts at 8:45 pm. Style Revival will be opening at 8:15 pm during canteen time before the Drive-In Movies all summer long. In case of rain, the movie will be held indoors. • South Frontenac Recreation & Leisure Services is hosting Music in the Park on Saturday, July 9 at McMullen Park Beach from 6pm to 8pm. • South Frontenac Museum is bringing our history, art & culture to life www.southfrontenacmuseum.ca. They are open Mondays, Wednesdays, & Saturdays from 1pm to 4pm. This year the museum opened` with a new and exciting display of the costumes, music, technology of the “Roaring Twenties”. Also new this year, is the beginning of a permanent display

celebrating the Township of South Frontenac. A refurbished display of the amazing Lovegrove WW1 146th Battalion has also been retained from last year. •

ARDEN Wanda Harrison

613-335-3186 wmharrison070@gmail.com

• A gentle reminder about the Henderson Crafters event Saturday July 9 at the Henderson Hall. There will be about 30 crafters there and if you haven’t seen the products yet, drop over and welcome Loonstrruck Crafters, the newest artisans to the Arden area. • Make sure you mark Sunday July 10 on your calendar. The Kennebec and District Historical Society will be hosting their Strawberry Social • at the Kennebec Community Centre, 1pm – 3pm. The cost is $7 per person. • The Arden Artisans are planning their “Open Studio Event” July 30 to July 31. All of our locals will be opening their studios and they have invited other guest artisans to join them. You will see works from the 3 Ladies at their respective studios but you will also get to meet and sample works from Aileen Merriam, John DuChene and Jim Hanley to name but a few. Come out and enjoy this 2-day event.


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Jean Brown


• Hello folks from your reporter signing in from the shores of Manitoulin Island where all my family are congregating, visiting, praying, swimming, reminiscing and having a blast. One highlight is seeing my aunt Madeline - who at 100 years is recovering from an aortic heart valve replacement. She is my Mom’s last living sister- so it’s a precious time indeed and one not to be missed - high gas prices or not! So sorry to be missing the Henderson United and United Church Women (UCW) Vendor Sale on Sat. July 9. Spouse is doing double the helping out at this event- happening from 10am-3m. Over 30 Vendors are gathering with super fantastic wares

613-353-6653 amandapantrey@outlook.com

• This note is from my neighbour MJ (thanks for the note, MJ!). Yard Sale July 9th rain or shine!! 8am - 3pm at 5586 Battersea Road. A little something for everyone!! • South Frontenac is excited for the return of Music in the Park throughout the summer! Stemming from the success of the winter Music in the Park series, this series will take advantage of summer evenings on the beaches of South Frontenac with live, local acoustic music in a relaxed and picturesque waterfront setting. You’re invited to join us one Saturday night per month through the summer from 6pm – 8:pm. July 9th – McMullen Park Beach – Featuring RETRO KINGS, • Chris Murphy will be performing live music at the Battersea United Church this Sunday, July 10th starting at 7pm. Free will offering, everyone welcome! • Frontenac Society of Model Engineers will be holding an operating day and giving train rides to members of the public at its track off Doris Smith Lane behind the ball diamond in Battersea from 11am till 3pm on Saturday 16 July. Come out with your family and experience a miniature train ride similar to that provided at Pumpkinfest... but without the crowds! Event will be cancelled if weather forecast for the day includes rain. Donations to help offset club expenses will be appreciated. • The Battersea United Church is hosting a yard sale on July 15th and 16th from 9am 5pm. There are indoor and outdoor tables available, call Mike at 613-328-1680 for more information. • Leopard Frog Barn Concerts presents Kerri Ough on Sunday, July 17th, 2:30 pm. Tickets are $30 each, you can reserve them by emailing leopardfrogfarm@gmail.com or call 867-222-5270. • The ‘Welcome to Battersea’ sign needs some stone repointing work. If you or someone you know is a stone mason and is interested in the job, please let me know at amandapantrey@outlook.com. Thank you! • What part of the fish weighs the most? The scales.

to sell, along with a bake sale, grab n go lunch to purchase (sandwich or hot dog drink, fruit or sweets) bucket draws, door prizes, children’s corner. I’m at my Manitoulin home, but many from Henderson are coming home to visit at this Vendors Sale, so please come and check it out. • Deepest sympathy to the family of the late Charlie Pringle who died at home at age 96. Charlie will be remembered for his strong faith and fantastic musical abilities in particular his signature song "Wore Out" which he sang frequently and faithfully, I used to enjoy coffee with Charlie at Spill the Beans, where he also regaled folks with his music. • I’m also missing out on the Sun. July 10 strawberry social hosted by the Kennebec Historical Society in Arden from 10am - 3pm at the Kennebec Hall. Many from our area are involved in this fantastic group that maintains our memories and memorabilia.

CLOYNE - Northbrook Nancy Skipper


• On Saturday, July 9, Henderson United Church and United Church Women will host a Vendors sale at the Henderson Hall (2384) Henderson Rd from 10am – 3pm, and it will include over 30 vendors, bucket draws, door prizes, grab and go lunch to purchase (sandwiches, hot dogs, drink, dessert/ sweet), bake sale and lots of fun. There are washrooms at the hall too. Proceeds aid the little white church to maintain a Spiritual Presence in the community, offer weekly worship, prayers, funerals, outreach, and for the Hall to be rented for funeral lunches, community events, meetings. • Come and enjoy a great pork roast lunch with your friends

Continued on page 7

Sharbot Lake

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Law Office in Sharbot Lake Real Estate & Estates Our office is now offering legal services utilizing remote consultations and document signing via cell phone audio/video and non-cash payment. We are adapting so that you can Stay Home.

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Tidying Up Without the Strain!

According to the Canadian Chiropractic Association 11 million Canadians suffer from disorders of the musculoskeletal system, including injuries such as sprains and strains, chronic or acute low back and neck pain, arthritis, as well as other congenital or acquired disorders. When we overuse our joints, muscles, and tendons, injuries such as carpal tunnel syndrome can develop. But there are things you can do to reduce the risk and strengthen your body while you tidy up around the house. Warm up: With any type of physical activity, it is very important to warm up. Before you start cleaning or organizing, walk around the house or do some simple stretches to help prevent injury. Break up heavy loads: Think back to the last time you did groceries. Did you carry all the bags into the house at once instead of taking multiple trips to the car? We know how tempting it is to make fewer trips, but you may be risking an injury. Divide and conquer: Dedicating 30 minutes every day to your household tasks can decrease your stress and risk of injury or fatigue. Maintain proper posture: Vacuuming and mopping the floors often require excessive bending, reaching, and twisting. Avoid stretching out your arms and bending at the waist. Instead, hold the vacuum or mop handle close to your body and walk back and forth with it. Keep your spine relaxed and neutral while doing these chores. Switch it up: Prevent unwanted strain on your shoulders, neck, and back and use both sides of your body when cleaning. Occasionally, consider cleaning the bathroom tiles or washing dishes with your nondominant hand. Bonus Tip: Use proper lumbar supports if you find yourself sitting for long spells. Every 20-30 minutes stand up and stretch out your spine.


