8 minute read
Calendar of Events
september 2022...Let the Fall Begin! First Friday September 2
"Autumn Inspiration", All Member Show, Brush Strokes Gallery, 824 Caroline St, Opening Reception, 5-9p
"Spaces & Places" & "Northern Neck Artists" in Memb er Gallery, FCCA, 813 Sophia St
"Virginia On My Mind", collection of new works by Judy Green, Opening Reception 6-9p, 824 Caroline St
"Second Chances", works by Patrick Andrews, Artful Dimensions, 922 Caroline Street, opening reception, 6-9p
Self- Care & Wellness Open House , DermaEnVie,Learn how massage, yoga, facials, and food can help heal, de-stress, and recharge your mind and body. 600 Caroline St
Live Music @Adventure Brewing North, 3 Exits to Memohis, 6-9p
Saturday September 3
Art in the Park At the Fredericksburg Farmers Market 9am - 1pm Hurkamp Park Free Admission
Farmers Market, Hurkamp Park,7a-2p, T
Bowling Green Farmers Market 9am-1pm 211 N Main St.
Spotsy Farmers Market season: 8am - 1pm 12150 Gordon Rd
Busy Bee Comedy Show, Haley's Honey Meadery, , food, drinks & laughs, 7:30-9p, 1600 Princess Anne
Live Music the Phenomenal Conundrum @Adventure Brewing North, 7p
Come try our boozy cupcakes paired with different meads for a fun Saturday afternoon!! 12-2p, Haley's Honey Meadery, 1600 Princess Anne
History at Sunset, Tunes of the Civil War vocalists and string musicians as they perform and share stories about popular Civil War period. Park at the FXBG Battlefield Visitor Center. 1013 Lafayette Bvd, 6:30p
Sunday September 4
Sunken Well Tavern Sunday Brunch, 720 Littlepage til 1p
Sunday Brunch @ Billiken's Smokehouse @The Chimneys, 623 Caroline
Bluegrass on the Patio, Sunken Well Tavern 6-8pm
Downtown Greens upper garden for…Storytime 10:30am;
Annual Community Fireworks Celebration 5:30PM live band, food trucks, games. Salem Chursh Fields Center, 11120 Gordon Rd
The Fredericksburg Area Museum (FAM)and Semilla Cultural celebrates the start of Hispanic Heritage Month with Bomba In The Square , 46p,Market Square
Become a Friend Advocate ~ Donate ~ Volunteer
540~479~4116 1013 Princess Anne St , FXBG Wednesday September 7
Spotsy Regional Medical Center Farmers Market, 2-6p,
FCCA Lecture Series: Toulouse-Lautrec, 7-9p, 813 Sophia St
Trivia Night, Sunken Well at 6:30pm 720 Littlepage
Monday September 5
Labor Day
Thurday September 8
Food Co-Op Book Group reading American Fire: Love, Arson, and Life in a Vanishing Land by Monica Hesse 1-2p 320 Emancipation Hwy
Interested in Germanna? Tour the center, get your questions answered, and all Germanna has to offer , 10000 Germanna Point Dr
Friday September 9
Works ny Marcia Chaves & "Art for Your Bathroom" Exhibit, Artist Alliance, Opening 5-9p, 100 Taylor St, Colonial Beach
FXBG Ducks Unlimited Crab & Beef Feast, FXBG Fairgrounds, 3p
Soggy Dog Swim, When dogs rule the Doris E. Buffett Pool! Open to dogs 12 weeks and older , 12-8p, 1300 Dixon St Live Music the Phenomenal Conundrum !? live @ The Colonial Tavern , 7-10p , 406 Lafayette Blvd Live Music Shree & James @Highmark Brewery, 10p, 390 Kings Hwy Saturday September 10
Farmers Market, Hurkamp Park,7a-2p, Bowling Green Farmers Market 9am-1pm 211 N Main St. Spotsy Farmers Market 12150 Gordon Rd
32nd Annual Music by Moonlight Concert co-sponsored by the Salvation Army Women's Aux featuring FXBG Big Band 7 p.m. at Hurkamp Park Live Music @Adventure Brewing, Marc Allfred, 6-9p Live Music @Adventure Brewing Eagle Village, Suzie & Stephen, 7-9p Sunday September 11
Grandparent Day.. Sunken Well Tavern Sunday Brunch, 720 Littlepage til 1p
Sunday Brunch @ Billiken's Smokehouse @The Chimneys, 623 Caroline
Bluegrass on the Patio, Sunken Well Tavern 6-8pm
