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companions: splish splash
Splish Splash
by gerri reid, dvm
Summertime is just getting started! Time for lounging in the backyard enjoying the brisk summer nights or firing up a bonfire for some Smores! So, here are some tips to keeping your pet happy, healthy and safe!
Some dogs love jumping in and swimming in the pool. Nothing better than a wet dog on a hot day! Swimming is great exercise for your pet and at times you may ask yourself did I build the pool for us or the dog? For those dogs that can't get enough of the water, I recommend after a day of swimming to wash your pet off to remove any chlorine left on the coat. Also, consider flushing your dog's ears with a basic ear cleaning that is labeled as a drying cleaner. Using the ear cleaner will ensure the ear canal to be dry. You don't want the ears to remain wet inside as this can lead to ear infections. Some dogs don't like the water at all. Be mindful when they are around the pool and consider a life jacket to keep them safe. Hey…not all dogs like water!
It is definitely that time of the year when mosquitoes, fleas and ticks are in abundance. Seems like this year started early with the appearance of ticks! Don 't forget to put your dog on flea/tick prevention such as Nexgard. This chewable tablet given once a month will help keep those ticks away. I do recommend to always check your dog after being outside for any ticks. Places to look include the ears, behind the ears, the anal area, and under the front/hind legs. Not only will this keep them safe from tick-bourne diseases such as Lyme but it will also keep you safe from getting ticks.
As we venture outside in our backyards, playtime for dogs can be endless. Some dogs just like to run around in the yard or lounge while others may like to play "fetch". Be aware of the time of day your pets are outside in sun. "Heat Stroke " is very common in the summer. Due to their short muzzles, breeds such as Bulldogs, Pugs, and Boston Terriers tend to overheat often where the nasal passages/airways can begin to swell. These dogs become over heated from the heat and it can become life-threatening. Always have fresh water outside or accessible and make sure your dog has a shady place to get out of the sun. Take breaks and bring your dog inside to cool off. Consider having those playtimes in the early morning or late evenings.
Lastly, it's that time of year where people love to throw some ribs or steaks on the grill. Your dog may be sitting pretty and begging to get some of those tasty bones or meat. Resist the temptation and "Cuteness"! Avoid the urge to throw your dog a bone! Veterinarians see too many cases of corn cob stuck in the belly or the bone that just won 't come out. Stick to dog food and dog treats as this will save you the hassle of a trip to the Animal Emergency Clinic.
Summertime is for fun in the sun and making great memories with your family and pets. Take these tips provided and ensure that your pets will be safe and get thru the Dog Days of Summer!
Dr. Gerri S. Reid is the Owner/Veterinarian of Reid Mobile Veterinary Services. She can be reached at 540-623-3029 or reidmobilevetservices.com or facebook @ReidMobileVetServicesa