CF Council


She said that traffic stemming from the Café’ is the real problem, not Mathew Street. “I have something else to tell you. You should make the parking on Elisabeth Street short term parking so Community Living staff don’t park there all day, every day. That would provide parking for the Café customers, and keep them off Road 38, where they block the sightlines for people turning from Elizabeth Street onto Road 38.” Not long after Marlene Bertrim was done with her remarks, Public Works Manager Tysen Myers brought his proposal for the redevelopment of Mathew Street to the table. He said, “I would like to thank Marlene for her ideas. We will definitely look into them.” He then prefaced his proposal by saying he had considered bringing it to council earlier, but wanted to have all of the details worked out. “We have presented this to the residents of Mathew Stree,” he said. The project is being funded with money that was left over from the larger Sharbot Lake re-development project that was completed in 2020. It calls for Mathew to become a one-way road for vehicular traffic, going down the hill to Medical Centre Road, the beach and the K&P Trail. It also includes a pedestrian and bicycle path. It incorporates changes in the way Medical Centre Road will be set up for parking, and a brand-new drain at the foot of Mathew, where the existing drain is failing. Members of Council had a number of questions about the proposal, but approved it in the end, which was fortunate because the project had already gone to tender. Later in the meeting, the bid from Crain’s Construction for $620,000 on the project was also accepted by Council, and work could begin on it later this sum-

mer or early this fall. Trillium Grant application The Trillium Foundation has a special grant deadline in early August for an arts/ cultural or recreation/athletic spaces project, and Public Works Manager Myers proposed said that after considering a number of potential projects, the public rink project at the Sharbot Lake Ball Diamond site, which is adjacent from Granite Ridge Education Centre, was chosen. “It is the only project that would be eligible, due to the timelines and the criteria for the August 3 intake” Myers said in a report to Council. Councillor Gowdy asked why the Tichborne rink would not be suitable for the grant, pointing out that $35,000 has been raised for that rink though community fundraising. “As far as I know, the final location for the Tichborne/Parham rink has not been determined, and this needs to go in next month,” Myers said. There is money for the rink project in the 2022 budget, and between the budgeted funds and the grant, the project will be able to be completed this year if the grant application is successful. Fire hall repairs Council approved a proposal by Fire Chief Chris McDonough to install drains in the apparatus bays at the Sharbot Lake Fire Hall. “Apparently, the decision was made not to install the drains when the hall was built, but they are necessary,” he said. The cost is $69,000 and Bel-Con construction will be doing the work. The same fire hall also requires a new roof, which Bel-Con is also doing, at a cost of $190,000. The hall was built in 2007, at a cost of $500,000. Councillor Brent Cameron asked Chief McDonough what this would mean for the life of the 15 year-old facility and McDonough said it would be good for the next 20 years.. ■

JuLy 7, 2022

Sydenham Group Raise $1,000 for the SF Food Bank

Adult Fraternity - First of its kind in Canada – Delta Gould Delta

by Jeff Green ith a history rooted in some traditions that have been challenged over the decades, such as hazing rituals and discriminatory practices, college fraternities have generally fallen out of favour. However, Gould Lake resident David Lahey has fond memories of a fraternity he was part of, back in the day. He moved to Gould Lake 4 years ago, with his wife Patty. He continues to work virtually with the company that he founded, Predictive Success Corporation, based in Whitby, while enjoying the good life in South Frontenac. A serious bout with cancer, which happened during COVID, has also changed some of his perspective on life, so with some of his neighbours on Gould Lake, he began to consider setting up what they are calling an “adult fraternity”, Delta Goud Delta, dedicated to fellowship and fundraising for worthy causes. “We operated something like the Kinsman Club, or other service clubs, working together to make a difference” he said, in a phone interview this week. The first event that the founding chapter of the fraternity decided to put on was a Canada Day dock concert with Back


Swing, featuring Jim Patterson, Rick Storms (former of Jim Patterson Band) , Laura Anderson-Brick, and drummer Ron Reedy. And true to the goal of the fraternity, not only was the event a lot of fun for the 55 people who came out to see Back Swing on the day before they headlined at the Gan Ribfest on July 2nd, it raised $1,000 for the South Frontenac Food Bank. Ellen Mortfield , the Family Services Coordinator from Southern Frontenac Community Services, was on hand to accept the cheque. In addition to his wife Patty, Gould Lake neighbours Scott and MJ Gordon, and Debbie and Jeff Blackstock are founding members of the Delta Gould Delta, which takes its roots as a Sydenham based fraternal organisations as seriously as its core commitment to being free of any gender or cultural bias and being dedicated to diversity and inclusion. “We started this in Sydenham but I can see it going much farther than here, with chapters in other towns and cities across the country,” said Lahey. “Delta means difference, which is what we are all about.” For further information, email dlahey@ predictivesucess.com ■

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July 7, 2022


What’s Up in the Night Sky? – July 2022 by Fred Barrett really enjoy taking you on a tour of the Milky Way and the summer triangle at this time every year. The observing hour is not too late for amateurs and family to go out and enjoy a not too difficult observing challenge with or without binoculars. By 10 pm it’s dark enough to see the white band of stars and dark dust clouds that are our Milky Way, curve up over the vault of the sky from horizon to horizon. In my opinion, the summer constellations and deep sky objects are more spectacular than the winter ones and can mostly be found in or beside the path of the Milky Way. So grab a star chart to help, if you have one, and we shall begin at the southern horizon. There you will see a prominent ‘teapot’ shape, or asterism, imbedded in the constellation Sagittarius. An asterism is a formation of stars in a constellation that can resemble the shape of an everyday object. The end of the spout marks the centre of our galaxy, black hole and all! Moving up, we soon find Aquila, the ‘Eagle’. At the top of this constellation is the bright star Altair. Further north, at the zenith of the sky, straight up, we can observe Cygnus, the Swan. It has the shape of a cross and at its northern end at the top of the cross, is the swan’s tail and the beautiful star Deneb. Looking southwest of Cygnus is the constellation Lyra. The Greeks thought it looked similar to a stringed instrument they played called a ‘lyre’. Others nicknamed it the “Weaver” since its shape reminded them of a weaving tool used to spin yarn. The intensity of the bright star Vega at its top is hard to miss. The 3 stars Altair, Deneb and Vega are known as the Summer Triangle. They offer a handy reference point for finding other constellations in the summer sky Just west of Lyra is the constellation Hercules. A great ball of stars, called the Hercules cluster, is easy to view on the northwest side of the constellation. As we slip down


Columns Continued from p5

• and family and meet new friends at the Flinton Hall on July and family and meet new friends at the Flinton Hall on July 12from 12noon -1pm. Please RSVP Shelby soon t at 613336-8934 ext. 229. as there needs to be a minimum of 15 people for this event to take place. The cost is $10 • The Garden Club invites you to the Barrie Community Hall in Cloyne on Wednesday July 13, to hear Tawny Stowe, a Métis business owner who works on the traditional unceded Algonquin territory talk to us about “Getting to know plants in a spiritual way." See you at 7pm. All are welcome. • Come and enjoy a great lasagna lunch with others from the community at the Northbrook Diner’s Club on July 26 at the Lions Community Hall for only $10=. The Land O’Lakes Community Services needs a minimum of 30 people to put on this event. Please reserve your spot by calling Shelby ay 613-336-8934 ext. 229. • The Flinton Public Library is hosting a Book and Bake sale on Saturday, July 30, 9am – 12noon. There will be a lemonade stand as well as a few yard sale items. All proceeds from the sale will help support the library. • Pine Meadow’s Special Needs Fund is looking for your support. Each $25 donation will receive a Proud Supporter of Pine Meadow sticker and a chance to win the beautiful Christmas-themed “To All A Good Night” quilt custom designed with a unique hand-crafted applique top panel by Debbie Kelford. Donations received on or before July 15 will receive an early bird reward; an extra chance to win the quilt. The draw will be held on Thursday, October 6. • Join us (mostly mature) for slo-pitch at the Cloyne Recreation Park. We play Tuesday at 6:30 p.m. and Friday mornings at 9:30 a.m. No equipment needed and no cost. For further info contact: shanebeth2@gmail.com • The Lions Club of Land O’Lakes Farmers Market returns Saturdays from 10am -1pm, at the Lions hall in Northbrook. Local produce, perennials, honey and other goodies are available. Iced coffee and hotdogs, as well as delicious home baking, are always available at the Lions tent. New treats each week! Come out and support your local growers.