Downtown Greens Join us in the upper garden for…Storytime in the Garden - 10:30am;
Monday September 12
Possum Storytime, Awesome Possum-bilities fun storytime, animal experience and craft , 10-11a, 211 William St

Wednesday September 14
Mother Goose Time, Specially train activities that lay the foundation yo Ages 2 and under with a caregiver
Cuiisine by Gene Launch Party guest which includes dessert. The theme Turf" , Hat Gallery & Lounge, 1409
Live Music Chromatic Static@Cour Caroline ST
FCCA Lecture Series: Vincent Van Go
Trivia Night, Sunken Well at 6:30pm
Friday September 16
Join us at Highmark Brewery 5- 10 Foundation for Suicide Prevention 3
Saturday September 17th
Art in the Park At the FXBG Farmers
Farmers Market, Hurkamp Park,7a-2
Bowling Green Farmers Market 9am
Spotsy Farmers Market 12150 Gord
Riverfest Annual Friends of Rappahh City Dock and the adjacent Riverfro
Music: Moch Pryderi,Red Dragon music and pub songs. Come and get
Sip & Shop Experience, Fred Expo Ce
7th Annual Oktoberfest, Adventur trucks , local vndors & of course BE
Sample Hard Cider @Virginia Cider
Rappahannock Model Railroaders Fa layouts, 406 Hudgins Rd #H, 10a-4p
Electric Slide Starting with a 9:30 A Brock's Riverside Grill, join other morning power walk through downt
Movie on the Lawn 1776 on the law 1776, starring William Daniels. This American.Revolution, 3:30-5:30p 12
Fall Thrift World Expo, Grab a drink your friends and family as you b vendors. Check out the high waisted Expo 10a-6p
DARof events
ed staff present stories, songs, and our child needs to get ready to read. CRRL FXBG Branch, 9:30-9:45a
ts will be servered a 3 course tasting of this dinner is "Elavated Surf and vPrincess Anne 6-8:30p
rtyard Mariott Atrium, 6-9p, 620
ogh, 7-9p, 813 Sophia St
m 720 Littlepage
0PM. We'll be tabling with American 390 Kings Hwy
s Market 9a-1pm Hurkamp Park
m-1pm 211 N Main St.
hannock annual Crabfest 3 - 7 pm at ont Property at 133 Sophia Street.
Brewery favorite traditional Irish t your Éirinn go Brách 5- 7pm
enter, 9-4p (see coupon in this issue)
re Brewing North, live music, food ER. 12n-10p
Festival, FCBG Fairgrounds, 11-4P
all Open House, see trains & various p
AM registration in the parking lot of walkers for a leisurely stroll or a town Fredericksburg 9:30a-12noon
wn at Historic Kenmore as we screen s movie musical is a retelling of the 201 Washington Ave,
k and shop down memory lane with rowse through the racks of 100+ jeans your mom used to wear FXBG Knights of Pythias car show Fredericksburg Lodge 22 to raise Mental Health Awareness and Suicide Prevention , 1-7p, 330 Wallace Lane
History at Sunset Guinea Station During the Civil War Uncover the full story of Guinea Station early development, connections to the railroad and the Chandler plantation, role in an 1864 cavalry skirmish, and its use in transporting U.S. prisoners of war. Meet at the Stonewall Jackson Death Site, 12019 Stonewall Jackson Road, Woodford. 6:30p
Sunday September 18
Sip & Shop Experience, Fred Expo Center, 10-3p (coupon in this issue)
Sunken Well Tavern Sunday Brunch, 720 Littlepage til 1p
Sunday Brunch @ Billiken's Smokehouse @The Chimneys, 623 Caroline
Bluegrass on the Patio, Sunken Well Tavern 6-8pm
Downtown Greens upper garden Storytime in the Garden - 10:30am;
Latin American Festival, DJ Ellie Jay, food trucks, 11a-4p, FXBG Fairgrounds
Wednesday September 21
Myth of the Nice Girl, Book discussion of Frn Hauser's award winning book on Women's Career Success. Cooper Branch CRRL, 6:30-7:30p
FCCA Lecture Series: Andrew & James Wyeth, 7-9p, 813 Sophia Sr
Trivia Night, Sunken Well at 6:30pm M720 Littlepage
Downtown Greens Hip Hop Step Aerobics 7pm No sign-up required!
