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[New] T HE Cl
etary grants from Pickleball organizations but they’re not comfortable pursuing things without said commitment.
Part of the holdup has been a tentative recreational needs study the Township wants to conduct but no date has been set for said study as yet.
“We feel like we’re chasing a moving target,” Kimberley-Young said. “We turned a 35-year eyesore into a community hub and a real boon.”
The old school site has been slated for a new seniors housing project. Along the way, the size and layout of the project has evolved.
“When it was five or 10 units, the pickleball court could have stayed,” Kimberley-Young said. “Then it was a 45 unit building on the hill and the space could have stayed as a recreational court.”
But then there was a proposal for a 35unit building along with a 15-unit building, in which case the pickleball court would have to be removed.
“After the first reports were made public, our thinking was we were past that hurdle,” Kimberley-Young said. “But now we’re subject to a study being done by an independent third party.
“We have four recreation committees and a slew of volunteers who know what their needs are and what they’d like to see in their communities.
“I’m not sure of the value of having an outsider come in and tell us what they think we think we want when the people who live in this community actually know what we need and want.”
“I don’t know why we’re tying it to a recreation needs study when it’s already established,” said Dep. Mayor Phillip Smith.
“I’m all for giving you the commitment but I’m just afraid we’ll have to break it,” said Mayor Frances Smith.
Council approved Mark Howes’ request to use a piece of Township property to place a memorial sign and bell to remember the Parham St. James Anglican Church which had stood in Parham for 133 years before it burned down 2 ½ years ago.
“I’d like to request a cement pad for posts,” he said. “We’ve had people come forward with donations (and) I would like to see it not forgotten.”
He said the memorial will be adjacent to the post office because the archdiocese owns the land where the church stood and they wouldn’t take responsibility for it.
Public Works Manager Tyson Myers said they do put snow there occasionally but “we’ll make it work.”
Youth Program
Rural Frontenac Community Services Youth Program manager Sarah McCullough was at Council making an annual program funding request.
She said that the ask has increased to $17,300 this year from $15,500 last year because of rising inflation costs.
She said that last year, 261 unique individuals received programming last year.
The matter was referred to budget deliberations.
County Planner requests Funds
Kaladar aUto rECYCliNG. Car & truck parts. Used cars, $600 & up. We take tradeins. We buy farm equipment, tractors, loaders for parts. 11520 Hwy 41; 613-336-9899; 613885-8644
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ENGaGEMENt riNG, 9 diamonds, 1.21 tot weight, appraised $3450, asking $1600. Sharbot Lake. Call Dennis 613-449-8997
In the end, Council passed a resolution removing the connection to the recreation needs study and asking staff to consult with a lawyer as to whether the Township can issue a commitment it may have to break. The matter will come back to Council Jan. 24.
Building report
Chief Building Official Andy Dillon reported that building permit fees in 2022 were down slightly to $225,746 from $244,800 in 2021 accounting for $15,642,895 in construction value ($17,691,551 in 2021).
St. James Memorial
SF Council Cont. from p8 reflective of the current needs of the Township of South Frontenac by the conclusion of 2023.
Committee Bylaw South Frontenac Council has 19 associated Committees (Advisory, Legislated
Frontenac County Manager of Planning and Economic Development Joe Gallivan was at Council asking for $25,000 as the Township’s contribution for a new community planning permit tool which he said will save staff about 200 hours per year.
He said each township is being asked for the same amount.
He said that this will have the added benefit of greater protection of waterbodies and shorelines when applied to waterfront properties. ■ and Community) and Boards: the purpose of this bylaw is to implement standardized processes and procedures for all of these within one bylaw. A public meeting will be advertised for January 31, to hear questions and seek Council approval of the bylaw, as presented. appointment of Clerk and Municipal law Enforcement Officer
The request For Proposal (rFP) rFP 2023-01 Cleaning Services –North Frontenac Municipal Complex and Clar-Mill Fire Hall
Proposal documents and the prescribed Submission forms, which include the Minimum Requirements and Specifications, may be obtained from Biddingo.com or by email request to financialsupport@northfrontenac.ca
Contractor / Firm(s) must have current WSIB and appropriate liability insurance coverage as indicated by the Request for Proposal documents.
Please direct any specific inquiries to Brooke Hawley, Manager of Community Development at recreation@ northfrontenac.ca or (613) 479-2231 Extension 233.
Lowest or any Proposal submission may not necessarily be accepted.
The Township reserves the right to cancel the Request for Proposal at any time up to the notification of Award.
Submissions shall be submitted to the undersigned, on the prescribed form, as per the Submission instructions in the RFP document: “rFP 2023-01 Cleaning Services – North Frontenac Municipal Complex and Clar-Mill Fire Hall” on or before 2:00 PM (local time) Thursday, February 9, 2023
Corey Klatt, Dipl.M.A.