GODFREY Kelli McRobert


• You still have time to enjoy some FREE fishing! From July 2-10 you can fish free thanks to Ontario Family Fishing, a non-government organization that promotes fishing with conservation partners ... #ontariofamilyfishing #castalure #fam-

Safety Inspections Maintenance & Repairs Air Conditioning Tires & Brakes Oil Changes & Exhaust 1014 Johnston LN, Sydenham 613-817-9844 • Open 8-5


towards the northern horizon, our next stop is the constellation Cepheus. It’s shaped like a simple house, complete with walls and a sloped roof. Continuing, we soon come upon Cassiopeia. It appears in the form of a great ‘W’ shape. If you shift your binoculars east of the W, you will see the great square of Pegasus with the constellation Andromeda at its top corner. Look for a small, cotton ball puff of white half way up the arm of Andromeda. This white smudge is the galaxy Andromeda, the nearest galaxy to our Milky Way. Just north of Cassiopeia, near the horizon, is the ‘sort of’ cone shape of the constellation Perseus. At the tip of the cone is a wonderful double cluster of stars in Perseus. You can even see them with the unaided eye and are hugely spectacular in binoculars. Set yourself a challenge this summer. Find yourself a star map and take a trip along the Milky Way trail. There’s so much to see and discover. Moving from far outer space and back to Earth, have a look at the Moon. Binoculars or a small telescope bring out a great deal of detail on its surface – craters, mountains, valleys and plains. The worst time to observe the Moon is when it is full. The Sun’s light falls from straight overhead and the details that are brought out by shadows are completely washed out. The best time to observe is when the Moon is at its quarter either waxing or waning. This is the best time for shadows. Take a look at the terminator boundary between the light and dark sides. Shadows help lead the eye to complex valleys and mountains and craters and provide contrast to make them more seeable. By the way, the Earth is farthest from the Sun at midsummer. There is one meteor shower this month – the Southern Delta Aquariids. It has an hourly rate of about 20. It peaks on July 30th and the Moon is a waxing crescent. At our latitude, the radiant is near the star Skat in Aquarius and reaches only 30 degrees above the southern horizon by ily • Applause please! for our very own Jenny's Northern Grill which took first place in the 2022 Reader's Choice Awards in the Our Lake Magazine!! You can check out the full write-up in the FREE online magazine. If you subscribe to the magazine you will be entered to win a sweet prize too! Well done to Jenny Cox!! #Godfrey #Foodie #Foodtruck • With the closure of the Perth ER we were thankful that Verona Medical stepped up and provided a walk-in clinic as needed for local residents! Thank you! • FREE Forest School Family Drop-In continues at Foley Mountain Lane in Westport every 3rd Saturday of the month from 10 -11:30 with the next one scheduled for July 16th. See their Facebook page for more details. • COVID update … well, I am on day 5 after having symptoms that began last Wednesday. I had hoped, when the sore throat started, that it would be simply that I was run down after the epic battles, over the previous 6 days, during Pickleball Nationals...that we were all a bit run down, tired, and drained both emotionally and physically....but, that night, when my fever spiked to 102 and a bit....I cringed as the next few days became a blur of death chills, fevered skin that was painful to the touch, aching ears, hot eye balls that could not be soothed, and the reminder every few hours to take some Tylenol and cough syrup, a placebo perhaps as I struggled through long lonely nights. I have cleared my calendar, again, for this week.....rest and recovery are my current priority.

Harrowsmith Gregg Hamelin

PAGE 7 3 am. An alternate viewing opportunity is nearby Saturn. Jupiter is also far up and to the left. The spectacular planetary show continues this month. Take a look in the east about 40 minutes before dawn early in the month and from right to left are 7 planets. They are Saturn, Neptune, Jupiter, Mars, Uranus, Venus and Mercury. Uranus and Neptune will require a telescope and Mercury is close to the horizon but the other planets provide a nice sight. Mercury is also viewable in the west just after sunset. Here are the monthly highlights. July 4: Earth is at aphelion, farthest from the Sun each year: 151.2 million Kms or 94.5 million miles. July 6: First quarter Moon. July 13: Full Moon and it is at perigee: 355,189 Km. This Full Moon called the Birds Shed Feathers Full Moon or the Berry Full Moon. Both make sense. July 20: Last quarter Moon. July 26: The Moon is at apogee: 403, 915 Kms. Crescent Moon is 3.5 degrees above Venus. July 28: New Moon. July 30: Southern Delta Aquarid meteor shower peaks. Islamic New Year; begins sunset previous evening. Have a great observing month and keep looking up! Follow the links below for information and upcoming events at the North Frontenac Dark Sky Preserve: www.northfrontenac.com/en/open-for-business/darksky-preserve.aspx# www.visitfrontenac.ca/en/explore-and-do/dark-skypreserve.aspx Useful books, star charts and related items for beginners and through to advanced amateurs can be ordered from the Royal Astronomical Society of Canada at www. rasc.ca/publications. A subscription to our very own excellent Canadian astronomy magazine “SkyNews” can be arranged at the RASC website. Fill me in on your observations and ask questions. I welcome emails and all feedback. You can contact me through this paper or email me at fred.barrett2@sympatico.ca . Clear Skies! ■

in front of the Pharmacy and Gino’s take-out restaurant. They add much needed colour to our village. • Congratulations to the Social and Athletic (S&A) Club for organizing the Canada Day festivities in Harrowsmith at Centennial Park. After a short opening ceremony at 11am a large crowd enjoyed music, artisan booths, multiple bouncy castles, face painting, raffles, food and fireworks. Thanks to all of the sponsors and the volunteers who graciously gave up their time to ensure that everyone had a good time.

INVERARY Judy Borovskis


• Summer Music in The Park Summer is now officially here so enjoy a musical evening by the water. South Frontenac Township is offering a performance once a month. First musical event is July 9th from 6 to 8 pm. at McMullen Park Beach. • LIVE concert by Chris Murphy July 10 at 7pm. at Battersea United Church! Free will offering in support of the church. Lots happening these summer days and this is one event I will guarantee you a good time! • Yard Sale! at Battersea United Church on July 15 & 16 from 9 to 5. Book your table space now by calling Mike at 3287680. Tables will be both indoor and outdoor. Cost per space is $25. Proceeds benefit Battersea United Church. Canteen

Continued on page 8

613-376-6665 ghamelin3585@gmail.com

• Thank you to the Starke family for placing the flower pots

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SOCCER REGISTRATION 2022 Soccer fun and skills for kids ages 3 – 16 years Season begins July 25th until end of August, Monday and Wednesday evenings $35 per child

Mail In or In person registration:

Saturday, June 9th 9:30-10:30 at the Sharbot Lake Beach by the Farmer’s Market Registration Forms with all information are also available on our Facebook page: Central Frontenac Soccer Association Or by email: frontenacsoccer@gmail.com Coaches, Referees & Committee Volunteers Are Needed. Volunteers get a free registration and no experience is necessary. For questions, additional information or to volunteer, go to our Facebook page or call Ashley at 613-279-3229 Please Note: All games will be played at Granite Ridge Education Centre

July 7, 2022



Card of Thanks

Celebration of Life

With many thanks…

Celebration of life for

We wish to express our heartfelt gratitude for the many cards, letters, and messages of affection, encouragement, and comfort that Jocelyn received during her palliative care. The video is also a treasured gift and it too brought back fond memories and supported us. Likewise, we received many cards, letters, and messages of condolence and comfort. You surrounded us with prayers, flowers, food, chocolates and a tremendous care. Thank you for this grace. “The Jocelyn Whalen Award” and the St Vincent de Paul Society received many contributions in honour Jocelyn. We thank you for your generosity. Unfortunately, due to privacy policies, the University and Society could not release the names and addresses of donors. May you be blessed for all the goodness you have poured out on our family. Nick, Jacob and Meriel Whalen

Celebration of Life Celebration of Life

for Gary Grant Stinson and Joan (Hazeleger) Stinson

Patricia Mary Barr

Family and friends are welcome Saturday July 23rd 2022 between 1:00 - 4:00 pm Glendower hall 1381 Westport road food and music provided.


