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astrology & you
Planetary agents of change
By Frank Fratoe Hidden But There Hidden But There
Often cities overwhelm us when our streetlight haze blocks out stars at night, and not even wind pulsing can clear the human-smog of traffic so persistent.
Yet constellations keep encircling high above us to show figures of magic, and running through them is a long celestial-river people call the Milky Way.
Somehow not very far off there are forests hidden no one sees beyond dusk, and a silver-cove is near where you can still press the sand under your feet..
Frank Fratoe lives & writes in the city.he loves. Though Pluto had not yet been discovered back in 1774, this little planetoid nonetheless existed and was sitting at 27 degrees Capricorn. Pluto takes about 248 years to complete a trip around the zodiac wheel and on February 20, 2022, this return occurred. Any planetary transit is like a wave; you can sense it coming and it begins to make a lasting impact long before it arrives. The same is true as it moves along. We are somehow changed.
So, for the past few years and on into the mid-2020s, we have several major planetary aspects coming into influence. We have the US Pluto return, we have the Saturn/Uranus square, and we have the upcoming conjunction between Jupiter and Neptune in Pisces. Let's break these three influences down and then take a look at how we can make some deep and meaningful use of these processes.
First, Saturn and Uranus have been coming in and out of a ninetydegree angle since late 2020. They have been exactly 90 degrees apart on February 17, 2021, June 14, 2021, December 24, 2021, and will come together again in October 2022. Saturn is the planet of responsibility, structure, keeping things intact, and tradition. Uranus is the planet of rebellion, individuality, innovation, sudden change, and the greater community. This square, or 90-degree angle creates a tension between the two planetary energies. We have tradition, rules, and structure coming into conflict with a force that tends to blow the old apart, to make way for innovation, change, and rebellion.
Secondly, we have the US Pluto return as mentioned above. Plutonian energy goes deep and seeks truth. I read somewhere that Pluto is the ultimate BS detector. It is about transformation, resurrection, bringing about endings and decay to make way for new growth. My image of Pluto is the Phoenix. Crash, burn, rise, repeat. It is part of a natural cycle that is not always pretty or easy but takes us from one way of being and thinking to another.
Thirdly, Jupiter will be making a conjunction with Neptune in the sign of Pisces. The last time this occurred was in 1857, so this one is a big deal because it will be the only one in our lifetime. Neptune and Jupiter come together about every 13 years in different signs, but Neptune in Pisces is perhaps the saving grace in this astrological stormy weather. Neptune in Pisces can bring dreams, imagination, and a sense of the numinous, the spiritual. It is the spirit of oneness. Jupiter's influence expands and provides the vehicle for learning. This conjunction will be exact on April 12, 2022, at 9:34 a.m., though we may begin to feel the influence in early March.
So, our country (and much of the world, for that matter) is reflecting a strong Plutonian influence. Infrastructure is breaking down, the economy is taking some hard licks, and we have been under the heavy weight of a pandemic. Our country is also feeling this Saturnian/Uranian energy with the huge divide between political parties. The old rules are breaking down and rebellion of sorts is afoot. As bleak as this sounds, we can each choose to take the high road (Neptune/Jupiter) and figure out how to listen to each other rather than shout and yell and point fingers. Of course, with Neptune there is always the chance for escapism and delusion, but if we keep ourselves grounded and awake, to think rather than react, we just might be able to use this tight spot and turn it into change that deeply benefits each of us.
And here are the astrological weather conditions for March:
March 2: the New Moon will be in Pisces, a good day for meditation, connecting with your spiritual side, imagining, and dreaming.
March 5: Sun in Pisces conjunct Jupiter, emphasis is on confidence and being open to new ideas
March 6: Mars and Venus enter the sign of Aquarius, supporting new relationship cycles, independence, and respect for individuality
March 9: Mercury enters the sign of
Pisces, giving our thoughts and communications a more sensitive and imaginative flavor.
March 13: Sun conjunct Neptune in
Pisces makes intuition strong, along with greater capacity for empathy and a wonderful time to honor spiritual traditions.
March 18: Full Moon in Virgo, when the focus is the balancing act of getting it together. There is a fine balance between being too fuzzy and unfocused or on the other hand, too self-critical. A suitable time for honest assessment regarding our hopes and dreams and how we might operationalize them.
March 27: Mercury emerges from watery Pisces into fiery Aries. Courage, direct communication, assertiveness, and move forward with ideas that have been germinating under the influence of
By Dianne Bachman
Diane Bachman is a psychotherapist & astrologer practicing in FXBG. She can be reached at FourwindsastrologyLLC@gmail.com Mandala by Carl Jung