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astrology & you
(A Writer’s Legacy) (A Writer’s Legacy)
Forever is composed of Nows she confirmed to the world, they make us richer at once when kept within our souls.
You can hear the first lark rejoice its expressive way, to sunbrink edging a garden as feathers reflect the dawn.
Eden has always been there where all exist each moment fortune beyond count is lost if we choose apathy instead.
When someone may care again because poetry offers hope, my verse along with Emily’s will not have been in vain.
Frank Fratoe lives & writes in the city.he loves.

time to slow down
As we see the hand-off between the sign of Libra to Scorpio, Mars will be preparing for its bi-annual retrograde. This is a wonderful time to slow down and examine aspects of your life that are related to Mars. You might ask: Where do I need more courage? How do I express my anger? Where am I spending my energy? Is there an area of my life that I either am too bold or too timid? What is an important part of self-care when I feel frustrated or stuck?
Not only will Mars be stationed retrograde at the end of the month, Mars will also be out of bounds. A planet is considered out of bounds when it exceeds the outer limits of the Sun, either north or south, and is more than 23 degrees and 26 minutes outside the usual orbit. Planets (including the Moon) go in and out of bounds all the time. When the planet is out of bounds, it is said to be either stretched too far, more intense, or more unpredictable.
So, from October 22, 2022 until May 4, 2023, Mars will be out of bounds. From October 30, 2022 until January 11, 2023, Mars will be stationed retrograde. What does this mean? Well, Mars will be in the sign of Gemini, so the impact could be on aggressive communication, odd or unusual modes of fighting, or cyber issues. On the positive side, this retrograde in Gemini can help us have the courage to speak the words we have been unable to find. Caution and reflection (supported by retrograde action) can help us be mindful of putting our filters in place before we say too much.
Art and music are a fun way to explore the feel of the planets. Two artists that come to mind are Gustav Holst and Johfra Bosschart. Between 1914 and 1917, Holst composed a 7-piece orchestral suite titled "The Planets". He was a student of astrology and was able to express their energies through this phenomenal work (one of my favorites). Johfra Bosschart is a modern artist from the Netherlands and produced a brilliant series of paintings depicting each sign of the Zodiac. His "Aries" is the artwork I chose to accompany the October astrology column. We can read many books to learn astrology, but to soak the energies in with our senses can really open our hearts to the knowledge.
10/2: Mercury stations direct at 24 degrees Virgo, though we will remain in the shadow of the retrograde until the 17th, when Mercury returns to 8 degrees of Libra.
10/8: Pluto stations direct at 26 degrees Capricorn. Pluto retrograde always gives us the opportunity to reflect on the deepest parts of ourselves, our secrets, what we hide, the role control plays in our lives. With direct motion in Capricorn, Pluto gives us the go ahead to get rid of any structures, boundaries, and power struggles that no longer serve us.
10/9: Full Moon in Aries. If you have new ideas or projects, this is a favorable time to begin, especially with the upcoming retrograde that may slow things down. Beautiful evening to energize your spirit with a Moon bath!
10/11: Mercury enters the sign of Libra. Artistic expression, social events, and friendly conversation are the top three the next few days. 10/23: Sun conjunct Venus at 0 degrees Scorpio. Follow you passion, take time to appreciate love for others as well as allowing yourself to be loved by others. Sun in Scorpio can shine a light on our deepest desires.
10/23: Saturn stations direct at 18 degrees Aquarius. Our attention may turn to the collective, toward activities or efforts aimed at making the world a better place. As Saturn is a stickler for plans and structure, a clearer way of tidying up any chaos in your life could now be put into place.
10/25: New Moon in Scorpio and Partial Solar Eclipse. The new Moon in Scorpio supports a journey inward, aligning with our feelings and personal truths. The Sun will be conjunct Venus, so the eclipse energy creates an added opportunity to make breakthroughs around relationships and/or finances.
10/28: Jupiter stations retrograde in Pisces. Typically, Jupiter in Pisces adds an element of optimism to the mix, though in retrograde it is a more gradual process. Mysticism and creativity are supported, as the slower movement allows time for a deepening of these qualities.
10/29: Mercury enters the sign of Scorpio. Time to get serious and introspective. Chatty Mercury becomes deep and tends to avoid superficial conversation. Mercury in Scorpio wants the truth and will dig until it is uncovered.
10/30: Mars retrograde in Gemini (stations direct on January 12, 2023).

By Dianne Bachman
Dianne Bachman is a psychotherapist & astrologer practicing in FXBG. She can be reached at FourwindsastrologyLLC@gmail.com Aries by Johfra Bosschart, circa 1974