Passed away at Belleville General Hospital on June 30, 2022 in his 71st year. Beloved husband of the late Polly. Loving father of Brandy Arney, Jason Arney and Mary Arney-Cross (Jeremy). Proud grandfather of Tristan, Aurora, Deidre, Isaac & Sammy. Dear son of Pearl Arney & the late Gerald and brother of June Akey (Vernon), Cathy York (Clifford), Wendy Warlich (late Gary), Ritchie Arney (Cathy), Randy (Shelley) and the late Darrell. Arrangements entrusted to McConnell Funeral Home, Tweed 613-478-3535. Online condolences at rushnellfamilyservices.com

Columns Continued from p7

will be open on site. Donations for the Food Bank are welcome that day as well. • The Catalpas Are in Bloom! Come and see the Northern Catalpas at 3248 Round Lake Rd. Inverary. Catalpas are a beautiful shade tree with large heart-shaped leaves and thousands of white orchid-shaped flowers with yellow and crimson accents. 3 year old trees for sale while supplies last - will bloom in 2 years. Mine are planted and growing! • New LED Ball Diamond Lights! are being installed on Diamonds A & B at Ken Garrett Memorial Park – the cost is worth the saving of energy and reducing our hydro bills. The ball players are enjoying the improvement! Thanks to all who are donating to the fund jar at the Inverary Beer Store, the fund jar at the canteen and the LCBO empties at Mrs. Garrett's Bakery. Thank you to the Township of South Frontenac for the capital grant of

Terry Thake Monuments

Please join us for a Celebration of Life in loving memory of Gary Stinson who passed away June 23, 2021, and Joan Stinson who passed away May 20, 2022. Saturday July 16th, 12 noon to 3 pm Sydenham Legion Branch 496 4361 Amelia Street, Sydenham Terra, Kyla, Dane and families

In Celebration of

Catherine Tebo 1930-2021

The Tebo family invite you to join them in commemorating her life and faith. August 13, 2022 from 12:00 p.m. - 3:00 p.m. Service at 12:00 p.m., followed by a luncheon, Golden Links Hall, 4186 Colebrook Rd., Harrowsmith, Ontario.

Continued on page 9

Fresh Flowers for all Occasions • Weddings • Birthdays • Anniversaries • Newborn • Special Holidays • Boutonnieres & Corsages We deliver to Goodfellow’s Funeral Home, Parham & Now to Milestone Funeral Centre, Northbrook.


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GORR, James “Jim” Mervyn

Passed away peacefully with family at his side on the 28th of June, 2022, in Kingston. Jim will be sorely missed by his wife of 60 years, Nadine Gorr (nee McInnes), and their children Trina Gorr (Steve Allison), Tod Gorr (Anne-Marie Gravel), and Trisha Gorr (Don Whitehead). Jim was a loving grandfather to Stephanie AllisonLogan (Andrew Logan), Sonia Allison (Jon Draper), Claudette Gorr, Leola Gorr (Sami Cheref), Zack Whitehead, John Gorr, and Ray Whitehead, and great-grandfather to Charlotte “Charlie” Draper. Pre-deceased by his parents Bill and Leola Gorr of Plevna. Survived by his siblings Marlene Bearss (late Don), Gary Gorr (late Elaine), Barb James (Floyd), Mildred Hodgson (late James), and Alan Gorr (Sherry). An avid hunter and fisher, Jim loved spending time at the hunt camp and led caribou hunting trips in Northern Canada. Jim worked at DuPont in Kingston for 35 years. In their retirement, Jim and Nadine traveled Canada and the world, visiting all seven continents. The family thank the staff at Kingston General Hospital for the care they provided. A Celebration of Life will be held at a later date.

$5,000 to kick start our campaign. • Food Bank! Next Food Bank Drive will be on July 22nd. You can drop your donations at the Lions Hall in Sunbury between 1 and 5 pm. Big thanks to the Lions Club for their commitment to this project. • Looking Ahead! Vendors register now for the Inverary Fall Market to be held on September 10th in Ken Garrett Memorial Park.

W. A. Robinson Asset Management Ltd, (part of the Robinson Group of Companies) is seeking a Corporate Accounting Clerk who will be responsible for Accounts Payable for 5 companies. The Robinson Group is an independently owned group of companies with a 35+ year history focused on real estate and real estate investments. This position will be an integral part of our professional finance department. There is potential to work remotely with occasional/weekly visits to the office in Sharbot Lake. *Full-Time, Permanent, Competitive Salary, Comprehensive Benefits, 6% RRSP matching program and more. The successful applicant will be a responsible individual who is career focused, a logical thinker, takes pride in ownership of work, has a personality that aligns with and committed to the values of the organization (COMPETENCY, CONSISTENCY, CARE) and possess the following qualifications: • Post-Secondary education in Business Administration specializing in accounting • 1-2 years experience working with accounts payable The complete job posting can be found on our website at https://www.robinsonsgroup.com/ robinson/careers/

COVID-19 Vaccine Clinics

Walk-ins available for those eligible for first, second, third, or fourth doses.

Flinton Recreation Hall Tuesday, July 12 3 to 6 p.m.

72 Edward St., Flinton

Addington Highlands Community Centre Tuesday, July 19 4 to 6 p.m.

31 Central St., Denbigh kflaph.ca/Vaccine

July 7, 2022



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For good used appliances in working order or not, but no junk please. VISA and MASTERCARD accepted. We have our own financing also. Shop at our competitors and then come see for yourself quality at low prices.


INDIGENOUS STORY CONNECTION to language & gardening. Ages 4-10, July 19, Aug. 2, 16. Tawny is metis & has been studying anishinaabemowin language. Tawny@ woodlandpriestess.com PERMACULTURE HOMESTEAD HOLISTIC HEALING private tours. Located on woodland paradise in Arden. Learn gardening, plant spirit medicine, chakras, reconnecting to seasons. Tawny@woodlandpriestess.com


Open evenings & 7 days a week. We deliver

TONI & JP’S FLEA MARKET – 6107 Road 506 at Ardoch Road. Lots of new stuff. Open until Labour Day weekend. 613-479- 0341


1 bedroom with living room, in 4-plex, Kaladar, $725 plus hydro. 1st, last, reference required. Available September. 416-554-9746


Open Evenings & Seven Days a Week - River Road Corbyville, Just North of Corby’s (613) 969-0287


APPLIANCE REPAIR, 15 years experience. Call Mark, Verona Hardware, 6723 Main St., Verona. Ph. 613-374-2851


KALADAR AUTO RECYCLING. Car & truck parts. Used cars, $600 & up. We take trade-ins. We buy farm equipment, tractors, loaders for parts. 11520 Hwy 41; 613-336-9899; 613-885-8644 KINNEY AUTO WRECKING Station Road, Kaladar. 4x4 trucks & parts for sale. Scrap cars, stoves, fridges wanted. 613-336-9272.


