12 minute read
17 Calendar of Events
from FPF March 2021
march 2021...May the Luck of the Irish Be With You Monday, March 1 Downtown Runaround, a virtual 5K to benefit Downtown Greens! Join us for our first ever virtual" 5k! Anytime March 1 thru March 14 run, walk, bike, skip, crawl Saturday, March 6 Rows, Collections & Private Spaces, new work by Chris Gregson, Ridderhof Martin Gallery, thru March 21 Drive-In Movie Series, "Trolls World Tour" Come join us for a FREE family movie night in the park. The movie will be played through your car radio. We will have a food truck available for dinner. 5-7:30 pm
Falcons in Flight, Join educators at Old Mill Park to witness the flight of the falcon and learn more about these majestic birds. Earthquest will have three different falcons with them: Peregrine, Saker/Gyr, and Aplomado! Participants are encouraged to take pictures and ask questions throughout the program. Masks are required. All children must be accompanied by a paying adult. Old Mill Park, meet at shelter 2. Fee parks.fxbg.com or call 540-372-1086.
Fredericksburg RV Show at FXBG Expo Center.
Tuesday, March 2
Madeline Albright, UMW annual William B. Crawley Great Lives Lecture Series available as pre-recorded Zoom webinars, with closed-captioning available. Following each lecture Q& Awith the speaker available to answer audience questions. 7:30 p.m. and be archived on the UMW website for later viewing
Senior Fun & Games drive-in bingo, movies, trivia. . Dorothy Hart Community Center Auditorium/Parking Lot 10:30am
Wednesday, March 3
"Finding Friends Playgroup" fun playgroup specifically for children ages 2 to 5 with special needs and their Massad Family YMCA 1 p.m- 2 p.m
Dr. Lynne Cheney will discuss her latest book, The Virginia Dynasty: Four Presidents and the Creation of the American Nation, in an interactive Facebook Live event at 6:30 PM EST. www.jamesmonroemuseum.org
Thursday, March 4
Great Lives Zora Neale Hurston/Eudora Welty. Presented by Gary Richards, Professor of English and Chair of the English and Linguistics Department Visit umw.edu/greatlives to join the zoom webinar. No preregistration is required.
First Friday, March 5
Meet Local Producers, 6-7 pm Online. Fredericksburg Food Co-op presents a lively conversation with three of the local vendors whose products will be available at the Co-op. Email fxbgfoodcoop@gmail.com for registration link.
FCCA Gallery, "Imagined Realities" all-media national exhibit opens
Brush Strokes Gallery, "Cusp of the Season All Members Show", opens. Exhibit thru March
Artful Dimensions, All Member Show opening, 6p
"Art to Go" Moss Clinic Benefit Show & Sale, Sammy T's, thru April 5 Are you a Happy Camper? Fredericksburg RV Show at the
Fredericksburg Expo & Conference Center. Multiple RV Dealers will have a variety of RVs available at Show Special prices plus you will find RV accessories and campgrounds. Show thru March 7
Become a Friend Advocate ~ Donate ~ Volunteer
540~479~4116 1013 Princess Anne St , FXBG Sunday, March 7
Colonial Tavern Sunday night trivia runs from 5:00-6:30 p.m; Sunday Brunch11:30-3PM
Sunken Well Tavern, Sunday Brunch ti; 1p Dine-In, Take-Out, & Delivery. 720 Littlepage
Bluegrass on the Patio, Sunken Well Tavern 6-8pm
Fredericksburg RV Show at FXBG Expo Center.
Tuesday, March 9
Leaugue of Women Voters "Converstion with the Registrars. Online Event conversation with four area Registrars 10 a.m learn about the job of a Registrar, how Registrars' offices operate, the challenges that Registrars and their staffs faced in conducting last November's election, and what they expect to experience in future elections. . Register at lwvfra@gmail.com and a Zoom link will be sent to you the day before. Questions? Contact Cathie Braman at cathiebraman@gmail.com
Great Lives Lecture Series, St. Augustine, speaker Jennifer Barry is an Associate Professor of Religious Studies at the UMW. programs will be available as pre-recorded Zoom webinars, with closed-captioning available. 7:30 p.m.
Wednesday, March 10
"Finding Friends Playgroup" is a fun, weekly, playgroup designed for children ages 2 to 5 with special needs and their siblings. The fun takes place in room 3 of the Massad Family YMCA from 1 p.m. until 2 p.m

