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Wait...I’m a Vet, Not a Writer by Gerri Reid dvm
Happy Anniversary to Me! Hard to believe that I have been writing for the Front Porch Magazine for 2 years this month. And what an Adventure it has been thus far. I never imagined that in my Career as Veterinarian that I would not only be doing what I love but also writing about what I love. Win Win! I moved here 15+ years ago as a New Graduate and I was determined to accomplished any goal I had set and one was to write a column about Pets. I researched the area and one day found a local Magazine while walking Downtown Fredericksburg called the Front Porch. With a bit of determination, haste and hesitation, I took the plunge and contacted the Publisher, Virginia Grogan. I ask her if she would interested in having me write an informative pet column. I sat back and waited for her response…and she said "YES"! I was thrilled! My first Article was about Lyme disease in dogs. I went by the book…I dotted my i's and crossed my t's. I submitted my article and was on my way! Have I just become a Writer? When my column was published back in 2003, I felt so accomplished. I did it…I wrote an article. Sadly, it was short lived because between working and raising my children, I was just too busy to continue to do it. Fast forward to 2018…the year we started Reid Mobile Veterinary Services, PLLC. As a Business Owner now, I wanted to dive face first into contributing to my Community. Why not write again? Would Virginia let me come back again after I failed to continue writing back for her in 2003? I told myself, all she can say is "No". So, can't hurt to ask. I wrote her an email asking if she remembered me and that I use to write for the magazine and if she would allow for me to start writing again. I patiently waited for her response. I

opened up the email and to my surprise, she remembered me and she said "YES" again! For the past 2 years, I have poured my heart, my knowledge, and my sense of humor into my articles. I remember Virginia telling me to just write like you are talking to someone. Best advise ever because when I sit down to write these articles, the words would just flow off my fingertips. Each month I think about what is going on locally or even nationally as it relates to Veterinary Medicine. Writing for me is freeing, it challenges my imagination and my use of words to create an image or scenario. It reminds me of all my English teachers who taught me how to write a simple paragraph. I can hear them now, "Gerri, it must have 5 complete sentences to be a paragraph". I get it now…they were right. So, here I am. 2 years into writing an article each month and I still get excited to write it. There are times that I have no clue what I am going to write about each month. But this month, on my 2 year Anniversary, I knew exactly what I wanted to write. I wanted to write about the vision I had to write a monthly article and how I accomplished it. I want to say Thank You to Virginia Grogan for giving me the opportunity again to explore my writing abilities. I encourage anyone who has an idea or a goal to pursue it. I did and now I sit here Celebrating 2 years writing for Our Local Community Magazine…Life is Good!

Gerri S. Reid is the Owner/Veterinarian of Reid Mobile Veterinary Services. has been named “2020 Best Veterinarian in the “Burg, 540-623-3029; reidmobilevetservices.com