GUIDED PLANT WALK July 20, August 3, 31. Holistic healing: signs of wildlife, plant spirit medicine, chakras, reconnecting to seasons. Tawny@woodlandpriestess.com

The Corporation of the Township of Addington Highlands Notice of Tender



BISSELL SATIN PRO Carpet Cleaner, new still in box, asking $125 call 613-372-0821 CENTRAL BOILER Classic OUTDOOR FURNACES can eliminate your high heating bill. Buy NOW and save up to $550! Call today 613-539-9073. www.thefurnacebroker.com CENTRAL BOILER OUTDOOR FURNACES offer the Classic, the Maxim and the New Edge. Your local Dealer, Wood Heat Solutions, Frankford, ON, 613-398-1611; Bancroft, ON 613-332-1613. www.chesher.ca SHIPPING CONTAINERS: Seacans Storage Containers, 7ft 10ft 20ft 40ft 45ft Steel garden sheds call 613-354-8744 or online http:// IngeniousStorage.com




JUNK REMOVAL and demolition, etc. 10, 15 and 18 cubic yard box rentals, You load, we load. 613-336-0708, 613-305-3775, synwin06@gmail.com

Tender #AHCC-01 Addington Highlands Community Centre – Denbigh – HVAC Upgrades The Township of Addington Highlands is requesting bids from qualified Contractors for the completions of HVAC Upgrades to the Addington Highlands Community Centre - Denbigh located at 31 Central St. in Denbigh, Ontario. All submissions will be in accordance with the terms and conditions set out in the specifications document. Tender Documents will be available by email commencing on Thursday June 30, 2022. Contractors may also obtain the tender documents Monday to Friday between 8:30 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. at; The Township of Addington Highlands P.O. Box 89, 72 Edward St. Flinton, Ontario K0H 1P0 All inquiries as to the specifications should be directed to; Jeff Greer, P.Eng./Luigi Conforti, P.Eng. Durham Energy Specialist Limited 106-209 Dundas Street East, Whitby, ON L1N 7H8 jgreer@durhamenergy.com/lconforti@ durhamenergy.com Submit one copy of the Tender Form and deliver, fax or email to the Township of Addington Highlands municipal office on or before Friday July 29, 2022 at 4:30 PM local time. Submit to: Mr. David Twiddy, CBO/MLEO/Facilities Manager The Township of Addington Highlands P.O. Box 89, 72 Edward St. Flinton, Ontario K0H 1P0 Email - cbo@addingtonhighlands.ca Fax - (613) 336-2847 Lowest or any proposal not necessarily accepted.


The Township is seeking proposals from qualified Contractor / Firm(s), for the following request:

Request for Tender (RFT)

RFT No. 2022-10 Gravel Trucking and Grading within North Frontenac Parklands Tender documents and the prescribed Submission forms, which include the Minimum Requirements and Specifications, may be obtained from Biddingo.com or by email request to financialsupport@northfrontenac.ca Contractor / Firm(s) must have current WSIB and appropriate liability insurance coverage as indicated by the Request for Tender documents. Please direct any specific inquiries to Brooke Hawley, Dipl.M.A., Manager of Community Development recreation@ northfrontenac.ca (613) 479-2231 Extension 233. Lowest or any tender submission may not necessarily be accepted. The Township reserves the right to cancel the Request for Tender at any time up to the notification of Award. Submissions shall be submitted to the undersigned, on the prescribed form, as per the Submission instructions in the RFT document “RFT No. 2022-10 Gravel Trucking and Grading within North Frontenac Parklands” on or before 2:00 PM local time on Thursday, July 28, 2022 Cheryl Robson, A.M.C.T. Chief Administrative Officer Township of North Frontenac 6648 Road 506, Plevna, Ontario, K0H 2M0

ADVANCED FOOTCARE – RN. “Let me take care of your feet” – in home foot-care. Diabetic care, fungus treatments, corns, callous, ingrown nails. Call 613-929-8956 ANYTHING METAL, FREE PICKUP or drop off just south of 1364 Fish Creek RD: fridges, stoves, washers, dryers, ‘anything metal’. 613375-6377, leave message.

Drywall Service Boarding, Taping, Painting & Texture Spray (Free Estimates)

Ardoch Ontario 613-479-8005 HANDYMAN SERVICE 40 years experience. Repairs, home construction/renovation including window installation, tile, siding, plumbing etc. No job too small. Call Lloyd Hartwick 613-539-2544. LOMI LOMI MASSAGE in woodland escape, Arden. A Hawaiian spiritual technique for relaxation using long circular movements & heat. Tawny@woodlandpriestess.com PHOTOCOPY SERVICES available at The Frontenac News, 1095 Garrett St., rear building, Sharbot Lake. Competitive prices! 8½” x 11” Black & White 25¢ ea; Colour copies 60¢ ea. 613-279-3150. ROOFING, SHINGLES – STEEL, 30 years experience, serving Elphin, Snow Road, Sharbot Lake & area. Contact Todd Gursby for estimates, 613-278-1300.


B’S RADICAL RIDES Towing & Recovery. James Mills owner/operator. 613-335-5050; website: bsradicalrides.ca


10’ ALUMINIUM or fibreglass flat bottom rowboat (punt) 613-479-2325 STANDING TIMBER, firewood, pine, cedar, bush lots. Free quotes, cash paid. Call 613279-2154.


DO YOU HAVE a winterized cottage or duplex or for year round long-term rent? Active, senior woman seeks permanent home. Call 613-2792833 & leave a message

The Township is seeking proposals from qualified Contractor / Firm(s), for the following request:

Request for Tender (RFT)

RFT No. 2022-09 Surface Treatment and Culvert Replacements (various locations) Tender documents and the prescribed Submission forms, which include the Minimum Requirements and Specifications, may be obtained from Biddingo.com or by email request to financialsupport@northfrontenac.ca Contractor / Firm(s) must have current WSIB and appropriate liability insurance coverage as indicated by the Request for Tender documents. Please direct any specific inquiries to Darwyn Sproule, P. Eng. Public Works Manager publicworks@northfrontenac. ca or (613) 479-2231 Extension 230. Lowest or any tender submission may not necessarily be accepted. The Township reserves the right to cancel the Request for Tender at any time up to the notification of Award. Submissions shall be submitted to the undersigned, on the prescribed form, as per the Submission instructions in the RFT document “RFT No. 202208 Surface Treatment and Culvert Replacements (various locations)” on or before 2:00 PM local time on Thursday, July 21, 2022 Cheryl Robson, A.M.C.T. Chief Administrative Officer Township of North Frontenac 6648 Road 506, Plevna, Ontario, K0H 2M0

Columns Continued from p8

Call Marie at 613-449-4744 or email mac. wilkins@outlook.com

Maberly Karen Prytula

613-325-1354 karenprytula@gmail.com

• Bolingbroke Cemetery Memorial Service – Sunday, July 10, 10:30 am. Please bring your own lawn chairs. In case of rain the service will be held at the Bolingbroke-Althorpe United Church, 2686 Althorpe Rd. (County Rd. 6). For more information call 613-2735475 • The Maberly Agricultural Society would like to thank all those volunteers who made pies for the Pie in the Sky event held last Saturday, and all the people who came out to purchase the pies. The day was a success! The volunteers baked a total of 85 pies and donated them to the Pie-In-The Sky event (put on by the Maberly Agricultural Society to raise money for the Maberly Fair Aug. 27th). The event was supposed to be from 9am to 12 noon, but people started showing up at 8 am, and by 11 am they were sold out! • They actually ran out of pies earlier than that but then someone showed up with more pies and they were able to keep selling to 11 am.

