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Astrology & You goodbye
On February 1, the Sun will be at 12 degrees Aquarius, a few notches short of halfway to Pisces. Some might see the influence of this sign in a feeling of restlessness and the urge to express their opinions and ideas, even though they may be quite different than that of their neighbors or peers. The sign of Aquarius (in modern astrology) is ruled by the planet Uranus and its natural home in the Zodiac wheel is the 11th house. It is of the element Air and is a fixed sign. A few Aquarius archetypes are the scientist, the
aquarius, hello pisces
By Dianne Bachman
innovator, and the rebel (or revolutionary). Ideals are naturally favored over emotions, being an air sign, and can harbor some strong opinions. Aquarian energy can also tend to be passionate about causes and issues impacting the collective Famous Aquarians include Frederick Douglass, Abraham Lincoln, Thomas Edison, Rosa Parks, Yoko Ono, Oprah Winfrey, and Michael Jordan.
As the days grow longer (thankfully), Pisces season begins at 5:34 pm on February 18. The sign of Pisces is ruled by the planet Neptune and its natural home in the Zodiac wheel is the 12th house. Pisces is of the element water and is a mutable sign. Some Piscean archetypes are the mystic, the artist, the daydreamer. Neptune is watery, deep, and intuitive, bringing a sense of boundlessness and can be highly creative on the one hand or delusional or confusing on the other. Joseph Campbell reflected, "The psychotic drowns in the same waters in which the mystic swims with delight." Some famous Pisceans are George Harrison, Albert Einstein, Kurt Cobain, Johnny Cash, Nat King Cole, Ruth Bader Ginsberg, and Queen Latifah. Before we know it, Aries will be knocking on the front door again, beginning an entirely new cycle as we continue our travels around the Great Wheel. Here are planetary highlights for the month of
February 1 the Moon makes a tight square with Neptune. If you are feeling a bit of confusion or emotions overtake you, this will pass quickly as the Moon moves on in a day or so. Spend time in nature, allow music to soothe you, or spend time grounding.
February 2 Venus trines the South Node of the Moon and makes a sextile to the North Node. This has the potential to bring positive changes regarding relationships or finances, even if it does not appear beneficial at first glance. Also, the Sun squares Uranus and this could create a climate of restless anticipation of change. Be true to yourself and pave your own path forward
February 3 Venus squares Mars and brings, and this aspect brings passion. Whether it is a love interest or simply something that makes your heart sing, enjoy!
February 5 Full Moon in Leo and its time to party! Music, friends, entertainment, and fun are on the menu for today If your Sun or Moon sign is Leo, consider a visit with your favorite hair designer.
February 10 Mercury conjunct Pluto could bring up fears or anxiety from deep within, however, the influence of Capricorn can enhance the ability to order and add structure to any of these worries. If you have been putting off any planning, the next few days are optimal for getting it done.
February 11 Mercury enters Aquarius. Opportunity knocks. Be innovative and original in your thinking and be sure to share and discuss your ideas with others.
February 16 Venus conjunct Neptune. What a creative, dreamy time! Splurge with the time budget and allow yourself to daydream. Not particularly a good day to make decisions or to get much done. Any day over the next week would be great to take a mental health day off from work!
February 17 Moon trines Uranus and squares Chiron. If there is healing to be done, expect unexpected opportunities to take positive steps. Try to remain open and flexible.
February 18 Sun enters the Pisces. Dare to dream, enjoy the deep calm, pause, feel the connection with all sentient beings.
February 20 new Moon in Pisces. Wine, song, and poetry! Some of us could feel a bit other worldly. The veil is very thin over the next few days and an open heart is the key to unlocking the mysteries that lie in the depths of this Moon. Intuition is at a peak.
February 20 Venus enters Aries. We may find our desires strong. Avoid a tendency toward impulsivity when it comes to affairs of the heart. Allow logic and reason to catch up with the emotions before taking a leap.
February 21 Mercury squares Uranus. An exciting few days for bursts of insight or innovations but can bring on a bit of anxiety. Embrace any interruptions as they can lend time to think things through.
February 28 We end the month with the potential for mental acuity with a touch of courage Mars/Moon action promises abundant energy in the air today, so go for the gusto!
Dianne Bachman is a psychotherapist & astrologer practicing in FXBG. She can be reached at FourwindsastrologyLLC@gmail.com
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