2020 Strategic Plan Even as FNU entered into the final year of its 2015-2019 strategic plan, work on the next plan was already beginning. The process began at the FNU Board of Directors retreat in April 2019. The board brainstormed ideas for what, at that time, was intended to be another five-year plan. From the retreat came a list of broad-based themes and ideas which were then presented to focus groups consisting of FNU faculty and staff. The focus groups, which were created by the President’s Cabinet, met during the summer of 2019 to build upon the
themes identified at the Board of Directors retreat. Minutes from those summer meetings were then used to help create the initial draft of strategic goals. The next step in the process was to survey FNU staff, faculty, and student council representatives to gain additional feedback and suggestions regarding the proposed strategic plan goals. As part of this process, the community also voted to change the strategic plan from five years to three, allowing FNU to have more flexibility to adjust to changing times and needs rather than being locked into
Strategic Plan 2020-22 Strategic Plan Goals Goal 1: Continue to develop, evaluate, and improve programs and services that further our mission.
Goal 2: Create an environment
that promotes diversity, equity, and inclusion and promotes the success of all community members.
Goal 3: Build strategic relationships and partnerships with clinical sites and preceptors, focusing on rural areas.
● Develop a plan for pathways to the DNP for potential implementation for 2022.
● Increase the percentage of students, faculty, staff, (preceptors), Board of Directors, and administrators from racially and other underrepresented groups and rural communities.
● Develop a plan to educate health care sites and systems about the benefits of taking students.
● Assess the sustainability of the Bridge program by winter 2020.
● Integrate Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion as core values throughout the community.
● Create a positive environment for preceptors.
● Assess the alignment of the Women’s Health Nurse Practitioner program with our mission by the end of 2020.
● Ensure a diverse and inclusive curriculum with a focus on health equity and the factors that impact it.
● Increase the DNP Plan of Study (POS) by 2 credits to address gaps in the program.
● Implement strategies to retain at least 85% of enrolled students. ● Increase faculty and staff satisfaction and retention with a focus on underrepresented groups.
● Increase the number of alumni preceptors.