Assistant Cook

(Rate of Pay: $21.31/hour) Southern Frontenac Community Services is a rural based organization focused on working with others in the provision of health and social services that meet the needs of our community. The Cook will take direction from the Lead Cook and prepare nutritious meals for our senior clientele, taking into consideration special dietary requirements and tight timelines. The Cook will use knowledge of commercial kitchens and safe food handling practices to perform duties accordingly. This is a part-time position (min. 14 hrs/week) with potential to become full-time, based in Sydenham, ON. Primary Duties: • Working Thursdays and Fridays for the Meals on Wheels program and prepare food for our Friday delivery, based on menus and instructions from the Lead Cook. • Maintain a safe, healthy and clean kitchen that meets or exceeds KFL&A Public Health Inspection and Safe Food Handling requirements • Cook with, mentor and inspire kitchen volunteers. Please reference our website for a more detailed job description: https://www.sfcsc.ca/careeropportunities Requirements: - Cooking experience with demonstrated ability to read and follow recipes - Willingness to take direction from Lead Cook - Knowledge in the area of commercial kitchen equipment and regulations - Knowledge of nutrition and special dietary requirements for seniors - Self-motivated, with the ability to work independently but also collaboratively with a diverse team - Ability to remain calm and respectful under pressure - Able to meet the physical demands of the role (e.g. standing, lifting up to 40lbs) The successful applicant will be asked to provide proof of eligibility to work with vulnerable persons by submitting a completed criminal record check with vulnerable sector check and proof of COVID19 vaccination. To Apply: Send a resume and a cover letter clearly indicating how you meet the role requirements to Southern Frontenac Community Services via email to chantal.tyrell@sfcsc.ca with Assistant Cook in the subject line by July 13, 2022. We are committed to inclusive and accessible employment practices – please notify Chantal Tyrell if you require accommodation for any part of the recruitment and selection process. We thank all applicants, however, only those receiving an interview will be contacted.

July 7, 2022




Floating Dock Kits & Assembled Docks

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Fully Stocked Lumber Yard For Home & Cottage! • Delivery Available!

Northern Happenings

NORTHERN HAPPENINGS listings are free for community groups, and will be published for two weeks. Donations to offset the costs of publication would be appreciated. Other listings are paid or are taken from paid ads elsewhere in the paper. The News makes every effort to be accurate but events should be independently verified by readers.

Thursday July 7

SHARBOT LAKE - SUZIE UNGERLEIDER 8pm. Sharbot Lake Country Inn. $30 - show only. Songs from Suzie's third Juno nominated recording, "My name is Suzie Ungerleider" and from the catalogue of songs that have become part of the Canadian musical landscape since the mid 1990's For tickets - email thecrossingpub@gmail.com or call 613-279-2198. Check out the dinner menu before the show!

Friday July 8

VERONA - MOVIE NIGHT 8pm. Verona Free Methodist Church. Free admission. all welcome , donations accepted. The canteen open 8 pm movie at 8:45 pm. Style Revival will be opening at 8:15 pm during can-

Proudly made in Canada

teen time before the Drive-In Movies all summer long. In case of rain, the movie will be held indoors.

Saturday July 9

SHARBOT LAKE - ALL YOU CAN EAT BREAKFAST 8-11am. Soldiers Memorial Hall (OSO Hall). Hosted by the Sharbot Lake Lions & In support of GREC Bursaries HENDERSON - HENDERSON VENDOR BASH 10am-3pm. Henderson United Church. Over 30 vendors! Bake sale, children's corner, bucket draws, prizes and more! Grab n' Go lunch-to purchase, washrooms available. Info Sheila 613-336-2467 BOLINGBROKE - FISH FRY 5:45pm. ABC Hall. Take out also available. Pre-order only. Info events@abchall.ca VERONA - SUMMER MUSIC IN THE PARK 6-8pm. McMullen Park Beach. Enjoy a musical evening by the water.

Sunday July 10


MABERLY ON - CEMETERY MEMORIAL SERVICE 10:30am. Bolingbroke Cemetery. Bolingbroke Cemetery Please bring your own lawn chairs. In case of rain, the service will be held at the Bolingbroke-Althorpe United Church. Info 613-273-5475. PERTH ROAD - ANNUAL CEMETERY MEMORIAL SERVICE 2pm. Wilmer Cemetery. MOUNTAIN GROVE - MOUNTAIN GROVE CEMETERY MEMORIAL SERVICE 2pm. Mountain Grove Cemetery. Please bring your lawn chair. In the event of rain, service will be in Mountain Grove United Church." Contact - Judy Gray Judycgray@hotmail.com BATTERSEA - FUNDRAISER FOR BATTERSEA UNITED CHURCH 7pm. Battersea United Church. Music Chris Murphy. Free will offering.

Tuesday July 12

FLINTON - PORK ROAST LUNCH 12pm. Flinton Recreation Centre. All Welcome. $10 RSVP Shelby 613-336-8934 x 229

Wednesday July 13

CLOYNE - GETTING TO KNOW PLANTS IN A SPIRITUAL WAY 7pm. Barrie Hall. Presenter Tawny Stowe is a Métis business owner who works on the traditional unceded Algonquin territory. All welcome.

Form 2

Friday July 15

BATTERSEA - YARD SALE 9am-5pm. Battersea United Church. Indoor and outdoor tables available, info Mike 613-328-1680. SYDENHAM - #BEYOUROWNHERO FUNDRAISER 7pm-1am. Sydenham Legion. Join us in support of Quentin Brown, Jessica and Baby Blakely for some music, games, raffles, silent auction and more. All proceeds will be going to the family in support of Blakely’s brave journey through childhood cancer

Saturday July 16

OMPAH - ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING 10am. Ompah Hall. Updates on finances , committees, and planned events as well as an election of 3 Executive members. Membership is $1 which can be purchased from Marily Seitz anytime before or at the meeting. BATTERSEA - TRAIN RIDES 11am-3pm. Frontenac Society of Model Engineers. Operating day and train rides to the public at its track off Doris Smith Lane behind the ball diamond in Battersea

Sunday July 17

BATTERSEA - LEOPARD FROG BARN CONCERTS 2:30pm. 2248 Water St. Featuring Kerri Ough. Tickets $30pp, leopardfrogfarm@gmail.com or 867-222-5270.

