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Frontier Nursing University Issues LGBTQIA+ Statement

Greetings Frontier Nursing University Community,

At Frontier Nursing University, we are committed to treating ALL individuals equitably with respect and dignity. Today I am writing to you to reaffirm our support for our lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, questioning, intersex, and allied people (LGBTQIA+) community members and those we serve as health care providers. Recent legislation in Kentucky^ and elsewhere continues the assault on members of our community, especially the youth. Government restrictions have been placed on what can be taught in our schools, what services students may receive, and what healthcare children may or may not receive, regardless of the situation. The bill also removes the ability of parents to make certain healthcare decisions for their children.


We know that equitable treatment can build healthy lives and healthy communities. We are actively striving to eliminate discrimination, racism, inequities, and health disparities in society and our nation. To create an environment that is equitable, we must identify and address the barriers. Recent legislation such as that in Kentucky will put many members of our community at risk for not receiving needed services with subsequent serious physical and mental health issues. It is well documented that LGBTQIA+ youth are four times as likely to attempt suicide as their peers, which is devasting considering suicide is the second leading cause of death in children aged 10-14. This is not because of sexual or gender identity but because of how they are mistreated in our society*.

Frontier Nursing University is committed to teaching the necessary skills to our students that will prepare them to create, maintain and provide necessary services for our LGBTQIA+ community, including transgender care. We believe we must stand together to ensure that all people receive the necessary services and not exclude any group. We stand with our LGBTQIA+ community and commit to being a strong ally in the fight for equal rights for all.


Dr. Susan Stone President, Frontier Nursing University


* https://www.thetrevorproject.org/resources/article/ facts-about-lgbtq-youth-suicide/

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