Thursday, March 11
Food Co-op Book Group, 1 pm or to discuss "The Storied Life of A fxbgfoodcoop@gmail.com for infor
Great Lives Lecture Series, Gandi, available as pre-recorded Zoom w p.m. and be archived on the UMW
Friday, March 12
FXBG Fine Art Show & Sale, 10a-8 shop from local artists in a var guidelines per the Governor's orde Dorothy Hart Community Center
Saturday, March 13
St Patty's Day Run, 5k, 10k 1 Mile scenic 5k/10k that runs alongside Fredericksburg. Walkers and stro virtual run option for those who c
FXBG Fine Art Show & Sale, 10a-6 shop from local artists in a var guidelines per the Governor's orde Dorothy Hart Community Center
Sunday, March 14
Daylight Savings Time Begins
Colonial Tavern Sunday night trivi Brunch11:30-3PM
Sunken Well Tavern, Sunday Brunch 720 Littlepage
Bluegrass on the Patio, Sunken We
FXBG Fine Art Show & Sale, 10a-4p Dorothy Hart Community Center
Monday, March 15
Reducing Plastic, 7-8 pm Online. F info about local initiatives & how conundrum of plastic. fxbgfoodcoo
Tuesday, March 16
Great Lives Lecture Series: Artemis programs will be available as pre-r caption 7:30 p.m.

DARof events
7 pm Online. Join Food Co-op friends A.J. Fikry" by Gabrielle Zevin. Email rmation on participating.
speaker Anand Rao programs will be webinars, Lectures will begin at 7:30 website for later viewing
p Open to the public to browse and riety of mediums. Social distancing ers will be in place during the show.
er, Old Mill Park, 7:30am enjoy this e the Rappahannock River in historic ollers are welcome .Now offering a annot make it on race day.
p Open to the public to browse and riety of mediums. Social distancing ers will be in place during the show.
ia runs from 5:00-6:30 p.m; Sunday
h ti; 1p Dine-In, Take-Out, & Delivery.
ll Tavern 6-8pm
local artists in a variety of mediums.
FXBG Food Co-op presents up-to-date w you can contribute to solving the op@gmail.com for registration link.
sis Gentileschi, speaker Marjorie Och. recorded Zoom webinars, with closed-
Wednesday, March 17
St Patrick's Day
"Finding Friends Playgroup" designed specifically for children ages 2 to 5 with special needs and their siblings. Massad Family YMCA 1 p.m. -2p.m
Thursday, March 18
Great Lives Lecture Series, Lillian Hellman, speaker Gregg Skull prerecorded Zoom webinars, closed-captioning.Following each lecture will be a Q&A, 7:30 p.m.
Historic Zion UMC hosts a Coat Closet Need clothing items? We have various clothes and they are free to those who come to shop. Our hours are 3:30-5:30. Zion is located in the Spotsylvania courthouse district a block from the Snow Library .
Friday, March 19
Children's Art Show , 10a-2p Free thru Saturday, Dorothy Hart Community Center
Spring Home Show FXBG Expo Center get new ideas from local experts who will help inspire, & kick start your Spring projects! Thru March 21
Saturday, March 20
Spring Begins
Classic Cottage Art & Antique Spring Open House, 104 Milford St, Bowling Green, 10a-4p
Sunday, March 21
Colonial Tavern Sunday night trivia runs from 5:00-6:30 p.m; Sunday Brunch11:30-3PM
Sunken Well Tavern, Sunday Brunch ti; 1p Dine-In, Take-Out, & Delivery. 720 Littlepage
Food Culture Art Show, The Painted Horse Gallery, 114 N.Main St, Bowling Green, thru March
Bluegrass on the Patio, Sunken Well Tavern 6-8pm
Wednesday, March 24
Healthy Eating with the Food Co-op, 6-7 pm Online. Functional nutrition expert Dr. Christine Thompson will guide us through Michael Pollan's "Food Rules." Email fxbgfoodcoop@gmail.com for registration link.
"Finding Friends Playgroup" designed specifically for children ages 2 to 5 with special needs and their siblings. Massad Family YMCA 1- 2 p.m
Thursday, March 25
Hidden in the Paint: Portrait of a Young Girl with Fan , 12pm umwsso.zoom.us. Discover what challenges and surprises art conservator Perry Hurt found in this 1626 painting attributed to Wybrand de Geest that was in the Melchers' personal collection. Hurt will illustrate how he applied a combination of chemistry know-how and artistic skill to give renewed beauty and longevity to this favorite Melchers-owned painting. Q & A to follow this short presentation.
Author Barbara Oberg, senior scholar at Princeton University, will discuss her book Women in the Age of the American Revolution. . www.jamesmonroemuseum.org
Saturday, March 27
Dog Easter Egg Hunt Bring your dogs join the fun This is a great way to get out and play with your favorite furry friend. Your registration of $5 allows up to two dogs to join in the fun! 1-1:30 pm Maury Playground, 901 Kenmore Ave
Bowling Green Farmers Market Opening , 204 N Main St, 9a-1p
Grand Re-Opening Dainty Roadside Stand,9a-3p, 116B Chase Bowling St.
Sunday, March 28
Colonial Tavern Sunday night trivia runs from 5:00-6:30 p.m; Sunday Brunch11:30-3PM
Sunken Well Tavern, Sunday Brunch ti; 1p Dine-In, Take-Out, & Delivery. 720 Littlepage
Bluegrass on the Patio, Sunken Well Tavern 6-8pm
Wednesday, MARCH 31
Mid-Week Coffee Break looking for a new opportunity to connect with other local businesses? Grab your morning coffee and join us This open forum will allow you to form new business relationships, generate ideas, and stay connected. 9Am UMW Small Business Development Center Online:contact us at (540)654-1383
"Finding Friends Playgroup" playgroup designed specifically for children ages 2 to 5 with special needs and their siblings. The fun takes place in room 3 of the Massad Family YMCA from 1 p.m. until 2 p.m
If you are reading this 284th issue of FPF, thank an advertiser as we celebrate our 24th year of continuous publication!
List your events email frntprch@aol.com: subject Calendar Deadline for April 2021 issue is March 20th.