Appendix “A”– Draft Expropriation Plan 2021-0733-5


NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR APPROVAL TO EXPROPRIATE LAND IN THE MATTER OF the proposed expropriation by The Corporation of the County of Frontenac (the “Expropriating Authority”) of certain lands located in the following: (a) Part of Lot 3, Concession 8, as in FR738460, geographic Township of Palmerston, now in the Township of North Frontenac, County of Frontenac, being part of PIN 36209-0010 (LT) and more particularly described as Part 1 illustrated on the draft Expropriation Plan attached at Appendix “A” hereto; (b) Part of Lot 3, Concession 8, as in FR736675 and east of FR560395, geographic Township of Palmerston, now in the Township of North Frontenac, County of Frontenac, being part of PIN 36209-0011, and more particularly described as Part 2 illustrated on the draft Expropriation Plan attached as Appendix “A” hereto; and (c) Part of Lot 2, Concession 8, east of FR560395, geographic Township of Palmerston, now in the Township of North Frontenac, County of Frontenac, being part of PIN 36209-0002 (LT) and more particularly described as Part 1 illustrated on the draft Expropriation Plan attached as Appendix “B” hereto. FOR THE PURPOSE OF linking two sections of the Frontenac K&P Trail and thereby ensuring its continued long-term viability as a public trail within the Frontenac County Trail System in accordance with the County of Frontenac Trails Master Plan; NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that an application has been made for approval to expropriate the following lands: (a) Part of Lot 3, Concession 8, as in FR738460, geographic Township of Palmerston, now in the Township of North Frontenac, County of Frontenac, being part of PIN 36209-0010 (LT) and more particularly described as Part 1 illustrated on the draft Expropriation Plan attached at Appendix “A” hereto – (Registered Owner: Rose Sherry Riddell, Robert David Riddell and Harriet Mary Riddell); (b) Part of Lot 3, Concession 8, as in FR736675 and east of FR560395, geographic Township of Palmerston, now in the Township of North Frontenac, County of Frontenac, being part of PIN 36209-0011, and more particularly described as Part 2 illustrated on the draft Expropriation Plan attached as Appendix “A” hereto – (Registered Owner: James Ernest Riddell); and (c) Part of Lot 2, Concession 8, east of FR560395, geographic Township of Palmerston, now in the Township of North Frontenac, County of Frontenac, being part of PIN 36209-0002 (LT) and more particularly described as Part 1 illustrated on the draft Expropriation Plan attached as Appendix “B” hereto – (Registered Owner – James Ernest Riddell). ANY OWNER OF LAND in respect of which notice is given who desires an inquiry into whether the taking of such land is fair, sound and reasonably necessary in the achievement of the objectives of the Expropriating Authority shall so notify the Approving Authority in writing, (a) in the case of a registered owner who is served personally or by registered mail, within thirty (30) days after the date on which the registered owner is served with the notice, or, when the registered owner is served by publication, within thirty (30) days after the first publication of the notice; and (b) in the case of an owner who is not a registered owner, within thirty (30) days after the first publication of the notice. The Approving Authority is: The Council of The Corporation of the County of Frontenac (the “Approving Authority”) 2069 Battersea Road Glenburnie, Ontario K0H1S0 Dated at Glenburnie, Ontario this 17th day of June, 2022. The Corporation of the County of Frontenac Per: “Jannette Amini” Jannette Amini, County Clerk I have authority to bind the Corporation This notice first published on the 23rd day of June, 2022.

Appendix “B”– Draft Expropriation Plan 2021-0733-4

July 7, 2022



Congratulations to the Graduating classes of North Addington Education Centre! Photography by: Constance Sheridan and Robin Rosenblath

TOWNSHIP OF SOUTH FRONTENAC TOWN HALL Upcoming Meetings • Council Meeting – July 12, 2022, at 7:00 pm • Council Meeting – August 9, 2022, at 7:00 pm Electronic Participation Only Public meetings take place on Zoom (computer and telephone) and are streamed live on our Facebook page @SouthFrontenacTwp. If you want to address Council or the Committee of Adjustment directly on an agenda item, you must register to participate in the Zoom meeting. Go to the Featured Items and/or Events Calendar on our website for the link to register before noon on the day of each meeting.

News & Public Notices SFFR Water Shuttle Accreditation Exercise – July 16, 2022 South Frontenac Fire and Rescue will be conducting a Water Shuttle Accreditation exercise on Saturday July 16, 2022. Having this accreditation means that property owners in the Township may be eligible for improved property insurance rates, similar to communities that have access to municipal water systems. This will include two (2) separate tests involving several large fire department apparatus and will be two (2) hours in length for each test. Testing will take place in the morning at Centennial Park in Harrowsmith starting at 8:30 am, and in the afternoon at 1501 Rutledge Rd in Sydenham starting at 1:00 pm. Residents are asked to be mindful of traffic and adhere to any signage or traffic controls pout in place, as fire apparatus will be moving between these two locations and their perspective water sources during the test. Some traffic delays should be expected. For additional information, contact firedamin@southfrontenac.net or call 613-376-3027 x 2234. Temporary Entrance Change – Municipal Office at 4432 George St. Starting July 4, 2022, the Township will be removing and replacing the accessible ramp at the front door of the Municipal Offices located at 4432 George St. As such, residents and visitors looking to access the main floor (Treasury, Clerks Office), will be required to enter the building through the Council Chambers entrance on George St. It is anticipated that this project will take two months to complete. Those accessing the Building and Planning department should continue to enter at the lower level access door at the back of the building. Call for Submissions – Indigenous Art Installation for Glendower Heritage Garden Project South Frontenac was successful in securing funding through the 2022 Platinum Jubilee of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II to go towards the Glendower Heritage Garden. As such, the Township is asking for artist submissions for the design and creation of an Indigenous art installation in Glendower park. The deadline for proposal submissions is July 15, 2022, with an installation deadline of September 15th, 2022. For more information, visit www.southfrontenac.net/tenders Proposed Closing of a Portion of an Unopened Road Allowance - RC-21-03 (5006755 Ontario Ltd.) Take Notice that the Council of the Corporation of the Township of South Frontenac proposes to pass a by-law to stop up, close and transfer ownership of an unopened road allowance. Location: Portion of the Unopened Road Allowance between the former Township of Loughborough and the Former Township of Portland, benefitting property 5356 New Morin Road. And Take Notice, that any person who believes they may be adversely affected by the closure of such unopened road allowance has an opportunity to express their concerns at a meeting open to the public to be held on Tuesday, August 9, 2022, at 7:00 pm - electronic participation only via Zoom. There will NOT be any ability to attend the meeting in person to help prevent the spread of COVID-19. The public may participate in the Public Meeting by registering to participate electronically on the Township’s website at www.southfrontenac.net/EventCalendar/ the week before the meeting. Any comments or concerns to the Township would be appreciated, in writing to Michelle Hannah, Planning Assistant at mhannah@southfrontenac.net, before August 9, 2022. Further documentation pertaining to this proposed unopened road allowance closure and sale can be found at: https:// www.southfrontenac.net/planning-applications/ Proposed Closing of a Portion of an Unopened Road Allowance - RC-21-09 (Boychuk) Take Notice that the Council of the Corporation of the Township of South Frontenac proposes to pass a by-law to stop up, close and transfer ownership of an unopened road allowance. Location: Portion of the Unopened Road Allowance between Concessions 8 & 9 District of Storrington, Township of South Frontenac. And Take Notice, that any person who believes they may be adversely affected by the closure of such unopened road allowance has an opportunity to express their concerns at a meeting open to the public to be held on Tuesday, July 12, 2022, at 7:00 pm - electronic participation only via Zoom. There will NOT be any ability to attend the meeting in person to help prevent the spread of COVID-19. The public may participate in the Public Meeting by registering to participate electronically on the Township’s website at www.southfrontenac.net/EventCalendar/ the week before the meeting. Any comments or concerns to the Township would be appreciated, in writing to Michelle Hannah, Planning Assistant at mhannah@southfrontenac.net, before July 12, 2022. Further documentation pertaining to this proposed unopened road allowance closure and sale can be found at: https:// www.southfrontenac.net/planning-applications/

