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Letter from Dr. Carter

The Board of Directors of Frontier Nursing University is pleased to share the 2020 President’s Annual Report with you. As we usually do with this report, we take a close look at the events of the past year and our progress towards our specific strategic plan goals and the overall mission of the university. This year’s report, however, is nonetheless a little different than previous annual reports. It is so out of necessity because 2020 itself was more than a little different.

Be it global factors like the pandemic, national factors like social justice and racial equality, or internal factors like completing a move to the Versailles campus, 2020 was filled with challenges not typically addressed in a strategic plan. I hope you will share our pride in how the university administration, faculty, staff, and students responded to the adversity the past year presented.


While our strategic plan guides specific initiatives and goals, I believe it is our strict adherence to our overarching mission and vision that enables the FNU community to be at its best in times of turmoil and crisis. Through it all, we remain committed to providing an excellent education for nurse-midwives and nurse practitioners at a cost made affordable by our highly successful community-based distance learning model. We remain fully committed to our diversity, equity, and inclusion initiatives that we know will provide diverse and culturally competent care, the need for which was amplified by the pandemic and its disproportionate impact on diverse and underserved populations.

Amidst all the pain and tragedy of the past year, FNU found many ways to shine and we are proud to share our 2020 story with you. Thank you for allowing us this opportunity and for your continued support of Frontier Nursing University.


Michael Carter, DNSc, DNP, FAAN, FNP/GNP-BC Chair, Board of Directors

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