Dog Walking Pet Sitting Companion Play Time & Mini Furies, Too!
540-735-8228 On facebook as “City PetSitting”

I can remember way back about 1952 when my Grandfather said to me "when I was your age", I was 9. He went on to tell me about getting up at 4AM and helping on the family farm and then walking 4 miles to school bare foot, as he had to save his shoes for Sunday Church. How many of us have uttered those same words to our children or grandchildren? Recently I the conversation. I know Liz was disappointed when we would all have a private line. We still had our chores, cutting grass, carrying out the trash and jobs such as carrying newspapers or working in grocery stores bagging groceries. My Grandfather was from the G. I. Generation (1900-1924) They lived through the Great Depression; World War II often referred to as the "Greatest overlooked is the Generation X or Thirteeners (1965-1980). Thirteeners name was used as it was the 13th generation born since the American Revolution. Sometimes referred to as the "latchkey children" or "lost" generation as they were in midst of rising divorces without parents at home. Known for their dislike of the establishment and government. Why is it that that there is something different with young people these days as compared to others? We all are guilty of saying "we had the best childhood, music, cars etc., as we talk to our friends. I believe as times change that with advances in technology that there are new stages in our development that the youth were not pushed into adulthood. With changes in choices such as schooling, marriage, children and even leaving the home many stay into their late twenties and as a result no longer had to grow up as quickly as we did. We can look at the beautiful Victorian style homes that are large many have three floors of space that housed two and sometimes three families history’s stories When I Was Your Age By Ralph “Tuffy” Hicks Many of us place the blame on the "Youth of Today", when in fact most of the laws and rules are being enacted by Politicians on the local, state, and national level that are in their 60's, 70's and some older. The most recent outspoken generation is Generation Y as they were raised in higher income families and were involved in the financial affairs of the family with many of them having credit cards before the age of 18. They grew up in technology of computers and cell phones with satellite cable TV and radio and internet are more outspoken with their views on racial and ethnic issues. They are one of the largest groups with a population in excess of 70 million. The Generation Z (1996-202-) will be the most sophisticated group with the computer and media environment. This group is still so young that "HISTORY WILL TELL" Their Grandfather will probably say something like, When I was your age, I had a Cell Phone, however, they will already have had one. have heard many of the older generation saying similar words, especially during these times of unrest and changes going Generation". I was in the Silent Generation in the 1890's. Some families stayed together in the same home, never to leave until the end of their lives. Dedicated to: Benjamin Smith, Floyd Cooper, George Riddle, Earl Hollibaugh on in the world. (1925-1945) My generation was born during periods of war many opposed the We tend to forget that as Mother war in Korea and Viet-Nam. Many of us would say, "Times have changed", that were the first in the family to go to many of us did not have to tend to the college. family farm in the 1950's or chop wood for the kitchen stove or draw water in a We mixed in with the Baby bucket from the well or walk to the Boomers (1946-1964) Know for the large outhouse on those cold winter days. We birth rate following WWII. Known for the can remember when the old "Outhouse" yuppie, hippie, and Civil Rights still stood, with the hanging bucket over movements. the well rusting from non-use. Some of us still walked to school in the city, while our We did not hear much about the friends in the county rode the yellow use of the Generation names until the school bus. Times were hard as we had no 2000's Millennials often called Generation lap-tops, X-Box, Cell phones or cars. Y (1980-1995) Know as the generation of mass shootings, racial and civil unrest and Mother would wait patiently to the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. Often use the party phone line with 4 other called the me me me generation. families on the same line. Many times, you could hear Aunt Elizabeth listening in on The generation that is often Tuffy is Front Porch’s Resident Historian

The Central Rappahannock Heritage Center is a non-profit, all-volunteer archives whose mission is to preserve historically valuable material ofthe region and make it available to the public for research
900 Barton St #111, Fredericksburg, VA www.crhcarchives.org contact@crhcarchives.org 540-373-3704

Volunteers Wecome! Contact us about donating collections of documents and photographs