1 minute read
South Frontenac CouncilMay 16/23
by Wilma Kenny
Frontenac Citizens for Climate Action
Jerri Jerreat, speaking on behalf of the group Frontenac Citizens for Climate Action, presented a proposal for a South Frontenac Climate Action Plan. Introducing examples of plans and actions adopted by comparable areas (Halton Hills, Lanark, Halliburton, Gananoque and Orillia), she outlined 6 suggestions for South Frontenac: 1) Public Transportation, beginning with North/South connections during commuter times, which might grow to provide more independence for seniors and teens; 2) Electric Charging Stations in the larger villages - good for local residents and tourism; 3) Small Electric Generating station powered by wind or water for help in blackouts; 4) gradual retrofitting of municipal buildings (and congratulations on the design of the Battersea Fire Station!) 5) A Climate Action Information page on the Twp website, 6) Setting up more car pool areas like the one in Verona.
CAO Fragnito said that there is a staff climate committee, and money in the budget for hiring a consultant, with the target of having a draft climate action plan by this fall. Another $100,000 is budgeted for investigation of climate initiatives.
The Township is already participating in a joint transportation study being done by Kingston, and a climate information website is pending. Mayor Vandewal said