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TOW ns H ip OF s O u TH F r O n T en AC
Final Tax Notices
Final Tax Notices have now been issued. If you do not receive your Final Tax Notice by June 15, please contact us. Your final taxes are due in two instalments: June 30, 2023, and September 28, 2023. Be sure to keep your tax bill until September as we won’t be sending any further reminders. For information on payment options, see our website or contact us at 613-376-3027 x2200 or at taxes@southfrontenac.net.
Lake Ecosystem Grant Program Now Open
We are now accepting applications for our Lake Ecosystem Grant Program, which funds projects up to $10,000 that have a positive impact on the health and welfare of lake ecosystems in South Frontenac. To learn more or apply, see the Grants page on our website under Town Hall.
Second Intake Open for Community Grant Program
We are pleased to announce a second intake for our Community Grant Program. If you are a not for profit or charitable organization and have a community project you would like to be funded, apply now on the Grants page on our website under Town Hall. Applications are due by July 31, 2023.
Noise By-law Enforcement
Did you know that the Township has a noise bylaw and property owners are responsible for any noise by-law violations of guests or renters on their property? To report a noise violation, call 613-541-3213 and leave a message with details and a call back number.
Household Hazardous Waste Depot
The Household Hazardous Waste Depot located at 2491 Keeley Rd in Sydenham is open every Thursday from 3-8 pm. You can see a full listing of accepted materials on our website under Living Here/Solid Waste.
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Swim Lesson Registration Now Open
We are thrilled to once again be able to offer swimming lessons at two locations this summer: The Point in Sydenham and Gilmour’s Point Park in Battersea. Lessons are offered in two-week sessions and we expect spots to fill up fast. Register your child online at southfrontenac.net/Things to Do/Day Camps and Swim Lessons. Note swim lessons are separate from day camps. If you have questions, please contact Talia Ross, Camp Coordinator at campcoordinator@southfrontenac.net or by calling 613-561-2637.
Music in the Park
What better way to spend a summer afternoon than listening to live music in one of our beautiful parks? Our first Music in the Park concert is on Saturday June 24 from 1- 3 pm at McMullen Park Beach in Verona. Bring a lawn chair and enjoy the music!
Canada Day in South Frontenac
Celebrate Canada Day in South Frontenac! There will be so much to do on July 1st, including activities at Glendower Hall, Centennial Park, Storrington Lions Club, and Sydenham Point Park.
This year, South Frontenac will host one spectacular firework show at The Point Park in Sydenham at 9:45 pm to cap off the day’s celebrations (rain date of July 2nd). To help everyone get to the show, there will be shuttle buses taking residents to and from the fireworks show from 10 different locations across the township. Check out www.southfrontenac. net/canadaday for shuttle locations, times, and the full itinerary of events for Canada Day.
Frontenac Farmers Market
The Frontenac Farmers Market is now open until October. The market has a new look, day, and time! Come out on Fridays from 3-7 pm at Centennial Park in Harrowsmith under the new Grand Pavilion to shop for fresh local farm products.
News & Public Notices
Effective June 6, 2023 a Total Fire Ban is in effect in the Township of South Frontenac. A total fire ban means no open air burning of any kind, including cooking fires, brush fires, camping fires, and fireworks. The ban does not apply to cooking appliances with a mechanical shutoff (such as a propane barbeque). We’ll continue to monitor conditions—please see our website and social media for updates.
Notice of Public Meeting – Proposed Closing of a Portion of Unopened Road Allowance
The Council of The Corporation of the Township of South Frontenac proposes to pass a by-law to stop up, close and transfer ownership of an unopened road allowance in two locations.
• File: PL-RAC-2022-0136 (Carr)
Location: Portion of the Unopened Road Allowance, between Concessions 9 & 10, District of Bedford.
• File: PL-RAC-2022-0122 (Mancino) (ZanderPlan)
Location: Portion of the Unopened Road Allowance, Part Lot 20, Concession 11, being Parts 4 & 5 Plan 13R20005, District of Bedford (former Westport Road).
Any person who believes they may be adversely affected by the closure of the unopened road allowances has an opportunity to express their concerns at a public meeting on Tuesday, July 11, 2023 at 7:00 pm in person at 4432 George Street, Sydenham or by Zoom.
Members of the public can register to participate in the Public Meeting using the link posted on the meeting date on our Events calendar on the Township website. Residents can submit written comments to the Deputy Clerk at mhannah@ southfrontenac.net before the meeting. For more information, please contact Michelle Hannah, 613-376-3027, ext. 2222. Further documentation can be found under Open for Business/Planning & Development/Road Allowance Closing.
25 Years Stronger Together
This year South Frontenac Township celebrates its 25th anniversary. What do you think makes South Frontenac a great place to live, work and play? What are the biggest changes you’ve seen in the past 25 years and what are you most excited about for the future? Share your stories, photos, and thoughts on our public engagement site, engagefrontenac.ca/25-years. And be sure to watch for the South Frontenac Museum pop-up exhibit on our 25th anniversary this year at events like Canada Day.
Bylaw Survey Results
Earlier this year, we asked residents to answer a survey on By-law Enforcement and Short-Term Rentals in South Frontenac. We’ve now posted the survey results and the Report to Council on our website under Town Hall/By-law Enforcement. Construction and Road Closures
It’s construction season! Be sure to watch this section or engagefrontenac.ca in the coming months for updates on construction projects around the Township as we work to improve our roads.
• Crack Sealing Work: The Township will be making crack sealing repairs on these roads June 6-16: Rutledge Road, Harrowsmith Road, Yarker Road, Wilton Road, Bellrock Road and Perth Road. Watch for crews and expect some delays. Thanks for your cooperation.
• Alton Road West – Road reconstruction will begin May 2023 until September 2023. Major road works are being carried out by Township Forces. No closure required.
• Battersea Road – Road reconstruction work remains on schedule and will continue through to July 31. Work is being completed by Len Corcoran Excavating Ltd. No closure required.
• North Shore Road – Road construction has started between Leland Road and Convery Lane with an anticipated end date of September 2023. Road works are being carried out by Township Forces. No closure required.
• Sunbury Road – Road reconstruction will begin May 2023 until September 2023. Major road works are being carried out by GIP Paving Inc. No closure required.
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Bids and Tenders
• PS-P03-2023 – Town Hall Expansion Design
Proposal documents must be received by 1:00 pm local time on June 28, 2023. Official forms can be downloaded from www.biddingo.com/southfrontenac.
Upcoming Meetings
Here is a list of upcoming meetings:
• June 20, 2023 – Council, 7 pm
• June 22, 2023 – Lake Ecosystem Advisory Committee, 6 pm
Planning Applications & Public Meetings
Council and the Committee of Adjustment hold regular public meetings to review planning applications and to invite public input. Please see the Current Planning Applications page on our website under Open for Business for a list of applications scheduled for a public meeting or in the public review period.
How to Participate
Public meetings take place in person or on Zoom (computer and telephone) and streamed live on our Facebook page @ SouthFrontenacTwp. Go to the Events Calendar on our website for the link to register. If you want to attend the meeting in person, please email jthompson@southfrontenac.net before noon on the day of the meeting to confirm if space is available.