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Astrology & You
lunar returns: cosmic reset button
By Dianne Bachman
sign, if we feed and nurture our inner Moon, we feel contentment, a sense of wellbeing. So, each month we have the opportunity to check in and to reset if we have strayed from the optimal care and feeding of our personal Moon.
June 5: Venus enters the sign of Leo bringing a creative, passionate flavor to relationships. This is one of the more creative transits, so if you are inclined to explore personal creativity and innovation, break out the art supplies, journals, or musical instruments and have fun!
The Moon takes 27.3 days to make the journey around the Zodiac wheel. That means that each month, Luna will return to the same sign and degree as the day you were born Lunar returns are the absolute best time to check in with yourself to ensure you are honoring your personal needs, which is one of the areas of life the Moon represents. Astrologer Steven Forrest says, "The Moon is your heart-the thing that balances your head."
Astrologer Noel Tyl described the Moon in each sign as having a "reigning need of our personalities." Based on element and
Here is a list of each Moon sign with important needs to consider (though I'm sure you can come up with a more personal list on your own):
Aries: independence, the need to be "number one"
Taurus: stability, comfort
Gemini: mental stimulation, the need to be informed
Cancer: feeling safe, having a sense of home
Leo: creative expression, attention, feeling appreciated
Virgo: improving things, efficiency, analyzing
Libra: finding harmony with others, balance
Scorpio: the truth, depth, intensity
Sagittarius: ideas and opinions to be respected, travel and adventure
Capricorn: sense of achievement, order, structure
Aquarius: Freedom to be and act with individuality, involvement in a cause
Pisces: commitment to an ideal, the freedom to dream
Around the time of your Lunar return, you can do something as simple as taking a moment to reflect on your world and the feelings that occupy it. Or, if you like the idea of diving into it, create a monthly ritual. Light a candle, journal, dance under the moon, moon bathe, meditate, honor Luna in any way that feels right for you.
If you have your birth chart, finding your lunar return is simple. You can check in at Astro.com and the current planetary positions are listed, along with the degree and sign they are in. If you don't have a birth chart to reference, Astro com will create one for free.
Now, let's look at the astrological weather for June:
June 3: Full Moon in Sagittarius, also known as the Strawberry Full Moon. Get in touch with your inner adventurer. You may feel the road calling you to grab the keys and embark on a fun journey. Allow the optimism of this Moon to expand your mind and tune in to new vistas.
June 11: Pluto retrograde slides back into Capricorn. Pluto will be dipping in and out of Capricorn until November 19, 2024. We are once again headed back to reconsider structure, rules, responsibilities in our personal lives as well as the collective. What has been hidden has the tendency to become known during Pluto retrograde, especially as Capricorn can pertain to government and the political sphere.
June 12: Mercury enters Gemini, and Merc feels right at home. Socializing, conversation, and a search for learning highlight this transit over the next two weeks. Visit libraries or your favorite museums.
June 17: Saturn stations retrograde in Pisces. Pisces is the most spiritual sign and with Saturn we are given the opportunity to look back through time at the meaning of our lives. We might waffle between what we know to be real and fantasy for a while. Ultimately, patience and faith can deepen and bring us to a new understanding of our world.
June 18: New Moon in Gemini is the time to write down your ideas and focus on what it might take to manifest them.
June 21: Sun enters Cancer. Reflect on what you need to create a sense of security. Focus is on home, family, and feeling safe.
June 26: Mercury enters Cancer. If you have been out of touch with family, now is the time to pick up the phone and give them a call. If you need a hobby, genealogy would be an excellent pursuit and supported by this combination of planet and sign.

June 30: Neptune stations retrograde in Pisces inviting us to engage with our dreams, the language of the unconscious. Intuition and fantasy abound. For some it might feel a bit like trying to run in water, so slow down and engage with life from the right brain and intuition.
Dianne Bachman is a psychotherapist & astrologer practicing in FXBG. She can be reached at dbachmanlcsw@gmail.com

Artwork by Simon Mathurin Lantara (1729-1778), titled "Moonlight"