Chief Administrative Officer
Township of North Frontenac 6648 Road 506 Plevna, ON K0H 2M0
SHiPPiNG CoNtaiNErS: Seacans Storage Containers, 7ft 10ft 20ft 40ft 45ft Steel garden sheds call 613-354-8744 or online http://IngeniousStorage.com
SNoWMoBilE - Arctic Cat Z-570. Lightly used, 2607km. - Smart Ride suspension, cover, reverse, saddle bags, 2” towing package and wood sleigh. $3700 OBO. 613- 374-1892.
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PaiNtiNG - Drywall & Plaster Repair, Interior/ Exterior Painting. Call Eric at Men In White 613-200-1127. WSIB compliant, fully insured. PHotoCoPY SErViCES available at The Frontenac News, 1095 Garrett St., rear building, Sharbot Lake. Competitive prices! 8½” x 11” - Black & White 25¢ ea; Colour copies 60¢ ea. 613-279-3150.
PUMP rEPair: Licenced well technician on staff with 15 years experience. Call Mark, Verona Hardware, 6723 Main St., Verona. Ph. 613-374-2851 rENoVatioNS, Framing, Drywall, painting, laminate & vinyl flooring, brush and tree removal, and more. Contact Todd Gursby for estimates, 613-278-1300
B’S radiCal ridES Towing & Recovery. James Mills owner/operator. 613-335-5050; website: bsradicalrides.ca
.410 GaUGE SHotGUN SHEllS, Older 12 gauge shotgun shells. Please call Mike at 613483-4887
oFFiCE aSSiStaNt – Part tiME
The Corporation of the Township of Addington Highlands seeks one (1) qualified individual to fill the above captioned position.
Resumes plus a covering letter must be received at the Township office, Flinton, ON, on or before 16:00 on Friday February 3rd, 2023.
Details may be obtained by contacting the Township Office, during normal office hours.
Information gathered relative to this position is done so in accordance with the Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act and will only be used for candidate selection purposes.
All applicants are thanked for their interest in applying for this position but only those candidates selected for an interview will be contacted.
The Corporation of the Township of Addington Highlands P. O. Box 89, 72 Edward Street, Flinton, ON K0H 1P0
(613) 336-2286 ph; (613) 336-2847; clerk@addingtonhighlands.ca
Staff has recommended that Louise Fragnito be appointed as Clerk effective December 22, 2022 due to the retirement of Angela Maddocks. Louise Fragnito will fulfill the duties of Clerk until the recruitment process associated with the position of Clerk is completed. Additionally, that James Thompson be appointed as a municipal law enforcement officer for the Township of South Frontenac. Frontenac Municipal Law Enforcement will remain responsible for the day-to-day by-law enforcement services in the municipality. Council agreed. ■
Saturday, January 28th, 2023 auction: 10:00 am | Viewing: 9:00am Lanark & District Civitan Hall, 2144 Pine Grove Rd, Lanark, ON K0G 1K0
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Call to Book Your auction today!
NortHErN HaPPENiNGS listings are free for community groups, and will be published for two weeks. Donations to offset the costs of publication would be appreciated. Other listings are paid or are taken from paid ads elsewhere in the paper. The News makes every effort to be accurate but events should be independently verified by readers.
Saturday January 21
SNoW road StatioN - SNoW road SNoWMoBilE ClUB BrEaKFaSt 8-11am. Snow Road Snowmobile Clubhouse. Everybody Welcome
VEroNa - WiNtEr WarM-UP BrEaKFaSt 8:30-11am. Trinity United Church. Admission by donation. For take-out orders please call 343-422-4110 by 9am Saturday to reserve your breakfast pick-up or email vca@xplornet.ca by Friday by 11am.
SYdENHaM - SoUtH FroNtENaC SNoW SoCial 10am-4pm. Sydenham Point. Free admission with live music, a vendor village, and many outdoor and indoor activities planned for all ages.
SHarBot laKE oN - BooK laUNCH aNd rEadiNG WitH MUSiC 2pm. Rock Hill B&B. New works From the Frontenacs Anne Archer - Illustrated by Martina Field and Serve the
Sorrowing World with Joy by Meg Freer and Chantel Lavoie. Published by Woodpecker Lane Press. Books are $15 each, Fundraiser for Sisters of Providence and North Frontenac Food Bank. Light refreshments - free event
Sunday January 22
BattErSEa - CHriS MUrPHY liVE 7pm. Battersea United Church. Celebrating Robbie Burns Day. Admission by free will offering.
Tuesday January 24
NortHBrooK diNErS 11am-1:30pm. Cost - $10 Menu - Cabbage Roll Casserole Please RSVP - Katie 613-336-8934 ext. 229 Free meal draw for next Diner’s in Northbrook Come play some cards before lunch
FliNtoN - FliNtoN diNErS 11:30am1:30pm. Flinton Recreation Centre. Cost - $10 Menu - Italian Sausage Penne Reservation, call Kaite 613-336-8934 ext. 229 Free meal draw for next Diners in Flinton. Come play some cards before lunch
Friday January 27
KiNGStoN - MENtal HEaltH traiNiNG For FarMErS & aGriCUltUral CoMMUNitY 6-9pm. Glenburnie United Church. Free training program surrounding mental health. Register jenniferclement_14@ hotmail.com