Thursday September 22
First Day of Autumn
Italian Station Paint Night w/ Art by Meech, a relaxing evening painting pictures with coffee and treats. 6p, 622 Caroline St
Live Music: FXBG Blues Society Jam, Colonial Tavern, 7p 406 Lafatte Blvd
Friday September 23
"Whiskey Business" Gwyneth's Gift Foundation's annual fundraiser. includes premium whiskeys available for tastings The Silk Mill, 1707 Princess Anne , 7-10p
63rd , Coin, Currency & Stamp Show, hosted by the VA Numismatic Association, FXBG Expo Center , 10a
Live Music @Advneture Brewing North, Will DaBaldo, 7-9p
Saturday September 24
Farmers Market, Hurkamp Park,7a-2p,
Bowling Green Farmers Market 9am-1pm 211 N Main St.
Spotsy Farmers Market 12150 Gordon Rd disAbility Resource Center Fall Festival, games, music, food & family fun, FXBG Fairgrounds, 11a-6p
7th annual 65 Roses Car, Truck, Bike Show, Spotswood Baptist Church, 9a-3p
Learn with Me Day: A Bird's Eye View of the 18th. Century, What was life like in the 18th century? What clothes would people have worn? What foods did they eat? Were there chores for children? Learn the answers to these questions and more, Kenmore, 1201 Washiington Ave, 9a-3:30p
Everything but the Garage Sale, Where else can you shop hundreds of garage sales all under ine roof? FXBG Expo Canter 8a-4p
40th Anniversary Open House, FXBG Regional Food Bank, 10a-3p, 3631 Lee Hill Dr.
Live Music @Adventure Brewiing North, Radar Theory, 7-9p
Live Music @Adventure Brewing Eagle Village, Shree, 7-9p
Sunday September 25
Sunken Well Tavern Sunday Brunch, Dine-In, Take-Out, & Delivery. 720 Littlepage til 1p
Sunday Brunch @ Billiken's Smokehouse @The Chimneys, 623 Caroline ST
Bluegrass on the Patio, Sunken Well Tavern 6-8pm
Downtown Greens Join us in the upper garden for…Storytime in the Garden - 10:30am;
Wednesday September 28
Fredericksburg Center for Creative Arts Lecture Series: Picasso, 7-9p, 814 Sophia St
Trivia Night, Sunken Well at 6:30pm Match wits with the 'Burgs finest minds. Prize! 720 Littlepage
Thursday September 29
The Original Sewing & Quilt Expo,3 full days of ALL things sewing, quilting, machine embroidery and more! Enjoy classes from our expert instructors from around the industry, shopping from your favorite vendors FXBG Expo Center 10a
If you are reading this 302nd issue of FPF, thank an advertiser as we begin our 26th year of continuous publication! List your events email frntprch@aol.com: subject Calendar Deadline for October 2022 issue is September 19th.
FB @ FABeerTrail

Open every Sat 7a-2 2p Rain/Shine @Hurkamp Park

Helping homeless children and families in City of Fredericksburg, Counties of Caroline, Stafford & Spotsylvania 540 371 0831