News & Public Notices Proposed Closing of a Portion of an Unopened Road Allowance - RC-21-08 (Rosnak) Take Notice that the Council of the Corporation of the Township of South Frontenac proposes to pass a by-law to stop up, close and transfer ownership of an unopened road allowance. Location: Portion of the Unopened Road Allowance between South Frontenac and Central Frontenac and a portion of unopened road allowance between Concessions 8 & 9, Lot 36 District of Bedford, Township of South Frontenac. And Take Notice, that any person who believes they may be adversely affected by the closure of such unopened road allowance has an opportunity to express their concerns at a meeting open to the public to be held on Tuesday, July 12, 2022 at 7:00 pm - electronic participation only via Zoom. There will NOT be any ability to attend the meeting in person to help prevent the spread of COVID-19. The public may participate in the Public Meeting by registering to participate electronically on the Township’s website at www.southfrontenac.net/EventCalendar/ the week before the meeting. Any comments or concerns to the Township would be appreciated, in writing to Michelle Hannah, Planning Assistant at mhannah@southfrontenac.net, before July 12, 2022. Further documentation pertaining to this proposed unopened road allowance closure and sale can be found at: https:// www.southfrontenac.net/planning-applications/

LIVING HERE Household Hazardous Waste Depot The Household Hazardous Waste Depot located at 2491 Keeley Rd in Sydenham is now open every Thursday from 3:00 pm to 8:00 pm. A full listing of accepted materials may be found on our website under Living Here/Solid Waste/Recycling/ Household Hazardous Waste. 2022 Community Grants Program – 2nd Intake Now Open! Applications for the Community Project Grant Program are now being accepted for a second intake. Not for profit community organizations including charitable organizations and unincorporated groups who meet the project guidelines can apply until August 12, 2022. For more information, visit ttps://www.southfrontenac.net/grants/. Planning Applications & Public Meetings Council and the Committee of Adjustment hold regular public meetings to review planning applications and to invite public input. Please see our website under Open for Business>Current Planning Applications for a list of applications that are scheduled for a public meeting and/or in the public review period.

THINGS TO DO Music in the Park – Summer Series Stemming from the success of the winter Music in the Park series, this series will take advantage of summer evenings on the beaches of South Frontenac with live, local acoustic music in a relaxed and picturesque waterfront setting. Join us one Saturday night per month through the summer from 6:00 pm – 8:00 pm: • July 9th – McMullen Park Beach – Featuring RETRO KINGS • August 20th – Sydenham Point Park – Featuring Mellow Lily • September 17th – Gilmour Point Park – Featuring Uncoded Visit www.southfrontenac.net/music for performer bio’s and more information. Help is always appreciated! Call Amanda at 613-376-3027 ext. 4447 today to learn about volunteer opportunities. Swim & Day Camp Registration After a two year hiatus, we are thrilled to host our Swim & Day Camps once again in 2022! Children ages 4 - 12 are welcome to join our enthusiastic, energetic, caring staff members in a safe environment that encourages children to realize their potential and follow their dreams. Day Camp will be offered at The Point in Sydenham and Gilmour’s Point in Battersea starting on July 4th. Swim Lessons will be offered at The Point in Sydenham starting July 18th. Registration opens on May 9th! Visit www.SouthFrontenac. net/SwimandDayCamps for dates, rates, and times, or email campcoordinator@southfrontenac.net for more information. South Frontenac Community Services & Activity Guide Our previous recreation guide has transformed this year into the new 2022 Community Services & Activity Guide. Accessible in print or online on our website at www.southfrontenac.net/ActivityGuide/ The 2022 Lakes and Trails Festival – July 16, the Point Park The 2022 Lakes and Trails Festival will feature a professional bicycle tune-up service, group cycling activities, kids activities and entertainment, a self-guided historical mystery adventure of the village, and the Natural Heritage Expo featuring over 20 exhibitions and booths. All events start at the Point Park in Sydenham, registration begins at 8:45 am and the events will run from 9:00 am – 1:00 pm. Visit www.lakesandtrailsfestival.org for more information. Frontenac Community Market The Frontenac Market is hosted at Centennial Park in Harrowsmith every Saturday from 9:00 am – 2:00 pm. The market offers an excellent selection of locally produced items from the farms, kitchens, gardens and workshops of local vendors. *Be advised that July 16, 2022, South Frontenac Fire and Rescue will be conducting an exercise in Centennial Park that may effect traffic and parking at the Farmers Market*

4432 George Street, Box 100, Sydenham ON K0H 2T0 1-800-559-5862 Office Hours: Monday to Friday 8:00 am to 4:30 pm • www.southfrontenac.net

July 7, 2022



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Kick & Push Brewing Company Open For Business By Jeff Green


he beer industry has been ‘brewing’ in Frontenac County for a number of years. But when the Kick and Push Brewing Company opened its taproom on June 29th and served two premise brewed beers, in addition to two beers brewed offsite, it marked the first-time beer that was brewed, kegged, and poured in Frontenac County in recent memory. The first two batches of beer brewed at the gleaming new brew house and taproom are Bird Dog, a blonde ale, made with all Canadian ingredients, and a Relax Alice, more of a British style Extra Special Bitter with an Amber Ale finish. The other two beers on tap are the Mexican Style Cerveza MX 287, and Humility, a Lagered Ale. Both of them are exlusively Kick and Push beers, but they were brewed under contract at an offsite facility. A traditional British style IPA, brewed on-site, is slated for release next week. After a year of renovating, and jumping though planning hoops (the site plan agreement with Central Frontenac came through just hours before opening) as well industry standards, hydro requirements, equipment purchases and testing, co-owner/brew master Daniel Lees, was more than pleased to be able to open the doors and greet the first customers at the start of the Canada Day weekend. “The response on the weekend was excellent. The community support kept

us busy even though we did not do much promotion before opening last week,” he said on Monday. For now, the brewery is open Wednesdays and Thursdays from 4pm to 8pm, Friday and Saturday from 12noon-8pm, and Sunday from 12noon-6pm. Kick and Push beer is available on tap for drinking in the tap room and front patio at the site, and to take home in bottles. There are also snacks available at the taproom. “We do not have a kitchen, so aside from bar snacks, it is a work in progress, but we are working with Seed to Sausage to develop a snack menu,” said Lees. Also, because of the taproom license, the only alcoholic beverages that can be sold in the taproom are those that are made on site. “We may apply for a different license, so we can offer wine or cider from other sources,” said Lees, “and if we do that, we could also offer beer from other breweries on tap. There are styles of beer that we are not likely to brew here, such as a sour beer, that other breweries do really well. We would like to be able to do provide those options for our customers." They certainly have the capacity, with ten taps available in the taproom. But all of this is for the future. For now, brewing beer, staffing the taproom, making sure all the supplies are in stock, getting

Carl Hymander with Kick & Push Brewing Company owners, Laina & Daniel Lees.

the word out about the brewery, landscaping and a host of other tasks are enough to keep him pretty busy for the time being. One event that is coming up, which will be a perfect fit for the brewery, is running the beer tent at the Caboosefest in early August, the flagship event of the for the Sharbot Lake Railway Heritage Society. Although the Kick and Push Brewery is the first one in Frontenac County to open its doors, there are three other breweries that have product on the market. The Harrowsmith Brewing Company has three beers avaialble, Spikes Corners IPA, Level Lager, and Heritage 1909 Wheat Beer. Karbon Brewery, from Wolfe

Island, has Helios Helles Lager, J.E.D.I IPA, One World Wit available. And the newest brewery on the block. Aside from the Kick and Push, The Local Brewery, has Hinch 1963, a lager, out now as well. Karbon uses hops from the Wolfe Island Hop Yard, and Kick and Push is planning to do the same in the near future as well,. The Frontenac County brewing ecosystem, while still in its infancy, is certainly alive and kicking. For further information about Kick and Push Brewery, go to kapbrewing.ca or check them on Facebook. ■

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