FNU Quarterly Bulletin Summer 2020, Volume 95, Number 2

Page 4

FNU’s Focus on Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Response to Our National Distress By Dr. Susan Stone Dear Frontier Community, Frontier Nursing University is saddened, angered, and troubled by the recent horrific and unacceptable events in our country.

In recent years, FNU has dedicated an issue of the Quarterly Bulletin to coverage of the university’s diversity, equity, and inclusion efforts. Included in the following pages are updates on our programs and initiatives and an introduction to Chief Diversity and Inclusion Officer Dr. Geraldine Young. In light of the social justice events and discussions that have been such a focal point of 2020, however, we begin this DEI coverage by sharing FNU President Dr. Susan Stone’s message to the FNU community in response to our national distress.

The message throughout the COVID-19 Pandemic has been that we will all get through this together. However, recent events have provided a glaring reminder that, unfortunately, in many ways, we remain very divided. Deep racial, ethnic, and socioeconomic inequities exist in our country. The killings of George Floyd, Breonna Taylor, David McAtee, and so many others across this country at the hands of those who are supposed to protect us are indicators that we have a very long way to go in our efforts to eradicate systemic racism. For many years people of color have been plagued with disproportionate healthcare outcomes due to health inequities and the social determinants of health. African American women are far more likely to suffer maternal mortality than white women. Amidst the COVID-19 Pandemic, African Americans have immensely suffered at a higher rate than any other races. We know that with the availability of resources in the United States, these disparities are inexcusable and correctable, as is the violence against African Americans in this country. We recognize the disparities in access to quality education and healthcare available to rural, diverse, and underserved populations. The acts of violence against African Americans are reminders that disparities go well beyond education and healthcare. Inequities are witnessed in the daily lives of underrepresented populations but most glaringly for those of the African American community. We know that structural racism causes inequities, and the results may lead to substandard living conditions, lack of access to quality education and healthcare, inhumane treatment, and death. We oppose injustice and cruelty and condemn racism in all its forms. We support peaceful protests and demonstrations and join all those working to end systemic racism, racial violence, and police brutality. We are committed to building a culture that is inclusive and caring for all. Sincerely,

Susan Stone, CNM, DNSc, FAAN, FACNM

Susan Stone, CNM, DNSc., FACNM, FAAN

2 Frontier Nursing University • Quarterly Bulletin

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