4 minute read
astrology & you
from FPFFeb2022
By Frank Fratoe Pause and Consider Pause and Consider
Astrology & You
february, short & sweet
By Dianne Bachman
Just stop whatever you are doing and catch sight of what is there.
Share a fascination with others whenever cloudbanks drift apart.
Watch a darkened river glide out toward starlamps enduring above.
Let the air overwhelm you until it embraces the whole of mankind.
Then turn to acknowledge at once all the people you could admire.
And discover each other’s worth of our brotherhood newly certain.
Because so much marvelous there awaits the love friends deserve.

Frank Fratoe lives & writes in the city.he loves. One of the more interesting astrological events for February is a Moon Wobble at 4:18 pm on the 15th. What is a Moon wobble? It is an astrological event that occurs about every 86.5 days when the Sun makes either an exact square or conjunction with the lunar nodes. These conjunctions and squares are based on Ptolemaic angles on the zodiac wheel and are not to be confused with the astronomical term "Moon Wobble."

A man by the name of Carl Payne Tobey discovered the phenomenon in the 1940s, originally calling it "lunar node instability". Mr. Tobey was exploring the relationship between insurance claims and accidents and astrological cycles. He wrote: "When the Sun is conjunct or square the lunar nodes there is human instability. People are excitable. They are more easily confused. Their reactions are emotional rather than intellectual." So, it is not that horrible things happen because of this wobble, but perhaps people are thinking less clearly and it makes us more susceptible to things like fires and accidents.
The good thing is, if we are tuned in to ourselves and our environment, we can feel these shifts and take better care not to be impulsive, to practice excellent care. The energy can be sensed a week or so before and after the exact date. Think of it this way: If we know there is a high probability of rain, we can properly prepare ourselves for negotiating a downpour. The same goes for astrological weather. If you journal it might be an interesting exercise to look back every 86.5 days from the current wobble to see how Moon wobbles might or might not have impacted your day to day. This is a topic of ongoing research for me, and maybe it will spark your interest, too.
Here is more astrological weather for the month of February: February 1 the new Moon will be in Aquarius. New Moons are always an excellent time to meditate on what we would like to manifest in our lives. Aquarius focus is on groups, hobbies, social networks, and things that relate to the greater good. Saturn will be conjunct the Moon at this time, adding themes around structure, responsibilities, and planning to this new Moon energy.
February 3 Mercury will station direct, though the forward moving energy will be toned down a bit in Capricorn. We might feel more fretful or find ourselves experiencing a bit of melancholy, but this heaviness lifts on the 15th when Mercury enters the sign of Aquarius.
February 4 the Sun is conjunct Saturn, illuminating the ideas we discovered during the new Moon. This month it is best to take any projects slow and steady. We are still in a recovery period from Mercury retrograde, so pace yourself.
February 12 Mercury is conjunct Pluto, giving depth to our thoughts and perceptions. Some may feel a shift in thinking and want to dive deeply into patterns around communication or how we perceive responsibility. Pluto can be intense, but this transit is a quick one, lasting only a week or so. Pause and remember to breathe!
Happy Valentine's Day on February 14! And guess which two planets will be conjunct at 15 degrees of Capricorn? Mars and Venus! What a perfect aspect for this day of passion. And, it doesn't have to be romantic passion. You may find yourself feeling enthusiastic about anything like hobbies or even astrology!
February 14 Mercury enters Aquarius, so put your best thinking caps on because Mercury in Aquarius can be very innovative and original. Pay homage to your unique ideas by sharing them with others.
February 16 brings us to a full Moon in Leo, a wonderful time to find your bliss, to play, to be creative and kick your heels up. Plan something fun today. Coupled with the Venus/Mars conjunction, this definitely adds jet fuel to the passion mix.
February 18 the Sun enters the sign of Pisces at 11:43 a.m. I like to think of Pisces season as a time to take advantage of the last bits of a slower pace. Winter is melting into spring, and we have a bit of time yet to focus on our inner lives, our spiritual selves, our dreaming selves. Meditation, music, creative thought, and solitude for self-r reflection are all supported during this time before Aries gets off to a running start in March.
February 22 the USA (depending on which chart you use) will experience its Pluto return, back to the same sign and degree that it was in 1774. More on this important transit next month.
Diane Bachman is a psychotherapist & astrologer practicing in FXBG. She can be reached at FourwindsastrologyLLC@gmail.com
Painting by Hildegarde VonBingen